#French boi is a weeb pass it on
thyandrawrites · 4 months
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I love how this implies charles watches enough anime to know what an ahoge is
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Headcanons of what life in the Devildom would be like if my best friend and I were both exchange student at the same time:
Heads up! This is completely self-indulgent content. I made this as a gift for my best friend: @beel-is-a-snack love you bitch 😘
- Lucifer would probably really hate us at first.
- It’s feels to him like everywhere we go together, something really weird will happen
- It’s things he cannot link to us, but he knows it’s because of us because these things never happened before
- At first, we probably wouldn’t listen to his orders, we didn’t leave a controlling household just to go to another one
- A single punishment (and not the kinky kind) would be all it takes for us to never disobey his orders again
- It would come at no surprise that I would immediatly have a fat crush on him and that I would talk about him all the time to you, even though you wouldn’t understand what I see in him at first
- The more you would notice how much he cares about his brothers, the more you would like him. You two would developed a mutual understanding about taking the role of the parent by default even if that wasn’t your choice
- You two could probably also relate to each other’s daddy issues sorry love you
- With time you two could be really close friends, but probably not more than that, because he’s mine
- Don’t worry we’ll find you a more suitable boyfriend
- He definitely wouldn’t try to come between our friendship and would never be jealous of it either
- He would give us plenty of time alone, but even if he didn’t, we couldn’t even try to speak French around him because I’m 100% sure he also speak French as a second or third or fourth language
- We would probably found out about it the hard way while I would either tell you how handsome he is or you telling me he’s a control freak and he would just reply to us in perfect French
- Yeah we would only make that mistake once
- Mammon also hates us at first, he has to take care of TWO humans?? That’s asking too much of him, he can barely take care of himself
- After a while, it would probably be the other way around as we would be the ones taking care of him
- He cannot decide which one of us he loves more (probably the one who gives him the most attention and positive reinforcement)
- He quickly becomes jealous of our friendship and tries to hangout with us every chances he gets
- It can be a bit awkward when we’re trying to talk about boys, since we’re likely talking about his brothers
- We would need to have codes to refer to the brothers or we could use French when we don’t want him to understand what we’re saying, since he’s definitely too dumb to understand French
- It was 100% clear in our minds that neither of us would end up dating Mammon as we both need someone who could mentally stimulates us
- Also he would for sure steal our stuff out of our rooms and try to sell them
- After a full week of silent treatment from both of us, he wouldn’t ever try to steal our stuff again
- He would try to trick us in participating in his shaninagans, but we would probably report it to Lucifer just to see Mammon get punish (ok mostly me, but I would drag you with me to see the aftermath)
- Never suspects us of being the one who snitch him all the time to Lucifer, he probably thinks it’s Levi
- Oh boy. Opposite to Lucifer and Mammon, it’s us who hates him at first
- What the fuck is that hair style, why is he always screaming and talking an hundred miles an hour rambling about animes and Ruri-Chan, who’s Ruri-Chan??
- Probably calls us normies until he finds out you had a Naruto collection when you were 13 years old and that you used to love mangas
- And that I now enjoy some animes and mangas myself, so now he calls both of us weebs, which isn’t much better honestly
- We would TOLERATE gaming with him if he isn’t screaming all the fucking time
- We would immediately leave any room we’re in everytime he says “Woooooaaaahhhh”
- He needs to shut up or else we can never be friends with him
- He also gets jealous of our friendship, he wish he had a best friend with such a strong bond, yeah he has Henry 2.0 but it’s just not the same you know
- He wonders if his friendship with Ruri-Chan would be similar to ours if she was real
- He tried to become really close with Solomon to recreate our friendship, but Solomon spent his time trying to form a pact with Levi so he ended it
- I have to say that I think that Satan and I are the most similar
- We’re both intelligent, independent and observant individuals who do not tolerate dumb people, we both enjoy reading a bit too much, we’re both messy, we’re both way too honest and we’re pros at hiding our anger (especially towards stupidity)
- Ok, so I’m not saying you wouldn’t get along with Satan, I just think you wouldn’t have much in common with him and by that I mean that’s he’s a very rational being and the best form of art in his eyes is writing
- I think what would make it or break it for both of you is his and your knowledge on all forms of arts and the history being it. Satan would probably test you and if you pass in his eyes, you can be friends, otherwise he would consider you unworthy
- Yeah I know it’s rough, but you don’t need a friend who needs to test you on your knowledge about art to see if you two can be friends
- Even if you pass the test, I don’t see you two being super close as he is mostly in his room reading and you would be in your studio, doing all of your art projects
- In any case, you guys would have to get along somehow since he would probably be the one I would be closest with and you’re my best friend so obviously you two would have to hang out by default quite a lot
- When you would be in your studio, I would probably be at the library or in Satan’s room reading
- We would also all study together and use Satan as our tutor for classes were we have more difficulty (but you’re lucky, there’s no French class given at RAD so you should do fine)
- If we push aside the lust part of him and focus on his other personality traits, Asmo would like us from the start
- Two best friends how fun! He would probably tell us how Solomon is his best friend before finding out later by Solomon that it isn’t true
- Asmo is a lonely demon, sure he gets plenty of physical attention, but no one cares about him past his beauty
- We would be the one to change that, we would both see further than his beauty, but also further than his narcissistic ways to find out who the real Asmo is
- He’s the insecure one who only wants to be love. We would both act as his therapist. Sometimes he would confess to us while doing our nails and makeup or sometimes he would just start sobbing on my lap or your lap, pouring his heart out and telling us his deepest fears and secrets because he finally feels safe enough to say these things to someone
- He would probably crave our attention and comfort the more and more we listen to him. We would need to set boundaries or else we would feel like we’re suffocating. We both need our space and Asmo would have to understand that fact
- We would rub on him and he would slowly stop going out so much, instead appreciating his alone time the better he feels about himself
- At first I would be a bit scared of him, he’s big and he keeps making comments about how delicious we look (and again, not in the kinky way)
- You on the other hand, would probably feel that he isn’t a bad guy at all and you would definitely see more than his angry looking face and his never ending comments about food
- Just a few conversations with him can tell how much he cares about his family and his twin in particular
- That man is such an himbo, but he also have a big heart just like you and you’re both so cute together
- Everyone ship the both of you even though you’re both emotionally dense and it would take a while for you and him to FINALLY be together
- It’s not that you didn’t love each other, it’s just that you never took the signs that the other one was sending you, mistaking it for simple kindness and nothing more
- He would probably have to just straight up tell you l that he’s in love with you for your relationship to go anywhere
- Basically everyone’s like “FINALLY” the moment you both annonce that you’re officially dating
- Wedding and kids would come shortly after that
- You’re both very family oriented and are both super vanilla so that’s a winning couple if I’ve ever seen one
- Ok first of all, if we were the MC, Belphie would 100% still be locked in the attic
- It would only take one warning from Lucifer for us to never go up those stairs again
- But for the sake of this, let’s say you knew this was Beel’s brother and you loved Beel so much that you were ready to face the consequences to save his brother
- And let’s say I wasn’t aware of this, because if I were and we both decided to go up the stairs anyway, it wouldn’t take me long at all before realizing that Belphie is lying to us and that we cannot trust him
- If I wasn’t aware of you going up the stairs by yourself, you’re so trusting of everyone that you would for sure do the same thing as the MC and free Belphegor just to get yourself killed. I told you dozens of time, don’t trust everyone!
- Anyway, let’s say we both died somehow (I probably got killed by Lucifer once he found out what you did) and Barbatos and Diavolo brought us to a timeline were we didn’t die
- Well, let’s say the saying “I forgive but I never forget” would represent me 100%
- I would be forgiving for the sake of Beelzebub, but Belphie and I would NEVER be close, whether it appears to be the case or not
- I might let him sleep on my lap or listen to him talk about how he loves his twin, but don’t get me wrong, I would never trust him or be his friend
- In your case, you would either be like me or you wouldn’t ever forgive him
- Forgivness isn’t always something you can control and you might always hold a grudge against him after what he did
- That could either destroy what you had with Beel, because he cannot date someone who hates his brother so much, or he could also understand how you feel, but he would still try to make you and his brother friends good luck with that
- Oh boy that’s my type of man right there
- What a fucking piece of ass
- Ok back on track, Diavolo would obviously be the one who’s most excited to have us in the Devildom
- He would always invite us for tea, asking us questions about the human world and laughing at our dumb stories
- We would troll him with human traditions that don’t exist like how you need to pray before eating chocolate truffle or how humans eat St-Hubert (a rotisserie restaurant comparable to Nando’s) every Sunday and how What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction is the national anthem of our country
- I can imagine him watching the video clip of What Makes You Beautiful that same night and being like “wow! That is beautiful!”
- Lucifer would be so mad at us, but it would be worth it
- We would also tell him that “thug life” and “yolo” are commonly use expression in the human world when you’re excited about something and he would start using them at the most random moments while everyone is like “???”
