#Grant Writer NT
redtapebusters · 9 days
Understand Grant Application Requirements
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Are you a grant writer looking to master the art of grant writing? Having a keen understanding of grant application requirements is essential for any successful grant writer. Knowing what to look out for in the process can make or break your chances of getting your proposal accepted.
This article will provide an overview of the essential elements needed to successfully craft a successful grant application. We will explore the different components of a basic application, how to identify and address key criteria, and where to find guidance for those unfamiliar with the process.
Grants Overview
A grant is a contribution of money from the government or other organisations to support non-profits, businesses, or individuals for purposes such as research, expansion, disaster recovery, specific initiatives or projects. Grants from the government are funded at the federal, state, or local levels. Large corporations, such as mining and energy companies, frequently provide grants to the communities in where they operate. The purpose of any grant is to help organisations or individuals pursue their goals and vision that would otherwise be difficult to finance on their own.
The application process for grant funding varies from one organisation to another; however, most require applicants to provide detailed information about their project, including its purpose and expected outcomes.
Types of Grants
There are many different types of grants that a grant writer might apply for, therefore they need to ensure they focus on the one that is the best fit for purpose. Types of grants in Australia include, but are not limited to:
Infrastructure Grants
Disaster Relief Grants
Community Grants
Disability Grants
Arts and Culture Grants
Indigenous Grants
Business Innovation Grants
Technology Grants
Volunteer Grants
Health and Wellness Grants
Youth & Children Grants
And many more
Eligibility Requirements
If you're a grant writer, knowing which grants to apply for and ensuring that you meet all the eligibility criteria can be time consuming and complicated, but it's a necessary step before beginning the grant writing process. This should be the first and foremost step taken by grant writers as it will save expending a lot of time on grants that the organisation may not even be eligible to apply for. 
Eligibility requirements for grants are often very specific, and can include things such your registered organisation type, budget size, operating region, ability to co-contribute or length of project duration. Once these criteria are found to match your project and organisation, then you can move forward with applying for the grant!
Types of Funding
Successful grant writing requires an understanding of the types of funding available. Knowing the difference between matching, unrestricted and project grants is essential when researching to find the most suitable grant for your organisation. A professional grant writer with experience in completing applications for organisations should be familiar with these types of grants.
Matching grants are designed to provide funding that is equal to or greater than what is supplied by the organisation. The funds may be used for equipment, training or other needs. Unrestricted grants allow organisations greater flexibility in how they use the money as it can be used for operating expenses or other purposes that support their mission. Finally, project grants are typically awarded to organisations to fund specific projects such as new construction, technology upgrades or launching a new program.
Components of The Application
The first step when applying for grants is to determine which components are essential for the particular grantor’s application requirements. This includes the scope of work and budget narrative, as well as other items such as references and letters of support. The grantor may also have specific forms they require applicants to fill out in addition to their application documents. It's important to read these requirements carefully and make sure all necessary documents are included before submitting your proposal.
Writing a Proposal
Within their proposal, the grant writer should include research data, background information about the organisation receiving funds and detailed descriptions of how those funds will be used if awarded. It should also contain measurable goals and objectives that are achievable within the timeframe outlined by the grantor. Working with an experienced grant writer or participating in a workshop for grant writing can help ensure you understand all components necessary for submitting an effective application.  Additionally, these resources can also provide tips on creating persuasive narratives surrounding your intended project or program to demonstrate its impact on achieving desired outcomes.
Addressing Key Evaluation Criteria
For those new to grant writing, understanding what the evaluator will be looking at when they read your proposal is critical. The criteria can vary, depending on the funder, but there are some common elements that should always be included. Sometimes, the grant guideline documentation will contain a separate section which outlines the actual weighting assigned against specific grant writing questions. Other times, the grant writer needs to look more at the holistic picture of the grant purpose, objectives and the organisation behind the grant to identify their vision and key focus areas.
Seeking Professional Guidance
A professional grant writer can be a perfect ally for any organisation attempting to secure grants. These grant writers specialise in researching and writing grants that are tailored to meet each organisation’s needs.
Professional grant writers provide expert insight into how best to craft a proposal that will stand out from competitors. They also aid in forecasting potential outcomes of projects and identifying various sources of funding. Additionally, they have knowledge of what should be included in a proposal as well as being able to identify key criteria needed for successful applications.
Having an experienced grant writer on your side can be invaluable when you're looking for funding opportunities or navigating the application process. With their help, you are likely to see greater success with your grant applications!
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liminalweirdo · 1 year
I missed the first 2-ish weeks of autism acceptance month bc of shadowban so I’m going to put those in this post.
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2023
1 April: Hi, I’m a writer (bisexual, genderqueer, they/them pronouns) I love horror movies. Currently I live with my partner @bakingmusicals​, 3 cats, and about 30-something plants. I love coffee.
2 April: I figured out that I was probably autistic in my 20s and it took me about 5 years to get formally diagnosed. It took a pretty severe and long autistic burnout that included losing several everyday skills i took for granted for me to realize that there was something bigger going on than “just” OCD. Discovering that I was autistic made the first 30-some years of my life make sense for the first time.
3 April: I can remember most things people say verbatim including exactly how they said it. This makes me pretty good at transcription. There’s a few movies I know word-for-word, start to finish. I don’t think I’m better than the average person at lip reading.
4 April: I was in regular school and did pretty well (once I actually started going. I spent most of primary and grade one feeling too sick to go #anxiety!!). I skipped a lot of school in high school. I also quit university the first time around because of something that I now suspect to be burnout or near-burnout. Second time around I graduated with a degree in English Literature. Performed much better when I could create my own schedule and pursue my own interests.
5 April: I didn’t have any accommodations in school. I think that being able to do school from home/online would’ve helped me a lot. I don’t know if I would consider going back to school for an MA unless I could have an environment like that.
6 April: I’m good at verbal stuff but sometimes it takes me a minute to realize someone is talking, especially if I’m doing something, and I have to sort of mentally catch up and replay what they said in my head. My hearing is not aided. I use earplugs and headphones a lot to block out extraneous noise.
7 April: I am also formally diagnosed with OCD. I suspect I have other things related to trauma, but those things weren’t what I was paying to have assessed when I went to therapy.
8 April: I only struggle to read long texts if it’s not something I’m interested in. I love reading so basically I spend most of my time reading or writing. Reading is the main way I find new information related to my special interests.
