imminent-danger-came · 10 months
Anon chilling on the precipice of madness again, and I’m so glad you liked that last ask! Truly, there is much joy to be found in discussing how much we enjoy (*cough* are dealt immense emotional damage on a daily basis by *cough*) the monkey show. Also, since I apparently can’t stop bugging you, for clarity’s sake I’m going to call myself Unhinged Anon if I submit any future asks lol. 
As always you make excellent points, and I am very normal about you bringing up the ‘MK smiling at his reflection’ thing because the motif of reflections in this show (see also: S2E5, S3E4, some others I’m probably missing, and especially S4E1) doesn’t make me even the tiniest bit insane. Nope! Not at all. But this time, it’s actually something you said in the tags that launched my marbles into the stratosphere for me to never find, because now I can’t stop thinking about how badly I want, like… a Sandy spinoff series or something. 
And I don’t mean a lore-heavy, epic adventure rich in heavy themes and conflicts like we have in the main series, just with Sandy at the center instead of MK. I want Sandy's series to be almost exclusively season one-style laid back episodes. But the good kind of laid back episodes, you know? Stuff like S1E6&7, that a lot of people dismiss, especially on a first watch, as nothing more than filler but actually serve as a subtle expansion/exploration of characters (“I also summoned monster trees with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We’ll worry about that later” still haunts me) and dynamics hidden under the guise of a silly little adventure with funny jokes, great animation, and fairly low stakes. 
I want to see what an appointment with Sandy’s therapist looks like, or even just the shenanigans he gets up to during those episodes where he’s mysteriously absent and only Tang seems to notice. 
I want to see Sandy teach Tang how to make tea, and maybe nerd out about those theories Sandy mentioned having about the gang's whole deal with the OG Companions.
I want to see Sandy’s endless teddy bear energy clash with Red-wants to seem intimidating but will also grab his new friends warm milk if they ask-Son. 
I want to see Wukong forced to have an extended conversation with Sandy, or really anyone from the team that isn’t MK or actively yelling at him, and getting to really see how they work off of each other. 
I want to see the secret ‘how do we help our clearly not okay friend?’ talks Mei and Sandy have behind MK’s back whenever he starts acting weird, and all the gossip that goes on during the yoga sessions they start doing together after Mei gets the Samadhi fire. 
I want to see Sandy talking with the little girl that LBD possessed, especially since something kind of similar happened to him during season 4, and accidentally becoming her new (and favorite) giant blue uncle. 
I want an episode of MK and Sandy hanging out. Just chilling on the boat, playing with Mo, going for a little walk around town until BOOM! Sandy brings MK to his unsuspecting therapist, who’s about to get the most interesting case of their career. And maybe, if we’re allowed a little angst, a discussion about how scary it is to be born with a lot of power that not only can, but will, hurt a lot of people if it isn't carefully controlled. About how they’ve tried, and failed, to avoid causing pain. About wanting to never cause pain, and how the futility of that sentiment almost outweighs the importance of trying anyways. 
And above all, I DEMAND a Pigsy-Sandy origin story! 
Anyways, this is basically just me edging ever closer to the brink of madness after you accidently inflicted No Thoughts, Only Sandy syndrome upon me with your last response. But, it's also an invitation to gush about Sandy some more, if you want, and also share anything you would want to see in a hypothetical Sandy show!
Unhinged Anon I got you, here's a motif post where I have every MK reflection in the whole show.
AND “I also summoned monster trees with my stress, so. Should I see a doctor? We’ll worry about that later” HAUNTS ME TOO. There's something about the way those shots are set up, cracking from blue to gold:
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MK also becoming a "master of focus" in this ep, with focus becoming important later in episodes like 1x09 and 3x11/12 with Mei.
Imma use this ask as a spring board for one of my fav personal theories, which is this: OG Sandy, from the original jttw pilgrimage, is also our current day Sandy!
I'll probably throw this into an official theory post later, but for now I'll go into this theory underneath the cut:
First, let's start with 2x08 To Catch a Leaf, during which Sandy has several PTSD flashbacks:
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So, the first one is some sort of battlefield, and the second one...
Is of Zhu Bajie?
Now, we know Pigsy has never worn an outfit like this based off of this comment in 4x05:
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Pigsy: "Blue ain't really my color, but it beats looking like that monster, Zhu Ganglie."
The Pig Demon in that flashback from 2x08 HAS to be Zhu Bajie of the original jttw pilgrimage. But why would Sandy have a memory like that?
Next is the fact that while everyone else in 4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids is compared to their past life, Sandy notably isn't.
Tang knows friendship, but unlike Tang Sanzang isn't studious.
Mei is bold and brave, but lacks Ao Lie's caution.
Pigsy like Zhu Bajie is stubborn, but he has the heart his predecessor originally lacked.
Yet this is all Subodhi has to say to Sandy:
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Subdohi: "You have nothing more to learn my hilariously blue student! Another star for you!" Sandy: "Dooww thank you wise master!" Subodhi: "But! You're far too nice for your own good." Sandy: "Uh huh, you noticed!"
(4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids)
It's exceedingly strange that in an episode where Subodhi breaks down everyone's character arcs, Sandy is told he's all good. He has nothing more to learn, and no more character development to go through.
Unless of course...Subodhi quite simply couldn't compare Sandy to his past life because there was no past life to compare him to.
Another detail in s4 that's always intrigued me is how Sandy is brought back to himself from Sha Wujing in 4x06.
Pigsy's heartfelt speech on the legacy of their past lives not defining their current one, or how they're not monsters, doesn't work. It's instead Mo offering Sandy wholehearted love that brings Sandy back:
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Which, of course Sandy has a close bond with Mo, but Pigsy's speech wasn't anything to scoff at either:
Pigsy: "No. No! Just cause we look a certain way, cause our monster ancestors were, well, monsters, none of that matters! I won't let his legacy define mine, and neither should you! Your the strongest, the biggest, the bluest guy I know! But all you've ever used those muscles for is to help people in need—your friends. That don't sound like a monster to me." (4x06 Show Me the Monster)
As far as we know, that should have been the exact thing Sandy needed to be freed from his past life, and yet it wasn't.
That would be because, at least under the confines of this theory, the guy Pigsy is saying Sandy wasn't like was indeed who Sandy used to be. Yes, Sandy has far outgrown the person who fought to establish his own place in the world, learning that "hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength". But here's the thing, who you used to be matters. Unlike Pigsy's relationship with Zhu Bajie, Sandy's relationship with who he was in the past can't as easily be written off. It's still a part of him.
There are also certain other details. like the fact that Sandy knows his way to Flower Fruit Mountain in "A Hero is Born", or how he's so knowledgeable on ancient powerful remedies like the crimson jimson weed. Of course these details could be chalked up to plot convenience—which is by no means a flaw or complaint—but I've always wondered if there was anything more to it.
But, Sandy's more laid back reaction to most things has always intrigued me, and it would re-contextualize certain scenes like this one from 2x10 in a fun way:
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Pigsy: "No! What could have been so important that you'd leave MK alone to face that- that thing! You're supposed to be his mentor-"
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Sandy: "ENOUGH!" "I think we should give Mr. Monkey King, a chance to explain."
(2x10 This is the End!)
Of course with this theory comes a few questions, like why Sandy didn't meet the same fate as the other pilgrims, or why he wouldn't let Sun Wukong know he was alive, or why he would bother to pretend he wasn't the OG Sha Wujing at all. And honestly? I don't have an answer to these questions!
But what I do know is that Sandy's friends are greatly important to him-
Sandy: "Hurting others isn't a measure of one's strength—took me a really long time to realize that. As long as I'm doing something to help out a friend, I don't mind what it is! I just want to be there for 'em when they need me. Cause at the end of the day, helping my friends is more important than anything else in the world!" (2x08 To Catch a Leaf)
-and losing them would affect him greatly.
Whatever happened to the og jttw crew, that could very easily be the reason Sandy was "the most dangerous, deadly, rage filled warrior [Pigsy] ever [knew]". Based off of that 2x08 Zhu Bajie flashback, Sandy could very well have watched his friend die.
But, now that Sandy has his friends back in his life? Of course he's going to do whatever he can for them!
Which would include anything from making tea to breaking his vow to never fight again.
And please for the love of god give us a Pigsy - Sandy origin story. I'm begging. WHAT IS THEIR HISTORY MAN. WHY DID PIGSY KNOW HOW TO COMMIT A JAILBREAK.
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nayziiz · 2 months
Shadows | LN4
Summary: [Mafia] In the face of dire financial troubles, Lando receives a desperate plea from his father to unearth a lucrative solution within the family business. Fueled by the pressure to rescue his family from ruin, Lando stumbles upon a seemingly perfect venture—using luxury cars as a facade for the clandestine world of drug trafficking. With the unexpected partnership of Amelia Rossi, his father's best friend's daughter, Lando believes he has found the ideal accomplice. However, as the Norris family collides with the ambitious Russells in a ruthless bid to establish their dominance, the perilous path Lando has chosen places not only his newfound enterprise at stake but also entangles Amelia in the dangerous crossfire that unfolds.
Warning: Violence, drugs, blood, smut, fluff, guns
Pairing: Lando Norris x OC (Amelia Rossi) - appearances from other drivers
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Adam Norris, a man of unwavering intelligence and foresight, possessed a keen mind that proved to be the foundation of his family's success. Drawing wisdom from the teachings of his own father, he meticulously gathered knowledge that transcended generations. Adam's commitment to passing down this invaluable wealth of experience became evident as he shared it with his two sons, Oliver and Lando.
Oliver, the elder of the two brothers, entertained dreams beyond the confines of the family business. His aspirations leaned towards exploration and the creation of a family of his own, seeking a life that danced with the rhythm of distant lands and untold adventures. The allure of faraway places called out to him, shaping his aspirations far differently from the path his father had paved.
On the contrary, Lando demonstrated an early affinity for the intricacies of his father's business. From the tender age of thirteen, he became a silent observer in the boardroom, soaking in the nuances of negotiations and the delicate dance of corporate strategy. Lando's curiosity and natural acumen propelled him to actively engage in the family affairs, gradually transforming him into Adam's confidant and, eventually, his right-hand man.
As Lando navigated through the diverse facets of his father's enterprises, he embraced each challenge with determination and an appetite for learning. The evolution from a teenager attending meetings to a key player in his father's business empire was a testament to Lando's commitment and his father's trust in his capabilities.
The Norris legacy, steeped in generational wisdom and Lando's unwavering dedication, flourished under the guidance of a shrewd patriarch. The father-son duo forged a formidable partnership, where the torch of knowledge burned bright, illuminating the path for the next generation of Norris leaders.
Despite being a pivotal figure in the family business, Lando Norris's impulsive spending habits were a source of concern and consternation. His father, while recognizing the undeniable value Lando brought to the business, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the financial whirlwind his son often found himself in.
Adam, pragmatic and stoic, seldom approved of Lando's extravagant expenditures. Yet, a nuanced understanding of his son's behaviour allowed Adam to chalk it up to Lando's yearning for the childhood he never fully embraced. The rationale was a blend of parental leniency and a desire for Lando to experience the joy and spontaneity that he might have missed in his earlier years.
However, the Norris family's financial stability faced a significant setback following a rocky investment. The losses were unforeseeable, and the blame could not be squarely placed on any one individual. The family found themselves at a crossroads, and it became clear that swift and decisive action was required to navigate the tumultuous financial waters.
Adam, burdened by the weight of the situation, turned to Lando, his son with the untamed spirit. Recognizing the need for Lando to step up and take charge, Adam appealed to his son's sense of responsibility and loyalty to the family. The family business, weathering the storm of financial hardship, required a leader capable of navigating through the tumultuous seas and steering it back towards prosperity.
In the hushed atmosphere of Adam's lavishly appointed office, Lando found himself summoned to a covert meeting, the dim lighting casting shadows that danced across the luxurious furnishings. The air was heavy with unspoken tension as Lando took his seat in front of his father's imposing desk.
Adam, a cunning and resolute businessman with a no-nonsense attitude, sat behind the desk, his expression betraying the gravity of the situation. The room, adorned with mahogany accents and opulent artwork, served as the backdrop for an exchange that held the fate of the Norris family legacy in its balance.
In a voice that brooked no argument, Adam presented Lando with a stark ultimatum. The family, once stable and prosperous, now faced the looming spectre of financial turmoil. The weight of responsibility bore down heavily on Adam's shoulders, and with a sense of urgency, he articulated the dire straits they found themselves in.
“The Norris family needs a fresh and lucrative income stream," Adam declared, cutting through the air with precision. "Our legacy is at stake, Lando, and I need you to step up to the plate. If we don't secure our position, we risk our place in society altogether. And, if that happens, you will be exiled from this family.”
Lando, feeling the gravity of his father's words, absorbed the weight of the ultimatum. The notion of being cut off from the family legacy, a legacy he had been groomed to uphold, added an unexpected layer of urgency to the situation. Adam's eyes, seasoned with the trials of the business world, revealed the desperation and determination that drove him to make the demand.
As the conversation unfolded, Lando grappled with the realisation that the Norris family, for all its prestige and outward success, was never above delving into murky waters when it came to ensuring their stability. The unspoken understanding that resonated between father and son transcended ethical boundaries, and Lando became acutely aware of the lengths to which the Norris patriarchs have gone to safeguard their family's prosperity.
In the dimly lit corner of the opulent office, a pact is silently forged. The Norris family's survival hinged on their ability to navigate the shadows, to engage in business practices that might raise eyebrows but were deemed necessary for the preservation of their legacy. The goals, always centred around stability and prosperity, now took on a new dimension as the Norris family braced itself for the challenges that lay ahead.
In the heart of the city's underbelly, hidden behind unmarked doors and guarded secrets, Lando found solace in the dimly lit sanctuary of his secret speakeasy. The air was charged with an aura of secrecy, and the distant hum of jazz music created a backdrop for contemplation as he navigated the labyrinth of decisions laid before him.
Seated in a secluded corner, Lando immersed himself in the speakeasy’s ambiance, surrounded by an eclectic mix of patrons engaged in hushed conversations and conspiratorial exchanges. The flickering candlelight casted dancing shadows on the exposed brick walls, mirroring the intricate thoughts that swirled within Lando's mind.
As he contemplated various ventures that could potentially salvage his family's fortunes, the weight of responsibility pressed heavily on his shoulders. The gravity of his father's ultimatum lingered in the air like an unspoken challenge, demanding a resolution that aligned with the legacy of the Norris family. The choices before him, however, seemed to form an intricate puzzle with no clear solution in sight.
The scent of cigar smoke mingled with the fragrance of aged whiskey, creating an atmosphere that mirrored the complexity of Lando's predicament. The clandestine dealings and veiled conversations around him served as a constant reminder of the high-stakes game he found himself entangled in.
Unable to escape the palpable tension, Lando raised a whiskey glass to his lips, drowning his worries in the amber liquid. Each sip seemed to carry the weight of his familial obligations, momentarily providing a respite from the tumult of conflicting thoughts. The jazz melodies, with their soulful undertones, offered a bittersweet soundtrack to his contemplation, resonating with the complexities of the choices before him.
As Amelia Rossi gracefully drifted through the smoky atmosphere of the speakeasy, the ambient jazz music and muted conversations provide a backdrop to her entrance. Dressed in her business casual attire from work, her clipped hair was loosened, cascading over her shoulders like a waterfall of chestnut silk. In the dingy ambiance, she became a vision, an ethereal figure transcending the gritty reality of the exclusive establishment.
Lando, ensconced in his thoughts and surrounded by the clandestine energy of the speakeasy, noticed Amelia's arrival. Her presence stood out amidst the shadows and swirling emotions, like a beacon in the midst of obscurity. In that moment, he decided to confide in her, recognizing a familiar face and an old connection that ran deep.
Amelia and Lando shared more than just a friendship; their bond was a testament to a lifelong companionship forged in the crucible of childhood. Born mere months apart, they practically grew up side by side, the echoes of their laughter intermingling with the spirited conversations of their fathers on the golf course. The connection between the Norris and Rossi families transcended mere camaraderie; it was a tapestry woven with shared moments, unspoken understandings, and the promise that their destinies were intertwined.
Amelia's gaze met Lando's in the smoky haze of the speakeasy, and there was a flicker of recognition, a silent acknowledgment of the bond they shared. In her eyes, Lando found a unique comfort that transcended the chaos of the private world he navigated. As the jazz music weaved its spell, Amelia sank into the seat beside him and Lando opened up to her, sharing the weight of his father's ultimatum and the desperate need for a solution to salvage the family legacy.
“I want to export... things.” Lando confessed to Amelia, choosing his words carefully, his gaze intense and laden with the gravity of the proposition. Amelia listened attentively, as she sipped on her gin and tonic, her presence offering a calmness he needed to gather his thoughts and plans.
“Things?” Amelia raised an eyebrow, seeking clarification. Lando leaned in, lowering his voice to match the discreet ambiance of the speakeasy.
“Drugs, or contraband. Stuff people can't get just anywhere.” He clarified.
Amelia's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and concern. The daring proposition hung in the air, the weight of its implications reverberating between them. Lando, propelled by a sense of urgency, continued to lay out his plan.
“With your help.” He added, his tone a blend of desperation and determination. “Your beautiful cars need owners. And, the owners need what we're offering. We strip the interiors, pack it with whatever substance they require, tidy it all up, and ship the car to them. With your last name, no one will ever think of checking anything except the exterior.”
Amelia absorbed the audacity of the proposal, her mind racing to comprehend the risks and potential rewards. Lando, eyes fixed on hers, did not shy away from the harsh reality of the suggestion. He laid out the intricate web of their venture, weaving a narrative that spoke to the urgency of his situation.
“What's in it for me?” Amelia finally questioned, her business acumen kicking in.
“You'll still make your usual profit by selling the car, and you'll get a 40% cut on whatever we're hiding. Think about the expansion you always dreamt of. Now is your chance to make good on it.” Lando attempted to persuade her.
Amelia, hailing from a well-respected family in London, initially hesitated at the risky proposition. The weight of societal expectations and the scrutiny that would undoubtedly accompany her involvement in such a venture loomed large. However, as Lando painted a vivid picture of the potential rewards and the adrenaline of expanding her luxury car dealership, Amelia found herself intrigued by the allure of the unknown.
“I'll do it.” Amelia finally conceded, her voice a mixture of determination and apprehension. 
She understood the enormity of the decision she was making, aware that the venture could lead them into murky territory. Yet, her loyalty to Lando and the unspoken promise of their shared history weighed heavily on her conscience.
Amelia knew that her connection to the prestigious Rossi family held a unique value. It added a layer of legitimacy to their dealings, creating a shield from prying eyes and potential scrutiny. The Rossi name, synonymous with respect and affluence, transformed into a strategic advantage in a venture fraught with risks.
With the decision sealed and a sense of inevitability hanging in the air, Lando, feeling a mix of relief and determination, decided to mark the beginning of their risky venture with a celebratory gesture. He motioned to one of the waitrons in the speakeasy, instructing them to bring a bottle of champagne to their secluded corner.
As the bottle arrived, its cork popped with a celebratory resonance, Lando took charge. He poured a generous serving of the effervescent liquid into two crystal glasses, the golden bubbles catching the dim light of the speakeasy. Lando extended a glass towards Amelia, a symbolic toast to the alliance they had formed.
“To new beginnings.” Lando raised his glass, his eyes meeting Amelia's.
