earth90214 · 1 year
and expanding on that last point the fact that characters are so one sided and boring now because readers refuse to interact with characters with more than one personality trait is so annoying
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sailorgundam308 · 1 month
how you end up with your fav ship?
Oh god. Honestly, it creeped into me in an unintentional but sure way.
First time I played I didn’t know about the origins at all and went in with a “no prejudice/expectations” vibe. Romanced Astarion because he propositioned my tav first. My tav was a… buff berserker barbarian. Met Karlach only when I was almost leaving act 1 cause I couldn’t find her. When I did I was like “OMG ANOTHER foul mouthed, strong, barb lady!”
She quickly became one of my faves. However I truly thought I had fucked up her questline when it ended at the start of act 2. So I was kinda “no, it can’t be JUST this?!” sort of horrified and began an origin run with her to see for myself if her questline was actually that short and lame.
So even before I finished with my tav I was already playing Karlach. And as I played her I noticed more how she and Astarion interacted and how similar their traumas were despite how their appearances/body language/background differed. The contrasts and similarities struck me like a goddamn truck. I realized I was already noticing that in my original tav play, and things started falling into place.
The fact that they see eye to eye on some things, but not on others - in ways that you wouldn’t expect- and their dynamic being complicated, gritty, and so SO layered is insanely interesting to me. The more you dig the more layers and depth you find. It’s like, a ship that keeps on giving.
Also, there’s the “fuck your heteronormative expectations” of their relationship. Heard some folks say theirs is a “straight” relationship and, honestly, that’s so absurd I have no interest in replying. Also, if you are looking at them through a CONFORMING (or, to be honest, gay-but-heteronormative) lens, you will read Karlach as masculine - as a butch lesbian or whatever - because of her body language and appearance. The exact same labeling occurs with Astarion, who, if seen through a similarly heteronormative-coded gay lens, is a “twink”, who in a conforming gay world would be expected not only to be gay but to pair up with a bigger guy and be a bottom.
As a bisexual person, all this reads wrong to me. Both characters are pan. And I hate these heteronormative labelings especially when based off someone’s appearance. I like pairings who’ll breaking those expectations and Astarion and Karlach romancing each other throws not only the “straights” but the heteronormative code that pervades the queer community into a loop.
TLDR: it was because of SPITE and NUANCE
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lovefrombegonia · 2 months
I love that Nathan became so worried about Kishiar willing to even research forbidden books on heinous experiments, and all, if it could mean that he can either prevent or undo what he saw in his nightmares, that he just basically told Kishiar everything. He basically said: "get your man under control, he is driving me crazy!"
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This interaction says so much about all these three characters:
It shows how much Nathan cares for Kishiar, sees him as his responsibility while respecting him as his noble lord. He cares enough to see that Kishiar is about to do some fucked up bullshit, with going all this forbidden magic books. He was like: sir, I respect you but wtf? He also knows Kishiar deeply enough to know that the only one who can make him like this, is Yuder. He trusts Kishiar's heart and judgement enough to trust Yuder. Not a 100% but he is getting by making his own judgement. He is also very protective of Kishiar, enough to make his own decisions regarding his safety, by deciding to share what Kishiar is doing, with Yuder.
It shows how reliable and loving Yuder is in the eyes of even someone as powerful and careful as Nathan, enough to be trusted with Kishiar's mental health. Yuder has shown again and again through his actions, to characters around him, that his fiercely loyal, and capable af. Nathan telling him about the books tells us how he already sees Yuder as a part of Kishiar's family. And when Yuder learnt of this, and decided to tell Kishiar EVERYTHING about their past lives, because he didn't want the man he loves the most, to suffer under this burden any further. Yuder is ready to face any consequence, even the anger and rejection from his loved ones, if it means he can take their pains away. So selfless, so loyal, and so deeply endearing Yuder is...I am just like...UGHH MY BOI... Let me give you all the hugs and kisses in the world!!
It shows just how deeply, pathetically, madly, insanely, devotedly IN LOVE Kishiar is with Yuder. It shows the depth he could go to protect the ones he loves. It shows how deeply and truly Kishiar loves. He is ready to go through forbidden texts, and destroy himself, his reputation, even go against his morality if it means he can save his loved ones. Kishiar is powerful, he is forgiving, he is considerate. He can tolerate great levels of pain on himself. But he can't and won't let you go scot free if you hurt his loved ones. He will beat his pains alone, suffering alone, hiding his pain even from the ones who want him to share his problems. And no matter how much he is losing his mind, even if he is not saying or doing the right thing (coz ofc it's not possible to be always right), he never stops being gentle with Yuder...ever... And that's so!!! OMG Kishiar is truly the man of your dreams!!
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forgeofthenine · 4 months
Hiii!! All hail forgeofthenine, keeping us blessed with npc tiefling content!!! your writing RULES and I may or may not check your blog daily 🫣
I hope you don't mind if I drop some Thoughts into your inbox?? I just wrapped up Rolan's stuff in act 3 for the first time (he died in my first playthrough and I had no idea, I thought he just dipped) and I have some FEELINGS I need to yell about!!
I was a Zevlor girlie all the way... but the way this wizard has my heart now is UNREAL... I play a sorc who usually picks all of the "haha wizards aren't as cool as me" dialogue options but when he saw how sad Rolan was in Sorcerous Sundries with the bruises on his face? ohhh he lost it. no more gentle bullying. it actually turned into the "who did this to u 😡" fanfic trope. And the way he BEAMS after lorroakan is finally dead and he can REALLY pursue his dream now?? that smile?? like how could anyone lay a finger on this man unless its to shower him with affection???
anyway I now hc that Rolan loves physical affection and even when he's trying to ego or act cool and composed, there's nothing more that he loves than your thumb rubbing circles into his shoulder or when you cup his face with your hand to smile at him. he always lets out a contented sigh and his body visibly relaxes, it's just his favorite. I know how older sibling syndrome can feel-- he deserves to rest, revel in his successes, and also feel unconditional kindness with no fear that he has to provide something to deserve it. SORRY FOR THE NOVEL I JUST NEEDED TO GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM 😭 I might also need therapy LOL
Omg thank you for the support and please don't apologise for dropping by the ask box, I love interacting with you guys!!