9 April: I have several special interests. I was “obsessed” with dogs when I was younger but that was actually a special interest. I hyperfocus most of the time whenever I can because that’s when I feel most content. My longest interest is probably horror movies and horror in general (to a lesser degree) which I’ve had for most of my life.
10 April: I can understand speech when there is background noise.
11 April: I think my ability to speak (and read) came faster than the average NT person’s and remained above my age/grade level throughout school. My formal diagnosis includes “above average language-based reasoning.” However, I sometimes find that speaking is very taxing, particularly if I’m overstimulated so I’m considering learning SEE so that I can communicate with my partner without as much effort, or using an AAC device.
12 April: I was never in speech therapy.
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The law in language: Rarriwuy Hick's groundbreaking TV role
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Despite over a decade in the entertainment industry, 'True Colours' is a career first for Yolngu woman Rarriwuy Hick who plays bilingual Arrernte detective Toni Alma.
Actor and activist Rarriwuy Hick loves language.
But in her 13 years on screen, Ms Hick has never actually spoken language. Until now.
The Yolngu woman takes on the role of Toni Alma in NITV’s upcoming drama series True Colours.
Alma, an Arrernte detective is sent to the fictional community of Perda Theendar in the Northern Territory to investigate the death of a young Aboriginal girl in a suspicious car accident.
Learning language
The series sees Ms Hick and other cast members move freely between Arrernte and English.
Flying to Alice Springs a month before filming, Ms Hick was taught language by Arrernte and Warlpiri woman Marie Ellis.
“She is fierce, cheeky and funny. But not afraid to growl at me. What you need in a teacher, just that real aunty energy,” laughed Ms Hick.
"She was so generous, she just wanted to best for me and believed in me. It was so hard and even in times when I was worried I'd get it wrong or screw up, she always reassured me.
"She was my rock, and when either of us became overwhelmed with it – we had each other to get through.”
Ms Hick speaks her own language, Yolngu Matha, which helped her grapple with learning Arrernte.
"We didn't really use much English in that space,” she told NITV.
"You can't use English words for Aboriginal language sometimes, it's hard to translate that. I just couldn’t feel it in my spirit.
“So, there was a beautiful exchange happening. When she was teaching me Arrernte, I would translate it to Yolngu Matha.
"By the time we were filming, I felt like a desert girl. I was speaking Arrernte whenever I could because I wanted to, it's a beautiful language to listen to, it's a beautiful language to speak.”
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Rarriwuy Hick (right) with True Colours series creator Erica Glynn (left) on set.
A Territory girl's dream role
For Ms Hick, the day producers called about True Colours was a dream come true.
"I'm an NT girl and have been acting for 13 years now. I have been dying to do a job in the Northern Territory. This opportunity came up and I knew I was in,” she said.
"This is the first time in Australia we're going to see on the screen a bilingual Aboriginal female detective."
Detective Alma is sent back home to investigate the girl's death. What follows is a complex mix of culture, identity, and the hardships of living in two worlds.
"You'll see Toni be challenged and sometimes frustrated with being a Blak woman in a very white space," she said.
“Whether that is being a detective and finding the challenges of how complex our families can sometimes be and the issues that surround the relationship between police and Aboriginal communities.”
Culture and community on-screen
The series delves into cultural customs and law.
"It's so important that we finally have these opportunities to talk about our very old and ancient laws... There are so many layers to our law, to our culture and custom,” said Ms Hick.
“It’s a complex system. I’m really excited to showcase that and see that portrayed on screen.”
While she has over a decade of experience in the entertainment industry, many of those cast alongside her made their acting debut in the series, including many Alice Springs community members and Arrernte people.
The cast includes Senior Arrernte Elder Sabella Kngwarraye Ross Turner, Arrernte woman Natalie Pepperill, 18-year-old Arrernte and Waayni woman Janaya Kopp, Arrernte man Grant Wallace, Siobhan Breaden, Kurt Abbott and Arrernte man Warren H. Williams.
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Rarriwuy Hick plays Toni Alma, alongside co-star Luke Arnold as Nick.
Setting a standard
Country music star and radio personality Warren H. Williams co-created True Colours alongside writer and director Erica Gylnn.
The series was a ten-year labour of love, and, according to Ms Hick, sets a new standard on how to incorporate Indigenous people, perspectives and practices into filming.
"This story belongs to Arrernte people, it's their story,” said Ms Hick.
“There were Blackfullas everywhere, in every single department. That in itself was really important.”
Ms Hick said that in the creation of the series, culture was prioritised and respected.
"There are complex kindship systems within the show but that was present offset as well.
"Making sure that there were the right actors in roles, there are some people that Warren H. Williams couldn't speak to so they had to cast someone who he could, culturally, speak with,” she explained.
"We're bringing in cultural custom into a film industry environment. It's the first time in my 13 years of acting that I've seen that. 
"That was exciting to know that we can actually do that. It is possible that we can work in both worlds and have our culture in these different spaces.”
Ms Hick said it set a precedent for how the industry can move forward and continue doing things “in culturally, the right way”. 
Date to debut
True Colours is a co-commission by NITV & SBS – the perfect home for the series, according to Ms Hick.
“You know how they have Netflix Originals, this is an NITV Original... I love NITV, my family and I are always watching it and I’m really excited that this is going to be its home,” she said.
Ms Hick hopes that the show can not only showcase the importance of daily cultural practice, but the “struggles we face trying to live in two worlds that are so different to each other”. 
"For Arrernte people, I hope that they watch it and are proud to see their families on screen, their stories being told and hearing their language," she said.
“One of the biggest things I’ll take away from True Colours is the talent we have here in Australia...
"I hope the world gets to see that, and all of Australia. We need to keep encouraging our stories, and especially First Nations stories.”
