#Had to go grocery shopping while still sniffling up the tears lmao
ultrabananapudding · 1 year
// Vent
First lesson today in person and I burst into tears in the middle of it bc I couldn't answer the teachers questions 😭
Had to hype myself up with Jumping Jack's to get back into the classroom after bawling my eyes out in the bathroom 🫠
What a lame start to the semester !!!
0/10 would not recommend
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beyondspaceandstars · 2 years
the beauty of mom!natasha
A/N - Here I go, giving the people what they want lmao I am glad someone asked for it! I didn’t know if I’d ever write it honestly but I’ve had ideas. And if you ever want any of these individual points explored further I’ll happily do much lkdsjfalsfdj I love doing these they’re so stress-free and easy and fun!
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After you and Natasha got serious, probably even got married, the idea of babies would come up because of course, it always does after anyone gets married!
Natasha should be absolutely lying if she said she hadn’t thought about it many…many times before with you.
You also couldn’t lie, you absolutely wanted to have a baby with Natasha, start a family, a brand new life for you two. It all sounded perfect
But… This doesn’t mean Natasha doesn’t have her own worries about it. She didn’t exactly have a normal childhood. Any examples of motherhood she had were a little…wonky, to say the least. A lot of what she understood came from observing others or families on TV.
However, anytime Natasha saw a baby in public or saw you holding one of your friend’s babies, she would totally lose it. It’d be all she could think about. Think about you carrying, holding, feeding, and loving your own child together.
Eventually, you two had The Talk and a year or so later…you adopted a sweet little baby girl.
"She’s perfect," Natasha said as you held the little girl for the first time. She tried sniffling back tears, as did you, but you both failed miserably.
Natasha was immediately enamored and anxious. She loved your daughter the second she laid eyes on her but also…the worries and fears about her own ability to care for this fragile, small child crept in very fast
This, of course, didn’t go unnoticed by you, and to combat this, you spent a lot of time coaxing Natasha into doing simple baby things like changing diapers and watching your daughter crawl on a little blanket
Slowly but surely, Natasha opened up more and the next thing you knew, she would be whisking your daughter away for "mommy and daughter" days. This predominantly happened while you were at work. You, unlike Natasha, worked a traditional 9-5 office job. You had some maternity leave but that eventually ended and Natasha was, despite great fears still, not responsible for your daughter during the day. This turned into "mommy and daughter" days.
"You sure you’re going to be okay?" "Babe, please, we need a day out on the town." "Out on the town-?"
Natasha loved taking your daughter shopping. Grocery or clothes shopping, she absolutely loved watching the little girl look in wonder at all the sights and sounds and people. Your daughter was incredibly friendly and tried to wave at everyone, a stark contrast to Natasha’s reserved demeanor, so the attention was something she definitely had to get used to. But it was worth it to see her baby girl smile.
Natasha also enjoyed taking the girl out for coffee even if all she got her was a little cup of water. But it was still a nice bonding time and people still adored the little one at the coffee shop.
Throughout these times out together, Natasha found she, thankfully, had a knack for calming the baby girl down. Natasha vaguely remembered some Russian lullaby she had heard briefly as a child and while she wasn’t even sure she could sing, she’d whisper the sweet words and hum the melody for her daughter, instantly calming any fears or cried the little girl had.
You had caught her doing this one night when your daughter was particularly fussy and it just absolutely melted your heart.
As your daughter grew, the bond between her and Natasha only grew further. It made you so excited. Here with this big bad assassin who had genuinely feared she couldn’t actually do any of this and yet…her daughter looked at her like she hung the moon and stars.
When your daughter hit middle school, she began taking a real interest in sports. Natasha was so excited her daughter wanted to try new things and get out there and run around with other kids. ESPECIALLY when your daughter started expressing love for dance. Natasha was right there, ready to be a full-on dance mom.
"Babe, do you think you’re going overboard with all these dance costumes?" "Sweetheart, please, I know what I’m doing."
Dance recitals were planned out to a T by Natasha, like going into battle. It was interesting to see her taking her spy knowledge and putting it towards…this.
Also, thinking about Halloween, Natasha would go crazy with the costumes dressing up the little girl. Natasha doesn’t, on the surface, come off as someone who enjoys holidays in general but once you two got together, you were able to pull her into it and she jumped right in.
Enter your daughter, and Natasha is so eager to get her a costume for her first Halloween. Adorably, Natasha and you settled on dressing your daughter as a spider for her first Halloween with you two.
Natasha would definitely be the one to go overboard with the lunches. It was always packed perfectly, even her making some homemade food for your daughter to take. This would either result in her classmates saying her food was weird or being super jealous
If there is ever even a whisper of your daughter getting bullied, Natasha and you are marching into that school office. Natasha certainly has tried to equip her daughter with enough knowledge to handle bullies but sometimes it just doesn’t work out and she will be a total mama bear
She’d always be scared of sending her little girl off to school at any grade. Even when your daughter is in high school, Natasha is frantic making sure she knows where all her classes are and everything.
"You’re sure you remember how to read the map?" "Mom, I’ll be fine." "Okay… Okay, yeah, sure, you will, but also, if you need help, just ask someone-," "Moooooooom."
Don’t even get me started on what happens when you and Natasha’s daughter start dating. One mention of a boy and you both are SUSPICIOUS. And then this random boy starts picking her up for dates??? Natasha does everything in her power to learn everything about him. I’m talking background checks, maybe some light stalking, maybe a little hacking here and there.
She just has to make sure this boy isn’t bad news! That’s your little girl!
And if your daughter is ever hurt, Natasha will go to war and enlist all her fellow superheroes to help her she will not be playing
Naturally, the other Avengers adore your daughter as well. She considers them all her aunts and uncles and she loves enlisting them to play with her. They also absolutely have babysat her in the past, much to Natasha's slight dismay (but really she doesn’t love anyone that isn’t your or her watching your daughter, she’s nervous!)
This also opens for a good segue to Aunt!Yelena. Oh boy…Aunt!Yelena would SPOIL the hell out of Natasha and your daughter, driving you both insane. Every time she comes by she has gifts, treat, anything for the little girl.
Natasha acts like she’s annoyed by it or tries to tell Yelena that her daughter doesn’t need ALL that but…she loves the fact that her daughter is loved by her sister.
As previously stated, Natasha would totally be the definition of a mama bear. Her family is her first priority. Having dysfunctional but meaningful families in the past, this one you two had created was like a gift from some higher being. She never takes it for granted and will do everything in her power to protect it. She’d consider it her greatest achievement, really.
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Zoom meetings with the kids w/ Kuroo, Akaashi and Sakusa
Request: I have been stuck inside the house with my three year old brother for the last three weeks and he keeps coming inside my room and entering the zoom call with me. So that had me thinking. How would our favorite Haikyuu dads Kuroo, Akaashi, maybe Kenma or Sakusa react to their toddlers coming into their room and joining their meeting. - anonymous. 
Awww I love haikyuu dads!!!! I have begun making the smau and I’m already like 3 chapters in but I won’t start posting until I’ve finished it or I’m about to finish it. I wanna be sure that I’ll have a trustworthy upload schedule lmao bc my midterms are coming up next week and I’m dying. Love ya. 💖💖💖
warning: fluff
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-He was in a meeting with the firm for the past three hours. 
-He was absolutely exhausted and the only thing he wanted was to take a nap with his two year old daughter. 
-You were still at the hospital, your shift finishing in about two hours so he was basically alone.
-Your daughter was playing with her toys in his office, being as quiet as she could but exhaustion started to win her over little by little. 
-Yawn after yawn left her lips but since the sound was so small and barely above a whisper, Kuroo hadn’t realized that his little princess was tired. 
-Standing up with wobbly legs she grabbed her cat blankie and rubbed her eyes as she slowly made her way to her father. 
-With one arm hugging her blankie and the other wrapping around Kuroo’s leg, she rested her head on his leg and slowly sank down to the floor, not tugging at his pyjama leg as he expected. 
-Looking down at her he didn’t think twice before bending over and bringing her into his lap. 
-She let out a small sigh before she clutched his shirt in her small fists and was off to dreamland in record time. 
- “Kuroo-san what do you think?” 
- “Sorry my daughter distracted me.”
-And with that he went back to his meeting. 
-Throughout the rest of the meeting Kuroo rested a hand on her back, cupping her little head lightly rubbing soothing circles on her skull, staring down at her every now and then a smile adorning his features every time he saw her nuzzling into his chest.
-She was a female version of him now that he thinks of it.
-She had his crazy raven hair and stunning amber eyes while her face structure reminded him of both you and him. 
-Her personality though was all you. 
-He knew she was very young but she reminded him of you when you two first met more and more each day.
-Right at that moment she let out a small yawn again, her eyes opening slightly as she repositioned herself on his lap and went back to sleep. 
-He couldn’t love her more, at least that’s what he believed. 
-Each day she proved him wrong. 