“To new beginnings.” Amelia, still reserved, reciprocated the gesture as she tapped her glass against Lando's in a shared moment of acknowledgement.
As they savoured the crisp taste of the champagne, the speakeasy seemed to hold its breath, the ambient jazz music providing a subtle soundtrack to their clandestine celebration. The air was thick with the weight of their decisions, but for a fleeting moment, the bubbly elixir created a sense of levity, a respite from the complexities of the venture they were to embark upon.
“Finally, I get to work with you.” Lando remarked, a hint of excitement in his voice.
“Don't get too excited.” She responded, a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead and the gravity of the path they've chosen.
As the conversation shifted away from the formality of their risky venture, Amelia, wanting to inject a touch of casualness, playfully leaned against Lando. The dimly lit speakeasy seemed to embrace the casual moment amidst the weighty discussions that preceded.
“How's Zara?” Amelia inquired, steering the conversation towards more personal territory. “Flo told me you brought her home for dinner last week.”
“She's great. She's nice.” Lando's demeanour softened at the mention of Zara.
“Wow, tone down the enthusiasm.” Amelia teased.
“No, she's lovely, but she's just like everyone else - they just want money and status.” A wry smile tugged at Lando's lips.
“Yet you keep her around?” Amelia raised an eyebrow, challenging him with a playful smirk. 
“She's a welcome distraction at times.” Lando's response carried a note of self-awareness.
“I see. Why aren't you with her now then, distracting yourself?” Amelia, ever perceptive, didn’t miss a beat.
“Because someone else had what I needed tonight.” Lando's gaze shifted, meeting Amelia's eyes with a hint of vulnerability. “How’s Daniel?”
“Ah, Daniel.” Amelia sighed with a hint of amusement. “That ended a few weeks ago, already. He has too much energy for me to keep up with.”
“Strange for someone who's literally ten years older than you.” Lando chuckled, echoing the sentiment.
“I don’t mind it, but he’s the literal embodiment of a golden retriever. He never stops and sits still.” Amelia grinned, acknowledging the age difference with a playful shrug.
“You love dogs, though.” Lando observed.
“I do. I really do. But when it comes to relationships, I need someone a bit more on the fierce side of things, a bit more-”
“Like you.” Lando interjected, finishing her sentence with a knowing smile.
“Exactly. Someone who can match my pace, challenge me, keep up with the twists and turns. Daniel's great, but in matters of the heart, I need a different kind of energy.” Amelia nodded, a playful glint in her eyes.
Amelia, sat beside Lando in the dimly lit speakeasy, refrained from divulging a recent rendezvous with Charles Leclerc. It was an unusual occurrence for her to keep things from her best friend and closest confidant, but it felt different. She needed to be sure before sharing the details. As Lando continued the conversation, Amelia wrestled with the complexities of her recent experiences.
It wasn't just a casual affair with Charles. Amelia had always been meticulous about keeping her relationships light and transient. However, Charles offered a breath of fresh air after her complete separation from Daniel. Their connection was intense, fueled by a mutual passion for success. Charles, despite the demands of his job, reciprocated Amelia's energy, aligning with her ambitions.
He allowed her to take control, especially in the bedroom, an aspect of intimacy she had always wanted to explore. Charles became a juxtaposition to Daniel's perpetual energy, providing a different kind of excitement that drew Amelia in. Their encounters were more than just physical; they were charged with a shared fervour for life and success.
Despite the allure of her rendezvous with Charles, Amelia refrained from sharing the new chapter of her life with Lando. It was less about hiding, but rather about understanding the dynamics at play. Daniel, a once constant in her life, carried a different weight and expectation. With Charles, it was all about the divergence from her usual patterns, an exploration into uncharted territory.
Despite the excitement that Charles brought into Amelia's life, a lingering sense of unease persisted beneath the surface. As she navigated the nuances of their relationship, an elusive element remained that seemed to elude definition, something amiss that she never could quite put her finger on.
Amelia, a discerning and perceptive individual, grappled with the unspoken doubts that flickered in the corners of her mind. The connection with Charles, though passionate and invigorating, carried a subtle undercurrent of uncertainty. There was no lack of chemistry or shared interests; rather, an intangible aspect that evaded explanation.
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baldurs-simp · 7 months
maybe write something about Halsin preparing for hibernation, we don't talk enough about that :3
I love this idea! Definetly not somethng talked about. Thank you for requesting. I hope you enjoy it!
Summary: You have to say farewell to Halsin for just a few months as he prepares for his bear to go into hibernation.
Warnings: just some fluff
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"What are you doing?" you question, resting your hand on the doorway as you watch Halsin pack a few supplies into his backpack. There's a small pang in your chest, fearing that his love for you has run out and that he's leaving the grove, as he had done with his last grove, seeking something new.
Halsin turns to face you and he senses your fear, giving you a sweet smile as he begins to step forward to take your face in his hands and tenderly kiss your forehead. "Nothing you need worry about, my heart," he whispers, running his hands down your arms to give them a comforting squeeze. "The cold months will be upon us shortly. I am simply making provision for the hibernation."
Your eyebrows furrow at his words and you lean back slightly to see his face better. "Hibernation? You mean..." Your words trail off, realization hitting you, and a smile slowly spreads across your face. "Your bear."
Halsin chuckles with you, glad to see the worry leaving your mind as your shoulders lose their tension. "You know how it can interfere with my life. Some years go by without me feeling the need to hibernate. But this time, I feel it just as I feel the seasons changing," he says, stepping away from you to continue packing things into his pack.
"How long will you be gone for?" you question, picking up a loaf of bread from the table to bring over to him.
"It is hard to say. Perhaps a few months, perhaps a few weeks," he says, taking the bread from you with such gentle hands that it almost contradicts the beast he can change into.
"Well, I shall hope for the latter. What of the grove? They might be lost without your guidance," you mention, leaning against the table as he fastens the buckle of the pack, securing all the content within.
He chuckles, the laugh reverberating in his throat as he turns to face you fully. "I am sure they will be alright in your capable hands," he says, placing a finger under your chin to lift your gaze up to him when you turn away to hide your flattered expression. "I shall not be far from the grove. Should anything happen, believe me when I say that I will know of it. You will not go without my protection."
"So you are leaving the grove in my care? I question your wisdom in that choice," you laugh, stepping closer to him as he rests his hands on your hips.
"You are wiser than you give yourself credit for," he mentions, smiling down at you as he marvels at your beauty. "And I am sure others will help where needed. I do not expect you to take on all the responsibilities of an Arch Druid so soon while I am away."
"Can I not come with you?"
"As much as I would like that," he starts, caressing the side of your face with the back of his hand. "Your place is here, my heart. I cannot allow you to come with me as I fear that you will not be as safe out there as you will be here."
You lean into his touch, placing your hand over his as you breathe out a sad sigh. "Then I shall eagerly await your return. Even though I will miss your warmth in the cold nights."
Your words make him laugh again as he leans forward to press his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. You hold his close, savouring the moment as you do not know how long you will have to go without it.
You walk with him through the grove, talking about unimportant things, just living in the moment you share with him because you know you will miss him.
As the wind picks up slightly, you feel the coldness in nature's breath. Halsin turns to look back at you before he reaches the treeline. Watching as he leaves the grove behind, venturing into the forest, you have no doubt that you will see him again. Even if it is in bear form.
And it brings a smile to your face.
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lunalockley · 2 years
1. The Neighbor
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader x Jake Lockley
Warnings: 18+ soft smut, just some making out (for now hehe, the whole I wanna be yours series will be NSFW 18+ so beware)
Summary: Your new cute and sweet neighbor Steven has you… intrigued.
Words: 1.3k
Notes: At the end of the chapter ↴
Next chapter
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There are three people you know in the building. Two of them are friends with you, kind of. The first you met was your landlord whose flat is precisely underneath yours and he has complained already twice about how much noise your footsteps make in the afternoon, twice in the whole month you have rented it to him. So definitely not a friend. Your actual friend is the old lady who lives on the same floor, at the beginning of the hall, Miss Claire. The same day you were moving in she knocked on your door with a fruit basket as a welcome gift. You returned the gesture with an apple crumble. Since then she has shared her wisdom about the cheapest markets nearby, guidance on the fastest ways to get to your new job, book recommendations, and crochet tips over a warm and homey tea date at her place.
And there is Steven. Steven with a v, he had said. Your cute neighbor with messy hair, baggy clothes, and a gentle smile, whose door is in front of yours.
He was nice the first time he saw you, making time to introduce himself and having small talk even when he was running late for work. There you learned he worked in the gift shop at the London museum, that he was late because he had a sleep-walking problem and that he fought it by trying to stay awake but had slept at the last minute, that he was very into Ancient Egypt and spent a great part of his time studying the culture, that he had a goldfish named Gus and even offered to give you a tour around the best libraries and book shops around the neighborhood when you told him you worked as a translator and book editor. All of that in a cute rapid babble that got you smiling while he walked backwards through the hall to the elevator. Laters gators, he had screamed waving his hand before the doors closed in front of him.
That was the very best first impression of all the people you had met in London. The nicest and sweetest one. You were definitely interested on get to know him better.
But, of course, you weren’t in a place to call him a friend yet. More of an occasionally friendly-like person. Because a few days later, when you bumped into him in the elevator, it took you a moment to recognize him. But when you finally greeted him he just stared at you for a few seconds, nodded, and stormed out as soon as the doors opened.
That’s why you were even more intrigued by him a few days later when he showed up at your door.
“I came to honor my word, you know. The book shops I told you about last time we saw each other? Remember? I thought we could set a date. Since I’m a regular they often give me discounts so maybe if they see us together they’ll give you discounts too. Or I could just buy them for you. And I thought maybe I can show you my favorite coffee shop, bloody amazing tea… and coffee. I don’t know which one you prefer but uh—All this if you are still interested, of course. There’s no problem if you’re not. And if you are not busy because I guess you might—”.
His rambling makes you giggle, but some of it confuses you. “Yeah, I remember, Steven. And I would love to. But that’s not the last time we saw each other tho”.
“…What do you mean?” He asked, puzzled.
“That time in the elevator at night?”. That got you no reaction. “You were wearing a dark jacket, with a raised collar and a hat. I greeted you but you didn’t seem to remember me”.
This makes him giggle in return. “How could I forget about you? You must have confused me with someone else”.
And even when you are almost certain that it was him in the elevator you let it pass because you get distracted by the way he’s smiling at you, how good he smells —a mix between a woody floral fragrance and freshly washed clothes—, how his whole body seems to vibrate with contained energy, and how cheerful his brown eyes look when you both finally set a date.
He’s not the only one who gets thrilled though. As the day of the date approaches, you get more and more excited. A nervous know forms in your belly and a soft giggle escapes your mouth every time you remember your cute neighbor.
You even bake an apple crumble for him the previous day to share before you two go on your bookshop tour. Since Miss Claire called it an absolute delicacy. Her words.
But then you wait and wait, and wait.
He doesn’t show up. Neither the next day nor the day after that. Nor the week after that.
Days and weeks passed and you didn't get any news from him till the point you actually started to get worried about him.
So you were concerned, disappointed… and intrigued. Your slippery neighbor frequently coming to your mind. Thinking about the first time you met him in the hall, that time in the elevator when he just stared at you without saying a word, the intensity of his eyes in contrast with the way he looked at you a few days later when he came to you to set a date. All of it running around in your mind.
Until one night you wake up to strong knocks on your door.
And there he is. Steven.
But not the cheerful and energetic Steven you had talked to. No, in front of you was that one you had met in the elevator. The controlled and silent one. He’s just looking at you, but this time there’s a fervor in his eyes that leave goosebumps all over your skin.
And when you open your mouth to ask him what is he doing here, what has happened to him all this time he’s kissing you. His hands suddenly on your hips and your lower back, leading you inside your flat, holding you by your naked thighs and pressing you against the closed door.
You try to push away to breathe, to try to think. But now his lips are on your neck, on your collarbone. And you need to hold into something, so your hand finds his way to the curls of his head, his hat falling to the floor in the process. But he doesn’t seem to care. Because he’s taking you to your bed. His mouth finding its way back to yours.
He takes a moment to admire you, once he has placed you onto the mattress. You open your mouth for the second time, trying to make any sense of what’s happening. But he just shakes his head before you say anything, his eyes fixed on the way his hands are lifting up your shirt. Revealing little by little more of your body.
And you don’t even feel like asking any more questions as long as he keeps touching you like this. Because now his mouth is making its way over your thigh while his hand caresses your ribcage under your shirt.
And every second he gets closer and closer to where you want him the most—
But then, again, almost like a deja-vu, you wake up to gentle knocks on your door.
And there he is, just like you would’ve summoned him with your steamy dream, your —sort of—friendly neighbor Steven with what seems to be a souvenir of the pyramid of Giza in his hands.
Next chapter
Hi! This fanfic will be NSFW and contain smut so please 18+ readers only. Until the moment, I have planned ten chapters for this fic. This one, the first, starts with the Steven from the first episode. The one who doesn’t know about Marc yet, that’s when he and the reader meet for the first time. Those three or so weeks he spends away comprehends the whole Moon Knight Series timeline, so when he comes back to the reader he’s already gone through all. He’s been in Egypt, has a good relationship with Marc, and doesn’t know yet about Jake. Lastly, even when I love her I’m going to take a creative license and erase Layla from my fiction world. Not completely, I think she and Marc were married and divorced, and that’s it. There’s not any hate intended, just it would be easier for me to do it this way. This is the way hehe.
And yes, Miss Claire is the friend of the old lady scared of Steven in that elevator scene in episode one.
That’s all I wanted to say, thanks for reading <3
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esther-dot · 4 months
Do you think Jon and Sansa will meet again at Castle Black, and from there, they will plan to take Winterfell? Or will Sansa take Winterfell on her own and reunite with Jon along the way? I’m of the idea of two lost souls who, when united, find the strength in each other to take the land of their family. But I don’t know, I haven’t finished the books yet so I need guidance on this.
I don’t consider myself an ASOIAF expert, anon so I don't offer guidance, but I will def share my thoughts with you!
In order to talk about this, I'm afraid there are some ADWD spoilers, though. If you mind that, maybe revisit this post after you've read it? Short version, I agree with you. Sansa should be involved in retaking Winterfell because we need a Stark there:
Battles had been fought at Winterfell before, but never one without a Stark on one side or the other. (ADWD, Jon VII)
but I think the reunion happens first because of the The Girl in Grey theory. I'll explain more below the cut due to the major Jon spoiler.
In ADWD, a character named Melisandre tells Jon about a vision she has:
She stood beneath the scorched stones of the Lord Commander's Tower, cloaked in darkness and in memory. The light of the moon was in her hair, her red hair kissed by fire. When he saw that, Jon's heart leapt into his mouth. "Ygritte," he said. "Lord Snow." The voice was Melisandre's. Surprise made him recoil from her. "Lady Melisandre." He took a step backwards. "I mistook you for someone else." At night all robes are grey. Yet suddenly hers were red. He did not understand how he could have taken her for Ygritte. She was taller, thinner, older, though the moonlight washed years from her face. Mist rose from her nostrils, and from pale hands naked to the night. "You will freeze your fingers off," Jon warned. "If that is the will of R'hllor. Night's powers cannot touch one whose heart is bathed in god's holy fire." "You heart does not concern me. Just your hands."
"The heart is all that matters. Do not despair, Lord Snow. Despair is a weapon of the enemy, whose name may not be spoken. Your sister is not lost to you." "I have no sister." The words were knives. What do you know of my heart, priestess? What do you know of my sister? Melisandre seemed amused. "What is her name, this little sister that you do not have?" "Arya." His voice was hoarse. "My half-sister, truly …" "… for you are bastard born. I had not forgotten. I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will." She gazed at Ghost. "May I touch your … wolf?" The thought made Jon uneasy. "Best not." "He will not harm me. You call him Ghost, yes?" "Yes, but …" "Ghost." Melisandre made the word a song. The direwolf padded toward her. Wary, he stalked about her in a circle, sniffing. When she held out her hand he smelled that too, then shoved his nose against her fingers. Jon let out a white breath. "He is not always so …" "… warm? Warmth calls to warmth, Jon Snow." Her eyes were two red stars, shining in the dark. At her throat, her ruby gleamed, a third eye glowing brighter than the others. Jon had seen Ghost's eyes blazing red the same way, when they caught the light just right. "Ghost," he called. "To me." The direwolf looked at him as if he were a stranger. Jon frowned in disbelief. "That's … queer." "You think so?" She knelt and scratched Ghost behind his ear. "Your Wall is a queer place, but there is power here, if you will use it. Power in you, and in this beast. You resist it, and that is your mistake. Embrace it. Use it." I am not a wolf, he thought. "And how would I do that?" "I can show you." Melisandre draped one slender arm over Ghost, and the direwolf licked her face. "The Lord of Light in his wisdom made us male and female, two parts of a greater whole. In our joining there is power. Power to make life. Power to make light. Power to cast shadows." "Shadows." The world seemed darker when he said it. "Every man who walks the earth casts a shadow on the world. Some are thin and weak, others long and dark. You should look behind you, Lord Snow. The moon has kissed you and etched your shadow upon the ice twenty feet tall." Jon glanced over his shoulder. The shadow was there, just as she had said, etched in moonlight against the Wall. A girl in grey on a dying horse, he thought. Coming here, to you. Arya. He turned back to the red priestess. Jon could feel her warmth. She has power. The thought came unbidden, seizing him with iron teeth, but this was not a woman he cared to be indebted to, not even for his little sister. "Dalla told me something once. Val's sister, Mance Rayder's wife. She said that sorcery was a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it." "A wise woman." Melisandre rose, her red robes stirring in the wind. "A sword without a hilt is still a sword, though, and a sword is a fine thing to have when foes are all about. Hear me now, Jon Snow. Nine crows flew into the white wood to find your foes for you. Three of them are dead. They have not died yet, but their death is out there waiting for them, and they ride to meet it. You sent them forth to be your eyes in the darkness, but they will be eyeless when they return to you. I have seen their pale dead faces in my flames. Empty sockets, weeping blood." She pushed her red hair back, and her red eyes shone. "You do not believe me. You will. The cost of that belief will be three lives. A small price to pay for wisdom, some might say … but not one you had to pay. Remember that when you behold the blind and ravaged faces of your dead. And come that day, take my hand." The mist rose from her pale flesh, and for a moment it seemed as if pale, sorcerous flames were playing about her fingers. "Take my hand," she said again, "and let me save your sister." (ADWD, Jon VI)
The vision keeps coming up and dictates some of Jon's decisions. Jeyne Poole (Sansa's friend) was forced to marry Ramsay in the guise of being Arya, she escapes, and people expect her to reunite with Jon and be the girl in grey (escaping a marriage, she was pretending to be his sister). Others point to Alys Karstark who runs to Jon to escape a marriage. The problem is, Mel doesn't know who it is, she only knows sister. People pick Jeyne because of the Arya connection, but neither she nor Alys are Jon's sister. And Jon has another sister, Sansa.
I would argue the reason that the girl in grey is Sansa (ie Sansa will flee North to escape LF's plots and reunite with Jon before Winterfell is taken/she is in a position of power), is if you read Jon's passage about the girl in grey, Jon being dead is written all over it. His white breath, the reference to him as a stranger, Jon telling himself he isn't a wolf...you see, here is the major spoiler...
