#Film Stars Help Greece
sirfrogsworth · 5 months
Photo Restoration Project - Part 1
A long time ago, Katrina sent me some old photos of her family I could restore. Her parents have been helping me from afar for years and I really wanted to do something nice for them. Unfortunately my dad got much worse and I pretty much forgot about this project for quite some time.
But then I decided to visit Katrina in Orlando and we discussed having dinner with her parents and I remembered these photos. So I thought I would fix them up so I could present them as a gift in person.
The first and most important photo was from her parents wedding.
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Old photo prints can fade over time due to UV light exposure. From what I understand, different colors fade at different rates and red/orange tones tend to be the least susceptible to this fading. Thankfully all of the color information is still there, it's just that the darks are not as dark and the lights are not as light. The dynamic range got squeezed like an accordion. However, if you do a levels adjustment on the red, blue, and green channels individually, you can unsqueeze the accordion and balance everything back to the way it was.
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But you can't always save everything and there may be other damage that needs fixing. If something becomes pure white, there is no way to restore that detail. Thankfully I was able to use the new generative fill feature to bring back detail in the dress, the flowers, and the tuxedo shirt.
And because I hate front facing flash and how it makes colors look ugly and sterile, I may have also added a marble floor and pillars.
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Next up was a photo of Anastasia, Katrina's mom, protesting Henry Kissinger on behalf of her home country of Greece. This suffered from the same color fading issues.
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What made this one a little more tricky was an uneven fading. The left side had to be adjusted independently and the top was even more faded. I had to isolate the trees to bring back their color. And the protest signs were difficult to read, so I enhanced those as well.
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Next we have this lovely photo of Anastasia tending to some house plants.
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This photo was actually in decent shape. It lost a little contrast, had a little bit of fading, and her top retained almost no detail I could recover. Recovering accurate skin tones is probably one of the most important skills I learned when restoring these photos. I wanted to keep that filmic look of the era while avoiding making people look jaundiced or pale. Lightroom's new masking feature that let's you isolate every aspect of the people it detects in a photo. This made fixing skin tones much easier. I could isolate just her face or her lips or her hair or her eyes and make precise individual adjustments. This process could have taken a great deal longer without this feature. But, I brought back proper contrast and color, added a little bit of detail to her top with gen fill, and hopefully got fairly accurate skin tones as well.
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Next up, forward facing flash strikes again in a photo of Mike and Anastasia during Christmas.
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Film did not do well in low light. If it was indoors and nighttime, you pretty much had no choice but to use flash. But a flash is a very small, bright light source and this causes a very unflattering result on humans. Today we have much more powerful flashes with rotating heads. We can bounce the light into the ceiling or off a wall and increase the size of the light source to get a more flattering result.
In this photo I wasn't able to do much, so I just balanced the skin tones and brought out some hidden detail and called it a day. It's still a lovely memory and thankfully film has such character that it negates a lot of the unflattering aspects of direct flash.
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Next up is some cuteness...
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A big priority when editing photos is to make sure the subjects are the star of the photo. And in this one their faces were a bit obscured in shadow. There was also a lot of haze in the background hiding the beautiful vista. Not to mention when I cleared that haze, there was this super faint hint of something in the sky. I can't tell if it was a rainbow, but I decided to believe it was a rainbow. The only thing that I am still struggling with, and this seems to be common with a lot of old photos, is green. Getting a good, saturated, natural green to look right has been very difficult. Everything I try ends up looking toxic or fake. The only thing that ends up looking right with the rest of the photo is more of a yellow-y brown. It's something I'll have to work on as I learn, but as long as the overall photo looks balanced and natural, I'm okay with not perfectly nailing the greens.
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Up next we have a lovely scene on a Greek dock...
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As far as editing goes, this was pretty basic. I just undid the fading, adjusted the skin tones, replaced the blown-out sky, and made the colors pop. But I think this is actually one of my favorite before and after shots. I just love how such a simple fix brought this scene to life.
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A new car is a big deal and Anastasia looks so proud here...
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This image has another common issue in addition to the typical fading of colors. It has a yellowish orange color cast. This could have been an issue with the film used or the development process or a chemical reaction on the print. A color cast is a lot like looking through colored glasses. It's like a translucent color material was put on top of the image. This can be a little trickier to deal with, but if you know your color theory, you might already know the solution. Blue is the opposite of yellow/orange on the color wheel, so if you introduce blue to the image it should balance out. Also, add a sky if it was missing.
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Next up we have a landscaping project...
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This one wasn't too tricky, but there was one interesting issue I had to address. All light has a color temperature. Daylight has a temperature of around 5500K. But the inside of the garage was being lit by reflected light and so that light took on the color temperature of the things it was bouncing off of. So I had to mask out the people and the car and address the color temperature inside the garage to make everything look balanced. Also, the green fought me hard on this one. And with the theme of this picture being plants, I felt I really needed to find a tone that worked. I think I finally got there, but I spent way too much time in the color picker doing trial and error of green tones. Also, new sky.
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With this next one I actually did a pretty thorough explanation of how I edited it. But this was probably my favorite puzzle to solve from this collection of photos.
I'll do the abridged explanation...
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The physical photograph was printed on a paper with a very heavy texture. And when it was scanned, the light from the scanner bounced off that texture and created a pattern of unwanted highlights.
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I was worried this was impossible to fix and I almost gave up on this photo. But after one final Google search I discovered something called "Fast Fourier Transform." It's a mathematical formula that can be used to detect patterns. And the image editing software Affinity Photo, just so happens to have a filter called FFT denoise that helps you remove unwanted patterns from scanned photos.
And thanks to that filter, I was able to remove a substantial amount of that pattern...
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Then I did my standard clean up techniques...
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Oh, and I decided to try learning how to colorize.
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Photoshop has a new set of experimental filters and a colorization tool is one of them. It is not great yet, but it is a great starting place. Instead of having to hand paint every single thing in the photo, Photoshop gave me a base to work with and I could take it from there with traditional techniques.
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That's all I have the energy for today, but there are a bunch of cool restorations to talk about. Hopefully you all find this interesting. It was such a great gift to give to Katrina's parents. And spending that time with them and making them happy felt like I was with my own parents again. So we all got a gift in that wonderful evening.
Part 2 coming as soon as I have the energy!
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hopeyarts · 24 days
✨What the Message in Disney’s Wish Should’ve Been✨
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If Disney wanted Wish to have their classic magical movie then the message shouldn’t have been ‘to keep wishing’. Like what does that mean? It should’ve been to ‘have faith and do what is good, and your dreams will come true’.
If you keep the right faith and love in your heart, you will get what is best for yourself and others. Pursue in the effort to put these values in the right power who loves and cherishes you back. Do what is right and more than what you’ve wished for will come true. The real magic of making your heart’s purest desire come true is your faith and kindness. It’s not solely in yourself to make them come true.
I know this sounds Christian to some people, and it is. I’m a Christian. I’m not saying Disney as a company should’ve made everything Christian or religious, but they should’ve taught the lessons they’ve always taught in their better animated movies for Wish. They could have also made a great story with their characters to give a clear example of moving away from an amateur/fraud/false prophet in power (for example, villain King Magnifico) and into the true deity (the Blue Fairy). The citizens who moved to Rosas had lost hope because they see that their desires are unfulfilled, so they turn to a false prophet (evil King Magnifico) to make them come true, when really that false prophet is using their trust for his own gain and power. He is just posing as a higher power, and opposing the traits and values of an actual loving higher power. The true higher power (the Blue Fairy) does the opposite and righteous thing. She blesses those who have faith and are selfless, and guides people who commit their hearts to goodness.
And no, Star is not that higher power in the movie. It is only Asha’s motivation/inspiration to keep going because it’s a light in the dark times she’s facing and is the only thing that *believes in her*, telling us that she’s the true power to making her dreams a reality. It’s a good thing to have people believe that you can achieve something, yes, but Star is only really telling her that the power to make your dreams come true is in yourself only. YOU have the power to make anything come true, which contradicts the lesson in every other Walt Disney Animated film.
The point is to be selfless and to have faith in the true loving higher power.
Snow White showed kindness to anyone and anything, even those who hated her (Grumpy). No matter what trouble she fell into, she showed empathy and love to everyone and everything. She offered her kindness to others, even if it meant falling under a spell.
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Princess and the Frog! The perfect example of finally allowing yourself to have faith in others instead of relying solely on yourself to make your dreams come true. She allowed love into her life, which helped her not only get her restaurant but form stronger bonds and relationships with other people. When she was offered the chance to get what she wanted, she gave up her dream life because she knew that love was what she needed, not a restaurant.
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The Little Mermaid. Ariel finds the goodness in humans and gives them a chance, despite her father’s hatred towards them and despite them killing her mother. She believed that there was love in humankind and that belief helped to peacefully connect the two worlds together and helped her father overcome his hatred and grief. She traded away her life as a mermaid in exchange for a life as a human, even if it meant she’d have limited time if she failed to kiss the prince. Don’t forget that she risked her life to save Eric when his ship burned down.
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Hercules, who was born a Greek god, looked up to some higher power in hopes of finding where he belongs. During the movie, he was given strength and a pegasus and things he would want. But it wasn’t what he needed. At the end of the movie, he decided to give up his immortality and powers to stay with Meg in Greece. He gave up everything he wanted for what he truly needed, and he knew it was enough.
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Pinnochio really dives into having faith and being selfless. He learned that in order to be a real boy, you must learn from your mistakes. You must do what is right, be honest, and be selfless. He earned the reward of being a real boy when he saves his father. He gave up his life to save him, and in return for his bravery and love he is transformed into a real boy.
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Cinderella. She shows kindness to both the animals (even Lucifer) and her stepfamily, no matter how cruel they are to her. She persevered through their abuse and stayed faithful in her dreams. Once she is broken down to the point she nearly gives that faith up, her fairy godmother appears and helps her. Cinderella keeps her faith and love in her heart. At the end, she forgives her family, showing more of her kindness. The entirety of the movie, she gave up her patience and stayed calm and compassionate to others even if they gave her a more than difficult time.
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There are plenty more, but those are some examples. They all have the values of doing what is good *and* putting your faith in the direction. That equals selflessness. So the point of my post is that the message should’ve aligned with what past Walt Disney movies had. While Asha does a good thing in the movie (sort of), her faith isn’t aligned well. The message is beaten down to something so absurd and vague that it’s…💀 ‘Just keep wishing’ is not a good message, especially not for Disney’s 100th animated film.
I recommend reading @/artist-issues posts on Wish and having faith because that person knows more about it and is more articulate on the topic.
Anyways, I’ve written a character arc for Asha in a previous post so I’ll just be adding some more to it here. Instead of my own take, I’m just going to go by the movie’s storyline to be simple.
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The idea I have for Asha, according to this whole thing, is that at the beginning of the movie Asha is like every other citizen until she somehow finds out that King Magnifico is using their wishes (which in all honesty, these wishes shouldn’t have been wishes but should have actually been their passion/sparks/willing ambition but I’ll say wishes right now for the sake of being simple once again) for his own power and gain. He consumes these wishes to stay in power, and whenever he does consume a wish the original owner of that wish is put into a state of endless grief and depression and would shortly result in death from a broken heart (kinda inspired by Chef Gustaeu from Ratatouille). People wouldn’t know this was happening and thought they died naturally. This ties into how Asha’s father should’ve died. Additionally, she lost her faith in the stars when her father died because they didn’t help fulfill her wish. This could signal the question on how wishing upon a star or having faith in a higher power works.
So anyways, the citizens are gaslighted by King Magnifico that everything is fine because they are ‘safe, fed, and protected’ and that they are ‘ungrateful if they question him because they are safe, fed, and protected’ when really they aren’t safe because he’s killing them, unbeknownst to the citizens. They eventually gaslight themselves about this too because they’re like ‘the king is the king and so he’s right. Right? Any doubts I have about him are wrong because he is keeping us safe’. He is basically luring people into his kingdom with the false hope that he’ll grant every wish and that he’ll keep them safe and happy. This whole consuming wishes thing could be leading up to him having enough power to capture Star in the first place or whatever, but I’m not gonna really get into that here.
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To put it short, King Magnifico is the venus flytrap and the citizens are the flies; his kingdom looks nice and welcoming but has bad-intentions. King Magnifico is the farmer and the citizens are the animals; he keeps them safe for the sake of getting their wishes and consuming them for power. He takes advantage of their trust. These could be people that seek refuge somewhere safe only to realize they’re being exploited for their king’s own gain. He is breaching their contract deal and terms (them giving up their wishes in order to stay in Rosas, Magnifico guaranteeing he’ll grant every wish and that he’ll keep them safe when really he’s consuming them to keep his power).
