#Fed Smoker
moshemedia2000 · 1 month
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justiisms · 2 months
"Hey, I see you. Don't you do it...!" *ichi is giving smoker quite the dramatic frown as he sees him getting closer, the man turning away from him a little as he's in the middle of eating a ham and cheese sandwich!*
"You literally just ate! I even gave you a little extra when I filled up your bowl! Smoker!!"
"Mrreep?" Smoker gives a tiny head tilt at that, knowing full well what he's doing!! The tiny kitty indeed just eat, and really shouldn't be hungry, but that sandwich looks yummy! He wants a Nibbol!!
"Meep! Mraaaawr!!" Smoker won't give up that easily! In fact, the loudly screeching kitty proceeds to climb up Ichiban's arm, and up to his shoulder. Then, he'll loudly mew some more!! "Mreee!!" He is Sniffing at it. Just the tiniest bite, so declares Smoker!
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tinfairies · 8 months
Being whiny one day, complaining about everything, but mumbling with your fingers in your mouth everytime you talk. He's getting fed up with it, he'll ask a question and can hardly understand you.
He's at his desk, trying to work, but you're being a nuisance.
"Get your damn fingers out of your mouth, I can't understand you." He snaps. You huff and pull your hand from your face, then repeat what you said. It was something bratty of course, something about how he's not paying attention to you and that's why he doesn't understand.
He rolls his eyes, "Stop complaining or I'll give you something to whine about."
You huff again, then go to put your fingers back in your mouth. He grabs you're wrist and tugs it back down to your side. "What the hell did I just say?"
Ignoring him, you bring your other hand hand up to put it in your mouth. Once again he grabs your wrist, but then bends you over his lap. He quickly swats your ass, and pulls your head up by your hair. "Keep your fingers out of your mouth, or I'll fill it with something else."
Zoro, Mihawk, Crocodile, Law, Smoker, Kuro, Zeff
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floorley · 3 months
marion wheeler character of all time. middle aged suburban mother of two. stabbed her boss to death with a fountain pen in 2008. fed the eldritch abomination trying to kill her so many useless trivia facts that now she just carries it around like a purse poodle and it would die for her. likes hiking and birding. lobotomized her husband while making out with him (she didn’t remember who he was at the time). chain smoker. slowly losing her memories of everything and everyone she’s ever loved. is on so many drugs she’s essentially trepanning herself at all times. killed god and then became god. and she’s like 4 foot 11
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stqrgir1e · 8 months
smoking with tgc boys !!!
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isaac, larry, bigt, yumi, and nick! <3 written while I was genuinely stoned for authenticity. jorge killed it with using the words bro and homeboy way too much 😝
mentions of . . . smoking, drug use, cuss words??? established relationship w/ reader + girl mentioned like once otherwise pretty gn. this might be a bit confusing if your a non-smoker since i wrote for a stoner!reader ( petnames used ➜ hon, babe, baby, pretty girl,)
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Isaac ➜ we all know homeboy is more of a drinker. it definitely would be on a dare or bet, he would wanna prove to you he could handle his substances.
"who said i greened out after one joint?... tanner did?... he's lying, we can smoke tonight and ill show you." he would act all smug about it until he actually was face to face with the lit joint.
he would hold it like a cigarette, and when you stifle a laugh at the fact he does so- he would shrug it off while taking a loooong drag of the joint. exhaling before having a small coughing fit. you couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, his face a shade pinker after the humiliating reaction to the joint. but its Isaac- so of course he would brush it off like nothing.
"been a while since I smoked hon... maybe you should finish the rest of it." he would say nonchalantly while passing the joint back to you- insisting you have to finish it. would use the excuse 'he's doing some voiceovers for a few videos tomorrow and can't risk losing his voice.'
def vibes more with edibles. but he always takes half because thats what the back of the packaging says 😡 "why are you taking three! it says half right here!" he would then shove the packaging dramatically in your face- really he didnt want you to see how low his tolerance was and how high he got off half a 15mg edible.
would end up passing out in bed w/ you, gets sleepy especially with edibles/indica. you would mess around and tease him a bit- poking at him while joking how he cannot handle his weed. "nooo, im jus' always down for a nap with you, pretty girl..." he would mumble half asleep, voice drowsy from the high. hella affectionate when high, chronic problem with playing with your hair or like, maybe any bracelets you have on??? i hope this makes sense bro
larry ➜ isn't afraid of the idea of weed, he usually just saves it for social events. like how people are social smokers with cigarettes? larry is like that with weed.
he would get all hyped at a party after seeing you and tanner sharing a one-hitter. "bro! imma need some of that right now." he would act hella shady for comedic effect as well. taking the toke while looking around all mischievously like there was feds hiding in the crowd of the party. you and tanner were stoned- so obviously yall laugh at his antics.
bro is a menace after one hit, isnt even that high he just does it for shits and giggles. lets say nicks filming or some shit- larry is the star of the show. talking his head off in front of the camera while blowing some cart smoke right at the lens. "you see this? its y/n's pen... *takes long hit off cart*... gettin lit tonight." he would definitely hold back his coughs.
speaking of carts, larry is one of those rare mfs that prefer carts over bud. why? he thinks there more convenient- and bud always leaves his nose runny. last time you guys had a smoke sesh date he used up all your sanrio kleenex after smoking 2 bowls 😡
"weed makes my nose run babe! maybe we should've stuck to the cart..." he would say after you complained about him sniffling for the third time. while you were busy explaining why you prefer bud, he would sneakily grab your cart from your hoodie pocket and sneak a few hits. bro is ruthless when it comes to that thing 💀 if you tell him you got the pen on you he's beggin for it.
in fact larry would get a little too comfy with the cart, accidentally almost greening out at a target once when he hit it one too many times in the car. "lets just sit down..." + "on the floor?... in target?..." + "yes babe im telling you just trust me." really thought he was gonna vomit and needed an excuse to sit for a second.
bigt ➜ omg brotha was all over you when you wanted to smoke for your first date!!! he had two little rolling trays set up on his bed prepared for your smoke sesh/movie date.
low-key adorable... literally went out and bought a new one-hitter so you guys would have matching ones, they were green and had little turtles on top of them ): (isnt that so much fun) he wasn't even tryna be cheesy or anything genuinely was just very passionate about smoking. i def feel like him and yumi were smokers in high school so he knows a thing or two abt mary jane. 🤨
"after this bowl i have a gummy we can split..." his tolerance is quite high so he would wanna keep going even after like the fifth bowl. he likes to give his lungs a break though so no carts for him after like the third bowl. edibles from there on out. you know he's gonna be all weird n shit and make you guys split the edible by biting it in half. (like that lady and the tramp shittt bro.)
but at social events and parties??? he's a lot more closed off with smoking- more of a drinker at parties. if he is gonna get high he'll take an edible. "baby weed these days is crazy! I knew a guy who knew a guy who knew guy that got laced with crack!!!" yea he was being sarcastic duhhhh but he was genuinely scared of getting laced at a party.
tanner is a avid cart enthusiast tho!!! he would only use like smoke shop ones though- no street carts for tttt. he would probably prefer zaza's, hes a classic man with taste so he would prefer the cereal milk strain. carts are his go to for when hes just vibing in his room since there pretty much odorless. "I wasn't lying when I said I was smoking zaza!" finds the word zaza hilarious especially when he's stoned.
he takes maaanny tolerance breaks and would probably make you do the same. if you really struggled with staying away from weed he would make t-breaks fun or some shit. (like making a fun little tolerance break sticker chart 😩)
softwilly ➜ nick fr said 🤨 when you asked him to split a bowl with you one random friday night. he eventually agreed because you already had everything set up and he didnt wanna say no after you put all this effort into it ):
"ow! fuck... can you do the lighter babe..." needs help with the lighter, you guys were sat in kind of a awkward position smoking out of his bedroom window since he didnt want any of the guys to question anything 😒 sometimes those flames fight back with the bowls brooo. he has a playlist for smoking after that first time- it kind of becomes a tradition for you guys to try and smoke every friday/weekend (:
his tolerance is worst than isaacs bro. he’s either passed out after the second bowl or laughing at anything that moves. if you guys end up laughing too loud or just making too much noise in general he gets hyper aware about if the boys can hear all the ruckus >:( does not want your smoke sesh to be interrupted. very easily paranoid when high for sure.
he doesn’t love carts- but i mean your his weakness homeboy how can he say no to you every time you ask? “strawberry banana cart?…. fine. one hit, but just to see if it really tastes like strawberry’s and bananas.” it didn’t taste like strawberries and bananas- but he was stoned for the next thirty minutes after that (:
hates the smell of weed. he always has the windows open, a candle burning, incense burning, anything to diffuse the smell of marijuana. he’ll specifically ask you to blow the smoke towards the window- but sometimes you blow it towards the pillows on his bed… or some plushies even just to get a rise out of him. “fuck babe… now my bedrooms gonna smell like kush for a week.” + “it’s just a little smoke!” he would obviously say it sarcastically, he dgaf where you blow your smoke he just wants to be a pain in the ass for funzies.