- We would totally hate every party hosted by Diavolo and we would 1000% leave to explore the castle only to get lost and then brought back by either Barbatos or Lucifer (lord have mercy)
- It doesn’t matter, we would do it everytime, choosing a different path everytime until we’ve explore every part of the castle (which would realistically never happen)
- Diavolo would probably give us a plan of the castle behind Lucifer’s back so we can explore the castle however we want. He himself, isn’t a fan of these events and would much rather hang out with us than be stuck making conversations with nobles he doesn’t care about
- Other than that, you would have to listen to me talk endlessly about how it isn’t fair that I cannot date both Lucifer AND Diavolo until I actually do
- This one is a difficult one, since we basically know nothing about the Butler
- We would probably have a good grasp of who he is if we were in the devildom, since we have pretty good intuitions on people
- I would probably talk to Barbatos about baking and all the different variations of tea, probably dropping way to soon a reference to Black Butler like he never heard the comparaison before
- Much like his devilgram story, he would probably invite me to get some specific type of tea that can only be purchase out of town, never implying that it’s a date even though he qualify it as one in his head
- There’s not much more to say about him, I think you would see him as Diavolo’s Butler more than a potential lover or close friend
- Ouf poor sweet angel. Let’s state the obvious first, he would probably be very disappointed in me and my very obvious lust for certain demons
- Wouldn’t be happy with me straying further away from god each passing day
- I would defend myself by telling him I do pray and go once a year to church to ask God for forgiveness for all of my sins
- Yeah if I was in the Devildom, my list of sins I committed during my stay would be particularly long
- Still, I would have no regrets
- Ok, I have to say it, this angel is shady. I think we would sense that something isn’t right with him. His smile and energy are a little off, he’s definitely hiding something but what?
- If we had time to kill we could do some research on the matter and ask people around about what they know about Simeon, maybe spy on him while he’s out in town?
- We would probably get caught and ask by a very scary Simeon, to stop whatever we are doing
- Yeah let’s take the wise decision of staying away from him from now on
- He would need to understand that it’s not because we’re all humans that we NEED to hang out together
- I would have to keep you away from him, or at least not let you hang out alone with him. I don’t think he’s evil, but he might use you as human experiment for his potions and spells and I don’t want you to accidentally be turned into a pig or something
- I’ll accept the occasional vines references wars and the team up to tell Diavolo even more made up things about the human world, but that’s all
- I would probably compare him to Harry Potter all the time
- Let’s just stay far away from the shady sorcerer
- I have no motherly instincts, but I would protect this child from all of the brothers teasing, but that’s about it. I really don’t care about this child, SIMEON COME PICK UP YOUR SON, HE POOPED HIMSELF AGAIN “Stephanie that’s not true!!” Luke would bark back as he tries to hide the streak of poop on the back of his white pants (sorry I don’t know why this came to mind, but I have this headcanon that sometimes when he’s afraid, Luke will poop his pants and this boy is VERY scared of Lucifer, so it happens quite often)
- You would probably be way more motherly towards him than me and you and Beel would basically adopt Luke as your own child
- Just always carry baby wipes and a clean pair of pants with you at all times and you’re all good
- I hope you like baking sweets, because your son will surely want to spend some bonding time with his mom over baking time, and of course you have to enjoy the sweets you both made over a nice cup of tea that Barbatos made for you two
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bapyess1r · 4 years
Exposing Sam to your weeb culture. 😎✌🏽
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He watches you get dressed in your closet cosplay, ready for this convention you’ve been spewing off at the mouth about for months now
He agreed to go as he’d never been to something like that (boy he was in for it)
It’s Day Zero and you leave promptly in time to get to the center to pick up your pre-registered passes when you get a phone call
A friend of yours was holding the yearly Day Zero hotel party and extended the invitation to you both
Walking around the convention area outside, the streets were lined with people already cosplaying and a string of hotels (you guys got the cheapest one)
You show up to the party and he realizes everyone is trashed and playing a variation of game, a giant beer pong table in the middle of the room where your friends are screaming the lyrics to Part of Your World from the Little Mermaid whilst absolutely acing his shot
His eyes light up and he shakes your shoulders like a little kid. “Babe, can I?” He asks.
“You’re literally a grown man- why are you asking me?” You laugh, encouraging him to go play. So he makes himself a drink of Peppermint Johnny Walker and joins the game, meanwhile you watch some others play Smash Bros.
By the end of the night, you’re stumbling back to the hotel and crash immediately
The next morning, you managed to get up early as you had done every con. And Sam hates it instantly
“I don’t wanna go now!” He whines but you convince him to get up, for you needed his assistance getting into your cosplay
Sam can be convinced to dress up as well. If you succeed, he’ll dress as the Joker. If not, it’s a graphic tee and jeans for you. Either way you’re just happy he’s present
You blast anime openings as you get dressed and Sam bobs his head to a few of them
When you complete getting dressed, Sam immediately wants to take pictures of you. He’s your personal photographer. And he takes DAMN good ones of you as the day goes on
He stops others to take pictures of them as well
Will carry your props when you get tired
Holds all of your stuff when someone asks for a picture of you and clears out of the way
Gets confused when he sees his first furry. “Um....Y/N?” He makes a face of utter confusion and points at the furry fox waving at him and you just laugh and take his hand, leading him away
When you go to the Maid Cafe, he immediately wants to buy you a French maid outfit for the bedroom ;)
Expect all of this to happen when you hit the Vendors:
he will stop to get his face painted
buy all of the Japanese snacks (and eating them all within minutes, complaining that they were too small or that there wasn’t enough but delicious)
he will buy you every plush you lay eyes on (no matter how big or small)
he spends time in the Steampunk booth trying on hats and glasses, ends up buying a cool jacket and wearing it around the con
He absolutely purchases a samurai sword
Reacts like a child when he spots the Star Wars droids rolling around the room
Absolutely joins a Stormtrooper group
When you go to the art dealers, he looks at tee shirts, recognizing characters from shows you’ve shown him on keychains
He’s impressed by the quality of people’s work
He takes a peek inside the hentai tent and leaves traumatized (poor bean lmao)
You play several video games in the Game Room. He almost always ends up trying to hustle some poor kid, betting $20 on each game
Wins every game of Cards Against Humanity and Crabs Against Humidity. “A lot goes on up here in the ol’ noodle.” He says proudly.
Suggests to have sushi at Sushi King for lunch and dinner (he can’t get over the Dragon Rolls and Monkey Rolls)
When you do anime karaoke, he’s recording every second of it thinking how cute it was to see you imitating your best anime girl voice and dancing around as others in the room sang along
You visit panels and his favorite is the AC: Black Flag panel. You offer to stay a little longer since he was enjoying the conversations there
When the evening dies down, you head back to the hotel to change into Rave Gear. He eyes you carefully as your clothing had changed into something scandalous. Fishnets and short shorts with sneakers that lit up and changed colors. He bought a similar pair so he wore them too.
Your outfit definitely puts him in that mood 🤤
He quickly finds out that the convention is literally just nerdy drunk culture as you go to a pregame party before the rave
He buys glows sticks and light up glasses
The man is in awe of the light show and loosens up when he realized there were people that danced TEN TIMES worse than he did
Fist pumps all night
Frequently leaves the room when it gets too hot
He stands on the balcony outside where there was another DJ. This crowd had been there deadass all day. He chuckles as he watches them, sparking up a cigarette as he nods to the music
You guys end the first day and he groans when you explain to him that you’re going to do it all over again in the morning
Only because he actually had fun, he lets it happen and coffee becomes life juice for the rest of the weekend for him
He asks to go again next year knowing he’d be prepared this time and you grin at him excitedly and happy that you could share this will him
Author’s Note: okay but HOW cute would that actually be tho 😭😭💖💖💖 What anime do you guys think he’d watch lol
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anime-apparently · 4 years
Hey how you doing ?Can i have a male match-up please from MHA and kuroko basket? I’m a 5.2 chubby libra french girl with black hair bob and brown eyes.I have ATHD and i’m an INFJ with a huge weeb and gamer side .Fun fact I am also the mom of my group(like having everything in My bag for them,take care of them,telling jokes),nobody call me by my actual name,I smoke ik it’s bad and My favorite animals is cats, My hobbies is singing,dancing,cooking
I match you with...
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- so you both bonded over cats
- his sharp tongue and gen z humor drew you in
- and you being you drew him in
- i assume you meant adhd not athd so he's surprised when you were babbling about cats then next it was about video games
- both of you bonded over video games too then anime
- he's like slowly falling for you and he's too stubborn to admit it but your compassion drew him in
- you're from class 1-a of the hero department tho
- that didn't stop your friendship tho, you're fully supporting him and helping him climb the ranks
- being in seperate classes didn't stop you from acting like a mom to him, at first he's annoyed by it but soon enough he grows to love it
- he laugs dryly and mockingly at your joked but one time he full on laughed you freaking love it
- he's so curious about how you're from France but you moved to Japan
- "are you a distant relative of Aoyama?" he literally asked the first time he heard you're from france
- then the dorms happened and he just find you in their class' dorm dancing and singing in the kitchen making breakfast
- "if you plan on making it a habit to make breakfast while singing and dancing in the morning while simultaneously making me fall for you, well you're a dumb shit for not taking my last name first"
- it took you a while to realize what he said but i assure you, you are now bright red
- you left without the other students knowing tho T^T
- he tries to make you stop your smoking habit and he actually is succeeding
- in return you help him with his insomia
- he asks you out in a very shinsou manner
- you were bringing several protein bars in your bag with chocolate and some couple more things like medicine for the headache, comb, or anything he might need
- "before you become like a worried girlfriend, why don't i take you out on a date first?"