Asha, however, finds out about what he’s actually doing with the wishes and she sets off to free them all and return them to the people. It is not a wrong thing to do, unlike the movie’s version, because Magnifico has been giving them actual FALSE HOPE and betraying their trust. At this point, she doesn’t believe in King Magnifico anymore. Taking her father’s words, she thinks that wishing upon a star will guide her directly. But no, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t look up to someone and expect that someone to solve all of your problems for you. Asha, seeing that Star isn’t what SHE THOUGHT he’d be, would forget her father’s words and try to pursue her goal herself.
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So she doesn’t believe in Magnifico anymore. She doesn’t even believe in the Star or Blue Fairy anymore AGAIN either. She starts to believes that people have the power to make their own dreams come true *themselves*. Throughout the story, she is constantly being told by the Blue Fairy or Star that what she is doing is good, but her faith, love, and more is in the wrong place. Ignorantly, Asha still doesn’t believe that, showing a form of selfishness and arrogance, and continues to try to pursue her wish herself with or without help.
It is then at the end of the movie she learns a lesson after King Magnifico does something horrifyingly bad like consuming every wish for example. People are on a time limit when they’re wishes are consumed because they’ll die soon. This gives us a risk! And Asha learns that she can’t do this herself BY herself. She learns that instead of putting your faith in the wrong power (King Magnifico or solely yourself), you need to put that faith in the right direction. Let people help you and put your trust in others. You can put in the effort and work into achieving your dreams, but without staying selfless and having the right love and faith you won’t meet your end goal. And this helps the people to realize that they’ve been believing and putting their trust in the wrong power. The lesson learnt is to put your faith and love in the right direction. Accept the help of the people who will forever cherish and support you. Put in the effort and do what is right, and what is best will be rewarded to you. Be selfless.
ALL IN ALL—at the start, we know she had lost her faith in the stars after her father died when she was young. She put that faith in King Magnifico, but her trust was betrayed. She looked to the stars again in a desperate moment, and thought it’d solve all of her problems. But because that’s not how it works and she doesn’t know that, Asha gives up in all higher powers and tries to pursue her dreams herself. At the end she got it back and refocused it in the right direction. It makes her selfless and finally see the truth in who to believe in. She does what is right (giving the wishes back to the people) and accepts help. She learns that her effort was right, but the only ingredient she was missing was love and the right faith. Asha is then rewarded; she gets MORE from this (getting a magic wand to help others) and gets what’s BEST for her and the kingdom.
Have faith and do what is right, and your dreams will come true.
The general lesson in Walt Disney movies.
I suppose this is a journey people like myself experienced, especially with God, so you could say this is a reflection of that. I want to talk more about Him and how He has helped me, and I think this is a great way for me to do that. I’m still learning and traveling through this journey with Him, always. 👍🏽
To end this here, have a quote from the song A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes: “Have faith in your dreams and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how much your heart is grieving, if you keep believing, the dream that you wish for will come true.”
Another one from When You Wish Upon A Star: “Fate is kind. She brings those who love the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing. Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you through when you wish upon a star.”
There are many Walt Disney quotes both from the movies and himself that I could put here. ❤️
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gotzzy · 1 year
One month vacation on the Mediterranean (mainly Croatia and Greece)
Nikki and Claire will meet somewhere and we will have photo proof
one of the brothers will admit that Noon is very good dog and that he and tessa get along very well
Z magazine cover
TZ will appear at the Beyonce concert
hot TZ pictures from LA
TZ will watch a tennis match together and we will have a lot of pictures
Tom will attend both Challengers and Dune premiere
June 1st Z will post a cute picture for Tom's birthday
September 1st Tom will post a cute picture for Z's birthday
someone will spill juicy tea about TZ
T will announce a new project which is a romcom
Z will star in a horror film
On the press tour, Z will say how much she wants to become a mother
Amanda will spill some tea from tcr set when Z was with them
Tom will post a picture of Z with a cute caption
Tom will appear on one of Claire's ig lives to help her sell stones because her business is failing and Tom is a good salesman so he can save her.
we will finally see the design of Tom's signet ring
8k kissing pics on the beach
Z in London again
Rachel finally cut Tom's hair
Tom and Z announced together Spider-man 4
euphoria and sam levinson cancelled
Tom will spill the tea from 1.0 during the tcr press
we will get TZ in jerseys 2.0 ("Holland" on both jerseys)
we will see other parts of Tom's house
Tom and Z will go on romantic getaway somewhere in LA to celebrate T's birthday
Z will post a story - watching TCR and she will praise him
Tom will again talk about his imaginary daughter
Z will talk about her London life
some random fan will post a throwback picture of them when they were in the caribbean
‼️‼️‼️I made this for entertainment purposes please don't judge me, thank you.‼️‼️‼️
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
So apparently there is a thing called a Heavenly Llama.
It's a creature in Aymara Mythology.
Tennesseans have a similar thing, but they borrowed from Tibetan Buddhism for naming theirs, there's a great land where they all meet to praise and sing songs to their local mystical being who resides within that land, in her own little world.
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I saw the opening and I had to take it and I will not apologize for that.
Did not recognize the name Aymara, Pre-Inca folks that the Inca subjugated. Still around too, very cool.
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Both Quechua and Aymara women in Peru and Bolivia took up the style of wearing bowler hats in the 1920s. According to legend, a shipment of bowler hats was sent from Europe to Bolivia via Peru for use by Europeans working on railroad construction. When the hats were found to be too small, they were given to the indigenous peoples.
I'm gonna go ahead and not even consider questioning that.
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It might be good that the lads at Film Cow never learned about this one, sounds loads better than Ragnarok though.
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I've had this bookmarked forever meant to pull out some of the stuff from it for Llama Day 2023, but blanked on it that day, all kinds of neat stuff in there too.
The Heavenly Llama 
The history behind the heavenly llama is steeped in mystery because there are no written records to go by. However, it is believed that llamas were first thought of as heavenly animals when the Incas saw them silhouetted against the sky at night!
Llamas also had other connections with stars and constellations throughout their history like how people used to think that llama hair showed the dark spots of constellations.
People also believed that llamas were placed in the sky by Viracocha – creator god- to symbolize his creation! The Milky Way was thought to be a path made by these heavenly animals so they could cross into heaven, which is why there are many myths about how it came to be.
In one myth, a llama was tired of carrying its load and stopped to rest on the Milky Way. Viracocha saw this as an opportunity to test his creation by seeing if they could get past without having the animal move! When he found out that people were trying to make it easier for them, he became angry with them and sent down a llama to earth as punishment!
Another myth says that two children were playing by the Milky Way when their ball fell into it. They tried to get it back but couldn’t, so they asked Viracocha for help because he was known for being helpful in these kinds of situations. He told them that if they got a llama to cross the Milky Way then he would give them their ball back. They did, and once they got it back Viracocha turned all three of them into stars! ____________________
I'm continually amazed at how much crossover there is in stories like this between cultures that had zero chance to ever encounter each other.
Plenty of crossover between Rome and Greece, Rome got that sex thing confused and the men started having it with women but close enough, but seeing where these line up with other stories from that area and other places round the world too.
Flood stories pop up everywhere too.
This was a neat rabbit hole you tossed a laughing cow cheese thingy down for me to chase, I'm probably gonna be continuing the journey into it later on.
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hale-raiser · 21 days
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Los Angeles and Brussels-based Angel Oak Films is preparing a $10m adaptation of the 2021 South African drama Good Life to star Lucy Hale and has commenced sales talks on the new project in Cannes.
Whereas the original film and TIFF selection was set in Greece, this “fresh interpretation” of the coming-of-age drama will be situated in the Italian countryside.
Hale will play Olive, a young woman grappling with heartache who feels trapped in her New York life and flees to Italy.
Without a place to stay she sleeps in the ruins of her late father’s house, only to encounter hostility from the locals. When she meets a seven-year-old refugee, however, the youngster helps Olive turn her life around.
Production is scheduled to take place in Italy in September and sees the original film’s Bonnie Rodini return as director.
Angel Oak principals Pascal Borno and Alain Gillissen are producing with Silvio Muraglia of Paradox Studios.
Hale, who starred in Pretty Little Liars, Which Brings Me To You, and Truth Or Dare, said: “Good Life captured my heart and I am thrilled to be telling this story of a woman searching for more meaning and purpose in her life.”
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littlequeenies · 1 year
Hallmark’s ‘The Wedding Veil Journey’ Stars Muse Who Inspired Several Beatles Songs
January 21, 2023
Hallmark Channel, News
Hallmark’s The Wedding Veil Journey stars Alison Sweeney, Victor Webster, Lacey Chabert, Autumn Reeser, and Jane Asher, the woman that inspired such Beatles’ classics as “I Want To Hold Your Hand,” “I’m Looking Through You,” “And I Love Her.”
Who is Actress Jane Asher From Hallmark’s The Wedding Veil Journey?
London-born actress Jane Asher started acting at the age of six. However, according to the Telegraph, Jane Asher’s life changed in 1963 when she interviewed Paul McCartney of the Beatles. They went on to date for five years. Moreover, they even got engaged. Jane inspired many of McCartney’s iconic songs that include “We Can Work It Out,” and “Martha My Dear.”
However, despite being a muse to one of the most famous songwriters in the world, she was determined to continue her acting career. Most of all, she does not like to talk about McCartney or this time of her life.
In addition, Jane’s brother Peter Asher recorded McCartney-Lennon reject songs in the duo, Peter And Gordon. Peter eventually became a manager and producer who helped along James Taylor and Linda Ronstadt’s careers. He was very sought out in the 70s.
Jane Asher Is An Entrepreneur And Writer
The Hallmark star is more than an actress. Jane Asher has written over a dozen books. This includes three novels called, The Longing, The Question, and Losing It. However, most of her books are non-fiction. They focus on baking and lifestyle.
She is a British Martha Stewart. In her books, Jane shows people how to paint furniture and cake decorating. She even has a book on how to create costumes for children. Most of all, her years of working in showbiz gave her some good tips on creating good costumes.
In addition, the mother of three also is an entrepreneur, owning a cake shop when her children were young.
However, acting has been her primary career.
Jane Asher’s Successful Love Life
Although being a muse was not meant to be, Jane Asher’s love life is something out of a Hallmark movie. Three years after she publicly broke it off with McCartney, she met cartoonist Gerald Scarfe. He is best known for his work in The New Yorker, The Times, and Pink Floyd’s The Wall.
Moreover, they have now been married for over 40 years, and together for over 50.
What Is Hallmark’s The Wedding Veil Journey About?
The final Hallmark movie in the popular sequel trilogy is The Wedding Veil Journey. What is it about?
According to the Hallmark synopsis, “Tracy and Nick agree to set aside work to make time for a long overdue honeymoon to Greece. When they are stranded on a secluded island, they confront their life choices.”
We don’t know much about Jane Asher’s character, Lady Dalton. However, it looks like she could watch the magic of the veil work on someone close to her.
Best of all, they filmed this movie in Greece! They filmed this movie on the Greek island of Rhodes. Sir Ron Oliver directed this movie. Moreover, this is a historic movie for Hallmark. This is the first time that a movie has been filmed at the Acropolis of Lindos.
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pickledpascal · 1 year
The Missing Link
Chapter Four: Hindenburg
Warnings: Panic attack, Miles Bron is closeted (?), some swearing.
Word Count: 7.4k
The Missing Link Masterlist
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Out of all the people Detective Blanc expected to arrive at the dock earlier that day, Ezra Wayne and his daughter were not one of them. Birdie Jay, why wouldn't he? She was the problematic fashionista who was clinging onto relevancy by trying to come up with something new and revolutionary every few years. Duke Cody was a men's rights activist, pleading for his audience to trust everything he said. And they did, not thinking to make at least one Google search to check if he was telling the truth or not. Claire Debella and Lionel Toussaint were similar in that much of their money to do their work was provided by Miles, in turn they'd basically support everything he did.
Ezra Wayne was the outlier. 
Why would he come all the way to Greece to meet an old friend who he was very vocal about not liking anymore? He didn't owe anything to Miles as far as Blanc knew. Ezra started his acting career from nothing. No help or reassurance was given to him by any of his past friends.
He knew this because of some of the interviews he'd seen. It was safe to say Benoit was a fan. Who wouldn't think the tall, dark, and handsome man wasn't the best looking in all of Hollywood anyway? He was also a great actor too, starring in anything from a silly rom com to the scariest of horror movies. Blanc liked versatility in his men.