-Saying goodbye to his coworkers he shut off his computer and went to the living room couch, laying down with his little girl in his arms. 
-Giving her one last kiss he fell asleep, a smile still present on his features. 
Akaashi Keiji 
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- “The author said that those new chapters need to be edited by the end of the month. He will send you the rest when you are done with these.” 
-His eyes were bloodshot from the endless hours he had been staring at his screen. 
-Rubbing his eyes he answered every single question that was thrown at him, wishing that this one would be the last one. 
-But the universe wouldn’t have it that way for poor Akaashi making him stay up late again. 
-Thunder rumbled from outside and he wondered whether or not you had taken your son to bed with you. 
-The four year old boy was terrified of storms from a young age, always looking for comfort in either you or Akaashi. 
-But ever since his sister was born he pulled away from you two, he didn’t ask for help anymore even when he needed it and he didn’t wake you up during the night when he had a nightmare.
-Akaashi was amazed to say the least. 
-Neither of you had said anything to him about how your attention would mostly be on the baby and you guys had never dismissed his needs because of your little girl. 
-It worried him how fast his son closed in on himself. 
-He was already a shy and quiet kid but now you barely heard his voice and it broke both of your hearts. 
-Akaashi was determined to help him get out of this phase and be by his side but this assignment took up more of his time than he would’ve liked. 
-Light danced across the room as the door slightly opened but no one stepped in. 
-Keiji was about to stand up when he heard little sniffles and the light pitter patter of feet on the carpet of his office. 
-And soon enough his son rounded the corner of his desk, one arm wiping away tears as the other clutched the stuffed owl his uncle Bokuto had bought him. 
-Without losing a beat Keiji pushed his chair back and brought him in his lap, giving a small apology to his boss before momentarily turning off both camera and mic. 
- “I’m sowwy.” 
- “Shh I’m here, nothing’s gonna hurt you.” 
-Giving him a kiss on each cheek Akaashi let him snuggle in his chest, a strong arm supporting the toddler while simultaneously making him feel safe and protected. 
- “Sir, I’m sorry to interrupt but could we end it here? My son had a nightmare and I want to calm him down.” 
- “Of course Akaashi-san, give my regards to the little man. Goodnight.” 
-And with that the meeting was over and Akaashi was left with a crying child in his arms. 
- “Hey hey, I told you that nothing’s going to hurt you while I’m here. Why don’t we go sleep with mommy hm?” 
- “I’m sowwy…”
-Akaashi kissed his head again bringing him into a tight hug as he got up from his seat. 
- “There is nothing to be sorry for now come on, mommy would want cuddles.” 
 Sakusa Kiyoomi
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- “If we use the new quick that Atsumu and Hinata have been practicing then we would have the upper hand momentarily.”
-Kiyoomi let out a sigh as the meeting he had with the team would not seem to end. 
-They had been discussing tactics for the last hour and a half while the rest of the time they had been informed of the new managers they had been assigned. 
-Kiyoomi never expected to be in a zoom call while being an athlete.
-He thought that it would be useless. 
-What were they even gonna do while in the meeting? Practice? 
-But he was proven wrong once the coach called the first meeting and now Sakusa was ready to pull his hair out. 
-Thankfully he was just laying in bed so at least he was comfortable. 
-You had gone out for some much needed grocery shopping leaving Kiyoomi with his son, not wanting to take your child outside with the virus contaminating people left and right. 
-Sakusa loved spending time with his son. 
-He was a low maintenance child, just like he was when he was young, adopting the same hygiene patterns as his father even at the early age of two. 
-He had just started talking and you wouldn't stop having conversations with him, the baby only uttering a simply “dada” or “momma” or even maybe a “yes” or “no” if you were lucky. 
-It made you happy though, seeing your son slowly becoming more independent. 
-Sakusa was also happy but he was also reminded that he wouldn’t stay this young forever; before he knew it his son would be off to high school or college and he wouldn’t fit in his arms anymore. 
-Lost in thought Kiyoomi hadn’t seen the toddler make his way into the room until he felt the covers being pulled as he attempted to get on the bed *and failed bc he’s just too short*
-Letting out a chuckle Sakusa pushed his laptop to the side and leaned down to grab his son, who was now pouting an expression that was a little too similar to yours. 
- “Is that mini Sakusa I see?” 
-Kiyoomi ignored Atsumu as he settled his son on his lap letting the baby wave at the camera as his “uncles” waved back. 
- “Do you mind if he joins?” 
- “Of course not, every Sakusa is welcome.”
-Giving his son one last kiss on his head, Kiyoomi went back to listening to the boring tactics letting his son play with his fingers in the process. 
-Okay maybe it wasn’t that bad now 
@the-arcana-fan-fic @angelwritings @axerrri @reinyrei @dnarez @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses @threeamwriting @letscheereachotheron​ @ezoyscorner​ @storage11037​ @wolfkid22
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blackbutterfliescal · 4 years
Your Rainbow Will Coming Smiling Through
A Michael Clifford One Shot
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Pairing: Single Dad!Michael Clifford & OC Zoey Clifford
Word count: 4.8K
Rating: Mostly fluff with a side of angst
Requested by: Absolutely not a goddamn soul. I’m just here to be soft n emo, I guess.
Content: 3rd person POV, OC Zoey as Michael’s daughter, major character death (main character’s spouse is dead), side of Malum because I couldn’t help myself
A/N: This is based on Steven Curtis Chapman’s “Cinderella” and it’s lived in my head for a long time. The title is based on lyrics from “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” from Disney’s Cinderella. I don’t normally engage with a lot of dad!sos content for personal reasons, but this idea has lived in my head rent free for far too long so I hope you like it! Big big thank you to @devilatmydoor and @spicycal for encouraging me to get this one done!! It’s only taken me a month lmao
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Feedback is always appreciated! 😊
Dinner had been an event. It seemed like it was always an event these days. Pasta noodles and vegetables hung from the walls in the small eat-in kitchen, reminiscent of a Jackson Pollock. Michael let out a deep sigh and ran a hand across his tired face. He’d been so sure that the new recipe would be a hit, but his headstrong three year old had dashed that hope almost immediately. Since quarantine began a few weeks ago, she’d grown bored of staying home and had begun to take her frustrations out on the only other person around. Each day in the modest apartment brought a new challenge but the theme this week was picky eating habits. Michael had tried old favorites, trendy recipes from mommy bloggers, and he’d even let Zoey pick what he bought at the grocery. Honestly, he’d tried anything and everything if he thought it meant she wouldn’t fight him at every meal.
Michael picked up the plates from the table, scraping the few bites that weren’t subjected to his daughter’s wrath into the trashcan by the door. As the dishes landed in the small sink and Michael turned on the tap, he bent forward to rest his forearms on the counter. One glance around the warzone kitchen had tears stinging his eyes. He fought to keep them from falling to no avail, eyes blurring as the droplets got lost in the flowing water and spiraled down the drain.
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. We were supposed to be in this together,” Michael’s voice was barely more than a whisper as his thoughts raced and he struggled to compose himself. His voice came out coarse as his frustrated cries hung in the air until it became too thick to breathe in. “It’s been nearly ten months and I’m still no good without you. Zoey’s just like you and I need you here.” He’d hoped setting his thoughts free might ease his mind, but it only made the words weigh heavier on his slumped shoulders. Michael’s pleas were desperate through the sobs. “I wish you were here. You’d know exactly what to do. You always did.” He was barely thirty when he’d been made a widower, carrying the constant grief of a life unlived, seeing a shadow where there should have been a spouse.
He’d been told repeatedly that things would get easier with time but he didn’t think there’d ever be a day where he didn’t need her, didn’t see her in their baby girl. He pulled himself upright with a deep inhale, using the back of his hand to wipe tear stains from his cheeks. Michael couldn’t stop the incessant sniffling brought on by the tears while he continued to take steady breaths through his mouth. He pulled all his focus to wash the few dishes still left from the night and placed them in the drying rack before shutting off the tap. He wrung out the dish towel and began using it to scrub down the mess on the walls. Their dogs seemed to have made quick work of cleaning up the peas that got sprayed across the tiled floor while Michael cleaned up Zoey in the bath and he assumed they’d already made their way to her room.
Through a few small, shaky inhales, he heard a familiar tune playing from the other end of the hallway. After tossing the bits of dinner that he’d pulled off the wall into the bin, he closed the lid and hung the dish towel across the faucet to dry. He quietly made his way to Zoey’s room as the music grew louder, sparing a quick glance in the hall mirror so his disheveled state didn’t alarm Zoey.
He had forgotten that he’d placed an old CD player in her room with several of his old favorites in a small case. Every now and then she liked to listen to his CDs while she played. She usually needed her dad to help her turn it on but it seemed she’d found the play button on her own and begun the same tunes they’d danced to earlier that week. Her curls, still mildly damp from her bath after the messy dinner, bounced around her round face as she spun in circles and giggles fell from her mouth freely. She’d slipped a sparkly dress-up outfit over her pajamas and the matching tiara had almost completely slipped free from her hair. Michael noticed both dogs intently watched from the bed and he let a bittersweet smile tug at his lips while she twirled around the room. Zoey reminded him most of her late mother when she smiled and it made his heart swell, reminding him that she wasn’t completely gone.