Jon is assassinated at the end of TWOW.
Now, he may not actually be dead-dead, some of us have said he might be in a coma like Bran, but a) we believe he warged into Ghost (I am not a wolf--he will need to come back to himself, not lose himself in Ghost), b) the stranger = Jon is dead, c) the white breath = his body being cold cuz he's dead etc. The other side of this is, the way Jon sees Mel and remembers a different redhead can be viewed as foreshadowing for recently undead Jon seeing a redhead and mistaking her for Ygritte. The description of Mel's words like a song made people think of Sansa (it's been speculated Sansa's singing will help Jon remember things post rez/help him return to himself), and Ghost's strangely positive reaction to Mel may foreshadow how he reacts to Sansa as a familiar person. So, when I read that passage, it sounded to me like Sansa and Jon will be reuniting shortly after his rez, or even perhaps before his rez, so yes, I imagine that happens at the Wall.
Way back in 2013, a famous Jonsa essay predicted that Jon and Sansa would be reunited first of all the Starks, and then in 2016 that happened on the show which spurred a lot more discussion in the Jonsa fandom about Sansa being the girl in grey in the books as well.
I'll link some additional posts with various thoughts on how it might go.
Jon as the Stranger, Sansa as a silent sister. Pertinent quotes:
Then one morning she spied three women in the cowled grey robes of the silent sisters loading a corpse into their wagon. (ACOK, Arya VII) The women in grey bowed their heads. The silent sisters do not speak to the living, Catelyn remembered dully, but some say they can talk to the dead. (ACOK, Catelyn V) Grey was the color of the silent sisters, the handmaidens of the Stranger. (AFFC, Brienne VIII) When we find the Imp, we will find the Lady Sansa too. She is not dead . . . but before I am done with her, I promise you, she will be singing to the Stranger, begging for his kiss." (AFFC, Cersei IV)
@loveroflemons wrote a post in 2017 talking about Mel's prophecy and the map of the North to explain why Sansa is the Girl in Grey here. @une-nuit-pour-se-souvenir has a post explaining that Sansa is Ned's narrative heir and her path North will follow his here, and some general ideas for her TWOW story here.
@istumpysk talks about The Girl in Grey foreshadowing here. @aegor-bamfsteel tried to give us a time table here, @redteabaron has talked about the possibility that Sansa will be hunted by Ramsay for some Red Riding Hood parallels here, That and Sansa meeting Ghost while Jon is still out of it is discussed here as well. And this post talks about Jon saving Sansa from Ramsay while warged into Ghost using some king’s prize/thief quotes. I also found a Tolkien poem (Martin is a massive fan) that has Girl in Grey vibes here (not proof, just fun).
Anyway, it's a very popular Jonsa theory, for many of us, a given at this point. For a different ask i scrolled some BNF blogs and they mocked it a lot, called us delusional because they can point to the other girls as fulfilling the prophecy, but to me, that prophecy takes up too much space for it to disappear without a real payoff. It makes sense to me that Martin would use that vision to prep us for Sansa arriving in the North.
Let me know what you think after you read ADWD!
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princess-sof-time · 10 months
Hi Can I Ask Sakura,Naruto,Hinata Hyuuga, adrien, Felix and Kyoko Being Introduced to their male S/O's father and mother.
How would they deal with their S/O's parents welcoming them with open arms and treating them as if they were their own children?
Since most of them did not have a good family relationship with their parents...
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Sakura would experience a whirlwind of emotions upon meeting her significant other's parents. Nervousness and excitement would intertwine within her as she understands the significance of this meeting. Deep down, Sakura longs for a warm and supportive family environment, and the thought of being welcomed with open arms by her partner's parents would strike a deep chord within her heart.
• As she steps into their presence, Sakura would take a moment to compose herself, ensuring she presents the best version of herself. With her trademark grace and poise, she would exude confidence while displaying an aura of respect and gratitude. Sakura's polished manners and etiquette would shine through, a reflection of her upbringing and dedication to being the best version of herself.
• As her S/O's parents envelop her in a warm and genuine embrace, Sakura might find herself momentarily overwhelmed. The feeling of being wholeheartedly accepted and treated as their own child would resonate deeply within her. It would be a stark contrast to her past experiences, where Sakura often yearned for parental affection and validation.
• Sakura would express her sincere appreciation for their kindness, her voice laden with gratitude. With genuine warmth in her eyes, she would convey her heartfelt thanks for the love and acceptance they have bestowed upon her. Sakura would let them know that their reception has touched her deeply, leaving an indelible mark on her heart.
• With her emotions settled, Sakura's determination to build a strong and meaningful relationship with her S/O's parents would shine through. She would be eager to understand their values, interests, and beliefs, recognizing the significance of these familial bonds. Sakura would take an active interest in their lives, engaging in conversations to build connections and bridge the gap between their respective families.
• Over time, Sakura would prove herself to be a loving and dedicated partner to their child, showcasing her unwavering loyalty and support. She would consistently demonstrate her commitment to their happiness and well-being, striving to earn their trust and respect through her actions.
• In return, Sakura would hope to find solace and reassurance in her newfound family. She would value their guidance and wisdom, seeking their advice during challenging times. Sakura would wholeheartedly embrace their role as surrogate parents, cherishing the love and care they extend towards her.
• As Sakura's bond with her S/O's parents deepens, she would cherish the opportunity to create lasting memories and traditions together. From shared family gatherings to special celebrations, Sakura would be an active participant, eager to contribute and forge deeper connections.
• Ultimately, Sakura's encounter with her S/O's parents would mark a turning point in her life, providing the foundation for a loving and supportive extended family. The warmth and acceptance she experiences would act as a healing balm, nurturing her heart and reinforcing her belief in the power of genuine connections.
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• Naruto Uzumaki would be initially taken aback by the warm and affectionate welcome from his significant other's parents. Having grown up without the presence of a loving and supportive family, Naruto has always yearned for a sense of belonging and acceptance. Thus, the overwhelming reception from his partner's parents would strike a deep chord within his heart, eliciting a range of emotions that Naruto might struggle to articulate.
• As he stands before them, Naruto's eyes would widen with surprise, his heart racing with a mix of astonishment and joy. The genuine warmth radiating from his S/O's parents would touch a long-buried longing within Naruto, reminding him of the love and care he has craved throughout his life. Overwhelmed by this unexpected display of affection, Naruto would feel tears welling up in his eyes, unable to contain his emotions.
• In that moment, Naruto's gratitude would overflow, and he would find himself at a loss for words. His voice might crack as he expresses his heartfelt thanks, his words carrying a weight of sincerity that resonates with his deepest desires. Naruto would shower them with genuine appreciation, expressing how much their acceptance and love mean to him, and how it fills a void in his heart that he never thought would be filled.
• With his emotions settled, Naruto's eagerness to forge a connection with his S/O's parents would shine through. He would be genuinely curious about their lives, their experiences, and their values. Naruto's exuberant and open nature would come to the forefront as he engages in conversations, eager to understand their perspectives and learn from their wisdom.
• Naruto would make it his mission to live up to their expectations and prove himself worthy of their acceptance. He would take their warm welcome as an invitation to become a part of their family, to contribute to their lives in meaningful ways. Naruto's determination to be the best partner to their child would shine through, as he showcases his unwavering loyalty, unwavering support, and his fierce protectiveness.
• Over time, Naruto would embrace his role as a member of their extended family wholeheartedly. He would actively participate in family gatherings, embracing their traditions and cherishing the moments spent together. Naruto's infectious enthusiasm and zest for life would bring a vibrant energy to these occasions, creating lasting memories filled with laughter and joy.
• As Naruto's bond with his S/O's parents deepens, he would seek their guidance and advice, recognizing the wisdom that comes with their experience. He would listen attentively to their stories, their teachings, and would apply their insights to his own life. Naruto's gratitude for their presence would extend beyond words as he actively works to incorporate their teachings into his personal growth, continually striving to become a better person and partner.
• Through their unwavering love and acceptance, Naruto would finally find the family he has always longed for. He would cherish every moment spent with his S/O's parents, knowing that their warm welcome has forever changed his life. Naruto's journey towards a loving and supportive extended family would serve as a testament to the power of acceptance, forgiveness, and the transformative nature of love.
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• Hinata would feel a mix of shyness and nervousness when introduced to her significant other's parents. The warmth and openness with which they welcome her would touch her deeply, causing her heart to swell with gratitude and appreciation. Hinata, who has often struggled with feelings of insecurity and low self-worth, might find it challenging to fully accept and believe that she deserves such kindness and acceptance.
• As she stands before her S/O's parents, Hinata would feel a flutter of anxiety, her usually soft-spoken voice becoming even softer as she expresses her heartfelt thanks. Her eyes would shine with sincerity, and a genuine smile would grace her lips, as she wholeheartedly acknowledges their warm reception. Hinata would express her deep appreciation for their acceptance, emphasizing how much it means to her to be welcomed into their family with open arms.
• However, Hinata's self-doubt might still linger, causing her to question her own worthiness of such affection. Despite her insecurities, she would seize this opportunity to prove herself, to show that she is deserving of their kindness. Hinata would embark on a mission to build a strong and meaningful relationship with her S/O's parents, going above and beyond to demonstrate her love, care, and dedication.
• In her interactions with them, Hinata would be attentive and considerate, always making sure to listen to their words and understand their needs. She would take note of their likes, dislikes, and interests, eager to find common ground and foster connections. Hinata's genuine curiosity and willingness to learn would shine through as she engages in conversations, showing a sincere interest in their lives and experiences.
• Hinata's respectful demeanor would be evident in her actions. She would prioritize their comfort and happiness, going the extra mile to ensure they feel valued and appreciated. Whether it's assisting with household chores, cooking their favorite meals, or simply lending a listening ear, Hinata would make it her mission to contribute to their lives in meaningful ways. Through her unwavering devotion, she would gradually break down any barriers or reservations, replacing them with trust and a sense of familial bond.
• As time goes by, Hinata's caring nature would extend to her S/O's parents as if they were her own. She would remember special occasions, showering them with thoughtful gestures and heartfelt gifts. Hinata's empathy would enable her to provide support during difficult times, offering a shoulder to lean on and words of encouragement. Her gentle presence would bring comfort and reassurance, fostering a deep sense of connection and understanding.
• In return, Hinata would cherish any guidance or advice her S/O's parents offer. She would value their wisdom and life experiences, recognizing the lessons she can learn from them. Hinata would strive to incorporate their teachings into her own life, always seeking personal growth and improvement.
• Through her unwavering dedication and genuine care, Hinata would gradually dissolve any doubts or reservations her S/O's parents may have had about her. She would prove herself to be a loyal and loving partner, willing to go to great lengths to ensure their child's happiness and well-being. Hinata's commitment to building a strong relationship with her S/O's parents would serve as a testament to her character and the depth of her love.
• As time passes, Hinata's bond with her S/O's parents would grow stronger, and she would come to see them not only as her partner's parents but as her own family. The love and acceptance she receives from them would fill her heart with warmth and gratitude, helping her to overcome her insecurities and realize her own self-worth.
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• Adrien would be pleasantly surprised by the warm and heartfelt welcome from his significant other's parents. Coming from a distant and complicated family background himself, Adrien would deeply appreciate the feeling of being embraced as a part of a loving family.
• As he stands before his S/O's parents, Adrien's normally calm and composed demeanor would reflect a touch of genuine emotion. His eyes would shimmer with gratitude and his lips would curl into a sincere smile, mirroring the warmth he feels in his heart. Adrien would express his appreciation with a genuine and heartfelt thank you, making sure his words carry the weight of his gratitude.
• Raised with impeccable manners and social grace, Adrien would be well-prepared to make a positive impression. He would exude politeness and charm, ensuring that his behavior reflects his respect for their family. Adrien's elegant gestures and refined etiquette would leave a lasting impression, demonstrating his genuine desire to be accepted into their family.
• Beyond the initial meeting, Adrien would strive to build a strong and meaningful relationship with his S/O's parents. He would take a genuine interest in their lives, eagerly engaging in conversations to learn about their experiences, passions, and values. Adrien's curiosity and attentiveness would create a comfortable atmosphere for them to share their stories and memories, fostering a deeper connection.
• Adrien would actively seek opportunities to spend time with his S/O's parents, whether it be through family gatherings, outings, or shared activities. His desire to know them better would drive him to engage in meaningful conversations and create lasting memories together. Adrien's gentle humor and willingness to participate in their traditions and customs would further solidify his bond with them.
• Expressing his gratitude would extend beyond mere words for Adrien. He would find ways to show his appreciation through thoughtful gestures and acts of kindness. Adrien's attention to detail would be evident in remembering their preferences, surprising them with small tokens of appreciation, and offering his assistance when needed. Through his actions, Adrien would demonstrate his genuine care and commitment to their happiness.
• Adrien's openness and vulnerability would allow him to forge a deep connection with his S/O's parents. He would share his own experiences, dreams, and aspirations, allowing them to glimpse into his true self. In doing so, Adrien would create an environment of trust and authenticity, fostering a sense of mutual understanding and respect.
• Throughout the journey of building a relationship with his S/O's parents, Adrien would be receptive to their guidance and wisdom. He would value their advice, drawing on their life experiences to further his personal growth. Adrien's humility would enable him to acknowledge their wisdom and integrate it into his own life, showing his willingness to learn and evolve.
• As time passes, Adrien's bond with his S/O's parents would deepen, transforming them from mere acquaintances to cherished family members. He would embrace their role as surrogate parents with open arms, cherishing every moment spent together and treasuring the love and acceptance they offer.
• Adrien's encounter with his S/O's parents would mark a significant chapter in his life, providing him with the love and warmth he has longed for. With sincere gratitude in his heart, he would embark on a journey of building a strong and enduring bond, forever grateful for the open arms that welcomed him as a beloved member of their family.
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• Felix indeed find it overwhelming to be welcomed with open arms by his significant other's parents. With a lifetime of guardedness, Felix might initially approach the situation with skepticism, questioning the authenticity of their warm reception. However, as he observes their genuine kindness and sincerity, his walls would slowly start to crumble.
• In the presence of his S/O's parents, Felix would maintain his characteristic composure. He would be polite, showing respect for their position as his partner's parents. His impeccable manners and refined behavior would serve as a reflection of his upbringing and the values instilled in him. Though he might find it challenging to fully embrace their acceptance at first, Felix would acknowledge their kindness with a measured gratitude, expressing his thanks in a reserved yet sincere manner.
• Felix's cautious nature would prompt him to take his time in developing a bond with his S/O's parents. He would tread carefully, observing their actions and words for consistency and integrity. As he witnesses their continued warmth and affection, Felix's skepticism would gradually transform into trust.
• Patience would be key in building a relationship with Felix. His S/O's parents would need to understand his reserved nature and allow him the time and space to open up. With consistent reassurance and understanding, they would demonstrate their commitment to building a connection with him.
• As the relationship evolves, Felix would start to let his guard down, revealing glimpses of his true self. He would engage in polite and meaningful conversations, sharing his thoughts and experiences with a level of vulnerability. Felix's willingness to be authentic, albeit in measured doses, would be a testament to the growing bond he shares with his S/O's parents.
• Over time, Felix would begin to embrace the idea of being treated as their own child. He would appreciate their gestures of care and concern, gradually accepting their love and support. As he experiences their genuine acceptance, Felix would start to let go of his reservations and allow himself to be embraced by their warmth.
• In return, Felix would demonstrate his loyalty and commitment to his S/O's parents. He would go the extra mile to show his appreciation, whether it be through small acts of kindness or thoughtful gestures. Felix's reserved nature would not prevent him from forming a genuine connection. Instead, it would manifest as a steadfast and unwavering dedication to their well-being and happiness.
As Felix's bond with his S/O's parents solidifies, he would begin to see them as a trusted and valued part of his life. He would seek their advice and guidance, acknowledging their wisdom and expertise. Felix's cautious nature would allow him to consider their perspectives thoughtfully, incorporating their insights into his decision-making process.
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• Kyoko be deeply moved by the warm welcome extended by her significant other's parents. Having experienced a complicated and troubled past with her own family, Kyoko would genuinely appreciate the love and acceptance bestowed upon her. The warmth she receives from her S/O's parents would strike a chord within her, evoking a mixture of gratitude, relief, and a sense of belonging that she has yearned for.
• As Kyoko stands before her S/O's parents, her eyes would shimmer with unshed tears of joy and gratitude. She would find it difficult to articulate her emotions, but her sincerity would shine through. Kyoko's voice would tremble with heartfelt appreciation as she expresses her deepest thanks, emphasizing how much their acceptance means to her and how it fills a void in her heart that has long been neglected.
• Gratitude would permeate every word and gesture as Kyoko assures her S/O's parents that she will do her best to care for and support their child. Her commitment to their happiness and well-being would be unwavering, as she recognizes the importance of their child's place in their lives. Kyoko would express her earnest intention to be a loving and supportive partner, assuring them that their child's happiness is her utmost priority.
• Kyoko's past experiences would instill in her a deep sense of empathy and consideration for others. She would be keenly aware of the importance of respecting her S/O's parents and their values. Kyoko would be attentive to their needs and preferences, taking note of the small details that contribute to their happiness. Her considerate nature would manifest in her interactions, ensuring that they feel valued, heard, and appreciated.
• With a genuine desire to build a meaningful relationship, Kyoko would invest her time and effort in getting to know her S/O's parents on a personal level. She would engage in heartfelt conversations, eager to understand their lives, experiences, and aspirations. Kyoko's empathy and listening skills would create a safe space for open and honest communication, fostering a bond based on mutual trust and understanding.
• Through her actions, Kyoko would aim to bridge the gap between their families and create a sense of unity. She would participate wholeheartedly in family gatherings and traditions, immersing herself in their customs and celebrations. Kyoko's presence would be a source of comfort and support, as she embraces her role as a member of their extended family.
• As Kyoko's relationship with her S/O's parents deepens, she would seek their guidance and wisdom. Kyoko would value their advice and life experiences, recognizing the importance of their perspectives. She would be open to learning from them, incorporating their teachings into her own personal growth journey. Their insights would serve as a source of inspiration and a guiding light as she navigates the complexities of life.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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rascal-xo · 9 months
K.O. - Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Female Reader
Summary: After your messy training day with Simon, It’s finally time to make amends. But Simon has an idea of his own…
Warnings: Fights, bodily injury, language, FLUFF
This is a Part 2 to Sunday Punch requested by @glitteryeggalmondherring
Tags: @pukbadger @fiveshelmet @myguiltypleasures21 @madamemelaninn @emmaadlerrichtofen1 @swissy23 @thatchickwiththecamera @glitterypirateduck @glitteryeggalmondherring @allaboutirem0 @kittyoonsstuff @pssytrux
A/N: The long awaited part two is finally here and i’m really happy with the way it turned out. If you have any future requests for fics you can send them in on my profile!!
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The base warehouse facility buzzed with activity as new recruits did warm up spars, anticipation evident in their eyes. You stand at the front of the group, ready to lead the combat training session.
As the warm-up concludes, you move on to the combat drills. You pair them up, demonstrating various techniques and strategies. But as the session progresses, you can't help but notice the hesitation and lack of aggression in some of the recruits' movements.
"Alright, listen up!" you call out, your voice firm and commanding. "You will not stop unless you K.O or drop!" A few days have passed since the incident with Ghost during the spar, and the weight of your mistake still gnaws at you. Granted that's why you've been pushing the recruits harder than usual.