Rolan also died in my original playthrough, somehow I legitimately never talked to him 💀
I'm a Dammon girlie through and through, but Rolan admittedly has one of my favourite storylines of any side character in the game. Him and his relationship with his siblings, the way he gets to fuck up lorroakan with spells he made despite having an awful, abusive 'teacher'. He's got such depth to his character that I can't help but love him.
I also agree that he'd love physical affection! Linking pinkies with you in public, you climbing into his lap as he sits at his desk, giving him surprise kisses on the cheek. He pretends it's not a big deal but it really makes his day whenever it happens.
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justallihere · 2 months
hey alli!
i’ve been reading sitq since december (pretty sure i’ve been here since the 2nd/3rd chapter but who knows). i’m pretty light on the commenting because your fanfic leaves me an incoherent mess most of the time, and this chapter was no exception. however, i simply had to drop by and say that it was pure perfection!! the CONFESSION omg i did NOT expect that so soon, especially since i remember seeing you promising not to hint at it a few asks back — i thought it was going to be some time before we get it, but i am so glad it caught me by surprise!! soft-only-around-violet xaden is my favorite xaden by far, and his absolute crankiness (and him straight-up being a jerk to everyone else) made me love the contrast of his behavior towards vi even more. every single word between xaden and violet in this chapter was so soft, and vulnerable and perfect. and also her clutching at him in her sleep, his hand in her hair… i’m a mess tbh. (also the interaction with sloane — so sweet omg 🥹; her considering xaden a brother and xaden thanking liam time and time again kind of broke my heart 😭)
anyways, back to the first line of this ask, i did venture into this fic for the promise of throne sex lol, but your writing, the way you give depth to these characters (and also your admirable consistency when it comes to publishing chapters — thank you so much for providing us with something as beautiful as this 🩷) and the plot in general (thought at first i’d just go with the vibes, who knew i’d end up being caught up in the shenanigans) — made me stay.
thank you once again for this story (and the other oneshots too 🤭)!!
lots of love 🫶🏻
Hi there!! Thank you so much 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Yeah this chapter really highlighted that there are two versions of Xaden, and one of them is only for Violet. He really doesn’t give a single fuck about anyone else’s feelings, telling Rhiannon to get over her guilt so she doesn’t upset Vi is maybe the most on-brand thing I’ve written for him 💀
Throne sex is still on the table I swear 😂 when I first started writing this I had no idea it would end up as long as it did. I also thought this was going to be a vibes only situation and yet here we are. Thank you for reading and coming along on the journey and trusting me 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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what's your favorite part of TGCF, and what about it do you like so much? ignore me if you've shared this before
omg it's been so long since you sent this ask, I am so sorry T_T I was really grateful to for you sending it, but stuff kept coming up and I simply did not have the emotional energy, and also did not want to give a half-hearted reply. that said I often struggle at articulating exactly why I like something, but I'll try!!
okay first thing that comes to mind when I think of why I like TGCF so much is that I really enjoy MXTX's writing style - of course, what I read was the English translation but I assume her style still comes across. I find the way the novel is written both very easy and very engaging to read. I was never bored and on the contrary had a really hard time putting down each volume so as not to read it all in one go. All the emotions came across really well, the novel succeeded both in making me laugh and making me cry. That's another thing I like about it, that with this story you get the whole range of comedy, action, romance, and horror. It's rare that a story manages to both incorporate and balance these at times contrasting aspects so well.
I also really liked how poetic the writing was at times, and how both philosophical and political concepts and ethics were woven into the plot and expressed through the characters.
Speaking of, I enjoyed all the characters so much. They're so well-rounded and feel so real, and there are so many interesting side characters. Jun Wu is a fantastic antagonist and Hualian are such an engaging pairing. I love both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng as individual characters as well as a couple - right from the start you can tell how much they simply enjoy each other's company, and their romance is just… it really moved my heart.
As for a favorite scene… there are so many!!! it's really hard to pick. I love Xie Lian meeting Hua Cheng “for the first time” at the beginning of the story and being so immediately intrigued with him, it's such a peak romantic encounter. I also love the reveal in the caves, even though (or because) parts of it are so heartbreaking, since it's rare to see Hua Cheng so vulnerable and emotional. I enjoy angsty moments like that a lot, I have to admit….
If I have to pick a single favorite moment, it'd be the battle between Hua Cheng and Jun Wu in Vol 8. First of all, super engaging fight scene, love that. Also epic as fuck!! like them fighting on top of The Heaven-Crossing Bridge that shakes every time their swords clash from how powerful the blows are while Hua Cheng's wraith butterflies face off against the vengeful spirits below? damn.
Then the delicious angst of Xie Lian being absolutely terrified for Hua Cheng, especially when Jun Wu starts to ruthlessly take advantage of Hua Cheng's disability*… and then it all culminating in Xie Lian still defying Jun Wu and sticking to what he's always known is right, and then ending in Hua Cheng's sacrifice, another peak romantic scene that had my heart race and made me cry so many tears. All of it exceeded my expectations for that final confrontation, I was just completely emotionally satisfied.
*Not gonna go into it here in detail since I've already posted it about several times and more in depth, but given the topic of this ask I can't not mention how intrigued I was by the way Hua Cheng navigates their world while disabled, the way he can compensate for it in some ways but not in others. It's a not insignificant part of why I love him as a character so much.
Last but not least the novel accompanied me all through last year and the beginning of this one and got me through some tough times. more than that, it made me take up meta and fanfic writing again after a long creative drought, and I will always look at it fondly and with gratitude for that.
hope this turned out a satisfying answer! what's your favorite part of the novel? :3c
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3, 4, 7, 9 (outsiders asks)
EEEEE thanks for the ask anon!
3. Favourite character outside the main seven
Tim Shepard! I feel like Hinton threw mentions of him and Curly in there as a sort of foil to Darry and Ponyboy's dynamic but I have SOOOO many headcanons about him (and Curly and Angela too).
PS. The only reason I said Tim and not Angela is because she's not technically mentioned in the book. Angela is my favourite outsiders universe character ever and since theres not enough content for her I've decided I have to make my own lmao
4. Rank the main seven
OOF omg ok this was a hard one
First, Steve. Probably seems really random and unpopular but I feel like theres so much depth to his character that there just wasn't enough book to provide. We know he has a rough background and a soft spot for Sodapop and that Ponyboy's narration of him is biased since he thinks Steve doesn't like him. Tbh tho I think Steve really does care about Ponyboy in his own way, it's just hard for Ponyboy (and probably a lot of younger readers to see). My love of Steve was kind of an evolution but I can firmly say he's my favourite out of the gang atp.
