#Gavin whomst????
tankshaw · 10 months
redacted lore people whomst are smarter than me and have better memory. in the inversion did milo or gavin or sam or someone ever say something about how shades don’t bleed? or is that just when they’re incorporeal?
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edmunderson · 2 years
hmmmm... i can't decide whomst my main commander would get together with it's a three way tie and they're all good options......
like, Vaq's first two loves are already decided: gavin (my dearly detested), and malyck (give us closure anet)
Vaq's thing w/ gavin ended in tears because vaq wanted the duel to end without any needless death and gavin adhered to his honor code a little too strictly. So when vaq was the clear victor he begged gavin to yield, but gavin being gavin wasn't having it, his pride and honor would not allow it so he physically forced vaq to run him thru. Which, yknow, left newly awakened from the dream vaq p traumatized (something something caithe and faolin first love parallels something something)
With malyck tho, it's a case of "never the right time, ships passing in the night." Like, they clearly have strong feelings for each other, but vaq is still kinda reeling from gavin and he's also got his wild hunt, and malyck can't stay because of the nightmare court and because he needs to find the tree he came from. They share a kiss goodbye and that's all they get. Even if anet brought malyck back (and i wish they had), it still wouldn't change the "never the right time" dynamic; always a what if?
And i know i said a three way tie (between canach, braham, and yao) but i just thought of a surprise fourth contender (bloody prince edrick thorn) but that one would probably just be a halloween au fic i might write lmao
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When it comes to talking about DBH characters who get character growth/a redemption arc, Hank is the obvious person to bring up, and there’s the obvious fandom fixation on Gavin, but what about Adam Chapman? He has an arc in the game that sort of disappears in the fray when compared to other characters but he has the literal journey that everyone wants Gavin to have. But even in comparison to others I feel like Adam completely stands on his own as a good character with so much potential as far as his past, future and motivations.
When Kara, Luther and Alice first show up at Rose’s house, Adam is outside chopping wood and literally turns them away, saying his mom isn’t just too busy to talk to them - she doesn’t WANT to. Of course this isn’t the case and Rose invites everyone inside. And Adam is PISSED.
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Also he’s wearing a shirt that says Average Casual Guy which is so funny
Adam is young, probably around twenty, he doesn’t seem to be away at college or anything, rather Rose says they just farm their own food to sell at the market and that’s how they scrape by. Sounds stressful, especially with a bunch of Androids living in their house. It’s obvious Adam doesn’t want them around and definitely doesn’t want any new deviants showing up, after the call for revolution that occurred with Markus’s Stratford Tower speech.
As the scene goes on, you get more information about the Chapman’s and the things they’ve been through. Rose is obviously an incredibly strong and compassionate person to be helping the Androids to this extent, but there’s no denying it’s putting her and Adam in danger. When Kara walks in on their right in the kitchen, Adam is telling Rose they need to stop getting involved, that it’s not safe, and he’s not going to back down about this issue anymore.
His outburst over this is pretty understandable, in the context of the game - even when Kara first shows up asking for Rose, Adam’s first question is, “What do you want with her?” Which I feel like isn’t just about whether Kara is an Android or not, but whether she’s someone there to bust them for having Androids in the house. And of course he’s right, because the cops come by like five minutes later to search the house. They are putting themselves in danger, and even though they’re doing the right thing, it must still be a strain on their family... and it’s clear they’ve fought about this many, many times.
So, yeah, his rejection of his mother’s desire to help the Androids comes from a place of fear for their safety, which is understandable to an extent. But he isn’t just afraid of deviants and doesn’t want to help them - he really seems to hate them, which shouldn’t be an understandable view to hold within the context of the game and the allegory of the Civil Rights Movement, and then the language he uses is like, yikes...
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It’s not, I understand they’re in trouble but I’m upset you’re putting us in danger, it’s something else - and of course Adam is really mad, and maybe saying something he doesn’t necessarily mean, but this does seem to reflect his view of the Androids as a whole. At this time, Adam honestly doesn’t see them as being people, which probably makes it even harder for him to understand why Rose goes so far out of her way to help them.