another big believer in tolerance breaks- but he dosent even know what the fuck a t-break is. he would just tell you he’s taking a break from weed in general. homeboy is very inexperienced in the smoking department and stayed away from it until he was in his early twenties.
yumi ➜ blake definitely has the highest tolerance out of all of them, but he isn’t a raging stoner. probably prefers weed over alcohol especially at parties- has an occasional joint on the weekends or when he has the time but he’s not stoned 247.
yumi is a classic man, he likes classic things. he prefers bud almost over everything else. he won’t turn down an edible but he despises carts because of the aftertaste they have. “babe that shit taste like potting soil… i’ll just take the extra twenty minutes to roll up.” + “it does not taste like potting soil! it’s supposed to be peanut butter and jelly flavored…” after a bowl or two though… homeboy is loving up on the cart!!!! “damn okay… maybe this shit does taste like pb&j…” better be willing to stop at a smoke shop the next day or have your dealer on speed dial because blake is draining that pen 😩
omg he out of all tgc boys fucking loves little smoke sesh dates. like finding a nice little spot off a hiking trail or just in the woods and rolling up together ): he would make sure to have a playlist and everything just like nick this man is soft for you bro. “alright babe are we feelin’ apricot gelato or blue dream today?” very organized with his weed. he knows his favorite strains and doesn’t venture out farther than the ones he knows he likes.
blake is a whole different personality when high, like he’s still blake but… better? idk how to describe it gahhhhh!!! like he’s more laid back, cusses more frequently, very sarcastic, voice a bit deeper/raspier from smoking. “brotha look over there… that bird is straight chillin’ on that tree branch.” + “brotha?…” doesn’t even realize he’s doing it- you would bring it up afterwards and he always denies it. “babe i can promise you i’ve never talked like that when high, maybe you just think i do because your always stoned when i’m high.” if you ever showed him a video of how he talks when stoned he would become hyper aware of how he acts whenever he’s high 💀
homeboy rolls the best joints- how can he not? somehow they always turn out perfectly cylindrical and no leaf actually ever falls out of the joint. he’s got the magic joint rolling hands, what can he say.
omg don’t even get me started on fucking munchies. i am a chronic victim of binge eating while stoned and i have a gut feeling yumi is too. homeboy can be expected to be covered in cheetos dust if he plans on smoking. it brings out the best and worst in him, the worst being eating copious amounts of food in such a short period of time. “your such a fatty babe,” + “am not! you literally scarfed down three zebra cakes an hour ago…”
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scientia-rex · 2 months
If you don't mind, I saw your post about smoking while on hormones recently and I have a couple questions.
Obviously quiting smoking is better for you in general. But are the adverse effects while on hormones the same for testosterone and estrogen?
Secondly, is this mostly about the nicotine in cigarettes (generally what people mean when they say smoking) or is it about smoking anything at all (weed, vapes, nicotine vapes, etc)?
Good questions and unfortunately I have to say that we don’t have enough solid data for great answers on either.
Testosterone raises risk of heart attack or stroke, in part because it causes an increase in red blood cell production. You might be familiar with blood thinners that can be used to prevent heart attack or stroke; blood thickeners do the opposite. However, this data is nowhere near adequate in the transgender population. I cannot tell you much at all about how dose, method of delivery, duration of treatment, or T levels during treatment affect this long-term risk, especially over decades. The best response to this uncertainty is for trans men and transmasc people on T to protect their cardiac health from all other risks as much as possible.
Which then leads to the question of type of smoke. I would love to be able to offer you conclusive answers on that, but the Feds made it virtually impossible to study marijuana until a couple of years ago, so I can’t tell you whether marijuana is as dangerous as tobacco or not, or whether mode of intake matters. I can tell you that tobacco is bad but that people consistently underestimate the risks of nicotine by itself. Nicotine is the insecticide component of tobacco. It will cause your small blood vessels to contract, decreasing blood flow to critical areas of the body and heart. Nicotine impedes healing—smokers are notoriously bad at healing after surgery to the point where I know multiple surgeons who will literally do a blood test for nicotine metabolites before doing higher risk surgeries. They don’t trust patients to tell them whether they smoked, and they have reason to distrust. You want top or bottom surgery? Quit smoking. Now.
I had an attending once describing to me watching what happened to a woman who had fingers reattached. He warned her that if she ever smoked again, she would lose the fingers. She didn’t believe him and thought just smoking a little would be fine. The fingers necrosed—died—immediately, because those small blood vessels are critical to healing a process like a reattachment or transplant. So then she had open wounds with gangrenous fingers attached to them. Great.
We don’t have long-term health outcomes data on vapes yet but for my money they’re going to turn out to be really bad for you as well. Nicotine is a poison. Your lungs don’t love poison delivery by any mechanism. The combustion products of tobacco are also REALLY FUCKING BAD for creating cancerous mutations in your cells, but don’t inhale poison if you want to live a rewarding life where you get to enjoy doing things you want to do, like fucking. (Erections also depend on blood flow and healthy blood vessels. Treat yours with kindness.)
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smokersbaby · 1 year
Heyy!! How do you think Law, Croco, & Smoker react to their S/o tying them up and teasing them until they break??
Hi! Thank you so much for the idea, it's my first request so I hope you'll like it :) I read your request a thousand times because since I am Italian I was trying to figure out the exact meaning of what you were asking, I didn't want to disappoint you haha.
I LOVED your request, so I was so excited to write this (also because they are my favourite characters). Needless to say, Smoker's part is my favourite 💕
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Sir Crocodile, Vice-Admiral Smoker
CW: NFSW, bondage, masturbation, oral sex (giving), slightly dom/sub interaction, unprotected sex. Word Count: 1.7k words
Notes: These fanfics leave some room for imagination at the end, since otherwise, they would all become too long, I hope you enjoy them! 💕
Trafalgar Law
You had to insist a little bit with Law to convince him to do such a thing. "Why do you want to do that Y/N?" he asked you when you proposed to tie him up, he looked so annoyed by this activity you wanted to try on him, but somehow he let you tie him to the chair. Before sitting down you asked to take off his clothes except for boxers and then you bound his hands together behind the chair to keep him still. "Do you want me to freeze?" he said a little bit bothered. You looked at him smiling "Don't you worry about that" you answered, blindfolding him with a scarf. "That wasn't part of the deal!", he seemed almost angry but you knew he would have changed his mind very soon. You didn't answer but laughed at his disappointment. You waited a minute just to see if he was going to complain again. Suddenly, when he was about to speak again, you started rubbing your hand over his boxers, Law let a groan slip out of his mouth, forgetting what he was about to say. In less than a couple of seconds his cock was hard and aching just because of your touch over the fabric. You were teasing him so much, touching him on his soft spot lightly, without bringing him much pleasure. He wanted to touch you so bad but even trying to untie the knot on his wrist he couldn't move. He was fed up, why did you want to play such a foolish game with him? All he wanted was to touch you and feel his skin against yours but this situation was straining his nerves, even though you were enjoying the sight of him tied to the chair, he wasn't comfortable. An idea sparkled in Law's mind: he couldn't move his hands but he could move his fingers. "Shambles," he said all of a sudden. A stuffed animal (which was on your bed before) appeared on the chair. You turned around immediately and saw Law on your bed removing the scarf you put on before from his eyes. "Come here" Law whispered. "That wasn't part of the deal" you replied a little bit annoyed crossing your arms. Law smiled, he seemed relaxed and just wanted to feel you near him. He stood up from the bed, coming towards you. "I want to feel you, to touch you," he said hungrily kissing your lips "I was starving" he continues biting your lower lip and licking it with his tongue. He grabbed your waist and put you on the bed facing him, he wasn't going to let you escape anywhere: his lips were devouring yours and you pulled him closer to feel his hot body all over yours. He started biting your neck letting you moan a little bit. "Now it's my turn to tie you up," he said smiling against your neck and continuing kissing you everywhere. You couldn't ask for better.