Second, Darry. My man was a 20 y/o whose parent died who had to give up on his dreams to raise two younger brothers who he loved so much the feelings bled off the page. He NEVER should have hit ponyboy and it was such an out of character moment for him- AS IT WAS INTENDED TO BE. I have a LOT of thoughts about him but as someone who has grown that I'm almost the same age as him I cant IMAGINE having gone through what he went through and dealt with it as well as he did. My man needs more recognition.
Third, Ponyboy. He's such a dumbass and a weirdo but so reltable and sarcastic and profound. He's a main character who never gets in the way of other main characters and he's so quintessentially 13 that reading his story when I was that age fundamentally altered my brain chemistry and I haven't been the same since.
Fourth, Johnny. He was the gangs favourite for a reason and such a good friend to Ponyboy. I feel like the fandom infantilizes him sometimes, which is partially due to Ponyboy's narration, but the book makes it clear he's a really tough kid who looks like trouble but isn't. He's such a prime example of how the lottery of birth can fuck up someone's life. He is so tragic to me because he never had a chance.
Fifth, Sodapop. I know he's a fan favourite and I'm not saying I don't like him, but he's just kind of...boring? imo. Like, not much there, and not as much depth as some of the other characters. maybe its because we see a lot more of him in Ponyboy's thoughts but I'm not curious about him the way I am about some of the others.
Sixth, Dally. He's not likeable- but he is, as johnny said, gallant. I know it was by design that he's mysterious but I wish we got more backstory for him. I've just never connected to him the way I connected to other characters.
Seventh, Two-Bit. Again, probably unpopular and I know he's a fandom favourite but to me his issues have always jumped out more than his redeeming qualities. His alcoholism is a hallmark of his character, and i think at one point Ponyboy mentions he's a dead weight on his family's finances. He also has a little sister that's Ponyboy's age thats mentioned like once? I just feel like he's kind of a deadbeat for his family if that makes sense.
7. Favourite non romantic relationships. i could (and probably should atp, whoops this got long) make a whole other post about this but:
darry and ponyboy's relationship
johnny and ponyboy's friendship
steve and sodapop's frienship
johnny and dally's relationship
9. Favourite scene/moment from the book?
When Ponyboy runs directly into Darry's arms as soon as he sees him at the hospital. Gets me right in the feels every time.
Bonus: the moment when that guy tells Ponyboy he shoudn't smoke and he's all confused, like why? theres not a no smoking sign? and the dude is just like uh? but youre a kid? it's just such a stark reminder that while Ponyboy has grown up sheltered in some ways he has absolutely not been in others and his background is really rough and agh it gets me every time its such a clever scene.
ANYWAY this got longer than i meant it to, whoops. Thanks ever so much for the ask :)
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@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek replied to your post “@sohereswhatyoumissedlastweek replied to your post...”:
Not gonna spoil but I enjoyed the movie except for the bi storyline completely changing
I watched it twice. I watched it on Sunday and then on Monday I got invited for an unexpected watch party. I'm glad I watched it twice.
First thing first, and that's also what I said to my fellow watchers, if you're a fan of the book, the movie is trash, but if you're a fan of a cute rom com, it's an absolute delight and I still stand by that.
You might remember that I wasn't excited for this movie at all because of the changes they made. My dash has been filled with posts going "OMG HEARTSTOPPER S2 AND RWRB IN ONE WEEK GAYS WE KEEP WINNING"-esque posts and I was like.... "I don't share that excitement, luvs, but you do you.", but then I heard from the reviews that it is a fun movie if you let go of the idea of a great adaptation, so that's what I did and I had a hoot watching it. It is a bad movie, it is wonderful. It is an amazing movie, it is terrible. There is this post going around that starts with "This is the worst movie I've ever seen. This is a perfect movie" etc. etc. and that is kind of how I feel. Like, it is so bad at times, and so good at times, and I like the actors the most. They did a great job and they are not Henry and Alex from the book, but they FUCKING WORK.
I did like watching it, but I did not love it, though, even when I see it as a standalone from the book, but that is because rom com isn't my genre. I was watching it with a rom com lover who hasn't read the book and she adored it. (I also watched it with a fan of the book, who despised it, even though I warned him and told him to turn off his fan brain).
That being said, I do miss parts of the book. I know people say I shouldn't, but I do. Mostly, I miss the depth of the book. As the fan said: "The premise of the book is as weird and rom com-y as the movie, but the book actually pulls it off", because of the depth. I missed the complexity of the characters (ALEX'S BI JOURNEY and his doubts about the future, Henry's grief and mental health, the problems in the Royal Family, the way they were outed, the friendship of the Super Six, seeing their love in their e-mails etc.). Like, I don't give a rat's ass about "Cornbread knows my sins" not being there, although it would funny to have it included. I miss the depth more.
But again, that is not what this movie is for and it would drive you mad if you keep being angry about those things, I guess. If you miss those things, you're better of rereading the book, which is fine. I told the people of the watch party that the book is Casey's RWRB and the movie is Matthew's RWRB and that is alright.
Although, I must give some credit to my rom com lover's reaction towards there not being a bi journey. Remember, she didn't read the book, so she didn't know there was a bi journey (rip), and she was amazed by the fact that it was so casually stated that they're queer. She expected a big journey and a huge coming out scene, because that is what queer media is often about, and she found it refreshing to have them be queer. I still wish they had included it, because it also means a lot to see an older person's journey, but I see what she means. She was really in awe.
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mabinogifantasylife · 5 months
For the writing meme
F, I, N, V ✨
omg cenn! 😭😭😭 I’m still gagged that you read my mess
F. What stories are you planning for the future?
I have a folder in my notes app dedicated to rough outlines and right now I have *maybe* 7 WIPs in there. One of them is is called 'BB's Delivery Service' which is a semicrack fic about Balor as a maid and — yeah I know, I know. Classic Maid gacha a did number on me.
Also Loiscneach!!!!!!!