Seeing Ezra in person was certainly something. His gray's were much more prominent than in the movies, showing his age. Maybe he hadn't gotten around to re-dyeing it yet. Then there was the part where Birdie deadnamed him. Ezra didn't seem that bothered, just annoyed. 
When he got his chance, Blanc smiled kindly as Ezra turned to him. "I must say, I absolutely love your films! I've seen almost all of 'em, you're amazin' in every single one." He was nervous but he needed to get that out as he looked Ezra up and down. It felt like he was a teenager again, talking to the most attractive boy at school. Ezra always looked absolutely beautiful on screen but it didn't compare to seeing him in real life.
Once on the boat, Benoit wanted to get an inkling to each person's personality. It just so happened that he was walking into the boat to talk with Lionel when Elle waved him over. It was hard to say no, especially with such a beautiful man in the room. But nerves, they were never something Benoit got over easily. He was a relatively calm person, even after the sheer amount of dangerous cases he's been through that would send any sane person running. Who takes on the mysterious case of the death of the mystery novel writer? Apparently, Benoit Blanc does. When Benoit did get nervous, though, they didn't leave as swiftly as he would hope.
After all, meeting your celebrity crush and escaping a near death experience are two completely different things. Although, they might meet on this isolated island.
Conversation with the father-daughter duo was certainly interesting and insinuated something Benoit wasn’t sure he wanted to admit. As much as he wanted to focus on the matter at hand, it was hard with someone as determined as Elle to make both himself and Ezra a blubbering mess. 
Benoit pursed his lips, he might as well use this time to try and eliminate Ezra from his suspect list. Or try to. “Y’know, Ezra, you and your daughter seem to be out of place among all these…. Eccentric personalities. For an actor, it’s strange of me to admit such a thing.” It was peculiar that Ezra was here. If he wasn’t the murderer–which would be horrible for Benoit–-then why was he here?
“I like to think it’s because I grew up poor and didn’t compromise myself or leech off of others in order to get rich and famous.” The brunette explained with a hum. Benoit nodded at Ezra and looked down at his hands.
The others happened to grow up in middle class families, besides Birdie–she was the daughter of a famous model, making her famous even before she was born. And Lionel, a little different too. He intimately worked with Miles, being employed by him for the sake of doing what he always wanted to do. Only for the sake of science of course. 
Now, Benoit did not know of Ezra before his transition but the actor was always open about that time, sharing photos of himself and even his deadname but Benoit didn’t think it was that difficult to call Ezra by the name he goes by now. Apparently it was very hard for Miles. 
“Liz-Ezra…. You look amazing. Great, actually. I’m glad you’re here.” Miles’ eyebrows furrowed as he corrected himself. Benoit observed him as he walked the length of the glass dock. It seemed Miles was blushing a little but it didn’t look like embarrassment.
Huh, interesting…. Oh.
Well, it’s reassuring that Benoit isn’t the only one attracted to Ezra. He glanced at Helen who stared at Miles. His main objective was to get her some answers, he needed to focus on that. If he happened to get a boyfriend out of this case, well, that would be nice. Benoit closed his eyes for a moment to get his head in the right mindset, fixing his sunglasses.
“Can we just take a second and fully inbreathiate this moment together?” Miles said with a gentle smile. Benoit pursed his lips and cocked his eyebrow, he ignored it but something inside him was saying that he needed to remember that for later.
Benoit was quiet as the tour started, mostly hanging around Helen to give her some semblance of comfort. Someone here killed her sister so he didn’t blame her if she was tense and weary of everyone, even if some of them seemed too dense to commit a murder. 
“Get settled in! Change. Let’s meet up at the pool.” Miles told everyone with a happy smile. “We’ll have a chill afternoon and then the game begins!” He announced, letting everyone fiddle with the bracelets around their wrists to find their room. As expected, Miles requested Benoit come with him for a private chat.
The pool seemed to be calmer but that meant it was time for Benoit to start gathering some information, among other things. He looked around the rectangular pool, catching sight of Birdie and Claire on the pool chairs off to the side while Miles was playing a tune on the guitar. He made his way over the Miles and grabbed one of the drinks inside the cooler. 
“Oh! Baby Blue!” Benoit exclaimed, a light smile on his face as he twisted the cap open and took a drink. His nose wrinkled slightly at the taste. It was like Jared Leto somehow bottled how he smelled. Benoit had never met him before but that’s what he imagined he’d smell like.
Duke took a sip of his drink, “Yeah. Miles, you remember when you almost pancaked me outside Andi’s–”
“Anderson Cooper’s birthday party? Yeah, Coop's parties are memorable.” Miles laughed with an almost nervous smile as he grabbed a bottle as well.
Benoit stood from his crouching position and looked over at Ezra and Elle. They were talking with each other. No one seemed to want to talk to them. Peculiar, with such a close-knit group like this. He made his way over to the pair and sat at the other pool chair next to Ezra. “Have you always been…. The outcast in a group like this?” He asked, careful but still blunt.
“Eh, kinda.” Ezra lowered his sunglasses so they covered his eyes, the sides of his lips were tense. “I was the only one who wanted a job in the performing arts and then I told them I was also trangender, kinda put the nail in the coffin.”
“Hmm.” Benoit nodded, catching a glimpse of the scars ever so slightly showing from underneath the half-open shirt on Ezra’s shoulders. “You look…. Great.” He said with a light smile, knowing his face must be some shade of red. He assumed crimson. It didn’t take the detective much to get him a blushing mess. It just depended on the person and if they had the means to.
Ezra let out a small laugh at the compliment. “Thanks, Detective. I could say the same for you.” Benoit bit the inside of his cheek. Was he flirting with him? Holy shit. “I mean, I would be very proud of myself if I was the most attractive detective alive.” Ezra shrugged.
Benoit let out a flattered laugh, feeling as if he was a boy again. “Some might say you’re the most attractive actor alive.” It was weak, but it was all he could come up with. It was like his brain was short-circuiting. Only for a second.
After the little stunt at the pool, Helen and Benoit met in the gym as it seemed no one was using it or was going to use it in the short time they were there. Of course, that led to Benoit snooping around the compound to eventually find Duke watching Miles and Whiskey…. Doing their thing in front of a window. Honestly, though, how could Miles not see Duke. Weird. 
Helen got a little closer, wanting to hear what the pair was talking about behind the glass. Benoit pursed his lips, shaking his head at her. She was good but damn if she got caught, that'd be the end of their investigation.
"My mom took me to Paris when I was six years old. First time I looked at this lady, it changed my life. You know Da Vinci invented a technique for brush strokes that leave no lines?" Miles gushed over the real Mona Lisa, the one in songs and meant to be the museum of art in France. Guess not these days. "That's how you can look straight at her and her expression changes every time. Her smile's there, then it disappears. Is she happy? Is she sad? Is it something else?"
Benoit never was one to be interested in art, at least not high art like the Mona Lisa or any of Goya's paintings. He appreciated it, sure, just not one to dedicate his whole life to caring about them. It seemed Ezra was similar in that aspect, taking a sip from his glass with an unbothered look in his eyes. 
Helen kept staring at the painting, nodding. "It really is something." Benoit glanced up at the painting before he looked back at Miles.
Claire looked from Miles to the painting and narrowed her eyes. "Wait a minute, Miles. Why do you have the Mona Lisa in your living room?" Her tone was pointed, like she knew something the rest didn't. Or, that Claire knew Miles was gonna do something she didn't like.
Miles let out a breath, a cocky smile appearing on his lips. "In one week, I've invited world leaders and members of the press from all over to unveil the future." He said as he grabbed a crystal-like object from his pocket and showed it to everyone in the room. Most looked confused…. But Claire and Lionel…. "You know what this is?"
"You know damn well we do." Lionel gritted out, tapping at the lip of his glass. "What's going on, Miles?" 
Benoit raised his hand, letting out a strained laugh. "Uh, I don't." It seemed, neither did Ezra or his daughter who's attention was peaked at the crystallic object. They seemed to have felt the rise of tension in the room.
"Don't drop it." Miles threw it at Benoit who caught it with ease.
But Claire, she was concerned. "Oh my god!" Perhaps something would have happened if the little crystal touched the floor. They were all in trouble, then. 
Benoit looked at the crystal between his fingers, carefully staring at the grooves and small bubbles that seemed to be trapped inside.
"That's a new solid hydrogen fuel. It's incredibly powerful." Miles explained, "It's radically efficient. Zero carbon emissions, and it's derived from abundant seawater. I call it Klear, with a K." Because of course he did. "And at this event, we are going to announce 'Klear America.' Our affordable home power solution. Klear is going to be powering people's dreams, all over this country, by the end of this year."
Ezra shook his head, he may not have been a chemist or anything that had to do with the sciences but the looks Claire and Lionel had on their faces weren't hard to read. They were concerned, devastated even. 
Lionel slammed his glass down on one of the podiums, causing the glass on the Mona Lisa to lift back up. It was protecting itself, from what? It didn't know just yet. "No. No. Because I was clear with you. I told you I need two years minimum to test this stuff to see if it's safe or even viable. Claire and I are not gonna be responsible for putting something out in the world before it is tested. And–" He paused once Miles pointed up at the air around them.
"Shit." Ezra breathed. So much for being safe on this summer vacation. They were walking around in a ticking time bomb….
"Oh, no." Lionel realized as well, stepping back from Miles.
Miles nodded with a smirk, "Oh, yeah."
Benoit's eyebrows furrowed as he looked back at the small crystal in his hand. "You're running this entire place off this?"
"The whole Glass Onion is powered by Klear." Miles let out a light laugh. He was giddy, his dreamlike fuel was working. As far as he knew. "Come on, let's…. Let's eat!"
It was clear that both Lionel and Claire weren't sure they could trust Miles anymore. He was being reckless. More reckless than he usually was. Elle narrowed her eyes at Miles before she looked at Ezra who let out a light breath. Maybe they could get through this night and leave as soon as possible in the morning. Ezra didn't want to stay too much longer if the whole island was dangerous and he also didn't want to feel responsible if something were to happen to his daughter.
This was a huge mistake.
Dinner was short-lived, Benoit solved Miles' "mystery" in just a few short seconds and Ezra had to refrain from the urge to laugh once he saw his defeated face. The pair went upstairs, leaving Ezra and Elle with everyone else who deemed it was time to get royally hammered after their weekend was ruined. 
Duke's notifications went off, causing the glass vault to go back up. "You know, you could just power it down." Lionel suggested to Duke. 
"Ah, it's my Google Alerts. Got them for all you guys." Duke explained, taking a sip from his glass. "Whiskey, sports I like, general interests."
Ezra rubbed Elle's back while she leaned on him. She was tired even though it was only 8:30 but he couldn't blame her. The whole day was filled with…. things out of the ordinary. Plus she found another father figure and half her time was spent getting him and Ezra together. Well, Elle's work seemed to be done. They may never see each other again after Ezra leaves tomorrow. It was sad, thinking about the future and the fact that each time Elle would look at a magazine with Benoit's solved cases on the front cover, she would ache for something that could have been.
Lionel was unimpressed as Duke's phone rang yet again. "You have a Google Alert for the word 'movie?'"
"I like movies!" Duke defended. "Don't hate. Nerd." Says the guy who started off on Twitch as a gamer. 
Ezra took a sip of his drink, looked at the red table in front of him. His eyes glazed over as he thought about what may happen after this. He'd be glad to go home, back to his normal life. Which was weird to think that being an actor everyone sought over was normal. But it was for him. Though, Elle knew differently. He longed for someone to be with, and if that someone just so happened to be Benoit Blanc…. Well, wouldn't that be nice?
Birdie let out a relieved sigh as she sat down on the couch, "Thank God for Benoit Blanc. We don't have to spend the weekend spelling hedges." She sipped her drink through her straw.
"Well, I'm outta her. Tomorrow morning. Gone." Duke stated, waving his hand.
Whiskey shook her head, "We just got here." She was on the floor. Ezra wasn't sure why or how she got there and he didn't really care either.
Duke mockingly whined like a baby. Elle's gaze hardened at him, she could treat Whiskey much better than him. If only she could let him go and leave him, Duke didn't deserve her. Not to mention, Duke was at least twenty years older than Whiskey. "You can stay. Have fun."
"Fine. You're murdering my vibe." Whiskey grabbed the bottle of tequila next to her and stood up, walking outside.
Birdie whined, "No! Miserable in paradise. We've all earned this."
Andi walked towards the group, "Yes, you have." She seemed more tense than before. Perhaps she was gonna blow up again.
