#Fic: Jäger
soviet-sin-corner · 11 months
"I'll eat you whole." - Klaus
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fantasies2paper · 2 years
Shower Time
Inspired by timikotaya on twitter. Give them a follow you wont be sorry!!
Nothing was better than a hot shower after work. The steam and the heat just had a way of melting all of the stress away. So it was no surprise that as soon as my front door closed, I was stripping off my clothes. Perks of living alone with your boyfriend. 
By the time I reached the bathroom I was completely naked, leaving the trail of clothes for future y/n to deal with. We had a fairly large shower with tall clear glass doors enclosing the space. Eren liked to leave little messages for me on the glass sometimes. 
Turning on the hot water before stepping in with a sigh after the door clicked shut behind me. I tilted my head back as the water cascaded down my body. It felt amazing to let it warm my skin and wash away the day. I was so lost in the sensation I almost missed the sound of the shower door opening before strong arms wrapped around my waist. 
"You're home," I said with a smile and turned my head to kiss his cheek, his hands rubbing my sides. 
"Judging by the trail of clothes I'm guessing you had a hard day." 
I nodded and let my head lay back on his shoulder, lifting my hands to slide my fingers through his hair. Eren hummed softly and smiled against my skin, his hands sliding up to cup my breasts. Nibbling my shoulder as he traps my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, a whimper falling from my parted lips. 
"Y/n…" His voice was husky when he spoke and it sent a jolt to my clit. He always knew exactly what I needed. "Always such a needy little whore aren't you?"
He tugged sharply at my nipples making me cry out in desire and surprise. I was trying to focus on his questions when he quickly spun me around, hand wrapping around my throat. His eyes were dark with lust and water ran down his chiseled abdomen. My cunt throbbed harder in response.
"Answer me when I'm talking to you, slut." He growled. 
"Yes, daddy," I said, voice breathy as my cunt began the throb with my heartbeat. The solid weight of his hand around my throat ramping up my desire. "I'm your needy little whore."
Eren smirked at that and moved his thumb to my chin, opening my lips before he spit in my mouth. I moaned as it slid down my tongue, a shiver rolling down my spine despite the heat of the water. 
"Show me how bad you need me to make it go away."
I wasted no time sinking to my knees. My boldness still shocked me sometimes but Eren had a way of bringing it out of me. With his cock bobbing in front of my face now, I wanted him to use my body however he wanted. 
I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock before he tapped my nose with his finger. 
"No hands today, baby girl."
I nodded and licked my lips as I lowered my hand, placing both of my palms on my thighs. Looking up into his green eyes I swirl my tongue around the tip with a moan. The muscles in his abs clenched as he let out a low sound of approval. The veins leading down to my favorite part throbbed as I gave his cock attention. 
Eren's cock was thick and a heavy weight in my mouth. The precum that had dripped down his length moments before was now coating my tongue, sticky and salty. I moaned around him as my head began to bob, working him further into my mouth before he was sliding down my throat with ease. The pleased expression on his face soaked my cunt before his head fell back with a guttural moan. 
His fingers found their way into my hair, gripping two handfuls, before he began to fuck my mouth and throat. I did my best to meet his thrusts, quickly finding a rhythm and sucking firmly. 
"Fuck baby," his voice was strained and dripping with as his hips bucked. "Fuck… fuck…"
Eren's thrusting became erratic and all I could do was hang on. I looked up at him from beneath my lashes with big e/c eyes, lips slightly swollen and flushed cheeks and that's all it took. He came down my throat without warning. His cum was thick as it coated my tongue and throat, dripping from the side of my mouth. 
Growling with a feral need as his hand wrapped around my throat and pulled me to my feet.
"You don't waste my fucking gift, whore…" he said before shocking me and licking up the spilled cum. "Open your fucking mouth, y/n."
I parted my lips and stuck out my tongue for him with no hesitation, making him chuckle darkly before he spit it down my throat. I moaned desperately and clenched my thighs together, desperate for release.
"You're so fucking pathetic for my cock," he said as he popped my cheek before turning me to face the steamed over glass wall. "Press your face against the wall and lift your ass for daddy."
I turn quickly and press my face against the glass, arching my back as my cheeks begin to burn hotly from desire and shame. My arousal coats my inner thighs as he scoots my legs further apart. I can't stop the desperate moan in my throat as he rubs the head of his cock against my slit, hissing from the heat of my core. Eren pushed the length of his cock in with a single thrust, shooting stars across my vision. I could feel his hand grip the back of my knee, lifting it for better access. He thrust deeper into my cunt and I braced my hands against the wall. It was all I could do to stay upright and coherent as he abused my cunt. “This is my fucking cunt do you understand?” he groaned low in my ear, accentuating every word with the sharp thrust of his hips. All I could do was nod frantically as my eyes rolled back and my tongue lolled out of my mouth. As if he could feel the dumb expression on my face he chuckled darkly and bit my shoulder, making me cry out again. “The only thing you know is my fucking cock and how good i make you feel. You are my fucking doll to do with as i please.” Eren pressed my face against the glass as he thrusted faster, pulling a scream from me as I came. I squirted hard around his cock, clenching tight enough to still his thrusts and push him over the edge with me. He kissed me deeply as we came together before lowering my leg carefully. “I-I love you…” I said quietly, my voice hoarse. “I love you, too y/n. Let me take care of you.” he replied, already lathering up my body and cleaning me gently before carrying me out of the shower. Eren dried me off just as gently, leaving soft kisses all over my skin. Carefully he laid me down on the bed, slipping in behind me and holding me close to his body before I fell asleep. Sometimes you just need a hot shower to reset after a hard day.
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mnmovdoom · 2 years
DAY 21 - “You’re safe now.” (Klaus Jäger/Nikolai Ivushkin)
Being a tank commander entailed the chance of a horrible, gruesome death.
Jäger had seen many tanks erupt in flames with their crews trapped inside, beautiful machines turned into a burning metal coffin. He had also seen plenty of crews scrambling out of their burning tanks, human matchsticks that burned out once they hit the ground, the bodies blackened and deformed and unrecognisable, yet always deserving of praise and sometimes medals.
Plenty of those coffins had been set alight by Jäger himself, who had never spared a thought for friend or foe regarding just how horrible a death that might be. Through the course of the war, he had simply accepted he’d either die just like that or live to see the glory of the Reich, and his thoughts didn’t dwell on the subject longer than absolutely necessary - it wouldn’t be thinking about death that would keep him alive.
But instead of molten Krupp steel and blazing light, hellfire and unbearable heat, Jäger’s death was broken metal and darkness, deluge and freezing cold.
At least, some nights Jäger thinks that’s the case, until he springs into a sitting position, heaving and wide-eyed and drenched in cold sweat. Phantom pain sticks to where his bones were broken and empty air clogs airways once obstructed with water and blood. Some nights, even as he springs into a sitting position, he sees a light he can’t reach, he sees darkness closing in around him, he feels loneliness and cold creep under his skin and drill into his very marrow, filling him with a kind of primal terror he had never felt before. Even as he sits awake, heaving and choking on air, he feels the weight of his tank and the maliciousness of deep waters pulling him down, down, down into the dark and cold.
Some nights, like tonight, Jäger sits in bed and gasps for air, eyes wide and unseeing and body trembling uncontrollably, washed in cold sweat.
A hand on his shoulder touches him with familiar warmth and weight. Blinking his eyes quickly, he turns his head and sees Ivushkin staring at him, bleary-eyed but patient. Guilt creeps over Jäger like mist, and he doesn’t resist when Ivushkin holds him tight and flops back down on the mattress with Jäger in tow.
“Do you ever think about the war?” Jäger mutters, nuzzling into the crook of Ivushkin’s neck. Poor Ivushkin probably just wants to go back to sleep, but Jäger would rather steer his mind away from the fresh nightmare. The sigh that brushes his skin confirms his suspicions about Ivushkin just wanting to sleep, and yet like in everything in their lives, Ivushkin indulges him:
“I just need to look at your face to think about the war…” Accordingly, Ivushkin’s fingers brush the crisscross of scars on Jäger’s face, but that’s not what Jäger meant and, judging by how a strange silence settles between them, Ivushkin has just realised that. It’s the same silence that follows a briefing full of sore tactical mistakes that can only be addressed off the record, otherwise it’s not politically correct. “I mean… I think about the war, I’m just lucky I haven’t needed to wake up from it, yet.”
“But you were imprisoned,” Jäger points out, still nuzzling into the crook of Ivushkin’s neck. The year is 1947, and still military doctrine and keeping up with technological developments feels like it was easier for the two of them than learning to talk with each other.
“But I didn’t live through what nightmares are made of,” With another sigh, Ivushkin shifts slightly, so that he’s looking Jäger in the eyes. He still looks sleepy, and it only makes Jäger feel worse for waking him up and dragging this out. Yet, he’s a selfish, self-centred man - or he and Ivushkin wouldn’t be here. “You should’ve died that day, Klaus. Any other man would’ve. I would’ve. But you didn’t, and that will haunt you forever, and my guess is that we just need to live with it,” Again, Ivushkin brushes the tips of his fingers over the mess of scars on Jäger’s face. “You’re safe now.”
Logically, Jäger knows that; when he’s awake , he knows that. With a sigh of his own, Jäger nods and leans in to press his lips to Ivushkin’s, briefly, before pushing himself up into a sitting position and scooting away to the edge of the mattress.
“I’ll be right back. Go back to sleep, Nikolai,” Standing up, Jäger grabs his pipe, the tobacco and the lighter from his bedside table and trudges towards the balcony. If there’s a snarky retort to his command, he doesn’t hear it.
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Can I get an angst Jäger x reader where Jäger gets attacked by the infected and the reader thinks something bad happened but he turns out be okay?
of course you can, sorry if it’s not exactly how you wanted it, i just kinda took it in a different direction haha…ever since i posted that clip of Jäger surrounded by infected archæns, i always wanted to write something about that. thanks so much for your request! ^-^
Jäger x Reader: Unsettling Times
Trigger Warnings: angst with a happy ending, injuries, infirmary rooms, reassurance, crying
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Being rushed to the infirmary after being escorted by Rainbow, you’d received word hearing that your husband had been critically wounded after being attacked and having his helicopter shut down. “Marius’ll be alright, young one. I can promise you that much at least. The best of the best are taking good care of him for you.” one of the men escorting you said. You just give him a nod, and soon get to the door of the infirmary. “You’ll be waiting here until it’s safe to see him. They’re checking out some of the wounds he sustained.” another man said to you. You didn’t really care about what they had to say, if you were going to be completely honest.
You just wanted to see Marius.
As you sit there, waiting for what seemed like hours, you’re informed that Marius was finally awake. You’re carefully brought outside of his room, and you couldn’t help but look up at one of his colleagues you recognized. “You can go ahead and see him now. We’ll wait out here for you.” Gustave said. Nodding, you carefully and slowly step inside before closing the door behind you. Marius was laying down on his side in the bed he was in, his bloodied clothes on the ground next to him. “Marius…” you say softly. He turned so he was laying on his back before properly sitting up, and his eyes widened upon seeing you. “Y/N, they brought you here..?” he asked. You nod, rushing towards him and carefully but tightly embracing him.
You were shaking like a leaf as you clung to him, feeling yourself beginning to cry, “I was so scared that I lost you…they told me you were attacked and surrounded by some freakish creatures…” you whisper, voice cracking. Marius carefully wrapped his arms around you, gently rubbing your back, “But look at me now, I’m okay. I…I honestly haven’t felt as scared in my entire life the way I did back there…” he said. “And your injury..? Did the creatures give it to you..?” you ask, pulling away from the hug and gently cupping his face. You look him in the eyes, and still manage to see that glint of absolute terror in his eyes.
Marius then looked away, sighing softly, “No, thankfully. I was grazed by just some metal that came off when my helicopter crashed.” he reassured. “Good…you have absolutely no idea how happy I am to see you’re okay…” you say. Marius smiled softly, before gently cupping your face and wiping your tears that still continued to fall. “I’m happy I’m alive to stay will you, liebe. I was scared I wasn’t going to get to see you again, but just for a moment. Remembering I’m part of an elite team of counterterrorists reminded me that I’d be okay in the end. Reminded me that I’d get to see you again.” he said, stroking your face.
You smile before finding yourself kissing him tenderly, that panic that once fueled you gone. Marius kissed back, continuing to gently stroke your face to keep you calm and reassured. You then pull away, smothering him in kisses now. It caused him to laugh, as he knew you’d never felt so relieved. “I’ll be sent back home with you tomorrow morning. I have to recover before doing anything, and my entire leg can’t move as well as it did before because the area I was grazed in was a bit too close to nearly cutting my leg clean off.” Marius said. “I’ll take good care of you once we’re home…” you reassure. “Liebe, don’t stress yourself out when it comes to caring for me…you were already stressed enough when you were brought here. Don’t do it back home as well.” he said.
You couldn’t help but scowl slightly this time at him, a deep frown on your face. “Marius, I practically already am going to be stressed out over the course of however long it takes you to heal. I wouldn’t be a good spouse if I didn’t, I’d look like I don’t care about you.” you say. “And do you care?” Marius teased. You knew he was teasing, but had to prove you really did, “I would have never married you if I didn’t. That’s cruel of me to say, but it’s the truth. I care for and love you so much, more than anything.” you say, kissing the bridge of his nose. Marius chuckled softly, before now peppering your face in kisses, “Good, because I’m the exact same way for you. Every time you come home and look exhausted after work, I give you the best care you could ever imagine. I’d be in a similar position like you, and probably a bit worse, if I ever got word you were injured or attacked.” he said.
Nodding, you sigh, “Well…I should probably let you get some rest…” you say. “Ja, I’m feeling really drained right now. Thank you for coming, and for worrying so much. I really do appreciate it, liebe.” Marius said, now letting go of your face. You helped him lay back down, giving him a kiss on the forehead before stepping out of his room. “Got everything you needed out?” Gustave asked once he heard you step out. “Yeah, I did…thank you for bringing him back…” you thank, going and giving him a handshake. “Anything for my colleague. It would eat me alive knowing we didn’t extract him on time and leaving you all alone. Now you go ahead and get some rest here, okay? I’ll have Elias escort you to Marius’ room in the barracks.” Gustave said. You give him a nod before looking at Elias, who gave you a soft smile, before you were then escorted to the barracks. Marius was just fine, and you’d get to go back home safely with him.
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djoflaterta · 2 years
spend a lifetime with me - norge
eren x jean / 3.1k words / explicit
Jean is actually going fucking insane.
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goldammerchen · 18 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
Thank you anon! Last time I answered one of these was in August, before hetahorrorweek in October 😈 (I replied Inevitable, Harvest, Feliks’ Tea, Thorn, and For the old times and Weekend because I wasn't sure...)
Harvest (M, Solo!Gil) (yes, again)
There’s better places to wake up; this time Gil found himself in one of the worst.
Klavier (M, Fem!Pol/Pru; brief Fem!Pol/Hun, Pru/Hun, Aus/Hun)
After a childhood friend stops replying his letters, Gilbert travels to see her.
Der jäger (E, Prussia/OC, many CWs!)
Tempting fate, or fate tempting him, life being so boring lately... During the soldiers' marksmanship training, someone doesn't stop staring at him. It shouldn't be anything he could not handle—or that's what he thought.
Thanatos (E, FrAus, SpAus, PruAus, more ships -Polycule lol-)
Roderich doesn't want to turn around back to human civilization, no matter how much the creatures of the woods and the mountains beg him. He can't go back, he insists, staying composed for as long as he can.
Go ahead if you want to do this!
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lucyrose191 · 6 months
Oh oh, can you write a pt2 of your kimi raikkonen fic? The date 🥰
Author’s note; not too sure how I feel about this, it’s not my best work.
Pairing; Kimi Räikkönen x Fem!Driver!Reader
Summary; Whilst the rest of the grid are out partying and celebrating Kimi and Y/N spend some time alone getting to know each other in his hotel room together
Warning; Implied age gap but not specified.
F1 Master List , Part 1
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Y/N didn’t know if she understood Kimi correctly when he had invited her to his room for ‘a drink’. These days that could mean anything, if it was anyone else she’d assume they were asking her out as a sort of relaxed date to get to know each other but this was Kimi Raikkonen, possibly one of the hardest people in the world to understand.
Did he want to get to know her better?
She had never really payed much attention to men, she had most definitely been approached and asked out before but with a goal as ambitious as hers growing up she found it best to focus on racing rather than any other aspects of her life, racing was just more important to her.