Your frustration simmers beneath the surface not being able to ignore the constant nagging of Simon in your mind.
The recruits look at each other, uncertainty in their eyes at your stern command. They weren't expecting the intensity of the training to escalate so quickly. But you know that sometimes, the best way to bring out their potential is by pushing them beyond their comfort zones.
You can sense the tension in the air as the recruits absorb your words. They begin to pair up again, knowing that they have no choice but to rise to the challenge you've set for them. "The enemy isn't going to go easy on you just because you're tired, Recruits!" You call out again, your voice stern. "We're all fucking tired! I know you can work through it!
The training session continues, and you watch from the side lines near the large open gates of the warehouse. "A little tough, no?" A voice sounds from behind you. You turn around to see Price standing there with an observant look.
"Nothing they can't handle." You exhale, crossing your arms over your chest.
Knowing Price he's not here for smalltalk. You hadn't properly spoken to anyone since the incident and you could already sense the lecture from him coming your way.
You turn to face Price, steeling yourself for the conversation you know is about to happen. His gaze is penetrating, as if he can see right through the facade you're trying to maintain.
Price's keen observation makes you feel exposed, as if he can see the turmoil swirling beneath the surface. It's both comforting and unsettling to have someone who knows you so well, especially in the midst of your inner struggle.
You force yourself to break the ice. "Have you spoken to Simon?"
Price's expression softens, and he nods understandingly. "It's not my conversation to have, Y/N"
You glance away for a moment, feeling a mix of emotions welling up inside you. "I know," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I fucked up. I let my emotions get the better of me, and I hurt him."
"Simon will recover, and he'll understand that it was an accident," Price assures you. "But you also need to make amends with yourself. Holding onto this guilt won't make you a better fighter or soldier."
You meet Price's gaze, and there's a sense of gratitude for his understanding and guidance. He's been through his fair share of challenges, and his wisdom is invaluable to you.
"I'll try," you say, your voice soft yet resolute. "Im gonna talk to him."
"That's the spirit, Lass." Price nods, offering a reassuring smile. "We all have our demons, Y/N. But we also have the strength to overcome them. Don't be too hard on yourself. And for the love of god kid, don't break anymore of my mens noses." He chuckles, walking away.
As the session comes to an end, you gather the recruits for a final word. Your voice is softer now, filled with a mix of relief and understanding. "Today, you all showed a lot of progress," you say, your eyes scanning the determined faces before you. "We'll meet again next week, I'll see you then."
After the training session concludes, you head towards the armory to put away your gear, but your thoughts are still preoccupied with the conversation you had with Price. The guilt over hurting Simon weighs heavily on your mind.
As you enter the armory, you find it relatively empty. The recruits have dispersed, leaving you alone with your thoughts. But as you start putting away your gear, you hear a faint sound of movement nearby.
Turning around, you spot Simon standing at one of the equipment racks, his gaze fixed on the assortment of weapons and gear. His expression is calm, as if he's lost in his own thoughts. Only a thin black skull painted balaclava hides his face, a casual second to his normal attire.
Taking a deep breath, you gather your courage and walk over to him. "Simon," you say, your voice hesitant but genuine. "Can we talk?"
He turns to face you, and for a moment, you see a hint of surprise in his eyes before he masks it with a neutral expression. "Okay," he replies, his voice even.
You know that Simon cares about you deeply, and that's only why he was concerned about your boxing. The realization of how much you value his opinion and his presence makes it all the more important to be able to have him back.
"I," you begin, your voice steady but remorseful. "I let my emotions get the better of me, and I'm sorry." You were never great at admitting your wrongs, but for Simon there something there between you two that you couldn't stomach not having.
Simon's expression softens, and you can see a mix of emotions in his eyes, but he doesn't speak just yet.
"I should have listened to you, and I shouldn't have let my frustrations affect my actions." You continue.
Simon's eyes hold yours for a moment, and you can see the concern and care in them. "You're right," he says, his voice slightly softer. "You're too stubborn for your own good. You would break my nose to keep doing what you love-"
"And im really fucking sorry for that Simo-" You interject, nervously.
"-But that's what I love about you." Your heart almost stops beating alltogether when you hear those words come out of his mouth. You freeze, your eyes widening in surprise at Simon's confession. His words hang in the air, the weight of them palpable. For a moment, you can't find your voice, your mind struggling to process what he just said.
If anything you had believed you would be the first one to say anything, but he beat you to it.
For a moment, neither of you speak, the silence becoming almost unbearable. You look into his eyes, searching for any sign that this might be a joke or a misunderstanding, but all you see is sincerity and vulnerability.
You chuckle nervously, "I... I didn't expect that," you manage to stammer, your heart pounding in your chest.
Simon's expression softens, and he takes a step closer to you. "I didn't plan on saying it like this," he admits, his voice tinged with a smile behind his mask. "Y/N, you mean more to me than I can put into words."
"You loved me back the entire time and I broke your nose. Now I feel like a jerk." You laugh, hitting his arm playfully.
Simon chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement behind the mask. "It's a small price to pay for testing your patience"
Simon's eyes soften, and he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you in a warm embrace. It's the first time you've truly been this close emotionally with him. "I would never stop you from doing what you love."
You feel a shift as his lips come to touch your forehead. "Just please don't get yourself killed, yeah?" You pull away finally meeting him face to face without the cloth barrier.
You see his bruised eye and bandaged nose, cringing to yourself. "Fuck, I got you good." You mutter, taking his face in your hands. You finally get to take a good look at the face behind the skull mask. His glowing brown eyes stare back at you with a mix of tenderness and admiration you haven't seen before. "Your poor fist must be aching for hitting a thing like me." Simon says, a hint of humor in his voice.
You can't help but smile, feeling a rush of affection for this man standing before you. Despite the pain and injuries, he's still more concerned about your well-being than his own. It's a testament to the kind of person he is, and it only deepens your feelings for him.
"I promise to be careful," you say earnestly, your thumbs gently caressing the sides of his face.
Simon nods, his eyes never leaving yours. "That's all I ask for," he replies softly. "I just want you to be safe."
You lean in, your lips brushing against his in a soft, tender kiss. It's a moment filled with emotion, the culmination of unspoken feelings finally finding expression. The kiss is gentle and sweet, conveying a depth of emotion that words alone can't capture
A/N: Im crying
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haydenigmatic · 4 months
Lady Odette Lavone (La-vohn)
Introducing Lady Odette, the ethereal presence gracing the court of the eight kingdoms. Daughter of the king's chancellor and renowned as the epitome of courtly elegance, Odette captivates all who encounter her, she stands as the beacon of beauty and grace.
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Her face claim well Margot Robbie or Samara Weaving, one of the inspirations for creating her was Odette of the Swan Lake ballet and I'll say nothing more.
For her voice I think it would be the same as above or as her singing voice that's Christy Altomare (Anastasia's musical loveddd it).
Main Family Dynamics:
Duke Leander - The Powerful Patriarch:
As both Duke and Chancellor, Leander wields immense political influence, making him one of the realm's most powerful figures. Odette is not shielded from the complexities of court politics; rather, she learns to navigate them through the guidance of her father. His expectations for Odette reflect the intricacies of maintaining the family's standing in the court.
Duchess Annelise - The Maternal Guidance:
She takes a keen interest in Odette's development into the ideal court lady. She imparts wisdom on etiquette, courtly manners, and the delicate intricacies of navigating the nobility, aiming to mould Odette into a paragon of grace and virtue.
Damon - The Guardian:
Her older brother, Damon, serves as her confidant and protector. As the heir to their father's title, he is not only devoted to his responsibilities but fiercely dedicated to ensuring Odette's well-being. He would go to great lengths to shield her from any harm.
Some details about her:
Memorable Quote: “Can one truly be free if tethered to the whims of tradition, or is the truest essence found in the heartbeat of authenticity?”
Has a penchant for watching the sunset from a particular balcony. Bathed in the warm hues of the golden hour, she contemplates the day's events and dreams of a brighter tomorrow.
Fluent in several languages, Odette communicates effortlessly with foreign dignitaries.
Has a majestic snow-white tiger companion named Zephyra, a gift she received when it was just a cub. Initially mistaken for an ordinary cat due to its small size, the tiger has grown into a magnificent and rare creature.
Known for her generosity, she channels her compassion into regular alms-giving. Whether it's to support local charities or aid those in need, she actively contributes to the welfare of her realm. Her charitable acts extend beyond obligation.
Her voice, reminiscent of a nightingale's melody, is a rare and enchanting gift. When she sings, her ethereal tones fill the air, captivating listeners and leaving an indelible impression.
Has a treasure box, a delicately crafted container adorned with intricate patterns, is tucked away in her private chambers. It holds a collection of cherished items, from sentimental gifts to intricately designed jewellery, each carrying a story and a memory.
Bath time is a cherished ritual for her. Her love for the calming embrace of warm water is evident in the opulent baths she indulges in regularly. Her maids, attuned to her preferences, ensure each bath is an experience, with fragrant oils, delicate petals, and soothing melodies.
Odette's reputation as one of the most well-read individuals of her generation is not without merit. Her library, adorned with rich tapestries and plush cushions, is a haven for her intellectual pursuits.
Always carrying a leather-bound journal, she regularly writes sonnets, poetry, and reflections about her life. The pages hold a chronicle of her innermost thoughts and the poetic expressions of her heart.
As Damon's trusted confidante and sister, Odette shares a special bond with him. Providing counsel and support.
Her childhood was marked by witnessing the harsh consequences of her family's wealth, particularly her father's strict financial policies. The stark contrast between opulence and the suffering of those unable to meet debts left a profound impact. Instead of turning away, this dark experience fuelled her empathy. As she matured, she dedicated herself to lending a hand to the less fortunate.
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dootznbootz · 5 months
I'm going feral again with a silly headcanon.
I just had that post on how Odysseus made Puzzles for himself and Penelope and I have another idea and I'm just really excited to share it lksdjf
I basically plan to have this man in love with Penelope within 10 mins (I HAVE A PLAN! It sounds crazy but I think it'll work. Plus these two are reckless and young when married. His first crush and he's not handling it well.)
This is them. Or at the very least Penelope is definitely playing it off very nonchalantly and is kind of messing around at first, thinking that the "trickster" is "not being genuine" when he's never been more genuine in his life. She can see right through all his lies and bullshit and basically forces him to be vulnerable, something he loves yet is TERRIFIED of. Especially as she "unmasked" him so quickly (and tricked HIM.😉 Won't say how. no spoilers yet) and so effortlessly and he's just a MESS. Athena isn't helping and just watches them both fumble around, even when Odysseus is asking for some guidance, Athena just smiles and is all like "I'm the Goddess of Wisdom, not of Love. Figure it out yourself." (PENELOPE IS JUST AS MUCH OF A BLORBO TO HER AS ODYSSEUS IS, YOU COWARDS!)
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(Art by isei-silva right here on tumblr! Their post! )
I won't go into huge details. I WILL write this fic someday and I need to leave SOME things a surprise. But KNOW this man will be pulling out all the stops trying to impress her and tries to show all the things he's good at and one will be his "puzzle making".
He'll bring a puzzle to her TRYING to talk all "suave" (he'll be semi-tongue tied. Something that he's not used to and is annoyed that he can't seem to think around her)
It'll probably have a little gift inside and he'll be chatting away about how he worked hard to make it and that there's a trick to it and blah blah blah
Penelope: Oh! There's (some sort of treat or gift) inside!
Odysseus: Wait, you solved it already?
Penelope,🤨: Yes. All you have to do is this.
Odysseus, falling (more like sprinting at this point) further in love but also mad his plan to woo her didn't work: Well... Yeah. That's a gift for you.
He's trying SOOOO hard but he has to stop "showboating" to genuinely impress her. Man has to be fucking vulnerable for her to be impressed by him because she already can read his "tells" on when he's pulling something. No more "tricks". Be yourself, you fucking idiot >:D
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4dkellysworld · 7 months
Self-realisation and life duties
For those wondering how to reconcile a life of work, studies or obligations with self-realisation, you don't have to stop those activities (Robert said the same thing, you give it up mentally). I compiled a bunch of Q&As with Ramana Maharshi on the topic which may be helpful guidance.
Q: Is solitude necessary for a Jnani? M: Solitude is in the mind of man. One might be in the thick of the world and maintain serenity of mind; such a one is in solitude. Another may stay in a forest, but still be unable to control his mind. He cannot be said to be in solitude. Solitude is a function of the mind. A man attached to desire cannot get solitude wherever he may be; a detached man is always in solitude. Q: So then, one might be engaged in work and be free from desire and keep up solitude. Is it so? M: Yes. Work performed with attachment is a shackle, whereas work performed with detachment does not affect the doer. He is, even while working, in solitude.
Q: Is work an obstruction to Self-realisation? M: No. For a realised being, the Self alone is the Reality and actions are only phenomenal; not affecting the Self. Even when he acts he has no sense of being an agent. His actions are only involuntary and he remains a witness to them without any attachment. There is no aim for this action. Even one who is still practising the path of Wisdom (jnana) can practise while engaged in work. It may be difficult in the earlier stages for a beginner, but after some practice it will soon be effective and the work will not be found a hindrance to meditation. Q: My work hinders me. M: If you have the right attitude, the kind of life you lead does not matter very much.
Q: Our work-a-day life is not compatible with such efforts. M: Why do you think that you are active? Take the gross example of your arrival here. You left home in a cart, took train, alighted at the Railway Station here, got into a cart there and found yourself in this Asramam. When asked, you say that you travelled here all the way from your town. Is it true? Is it not a fact that you remained as you were and there were movements of conveyances all along the way. Just as those movements are confounded with your own, so also the other activities. They are not your own. They are God's activities.
Q: My work demands the best part of my time and energy; often I am too tired to devote myself to Atmachintana (Contemplation on the Self). M: The feeling "l work" is the hindrance. Enquire, "Who works?" Remember, "Who am l?" The work will not bind you. It will go on automatically. Make no effort either to work or to renounce work. Your effort is the bondage. What is bound to happen will happen. If you are destined to cease working, work cannot be had even if you hunt for it. If you are destined to work you cannot leave it; you will be forced to engage in it. So leave it to the Higher Power. You cannot renounce or hold as you choose.
Q: Should we do our duty or not? M: Yes - certainly. Even if you try not to do your duty you will be perforce obliged to do it. Let the body complete the task for which it came into being. Sri Krishna also says in the Gita, whether Arjuna liked it or not he would be forced to fight. When there is work to be done by you, you cannot keep away; nor can you continue to do a thing when you are not required to do it, that is to say, when the work allotted to you has been done. In short, the work will go on and you must take your share in it - the share which is allotted to you. Q: How is work to be done? M: Like an actor playing his part in a drama - free from love or hatred.
Q: How to practice meditation? M: Keep off thoughts. Q: How to reconcile work with meditation? M: Who is the worker? Let him who works ask the question. You are always the Self. You are not the mind. It is the mind which raises these questions. Work proceeds, always in the presence of the Self only. Work is no hindrance to self-realisation. It is the mistaken identity of the worker that troubles one. Get rid of the false identity.
Q: I have my professional work and yet I want to be in perpetual dhyana. Will they conflict with each other? M: There will be no conflict. As you practise both and develop your powers you will be able to attend to both. You will begin to look on business as a dream. The Bhagavad—Gita says: "That which is the night of all beings, for the disciplined man is the time of waking; when other beings are waking, then is it night for the Sage who Sees."
Q (a professor): How can I do my duties without attachment? There is my wife, there are my children. I must do my duty towards them. Affection is necessary. Am I right? M: How do you do your work in the College? D: (laughing) For wages. M: Not because you are attached, simply as doing your duty. D: But my pupils expect me to love them. M: "Detachment in the interior and attachment in appearance" says Yoga Vasishta.
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childofchrist1983 · 7 months
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The "Three Hebrew Children" Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego who refused to bow the knees to the idol of gold and worship it, were cast for their defiance into a fiery furnace that burned with incredible intensity.
The man who threw them in died because he came too close to the flames. But these men of faith were unhurt by the fire, and the preincarnate Jesus Christ walked with them in the midst of the furnace. Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ will be with us when we take a stand for Him in faith. When we defy the world's standards and refuse to fit in with the surrounding culture, we may pay a price. But we, like Daniel's three friends, must resolve not to bow to false gods and idols even if He does not rescue us from resultant suffering or even death. Even if we die for Christ, we know that He can and will always deliver us and we trust Him and that He will work all things together for our good.
Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives according to His Holy Word and will. We must make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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theetherealbloom · 11 months
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Chapter 3: The Undone and The Divine
Summary: In the rafters of Clinton Church, a mysterious reader with the power of illusion manipulation silently watches over Matt Murdock, the blind vigilante known as Daredevil. As danger engulfs Hell's Kitchen, their unlikely friendship blossoms into a bond of trust and longing, intertwining their fates in a battle against darkness that tests their resolve. Will their connection illuminate a path to salvation in a city of darkness or lead them deeper into the abyss?
Paring: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Hurt to Comfort, ANGST, strangers-to-friends-to-lovers, Religion, Fluff, Anxiety, PSTD, Nightmares, Catholic Guilt, Amnesia, Violence, Blood, Dark Undertones, Eventual SMUT, Shy Reader, Mentions of Abuse, Criminal Activities, Mobsters/Mafia, Character Death, Slowish Burn, Disassociation, 
Word Count: 11.9k
A/N: This was lowkey tough to write with all the technicalities but I managed to push through it lol. Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Song: Only If For A Night by Florence + The Machine
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dividers @/saradika-graphics
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As you blink, fragments of your past weave their way into your consciousness, like threads of a tapestry unraveling in your mind. Memories unfold, revealing moments of rigorous training, ethereal wisdom, and a mentor whose guidance shaped you into the person you are today.
You remember living in a tranquil sanctuary, surrounded by ancient texts and mystical artifacts. The air hums with energy as you practice intricate movements, honing your skills under the watchful eye of a wise and enigmatic figure. The connection between you is unspoken yet profound, a bond forged through years of shared knowledge and profound teachings.
Visions of battles fought against formidable adversaries dance before your eyes. You wielded powers beyond comprehension, manipulating the very fabric of reality with finesse and precision. In those moments, you were a guardian of balance, a protector of realms unseen.
But the flashbacks recede, vanishing like whispers in the wind. You find yourself in the bustling corridors of the New York City Police Department, surrounded by the everyday realities of life. The voice of Brett Mahoney pulls you back to the present, concern etched on his face. "You good? You seem kinda out of it."
You look up from the paperwork you were filing for a domestic violence case and force a small smile. "Mhm, just a little tired," you respond, trying to shake off the remnants of the past and the previous nights of helping Matt from the sidelines. Mahoney takes a sip of his coffee before continuing, "You know, my mom has been askin’ for you. You aren't giving her cigarettes with those cookies too, are you?"
You snort, the corners of your lips curling with amusement. "Nah, I actually have a secret life as a drug dealer and deliver her cookies laced with crack," you quip, easing the tension in the room. Brett chuckles at your joke as you put down the pen and hand the file to another officer. "Why, what's up?" you ask, genuinely interested. Brett sighs, his voice tinged with weariness. "Could you maybe visit her? I've been pulling a lot of shifts lately, and dealing with reports of some masked vigilante beating up a bunch of criminals has taken up a lot of my time."