Ezra helped Elle stand from her place on the couch and retreated outside with her by his side. He didn't want to hear whatever argument that was going to happen. It would have been entertaining but Ezra's brain was close to shutting off. And if Elle was anything like her father, he knew it was the same for her.
Soon, Andi was leaving too. She stopped to say a few words to Whiskey then made her way to Ezra. 
"You-you are the only good one. And I don't blame you for leaving all those years ago." She said before running off. 
Ezra cocked his head somewhat confused while Elle looked off into the distance, admiring how the moonlight danced with the water. Whatever happened in there, must've been enough to set her off. Not that Ezra blamed Andi at all. After everything that's happened between her and Miles and suddenly she's cut out of the company. Ezra didn't know many details about why but he assumed it was because of something big…. 
His eyes widened, shaking his head a little. He was being dumb. It was because of that Klear stuff, wasn't it? Andi knew it was dangerous and didn't want Miles to be distributing across the entire country. No wonder….
Well, they certainly picked the wrong time to make their way back inside. Duke looked as if he was choking, falling down on one of the coffee tables until his harbored breaths were silenced. He died. Right in front of their eyes. Ezra immediately shielded Elle's eyes, holding her tight to his chest while Benoit inspected his body. 
"I'm afraid Mr. Cody is…. Is dead." Benoit said as he looked up at Claire. There was a certain sense of bewilderment in his eyes. He's seen plenty of deaths before, it was a part of his job, but none quite like Duke's.
Birdie started to scream while Whiskey cried, "No, Duke! No!" 
The rest of the conversation seemed to buzz in Ezra's ears. Someone killed Duke. That much was obvious. The question was who? And, well, there were only a select few on the island.
"Fuck." Ezra cursed under his breath, loosening his grip on Elle. "We have to get the fuck out of here." He ran a hand through his hair.
Sure, Claire could see the headlines but Ezra could see them too. He was an actor, a transgender one at that so criticism was something he was used to. But this…. This would be a whole new level. Ezra hated red-pill "truthers," so being on an island with one who just so happened to die would automatically blacklist him. Progressives in Hollywood wouldn't cast him anymore and the conservatives didn't cast him at all because he was trans. 
"My dear, hey, you're gonna be alright." Benoit told Elle softly, wrapping his arms around her for a moment while she sniffled softly.
Even if Duke was an asshole and a bitch, witnessing his death wasn't something Elle was particularly fond of. Sure, he might have deserved it with the harm he caused on little boys minds but…. This…. This was different. It would haunt Elle for the rest of her life, she was sure. 
"Boat can't come till low tide in the morning. Six am at the earliest." Lionel announced as he walked back.
Benoit patted Elle's shoulder for a moment before he looked at Lionel. "Do they understand the situation?" He asked with a frown.
"There is no other landing point, and Miles' dumbass Banksy dock was set to low-tide height and it isn't buoyant. It is a piece of shit." Lionel explained, tone very reasonably pointed at the man who decided to have said dock. 
Ezra wrapped a blanket around Elle's shoulders, knowing that sometimes she needed the weight to feel normal again. This certainly wouldn't help all the things going on inside her brain. And, holy shit, was Miles saying someone was trying to kill him and not Duke? Well, then they royally fucked up. Poison in the person's drink was rather cliché wasn't it? And clumsy because shit like this could happen. You could mix up the drinks and accidentally have given it to the wrong person. 
Hm, maybe Ezra could be the new Harlan Thrombey…. Without all the parts of suicide and…. Well, Benoit Blanc appeared in Ezra's life too. Maybe that was a sign.
"Forget about his phone. Look." Lionel pointed at Duke's holster…. Which was missing the gun. The gun that Duke was famous for always keeping with him.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck…." Ezra ran a hand through his hair, squeezing Elle's shoulder to comfort her. Now someone was roaming around the island with a goddamned gun. So much for a little light hearted fun. 
Elle shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. "I can't believe this is happening." Her lungs were screaming for air, her esophagus closing up. "D-Dad…." She said weakly. She could feel her heartbeat going faster and faster. She couldn't breathe. 
She was having a panic attack.
Ezra's eyes widened. He knew these signs. He didn't care about what was happening behind him, he needed to focus on his daughter. "I'm right here, Elle, c'mon look at me, okay?" He tilted Elle's head towards him as he wrapped his arms around her. "Take a few big breaths, honey. I'm here for you, whatever you need, okay?" Ezra squeezed her tight, not missing the concerned look Benoit had for her. But it was like he knew Ezra would help her through it. 
"Blanc, you have to help me. Help me! Help me!" Miles yelled right before Benoit slapped him across the face.
Benoit shouted, "What happens at ten o'clock!" 
As soon as those words left his mouth, all the lights powered down. They were showered in darkness, the only light that didn't turn off was the lighthouse just outside. It rotated, causing only a sliver of light to run through the house. 
Against Benoit's wishes, no one stayed in the living room. Well, besides Elle and Ezra. Weirdly, the light seemed to help Elle out of her panic attack. Her heart was still beating fast but she could breathe again which helped marginally.
"Alright, that's good, sweetheart." Ezra said calmly, cupping her cheek softly as he wrapped a blanket around her. "I'll grab you some water, okay. Stay here." Turning on the flashlight from his phone, he found his way to the kitchen and grabbed a glass to fill it with water. Once he was back in the living room, Elle took it gratefully and downed it. Her throat was feeling better, less dry than before. "There we go." Ezra kissed the top of her head. "I love you, kiddo."
Elle buried her face in Ezra's chest, letting a few tears flow. "I love you too, Dad. So much."
"Who?" Claire asked, that's the thing all of them were thinking but it seemed only Benoit had the answers.
Benoit, looking off to the side for a moment, smacked his lips. "Well, I keep returning, in my mind, to the Glass Onion." Ezra cocked an eyebrow at him. He's heard of the weird ways Benoit had explained the truth of a case but…. What did the Glass Onion have to do with any of this? "Something that seems densely layered, mysterious and inscrutable. But in fact, the center is in plain sight. And that is why this case has confounded me like no other." Benoit gently rubbed Elle's arm before walking the length of the living room.
"Why, every complex layer peeled back has revealed another layer and another layer and come to naught." Benoit looked around at the room, at the different people standing in front of him as his eyes narrowed momentarily. "And that was the problem, right there. You see, I expected complexity. I expected intelligence. I expected a puzzle, a game." Where was he going with this? Ezra kept Elle close, not knowing if they were in a room with a murderer or not. "But that's not what any of this is. It hides. Not behind complexity, but behind mind-numbing obvious clarity. Truth is, it doesn't hide at all."
Ezra looked around the room. Who would be the most obvious choice to murder both Andi and Duke? He could think of many reasons why all of them would want to kill Andi but Duke? He was dumb, he had no ill intentions. At least, not to them. To the greater public? Probably. 
"I was staring right at it." Benoit sighed, feeling somewhat dumb for not assuming it at first. "The killer nearly struck my Achilles' heel. But thank high heaven, at the last moment, I realized what had teased my brain through this entire case… "inbreathiate." It's not a word." Benoit shook his head, glancing at Ezra for a moment. 
It seemed obvious he would start to catch on out of all of them. Not to say that Whiskey wasn't smart or the rest weren't but they all believed Miles and how "smart" he portrays himself to be. Ezra, on the other hand, does not. 
Lionel shook his head for a second, not getting how this related to anything. "What?" 
"'Inbreathiate.'" Ezra repeated. "It's not a real word, it just sounds like one but it's…. Made up. Like something a kid would say to sound smart." He explained, blinking a little as the pieces started to fall into place. 
"Precisely." Benoit nodded, "And "reclamation," that is a word. But it's the wrong word." His eyebrows furrowed for a moment, sighing. "This entire day… A veritable minefield of malapropisms and factual errors." Now, Ezra would be lying if he said he knew any of the words Benoit used in that single sentence but he was sure the detective was using them correctly. After all, Benoit had this way of speaking that felt like he would be more at home in the 40s or 50s if he should ever set foot in that time period.
Benoit turned and pointed out the window. "That is the Aegean Sea." Right…. Miles said the Ionian Sea. But if what Benoit was starting to say was true then… It was Miles all along. But he couldn't, right? Miles was too dumb to pull off a murder. 
"Oh, yeah. It is, it is." Claire said, not understanding what Benoit was trying to explain.
"His dick doesn't float. His wonder-fuel is a disaster. His grasp of disruption theory is remedial at best." Aw, and just when Ezra was going to turn to the dark side. Yeah…. No. "He didn't design the puzzle boxes. He didn't write the mystery. Et voilà. It all adds up. The key to this entire case. And it was staring at me right in the face." Benoit then clarified, clicking his tongue as turned back the group. "Like everyone in the world, I assumed Miles Bron was a complicated genius."
Ezra chuckled, shaking his head. "First mistake, Detective." He shrugged. Miles couldn't come up with his own idea if it saved a million lives. 
Ezra knew that and he warned Andi against partnering with Miles… but she didn't listen. And that's why he left. Sure, the transphobia was part of it but he couldn't bear to watch Andi throw away all her ideas and let Miles get all the credit. Alpha was hers, never Miles'. He just so happened to run into Andi and she took him along for the ride. 
Benoit glanced at Ezra, a slightly amused look in his eye. "Look into the clear center of this Glass Onion… Miles Bron is an idiot."
Whiskey covered her lips, a little shocked Benoit would say such a thing. Miles' jaw tensed, "Oh, please." He grumbled, shaking his head as he crossed his arms. "Just tell us who tried to kill me."
"No one tried to kill you, you vainglorious buffoon." Benoit countered, shoving his hands in his pockets. If Miles was the murderer, Benoit certainly did not seem scared when he insulted him to his face.
Miles exclaimed, growing frustrated and not in the way that would make him seem innocent. "Duke took my glass!" He wouldn't make a great actor, Ezra could see all his tells easily.
Keeping his composure, Benoit looked at Miles unpressed. "That's what you told us he did. He must've picked it up by mistake, you told us, right after it happened." Ezra cocked his head slightly as he started to remember. It was right in front of them. Miles couldn't be that dumb? To attempt murder right before their eyes. "Ignore his lies, everyone, and think clearly now! What did we all actually see?"
"Y-You handed Duke your own glass. In front of us! And you lied. Made us think you didn't." Ezra said, letting go of Elle once it seemed she was alright. "I must admit I'm not sad that he's dead but…. You traumatized my kid for life.
"Blanc, Ezra… you're telling us Miles killed Duke?" Lionel asked in disbelief. 
Benoit nodded, "Yes."
"Because the night Andi sent you all the emails, when Duke got to Andi's house early on his motorcycle he saw Miles leaving. Was almost struck by him." Benoit explained, Ezra wasn't following this time. What email? "In fact, he told all of us. Right in the open, he told us. That night, at Andi's." 
Claire nodded, rubbing her chin slightly. "That night…. Duke told us he almost got in an accident. He… pancaked?" She realized.
"Okay yeah, but Miles had been living in Greece the past six months." Lionel said. He couldn't accept the fact Miles would kill one of their closest friends. Even if Duke was…. Duke.
Benoit let out a light huff, a laugh almost. "No." It was clipped. "Whiskey." He made his way over to her. This piqued Elle's interest, what did all this have to do with her? "Miles saw you on your birthday in New York. Gave you that necklace for your birthday. You're a Taurus." He whispered.
"I am." Whiskey said in a light whisper as well before she realized, "Two weeks ago. May 9th."
Benoit shrugged as Peg ran back into the room. "Forget the hydrofuels, and the sweatshops, and the consensual cuckolding for cable news assignments." Cuckold? God, that had to be the first time he's ever said that for a case. It made Ezra snort out a laugh. 
"Sorry what?" Peg asked, face clear with confusion. 
"And focus! On the envelope." Benoit motioned with his hand to a staircase.
Everyone's heads turned at the staircase to reveal Andi descending from the steps. Birdie let out a shriek, while Claire yelled a few curses. Ezra, on the other hand, was utterly confused.
"Andi?" Lionel asked, appalled.
Ezra looked from Andi to Benoit, "What the fuck is going on?" She was dead not more than two minutes ago when he thought she was dead, the grief was just starting to set in until she came back.
"Who did the envelope threaten?" Benoit didn't expect Ezra to know, maybe he should have explained but it's not like Whiskey really would have known either. "Miles Bron." Almost as if Miles' mom just died in a house fire, his expression became sour and hardened. "That night, Lionel faxed Andi's email to Miles who received it in New York. The one thing that could destroy his empire of lies, the truth in the hands of the only person unafraid to tell it. So Miles drives his Baby Blue Porsche to the scene of the crime, and Andi let's him in." Benoit cocked his head at Miles, eyes narrowed.
