#Gashadokuro AU
hyperforcereignition · 6 months
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Chiro took off one of his gauntlets, throwing it to his sister.
"Use this if anything happens. Can you manage not to cut your hand off?"
Mila smirked.
"It's me, you're talking to."
Chiro smiled, tossing it to her.
She slid it into her hand, as the material shifted to her hand's size.
"Go!" She grinned. "Give 'em a show."
Thanks sis.
Chiro raised a hand in the air.
"Monkeys mobilize!"
The team ran for their respective elevators, arms crossing over their abdomens.
Jinmay squeezed in beside Chiro, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
In an instant, they were off, sliding through a series of chutes, down to the main hangar.
Chiro only hoped all those lessons leading up to this moment came in handy.
One by one, each member of the team reached their respective ship.
"Foot Crusher 06, go!" Nova called out as she landed, the back of her head connecting to the seat behind her. In an instant, all of the specifications and stats of the ship materialized before her optics.
It was so familiar… so welcomed.
"Foot Crusher 05, go!" Otto called out moments later, a grin coming to his face, his tail swishing in delight.
He wished it was under better circumstances but he missed this part the most from back in the day.
Sparx and Gibson lunged for their controls, holding on tightly, as the ports snapped into the backs of their heads, the monitors coming to life all around them.
"Fist Rocket 04, go!" Gibson called out.
Even though he was trying to stay composed… the thrill of it all was building up again.
"Fist Rocket 03, go!" Sparx called out with a laugh. "Oh, it is good to be back!"
Antauri kept his composure as he landed in the cockpit of his ship.
Focusing on words spoken so long ago…
This ship was created for our unity…
And pilot him well, we shall.
"Brain Scrambler 02, go!"
Chiro and Jinmay yelped as they landed into the orange tinted cockpit of Chiro's tank, separating in the motion.
Chiro landed expertly, the belts snapping around his midsection.
Jinmay held on tightly to the back of his seat, in hers.
"Torso Tank 01, go!"
And we are back.
BIG THANK YOU to @theblueskyphoenix for the amazing artwork and for being my amazing editor! Go check her out!!!
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rozcdust · 1 year
Pairing: None
Warnings: NSFW jokes, jokes about suicide, hauntings
Bonten College AU. They’re getting haunted but no one notices (except Kakucho, he’s the only one with a braincell)
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Their majors:
Rindou - Music theory
Ran - Fashion design
Mikey - Kinesiology
Sanzu - Pharmacy
Kakucho - Engineering
Koko - Business
🔖Taglist (open):
@dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @graythecoffeebean @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @haikyuu-simps-assemble @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @astropheia @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @soushswag @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @luvjiro @sanchezbloodline @a-toxic-person @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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blunky · 6 months
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feudal japan AU ryuji with a mask giving him the strength of a gashadokuro
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rain112-darling · 5 months
me? Hahaa I make my own when the canon is mean
@alicems4 @juno-of-wonderland
YOKAI ADORATION AU OR PACK OF PACTS AU (see because like. Hehehee)
Heartsabyul - The Pack of Logic
Name - species. - role
Riddle - Kitsune - Master of rules
Ace - Kitsune - apprentice to Riddle
Cater - Nekomata - Training newbies
Trey - Tengu - Training newbies
Deuce - Tengu - apprentice to Trey.
SavannahClaw - The Pack of Strays
Leona - Koma Inu - Master of the Sands
Ruggie - Tanuki- Master of Trickery
jack - Hoko - Apprentice of Leona
Octovinelle - The Pack of The Depths
Azul - Octopus nyngo - Master of Knowing
Jade - eel nyngo - Master of Truth
Floyd - eel nyngo - Master of Lies
Scarabia - The Pack of The Sun
Kamil -  Okuri-inu  - Master of the Sun
Jamil - Uwabami- Master of Decit
Pomfiore - The Pack of Beauty
Vil - Slit Face Woman - Master of beauty
Rook - The Tall Woman - The Master of Hunt
Epel - Bunny in the Moon - Vil’s apprentice
Idgnyhide - The Pack of Death
Idia - Shinigami - Master of Woe
Ortho - gashadokuro - Apprentice of Idia
Disomnia - The Pack of iNhUmAnItY
Malleus - Kirin - Master of Magic
Lila - Tobikura - Master of Life
Silver - Human - Apprentice to Lila
Sebek - Yokai Hybrid - Apprentice to Malleus
Grim - regular ahh cat with the enchantment to speak. Fuck your anime boys this is my son.
Rollo - Aobozou - Yokai Hunter
ChenNya - bakeneko - Yokai vigilante
[Thank you Juno and Alice for helping me come up with the idea of making my own! You two are probably the best people (if I didn’t JUST speak to Alice but HEY! I CAN BE NICE AND SAY YOUR VERY NICE TO TALK TOO????)