You sigh, feigning concern at the news. "New York is something else," you remark. Brett hums in agreement, understanding the chaos of the city all too well. "So, could you do it? Drop by and give her more of those cocaine cookies?" he asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
You nod, with your expression sincere. "Sure, I'll stop by in a bit," you promise, knowing that a visit to Brett's mother would bring a sense of joy and connection amidst the chaos of your secret battles.
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You give a gentle knock on the door of the Mahoney residence, and a warm smile spreads across your face as it swings open to reveal Bess Mahoney, an elderly woman with a kind expression. "Hi, dear. Come inside," she welcomes you, gesturing for you to enter. Expressing your gratitude, you respond, "Thank you, Bess. I brought some of those cookies you like! Sister Maggie and Sister Catherine helped me bake them."
As you step into the cozy living room, the aroma of freshly baked cookies fills the air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and familiarity. Bess's eyes light up with delight, and she takes your hand in hers. "You're such a sweetheart, always thinking of me," she says, her voice tinged with genuine affection. "Those nuns at the church have been a blessing to this neighborhood."
You nod, a sense of warmth and purpose swelling within you. "They truly are," you reply, feeling grateful for the support and guidance the sisters have provided throughout your journey. "They've taught me so much about compassion and making a difference in people's lives."
As you sit at the kitchen table, the taste of the homemade cookies still lingering on your tongue, a sense of calm settles over you. The weight of the world and the secret battles you face momentarily fade away in the presence of Bess's warm company.
Just as you begin to bask in the comfort of the moment, Bess's voice breaks the tranquility. "I need a favor from you, honey," she says, her tone carrying a hint of concern. Your eyebrows furrow, and you lean in, attentively asking, "Is something wrong?"
Bess waves her hand dismissively. “Not with me, but with a dear friend of mine, Elena Cardenas. She's a lovely woman, and she's facing trouble. You see, she owns a rent-controlled apartment in Hell's Kitchen, but her landlord suddenly wants to evict her.”
Your frown deepens, empathizing with the injustice of the situation. Nodding in understanding, you urge Bess to continue. She smiles and explains, “I suggested she reach out to the new firm in the city, Nelson and Murdock. They have a reputation for being very good at what they do.”
Your eyes widen in surprise and realization. "Oh, yes. I've heard of them. They’re very good.” The memory of your encounter with Matt Murdock resurfaces, the card tucked safely in your pocket. It seems fate has intertwined your paths once again.
Bess's smile grows wider, her eyes gleaming with hope. "Perfect. Honey, I need you to go with Elena Cardenas to their office. She's as old as me, and it would grant me peace of mind knowing she arrives there safely."
You look into Bess's eyes, seeing the genuine concern and trust she places in you. There is no denying the importance of this favor, and deep down, you know you can't refuse. With a resolute expression, you reply, "Of course, Bess. What's her address and phone number? I'll make sure Elena gets to Nelson and Murdock's office."
A forced smile graces your lips, masking any hesitation or trepidation. At this moment, you understand that there is no avoiding this task. It is a chance to help someone in need, to make a difference in their life, and honor the trust Bess has placed in you.
As Bess shares the necessary details, you commit them to memory, knowing that this journey will bring its challenges and revelations. You rise from the table, ready to fulfill your role as a guardian in the shadows, guided by the light of friendship and the pursuit of justice.
With a final nod of assurance to Bess, you bid her farewell, leaving her with the comforting knowledge that Elena Cardenas will be well taken care of. As you step out into the bustling streets of Hell's Kitchen, you carry within you the determination to stand for those who need it most.
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You guide Mrs. Cardenas to the address scribbled on the card provided by Matt. As you approach the designated location, a paper sign catches your attention, proudly displaying the name "Nelson and Murdock Attorney's at Law." It's the place you were directed to, and you offer Mrs. Cardenas a comforting smile before proceeding.
You raise your hand and knock on the door, with it slightly open and already spotting the people inside. “Hi, uhm, I’m looking for Foggy Nelson and Matt Murdock.”
As Mrs. Cardenas follows you inside, you can't help but feel a sense of reassurance, knowing that you've brought her to a place where she will be heard and supported. With Karen's presence and the promise of Nelson and Murdock's assistance, you are hopeful that justice will prevail and that Mrs. Cardenas will find the resolution she deserves.
Matt breathes a sigh of relief as he hears you, his voice filled with genuine concern. "You're okay," he states, his worry evident in his tone. You raise an eyebrow in response, a hint of curiosity lacing your words. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Though your response isn't a complete answer, it holds a semblance of truth. Deep down, you understand that recovery takes time, and your body bears the evidence of the journey you've been through. Matt's heightened senses allow him to perceive the subtle clues that reveal your ongoing healing process. The scent of cortisol and antiseptic lingers in the air around you, a testament to the challenges you've faced and the resilience you've shown.
You glance at the man standing beside Matt, presuming him to be his friend and partner, Foggy. He scrutinizes both of you with a curious expression and poses the question, "You two know each other?" Your mind races to come up with a plausible explanation, and you quickly respond, "We go to the same church."
Foggy's gaze shifts between you and Matt, seemingly skeptical of your answer. He turns to Matt, seeking confirmation. Matt simply nods, but it's evident that Foggy isn't fully convinced. He remarks with a hint of sarcasm, "So, is that what they call it now?"
A blush creeps up your cheeks, embarrassed by the implication. Before Matt can intervene, you shake your head, determined to clarify the situation. "No, seriously. I'm also Catholic, and I work at the church. I’m also a social worker at Metro-General."
You hope that this additional information will dispel any misconceptions and assure Foggy of your genuine connection to the church. He needs to understand that your involvement extends beyond deception.
Foggy raises his eyebrows, a hint of admiration in his eyes. "That sounds like a lot of work," he remarks, acknowledging the dedication required for your role. You smile, "Yeah, it can be challenging, but I’ll manage."
Matt, however, senses the underlying tension and the half-truth in your response. His heightened senses enable him to pick up on the subtleties of your emotions. You clear your throat, aware that the truth cannot be concealed from him indefinitely.
"Anyways," you continue, shifting the focus of the conversation, "you said I could come here and ask for your legal services. This is Elena Cardenas." With a nod, you introduce Elena, hoping that the urgency of her situation will capture their attention.
Foggy and Matt guide both of you to their small conference room, offering seats to discuss the pressing matter at hand. As you take your place at the table, the heaviness of the situation settles upon you. You await their guidance and expertise, knowing that their legal services might be the key to helping Mrs. Cardenas in her time of need.
"Bess Mahoney? Brett's mom?" Foggy seeks clarification as you mention Bess referring Elena to them. Elena nods in confirmation. "Sí, she referred me. Dice que le da puros."
Karen, the woman you were introduced to earlier, chuckles. "Something about cigars?" Foggy looks at Karen with surprise. "You know Spanish?" Karen shakes her head. "Oh, just what I remember from high school."
Matt, his expression serious, turns his attention to Mrs. Cardenas. "Mrs. Cardenas, please tell us what happened." Mrs. Cardenas struggles to translate her Spanish into English, doing her best to convey the details. "Mi casa es rent-control. But the landlord, Señor Tully..."
"Armand Tully? Sleaze bag who owns buildings all over town," Foggy interjects, recognizing the name. Mrs. Cardenas nods. "Sí, y Señor Tully..." She switches back to speaking in Spanish, and Karen takes it upon herself to translate. "He wants to convert the apartments into condominiums. And he wants the residents to leave." Mrs. Cardenas continues, "Men came weeks ago. They claimed they were workers. And they destroyed the apartments with a… I don't know that last word.”
"Sledgehammer," Matt utters simultaneously, his voice aligning with your own words. The synchronized response captures the attention of everyone in the room, their focus shifting toward the shared statement. "College," Foggy adds, clarifying the source of his knowledge. As he tilts his head in curiosity, his unsteady gaze falls upon you, silently inquiring about your proficiency in Spanish. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips nervously before you respond, "Um, I learned it when I was young. Sometime around middle school."
"You ever have a client that wants to chat in Punjabi, I'm your man," Foggy says cheerfully, injecting a light-hearted comment into the conversation. You smile in response, appreciating his sense of humor. Karen, on the other hand, looks between you and Matt, slightly uncertain.
"Um... Do you want to do this?" she asks, seeking confirmation from Matt. His voice carries a flirtatious tone as he replies, "No, no. I like listening to your voice." Karen blushes in response, clearly affected by Matt's smooth and charming personality. Foggy sighs, “Go on, Mrs. Cardenas.” And your attention shifts between the three of them.
The world you once cherished loses its luster, fading into a somber tableau. Each breath becomes a shallow rhythm, failing to ground you in the swirling tempest of emotions. Jealousy, heavy as a stone, settles in the pit of your stomach, reminding you of desires that can never be fulfilled.
Hurt and longing intertwine, composing a poignant symphony within your chest. The truth resonates deep within your being: Matt will never be yours. It's a bitter pill to swallow, a gold rush of emotions crashing against the shores of the unrequited.
Yet, during this storm, you find solace in acknowledging your feelings. Envy and sadness are natural companions when faced with the undeniable connection between Matt and Karen, including the nights before with him and Claire. It serves as a stark reminder that your feelings can be elusive, slipping through your grasp like grains of sand.
You've always held a profound love for this world, cherishing its every detail. But now, it feels as though everything is slipping away, slipping beyond your grasp. The sun rises dutifully, even when unasked, illuminating the beauty around you. Most days, you wouldn't think twice about the things that go right in your life.
As the weight of your emotions threatens to consume you, Matt's heightened senses pick up on the shifting energy in the room. He turns his head towards you, his moving gaze piercing through the haze of your disquiet.
"Hey," he calls your name softly, his voice laced with concern, “Are you okay? You went sort of quiet…” Startled, you hastily put on a fake smile, hoping to mask the tumultuous thoughts and feelings that swirl within you. It's a delicate dance, maintaining the facade while grappling with the ache in your heart.
You meet his eyes behind his glasses, your eyes betraying a flicker of vulnerability before you quickly avert your gaze. Deep down, you know he senses something is amiss, but you can't bear to burden him with your inner turmoil. So, you play the part, presenting a semblance of composure despite the storm raging within.
With a subtle nod, you signal your understanding, silently acknowledging his attention and care. It's a fleeting moment, fleeting like the delicate petals of a wilting flower, but you carry on, concealing the depths of your emotions behind a practiced smile, “Mhm. I’m fine, just remembered something, my apologies.”
As Mrs. Cardenas continues to voice her concerns in Spanish, detailing the dire conditions in her building, and the absence of necessities like working sinks and pipes, a sense of despair fills the air. Her words echo with the weight of helplessness, as she recounts the failed attempts to seek assistance.
Karen steps in, fluently translating Mrs. Cardenas' words, revealing the futility of their interactions with the police. "The police couldn't help, they don’t know what to do." Karen conveys, her voice carrying the frustration and disappointment that hangs in the room. Mrs. Cardenas's voice rises with passion as she shares the police's response, emphasizing their inability to address the situation.
Matt's shoulders rise and fall in a deep sigh of frustration, his expression mirroring the collective disappointment in the room. It's a shared recognition of the limitations faced by those in need, the overwhelming bureaucracy that leaves them stranded without a lifeline.
Foggy looks at one of the documents, “This says Tully offered them 10,000 to give up their rent control and vacate the premises. Maybe we can pressure him into giving a better payout.” Karen stands up and reaches for a tissue box behind the two of you and then places it on the table before sitting back down.
Mrs. Cardenas shakes her head, “No, Señor Foggy. We do no want money. We want to stay in our homes.” A glimmer of determination flickers on Matt's face, a silent promise to do what he can to rectify the injustice. Though the challenges ahead may be daunting, he refuses to let the circumstances crush their hope. With unwavering resolve, he leans forward, ready to confront the city's indifference. He begins to converse with Mrs. Cardenas in Spanish, telling her that Foggy will speak to Tully’s lawyer.
As Mrs. Cardenas expresses her gratitude with a heartfelt "Oh, gracias Senor Murdock! Muchas gracias," Matt responds with a simple "Bueno." He stands up, his hands on his hips, signaling the conclusion of the meeting. You rise from your seat alongside Mrs. Cardenas, ready to escort her out.
With the meeting finished, you follow Karen out of the conference room, expressing your gratitude for her assistance and the accommodating nature of their firm. Stepping out onto the city's bustling streets, you bid farewell to Mrs. Cardenas, reminding her to remain cautious on her way home. Your paths diverge, each heading in separate directions, carrying the weight of the day's challenges and hope for a better future.
Lost in your thoughts, you find yourself standing outside the steps of Foggy and Matt's office building, retrieving your phone from your pocket to check your next task. Suddenly, a small object collides with the heel of your shoe, drawing your attention. Matt's voice breaks the silence, apologizing for the accidental encounter.
"Oh, Matt! I'm sorry," you respond, a hint of surprise in your wide eyes. Swiftly, you step aside, allowing him to pass without any further obstruction. The brief interaction lingers in the air, a fleeting moment of shared acknowledgment before resuming your respective paths in the bustling cityscape.
However, Matt's question catches you off guard. "You're still here?" he asks, his curiosity evident. You pause for a moment, considering his words before replying, "Uh, yeah. I'm on my way to the precinct to update Officer Mahoney."
A warm smile spreads across Matt's face as he suggests, "We can go together if you want. I'm heading there as well to look for any complaints against Tully." You blink in surprise at his offer, caught off guard by his genuine willingness to accompany you. Unsure of how to respond, you stumble over your words, "Uh, well..."
Before you can come up with an excuse, Matt's grin widens, sensing your momentary hesitation. "Mind if I hold on to your arm as we walk there?" he asks, his voice filled with a playful charm. Your brain momentarily halts, caught off guard by his request, but you manage to nod and squeak out, "Mhm. Yeah, Sure."
His touch is gentle yet firm as he takes hold of your arm, leading the way through the bustling streets of New York City. Despite knowing that he doesn't need guidance, you play along, maintaining the facade of ignorance about his vigilante activities. Matt's heightened senses remain ever vigilant, attuned to your every heartbeat, breath, and blink. He focuses on your scent and the subtle notes of your perfume, a reminder of the close proximity and unspoken connection between the two of you.
You make a conscious effort to steady your heartbeat, reminding yourself that this is merely a shared journey to fulfill your respective roles. There is no need to stress or overanalyze the situation. However, when Matt squeezes your arm to gain your attention, you are brought back to the present moment.
"Why did you want to become a social worker?" Matt's voice breaks through your thoughts, and you take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. "I... um... I wanted to help people who have experienced a difficult time. I wanted to offer them a fresh start, free from judgment," you answer honestly, feeling a sense of purpose and compassion in your words.
Matt nods, seemingly appreciating the raw truth in your response. The two of you continue walking side by side, the rhythm of your steps creating a gentle harmony as you navigate the busy streets. “Why did you want to become a lawyer?” You asked as you looked up at him.
Matt's lips curve into a thoughtful smile as he considers your question. His voice carries a hint of nostalgia as he begins to share his motivations. "I wanted to become a lawyer because I believed in the power of justice. I wanted to be someone who could make a difference, who could fight for those who couldn't fight for themselves."
His words resonate with a sense of purpose and determination. As you listen, you can't help but admire his unwavering commitment to upholding the ideals of justice. The bustling city fades into the background, and for a moment, it feels as if it's just the two of you, united by a shared desire to make the world a better place.
As the conversation unfolds, you find yourself becoming more immersed in Matt's story, drawn to the passion and sincerity in his words. Together, you continue your journey, the streets of New York serving as the backdrop to your aspirations and the beginning of a deeper connection.
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Mahoney eyes you both curiously before making an assumption, "Oh, are you two a..." You interrupt quickly, your cheeks flushing, "No, no! We're just colleagues. I came back to pick up the signed forms, and I need to return them to the DV shelter."
Matt offers a comforting smile while you fumble with your words. He gives your arm a reassuring squeeze before letting you pass by Mahoney to the police desks where the forms are kept. As you hurriedly scan the documents, you steal a glance over your shoulder and notice Matt taking a seat on one of the nearby benches. 
The officer informs you that it will take a few minutes to process the forms, advising you to have a seat. Nervously, you settle next to Matt on the bench, stealing a quick glance at him. He appears slightly preoccupied, his head slightly tilted as if he's listening intently for something.
Suddenly, Matt gasps and springs up, freezing in place. The deafening sound of a gunshot echoes through the vicinity, causing you to startle. Chaos ensues as police officers react swiftly, their voices blending with the commotion. 
"We've got shots fired!" one of the officers announces, sending a shiver down your spine. An unsettling feeling washes over you, confirming your suspicions that something is seriously amiss.
Matt's heightened senses hones in on the rapid rhythm of your heartbeat. He detects the unmistakable scent and taste of your surging cortisol, the stress hormone permeating the air. The subtle perspiration on your palms and the quiver in your breath are all indicators of your escalating anxiety.
He turns to your slightly shaking figure, recognizing the paralyzing effect the situation has had on you. Time seems to have come to a standstill for everyone else, but you remain trapped in your frozen moment. Matt approaches you with gentle steps, his voice a soothing whisper as he calls your name, attempting to coax you out of your daze. "Hey... Hey... I'm right here. You're with me."
Amidst the chaos around you, Matt extends his hand towards you, a lifeline of reassurance and support. Without hesitation, you feel his firm grip enveloping your trembling fingers, grounding you in the turmoil. The world may still be a blur, but his touch serves as a beacon of stability, guiding you through uncertainty.
Gradually, a sense of self returns to you, and you become aware of Matt's steady presence beside you. You realize that he had taken the lead, guiding you away from the chaotic scene and into a serene alleyway where the noise of the outside world fades into the background. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you gather the courage to speak.
"I... I'm sorry," you say, your voice tinged with a mix of apology and confusion. "I should be used to this by now. I don't know why I reacted the way I did. I'm sorry."
Matt's expression softens, his gaze filled with empathy as he reaches out a hand to gently touch your arm. "There's no need to apologize," he reassures you, his voice gentle yet resolute. "It’s okay. I got you. You’re safe with me, always.”
You take a moment to collect yourself, appreciating his understanding. The weight of the moment begins to lift as you find solace in his presence. Together, you stand in the quiet alleyway, finding comfort in the shared understanding between two individuals whose lives are entwined in the extraordinary.
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As you leave the vicinity of the DV shelter, your mind is filled with a mix of emotions and thoughts. You reach into your pocket and retrieve your cell phone, switching it on to reconnect with the outside world. The city streets, typically bustling with activity, now exude an unusual stillness. It's as if something has shifted, causing a palpable sense of imbalance to permeate the air.
The once-familiar sounds of honking cars and bustling footsteps are replaced by an eerie silence, amplifying the weight of the moment. Your gaze scans the surroundings, searching for any signs or clues as to what may have caused this unsettling change. Is it merely a figment of your imagination, or is there a tangible disturbance in the equilibrium of the city?
Questions swirl in your mind as you continue walking, your steps measured and alert. The cool air brushes against your skin, carrying with it a sense of anticipation and apprehension. Whatever has transpired, you can't shake the feeling that it holds significance, that it's a precursor to events yet to unfold.
Your eyes are drawn to the distance, and a chill runs down your spine as you spot a column of smoke rising ominously into the air. Before you can fully process what's happening, chaos erupts near you. A nearby building explodes with a deafening blast, shattering windows and sending debris flying in all directions.