Sir Crocodile
This is ordinary for Crocodile, he loves watching you take the lead and put him in such situations, taking away from him any chance to move. You didn't like the smug look he had while you were tying him up to the chair, "Such a good girl, doing all the job for me," he said licking his lips and waiting for your next move. "You seem a little too comfortable with this" you answered standing in front of him and pinching his cheek. You started kissing him right where you just pinched him and followed the scar on his nose, then you went down to kiss him on the lips. He seemed hungry for your touch, biting your lower lips to show you how much he wanted it. But you didn't want to give him all right now, he had to wait, a thing he hated. Reluctantly you took a step back, leaving his mouth hanging open. You walked in circles around his chair like a shark, undressing slowly. His eyes were fixed on you and you could see the bulge in his pants growing quickly. You stood behind him, placing your hands on his eyes. "You have to wait" you whisper in his ear, giving him goosebumps. You placed your lips on his neck, starting to lick up to his ear. A deep moan came from his throat, showing how much you were teasing him. Your hands started to go down under his shirt massaging his muscles and feeling his hotness against the palm of your hand. You continued going down reaching his pants and touching his bulge making him gasp, "Is that what you want?" you asked, and he moaned in agreement. All of a sudden you moved away, letting Crocodile beg for your touch. You couldn't wait any longer too but didn't want to show it. You were in front of him on your knees, taking off his pants and everything that was covering his cock. It bounced out with fierceness, the tip covered in pre-cum. The only thing you wanted at that moment was to give him the best head he has ever had. You were done with your games, immediately taking his large cock in your mouth as deep as possible, making your eyes water. With one hand you were stroking him and licking his tip with your tongue inside your mouth, with the other you were rubbing your clitoris because you also wanted to feel good. Crocodile's head was tilted back lost in pleasure and deep groans were coming from his throat as if he was already near his peak. "F-fuck.." he whispered as he felt you climbing on top of him to let his cock slide inside your wet cunt, probably he didn't expect that because you could feel goosebumps all over his body. "Touch me" you moaned in his ear. Crocodile used his powers to turn his hands to sand and escape the knots, returning to flesh a second after. He grabbed your thighs guiding you, while you were already bouncing on his dripping cock. "You'll drive me crazy with your games" he murmurs against your lips smiling.
His cheeks were blushing, you never thought you could see such a big and strong man in a situation like this: he was all naked, sitting on a chair you swear would break under his weight. His hands were tied together behind his back in a tight knot and a scarf was covering his eyes. Having so much power on Smoker was one of your biggest dreams since he was kind of a dominating partner in bed. This time you were the one in charge, knowing he'd have struggled to resist in such a situation. It wasn't hard to convince him since he was excited to try something new, but he didn't expect to be tied up completely naked in front of you. The only thing you wanted to do was to test his capacity to resist temptations. You started to undress yourself trying not to make a sound. "So how long are you going to let me wait Y/N", he had no patience, he wanted everything and he wanted it now. You went near him and lowered his scarf: it was no more covering his eyes, you put it on his mouth to not let him speak. "Is this what you want?" you whispered in his ear, his eyes gazing at you: you were completely naked in front of him. Instead of touching him you turned around and sit on your bed, you started touching yourself with your legs wide open looking directly at him. He hated and loved every second tied up on that chair. Needless to say, his cock started getting harder just by the view Smoker had on you. You were rubbing your clitoris and pumping two of your fingers inside of you so shamelessly, moaning out loud his name as if you were calling him to you. His cock started leaking pre-cum for the excitement you gave him, Smoker was going blind for desire and the only thing he wanted was to have you dripping under him. But so were you, you couldn't resist having him buried deep inside of you. You got up from bed, went in front of him and touched him on his collarbone, leaving kisses and marks going up on his neck. You untied the knot of the scarf to kiss him on the lips, he almost bit you because he craved your kisses since the very beginning of your game. You climbed on him, almost sitting over his dripping cock rubbing it with your wet cunt. "Please…" he said with a low voice, "What?" you couldn't believe your ears. "Please I can't wait any longer" he continued. "Are you begging me?" it was unbelievable for you to see him so addicted to you. "Yes, please I need you, I'm begging you". You slipped his large cock inside your cunt, letting him hit the very bottom of you with his tip in one move. Smoker let go a deep moan from his throat, you did the same as you started to go up and down on his length, knowing you too couldn't wait any longer to feel him inside. You knew you'll untie the knots very soon to let him take care of you in the way he liked the most.
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with an s/o the polar opposite of them
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✢ characters: Trafalgar D. Law, Donquixote Doflamingo, Donquixote Corazon, Smoker, Portgas D. Ace, Sabo
✢ contents: mentions of abandonment issues in Sabos section, mentions of kink in Doffys section
✢ request by: anonymous
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Probably nobody could have expected, that out of every people Trafalgar D. Law could have picked his partner, his choice would fall on somebody as bubbly and cheerful as you.
What many in the Heart pirates crew first declared as a bad joke of you and the captain, soon turned out to be a full-fledged relationship, nobody dared to joke -or place any bets *looking at Shachi*- on.
As often as Law rolled his eyes on your antics, or gripped his head with a sigh, as often he smiled just mere seconds later, absolutely head over heals for the way you push him out of his comfort zone, he had nested himself into, after his years of a terrorizing childhood.
You two are probably the definition of opposites attract. Be it in the moments of Laws depression and hurt, you pull him out of, or him assisting you in situations, a more serious and logic oriented mind is needed.
Though he would never say it in front of his crew, he is very happy to have you in his life. You´re contrasting nature sometimes even sets him back to his days with his beloved Corazon. In the end it´s always people his total opposite, that find their way into his heart.
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Like Law, Smoker would have a lot of headaches with you. Unlike the doctor, he doesn´t pretend to have them, though. Man will be so fed up sometimes, Tashigi swears his smoking behavior and nagging got somehow even worse.
Despite his constant headaches over your reckless and boisterous behavior, will step up for you if you can´t find the words for it. Will also hunt everybody down, who dares to say a single bad word about you. He isn´t called the Silver Hunter for no reason.
Despite his age, he blushes like a school girl, when you´re close to him. Because of that exact same reason, he´s not a big fan of PDA. He has an image to upkeep, after all. Also, please never push him to show more affection than needed in front of others. He will use his Jitte to shield you away from him.
If you´re opposite characters also include a contrary view on nicotine consumption, have fun arguing with him. This man is literally made out of Smoke and makes Corazons and Crocodiles smoking behaviors look like a joke.
There will probably be a lot of arguments, between you two, but more like that of an old couple. Most of the time, you two quickly make peace with each other, when the other marines ask for their invitation to your weeding. Then it's you two against the rest of the headquarters.
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Most people wouldn´t probably bet on the success of a relationship between somebody as clumsy and emotional as Rosinante and a cool and calculated person like you. The whole Donquixote family still gave you their props, because they finally knew, that with you at Corazons site, the possibility of him accidentally killing himself through one of his slip ups, nearly diminished to zero.
Always a step ahead, you´re easily prepared to help your silly lover with any slip up in his daily life. He on the other hand, always has a good joke or story at his hand, to make your cold exterior crack easily, a quiet chuckle on your lips as you laugh at his antics.
He probably thinks you´re an angel sent from heavens. Though he doesn´t understand, why they would send you, he´s enjoying every second of it. Man loves to get pampered in attention. It´s just a Donquixote thing.
There would be times when Corazons clumsiness or emotional overload could get become too much for you. Luckily, he is as responsible, as he can be clumsy, and knows when to give you the room you need.
Would never push you to loosen up or change your ways. He knows there´s a reason for your nature, but the more he enjoys, bringing a smile on your face. Even if it´s a little one. He´s not dressed as a jester for no reason, after all.
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Doflamingo as a partner is generally a very difficult affair. A contrary character to Doffy, who is a very demanding and self-sufficient person, could therefore be your death sentence. He will swallow you and your whole being whole, if you don´t have any defense mechanisms for his manipulation tactics.
If you can wrap him about your cute little fingers or are so oblivious that you don´t act on them, congrats to you. This man will be so impressed by either your seductions techniques or your sheer dumbness (let´s be real, this man has a bimbofication fetish), that he´ll do anything for you.
He will have his fun, with your shyness, and purposefully embarrass you even further. Doesn’t matter if you're alone, or with members of the family around.
Doesn´t plan on letting you go. With you´re tame nature, you´re just a too good catch as his royal partner.
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Ace is a pretty carefree and spontaneous person, acting on his own free will. He´ll probably huff a lot at your strict and demanding nature, but somehow, he loves you exactly for this reason.
Maybe it´s his missing parental figures, but the way you always look out for him, reprimanding him like a little boy, when he eats to fast or forgets to do some chores, makes him feel all warm and fuzzy.  
Being the opposite of you, he´ll make you loosen you up a lot more, and even break some rules and etiquette. You on the other hand, makes him consider a future he could have never imagined himself in.
The only hard pinch will be when you question his philosophy of freedom and his relationship to Whitebeard, going as far as to possibly break your relationship. Like his brothers, this guy holds his freedom and found family up like nothing else. Please don´t question but reassure him with it.