When Zoey looked up and noticed him in the doorway, a delighted squeal came from her mouth. “Daddy!! C’mon, I need you! There’s a ball at the castle and I’ve been invited and I need to practice my dancing. Please! Daddy, please!” She wrapped both of her hands around Michael’s fingers and tugged him to the middle of the carpet as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Once she was satisfied with where he stood, she steadied herself and placed her bare feet on top of his shoes, reaching out to grab his other hand. His grip on her was secure as he moved the two of them around merrily, careful not to let her slip from her place on top of his feet. Since losing Zoey’s mom, he’d promised himself that he wouldn’t let the little moments pass him by. He knew that someday, much sooner than he’d like, someone would steal his little girl’s heart away from him but he wanted to cherish every moment until then. Even if it did include meal-time tantrums.
The upbeat track faded out, replaced by soft guitar chords and a sweetly crooning melody. In one smooth motion, Michael lifted Zoey into his arms and began to sway with her. Her petite hand landed against his warm cheek as she met his green eyes. She studied him for a beat before he rested his forehead against hers and let his eyes fall shut. As Michael began to sing along softly, Zoey pulled away from his face and adjusted herself down to rest against his chest. He nuzzled her close and smiled at the memory that her mother had always found a calmness in the way his voice vibrated through his chest as well.
“Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go. You have made my life complete and I love you so. Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfill. For, my darling, I love you and I always will.”
It had been an exhausting evening and it didn’t take long for familiar snores to fill the air from where Zoey rested beneath his chin. He smiled and silently thanked the universe that the last song on the album had been a ballad. Careful not to wake her, he kept a gentle rock in his measured steps as he clicked off the lights through the apartment. Making his way back into her room, he lifted the light blue covers on her small bed while the dogs shifted toward the far end. When he tried to slide her onto the pillow, Zoey’s grip on his shirt tightened and she let out a sleepy groan. Michael shushed her sweetly with a lighthearted laugh and pulled her back into him. He reached down again to pull the covers back further, causing both dogs to move to the floor with a huff, before slipping between them and letting her rest on top of his chest as he stared up at the ceiling. He covered them both and began to hum the sweet melody once more, letting the combination of his voice and heartbeat lull his daughter to sleep again. It wasn’t long before they both drifted off to a much-needed night of rest.
With a contented sigh, Zoey placed her new boots on the floor, lining them up to sit below the dress hanging on a singular coat hook on the wall to the right of her closet.
She’d spent nearly every weekend for the past month piled into her dad’s car with her friends, scouring every dress shop in the city. In typical Zoey fashion, she wasn’t interested in an oversized dress with heels that she’d ultimately kick off after the first song played. Somewhere around the fourth store - or maybe fifth? - her friend had shoved her into a fitting room with an understated black a-line they’d picked for her. Though she wasn’t typically a fan of lace or tulle, she knew it was the one she’d spent her time looking for. She knew the lace appliques delicately placed across the neckline would soften up the leather boots and jacket she was already planning to wear.
She pulled one bare foot underneath her and plopped down on her bed, queuing up a lowkey playlist and admiring the outfit she’d put together. She could admit that it was nice to check the prom dress off her to-do list but the centerpiece of the outfit was her mom’s vintage leather jacket. Her dad had gifted it to her years ago, telling her about how excited her mother had been to save up for a real leather jacket and how she’d shopped through every store in the city to find the right one. Not unlike the way he’d seen Zoey searching for the right prom dress.
Of course, Zoey didn’t have many memories of her mom, except for the stories Michael had told her over the years. Somehow, things like her mother’s old leather jacket, still in great condition, made her feel connected to the woman she barely remembered. Zoey often wondered how she could miss someone she couldn’t remember on her own. Maybe some of it was secondhand grief from years of watching her father. Either way, she always felt too nervous to actually wear her mom’s jacket, afraid she’d do something to ruin it, wrecking the already thin tie she had to her. While Michael had always done his best to fill both parental roles, some problems were bigger than he could handle alone. On difficult nights when she needed a mom, Zoey dug the jacket out of the closet and just held it close, hoping to find some guidance from whatever cosmic forces were out there. Now, she’d decided, prom was as good an occasion as any to actually wear it out. It was a big night and she wanted to feel both of her parents there.
As she picked up her laptop to tackle the last few assignments of senior year, Michael’s knuckles rapped on the open door that led to her room. The sound pulled her from her reverie and she glanced up to see her dad in the doorway. Michael, mid-40s, donned large wide-rimmed glasses and his hair was cut short around his face. His natural shade had lightened quite a bit over the years while the ever-present scruff on his chin had taken on shining grey tones. He smiled fondly, taking in the outfit Zoey had put together as it hung on the wall before turning to meet her expectant gaze. Her smile beamed as she questioned, “Do you like it? Do you think Allison will like it? Her dress is baby pink so we’re going to be the least coordinated couple there. But I guess that’s fitting.” A small laugh fell from her mouth as she looked back at the all black ensemble. Michael still heard Zoey’s mom in that laugh and felt a pull in his chest seeing that jacket again. He nodded in response before pointing to the quilted leather. “She’d be so proud of you, you know?” His voice held a tinge of sadness amidst the pride he held for his baby girl.
“No!! No, no no. Don’t cry. You know that only ends with both of us crying!” Zoey slid the laptop to the side and made her way to the man occupying her door frame. He let out a sniffing laugh and shaky breath as she wrapped her arms around him while burying her head in his broad chest. Michael rested his head on top of hers before placing a small kiss on top of her hair. He’d always made sure that she felt safe with him. No matter what was going on elsewhere, it was the two of them versus the world. But damn it all if he didn’t wish that she had her mom here to see the amazing young woman she’d become.
Zoey’s playlist continued quietly and Michael began to rock back and forth as she relaxed into his arms. He knew moments like this would only get harder to come by in a few short weeks. She’d grown up in the blink of an eye, right in front of him. He wanted to keep her close as long as he could. It didn’t matter that dinner was downstairs, getting colder by the minute. Slowly, “Moon River” crept through the speakers and Zoey pulled her head back. “Wait a minute. This is the song we have to dance to,” she whispered. The smile on her face shifted from sweet to teasing and Michael braced for whatever quick-witted remark she had for him. “We gotta work on your moves, old man!” Michael rolled his eyes in response and let out a sarcastic laugh at her words. “Dad, the prom is just one week away and we need to practice our dancing. Please, daddy, please.”
It was custom that each senior waltzed with a parent, or some other guardian, at the very beginning of the prom. Families were only allowed in during this dance and would be ushered out after every group of seniors had taken their turn. Michael and Zoey had been at every after school rehearsal for the past 6 weeks, trying desperately to learn the choreographed steps. Zoey had mastered the box steps with ease. The turning box took a few more tries, but she got it eventually. Michael had taken even more practice though, and she was determined they would perfect the steps before they were in front of all her friends. He didn’t object, not wanting to embarrass her. Letting out an exasperated sigh, Michael stepped further into his daughter’s room, helping her push a few things out of the way as she started the song over and stood tall in her ballroom posture. Michael took small steps but still managed to run into a few things as Zoey coached him through the routine. They made it through to the end of the song unscathed and upright, counting that as a victory.
As Zoey let her rigid posture drop, Michael placed both of his hands on each side of her head, pulling her close again to place another kiss on top of her head. “We’ve got this, Z,” he reassured her. She snaked her arms around to his back as the next song on her playlist began. They stood still in the silence as a familiar voice began to croon through the air. “Do you remember that I used to sing this to you to get you to sleep? It always did the trick after a rough day,” Michael mused as his hands brushed over her hair, reminiscing on days gone by. She leaned back to look up at her dad’s face before answering. “Of course I do! Why do you think I listen to it so often?”
The greying scruff on Michael’s chin made her giggle as it tickled her forehead where he left a kiss. “My sweet girl,” he mused as they began to sway again. She hummed along with the melody before Michael joined in, smooth voice lilting over the recording.
“Love me tender, love me long, take me to your heart. For it’s there that I belong and will never part. Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfill. For my darling, I love you and I always will.”
In true Clifford fashion, Zoey’s stomach rumbled through the otherwise quiet bedroom as the next verse began. It sent both of them into a fit of laughter, reminding Michael of the reason he came up to her room in the first place - the dinner waiting downstairs. Zoey stopped her playlist before they made their way to the kitchen, voicing their concerns that the cats had jumped up on the counter to help themselves.