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cod au that I’ve had in my mind longer than any other au but that I don’t know how to put into coherent words just yet (it will HAVE to be written out as a fic, can’t be broken up into preferences like the sex bot au)
Anyways, 141 all dying together and becoming a giant amalgamation monster that haunts the place they died. That’s the au. (Not inspired by this but I realized a few days ago that it reminds me a little of Gashadokuro from Japanese mythology)
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evilcokito · 2 years
Si es posible, puedes compartir El dibujo de demonio Divus? Necesito mas de tu AU porfis y gracias 😍😍🖤🖤🖤🖤
Me mue que te guste GRACIAS!!!
EL zorro Divus de este hermoso AU-YOKAI es por ahora.
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Cuando hice esto, estaba entre un Inugami y un Kitsune. Decidí por el Zorro cuando: OK Sam es un esqueleto de 8 metros (fuí por todas, en un solo Au metí todas las dinámicas de Ship posibles) necesitamos darle algo BIEN POWER al profe.
El zorro era mejor... por temas de historia Ship.
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LA IDEA era que Divus sea un zorro que toma la forma de un extraño, antiguo, misterioso y famoso esqueleto de 8 metros (Gashadokuro) que vio en un libro antiguo... para asustar a los demás LO HACE SEGUIDO.
La cuestión esta cuando Sam lo ve. Y Sam "...Ese soy yo, seguro este zorro es mi admirador".
Acá empieza la historia de amor.
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ryqoshay · 8 months
Putting on Hairs: Post Production - Entering Seinaru Mori
Primary Pairing: LanzShio Words: 543 Rating: T? AU: Angels, Vampires, Monsters Time Frame: Long before the main story Prompt: Tree Content Warning: Discussion of vampire and other monster stuff
Author's Note: Bonus second entry for the 9th that I again forgot to post before my primary entry for the 10th
Summary: Lanzhu and Shioriko arrive at the Veil protecting Seinaru Mori
“Halt.” An eerie voice commanded, seeming to come from both everywhere and nowhere. “Those who consume others for sustenance are not allowed within the Veil.”
Shioriko and Lanzhu had finally arrived at the edge of Seinaru Mori, a sacred forest at the base of Mt. Fuji. After an… eventful escape from the mainland, a strained voyage across the sea, and a labyrinthian hike through the woods, they simply wanted to rest and take refuge in the supernatural haven.
It had all been Lanzhu’s idea in an effort to hide and protect Shioriko, who was now a vampire, and thus among the least trusted types of monsters. Even in Japan, were many monsters lived peacefully in human society, vampires were often shunned. Unfortunately, it seemed little different here as well.
“That’s rich coming from a jinmenju.” Lanshu sneered.
The fruits on the three before the couple turned toward them, revealing their human-like faces.
“We are capable of obtaining nutrients from the decomposition of others.” The jinmenju stated. “Such is the nature of all plants.”
“Yes, but you…”
“Those parts of the legend have been greatly exaggerated.” The tree interrupted Lanzhu.
Unfortunately, Shioriko was unfamiliar with the jinmenju tree and was unable to contribute to either side.
“Let’s just find somewhere else to go.” Shioriko decided to say instead.
“No.” Lanzhu stated firmly. “Lanzhu said she would take Shioriko to Seinaru Mori, and that is what Lanzhu will do.”
Shioriko sighed.
“Those who consume others…” The jinmenju started to repeat.
“Shioriko will not consume anyone.” This time it was Lanzhu who interrupted.
“She is a vampire.”
“And she can survive on my blood.”
“That is…”
“Which I give willingly.”
“Shioriko will not drink from an unwilling host.”
“Is this true?” The heads turned toward Shioriko.
“…” Shioriko was about to answer in the affirmative when the memory of one host, the only human from whom she had ever drank, made her pause.
“I swear by my honor as an angel that she will never drink from an unwilling host.” Lanzhu asserted.
“We are asking her.” The jinmenju replied.
“I…” Shioriko swallowed. “I will not drink from an unwilling host.”
It was not a lie. She would never do so. Not again.
“We will consult with our fellow guardians of the Veil.” The tree said after moment.
Suddenly, a rapid series of pops, snaps, cracks and creaks filled the air. It took a moment for Shioriko to notice that the tree’s bark and branches were twisting and shifting in a manner to create the sounds.
Silence reigned in the forest for what felt like hours, but was likely mere minutes, unbroken even by the expected background chatter of local fauna. Even the wind stilled as if it too was awaiting a reply. Then, in the distance, from several directions, responding series of pops and snaps echoed through the area.
“An exception shall be made.” The tree intoned. “But know that you will be observed closely.”