She also wasn’t really a fan of how immature guys her age could be but Kimi wasn’t her age, their conversations had been pretty limited but she couldn’t deny that he was charming in his own way.
His ‘iciness’ had never deterred her in any way because she herself was like that too, in fact now that she thought about it she seemed to enjoy the press conferences much more when Kimi was there with her, their personalities, as blunt or ‘harsh’ as they could be, fit well together and she knew the journalists hated interviewing them together but Y/N found herself enjoying those interviews more than any others.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N looked at herself in the mirror, she hadn’t put much effort in her outfit, she thought if she was simply going to be spending the evening with Kimi in his room then comfort was the way to go and settled on a jogger and hoodie set, even if Kimi did want it to be a sort of date she doubted he’d have put in much effort as well.
Her hair looked great though and she had minimal makeup on and deemed it enough for the night.
Arriving at his hotel room, her nerves had skyrocketed, something she wasn’t familiar with as she was usually confident but it seemed all that confidence had left her tonight.
Not wanting to stand in the hallway of the hotel all night, she knocked on the door, it only took a few seconds for him to answer.
She was taken by surprise.
He was wearing a grey top with matching sweats but it was the glasses on his face that had caught her attention.
He looked hot.
"I didn’t know you wore glasses," she commented lightly as she walked past him into his room, taking notice of how uncannily tidy it was, she didn’t imagine him as a near freak but he surely wouldn’t have cleaned his room just because she was coming, would he?
"Just at night," he shrugged, gesturing to his bed for bed to sit whilst he walked round the other side where there was a bottle of wine and two glasses waiting.
Y/N gave him a funny look. "Since when did you drink wine? I thought you were into the hard stuff."
Kimi looked at her before looking towards the floor as though trying to hide a smile knowing she was right. "You prefer wine," he simply stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Y/N stood for a moment and stared, letting his words sink in. "I do-but, well, I thought you invited me here to try and get me drunk? I was expecting whiskey and jäger bombs."
Kimi sighed and took a seat on the edge of the bed, popping open the bottle of wine and filling the glasses half way. "I didn’t invite you here to get drunk," he muttered, turning himself around to hand over her glass before lying his body against the headboard, his own glass in hand resting against his stomach.
She took the glass and mimicked his movements, both lying next to each other as she thought about his words and what to say in return. "Why did you invite me here?" She eventually settled on asking, not really wanting to beat around the bush.
Kimi pursed his lips at her question, eyes trained on the ceiling as he tried to find the words, he couldn’t just blurt it out, that would be wrong.
Y/N turned her head and looked at him curiously, "Do you like me, like, are you attracted to me?" She asked bluntly.
She watched as a subtle pink tinge blossomed on his cheeks and tried to press down the smile that was trying to appear on her face.
"S’ppose so," he responded, his voice that usual Finnish gruff that seems to be more prominent when he tried to be nonchalant or brush a topic to the side.
"You suppose so?" Y/N asked, biting down on her bottom lip, feeling he mouth threatening to stretch wider into a smile.
She wanted to laugh when he simply shrugged in response, knowing that if this was going to go anywhere then it was up to her because getting this far was probably way out of his comfort zone and it seemed he was really trying. "Did you ask me here as a date?"
"It was just a thought- Sebastian thought it would be a good idea-"
"-This was Sebastian’s idea?" The smile fell from her face.
Kimi rubbed a palm over his face as he saw the look on her face, he raised the glass to his mouth and downed its entirety before sitting up and facing her properly.
"I wanted it, he pushed me. I’m glad he did. I hoped you’d be open to the idea but I know you aren’t interested in finding- I just thought-"
"You really aren’t good with words, are you?" Y/N smiled at him, finding his rambling quite adorable.
"You’re right though, I’m not really interested in finding someone, or well- I wasn’t but then you asked which took me by surprise and if you wanted to then I’d give it a go, us two. I’d rather keep it on the down low though, for now at least, until it’s something."
A half a smile had grown on Kimi’s face as Y/N had rambled, relief filling his chest at her words. He was honestly more than fine with keeping it quiet, whatever it was, it would be nice to figure out things without people prying and he wouldn’t want to be the cause of her receiving backlash.
He couldn’t give a shit about anything that’s said about him but Y/N has worked so hard to get to where she is and he didn’t want to affect that, besides he was planning on retiring in the next few year so after that then there’d really be no issue.
"Are you okay with that?" She asked, not knowing what his silence meant.
Kimi looked at her in the eye and nodded, revelling in the pure joy on her face.
"So, what does Kimi Räikkönen do when he’s not busy with his hobby?" Y/N tried to get to know him.
"Bwoah, I don’t know," he blew out a large puff of air as he thought before shrugging "Sleep."
Y/N rolled her eyes "Of course you do, that’s all I ever see you doing," she teased.
"I don’t want to talk about me, I want to know about you," he told her strongly which she relented to knowing that there was time for her to get to know him.
"Well, what do you want to know?"
"Everything," he immediately responded as though he didn’t even need to think about it.
Y/N looked down to hide her smile before looking back up into his eyes that were sitting intently on her, his eyes held a soft gaze that she had never seen him have before; not realising that it actually appeared quite often whenever she was around.
"Well," she began. "When I was younger, I used to be quite bothered about what the boys in karting would say about me but then my dad told me that it was stupid that I even listened when I was easily beating them on the track and would be able to beat them with my fists too if he allowed me to, ever since then I just imagined myself punching everyone whenever they said something about me, I still do it now, the amount of times I’ve imagined punching Will Buxton in the face is ridiculous." She laughed melodically causing Kimi to smirk.
"My favourite colour is light blue, it has been since I was born because my parents got told I was a boy and had gotten me a blue stuffed rabbit that I still have to this day. I’ve always wanted to drive for RedBull because Sebastian drove for the team and he was my favourite driver, I loved how ruthless he was."
Kimi was never going to tell Sebastian that because if he found out the woman Kimi liked had seen Seb as an idol then the German would never let him live it down.
"Something you might not like is that I actually hate partying and getting drunk because I got alcohol poisoning as a teenager and I love that you’re always yourself in front of the cameras and show exactly who you are and where you’re here, to race, you couldn’t care less about the fame and I admire that."
As she finished speaking she looked him in the eyes, appreciating the thoughtful look on his face and the soft curve of his lips.
They simply stared at each other for a while, shoulders touching and wine glasses long forgotten, Y/N still half filled.
It was a subconscious move in the way Kimi’s face inched closer to hers, he hadn’t even noticed but she did and mimicked him until their noses were lightly brushing against each other.
Eventually, it was Y/N that inched forward and pressed her lips against his. She had never experienced a fluttering stomach from a kiss before, right now was a first. There were butterflies flying around crazily in her abdomen and every thought had disappeared, leaving her a cloudy mind.
When they pulled apart for air, they kept their bodies close, not really wanting to lose their connection entirely, both searching the others eyes for any sign of regret but pleasantly found none.
Kimi lifted an arm and wrapped it around her shoulders, silently pulling her into his embrace.
Not much needed to be said between the two, there was now a clear unspoken agreement between the two that it was now the start of something that would potentially be great, if not the start of what could be their entire lives,
Both were looking forward to it, grateful that a simple night together could’ve made so much progress.
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dearbraus · 6 months
Covered in the Colour of You ࿐
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— Armin Arlert
⊹ Details. 18+ minors dni, cisfem reader (use of girl as reference to the reader), reader's hair gets combed through, reader wears a nightgown, post-canon exploration of characters and setting, reader is mentally ill (so is Armin), hunger as a metaphor for desire, love as consumption, love confessions, first times (Armin is a virgin, Reader is not), first kisses, sex on a table, some foreplay, unprotected sex, creampies, ambiguous ending, angst, hurt/some comfort, childhood friends to lovers. ⊹ Run time. 10k ⊹ Note. I don't know how we got here but I'm glad we did. This was meant to be a cute comfort fic to deal with the ending of Attack on Titan but it became so much more, I hope you enjoy.
❝A surprise visit from your childhood friend, Armin Arlert forces you to confront the feelings you've been harbouring for over a decade..❞
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The Jägerist’s cries are deafening, they bounce off the clay brick walls of the surrounding houses and slither through your shuttered window panes. Every Tuesday and Thursday, the newly minted Paradis military regiment convenes in the small town square within the rebuilt city of Shiganshina. It took them just under a month to replace the fallen with green boys and girls who were just buzzing at the idea of honouring Eren Jäger and avenging his death. Once Paradis managed to secure the resources– if there were any left– you were certain that the military would erect a bronze statue of Paradis’ “saviour”. For now, they’d bother napping babies and the elderly folk who milled about the area to soak in some of the sun’s sweet warmth. 
Today they seemed to be reminding those who’d spare an ear to listen, that traitors would soon shore and with them came treasonous falsehoods. If not for Queen Historia who still harbours some morsel of affection for her old comrades, they’d be as good as dead the moment their ship docked. Word spread quickly, how you weren’t sure, but like wildfire the claim that Armin Arlert had been the one to kill Eren Jäger scorched the plains and further sowed the seeds of instability amongst the population. 
The irony of such a ludicrous statement was not lost on you. Armin Arlert couldn’t kill Eren Jäger, they were best friends and all of Shiganshina knew there could not be one without the other. You had known the two almost as long as they had known each other. Shiganshina wasn’t so big in those days, Grisha Jäger was the only doctor and Armin’s father was something of a handyman. They were who you called upon when something was amiss and you’d thank them with a warm meal or something sweet. That was what you did in those days, you showed kindness wherever you could. They were so simple, those days when the walls kept secrets and our minds were shrouded with ignorant bliss. Some mornings when you woke before the sun had yet risen, you wished Paradis could have remained tucked safely beneath the blanket King Fritz had pulled over the island. 
What little sense of communal affection remained dwindled with calls to action that erupted from the square.
This morning, the sense of longing that had settled between your lungs weighed heavily as you listened to the shouting. You wished the clock would turn back and the next time you woke, you’d be ten years old and the house you lived in would be your home. It was sort of a sick joke, to be given the keys to the house built upon the rubble of your family's home. Floch handed you the keys as if he had done you this great personal service when it had been Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and their friends who had dug through the wreckage to salvage the home they too had lost. Vagrancy was tiring and what little money you had to your name after years of working for meagre wages that just barely covered your expenses, maybe you should have been grateful to at least collect a few pieces of your life before even if they jagged and misshapen. Something was better than nothing, wasn’t it?
It had to be. 
There needed to be some reason for you to keep going. Lately, there didn’t seem to be any. Everything felt wrong. The once-cobbled streets were made of smooth even stone that allowed you to bounce around the city with ease, it reminded you of the capital. As a child, you often felt jealous that Wall Sina was home to such niceties while you were made to trip over protruding stones and wade through mud puddles in the wet months. Now though, you’d give anything for a semblance of a distant past that would make Shiganshina home once more. But as you lingered around your old haunts, searching for familiar faces and memories that would ease the pain in your chest, all you’d find was something new and foreign that left you feeling disappointed.
Turning over onto your side you curled inwards, a soft sigh passing your lips as you willed your mind to banish the longing that gnawed at you. The cool breeze that glides through your window leaves goosebumps on the bits of flesh that aren’t being swaddled by your thin white blanket. All the battle cries seemed to have simmered down as the sun inched closer toward the middle of the sky. You might be able to catch the morning market before they pack up their wares for the day if you leave now. Your icebox was pathetically empty, with only a head of rapidly wilting lettuce and milk to occupy the space. Sitting upward with a yawn, you cast a glance toward your dresser. Your clothes hang sloppily over the side of the open drawers. You should probably tidy things up before the hour grows too late.
The sleek, mousy brown floorboards that make up the second story of your house do not creak as you pad across the room—your chest aches, though you’ve grown desensitised to the familiar feeling. Your house used to creak and groan when the wind blew too roughly, and the walls were thin enough that you’d wake to the sound of your mother humming as she prepared breakfast for your family. You tried not to dwell too hard, if anything you should have been relieved. An unexpected storm wouldn’t dare to blow the roof off your house now. 
Plucking the soft, brown wool knit cardigan off the lip of your cracked door you slipped the fabric over your body. Your delicate muslin nightgown did little to keep the morning chill away. It did even less to preserve any ounce of modesty. Your bare feet slapped against the stairs as you headed downward, and a soft knock sounded at your door. Pulling your cardigan closer to your body you sighed. It must have been Mrs. Bergmann from next door coming to check on you, make sure you left your house this week, let in some fresh air– function as any other human would, that sort of stuff. She had been widowed long ago, her only son had been one of the many scouts to give his life for a free Paradis. There wasn’t much for her to do aside from checking in on her neighbours. She was a wife, a mother– it was in her nature to nurture all the little lost souls she came across.
“I’m coming Mrs. Bergmann,” You called, your voice echoing around the empty space that would have been your living room, “You don’t need to call in Werner to bust down the door just yet!”
Forcing a smile to your lips, you prepared yourself to open the door. Mrs. Bergmann was well-meaning on the best of days, if a little nosey on the worst. It was better to have someone than no one at all, you remind yourself, pushing back the urge to blanche and roll your eyes at the urgency of her knocking. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you hope your hair wasn’t too gnarly after all the tossing and turning you did last night. The door opens with a soft click as you twist the knob open.
Shock blows through you as you blink at the person on the other side. Your eyes frantically open and close, trying to make sense of who stood before you but as your synapses fired off round after round, searching for something, they found nothing.
“Armin?” You timidly ask, your throat twists up and grows dry.
The syllables on your tongue felt wrong. Maybe, the muscles had just forgotten how his name tasted. As a child, his name rolled off your tongue sweetly and constantly. Back then, there had been too many emotions packed inside your small body, you could never make sense of them, all you knew was that they all led back to the man in front of you. Your cheeks warmed at the reminder of the crush you used to harbour, of how you’d write your name and his, silently calling yourself Mrs. Arlert as if she hadn’t already existed in the form of his mother.
Armin’s cheeks grow round with the shy smile he wears, “Hi,” he says. The remnants of his boyhood live in the soft curve of his jaw and the cherub-like softness of his rosy complexion. 
“Hi,” you breathlessly whispered as you searched for any other lingering signs of familiarity. 
“May I come in?” he asks, his nervous hands smooth imaginary wrinkles in his sage green tie. The breath is selfishly stolen from your lungs by the greedy, monster who lived inside of you. They swallowed back the traces of your youth, you hoped it was enough to placate them because as long as your breath was hitched, no words could come forth.
Armin’s blue eyes curiously peered back at you from beneath his pale blonde lashes. He was still quite pretty, but the edge of maturity that marred his features made your heart flutter in a way it never had. The desperate longing that clawed at your rib cage slowed, pawing instead as its interests morphed into something more amorous. You would have beaten it down if you could, shame prickles your skin as you clear your throat.
“Of course,” you stutter, opening the door to make room for him to enter, “You’ll have to excuse my appearance, I wasn’t expecting any guests this morning.”
His smile is polite, “What about Mrs. Bergmann?” He inquires, his eyes darting around to drink in the interior of your house. It looked just like the one he was raised in but it had been twelve years since he stepped foot in one. The scouts lived in barracks that were carved out of long-since abandoned castles, “You seemed to be expecting her.”
“Ah, not exactly,” you muttered, offering him a seat at your dining table, “She’s just the only visitor I have as of late … So, what brings you by?”
Armin declines the seat, instead pulling out the chair opposite of him for you. You thank him with a small bow of your head. His knuckles brush against your shoulders as he slides his fingertips along the edge of your chair before swinging around to the other side. In a world of boys, Armin Arlert was a gentleman, as he always had been, even at the age of ten when boys took to tugging girls' pigtails for attention. His grandfather would be proud of the young man he’s become. You think Mr. Arlert would have been proud even if all Armin did was survive.
The warm yellow sunlight filters through the windows and turns Armin’s hair a shade of bleach blonde. His skin is tanned, his cheeks rosy. He looks healthy, he’s a bit taller too. His hair was different too now that you took a moment to look at it, only slightly so. The shaved undercut reminded you of the short, stoic captain whose charge Armin was in for years.
Insecurity stirred in your belly. You thought of what you might look like to him being so dishevelled in nothing but a nightgown and cardigan. Unkempt, that is how you must have appeared to him. The bike in your stomach burns at the back of your throat as you cross your legs and tuck as much of your body beneath the table as you can. 
“I just wanted to see you,” he says, resting his linked hands on the table, “It’s been a while since we last spoke.”
