#Grant Writing
monotonetim · 6 months
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got this in an email from my boss and I think I could die
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gofancyninjaworld · 2 months
Grant Writing Hamster Wheel
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keepxgoing · 9 months
I need to find more grant writing workshops. If anyone has any tips or resources they wouldn't mind sharing for a beginner please share!
Thank you!
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alexistudies · 1 year
we had a workshop on how to write a specific aims page and i learned so much! i even put myself out there and let other people read my rough draft (that our program had us write prior to the session) to get feedback. the aims page is truly so hard to write; its the selling point of your proposal. looking forward to improving my grant writing skills this year :))
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Federal Government Contracts
Welcome to US Federal Government Contracts, grants and compliance solution consulting services, proposal & grant writing, NDAA, DCAA Audit, Flowdown, etc. We believe that contracting is one of ‘the next big things in the world of business. The networked world is causing a revolution in the way we acquire knowledge and information, the way that relationships are formed and the way that works gets done. Since contracts and ‘terms and conditions are a direct reflection of those relationships and the nature of the work we do for each other, they cannot possibly be immune from the impact of these changes. That is because the wider view of contracting is a critical contributor to the management of complexity.
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cumulohimbus · 2 years
*sobbing* y'all, I got the grant I applied for to get my struggling little library a smol reference collection. I am shaking.
I have never written a professional grant before. For that reason, I anticipated that I wouldn't get this one, and/or if I did, that I would at most only get partially funded bc I requested close to the maximum. But I got the full funding...
I am in shock rn, holy shit. I'm so excited to order this stuff for the students here. TvT
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strategicgrants · 2 years
What are the main five types of grant writing?
Non-profit grants are often referred to as charity grants. They are the most popular grants which are given out by non-profits to help fund their projects. Non-profits are organizations that focus on helping others. There are many other types of non-profit grants such as:
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1. Business Grants
 Business grants are similar to non-profit grants. However, they are given out by businesses to help fund their projects instead of non-profits. Like non-profit grants, businesses give out different types of business grants. An example of a business grant would be a company giving out a marketing grant to a small business owner.
2. Government Grants
 Government grants are given out by the government to help fund projects. For example, if you were working on a project to build a school, then the government could give you a grant to help fund the project. In order to get a government grant, you must fill out a proposal and send it in to the government. Once the government approves the proposal, then you can receive the grant.
3. Research Grants
 Research grants are given out by universities to help fund scientific research. If you want to do scientific research, then you must apply for a research grant. You must complete a proposal and submit it to the university. Then, after the university approves the proposal, you can receive the grant and use it however you wish.
4. Arts Grants
 Arts grants are given out by arts organizations to help fund artistic endeavors. You must apply for an arts grant just like any other type of grant. After the application is approved, you can use the grant to fund whatever you wish.
5. Education Grants
 Education grants are given out by schools to help fund educational endeavors. Schools look for funding opportunities to help them achieve this goal. To apply for an education grant, you must fill in a proposal and send it to the school. Then, once the school approves the proposal, you will receive the grant. 
 Other types of grant writing include community grants, international grants, and other types of grants. Each of these grants are given out by various organizations to help fund projects.
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monotonetim · 28 days
I wrote an outline for an invited review in a good journal. I’m writing it with my old boss who gave me the phd, so I didn’t want to disappoint him. they didn’t specify how long the outline is, so I was sure to break it into sections, subsections, give it citations, make tables. my boss would love it. I treated it like my second thesis. at least he wouldn’t think I’m an idiot.
he emailed me to say that it’s good but way too long.
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grant-writing-hub · 6 days
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Need grant writing services? Look no further! Our team of experienced writers will help you secure the funding you need to make your project a reality. Contact us today.
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redtapebusters · 9 days
Understand Grant Application Requirements
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Are you a grant writer looking to master the art of grant writing? Having a keen understanding of grant application requirements is essential for any successful grant writer. Knowing what to look out for in the process can make or break your chances of getting your proposal accepted.
This article will provide an overview of the essential elements needed to successfully craft a successful grant application. We will explore the different components of a basic application, how to identify and address key criteria, and where to find guidance for those unfamiliar with the process.
Grants Overview
A grant is a contribution of money from the government or other organisations to support non-profits, businesses, or individuals for purposes such as research, expansion, disaster recovery, specific initiatives or projects. Grants from the government are funded at the federal, state, or local levels. Large corporations, such as mining and energy companies, frequently provide grants to the communities in where they operate. The purpose of any grant is to help organisations or individuals pursue their goals and vision that would otherwise be difficult to finance on their own.