I mean, she sets up trips across the river which have been obviously successful, she drives them to Jericho, she has some kind of contact with or understanding of the revolution leaders because she’s able to direct Kara on where to go, and though not much is explained, her brother (and Adam’s uncle) is obviously totally cool with Androids because he’s willing to help them too. She’s clearly been doing this for a while, or at least is proactive enough to take action and do whatever she has to. She’s even willing to take care of Alice once they get across the border. Literally the hero of DBH but I digress. Adam doesn’t think Androids are worthy of the rights they’re asking for, especially when compared to humans.
What follows this is one of the most intriguing lines in the scene (to me)
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What does this mean?? We know his father passed away, and Rose says that ever since then, Adam just boils over sometimes. Maybe it happened suddenly, an accident possibly - or did he get sick? Were Androids involved somehow, like what happened with Cole? What was Rose’s husband’s opinion on Androids? Things have changed since he passed, for sure, but still. Did he hold that same “Androids aren’t alive” opinion that Adam is now expressing? Or is it just that Adam thinks if his dad were still here, he’d be able to solve this issue somehow? Maybe his dad was a politician who ran on pro-Android laws and after he died Adam has become disillusioned with his parents’ worldview ??? Maybe his father died helping Androids too and that’s why Adam rejects them so much. Or maybe his dad hated Androids so much he would have never allowed Rose to help them, and so they wouldn’t have gotten involved in the first place, in Adam’s mind. (Edited to say that apparently it’s canon that Adam’s father died of cancer though I can’t recall it specifically being said in the game, so that is definitely a sad addition to things☹️)
I’m literally just making shit up lol but I really do personally hesitate to give Adam some kind of super traumatic backstory or make him bigoted against Androids because the Black characters are already treated poorly enough in the game when it comes to those things. I’m inclined to think this is just a general outburst of missing his dad and wanting him to be there to ‘fix’ things or at least, maybe, mediate the conversation between Adam and Rose. Idk, it’s cool to speculate on, especially when other characters are given super deep dives into their literally nonexistent canon backstory, it definitely feels like there’s so much that’s unsaid here.
Obviously there’s a couple of different ways the gameplay can go after this - but one other thing I wanted to bring up was what happens if you end up with Kara at the border crossing and run into Rose and Adam there. After talking to Rose in the bathroom and making a plan to all go to her brother’s house, Kara talks to Adam outside-
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He says he doesn’t agree with Markus’s methods (which is like.. ok.. a whole other conversation in itself)(EDIT: so apparently the answer is different if you choose the ‘pacifist’ route for Markus- Adam says that ‘seeing what Markus is doing made me realize you’re alive’ !!! Which is cool that it changes and def reflects something different about his character than if his response is always the same!) So anyway he now believes in Androids’ right to freedom and happiness. What made this come about?? Was it after interacting with Alice and Kara and Luther?? I have a theory that Rose knew Alice was an Android as soon as they showed up but just played along - maybe when Adam realized there were Android children mixed up in this too, he began to change his view on things, maybe see himself in them, or see things through his father’s eyes, wanting to protect his family and child. Maybe that’s the lens through which Adam begins to see it. It could be the peaceful pacifist revolution Markus is leading, if he is- but even if not, Adam still changes his mind.
Or, maybe after everything that’s happened, he just realizes he was being kind of an asshole about the whole thing and when it came down to it, a government that was literally going door to door searching for Androids and the people who might help them? That’s probably not the type of place Adam wants to live in. It’s definitely interesting to think about his motivations and what brought him to this point.