It’s been over four years, the bitter overly insecure voice in your head hisses, “It has, but you’ve been busy, saving the world and all,” you say instead, tucking a few strands of hair behind your ear, “Honestly I must confess, I'm a bit surprised, I thought you and the other ambassadors would be meeting with the Queen.”
What you truly mean to say dangles in the air. Armin can feel it, he shifts in his seat— why wasn’t he with someone more important? How did he manage to sneak past the Jägerists predatory gaze? He shouldn’t have been here. The anguish that wrought the shores of Paradis couldn’t be fixed with a measly conversation but surely, it was a start so, why was he here with you?
“She met our boat at the harbour to ensure our safe passage into the city,” he explains, picking at his fingers, “We’re still trying to coordinate with the army but they’ve agreed to allow free reign of Shiganshina so long as we remain unarmed.”
“It would be rather counterintuitive for peace ambassadors to bear arms.”
Armin lets out a small chuckle, smiling a bit to himself.
“But, they’ve already proved their incompetence in thinking trained soldiers need weapons to fight,” you muttered, casting your eyes away from him, “I … My apologies, I shouldn't speak ill of your comrades.”
“They’ve dissolved the Scout Regiment, I’m no longer a soldier and they are not my comrades,” Armin swiftly replies.
He fiddles with his tie again, flattening out the fabric with scar-riddled hands. The last time you saw him, his skin was surprisingly unmarred. Old scars you could have sworn imprinted his skin ceased to exist, something to do with his newfound titan ability, that’s what Eren said when he rolled up his sleeves to expose his own blemish-free body. It seemed unnatural then, for the pieces of personal history to be erased but Armin felt alien enough without you reminding him of how much he had changed. 
“Yes, but-”
“How are you doing?” He interrupts, and an apologetic look swims within the depths of his baby blue eyes. His time in the military was a touchy subject, which was to be expected but it didn’t wash away the burn of curiosity that ribbed at your bones, “When I last wrote to Mikasa, she said she hadn’t seen you in some time in spite of being neighbours.”
Pursing your lips, you sigh, “I’m doing well Armin,” it’s a bald-faced lie but the two of you have become so estranged, Armin couldn’t know you the way he once did, not when so much time has washed the imprints you’ve pressed upon each other as it brought in the tide, “How are you?”
“That’s not an answer,” Armin frowns, the dip of his lips making his cheeks round in a way that reminds you that he is only twenty-two, “I haven’t seen you in four years, I … I want to know what your life is like.”
Reaching over the table, Armin takes your hand in his. If he notices the irritated and oozing flesh around your cuticles, he keeps it well hidden. Smoothing his thumb over your knuckles, Armin settles his eyes on yours, taking in the two little lines that have been carved into your skin from how often you furrow your brows. There was no “correct” way to tell someone that you spent most of your afternoons curled up in bed, lying listlessly as you listened to the sounds of the bustling street below. Armin had a penchant for worrying, he’d worry about your well-being when there were far more important issues for him to focus on. 
“It’s not so different from before.”
Armin was unconvinced. Eight years ago, after the Scout Regiment took control of the central government, a bit of money was sent your way in addition to your rebuilt childhood home. Though they wouldn’t say it, you believed that Eren, Armin, and Mikasa felt guilty for abandoning you the moment they turned twelve thus becoming eligible to enrol in the Cadet Corps. You had no interest in joining the Scouts, Military Police, or the Garrison but Eren was determined and wherever Eren went so too did Mikasa and Armin. With no family and no friends, you had to fend for yourself. It wasn’t so bad. A woman, you could hardly remember her name now, paid you to care for her youngest child while she and her husband worked, and their older children attended school. She gave you room and board, fed you three square meals, and gave you “hand-me-downs” to wear.
In the chaos of Trost being breeched you became separated and weeks later learned that the family perished. You used what little money you managed to save to pay for board in an inn near Jinae where you worked as a stable hand until your childhood friends and their comrades came bearing gifts. You’d need to find work soon. Now that you were of age, you were sure to find a cushy job as a barmaid at the local tavern. 
“You think it is?” You asked, biting on your bottom lip.
Armin nods. His grip tightens and he mutters a low, “Sorry” when you wince from how he accidentally squishes your fingers beneath his.
Shrugging your shoulders you think back to the before much like you did most days, “Paradis is being run by lunatics who worship a dead man,” you blanche, your chest preemptively tightening from your nerves, “That’s not so different to before when this shitty little island was run by lunatics who worshipped the walls.”
Except now, people actually paid mind to the chirping loons. They had access to weapons that could wipe out what was left of humanity and certainly were unafraid to use them. Crossing them would be a very stupid and very dangerous mistake. Bravery was what this island prided itself on, now the most one could muster was a contempt-filled glower that was sent in passing. 
“That’s not …” Armin’s voice trailed off. There was that look of guilt again. 
“I know.”
Lacing your fingers between his, you squeeze Armin’s hand.
“It’s not your fault, Armin,” you assure, your mouth twisting up into a strange smile. The muscles in your face seemed to ache as though you were contorting your expression, “You know that, right?”
He nods his head, and strands of his pale blonde hair fall against his forehead as he does, “I know,” he whispers with conviction though his hand trembles in yours. You remain unconvinced, guilt rolls off his shoulders in sickening waves.
“It’s not Eren’s fault either.”
You’re unsure why you say it. It was Eren’s fault. It was his name and his image that they fought for. Whatever politics happened behind closed doors did not matter, not when he died knowing that those men and women idolised him and would wage wars in his name. One spoiled fruit rotted away the entire crop and now Paradis was ready to cosign its doom, picking on the weakened and the damned as if this island had not once been just the same.
“Thank you,” Armin mouths, his voice barely audible as he clears his throat and replaces his expression with a friendly smile.
“I guess the trains are different,” you blurt, looking for a way to steer the sinking ship that was this conversation, “I’ll never get used to them, they’re so loud and dark inside.”
“Glad to know our hard work is being appreciated.” 
You lift the corners of your lips to smile at him, “It is, the horses are very grateful to no longer be worked to the bone by merchants transporting goods from Maria to Sheena,” you say, nearly forgetting that there no longer was an interior or exterior to name, “Life here is still simple, Armin, there isn’t much to update you on.”
“We can’t all be heroes,” you jest, nudging his foot beneath the table, “So, tell me what is life like for you?”
Armin withdraws his hands from yours, “It’s all I talk about, I don’t want to talk about it with you,” he explains, swallowing thickly, “Is that okay?”
“Of course it is.”
Rising from your seat you round the corner of the small table to press the palm of your hand between his shoulder blades. The gesture is meant to be comforting but you feel awkward, like you shouldn’t be touching him like this though your body craved the knowledge of what his skin would like against yours. The tips of your fingers graze the edge of his crisp collar, you hastily jerk back, eyes narrowing to inspect the fabric for any unwanted crinkles you may have caused.
“I’ve been such a bad host,” you mutter, “My mother would be so disappointed that I haven’t asked you if you’d like anything to drink.”
“Tea if you have any, please.”
You nod again, you still have some dried chamomile that Mrs.Bergmann gave to you when you confessed to her that you struggled to sleep some days. The tea didn’t help but it was the thought that counted. Goosebumps trailed up the length of your bare legs and you cursed yourself for not excusing yourself to dress before you sat down with Armin. The early spring air wouldn’t warm until the late afternoon most days. 
Armin’s gaze is heavy. He watches you flutter about your kitchen with keen intent. His eyes slither up your body in a methodical manner. You’re unsure if he’s leering the way men unabashedly do when they’re three pints in or if he’s searching for any indication that something might be amiss. You hope it’s the latter. It should be the latter, you didn’t feel uncomfortable and Armin wasn’t one to steal eyefuls of others.
“Do you still like it with milk and honey?” you ask, though you’ve already reached into the icebox in search of the milk you knew was in there. Hopefully, it hasn't yet spoiled.
You flinched when you rose to your full height. Armin had materialised behind you. The jug nearly drops from your hand but Armin is quick to wrap his fingers around the handle, overtop of your hand. He guides the jug to the counter and reaches an arm around you to take the teapot off the heat before it can release a shrill squeal. 
Pressing your hand to your chest, you murmur a breathless, “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Armin chirps.
His eyes bore into yours, he’s inspecting you once more. Whatever he’s in search of, you’re certain he isn’t going to find it. The girl that he once knew was not the same woman that stood before him, nor was he the same boy even if his eyes twinkled just the same. That was growing up. Your stomach grumbled, licking its chops as the wanting returned. Your eyes trickled down Armin’s face until they settled on his cupid's bow. His lips were full and a dusted pink colour. They were nice, you remember wondering what they’d feel like against yours if it’d hurt to kiss him after he’d bitten his lips raw with stress. 
The sharp edge of the counter digs into the plush flesh of your hips as you press your body against it. Hunger is as frightening as it is all consuming. You are hungry. Are you hungry for him? You’ve craved and yearned for places and their people, but never their bodies. The one time you allowed a man in your bed it’d been out of curiosity and some twisted need to feel something, anything other than the dull twinge of melancholy that sprouted from the roots it planted in your heart. 
Armin placed his hand on your chest where your heart was. The heat of his palm melted through the thin fabric of your nightgown, causing you to instinctively shiver, “Your heart is racing,” he comments, his tongue darting out to lick his lips, “I didn’t startle you, did I?”
“How is Annie?” You nervously ask, searching for a way to stifle the deluded desire that coursed through your veins, “Last I heard from Hitch, she had been freed from her crystal and joined you. That must have been exciting, being able to speak to her after so many years.”
His face crinkles up into a confused expression, “Annie is fine, they’re all fine. Connie and Jean are excited to see their mothers,” he replies slightly, cocking his head to the side, “Why do you ask?”
You shrug your shoulders. Armin doesn’t remove his hand. Your heart skips a beat, you’re sure he feels it. 
“Was just curious I guess, since I heard you had feelings for her.”
“Annie and I are friends, nothing more,” his nose crinkles, he seems to want to ask where you hear such a ludicrous rumour but doesn’t. When he wasn’t with the scouts, he was with her crystal, talking as if one day she might answer back.
“Are you seeing anyone?” Armin counters, his long pale lashes fluttering against his cheek as he blinks, “You’ve always been … quite the catch.”
His voice trails off, he regrets his wording. He didn’t want to liken you to fish or cattle but of all the vast information stored in his brain, there seemed to be nothing on complimenting women. Not that he’s done much of that in his lifetime. There’s never been a need to. Armin wants to compliment you, to tell you how he really feels but it gets clogged in his throat as he struggles to get a read on you.
Shaking your head, you avert your gaze.
It’s not for a lack of trying or wanting. None of the relationships you pursued ever felt right. Their hands didn’t fit within yours the way they were supposed to. Your body was hallowed out in the middle but they couldn’t fill you up. It wasn’t their fault. You’d accept that you were broken, someone who simply wasn’t meant to be loved. It was easy. Until now, when the one person your heart still clung to stood here and dangled himself like a carrot.
“Good, you’re too good for anyone on this island,” his proclamation makes your skin itch. Even if what he said were true, you would have to settle for someone on this island eventually, lest you spend the rest of your life as alone as you are now, “You deserve someone who’s good enough for you.”
You nearly laugh, though he makes this statement with such earnestness that you’re almost inclined to believe him. Almost.
“Who then?”
Looking into his eyes made your lungs ache. There was nowhere to escape with how he pinned you in place with his gaze.
“Who’s good enough for me?” You ask, your nails digging into the wood counter as you curl your fists around the lip of it, “You?”
Armin rolls his eyes and the sight alone shocks you, “No, I could never be good enough for you,” a laugh springs forth, crackling past your lips before you’re able to stop it, “Is something funny?”
His cheeks turn red with embarrassment but there's nowhere for him to hide either.
“No … Yes, actually,” you sigh, expelling all the air from your lungs as you muster up the resolve to be truthful, “I have loved for as long as I can remember and I have wanted you even before I even knew what love truly was.”
Your fingers coil around his wrist, intent on wrenching his hand away from your chest but the look in his eyes stops you. Sadness and self-loathing meet in the bright blue pools of his irises. You were born six months before he was but he’s always seemed years ahead of you. There was a certain kind of wisdom that surrounded him, you weren’t sure why. Now though, whatever maturity that shrouded Armin vanished and all that lay beneath was a newborn fawn that teetered on legs far too long for him.
Your nails dig into the cuff of his jacket, crinkling the pristine fabric, “There is not a day that goes by where I haven’t thought of you.”
“I’m no good for you either,” he says with a wet laugh. His eyes shone with welled up tears that had no business blurring his gaze.
“Because you’ve killed people?” You ask, your brows furrowing as you frown, “There are many people who have done worse for less. At least you had a reason.”
“I could never be the man that you need me to be.”
“Not even for an afternoon?” You had always known his future held more than your own, even before he became humanity's saviour. He’d make his peace with Paradis and leave, maybe he’d come back years from now, or maybe he’d plant his roots elsewhere.
His hand trembles as he shakes his head, “No.”
Pressing his forehead against yours, he releases a shaky exhale. You bite back the urge to ask him once more why he was here. You were never that close as children, you were close in a way that all of Shiganshina was but never anything more than, at least nothing that would have meant this unannounced visit was appropriate.
“You should live a quiet life,” Armin whispers, his lips nearly grazing yours as they move to form each syllable, “A happy life, after all you’ve been through, you deserve it.”
Your eyes flutter shut, “And you don’t?” It’s a stupid question, really, if he believed he did this conversation wouldn’t be happening, “You’ve been through far more than I, you’ve lost so much more.”
“I have even more to atone for.”
His bottom lip quivers as he presses the weight of his body into you. He’s heavier than you could have imagined, and his body is harder too. Somewhere between now and then his lithe frame melded into lean muscle and it serves as another reminder of how much time has passed, how little you two knew of each other now. Trailing your fingertips over his shoulder, you slide your arm around him, pulling him into an embrace. Armin shudders in your hold, a meek whimper slipping past his lips as he crushes his body into yours. Your nails press into the sliver of skin that peeks over the lip of his collar. 
It's the nape of his neck.
When titans were simply the monsters that hid beneath your bed and plagued your dreams, it was common knowledge that the way to snuff them out was through the nape. It felt oddly vulnerable for your hand to roam over the smooth expanse of skin, though even as a titan shifter it was no weak spot, it may well have been with the way his body shook in your arms.
“That doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to live or to love,” you whisper against the shell of his ear, “You get to love now, you get to be loved. Armin, you’re allowed to have things and to want things even after all that has happened.”
Armin sniffles, pressing his nose in your hair. The scent of the lavender soap you’ve used for as long as you could remember still clings to your hair. You wonder if he remembers if that is why he burrows his face deeper until the tip of his nose and his lips brush against the skin of your neck. 
Wanting was hard.
So little felt tangible and on the off chance it was, it remained just out of reach. Like a tease, that brushed your fingertips as you outstretched your arm before pulling away or a glimpse of the sun before an array of clouds moved in from across the sky. You couldn’t remember the last time you wanted something. Whatever it was you felt for Armin simmered lowly on a back burner until now, longing did not serve survival. Still, you wanted him but not in the way magpies coveted shiny trinkets but in the way the stars longed for the moon. It was a constant, all consuming yearning that made your stomach twist inward at the strange sensation.
“I don’t even …” Armin trails off, his voice wet with emotion, “I can’t remember the last time I allowed myself to desire something.”
Leaning back, Armin allows enough space for him to look at your face. His cheeks are pink, blotchy, and shiny with half dried tears that pooled atop the apples of his cheeks. Cupping your face with the palm of your hand, he smiles sadly at you.
“But, all I have wanted for years was to know what it is like to kiss you.”
Your body burns, not with embarrassment but something else.
“Is that all?” You ask.
The corners of Armin’s mouth twitch upward, “Maybe not but I let go of those dreams long ago.”
“You kept this one, why?”
“Wishful thinking, maybe or … ?” Armin says, scrunching his brows together as he trails off, “You’ve always been here, you’ve been a constant in this ever changing world so I suppose I hoped there’d be a day where I could …”
“Kiss me?”
Armin bashfully nods, biting his lip a bit.
The shiny metal kettle of water grows cold in the length of time you and Armin spend silently staring at each other. He assesses you, slowly, looking for any signs that your affection for him remained buried in the past. You spoke in the past tense, and your words were too easily misconstrued. Your hands slip to cup the underside of his jaw. All this waiting, all this thinking was maddening when you knew exactly what you wanted. His face replaced those of all the men you kissed, his body manifested in the throngs of taverns like an apparition to taunt you. You wanted to kiss him more than you wanted anything else in this world.