- boy was smooth af but it didn't pass you and you said yes instantly
- you two would probs end up adopting one of Aizawa's cats
- imagine gaming nights or nights were you two just binge watch anime
- while you are the creative one in your relationship, he's the organized one
- you help him with his self esteem and confidence with his quirk
- most of the time your ideas are thrown around in a flurry of knowledge so you never really got to finish one but he'd be there pushing you to finish one then another
- he's like a kid but not at the same time??? you take care of him cause he forgets that sometimes but he also keeps you grounded, focused, and inclined to your studies
- he's the more serious one and less touchy one while you are the bright, funny one who loves ti act like a doting mother at times
- he's not a man of many words and affection but he'll definitely have moments when he'll just shower you with love
I match you with...
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- i kid you not, this boy need someone to set his life straight
- you're seirin's basketball manager and that's where you met him
- Kagami's independent, responsible, and all but he's too consumed by basketball to the point that sometimes you would have to drag him from the court to do basic human needs
- expect a scolding from you if he didn't sleep before a match and you'd be the one to have all the things he forgot to bring
- he's a tiger and you're the caretaker
- you keep him grounded and make sure not to overwork himself or reach too high
- he likes a woman who's compassionate (have you seen this boy? he's actually a soft bean)
- expect a lot of singing sessions while cooking or dancing around the kitchen while cooking together
- he's a huge gamer but i'm not sure if he's a weeb (lol he becomes one because of you)
- he's impressed by your bento making skills and your compassion for a sport you didn't even play
- he's glad both of you had a mutual understanding that cats are the better than dogs (it doesn't mean he loves your cat tho)
- he's so happy to have another foreigner around so you two are probably the type to be touristy at times
- he calms you down and keeps you organized most of the time
- boy can actually make decent crafts so craft sessions are to be expected
- he doesn't like your smoking habit but he can't say he hadn't tried smoking before
- he probably had smoked a couple times
- he made a bento for you as a way of confessing and there's this smol note that has "will you be my girlfriend?"
- he might be confident and all but he's a shy bean to his crush
- you gave him a bento the next day that's so cute to eat with yes written through seaweed on onigiris
- you two take care of each other and actually function like adults
- there are moments when you two are kinda acting too much like a foreigner
- you and him support each other in your new life in Japan
- he's a sweet boyfriend and dates are mostly at home with home cooked meals
- he's just so caring and such a soft giant teddy
A/N: I'm sorry for my long absence. I have decided to finish all match ups and update regularly rather than update a match up when I finish it. I tend to procrastinate which results to an inconsistent update sched but now I have finished all match ups and I plan to keep a consistent schedule instead. I'm sorry for the long wait but I can assure y'all that your match up request would be posted with this week and the next! I don't plan on spamming y'alls timeline with just my match ups. Hope you enjoyed this!
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
Hey! I saw your blog today and I love it very much!! I see you're an open person so, I also have a question: HOW does one survive studying japanese at uni?? I'm in my first year and only my second (online haha) semester and we started out with Minna no nihongo 1 but we're supposed to finish Minna 2 by the end of this semester, same with Basic Kanji book 1 in the first sem and now Basic Kanji Book 2, all while also learning mostly of Japan's history and others in this semester. Exams will kill me
Hello! I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog! I am open to a fault lol. Let me recount my meandering journey through uni, illustrating my feelings through gifs of Noel Fielding because he is my celebrity crush.
Uni is such a difficult time for so many people, trying to figure out who you are now and who you want to be later. It wasn’t until my senior year that I realized what I wanted to do. I started writing out my university experience and it got super long, so allow me to just summarize my “Lessons Learned” here and you can read the rest if you want to know all the dirty deets lol. I double-majored in Japanese and English, so I think that my experience can perhaps be useful to people who are majoring in things other than Japanese as well. 
Hard-Learned Lessons from Uni
Do not choose a course of study because it is “practical.” Choose it because it is something you love. Seriously. Nothing is more important than this point. Do not choose a major because “I’ll make a lot of money” or “My parents are telling me this is good for me.” 
If you are learning multiple languages at once, you must give your brain time to organize what you learned from one language lesson before moving on to the next. You can do this by waiting a couple hours between lessons, getting up and walking around, studying one language in different space from the other, etc. Otherwise, it all becomes a terrible mess in your head.
It’s okay not to know what you want your career to be. It’s okay not to have a specific plan. Life works out one way or the other.
I know how expensive uni can be. (It’s been six years since I graduated and I’m still making hefty loan payments.) But don’t feel like you have to take a full courseload every single semester and graduated asap, particularly if the classes are hard and/or you are working. I took the maximum credit hours allowed every semester on top of working RIDICULOUS hours and it nearly killed me at one point. I’m not kidding. 
It is not unusual to have an identity crisis and/or mental breakdown. Take care of yourself. Know when you are nearing breaking point. Seek out the help of professionals. Most universities have psychiatrists and therapists that will see you very cheaply. 
Surround yourself with good people and look out for each other. 
Do not rely on substances to ease your suffering because sometimes the remedy becomes the malady. Not saying you should avoid all parties or anything square like that, but just don’t be one of those people that parties every night and gets in over their head. 
Let me preface this by stating that I’m an American, and our universities are stupid because they force us to take a ton of “general education” courses that are irrelevant to our majors, and many students spend their first couple years taking only a couple courses related to their majors and minors, and try to focus on getting those stupid gen eds out of the way. 
Year 1: Oh Shit, This Is Harder Than I Thought It Would Be
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I come from a town of less than 2600 people. Our high school prepared its students for the following career paths:
joining the military (boys only)
becoming a farmer (boys only)
welding, carpentry, or other practical jobs (boys only)
becoming a housewife (girls only)
So basically I coasted through high school never having to study anything because it was one great big joke, only I thought I was like super duper smart because I was in the top five of my graduating class of 48. LOLLLLLLLLL
I entered university as a German major, Japanese minor. (Japanese was not offered as a major at my uni). I had never studied German previously, but I studied Spanish and French in high school and I just had this feeling that German and Japanese were the languages for me. 
The first semester, I had Japanese 101 and German 101 back to back, in the EXACT SAME CLASSROOM. I can’t stress enough how much of a mindfuck it was to go from thinking about Japanese for 50 minutes, having a 10 minute break, and then trying to switch your brain to German. IN THE SAME ROOM. It actually gave me headaches to try and make that mental jump. Managed to pull through the year with A’s in both, but German was much more of a challenge to me than Japanese. Which was really unexpected. 
I also flunked several gen eds because I didn’t give a shit about them and skipped them and got placed on academic probation and was nearly kicked out of uni because of my poor grades
Basically, I was such a weeb that I had watched enough anime with subtitles and sung along to enough anime songs that I had absorbed about 90% of the first year’s worth of Japanese vocab and grammar through osmosis. I really did have the power of God and anime on my side.
Year 2: The Year of the Mid-Midlife Crisis and Mental Breakdown
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There really is no gif that will encapsulate the level of turmoil I went through that year. I looked really hard for one, trust me.
It became apparent very quickly that I could not keep up with German. I ended up dropping it early in the first semester, which meant I had to choose a new major. Thinking of what would be practical to pair with a Japanese minor, I went for International Business for a semester, took Accounting, and realized that I HATE The Man, corporate bullshit, and also numbers as a concept.
All I knew at this point was that I liked Japanese but couldn’t make it a major. I also knew I didn’t want to transfer universities. So I kept taking gen eds, just barely passing them because to this day I cannot bring myself to put effort into something I do not care about, and also taking more classes related to my Japanese minor. It was the Japanese classes that saved my GPA and kept me from getting kicked out of uni.
At the same time, I took a creative writing course because that’s been a hobby of mine since elementary school, and I kinda thought about an English major, but then was like, “Eww I don’t wanna be forced to read books I don’t give a shit about. And also, what will I do with that degree?”
Also, at the same time, I was working full time, and often getting stuck working from 2 pm to 7 am (Yes, 15-hour shifts, because the overnight dude would call in sick last minute and I’d be begged to cover his shift), and then dragging myself to classes and drooling on the desks because I’d fall asleep.
Also also, I started to have possible hallucinations? To this day I don’t know what was going on, but either I was legitimately going crazy, or there was a demon following me around and being quite rude to me, making light fixtures fall and shatter inches from my head, throwing papers around my room, opening and closing doors, turning lights off and on, coming to me in dreams and doing some really, really traumatic things to me in them, and just standing in corners staring at me at all hours of the night. Had me so scared that towards the end of the school year I was waiting to sleep until sunrise, when it would go away. And no, I was not using any mind-altering substances of any sort. Not even going out and getting drunk. 
So, yeah. Year Two was a hard one that I can’t believe I pushed through. Probably the darkest year of my life, I’d say. What got me through it? An unhealthy amount of energy drinks, friends, and my love of Japanese. Also Aerosmith.
Do I still see that demon? No. He vanished when the school year ended and I moved out of the dorms. Do I believe in the supernatural? Yes, to an extent. Do I think that what I was seeing was actually a demon? I honestly don’t know. I have had actual supernatural experiences verified by multiple witnesses, and a few years before Year 2, several friends and myself had seen an entity similar to what was following me around. But this one in Year 2 only did things when I was alone. So it could have all been in my head, and I will never know. 