Benoit never had any remorse unveiling the truth, especially with cases with such…. Shitheads. "Of course she did. Miles' machine of lawyers and power could destroy her through sheer dumb force. But Miles himself? Oh, she was clever enough not to fear Miles." If this was going where Ezra thought this was going… then who was the woman that looked exactly like Andi? "But she didn't see the real threat, the obvious threat until it was too late. Duke alone knew you were there that night, but he didn't know Andi was dead." 
Ezra ran a hand down his forehead. Wait… Andi had mentioned she had a sister to him, maybe a few times just when families were brought up in conversation. She didn't happen to say her sister was twin but… What else could this be? The actor looked up at the "imposter"—if he could really call her that–and realized. That had to be Helen.
"No, no, he didn't know that until this evening." Benoit continued as he pointed out, "Right here, when he got a Google Alert on his phone, which has now fallen strangely silent." He made his way around Miles and grabbed something from his pocket to reveal that Miles had Duke's phone ever since he died. Ezra was somewhat scared Benoit was feeling him up or something, thankfully it didn't seem Benoit had a kink for villains. "Which he showed to you… because you don't own a phone." 
"Did you really think you could stop all of them from finding out about Andi's death? They all have phones." The blonde made her way towards the group, her southern accent was thick.
"He didn't need to hide the death, he just needed to hide that Duke has shown him the death moments before he was killed." Benoit spun the tail a little further… Well, not so much spinning, more like weaving. Putting the pieces together so they could see the finished product more clearly. "Right out in the open, Duke showed him. And told him exactly what he wanted in return for his silence. So what does Miles do?" The Detective stepped away from the man in question.
The woman followed Benoit, "Does he keep a vial of poison in his tooth or something? Is that some rich person thing?" If it was, Ezra was in trouble. 
Benoit sighed, shaking his head in slight disappointment. "No, no, no, no, it's just… it's so much stupider than that. Birdie, what are the ingredients to your Cuban Breeze?" He asked.
Suddenly the attention was on her and it winded her for a moment. "Um, vodka, amaretto…."
"Oh, God." Whiskey gasped, raising her hands to her mouth as she realized. 
"And… pineapple juice." Birdie finished after a little while.
Benoit strained, slightly disgusted and appalled. "An allergy!" 
"He can't even have a drop." 
"Pineapple juice!" The detective exclaimed in frustration. "He just put pineapple juice in his whiskey! It's so dumb." He shook his head, raising a hand to his forehead to rub at it. It teased his brain in the worst way possible. 
Birdie, probably drunk, gasped in amazement. "It's so dumb, it's brilliant!" 
"No! It's just dumb!" Benoit exclaimed, rubbing a hand against his forehead.
Ezra didn't need to check as he went up to her while the rest went to check their phones, reading off the first article about Cassandra Brand. "You must be Helen Brand…" He said softly.
"You know Helen?" Claire asked. It seemed none of them knew who she was, or they didn't pay much attention when Andi told them about her.
Helen glanced from Claire to Ezra. "We met once. He was in Alabama for some movie and recognized me." She explained, fiddling with the red envelope in her hands as Miles realized… The person he just tried to kill wasn't Andi at all. But an entirely different character all together.
"And now we come to Helen's attempted murder. Which, I have to give you credit for, did have a sound foundation of thought." Benoit said, earning him a glare from Ezra. The actor could see it being a bad habit already, the detective praising a criminal for their creativity just because it tested him enough. But Ezra didn't mind if that was the worst thing about Benoit. "You realized the opportunity laid out in front of you. You have a house on a remote island, filled with desperate people, all of whom have a real-life reason to wish this woman harm. You–" Benoit paused suddenly, narrowing his eyes as he looked at Miles. Something started to become abundantly clear in his mind.
Benoit continued, somewhat weary, "Furthermore, you have a loaded gun conveniently within reach. And the lights had even been turned off." He let out a heavy sigh as he brought a hand to his forehead. "Heavens to…" Ezra didn't want to laugh but the sound escaped him anyways. Benoit may have described Ransom and Harlan in an older case as "drama mamas" but he wasn't exempt from that description either. "You dim-witted, brainless… jackass!" Elle jumped a little as she wrapped the blanket tighter around her form. 
"Your one murder, with any panache at all, and you stole the whole idea from me." It seemed he knew how it felt now. Andi got her ideas stolen by Miles for years, the napkin wasn't the only thing. They all knew that.
Lionel cocked his head, "And after all that, you…. You still kept the envelope? Didn't burn it or anything?" He asked. It could have been seen as a trophy of some sort but if someone–like Helen–were to discover he still had it then his empire would fall. 
"You recognize this?" Helen asked, almost smug as she took the napkin out of its packaging. "Andi's handwritin'. I got you, son of a bitch." Miles almost looked scared. 
Miles shook his head, "Oh, let's slow down there, sister. Okay? Because first, how could you ever prove that that's the original?" He countered. "She might have copied mine."
"No. The bar closed nine years ago, and hers has one thing that yours just doesn't." Helen pointed at something, Ezra couldn't see what since he was standing behind her. However, Ezra was prepared to jump Miles if Helen asked him to. 
Miles hummed, glancing over Helen's shoulder to meet Benoit's eyes. "Okay, but second…." He clicked on his light to set the napkin aflame. 
Benoit and Ezra ran over to Helen. "What the hell did he do?" Benoit exclaimed as he looked at the pile of ash that suddenly formed at Helen's feet. 
"He just burned it!" Helen gasped as Benoit squatted down to see it for himself.
"Burned what? I didn't see anything." Miles shrugged.
Ezra growled, "You are acting worse than a child! And I should know, I have one." Elle pouted, shaking her head. At least Ezra raised her right. Who knows what Miles' parents were like. 
"This will not stand." Benoit ground out, his jaw clenching. 
Miles chuckled, "Uh-huh. Well, did you see this proof, this smoking napkin, Blanc?" He asked with a knowing smile. They had no more evidence. Nothing that could prove Andi's death. "No. Did anybody?" The group casted their gaze downward, defeated and silent. They couldn't go against Miles, he had them in his pocket. "Okay, then wow! Wow! We got some big accusations flying around here. Except, everybody seems to have a very foggy recollection of what they actually saw–"
"Well, I did see you burn something." Ezra countered.
"And there's nothing but totally circumspective evidence." Miles continued, completely ignoring Ezra like he did most of the time a decade ago. "So, if this was just us playing my murder mystery game, which we should have been doing all weekend, then Blanc wins an iPad Pro this time." He joked softly. "But this is the real world. And in the real world you need more than a neat, little detective story. You need evidence. And you've got… nothing. Do you?"
Ezra looked from Benoit to Helen. He was right. You need evidence and you need witnesses. And if Ezra was going to be the only to side with Helen then the courts would never work out in her favor. Miles had the majority here. 
Benoit pursed his lips, a sad glaze rolling over his eyes. He hated losing in a game as serious as this. "He's right." He sighed, pursing his lips. "The contents of that envelope and his possession of it were our only physical evidence."
"Right." Miles pointed at him, clicking on his lighter yet again to fiddle with it. "Wanna take that to the cops? You wanna take that to the courts?" He laughed quietly, "Look, pick your poison. Anywhere you go, it's going to be your word against mine. How do you think that's gonna go?" 
Benoit took his jacket from the glass pedestal he hung it from and put it on as he walked across the room, ushering Ezra with him by setting a hand on his back.
Miles shrugged, clicking his tongue slightly. "I think it's gonna go about like it went for Andi."
"Jesus." Lionel whispered under his breath, glancing at Helen. He could have been good. But no. Lionel wasn't quite there yet. 
"And I do want to say, your sister was a complicated woman, but she meant the world to me." Miles pursed his lips, trying his best to sound sincere. But if it was sincere… would he have ever killed her? "And I'm so sorry for your loss." 
Dejected, Helen made her way over to Benoit. "Blanc. I need you to do something." Tears started to form at the edges of her eyes, threatening to fall. After all this work and… nothing. 
"I'm sorry, Helen." Benoit shook his head, eyebrows drawing together. "I gave you the truth. This is where my jurisdiction ends. I have to answer to the police, the courts, the system. There's nothing I can do." He took a quick breath as he grabbed the glass with 'Andi' written on it. "Except maybe… offer you some courage." Benoit handed Helen the glass. "And a reminder of why your sister walked away in the first place." He quickly handed her something else, Ezra could only imagine what it was. 
Benoit turned away, whispering to Ezra, "I suggest you and your daughter come with me." He said. It was a very serious tone and Ezra hadn't had the time to think it through much so he followed his instructions.
Ezra grabbed Elle by her arm and walked outside, following Benoit to the docks. He wondered why Benoit was in such a hurry to leave. Or maybe… not? He didn't seem that worried. 
But, well…. The entire Glass Onion blew up a few minutes later and Ezra would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the fireworks. 
"Disruption." Benoit laughed as he took a drag from his cigar. 
"Fuckin' A." Derol laughed as well, his joint firmly between his lips as he lounged on a chair.
Ezra ran a hand through Elle's hair while a proud smile was on his lips. Helen sure knew how to shake things up, Ezra didn't mind though. Miles deserved to have his house blown up.
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geometricalien · 9 months
Ooooohhh 3 akafuri WIPs??? Sign me up!! I'm curious what they are about, if you don't mind sharing ~
I'm glad to share! Most of these have chapters already posted (because self motivation can only get me so far lol) and I'll make sure to add a link for the ones that do
εὐήλιος - Act 2 of my ancient greece au which is more or less a retelling of the trojan war with the generation of miracles where akashi is "achilles" and furihata is "patroclus" if you know those names you know how this ends but I hope to make my take interesting and unique! Act 2 is the beginning and middle of the war where akafuri are an established couple taking on "troy" and them working through their problems as a real couple. I like this one alot bc it's the main idea I've been playing with for almost 3 years and as such it's very self indulgent.
Things That Hold Us Together: Steel Bolts and Tender Hearts - war android akashi is reawakened by technician furihata and decides to stay with him. That's what is on the can but it's been proving harder for me to develop character growth or a theme.
Sidenote: android/human aus tend to work because the character who is the android is the "bubbly personable" one while the character who is the human is "cold mean rude or similarly detached from normal social conventions" and an underlying question in the fic is what makes them so different if the android is more "humanlike" than the actual human? Alas this general theme is not applicable to my wip - this is just one example of my difficulties building this wip
Every Family Has Their Traditions - Newlyweds Akashi and Furihata are invited to play a game of Hide and Seek with Akashi's family on their wedding night but not everything is as it seems. This is based on my beloved Ready or Not (2019) horror movie (however I've added some distinctly akafuri twists to fit the ship, the akashi family, and the gender role/conventions of marriage) its a movie I've watched countless times and can't help plastering these two characters faces on the main leads (I even have fanart that I drew of akashi and furihata as screenshots from the film!!)
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I started this half bc of my fascination with akafuri in the roles and half bc I reaaaaalllly wanted a horror fic involving them which leads me to-
Trust Me Darling Dear - This is in the beginning stages (and has been for months, rewriting, scrapping- it's a mess) but I'm hopeful that I'll convey what I want! I just need to see what I don't want first lol also we need more horror akafuri!!! As a treat! For me! Akafuri lends itself so well to the themes of comedy and horror- we got the comedy in butloads but it's time for horror- and I know that everyone who still ships them is. Hesitant to write Akashi in any light that could potentially demonize DID and there are authors who have managed to write these excellent surrealistic horror fics and I want to join them!
Read @carrot-felisidad 's Hannibal au series and @medium-dippers 's chainsawman oneshot! Edit: Tumblr keeps eating these links 😡
Unnamed wip - High school sweethearts that broke up meet once again after a decade apart on a flight back home from the usa. Alot of the time my ideas are spawned from one scene and it's hard to look past the one moment. In this I'm just hooked on the moment Furihata is settling in his seat and Akashi turns to greet him- they both call still, too stunned to say anything as their eyes rove over the love of their life and comparing them to their memories, seeing the physical manifestation of time in the fine lines around their eyes or mouth, how Furihata has this intense need to run away and also hold on tight to Akashi's arm. How they try to do small talk before it falls off and they steal glances at each other- ughhhhh they disgust me
And lastly,
Unnamed 5 +1 - the slow break up of akafuri from other people's perspectives. yeP
Those are all my current wips (if you don't count the ones that I'm not trying to actively think about- I got a star trek au, a cowboy/western au (that will never get developed agdhsjsh), and a waiter/regular au) thank you for the ask!!