His skin was warm to the touch, you’re sure yours is too. You feel warm like you’ve been dipped in melted candle wax. A bit of stubble tickles the palm of your hands and it makes you giggle. His hair is so fair, you didn’t even notice. Armin’s shoulders tense as you lean in, insecurity claws at your throat but you’ve already taken the leap. You were too far gone now to change your mind. Gently grazing your lips across his, you give Armin a chance to back away but he only leans in closer, his calloused thumbs bite into the soft edge of your jawline as he instinctively squeezes you.
Armin’s lips are slightly chapped and scabbed over in a way that tells you he still nervously chews them when he’s worried. He’s inexperienced, that you were expecting, not that you were particularly tactful with how you clumsily melded your mouth against his. Though, he didn’t seem to mind as he eagerly attempted to mimic each movement. The thread of want that coiled around your stomach roared, begging for your attention as pulled away.
The small noise of disappointment that gathers in the back of Armin’s throat does not fall deaf upon your ears. But, you feel ravenous. If you didn’t slither away now, you’d consume him, bones and all, before he’d even had the chance to register that you sunk your teeth into his sternum. You feel ravenous. It makes your skin itch. Your fingers twitched, they desperately wished to burrow themselves into his flesh to feel how his heart thrummed for you.
Through lidded eyes, Armin peers at you, “Just like I thought,” he says, his cheeks somehow deepening in colour.
“What do you mean?”
“One kiss and I’m gone,” he explains but that doesn’t smooth the confused furrow from between your brows, “I want more, I don’t know how I’m meant to live on knowing what it’s like to kiss and never being able to again.”
Your nose scrunches as you frown, “Say who?”
“Who said that I’d never kiss you again?” You ask, smoothing your thumb along the length of his stubbly jaw, “Because, I never said that.”
“I just thought-”
Looping your arms around his neck you sigh, “Stop thinking so much,” you whine, allowing yourself to relish in the knowledge that he too wanted more, “Sometimes things are far simpler than you make them out to be.”
Armin bashfully dips his chin for a moment, his heat filled gaze cast away which offers you some reprieve. Only for a short moment, though. He faces you once more in an instant. You can see it swimming in the pools of his irises, the want, the hunger. It’s something you never imagined to be reflected back to you, least of all from Armin. It thrills you all the same, your skin prickling with electricity that crackles to life when he reaches for your hips.
It’s gentlemanly, how he rests his hands respectively over your body with a feather light touch that may flee should you move too quickly. You want more though, you wish he’d take claim to you the way you the way your cunt ached for.
“Are they?”
You nod, fearing your voice would somehow betray you.
He too nods, far more thoughtful than you were, “You know, I loved you too, never had any doubts of what it was,” he muses, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat as he swallows, “It never faded either even when I lost and confused about what came next.”
His admission makes you bristle, your ears perking up in search of any misspoken syllables that may have deluded you. There were none. There was no mistaking what Armin had confessed. It doesn’t feel real. You’d pinch yourself if Armin’s watchful gaze was pointed anywhere but you. That alone was proof enough that this was very real, Armin just confessed his love for you.
“And you?” Armin asks.
Your heart pounds, screaming over the sound of Armin’s voice. You suck in a shaky breath and will your heart to calm down. In all your years of wanting, of yearning, you never imagined what it would be like to have your feelings reciprocated. You assumed neither of you would live long enough for anything to come to fruition. But you could hope now, right?
“Did your feelings for me ever fade?”
“No … no, never,” admitting out loud that you pined after a boy for nearly two decades would have made you feel pathetic if it wasn’t Armin who pulled the truth from where it coiled around your ribs,  “Even if I wanted them too, they never would. You’re it for me, you’re the only person I was made to love.”
You didn’t fancy yourself a dreamer. At least, not after everything was said and done. There wasn’t much to dream up, but if you were to dream or indulge you’d tell him that there could never be anyone else because your souls were tied together. It was a terribly selfish thought but it was true enough that you felt inexplicably tied to Armin. Even if this day passed and you never saw him again, your heart would remain his until you both returned to earth.
Armin kisses you before you’re able to backpedal on any of your words, almost shyly, but still eager enough that his need rolls off his body in waves and crashes into you. His nails press through the thin material of your nightgown to nip at your hips. You’re reminded of just how strong he has become in all your years apart when you feel his muscles ripple through his forearms.
“Armin,” you sharply whisper between the desperate press of his mouth to yours, “I want you.”
It’s an unfinished thought. There are too many words that could come next and not enough actions to convey what it is you want. Threading your fingers through carefully styled hair, you tug at the strands. Armin keens into your mouth, one of his hands shooting out to grasp the edge of the counter you were pressed against. Having braced himself, he’s careful not to put too much of his weight onto you as his body melts into yours. 
“I’m right here,” he says, with a slight laugh.
Resting your forehead against his, you sigh, “I want you,” you repeat, untangling your fingers from his hair to fiddle with the top button of his shirt. You flick it open, slowly testing the waters. There’s a sparse patch of flaxen hair that leads your gaze past his collarbones, “I want to be close to you, close with you…” 
Your whisper, wanton words did little to clarify what you meant, Armin’s confused stare was fixed on your swollen, kiss bitten lips. Popping open another button, you glare at his tie. It constricts the fabric of his shirt from spilling open any further. Pulling the tongue of the tie out from where it’s neatly tucked in his waistband, you tug on it until you’re nose to nose. You swallow thickly, your gaze trailing down the expanse of his neck. The muscles strained beneath the skin as he nervously clenched his jaw.
“Oh … Oh.”
The red in his cheeks deepened. He looked a bit like a tomato but it was rather endearing.
He nods a bit too quickly, “Yeah,” he agrees, biting his bottom lip, “I want this, I want this with you.”
Tentatively, Armin rests his hands on your shoulder and thumbs at the worn wool of your well loved cardigan. The fabric is slowly peeling away from your body, slipping down your biceps to pool in the crook of your elbows. Your heart flutters, it’s a strange sensation and for a moment you wonder if it’s healthy. It can’t be, not with how your stomach lurches alongside your heart. Unfurling your fists from his tie, you straighten your arms and allow your cardigan to unceremoniously fall to the floor.
“Are you sure?” You ask, your fingers skimming the delicate neckline of your nightgown. You weren’t yet so overcome with lust that you forgot yourself or Armin’s apparent lack of experience.
His hands replace yours, “Yes,” his skin is clammy but so is yours, the sheen of nervous sweat that gathers along your jugular feels disgusting when laid overtop of goosebumps but you can’t will either away, “You’re special to me … there isn’t anyone else I would want to do this with.”
“You’re not just saying this because you want to die with no regrets?”
You cringe at the crippling edge of insecurity that creeps over you, mentally slapping your hand in shame. Bad! You silently scold. You wouldn’t blame him if he did. In spite of all that happened, the future was never promised, you both knew that much. There was no shame in wanting to taste all life had to offer just in case. It was human nature.
“I’m going to live a very long life,” Armin says with a confident smile. Such sureness would usually make you roll your eyes in annoyance but Armin doesn’t say it to be boastful– even if he had, he’d have earned it– he says it matter of fact, he will live a long life in spite of everything, “And so are you, there’s no need to think in half measures filled with worries because we’re going to live long beautiful lives filled with everything we could ever want.”
It’s a pretty picture he paints but you can’t help but whisper, “We are?”
Smoothing his calloused thumbs along the column of your throat, Armin exhales, “Yes, we are,” you almost believe him, his optimism was just that convincing, “I’ll make sure of it.”
Armin tugs on the loop that keeps your nightgown tied closed, not minding that the two of you still stand in your kitchenette and it’s his first time. He gently guides the thin cotton fabric open to expose your chest but doesn’t move to pull the cloth from your body. In turn, you push his jacket off his shoulders and toss it to the floor with your cardigan. He unbuttons his shirt, letting it fall open to reveal his lithe abdomen. 
“You’re so pretty,” he whispers, walking backwards at your behest, “You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.”
His brows shoot into his hairline when he bumps into the edge of your table, “I never pegged you to be such a flatterer, Mister Arlert,” you tease, pushing his chest until he takes the hint to hop onto the tabletop, “You tell all the girls that?”
It’s easy to wear a smile and play the part of a bashful lovestruck young lady. It’s only half a performance. There were parts of you that have long since been buried amongst the past lives you lived. They seemed to come back to you with each puff of breath that passed your lips. You slip in and out of you were and you could become. It’s frightening and thrilling. You like the rush you get when he smiles back at you. It’s megawatt bright and wide enough to take up most of his face. You wonder if he feels it too, the pieces that come together like a puzzle. He must, that’s why he smiles and allows himself to indulge in the perilous depths of wanting that lap at your bellies.
“No,” he playfully rolls his eyes, his fingers splaying out as he presses his palms flat against the table, “Only you. It’s only ever been you.”
Your stomach somersaults, you could get used to the feeling, the flirting, being desired earnestly. 
You’ve been desired before but those men didn’t desire you, but rather the idea of you, your house, even your cunt, but never really you. They never filled you with empty promises, their intentions quite clear from the first shared mug of ale. It never bothered you before but now it does. You wish you didn’t fall for their promise of something good when the real thing was so much better now that you had it in your grasp.
The tip of his shoe just barely grazes the floor as he swings his leg back and forth, stepping into the space between his spread legs, you graze your fingertip along the length of his thigh. The metal of his belt glints in the warm morning light. You should probably bring him upstairs, to your bedroom. You worry if you do, you’ll lose the nerves that have steeled over to service the aching monster in your belly. Tomorrow he might think you crass, perhaps he would even sooner when the haze of desire faded and he was left with the weight of his indulgence.
“May I? 
“Yes, please,” Armin breathes, shuddering a bit when you place your hand on the buckle.
His hips twitch upward, seeking the warm touch of your hand. Daring to cast your gaze downward, you rake your eyes over his growing bulge. His belt clinks open and you suck in a nervous breath. You’re about to ask if you can unbutton his dress pants when he whispers another small plea, his breath heavy.
A few strands of hair slip over the edge of your shoulder, Armin tucks them behind your ear with a pleased smile. His cock springs forth when you pull the waistband of his underwear downward. The wispy trail of hair that disappears beneath his shirt is a shade darker, but just as fine as the hair on his head. Your mouth waters at the sight of his rosy tip, precum oozes when you gently squeeze the base of his cock. Slowly pumping your hand up and down his length, you glance at Armin.
His bottom lip is squished between his teeth, hiding the sweet little sounds that travel up his throat. You strain your ears to listen, your eyes boring into his. He blinks but holds your gaze. He frees his bottom lip and allows his jaw to hang open when he realises that you’re listening to his sounds. Armin doesn’t have to be quiet, he can loudly indulge in his pleasures so he does. Softly moaning your name with a goofy, lovestruck expression on his face even as he jerks his hips up to match your rhythm. 
“Does that feel good?” you ask, internally cringing as you wrack your brain for something to say. You wonder if you should stay silent, but words may be more comforting. 
Armin’s head bobs as he nods a bit too quickly, “Yes,” he moans as he digs his nails into the splintered wood of your table.
He uses his other hand to curl his fingers around your wrist, the one that wasn’t languidly working his cock. Armin squeezes your wrist too roughly like he forgets himself and his own strength, your brows crinkle in pain but it’s easily masked as a look of concentration. You don’t mind though, the pain reminds you that you’re alive, that this was real and not just the machinations of an overactive imagination. Armin shudders when you use your thumb to spread some of the precum gathered along the head of his cock down the shaft, allowing your hand to slide more smoothly.
Your name is  sweet on his tongue, the syllables roll off it in a way that makes you think it belongs there. Like Armin was meant to say your name like this for the rest of eternity. 
“I want to touch you too,” he pants, between wanton whimpers. The smooth silver of skin that he clings to isn’t enough, “I want you to feel good too.”
It’s difficult to say no to Armin when he asks so sweetly, “Okay,” you say, bringing your linked hands up to your mouth to press a kiss to the back of his hand, “Lay back for me, okay?”
Armin does as you ask without question like a dutiful dog obeys its owner. You hitch your legs over the edge of the table and settle atop of his thighs. Hiking the hem of your nightgown upward, you guide Armin’s hand between your legs to where your bare, wet pussy clenches in anticipation. Your cunt aches with need and your chest squeezes at the slight brush of his calloused fingers across your folds.
“Touch me here.”
“Like this?” he asks, curling his fingers to rub against your throbbing clit, a shiver rolls through your spine.
Cupping your hand over his, you encourage him to make a few small circles, “Mhm, just like that,” you shudder, your breath halting when the table creaks beneath your shared weight, “It feels good, Armin.”
Seeming satisfied with himself and the way his name melted past your lips, he replicates your movement. You feel feverish with need as the urge to burrow yourself within his sternum consumes you. It melds with the pinpricks of pleasure that dance inside your belly as your muscles tense. It’s a terrible fate– to be ensnared by Armin Arlert. You don’t believe his promises, no matter how saccharine. It’s devilish for him to touch you, you’ve decided. Like with your kisses, how were you meant to go on without Armin ever touching you like this again? But, you’ve learned to manage your expectations. Dreams were called dreams because they were never meant to be anything more than something to wish on as a child. Even if he did still love you, there was too much distance between what became of your life and what became of his. 
Pleasure burns your belly. It singes your insecurities but doesn’t snuff them out in their entirety. It’s just enough to chase them away and leave nothing but bliss in their wake. Your head feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton. Your chest heaves with haggard breaths, and your nightgown slips open to reveal the supple skin of your chest and your breasts to Armin. His gaze is respectful as he drinks in the sight. He moans to himself and marvels, it’s quite endearing. You like it, you don’t feel dirty or ashamed for your wanton ways, how could you when Armin drinks you in like you’re a perfectly crafted mountainside that has been crafted just for his admiration?
“Armin,” you sigh, “I need you inside of me.”
Wrapping your fingers around his cock, you slide the head between your dripping folds. Armin’s body wracks and his shoulders shake as he quivers with need. He moans your name once more, and you commit the sound to memory, for those cold and lonely nights that never seem to end. Your shoulders tense when you press the tip to your hole. It’s been a while, the stretch burns a bit. But, it’s nice. Your eyes roll back into your head and you curse under your breath. 
Armin slopes his hand around the nape of your neck, “Can I kiss you?” he all but moans, “I want to kiss you again.”
His rosy cheeks grow round when he offers you a bashful smile. You kiss him, your tongue and teeth clicking against one another as you sloppily move your mouth alongside his. You’ve never been much of a multitasker. It’s hard to focus on much else aside from the mind numbing pleasure that distracts you. He hasn’t stopped rolling your clit between his fingers and as he swallows up your moans with desperate, fevered kisses, you wonder if he’s enjoying how much of a mess he’s made of you. 
Your heart throbs in a funny sort of manner when you sink all the way down the length of his cock. The feeling of fullness spreads to the tips of your fingers all the way down to your toes. You hate how complete you feel, the fact that a small part of you wishes you could bottle the utter feeling of contentedness that warms you. The hunger and longing that lives inside of you never felt satiated, not once in the decade since it burrowed behind your lungs. Now though, they purr happily like a fat cat who’s had its fair share of the cream.
The taste of salt dabbles on your tongue, “Why are you crying?” Armin asks, his voice laced with concern, “Is something wrong, does it hurt?”
Swiping your fingers across the top of your cheekbones you confirm that those are your tears and not his. They spill past your lash line and there is nothing you can do to stop them. You don’t feel sad, even with the mess in your head you know that much. You sputter for a moment, desperately searching his face for an answer but nothing comes.
“I’m just so happy,” you say though you’re unsure where those words come from but they flow freely before you can stop them just like your tears, “I like being this close to you, I want to stay this close to you.”
That’s the word that should complete your sentence. You keep it clutched to your chest where it’ll remain safe so long as you’re vigilant.
You knock your hips forward to silence whatever endeared sentiment Armin is about to form. His brows press together in concentration. He’s nearing his end, you can feel it in the way he throbs inside of you. Your tears are gently wiped by rough hands, you hardly register them. It’s difficult to focus on much as he plays with your clit and dutifully matches each flick of your hips. He’s a quick learner, he always has been. You wonder if he’s storing your reactions and sounds for later so that if there was a next time, he’d do exactly what you’d like without instruction. The end nears for you too, it lingers amongst the obnoxious groans from your table as you rock your hips. The sounds of skin bare slapping marry your shared, debauched whines. They’ll haunt your walls tomorrow and the next. 