The application process for grant funding varies from one organisation to another; however, most require applicants to provide detailed information about their project, including its purpose and expected outcomes.
Types of Grants
There are many different types of grants that a grant writer might apply for, therefore they need to ensure they focus on the one that is the best fit for purpose. Types of grants in Australia include, but are not limited to:
Infrastructure Grants
Disaster Relief Grants
Community Grants
Disability Grants
Arts and Culture Grants
Indigenous Grants
Business Innovation Grants
Technology Grants
Volunteer Grants
Health and Wellness Grants
Youth & Children Grants
And many more
Eligibility Requirements
If you're a grant writer, knowing which grants to apply for and ensuring that you meet all the eligibility criteria can be time consuming and complicated, but it's a necessary step before beginning the grant writing process. This should be the first and foremost step taken by grant writers as it will save expending a lot of time on grants that the organisation may not even be eligible to apply for. 
Eligibility requirements for grants are often very specific, and can include things such your registered organisation type, budget size, operating region, ability to co-contribute or length of project duration. Once these criteria are found to match your project and organisation, then you can move forward with applying for the grant!
Types of Funding
Successful grant writing requires an understanding of the types of funding available. Knowing the difference between matching, unrestricted and project grants is essential when researching to find the most suitable grant for your organisation. A professional grant writer with experience in completing applications for organisations should be familiar with these types of grants.
Matching grants are designed to provide funding that is equal to or greater than what is supplied by the organisation. The funds may be used for equipment, training or other needs. Unrestricted grants allow organisations greater flexibility in how they use the money as it can be used for operating expenses or other purposes that support their mission. Finally, project grants are typically awarded to organisations to fund specific projects such as new construction, technology upgrades or launching a new program.
Components of The Application
The first step when applying for grants is to determine which components are essential for the particular grantor’s application requirements. This includes the scope of work and budget narrative, as well as other items such as references and letters of support. The grantor may also have specific forms they require applicants to fill out in addition to their application documents. It's important to read these requirements carefully and make sure all necessary documents are included before submitting your proposal.
Writing a Proposal
Within their proposal, the grant writer should include research data, background information about the organisation receiving funds and detailed descriptions of how those funds will be used if awarded. It should also contain measurable goals and objectives that are achievable within the timeframe outlined by the grantor. Working with an experienced grant writer or participating in a workshop for grant writing can help ensure you understand all components necessary for submitting an effective application.  Additionally, these resources can also provide tips on creating persuasive narratives surrounding your intended project or program to demonstrate its impact on achieving desired outcomes.
Addressing Key Evaluation Criteria
For those new to grant writing, understanding what the evaluator will be looking at when they read your proposal is critical. The criteria can vary, depending on the funder, but there are some common elements that should always be included. Sometimes, the grant guideline documentation will contain a separate section which outlines the actual weighting assigned against specific grant writing questions. Other times, the grant writer needs to look more at the holistic picture of the grant purpose, objectives and the organisation behind the grant to identify their vision and key focus areas.
Seeking Professional Guidance
A professional grant writer can be a perfect ally for any organisation attempting to secure grants. These grant writers specialise in researching and writing grants that are tailored to meet each organisation’s needs.
Professional grant writers provide expert insight into how best to craft a proposal that will stand out from competitors. They also aid in forecasting potential outcomes of projects and identifying various sources of funding. Additionally, they have knowledge of what should be included in a proposal as well as being able to identify key criteria needed for successful applications.
Having an experienced grant writer on your side can be invaluable when you're looking for funding opportunities or navigating the application process. With their help, you are likely to see greater success with your grant applications!
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themisally · 9 days
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Belated WIP Wednesday: the grants that funded Hawkins National Laboratory.
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ascendnbs · 10 days
Mastering the Art of Persuasion: Essential Grant Writing Techniques
Grant writing is a skillful art that requires a delicate balance of persuasive techniques, thorough research, and precise communication. Whether you're seeking funding for a nonprofit organization, a research project, or a community initiative, the ability to craft a compelling grant proposal is essential for success. In this guide, we'll delve into the essential techniques that can help you master the art of persuasion in grant writing.
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Understanding the Audience:
One of the fundamental principles of persuasive writing is understanding your audience. Before drafting your grant proposal, take the time to research the funding organization thoroughly. What are their goals, priorities, and values? Tailor your proposal to align with their mission and objectives. Use language that resonates with the organization's values and demonstrates how your project or program aligns with their goals. By speaking directly to the priorities of the funding organization, you increase the likelihood of securing their support.