Zoey couldn’t help the smile stretched across her full cheeks as she parked her car in front of her father’s home. As she reached for the door handle, her free hand lifted the back of her fiancée’s palm to her cherry chapstick-covered smile and she placed a series of small kisses. Allison’s warm eyes met Zoey’s gaze with a blissful smile of her own before she spoke hesitantly. “The last planning session before everything is in motion. Ready for all the questions from Mr. Wedding Planner in there?” Zoey’s eyebrows quirked up and she reached behind the seats to pull out her planning binder. “Ready if you are!” They stepped out of the car and laughter followed them through the front door to announce their arrival.
The butterflies in Zoey’s stomach hadn’t diminished even slightly since the moment Allison got down on one knee during family game night. Though if Zoey honestly thought about it, the butterflies had been there since she worked up the nerve to ask Allison to prom as her girlfriend. She hoped she’d have the flutter in the pit of her stomach as long as she had air in her lungs. 
The proposal had been intimate and thoughtful and sweet and perfectly them. Allison had enlisted Michael’s help, along with his long-term partner Calum, to spell out “marry me” on the game board during Scrabble. The three of them had needed to work together and it had taken a couple rounds of play for the right letters to show up. Zoey was so engrossed in the game that it took her a few beats to piece it together, even as Allison dropped to the floor in front of her while Michael tried to keep the happy tears from falling. Since then, the days had been speeding by at a dizzying pace and she felt like the big day would sneak up on her if she blinked too slowly.
They made their way through the home, cast in an amber glow from the autumn sunset, and found Michael and Calum putting the finishing touches on their typical Tuesday night dinner. Michael had always been a good cook but he’d thrown himself into more complex recipes with the extra time he had in his early retirement. The delicious aroma wafted through the open air to greet the brides-to-be as they exchanged familiar greetings with the gracefully greying men, arms held open expectantly. 
“I see someone came prepared,” Calum teased, pointing in the direction of Zoey’s wedding planning binder. “I learned from the best,” she winked in return. Calum had earned his living as an event planner before retiring to spend his days with Michael and he’d been all too eager to help out. Sometimes he was a little overzealous, especially when it came to flowers, but neither bride worried over it. He had thirty-something years of experience and they would put his expertise to good use as long as he wanted to help.
“Well? What are you waiting for? You know better than to be shy around here - dig in!” Michael’s cheerful lilt brought out a chorus of laughter as the four of them began to pile their plates high with his savory creations.
Dinner together was never dull; someone always had a story to tell. Allison was gunning for a big promotion at work while Zoey worked hard to manage the small business she started last year. Michael told of all the highs and lows in his cooking adventures that week and how he’d befriended a neighborhood cat that had appeared on their porch. Calum had warned him not to feed it but eventually found the bowl under the front steps that he’d been sneaking scraps into. In the years they’d lived together, Calum made the local farmer’s market a habit and that week Michael had finally gone with him. He should have known Calum would have everyone wrapped around his finger. He couldn’t help his amazement at the way Calum charmed all the vendors into some sort of special sale for his produce, flowers, or baked goods. He noticed that Calum was the only one who seemed to be privy to these discounts. Michael couldn’t even be upset though because Calum had gotten a beautiful sunflower bouquet just for him. Calum would never admit that he just wanted to know he still had it - whatever it was.
With four sets of hands, clean up happened quickly before the wedding binder was sprawled across the table. They spent the next few hours pouring over choices for every imaginable detail. Calum had helped them create a checklist and prioritize important items and extremely time sensitive details. They managed to cross off a few more items on the checklist before Michael decided it was time to bring out dessert - apple pie with the tart apples from the “Apple of My Pie” stall that Calum had recommended at the farmer’s market.
When she was sure Michael was out of earshot, Zoey leaned across the table to whisper to Calum. “So when are we doing this for you two?” she asked as she threw a glance at her dad’s back. Allison did her best to control her laughter at the obvious prying. Calum simply waved her off with a smile, “We’ve been together, what, twelve years? Just after you started college? I think he’s stuck with me at this point, ring or no ring.” Zoey’s inquisitive stare didn’t falter at Calum’s light humor so he continued to entertain her question with a more serious tone. “You know… we’ve talked about it but he always said he couldn’t remarry after losing your mom. I always thought I wanted a wedding, even just a small one for friends and family, but it’s one thing I won’t push him about.” Calum’s eyes were filled with adoration as they settled on Michael’s back where he stood carefully slicing the pie. “He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I’ll take this in whatever way makes him comfortable, in whatever way he’ll have me.”
When he turned back to face her, to see if his answer satisfied her curiosity, her eyes were brimming with emotion and concern immediately painted his features before she spoke. “I always thought maybe he didn’t remarry because of me, because he didn’t want me to feel left behind or something. And maybe that’s selfish or strange. But I couldn’t be more thankful that he has someone as caring and thoughtful as you, Cal.” Her voice had a slight rasp to it as she swallowed down her overwhelming joy. She punctuated her sentiment by placing her hands over one of his on the table. As he sandwiched her hands between his, he told her how lucky he felt to get to spend the rest of life loving Michael and that he didn’t need a marriage certificate to do that. Allison placed a grounding hand across Zoey’s back as they all inconspicuously sat back into their seats just in time for Michael to return with apple pie and vanilla bean ice cream. If he suspected anything about the conversation between his daughter and his partner, he didn’t let on as they continued to make their way down the wedding checklist between delighted mouthfuls of pie.
The hours passed as they sat around the kitchen table picking out scripts for the invites, flowers for the ceremony, centerpieces for the reception, and favors for the wedding party. Allison stretched her arms over her head, soliciting several put off responses at the loud cracking noise her spine made. “Ew, yourself,” she joked as she rose from her spot at the table. As she moved toward the living room, she turned over her shoulder to suggest that they all take a break from hunching over the pages of options laid out in the binder. Everyone else seemed reluctant, not wanting to lose the momentum they’d already built up. Allison turned her back to them and made her way to the record player next to the couch. She carefully pulled a sleeve from the shelf and let it begin spinning before making her way back to the table where the others still sat. 
As she passed through the doorway, the beats of “Heartbreak Hotel” sounded through the room and she swung her hips wide with the best Elvis impression she could manage. The overstated moves earned a laugh from her fiancée and wolf whistles from the two men seated across from her. Allison pulled Zoey from her seat and shimmied them back into the living room for a dance break, despite Zoey’s protests that they still had several items to work through. Allison assured her that’s why she needed a dance break and that they’d get back to it as soon as the record needed to be flipped over. To Allison’s complete delight, Zoey caved and danced with her until the bluesy tune faded into a familiar ballad.
Zoey turned toward the dining room to find that Calum and Michael had followed to watch them from the safety of the door. The two men stood as if they were made to fit together. Michael’s head rested perfectly on Calum’s shoulder and his hands splayed softly across Calum’s stomach under Calum’s hands. Even so, Zoey knew she still had her dad wrapped around her finger after all these years. She put on the biggest puppy dog eyes she could manage and stretched out her arms before pleading with him, “The wedding’s still six months away, but I need to practice my dancing. Please, daddy, please.” His sheepish smile was bright in the low lamp light as he maneuvered around Calum. Michael placed a kiss to Calum’s smiling cheek as he squeezed through the door frame beside him. “You know I’ll never turn down a dance with my best girl,” he remarked as he took her in his arms. Calum, in turn, made a large sweeping motion as he bowed to Allison. “May I please have this dance?” Always a drama queen in every group. Allison laughed and took his hand, letting him lead her across the small room in an effort not to intrude on Zoey and Michael’s sweet moment.
Michael hummed along to the melody and his voice vibrated through his chest under Zoey’s head, sweeping a sense of nostalgia over her. “Dad?” she questioned as she lifted her head to look into his pale green eyes. They’d become even more pronounced over the years as the color faded from his hair, though he tried to hide behind the wide-rimmed glasses that stopped just above his full cheeks when he smiled. His eyes were slow to open and he only offered a hum in response. “What if we made this our father-daughter dance at the reception? I know it’s not a typical choice, but it would just mean a lot to me and -” Michael’s lips landed soft against Zoey’s forehead with a smile, immediately soothing her rambling mind. “I would love that, Z.”
Not trusting her mind and voice to work with her, Zoey simply nodded and nuzzled her head back into Michael’s chest, hugging him as close as possible. Michael’s smile grew as he tossed a glance across the room to where Allison and Calum swayed casually, lost in some giddy conversation if their expressions were any indication. With a contented sigh, he placed another kiss on top of Zoey’s curls. His voice was soft at first, only loud enough for Zoey to hear, but then it grew just enough to be heard over the record player as he sang.
“Love me tender, love me dear, tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, ‘til the end of time. Love me tender, love me true, all my dreams fulfill. For, my darling, I love you and I always will.”