They haunt you right now.
You didn’t think you were capable of feeling so serene, but you do. You’re untouchable as you chase your release. It lays in the palm of Armin’s hands. You’ll eat straight from them if you have to. The coil in your stomach tightens for a moment and your breathing becomes staggered. Armin is no better, he sputters small half breaths between needy whines of your name. His forehead rests on your shoulder, and his sweat dabbled hair sticks to you. Strands of your hair cling to the nape of your neck too. The cool breeze that slithers across your house makes your heated skin break out with goosebumps. It doesn’t bother you though, nothing could bother you now.
“I love you,” Armin whispers into your skin as he cums, holding your body close to his.
A few more tears well up as your orgasm washes through you. Your thighs shake and you struggle to bring your arms around his torso. His tight embrace makes up for it as they lay limply by your side. Your flush skin is peppered with affectionate kisses and his nose is nuzzled into the crook of your neck. You feel loved, you haven’t felt it in a while but it felt similar to this. The earnest way he embraces you without a second thought is imbued with love. Lifting your tired arms, you curl them around his body. Your nails dig into the hardened flesh of his back. They leave a few crescent moons to join the myriad of battle scars and freckles that have returned to him.
‘“I love you too.”
You wish you could say it was true for the moment but it’s not. It was true because you did love him, you loved him in a way you weren’t sure you were capable of loving anyone else. If Ymir the Founder had left her people with anyone before erasing herself and her titan kin from existence, you think it might have been eternal love. The kind that wasn’t possible of fading, even when you didn’t understand why.
Hours pass and you find yourself in your bed once more, on the edge of waking and sleep you register the lack of sunlight. You don’t remember exactly how you made your way upstairs but you do remember two strong arms holding you close as you allowed slumber to cradle your tired mind in its embrace. The other side of the bed is still warm, but your blanket is tucked snugly beneath your chin.
There’s a letter on your bedside table and a glass of water. You make out the letters of your name and the promise of return but you choose not to read any further. Laying in silence you wonder if she’s still out there, your creator, the founder. If she was, you hoped she would listen to your pleas. You were strong, but you weren’t strong enough to spend the rest of your life waiting on a lost life whose remains had long since returned to the dirt and earth.
You prayed that the Jägerist’s stupidity would fall deaf to Queen Historia’s ears and that when you awoke next, there’d still be a head of blond hair next to you with long pretty eyelashes and rosy cheeks that told all his secrets. 
He was too far entangled in your rib cage. You were far too comfortably curled around his aorta. Armin may be able to withstand it but you weren’t. After all this time, you really hoped you could be happy. Even with all the strangeness that came from estrangement, you felt more alive with Armin than you had in all the years of living in Shiganshina. It was a shell of its former self, with the ghosts of yesterday's past filling all the nooks and crannies. You too easily allowed yourself to become one of them, the ghosts but you didn’t half to be a ghost, you could want things just the same as Armin could.
And you wanted him to come back to you so the two of you could experience that future he was talking about.
Mr. Arlert did not raise a liar or a man who’d break promises. Your chances were good. You could be happy. All the lost parts of you could return and maybe you’d feel whole again, and maybe you’d welcome the warmth of the sun on your skin the same way you welcomed Armin back into your life. 
You deserved some ounce of happiness too. 
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
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rightshoeonleftfoot · 2 months
How the flowers bloom
Pairing: Marius "Jäger" Streicher x GN!reader
Summary: This is part 1 of my smitten!Jäger x oblivious!reader. Reader has a mental breakdown and Jäger helps you feel better.
Warning: Slight warning, reader has a big breakdown questioning their life. Apart from that it's all fluff. This series is a slow burn (somewhat lol).
Words: 2.3k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
This not proofread! Criticism is welcome and encouraged. I also do take requests for this fic :)
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Today feels dull. Work takes longer than usual, your coworkers' voices grate your nerves more than usual. You have less patience for the customers yelling at you, less tolerance when your boss yells at you for the nth time to do something you haven't had the time for yet. After all, she gave you a never ending list of tasks to do, from mundane to tedious. You were getting to it.
Now, your boss asks you to be at the cash register, whilst also berating you for not going through the to-do list she gave you fast enough. The vase is filling up, one drop at a time. Now, you’re standing at the cash register trying to keep it together. It's excruciating, smiling at the customers like the stress of your job isn't starting to weigh on you.
Your vision starts to get blurry as you speak to the customer. It's been five years and you're still just an assistant in the bakery. You wanted to start your own business. Now here you are, acting as some sous-chef for an ungrateful baker, not a step closer to having your own bakery. What am I doing with my life? The thought rings loudly in your head, as a drop of water falls on the receipt you were gonna hand the woman.
You look down at it for a second, as more droplets fall on the receipt. The vase has overflown, and you're crying. The realization hits you as you wipe the tears off your cheeks and smile at the woman awkwardly.
"I'm so sorry." You chuckle in hopes of making the awkwardness of the situation go away. The lady surprisingly doesn't seem to take it badly. Instead, she looks almost.. concerned. "It's okay love. Everyone needs time off every once in a while." Her british accent is thick, yet it really seems like she cares. You nod in agreement and print out another receipt for her before handing it to her and heading to the break room.
You swallow the lump in your throat, mentally preparing to talk to your boss. You've decided, you're going home. You finally spot your boss, and she stares you down. Her gaze is piercing, like she's reading your every move.
"What the fuck are you doing back here? You're supposed to be out front." Her arms are crossed over her chest. An uncomfortable silence settles as you get the courage to speak up. "I'm heading home. I'm taking time off for the rest of the day." Your boss's face hardens, though she notices your teary eyes and she sighs. "Fine, take the rest of the day off. I don't need you today anyway." She doesn't seem genuine as she storms out of the break room, going to take care of the customers waiting for their order.
You pack your stuff up, almost relieved to be going home. Though the stress of losing your job seems to hit you as you put on your shoes to leave. It's a good paying job after all, right? The only downside is it's not exactly what you want to do for the rest of your life, but it's better than nothing you suppose. You sigh as you step out of the break room, the tears won't stop flowing. It's a never ending stream as you sniffle quietly, trying to bring the least amount of attention to yourself.
You glance at the line as you leave the bakery. It's the lunch rush, the line goes out the door. As you go to open the door to leave, you make eye contact with a customer. A smile appears on the man's face. You know him. He excuses himself from the front of the line and walks quickly towards you, before trapping you in a tight hug.
"Marius, wha- why are you here?" Your tone is laced with laughter as his hug lengthens. He doesn't answer for a few seconds, choosing to hold you in his arms a bit longer. He finally pulls back, putting his hands on each side of your arms. He's ecstatic to see you and it shows. "My op ended early, things got done a lot quicker than we expected." His smile falters a little when he sees your puffy eyes and red cheeks.
"Herzblatt, what happened? Are you crying?" The worry in his tone is obvious. He leans forward, as though to get a better look at your face to make sure you aren't injured. He backs off quickly, his cheeks now tinted red. What was he even trying to do? Confusion takes over as you're not quite sure why he reacted like that. He quickly reaches for a tissue in his pocket to hand you. "I'm okay Marius." You try to reassure him, chuckling to ease some of his worry.
He completely disregards your comment about being okay. "Did someone hurt you?" Instead of handing you the tissue, he goes to wipe off the tears off your cheeks himself. However, he stops himself and awkwardly looks away before handing you the tissue. You take the tissue from his hand, wiping your tears away. "Thanks." You take a deep breath. "No one did this, I'm just.. stressed." You feel a bit bad, complaining about your stressful job to a man who defends people's lives for a living.
"You were heading home, right? Why don't I make you dinner?" Marius proposes confidently. He seems almost too excited to be at your house again. He's fiddling with his belt loop on his pants, you notice he looks almost.. nervous. Granted, he's been like that around you for a bit, you just kind of assume it's how he is. "I couldn't ask that of you, I'd feel bad taking up your time like that." You really just feel like you're taking up space. Not that you don't want to spend time with him, you just don't want to feel like you're bothering him.
His confidence falters ever so slightly. He feels a bit rejected, almost like you're making an excuse to let him down easy. "Well, I don't have anything else to do and uhm, I missed you so..." He looks away awkwardly for a second, before looking back at you and smiling confidently once again. His cheeks seem a bit more flushed than usual. "Okay, yeah, if you're really okay with it, it'd be really nice." You feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It's nice to have a friend who cares.
"I missed you too, by the way. Let's go." You sniffle as you wipe the last of your tears. His heart flutters at your words. Marius puts his hand out for you to take, but you don't notice as you've already started to walk. He quickly follows you, walking side by side with you.
The walk back to your house is... animated to say the least. Marius has a lot of energy, and a lot to talk about. The entire time you have your hands tucked away in your pockets, to Marius' great disappointment. He's talking your ear off about stuff he's recently watched and read, and he never seems to run out of talking material. His laugh is contagious, and you find yourself forgetting about all the stressful things that happened today.
You finally get back to your house and open the door for him. You take off your shoes and lock the door behind you both. He takes off his shoes and heads to the kitchen, going over to your fridge and opening it with you hot on his trail. You sneak behind him, peeking above his shoulder to see what he's looking at. "What do you want me to make for you, Schatzi?" His tone wavers a bit due to your proximity. He starts to pick stuff up from the fridge and puts it back in an effort to distract himself from you.
"Pasta would be nice." You mumbled, your hand coming to rest on his side to stabilize yourself as you look at what you have in your fridge with him. He freezes, the thoughts in his brain becoming a bit scrambled. "I uhm, I suppose I could." His tone was a bit hesitant as he looked back at you, not realizing just how close you were to him. He looked away immediately, taking a few things out of the fridge and walking away from you and towards the counter.
Marius gets to work. He seems to know what to make with what you have. He's expertly navigating your kitchen, he knows exactly where everything is. You get out of his way, resorting to watching him cook. You're leaning on the counter, looking at his every move, not saying a word. Then, he drops a glass and freezes. He's never done that before. Especially not around you.
"Scheiße." He mumbles under his breath. He's avoiding your gaze, he seems embarrassed. "It's okay, I got it." You stand up straight and head over to the mess he made to clean it up. His palms are sweaty as he tries to help you clean the mess, though he seems to keep dropping everything. You clean up the raw egg that fell on the floor, but accidentally cut yourself on the glass. "Tsk, shit." Marius immediately grabs your hand to look at the cut. He inspects your cut and helps you up.
"Let's get this cleaned up, Liebling." He leads you to the washroom but you stop him. You never understand the names he gives you, you never bother to ask since they seem innocent enough. "I'm okay, Marius. I just need to rinse it." You smile reassuringly at him, and he seems to relax, his grip on your hand loosening. He doubles down regardless. "No, I don't want any glass in your cut." He pulls you towards him and into the washroom.
He drags you over to the sink, and cleans your wound for you. His hands are sweaty and you can feel it. He's nervous, but it's nothing out of the ordinary so you don't question it. You lean towards him to see what he was doing better. He's cleaning it up, putting your hand under warm water, rinsing your cut to make sure there's no glass. He puts some polysporin on it and covers it with a bandaid, making sure it's nice and snug. He finally looks up to see you. "There, it's all-" He stops talking abruptly as his eyes meet yours.
You're confused as to why he stopped talking. His face is very close to yours, but it's not bothering you, you're usually this close to him. He clears his throat and looks away. "Uhm, yeah, it's cleaned and you're good to go." He smiles awkwardly, and leaves to go back to the kitchen to finish making you food. You can't deny his help is making all your stress vanish.
You walk back into the kitchen, and smile when you notice he cleaned up the glass. "Marius." You call out to him as he turns on the stove to make the sauce. "Ja?" He doesn't turn to look at you. "Thank you for helping me with all of this." You sit at the counter realizing he'd put his sleeves up to his elbows now. "Any time, do you wanna talk about what's bothering you?" You contemplate it for a second before speaking. "I don't like my work." Marius is stunned for a second as he looks at you.
"I thought you loved baking?" He checked the sauce before leaning over the counter to pay more attention to you. "Well, yeah. I just-" You sigh, trying to find your words. "I want to have my own bakery, you know? I'm tired of being some- some sous chef to my boss." You clench your fists. "She treats me like shit, Marius. I've been there for five years and she's not any closer to letting me have a little bit of freedom when it comes to designing the menu."
Marius seems to think for a second. "Why don't you take out a loan? I'll help you find a good spot for your bakery, I can help with the renovation. You'll make that money back quickly." His positive nature is contagious. "You think I could do it?" You don't want to get into debt, it's worrying. "You have the experience and the passion. Besides, I can be your taste tester, ja?" He smiles, trying to lighten the mood. "But for now, focus on getting food and relaxing, Schatzi. I can set something up on the TV for us."
You nod, feeling relieved to have someone there for you. He focuses back on making you a good meal, occasionally spilling some things and bumping into dining chairs and counters as he navigates the kitchen. After a few minutes, he plates the food and presents it to you. Pomodoro pasta, and it looks mouthwatering. "Living room?" He asks as he holds both bowls in his hands, looking at you eagerly.
"Yeah." You hurry to your living room, sitting on the couch, and he puts the pasta bowls on the coffee table. Before you can grab the remote to turn on the TV, he snags it from you. He sits on the couch next to you and sets up a documentary on quantum computers. You lean back on the couch, leaning into him since he's so warm. He freezes but doesn't move. As you both watch and eat, you're hit with a strange sense of calmness.
You focus on the documentary, and though you don't understand everything, you don't mind. He loves explaining it to you anyway. You, however, never notice all the looks he gives you to make absolutely sure you like what you're watching. After all, he'd give you the world if you'd only just accept it.
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crazychaoticizzy · 4 months
TRACK ONE: Pilot/Heart Attack
Heart Attack: the greatest rock band in history. Decades after the nasty breakup that followed their final performance in Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, the six band members finally agree to separate interviews that reveal how they came together and their rise to fame.
And what led to their sudden downfall.
CONTENT: multipart fic, rock band au, love triangle, slow burn, angst
Series Masterlist
AOT Masterlist
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DODGER STADIUM, LOS ANGELES After their highly anticipated performance at Dodger Stadium, Los Angeles, Jean Kirschtein tore off the neck of his bass on stage and ripped a hole in the drums. After announcing his resignation from the famous band, Heart Attack, Eren Jäger punched him.
Following Jean Kirschtein's resignation, Heart Attack fell apart. The performance in Dodger Stadium was their last, and the six band members have not been seen together since.
This biography is made up of a series of interviews compiled over the years by Olivia Russo. This is the first time the band and others involved have spoken on their scandals since they broke up.
JEAN KIRSTEIN, bassist for Heart Attack: Just sit here?  Alright. Yeah, of course. Sure you don’t want anything to drink? Okay. [smiling] Hi.
EREN JÄGER, main male vocalist for Heart Attack: We’re gonna make this quick, ‘kay? I don’t wanna talk about this shit. Ask your questions, get a snack or something, and leave.
ARMIN ARLERT, guitarist for Heart Attack: Do I look okay? I dunno, I just feel nervous, I guess. I haven’t really talked about this in years, especially on camera.
SASHA BRAUS, keyboardist for Heart Attack: Oh, I’m so excited for this. Did my hair curl weird? No? Okay. What do you want me to do? Introduce myself? I don’t know, everything’s changed so much since the last time I did a one on one interview like this. Hi, my name is Sasha Braus. I was the former keyboardist and supporting female vocalist for Heart Attack.
CONNIE SPRINGER, drummer for Heart Attack: Ready, kid? You’re in for a ride. I hope you brought snack or something to hold you by, this is a long story.
MIKASA ACKERMAN, photographer and costume designer for Heart Attack: This is for a documentary, right? Or a novel? Oh, okay. Either way, I’ll try to remember everything as best I can.
Y/N L/N, main female vocalist for Heart Attack: Hey. Yeah, of course. Mess with whatever. Maybe you can hide the circles under my eyes. [laughs]
What did you think of Heart Attack?
MIKASA: Well, it was Eren’s dream, so I just kind of went with it. It was fun, though. I really liked everyone we worked with. Most of them were really nice.
EREN: We were on top of the fucking world. The biggest band of the century. Everyone knew our name and we were making millions. I don’t know why Jean wanted to throw that shit away.
JEAN: You want honesty? I fucking hated it. Every single second.
CONNIE: Ooo, getting into the deep shit already? Well, I personally thought it was so fun. More so after we got famous, but it was great even back when we were just teenagers in Mrs. Yeager’s basement.