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Rarriwuy Hick with co-star Luke Arnold on set in Central Australia. Source: NITV/SBS
True Colours premieres Monday 4 July at 8.30pm on NITV & SBS
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boleynqueenes · 1 year
NT Timeline: Fitzroy in 1534-1535:
H. Duke of Richmond to Cromwell.
Since I came into this country I and Sir Giles Strangwais have viewed a breach in my town of Poole called Northavyn Point. It will receive great prejudice from the sea, unless some remedy be shortly provided. Give credence to Will. Byttilcome, M.P. for the said town. Canford, 13 June. Signed. (1534)
The duke of Norfolk being the high treasurer of England and well experienced in war, especially in Ireland, nevertheless left the Court to go home a little before the said meeting, and returned immediately after the other lords had left; so that it is thought he only left the Court to be away when the affairs of Ireland were discussed, — and this out of disdain that the King despised his advice, and at the suggestion of Cromwell and Skeffington had illtreated the earl of Kildare and ruined the affairs of Ireland. On this subject the Duke and Cromwell had reproached each other with many things before the said meeting, which shows the illwill they have borne each other a long time, however much they have dissembled it. Among other things Cromwell told the Duke that he was more the cause of the said ruin than any other, because he wished to keep the duke of Richmond near himself and his daughter, Richmond's wife, and that if he had let him go into Ireland eight months ago, these things would not have happened.
(Chapuys, September 1534)
All business passes through the hands of people who depend on the new Queen, and must therefore be settled according to her purpose. This was the case in the negociations with the Admiral, which were broken off on account of his refusal to allow the duke of Angoulême to go to England until the girl was old enough to be married, and because he would not declare in any way against the Church, or in favour of the King's second wife
The duke of Norfolk, according to the Admiral, affirms that he would sooner die than see any change as regards the King or the new Queen; which is not unlike what the writer has heard in other ways of Norfolk, viz., that this breaking off might reasonably have been expected, matters depending very much on his dexterity, and the affairs of England being commonly managed more than barbarously. For he, being one of the greatest men in the kingdom, and having sons, and the duke of Richmond for his son-in-law, might hope one day to have that daughter for one of his sons, or, if disorders ensued, to get the rule into his own hands.
Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio. (June 1535)
H. Duke of Richmond to Cromwell. In these parts I have neither park nor game for my friends, and send you the names of the King's grounds in these parts, desiring you to move the King in this behalf. (July 1535)
H. Duke of Richmond to Cromwell.
I have granted to my servant Anth. Driland the keepership of the park of Coliweston in reversion. But as the King desires that the Queen should have it, Driland is in doubt whether he shall enjoy the same. As he has heretofore received no other recompense, I request your favour in his behalf. Windsor, 6 Nov. Signed.
“When Henry VIII decided to grant Collyweston to Anne Boleyn, Richmond turned to Cromwell to ensure that the grant he made to his gentleman usher [...] would be honoured.”
“Whether in 1535 Anne Boleyn requested the keepership of the park of Collyweston is not known [...] although he intended to present the keepership of his principal home of 1531 to 1536 to his servant [...] the king had intervened to favor his consort’s wishes. Henry might have already planned to give the house to Anne, which she obtained in 1536 in exchange for Baynard’s Castle and Durhan House to the Duke.”
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ugly-drizella · 7 months
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Drizella Tremaine and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Week: A Story in Headlines, Tweets, and Other Online Things
TW: Allusions to anti-Magick/misogynistic behavior and bad workplace environments, the celebrity gossip train going off-rails, someone getting online canceled (ouch), implications of infidelity
US WEEKLY: OCT. 13 2023
Izzy Maine loses it Weigh in: should we #CancelIzzy??
A video of comedian Izzy Maine, 33, pouring scalding hot coffee on TikTok personality Esme Bennet (@its_esmayyyyyy), 20, has gone viral — with the hashtag #CancelIzzy trending as well.
The video, which seems to take place at a brunch gathering held at Bennet’s house in Los Angeles, showcases the comedian angrily storming up to Bennet and purposefully dumping a carton of coffee onto the influencer and nearby guests, including Maine’s husband of three years, comedian Grant Dayton, 35. 
Dayton and Maine are both alumni of Saturday Night Live, who left the sketch comedy show to pursue their own projects. Before the Writer’s Guild of America and Screen Actors Guild strikes, the pair were working on a new comedy series for Netflix, with Maine showrunning and Dayton executive-producing and starring. 
Many of Bennet’s fans are rallying on social media, calling for Netflix to cancel Maine’s show.  
esmayfan11: izzy maine is an ugly anti-magick c*nt who just hates beautiful half-fairies #CancelIzzy
🍃greengirlyy🍃: wait, izzy maine is anti-magick???? who is she??
esmayfan11: yeah lol shes this bitchy comedian and called esme a lot of fairy-slurs and one of my moots found this old video where she’s pulling her ears up to make them pointy ://///
🍃greengirlyy🍃: omg i never knew… and im a fairy … time to #CancelIzzy
THE CUT: OCT. 16 2023
Izzy Maine’s catastrophic fall from graceIn the aftermath of the comedian’s explosive outburst, more women are coming forward with stories of Maine’s volatile behavior 
“One time during a writer’s meeting, she got so mad that she grabbed a tray of bagels and flung it onto the table,” says a writer’s assistant, who prefers to remain anonymous. “Gobs of cream cheese got everywhere. I had to leave the room crying, I was so scared. The smell of lox wouldn’t leave my hair for days.”
When asked about the bagel incident, a representative of Maine’s provided this statement: 
“It’s true that Izzy often gets passionate in the writer’s room, because she wants the best from her team. This claim however completely misconstrues what happened, which was simply a clumsy dining accident that occurred when Izzy was vehemently gesturing.”
The representative went on to say that Maine paid for the entire team’s laundry and dry-cleaning. 
🍃greengirlyy🍃: ugh and this article never even mentions how anti-magick she is!!!!!!! #CancelIzzy
carson_tyler: Izzy Maine is anti-Magick? Since when??
🍃greengirlyy🍃: OMG Uncle tyler did u not hear about the esme bennet stuff??? Ill DM u a google doc
eggsandjake: I bet she scared all the magicks who ever worked with her into silence. #CancelIzzy
Multiple Netflix projects scrapped; streamer cites creative differences 
Netflix officially pulled the plug on at least 12 different shows and movies in development, citing new directions and creative differences between the talent involved. This coincides with the end of the 148-day Writers Guild of America strike, and the ongoing Screen Actors Guild strike.
The canceled projects run a wide gamut from Love is Blind: Avalor, the long-rumored biopic of Ingary’s Madame Sulliman, and comedian Izzy Maine’s highly anticipated sitcom. Considering the other changes at Netflix, specifically the price plan and introduction of an ad-tier, it seems like the streamer is pivoting to a new direction. 