And even though it’s sad for Kara and Luther, I find the ending where Alice ends up with the Chapman’s really.. bittersweet-ly satisfying in a narrative way. Found family .... though of course it sounds like they were all planning on meeting at Rose’s brother’s house so they would have all been together anyway☹️
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🥲I feel like I had so much more to say but yeah!! I think he’s such a cool interesting character and I love that he ends up on the side of the Androids in the end. And what happens after they escape safely??? Does he start helping deviants too like Rose does? Are they going to settle down and form a commune of sorts with the other Androids who escaped? I love the idea of that loss in Adam’s life being filled up with the addition of new people who care about him, and a little sister in Alice, since he seems to be an only child. The possibilities of it all...
Adam has a sad sort of story to his past, he dislikes Androids and then comes around, he has so much potential for what happens after the revolution - and he’s not the only one!!! There are so many characters in the game that deserve a closer look but I just love Adam..
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an-unlikely-duo · 4 years
You're walking in the woods. There's no one around and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him: Shia LaBeouf.
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“Oh Shit.” He knows how this goes and he starts running.
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mazojo · 5 years
While you're stuck trying to level up Lucien Stan's are having a field day.😃😂 But where Tf are Gavin and Kiro?!??!
noah fence to Lucien stans but asdfgh can he stay faaaaar away from me?? asdfgh I am sorry he may have a tragic backstory™ and what not but dude is still the definition of sketchy in my dictionary 
RIGHT?? Omg like I am here banging my head against the wall to understand where the living hell my bois disappeared to and wanting to give Kiro a hug because he is potentially searching for a very dangerous organization while abandoning music and eye-
Meanwhile the game said here, take some Lucien while I look like this
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cindercate · 5 years
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feels bad man™
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detrcitmade · 5 years
Sb: oh my God! You're in love!
Nines: That is a strong word. Besides, I'm a machine. Love is not in my programming.
Nines: *seeing the object of his affections doing literally anything*
Nines: oh... I am in love.
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sternbilder · 6 years
i just finished reliving aa4 via this german let’s play i found on youtube and damn. i forgot how much of a petty bitch k/ristoph g/avin is but he really Did That, Huh
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cheerydearie · 4 years
Sometimes I look at something I’ve drawn and I’m like, “I drew that? Wack” because in my head I still draw like I did four years ago
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mitiyou · 5 years
Mc.... honey.... how are you even alive at this point like people need to stop trying to kill you, they should realize you’re so stupid it won’t work
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coweggomelet · 3 years
i apparently enjoy putting down my thoughts on the off chance someone will read it and enjoy it so here’s rwby rewatch vol 3. i’m ready to be sad!!
(note: it’s long i’m sorry, i have many thoughts and i tried to narrow it down but oh boy do i think im funny)
- ruby you’re so precious. so sweet. so eager. so earnest. c’mere and i’ll protect you from all the bad shit that happens to you later
- hi cardboard cutout tai
- i keep getting an ad for a rooster teeth show called camp betrayal and the way this man says “hoo hoo hoo” will haunt me for the rest of time
- oh shit the fact that it’s called amity has such insane implications for what it’s used for later. jesus.
- “bffs!” “No.” “…/yessss/” love them
- yeet the yang
- god ruby’s admiration of emerald is so sad in retrospect like… oh boy ruby you’re in for it
- “even if you know how a story ends, that doesn’t make it any less fun to watch” wow cinder are you psychic
- ummmm they’re having a talk can you please respect their privacy
- thor whomst??? i only know nora valkyrie
- hiiiii gavin
- so much mid battle banter. in the middle of a big important fight they just have to make jokes and argue. i love teenagers
- awww winter you’re a disaster and you’re horribly emotionally repressed because of your bitch ass dad but jesus christ you care about your little sister and you wanna know she’s doing okay and i’m emotional about it
- PENNYYYYY my love just keep being you
- jeez i forgot how early on ironwood was talking his shit about being “someone who will act”, the “only person” who will do what needs to be done, as if his course of action is what needs to be done
- every single person who underestimates emerald and mercury gets so fucked up. like so many people look at these youngerish teenagers with some funny one liners and banter and go “oh they seem capable and they’re confident and funny so i like em but i can take em” and then absolutely get the shit kicked out of them. and i think that’s why they’ve been so successful, cause nobody takes them seriously enough to consider them a threat.