He couldn’t help watching Allison and Calum as they looked over fondly. Michael thought of all the times it was just him and Zoey against the world. Everything had changed so much since he lost her mom. He couldn’t believe how their little family had grown over the years and he was so proud of the life they’d made and the love they all shared. Michael tried not to let his emotions get the best of him, but he couldn’t help the crack in his voice as the last lines closed out.
taglist: @easierlftv @haikucal @mashlums @youngblood199456 @calumbroutledge @alltimesos @another-lonely-heart @castaway-cashton @itsjen223 @bloodyoathcal @vapor5sos​ @myloverboyash​ @justhereforcalum​ @karajaynetoday​ @spicycal​ @devilatmydoor​
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itsmarianstories · 5 years
🎄Another cheesy Christmas Story🎄
[Jungkook x Reader]
Secret Santa Present Part 2
For @pineapple-panini19
A Story about how that Christmas, which was supposed to be sad and lonely turned out to be the best of them all.
Word count: 7.465
(A/N: So here it finally is! Oh my god, I’m so nervous lmao. I hope you’ll like it!! Feel free to be brutally honest with me tho and tell me if I messed up somehow... )
You took a deep breath, letting the fresh, cold air filling your lungs. It felt good after spending so much time in that stuffy bar. You enjoyed your job in the karaoke bar but it was exhausting and especially at this time of the year, because somehow everyone was in singing mood before Christmas. However, it was your last shift for this year and you weren’t sure if you should be happy about it or not.
For a few moments you just stood outside the bar and enjoyed the view. It was late in the evening, the sun has long went down but the moon was now shining proudly. The city was already decorated, fairy lights everywhere and in all different colours. It smelled sugary, probably from the Christmas market that was just a few blocks away.
“Right, only a week left.” You whispered, your breath causing a small cloud to form in the cold night air. Usually you were so excited about Christmas, looking forward to the holidays. This year however, your mood was a little bummed. It’s the first year you spend Christmas away from your family and most of your friends and celebrating Christmas alone is definitely not the same. You have moved to a different city to attend your dream university but you didn't live her for very long yet and didn't know many people here.
You sighed deeply before starting to stomp through the snow to the subway station. While waiting for your train to arrive you saw a group of friends a few feet away from you, they were joking around and laughing loudly. It made you feel even more lonely so you pulled your phone out of your pocket deciding to call you best friend.
“Hey Y/N! What’s up?” He greeted, sounding a bit out of breath.
“Ah nothing really, I just thought I’d see how you are doing. I miss you, Tae.” You admitted.
“Aww, I miss you too! I promise after Christmas I’ll come and visit you.” He said. You heard a bark in the distance.
“Are you out with Tannie?” You asked, whishing you could cuddle that small, fluffy noodle again.
“Yeah we are Christmas shopping! I just got you your gift!” He sounded excited and you smiled sadly. Your best friend was just as enthusiastic about Christmas as you.
“You don’t have to.”
“I know but I want to.” You knew he would say that. You already have a present for him too.
“Ah sorry Y/N, Tannie is trying to catch a pigeon. I gotta go! I'll see you soon, we’ll celebrate new year together okay? I purple you!” He said. You chuckled.
“Alright, bye Tae. See you soon!” You said and the call ended. You put your phone down with another sigh just as the train arrived. The group of friends got in too and you couldn’t help but watch them, listening to their Christmas plans. You pulled your hood up and sniffled a little, feeling stupid for getting so emotional over such a thing. But honestly you couldn’t help it, you missed your family and your friends and wanted to spend Christmas with them, not all alone in a city where you barely know anyone. But living alone is expensive and you have bills to pay, flying back home is not in the budget.
You pulled your knees against your chest and rested your head on them. The train was almost empty, most people already at home at this time. So when someone suddenly flopped down in front of you, you were fairly surprised. There were a lot of free seats after all. You looked up at the boy in front of you, probably around your age, dressed in black. He looked a bit suspicious but his face was soft and his smile gentle.
“Are you okay?” He asked, big round eyes staring back at you.
“Uh... what?” You asked confused.
“I mean you are crying in the subway, alone in the middle of the night that’s... concerning.” You brought a hand up to your face, feeling that it is indeed wet.
“Oh,” You whispered, wondering when that happened. The boy in front of you crooked his head to the side and you blushed under his stare.
“ Uhm thank you, I guess but I’m fine...It’s just... Christmas.” You poorly explained.
“You don’t like Christmas?” He asked.
“I love Christmas.” Now he looked greatly confused and his face was so cute that you couldn’t help but giggle a little, wiping away the tears from your cheeks with your sleeve.
“I just moved here and don’t know many people yet. It just makes me miss my family.” You added, wondering why you are even telling him all this.
“I’m Jeongguk.” He smiled, holding out his hand for you to take.
“Y/N" You said, shaking his hand.
“Now you know one person more.” You noticed how his nose scrunched up and his eyes crinkled while he smiled, exposing a pair of bunny teeth. His face changed when he remembered something, turning to dig in his bag and pulling out a box full of Christmas cookies.
“Here,” He offered you and wow they were some good looking cookies. Since you weren’t really in Christmas mood you didn’t bother baking some, you didn’t even decorate your apartment. But tasting some couldn’t be bad so you picked up a cookie and hummed while eating it.
“Did you make those?” You asked curious but the boy shook his head.
“Nah, I can’t bake, I’d burn down my whole kitchen. I got them from a woman whose kid is coming to my class.” He admitted, sheepish but fond no less.
“What kind of class?” You wanted to know, shamelessly getting another cookie.
“Dance, hip hop to be precise. We prepared a small Christmas performance and showed it to the parents tonight.”
“Wow, a dancer huh.” You said impressed while imagining a bunch of kids doing hip hop. It sounded adorable. The boy blushed a little at your comment and nodded. Then the train became slower and as you looked up you saw that it was your station, feeling slightly bummed that you had to leave now.
“That’s my station.” You and Jeongguk said at the same time, staring at each other in surprise before sharing a giggle.
“Well, what a coincidence huh?” You said suddenly becoming shy.
“Do you live close?” He asked, while you two made your way out of the subway station. The cold air hitting you even more now, after spending time in the heated train.
“A few blocks from here.” You answered.
“Do you know that Christmas cafe near the kindergarten? Like two blocks from here.” You shrugged.
“To be honest, I kind of avoided everything christmas-ish until now.” You admitted.
“Oh that’s a pity, you should go there. Maybe it would lighten your mood. They have really good drinks and always play those cringy Christmas songs that you kind of hate but listen to every year all over again, just for the sake of it.” He told you, a sparkle in his eyes.
“Sounds beautiful.” You chuckled, feeling lighter than you have in days. “Maybe I should go there.”
“You know,” he cleared his throat “maybe, if you’d like, I could. I mean I know we don’t really know each other and this is probably weird and you can totally say no I just thought, if you’d like, maybe you’d feel better not going alone and like I know I’m not your family but-" You chuckled at his obviously nervous rambling.
“Jeongguk,” you interrupted him. He looked down at you, almost a head taller than you.
“I’d love to go with you. Show me that cafe.” You said, amazed at where all that confidence suddenly came from. He smiled at you brightly, his face dimly lit by the street lanterns and decorations. Wow, he is really pretty.
“Okay! I mean not now it’s probably closed uhm... like tomorrow? Or...”
“Why don’t you give me your number? Then we can go whenever it fits.” You said, screaming internally at your boldness.
“Sure!” Jeongguk pulled out his phone. You two switched phones and typed in your numbers before handing them back.
“Thank you.” He said.
“No thank you! Really.” You said back, snatching another cookie. You two stopped at a corner, your ways parting here.
“Tell that mom, those cookies are really great.” He nodded.
“I will and you’re very welcome! I’ll text you!” He said as you two started to walk apart from each other, backwards though. It was cheesy, but come on. It’s Christmas, a bit cheesieness is allowed!
Once he was out of sight you pulled your phone out and called Tae, screaming in his ear when he picked up and telling him everything.
Christmas suddenly didn’t seem so bad anymore.
 The next morning you woke up, feeling more motivated than ever. You decided to go to the grocery store to get everything you needed to bake. It was time to crawl out of the whole that was called 'self-pity', so you got out of bed, connected your phone to the Bluetooth speakers and blasted your favourite Christmas songs, humming along while getting ready.
You were already out your door when you checked your messages. You couldn’t help but smile when you saw the new message.
Good morning :)
I hope you feel better today!
 You quickly typed out a response before putting your phone away and heading to your favourite grocery store. The way was a little longer but it was an old family business and the grandma, still working there was super nice and always gave you candy.
You enter the shop, slowly pacing through the aisles. You observe the different items, searching for the ones you need so you don’t really pay attention to your surroundings. That is until you bump into something.
Or someone.
You hear a gasped “Oof!” and turn to apologize but your words get stuck in your throat when you see who you just ran over. You feel your face heating up while the taller breaks out in a full on bunny smile.
“Now would you look at this coincidence!” Jeongguk exclaimed.
“Ah- I-I'm sorry.” You say, mind still running slow due to the surprise. Like, what are even the chances.
“No need to apologize.” Jeongguk smiled. “I’m happy to see you again.” He said and you kind of just stare at him because WHAT DID HE SAY??? You blink at him and a few seconds pass, suddenly you realize that a) you still haven’t said anything in return and b) a light rosy colour is forming on the boys cheeks.