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Another very free-willed person. Like Ace, as long as you question this, you guys will probably be fine.
Sabo can be a bit reckless and lost at the moment, so a calm and collected partner is actually pretty good for him. You´re always one to calm him down if his emotions boil over. Makes Koala and Dragon a bit more at ease as well, knowing that Sabo won´t use his Dragonclaw out of frustration in the resolutioner’s headquarters *again*.
Loves that you can listen to his ramblings about Ace and Luffy all day, and not complain a little bit. He cherishes this very much, and can´t believe how much luck he has with you, even being at his side at all times, when Ace died.
Absolutely head over feels for the way you care for him. Like his brothers, he never had a great relationship with his parents, so your grown-up and careful ways of showing affection, makes him feels all warm and fuzzy inside.
You´re overall a very good duo. And if you ask me, I don´t think Sabo would beat around the bush much longer than maybe a few years, to ask for you hand. One for the fact, that he has abandonment issues, like no one else, and doesn´t plan on letting you go and two, because he is pretty intuitive and just knows that with you´re polar opposites, you´re the one for him.
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averyalicewms · 1 year
Ajax x reader where reader pretends to hate him and he finally confronts her
stoner hater.
ajax petropolus x reader
summary; ajax and y/n have been “enemies” for as long as anyone can remember. it’s one-sided, though. they both like each other, but y/n conceals it with the worst insults. ajax starts ignoring her, fed up with liking the girl who doesn’t like him. she gets drunk and confesses, leaving ajax confused.
warnings; she/her prns, mentions of weed and alcohol, party, drunk people and reader, drunk confession.
small text like this; is memories or past.
ty for the request!:)) request more!!
”eugh, you smell of weed, go away.” y/n rolled her eyes as ajax stopped beside her. ajax only scoffed at her remark.
he was getting tired of only seeing the ‘mean’ side of y/n when he had seen the real her before, when she was talking to others, not him. she had been rude to him ever since he remembered.
enid ran up to the friend group, a unfamiliar girl clinging to her arm, clearly shy. “guys! this is y/n, she just transferred here from a normie school! she’s so adorable!” the blonde girl beamed. the group hit it off with y/n immediately, conversations flowing. well, except for with a certain gorgon. the atmosphere was awkward between them and they couldn’t just flow into conversation like everyone else, no, it was weird between the two.
“so,.. how’s it going?” he asked, playing with his hands, not looking at her. “it’s going well, um. you?” she asked right back, looking at him. “yeah, i’m good..”
the conversation just wasn’t working, as much as ajax tried to converse with the prettiest girl he had ever seen, he’d only get short or awkward replies for answers. but when he told her he smoked, it was like something clicked.
something to hate him for. “that’s disgusting, why would you do that to yourself?” she asked, scoffing. that’s when the ‘rivalry’ began.
y/n still hated that he smoked, and well him. not really, though. she just didn’t want anyone figuring out that she did like him. she actually adored him, smoker or not.
every little detail and thing he did made her swoon. but she couldn’t let anyone know that, no. she was a closed off person, especially with the ones she liked.
she didn’t even mind the smoke smell, she grew to love it. whenever she smelled the slightest smell of weed, her stomach would fill with butterflies.
and when they first met, she couldn’t help but think how pretty he was. he tried talking to her but she couldn’t get any words out. at all.
she was a stuttering mess, and when he revealed he was a smoker, she could hate him.
she had a reason to distance herself from him, so there would be no indication of her liking him.
she didn’t have to be confronted of liking him at all, only about not liking him.
there were many conversations with her friends, trying to get answers of why she hated him so much.
“first, he’s a smoker and that’s disgusting, second, he’s annoying. like, really annoying. i don’t know how you put up with him.” was her usual answer. all parts of that sentence was a lie, though.
back to the present, though.
“shut up.” he grumbled to the girl. “ooh, big burn, ajax.” she grinned, sarcastically. he only rolled his eyes, finally getting fed up with the girl he’d liked for a year, that treated him like dirt.
ajax ignored her for the rest of the day, only talking to xavier or enid. maybe even yoko. but not y/n, no. not anymore. he was done now.
yes, he understood. some people really didn’t like the smell of smoke, but the fact is, he’d seen her smoke with xavier once.
and she wasn’t only rude because of the smoke smell, no. it was everything from “god, you look awful.” to “i feel bad for your parents.” to every single insult known to man. or, in this case, woman.
she noticed that he wasn’t talking to her, too.
she wore a frown for the rest of the day, seeing as ajax wouldn’t even cast a glance at her. he actually looked pissed, he was never pissed, which made y/n feel bad.
“i’m toxic, aren’t i?” she grumbled to her siren friend, drink in hand. they were at a party, some werewolf y/n didn’t talk to hosted it.
“what are you talking about?” her friend asked back, yelling over the loud music.
y/n pulled her knees up to her chest, probably making the green couch they were sat on dirty with her shoes, but she couldn’t care less. or, actually, she didn’t notice, she was drunk.
everything had been piling up for her, family problems, school, this one girl in her maths that wouldn’t stop teasing her and now her ajax had been ignoring her existence for two whole days now. he wouldn’t even roll his eyes at her anymore. she had to get away, get drunk, because that’s what teenagers did for any sort of release.
“i act like i hate ajax- and, and then i actually don’t, - and i told him, once, - that, i wanted him to leave.. - me alone. and, now that he has, - i’m upset, again.” she slurred to her friend.
she couldn’t hear her response, though, the music too loud. only ‘i’m bringing sexy back.’ boomed in her ears.
her friend got up and left, leaving y/n even more confused. what had she said? she could barely think with the song pounding in her head, making her rest her hands against her head, trying to magically heal her headache.
“i hate being drunk.” she mumbled to herself, but she couldn’t hear herself. she rested herself comfortably on the big couch, ultimately deciding she’d take a nap, right there.
ajax noticed her from across the room, in the most beautiful dress and with the perfect face, once again. then, he noticed she was sleeping.
he smiled to himself, shaking his head. he made his way over to her sleeping figure, picking her up gently. he couldn’t leave her here, no matter how upset he was with her. he was still raised to be a gentleman.
he carried her wedding style to his own room, not knowing where hers was. he placed her comfortably on his bed, tucking her in.
he then noticed she was awake, staring at him with a smile, “you look nice.”
he could only chuckle at that, expecting a ‘just-kidding’ to follow, or any kind of rude remark, but none came. he was simply met with her smiling face staring back at him.
“thanks, so do you.” he said, getting up from his crouching position when she grabbed the bottom of his jacket, pulling him back down.
“why have you been ignoring-.. me?” she slurred at him. “surprised you noticed, y/n.” he smiled back, a blush creeping to his cheeks. “i notice everything about you, stupid.” she smiled back, stroking his cheek.
“you’re drunk.” he said, his smile disappearing.
“sure, but i still like you.” she mumbled, looking up at him as he got up. “you don’t like me, go to sleep.” he whispered back.
“you can’t tell me if i like you or not.” she argued, but quickly shut up, a yawn escaping her lips. “i can if you’re drunk, disgusting by the way.” he chuckled, using her words against her.
he then realized he hadn’t seen her drink before, ever. “was this your first time drinking, y/n?”
she only nodded as he groaned, realizing the hangover to come. she closed her eyes and fell asleep, cuddling into his pillow.
he sat on his chair, rubbing his face. did y/n actually like him or was she just really drunk and said it to be nice?
they’ll talk in the morning, he decided.
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damp-gravelove · 6 months
When it comes to weed, I feel as though the whole Toxicule would be partaking, but in unique ways that play off of each other! They’d rarely smoke alone, at most two smoke while one is hanging out sober (likely as a designated driver if they have to go somewhere).
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Andrew would strike me as a very casual weed smoker, a blunt and a beer is probably enough for him to smoke on his own. He smokes most weed without care for strain or quality aside from indica or sativa. It’s not that he has a low tolerance or hates more elevated highs, it’s just how he relaxes. Without hesitation he’ll take a bong rip if Ashley offers, and some edibles if Julia has some cooked up, but left to his own devices a single blunt is all he’ll take independently. If you’d ask him, it’s because he doesn’t like to take in a whole lot, but in reality he just loves having the weed fed to him by the other two. Shotgunning hits from Ashley until he gets so woozy and giggly that he happily falls into line when a shotgunned hit turns into messy make outs as they grope each other, much to the visual delight of Julia (if she doesn’t decide to join in by wiggling between the two to soak up some of the attention). Not to mention he’s always game to try some of Julia’s edibles, especially when she feeds him some super potent ones, left perfectly serene and pliable so Julia can take in his scent, smelling him up and down before fucking him slow and steady, listening to his whimpers as his body aches for more, desperate to be filled, but with too clouded a mind to form words. To Ashley’s delight though, his tongue is still very useful.