- see this is why i love rwby. coco just turned her handbag into a gatling gun and cut down a field of grass with it
- god the way they hint at emerald’s semblance before fully showing what it is. *chef’s kiss*
- winter marry me
- we love an uncle who absolutely destroys his nieces at video games
- “they do and they’re called silver!” ruby i love you
- top heavy. heheh
- this dude’s weapon is a trumpet!! she’s got glowing nunchucks!! i love this show!!
- this battle music is AMAZING what the FUCK they’re fighting to JAZZ
- cinder if you keep having vague ominous dialogue people are gonna get the wrong idea
- oh yeah great idea asking a child to take on immense power which sends her into a stressed out panicky spiral and alienates her from the people she finally feels legitimately connected to and for once didn’t feel alienated from
- oh fuck. oh fuck the finals. oh god. oh no.
- she’s so happy. she’s so ready to have a good fight. i’m gonna cry
- and with one moment, the entire show flipped on its head
- god when i watched that the first time i fuckin freaked. i was not prepared man. i was warned. but i was not prepared for this much of a fucking tone change man. that quickly. like tone changes (in my experience) normally happen gradually, but this one happened in, what? 30 seconds?
- fuck
- god this is so bad
- and it GETS WORSE i can’t do this
- love that we can see yang’s distraught eyebrows through her bangs
- after this episode was the first time my friend asked me “how we doing buddy?” and i’ve only wanted to kill her more since then
- oh god emerald’s backstory. this poor child. she was so alone and cinder was there and said i can give you a place i can give you a purpose i can give you security and emerald latched on so hard.
- hiiiii laura bailey i wish you had more than a lil baby line and some sounds of effort
- god that little anklet
- god what a fuckin backstory episode man. backstory? evil plan explanation? idk but it was good
- great parent move. telling your kid you’ll only save them once.
- jaune you sweet good boy. what a good boy. i love him
- god this poor child. she doesn’t deserve this. FUCK i’m so sad. is that the last conversation they have?
- oooooh shit this song is so good. what the fuck i have chills it’s so fitting
- god everyone else is so happy and excited and then there’s ruby who is one of the very few people who knows how bad a fight between penny and pyrrha could be and pyrrha who’s got to decide if she wants someone else’s aura smushed with hers, which could turn her into a different person. FUCK
- peeeennyyyyy “salutations!! it’s an honor to meet you!” it huuuurts
- it makes me so sad but damn was this a good diabolical plan
- god im so sad. penny is so good. and pyrrha’s fuckin eyes. and ruby just collapsing. jesus christ. it’s all fuckin falling apart
- oh fuck here we go. those klaxons are so terrifying
- it makes me so happy that torchwick gets rescued and then like maybe a couple episodes later just gets swallowed
- the fuckin adam fight is coming up too. jesus. really piling on here
- and she doesn’t even hesitate to save pyrrha
- the one and only time (to my memory) that ironwood is gentle is when he says no one would blame the students if they left. that might be the last time he actually remembers that they’re all teenagers and feels sympathy for these children with all this pressure on them
- oh yeah the big boy
- the first time i watched this i was LOSING MY MIND this whole time. like yang attacked mercury and from then on man. just freaking out.
- eurgh grimm juice
- c’mon blake you got this. i mean. technically you don’t. the fight goes poorly. but you fuckin try and you’re so brave about it and i love youuu
- shut the FUCK up adam you GROOMED her you ASSHOLE
- aahhhh i love velvet!!! her semblance and her whole fighting style is so goddamn cool and has such interesting implications for using weapons and powers of people who are dead
- get fucked, torchwick. GET FUCKED. get fuckin chomped
- a backhanded slap feels so much more violent than any fighting with weapons
- uh oh evil katniss
- god. the fucking blood splatter turning the whole shot red. just their silhouettes. the slow motion. the arm slowly separating.
- my friend was also a big fan of “how we feeling?”