The ground shakes beneath your feet as the force of the explosion reverberates through the surrounding area. You hear the muffled panic ensuing as people scramble for safety, their cries of fear and confusion blending with the sound of sirens wailing in the distance. Time seems to slow down as you take in the destruction and the plumes of smoke billowing into the sky.
Adrenaline courses through your veins, fueling your determination to navigate the chaos and find a way to help those in need. With a deep breath, you steel yourself and take the first steps towards assisting in any way you can, your heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty and the urgent need to restore order during this unforeseen catastrophe.
As the smoke fills the air and sirens continue to blare, you swiftly make your way toward the DV shelter. Your heart pounds in your chest as you fear for the safety of those inside. Relief washes over you as you find everyone relatively unharmed, with only minor injuries and scratches.
With a quick assessment of the situation, you determine that the immediate needs at the shelter are being taken care of. Your attention now shifts to the nearby buildings that were directly impacted by the blast. Determination fuels your every step as you rush toward the affected area, ready to lend a helping hand.
Arriving at the scene, you're met with the devastating aftermath of the explosion. The damaged buildings stand as a somber testament to the chaos that unfolded. As you survey the area, your eyes widen in recognition—this was one of the Russian hideouts, a grim reminder of the criminal underbelly lurking in the city.
The sight of lifeless bodies and charred weapons strewn across the ground sends a chill down your spine. The realization hits you hard, deepening the gravity of the situation. This was no ordinary incident; it was part of a larger web of criminal activity.
Choosing to distance yourself from the rubble, you follow the blazing lights of police cars that race past you. Instinctively, you move toward the source of the commotion, seeking answers and hoping to find a way to help.
Amid the chaos, you come upon a scene that stops you in your tracks. Matt, fully dressed in his black attire, stands a few feet away, his fist raised as he prepares to strike down Ranskahov, seeking revenge for the harm inflicted upon you and Claire. Your heart races as you watch from behind Corbin and the police officers, realizing the complexities of the situation.
They raise their guns, pointing them at the Masked Man. The officers close in, their intentions unclear. You remain hidden, your powers shimmering as you turn yourself invisible, ready to assist Matt in his fight against these corrupt cops who are undoubtedly on Fisk's payroll.
Amidst the tension and uncertainty, you hope that Matt hasn't picked up on your presence just yet. You prepare yourself to join the fray, your determination burning strong. One of the cops yells, “Don’t you move! Don’t you freakin’ move! Interlock your fingers behind your head and get on your knees. On your knees! Do it! Do it now!”
You approach Matt with a purposeful stride, your hand lightly grazing his shoulder to signal your presence. His whispered question hangs in the air, but instead of offering a direct response, you tap into your abilities. With a melodic distortion, your voice takes on an otherworldly quality as you reply, "Someone who wants to help you."
Positioning yourself in front of the officers, you unleash your powers, manipulating their perceptions and distorting their vision. Ranskahov is shot during the scuffle, but in a dazzling display, your form glimmers and shimmers, weaving a tapestry of illusion and enchantment. The officers, caught off guard by the sudden alteration of reality, find themselves disoriented and bewildered.
The fight unfolds with a fluidity and grace that seems almost supernatural. You seamlessly blend your powers and a touch of magic to incapacitate a majority of the officers. Your movements are precise, calculated, and mesmerizing to behold.
As the chaos subsides and the last of the officers are neutralized, you stand amidst the aftermath, your power still crackling in the air. Your eyes meet Matt's figure, standing and heaving, there's a flicker of recognition mixed with intrigue. The truth of your abilities and your intentions remains shrouded, but in this pivotal moment, a connection forms between you and the masked vigilante.
As Matt's plea reaches your ears, “Stay with me.” A surge of emotions courses through you, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade you wear. You turn away, your heart aching with unspoken words, and feel the tremor in your voice as you distort it, a painful reflection of your inner turmoil. "I wish I could," you confess, your voice quivering with regret and longing.
You quickly come to a realization, understanding that the situation calls for a strategic approach. While your instincts urge you to stay by Matt's side and offer your support, you also recognize the importance of ensuring the safety of others in the vicinity. The weight of responsibility settles upon your shoulders as you grasp the need to cover more ground.
With a determined resolve, you decide to extend your reach beyond Matt's immediate presence. You understand that there are civilians at risk, their lives hanging in the balance amidst the chaos. You know that by safeguarding the innocent and aiding those in distress, you are contributing to the overall mission of protecting the city.
Though your heart may ache at the thought of being separated from Matt, you understand the necessity of this approach. The strength of your bond and shared purpose will endure, even if you are physically apart. And as you cover ground, ensuring the safety of others, you hold onto the hope that Matt will do the same, fighting against the forces of darkness to bring justice and protect the vulnerable.
Matt's expression was filled with a mix of hope and desperation. His voice, barely above a whisper, carries a weight of vulnerability. "Will I see you again?" he asks, his voice laced with uncertainty.
A bittersweet smile tugs at your lips as you meet his distant gaze through the mask, wanting to offer reassurance amidst the uncertainty. "I’ll find you," you promise, determination shining in your eyes.
At that moment, you fade away, slipping from his grasp like a whisper lost in the wind. You become a ghost, a phantom presence lingering in the recesses of his mind. Like the ephemeral glimmer of a comet in the night sky, you leave a lasting impression, a celestial spectacle he cannot forget.
Lost in the depths of his thoughts, Matt ponders your enigmatic presence. He remains uncertain of your identity, your purpose, and the boundaries that separate you. Yet, he can't help but believe that you are his miracle, a guardian angel sent to watch over him, even if he feels unworthy of such grace.
As you continue on your path, the echoes of his whispered plea and your promise linger in your heart. The connection forged in that fleeting encounter leaves an indelible mark on your soul. And though the journey ahead may be arduous and fraught with challenges, the hope of crossing paths with him again becomes a beacon that guides you through the darkness.
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Sometimes, the city feels distant, like a place lost in time, where the radio stations play unfamiliar tunes and discuss a God who prefers modesty. In those moments, you find yourself caught between where you've been and the vast unknown that lies ahead.
As you rush through the doors of Metro-General, the Emergency Department buzzes with activity. The blaring sound of a television grabs your attention, broadcasting the breaking news of the devastating explosions that rocked Hell's Kitchen. 
As you swiftly navigate through the chaos and devastation surrounding the hospital, your keen senses alert you to the cries of injured civilians in desperate need of help. Your heart swells with empathy as you rush to their aid, displaying both strength and compassion.
With steady hands and a reassuring voice, you guide a couple of injured civilians toward safety, providing them solace amidst the chaos. Despite the urgency of the situation, you take the time to offer comforting words and gentle reassurance, ensuring they know they are not alone in this turmoil.
Their pain becomes your own, and your determination to protect and heal emanates from your every action. With unwavering resolve, you navigate the labyrinthine hallways, instinctively seeking out the areas where medical assistance is most needed. As you tend to the injured, your presence alone provides a sense of calm and reassurance. You tirelessly work to stabilize their conditions, offering a compassionate touch and a comforting word in the face of unimaginable pain. Your selflessness is evident in every action, as you prioritize the well-being of others above all else.
In the chaos, you spot Foggy and Karen, their faces filled with worry, bringing in an injured Mrs. Cardenas. Your eyes meet Claire's from down the hall, and you hasten your steps to join their group, ready to lend a helping hand.
"Are you guys okay?" you inquire, concern evident in your voice. Foggy, Karen, and Claire exchange worried glances, their eyes lingering on the bruises and scratches that mar your skin.
"What happened to you? You're covered in bruises," Karen observes, her voice filled with genuine concern. Quick on your feet, you conjure a plausible lie, hoping to shield them from the truth.
"Oh, I was near one of the explosions, but I managed to escape unscathed," you assure them, your voice resolute, despite the smudged dirt on your skin and the disarray of your appearance. Claire's perceptive gaze meets yours, silently acknowledging that there's more to the story. Though unspoken, her understanding serves as a comforting reassurance that your secret is safe for now. 
After swiftly delegating Mrs. Cardenas and attending to Foggy's wound, you are pulled aside by Claire and guided into a nearby stairwell. Concern fills your voice as you whisper, "Are we supposed to be in here?" She places a finger to her lips, urging you to keep quiet, and shows you her phone, indicating that Matt is calling. Your eyes widen in apprehension as you look up at Claire, waiting for her to answer the call. She puts it on low volume speaker, ensuring your involvement.
"I need your help. I've found someone who has crucial information about what I've been investigating, but he's been shot," Matt's gravelly voice resonates through the speaker. Claire rolls her eyes in exasperation and suggests, "Why don't you call 911?"
"I can't. The police are the ones who shot him. They'd probably like a chance to finish the job," Matt explains, prompting Claire to seek your confirmation. You nod silently, conveying your agreement. Claire sighs in resignation and questions, "You want me to come to you... in the middle of all this?"
"No, I want you to walk me through stabilizing him," Matt replies. Claire rolls her eyes once again, and you stifle a laugh at their familiar banter. Claire responds over the phone, "It's not as easy as it looks in the movies, you know?" Matt retorts playfully, "I don't really go to the movies. I like records, though.”
You can't help but roll your eyes this time, thinking to yourself how much of a flirt Matt can be. Claire sighs and relents, “All right.” Matt then continues, “There's something else you need to know. The man I'm trying to save… it's Vladimir.”
Matt continues, "There's something else you need to know. The man I'm trying to save... it's Vladimir."
Frustration washes over you, and you briefly close your eyes, looking away from the phone. Claire's voice echoes with anger, "The jerk who had me beaten up? That's who you want me to help?"
Matt sighs, pleading, “Look, you have every right to tell me to go to hell, but he's important, Claire. What he knows could bring Fisk down and save more people like you from getting hurt.”
A heavy silence hangs over the line as you stand next to Claire, offering her a sympathetic gaze. You mouth the word "please" while Matt calls out for Claire once again.
Claire's voice crackles through the phone with a sense of urgency, "Is there an exit wound?" Matt's response is barely audible, his voice filled with gratitude, "Thank you." He pauses momentarily, his throat clearing before he continues, “Uh, no. The bullet's still inside him. It's still half a degree hotter than the surrounding tissue.”
Claire then asks, “Is there any kind of first aid kit?” To which Matt replies, “I'm in a warehouse. Abandoned.” Claire looks at you and then raises her eyebrows, “Tell me what's there, anything you can use.”
"Alright, hang on," Matt's voice crackles through the phone, filled with determination. You exchange a glance with Claire, your expression a mix of concern and anxiety. The weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air as you prepare to guide Matt through a risky procedure.
Matt's voice comes through, listing the items he has at his disposal. “Uh, half a box of nails... broken glass... wood, duct tape, old roadside emergency kit, a lot of plastic sheeting…” Each item carries its potential, a makeshift arsenal in their desperate circumstances.
Claire's voice cuts through the tension, her focus sharp. “The kit, are there any flares in it?” Your eyebrows raise in surprise as Matt confirms, “Yeah, two.”
Claire hums, her mind working out a plan. “Alright... you're gonna cauterize the wound.” The gravity of her words sinks in, knowing the pain and risk involved.
Matt's voice carries a hint of uncertainty, "Shouldn't I dig the bullet out first?" Claire shrugs, her voice steady and experienced. You squint up at her, silently taking in her expertise. "Remember what I said about this not being a movie? You cut him open and start digging around, you'll kill him. This way, at least he has a chance of not bleeding out before you get what you need out of him... and... it'll hurt like a son of a bitch, so bonus."
A brief pause follows as Matt absorbs Claire's instructions. His determination shines through as he asks, "Alright, how do I do this?" Claire sighs, her voice soothing yet firm, "Just light the flare, hold it close to his skin until the entry wound seals." The simplicity of her instructions masks the high stakes and the immense trust placed in Matt's hands.
Silence hangs in the air, the weight of the moment palpable. You remain on the line, a silent presence of support, as Matt prepares to undertake this risky procedure that could save a life or plunge them further into peril, “Okay, I'm gonna put you on speaker.”
With a sense of urgency, you snatch the phone from Claire's hand, pressing the mute button swiftly. Concern etches across your face as you realize the importance of determining the precise location where Matt finds himself. You need to be prepared for any potential obstacles or dangers that lie ahead.
Claire's expression betrays her worry as she shakes her head, hesitant to let you venture into the unknown. She understands the risks involved and fears for your safety. But your determination shines through as you meet her gaze, emphasizing the significance of your collective mission.
You lock eyes with Claire, conveying the gravity of the situation. You know that time is of the essence, and every decision carries weight. Countless lives hang in the balance, and you can't stand idly by. Your voice carries conviction as you implore Claire to make the crucial inquiry.
"I need to know where he is, Claire," you insist, your tone filled with urgency. "We can't leave anything to chance. Lives are at stake."
Claire hesitates for a moment, her eyes darting between you and the phone. She understands the weight of your words and the responsibility that comes with them. Finally, she nods and takes back the phone, once again connecting with Matt. His voice reverberates through the line, calling out for Claire. She responds her tone steady yet laced with concern.
"Yeah... still here," Claire answers, her voice filled with determination. "But before you start, can you let me know which area you're in? Just in case."
The line falls silent for a brief moment, tension filling the air. Then, Matt's voice breaks through, his words carrying a hint of relief. "Northwest corner of 47th and 12th," he reveals, giving you a lifeline in this race against time.
You meet Claire's gaze, gratitude shining in your eyes. It's a silent acknowledgment of her pivotal role in acquiring this crucial information. With a nod, you quickly formulate your next course of action, knowing that there is no time to waste.
Without further delay, you take a deep breath and quietly exit the stairwell, ready to face the challenges ahead and join Matt in his fight.
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You try your best to stay out of sight and hide between the shadows of the alleyways. There are sirens wailing and police radio chattering, multiple officers, and their K9s. Ben Urich is also discussing with the two detectives when you arrive and you have a concerned look on your face as you feel your powers pulse and vibrate as you will them to life, rendering the illusion of invisibility as you walked past the officers and climbed up a fire escape to get to where Matt is.
By the time you reached the second floor, you spot Vladimir, his bloodied and wounded form sprawled on the ground, a testament to the brutality of the situation. As you take in the scene, your eyes scan the surroundings, checking the perimeter for any signs of danger. Matt, focused and composed, is busy securing a police officer to a rusty metal pole, ensuring he remains restrained.
Vladimir's voice strained and sputtering with blood, reaches your ears. "You've been busy," he manages to say, his words laced with both exhaustion and curiosity. You position yourself near the window panes, keeping watch as Matt diligently proceeds to silence the officer with a layer of duct tape across his mouth.
Vladimir's head tilts at an odd angle as he groggily asks, "How do you know this?" You turn to witness Matt's nonchalant shrug, his response filled with an air of mystery. "Lucky guess," he casually remarks, his instincts proving sharp even in the direst of situations.
Suddenly, the sound of helicopter blades reverberates through the building, confirming the accuracy of Matt's prediction. Matt bends down to pick up a discarded pistol, skillfully unloading and disassembling it without hesitation. Vladimir's eyes widen at the sight, his voice dripping with frustration. "We could have used that."
A faint smile tugs at the corners of Matt's lips as he retrieves a sturdy metal cylinder pipe instead. "I'm not big on guns," he states with conviction, his actions speaking volumes about his principles.
In an instant, Matt is standing next to you by the window, attuned to the world outside. Together, you listen to the symphony of heartbeats, barks, and radio chatter, a cacophony of chaos that defines the battlefield surrounding the building. As Vladimir groans in pain, the effects of the cauterization evident, he musters the strength to voice his discontent. "You... burned me?" he coughs out, his disbelief palpable.
Matt's response is both matter-of-fact and compassionate. "Yeah, I had to stop the bleeding," he states, his determination to save lives shining through. Vladimir's anguished cry fills the air, a testament to the excruciating pain he is enduring as Matt drags him against a wooden crate for him to lean on.
 Matt's voice remains steady, his resolve unyielding. "Bullet's still inside you. Wouldn't move around, if I were you." In the midst of their tense exchange, Vladimir musters the strength to voice his defiance. "You expect me to say thank you?" he sputters out, his words laced with a mix of bitterness and defiance.
Matt’s voice grows deeper, “If I didn't need you alive, we wouldn't be having this conversation.” Vladimir chuckles weakly and coughs, “So you just stand there and let me die, huh? But you couldn't kill me yourself. Is that where you draw the line?”
Matt kneels down, his determination etched on his face as he growls, "Tell me what I want to know about Fisk." Vladimir, blood dripping from his mouth, musters a defiant response, "You think you're different... from me? From him? But you'll get there. Sooner or later... we all do, men like us."
Moved by the intensity of the moment, you stand beside Matt, offering your support. Your hand gently rests on his shoulder, providing a silent reassurance. As your touch connects with him, you feel his body freeze, his muscles tensing. Matt cranes his neck to the side, his heightened senses acknowledging your presence. His voice, barely audible, carries a mix of surprise and relief as he whispers, "You were looking for me."
Your hand instinctively moves down to his arm, offering a comforting squeeze. You lean closer to his ear, your words a soft murmur, "I'm always looking for you."
Matt turns his head slightly, his attention briefly shifting to your presence, but he doesn't linger on it. Instead, he focuses on Vladimir, the urgency of the situation pulling him back into the moment. "A man like Fisk just took out your entire operation," Matt asserts, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "And he may not own all the cops, but he owns enough that you won't make it into a prison cell. Right now, I'm your only shot at getting out of this building alive."
Vladimir, his breathing heavy, musters the strength to share crucial information. "His lapdog came to us first. He told us his employer had taken note. He complimented... us on our business. Invited us to be part of something bigger... to expand... if we entered into an agreement."
Matt's gravelly voice cuts through the tension, his question demanding answers. "What did Fisk offer?" he asks, his focus unwavering.
Vladimir shrugs, a grimace forming on his blood-stained face. "Police looking other way... aid from politicians... and access to Chinese and their heroin."
Surprised by the revelation, Matt presses further, "He's working with the Chinese?" Vladimir's mocking tone sends a wave of frustration through Matt. "You really don't know anything, do you? Just snapping at scraps falling from the table."
Frustrated but undeterred, Matt licks his lips, determined to gather more information. "I want names. Everything you know about them and how they connect to Fisk."
Vladimir's energy wanes, his voice growing weaker. "There's only one name that matters. The man that can tie it all together." Matt's urgency rises as he implores, "Who?"
With a distant gaze, Vladimir reminisces, his voice trailing off, "We were going to rule this city... my brother and I."
Matt, sensing the opportunity slipping away, growls urgently, "Vladimir, the name!"
Struggling to form the words, Vladimir's voice fades before he utters something in Russian. Suddenly, he catches Matt off guard, headbutting him and launching a swift attack with a wooden plank. Matt groans, winded and disoriented, trying to regain his footing amidst the chaos.
Defiantly, Vladimir cries out, "This is not how I die. This is not how it happens." Matt, refusing to yield, pushes himself up from the floor, his resolve unyielding. The room becomes a blur of grunts, punches, and strikes as the two adversaries engage in a fierce battle. In a stunning turn of events, Matt gains the upper hand, bringing Vladimir down to the ground, causing the old wooden floors to splinter beneath their weight. The deafening sound of planks clattering and the heavy thump of their bodies hitting the floor below reverberate through the room, causing you to flinch.