Ashley would be the certified pothead, no doubt about it for me. If the other two need some form of paraphernalia, they ask her first. From wax and dabs to bongs and grinders, concentrates to bud, she’s got at least a bit on hand at all times. She’s typically in the mood for certain strains, but isn’t picky. She collects bongs especially, not only because they’re her favorite method, but because she loves the artistry in it, ESPECIALLY heady rigs (her prized piece is an AKM Anatomy Rig). And she puts the pieces to work, smoking far more than the other two combined in volume. She has to almost be forced to take breaks to allow her tolerance to die down, but she relents usually. When she’s super high, touching at just the right spot can send her into a tizzy. Andrew’s Tdick can make her melt in seconds, and she by the end she always has a hard time recalling how many times she orgasms (that’s probably just the metric ton of weed in her system though. Probably). Julia loves teasing her, especially with surprise gropes. Ashley’s squeak transforming into a moan is Julia’s favorite. If she’s really wanting some action though, Julia knows she’s just pressing a few of the right buttons away before Ashley’s bent over the couch arm, wet and half teasing/half begging Julia to use her. Ashley also loves to tease Julia at how much she’s sniffing her hair, but when you’re having your back blown out being bred by your girlfriend, it isn’t easy to get a word in.
Julia is likely the cannabis scientist of the menagerie. She loves the process of growing and crossbreeding strains, having a grow room in the place they live. She looks into strains to see side effects good and bad and has her bud sorted by what they do. Andy and Leyley find it hard to parse sometimes, but Julia gets all giddy discussing it so they do their best to follow along, even if genetic lineages are complicated and they have no idea what terpenes are. Julia actually smokes the least by a decent margin, instead dedicated to making edibles, though she does smoke with the other two. She’s made a good array of edibles, of course the classics like gummies and cookies and brownies, but she experiments a lot and usually the results are quite good! Andrew and Ashley still have not a damn clue how someone makes garlic bread edibles, but it was good! Whenever Julia’s particularly high, her love of scents is exacerbated and their effect on her is tenfold, to the point where getting off may not even require stripping. Andrew is especially potent for this, and if he lets her sneak into his sweater and into his armpit, she’ll be clawing at him and drooling as she makes a mess in her panties, shivering and throbbing as she fully imbibes him, and while Andrew doesn’t get off to this more one sided act, he absolutely finds it hot. Ashley loves to be more bratty about it, teasing Julia for being a freak with how much Julia gets off to smells, but when they’re both staining underwear with grinding on each other, Ashley can’t hide how cute she finds it that Julia loves her hair. One time Andrew and Ashley ambushed her with tank tops they worked out in after she was nice and high and they had to stop her from falling with how weak her knees got. ~<3
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moshemedia2000 · 2 months
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The hottest Show on Youtube 🔥
Original Artists that I used credits:
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assiraphales · 8 months
you havent really been liveblogging your one piece experience much, but since you seem to be through Alabasta at this i was wondering if youd be willing to share any thoughts about the series so far/your takes on the characters in their original forms?
-luffy is a little gremlin who was fed after midnight but stayed cute. 10000 points in mischief. has THE biggest heart and would die for a stranger if he thought it was a worthy cause. much more intelligent (in an unconventional way) than he's given credit for. figuring out crocodile's weakness almost immediately?? hello??
-i like how all the crew mates have different (but very valuable and nourishing) relationships with each other. usopp n luffy's is very sweet because they're still kids at heart (and probably always will be, at least a little) who live by their imaginations and for fun/joy. zoro washing chopper in the bathhouse. usopp and nami being voices of reason for very different reasons, usopp making her a weapon bc she admitted one of her weaknesses to him. nami's love for luffy coming out in concern and sternness because she knows what he's capable of but also how hard he can fall
-some of the emotional moments that affected me the most; nami getting a tattoo for belle mere, nokijo, and genzo. pell sacrificing his life for alabasta and flying the bomb into the sky. sanji n zeff's relationship.
-klahadore is the biggest lil bitch thus far. but shout out to his kitty cat crew for supporting him and trying not to deadname him
-really liked the mihawk fight bc even tho zoro got WHOOPED mihawk was clearly impressed, and let him live for a reason. he also said after watching luffy and zoro together that they were a good team. which.
-luffy and zoro making each other better and worse (depending on how u look at it) and the crew just having to accept that "ok yah. that's their relationship. they're crazy bastards who enable each other and they're dreams are entwined."
-zoro being a secret goofball. I could go on about it. but one of my favorite small moments was when he told the usopp pirates that they were cannibals and ate usopp
-nami has such big dreams but she's so scared to get her heartbroken again. she lost her mom, she thought she lost her town and sister when she went along with arlong..... everything is a defense mechanism. she's a survivor. and she's so hurt. but everyday, from the crew's love to luffy's kindness, she's learning to accept that the world isn't that bleak. that good people exist
-ace's tattoo. um. JUMPSCARE. but he is neat and loves luffy lots
-tony tony chopper I would die for u. kureha is an icon and now I totally understand why people want jamie lee curtis to play her
-i'm glad that luffy n co were able to heal the giants relationship on little garden and now they're broskis who can fight n drink together without worrying about the whole "TO DEATH!!!" thing. zoro trying to chop off his legs and then posing so that he'd look cool if he died is another notable highlight from that arc
-princess vivi and nami. I know what u are. but in all seriousness she was just sixteen and infiltrated a secret assassin organization for her kingdom!!! I love that she had igaram pose for her so she could say goodbye to the strawhat crew properly
-there's just so many good people trying to do the right thing in the face of massive adversity. no matter what the odds, they'll fight to their last breath for what they believe in. and if luffy's there, he'll make sure they don't have to (die, that is)
-luffy managing to befriend the weirdest animals that want to kill him and them eventually saving him (the lapins and the kung fu dungongs)
-luffy asking zoro to save smoker's life because he couldn't swim, and smoker letting luffy go instead of arresting him so he could try and save alabasta
-sanji smoking cigarettes in the middle of a fight and constantly wearing a suit for Aesthetics
-mihawk hunting down the red haired pirates in his coffin throne boat just to show shanks the bounty on luffy's head (also way to go bestie getting it up from 30 million to 100 million in like two weeks)
-zoro sleeping everywhere but mostly near the rest of the crew so he can eavesdrop / be close to them
-the straw hat crew being a bunch of wild animal ragers and turning any event into a PARTAAYYYYY
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sexydoffyman · 11 months
Hiii could you maybe write about how Smoker and Tashigi takes care of their s/o when they are rlly sick?? Gn reader please!! Thank you <3
genre: fluff
characters: Smoker, Tashigi
word count: 357
A/N: I just felt like this needs to be headcannons!🐢
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-Smoker was always rough, and at first glance, he seems raw and annoyed all the time.
-He looks like he doesn't care about anyone. But you know how to reach your soft side.
-At first, he would confront you about whatever you were doing that made you sick.
-He isn't worried people get sick all the time.
-Only when you tell him that you are in pain he starts to get worried.
-He calls in sick and just stays by your side the entire time you are sick.
-There won't be a day where he won't take care of you.
-This man has a lot of pride but he will definitely lay it down for this occasion.
-He will definitely want you to cuddle into him.
-Doesn't care that he will get sick.
-He tells you that his devil fruit won't let him get sick, but after all the talk, he does get sick eventually.
-You lay on his chest, and he covers you in smoke so you can feel cozy.
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-She instantly panics.
-Will not know what to do, so she will try to find anything that might help you.
-You have no idea what the pills she gave you do but you find it funny.
-You have to help her find some painkillers with her shaky hands.
-Tashigi is the type of person to cook for you when you can't. So be ready that all the cores will be hers.
-Even tho she isn't so good at it, it tastes delicious.
-She makes you tea or coffee based on your preferences. And makes sure to make it up to your expectations.
-She will read your favorite book with you to calm you and her down.
-Yes, she will continue going to work, but she will beg Smoker to let her go home early.
-Smoker will get fed up eventually and give her time off work so she can be with you at all times. (And so she will stop annoying him all the time.)
-When you get better she will weep on your lap, telling you how worried you made her when you were sick.
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headlessjest · 8 months
Y'all thought I was only a artist? Nuh uh!!! I got some dadness combat Hc stuff for y'all!!!! (Sorry if my grammar and writing is bad. I do write a lot but rarely post it and mainly keep it to myself.)
(All of this is platonic!!!)
・To be honest, he's not gonna be the best father/parent figure in the world. He's a murderer for Christ sake! But he sometimes do set aside his responsibilities for you. Not all the time though.
・He sometimes forgets to feed you and when he does remember, they'll just give you a hot dog. Hope you don't choke on it.