- bad. the answer is bad you fuckin sadist
- oz is… a lot of things, and one of them is a goddamn good fighter
- oh god oh noooo she’s gonna kiss & yeet AWWWW FUCK this is heartbreaking
- pyrrha i love you
- if i don’t look it’s not real
- oh pyrrha my love
- awww hey tai. what a good dad. love tai
- i’m so sad. everyone’s so sad. and then salem just has to do an ominous lil monologue where she lays out her whole plan to divide them and makes a fuckin semblance pun. she’s such a good villain
- jacque you stiff bitch
- they’re all fuckin scattered and depressed
- love team rnjr tho
- there she is. god what an ending
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queerbuckleys · 3 years
9-1-1: 4x08- Breaking Point
post episode commentary on certain points in italics
spoilers under the cut
Eddie and Ana are cute, but like I am still not seeing the chemistry and its kinda awkward (??) she called him edmundo again, and he didnt even correct her like wut 
Gavin is getting so big
Why is Maddie wanting a home birth such a big deal? It might be how and where I grew up but, like that isn’t such a huge thing even not in a pandemic. And I think it is a great solution to her worries. It’s not like there would be no medical professionals there. like i get it now that we have seen chim freak about it but still
Nononononono- whhhyyy this is not going to end well.  I thought so 
Athena is their Mom confirmed- whomst the fuck is mags
Talk👏about👏how 👏hard👏pregnancy👏is👏
NIA🥺🥺— MOMS HENREN- but I’m so scared, I stg if they take nia away from them I will write to the writers myself
Buck why are you wearing a jacket? you are across the hall from your house
Taylor was the perfect person to bring in to both Jan at his insecurities while also highlighting how much he has changed
The screaming for Christopher parallels 
He went to his Buck
So they aren’t seeing Carla or abuela but they are Buck 🧐
Also that scene was absolutely heartbreaking
The vaccine thing almost made me cry I- I dont know what is happening to me- I cry so much at tv shows now 
I kinda want them to be friends now- like they get coffee and check in with each other, cause both of them have entirely different but challenging jobs and buck needs a friend outside of the firefam- like its kinda unhealthy that he doesnt have anyone that isnt connected to the firehouse in someway 
It’s not just me that thinks eddie and ana is awkward right?? 
I also I feel like there still should have been some time between talking to chris and having a movie night 
I STG I STG I STG I STG NONONONONONO- ARE YOU KIDDING ME NO- I just did this with chicago fire- I cannot do it again
Anyways its gonna be a long 6 weeks 
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bittersweetmelxdy · 5 years
HI! I saw your requests were open so im taking the chance to ask if you could make a headcanon for the boys about dating a mc whomst really needy and clingy who likes being around their s/o 24/7 hugging and kissing them, showing affection in general uwu.
I honestly believe that none of the boys find this an issue, because of how much they love you (and they all have some level of tragic backstory). But all in all I hope you enjoy the headcannons. And I probably don’t say this enough but seriously, if you find any mistakes (factually, not gramatically, bc it it’s grammar based I won’t fix it, bc I will never have perfect grammar, I just do my best), please please please tell me, I would love to learn, especially if it’s a cultural aspect bc I just love to learn about places and cultures and time periods. :)
Victor notices that your often right by his side during meetings, you are either sitting next to him at the boardroom table, or if you were standing, you were always so close that your arm brushed his suit jacket.  
He never mentioned it, but he knew for meetings that if he had to leave you be by yourself, he would always squeeze your hand tightly in his, or your upper arm if your hand was unavailable and he would tell you exactly where he was going, and leave with a “I’ll be back soon, wait for me.”  
The fact that you were so clingy actually put Victor’s mind at ease during business trips where he couldn’t take you along with him. You would always call him in the morning and at night before you went to bed, no matter what time you needed to wake up to call Victor, you would do it.  
He remembered his mother, how she left for France one day and never came back, and Victor loved the fact that you were actively waiting for him to come back, and you missing him when he left not only kept him grounded because he was always reminded of how much you loved him, but it also motivated him to finish his work as quickly as possible, so he could fly home to you.