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terry-perry · 2 years
Hey! Just a small request I hope not a bother!
If you write Marc Spector it would be so cool if you did an x greek!reader blurb or hc because I'm greek and it would make me really happy I swear.
If not that's totally alright just If you are in the mood of writing it rn or you are comfortable w it, it would be great.
Kinda based this on one of my favorite romance films Before Sunrise, which funny enough stars Ethan Hawke
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Being Khonshu's avatar has Marc going to different places
When he had to take care of some business in Greece, that's when he met you
He wasn't very keen on the language, which is what got him to approach you in the first place
He was going to ask for assistance, but the words got stuck in this throat upon laying his eyes on you
"Hi..." he managed to say, even though he wasn't 100% sure you spoke English
"Do you need help with something?" is what you luckily responded with
"Yeah, I'm not exactly familiar with this area,"
You gladly assisted him, secretly finding him attractive too
You talk more as you become his personal guide
The conversation eventually leads to the topic of gods when you discover his knowledge of Egyptian deities
You begin to compare the similarities between the Egyptian and Greek gods
"Khonshu is the god of the night sky,"
"And so is Selene. And Hathor is the goddess of love?"
"Just like Aphrodite, yeah,"
Khonshu (maybe even Steven) might've helped with refreshing his knowledge
There was a deep connection starting to form without either of you realizing
You were just two people having interesting conversations throughout the day
Your contrasting ideas and perspectives on life interested one another
You did notice the romantic side to him that he did his best to hide with cynicism
Because although it was obvious your lives were going in different directions, there was a spark forming between you he couldn't resist exploring
Perhaps that's why he asked you to come back with him to the states
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 5.26
Battle of Pinhincha Day (Ecuador)
Bob Day
Boulder Day (Republic of Molossia)
Carb Day
Crown Prince’s Day (Denmark)
Drool Day
Dzien Matki (a.k.a. Mother's Day; Poland)
Feast of VooDoo Economics
Go Barefoot Around the House Day
Grey Day
Independent Artist Day
Mother’s Day (Poland)
National Death Busters Day
National EMS Recognition Day
National Grey Day
National Paper Airplane Day
National Poppy Day
National Ranboo Day
National Sorry Day (a.k.a. National Day of Healing; Australia)
National Wig Out Day
National Work From Home Day
Oat Grass Day (French Republic)
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day (Hawaii)
Sally Ride Day
Starfleet Remembrance Day (Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)
Windmill Day (Netherlands)
World Dracula Day
World Lindy Hop Day
World Orienteering Day
World Product Day
World Redhead Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Blueberry Cheesecake Day
National Cherry Dessert Day
World Sherry Day
4th & Last Friday in May
Ascension Friday (Belgium)
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
Don't Fry Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
Heat Safety Awareness Day [4th Friday]
National Cooler Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Death Busters Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Polka Festival begins (Ennis, Texas) [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Road Trip Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
National Wig Out Day [Friday before Memorial Day]
Portland Rose Festival begins (Oregon) Friday in late May; thru June 26]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Title Track Day [4th Friday]
Independence Days
Erenian Republic (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Georgia (from Russia, 1918)
Guyana (from UK, 1966)
Molossia (f.k.a. the Grand Republic of Vuldstein; Declared; 1977) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Augustine of Canterbury (Anglican Communion and Eastern Orthodox)
August Kopisch (Artology)
Buddha Day (Buddhism)
Doc Owl (Muppetism)
Dorothea Lange (Artology)
Eleuterus, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Festival of the Valley (Ancient Egypt)
Lambert of Vence (Christian; Saint)
Lemminkainen’s Day (Pagan)
Lenny Bruce Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. Monica (Positivist; Saint)
Oduvald (Christian; Saint)
Peter Sanz  (Christian; One of Martyr Saints of China)
Philip Neri (Christian; Saint)
Philippe de Champaigne (Artology)
Quadratus of Athens (Christian; Saint)
Shavuot (Judaism) [6 Sivan] (a.k.a. …
Feast of the Harvest
Feast of Weeks
Festival of Weeks
First-Fruit festival
Wheat Harvest
Thargelia (Birthday Festival of Apollo & Artemis; Ancient Greece)
Totally Random Day (Pastafarian)
World Hunger Day (Pastafarian)
Zachary, Bishop of Vienne (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Absolutely Free, by Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention (Album; 1968)
American Pie, by Don McLean (Song; 1971)
Avengers Assemble (Animated TV Series; 2013)
Beatlemania! (Broadway Musical Tribute; 1977)
Big Jake (Film; 1971)
Buddy of the Apes (WB LT Cartoon; 1934)
Caspar (Animated Film; 1995)
Dracula, by Bram Stoker (Novel; 1897)
Flying Home, recorded by Lionel Hampton (Song; 1937)
Games People Play, by Eric Berne (Self-Help Book; 1966)
God’s Men, by Pearl S. Buck (Novel; 1951)
Johnny Mnemonic (Film; 1995)
Kung Fu Panda 2 (Animated Film; 2011)
Mad Love (Film; 1995)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (Film; 2017)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, by The Beatles (Album; 1967)
Sourcery, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1988) [Discworld #5]
The Whole Truth and Nothing But, by Hedda Hopper (Memoir; 1963)
X-Men: The Last Stand (Film; 2006)
Yellow Submarine, recorded by The Beatles (Song; 1966)
Today’s Name Days
Alwin, Philipp (Austria)
Anamarija, Filip, Zdenko (Croatia)
Filip (Czech Republic)
Beda (Denmark)
Miina, Minna, Valme, Valmi, Vella, Velli, Vilma, Vilme (Estonia)
Miina, Mimmi, Minna, Minni, Vilhelmiina, Vilma (Finland)
Bérenger (France)
Marianne, Philipp (Germany)
Alfaios, Karpos, Sinesios (Greece)
Evelin, Fülöp (Hungary)
Filippo, Pellegrino (Italy)
Eduards, Edvards, Varis (Latvia)
Algimantas, Eduardas, Milvydė, Vilhelmina (Lithuania)
Annbjørg, Annlaug (Norway)
Beda, Filip, Marianna, Paulina, Więcemił, Wilhelmina (Poland)
Carp (România)
Dušan (Slovakia)
Felipe, Mariana (Spain)
Vilhelmina, Vilma (Sweden)
Felipe, Flip, Phil, Philip, Philippa, Phillip (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 146 of 2024; 219 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 21 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 13 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 8 (Jia-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 6 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 6 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 25 Bīja; Foursday [25 of 30]
Julian: 13 May 2023
Moon: 42%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 6 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Monica]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 68 of 90)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 6 of 32)
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Walt Disney Animated Pictures Studios from Worst to Best-Part Five: The GREATEST Films
Salutations, random people of the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck! I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
Now we’re getting into it with this Walt Disney Animated Pictures Studios ranking! This time, we’re talking about the movies that are simply the greatest. The films that I’ll always be in the mood for, what with them being fun, creative, and, at times, simply beautiful. Not the best just yet, but these next few movies are far from being the worst. And we’re going through them by starting with a movie that I’m sure some of you are surprised that it’s ranked this high.
#20. Hercules-If you’re hoping for a grand, epic retelling of Greece’s greatest mythological hero…you’re not going to get it.
But if you’re looking for a cartoonish comedy with a decent amount of heart and some insanely catchy music, you’ll get that in spades.
There’s not much to say about Hercules other than that. It’s a fun movie, but it’s one that’s definitely not for everyone. I certainly had a blast, but I can understand why someone else wouldn’t. The stars just don’t line up for them.
#19. Tarzan-I feel like I can talk forever about what I like in Tarzan, and, really, there’s quite a bit.
Tarzan’s journey to discovering who he is and where he belongs is easy to sympathize with and is engaging to see him come to his own inclusion.
Jane is a decent love interest, who is bubbly and excited to learn about everything, while also getting a chuckle or two out of me when necessary.
Kala is up there as one of the best Disney moms, doing her darndest to support Tarzan, letting him know that he always has a place in the family, and especially a place in her heart.
Clayton is a decent villain, whose motivations are simple but his personality is what wins me over as this impatient meathead that clashes well with Tarzan. Also, he’s a contender for having one of the darkest moments in Disney’s history.
Speaking of dark, there’s some effective and tense peril in this film, with three exciting set pieces that gets the blood pumping as Tarzan tries to survive a predator, whether it’s a leopard or a Clayton.
I could go on forever, but I also don’t want this list to go on for too long. Besides, while there’s a lot to love with Tarzan, there are issues that hold it back.
Tantor’s blind hatred for Tarzan is pretty messed up. He bullies Tarzan from infancy to adulthood, never giving him a chance for no reason. If there was a scene that showed that he hated humans, I might understand, but as is, it’s harsh as hell.
Terk and Tantor are not as funny as I remember them. Honestly, I’m pretty sure they were funnier in the TV show. But here? Eeeeeeeeh, they have moments…or A moment.
Tarzan’s close proximity to Jane can get…creepy. Very creepy.
Not to mention that Jane’s conclusion in the end is pretty rushed, as it’s hard to believe that she’ll make it after the short time she’s spent with Tarzan.
And then there’s the Phil Collins songs. Whether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, you gotta admit that it would have hit harder to have the characters sing, not Phil Collins. Imagine if Tala sang “You’ll Be in My Heart” or if Tarzan sang “Strangers Like Me.” Wouldn’t that be more powerful, even if it was by a smidge?
Again, I could go on and on. And maybe I will one day. But to keep things brief, I’ll say that while Tarzan is far from perfect, the things that work well work enough where I’ll be willing to sit through what’s imperfect just to get to the good stuff. And, as I’ve said, there’s quite a bit of that.
#18. Atlantis: The Lost Empire-Stop me if you’ve heard this one: A heavily underrated Disney film that tries to be more mature and adult compared to the others. Sounds familiar, right? Well, this time, I can certainly say that it is one of the more effective attempts. The story is fairly simple as it’s an expedition that heads out to find the lost city of Atlantis, but the simplicity helps add to the main theme of preservation and how taking from lost civilizations for the “pursuit of knowledge” isn’t as noble as people think. Sure, there’s still a princess that needs saving and that kind of shows Disney’s true colors, but is that really worth complaining about? I mean, look at everything else this movie does right compared to that.
It has some incredible animation aided with a comic book-like art style that leads to some incredible shots and expressions. The character designs are also top-notch, saying everything you need to know about them just by the way that they look…though one might be a little offensive to a particular group. I’m not sure.
I AM sure, though, that the comedy that comes from these characters are pretty funny, with Vinny in particular getting the most laughs with his dry wit and line delivery. And as for character development, Milo’s is pretty solid, going from meek nerd to brave hero in a convincing manner. At least, to me he does.
If there’s anything worth complaining about, it’s the pacing, as the movie feels like it’s on fast-forward at times. Things go by so fast that there’s hardly time to breathe once we get to the main voyage.
“Also this movie is directed by Joss Weadon.”
Oh, right…he’s a piece of s**t and we hate him now…Yikes.
Still, if you’re willing to look past that (and maybe some racism?), you’re in for a fun time. Not a flawless adventure, but still pretty entertaining.
#17. Big Hero 6-I feel like the best way to look at this is to not see it as a Disney movie. Instead, it’s more like a mid-tear Marvel movie. It has an end credit scene, a Stan Lee cameo, and a solid mix of comedy and action, and all the makings that cause Marvel to be an easy box-office smash…Unless you’re Morbius.
Though, the fact that this one is animated gives Big Hero 6 more of an edge. I always feel like animation is the best way to bring superheroes to life because, when animated, the larger than life powers can be explored to their fullest potential and the action can be much more grandiose. Whereas live action is limited to what an actual human can do and has to rely on CGI…which is just animation with a cooler name. So I do think that Big Hero 6’s animation helps it be better than even the most mediocre of Marvel movies just for the spectacle it’s medium is allowed to be. That and the characters, primarily Hiro and Baymax. The other characters are more about being supportive towards Hiro rather than having actual arcs, but their personalities are entertaining enough to offer a good time. But Hiro is the true star of the show, going through the motions to learn that there’s a right way to process grief than doing…what he tries to do. And Baymax steals the show, being equal parts funny and wholesome, crafting an endearing relationship with Hiro that genuinely tugged at the heartstrings at certain points.
Unfortunately, like most Marvel movies, the worst thing about it was the villain. I won’t give much away, but trust me when I say that everything wrong with this villain is summed up in “That was his mistake.” He at least looks cool, but…that’s about it. The villain doesn’t hurt the movie too much, but I feel like the reason why I’m saying that is because I’m a fan of both superheroes and animation, meaning that this film checks off all the best boxes for me. So, if my bias is showing, then I guess that’s my mistake. Still, I’d be willing to argue that Big Hero 6 is always going to be a fun time for me.