Tyler Carson: Wow. Good riddance to Izzy Maine! My niece tells me that she’s really anti-Magick… knowing her, this show was probably problematic! Used to love her stuff but now… #CancelIzzy
Grace Frank: DONT.. LISTEN.. TO the WOKE moB… I never LIKED THIS WOMAN.. But she is BEING SILENCED by the LIBS 
JEZEBEL: OCT. 18 2023
Netflix was right to dump Izzy Maine Coffee and bagels aside… 
TikTok influencer coffee spill and bagel tray flinging aside, Izzy Maine was just never funny and it’s time we admit that. 
I don’t mean to be the type of person who brags about not liking something cool, but I never got Izzy Maine’s whole schtick. Didn’t we leave behind that whole “not like other girls, rah-rah I like pizza and beer and hate motherhood” deal behind in 2013? None of her standup clips have ever made me laugh. 
I’m not alone. Earlier this year, an audio clip from one of Maine’s standups went viral — but for reasons I’m sure Izzy Maine would hate. It’s a clip from one of her standups, where she brags about being the type of woman who doesn’t wear makeup. It became a meme, with plenty of empowered young women, proudly showing off their makeup routines and outright mocking Maine’s words. 
esmayfan11: omg… i kno what we should do in support of esme!! we should all make tiktoks with that old izzy maine audio where she’s talking about how fake makeup is and show how BEAUTIFUL esme is with her magic and perfect makeup #CancelIzzy
Inside Izzy Maine and Grant Dayton’s Big Split!Sources say that Maine’s volatile behavior had the couple on rocks for months
Comedy fans have been following #Mainton since their SNL days, especially the infamous Butternut Squash skit where the two shared some electric flirty banter that definitely bled from their IRL relationship. But it looks like there’s trouble in comedy paradise, considering Dayton was not only spotted moving out from the couple’s Brooklyn apartment but also unfollowed Maine on Instagram. Yeoch!
“Grant’s been very upset with Izzy’s behavior, even before the whole coffee incident,” says a source close to the couple. “He’s felt like she steamrolls over him in all their creative endeavors and he feels scared to voice his concerns about how she treats the people they work with.”
But a source close to Maine states otherwise.
“Grant’s always been insecure about Izzy’s success,” says the anonymous person. “She’s way more popular than him on social media, and I think that’s definitely undermined a lot of their collaboration.” 
Regardless of the couple’s relationship, clearly Maine’s outburst towards TikTok personality Esme Bennet (@its_esmayyyyy), the social media backlash against her, and the subsequent cancellation of the couple’s upcoming Netflix show did NOT help any resentment building between them. 
But there is a silver lining — for Dayton at least. Judging by how frequently he’s appeared in Bennet’s IG stories, it seems like they’ve gotten a lot closer since Maine’s violent outburst. Could a romance be brewing between them?
TW: Hangover
It was 1 pm, and Drizella Tremaine was still in bed. 
She had at least 12 missed calls and a splitting headache. The curtains of her Williamsburg apartment were drawn tightly shut, but even so, a crack of light splintered through, shining right on Drizella’s eye. She winced, but used that opportunity to stretch out, her fingers clawing at her phone. 
She fumbled, finally managing to unplug it, and scrolled through her unread text messages. Most were her agent. A few from some friends, who probably were figuring out if associating with her was going to damage their own blossoming careers. A couple from her mother. There was one from her sister, but Drizella didn’t even bother to read anything beyond Annie’s name. 
There wasn’t a single message from Grant. 
At this point, Drizella didn’t know what she expected. It wasn’t like an apology from her sleazeball of a  husband about how he should not have fucked a buxom TikToker 15 years younger than him would make things better. Even if Drizella found it in her cold, bitter heart (his words, not hers) to forgive him, there were still the facts that 1) he had fucked a buxom TikToker 15 years younger than him, 2) she had spilled coffee all over that buxom TikToker, even if she had been aiming for Grant (her words, not his), and 3), because of fact 2, the entire internet was convinced she was some raging anti-Magick misogynist because said buxom TikToker just happened to be half-fairy. 
If Drizella thought about it too much, she got angry. Very angry. And that only fed into all the rumors about her, which made her even angrier, and then she ended up doing stupid things. Like throwing Grant’s camera off the balcony and going out to the local dive bar and dancing on the tables and slamming back wayyy too many Fireball shots for someone over the age of 22, and then booking a one-way ticket to her dinky little hometown. 
Wait — had she done that?
The memories of last night were coming back — in some sort of grainy montage set to a Katy Perry song. 
Oh for fuck’s sake.
She looked at her email, and sure enough, there was a receipt for an airplane ticket to London, then a train ticket to Swynlake. There was also an email sent to her agent, one that was surprisingly coherent for an email written at approximately 3:34 am that she also could not remember sending. 
Her phone buzzed, her agent’s name flashing on the screen. Violently. Drizella yelped, nearly dropping it, but managed to slide the accept call bar and press the phone to her ear and a hand to her forehead. 
“Listen, Hannah —”
“Izzy, this is a fantastic idea.”
A beat.
“Wait, what?”
“The Swynlake thing? It’s genius.” If the late night timing of the message disturbed Hannah at all, she did not let it on. Then again, it was certainly not the first ill-timed email that Drizella had fired off to Hannah (she worked better past midnight, she always said).
“It is?”
Hannah ignored the doubt in Drizella’s voice.
“And your sister’s there too, right? Two birds, one stone. You go to this Magick-Friendly town — y'know, the place you grew up. The place that formed you. You kiss some cheeks with some fairies or vampires or whatever. You get involved with local politics, sign a few petitions, flick off a local lord…”
“I don’t think we have a local lord.”
“Duke? Earl? I don’t know, girl. Do something to show that you’re relatable and not afraid to stick it to the man. And also become aunt of the year to your sister’s little tykes.”
Drizella’s head was still pounding. The last thing she wanted to do right now was have Annie’s spawn squirm all over her. And probably puke on her shoes. How old were they again? Jaxson was… seven? And Harlynne was… four? And wait — there was another one now. What was his name again? Lenny?
“Izzy, this could solve all your problems.” 
Drizella rubbed her forehead again. She closed her eyes. She needed coffee and aspirin, but those would be temporary fixes. She needed to put Grant’s stupid BMW in one of those junkyard smasher things, but that also wouldn’t really fix any of her problems. But… maybe Swynlake would. 
She couldn’t get over the fucking irony of it all.
“I know,” she said, slipping into confidence. “I’m bloody brilliant, aren’t I? I’ll start coming up with a game plan the moment I get some coffee.” 
