#Gossip kings
princelancey · 1 year
The delight I felt when this picture came out
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bet-on-me-13 · 6 months
Technically a Cult
So! Danny has been hearing through the Grapevine that a large Cult has been Summoning all the biggest Magical Creature's for some reason. Demon Lord's, Fae Kings, even a few Gods. Clockwork was summoned a little while ago, and so was Fright Knight and Pandora
And he has been patiently waiting his turn for a while. Apparently everyone they summon has gotten a really good deal from them, all in return for a few favors, sometimes a promise to not go to a specific place.
Danny really wants to strike a deal with them. He wants to ask them for a favor so he can get out of work for a few weeks, he's been planning on taking a vacation with Sam and Tuck, but the Eyeballs are being annoyingly resistant.
He feels the familiar pull of Summoning, and realizes that it's time. Awesome, time to meet this mysterious Cult!
Why is the JLA standing in from of him?
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an-entity-i-think · 1 year
Merlin to Gwen: will you do me the honor of being my sister in law?
Morgana, whispering to Arthur: is he trying to marry Elyan?
Arthur, whispering to Morgana: he better fucking not
Gwen to Merlin, completely in tune: yes! I can't wait for us to be family!!
Arthur, now frantically whispering to Morgana: do you have any idea what's going on? who's getting married? What's happening????
Morgana, whispering back just as frazzled: I have no fucking clue- oh shit they're walking towards us- act natural
Merlin, to Arthur: :)
Gwen, to Morgana: :)
Arthur and Morgana making quick panicked side eyes to each other: 👁👄👁
Morgana, trying to be casual confident girlboss: congrats! Who's getting married? Haha
Gwen and Merlin, glancing to each other with barely there smirks: well we are I suppose! Let's go!
*takes the arms of their best friends/crushes*
Gwen, seductively to Morgana: so I'm thinking at our wedding we should go with reds and purples, God you look amazing in purple
Morgana: *bluescreens*
Merlin, nonchalantly hanging onto Arthur's side like Arthur isn't already about to have a heart attack, getting really close to his face: so if I'm technically the Druid King, our wedding- yours and mine of course- will have to be a mix of cultures. I'm sure everyone will understand.
Arthur: ou- our? Um our? Ou- *bluescreens*
Gwen and Merlin: *high five* efficiency!
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p1anetmars · 4 months
davey jacobs and crutchie morris are chronic gossipers i don’t make the rules
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staliaqueen · 3 months
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relmint-draws · 9 months
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A king and his advisor <3
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viivdle · 6 months
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cardan waiting for all the letters jude never sent
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dez-ku · 11 months
Wukong making an "apology" video 🥺🎸
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the post-raven king gangsey is so funny in my head bc blue and gansey have been so freed and for once in their lives don't fear the future and are allowed to rediscover themselves yada yada yada and then adam and ronan are just this unit that show up at random times with deadpan faces looking like the mf shining twins and then they make a few quips and go on their way with a duffle bag that never gets explained in hand and when asked where they're going one says "its our anniversary" and the other says "tibetan resurrection ritual" except you never know who's going to say what and you never know which one of them is telling the truth
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cxndiedvi0lets · 7 days
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nelkcats · 1 year
Garden of Souls
There are people who, when they die, do not really want anything else. No reincarnations or second chances. People who did not wish to stay longer than necessary.
When they die, the universe usually grants their wish. And a flower is born in the Ghost King garden. Pariah Dark never paid attention to all the flowers (each one unique in its own way), and left them to die. Although many of them prevailed, a lot of souls were lost.
Danny was different. He loved and cared for each of the flowers. His own sister had become one of them after all. Every day the King went out to the garden and closed his eyes, listening to Jazz's voice speak to him, he watered the flowers and smiled. Danny knew that his sister was no longer in the Realms, that she was resting, but her memories were imprinted on the flower, and her soul had become something beautiful. It was nice to talk to what was left of her.
That is why when John Constantine dared to step on one of the flowers in his garden the King was enraged. The Justice League had reached the Infinite Realms, investigating about it; What at first was a casual conversation turned into a fight as the heroes became fascinated with his garden, one of them daring to pluck one of his beloved flowers while Constantine unceremoniously stepped on another.
Although they had just discovered the dimension, Danny didn't plan to receive them again for a long time. No more help or peace deals, no one messed with his garden, the poor souls must have been terrified.
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duohensheng · 2 months
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pov you’re zewu-jun and you’ve reached the thinly veiled gossip sesh part of the night
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girlygirlwebdiary · 1 year
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2010s vibes for the summer 👙🩷
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I really want to see Lucifer interacting more with the HH Crew.