ARMIN: I kind of felt… indifferent? I mean, yeah I liked it. I was spending time with my best friends. But I would have preferred something quieter, maybe? Something that didn’t have us at each other’s throats all the time, at least.
SASHA: Well, it was definitely stressful. God, especially when I was pregnant. I was so worried about what we were going to do then. I mean, I couldn’t be up on stage at almost nine months. Are you crazy? But then for half of our songs the keyboard is a really big part so it’s not like I just couldn’t be there.
Y/N: I really enjoyed it. Yeah, there were a couple times I maybe wanted to kill someone, but it was fun. Lifelong friends, some of them. All of them, actually, but . . .
SASHA: Oh, well. We figured it out in the end. [smiles]
Y/N: It didn’t end well, as I’m sure you know.
JEAN: What were we? A rock band, according to Google, but what we were doing wasn’t rock.
CONNIE: It’s kind of funny, actually. Before Sasha we were all so uncreative and couldn’t come up with song titles. With good reason, too, that shit is hard. Trying to sum up your song in a couple words? Pfft. We were all useless, especially Eren.
ARMIN: Only the super old fans know this, but our very first song ever, track one on our debut album, was originally called “Pilot.”
EREN: Yes, like the fucking first episode of a show that doesn’t know if it’s gonna do well or some shit. It was not my idea.
JEAN: It was Eren’s idea.
MIKASA: I tried convincing them to name it something else, but they wouldn’t budge. I suggested just their band name and they said, “No, that’s too basic. We need something unique.” They didn’t change it until Scout Records told them to. And guess what they changed it to.
CONNIE: We changed the first song to “Heart Attack” in… let’s see, 2018 or somewhere close to that. 2019, maybe?
JEAN: Naming our first album “Debut” was Eren’s dumb ass idea, too. Uncreative prick.
EREN: No one else had any better ideas, so we just went with what I said by default. It’s not like anyone cared, anyway.
What can you tell me about Marco Bodt?
SASHA: Sorry, darling. I don’t know much about him other than he was the band’s first keyboardist.
Y/N: Just what Annie and everyone else told me way back when. I don't remember much.
MIKASA: Oh, I wasn’t around them enough at the beginning to know him. That was around the same time my mom had started getting me ready to take over the store, so I spent almost all of my free time with her.
ARMIN: I don’t really remember him. I had him in my Chemistry class before I dropped out. He was my table partner, I think. He was nice, though. We tutored each other sometimes. And, of course, he was over at Eren’s with us a lot.
CONNIE: I loved Marco, man. If you met him, you knew you had just met the sun. He always had such a bright outlook on everything. He was like Switzerland when we started arguing. And he always came up with the best compromises.
EREN: Marco was amazing. I felt bad all the time because he was always breaking up arguments. I have no clue why he was friends with us.
ARMIN: We were definitely annoying. It took a special kind of patience to deal with us, especially at that age. Marco always handled it so well, though. I think he and I would’ve ended up being much better friends if we were given the chance.
JEAN: Someone did their homework. You know about Marco? Course you do, you’re fucking [incoherent]. Uhm, Marco… God, I haven’t talked about him since he died. I don’t even think the really old fans know about him, to be honest. Well, Marco was . . . I think he was the first boy I ever loved.
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i'm so excited for this series you guys don't even know. i have so much planned and i hope you guys have as much fun reading it as i had writing it
TAGLIST: @arlerts-angel if you'd like to join the taglist please comment to let me know!
next part >>
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bradshawsbitch · 1 year
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bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw. . .
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« - denotes angst.
△ - denotes smut.
❣ - denotes fluff
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✧ series:
○ mise en place masterlist
↳ bradley bradshaw, the notoriously ill mannered head chef at the small franchise pub down the street, is quite content with his fast paced job. no commitments or obligations outside of his kingdom of sharp knives, pots, pans, prep work and a shot of jäger after a double. that is until a new waitress is hired, and suddenly his strict and rigid rules of no obligations or commitments starts to waver. . .
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✧ one-shot:
○ i'll guide you - x reader △ NEW!
↳ amongst salt water skin and silken sheets lies insecurities and innocence, but also tenderness and a willingness to learn...
○ halo effect - x reader △
↳ Commander Bradshaw is content with his job as a Top Gun instructor and mentor, and very careful to never abuse his power...
○ songbird - x reader △
↳ bradley and you have rented a cabin for the week, how can you help when bradley has a bad day?
○ flightless bird - x reader △
↳ part 2 of songbird. after yours and bradley's week spent in the cabin, he gets deployed for the first time in quite a while. you welcome him home for valentine's with ardour.
○ free solo - bradley x bob x reader △
↳ bradley finds himself lonely and in need of releasing some tension.
○ hard hitter - x reader - △
↳ sometimes, men are easy to play... bradley included.
○ whiskey sour - x reader - ❣
↳ a look through bradley's times stationed in san diego - seen through the eyes of a lovesick bartender.
○ white christmas - x reader ❣
↳ you and bradley decide to spend christmas abroad - perhaps you'll get to see where santa actually lives?
○ of pet-names and pumpkin patches - x reader - ❣
↳ a sweet fic about pumpkin picking and tender pet-names bradley calls you.
○ difficult - x reader - △
↳ when bradley comes home from deployment, you have many ways of getting him back to you.
○ if not for you - x reader - ❣
↳ a misty november night spent on the sofa cuddling.
○ little wallflower - x hearing impaired!reader
↳ the dagger squad has seen you at the hard deck, and bradley finds you intriguing - but no one's ever spoken to you. he wonders why...
○ ghosts - bob floyd x bradley « ❣ ↳ after some time of living on base, bob finally tires of the uncomfy bed and limited access to good paths to do his morning runs on. after moving in with rooster, the two of them discover an affinity for film. perhaps horror is not bradley's preferred genre though...
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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Baby It’s Cold Outside - Sebastian Vettel x Reader
Pairing - Sebastian Vettel x Reader
Word Count - 4.5k
Content Warnings - swearing, oral sex, vaginal sex
Synopsis - After a rather boozy Christmas party at Sebastian’s house, you’re not quite ready to say goodbye. Luckily the two of you are great and finding reasons as to why you should stay the night.
Author’s Note - It was supposed to be my super depressing Estie Bestie fic today, but I wasn’t feeling it so instead you get this! It’s my first Seb fic which I’m actually surprised at considering he is my ride-or-die, so I’m very excited for this one! Inspired of course by the song of the same name, which is such a bop. I personally prefer the Tom Jones and Cerys Matthews version because I’m a big Tom Jones fan, but any version can be enjoyed alongside this fic! So, without further ado, let’s get into it!
It was late, in fact it was almost Christmas Eve, 11:57pm on December 23rd, and you were still in Sebastian’s house.
Most people had left a lot earlier, having early flights to catch in the morning to return home to their families and begin the festive celebrations. But you remained well into the evening, following along as the drinks being poured progressed from red wine with dinner, to tequila shots and jäger bombs.
Those who were staying over in one of Sebastian’s many guest rooms were still gathered in the lounge, only the remainder of earlier beverages in their hands as Sebastian’s drinks cabinet had already been thoroughly emptied.
You step back into the room where everyone was gathered. You notice Lance in the corner, a familiar face amongst all the other men and women in the room, and take a seat beside him.
“Are you staying over too?” He asks you, and you shake your head.
“No, but I have a hotel room nearby. I’ll probably call a cab when everyone decides to go to bed.” You say, and Lance nods. His eyes are glassy from all the drinks he had thrown back that evening. He had been the one passing around the tequila, and you had only managed to talk your way out of half of the shots you were offered.
“Who knows, if you get your way, you might get to stay over after all, sharing a bed with a certain German racing driver?” Lance whispers in your ear, quiet enough so that no one else in the room could hear him.
“Shush!” You whisper yell, jabbing Lance in the side and causing him to collapse into fits of laughter.
Lance had almost immediately caught on to your infatuation with Sebastian. He teased you for it relentlessly, much like an annoying brother would. He always told you that you should make a move, tell Sebastian of how you felt, but you just couldn’t. Every time you saw him your legs turned to jelly, and you stumbled over each and every word you spoke. You would never be able to tell him just how you truly felt about him, and with his retirement looming, you knew you never would.
Besides, you did have a flight to catch in the morning. A flight home. You hadn’t seen your family in such a long time. The long racing season, followed by testing and work back at the factory meant you hadn’t been home since the summer break. You didn’t mind, it was your job, and you were used to it. But you couldn’t wait to see them again and tell them about all the amazing things you had seen.
“Right, I think I’m gonna call it a night, mate.” You hear Mark say from the sofa opposite you.
“Sounds like a good plan.” Another man you don’t quite recognise adds, and everyone else begins to prepare to make their way upstairs to their guest rooms.
“I’m not as young as I used to be, I need my beauty sleep.” Mark says, and Seb nods at him, standing to shake his hand before the Australian makes his way to the staircase.
Most of the other guests follow him, setting down their empty glasses on the coffee table to retire to their rooms.
“I’m gonna go too, I might be younger than Mark, but I have a long flight home tomorrow.” Lance says, standing from beside you with a slap of his thighs.
“It was good seeing you again, sweet dreams!” You say, and Lance gives you a smile and a nod, leaving the room and leaving just you and Sebastian alone in his living room.
Sebastian stands up and begins gathering the glasses from the table and taking them to the kitchen. Not wanting to leave a mess behind, you do the same, following him in with your arms filled with glasses.
“You don’t have to do that, you know?” Sebastian says, and you shake your head with a smile.
“You’ve been a great host, it’s the least I can do.” You say, sliding the glasses into the dishwasher.
“I’m glad you had a good time. It feels weird to think this will be the last time I host one of these for the people on my team.” Sebastian says.
“Well, it was a great party. And should there be any more parties like this next season, I’m sure you’ll be receiving an invite.” You say, and Sebastian chuckles.
“Maybe if I’m not hosting I won’t be the last one to go to bed. I enjoy hosting others but I don’t always enjoy the cleaning up part afterwards.” He says.
“Well, I’m always happy to help lighten the load.” You say, before disappearing into the lounge to grab another handful of empty shot glasses.
“I’m grateful, but you really don’t have to help. Besides, shouldn’t you be calling a cab, you probably want to get to bed soon.” Sebastian says, reaching out to take the glasses from your hands.
For a moment, his fingertips brush yours, and you have to try your best to act normal at the soft contact you shared. You became suddenly aware of the fact that it was only you and Sebastian still awake in the house. Everyone else had gone, and the two of you were alone. Suddenly, your legs were jelly again.
“I’ll finish what I started with clearing the room, then I’ll call a cab.” You say, before quickly darting back into the lounge, and opportunity for you to steady your breathing, and to collect more glasses.
“Those are the last ones.” You say, reaching to pass three wine glasses over to Sebastian, but as you do, one slips from your grip, shattering across the kitchen floor.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry.” You say, placing the other glass in your hand down on the counter to bend down and collect the larger shards of glass by your feet.
“It’s okay. Are you hurt?” Sebastian asks, bending down beside you to help in collecting the chunks of glass.
“No, no, I’m fine, I think. So fucking sorry, I have a chronic case of butterfingers.” You say, trying to laugh off the awkward incident.
“It’s really okay. It’s just a glass.” Sebastian says, before dropping the shards he had collected into the trash can beneath the sink.
You do the same, but wince as you feel one of the sharper shards slide across you skin, leaving behind a trail of red as it falls into the trash.
You push your finger into your mouth to swipe away the blood with your tongue, hoping it’s just a small cut that will cease its bleeding with the pressure you applied with your tongue.
As Sebastian’s back is turned, you remove your finger to inspect the damage. You breathe a sigh of relief as the cut appears to have closed, but it immediately begins weeping again, and you sigh.
“You’re bleeding.” Sebastian says, and your eyes jump up to look at him.
He takes a few steps towards you, before taking your hand in his to inspect the wound.
“It’s just a small cut, but it needs cleaning and covering.” Sebastian says, dropping your hand from his grasp and rifling through one of his kitchen drawers.
“It’s okay, I’ll sort it when I’m back at the hotel.” You say, trying to turn away but Sebastian grabs your hand, pulling you closer to inspect the wound once again.
“This is going to sting a little, okay?” He says, looking into your eyes as if asking for permission.
You nod at him as he runs the antiseptic wipe across the cut on your finger, and you fight back a wince as the alcohol seeps into the open flesh.
Sebastian wraps a plaster around your finger gently and smiles at you, before looking down at your finger again to admire his handiwork.
“There. All better, hm?” He says, his hands still holding your own.
You try and find words, but the contact between his hands and yours was almost too much. Your mouth opens and closes as your eyes glance up to meet Sebastian’s, and you can see his smile living within them.
“Thank you, honestly, you’re too kind to say I just broke one of your glasses and then proceeded to bleed all over your trash.” You finally manage to say, chuckling slightly to ease the tension in your head.
“This kitchen has seen more blood than you’d think. I’m not as handy with a knife as I’d like to think I am.” Sebastian chuckles, his hands still holding your own gently.
“I really should call a cab, before I damage any more of your property.” You say, pulling your hands away from Sebastian’s to reach for your phone that you had stashed away in the pocket of your dress.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like another drink? A whiskey perhaps to steady your nerves after your injury?” Sebastian asks, and you shake your head.
“I thought the guys had drank you dry already this evening?” You say, glancing up at him from the open Uber app on your phone.
“I keep a bottle stashed away for emergencies such as this. It’s the good stuff too.” Sebastian says, wandering over to his pantry to retrieve a half-filled decanter and two matching glasses.
“Do you have any plastic ones? I can’t drop and smash those.” You chuckle, and Sebastian laughs too as he pours out two shots, holding the glass out to you.
You take it with a smile, placing your phone down onto the counter to take a sip. The fiery whisky felt good as it ran down your throat, and you can’t help but hum in response at the smooth taste of the liquid.
“It’s good, huh? One of my favourites.” Sebastian says, and you nod.
“Mark said you were always more of a Jäegermeister fan.” You laugh, and Seb shakes his head with a smile.
“Maybe back when we were teammates. As I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to appreciate a good scotch.” Sebastian says, before taking a final swig from his glass and setting it down on the counter beside you.
Your phone beeps and you look down at the screen, letting out a sigh as you set down your beverage to pick up your phone.
“Fuck.” You say under your breath, tapping at the screen aggressively as if that would in any way change it’s mind.
“Are you okay?” Sebastian asks, and you hang your head in frustration.
“Apparently there are no cabs available. Probably because of that.” You say, pointing out of the window where snowflakes were gently fluttering past.
“Ah…” Sebastian says, and you grab your glass and finish off the warming beverage before placing it down next to Sebastian’s own empty glass.
“I could try another company, I’m sure there must be some local taxi firm willing to drive in the snow if I offer to pay double.” You say, and Sebastian shakes his head.
“Or, you could stay here? The rooms are all filled, but you can have my room, I’ll sleep on the sofa, I don’t mind.” Sebastian says, offering you a small smile.
“You’re honestly too kind, but I couldn’t do that, it’s your home, your room. I’ll sleep on the sofa, if you have a spare blanket that would be great.” You say, and Sebastian nods reluctantly.
“Okay, if you’re sure. The spare blankets are in my room, come with me.” He says, and you follow him out of the kitchen, into the lounge and up the stairs to the long corridor.
The sofa was comfortable, you wouldn’t mind sleeping on it, even though you were slightly angry at the fact that your hotel room you had paid for would be empty for the night. You didn’t even have any things with you, and while you hadn’t gone for the most uncomfortable of outfits, it wouldn’t make the best substitute for pyjamas.
You follow Sebastian into his room, and it’s so very him. Simplistic and functional, a few trophies stood on the shelves amongst other meaningful trinkets and books. Above the bed was a large framed image of a stag hidden amongst a bright green forest. Your eyes lingered on the image as Sebastian disappeared into his closet.
“Here, I have some old team gear you can wear. They’re not exactly your size but I’m sure they’ll be much better to sleep in than your current outfit, which you look beautiful in, but doesn’t look to be all that comfortable.” Sebastian says, and you can’t help but blush at the compliment he gave you. Did he really just call you beautiful?
You realise that in processing the compliment, you had left him standing there with his arms filled. You blink a few times to clear your mind, before taking the sweats from him gratefully.
“Thank you.” You say, nodding your head as you offer him a shy smile.
“You can use my bathroom to change, and there’s a spare toothbrush under the sink you can use.” Sebastian says as he takes a seat on the edge of his bed.
“Thank you. Again. I won’t be long.” You say, before disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door behind you.