YES I have Talvmillet WIPs, BUT those are gonna have to marinate for a while until I know what I want out of them. That dynamic is more involved than Vaynemillet which is always a combination of 1.) arguing 2.) fighting and 3.) fucking to me
I. What’s your favorite work you did this year? Why?
It would have to be Pleasure in the Glare. Believe it or not, I was initially disinterested in Vayne because G22 came on the heels of G21 especially considering how long the wait was between G20 -> G21. I took the finale personally 😭 I knew Vayne was no good from the jump so I spent my first play through of G22 + 23 wondering what the hell he wanted. Then I got to G24 and that was where I was pushed over into BeimHive territory. Finally realized the guy just wanted some ass then die; that earned my respect. IDC how many times I say this but Dissonance in the Void is Vaynemillet gospel. Writing about fighting and fucking is so much fun!
N. Anything you were planning to write that never got written?
I feel like anything I really wanna write will come out in its own time, but this is never gonna see the light of day.
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V. Which story was the most viscerally pleasing to write? Tell us your narrative kinks. 
Okay right now it's a tie between Pleasure in the Glare and Sweet Honey Sin. I like porn with plot; I could never dish it out raw like that. I have an entire Twitter circles (RIP) thread dedicated to the making of Sweet Honey Sin. For my followers - if you're nosey and not weird I've moved to a private Twitter for quote-tweeting nasty mabi fanart and talking about whatever I'm currently working on + snippets. Anyone can DM if interested.
As for narrative kinks per se, the only one I can think of is that I will always mention or reference “honey” or “gold” at least once in a fic in relation to my millet or something she’s doing. One day I might talk about her in depth, but honestly, I’m not the type to sit down and say “oh Adah likes such and such and only does this and that”. I’m her PR manager, not her biographer, if that makes sense. I’m learning more about my own OC with every story 🌸
On a broader level, if you've been following me for all these years (sorry), then you might have seen my various 'The Signs As' posts for whatever hot new characters are around. Towards the end of 2022 when I started writing, I began thinking seriously about character sun signs and now that I have more free time for other hobbies, I've gotten *really* into drafting natal charts for whatever characters I'm writing about. It helps SO much with characterization. It gives me a framework for their personalities from which I can cook up whatever behavioral nuances I want without making them feel OOC to the reader.
Thank you for the ask!
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bellysoupset · 3 months
HI HI HI HI I CANT EXPLAIN HOW HAPPY I AM THAT YOURE BACK!!! oh my goodness i was literally typing this when i saw that you asked where i’ve been💀 i’ve been reading fics as you post them (i don’t have notifs on but i check your blog for updates on a regular basis LMAO) but life shtuff has only now died down enough for me to actually write/comment on things!! gosh i’m so excited you’re back!! in the LEAST pressure-y way, it’s almost embarrassing how slowly days went by as i was waiting for you to start posting again LOL like at one point i was telling myself “okay she said 20 days, it’s probably been at least a week”. it had been literally 3 days 💀 HAHAHAHWH
AHHHHHH MY BABIES MY BABIES!!!!! i don’t remember what the last thing i talked about on here was but WOW these last fics have made me cry and laugh and blush sooo many different times!! wen finding out was CRAZY and i literally sobbed w her bc the way everything played out was so unfortunate but also so realistic and raw and i had so many mixed feelings about everything!!!! and then wen isolating and bella checking on her!! and wen trying to push her away and then admitting that she felt so lonely GOD THAT WAS DEVASTATING but then bella being so supportive and comforting AGHHHH my girlsss <3333
and then omg the fic after that one??? i was SO surprised that wen forgave vin? and that they’re trying long distance??? i’m so fucking excited and happy abt that but god i’m sure it’ll be hard 😭 but YAY I KNEW THEY LOVED EACH OTHER TOO MUCH TO GIVE UP LIKE THAT ♥️
side note, luke being so depressed and struggling so much to adapt to his meds is so sad but so realistic too :,) i’m glad you’re making this a part of the plot!! but my man is def off his meds already lol im interested to see where this goes!! and also i LOVE how well jon and leo are doing <3 despite everything going on, they’re in their happy era fr <3
and now i’m sorry but the sick vin fic?????????? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, IT WAS EVERYTHING I NEEDED AND MORE‼️ first off, leo talking to him and being so real but also like calling him out like that??? while still being super supportive??? and the way he described wen was so accurate and so him-coded??? and then AHHHHH i’ve ALWAYS loved vin and bell’s friendship, i’ve genuinely always thought it was super adorable and i wanted more of them, so this fic was gold 🤭 a trope that ALWAYS gets me is when someone is ANGRY at someone they love and ofc being bitchy and sassy until they realise said someone is very much Unwell (it’s especially good if they’re so sick that they’re really out of it), and when they realise how sick they are they IMMEDIATELY switch from mad to concerned + caretaker mode!!!! so yeah you can imagine this whole fic had me on my knees 🤭 obsessed w how protective of luke bell is, and how protective of vin wen is, but also how both girls just jumped straight into action when he was clearly not feeling good <333 and then vin realising wen was using her dr. voice, and then the pure ANGST at the end when he sobs and they just hug and the “god i’m gonna fucking miss you” SOB SOB SOB SOB 😭😭😭🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
bell sick and luke taking care of her was also AMAZINGGGG🫶🏽 i always love when my girls get whumped <3333 omg and AHHHH luke and vin finally talking abt shtuff🥹 the “nothing to forgive” 😭 luke knowing he’ll get sick AND holding him closer??? GOSH THE BROTP MAN !!!!!
and oh my goodness i just read the most recent fic with the new OC!!!! this is so exciting and cool and i love his vibes ahhhh <3 i love how nonchalant max seems abt shtuff and im so so excited to see where things go!! i hope vin and him become friends but also i feel like there’s gonna be some tension and weird banter going on between them at least at first hehehe
your writing is fucking incredible and whenever i see a new post from your blog it genuinely lights up my day <3 i am completely in love with all your characters and the depth and intricacies behind each of them ♥️ i’m so thankful your blog exists🫶🏽 also, i saw you were really struggling for a while and i just wanted to check in and see if you were doing better? you’re so loved and talented and appreciated and you deserve all the peace and love and happiness in the world!!! i hope things are going well/better!
i can’t wait to read more of what you write! i’m super excited about this new character and about reading more stories abt your lovely OCs <3
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Soup found DEAD from love cardiac arrest outside of Miami beach.