Since then, I have been diagnosed with general anxiety and also a form of insomnia that keeps me from sleeping through the night, and I know that my anxiety manifests itself in psychosomatic ways. In other words, my mind will take my anxiety and turn it into a physical symptom that feels real in every way, but is actually not occurring. So far it’s manifested as: sensitivity to sunlight, the symptoms of a stroke or heart attack, half of my face going numb, and headaches in my left eye. Once I realize that the symptom is just my anxiety, I can force myself to ignore and overcome it. But then my anxiety finds a new form to manifest, and the cycle repeats a few months later. It could be that my stress caused me to see this demon for a while.
Should I have consulted a psychiatrist and gotten help? YEP. If you find yourself struggling like that, seek help please. 💕
Year 3: Adrift But Afloat
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I moved out of the dorms and into an apartment with my best friend, a Japanese girl I met in the dorms freshman year. I will call her Setsuko. Setsuko is basically the reason I graduated uni. She memorized my class schedules and took copies of exam dates, woke me up, forced me to go classes instead of skipping, forced me to go to the library and study with her, and cooked me dinner most days since she didn’t have to work like I did. I can’t express enough how much she did to improve my life outside of school and work, and how much that improved my mental health. She also acclimated me to lots of subtle things about Japanese culture just by living with her, and this helped me later when I moved to Japan. Thank you, Setsuko. 一生の恩人。
I was still doing those bullshit 15-hour overnight shifts way more than I should have, and also had the maximum courseload.
The Japanese classes got a lot more difficult in Year 3. But I loved them. They were the only classes I never skipped. I took more classes towards the minor like Buddhist Philosophy and Japanese History, which I really enjoyed. While polishing off more gen eds, I thought over what to do with my major. 
My family and friends all told me that I should become an English teacher. I had always been good at words and at explaining things. But I didn’t really like the idea of being a high school teacher. I became an English major, though, because I knew that I didn’t hate English. Took grammar classes and HOLY SHIT did I hit my stride.
I realized that I didn’t like English lit. I liked linguistics. So I focused heavily on all grammar and linguistics courses, taking the bare minimum of literature courses required for the major. My GPA improved substantially. 
Yet I still was consumed with this nagging fear. It was Year 3 and I still had no fucking idea what I wanted to do when I graduated.
Year 4: Clarity At The 11th Hour
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Urged on by my “Don’t you dare get one of those stupid arts degrees that won’t get you a paycheck” parents, I decided that the most “practical” degree would not be “English,” but “English Education.” I began taking the English Ed classes with linguistics, grammar, and second language acquisition classes. The goal was to become a qualified English high school teacher who could also do ESL (since I had Spanish and Japanese under my belt more or less). 
At the same time, I entered into Independent Study for Japanese with two other students. We were tasked with reading Izu no Odoriko, a classic short story. Independent study was its own beast. It required a lot more concentration and work on my part, obviously. But because Japanese was my first and foremost passion, I centered my efforts on those courses, and then on the others.
The process of getting certified to be an English teacher was lengthy and expensive in my state. This meant my graduation would be further prolonged, and I was worried about money, because I was already about $50,000 in debt at the time, despite working those fucking overnight shifts all the time that were eating me alive.
Then, during the summer vacation when my 4th year ended, I got a scholarship and went to Japan to study abroad. Education majors had the option to study abroad in several countries, and as luck would have it, one of them was Japan, and it was Setsuko’s HOMETOWN! The study abroad program itself was the first month of summer vacation, and Setsuko said, “Okay, just come stay at my house for the rest of summer vacation!”
Never have I said “yes” quicker in my entire life.
On the train headed from Sapporo to the town where I would be actually staying during my studies, I looked at the lush rice paddies and mountains in the distance and my entire heart just hummed with this “This is where you’re meant to be.” I knew then and there that I would move to Japan upon graduation.
What would I do there? Well, teach English, obviously.
My three months in Japan effectively aligned my entire life. My path had materialized before me. It was a roughly hacked, hard-to-see path through thick underbrush, but I could see it nonetheless. 
Year 5: Let’s Hurry It Up, I’m Ready To Live
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Come Year 5, all of my Japanese classmates that had been with me since freshman year were gone and I was alone. My professor taught me Classical Japanese through independent study, and it was the must grueling course I took my entire five years there. But I found it invaluable and am eternally grateful to him for teaching me, because you see Classical Japanese a lot more than you’d think you would in everyday life. Particularly in formal settings. 
I still wanted to get certified to teach English in American high schools, because while I knew I wanted to go to Japan for now, I didn’t know if I wanted to spend my entire life there and I wanted a solid job opportunity when I came back to the states at some point.
However, the more education courses I took, the more I saw that the American education system was just as full of red-tape and The Man’s bullshit as corporate America, something else I rebuke with every fiber of my being. I also realized I’d need to take a 6th year of university, and that just wasn’t financially feasible for me. So I switched to a plain old English major with a heavy focus on linguistics and second language acquisition, and continued classical Japanese. 
I took the remaining 3 gen eds online in the summer, graduated, popped up to Chicago to do a month-long intensive course to get the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages issued by Cambridge.) It’s the most widely accepted and revered certification for teaching English as a foreign language.
So in the span of five years, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a focus in linguistics and SLA, and what is technically a major in Japanese Studies. 40 credit hours were required for a major, and I completed 42 credit hours tied to my minor, so while it isn’t listed on my diploma as a major, I did the coursework. I also got a CELTA Pass B, which only 20% of applicants achieve and never expires. The grand total for all of this was roughly $100,000 USD in loans.
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The week I came back to my hometown from Chicago with my CELTA in hand, I packed my suitcases, threw a going-away party, and then flew to Sapporo, where I began my first job after uni, teaching English to children aged 0-18 at a private English conversation school. I did that for three years before changing careers and becoming a Japanese-English translator/interpreter for a global company. 
So how useful have my choices during university proven to be?
I’m sure I don’t have to explain that studying Japanese helps me tons with translating Japanese to English or living in Japan lol
Studying English grammar, linguistics, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition has allowed me to recognize minute nuances that can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful business negotiation when interpretation is necessary.
My background in education also means that I know how to present information clearly, concisely, and in a way that engages the audience. I am known as “The PowerPoint Pro” at work lol. 
I also have a keen eye for performance evaluation, behavior analysis, and improvement action plans. 
I offered English conversation lessons to coworkers for over a year, and now that is being done in other branches across the company! (Well, they were before COVID haha.) 
I DO NOT RECOMMEND WORKING THE HOURS I WORKED WHILE IN SCHOOL. My grades suffered and I wish I had worked less and focused more on classes. However, by working 15-hour shifts and doing full days of classes, I developed a very good tolerance for overtime, which comes in handy in the Japanese workplace. Just last month I had three 15 hour days in the same week. Sweet, sweet overtime pay. 
All of these facets have culminated in me earning a pretty nice promotion to 正社員 seishain back in February, which means I get nice benefits and basically my job is guaranteed until I die or the company goes under.
Should I decide to return to America someday, I will probably not go into the education field. Too much red tape. I will likely continue translation/interpretation for companies, because it isn’t too difficult and pays well. Though ideally I’d love to just make a living sharing cool information about Japanese and stuff, and maybe writing those stories that are bouncing around in my head when I should be working haha.
Do I think the debt is worth it?
Well, I don’t think I had any other option than to take out those loans. I didn’t have the means to learn the things I wanted to learn unless I went to university. 
Unless Japanese work visa requirements have changed, you are required to have a bachelor’s degree in order to obtain my sub-type of work-visa, so I needed a degree of some kind no matter what. 
Frankly, if I hadn’t gone to that university and met my best friend Setsuko, I don’t think I’d be where I am right now, living the life I am now. So just having met her is worth any price to me. 
Paying off all the loans is daunting, especially when yen is weak to the dollar. There were months I had to ask my parents for help, especially early on. But now I’ve got multiple loans paid off, my salary has increased, and the “omg i have money and no supervision so I can buy whatever I want” idiocy has mostly gone away. But I did get a super sweet pair of blindingly silver Converses a couple days ago that I definitely didn’t need
Do I have any regrets regarding my time at university?
I still regret dropping Old English for a stupid English Ed class. Seriously, how cool would that have been? But I still have the textbook, workbook, and I contacted the professor last week and she was kind enough to send me a syllabus. God bless her. So now I’m working on that bit by bit, which is fun.
I wish I hadn’t been such a cocky, naive idiot my first year. Thinking I could just “show up for tests” was the stupidest thing. It messed up my GPA, and my parents forbade me from retaking classes so I couldn’t go back and fix my mistakes. I think I graduated with a 3.4 overall GPA out of 4, but my English major GPA was 3.9 and my Japanese GPA was 4.0. So it’s pretty frustrating to have those gen eds and my dumbfuckery mar my transcript like that.
I really didn’t party at all. Most all of my friends were straight-laced Japanese exchange students, and I was also working ridiculous hours so I just didn’t really have the time. A part of me feels like I missed out on that part of the college experience.
Recently I’ve been putting more effort into improving my creative writing by reading a lot of books on the subject. Not a small part of me wishes that I had gone with a Creative Writing major instead of English major, because I still would have studied all the grammar and linguistics. Then again, I do believe that creative writing can be self-taught.
I wish I hadn’t worked as much as I did. There were a lot of times I couldn’t complete assignments or I missed lectures because I was just so drained. It wasn’t even good money.