#16. The Emperor’s New Groove-If there’s one word that describes this movie perfectly, it’s, “iconic.” The jokes, the characters, and even the facial expressions all line up for a movie that NO ONE will be able to forget. I mean, this is the movie that gifted us with Kronk. KRONK! The funniest and most quotable character in all of fiction! Not just in Disney, but in fiction.
The Emperor’s New Groove might not be as grand as other Disney films, or even as epic as its original concept, but that’s a bit of an unfair judgment. Yes, there are some movies better than it, but The Emperor’s New Groove is still pretty great in a vacuum. Kuzco’s arc into becoming a better person is handled well, his friendship with Apa is endearing as it is believable, and Izma makes for a fun, if not insane, antagonist that adds to the whole package that is an entertaining film. It might not be the objective best, but it is pretty fun. And who am I to knock down a movie for being fun?
#15. Zootopia-Once upon a time, I would consider this movie to be in the top best Disney films, and for good reason. It has stellar animation that makes the characters seem 2D with a 3D coat of paint, some great comedy, and two characters with an entertaining dynamic and adorable relationship. And, on top of all that, Zootopia also tries to have a solid message about prejudice. Some say it’s a bit preachy, but to that I say, “LOOK AT THE WORLD WE LIVE IN!” A six-year-old African American boy got arrested for picking flowers off a man’s lawn while waiting at the bus stop! No s**t it’s preachy! We need this stuff hammered into our skulls if s**t like this happens!
(And that story is true, by the way. Look it up.)
As for something I do agree on, the predator and prey analogy can be a bit iffy. Predators, despite what the movie preaches, are biologically designed to eat and kill prey. That’s just nature. So to have predators be the representation of every minority ever while preys are the ones that take advantage of them can be..rough, to say the very least. I will say that I do appreciate that even the main character has prejudices of her own, and even tries to work through them, meaning that not everyone is absolved from this issue. So, while iffy, it does come from good intentions. I won’t say Zootopia is the perfect movie to talk about race and prejudice, but it’s at least enough to transition kids into the discussion. It could have been done better, but it also could have been done way worse.
(Remember that shock collar idea from the original plot? Yikes…)
#14. Pinocchio-Pinocchio has two jobs: Scare the crap out of kids and break the hearts of adults. If you missed your chance to be afraid of donkeys and whales as a kid, then you'll at least learn great sadness when you see characters like Pinocchio and Geppetto being in distress as you get older. Pleasure Island remains one of the darkest places Disney has ever created, with Monstro the whale being pretty threatening-looking. As for stuff like Pinocchio crying when in a bad situation or Geppetto being so worried about what happened to his son, it tears you up inside, I'll say that much. But aside from the solid emotional beats, Pinocchio also has a decent story. Pinocchio learning to be a real boy is handled well enough, making his reward feel earned after the hardships he went through and the bad choices he improved himself on. Maybe the movie tortured him a little too much, but, again, this movie has two jobs: breaking hearts and scaring kids.
(Don't smoke or drink, kids. Otherwise, you'll turn into a donkey and get sent into salt mines.)
#13. Cinderella-Cinderella is the movie I picture when I think of Disney. It's a charming retelling of a classic fairytale, fit with wonderful animation, beautiful singing, some pretty genuinely funny comedy, a sweet happy ending, and, hey, a decent princess. Cinderella is still a woman who needs mice of all things to save her, but her personality is still one of the best. She's kind and compassionate to everyone around her but still smart enough to know she's in a bad situation and witty enough to call some people out on it. It's mostly the cat, but it's better than nothing. Cinderella may not be a Moana or a Rapunzel, but at least she didn't eat an apple from a stranger like a naive child. The one thing that actually bugs me is the Prince, who's more of a plot device than an actual character. He's pretty forgettable and nothing like that himbo I've heard so much about in that straight-to-video movie that's apparently good (I'll take your word for it). Still, this is a classic movie, and I'd be dreaming if I put it any lower.
#12. The Little Mermaid-Like Cinderella, The Little Mermaid is a movie that comes to my mind when I think of Disney. Primarily, it's when I think of the point when Disney reached the Disney Renaissance. Every movie before it had a notable charm with the occasional fluctuations in quality, but none compared to The Little Mermaid. The animation's much grander, more fluid, and more expressive than past Disney films, all being a spectacle to see. What's also a spectacle is the music. Every song is catchy as all forms of hell while also giving me goosebumps at times. When Ariel started singing "Part of Your World," I remembered what's so enchanting about these movies. And we haven't even gotten to the characters yet, with each one being entertaining in their own way, especially Ursula. She's yet another villain that's both funny and scary, but where past Disney baddies attempted to get on her level, Ursula's the one who perfected the role. The only real problem would be this movie's prince and princess. Ariel at least has a fun personality of being obsessed with the human world, but Eric is...uninteresting. Bland. Devoid of any unique character traits other than wanting to marry a sixteen-year-old. By the way, Ariel's sixteen. Just...think some of you should know that. And I wouldn't have issues with how boring Eric was if he also wasn't the main goal for Ariel. She's willing to go through a lot of danger for this boring man who she knows nothing about. Which isn't something kids should look up to. Still, I love this movie for everything else it does right. It's fun, spectacular, and, at times, even beautiful. Everything I look for in a Disney movie.
#11. Beauty and the Beast-"BeLlE eXpErIeNcEd StOcKhOlM sYnDrOmE! HuRr-HuRr-HuRr-HuRr!"
There, I've made the same stupid joke everyone else made. Let's move on.
Beauty and the Beast is the first animated movie ever to be nominated for best picture at the Oscars, and...Yeah, it's pretty damn good. The characters are fun and charming, the songs are both visual and auditory spectacles, and the movie does something no Disney film did before it. It gives personality to both the Prince and Princess. While past princesses did have a personality, their princes were as dull as a plank of wood. Here, it's different. Belle is an intelligent lady who knows when to be brash if the situation calls for it, and Beast is a savage beast who slowly and convincingly learns how to settle down his...beastness. The one thing that doesn't really work is the development of their romance. If there's anything the movie could benefit from, it would be a longer runtime dedicated to showing more of Belle and the Beast spending time together to make it more believable that they fell in love. But, at the same time, this movie is clearly going for that "fairytale brought to life" feeling, which the romance, as is, still works well for. I guess it all depends on whether or not you want Beauty and the Beast to be more of a movie or more of a fairytale. And while I would personally choose a movie more than a fairytale, I can't really complain here. This was a beautiful film that deserved its nomination. But it wasn’t the best. None of these movies are. A lot of them are worthy enough to be contenders, just couldn’t make it to the top ten. And you’ll see why as we finally talk about the BESTDisney movies…Tomorrow.
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Part of the Network’s “New Year New Movies” Programming Event Filmed on Location in Greece
STUDIO CITY, CA – January 17, 2022 – Alison Sweeney (“Chronicle Mysteries,” ”Hannah Swenson Mysteries”), Victor Webster (“Workin’ Moms,” “A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe”), Lacey Chabert (“Party of Five,” “Haul out the Holly”) and Autumn Reeser (“Entourage,” “The O.C.”) return in “The Wedding Veil Journey,” a new, original movie premiering January 21, 2023 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel, as part of the network’s “New Year, New Movies” programming event. Jane Asher (Death at a Funeral, I Give It a Year) also stars. The movie was filmed partly on location in Greece.
In the third movie of the sequel trilogy, Tracy (Sweeney) is now head of the auction house, and Nick’s (Webster) restaurant is doing so well that he’s looking at expanding. Their success leaves the couple so little time together, they have yet to decide where to take their long overdue honeymoon, but finally settle on Greece. When a travel delay leaves them without a hotel room, they end up staying on a beautiful, secluded island at a fledgling inn run by capable local Tessa (Katerina Geronikolou, Moonstruck) and her well-meaning, if bungling brother Xander (Alexander Nicolaou, “Casualty”). When Nick discovers that Xander is filling in as chef, despite his cooking being unpalatable, he cannot help but to lend a hand in the kitchen. Tracy meanwhile meets Leo (newcomer Ché Grant), a charming boy from a nearby boarding school, whose artistic talents are only rivaled by his knack for getting into trouble. Tracy cannot shake the feeling that Leo needs her help but finds her interventions unwelcomed by the school’s headmaster (Andreas Karras, Crooked House). Soon Tracy encounters a mystery when elegant Lady Dalton (Asher) and her grandson Colin (Nicholas Banks, Kingsman: The Secret Service) check in. Inexplicably, the veil – which Tracy had brought along to give to Nick’s sister – keeps winding up in Colin’s room. With sparks flying between Colin and Tessa, even skeptical Tracy may finally have to admit there’s something to the veil’s legend. As they spend time on the island, Tracy and Nick may also find that, though their honeymoon isn’t exactly what they had pictured, it might just be exactly what they need.
“The Wedding Veil” is from Front Street Pictures Productions. Beth Grossbard, Lisa Demberg, Lacey Chabert and Alison Sweeney are executive producers. Harvey Kahn, Juliet Smith and Phillip Roth are co-executive producers. Allen Lewis and Maria Komninos are supervising producers, and Sepideh Merchant, James Jope and Valerie Biggin are associate producers. Charles Cooper is producer. Ron Oliver directed from a script by Karen Berger, inspired by the book There Goes the Bride by Lori Wilde and based on characters created by Judith Berg & Sandra Berg.
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xplore-the-unknwn · 2 years
tagged by @midnightsanatorium Thanks for the tag!!
(rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better)
name: Jane
star sign: Gemini but I think i was meant to be a Leo
height: 5′4″
time: 11:03 pm
birthday: June something something
favorite bands/artists: Queen!!
last movie: Hugo, was looking for some inspiration about film making
last show: I guess it was Stranger Things
when did i create this blog: 2017 or 2018 
what i post: Star Wars and lots of random wholesome reblogs!!
last thing i googled: it was about Tax hahaa I hate adulting 
other blogs: I had an old blog that I made since 2011 but I dont use the email anymore. 
do i get asks?: Sometimes but would like to receive from my mutuals
following: I keep it a secret
average hours of sleep: between 5-6 hours very unhealthy and I dont recommend
instruments: None but I wanna do some Guitar practices or Piano that would be neat
what i’m wearing: Pajamas as of the moment. I got 2 looks- I 90% look like a hobo and I 10% slay when I occasionally go outside.
dream job: I honestly dont know anymore. Kind of just going with the flow as of the moment, living peacefully and as long as Im stable. Id like to stay it that way for the meantime.
dream trip: All around Europe. See some art. Remnants of ancient greece.
nationality: Human. lol. Guess.
favorite songs: Alooot
last book i’ve read: Currently reading “Mastery by Robert Greene” kind of helpful as I feel burnout from my work right now, brought me back to my roots of who I wanted to be when I was a kid.
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: STAR WARS! Lord of the Rings anddd One Piece.
Time for you guys to answer these questions!