🦦!!!!! Honestly I don't even wanna post your comments, I just wanna stare at them for hours 🙈🙈
Don't worry about catching up on fics, they'll be here when life slows down!! I know very well how sad it is that we must Adult ™.
I am SO HAPPY you liked the Wendy/Vince developments!! In my head you're like THE Wendy/Vin supporter, so every time I write something with them I'm like "uhmmm wonder what 🦦 is gonna think??"
Caretaker who's pissed and then switches to comfort is also one of my favorite tropes, I looooove the spiciness of guilt thrown in!
Take care babe 💛💛
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1000000/10, best movie, go see it immediately, Spider-Man my beloved 💖💖💖
- The Visuals
• Holy shit guys, this might be THE best animated movie ever created. They took the visuals and art styles from the first movie and cranked it up to 10,000!!
• Seeing all the Spider people in different art forms had my eyes glued to the movie, there were so many Easter eggs and nods to other popular Spiders, I know I didn’t see them all!
• The backgrounds were absolutely gorgeous! My personal favorite being the ones from Gwen’s universe, almost every shot had different colors in the background and it was just mesmerizing!
• They did a fantastic job distinguishing each universe from one other by using different color schemes and art styles, even when some of them looked similar, you could tell there was something different!
- The Characters
• They definitely go all in on character development in this film, they wanted to give everyone more character and personality and backstory. We’re missing a few of our Spider friends from the first film but they’re replaced with some new faces!
• Miles, the absolute GOAT, was such a great protagonist in this film. We spend a lot more time with his family this time around and they didn’t shy away from the slow and heavy moments. His mom even gets more of a role in this movie and she was great! He’s only 15 y/o in this movie and absolutely outsmarted every single other Spider at one point which was great to watch! There’s a plot point in the movie concerning Miles that will absolutely break your heart 😭
• Gwen gets a lot more screen time than in ITSV, she’s a stand out character in this movie! We get to see the relationship she has with her dad and get to go more in depth about how she lost her Peter! And I’m happy they didn’t rely too heavily on the romantic aspects between Gwen and Miles, but they touched on it and it was incredibly sweet!
• Miguel O’Hara my beloved!!! (I’m an Oscar Isaac stan, Moon Knight was the best Marvel tv show, fight me on it, lmao) I wouldn’t consider Spider-Man 2099 a villain, but he made a very good antagonist to Miles, he was very threatening! He didn’t get a very in-depth back story but you were given just enough information to sympathize with his pain. Something seemed fishy about his story, maybe I’m reading too much into it, but I’m hopeful they dive into it more in the sequel!
• SPIDER-PUNK, HOBIE BROWN OMG, what a fantastic new addition, he’s such a fucking anarchist and it’s great! He speaks in a thick cockney accent and I love his rebellious nature, he don’t give two shits about what anybody thinks! His character’s look might be the most impressive in the film, apparently it took animators 3 years to make him look the way he did!!
• Pavitr Prabhakar, baby boy, sunshine!! He’s a little cocky but in a cute way! His home of Mumbattan was SO GOD DAMN COLORFUL! I honestly wished he had more screen time because he was super funny and HIS HAIR, SO FLUFFY AND SOFT!!!
• Everyone’s favorite Peter B Parker makes a return! I can say he didn’t have as big of a role in the film as ITSV but he was still great regardless! And now he has a baby girl named Mayday!! And he kept trying to show everyone pictures of her like an actual new parent would lol.
• Jessica Drew is also a new character! She was super badass with her Spider Cycle! AND she was pregnant the whole movie which is even more badass! (Also, side note, when Gwen asked about her pregnancy, I really appreciated that Jess said that they she didn’t know the sex of the baby instead of saying gender, it was small but I liked that little detail!)
• Spot, the main villain of this movie (and the next) was interesting! If I had any real complaints about this movie, it would be that Spot was not in this movie as much as I hoped. I understand why because this is the first part of a 2-part movie, but by the end of the movie, he shows up and I was like “Oh yeah, Spot, where the hell has he been??” But he technically is a character we’ve seen before (I don’t wanna say who because it’s actually funny who he turns out to be!) He starts out being kind of goofy but he gets very threatening!
• There are bunch of other minor characters that I won’t go too deep into but my favorite minor character had to be Ben Riley, he was made to be super over dramatic and stated really obvious things while he was on patrol, got a few laughs out of me!
- The Plot
• Babes, the story is so good in this. I don’t want to give EVERYTHING away cuz I want y’all to see it for yourselves but I will say that this is a 2-parter! There is a “to be continued” at the end of the movie just so you’re prepared!
• The basic premise is that the Spiders have to take down Spot because he’s hopping to different dimensions, making himself more powerful. Spot has a personal grudge against Miles and wants to take away everything from him. You can tell from the trailers that Miles is trying to defy Miguel and what he’s doing, which ends up going in a very suspenseful direction! Again, not going to spoil everything, but it’s just such a great story!
• Like I said, they focus more heavily on family dynamics in the sequel which I loved! More time with Jeff and Rio which was nice to see, Rio has a great talk with Miles during the movie and it was so heartfelt! Gwen and her dad have a few scenes together too, it’s a really great relationship to watch unfold. Gwen and Miles have some great character moments together, but of course it’s not all positive!
• The dynamic between the different Spiders is a blast as well! I was never bored with this movie, it kept me engaged even during the non-action sequences because they did a great job making you care about these characters!
• This movie clocks in at almost 2 1/2 hours but I promise you, you’re not gonna feel that time. I did not want this movie to end! They throw so much at you but at the same time, you’re gonna leave wanting more!
• Where this movie ends is…wow!! I can say I definitely didn’t see it coming until a few seconds before they revealed what was going on, and I sat there and just went “oh…oh no…” for the last 10-15 minutes lol. And apparently the sequel will be out next year! And thank God cuz I could not wait another 3 years!
• A heads up! There aren’t any end credit scenes so you don’t have to stay for those! The only thing that happens after the initial credits is text appearing saying “Miles Morales will return in…” and it gives you the next movie title (won’t say what it is!)