Well...I did not intend for this post to become as long as it has. I’ve been cooped up in my apartment with nothing but two goldfish for company for over a month now and I think I’m a bit stir-crazy. Thank you to anyone and everyone who bothered to read all of this and become my therapist for a bit haha. Love you all. Stay safe and well. 💖
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iron-touch · 3 years
Author’s Notes: Chapter 3 (Honey, When They Gonna Send Me Home?)
Once again, sorry for the delay! I intended to get this one out by the end of February but obviously that didn’t happen. Better late than never though!
This is actually the second fight scene I’ve ever written, and the first to be set up in this shonen anime style. I did my best to make the fight engaging, but I still have a lot to learn! I hope you’ll bear with me.
In the first paragraph of the chapter, Michelle makes a passing reference to Baoh, another one of Araki’s works. Originally, I tried to find a series that an actual French teenage girl in 2009 would realistically watch on TV, but eventually I figured; “Why bother?” In the manga for Vento Aureo, there’s one panel where Mista and Giorno mention that the TV inside Mr. President/the turtle room is playing Captain Tsubasa, an anime that a group of teenage Italian gangsters in 2001 would most likely have never even heard of. So I figured I should aim the reference more at my target audience of weebs rather than try and be realistic to the character and setting. I chose Baoh since it seems to be a running gag in the anime; both Joseph and Jotaro are seen reading it at the beginning of their respective parts. In real life, Baoh only ever got an OVA, but I’d like to think in this timeline it got more attention. Pink Dark Boy (Rohan’s in-universe manga) was also on my mind to take this slot.
I decided to make Iron Maiden a purely defensive Stand in order to differentiate Michelle from the Joestars, all of whom end up with offensive punchy-punch ghosts. We’ve never seen someone in the protagonist spot who can’t just “punch back,” (aside from arguably Rohan, but Heaven’s Door is more for utility rather than offense or defense) and I thought that would be interesting. Michelle’s personality was built mostly around this concept as well. I also liked the idea of giving her a big ass shield to contrast with Silver Chariot’s rapier.
I did briefly consider having Michelle immobilize Bad Sneakers’ user by having her clog one of the toilets with her hair, but ultimately decided against it and stuck to my original outline. It was very important that Michelle “lost” her first battle in order to make her seem less capable early on.
Bad Sneakers’ Stand cry “frough” has no meaning and honestly I kinda hate it. I just made noises with my mouth until I ended up with one that sounded at least somewhat natural.
Michelle and Sara’s dialogue after the fight was initially much longer, but I cut about half of it out in order to improve the chapter’s pacing (the dialogue originally lasted almost as long as the fight itself). I intend to reinsert this dialogue in chapter 5.
There are no Ls in the Japanese lexicon; I’m sure most of you guys know this already. This is worth bringing up because, despite the fact that we’re currently in France and none of the characters involved in this particular scenario are Japanese, JoJo itself is a Japanese series. So in Japanese, “Chelly,” the nickname Sara eventually settles on for Michelle, could be read as Sherry/Cherie. For all you Polnareff stans insistent on him naming his daughter after his sister, this is my compromise for you.
Music references:
Special thanks to @goldeaglefire1​ for coming up with the name of the chapter. Originally, it was just going to be named “Bad Sneakers,” in the same vein as the actual series where arcs are typically named after what Stand the heroes are fighting. I figured that would end up being very boring for that to be the actual naming scheme for every chapter, so we came up with an alternative. The chapter’s name is taken from a verse of Bad Sneakers.
“Luca,” who Michelle mentions near the end of the chapter, is indeed a music reference, but I won’t say what the exact reference is yet since that would be a spoiler. Cookies to whoever figures it out on their own.
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hydralisk98 · 4 years
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I purchased a gig on Fiverr and, Oh Boi was I impressed with the speed of the delivery. Thanks again jessjayneemms.
Here’s my actual masterlist for me (not exhaustive)
Basic details= { Olyvier Bouchard, autistic & ADD Canadian, August 1st 1998 birthday, INTP-T personality, unemployed, NDP party member, YMCA Student Summer Exchange Kelowna 2015, finished middle school, , French & English speaking, Mascouche town, curious and honest, MTF trans (so LGBTQ+), brown eyes, brown hair, caucasian white skin, Leo,  }
Links for more assets and references about me= { https://hydralisk98.tumblr.com/post/611664069197529088/what-if-we-recycled-aesthetics-into-a-new-style , https://hydralisk98.tumblr.com/archive , https://www.youtube.com/user/hydralisk98perso/playlists , https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBLnHeePMk5CJknvLqf1pA4cG9y4pX6U3 , https://www.deviantart.com/hydralisk98/favourites/73307821/hl98-owned-coms-and-adopts , https://www.deviantart.com/hydralisk98/favourites/?catpath=/ ,   }
Favs= { SEGA Dreamcast, Môsi, Twine, 0x10c, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups' (Microsoft Bob), XXIIVV's Paradise (Parade OS), DEC, IBM, Xerox, Lisp (programming language's prefix S-expressions syntax), Robotron, Soviet computing and cartoons (A bag full of apples), 1919 Versailles treaty, Woodrow Wilson (Woodrow Wilson was evil, change my mind), Robespierre Gullotine (don't make a religion out of this), Jucika (Hungarian comic strips), Higher self thesis in philosophy, Servitor machines, fourth crusade, imperialisms, open source, TIS-100 (What is my purpose : you pass numbers : oh my god), GLaDOS (Portal 2 + Portal Stories: Mel), Wehrmacht's V2 rocket meme (when your dreams come true), Dying Universe (0x10c game), Calculator wars (according to Lazy Game Reviews on Youtube), EU4 Portuguese Hyper Colonialism, Linux Mint 18.3 (KDE), Solaris, FreeBSD, Plan 9, VAX, IRC chatrooms, MUDs, DSi, Half-Life 2-based Garry's mod, Grunge, Vintage, Vaporwave, Chiptune, 2000s cartoons, abacuses, Pokemon Black, Hexagonal grids, Wicca, Angels, Law of Attraction, dice sets, tabletop paper solo games, Bell Labs, Zachtronics, Quadrilateral Cowboy, Baba Is You, Hypnospace Outlaw, 4D Toys, Miegakure, Wolfenstein The New Order, metaphysics, 4th wall mentions, very liberal somewhat left-ish, history is a comedy, philosophy, I like studiying and taking courses in schools but I procrastinate so I can't stay there for long, atlas, encyclopedia, wikis, history buff, I wish I had a tribe of friends, closed source is mostly narrow minded, Aperture Science > Black Mesa, Rammstein, Sabaton, 60s-70s groove, history is under-rated, Canada is a somewhat good country but Quebec is exaggerating it's place within it, I dislike Quebec separatism, Minitel, Telex, 90s gadgets and utilities, late 90s' early web, life-long learning is my lifestyle, toys, wooden blocks, typewriters, dumb terminals, flip phones are best phones, keypads, MUD games are awesome, best interface is text-based, I like modding games, Weebs are okay people but I prefer metal music, goths are nice, I write lists all the time, Austria-Hungary is under-rated, elections are over-rated, I love plushies maps flags and 3D prints, I wish I sewn more often, picture books are awesome, dialectic, DIY-ing much of everything, monochrome 1-bit graphics on CRTs, workers of the world unite, vintage hardware is never useless but might be obsolete for some purposes, question almost everything, natives deserve better, mainstream is mostly boring, ditto meme (I told her I could be anything she wanted : she told me she loved me just the way I am), big businesses should pay more for their corporate madness shenanigans, unions are nice but have fallen to SJWs, I dislike SJWs, ecology is nice but oru civilization's decay is unevitable, freedom of shape (transhumanism) and pronouns, K'Reel (Deathstars? Siths, please : Have you met our lord and savior the K'Reel ray), Pretoryn Scourge of Stellaris (Meme? : Hak hak hak!), countryballs, planetballs, Mastodon is better than Twitter, electric vintage cars are nice, CRTs are nice, 16^12 years into the future ahead, Vietnam war meme (Trees speak vietnamese), cats are nice pets, Portal Stories Mel Virgil is the best gay guy around, Hexagonal tilesets, Sqaure tilesets, Mariliths are nice creatures from Hell, ... }
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 5 (Cont.)
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Tsubasa ruminates about her current situation in her Symphogear Brand Safety Capsule of Absolute Dunces.
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“aight ive done seen the light lemme at that sweet, sweet taco bell”
Meanwhile, some old ass politicians rumble about Relics.
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“im old.”
But they immediately get fucked up in a nasty car accident.
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As it turns out, the Americans were waiting to intercept these old crones to steal The Goods.
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And holy fuck are they are American. Personally, I feel the writers of Symphogear watched Die Hard and immediately went “these people are fucking animals”. That’s just me, though.
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“ooh ouch oh mmm ouchie ouch oooo ouch”
They tear into these people with an almost machine like efficiency.
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These people don’t fuck around. There’s a strange surreality around it given that this is honestly pretty accurate to how brutal special operatives can be, but the Japanese accent they have in their English voices is... a bit jarring.
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“oh god she’s back”
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“ah, ryoko. as per your lingo, quote, ‘i like your new gucci boots... bitch’ was that good? im not fond at cursing at women unless its a mutual training session”
Genjuro alerts that the Minister of Defense for Japan has just been assassinated.