・They'll play with you when he has the time to, but he's often busy 24/7.
・You one time threw up in bed and since he was too tired to clean your bed up, they just took you into his bed and let you sleep with him for the night. (Your room smelled awful in the the morning though..)
・Ya know how toddlers/little kids squirm away from their parents when it's feeding time or running away before going to bed? That's you both but 10 times more rougher and violent with it. He threw you once and you almost tore off their finger once.
・Smoker dad. He's a smoker dad, but he tries not to smoke around you, even if you don't mind it. Doesn't want you coughing a lot around him, almost sounding like you're dying.
・He also sometimes forgets to feed you, but he doesn't just give you a hot dog like Hank. He actually finds food that you don't choke on and feeds you it.
・I think some of y'all know my child! Reader design where reader has a harness right? Well, Deimos is the only one where he doesn't have to use it a shit ton. Because he always carries you by your feet.
・I think Deimos would try to rock you to bed no matter what age, both lovingly or just to tease you.
・Deimos always loves it when you watch him play games. He even loves it when you point out obvious things he didn't notice in the game.
・Probably the best dad out of all of them. He's such a loving guy and a massive sweetheart. Most likely got it from his mom.
・Would go nuts when you get an injury. He would flail around trying to find bandades, bandages, etc whilst comforting you at the same time.
・He loves to relax with you on the couch. When both of you are just really tired, you'll just relax on the couch and most likely fall asleep.
・He never forgets to feed you. He gets the right stuff and always has a timer for breakfast, lunch, pre dinner, and dinner.
・Whenever you get sick, he puts all his plans aside just to take care of you. He doesn't want to see his kid in pain.
・Honestly, he's a neutral dad. He can be kinda strict but only due to his trust issues around Nevada, but he does care for you and wants you to have fun.
・He's always busy so he has a schedule that he always runs by to you when he heads out. He does write it down just incase you do forget though.
・His voice is genuinely comforting to me, so if you can't sleep or something, he'll read you a bedtime story or even sing you a lullaby.
・He never forgets to feed you, but when he's out for something, he has premade food and extra snacks just incase.
・You one time followed him and accidently got yourself dragged into the project nexus shit. He wasn't happy about that.
・Jesus Christ he's not a great parent. He a immortal demon clown and you expect him to be a good dad?
・He does feed you but not the right stuff...
・He one time took you on a high speeded ride throughout Nevada and he somewhat regrets it. You became temporarily deaf for awhile.
・Whenever you're tired but you can't sleep, he always, like always starts a pillow fight with you, hoping for it to tire you down.
・Honestly doesn't care if you get fed to much candy. He'll just let you rob a candy store and then eat it.
・He's also a pretty great dad, but his cowardly ways can sometimes get in the way of being a parent in general.
・Don't be fooled by his cowardly ways, he will not hesitate to fight just for you. Except for Hank. You both will run away.
・Always loves it when you wake him up first thing in the morning just to eat breakfast. You're like an alarm for him.
・He one time showed you around Merc and you gotten pretty close with Church and Jorge. Y'all are like siblings pretty much.
・He one time let you wear his hat and you didn't give it back to him after. He genuinely had to find a new hat.
・So he's not a good dad but he's also not a bad dad. He's also a little bit more stricter than Jeb.
・When you don't really work with him by eating or going to bed, he sometimes puts you in timeout.
・He also is way more better at fixing you up when you got hurt or sick.
・He never let's you have sweets. He always gets those vegan snacks that you thought were bad but are actually pretty good.
・Some of y'all would probably get this, but you know when you're working with your dad with something like the car, and you freak out when your dad asks for a certain tool and he gets upset from you not getting it quickly, yeah that's you two.
・Phobos is not a good dad. Final answer.
・The only few things that're sweet is that he always keeps the drawings you give to him. He'll look at them once in awhile when he's working.
・He always have his workers babysit you, the only times he's around you is when it's bed time or when all the workers can't babysit you.
・When he first saw that you were one of the cloning failures, he was gonna kill you, before you accidentally touched his heart by doing literally nothing.
・He watches over you on the cameras when you're hanging out with the workers and sometimes laughs a bit to himself when he sees you mess with them.
・They're not a really great dad. They always care about their work and gets a little upset they're not there for you.
・One time, you wandered into their office and just casually sat on their lap and slept there. They didn't move a single inch during that.
・You sometimes remind them of a cat, so they sometimes even carry you like a cat.
・Despite not having any lips, they try to give something that resembles a forehead kiss. Like a headbump or something.
・They hate that you grow up faster than them. (I Hc auditor that they're like 1000 years old or smth) They don't like that they'll see you grow right in front of their eyes and them not age a single bit.
Omg that last one was sad, uh.. Hope y'all like this..? Like I said before, sorry for any grammatical errors, writing errors, etc.
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ofthecaravel · 9 months
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But You Look So Cool
A Danny Wagner/Sam Kiszka fic
Summary: Danny has a crush on a familiar face.
Tags: Fluff, cutesy bullshit, IDIOTS ALERT, literally just the stupidest goofuses alive, NSFW shit AHHHH
Words: 10.8k
A/N: Just trying to keep my Sanny girlies fed. Heavily inspired by Crush by Ethel Cain, everybody go listen to Ethel Cain right now or I will explode you with my mind
Let me know what you think!
Danny Wagner knew there was no shame in ditching the typical post high school route of moving across the country to start college. Well, maybe it was more like an affirmation he said to himself begrudgingly in the mirror after coming home from work and getting ready to go to class at the local community college. He’d escaped his parent’s house, not that there was anything bad to escape from, and now lived in a crappy one room apartment that he paid for by working a job that he liked an average amount. Every other day, Danny took classes at the community college. He couldn’t help but feel like he was wasting his early twenties saving money and starting small, even though he knew it was the smartest option for him, considering he wasn’t actually all that sure what he wanted to do with life. There weren’t a lot of things Danny was sure of about himself quite yet, but he had faith that it would all fall into place. It had to. Right?
Danny wasn’t sure when things would start to become clear to him, but he was pretty sure it wasn’t going to be during any of his classes. This was an endurance part of his life, he had decided. Get them done, get the associate’s degree, and THEN go from there. He was taking a pretty low course load so he could keep up with work and, well, his sanity, and this was a September where he was taking a whopping two classes. They were both pretty basic, a math course and a history course, and he didn’t expect much from them apart from taking the occasional nap and scurrying to do all of his homework last minute like he’d done his entire academic career. 
What Danny especially didn’t expect from his first day of classes was walking into his math classroom (only after double and triple checking he had the right room), taking a seat by the window, and then becoming acutely aware of the smell of cigarette smoke. As he dug his laptop and notebook out of his bag, he wrinkled his nose at the smell and prepared to meet whoever had drug this scent in with them. He could see someone had sat next to him while his neck was craned, and when he straightened, Danny looked to his right and was immediately seized by a cold jolt of surprise. The guy next to him was undoubtedly the smoker, but he was also undoubtedly someone Danny had gone to school with prior. 
It was Sam, Sam Kiszka, Sam Kiszka who had been on the robotics team and favored shadowing his older brothers over cultivating a group of friends. Danny had known him with a shaggy emo haircut, braces, and an arsenal of class clown cracks. He’d ultimately lost track of Sam during senior year, when news broke of his dad’s arrest and Sam had shrunk moodily into the shadows while his brothers disappeared into college life and made their own name beyond crime and scandal. 
Danny had a feeling that whole era of Sam’s life played a factor into the man he’d grown into. This new Sam sat slouched in a smoke soaked leather jacket with a ratty backpack and scowl playing on his face. It was weird to see him like this. Danny almost wanted to say something, but after Sam’s feline glare passed over him and quickly slid off, he decided not to. He was annoyingly aware of the effect it had on him, though. There was a nervous tremor in Danny’s hand as he opened up his laptop and logged in, staring at himself in the reflection of the dark loading screen and checking for eye boogers or frizz in a sudden attempt to smooth out his sleepy appearance. 
The smoke smell was dizzying now in such close proximity, equal parts overwhelming and delicious. Danny breathed it in and, instead of letting out an almost longing sigh, he let out a huge sneeze. In doing so, he knocked his forehead against his keyboard and scooted backwards in his chair in the same motion. Red faced, he looked up and saw almost every eye in the previously quiet room trained on him. Someone called out a ‘bless you’ and he thanked them with an embarrassed smile, finally looking over to see Sam’s assessment. Danny felt his face go hot all over again when he saw Sam was side eyeing him with an amused smile. When they made eye contact, Sam quickly looked forward again and his smile crumpled. For some reason he couldn’t pin, Danny’s heart fluttered.