“Excellent — we’re gonna get you out of this Izzy.”
“I know it.” 
0 notes
Lucy Barnard - Returning to Columbia to meet up with her dog, Wombat and restart her journey of walking the length of the world.
Lucy is attempting to become the first woman to walk the length of the world. She began at the bottom of Argentina in February 2017 and will cross 15 countries to reach the highest point of Northern America. She will travel only by foot, or when the terrain is impassable by kayak or swimming.
  In 2019, Lucy became the first woman to have hiked the length of South America (from Argentina to Colombia). 
  Due to the pandemic, Lucy needed to pause her expedition and returned home to Australia in 2020 where she has been waiting for the travel bans and restrictions to lift. 
  In December 2022 Lucy will be flying back out to Columbia to meet up with her beloved dog Wombat - she will then continue on her way. 
  During this episode we catch up with Lucy to see what life has been like since we last spoke to her. Lucy shares more about the heartbreak of leaving Wombat behind when she needed to return to Australia. She fills us in on what she's been up to while her journey has been on hold.  She shares more about the planning and preparation required to get back to Columbia to start walking again.
  We first spoke with Lucy on Jun 25, 2019 - Her Goal to be the first women to walk the length of the Earth! https://www.toughgirlchallenges.com/single-post/lucy-barnard 
Lucy's career started with a science degree and specialisation in communications. She has been the chair of National Science Week NT, and worked extensively in aboriginal health research until moving to Geoscience Australia in 1016. She is passionate about culture and storytelling and aspires to become an ethnographic writer.
  Lucy has been awarded competitive grants for her work from the Australian Geographic society and The North Face, and has been nominated for an OAM from the Australian Government in recognition of her contribution to the outdoor industry.
  New episodes of the Tough Girl Podcast go live every Tuesday at 7am UK time - Subscribe so you don’t miss out. 
  To support the mission to increase the amount of female role models in the media. Sign up as a Patron -  www.patreon.com/toughgirlpodcast. Thank you. 
    Show Notes
Who is Lucy
Her goal to be the first woman to walk the length of the world
Returning back to Australia in 2020
Speaking to Lucy in Year 2 of her journey when she had just crossed into Peru
Being water poisoned 
Was she still enjoying the journey 
Meeting her family in Peru
Having a shift in her attitude
Leaving behind the desert and the heat and transitioning into the mountains
The challenges of the desert and her strategy for getting through it
Finding joy again
Being followed by the police while walking on the highway
How 2020 unfolded while walking through Ecuador
Living the life she was meant to be living
Crossing the border into Columbia 
Leaving Wombat with a friend 
Feeling adrift for the past 2 years 
Not wanting to talk about Wombat
Transitioning back to life in Australia 
Being away for 3 years and connecting with old friends and family
Losing a friend to suicide
The emotional journey
Running out of money and needing to get a job 
Going back to work
Getting ready to head back out to Columbia 
The planning and preparation before heading back
Her dream of wanting to become an ethnographic writer in the future
Wanting to produce more content in YouTube
Saying goodbye to friends and family 
The plans for the first few weeks
Being able to get a 2 year visa for Columbia
Making a decision about the route through Columbia 
How can you support Lucy while out on the road
Buy audio books for Lucy 
Having a library membership with Borrow Box Library App 
Book recommendations: A Gentleman in Moscow 
What Lucy is reading
How you can connect with Lucy
Final words of advice
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radkindoffeminist · 2 years
I'm Argentinian. That milfgeto is fucking disgusting.
Not only we lost the malvinas islands, we also lost young people at war, pregnant women and their children were kidnapped and murdered in front of their children (see case Eduardo Wado de Pedro. He was a little child, with his pregnant mother, Lucila Adela Révora, at home. No one knows why, (though conservative people like to say she killed like thousands of people because they like to negate what happened during the dictatorship) military appeared and Lucila, trying to save her children and herself, ran to the bathroom and hid Pedro in the bathtub, that was really old and apparently bulletproof. Lucila and her child were killed by military, Pedro survived. Now he lives with a permanent stuttering and trauma.), young students were kidnapped and subsequently disappeared (see Noche de los Lápices, Noche de los Bastones, Noche de las Corbatas).
We were fooled into football "World's Cup" propaganda to hide the fact that a war was developing over some, up to that moment, irrelevant island. People were murdered. Historians, writers, musicians had to leave the country for the censorship and the fear of being killed. Roberto Walsh was a writer who did an open letter to the military, he and his daughter were kidnapped then killed.
They sent young men with no preparation for them to just die, because they thought that winning the war was the key to winning the democratic voting election. There is a commemoration every 24th of March for the victims, and there's an organisation called "Abuelas y Madres de Plaza de Mayo" (Grandmothers and Mothers of May Park) for women who lost their children or/and grandchildren. These women would patiently, peacefully walk across all Plaza de Mayo with this white cloth on their head, protesting for the children that were lost. Asking for them back. Every single year. Even now.
All for what? For this stupid little brainless human being to call you a c*nt and shout Malvinas Argentinas? Will that solve anything? Seriously, every single argentinian that has this mindset is so fucking stupid. We have a song, called "Marcha a las Malvinas", is significative to us and very important. We sing it in unison in every commemoration. Malvinas are important for us, but innocent people are that, innocent people.
So no, milfgeto, Calling a British woman a slur won't give all that the dictatorship took from us back. Shouting into the air "malvinas argentinas" will never work. Acsquiece Will never give us back the mothers we lost, the young people that died.
And it's true, Argentinians hold a grudge against Chileans, British people, even Usaians. But it'll never grant you the permission to use a slur against a woman for something she has no fault on. Fucking deranged stupid person.
You don't deserve that.
Y para vos, imbécil de turno, ojalá que te rompan bien el orto, gil
Thank you for this.
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rugiadadelmare · 3 years
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Locatelli my beloved smooch and hold the petite and fertile one elegantly like you have before, GRANT US GOOD LUCK
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That’s exactly what I am talking about! His body language was very restricted, while he did care about her a lot, you could tell he was waiting for the other shoe to drop, also I strongly believe a part of him didn’t believe that he deserved that.
This is why I say that they’ve always treated Bellamy’s character like an afterthought. They knew that he was one of the main reasons why people watched and yet they never gave him full-fledged story lines, it was always about a someone else.
Yeah, I think so too, that he didn't think he deserved Gina'a affections.