“Hrmp.” Lanzhu uncrossed her arms and took her girlfriend's hand. “Let’s go Shioriko.”
“One last thing before you enter.”
A branch lowered before the pair, presenting many, sweet smelling fruits.
“Thou art unwise to tempt an angel, demon tree.”
The branch withdrew, allowing Lanzhu and Shioriko to enter Seinaru Mori.
Author's Note Continued: Readers of my Promptober 2022 event collection may recall an EmmaKanaKarin entry that introduced Seinaru Mori into the AU. And one of the cryptids the trio encountered was a gashadokuro, a giant skeleton known to roam around at night and eat any humans it finds. Obviously the guardians and/or denizens of the sacred forest have relaxed their stance on who is or isn't allowed in the sanctum. Perhaps some future chapter I write may explore this change. Perhaps Lanzhu and Shioriko play a role in this change. As always, time will tell.
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matty-hatter · 1 year
yo yo yo same person that asked abt the bob cryptid thingy what abt any of the other spookies people? like dexter or eyes? or (if you count the doll as not dexter) happy fella? or any of the other characters like the main kids or the hatzgang? what crytpids, where, and what powers?
Omg, you're gonna have me making a whole-ass Cryptid AU starting my next day off XD I will have to think more into it.
But the Hatzgang would probably roam in a colder climate, maybe yeti-esque like cryptids?
Pump would probably be a headless horseman-type ghost, and Skid would be either just an actual living skeleton-like creature or a Gashadokuro which is basically a giant skeleton made from many different smaller skeletons of people who died in despair.
As for Dex, he'd either be an insect cryptid or a feline cryptid (because of irony) that feeds on farm animals and other animals with the misfortune of running into them.
The Eyes would definitely be some sort of sea monster IMO. I mean dude already looks like a weird deformed spider octopus spaghetti thing. Lmfao.
I think Kevin would probably be similar to a Gargoyle or something like that.
Streber and Ethan are real vampires but probably transform into giant Bat creatures instead of regular bats.
Rick is probs similar to a Sasquatch.
Radford would probably be a reptilian creature for some reason??? idk it just fits IMO.
Lila is probably a siren/witch.
Jaun I can see being either a Lamia or a Harpy-type creature
Aughhh I will delve more into this and think it through but I will probably make like a small series of drawings with info on their pages like a Cryptid encyclopedia of sorts lol.
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Ninja Steel Rewrite AU
I'm interested in making one if anyone is interested, so far here's what I have for a synopsis. Altering characters, setting etc and even adding original lore as well as some ideas and references to Ninja Storm(missed opportunities for the season tbh)
-Utsumi Cove, a town advanced through culture and technology of the past and present continues to thrive well. The Wave Academy acts as a gateway for individuals with various talents and opportunities, unknowingly there's a secret part of the student body working in an underground campus practicing the way of ninjutsu. However when an ancient gourd releases Gashadokuro a rift to Shiniyomi, a dark dimension mirroring ours is opened. When the giant skeleton dims away at the sun's light the yokai begin to emerge and wreak havoc. With hope lost it is up to the Shinobi rangers to find the Igasaki Stars and unite their powers against the sinister forces.
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
KORKA ! My suggestions for Youkai AU are Hiiro and Rinne being Inugamis (Dog spirits born from a ritual done on dogs) and Niki being a Gashadokuro (Massive skeleton made of victims of starvation) <×< that last one is pure angst that I HAD to suggest
Look, I hear dogboy Amagi brothers, I'm jumping on that (and trying to ignore the details... you could make angst out of that, too-)
And. Yeah. You know how in canon Niki is said to have a really fast metabolism, which means that he's almost always hungry? Makes ya think, huh. The poor thing came to be as a result of starvation, and so he has to live always on the brink of it himself, huh?
For me, I don't have many ideas asides from Shu as a tengu (as they are associated with arrogance, I hear), and mayhaps Izumi as a kuchisake-onna (er, otoko?)
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hyenasnake · 1 year
Original Character Bio for my Loose Strings Au
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Name: Toki Heiseishinyama
Age: 13
Birthday: January 31st, 1977
First Death Date: July 23rd, 1982
Second Death Date: January 31st, 1990
Species: Human-Tengu Hybrid (Formerly), Undead Human-Tengu Hybrid (Formerly), Shrike (Currently)
Voice Claim: Mitski
Toki was born on January 31st 1977 in the mountains around Nagasaki, Japan, to a human and a Tengu—a bird-like mountain spirit. She had a relatively normal early childhood, with the other Tengus in her flock not even seeming to mind the fact that she was half human. However, everything changed in 1982, when Toki was five years old. Landslides and Floods caused by the power burst of a Gashadokuro hit the area she grew up in. Unable to fly away in time, Toki was swallowed by a landslide and suffocated to death before her family could find her.