His mind started racing as his anxiety made him more and more aware of Sam’s presence and every little move. Did Sam remember him? What the hell had he been up to the past two years? Danny had heard rumors that Sam slipped in and out of the county jail since his dad had been sentenced to death row, unconsciously mirroring his family legacy in some sort of effort to cope. But as far as Danny knew, that was just hearsay. As the professor started the lecture and Danny started to focus, his last thought was that maybe he and Sam would grow to be friends over the course of the class. 
Danny gave up on that hope after the third class. Even during icebreakers, Sam had barely spoken and seemed to daydream the entire class, taking bare bones notes and racing out the door the second the lecture finished. Still, Danny gave him well prepared smiles in the split seconds that Sam’s eyes would drift over him, considering that Danny’s eyes were now almost always on him. Danny himself was a little startled by how distracted he was by his silent classmate. They had exchanged zero words and yet Danny found himself driving up to the building with anxious butterflies as the days went on. He started fulfilling weird little compulsions he’d never felt before, like standing in front of the mirror messing with the way his hair fell, even though he always left it back in its wavy, brushed-out side part. Danny sat in class with his back straighter and his face hidden by his curtain of waves, using them as a cover to sneak glances at Sam’s frowning profile.
 In such a tizzy, Danny had spent the time after a family dinner to corner his sister and ask her for a second opinion on why he was feeling so crazy. He had scoffed when she’d begun to laugh in his face, looking at him like he was the stupidest person alive.
“What, you asshole?” Danny asked, shoving Josie’s shoulder as she stifled her laugh with a hand and used the other to grip his shoulder in comradery.
“You idiot,” she giggled. “You’re not being possessed by the devil. You have a fucking crush.”
Danny flushed and laughed at the accusation, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah, okay, sure, right,” Danny mocked, leaning against the doorframe of his sister’s room. “We’ve literally never spoken.”
“You don’t have to talk to someone to have a crush on them,” Josie explained.
Danny paused.
“You don’t?”
“No? What, is this your first year on Earth? Are you experiencing emotions for the first time?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Seriously! Have you never had a crush before?”
Danny thought about it. 
“Yeah, in, like, high school,” Danny answered. “I had a girlfriend, thank you.”
“Oh, please, you only dated her because she wouldn’t leave you alone,” Josie accused with a creeping smile. “Sounds like this guy is giving you the real deal. Congratulations, welcome to feelings.”
“What do I even do about it?” Danny whined, sliding down the wood panel and sitting hard. “This shit sucks.”
“Ask him out!” Josie insisted, forming a little heart with her hands. “Follow your heart.”
“You’re a fucking cornball,” Danny countered. “I feel like I should probably talk to him minimum one time before I do that. I mean, I don’t even know if he’s…you know, whatever. Would even be into me.”
“Oh, I bet he’s totally into you,” Josie assured. “When you said he smiled at you after you sneezed? Totally into you.”
“You’re just feeding my delusion.”
“I’m making up for lost time you spent fake dating a weirdo in high school.”
“Yeah, this is some real sentimental bonding we’ve got going on right now.”
“Come on, you wimp,” Josie said, tossing a pillow at Danny’s head. “Do literally anything. Don’t let him be the one that got away.”
“You’re so dramatic, fuck,” Danny accused, but smiled. “Fine, okay, I’ll talk to him.”
Danny did not talk to him. Danny really did plan on talking to Sam during their next class, but when Danny pulled into a parking spot, he found himself next to Sam and his grungy motorcycle. Worse yet, it was one of September’s warmer mornings with a humidity left over from a storm the next before, which meant that Sam was shirtless and covered in a fine sheen of sweat. He took off his helmet and shook his hair out, unaware of Danny’s jaw hitting the floor as he combed it through with one hand and dug a shirt out of his backpack. After allowing himself one more sidelong glance before he stumbled out of his car, Danny saw a scattering of tattoos on Sam’s wiry arms and hiding on his ribcage. The words died on Danny’s tongue and in his mind and he decided that maybe he’d wait another day, so he did. And then he waited for two more weeks after that, and even then, Danny couldn’t get himself to even breathe in Sam’s direction.
The only person keeping Danny accountable was Josie, and she regularly expressed her upset towards Danny’s lack of action. The siblings had a long standing tradition of raiding the convenience store by their house on Saturday evenings so they had a proper snack arsenal for movie night, and on the Saturday after the one month mark of Danny’s class starting, Josie followed him through the aisles and chastised him.
“Why do you even care so much?” Danny hissed at her as he absently looked through rows of crinkling bags of chips and pretzels. 
“Because this is the most exciting thing that’s happened to you since you graduated, you nerd,” Josie answered, plucking a bag of chips out of his hand and breezing by. “Plus, it’d be fun to have someone to razz you with.”
“Has anyone ever told you you’re a kind and gentle soul? Because they were lying.”
Josie laughed and they both continued a steady bicker as they swept the aisles. They settled in the candy aisle for a heated debate on what the “mood” of their candy should be that night. Suddenly, a raucous round of hissing and popping started up outside and they both startled, looking towards the sound. It was the sound of firecrackers, and the owner let out a disgusted sigh and stormed out from behind the counter. He’d seen the Wagner siblings in his store since they were little, and since they were the only ones in there, he quickly told them to not steal anything and then ran out the doors to investigate. The two of them exchanged an amused look and started a joking dialogue about how much stuff they could fit in their pockets when the bell on the door jingled again. They quieted, thinking the owner was back so soon, but Danny felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs when he looked behind him into the next aisle and saw a familiar helmet. He mouthed ‘shit’ and turned around again, Josie quickly picking up on the nervous twitch in his features and looking for herself.
“What?” she whispered, almost inaudible, following Danny as he scooted into the next aisle over to put an aisle between them. Danny gave her a look, and then jerked his head at the man once before widening his eyes. Instantly, her mouth fell open and she started peeking over the top of the shelves to try and catch a glimpse at Sam’s face.
“No way!” she breathed again. “He rides a motorcycle? Hot!”
“Shut the entire fuck up,” Danny seethed, feeling a chill run down his spine when he heard Sam’s boots in the aisle behind them. He moved quickly, a rustle of bags and wrappers as he did. Danny and Josie stood very still when they felt Sam stride into the aisle they were in, exchanging a look and then respectively picking up a snack and examining their wrappers intently. Danny took a brave look over at Sam and saw him pick up a bag of Skittles and then pocket it brashly in the joking way he and his sister had pretended to. Danny blinked in surprise; maybe Sam really was the criminal people made him out to be. Hopefully shoplifting was the worst of his crimes. 
Sam moved down the aisle towards them and looked up at Danny, the two of them exchanging a moment of tense eye contact before Sam’s dark eyes flickered over the Twix in Danny’s hands and then away again. Sam walked behind the two of them and then with a quiet ‘excuse me’, he reached his arm in front of Danny and plucked a Twix from the box. Danny stood frozen to the spot but leaned politely out of the way, trying to subtly stomp on Josie’s foot when she sneakily reached up and sank her nails into his forearm in a silent urge for Danny to say something.
However, Danny hardly got the chance to breathe before the owner walked back into the store with an annoyed huff, which caused Sam to startle and then hustle back past them and slip behind a display. Danny and Josie shared a confused look and tracked the top of Sam’s helmet as he sneaked around the perimeter of the store, clearly trying to make his way to the door without being seen. Unfortunately for Sam, they heard his boot knock loudly against a bottle and the owner looked up from his paper. His face immediately twisted into a fury.
“KISZKA!” he bellowed, slamming his paper onto the counter as Sam scurried down the first aisle and out the door, the bell banging loudly as the owner followed him out in a hurried jog. Danny and Josie quietly stood and watched the two men disappear around the corner in a flurry of yells. 
“Well,” Josie finally said as they slowly approached the counter and started piling their stuff onto it for when the owner returned. “He seems really nice.”
“Shut up,” Danny muttered, knowing his face was thoroughly flushed from both nerves and embarrassment. 
“No, really, I’m super excited for your prison biker wedding.”
“Shut up.”
On Monday, Danny was sitting at his table going over the Excel graphing exercise that had driven him nearly crazy the night prior when something was loudly dropped next to him. His reflexes were not as sharp from his lack of sleep and he jolted, calming when he saw what had been dropped on his notebook: a Twix. Danny immediately looked to his right and watched Sam fall into his seat, cracking his neck and unzipping his backpack like nothing had happened. Heart racing, Danny picked up the chocolate and caught Sam’s eye, holding it aloft with confusion crinkling his arched brows. Sam looked at the Twix like he was surprised to see it, sniffed absently and then reclined further in his chair. 
“It’s a bribe,” Sam finally spoke, his light voice betraying his cool, edgy facade. 
“Pardon?” Danny asked dumbly, trying not to stumble over his words.