Your heart races with panic as you witness the aftermath of the intense confrontation. Matt lies motionless, his body splayed across the fractured floor. Fear and concern grip you, overpowering any rational thought. Without hesitation, you tap into your unique abilities.
Drawing upon the illusory energy within you, you summon your powers. An ethereal shimmer envelops your form, rendering you visible once again. With a focused determination, you concentrate your energy, allowing it to manifest beneath your feet.
Gradually, you lift off the ground, defying gravity as you hover above the wreckage. Your descent through the gaping hole in the floor is guided by a combination of instinct and concern. Matt's stillness propels you forward, an invisible force compelling you to reach him.
As you gently lower yourself to the lower level, your touch meets the battered body of the man you have the urge to care for. Tenderly, you cradle his head in your hands, checking for signs of life. Matt stirs, his breath shallow but present, and relief washes over you.
With a mixture of relief and worry etched on your face, you whisper softly, "Come on, stay with me." Your voice carries a blend of encouragement and concern, urging him to regain his strength.  The sounds of the dog barking and distant sirens serving as a constant reminder of the perilous situation. Time is of the essence, and you know that you must act swiftly to ensure Matt's safety and the success of their mission.
As Matt groans in pain, you lend him your support, his weight partially resting against you. He grimaces and spits out a mouthful of blood, the metallic taste lingering in the air. Your heart aches at the sight, fueling your determination to help him through this ordeal.
While maintaining your grip on Matt, he turns his head towards the motionless Vladimir, his gaze filled with a mix of pain and defiance. His voice carries a hint of a growl as he addresses his defeated adversary, "That wasn't very smart."
Vladimir's body remains still, but his eyes continue to glare at Matt with a piercing intensity. With a mocking sneer, he taunts, "But it was fun, wasn't it? Watching you bleed. And finally seeing what your little guardian angel looks like."
You swallow nervously, the weight of the situation pressing upon you. Matt's response is laced with contempt, his voice dripping with defiance and a touch of blood, "You think this is a game?"
A faint smile tugs at the corners of Vladimir's mouth as he retorts, "If it was a game, you'd be losing."
Meanwhile, you shift your focus to tending to Matt's injuries as best you can amidst the chaos. Your hands brush away the dirt and debris, offering a semblance of comfort in the midst of their harsh surroundings. Drawing upon the energy of your glamour, you channel it to alleviate some of the soreness and minor wounds, providing a small measure of relief.
As Vladimir's eyes flutter closed, Matt freezes for a moment before mustering his strength and pushing himself up. He hurriedly moves to Vladimir's side and begins performing chest compressions, his voice filled with desperation, "No... No... Come on. I'm not done with you yet. You hear me? I'm not done with you yet."
Sensing the urgency of the situation, you quickly join Matt, gently taking hold of his arms and urging him to step aside. Reluctantly, he complies and shifts his focus to your actions. You concentrate on the rhythm of your compressions, your hands applying measured pressure to Vladimir's chest.
The room is charged with tension as you continue the life-saving procedure. The sound of your hands connecting with Vladimir's chest echoes through the air. However, just as you feel a flicker of doubt, your powers surge to life, channeling a surge of magic into his body. The shock jolts Vladimir's heart, coaxing it back into a normal rhythm.
Coughing and gasping for air, Vladimir's eyes widen in confusion. He struggles to comprehend what just occurred. Unamused, you respond with a hint of annoyance in your tone, "You died. I brought you back. You're welcome."
Vladimir gazes up at you, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and disdain. With a hint of mockery, he taunts, "You can't even stand there and let me die, even after I almost killed the one you're so eager to protect. Does he even know your name?"
Gritting your teeth, you feel Matt's presence beside you. Shaking your head, you reply, "It doesn't matter. Give us the information we need about Fisk."
However, the sudden sounds from outside the building catch your attention, causing both you and Matt to tense up. Your eyes meet his, silently communicating the urgency of the situation. Matt swiftly positions himself atop a wooden table, his palms pressed against its surface to sense the vibrations of the concrete. He cranes his neck, absorbing every piece of information from the surroundings. The rumbling of the nearby train tracks triggers an idea in his mind.
Curious, Vladimir asks, "What are you doing?" Matt responds with determination in his voice, "Finding us a way out."
Moving swiftly, Matt strides over to a corner of the room, and you follow his lead. He squats down, removing the wooden planks and debris that obstruct the way. Your eyes catch sight of a metal grate, likely leading to the sewer. Matt starts pulling at the bars, and you join him, lending your strength to the task at hand. However, just as you begin, the crackling of a radio fills the room, and a voice at the other end speaks up, "I'd like to speak to the man in the mask, please."
Your eyes shoot up to Matt, a mix of anxiety and anticipation evident in your expression, as the voice on the radio continues to speak. "Hello. Are you there? Can you hear me?" Matt's attention is drawn to the radio lying on the floor. He quickly reaches for a piece of wood, using his gloved hand to turn it over, and then picks up the device. "Who is this?" he inquires, his voice laced with caution.
A sinking feeling settles in the pit of your stomach as you realize the significance of this moment. "I think you know," you respond, your voice tinged with apprehension. "You've been asking about me. I thought it was time we spoke." While keeping your hands on the metal grate beneath you, you strain to listen to the conversation unfolding between Matt and the man on the other end of the line, whom you assume to be Fisk.
"Say your name," Matt demands, his tone firm and unwavering. Fisk counters, "You first." There's a brief pause before Fisk continues, "That's what I thought. You and I have a lot in common."
Matt whispers deeply, his voice filled with conviction, "We're nothing alike."
Fisk disagrees, his voice dripping with smugness, "That's what you'll tell yourself."
"You're feeding off this city... like a cancer," Matt states matter-of-factly, his words cutting through the tension.
"I want to save this city, like you... only on a scale that matters," Fisk retorts, his tone implying a twisted sense of righteousness.
"Now tell that to the people you've hurt," Matt challenges, his voice holding a blend of anger and determination.
"Young man... life is not a fairy tale. Not everyone deserves... a happy ending," Fisk responds nonchalantly, his words leaving a bitter taste in the air.
You gather the remaining strength within you, attempting to summon your powers once more, but they flicker out, leaving you frustrated and on the verge of tears.
"I'm gonna find you... and I'm gonna make you pay for what you've done," Matt threatens, his voice seething with righteous fury. Fisk doesn't miss a beat, his tone unwavering, "No, you are not. Not that I don't admire what you're trying to do... to change the world... with nothing but desire and your own two hands... secure in the knowledge that you're doing the right thing, the only thing. That's something that I do understand. But we both can't have what we want. So... your part... in this drama, by necessity, comes to an end."
"It's gonna take a lot more than a voice on a radio to stop me," Matt declares defiantly, kneeling on the floor. He can sense your fatigue and nausea, and his concern for you simmers beneath his anger.
"It's not me you need to worry about. It's the city you just blew the hell out of," Fisk says, revealing his true intentions. As you lift your head, you lock eyes with Matt, realizing that Fisk has played his cards perfectly, orchestrating the situation in his favor.
Matt stands up and moves closer to you, a knowing smirk on his face. He chuckles over the radio, "You... You think anyone's gonna believe that?"
"You're running around in a mask, holing up with a known felon in the wake of a series of bombings. There's that police officer you're holding hostage, so... yes. Actually, I do. But it doesn't have to be this way. The Russian... is he alive?" Fisk inquires. Matt turns the radio toward Vladimir, who spits back, "I'm still here, you fat shit!"
Matt's smirk widens as he presses the radio button, triumphantly saying, "Does that answer your question?"
"It's a one-time offer. You kill the Russian, and we'll call the night a push. You know what he's done... to women... to children..." Fisk presents his proposition, his voice dripping with malice. Matt's boot lands on Vladimir's hand, preventing him from grabbing a sharp piece of wood, eliciting a pained groan. Matt effortlessly grabs the wooden piece and hurls it across the room.
"To the people of this city that you claim to care about," Fisk adds, his words fueling Matt's anger.
"You just confirmed how important he is. That must worry you, what he might tell me," Matt asserts, exposing Fisk's fear. Fisk retorts, "Which means he hasn't told you anything yet."
You sense Matt's anger boiling beneath the surface as he kicks some rubble aside in frustration, causing you to flinch. Matt turns his body towards you, and you direct your attention back to the metal grate. You shake your head, attempting to muster the last ounce of energy within you, determined to replenish your magic before Fisk's men close in on all of you.
"You're a child playing at being a hero," Fisk taunts, his words intended to provoke. Matt licks his lower lip in frustration before responding, "No, no, I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm just a guy that got fed up with men like you and I decided to do something about it."
"That's what makes you dangerous. It's not the mask. It's not the skills. It's your ideology. The lone man... who thinks he can make a difference," Fisk states grimly. Disagreement knits your eyebrows together, but you can see the way Matt's lips curl downwards, haunted by a memory that quietly slips under the door of his mind. It rewinds the tapes, presenting evidence that what Fisk is saying holds a grain of truth. In that moment, your heart aches at the thought of Matt believing it.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself you've won. It'll make what I'm gonna do to you so much more satisfying," Matt says, his voice filled with determination. Fisk replies coldly, "Your part ends tonight."
"And if that's true, others will take my place. They'll see what I was trying to do, and they'll make sure..." Matt's sentence is cut short by Fisk's interruption, "No, they won't. The city will burn you in effigy. Your name, your very existence... will be met with abhorrence and disgust."
The sudden clamoring and screams from outside weigh heavily on your chest, making it difficult to breathe. Matt's voice, filled with pain, resonates, "What did you do?"
"What you forced me to do. Goodbye. I'm afraid we won't speak again," Fisk declares, severing the connection. Matt pushes himself off the wall, his frustration and anger erupting in a furious yell before he hurls the radio, shattering it against the wall with a display of his strength.
Realizing that you need a few minutes to recover before attempting to tackle the stubborn metal grate once again, you find a spot on the ground to sit down. Leaning your back against the wall, you catch your breath, pushing stray strands of hair away from your face with tired fingers.
Matt, ever determined, moves towards the metal grate, ready to give it another try. However, just as he starts to exert his strength, the shrill ring of his phone interrupts his efforts. He pauses, panting, and answers with a weary tone, "It's really not a good time."
You pay little attention to who might be on the other end of the line, but you can hear fragments of Claire's voice filtering through the speaker. A brief moment passes before Matt pants out a response, "No. It was Fisk. It's all Fisk."
Feeling a mixture of exhaustion and curiosity, you observe Matt as he moves to the other side of the room, engaging in the phone conversation. His head tilts to the side, his expression grave, as he listens intently. Then, in a rare moment of vulnerability, his usually confident voice falters, "Claire. Um... What you said, before I left... I was..."
His words trail off, and you can sense the weight of his emotions. "No, don't be," he continues, his voice filled with sincerity. "It turns out you were... You were right... about me. I just don't want you getting caught up if it goes that way. If we don't get a chance to talk again... you take care of yourself."
It becomes apparent to you how easily Matt pushes away those he cares about, as if his hands act as barriers, closing off access to his own heart. The anger, fear, and sadness that he keeps hidden beneath the surface remain locked away in a secluded room within him. Pushing yourself up from the wall, you ignore the pain in your hands from previous attempts to claw at the grate. Squatting down, you grip the metal tightly, determination etched on your face.
Both Matt and Vladimir move to assist you, but your voice, filtered with resolve, reverberates through the room, "Stop." Their movements freeze, and you feel the surge of power within you growing. The energy manipulates the metal grate, causing it to shift and tremble under your command. A sharp cry of pain escapes your lips, and with great effort, you finally give in, collapsing to the side.
Matt acts swiftly, catching your limp figure in his arms, providing support as you struggle to catch your breath. You watch as the shimmering magic that surrounded the grate fades away, but to your surprise, the grate itself is completely gone. Your eyes widen in astonishment at the display of your newfound abilities. A snort escapes you, mingling with the pain and exhaustion, "You were right. This isn't how we die."
With Matt's help, you manage to make your way down the ladder, gripping a flashlight tightly in your hand. The stench of sewage only adds to the disorientation, but you push through, determined to keep moving forward. Matt takes on the responsibility of supporting your weight, doing his best to assist you. He guides Vladimir to a wall on the side, allowing him a moment to catch his breath.
Vladimir's voice cuts through the air, filled with confusion, "Where are we?"
"Access tunnels," Matt responds, his voice containing a hint of knowledge. "The city was built on a network of these, most of them sealed up years ago." His head tilts as he hones in on the approaching sounds of police officers, hot on your trail.
"Alright, we have to keep moving, find a way to the street," Matt declares, his determination resurfacing. With one side supporting Vladimir and the other struggling to support you, you all continue on, navigating the maze-like tunnels in search of an escape route to the surface.
As you turn your attention to the locked door, your mind races with ideas on how to open it. However, before you can offer your assistance, Matt's swift reflexes come into play. He swiftly throws Vladimir aside, propelling him away from the immediate danger. The sound of a commanding voice fills the air, yelling, "Freeze!"
Reacting on instinct, you instinctively duck, narrowly avoiding the hail of gunfire that erupts in the tunnel. Matt's finely honed senses and skills kick into high gear as he gracefully evades the bullets, his movements fluid and precise. Your powers surge within you, and you harness their energy to create ethereal spheres of shimmering illusions. With a focused intention, you launch the illusions at one of the officers, causing him to become disoriented and rendering him unconscious.
Seizing the opportunity, you spot Matt's discarded metal pipe on the ground and swiftly grab it. With a surge of energy, you infuse the pipe with power, transforming it into a formidable weapon. Expertly aiming, you hurl the energized pipe at the second officer, striking him square in the head. At the same time, you unleash a beam of projection, creating mirages and shimmers that disorient the remaining officer.
Matt's skills are unmatched as he swiftly disarms the final officer, his movements seamless and calculated. With the immediate threat neutralized, he stands by your side, both of you breathing heavily from the adrenaline coursing through your veins. You lean against the wall, wincing at the sharp pain in your side, and take a moment to catch your breath. Meanwhile, Vladimir has managed to secure one of the rifles and points it toward the two of you.
"We need to go. There are five more coming. They're working for Fisk, probably not even real cops. We don't have time for this," Matt pants out urgently, his voice laced with concern. You frown, realizing the severity of the situation, but before you can react, Vladimir interrupts with a pained voice, "I think... maybe I stay."
Matt tries to reason with him, his voice tinged with desperation, "We can still make it out of here. You can turn evidence on Fisk, we can expose him..."
Vladimir shakes his head, his voice resolute, "He controls... all police... judges. There's only one way to stop him, you know this."
Matt firmly denies, "No. I'm not a killer."
"The moment you put on the mask... you got into a cage with animals. Animals don't stop fighting. Not until one of them is dead," Vladimir states, his words carrying the weight of bitter experience. He groans as he pushes himself up from the floor, his determination unwavering. His gaze shifts between you and Matt, and then settles on you. "And he will do it... to everyone you care about. Will you feel the same way then? Or will you be a man... and do what you know you must do?"
Vladimir's words hang heavy in the air, their impact sinking in. You close your eyes for a moment, contemplating the choices before you. The distant sound of chatter and approaching footsteps snaps your attention back to the present. Vladimir's gaze shifts between all of you, his voice filled with urgency, "Go."
Summoning the last reserves of your energy, you focus your powers once more. With a burst of golden energy, you direct a powerful surge towards the locked door. The door buckles under the force, hinges groaning and splintering, until finally, it bursts open, revealing an escape route from the turmoil, bloodshed, and the weighty decisions that lingered in the air.
Together, you and Matt rush through the newly opened passage, leaving behind the dissonance and unfortunate resolve of Vladimir.
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End Notes:
Yes yes, I KNOW. Does Matt know? It’s you?? We’ll find out in the next chapter. Hehehe. Yay for the black suit :> I was supposed to split this into two parts but ehhh I couldn’t help myself.
Lowkey blacked out while writing this chonky chapter so uhhh if there are any mistakes... my bad! 😣
Okay time for the next episode! See ya 👋
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78 notes · View notes
So here’s the thing: I think a good chunk of the BTVS fandom thinks of Giles as a father figure to Buffy (of which I am one). But he discourages her from it, and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that his trauma with his own father wasn’t healed. His representation of who fathers are supposed to be is already unhealthy, and he can see the absence of Hank in Buffy’s life is a void that needs to be filled in terms of guidance and wisdom. But he’s also very aware of what he’s capable of (i.e. Eyghon, what he did to Ben, etc.) and believes (as many abused children do) that he doesn’t fit the idyllic version of fatherhood that he might have wished for for himself. He isn’t particularly warm on first glance (though he can be), did a lot of terrible things in his life, doesn’t have a steady partner. He can anger and isn’t an infinite well of patience and forgiveness. He cannot conceptualize the idea that he’s the closest thing she has to an involved father figure in her life because that idea is terrifying. Because as a Watcher he can do his job fine but what the hell does he know about being a dad when his own was terrible to him? He doesn’t want her to get hurt by another father figure in her life, and especially not by him. Not because he doesn’t love her or care about her that way but because he feels he is deeply inadequate for the role.
Giles is already traumatized severely. He was attacked at the watcher academy at age 18 by a lorophage demon that killed several people as part of his training. Several watchers including his father had to stop the demon and save him before he died. He wasn’t much older than Buffy when he faced his own mortality, but being alive far longer than her, he faced far more death with little time to process it. His friend Deirdre who died when he was rebelling with dark magic. Not to mention that as a watcher he’s seen a ton of death by his job alone. Then you have Buffy’s first death and Jenny’s brutal death in season 2, not to mention the whole thing with Ethan being back and dragging up his past, then losing his job as a watcher, and a librarian by the end of Season 3.
By season 4 Giles is struggling. He has no employment, Buffy is growing less dependent on him, and he’s struggling to come to terms with what to do with his life. But as he’s trying to prepare to move on with his life, Buffy tells him she needs him and he stays because he loves and cares about her. But after Joyce’s death and her resurrection, he realizes that she’s relying on him so much that she’ll never move forward with him as a crutch. When he’s stepping back he doesn’t perceive this as an abandonment. He’s trying to give her a chance to figure it out on her own. And despite the fact that he is sad to go he knows he’s trying to do right by her. She perceives it as an abandonment and so do we, because why wouldn’t we? This is her show and her perspective. We’ve seen all the love they both have for one another and the respect. But this is a man who has lost so much already. Who has had no time to really process the fact that he has suffered egregiously. Who doesn’t really know a life outside of the job. Who has been shown to seek normalcy when he can.
Of course he loves Buffy like a daughter, and of course leaving her was incredibly hard. He’s been by her side for years. He’s not leaving her as she perceives, he wants her to grow. She can’t see it that way because of all of the trauma she’s gone through, and who could blame her? Getting ripped out of heaven must have been awful. For the life of me I’ve been trying to figure out why he left right after that (okay I know it was Tabula Rasa but close enough) and what I keep coming back to is the fact that he’s not just watching her fall apart- it’s everybody. Dawn is a Kleptomaniac, Willow is getting into the dark magic, Buffy is depressed and a shell of her former self, and Xander and Anya have their share of issues. He’s been the go to man for all of them for so long, and I don’t think his decision was driven as much by Buffy alone as it was by a feeling of burnout and pressure. He cannot carry all of this by himself but this is literally what he’s been doing the whole time.