You change into the clothes that Sebastian had given you, a pair of grey sweatpants and an Aston Martin T-shirt from there previous season. They smelt just like Sebastian, and you couldn’t help but take in his scent, no matter how much of a weirdo you felt by doing it.
God, you felt like such an idiot. You had smashed one of his glasses, injured yourself and ended up forcing him to allow you to stay at his house for the night. He must think you stupid, as well as clumsy.
You couldn’t help but think back to Lance’s earlier words, how technically you could have ended up sleeping in Sebastian’s bed after all. Alone, of course, not exactly the way you would have liked.
You chuckle to yourself as you look in the mirror. Most of your makeup had worn off following the events of the evening, only a ghost remained of your shimmering eyeshadow and lipstick. You splash your face with warm water to remove the remainder of the product, really wishing you had your cleanser and moisturiser with you to save your skin from the inevitable hell it was due to suffer the next day.
You pat your face dry with your dress, not wanting to get makeup all over Sebastian’s crisp white towels that hung in his bathroom. After all, you didn’t want to cause him any more problems than you already had that evening, and foundation stains were notoriously hard to remove from white towels, as you had discovered in the years previous after staying at various fancy hotels.
Emerging from the bathroom, your eyes immediately meet Seb who was in the middle of changing into his own pyjamas. A pair of plaid pyjama pants hung from his waist, and he was yet to put on a shirt. Your eyes immediately moved to study the older man’s back. You noted how broad his shoulders were, and how soft his skin looked. God, you wanted nothing more than to run your hands across that skin and claim it as your own.
Stuck in your trance, you don’t quite realise that Seb had turned to face you, taking a few steps in your direction so that he was just a few inches away from you.
“See something you like?” He asks, and his voice snaps you out of your focus, your eyes travelling up to stare deeply into his.
“I’m sorry, I can go outside and wait until you’ve finished changing!” You say, beginning to move towards the bedroom door, only for your arm to be caught by Sebastian’s hand.
“You didn’t answer my question.” He says, and your mouth falls open, unsure of exactly what to say or how to respond. What do you say? Yes, as that’s the real answer, no, which would be a lie, and maybe? Well that would cover all the bases and keep you safe if he isn’t trying to do just what you think he is.
“Maybe?” You squeak out, exhaling a shaky breath as he steps towards you.
Sebastian’s hand travels up your arm, across your collar bones to find your cheek. His warm touch sends an electric feeling throughout your body as you attempt to regulate your breathing, which was becoming heavier as his hand guides your face closer to his own.
“You must be cold, allow me to warm you up.” Sebastian says, before closing the gap between the two of you and pressing his lips to yours. Your brain immediately becomes soup as all you can think about is how good it feels to have his lips on your own. Your arms somehow find their way to his neck, wrapping around his body tightly to pull yourself closer and further into him.
“Stay with me tonight.” He says as he pulls away for air, his lips ghosting yours with every word.
You whisper a quiet ‘yes’, nodding your head as he claims your lips once again, guiding you back towards the bed and pulling you down into his lap.
The kiss becomes more desperate as your hands roam his chest, just the way you had always wanted to. His hands find the seam of your shirt and he lifts it, momentarily breaking the kiss to discard it onto the floor.
The dress you had worn that night hadn’t allowed for a bra, and so you were now completely bare, exposed, and Sebastian’s hands immediately find your bare breasts, squeezing them gently with his warm hands.
Your hands tangle into his hair, gripping his curls tightly as his mouth leaves yours, only to find one of your nipples and begin sucking on it gently.
You let out a small moan at the contact, and Sebastian chuckles against your breast while his other hand continues to play with the other.
“I need you Sebastian.” You moan, and he looks up at you, his eyebrow raised, before he flips you over, throwing you down onto the bed and positioning himself above you.
“How much do you need me?” He asks, his voice deep. He pins your hands to the bed above you, leaving you utterly under his control.
“More than anything, more than air or food or water. I need you.” You say between shallow breaths, and he smirks, releasing your hands and allowing them to find the waistband of his pyjamas.
You pull them down and he discards them to the floor, revealing his growing erection. His lips once again find your nipple and he begins sucking once again, more aggressively this time, as his hands travel down to your own waistband. The waistband of the sweatpants that belonged to him, that you were now wearing.
He pulls them away, revealing your already soaked lacy black panties, and he grunts at the sight of them. Sebastian nuzzles his face into your covered pussy, licking a stripe up the damp fabric, making you squirm beneath him.
“Sebastian please.” You whine, now desperate to feel his touch. So desperate you were willing to beg, you didn’t even care.
“You want me to eat your pretty pussy, (y/n)? Is that what you want?” He speaks against the fabric, the vibrations of his voice driving you crazy.
“Yes, oh fuck yes, please.” You say, and Sebastian obliges, pulling down your panties and leaving you fully exposed, willing to let him do whatever he wants to you.
“Such a good girl, saying please like that. How could I possibly refuse?” He says, before taking your clit between his lips and sucking on it gently.
The sensation was like nothing you’d ever felt before. It made sense that a man like Sebastian knew what he was doing, he knew exactly how to please a woman. He probably had lots of experience over the years, and had oral sex down to a fine art.
You spread your legs wider for him, allowing him to kneel between them. One hand finds your inner thigh, gripping it tightly, while the other finds your dripping cunt, a single finger tracing your entrance delicately.
Sebastian continues to lick and suck at your clit as he teases your hole, pushing his finger tip in slightly and watching your face for your reaction.
“More, please, more.” You say on an exhale as you try and keep your moans to a lower volume, conscious that everyone else in the house would be able to hear you.
“You want my fingers? Or do you want my cock?” Sebastian asks, and a shiver runs through your body as he pushes his finger deeper inside you.
“Your cock, please Sebastian, I want your cock.” You say, attempting to control your volume but the sensation of him inside of you was making it harder and harder with every movement.
“Since you asked so nicely…” Sebastian begins, adjusting his position so that he was sitting against he headboard. He pulls you onto his lap so that you were knelt with a leg either side of him and grips your hips, pulling your body up so that your hole just grazed the tip of his cock. “…I’ll give you what you want.” He says, and you slowly sink down onto his length.
You stifle a moan as he slowly fills you up, his hips thrusting gently as he bottoms out within you.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and bury your head in his chest as you find your rhythm, his thrusts matching your movements up and down on his cock.
The air is filled with quiet moans and grunts as they fall from your lips, a string of profanities leaving them as Sebastian hits the right spot.
“Fuck, right there.” You say, and Sebastian continues to hit it with each movement, pushing you closer and closer to your undoing.
Sebastian claims your lips in a filthy kiss as he picks up the pace, the springs of the bed below you creaking loudly as you fuck one another.
“I’m close.” You whisper against Sebastian’s lips, and he wraps his arms around your waist, squeezing your arse tightly between his fingertips. You assume there would probably be bruises left behind in the morning, but you didn’t care. You wanted Sebastian to claim you as his own, to leave his mark on you.
The sensation of his hands on your body, his lips on yours, and his cock deep within you brings you to your release, and you let out a pornographic moan as your vision goes blurry. It’s not often you’re fucked blind, but Sebastian Vettel was no ordinary shag.
The sensation of your walls tightening around him brings Sebastian to his own orgasm, and he cums inside of you, filling you up with his seed.
Your name falls from his lips as he does so, and your pace slows to a stop, settling down on his cock as your head rests gently on his shoulder.
“Fuck, Sebastian, that was…” you begin.
“I know.” He says, almost as if he could predict the ending of your sentence.
The next morning, you are well prepared to do the walk of shame out of Sebastian’s house, to take a cab back to the hotel, and then travel to the airport to catch your flight home for Christmas.
However, when you finally wake up, with the sun shining in through the blinds, you find Sebastian perched on the edge of the bed, his phone pressed to his ear as he speaks quietly into the receiver.
When he notices that you were awake, he hands up, dropping his phone against the sheets.
“Good morning.” He says with a smile.
“Good morning.” You echo back, returning a sleepy smile.
“I called your hotel, they’re sending your luggage directly to the airport. I’ll drive you there from here, it makes more sense. And now, you can stay for breakfast.” He says, and you nod enthusiastically.
“That’s great, Sebastian, thank you.” You say, standing from the bed to retrieve the shirt and sweats you had discarded the night previously. Considering you hadn’t been wearing them for long before Sebastian had removed them, it felt only right for you to wear them for breakfast. After all, you would be able to pass them off as your own, and they would look much less suspicious than last night’s makeup-stained dress.
You weren’t entirely sure why you were trying to concoct a cover story to tell the others to explain just why you had stayed. They probably heard you, despite your extended efforts to remain quiet.
Sebastian accompanies you down the stairs, where Mark is already sat at the breakfast bar, a cup of coffee in hand, while Lance was sat on the sofa, his eyes fixated on his phone as he crunched on a piece of toast.
You separate from Sebastian, taking a seat beside Lance who looks up at you, his eyebrow raised.
“So, it sounded like you had a good night last night.” He teases, and you slap him on the arm.
“Oh, shut up.” You say, stealing the second triangle of toast from Lance’s plate on the coffee table. “Was I really that loud?”
“Well, Mark heard you two and he was on the other side of the house. I was next door.” Lance says, and you bury your head in a throw pillow.
“I want the ground to swallow me up.” You say into the pillow.
“Look, while that was something I never ever wanted to hear, I’m happy you finally got some.” Lance laughs, and you slap him again.
“Now, was he good? It sounded like he was good.” Lance asks, and you shake your head, standing from the sofa to head into the kitchen.
“I’m not answering that, Lance, fuck off, I need some coffee.” You say, offering him a middle finger as you disappear into the kitchen to find yourself some breakfast.
“Tell lover boy to make me some more toast since you ate mine.” Lance shouts, and you roll your eyes at Sebastian who was pouring himself a glass of orange juice.
“Suck a dick, Stroll.” You shout back, and Sebastian laughs, taking two slices of bread and placing them in the toaster. After all, he was nothing if not a good host.
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writing-whump · 5 months
Bleeding silver
This is a Christmas present for my lovely friend and RP partner @clickerflight. Great writer and artist, your work lights up my day.💙 Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Flashback fic, when Isaiah was 17, an executioner in his family pack. Insight into his secrets about his father, brothers and the deal with Reuben. Angst, captivity, torture, mentions of war, mentions of death, mentions of abuse.
Father’s office was big, dark with lots of massive wood a fireplace and two smaller rooms for waiting and parallel meetings, but very few wolves knew about its greatest advantage - that it had a stairway leading to another office downstairs.
The basement office had no windows. It was that far in the ground and the walls were of thick cement. No sounds came out of there. 
Isaiah made sure no one was at the meeting room, before he went down, closing the secret door behind him. 
Reuben was in the same position as Isaiah saw him in the morning. Hands in silver chains leading back to the wall behind him. He could  sit upright, but he could not move up from there. Silver cuffs on his feet served no other purpose than to cause more burning pain. He was bleeding where silver touched him, the skin rough and blistered. 
“I brought you food,” Isaiah said, putting the plate next to his limp feet before stepping away to lean against the cluttered table behind him.
Reuben tilted his head slowly, eyes glassy and feverish as they focused on him. His brown curls were greasy from sweat and matted with old blood and he was shivering without his shadow. He still managed a sarcastic: “How very kind of you.” 
It was a bowl of soup. Isaiah figured Reuben’s last bouts of sickness could be traced back to the ongoing strain from the silver burns and that maybe something easier on the stomach could help. He could not simply give him whatever they had at dinner so he made the plainest chichen broth he could. 
“It’s such a shame,” Reuben rasped, leaning his head back, “you go through all that trouble to keep me alive, but I’ll have to say no.”
“I don’t care if you are alive,” Isaiah said on reflex. 
“Yes, you do. You know what will happen, when my dad finds out about this, right? Can you Wolfsons afford another war? I hear you are preparing for one right now.”
“You couldn’t have heard that,” Isaiah said, folding his hands on his chest. No way someone would reveal such sensitive information…
“Your daddy dearest sounded pretty sure,” Reuben said, a small smirk playing on his chapped lips at Isaiah’s discomfort. “He talks a lot like I won’t survive to tell the tale. I guess he’s right.”
Isaiah’s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing. His shadow rose angrily though, slashing down on the ground. He didn’t like to be left out of decisions of that magnitude. Neither did he agree with Reuben getting killed. The guy was 17, the same as Isaiah and the oldest son of the Jäger pack’s leader. It made no sense to kill him. Isaiah knew he could have easily been the one on the floor in his father’s office. 
“You should really decide already,” Reuben rasped. “You are in conflict, that’s clear as day. You bring me food, you come watch me when you father all but forgets, you worry about my survival although you shouldn’t. You want to release me, but you also want to do what daddy says. You don’t understand the logic behind his plan to torture me. If he killed me, it would be a quicker way to start a war. And your father obviously wants to start one.”
“That’s not true,” Isaiah said sharply. “Father only does what’s best for the pack.”
“So why did he kidnap me? Why this whole ordeal?” Reuben lifted himself up, hands automatically tugging before he winced at the movement and sagged back again.
“There is surely an explanation I’m still not worthy or smart enough to understand.”
“Ha! You still believe that? There is no way your father does things for the greater good of anyone but his bloodthirsty shadow. I told you. This is not how a leader acts.” Reuben coughed then, his whole torse shaking with the cough until it blew into a whole coughing fit, wracking his frame.
“I’m going to escape from here,” Reuben continued, voice breathy and ragged. “One way or another.” He looked at the bowl of soup in disgust, head lolling to the other side.
Isaiah snorted. “How? By starving yourself? That’s the big plan?”
“Why not? I can’t keep doing this forever.” He squeezed his eyes shut, sweat running down the side of his face although he was shivering. “I want out.”  
Isaiah was silent for a long time, shaken by the sheer despair in Reuben’s otherwise talkative arrogant voice. It’s been two weeks. He was running thin, constantly in pain from the silver, the beatings and rolled down shadow that came in irregular intervals not helping.
“It’s just because you are not used to the silver,” he said quietly. 
Reuben’s eyes closed in exhaustion. “No one is supposed to be used to silver. It freaking hurts. It’s poison to us.”
“See? That’s why father training me with silver is such a good move. Silver with shadow, without the shadow, seeing how quickly you recover. Look at this.” Isaiah crouched down and rolled down the right sleeve on his coat to show the ugly red welts on his arm. 
Reuben opened his eyes to slits to look, eyebrows furrowing together.
“Silver knife with a rolled down shadow. But my shadow is already back up. I have grown stronger since he did it to me last time. Every time I get used to the pain more. I know what to expect. And I can call my shadow to come back to me sooner instead of being paralyzed by the pain.”
“Why do you sound so bloody happy?!” Reuben said, face contorting into an angry grimace. “That’s not normal, Isaiah! That’s not something a father does to his son, or a wolf does to his pup. That’s not something a parent’s shadow is supposed to be capable of doing to its child!” 
Isaiah recoiled, covering the slashes with his good hand. “You don’t understand. He doesn’t like to do it. It’s a necessary sacrifice for him, but he does it for my sake.”
“For your sake!” Reuben exclaimed, lifting himself up in the chains again only to break into another coughing fit. Isaiah felt the unexplainable impulse to steady him, to touch him. 
“That’s such nonsense, Isaiah. This is not part of the training of a successor. Or an executioner. It’s just plain sadistic torture.”
Isaiah bowed his head, staring at the carpet. It was dusty, covered with patches of dried blood.  
“And you know it. Deep down you know it. Why else would you prevent your father from training your younger brother?” 
Isaiah flinched at that, looking back at Reuben. “One executioner is enough. This kind of training is for me. I’m the strongest in the pack. It’s a burden and a blessing. And mainly, it’s my duty.” For the greater good. For the good of the pack. They need someone like me, who can bear the pain, inflict the pain, understand it and protect them from it. 
“If you truly believed this was a strength, you would have trained your brother yourself. Instead, you made a deal. Your father told me. Gloated to me, really. That you think you can do everything on your own, so much your brother won’t be needed for the job at all. That you made a deal that you would not protest any mission if Hector were excluded from the training. And that Hector himself hates you for it. Stupid bastard, not knowing what he is missing.”
Isaiah’s eyes widened. He had no idea father told Reuben such intimate family affairs. 
“You won’t protect him forever. He complied to motivate you, but he is sure your qualms will disappear. The more you do it, the more your shadow tastes the blood, the more it will crave it. Until you become like him. And then he will train Hector too. Make him into another you. And you will enjoy it, just like your father enjoys it right now.” 