I tag @starstruck-bard @somuchwastedpotentials @55sthings @your-sovereign-ruler @not-really-a-blogger @my-dear-hammy @r3d-d34th @fulcrum-x1 @istillbelieveinmagic142 @myrandomscribbling @hrsgddess @allthebestscreennamesaregone63 @sentinel-of-dreams @botherbother-blog @dyslexicorn @the-saxophone-sings @212troubles @monstermashpotato @spookiifi @ratpiss-soda 
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daimonclub · 2 months
Celebrities and gossip
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Celebrities and gossip Celebrities and gossip, top news and gossip From 24-7 Press Release Newswire and youtube video collections. The lowest form of popular culture - lack of information, misinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives - has overrun real journalism. Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage. Carl Bernstein I have no use for people who throw their weight around as celebrities, or for those who fawn over you just because you are famous. Walt Disney Not all celebrities are dunces. Carroll O’Connor I hate celebrities. I really hate them. Billie Joe Armstrong I can’t stand the gossip of celebrities’ lives, all the time! Every minute! William Shatner I don’t like celebrities; I don’t hang out with them; I don’t relate to that life. Lady Gaga Look at the way celebrities and politicians are using Facebook already. When Ashton Kutcher posts a video, he gets hundreds of pieces of feedback. Maybe he doesn’t have time to read them all or respond to them all, but he’s getting good feedback and getting a good sense of how people are thinking about that and maybe can respond to some of it. Mark Zuckerberg Adriana Lima Victoria's Secret Runway Walk Compilation 2003-2016 Gossip About Vips and Celebrities. The psychological aspect. By nature, humans are chatterers, says psychologist Robin Dunbar. He suggests that gossip is the human version of social grooming-a behavior common among other social primates in which one ape or monkey strokes the fur and picks fleas and ticks from the coat of another ape or monkey to strengthen group ties. Like social grooming, which helps other primates form alliances based on codependence, gossip helps humans develop trusting relationships and foster social bonds. Without that instinct to share the latest on a friend, peer or family member, there would be no sophisticated society, Dunbar claims, suggesting that societies depend on the individual’s ability to rely on others and understand something of the workings of another’s mind. About 65 percent of people’s discussions involve gossip - often to entertain or help strengthen group ties. One might think celebrity worship is a modern phenomenon, but from the gods on Olympus in ancient Greece to the bobby-soxers swooning over Frank Sinatra in the late 1930s and ’40s to Brad and Angelina today, adulation of the stars is an age-old pursuit, psychologists say. The public’s fascination with celebrities “may seem new because we are such a media-immersed society, but it’s really not,” said Stuart Fischoff, senior editor at the Journal of Media Psychology and emeritus professor of media psychology at California State University, Los Angeles. When the composers Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt performed in the 19th century, women threw their underwear at them. And 80 years after the death of silent-film star Rudolph Valentino, fans continue to visit his grave, Fischoff noted. Celebrities tap into the public’s primal fantasies and basic emotions, lifting people from their everyday lives and making them believe anything is possible, said Dr. John Lucas, a clinical assistant professor of psychology at Weill Cornell Medical College and an assistant attending psychiatrist at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City. Humans at the core are social beings, and research has shown that the less connected people feel, the more they turn to celebrities, said Adam Galinsky, an expert in ethics and social psychology and a professor at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. “It’s a very adaptive and functional behavior.” Lucas added, however, that while worshipping the rich and famous is harmless in itself, it could be perceived as symptomatic of a rootless culture in which many people feel a sense of isolation. “What we know of celebrities through People magazine and other media sources fills a gaping and painful void in our lives,” Lucas said. The dwindling influence of religion adds to that sense of yearning in people, he added, making the stars’ exploits and eccentricities, their loves and losses, more than a form of entertainment. “Religion is faltering, and in the process people are grappling with infantile wishes, with magical thinking,” he said. Social instinct, suggests research by Frank McAndrew, PhD, an applied social psychology professor at Knox College. Our interest in celebrity gossip-as well as dirt on our family, friends and acquaintances-may be a byproduct of our evolutionary past, McAndrew says. Natural selection, he theorizes, pressured people to learn as much as possible about the people in their social network-be they an authority figure, potential romantic partner, teacher, political ally or enemy. Knowing about other group members helped people eschew risky alliances, by informing them, for instance, which group member might double-cross them. “If you weren’t curious about others, you’d pay the consequences,” McAndrew says. In the process, gossiping also helped facilitate bonds by showing others we trust them enough to share information. Throughout most of human history, McAndrew explains, humans not only had to cooperate with a social network of about 200 people for food and protection, they also had to compete with those same in-group members for the most desirable mates. His research about the appeal of gossip is part of a growing body of literature indicating that we’re drawn to gossip because it keeps us informed about the lives of the people in our social circle. That social circle is now much bigger, and so less tied to our survival, but the instinct to gossip is just as strong. Because we see and hear celebrities’ images and voices on television, radio and magazines, we gossip about them as if they are members of our social network, McAndrew says. “Gossip is like chocolate,” says psychologist Charlotte DeBacker, PhD, a University of Santa Barbara postdoctoral fellow and author of the forthcoming Dutch-language book, “Gossip: Why Gossip Can Be Healthy” (MOM/Unieboek, 2006). Humans are drawn to fatty, sweet foods like chocolate because such high-calorie foods were once our lifeblood in lean times. As a result, people crave those foods-even when they are not in dire need of calories. Likewise, the pleasure that people derive from gossip can create a tendency to “dish dirt” even when the subject matter doesn’t affect our lives, such as with celebrity gossip, or when divulging information could be more risky, such as at work, says DeBacker. In a follow-up study published in the same article, Dunbar and his colleagues examined the topics within that social banter by grouping the discussions into four categories: whether people were keeping track of other individuals in their social network; bragging about themselves as a romantic partner, friend or ally; seeking advice; or condemning slackers or free loaders. He found that the first two topics dominated conversations, suggesting that the exchange of social information may be one of the primary functions of language. As such, Dunbar agrees with McAndrew and DeBacker’s suggestions that the pleasure we derive from gossip is a side effect of an evolutionary pull to gain knowledge about one’s group. “Language evolved for social purposes, not spreading technical information like whether it will rain or how to get from New York City to Washington, D.C.,” he says. “Knowledge of the social world has a much deeper purpose... It’s not just the fact that I saw Jimmy kiss Penelope, but how that incident relates to me and the group.” Top 10 Most Important People Around The World Top 10 Richest People In The World Top 13 Richest Celebs Under 25 in the World Top 10 Most Famous Female Models in the World Top 10 Most Popular Male Singers 2017 Top 10 Most Iconic Female Singers of All Time Top 10 Richest Actors in the World 2016 Top 10 Most Successful Youtubers Top 10 Famous Speeches People  http://feeds.reuters.com/reuters/peopleNews Celebrities  http://rss.24-7pressrelease.com/rss/ae_celebrities.xml Read the full article
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dakota-schuck · 5 months
Journal Entry | 2024
Taking a public stance on matters of spirit and faith is generally considered a bad PR move unless one is looking to make that stance their whole _thing_.
But I think my stance may endear me to both camps, even if I estrange some of the zealots in each.
I believe in God in the same way I believe in Microsoft Word.
When one describes the **spirit** of a thing, whether that's a rock, a tree, or a community, they're describing something about how it operates, about how it reacts, and how it navigates itself in various situations.
Looking at "spirits" as synonyms of "software" may seem very new and modern, but it is more traditional that one might first expect. The idea of a "daimon" in ancient Greece was that of a guiding spirit, an essence of a thing. Nature has daimons, cities have daimons, each person has their own personal daimon that might be thought of as a soul, personality, or social role. There's a material thing, and then there are the operating instructions that determine how it behaves.
Microsoft Word isn't just software, it's a specific software with specific owners and specific versions, only the latest of which is official canon, but many of which are still out there in the world, running on hardware, being used to accomplish all manner of tasks for better or for ill. Microsoft Word is what philosopher Daniel Dennett might call a "domesticated meme", and the same might be said for any strictly curated canon of ideas (such as Saint Michael, for example.)
Contrasted to domesticated, highly curated software that is managed by a regulatory body, there is the greater ecology of wild ideas in which these structures are embedded like gems in gold, their strict crystalline structures contrasting the curves of (relatively) soft gold.
In the software example, these might be all the wild code, all the viruses that exist because... well... they simply exist because they can reproduce and make themselves exist whether or not we want them to.
This distinction between wild and tame spirits might be most clearly articulated in the categories of "kami" and "yokai" in Shinto, which is a religion which has emerged from a synthesis of endemic Japanese spiritual practices and their reaction to Chinese influences, especially Buddhism.
I have come to have this view, of seeing spiritual and religious ideas as attempts to describe or influence the software that runs on human software, not out of some ideal or because I think that's how it _should_ be, but because I find this view helps me to be able to maintain literacy and fluency in two different conceptual dialects without having to choose sides.
When discussing matters philosophical, it's often good etiquette and genuinely helpful to try debate, to fight, to look for holes and exceptions in the academic tradition. In this way the scientific method has evolved, a process of systematically attacking one's own ideas and changing one's mind when proven wrong. But what is good manners in one culture is often the upmost rudeness in another. In both the realm of spirituality, the divine law of improv theater holds, that of "yes and".
I can tell someone their god isn't _this_, or that stars don't _that_, but I can also go to see a film and shout to the audience that that's not Frodo Baggins, that's Elijah Wood! This may sound like I'm dismissing the genuinely held beliefs of others as mere fiction, and in a way I am, but before passing judgement on me I ask that you hear me out on what else I so dismiss: Mathematics, I believe, is a useful story we tell ourselves; a language we invent rather that an objective absolute to discover. More importantly, I could degrade myself as merely a bag of bone and guts, a series of chemical reactions that's having a hallucination about being a person... but fuck that. I like the story, the fiction, that people are persons and have dignity and rights. If someone tries to take away my story of personhood they have declared enmity upon me. If I'm allowed to identify with a violent fierceness to the hardware that runs my software, then who am I to deny others that same madness?
Similarly, if I don't like something in Microsoft Word I generally don't go into the base code and make my own edits, and insist others have to modify their own copies of the program in the same way I did. I accept that this is the current version of the software and may point out some bugs for later patching, but Microsoft is in charge of that decision.
I could delve deeper into several related rants about non-dualism, about recursion, but that's for another time.
Looking at things this way has helped me stay true to my own experience while also respecting the experience of others.
I will not tell you, whoever you are, that this is how you must see things, and I would rather not say it's even true. What I will tell you is that at least one person has found a lot of usefulness and beauty in being able to see both sides along this particular divide, and I feel that if I closed one eye or the other I would miss out on so much of the astonishing artistry of this queer and contradictory world. I like the view from here, and if you like it too, all the better.
Dakota Schuck
Journal Entry | 2024
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 months
Opinion: Meghan is a less attractive prospect now than when she was an actress on a cable TV show by u/Mickleborough
Opinion: Meghan is a less attractive prospect now than when she was an actress on a cable TV show Does anyone remember Cagney & Lacey*, the American police procedure series from the 80s? It was the first female buddy cop show, with two actresses - Tyne Daly and Sharon Gless - who could (still can) act rings around Meghan.In one episode Lacey was in a boutique in Hollywood. She told the salesperson that she was a detective, and the salesperson said: ‘Really? Which show?’Which got me to thinking: Is Meghan now a less desirable person to know than when she was on Suits?Why do people meet?Let‘s look at why people meet. Basically it can be drilled down to 2 main reasons:- True friendship - where you’re open to making a connection; a genuine friendship. There’s research to the effect that people have 3-5 close friends.- Opportunistic friendship - or networking. It mayn’t be as cold as knowing people for the sole reason of using them, but there’s an element of hope.I’d add a 3rd: Basking in their glory. This is when you meet well-known people: celebrities, film stars, royalty. Realistically, they’re unlikely to become BFF; nor could you get to know them well enough to use them.When Meghan was an actress When Meghan was a working actrine**, she automatically was touched by the stardust of Hollywood. Actors today might not get the same adulation as, say Grace Kelly or Cary Grant did in their heyday, but they still have an element of glamour, and people will want to meet them.As an actrine in Toronto (admittedly, a comparatively small pond), she was able to meet the best people in local society, including: a daughter of a shoe empire; a son of a former Canadian prime minister; and a celebrity chef and restaurateur. They and others, in turn, propelled her up the ladder - and we know where she wound up.Meghan nowMeghan swapped the glitz of Hollywood for that of royalty, and one of the most stellar at that. However, as in anything, you have to stay relevant - and Meghan dropped the ball. She went from working royalty - where the perks include being the centre of attention at glittering events; tiaras; and security - to holder of a royal title. Holders of royal titles aren’t uncommon in the US: Barbara Hutton, Lee Radziwill, Crown Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece, to name a few. Their titles may be genuine, but as their countries generally no longer recognise their titles, there’s an air of inauthenticity about them. Plus Meghan’s image isn’t helped by her not having the unlimited funds of a Woolworth’s or DFS (Duty Free Shops) heiress, or being of American blue blood.As Meghan also dismally failed to capitalise the advantages (she does this often, eg the support of the US after the Oprah interview; the Spotify contract etc) of her royal connections, no one wants to know her, which means there’s no point networking with her. A-listers haven’t beaten a path to her door; her known associations are with C-listers at best - and even those seem to be alliances of mutual desperation. And the endless bad press! Losing the Spotify contract; being called ‘f**king grifters; mocked by the Mayor of New York after the near catastrophic car chase; denounced by DiorAnd she‘s now reached the level where unknown aspirants use her to move up the ladder - people called phillysocialite, and the writer of a book called How to Build Your Personal Brand.Should’ve stuck with Suits - could’ve been working on a comeback now, without the bad PR of the last 3 years.* One of the best 80s television themes, if you like that sort of thing (I do): YouTube Cagney & Lacey** Coined by an Australian TV critic. From context, it appears to denote a bimbo actress. post link: https://ift.tt/vODRjB1 author: Mickleborough submitted: October 08, 2023 at 12:15AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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