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“shits bad”
Conveniently... Ryoko’s phone was broken. In her defense, it’s 2012. Battery life didn’t have the bragging rights it had now for phone.
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“i personally use a razer flip phone. those will never go out of style!”
Ryoko manages to show them the box the Americans were trying to get. Suspiciously...
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There’s a bloodstain on it.
So the main struggle right now is that the Bad Guys(tm) want to get their hands on Durandal, which is a completed relic that is hidden away miles underneath the school in the 2nd Division Labs.
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This musty, old, shitty sword has immense power. Almost Godlike.
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“hey why dont we just use the sword to beat up the bad guys”
The sword was handed from the EU to Japan for Japan to safekeep, and in exchange to forgive some of the loans the EU owed Japan should the EU economy collapse.
How topical.
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“i read a lot of beserk and honestly im pretty sure someone beats up the bad guys with that dumb sword”
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“listen nerd, we’re not doing that dumb weeb anime shit. we’re taking this sword to a vault to the bottom of parliament.”
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“thats right. who needs anime when you’ve got nicholas cage.”
And so, they plotted to deliver this dumb sword tomorrow.
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Ryoko logs into Runescape.
Fun fact: Fulcanelli is a reference to this dude, who was a French alchemist whose identity nobody really knows. Alchemy is a concept that will come up during GX that has no relevance whatsoever during these first 2 seasons except in some passerby jargon. This as just a cute thing I wanted to point out.
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You know, that’s a pretty sexy sword upon closer examination.
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“thats the dark souls of swords”
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“ah! a fellow gamer! im glad that you too partake of the souls of darkening. would you like to play a two player match somtime, fellow Gamer?”
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“I would genuinely rather eat shit for the rest of my life!”
The scene ends. Alright, where are n-
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Oh God we’re back to this bullshit. Okay then.
Miku, reasonably, is upset that her wife is gone for several hours for increasingly sketchy reasons. Much like an estranged wife going to see her “tennis instructor” for “private tennis lessons” in the “safety of their house, which has a tennis court”, Miku is worried that Hibiki is a liar liar, pants on fire.
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Nose the size of a wire.
Hibiki, feeling the fear of God, quickly bails this increasingly tense situation.
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Miku is suffering, and so am I with this hamfisted writing.
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“you didnt even try the cookies i made out of frustration for you. i designed them all after me with increasingly angrier faces”
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“im too young for a divorce. fuck, those cookies smelled good”
Hibiki decides to not sweat it anymore, opening a magazine and WHOA WHAT THE FUCK
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Hibiki closes it up to reveal the relevant part of this magazine.
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This is subtle, but it’s basically a vehicle to explain how things are covered up for Symphogears. Ogawa walks in, talking about how this headline was his doing.
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“i wasn’t joking when i said we were literally the NSA”
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Hibiki is happy that Tsubasa has been freed from Metaphor Limbo, having escaped the Water Metaphor Dimension back into real life.
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“she literally wont stop talking about taco bell and honestly its killing me inside”
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“shit ill get her some”
Ogawa does some schpiel about teamwork and asks Hibiki for an idea on what to do with Tsubasas image even though he’s supposed to be the manager and it’s just general prattle.
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Everyone gets briefed about the delivery. Ryoko’s soccer mom van sticks out like a sore thumb. Nobody on the Lydian campus asks why there are 5 cars outside the building with men in suits and fucking Hibiki standing there with them why are these children so fucking incurious.
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“this feels like the world’s most important weed delivery, but im going to deliver the SHIT out of that weed”
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“hibiki please its not weed”
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Big thick black cars surround Ryoko’s tiny vehicle as they all drive in unison to the drop point.
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No fucking around here. The weed must be delivered.
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The weed? Secured as shit.
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“its not fucking weed it’s a goddamned french sword okay god”
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“oh my god we seriously arent fucking around here those guys are fucking dead”
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“bruh you never delivered weed before? that shit happens all the time”
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“anyway grab on to something ‘cause we’re gonna initial d this shit”
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“i thought we were delivering WEED not SUSHI”
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Every car is destroyed.
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Ryoko flips the car like nobody’s business.
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“ryoko! the kansai drift was too strong!”
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“your delivery’s late, pal. that’s gonna have to come out of your tip.”
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“jokes on you! you already paid the tip beforehand online!”
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“oh, we’re going with pizza jokes now? is that what we’re doing? yeah, sure, whatever”
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Unfortunately, Chris ordered her pizza with meat, extra crispy.
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“FUCK, i cant see anything. now i don’t know if they have the weed- i mean, the sushi- er, the pizza- god i hate all these JOKES”
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“yo hol’ up a moment did this pervert manage to summon a shield”
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“are- are you able to fight the noise? are you fucking kidding me? this entire time when literal children were fighting these battles, you literally could have fought back effectively? are we but mere playthings to you? is this really the bullshit im seeing?”
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“uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can only make shields. piss shields, out of piss”
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“that is absolute fucking bullshit”
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“but i believe it.”
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Hibiki has primed her fists and is about to show how much she’s improved combat wise, which is actually a lot.
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Nevermind, she tripped again. Turns out, Symphogears fight in heels constantly, which is absolutely fucking horrifying. Hibiki realizes this, and then
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“oh shit how the fuck did she improve this quickly”
The suitcase where the sword is stored opens up. That means it’s activating.
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Immediate fear.
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“alright bruce lee you mightve mastered a thousand kicks but you better change your gameplan because im about to realign that pretty little face of yours”
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“thank god you kicked me. needed you to get closer so i could kick your ass, after all”
The fucking suitcase, I shit you not, pops open immediately with the sword flipping to the sky like a bad Gmod toy as it suddenly stays floating, perfectly still.
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“ive officially lost track on what the hell is happening”
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The sword just floats there, as a sword does.
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“you know how many fried turkeys i can cut open with that bad boy? that shits mine now.”
Chris goes to get it.
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“fuck you! im going to slice HONEYBAKED HAMS with that sword!”
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Hibiki intercepts it and takes the sword.
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Now Hibiki becomes a proud Stand owner, having acquired the power of The World and stopping time at will.
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“oooooh holy shit”
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Hibiki, now channeling the power of Durandal, feels the raw strength of a completed relic all through her body.
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Real spicy stuff running through her veins.
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The power unleashing itself into a raw stream of piss skyrocketing into the stratosphere.
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“the pizza has been delivered... all according to plan...”
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“...she was right. honeybaked ham was the superior meat to slice...”
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Hibiki is channeling a power source so ancient, so powerful, that through using her as a conduit, the sword actually finishes itself into its full, completed form.
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Holy shit, Hibiki.
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Goddamn. That’s a really sexy sword, actually! Pretty nice...
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You’re not looking so hot, pal...
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“why is it that every opponent of mine can literally asspull all this garbage and im stuck here looking like a bad kamen rider villian getting my ass kicked every time. its not fair.”
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Ryoko looks extremely hyped for this event. Maybe a little too much so.
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“O-OH FUCK- uh, i didnt say that. totally swear. you uh, keep doing that. yeah. aha.”
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“oh god. oh god. im sorry. im sorry. im so sorry. oh fuck im so sorry. honeybaked ham is better. fuck turkeys. fuck drumlegs. fuck any sort of fried meat. honeybaked ham is better please im begging you dont vore me or slice me in half IM BEGGING YOU OH GOD”
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“ham..... mmmmm... honeybaked ham....”
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“WHO YELLED ABOUT HAM? god, im hungry now.”
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Hibiki wakes up from it all after passing out, expressing a power of magnitudes unheard of, as if it were all a bad dream.
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To her disappointment, amongst this wanton destruction, no ham was found. Ryoko clues her in that Hibiki just single handedly completed a relic, and though the entire place is a mess, the mission wasn’t a complete failure. They’ll just have to return the relic back to base, now the entire location is, conveniently, destroyed.
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“yeah yeah. the weed made it. the sushi made it. the pizza made it. what didnt we deliver today?”
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“singing really does make you hungry, huh?”
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fmdxjerome · 6 years
hello people from old and new! naomi is back in action with her son jerome. i’ve been stuck in my sisters house for the last weeks of my absence because she went on vacation and i had to take care of a sick rabbit who peed everywhere. i might have a disease now at the amount he bit me but what can you do. im joking. you might ask “but naomi doesnt your sister have wifi” yes she do but i’m an anxious wreck so spending my days on a first floor apartment  with my sister on the other side of the world w an infected foot had me fucke d upppp boiii but now i’m back in my own home and my sister + her boyfriend are safely home!! foot all fine!! and everyone is calm again!! so!! i can return with a good heart. i’ll be sliding in the dms of the people who bear emoticon’ed me 600 years ago and bc i suck w introducing myself to new people i’ll just hi!!!!! i think when i wake up i’m gonna do a “bio reading” marathon as i write bc i need to appreciate. also shit i need more threads wow i suck might see me replying to some open starters and def need to get back to plotting bc there are some people i’ve been dying to thread with ;^;
its like 6am now so i might b heading 2 bed now but under the cut there will be a reintroduction to jerome (one i promised in januari i believe) as im rewriting his bio (no major things change really its just minor things nd its time for an upgrade) so yes! hello (ims will come tomorrow as well ;3;)
also fact. mullet daddy jaebum is jerome rn dont drag him dont @ him its gone before you know it. probs after idolized its a look tho wow i love- a chic farmer (... the short bangs are tragic tho jerome honey i kno u liked them on wren but ur not wren. jerome: but i- me: no. this this not this jerome: :( ok fine me: fuego 
anyway before i pass out here is reintroduction. the triggers are; adoption, racism themes??? like yeah ok!! apologize if this is shit. hope everyone is having a good day though you all are great!