- Miscellaneous (mostly Easter eggs and cameos)
• There were so many GOD DAMN Easter eggs in this film, it’s insane! I know I’ll have to watch it a few more times if I want to catch everything the put in here! There is def one cameo that stands out above everything else (I won’t say who, but you’ll know when you see him 😏)
• They actually showed very brief scenes from Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield’s movies which caught me completely by surprise, but I sure as shit was happy about it!!
• They don’t show any scenes from Tom Holland’s Spider-Man (which I understand cuz Marvel 🙄) BUT they make two references to it, one with a line from Miguel and with the cameo I mentioned previously!
• The Spectacular Spider-Man had a fucking voice line and I almost passed out, like I watched the shit out of that show, I was so happy he was included! They also showed the PS4/PS5 version of Spider-Man which I thought was pretty funny!
- Final Thoughts
• Peak cinema! The story, the characters, the visuals…all incredible! Go watch it right now immediately!!
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Hey! I love your Ethan Hunt fic so much (as well as some for other fandoms you’ve posted). Do you have any fanfic recommendations you could send our way? 😊😌
hellloooo :))) first of all, thank you for reading my fics and also thank you for asking me about my opinions because god knows i love to ramble about em 😩😩
so here’s a few TOP TIER fics that i have sobbed and laughed and been gagged at:
impossible to ignore by restless5oul (AO3)
it’s a derry girls fic (so sad the show’s over aha 😀🫶); james x orla which may seem like a weird pairing but i LOVE HERE; friends to lovers type of thing; basically, it’s a theory of what would’ve happened if james actually had left Derry but then reconnected with his past a couple years later :))
on sleepless roads the sleepless go by waveridden (AO3)
lindsey farris my beloved 🥲 she deserved so much better omg; this is a fic between mentor ethan who can see ghosts sometimes, and mentee lindsey who is a ghost; heartbreaking; gives a lot of insight and depth into her as a character; sometimes i go back and read it just because i never see any lindsey content 🫶
attitude adjustment by @purelyfiction
SMUTTT; outstanding, toe-curling, perfection, what can i say about this; a mere 1K words to literally make you scream into the back of your hand because wow; pete “maverick” mitchell is hot as a young guy but WOW my older guy thing really kicked up with top gun: maverick; this is the fic for older mav x reader.
the sun on both sides by @no-droids
SMUTTT; literally love no-droids so much i could scream; cassian andor x reader fic (yes, at one point, i was in the Star Wars fandom); friends to literally just fucking; it is a sex pollen fic soooooo dubious consent; very nice, very well-paced lmao
why can’t we be ourselves like we were yesterday? by TincturedPoe (FluxPoe) (AO3)
great study on william “bill” cage from edge of tomorrow: live die repeat (LOVE THAT FILM); depressing but so interesting; really well written and thought out; contains a relationship between cage and reader across several “jumps”; read all the tags before reading lol 🌈🫶😀
something unpredictable by Muccamukk (AO3)
supreme wlw top gun fic with phoenix x halo; absolutely great character development; perfect amount of realism in a relationship; we need to talk about halo more, i love her so much!!!!
OKAY, well that’s that from me so far :) sorry that it’s pretty limited, but there are so many cool stories out there that i haven’t read yet, so PLEASE comment any of your own fic recommendations (title, pairing, creator, those kinda details)!!! I’d love to read them :D))
have a great day my loves, and please take care of yourselves!! :))
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 2 years
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You know what tho? Letty might get her shit together. I hate it has to come like this but she might do it. I believe in her.
Angel can’t even go to the site because he FUCKED. COCO’S. DAUGHTER. Omg every time I remember I’m pissed off again
They didn’t deserve him. You’re so right Letty. He was the best of them and now he’s gone. Damn we really gotta say goodbye. Imma miss tf outta Richard on this show. He brought such depth to Coco. He was phenomenal.
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And not the Nurse coming in
$80,000?! FOR ONE JOB???
Zeke is dead and gone yall. He gone. This is EZ through and through. This some cold-blooded shit right here.
EZ you should at least give the girls the money. Like they ain’t do nothing
I’ve missed Tig a lot actually. It has been so nice seeing him. I’m gonna take “sexy and bad” as a reference to Venus. Her and Tig are still together because I say so.
Oooo Marcus finding out that they killed Montez and they got a snitch in the clubhouse. Shit finna get realllllll
Creeper don’t even talk to her. It’s a waste of time. Shiiiiittttt she do got all your tea
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Louie is botching it but his heart is in the right place and this is really fucking nice. I think the car is really cute.
Padrino says it’s 3 to 1 and EZ says “more of them to kill”….WHATS NOT CLICKING EZEKIEL????
They’re staging a coup. I said Padrino would always have my respect but they were gonna dethrone or murk him.
Wait Adelita killed him?? How’d she get involved??
Emily been playing secret spy all season and it’s all been for NOTHING. Miguel got himself back together and got his son back so quick. I can’t stop laughing omg 😂😂😂😂
And no, I do not care that Erin is dead. Me and Holland have beef since the Teen Wolf years so I never cared about the character. I’m sure Emily will plan some way to avenge her next season but for now Miguel is winning and I am LIVING
Sofia throwing up and shit….guess we finna find out if she can really hang
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Letty went and got Hope!! Okay that makes me feel better. That’s really nice. The women sticking together and I’m so damn proud of Letty! I KNEW SHE COULD! I just hope that Hope doesn’t run when things get hard again because they will and Letty is still growing. And so is she.
“We have that in common” You are yo Daddy son. DUH!
We finna lose Pops too?? He might as well tell the truth.
He finna killswitch????
Angel has a SON. He don’t wanna do this shit. What a fucked position to be in. But has he even told EZ about the baby yet??
EZ is out of CONTROL. They are so bloodthirsty and FOR WHAT? Y’all started this shit, wouldn’t even let Marcus finish talking because you’re thinking off pure emotion.
Y’all finna burn this club to the fucking ground. He is absolutely right. They gon see next season. They gone see.
Bishop’s face! Angel’s face!
Look at EZ sitting comfortable on the throne and giving a damn State of the Union address. THIS SPEEEEEECH!! HE’S WHACKED
Angel finna have a real tough time next season. Oh boy.
Poor Jay-Jay’s family….I guess this was Sofia proving herself tho. Ez really should give them the money. Some if it. Something.
That Ez and Angel scene was…..I don’t know what to say besides I’m real scared. I’m SO. SCARED. I just wanna repeat again that Ez IS GONE.