This is a man who has tried to make up for his mistakes. He’s held himself accountable for his actions. And Buffy and her friends aren’t taking that accountability for their problems by that point. He told them at one point to think of him as an uncle because he can’t see himself as a father figure, but ultimately stepping away to take care of himself and allowing all of them to find their footing is very much akin to a dad stepping back from the lives of his kids to give them a chance to stand on their own. And they all end up rising to the occasion in the end like he believed they would. And despite that, he always shows up for Buffy when she needs him most.
He is a Dad to the lot of them (Buffy especially of course) in the ways that matter, but is completely blind to it because of his own thought distortions and trauma, and I think he gets penalized a lot for it in S6 & 7. And while I absolutely hated the way his arc was handled (he deserved a way better S6 & 7 in terms of his character development, finding his place in the world, and healing himself), I get why he saw things as he did. The early seasons are a better reflection of who he is on the whole as a person (esp seasons 2 & 4) but I get riled up when I hear people talking about him abandoning Buffy in later seasons when he’s literally in the midst of some of the worst trauma of his life. It’s not an accurate representation of what he was trying to do and I think he deserves more grace. He was trying to do what he thought was right, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love or care for Buffy or the rest of the Scoobies. But he is a whole person, who suffered massively, and deserved the same compassion that he gave those he cared about and didn’t get it back from the Scoobies and the fandom when he deserved it and needed it most.
Anyway just my two cents but this has been bugging me for a while.
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cilil · 2 months
☽ Late Night Musings - The Halls of Mandos ☾
My personal take on Mandos is that it's a place of limbo, not heaven, hell or any sort of afterlife really.
For Men (including all mortals), that's already a given due to the fact that they don't permanently stay in Mandos and move on to an unknown place outside the circles of Arda. For Elves, it's the case because they weren't meant to die in the first place and the goal is to get them reembodied eventually; the same applies to Ainur. For Dwarves, it's their belief that Aulë gathers them in a different part of Mandos and they'll eventually aid him in rebuilding the world and receive a place among the Children of Ilúvatar.
(For Orcs as well as any other creatures who possess fëar, it can be assumed that they would also be called to Mandos and be met with a fate either like Elves or Dwarves, though we don't know any details. I have headcanons about the fate of Orcs in particular, but that's a story for another time.)
While Mandos is very much a place that physically exists and can be visited - even entered, though I would guess that Námo probably doesn't allow the living to come and go as they please - I think that it's also a spiritual place similar to/possibly located in the same plane of existence as the Unseen Realm and the Olórë Mallë in Lost Tales, and that the experience of those who come to Mandos in spirit after death is rather abstract and varies from soul to soul.
The purpose is not just to be judged if you have done great evil throughout your life, but more importantly self-reflection and healing, and each soul goes on their own individual journey.
For those who were good people in life, accept their mistakes and are ready to make peace with themselves and others, Mandos is a cozy, comfortable place where you may in time find loved ones, have a chat with Námo, Nienna, Vairë and their Maiar, admire the tapestries and rest. For those who committed great evil and are refusing to let go of their anger and spite, however, Mandos appears like a labyrinth or prison that they can't escape from. The key to their way out is not only Námo's judgement, but also - and this will influence his decision - the state of their being and the amount of healing they need, as well as any others they might have wronged.
It may be that this entire journey is like a dream, from which you will in time awaken to find yourself face to face with Námo for one final time - for he, his family and his servants may have visited you already a few times to offer guidance, wisdom and perhaps one or the other harsh truth - and hear his judgement.
For Men, he has no power to hold them and will always send them beyond the circles of the world. For Elves, he will offer them to return to life in Valinor, safe for the ones whose crimes and/or lack of repentance warrant a longer stay; the procedure for slain Maiar, provided they heeded his call, may be similar. For Dwarves, he will let them take their place among their ancestors and relinquish them to Aulë. Orcs may or may not share the fate of Elves.
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wall-legion · 3 months
Shiverpeaks Sylvari Personal Story Chapter 1: Descending the Boughs
Since the Shiverpeaks sylvari do not experience the Dream, after character creation your sylvari comes into an ethereal space, the World before Awakening. This is where your sylvari meets the four Spirits of Nature and learns about their Season, and can choose a Spirit of Nature to be more closely aligned with (and in turn get a personal story to start following).
Dialogue after CC: PC: I am sylvari. I hail from the Shiverpeaks, and the Pinefather. The first of our family descended from his boughs twenty-five years back and began to explore the world with the guidance of the Spirits of Nature. With their wisdom, we have been able to learn, grow, and find our place in this world. We are nurturers. We give back what we take. We leave places better than we found them. PC: I sense the Spirits of Nature reaching out to me. They say that it is time to leave Pinefather's branches, that my season is now. (If your sylvari chooses to align with the Spirit of Earth, Follow the Roots) PC: Earth tells me that there is trouble underground, an evil that may endanger Pinefather if not addressed. A creature called "dredge" have come here to search for resources. I must see if I and some of my elder siblings can convince them to leave, without resorting to aggressive tactics... but if we must fight to defend our family, we will. (If your sylvari chooses to align with the Spirit of Rain, Drink Deep) PC: Rain tells me that a spring we use nearby has been poisoned by a group called the Sons of Svanir. I have no knowledge of who Svanir is, but I fear his sons are dishonoring him by causing our family harm. I will go investigate and see if I can remove the poison, and prevent them from doing this again. (If your sylvari chooses to align with the Spirit of Sun, Food for Thought) PC: Sun tells me that a pineshade is trampling our gardens. What is a pineshade? Perhaps it is a relative of Pinefather. I will have to ask him some time. For now, I must see to the protection of our hard work, so we will have enough to eat. I should speak to Emlyn, the head gardener, once I have awoken and am ready. They will be able to give me more information about the damage done, and how best to take on this creature. (If your sylvari choose to align with the Spirit of Wind, Send Me a Song) PC: Wind tells me that there are something called "ice imps" keeping the first Summerborn, Taranis, from being able to perform a play he has written for us. I'm sure Taranis has worked very hard on this, and will be very upset if he is unable to share this gift with our family! I will find out what an ice imp is, and I will make them go away, so Taranis's show can go on! Cinematic following after initial CC animation: Pinefather: (character name), your season has come. Have you spoken with the Spirits of Nature yet? Do you know of the world below? PC: Pinefather? Yes, I have just spoken with them, but... Pinefather: But what? PC: I still have so many questions. I do not know what some of the things they spoke of even are! How am I to help make the world better without understanding the task I was just given? Pinefather: (chuckles) Dear child, your presence in the world alone makes it better because you want to make it better. Our family will help you learn what you must, in order to achieve the goal that was set for you. The Spirits of Nature believe in you. I believe in you. Pinefather: Get ready now. I'll be here when you need me most. Our family will always be here for you. But it is time. Awaken! The player character then comes to at the base of the Pinefather, to be greeted by the esus (Celtic word for "lord") of their season: Spring's is Rosheen (they/them), Summer's is Keath (he/him), Autumn's is Granya (she/her), and Winter's is Berach (he/him).
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princess-sof-time · 10 months
Hi I can ask Hinata Hyuga, Adrien, Felix, Marinette and Naruto with an S/O who was assigned to be their tutor and help them in the use of their powers and in training for them to become stronger. In the case of Miraculous Holders, the Tutor was chosen by the Guardians and Naruto and Hinata by some Ninja responsible for them. In the beginning there was little contact between them, but they come to admire their tutor and see them as a father figure for the fact that they care so much about them and comfort them in the worst of times.
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• In the beginning, Hinata's journey with her tutor is marked by her timid and reserved nature, making it challenging for her to connect with them on a deeper level. Uncertain of how to interact and unsure of her own abilities, she keeps her guard up, hesitant to show vulnerability. However, her tutor's patient and nurturing approach gradually chips away at her barriers, creating a safe space for her to open up and trust in their guidance.
• As Hinata witnesses her tutor's unwavering dedication and commitment to her growth, her admiration for them begins to blossom. Their belief in her abilities, even during moments of self-doubt, instills in her a profound sense of worthiness and importance. She starts to view them as a guiding presence in her life, a mentor figure who provides unconditional support and encouragement.
• During their training sessions, Hinata finds solace in her tutor's presence. Beyond teaching her physical techniques, they delve into the importance of emotional strength and self-belief. They recognize that true power comes from within and empower Hinata to embrace her inner strength and unlock her true potential. With each lesson, Hinata becomes more resilient and self-assured.
• Over time, Hinata's admiration for her tutor deepens, merging with a profound sense of gratitude. Their mentorship extends beyond the realm of training, as they become a trusted confidant and a source of comfort during challenging times. Hinata feels safe and protected in their presence, knowing that they are there to offer advice, reassurance, and a listening ear whenever she needs it.
• As their bond strengthens, Hinata's walls of reservation begin to crumble, allowing her to fully express herself and seek solace in her tutor's guidance. Their wisdom and empathetic understanding become invaluable to her growth, not just in terms of her physical abilities but also in navigating her emotions and relationships. With their support, Hinata gains the confidence to assert her own voice, assert her opinions, and walk her path with resilience and determination.
• Their relationship evolves into a profound connection built on trust, admiration, and shared experiences. Hinata's tutor becomes more than just a mentor; they become a cherished father figure, providing love, guidance, and emotional stability. Together, they embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, unlocking Hinata's full potential and shaping her into a strong and confident individual.
• In the end, Hinata's tutor leaves an indelible mark on her life, shaping her not only as a skilled warrior but also as a compassionate and resilient person. Their bond serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration, reminding Hinata of her own worth and capacity for growth. With their guidance, she emerges as a powerful force, ready to face any challenge that comes her way.
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• Initially, Adrien approaches his tutor with caution, a result of his past experiences and the distance he has grown accustomed to maintaining from authority figures. However, as his tutor dedicates themselves to unlocking his full potential and training him to become stronger, Adrien's perception begins to shift, and he gradually sees them as more than just a tutor but also as a mentor and father figure.
• Adrien deeply appreciates the patience and understanding his tutor exhibits throughout their training sessions. With their guidance, they create a safe and nurturing environment where Adrien can explore his powers and learn to harness them effectively. This support fosters a growing sense of confidence and self-assurance within him, allowing him to embrace his abilities and strive for personal growth.
• As the bond between Adrien and his tutor strengthens, he finds himself increasingly comfortable opening up to them. He shares his hopes, fears, and dreams, finding solace in their empathetic understanding. Their presence in his life becomes a source of comfort and stability, as they provide a listening ear and valuable advice during both challenging and joyful times.
• Adrien's admiration for his tutor deepens as he witnesses their unwavering dedication to his growth and well-being. Their commitment to his development as a person and as a powerful individual leaves a lasting impact on him. He looks up to them as a role model, inspired by their wisdom and guidance. Their consistent presence in his life nurtures a sense of gratitude and respect, as he realizes the profound care and fatherly love they provide.
• Through their tutelage, Adrien experiences personal growth and transformation. Their unwavering belief in his abilities fuels his determination to overcome obstacles and reach new heights. They not only help him refine his skills but also instill in him values of empathy, integrity, and responsibility. Adrien's journey with his tutor extends beyond the realm of power training, shaping him into a well-rounded individual with a strong moral compass.
• The connection between Adrien and his tutor becomes a vital support system in his life. He cherishes the mentorship they offer, seeing them as a guiding light during moments of uncertainty. Their presence instills a sense of reassurance and belonging, reminding him that he is not alone on his journey.
• As Adrien continues to grow under his tutor's guidance, he recognizes the profound impact they have had on his life. The lessons learned, the trust built, and the fatherly care received shape Adrien into a stronger, more confident individual. With their unwavering support and belief in him, Adrien emerges as a powerful force, ready to face any challenge and make a positive impact on the world around him.
• Ultimately, Adrien's tutor leaves an indelible mark on his life, not only as a mentor but also as a father figure who offers love, guidance, and unwavering support. Their relationship becomes a beacon of strength and inspiration, shaping Adrien into the best version of himself and providing him with the tools to navigate the complexities of his powers and his personal growth.
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• Initially skeptical and guarded, Felix approaches his tutor with a hint of wariness, unsure of their intentions and the impact they will have on his life. However, as his tutor consistently proves their dedication and competence in helping him develop his powers, Felix's initial reservations gradually transform into respect and admiration.
• Felix appreciates his tutor's no-nonsense approach to training. They recognize his potential and push him to his limits, challenging him to surpass his own expectations and become stronger, both physically and mentally. While their methods may seem demanding and rigorous, Felix acknowledges their effectiveness in honing his skills and shaping him into a formidable force. Despite his reserved nature, he begins to see his tutor as a father figure—a guiding presence who holds him to high standards and encourages his growth.
• Despite his inclination towards self-reliance, Felix finds himself opening up to his tutor, sharing his struggles and fears. He realizes that their genuine concern and unwavering support create a safe space for vulnerability. In their presence, Felix discovers a sense of stability and understanding that he may not have experienced before. Their ability to listen and offer guidance becomes an invaluable asset in his life, allowing him to navigate the challenges he faces with newfound strength.
• Over time, Felix's admiration for his tutor deepens, leading him to become more open in expressing his appreciation. He recognizes the profound impact they have had on his development and self-discovery. Their unwavering belief in his potential and constant efforts to bring out the best in him fuel his determination to push beyond his limits and strive for excellence.
• Felix values the way his tutor sees his true potential, even when he may doubt himself. Their unwavering belief becomes a catalyst for his own self-belief, enabling him to embrace his powers and explore the full extent of his capabilities. With their guidance, he learns to harness his strengths, overcome his weaknesses, and grow into a more confident and resilient individual.
• In Felix's eyes, his tutor becomes not only a mentor but also a trusted confidant and role model. He appreciates their wisdom and experience, seeking their guidance not only in matters of power training but also in navigating life's challenges. Their role as a father figure brings a sense of stability and warmth to his life, providing him with the guidance and love he may have longed for.
• Through their tutelage, Felix learns not only to master his powers but also to embrace vulnerability and forge meaningful connections. He discovers the transformative power of trust and genuine human connection, recognizing that strength lies not only in physical prowess but also in emotional resilience and the bonds we form with others.
• As Felix continues to grow under his tutor's guidance, he realizes the profound impact they have had on his life's trajectory. The tough training, unwavering support, and fatherly care they provide have shaped him into a stronger, more compassionate individual. With their guidance, Felix emerges as a force to be reckoned with, armed with the skills, confidence, and wisdom to make a positive impact on the world around him.
• Ultimately, Felix's tutor leaves an indelible mark on his life, having helped him uncover his true potential and navigate the complexities of his powers. Their relationship serves as a testament to the transformative power of mentorship and the profound influence a father figure can have on one's journey of self-discovery and growth.
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• At the beginning of their tutoring relationship, Marinette feels a mix of curiosity and caution around her tutor. Unsure of how they will impact her growth as a Miraculous holder, she treads lightly, uncertain of what to expect. However, as her tutor consistently proves their expertise, dedication, and genuine care for her development, Marinette's admiration for them deepens, solidifying their role as a caring and supportive father figure in her life.
• Marinette finds great solace in her tutor's guidance and patience. They possess a wealth of knowledge and experience, providing her with valuable insights and training that help her unlock the full potential of her Miraculous. Their unwavering belief in her abilities serves as a constant reminder of her worthiness and propels her to strive for greatness. Through their guidance, Marinette learns to navigate the complexities of being a superhero with grace and confidence.
• As their training sessions progress, Marinette begins to trust and confide in her tutor. She discovers that their care extends beyond her growth as a superhero and permeates her personal life. In moments of doubt or hardship, her tutor offers a comforting presence, providing not only encouragement but also emotional support. It is during these moments that the true fatherly role of her tutor shines through, as they consistently uplift and comfort her, becoming a steady source of strength and reassurance.
• With time, Marinette's admiration for her tutor deepens even further. She witnesses their unwavering dedication to her development, both as a superhero and as an individual. Beyond imparting knowledge and skills, her tutor imparts valuable life lessons that extend far beyond the realm of superpowers. Marinette finds herself turning to them for guidance and wisdom, knowing that their understanding of her goes beyond the surface level. Their ability to offer emotional support and navigate personal challenges cements their role as a father figure in her life.
• The bond that Marinette shares with her tutor becomes a treasured aspect of her life. She cherishes the genuine care and affection they provide, viewing them as a pillar of strength and stability. In times of uncertainty, she knows she can turn to her tutor for advice and reassurance. Their presence instills her with the courage and determination to face challenges head-on, knowing that they believe in her capabilities.
• Under her tutor's tutelage, Marinette experiences profound personal growth. Their mentorship extends beyond the development of her powers, shaping her into a compassionate and courageous individual. Inspired by her tutor's unwavering support and belief in her potential, Marinette strives to make them proud, not only through her superheroic endeavors but also by embodying the values and lessons they have imparted.
• Ultimately, Marinette sees her tutor as an irreplaceable figure in her life—a mentor, guide, and father figure all rolled into one. Their care, support, and unwavering belief in her potential become a driving force behind her commitment to protect Paris and become the best version of herself. The bond they share serves as a beacon of strength and inspiration, empowering her to navigate the complexities of her dual identity and embrace her role as a superhero with unwavering resolve.
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• Initially skeptical of his tutor's intentions, Naruto finds it difficult to let down his guard and fully trust their guidance. However, as his tutor consistently demonstrates their expertise, genuine care, and commitment to his growth, Naruto's skepticism gradually transforms into deep admiration and respect. He begins to see his tutor as a father figure—an unwavering presence who guides him in his journey to become stronger.
• Naruto deeply appreciates his tutor's unwavering dedication to his training and the development of his powers. Their expertise and knowledge provide him with invaluable guidance, helping him unlock new abilities and hone his skills. Through their patient and encouraging approach, his tutor instills in him a sense of belief in his own abilities, empowering him to push beyond his limits and strive for greatness.
• As Naruto spends more time with his tutor, he starts to trust and confide in them. Their presence becomes a source of comfort and understanding, offering not only physical training but also emotional support. In moments of doubt or hardship, his tutor serves as a steady and reliable presence, providing a compassionate ear and words of encouragement. Naruto begins to recognize the genuine care and concern his tutor has for his well-being, solidifying their role as a father figure in his life.
• Over time, Naruto's admiration for his tutor deepens, as he witnesses their unwavering belief in his potential and their consistent effort to bring out the best in him. Their guidance extends beyond the physical aspects of training, encompassing valuable life lessons and character development. Naruto finds himself not only growing stronger but also becoming a more compassionate and resilient individual under their tutelage.
• The bond between Naruto and his tutor becomes a source of strength and inspiration. Naruto cherishes their guidance and unwavering support, viewing them as a pillar of stability in his life. Their belief in his abilities fuels his determination to overcome challenges and fulfill his potential. Naruto knows that he can rely on his tutor for guidance, encouragement, and comfort during the most difficult of times.
• As Naruto continues to grow under his tutor's guidance, their influence extends far beyond his powers and training. Their mentorship shapes his worldview, teaching him important values such as loyalty, perseverance, and the strength of human connections. Naruto sees his tutor not only as a teacher but also as a role model—a figure who embodies the qualities he aspires to possess.
• In conclusion, Naruto's initial skepticism transforms into deep admiration and respect for his tutor. Their unwavering dedication, belief in his potential, and fatherly support provide Naruto with the guidance and encouragement he needs to become stronger. The bond they share becomes an essential part of his journey, empowering him to embrace his own abilities, face adversity with determination, and ultimately fulfill his destiny as a powerful ninja.
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