I know that we've discussed this in fandom many times, the way Bellamy was mostly developed through other characters and through his relationships with them. In season 4 he did have some development on "his own" and it made him be able to stand up against Octavia in season 5. But personally, I didn't fully see it as Bellamy growing out of that mindset. Instead I mostly felt like he just shifted that mindset from Octavia to spacekru.
He stood up against Octavia and didn't consider her family. He took Clarke for granted, expecting her to just go with the flow and understand him but he never once actually had a conversation with Clarke. Of course Clarke also made mistakes.
But when it came to spacekru, he didn't hold them accountable on anything. Of course they are all adults and make their own choices but Bellamy became a leader who wanted to do better. And he did do better. He demanded better from Octavia and Clarke. He fought them. But he didn't demand the same thing from spacekru. He didn't "set them straight". He didn't question their actions. He didn't remind them of what was better or best to do. He just.. didn't react at all. And sure we can say that he was separated from them so he didn't know what they were doing but by the end of the season he was back with them and didn't say a word. At the start of season 6, he still didn't say a word. He didn't even stand up for Clarke when they were being assholes to her.
My point is not that Bellamy was bad. My point is, the writers enhanced the parts of his development depending on the story they wanted to tell. They needed spacrkru to be c*nts to Clarke, so suddenly Bellamy lost his ability to speak and his agency. They needed new problems to cause drama so they dropped previous issues with a joke and a 10 second look and suddenly we were off to the next thing. They always did this to Bellamy. They pushed around depending on what other characters needed or what the writers wnated to write, he didn't even get a final scene with his sister. The one relationship that was the most important relationship in his life. The last important relationship Bellamy got was with Steve, a random character that turned up for a split second.. and not the characters he had spent 7 seasons with. Again, just putting Bellamy in storylines to excuse or explain other characters feelings and actions. They needed everyone to hate Bellamy so they made Bellamy side with a cult. 🤷🏻‍♀️
And I know people say that's development and storyline too. But we never got Bellamy's perspective on much of it. It was always done for other characters. Look at his relationships. Gina's death caused Bellamy to side with Pike (one of the reasons). Yet the audience didn't even get an emotional connection to the storyline because they had 3 scenes. Bellamy's relationship with Echo was developed off screen for ECHO. Not Bellamy. The entire relationship was built for Echo's development to break free and find her own identity. Bellamy treated Echo like an afterthought most times. It could have been a storyline about Bellamy's growth (and it was in some ways) but it absolutely was not the driving force for that relationship. It was all about Echo. Bellamy didn't have one meaningful romantic relationship at all. It was always about other people.
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froggierboy · 4 years
whenever you talk about your autistic david hc, i get so excited! my older sister is autistic, but she’s not high functioning, so hearing about David being autistic is just so cool and interesting, because being able to see a new perspective! pls let us hear all your theories + thoughts about autistic david. because they’re so so so so GREAT!
firstly i'd just like to address the use of high/low functioning labels. i am 100% sure that you didn't mean any harm, and it's a term that comes up a lot and i never really see anyone outside of the autistic community discuss this. but those labels tend to be applied to neurodivergent people by neurotypical people, and they usually are more about how we affect people around us. all autistic people get a grab-bag of various traits and struggles, and some of them appear more externally and usually ear the low-functioning label, while those whose non-nt traits that appear outwardly get labelled low-functioning.
which, on that topic! i think david is a good example of this! because if we were gonna assign a function label to david, we'd probably say high-functioning, right? so let's examine that.
david almost didn't get a job because he's not tactful. that's not to say autistic people are inherently rude, but the fact is that when wendy pushed him to tell her what he "really thought" of her clothes, he couldn't come up with a polite thing to say. he said what he actually believed.
or, opening the store. david had excellent creative vision, and he put in hard work. him securing most if not all of their vendors is canon. but david needed someone else (patrick!) to wrangle the grants, and to remember and take care of things that david couldn't keep his focus on long enough to do, like installing the lights, and getting their insurance. a lot of writers think david could have done that on his own, but i disagree, and i also don't think it's a bad thing!
or take david struggling not just to express strong emotions but to accept them from anyone else. or that his dislike of babies seems to stem largely from the fact that he clearly doesn't know how to care for one, and it's really common for autistic people to get anxious and/or struggle to function in situations where we don't know exactly what to do. we also see this when he tries to cook with moira! he gets stressed as HELL because he doesn't know exactly what's going on, and it leads to him getting super overwhelmed and removing himself from the situation. and again when he tries to play baseball! he's frustrated because he doesn't know exactly what to do and how to do it (remember how he was a little angry with patrick when the ball came at him, because he was just supposed to be a body in a field? he didn't prepare himself mentally for anything more than that).
so you could say david is "high functioning" in that he lived on his own for some time, is capable of holding a job, and can maintain long term friendships and romantic and sexual relationships, although those are sometimes difficult for him. and you could say he's low functioning, because he struggles with the "business side of things," struggles with learning new things, with unfamiliar situations, and he's never lived alone without significant material support from someone else, so who knows if he could. but either way, putting that label on him kind of puts him in a box that says either he's not capable of maintaining autonomy, or that he doesn't need any support or accommodations, and neither of those things really ring true.
sorry for turning this into an opportunity to soapbox but i hoped this makes sense! i'm so happy that what i've been writing has resonated with you 💙 i hope you and your sister and the rest of your loved ones are staying safe and healthy right now!
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fatalefame · 4 years
Actually what upsets me more is that you are supposed to be Ellie in last of us 2. Your supposed to feel just as taken aback and hurt by the big spoiler right. But the issue is the story felt so forced in the beginning that it doesn’t work. I don’t want revenge in this game. I simply don’t want to continue playing. I dont think the decision was bad in theory but the execution is what pisses me off. I get your supposed to feel the same way she does, but with the forced new characters, the bland ass villains. I just simply don’t care. I’m all for revenge stories, but this one feels forced and cheap. I had a strong reaction when the scene happened. Once the scene was over, Ashley Johnson’s genuinely amazing performance in that scene ended and my own personal obessesions stopped. I overall just felt meh...like the writing felt like it was in early stages still. My emotional attatchemnt to a video game character can only take me so far. And Ashley Johnson’s performance wasn’t meant to be a call to action, but rather the hopelessness that Ellie felt. The writing in that scene was personally weak. Am not a writer so I can’t say what would have made it stronger, but I can tell you there could have been so much more.