“S-Sorry,” He suddenly added, rubbing the back of his neck “that was probably inappropriate considering we don't really know each other.” He seemed so shy and you just had to coo at how cute he is.
“No, no, no, I'm sorry, I was just really surprised.” You quickly said, shaking your head a little. “I'm happy to see you again too.” Another few moments of silence settled over you as you stared at each other until Jeongguk cleared his throat.
“Oh uhm, do you still wanna go to that cafe? Today?” He asked. You nodded, maybe a bit too eager but he beamed back at you so you didn’t think it came of weird.
“I'd love to go but do you have time later in the afternoon? I actually wanted to bake first.” You explained sheepishly and chuckled at the sudden spark in the boys eyes.
“Christmas cookies?” He asked, sounding like an excited child.
“Yeah, you wanna come and help?” The question slipped out without you even thinking about it. You just invited a stranger into your apartment, what the fuck.
“Are you not afraid I could be a serial killer or something?” Jeongguk chuckled.
“I don't think a serial killer would say that.” You giggled, although he kind of had a point.
“Or I’m saying that to gain your trust.” The taller answered back.
“You really don't help yourself right now.” You laughed and watched amused how Jeongguk blushed again.
“N-No, I mean yes! I mean I’d love to help you!”
 So that’s how you both started to finally work off your shopping list, getting all the ingredients (the nice grandma winked at you when you were paying for the stuff) and walked back to your apartment. You felt a little bad that Jeongguk carried all the bags (it weren’t that many but still) but on the other hand he was the one who insisted so you really couldn’t do anything except accept the kind gesture.
You became a bit nervous once the two of you reached your flat.
“So I didn’t really expect any guests, so please don’t judge the messy state of my apartment.” You warned before pushing the door open. Jeongguk chuckled.
“Every girl says that but in the end its all tidy anyway.”
“'Every girl', huh? How many are we talking here?” You teased, watching as he blushed again. He’s so cute when he’s flustered.
“Ah! No, no  that’s not how I meant it. I’m not... I mean it’s just a saying I guess? Uhm...” Really you could only laugh while entering.
You were just glad that you cleaned the kitchen this morning, since you knew you’d need it. The both of you took off your shoes and coats before you showed Jeongguk the way to your kitchen. The latter put the bags down on the kitchen isle and you started to unpack everything.
“Hey! Wanna listen to some music?” You asked, figuring that it would help ceasing awkward silence moments.
“Sure.” Your guest answered while washing his hands. You smirked a little as you played the first song. It didn’t even take five seconds and Jeongguk was staring at you, unamused.
“Seriously?” He said, but laughing anyway.
“It’s a good song!” You argued sarcastically.
“It was. But it has died ten years ago, please let it rest in peace.” You laughed at his reply and sighed exaggerated.
“Fine!” You finally agreed and skipped 'Last Christmas'.
Soon later you had your hands deep in a bowl of dough.
“Hey!” You complained as Jeongguk reached out to sneak a bit of dough for the fifth time now.
“Your intentions were that all along, weren’t they?” You accused and he only smirked while putting the dough in his mouth.
“Maybe?” You took a bit of flour and threw it in his face. Jeongguk laughed, breathed in a bit of flour and started coughing.
“Oh that screams for revenge!” He said. You let out a scream while trying to run away but he was quicker than you and wrapped his arms around your middle, holding you in place while dipping is finger into the Nutella glass and smearing it on your cheek and nose.
“You bully!” You pouted but it only made him laugh more as he let you go to observe his masterpiece.
“Do I look tasty at least?” You joked and he smirked again, licking the Nutella from his finger.
“Very.” He agreed.
Three hours later and you have four boxes full of Christmas cookies.
“Well damn.” You breathed while staring at the product.
“I'm never gonna eat so many cookies, I think we went a bit overboard.” You thought out loud. Jeongguk reached out for a cookie and munched it happily.
“Nah, don’t worry, I’ll help you eat them all.” He assured and you couldn’t help but laugh. Something about this boy made you feel so light. You weren’t sure what exactly it was.
“Okay, I think we deserve a break now. You wanna show me that cafe now?” You asked and watched how Jeongguks eyes began to sparkle.
“Absolutely! Let’s go!”
So you two quickly washed up, got dressed and went outside again.
“Come this way.” Jeongguk said and took your hand to pull you along. However, he didn’t let go. You looked down at your hands and felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks. You wondered if it was okay to lace your fingers but decided against it because well, you were shy after all. Anyways the two of you continued to hold hands all the way to the cafe and only let go once you got inside, to open your jackets and out off the too warm things.
The cafe was actually pretty big but it was so heavily decorated that it looked cozy. Instead of chairs there were small couches and armchairs around coffee tables. Everywhere were candy canes and mistletoes, Christmas balls and other typical nick-nacks. There was a heavy sweet scent in the air of gingerbread and chocolate. People were sitting around, chatting happily and sipping on their beverages and everything radiated an atmosphere that screamed relaxation.
Jeongguk led you to the counter where a girl, dressed up as Christmas fairy asked for your orders.
“One Chilli-Chocolate latte for me, please.” Jeongguk said and turned to look at you. You were looking at the board trying to decide what you’d like but there were so many crazy drinks that you just went with a classic one.
“Uh... one pumpkin spiced latte.” You said and heard Jeongguk snort beside you.
“How boring.” He teased and you stabbed him with your elbow.
“There were too many drinks, I was overwhelmed okay let me live.” You tried to defend yourself but he just laughed harder before pulling out his wallet once the barista came back with your drinks.
“That makes 3,20$ each.” She said and you wanted to grab your own wallet but once you had it Jeongguk had already paid for the both of you.
“Why did you do that?” You asked as you two went to grab a seat.
“Do what?” He asked back, sitting down on one of the couches.
“Pay for my drink.”
“Well I invited you, of course I’m gonna pay.” He said.
“You didn’t have to.”
“I know but I wanted to.” He smiled and you suddenly realized that he kind of resembled a bunny.
You spend about two hours in the cafe just talking about random shit and getting to know each other. You found out that you both liked Marvel movies, he told you about his fear of microwaves and pouted when you laughed for five minutes.
In the end you set a plan to meet again tomorrow for a marvel movie marathon. At your place since there were four boxes of cookies to be eaten. Out side of the cafe you hugged as goodbye and you couldn’t help but notice how strong and safe his arms felt and how he smelled kind if sweat and flowery. It was an untypical scent for men but you enjoyed it no less.
In the evening you were still looking forward to the movie date but when you woke up the next morning you suddenly became really, really nervous. You started cleaning up you entire flat before taking a shower and continuing to change outfits like five times.
“Fuck Y/N get your shit together.” You mumbled to yourself and took a deep breath. It’s not like you two officially named it a date basically it’s just two friends hanging out but somehow that was doing little to calm you.
When it finally knocked on your door you jumped slightly before going to open it. Jeongguk had a bright smile on his face and immediately went in for a hug again. It took you by surprise but you hugged him back anyway and suddenly all your nervousness was gone and all you felt was a deep contentment.
“Hey,” Jeongguk murmured in your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine.
“Hi,” You said back, your voice a bit breathy as you tried not to speak too loud.
“Come in.” You said as you two pulled apart. Jeongguk took off his shoes and for some reason it made you happy that he came in sweatpants. You felt like it would make the day more intimate. Jeongguk seemed to think the same since he pouted once his eyes had made their way up and down your body.
“You are over dressed.” He stated. You looked down at the black skinny jeans and cream coloured sweater you were wearing and blushed.
“Ah sorry, I had to do some... things before you came.” You lied and quickly turned around so he wouldn’t catch you.
“You can make yourself at home, I’ll change real quick.” You said and ran back to your bedroom.
“Fuck,” you hissed under your breath as you closed the door behind you and went to your closet. Since you didn’t really have much time to think about what you wanted to wear you just pulled out your favourite pair of fluffy pants. They were light blue and had little snowflakes  on them and they were super soft so you guessed it would be fine.
Jeongguk was already seated on the couch once you came back and looked up to you.
“That’s better.” He grinned. You rolled your eyes at him and went to the kitchen to get the cookies as well as some other snacks and drink. The way Jeongguk immediately went for the snacks made you chuckle while you turned on the TV. You two randomly watched one movie after the other, slowly scooping closer each movie until you sat sides pressed together. Jeongguk had a hand on your thigh, his finger redrawing the patterns of the snowflakes. You giggled maybe a bit too often whenever Jeongguk imitated one of the actors and spoke along the lines and Jeongguk laughed whenever you shared one of the unnecessary facts you knew about the movie. For example, how Robert Downey Jr hid snacks all over the set so he could eat while shooting the scenes and the director couldn’t stop him from doing so, so he just let him at one point. Jeongguk threw his head back when you told him that and claimed that he loved Iron man even more now.
The day passed way too quick and at around five pm you turned off the TV. Jeongguk put his arms over his head and stretched.
“Ah, I’m getting old.” He joked as his back cracked a bit.