Creeper finna SNITCH?! DONT PISS ME OFF.
Ez look a plum fool still on that twin mattress.
I think Angel got the location from Padrino and burned that bitch to the ground.
Wow wow wow y’all done stressed me tf out
See ya next season
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propalitetz · 11 months
what is going on in your PtH game?
hi sorry for taking a fucking century to get back to you, first i made my friends post some art and then i forgor
it's not my game its my friends game! im just obsessed with it.
also [HEY] everyone [LOOK] at [THE COOL ART] my friends have [DRAWN] for [THIS] game!! <- links to cool art
it takes place in this really prestigious university that's dubbed the 'crucible academy', and its about a band of students coming together as a team and having to like, learn to work together while horrible shit keeps happening around them
essentially, they have to seek out the shackles binding the grim majesties, to imbue them with light once again so that those queens remained sealed away! gotta delve deep in dens of darkness to find them. so far uhh no luck yet - so far it's still in it's 'setting up the main plot' stage, so interpersonal drama has taken the lead
mostly about how one of the player characters, kiandra, has a destiny intertvwined with a much more volatile and dangerous older magi-girl - the destiny says that they're gonna kill each other no matter what, and that theyve done this in their previous reincarnations. which is i mean enough to freak anyone out tbh kiandras goin thru it she tried to reach out to the other girl and its exploded
so far we got hana who is a weeb failgirl thats mostly unstable and not managing her social awkwardness at all, she's got a piece of her past life stuck in her brain and the much more ruthless, experienced magi-girl can take over when transformed so theres tension there
so my love plays kasimir , a polish exchange student severely into HEMA and music (in that universe hema is a big deal and he's on a sword scholarship) and he's like got this whole thing where he sees himself as a knight and a sacrifice and there to take any blows we love that (it's unhealthy) (an endless line of dead bodies in an endless line of wars!!). (he's got his shit together the most its tragic) hes my lil blorboman i love him soooooo much he'll charge at a bunch of scary monsters without blinking but play his music in front of other people??? NOT POSSIBLE
gwen is a babydoll who im also obsessed with shes like a super-rich girlie with HER OWN BUTLER who isn't light touched but they are like, sworn in on all that light shit, theyre a levelheaded person to contrast with gwen's bubbly girliepoppery. she has hidden depths though its kind of terrifying how she can switch from hiiiiiii omg hiiii into like raised-as-a-business mode. she EMAILS her PARENTS to schedule CONVERSATIONS????
speaking of emailing their parents to schedule conversations we have constantine who is another exchange student (greek, and old money loaded) who loves to plan his schedule weeks in advance in a terrifying efficiency that neglects to actually give him like, time to chill or relax. he's an introverted SNIPER MAN and hes a relatively new addition so im excited to see more of his particular brand of insane
and then we have mark who is also a late addition and hes full of secrets. i know the secrets bc im friends with his player but i forget how much is knowledge to the rest of the party (who follow me on tumblr) rn! so lets just say hes a silly goofy boy and fate will NOT let him be silly or goofy :')
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sunlightandsuffering · 9 months
I’ve just read RIP Luv and i had to come here to say you nailed down the angst. I felt so angry at both Eren and Mikasa so many times and their sheer stupidity. But also I could understand their motives and where they were coming from and so I’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading their messiness. I’ll say that Mikasa is incredibly toxic and she needs a lot of therapy. And I’d say that they got together so soon, like Eren should’ve awaited at least to see her actually confronto by her family first before breaking up with Hisu. But should is the keyword here, the easiness with which they got together even though they were in a relationship is, the way I see it, an integral part of their codependence, and it’s not out of place. Ideally, in a healthy relationship, she’d first break up with Porco, and tell her family what she wants without any expectations from Eren. And Eren probably wouldn’t break up with Hisu on the spot, but she’d see his love for Mikasa and do the breaking up herself. However they never had a healthy relationship and I stress my previous point of their toxicity and codependence as the rule of their very mesy relationship. And if it had gone healthily from one moment to the next it not only wouldn’t be believable, but it wouldn’t be them. Which is why I think you also nailed the way they got together, on Mikasa’s whim and insistence and Eren’s devotion to believe her even when he had every reason not to. And for my final point: JESUS CHRIST that first depiction of Porco “dropping her off like a forgotten bag” WAS AMAZING. Peak angst and description here. And I’d turn up on the angst even more to still have Porco be like the is or even worse when he starts dating Mikasa. She dates him out of desperation, he treats her badly, and it’s a double edged sword: she wants to hurt Eren by being with a gig he hates, but she also thinks she deserves to be hurt by a guy like Porco exactly because of the way she’s treated Eren for so long. Porco mistreats her and uses her and she despises it and what it does to her, degrade her, but she loves to see Eren’s protective rage and concern in his eyes whenever porco drops her off drunk and full of his cum dropping down her thighs with her hair ruined and clothes disheveled, just for Eren to see her stumble into the apartment like this. She hates herself and the way she feels degraded and I’ve Eren’s attention on her. Forgive me if this part is too dark or angsty but I’d say Porco being nicer made things easier for Eren in the end when they could’ve been harder for deeper taste on angst, and it fits Mikasa’s problematic character. anyways, great job and great fic as always! Loved reading it! I was waiting for months reading and rereading those drabbles here and was delighted to see I knew some of them by heart while reading the fic! Thank you so much!!
OMG BABE I LOVE U ! THE MOSTEST FOR THIS VERY IN DEPTH REVIEW LOL!!! omg y'all give me too much credit 😂 but i have so many things to say back!!!! For your last point tho I honestly hadn't even considered that!! ANd now I very sadly wish I did lol!! It would have made so much sense and it would have been even more deliciously dramatic!!!!
I think if I can recall correctly my decision to make Porco a better guy was so Eren wouldn't murder him ahahah. And I also think because I didn't want to make it quite that painful for Eren, like ur totally right, nothing would sting more than her showing up fucked out of her mind with someone else's cum dripping down her thighs, I wasn't sure if it was too far and she wouldn't be redeemable anymore. Nice Porco was basically me softening the blow ahahaha 😂
But yes, poor bb boo Mikasa does need massive amounts of therapy lol, she's very toxic and I think u are right they're very codependent and Eren has always been her crutch. To that end though I totally agree with you about how unhealthy their relationship is 😂😂 I literally just discarded her breaking up with Porco he's such an afterthought he's not even a consideration lol. Meanwhile Eren has the actual good sense to break up with Historia, Mikasa doesn't give a fuck she's like give me my mans back. BUT IM GLAD THE ENDING MAKES SENSE AT LEAST! I really struggled with how to get them back together in like a believable way that wasn't too fast and for a while, I was like well maybe there needs to be some big event that forces it but in the end I kept writing and I was like no, these bitches just want to be together, let them be together, Mikasa won't let it be prolonged!