Hell maybe even if they showed more of the relationship between Joel and Ellie?? Like I get the relationship wasnt rainbows and sunshine, no relationship is. But the she two characters in the current time didn’t feel as connected as they did in the first game. And yes I also get Ellie wasn’t hanging out with Joel as much so why should the player. But with that you lose a lot of moment to push you for revenge. Like I get all the story motives here, but they just didn’t work because this isn’t a movie, it’s a game. Meaning the writers have to realize that they have 2 main characters. The actual character and the player. Simply writing one doesn’t do it.
Granted I didn’t finish the game yet, I enjoy the game play, the game is visually what I was expecting, it’s just the story isn’t hitting.
In short I’m pissed at this game for two reasons. One being yes because my feelings were hurt because of the attatchment I had to the first game. Maybe this story will give me that same feeling as I continue playing. The Second reason being I can see where the story was supposed to go and the idea was there. The execution not so much.
Maybe I’ll update when I finished playing. Obviously I haven’t finished the story so I don’t have the full picture, but in my personal opinion I shouldn’t have to finish an entire story to be invested.
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redtapebusters · 4 months
Maximizing Impact with Strategic Grant Writing
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The process of grant writing can be complex and overwhelming. It takes a lot of skill and finesse to get a grant proposal approved, but the rewards of doing it successfully can be immense. A strategic approach to grant writing allows for maximum impact with minimal effort. An experienced grant writer understands the nuances of crafting an effective proposal that stands out from the rest and has the potential to yield greater results.
Grant writers play an important role in helping organizations maximize their impact. From non-profits to foundations and other grant recipients, those skilled in grant writing have the capacity to secure the funding necessary for projects and initiatives that might otherwise not be possible. Strategic grant writing is an approach that allows grant writers to ensure their applications are competitive and successful, resulting in greater levels of funding for organizations. In this article, we discuss the importance of strategic grant writing and how it can help organizations maximize their impact.
Benefits of Strategic Grant Writing
When done effectively, strategic grant writing can yield numerous benefits. It can provide additional resources that allow an organization or individual to accomplish their goals; it can also create relationships with granting bodies that may result in long-term support for future initiatives. Moreover, it gives applicants visibility as they demonstrate their commitment to a cause by allocating time and effort into crafting compelling proposals for potential donors. Strategic Grant Writers can also provide valuable insights into areas such as budgeting and program development that may increase the chances of success for funding requests.
An essential side benefit created by a strategic grant writer will spread beyond just the grant application, as it sharpens many aspects of the organisation, such as budgeting, planning, measuring & articulating genuine impact and advantages of projects, and soliciting assistance from the community and industry.
Part 1: Identifying Goals
Before embarking on any grant writing project, it is important to understand what your organization's objectives are regarding the proposed project or program. Ask yourself questions such as: Who will benefit? What impact will this project have? How much money do we need? Answering these questions in advance allows you to create realistic expectations, and help you craft an effective proposal that addresses your goals exactly.
Part 2: Researching Potential Funders
To successfully secure funding, it is essential to research the various potential funders available and understand their eligibility criteria. Knowing which organizations are best suited to your project will improve the chances of success during grant writing.
The most important tool in researching potential funders is the utilisation data-driven search engines such as Grants.gov.au and various state government sites that allow grant writers to search for available grants.   
These search resources provide detailed information about each potential funder, including eligibility requirements, submission deadlines and contact information for further inquiries. Additionally, non-profit organizations can use these search tools to identify public and private foundations that have a history of providing support in their field or geographical area.
Many of these sites offer the ability to set up alerts so that grant writers can receive emails when new grants are published that meet their pre-set search parameters. This can be an immense time saver for grant writers looking to effectively locate suitable grants.
Part 3: Crafting Applications
Applying for grants can be a daunting task, with many organizations vying for the same funding. To ensure success in this tough arena, it is essential to have a strategic approach to grant writing. A strategic grant writer can provide invaluable assistance when creating an application that stands out from the crowd and has the best chance of winning.
From start to finish, strategic grant writers guide organizations through the entire process – from selecting appropriate grants to crafting compelling letters of inquiry and full applications – ensuring each step meets all requirements and deadlines.
Grant writers understand what funders are looking for when they review applications. They know how to present project plans that effectively showcase their clients’ goals, objectives, and budgets. A grant writer will also guide applicants through the entire process – from selecting appropriate grants to crafting compelling letters of inquiry and full applications – ensuring each step meets all requirements and deadlines.
Part 4: Developing Evaluation Plans
A grant writer must develop an evaluation plan for their grant proposal to demonstrate they have considered how they will assess the effectiveness of the project and ensure its success.
Creating a successful evaluation plan requires knowledge of the current research to develop a realistic timeline and objectives that fit the scope of the project. A grant writer must also consider what they will measure and how they will measure it when designing their evaluation plans. For example, survey data collected, or interviews conducted are both valid forms of information collection. The goals and objectives should then be analysed to determine if they were achieved, providing evidence that the project was successful or needs further improvement.
Achieving Success with Grant Writing
Achieving success with strategic grant writing can be a challenge for many organizations. It is important to have an experienced and knowledgeable grant writer on your team to maximize the chances of success. A good grant writer will understand the entire process from start to finish, including developing an effective proposal and submitting it on time.
When it comes to finding the right grant writer, experience should be at the top of your list. A good grant writer needs to understand how funders think and how they evaluate proposals. They should also be familiar with all relevant regulations related to grants and how they apply to your organization's unique situation. This information can ensure that your proposal is designed specifically for each funding opportunity, which will raise the likelihood that your application will be successful.
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kabane52 · 4 years
Why the Hebrew (Masoretic) Manuscript Tradition?
Hello, why do you use the Masoretic chronology instead of the Septuaginta? Didn't the Jews adulterate the Masoretic version?
This is a question I get a fair bit, as it has become received wisdom in many parts of the “Orthosphere” that the LXX holds a privileged position by divine command and has been elevated by the Apostles as the only legitimate text of the Old Testament. I will shortly summarize my position in bullet points before answering this question in more detail. 
-The Septuagint, while of value in many ways (see below for some), does not hold a position of unique divine primacy.
-There is no evidence for systematic corruption of the text.
-If systematic removal of Christ from the Old Testament was the intent, then the project was a colossal failure, as Christ permeates the Hebrew text as we possess it from the Masoretes.