“You are an idiot.” You giggled and Jeongguk smiled back at you.
“Hey wanna get out and grab some real food? As much as I love your cookies, they are bad for my diet.” He offered and you grinned with raised eyebrows.
“Why are you on a diet?” You asked amused.
“Hey! These muscles don’t come from nothing!” He defended himself.
“What muscles? You are wearing baggy clothes all the time, why do you need muscles?” You teased, not expecting what would happen now. Jeongguk pulled up his hoodie, revealing his abs.
“I’m not having these for the moments where I’m wearing clothes.” He grinned and you choked on your own saliva.
“What the fuck!” You screeched, throwing pillows at him. “Jeon Jeongguk, are you an exhibitionist?” The boy only laughed, put his hoodie back down and pulled you up from the couch.
“Come on, I’m hungry!” He said.
“Wait I gotta change first.” You said but he shook his head.
“I can’t change either, we’ll go like that.”
“What?” You gasped, looking at your snuggle pants. “No way in hell, I’m not going out like this. Your pants at least don’t look like pyjamas.” Jeongguk grinned.
“Come on~ don’t be a part pooper. It’s already dark anyway and we are not going to some fine restaurant. We’ll just get some take out somewhere.” You fake pouted, pretending to be offended.
“What? You are not taking me out to a fine restaurant?” Jeongguk smiled.
“Don’t get me wrong, I definitely would but I’d prefer to wear real clothes for that.” You made a grimace.
“Why don’t you go without clothes? You like to show off your oh so great muscles anyway.” You teased.
“Okay,” He said calmly and moved to pull his sweater over his head. You screeched a bit, hitting him on his arm and chest.
“Oh my god! Stop it you dumbass!” He laughed again, taking your hand and pulling you to the door.
“Come on,” He urged again “It’s gonna be fun!”
“It’s gonna be embarrassing, that’s it!” You whined but followed anyway. The two of you put back on your shoes, wrapped yourselves up in coats and scarfs before leaving. You stole Jeongguks bucket hat and pulled it deep into your face. Not like anyone would recognize you but still...
You went to a small fast food shop and got a load of greasy stuff. You couldn’t help but snort at Jeongguks order.
“What happened to your diet?” You asked and he grinned back.
“I think letting it slip this once will be fine.”
The staff giving you your food grins at you after seeing your outfits and you couldn’t help but blush..
“You two are a cute couple.” He said and you blushed even more.
“Thanks!” Jeongguk said proudly and you almost choked.
“Why didn’t you correct him?” You asked shyly, once outside. Jeongguk shrugged.
“I don’t know, it doesn’t really matter.” He said before his eyes widened.
“Or did it bother you? Oh my god do you have a boyfriend?” You couldn’t help but laugh, his expression was too funny.
“No, it didn’t bother me and I don’t have a boyfriend. I was just... curious.” You said after finishing to laugh.
“Oh, okay,” Jeongguk smiled “then this should be fine, right?” He asked, taking your hand. You blushed again.
“You smooth fucker.” You mumbled, but didn’t protest or pull away, instead your fingers intertwined as you walked back to your apartment.
It was relatively silent from then on, but in a comfortable way. The two of you walking together, both lost in their own worlds but still connected. It felt intimate in a very innocent way and you enjoyed it so much. You couldn’t help but wonder what Jeongguks deal was after all. Why was he bothering spending so much time with you? Was he actually interested in more than just friends or was he just being nice? Was he feeling pity since he found you crying in the subway? The thought made you feel uncomfortable. You didn’t like being pitied and especially not by someone you consider your friend... or even more?
You were back at your apartment sooner than expected, for you were so lost in thought the way just seemed to fly by. After eating the greasy food Jeongguk yawned and smiled softly.
“Thank you for having me for so long.” He said and you snorted a bit.
“Thank you for keeping me company.” You corrected and it was followed by a few more silent seconds in which you two just stared at each other.
“I should probably go.” Jeongguk muttered and got up. You nodded and followed him to the entrance of your flat.
“Thank you, really. I had a lot of fun today.” You said and he grinned again.
“We didn’t even do anything.” He countered but you only shrugged. Jeongguk took a step towards you, once he had his shoes on, and wrapped his arms around you. You closed your eyes and relished in the blissful moment, enjoying how save and warm you felt.
“I don’t know if this is too soon or I don’t know... inappropriate but...” He started and pulled back looking down at you, you returned his gaze curiously, amused over the blush on his cheeks.
“Since I know you don’t really have plans on Christmas I wanted to ask if you’d like to spend it with me and my friends? Don’t worry it’s only like seven people including you and me and we are not really doing much. Just eating a lot and lazing around.” He explained. You didn’t know what to say. Of course the offer was really thoughtful and you’d like to spend Christmas with Jeongguk, but you two still don’t know each other that well and meeting his friends seems... like a couple thing to do. Especially on Christmas.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer right away, just think about it, okay?” Jeongguk continued when you stared at him like a deer in the spotlight. You nodded.
“Great! I’ll text you tomorrow, goodnight!” And then Jeongguk was out of the door, before you had the chance to say anything else.
“...goodnight.” You whispered back, although it was way too late.
You made yourself ready for bed all the while thinking about Jeongguks proposal. You were tempted to say yes but... was it really okay? You don’t know any of them, what if they don’t like you? What if they think you are weird or intrusive for just joining on them? You’d ruin their and Jeongguks Christmas and you really don’t want that. What if it’s gonna be awkward the whole evening? It could also ruin your friendship with Jeongguk are you ready to risk that?
You decide to sleep about it for a night and text Jeongguk in the morning.
Good morning :)
Well fuck, you think as you read the two words over and over again. Even the night couldn’t help you find the right answer and now you sit in your living room trying to figure out what to do. Unfortunately you don’t have a lot of time for that figuring out, since Christmas is tomorrow and you probably can’t wait till last minute to decide.
Good morning
Hope you slept well
You answer simply to buy yourself some time. You did not expect for Jeongguk to answer right away.
Ah well a bit like a stone with all that grease in my stomach haha
But I have no regrets
You can’t help but smile at that. Damn, you really want to go see him on Christmas but... can you?
Hey uhm... were you serious last night? About the Christmas thing?
Of course, why? Did you think about it?
You take a deep breath. Communication is key, right?
Yeah I did but I’m still not sure
Are you sure it’s okay for your friends? What if they won’t like me?
Of course I’m sure, I wouldn’t have offered if I weren’t
I don’t want you to feel pressured tho so if it makes you uncomfortable just say no I understand :)
“Goddamn why is he so cute?” You mumble, while typing away on your phone.
It’s not that... but Christmas is like... pretty serious? In a way? And idk if it’s okay for me to just... intrude...
You watch as Jeongguk starts typing, stops, starts again, stops another time and starts again. It takes like five minutes until you finally get a message. Five minutes in which you start to get really anxious for some reason.
I think you misunderstood... I’m not asking you to come out of pity or politeness...
I genuinely want you to be there and meet my friends.
And don’t worry about them! I... lowkey talk about you to them... like a bit...and they said they want to meet you. Actually it was one of them who had the idea to invite you...
You stare at your phone for what felt like hours. Is this real? Suddenly a big wave of excitement hits you and you jump up from the couch.
Oh... that is... surpising
And lowkey really cute
Thank you.
I’d be honoured to come if you are sure it’s okay... :)
GREAT!!! Okay okay it’s at my friends apartment but don’t worry I’ll pick you up at around 4 pm, that works?
Works fine
Should I bring anything?
Nah, my friends are lame so really we’ll just have dinner and laze around. Maybe play a few games, it’s totally chill...
You bit down in your lip. For you it was not lame at all, you couldn’t wait to go. Of course you were still nervous about meeting them but you really wanted to go.
 The next day you woke up super early, since the excitement was sitting in your bones. You made a quick tour through the town but not for too long since it was really packed and then took your time getting ready. Jeongguk said you didn’t have to bring anything but that didn’t feel right so you put a few of your cookies into a box as well as other small things.
It knocked at exactly 4:04 pm and you opened the door maybe a bit too eager.
“Merry Christmas!” Jeongguk yelled as soon as he saw you, a bright smile on his face. He was dressed in normal black jeans and a cringy Christmas sweater and you wondered how it was possible that he still looked so stunning.
“Yeah,” you smiled “merry Christmas.”
“What is that?” He asked looking at your bag.
“Oh just, you know, girl stuff.” He raised his eyebrows but didn’t comment any further. Instead he pulled you in a hug again.
“Alright, let’s go.” He then said and pulled you out. It seemed like you weren’t the only one who was excited. You two took an uber to get there but the drive only took like twenty minutes anyway. The apartment building you were standing in front of was...
“Is this a joke?” You gasped “Is your friend the president or something?” Jeongguk chuckled.
“He’s actually my cousin and no he’s not the president. But he’s a pretty successful fashion designer.” The boy explained, taking your hand and pulling you inside. You blushed as the security guys stared at you two but Jeongguk didn’t seem fazed at all.