I actually deleted a whole scene where she was trying to seduce him again lol and I had planned to have that little arc go on for longer, but honestly it was feeling too unserious and more BTL Mikasa than angsty FWB Mikasa lol so I was like no, it's ending!! THEY JUST NEED TO HAVE DRAMATIC TEARFUL MAKEUP SEX AND GET TOGETHER DAMN IT!!! And thus, we have their very messy ending lol!
BUT IM HAPPY U ENJOYED THE ANGST, AND VERY PLEASED THAT U THINK I DID A DECENT JOB!! I haven't agonized over a fic like this in a hot minute lol so I appreciate the reassurance 💗💗🥰🥰
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
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part 2 after the author replied i wasnt sure if i should carry on but with their unapologetic attitude ofc i went through with it
omg kadar is 16 and maliks 19 shut the fuck up EWWWWW
ok let me explain it properly this author fetishised kadars teenage hormones why do we keep coming back to kadar wanting to have sex esp if hes a minor its disgusting theyve made a point that u can explore gross things in fiction because yk its fiction and not irl and tbh idgaf because youre telling me you enjoy reading about a minors sexual life? youre telling me you enjoy reading about a brother telling his MINOR brother about HIS sex life? defend incest if u want im not here to change ur mind about incest but if u think that u can just write about minors sexually u are fucking disgusting
a lot of talk about god but none of it relates to the story or being gay so idk not interested
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chapter 27^ i cant do it anymore its 3am as im typing i’ll finish the rest when i wake up
kadars only personality trait is being horny tf
adha is very religiously strict and thinks altaïr is a godless pig uhm. ok… making adha rude is very uncalled for you couldve chose to use a random woman like…. a stranger but no it had to be canon altaïrs dead ex… and altaïr says ‘i dont know much about islam’ i dont understand why some fanfic authors insist on making altaïr completely atheist, i feel like altaïr wouldn’t be religious tbfh but hed still have islamic norms and values. when we can write characters in a way the original source material doesnt why cant we include cultural and religious aspects? why do ppl try so hard to remove the fundamental aspects of islamic culture. altaïr not knowing islam just drags the story more because if he did then hed understand adha and like idk hed connect with malik more and adhas anger would be justified but here she is being an ass and assuming the worst because…? she could’ve just called him an asshole idk why she dragged religion into this its reminding me of strict religious ppl who hate the new generation so far there hasn’t really been much about the good things of islam
adhas apologising now for assuming the worst. she paints smth for him? doesnt really make sense but alright
if altaïr can honor his mum with a tattoo (which is haram but anyways) he could surely honor his dad by celebrating eid or smth or just praying some time idk the paragraph im reading is about how his grandmas not religious and his dad was a practising muslim but never taught altaïr which ok he died when altaïr was 5 fine but idk the authors very intent on making sure altaïr isnt muslim but personally if he was muslim it’d be interesting because then hed struggle with his faith and himself i mean malik doesnt seem to struggle at all so idk ig everyones different
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excuse me? so we can add black fetishisation to the list as well cuz wtf was that? it doesnt even add to the story its so random and unnecessary?
uhm altaïr and adha fell in love not a lot of depth to their relationship considering this mustve been over the course of days maybe even a few weeks idk just not a lot of time as it is to uh fall in love but shes engaged so theyve left it at that still not a bad plot point ig but it doesnt affect malik as of yet which undermines this plot point but lets see what happens
leo and sofias interactions are cute i like this leo malik and sofia friendship going on
im not gonna comment on any more incest its obvious this author just has a thing for it and theres so many fics that have incest and if i was to really fight that id do it for the other fics too also i wont comment on their writing as a whole anymore the main issue here is the cultural erasure and fetishisation
these do not affect the plot in any way shape or form, yes its an old 2014 fanfic but the author seems to not give a fuck that theyve written gross things. as well as poorly write islamic characters, it feels like a ‘youre either religious or your not’ and writing things like this is harmful! youre telling readers that muslims are either very harsh (like adha was) or very sweet (like maliks mum for being okay that maliks gay) but what about the catholic side of the family? theres no indication that they’re homophobia stems from religion. also ppl think its okay to just make altaïr unaware of his own heritage and faith? yes hes not muslim per say but hes syrian? his father died young but you can choose to write about the family wanting to help altaïr keep his customs alive. its white. its so white. it makes me more upset that the author will only focus on us disliking incest rather than accept that they’re wrong for cultural erasure. youve told hs that he’s syrian and white but just added that he misses his dad. and u cant defend sexualising kadar at all i wont hear anything about that because what u enjoy in fiction is also a reflection of what you enjoy irl. if you think incest is cool you will have a natural interest of it irl theres a reflection of your interests in your writing. if for example i wrote angst you would naturally expect that i like it or have a connection to it in some way, that i enjoy somehow. but i dont really like angst i could write for it but thats from my experience and thought process. someone who writes smut doesnt mean that they’re sexually active but theyve thought about it, they might’ve done some research to it. do u see what im tryna say? you are actively advancing on your interests when you right about them in fiction, you have a connection to it. if you hated smut someone would assume you hated it irl. the logic applies here too, if you dont like incest irl and it grosses you would simply not read incest in fiction because it grosses you out. if you dont like cultural erasure and sexualising minors irl then why tf would u add it to ur fic? why would u think that the boundary fiction would allow that to be okay? and the thing is micro-aggressions back in 2014 were bad and i know that but the author having had feedback and not even acknowledging it in this day and age is disgusting. ppl say they like sass verse, i have to say the plot of it is interesting but there were so many unnecessary aspects that did not contribute or feel nice to read at all. even if someone uses the excuse that they didnt know smth about islam, i as brown muslim you can not dismiss my feelings towards the way they wrote any muslim characters.
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