At home, when you shyly asked him to install a chair and desk in his office so you could work in the same room, fidgeting with your sleeves, he had smiled softly at you, and that weekend the two of you had gone shopping for the items.
He liked the fact that when he was working at his desk in his office, he could just look up and see you working hard also. You also liked to sit at the island in the kitchen whilst you watched him cook, and no matter how much he teased you, he liked having you there to taste, or sometimes you even stood behind him, arms around his waist, and your nose nuzzling between his shoulder blades, when you did that his heart skipped a beat.
You often felt a little needy, due to insecurity, and when you finally broke down in front of Victor, telling him your worries and he grumbled about it half-heartedly telling you that you were an idiot for having these issues, but that would never stop him from pulling into his office, the elevator, into his lap and kissing you soundly until all doubts flew from your mind.
So, all in all he loved it, because your presence just became a constant in his life, but you still knew when to stop and how much distance to maintain in serious situations. He would never change you, no matter how much his tsundere personality acts around you. He had found you, fate had given the two of you a second chance, and Victor really didn’t care that you were “needy” or “clingy”, to him those words, when they were attached to you, could never be anything but positive.
Lucien knew you were clingy, and he welcomed it, he lives right next to you, so when even before the two of you lived together, if you mentioned on a date that you “didn’t want him to leave just yet”, he would happily waltz into apartment with you and spend the night with you.  
Lucien tells you all the time to call him if you can’t sleep, and when you do, he always smiles at seeing your name on his phone, before answering, smiles still painted on his lips. He would stay on the phone with you, long after you fall asleep, just listening to you breathe as it clams him knowing that your safe and you trust him enough to fall asleep around him. It’s even better when you video call him (because sometimes you just need to see his face, you told him), because he can just watch you sleep, eyes soft in affection.
He actually finds it funny when you stand, back to his chest, and you draw his lab coat around the two of you, and you tilt your head back to smile at him. So whenever you go to spend your lunch break at the research centre, he often makes you wear his lab coat when you sit on his lap to feed him. He relishes in the fact that you sniff the inside lab coat (because it still has his cologne on it), and then you snuggle yourself in the white fabric, a serene smile on your lips.
Whenever you feel like you need a kiss from Lucien, you squeeze his hand or his arm, and he will pull you into the next available corner or dark space and kiss you deeply, no shame. 
Whenever you go to parties for scientists (lol I don’t know the proper name for them), you will stand both hands on one of his arms the whole evening, and if Lucien notices your anxiety getting the best of you, he will draw you into his embrace, hands on your hips and just stand there whilst you breathe, knowing that his presence is the best remedy for you.
Lucien loves the fact that your neediness causes you to actively seek him out, because he knows when he was Ares and was working with the BSC he hurt you in ways only time can fix, so whenever you can see him withdraw, you pull him back to the present where you love him. Lucien often uses that to ground him to the here and now, you are his anchor in the midst of the storm, and if he will take your clinginess if it means he can have your heart.
Have you seen this sunshine boy, he lights up when you admit you are clingy, literally squeezes you tightly in his arms, saying “Miss Chips, you can be as needy as you want, Superhero Kiro is here for you!”  
Savin has no problem with you hanging around backstage, or in Kiro’s dressing room when you felt a little lonely, but the day you publicly announced your relationship he did have a set list of guidelines for both you and Kiro to follow whilst out in the public eye, “Just to avoid unnecessary scandal”.
You nodded sadly, realising that your behaviour might cause Kiro problems whilst at work, and you spent the whole rest of the evening, arms wrapped around Kiro, knowing the reason why you were sad Kiro held you against his chest and sang to you soothingly, pressing kisses to your hair.
Since that day, you made a tradition with Kiro that at least one evening a week the two of you would spend the night just cuddling together under a mountain of blankets.  