Jerome Gauthier aka Yuddy
-Anti idol
-Has an okay reputation but that’s because he’s smart about things.
-BC eyeing him tho *eyes fake friends with good reputation for him to hang out with* (hmu for fake friend plots. funny the person w the best rep of all actually likes jerome. bless jisoos christ. guess that praying on knees worked out in the end huh jerome. /dont/ sainthood is waiting)
-Talented™. (ask him to write songs for you) (Actually have a few songs in my library i want him to write but not sing so *eyes*)
-Passionate as fuck don’t mess with him in the studio (passionate all over tbh)
-Adopted and in search of his bloodlines
-Hoe but not really
-Actually, scrap that. Nicknames him JerHOEme
-Is actually lovely
-But acts like a shit
-Slips up and is soft to people sometimes before being a complete and utter asshole the next second
-bc soft jerome whOMST i only know deMON
-Suave Fuckboy who’s nonchalant about everything
-Will call you baby at some point in your life
-Signature smirk
-Egotistic???? Narcissistic??? a lil bit don’t stroke his ego
-Secretive™. not much info on his time in france
-Secretly a dad without children (except for his actual biological son insoo aka chorizo sausage who he goes to play ball with- i mean work on songs in the studio. seriously catch him picking up his son from soccer practice i mean shit no i mean- ok insoo is really his son dont fight me on this.)
-And also has a daughter an Oriental shorthair cat called Edith who he is so soft with he kicks out girls to cuddle with her. (one meow and he’s home)
- we support WISH hating jerome in this household. please people who have girls in WISH dont let them like him (or be a rebel and go against the mothers wishes but you’ve been warned)
-Dont let him get in your pants too like ask wren you dont want that (or i mean with the list of kinks i peeped maybe idk who am i to say what your muse wants or does not want idk im just protecting people from satan)
-Unlikely he’ll get in any pants now anyway tho bc he a proud shopper at papa juliens pizza and y’all some other brand type ish domino lookin asses NAH *throws hands up* rome’s in the house (no but guys. this is his soulmate THIS IS HIM. dISgUStiNG- )
-In 2016 interview took him out of context and it looks like he hates all idol rappers but is not true. He just doesn’t like companies making rap out to be like this thing you can do if you’re pretty and you can’t sing and he doesn’t like it when said pretty idols know nothing of it. he gets the grind but will side eye (benjy nd jerome already have a rivalry bc of this shit thank u interviewer)
-Dating scandals?? EHH. He almost had one with a Japanese model called Momo in the beginning of his career but BC did well of spinning them as friends and he legit had one with his ex last october which?????????? shit she touched his *spoiler* and it was *spoiler* . BC about to ban him from fashion shows damn. yoonah and him have to go to paris fashion week quick
-BC has yet to force him into a relationship tho. but damn he gonna be angry when that ever happens yoo. 
-Studied to become a cinematographer. Now is annoying as fuck during recording MV’s bc he butts into everything (BUT thats why his his mvs so AESTHETIC. eye for beauty bois)
-Holler at ya boi if you want a nice mv he’s involved like that
-Also to the girls who have been in an MV with Jerome.. know he probably flirted with you between takes bc during he’s grade a professionalism but he still a ho
-Actual catlady no questions asked (he feeds stray cats and gets cut up by edith when she smells other cats on him rip)
-Actual wife material no questions asked (to quote the great Halit Yilmaz during that time Jerome stood in the kitchen for hours making baklava and other Turkish treats for Halit’s Eid al-Fitr: “Shit, Jerome if you were a girl i’d marry you in a heartbeat.” and its true. we would ALL marry jerome. who says no is lying. )
-Ok the ego thing btw its weird its an act but hes weird about it dont ask
idk what else to write ok short rundown of his bio as again i’m writing a new one and i cringe every time i look at my old one. im probs forgetting a lot but EYO ITS 6AM WHO CARES
CHILDHOOD age 0 to 10
-Born to a single mom who got fucked over by a smash nd dash dad. (we side eye Ok Chanwook in this household.)
-Moms family discouraged her from taking care of him herself so putting up for adoption it is.
-Very emotional not ok mom boram cry a lot pls. (got v angry too like boi if she ever sees chanwook again he can change his name to no dick larry)
-Adopted by a French couple called Lucas and Daphné (previously named Annelies). pretty kool peeps
-JK racist assholes who fetishize jerome a lot. PLEASE. the yellow fever runs deep. take him away from them,
-Raised in a small town in France and knew 0 Asians growing up. so thats nice
-Loves his adoptive grandpa to death tho (who’s he named after u3u)
-Actually hates the rest lol
-Ok uncle Rémy pretty cool bc he laughs at teen!Jerome shit talking his parents and aunt Camille. She a sweety ;3; a bit odd but a sweety #stanauntCamille
-Basically the people on the Gauthier side and born from Jerome and Clemintine are ok, the rest is shit (except for his dad Lucas. He a Gauthier but he shit)
-Junior/Senior relationship w granpda ;3; “Pépé!!” “Junior!!” *tiny jerome swings around grandpa’s neck* LOVE
-Grandma passed when he was 9. (he loved her very much and would always show her his drawings on her bed ;-;)
-Hard time adjusting at first when he was a tiny toddler. had a lisp talking french. ;3; baby rome
-young jerome had a bad case of the abandonment issues he literally held onto his dads leg for like 30 minutes before the teacher finally peeled him away from him. my smol boi
-Elephants. remember this. is important. /sob
-TLDR; biological mom didnt want to loose him. adoptive parents and dad are fucks. grandpa is kool. jerome had a good childhood until he didnt. thank u ignorance
TEEN YEARS age 10 to 20
-middle school very nice
-kids are mean. teens are mean. young!jerome v lonely
-honestly he had no friends. except for like maybe this one kid on his sport called mattheo but he kinda a weeb so uhhhh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-the time comes that he feels uncomfortable with everything korean. he already learned korean along side french and english when he was growing up but now distances himself from further learning. he clings to french culture a lot and even to this day he refers to himself as french and european, and rarely refers to himself as korean or asian.
-feels disconnected from both though. its like.. his parents took his korean culture away from him by using it for their own amusement. it was not his to have basically. and french- a lot of people around him give the vibe he’s not “allowed” to call himself fully french. they see him as korean, korean-french but never just french. he feels very misunderstood. lack of identity and just not fitting in
-around this time (or earlier i’m musing still) his cousin Antonin (moms side) kind of fell out on him. like. wow. not good. fucked jerome up a lil. (issues intensify)
-inferiority complex inbound/ is he ok? no he isnt. he starts writing to get his emotions out.
-Blessed Freddy rolled in teen jerome’s life like: guess we need to do history homework together jerome: aren’t you gonna make a ‘do my homework bc you’re asian’ joke freddy: why would i jerome:
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-they bond over music, freddy is the one who gets him serious about getting into it (we thank our lord freddy for this gift of life we call singer/songwriter jerome. pray to freddy 10 times a day *srry jisoos christ but ur out*)
-literally young jerome would be a great soundcloud artist in this day and age. he was like joji meets rei brown with more of an rnb tinge. he liked ambient because it calmed him.
-in his old bio thats still up bc im a slow writer his old name was some dumb shit like l.only DUMB its romeles now (get it.. jeROME LESlie gauthier. im smart)
-had a big ass fall out with his parents when he was around 15? was like “UHHH FUCK Y’ALL” and moved in with his grandpa (he was very disrespectful like damn boy but you know what. i support)
-best decision of his life because grandpa v lonely after his wife died and Jerome^2 is… so soft.
-Jerome dancing/singing to old tunes and being engrossed with old movies
-Learning how to cook ;3;
-I mean bc his middle and highschool were in Laval he spend a lot of his time w his grandpa already so he already had a bed and ;-; #jerome^2
-Halit rolls into his life. Braces, huge smile, lil prepubescent stash ohmygod. My child.