Crafting a Compelling Narrative:
At the heart of every successful grant proposal is a compelling narrative. Your proposal should tell a story that captures the imagination of the reader and illustrates the significance of your project or program. Start by clearly articulating the problem or need that your project addresses. Provide compelling evidence, such as statistics, case studies, or personal anecdotes, to support your claims.
Next, outline your proposed solution in detail. Clearly explain how your project or program will address the identified need and achieve measurable outcomes. Use concrete examples and illustrations to bring your proposal to life. Paint a vivid picture of the impact your project will have on the target population or community.
Demonstrating Feasibility and Sustainability:
In addition to presenting a compelling narrative, grant proposals must demonstrate the feasibility and sustainability of the proposed project or program. Outline your plan of action in detail, including timelines, budgetary considerations, and staffing requirements. Provide evidence of your organization's capacity to successfully implement the project, such as past experience, relevant expertise, and partnerships with other stakeholders.
Moreover, emphasize the sustainability of your project beyond the grant period. How will you ensure that the benefits of your project endure over time? Outline strategies for long-term funding, community engagement, and capacity building. Demonstrating sustainability not only increases the likelihood of securing funding but also enhances the impact of your project in the long run.
Utilizing Persuasive Language and Formatting:
The language and formatting of your grant proposal can significantly influence its persuasiveness. Use clear, concise language that conveys your ideas effectively. Avoid jargon or technical terminology that may confuse or alienate the reader. Instead, strive for clarity and simplicity in your writing.
Additionally, pay attention to the formatting of your proposal. Use headings, bullet points, and visual aids to break up the text and make it easier to read. Highlight key points and data to draw the reader's attention. A well-organized and visually appealing proposal is more likely to capture the interest of the reviewer and convey professionalism and attention to detail.
Addressing Potential Objections:
Anticipating and addressing potential objections is another important aspect of persuasive grant writing. Put yourself in the shoes of the reviewer and consider what questions or concerns they might have about your proposal. Address these concerns directly in your proposal, providing evidence and explanations to alleviate any doubts.
For example, if your project requires a significant investment of funds, be prepared to justify the cost and demonstrate the return on investment. If there are potential risks or challenges associated with your project, acknowledge them openly and explain your mitigation strategies. By addressing potential objections proactively, you build trust and credibility with the reviewer.
Mastering the art of persuasion in grant writing requires a combination of strategic thinking, compelling storytelling, and attention to detail. By understanding your audience, crafting a compelling narrative, demonstrating feasibility and sustainability, utilizing persuasive language and formatting, and addressing potential objections, you can increase the likelihood of securing funding for your project or program. Remember to tailor your proposal to the priorities of the funding organization and provide clear evidence of the impact and effectiveness of your proposed project. With practice and perseverance, you can become a masterful grant writer capable of securing support for your worthy endeavors.
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keepxgoing · 1 year
For the longest time I’ve been saying I want to get more into grant writing and now I’m actually taking it upon myself to find resources and learn. Wheeeew boy look at me.
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grantsassist5 · 26 days
Grant Writing
Website: https://grantsassistreviews.au/
Address: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Grants Assist reviews that organizations have access to the latest assistance programs to support their growth and impact. Grants Assist reviews up-to-date information on various grant opportunities, including Business Grants, Government Grants, and Innovation Grants. Grants Assist also offers a professional grant writing team, helping individuals navigate the complex submission requirements of grants.
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/grants-assist-0a44a11b6 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrantsAssistOffice/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grantsassist4207
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grantsassistreviews5 · 2 months
Grants Assist Reviews
Website: https://grantsassistreviews.au/
Address: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Grants Assist reviews that organizations have access to the latest assistance programs to support their growth and impact. Grants Assist reviews up-to-date information on various grant opportunities, including Business Grants, Government Grants, and Innovation Grants. Grants Assist also offers a professional grant writing team, helping individuals navigate the complex submission requirements of grants.
#Grant Writing #Grants Assist Reviews #Grants Assist Australia Reviews
Business Hours: Monday – Thursday 8am – 5pm, Friday 8am – 2pm
LinkedIn: https://au.linkedin.com/in/grants-assist-0a44a11b6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrantsAssistOffice/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@grantsassist4207
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sevics · 3 months
Start Your Proposal Writing Journey Here
Proposal writing has become a very important skill to acquire for people interested in the development sector. One of the key features of work in the development sector is the wide gap between the haves and the have-nots. There is a growing inequality in the distribution of resources as the world population bloats. Visionary change-development organizations are springing up in every town and city…
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