Toki was given a second chance and woke up in Halloweentown, where she met Thorn and quickly got roped into working for Oogie Boogie.
In 1986, Toki and her friends Chop and Thorn were hunting in the woods and accidentally unearthed the stasis pod of a baby beldam, though they didn’t know it at the time. Upon retrieving the newborn from the pod, the group took her home and Toki adopted her as her little sister and named her Shock, and raised her how she thought fit.
In 1988, Shock found an undead newborn in a broken barrel during a turf war between Boogie’s Boys and a group of other kids. When she brought the baby to Toki, thinking it was food, Toki took the most charge of the newborn as she had done with Shock. Shock would go on to name the newborn “Barrel”, and he would be raised as her little brother.
Toki had a romantic interest in her friend Thorn, who was a little older than her, but never admitted to it. Unfortunately, this would be a grave error as Thorn died protecting Toki in the human world only eight months after Barrel joined the crew. Toki and Chop had raced to get help, but were too late. Toki was devastated and never got over Thorn’s death, inadvertently causing Shock to reject the concept of love for a good part of her life out of fear of being subjected to the same fate.
Two years later in 1990, Barrel was hurt by Oogie as punishment for a mission gone wrong. Chop was infuriated and wanted to go demand Justice from her boss, but Toki knew this would end badly for her. The two had an argument but Toki couldn’t stop Chop from leaving. Nobody ever saw Chop again, and Toki regretted that her last interaction with her friend was an argument.
Only a few days after Chop’s death, Lock arrived in Halloweentown and was brought home by Shock. Toki took care of her new cohort, but was more distant from him than she had been towards Shock and Barrel out of fear of forming an attachment, especially with her deadline coming up.
About a month and a half after Lock arrived, Toki turned thirteen years old. This was her deadline. She couldn’t work for Oogie anymore due to the heightened likelihood that she would rebel or try to get help, and so like others before her she would be killed and eaten by Oogie. On her final day, she made sure that her friends were happy and knew they were loved before she walked bravely to her death without shedding a tear, unaware that Lock and Shock witnessed the entire thing.
Toki was offered another chance after her death and reincarnated as a Shrike in order to watch over and protect her friends. After Oogie’s “death”, she would hunt bugs that were possessed by him and brutally kill them in the way shrikes are known for. The kids came to known her as “Clockwork” due to her nesting on the old broken clock she’d had during her time in Halloweentown, and don’t know that their friend is still keeping an eye on them in the form of a murderous songbird.
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thesealmerchant · 2 months
So in my au there is modified hunters/huntresses called gashas(based of the gashadokuro(a yokai)(also the MAG agents from madness combat) they are large(maybe like 15 feet to 18 feet)They are made by putting a hunter/huntress machine-sarcophagus looking thing.
I’ll be explaining In another post what the machine does inside it
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rozcdust · 1 year
pt. 1 | pt. 2
Warnings: Drug abuse, OOC, swearing
Collage AU! Bonten is getting haunted but they’re too stupid to notice 🥰
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@dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @rinsie @kisekihany @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @graythecoffeebean @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @haikyuu-simps-assemble @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @astropheia @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @hxked @erza-uzumaki @sh4nn @sisnot @soushswag @kneeapartman @anahryal @reiners-milkbiddies @satsuri3su @aretheea @bluerskiees @luvjiro @sanchezbloodline @a-toxic-person @lostsomewhereinthegarden @inurmom00
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lowkey-loki245 · 9 months
Can someone help me? I wanna make a Undertale AU where all the monsters are yokai and Frisk ended up where they are because they accidentally took a train when it was finished.
I'm trying to do research, but I can't find much info on goat yokai for Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel.
I might make Sans and Papyrus Gashadokuro, but idk if something else fits better.
What would Flowey be? Jubokko?
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hjazysol · 2 years
Does this AU have arc names?
Why of course good friend. In order (Obviously 💀) it would go like this.
Class 1-S
Hero Creation
The Smiler
Gladius/Deep Sea
Juwury Saga
Glacier Tournament
Omega Level Security Prison
Rebirthed Questions
The Starved Artist
Hitoshi Family Saga
Big Sister
The Iron Heart Hero
The Devil
Iron Justice Saga
Iron Justice
Forgotten Science
Final Question
Old School Friend
Corrupt Worshipper Jackson
Traitor of Light Saga
Golden Glitter
Asura Saga
Assassin Society
Four Powers
War for Asura
As it's just a side hobby for me. I don't plan to actually get to some of the later parts if I do then hell yeah! But not a one hundred percent guarantee either ^^
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Are there other Gashadokuros in your Coco Au Hector can meet like the ones in Japan or are there others in Mexico?
I'm not into Coco anymore, but I'd assume that there are others yes.
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