You tended to spoil Kiro with your affectionate nature, and he preened about it, having you be so clingy and affectionate towards him, it made him feel needed, that you needed all of him, not just the part that sings and dances and acts, and that fact often helped quell his insecurities.
Honestly sometimes he’s just as clingy as you, when he’s had a bad day at the studio or he just gets so het up he can’t function, he go looking for you (doesn’t have to look far, you make sure to at the very least always be in the same room as him when you can), and he just wraps his arms around you, burying his face in your hair and just breathes you in, feeling the day just melt away from him until there’s nothing left he can feel but you.
If he’s trying to write a new song, he does like his space to pace and think aloud, so he can be a little short with you if you try and keep him in one place, or you’re doing something noisy that distracts him (although sometimes just your presence is an adequate enough distraction for him), but you know he doesn’t love you any less, and you know when to give him space to work.
Kiro is so the type to kiss you whenever he sees you, the type of casual kissing where he kisses you when he leaves/enters the room, when you leave/enter the room, to say hello, to say goodbye, Kiro kisses you as frequently and as naturally as he breathes, so you never felt like you had be needy to get a kiss because Kiro always made sure you felt loved.
Kiro often joked that fulfilling your “affection-quota”, was just another of his superhero duties, but he loved that you were so comfortable with him that you acted this way, because when he was with you, he wasn’t the perfect Kiro the media wanted him to be where he couldn’t make mistakes, he was the perfect Kiro that made mistakes but you loved all of him anyway. Besides, loving you made every day an adventure, so a little clinginess, wasn’t even an issue to him.
I’ve said this before, Gavin loves you, he breathes for you, but because of his emotional baggage, the cold harsh treatment of his family, how they treated him in high school, it does affect him, on an emotional and mental level, as shown by the fact he doesn’t have preferences for things, and he’s never celebrated his birthday.  
So, when you became clingy, needy and just wanting to be around him, he melted in a puddle of devotion to you, to know you need him is a gift beyond his wildest dreams. Gavin’s smooth with his words, (just look at his dates and his texts for proof), and when you and him got together it was like a dam burst inside him, he poured out all the emotion he had bottled up for you.
Literally as soon as the two of you are at home, Gavin will pick you up, your legs hooked around his waist and he will just carry you around the apartment, only putting you down when absolutely necessary (like to change clothes, or cook dinner, etc), he then will sit of the sofa, you straddling his lap and will bury his head in your chest, unloading his day onto you as you stroked his hair.  
Every time you need something from him affection-wise, the two of you had developed a secret signal, you would tug on his shirt once and he would just look down at you and smile before pulling you into his embrace, no matter where you were (except when he was in uniform, he did have a reputation to protect).  
Whenever he needed to do something, and you were being too clingy, Gavin would press kisses all over your face, before the final one landed solidly on your lips, before he would pull back looking into your glazed eyes and warn you that he needed to do something and he needed some space.
Gavin was only this soft with you, and although he used your clinginess as an excuse to shower you with all the affection he could humanely give. You knew that the reason was truly that Gavin, ever since his mother had passed away, had never been allowed the affection or even companionship from the people who were supposed to love him unconditionally, and now he had you, he was going to make sure you knew just how he needed to be around his love even more than you did.
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phcking-detective · 4 years
I was rereading OTP: Fight Club and a scene where Nines thought that Gavin had a new ‘friend’ after talking to the guy three times jumped out at me. Does Nines get jealous? Or possessive if he thinks someone could be interested in Gavin?
what?? RK No Feelings 900 getting jealous and possessive of his human who is his partner and the most important person in his life whomst he has decided to spend the rest of his existence protecting and caring for until the day he is declared obsolete and then even past that if his human will still keep him?
I don’t know what would ever possess you to ask a question with such an obvious answer.
No. Of couuurse not.
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ikesenhell · 4 years
Victor is hot don't get me wrong but GAVIN is soft and sweet and utterly devoted to MC so like, I adore him
I cant read my authoritative kink is kicking in, Gavin whomst?
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cindercate · 5 years
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