-BLANC is born. Freddy/Jerome/Halit’s musical trio. Stan the Three Musketeers
-Found his first best friend and a purpose in Freddy. Found a home in Halit. (sob)
-Finds solace in rnb and hiphop. People start noticing him because of it. Writes songs and performs them in café’s. Found his niche. 15 to 19 where his “best”  years
-THE BIG MOVE. After a concerned halit mom, a proud freddy mom and a “WHAT THE FUCK JEROME NO DONT GO” jerome mom they pack their bags and PARIS HERE WE COME
-Enter ex who haunts his life, Seo Yumi aka Marie (now model, v pretty, makes me cry)
-Spots her in the summer doing yoga in the park and boi he an assman so he got fucked up (jk he saw her face and was like wHAT love at first sight
-enrolls in film school, meets her there again and wow falls in love hard like wow calm down boy
-Dating~~~v possessive not good at ALL cALM DOWN JEROME
-ok he got his issues nd marie was the first one who openly listened to his problems and understood and made him appreciate his korean heritige bc she’s korean and showed him cultural aspects without the gross fetishizing that came with his parents and he just- he got intense ok. he already got a v intense personality so- still not good tho he needs to dial it down
-she thought so too and like after a year she was !!!! what the fuck. she is not one for serious relationships but jerome was like ehhh why not in the beginning its v nice to hear nd be seen as the most beautiful ok but then it got suffocating but instead of breaking up with him she kept him around. he a safe haven ya know. reliable. someone to built on later. *i wanna say she also didnt break up w him because his emo stories but marie,,, eh...* (funny tho like she got a thing for bad boys so she just “this is the fifth time you called me beautiful just degrade me lil like choke me idk” and jerome just “w-why would i do that you’re beautiful i dont want to hurt you” ah *looks into the future* ohhowthetableshaveturned.mp4 )
-Marie cheated on him the second she got the chance which was when jerome went to america w his bros
-Got offered a job as a songwriter when in ny. Wouldnt think he’d take it but after getting kicked out of school for beating the shit out of the guy marie cheated on him with and with marie out of the picture nothing held him back from starting a new life.
-TLDR; emo era. silver era. emo era 2 emo harder
ADULTHOOD age 20 to now
-Seoul make way for the rise of YUDDY™
-the name yuddy is from the film days of being wild. the character is kinda yuddy-ish too so he saw the film again and yep. thats my name
-Visits his orphanage. they like “nah boi u aint got no papers boi”
-Parents can give him access to his birthmother btw, aren’t doing it lol
-Drinks. Sleeps around. Gets a reputation. You kno how it is. (gr8 ride tho. highly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars on yelp)
-SMASH ND DASH. Chanwook is that u??????
-One girl who he got with multiple times reminded him of Marie tho and that fucked him up for a bit (PSST ITS A PLOT WINK SO IF YA GIRL OF AGE IN THE 2013′S HMU BC ITS DRAMATIC HE GHOSTED THE SHIT OUT OF HER)
-Writes a lot of songs, a few for BC (knight baes). BC like *eye emoji* who dat boi who him iz
-Gets sign w BCreate and is like eyy life pretty good
-but lmao he debut and oh who’s that pretty girl promoting that lipstick?? oh.. its marie ;3;
-Joins main label and literally joins w a blessing stream limbo on spotify
-wgm era was a great era of jerome lmty his hair was great, shared cute personal things, manager was happy, slept with his best friend, was married to a sweet beautiful girl ya know the good stuff  👍 no im not crying you are
-triple fantasy era was awful we dont talk about that he looked like his brother and i’m still emotional about him wow. 
-instagram is a great song
-Interviewer: u mention an ex in ur song tell me more Jerome: *SWEATS*  
-Marie: my short hair DOES look pretty thank u babe ur red hair was cute too <3<3
-The fact she linked to him now is spook
-But ok he still flirty, still daring, still yuddy™ but definitely less of the whole “sleeping around” thing now bc he… he uhh closetoyou.mp3
TLDR; he turned into his dad but romeo is rising AND HE IS SCARED!!!!!
also never forget jerome is the messiest king in this ok non y’all are as messy as him. he fucked his ex’s friend oK THERE IS NOTHING MORE MESSY. dONT COME FOR HIS CROWN
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fernlomwrites · 7 years
Creationaria: Chapter 10, Confronting a Villain and Death
Fern took a deep breathe as he walked down the street. He wore a black and gray flannel hoodie, hood up. He smiled and waved at his fellow Creators.
He waved at two handsome men walking down the road across the way, holding hands.
“Hey Nora! Hey Lorenzy!” Fern smiled.
The two men smiled and waved back as they walked.
Fern smiled and continued his casual stroll.
“You are bold” Razor was suddenly walking next to Fern. Fern chuckled.
“Hello Razor, good to see you Razor, would you like to walk with me?” Fern sarcastically remarked.
Razor chuckled and walked. Fern smirked as they walked.
Many very different people passed them by, a tall goat boy in a blue hoodie, a piece of french toast on a bike, a different, taller goat boy in a red hoodie, a small fairy like creature, a blonde man dressed in a white labcoat and blue shirt, walking by him was another man, dressed in a fancy black suit and red bow tie, tall but not muscular with flowing dark hair.
The small fey flew over and began flying aside Fern.
She kept her hair in a ginger brown bob, the color clashing, and emphasizing her green eyes, despite the thick lenses on her glasses hiding them. She was dressed in a flowing dress of purple’s and blues’s dancing around each other.
‘Hey Pen” Fern smiled down at her, gently taking her in his hands and placing her on his shoulder.
“Hi Fern! Hey Razor!” Pen chirped back. Razor nodded to her.
Pen fluttered up and sat on Fern’s head, relaxing and enjoying the ride. Fern looked up to see another person joining him. The tall goat boy in the blueish, purple hoodie. He smiled and Fern smiled back.
“Hey Giga” Fern smiled. The goat smiled back, “helo Fern”
Fern smiled, as the four of them walked down the road, enjoying the fresh air.
“Fern, why do you have your hood up? It’s not cold” Pen asked.
“Cause i look dark and egdy when i wear it, I call this hoodie my murder sweater. “
“Geez Fern, only you” Razor chuckled.
Fern smirked “Come on, you guys know me” Fern looked up to see an unexpected face. CQ stood in his path, pink hair, tooth gap, purple shirt and all. Fern pauses, stopping dead in his tracks.
“So, you’re Fernlom right?” CQ asked, twirling a purple crayon in her fingers.
“Y-yah?” Fern replied, stammering.
“Cool, hey what are you planning here?” CQ asked bluntly.
“H-hey now.” Fern stepped back. “I don’t know what your talking about.” Fern could see three skeletons approaching CQ from behind, one dressed in a rainbow neon windbreaker, and backwards cap, another with black bones and red tear stains under his blue and red eyes, and a third in a white hoodie with a red slash mark across his chest and a strange white pixel cloud covering half of his face.
“Listen. I already sent Matron to apprehend your creation Parsure. Though i don’t know where your other one Ausham is , I know you have something planned.” CQ stepped forward “I will not just stand by and let you cause chaos come to this place we all call home Fern. “
Fern smirked, “You really think I’m this big bad villain don’t you? Oh lady, I’m sorry if thats how you see me. Granted i give off that impression don’t I? Oh well. “ He steps forward, standing face to face with CQ “but let me give you this, I have no doubt Matron will be able to take down Parsure, even alone. Ausham won’t be easy, but first you need to find out what he’s planning. And ME? Oh hoh hoh, CQ you haven’t seen nothing yet from me”
“I suggest you step back” Geno said, his eye glowing blue and yellow.
“Yah dawg, we don’t like your wack tone right now” Fresh was suddenly inches away from Fern’s face. “Don’t do something you’ll regret broski.”
Fern grins “Sure Fresh.” He steps back. “Now if you will please step aside, I’d like to continue my walk. Alone now, cause you all scared away my friends.”
CQ scowled but stepped aside, Error, Geno, and Fresh follw suit.
“We’ll be watching you” Error commented.
“I know you will, watch closely, the fun is just about to begin.”
Gkatte walked through the fog filled graveyard, looking around at all the thick trees surrounding her.
“What are you doing here Kat?” Digger asked, stepping through the shadows.
“Honestly I could ask you the same question. The rule is five characters max. How are you here?” Kat asked the Grave Digger as he leaned on his shovel, drinking from his whiskey.
“I’ve told you all before a million times. I’m not one of Fern’s characters. I made myself. Every world needs Death. I’m filling a role” Dig grinned and tosses his empty bottle aside.
“uh huh.” Kat replied.
“What do you want Kat?” Dig asked.
“Well, Fern has some big plan in action, and he wants my help. But I need to know if its safe.”
“Pretty much you want to know if someone will die”
“Yah pretty much”
Dig laughed “I’m not giving you, or those readers out there spoilers. “
“Don’t worry about it. Just go back to the city and help Fern’s plan, you’ll be fine. There, that’s all I will say”
Kat frowned, expecting more information.
“Oh! Before you go” Dig tosses her a small box “Its a watch, give it to Tress”
Kat rolls her eyes “Sure death. I will”
“Now get out of my graveyard”
She chuckles and walks out, leaving Digger to drink his other bottle of whiskey.
Included Blogs:
So am I a villain? Probably. 
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erumodoki · 7 years
Mikhelangel ; ...
lowlightprimed: the ask meme | accepting
Mikhelangelo - Favorite music/movies?
oh god uh  h hh ….  owl city ….. , all time low ……. , babymetal …..,,, fall out boy …. . secondhand serenade ……. paramore ……… fun, ,, , ,,,,, linkin park ,,,,,,,,,, never say never ………… seether …………..
big hero six …… dead pool ,,,,,,,,,, the avengers…….. hiroshima mon amour….. cophenhagen …….. i am my own wife …….. Original planet of the apes series ,, ,, ,uhhhh……. the pursuit of happyness ………… any will smith move actually…… the book of eli …….. 
who am i
“…” - How many languages can you speak? Which languages do you wish you spoke?
i’m only fluent in english but i’ve taught myself a bit of chinese over the passed seven-ish months. i can hold a basic conversation in the language~. i also know a bit of spoken japanese bc i’m a weeb lmao & a small bit of french & spanish from school. i wish to learn more chinese just bc it’s a fascinating language imo
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