I feel Angel Dust and Lucifer would have an interesting dynamic!
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therosebanshee · 2 months
I just realized Alastor is technically half the age of Charlie. In terms of radioapple he's a sugarbaby 😅
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levemetal · 1 month
I have a million and one svsss AU ideas that idk if I'll ever write cause I have 0 confidence in my untested writing skills. Any of these appeal to you?? Go ahead, use 'em. Know any fanfics like that? Please please PLEASE leave them in the comments. Ideas to add? Anything? Please go ahead I have no friends that are as deep in the svsss brainrot as me to subject this to ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
Continued under the cut due to excessive rambling
These will be Ghost King/Calamity!SJ cause he has been living rentfree in my brain ever since one braincell at one AM shouted about it so you have been warned.
- Dual Ghost Kings YQY and SJ, Post canon of PIDW. That's it that's the idea. Their extras hurt my cold dead heart way too much and as much as bbygirl SJ is a piece of shit, Yue Qingyuan deserves happiness, and for that he needs his Xiao-Jiu. Basically YQY does not stay dead when Bingge turns him into a pincushion à la White No Face to Xie Lian except with arrows. What happens from here? Idk didn't get that far but I imagine he steals back his (probably dead) Xiao-Jiu, maybe does some other batshit insane shit like we all know that deep down he's capable of, and the duo fucking COMMUNICATES for once in their life and they live happily ever after. Bonus points for hilarious deaths for Bingge.
- If you're a filthy multishipper like me, want a BingJiu version of the above QiJiu? Easy, SJ decides to haunt Bingge's ass for eternity and vice versa when Bingge kicks the bucket and so they spent the rest of eternity trying to make each other miserable in increasingly ridiculous and creative ways. Maybe along the centuries they find a common enemy or sort their shit out and proceed to make their awful existence everyone else's problem. A match made in hell, truly <3
Are you seeing a theme yet. I like a general comedic air to svsss AUs, it just belongs to the svsss experience ya know? Anyway carrying on-
Shen twins, and SQH twins cause why not. If you want Binghe twins too, actually probably funnier with Binghe twins, where one is our beloved maiden Bingmei and the other OG!PIDW Bingge but forced back in time with memories of the PIDW timeline. Transmigrator SQH aka Airplane gets the peak lord + Mobei-Jun plotline while OG!SQH is just chilling as an An Ding Peak Hallmaster or something. Meanwhile, the Shen twins have a funny game of imposter going on. As far as everyone is concerned, there is only one Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan transmigrated in earlier into the novel, but ended up going to CQM with Yue Qi while SJ got stuck in the Qiu household as in canon. From here the details can change but the main idea is that
A) Shen Yuan knows how to do his peak lord job actually
B) SJ is a calamity ghost, having died either in his disciple years or alternatively never made it out of the Qiu household alive
C) Both SY and SJ have been playing switcheroo when SY needs to head out and do stuff or just wants SJ to do his paperwork for him.
I still need a good reason for the switching and duping, but wouldn't it be funny if the disciples just had to deal with their peak lord behaving WILDLY different at times. Most of the time it's good ol' Shen Yuan smiling at disciples, way too enthusiastic for monsters and plants and keeps forgetting his fans everywhere. Then one random week in the month after he has a resting bitch face, scowls, snarls and bitches at anyone and has 0 patience for teenage attempts at music.
Most shrug it off as just terrible migraine weeks, but some disciples are suspicious, most of all Bingge who is CONVINCED something is WrongTM. Like, he KNOWS SQQ and this SQQ is just so different, something must be different. He doesn't know how right he is yet everyone just thinks he's actually insane.
I know this is probably increasingly insane and dumb, but fast forward to the Abyss opening. SJ was probably there to keep an eye on his clumsy twin, but SY ends up asking the ghost to look over the Luos, as the system still demands that they go to the abyss. So SJ after much grumbling agrees (after all he probably just was unmasked as ghost calamity, and the twins as demons, with a huge amount of cultivators moving their way. It's really the smaller hassle to jump into the Abyss and deal with the horrors there. Besides, the scholar in SJ would be curious about the abyss (and SY too let's be honest) ), kicks both in and goes "Alright we're taking an impromptu field trip" and jumps in after leaving SY to deal with the political mess that comes after.
Anyway, the last AU can be changed in various ways, like make it a PIDW time travel fix it with only the OGs around, or just Shen twins, etc. Feel free to shout at me how dumb this all is.
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