Isaiah stood up abruptly. His heart was beating fast in his chest, his shadow swelling beside him, reacting to his fear, to his pain. It wanted to claw into Reuben for saying that, it wanted to tear him to shreds, taste his blood, bite deep into him just like father would into Isaiah, to calm down, to feel in control…
Reuben smiled, blood in the corner of his lips, eyes glittering with fever and irony. “See? You are on your best way to get there. To the shadow madness.”
Isaiah stepped closer to Reuben, towering over him. He was so weak and pitiful. Isaiah could break his ribs with one kick, smash his teeth together to make him shut up, he could strangle him with his shadow…
Reuben said nothing else, staring invitingly in the way of a wolf making a challenge. Isaiah realized then Reuben was truly serious.
He wanted to die. And he wanted to provoke Isaiah into doing it. 
Isaiah walked away. 
After he closed and locked the basement office door, he all but ran up the stairs, into the office, through the side exit into the courtyard.
Isaiah braced his hands against his thighs, gulping in the taste of fresh, cold air. He needed to clear his head. He needed his shadow back under control. 
Isaiah sat in the smaller of the adjoined offices, doing paperwork, when Marek walked in. 
Although Isaiah was younger, Marek waited patiently until Isaiah acknowledged his presence. That’s how it was these days. Marek was a Wolkenstein, he had a powerful shadow and great skill. But no wolf could measure up to Isaiah’s shadow or his control or his skill with it. None of the older wolves, not even those leading their own fractions, their own little allied groups. Not even Isaiah’s uncle. No one but father could do it.
Isaiah lifted his gaze. His shadow was up, covering the ground around the table and climbing the walls. He liked to keep it in the open when he didn’t want to be disturbed. He felt safer with it.
Marek bowed his head, eyes glued to the ground, head tipping to the side to show his throat. It was more of a symbolic gesture, but an important one, showing his submission and acceptance of Isaiah’s power over him. 
Isaiah’s shadow wiggled in satisfaction, sizzling like water dripping on burning coals. 
“You may speak,” Isaiah said, voice carefully neutral and devoid of emotion. 
“The leader said you are in charge of picking wolves for the battle,” Marek said, lifting his gaze tentatively, though looking somewhere over Isaiah’s shoulder. “With the Specter pack. They send us their challenge already, right? You have the date?”
“The date and place have been decided,” Isaiah allowed. He didn’t like where this was going. He had been put in charge of picking the pack members for the battle and he decided not to pick anyone. He would go there alone or with father at most and handle it.
“Then…who is coming?”
Isaiah gave him a measured stare. It usually scared wolves enough not to ask questions and leave him alone. Especially with his shadow up like that. 
Marek gulped a little under the pressure, but continued: “You mean…no one? Do you seriously want to go alone?”
“That is my decision to make,” Isaiah said coldly. His shadow hissed like a snake, not liking the disagreement in Marek’s voice. 
“Of course, it’s your decision,” Marek said quickly, shoulders hunching. “But Isaiah, come on. Wars are about numbers. Specters are coming after us with at least 10 of their strongest members. We should do the same. We have manpower to choose from, wolves eager for battle and we are strong, Isaiah. If you said a word…”
Isaiah said nothing, just glaring.
Marek looked up before quickly bowing his gaze again. “Isaiah, please. If you don’t want to pick, I’ll ask. Only volunteers, what do you think?”
They both knew there would be plenty of those. Isaiah disliked it. This was a great opportunity to let go of some anger and accumulated aggression, but wolves would always be eager to fight. It wasn’t civilized and it brought nothing good to fight between packs. Isaiah wanted to do it alone, so no one else would bear the risk. 
“There is no point in having a pack, if you don’t let it fight for you when it counts,” Marek said, voice low and soothing. 
Isaiah didn’t answer, but he let his eyes go to the side, conceding the point.
Marek straightened up at that, voice relieved. “Thank you. Nothing bad will happen, Isaiah. Don’t worry.”
Isaiah narrowed his eyes. Suggesting he was worried was not acceptable, even if Marek had been his friend and had seen him train long before he became the executioner. 
Marek winced, backing away. “I’ll be going then.”
But executioners didn’t have friends. Marek understood that, yet still felt like he needed to look out for him. Isaiah didn’t manage to scare him away as well as he intended. 
Maybe it was the Wolkenstein ability to tell lies and truth. And Marek was well-tuned to Isaiah’s masks, somehow able to read between the neutral expressions, threatening looks and cold tones. 
Isaiah didn’t like it. It was as if Marek could see through his defenses, all the way to the little boy he used to be, when they first became friends with each other. 
Marek went to the door, only turning at the last second, eyes briefly meeting his. “It’s okay, Zaya.”
I know you are in there somewhere. You won’t fool me. I know this is a kindness from you. It’s okay. You don’t have to do it alone. 
Isaiah said nothing as Marek disappeared out the door, staring at the spot for a long time. 
Isaiah walked briskly through the halls, shadow slashing behind him. Wolves and humans and witches quickly cleared the way at his approach.
He walked as quickly as he could without outright running.
“It was a necessary loss,” his father said. Isaiah could still see his ruthlessly calm green eyes staring holes into his head. “People die in wars, it is to be expected. It was an acceptable sacrifice. We only lost two people, Isaiah. This is a victory to be celebrated.”
Isaiah fumed. He said nothing, only getting out the door, shadow lashing. He needed to get home, he needed to get out of the public eye. Away from celebrating wolves, from victory yells and champagne. 
The victory wasn’t worth Marek’s life. 
Isaiah was coming to think no victory could have been worthy of it. 
It was an unnecessary war. For territory, for not forgiving a slight offense. It was entirely father’s fault. And it was Isaiah’s, because he let Marek talk him into taking more wolves.
Isaiah let Marek come. To die.
Isaiah burst into the apartment he shared with his brothers, shadow trailing behind him, long and angry.
Hector and Arnie were both in the living room, eating. They had the meet and mashed potatoes Isaiah cooked in the morning. He always cooked for them, finding it the most and if not only enjoyable time of his day. Doing something with his hands that created instead of destroyed, something enjoyable that could be shared.
Hector stood up from the table. “Ah, there he is. Father didn’t even want me at the celebration, because I wasn’t part of the war in any way. You all happy about that, huh? Keeping him and all the good techniques to yourself, you selfish prick.”
Isaiah ignored him, getting out of his coat and removing his shoes. 
“You can’t keep me out of every interesting fight! I know this is your fault, that you keep me away from father on purpose - but I’ll get strong anyway. Stronger than you and then you’ll regret-”
Isaiah turned. There was blood on his suit, Marek’s blood, as he kneeled beside him as he bled out from a silver bullet. His shadow rose around him, spilling over the living room, swelling with anger.
Hector stopped abruptly, taking an involuntary step back. 
Arnie hunched into himself at the table. He was just 11 years old, used to his brothers, their shadows and their fighting. To the good kind of fighting, the playful one. When they weren’t trying to hurt each other.
Nowadays Hector tried to hurt Isaiah whenever he saw him. Lashing out in anger, not understanding what was wrong, why he was being left out. He was 15 years old, a very sensitive age for a shadow wolf. They needed guidance and direction, a clear example and goals to follow, so they could discipline their shadows into submission. Shadows that reacted to every hormonal emotion with a vengeance and aggression. 
This was a sensitive age. And Isaiah nor father could be there for him. Isaiah made sure of that. 
“Shut up,” Isaiah said, fighting the urge to just roll his little brother's shadow down and take the peace and quiet he craved. “Shut up for once. No one is interested in your whining.” 
Hector went pale, bowing his head in submission and fear.
Isaiah’s shadow wiggled in excitement at the gesture. Isaiah felt sick.
Arnie stood up then, a little hesitant before stepping closer to Isaiah. His green eyes were wide in his childish face, blond hair messy and shining under the kitchen lamp.
“Was it bad? Are you hurt?” Arnie said quietly, reaching for his arm. He knew he had to be careful with wolves, although he was never afraid of the two of them. At least that was ingrained into Isaiah and Hector both by their mother, when she was still alive. Isaiah never worried about Hector doing anything to Arnie and until now the trust turned justified.
Isaiah fought every instinct in his body not to recoil or shove him off, when Arnie gently touched his forearm. All his muscles clenched inside him. Arnie was all softness, round and vulnerable and kind, looking at him with those trusting big eyes…
Isaiah tolerated the touch for a few seconds, revulsion and disgust swirling inside him. His shadow steadied though, pulling back and down.
The oldest wolf stepped away from the human boy and then hurried into the bathroom at the end of the hall. Fortunately, they had two bathrooms and this one Isaiah liked to reserve for himself. 
He locked the door behind him, then opened the faucet to full blast and let the shower run. His hands were shaking so badly that he barely managed to unbutton his shirt and strip down from his bloody clothes. 
That was all he managed before the tears came.
The grief and pain flooded him like a tsunami, crashing the air out of his lungs. He slid down the door, curling into himself, hoping the running water would disguise the sounds.
He held onto his composure during the battle. He held onto it when Marek got shot, and when his mother bled out next to him, trying to save her oldest son. There were still two kids she left behind. Marek’s little brother and sister. 
Isaiah’s insides shook and twisted. He buried his face into his knees, wailing quietly, while his shadow clawed at the bathroom tiles. But he wasn’t worried it would do anything anymore. This was a way to let out a strong emotions, and he would rather let it out through tears than through someone’s blood. 
At least this time around.
Isaiah went down the stairs. It was deep into the night, the sounds of celebration still loud. 
He went down the steps with newfound determination. The conflict in him was gone, his shadow calm at his side as he opened the door. He didn’t switch the light on.
Reuben was sleeping fitfully in the chains, but was quick to wake at the sound of his approach. The bowl of soup was untouched. 
Isaiah had no time to be hesitant. He went down to one knee beside him, taking out the keys and unlocking his cuffs.
Reuben’s eyes widened, but he pulled his bleeding hands away, pressing them against his chest. “What's going on?”
“We’ll wait till your shadow comes back and heals you. I’ll replace the chain with a steel one, so the silver doesn’t burn you. And when the time is right, I’ll help you escape,” Isaiah said, voice hard and clipped.
Reuben’s face lightened up. “Isaiah, this is the right choice. You won’t regret-”
“In exchange,” Isaiah interrupted harshly, “you won’t tell your father what happened to you or that the Wolfsons had anything to do with it. Tell him you were on a trip or spent the time passed out drunk. I don’t care. But there will be no other war, you understand?”
Reuben frowned, lowering his voice. “That bad today?”
Isaiah stood up, leaning back against the table like he did before. Reuben slid away from his usual place by the wall, as if wanting to exercise some of his new freedom, though he was weak and didn’t get further than a step.
“I won’t let another war happen. No one else has to get hurt in this. You know what my father is. You know the only ones suffering are you and me. And you said it yourself, it’s not my fault. We don’t have to make it a pack business.” 
“Am I just supposed to forgive you? Just like that? What about my suffering, huh?” 
Isaiah rubbed at his face tiredly. “Can’t you just be happy you won’t end up dead?” 
“What about the consequences? What about the silver scars, what about the pain to my shadow, Isaiah? What am I supposed to do if there turns out to be damage I can’t manage on my own? It wants revenge and-” 
“If we go to war, I’ll go and kill your father.”
Reuben froze, mouth open.
“I don’t want another war. But if you won’t help me, there will be one and more Wolfson wolves are going to die. Jäger wolves are going to die. But I’ll make sure to kill your father, so your pack is hit the most, losing its leader. So no other pack ever tries to fight us again. You want to go that road?” 
Reuben snarled at him. If he went to his father and started the war, he would not be strong enough to fight in it. And he couldn’t defeat Isaiah the first time anyway, though they were very closely matched. 
“Fine. I won’t tell anyone what happened was your and the Wolfson pack leader’s doing. But I can’t let your shadow mad father run free, Isaiah, you have to under-”
“Give me a year,” Isaiah said. “Give me one year and I’ll deal with him myself. Just don’t tell anyone.”
Reuben would always have the knowledge that could destroy his pack. Once he was free, the bargaining advantage would be in his hands. 
Reuben raised an eyebrow at him, features hard. “Fine. In exchange?”
Isaiah sighed. “Anything you want.” 
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ichijager13 · 1 year
Teach Me How to Be Loved
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Pairing : Eren Jäger x reader, Reiner Braun x Reader (past relationship), Jean Kristein x Reader (past relationship)
Characters: Eren Jäger, Annie Leonhart, Pieck Finger, Jean Kristien, Reiner Braun, Carla Jager, Sophie Jäger
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Tags: Unhealthy copping mechanism, unhealthy relationships, childhood trauma, physical and verbal abuse, self-esteem and trust issues, domestic violence, implied/ referenced cheating and a touch of sweet, lovable and non fuckboy Eren Jäger, German-speaking Eren.
This work is brought to you by Lana Del Rey’s songs
I found this illustration on pinterest, credits to the artist
Updates on mondays and thursdays
Playlists : Reader’s POV, Eren’s POV
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“I explained my hurt and still got hurt so I learned to stop talking”
They say you can’t break a broken heart, but how many times should a heart be broken to become immune? 
Believing she had her share of suffering; reader decides never to expect a tomorrow from her one-night stands and to close her heart for good. everything goes according to her plans until one day, she wakes up in his bed. 
His name is Eren Jäger and he is more than determined to pierce the hard rock ice covering her heart.
A/N: It’s been a while since I posted something, it was because of this fic. I came up with the idea over a month ago and started a draft but was too afraid to engage.
This work contains a detailed description of physical and verbal abuse, please read the tags.
Also, if you are a victim of any form of domestic abuse, please seek help. I know it’s not easy but it’s better than being stuck in this endless vicious cycle.
I also would like to thank you for all the support you give me and for the reactions. I hope you like this story because it means a lot to me. Stay safe please.
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List of chapters
Chapter I  Cold heart and hands and aptitude
Chapter II  Cause I’ve got monsters still under my bed that I could never fight off
Chapter III Your face is like a melody, it won't leave my head
Chapter IV For a little piece of haven
Chapter V I've got much more than that, like my memories, I don't need that
Chapter VI I’m not looking for true love tonight
Chapter VII Fuck yeah, give it to me, this is Heaven, what I truly want
Chapter VIII Are you gonna tell me now? Are you gonna tell me later?
Chapter IX Don't cry about him, don't cry about him
Chapter X Cause there's a man that's in my past… there's a man that's still right here… he's real enough to touch in my darkest nights
Chapter XI What’s the worst, that could happen to a girl who’s already hurt?
Chapter XII When I'm in your arms, feel like I have it all  
Chapter XIII Heaven is a place on earth with you
Chapter XIV  I've got a burning desire for you
Chapter XV Who am I to sympathize when no one gave a damn
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For the other 3 fellow insane people still alive to ship these two.
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Please tell me I'm not the only one who was dying of Jäger/Kolya thirst so you went to this particularl russian fanfiction site:
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.....While knowing near to no russian. Made an account. Started trying to learn the language just to say fuck it we ball and used google translate to read fics. 💀.
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iztarshi · 4 months
Ooh I gotta know about the rottmnt jägers au!
Verbatim from my notes:
the Rise boys as a group of detached Jägers because they have the energy for supersoldiers prone to shenanigans
Raph - doing this for honour, the troth and to protect the Jägers that remain with Klaus. Very determined to do a good job and also keep the group safe.
Leo - has zero hope of finding a Heterodyne, went because he'd rather stay with the others than the pack. Drives Raph up the wall because he'll shy away from cities where Raph thinks there's a real lead as "too dangerous" but drag everyone into trouble over a nice hat. Is mostly trying to keep everyone distracted from their fate, especially himself
Donnie - would have broken through if he hadn't taken the draught. The necessity of surviving with just four is pushing his latent Spark to the forefront again. He can even manage a little Jäger medical care and he's guiltily enjoying how important it makes him.
Mikey - has hope, but mostly trusts that if they're fated to find a Heterodyne they will, I think. The hardest for me to pin down the character of.
…even Raph is distractible, though. He's both Raph and a Jäger.
Black Heterodyne made Donnie, Red Heterdodyne made Leo.
I did post a fic from this universe last year, but not the one I'd originally intended to write.
The one I meant to write was one where they meet April, random townperson from near enough Mechanicsburg that she's heard of "riding with the Jägers" and decides to give it a try a generation late. They're detached and the time and it also would have been quite Donnie centric, since his latent Spark is definitely becoming less latent the more he leans on it.
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