“Okay so we will be eight, by the way, the girlfriend of my cousin came too. But she’s cool, so don’t worry.” He said as you two stepped into the elevator. Suddenly the nervousness came crushing back down over you and you gulped, tightly grabbing Jeongguks hand.
“Hey, you really don’t have to worry.”  Jeongguk smiled softly and you nodded as Jeongguk lead you towards the apartment. Why does this feel like you are meeting your boyfriends parents?
“By the way,” Jeongguk said and knocked on the door. He leaned in a bit and whispered into your ear “You look really pretty tonight.”
The door opened and you were a flustered mess, wow this is just great.
“Kookoo! Merry Christmas, my dear little cousin!” A tall, handsome man exclaimed and pulled Jeongguk into a tight hug.
“Merry Christmas, Jinnie!” The younger laughed a small blush tainting his cheeks.
“And this must be your friend.” The man said turning towards you. You wondered why he emphasized the word 'friend' so much. Jeongguk blushed a little more.
“Ah yes, thats's-"
“I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!” You introduced yourself and shook his hand.
“The pleasure is all mine! I'm Seokjin, please come in!” Seokjin said and stepped aside to let you in. The apartment was huge and beautiful and everything was decorated and smelled like food and it was all just so christmasy that you felt a little overwhelmed. You didn’t expect to have any of that this year.
When you came into the living room you found that everyone was already there. A girl tall and lithe, she wore normal blue jeans and a black sweater but she still looked like a model, with silky black hair. She happily jumped over and slung her arms around Seokjin.
“Hey, you must be Jeonggukies new friend! I’m so glad to meet you, I'm Sunmi.”
“Ah hi, nice to meet you too. Actually, nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N.” You said in the room since there were four other people sitting on the couches and armchairs. There was this couple on the couch with one really tall man who had dimples as deep as the universe and a really small one next to him who had his hands on the tallers thighs and a smug look on his face. The smaller one had black hair and heavy rings on his fingers that made them look even smaller. Then there was another couple with a guy with red hair who beamed like the sun and another who seemed to overshadow that light with his grumpy face.
“Oh my god, hi! Our Jeonggukie is finally bringing someone over and then it’s such a pretty one!” The one with the red hair yelled and jumped up from his place next to the grumpy one who jumped a little.
“I'm Hoseok but you can just call me Hobi!” He said, wearing a stupid Christmas sweater as well.
“This is my Yoongi, he might look a little grumpy right now but that’s only because he couldn’t nap this afternoon, he’ll get around.” Hoseok continued and you waved a little, unsure about what to do.
“I'm Jimin and I can’t wait to tell you all the embarrassing stories about our little Jeonggukie!” The smaller one with the black hair said.
“Jimin!” Jeongguk complained and you couldn’t suppress the giggle.
“Hi! I'm Namjoon. Merry Christmas.” The tall one said. Jimin sat down next to him again and snuggled into his side.
“Okay,” Seokjin said, clapping his hands “the dinner should be ready soon. So let’s go to the dining table.”
It was amazing how Jeongguks friends managed to include you as if you were a part of them and it filled you with a warm and fuzzy goo whenever you looked at Jeongguk and saw the sparkle and fondness in his eyes when he talked to or laughed with his friends. You could almost feel how much he adores them and they adored him. Jeongguk was the youngest and it was obvious how the others enjoyed to baby him. However that didn’t stop them from teasing him.
After the dinner you went back to the living room to exchange presents and you felt a bit nervous again since, well, for obvious reasons. At first you watched how the others gifted each other and how they fell in each others arms to thank them. They were a family and it felt so intimate that you almost felt bad for intruding. Even Yoongi, who you first thought was a bit cold-hearted, turned out to be super soft. He laughed over Jeongguks silly jokes and Hoseoks smiles and he squealed at Hoseoks present, falling into his boyfriends arms and kissing him.
You waited for everyone to calm down again and settle on the couches before you pulled out the little gift you got for Jeongguk. You didn’t want to make a big deal out of it but you felt like you needed at least something, since he really made your Christmas this year.
“Uhm,” You made nervously pulling on his arm for he was sitting next to you. He looked over and saw the present and his eyes widened.
“What...” He whispered
“It’s really just something small but-" Jeongguk grabbed your hand and pulled you off the couch. He brought you back to the entrance and for a moment you thought you did something wrong but then he searched in the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a little present as well.
“Oh my god.” You mumbled, not expecting this at all. The two of you exchanged the presents.
“It’s really not much, it’s just... You know, I was feeling really down this years Christmas and I never would have thought that it could possibly turn out like this! I’m just really grateful that I met you and that you kind of stuck around I guess and so I wanted to do something in return.” You rambled, a little ashamed but Jeongguk smiled so softly that you couldn’t stop yourself.
“Thank you,” He whispered “but you really didn’t have to. I’m glad that we met, too and that my awkward ass actually managed to talk to you without looking like a complete fool.” You felt suddenly so shy so you just looked down.
“Open it!” You urged and watched how he unwrapped the present. As soon as he had opened it he threw his head back and laughed.
“Oh my, really?” He giggled at the Iron Man hoodie.
“I’m sorry, I had to.” You smiled sheepishly.
“What do you mean? I love it!” He assured, hugging you again.
“Okay, now open yours.” He then said, pulling back. You did as said and gasped as you opened the little box.
“Jeongguk what the fuck?” You whisper yelled and took the small bracelet out.
“I don’t know, it reminded me of you.” He said gently. It was a fine, silver bracelet with a shimmering, tear shaped pearl on it.
“It’s beautiful.” You awed and took it out.
“Wasn’t that super expensive? It’s too much.” You pouted.
“Nah, it wasn’t expensive don’t worry. I want you to have it.” He said, took it out of your hand and put it around your wrist.
“Thank you so much!” You exclaimed and hugged him too, kissing his cheek. His skin was so soft and his scent lulled you in. It was a blissful evening and you wished it would last forever. Jeongguk put his head on yours and you felt him gulp.
“I really like you, Y/N.” He murmured. You froze a bit, your fists clawing in his sweater.
“You... you like me?” You asked dumbly, not sure if you heard correctly. Jeongguk chuckled, tightening his hug.
“Yeah, I do. How could you not notice?” He said rhetorically.
“I don’t know, I just...”
“Will you go on a date with me?” He blurted out and you gasped, pulling back to look him in the eye.
“Why would I joke about this?” He pouted, sounding a little offended and it just made him even cuter.
“Oh my god!” You screeched excitedly. “Of course, I will, you idiot!” He laughed and pulled you in again and suddenly you felt his lips on your own.
“Oh fuck! Oh shit! I’m so sorry, oh my god!” He exclaimed letting you go.
“That was totally too soon and a dickmove. It’s just I wanted to do this for a while now and, and I’m really-"  
You cut him off by pressing your lips against his again. It felt so right that you couldn’t bring yourself to stress over it now. His lips were so soft and tasted sweet from the dessert and you wondered how this Christmas, that was supposed to be so sad and lonely turned out to be the best of them all.
          - A few days later -
“Oh my god, Tae!” You screamed, running over the platform.
“Y/N!” Tae screamed back and dropped his luggage to catch you as you crushed into his chest.
“I missed you so much!” You cried, tears pooling in your eyes.
“Aigoo sweetie, don’t cry! I missed you too!” Tae said and you giggled as you looked up.
“Shut up, you big softie! You are crying yourself!” He rubbed at his eyes with a big grin on his face.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Tae said. “Christmas was not the same without you! Anyway, show me that mysterious boy of yours!” A new sparkle appeared in his eyes.
“You are unbelievable!” You rolled your eyes but turned around anyway to discretely point at Jeongguk. He was standing at the staircase of the platform, waiting for them. God, he looked so good in his leather jacket and white tee, a black cap on his head.
“That one.”
“Oh my god, the one in black? With the leather jacket and thighs as big as my head?” You nodded giggling.
“What the fuck, Y/N! He looks like some idol, how did you score him? Tell me your secret!”
“I have actually no idea.” You laughed as Tae picked up his bags again and wrapped his free arm around your shoulders.
“Introduce us, I need to check if he’s a good one.” Your best friend insisted and you rolled your eyes again.
“Ggukie!” You called to catch his attention. The boy looked up immediately but frowned at Tae, once he noticed the arm wrapped around you.
“This is Taehyung, Tae this is Jeongguk.” The two stared at each other for a while.
“Marvel or DC?” Tae asked.
“Marvel.” Jeongguk answered quickly.
“Milk first or cereal first?”
“Milk.” Taes jaw dropped.
“What? Are you serious? Babe, you gotta dumb him, there’s no way he’s a human.” Tae said shaking his head. You poked him in the side with your elbow.
“Oh my god, shut up and leave him alone! Let’s go and eat something instead.” You said, leading them out.
“Fried chicken!” They both yelled at the same time and you giggled. Oh yeah, they’d get along just fine.
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