-The Septuagint was the standard text for what we think of as “the Orthodox tradition” because that tradition is largely coextensive with the Greek speaking Christian world and the Septuagint is a Greek text. 
-Furthermore, if the Orthodox Church is truly the heir of the whole undivided Church, East and West, then the Christian West in communion with the East during the first thousand years used a translation of the Masoretic tradition, not from the Septuagint. The identification of the LXX as the only historic text of the Orthodox Church is therefore wrong to begin with.
-While the Septuagint contains many insights by virtue of its being a running commentary on the symbolic sense of the Hebrew Bible and at times preserves a superior reading, there is no reason to prefer it in principle.
-The Septuagint is not the “Bible of the Apostles” in a way that the Hebrew Bible is not. Nor is it, as is sometimes asserted, the Bible of Jesus, as the LXX was only used in the Diaspora, into which our Lord never traveled apart from the flight to Egypt in His infancy.
Onto the details:
It is sometimes stated that the Jews corrupted the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible to remove prophecies of Christ. If so, their failure is legendary, because the messianic identity of Jesus is woven throughout the Hebrew Bible just as much as it is in non-Masoretic textual traditions. In some cases, it is even more evident than it is in the LXX. Take Isaiah 9 as an example. The LXX has “Angel of Great Counsel” where the MT has “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Father Forever, Prince of Peace.” In context, Isaiah has woven a fabric of allusions to the book of Judges, in particular Judges 13 where the Angel of the LORD makes known His Name which is Wonderful. For this reason, the translators/interpreters (these Jewish sages were interpreting the symbolic structure of the text for a Gentile audience which lacked the tools for interpreting them from scratch) recognized that the figure being described was, in fact, the Divine Angel of the LORD.
But textually, the MT is a more direct attestation to the divinity of the Messiah, and it is without question the original form. Notably, it is also the form included in Orthodox liturgical tradition! I am unsure as to how it entered the liturgical tradition, given that all except the earliest generation of its architects lacked knowledge of the Hebrew language. It is possible that this allusion thus goes back to the Apostolic Age and the Jewish church of Jerusalem. That is just speculation, however.
The claim that the MT was corrupted intentionally was made by some patristic authors and ecclesiastical writers. But none of those who made such claims could read Hebrew. It is likely that they made this argument when their Jewish interlocutor based their counter-argument on their different textual traditions. But without the capacity to directly analyze the Masoretic textual tradition, these arguments were just inferences whose justification should be considered in light of the text itself. And in my estimation, the evidence does not merit any significant intentional corruption on the part of the Masoretic scribal tradition. On the contrary, the Masoretic tradition was extremely conservative and preserves readings that are highly amenable to Christian theology. Sanctity does not, apart from special revelation, grant privileged knowledge of textual critical issues like this. St. Porphyrios’ Wounded by Love documents (in the saint’s own words) some damaging mistakes the great elder made in his early days as a confessor. And at that time, he already possessed spiritual gifts of profound rarity. Sanctity does not entail anywhere near the kind of protection from mistakes that some assume it does.
The Masoretic tradition is the canonical text of the Christian West in its Latin translation- St. Jerome’s Vulgate. While most patristic authors used the LXX numbering, others used the numbering of the MT, such as St. Bede the Venerable. So I use the MT because I think it accurately preserves the original text, often to a letter-by-letter degree. There are cases where I think the LXX preserves a better reading, but in general, if one looks for that penned by the original prophetic authors, I think the MT is more likely to preserve those words. On the “Orthosphere”, it has become common to make claims on behalf of the Septuagint that, in my view, the evidence will simply not bear out. Claims that the Septuagint was the Bible of Jesus is nonsense. The LXX was not used in Palestinian synagogues. That the apostles quote the LXX is no more indicative of a privileged divine status for the LXX than my frequent quotation of the ESV is indicative of me thinking that the ESV has a privileged divine status. NT scholars fluent in NT Greek will usually quote English translations except where their argument depends on a particular nuance of the Greek text. And the apostles actually quote both textual traditions on different occasions.
Why, then, has the Orthodox Church used the LXX as its “standard” text? More precise than “standard” is “liturgical.” And as seen above, even this is not universally true. But answering this question is easy: this liturgical tradition was originally crafted in the Greek language, and so it relies on a Greek text of the Old Testament. It is notable that under the reforms of Metropolitan St. Philaret of Moscow, the saintly theologian commissioned an official translation of the Bible into the Russian language- using the Hebrew text of the Masoretic tradition as the basis for the Old Testament. In his catechism, he identifies the twenty-two (twenty-four when Ruth is distinguished from Judges and Lamentations from Jeremiah) books of the Hebrew canon as being the texts which are strictly canonical. The “deuterocanon” or “ecclesiastical” books are not strictly canonical but “readable”, texts from the era before Christ judged by the Church as worthy of preservation for wisdom and so only canonical in a looser, extended sense.
That the Greek manuscript tradition (that is to say, the LXX) was the textual source of biblical material in the Greek liturgical tradition is not something demanding a deeper explanation or justification than “they are written in the same language.” It is natural for people to invent theological justifications retroactively for facts which are incidental, but we must be on guard against taking those for granted. The Council of Trent did the same thing by elevating the Latin Vulgate to the “official” Catholic version of the Bible! Why was the Latin Vulgate the text used in the Latin Liturgy? Because it was Latin! It is superfluous to invent additional, deeper reasons for something which already is sufficiently explained.
More generally, no translation can perfectly capture the sense of the original text. The LXX does not capture Hebrew wordplays which permeate the Old Testament. It does not capture the numerical devices which are woven throughout Moses and the prophets, because a translation will obviously have a different number of words and letters than the original text. To those who assert the irreparable corruption of the Masoretic text, the actual product of the divinely guided prophetic hand has been lost forever. There are aspects of meaning that are strictly tied to our ability to read the text in the original language, and if a reliable original language text is lost, what Moses, the prophets, and the Spirit through them meant for our instruction is gone forever. Apart from the historical evidence (which I think verifies divine fidelity in accurately preserving the word of God), such a position raises serious theological concerns.
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redtapebusters · 2 years
Using A Grant Writer: Is It Really Worth the Cost?
Grant writing applicants should work with their Grant writer in Sydney to clearly identify the organisation funding needs prior to looking for suitable grants. Red Tape Busters has a team of experienced and enthusiastic grant writers ready to help write a successful grant proposal. For more information, please visit - http://bit.ly/2nuWajg
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