“A bribe,” Sam repeated, looking at Danny like he was stupid. “It seems like you know what you’re doing in this class, right?”
“Barely,” Danny muttered, looking back at the admittedly correct graphs on his screen. 
“That’s better than how I’m doing,” Sam scoffed, loudly dropping his laptop on his table and pulling a bulky thermos out of his backpack. “I figured a little bribe would help to make alliances.”
Danny looked back at the candy in his hand.
“You stole this.”
“So, what? You and your girlfriend were talking about stealing.”
“That was my sister,” Danny clarified with a curl of his lip. “We weren’t actually going to steal anything, it was just a dumb joke.”
“Well, aren’t you a perfect angel?” Sam sarcastically batted his lashes at Danny and then rolled his eyes, cracking his knuckles aggressively. Danny bristled at Sam’s attitude, even though a small part of him was thrilled by it. 
“I don’t know how you think you make friends, but it’s not like this,” Danny snipped shakily, lifting his chin and looking back at his screen. He could feel Sam staring at him as he pretended to care about his homework. 
“You’re Danny, yeah?” Sam asked casually after a minute.
“I remember you from high school.”
Danny hesitated and met Sam’s eye again. Sam smiled, knowing he had Danny’s attention. 
“I didn’t do much in high school,” Danny laughed awkwardly, a little incredulous that Sam would’ve paid any kind of attention to him back then. Danny had friends, sure, but he coasted through classes and invested most of his time with the golfing team, playing video games and banging on the drumset in the basement. He and Sam had mutual friends but had never run in the same circles. 
“I remember you anyways,” Sam went on, picking at the skin of his thumb. “You weren’t the type of person to pass up the chance to help out. And I bet that hasn’t changed much. So, you know, if you could help me with an assignment or two, that’d be sick. Plus, I’d make it worth your while.”
“Will I continue to be paid in Twix?”Danny joked, flushing at Sam’s surprising comprehension of Danny’s character. Sam laughed, a sharp noise that sent chills down Danny’s spine. 
“You’re fucking funny, dude,” Sam grinned. “If that’s what you want, but I can get you whatever you need. Pick your poison.”
“Poison?” Danny echoed, blinking blankly. Sam’s eyes softened slightly as he realized Danny wasn’t picking up on what he was putting down. He looked almost endeared.
“Yeah, man,” Sam continued, his voice lowering as he leaned towards Danny. “Dope, coke. If that’s not your vibe, I’ll buy you a stupid six pack or roll you a blunt.”
“If I help you do your homework, you’re going to give me coke?” Danny hissed, leaning in as well. “You’re going from Twix to cocaine for trigonometry?”
“I have to graduate,” Sam hissed back, his voice urgent. “Not graduating is not an option for me. I’ve already flunked a class once and if I fail again my family will-”
Sam cut himself off with a groan and flopped dramatically back into his seat, crossing his arms and stretching his legs out. 
“Forget it,” Sam snapped, color rising to his cheeks as he let out a huff. “Forget everything I said. I’m fine, it’s fine.”
Danny paused as he watched Sam shift in his seat, his eyes clouding over as he stared down at his lap. If he didn’t know any better, he’d have thought that Sam might be starting to tear up. 
“Hey, man, I’ll help you,” Danny relented, his heart nearly hammering out of his chest as he said it. “Don’t worry about paying me back or anything, though. Actually, I’m more motivated to help you if you promise NOT to give me drugs.”
Sam stared silently at him for a moment, clearly waiting for Danny to pull the rug out from under him and tell him he was only joking. But Danny was sincere in his promise, and Sam’s tense shoulders loosened slightly. 
“Cool,” Sam said quietly, nodding once. “Are you busy after class?”
Danny was supposed to have lunch with a friend, but in a split second he decided to cancel. 
“No,” Danny answered quickly. 
“Wanna go to the library and, I don’t know, you tell me what the fuck is happening in this unit?” Sam suggested, his voice lowering as he got to the end of his sentence. Danny couldn’t help but let a painfully endeared smile cross over his face as he pretended to think for a second and then nodded. 
“Yeah, that works,” Danny agreed casually and Sam mirrored his nodding. 
They looked at each other for a moment, letting a few awkward beats pass before Sam cleared his throat and turned his attention back to his thermos. Danny watched him unscrew the chunky lid and take a deep sip, causing Sam to visibly hold back a wince as his eye twitched and he screwed the lid back on. He looked back at Danny, who was regarding him with another look of surprise.
“What?” Sam whispered.
“Dude,” Danny said simply, unsure whether to be concerned or to laugh. 
“Shut up,” Sam replied, narrowing his eyes like an angry cat. 
“It’s 9am,” Danny went on, a giggle at the end of his words.
“Shut up,” Sam repeated. 
The professor got out of her seat and turned on her computer, signaling the beginning of class, and both of them fell silent as the lecture flashed on the projection screen. Danny decided to try and sneak one more look at Sam before he tuned in completely, allowing himself to relish in the anticipation that they were going to be spending the afternoon together. When he looked, he saw Sam was looking back at him, and they both turned away quickly and didn’t make eye contact for the rest of the class.
After an admittedly awkward walk to the library, Danny very quickly learned the extent of just what kind of student Sam was. His eyes wandered, his questions branched into a myriad of tangents, and oftentimes his conclusions made no sense. A particularly hard problem had Danny making Sam slowly backtrack his process to how he arrived at his answer, which made Danny even more confused and further infuriated Sam as he was reminded of how lost he was. 
And yet, Danny was exceedingly patient with him. When the light outside started to fade and they gave up on making any more progress, Sam seemed genuinely shocked that Danny had stuck around as long as he had. Sure, when he got home that night Danny gave an extra little scream into his pillow from how hard he had fought Sam to try and help him understand the unit they were on, but Danny really hadn’t minded getting to spend some actual one on one time with Sam. Between tense discussion and slow calculations, Danny had actually had a lot of fun. 
Danny finally admitted to himself that he was completely and totally screwed after the next couple of study sessions with Sam. The issue was that not only was Sam even hotter up close, but that he and Danny got along famously. When he wasn’t cussing out his textbook (or Danny, on occasion) or staring off into space, Sam was funny and quick witted and a surprisingly good listener. He had this habit of cradling his jaw with both hands while staring wide eyed at Danny and the textbook he was working off of, nodding occasionally and scribbling down Danny’s process with his bottom lip sucked in between his teeth. 
“You’re really getting it now, man,” Danny said proudly one afternoon, watching Sam’s flimsy mechanical pencil work its way down his notebook page as he linked together a probability. 
“Maybe a little,” Sam mumbled, flipping a page to check the answer sheet. 
“Seriously, you’ve made hella progress,” Danny went on, motioning at Sam’s paper with his own pencil. “You don’t even need the cheat sheet, I know that’s right.”
“Still gonna check,” Sam insisted, seeming to shrink under Danny’s praise. Danny frowned, watching Sam grow somber in the way he always did when he scoured his homework for problems. Normally, Danny just let him take his quiet pause, but this time he felt himself  saying something before he could stop himself.
“You know that you’re smart, right?”
Sam looked up quickly, looking almost disgusted by Danny’s compliment.
“Yeah, okay,” Sam mocked, crinkling his nose. 
“You are,” Danny continued. “You were smart in high school, too. I mean, you did robotics and debate and stuff, right? You’ve gotta be clever to do all that.”
Sam blinked, his look shifting from unbelieving to almost shy.
“You remember all that?” Sam asked, his voice oddly soft. Danny felt his face flush.
“Uh, well, yeah,” Danny stammered slightly, shrugging like it was nothing. “I noticed lots of stuff in high school. It was a lot more fun than doing my own stuff, I guess.”
“You did cool stuff, too,” Sam said hesitantly, looking back at his page. “Golf is…cool.”
“No, it’s not,” Danny laughed, and a smirk slipped onto Sam’s face.
“Nah, it’s really not,” Sam agreed, the smirk growing to a cheeky grin. “You know what I mean. You were a cool person.”
“Oh, am I not cool anymore?” Danny teased, basking in the realization that at least once, Sam had thought about him back then.
“You’re still cool,” Sam smiled, his eyes boring into Danny’s own as Danny’s smile grew wide and dopey.
“Cool,” Danny replied dumbly, seeing Sam’s eyebrow raise in his peripheral vision as he pretended to start on another question. 
“Not good with compliments either, huh?” Sam accused lightheartedly.
“I guess I just don’t get them that much,” Danny answered honestly. Sam immediately let out a sharp, one note laugh that earned him a dirty look from the librarian and a confused smile from Danny.
“What?” Danny asked. Sam looked him up and down once with an amused smile, but once he realized Danny had absolutely no clue what he found so ridiculous, his smile quickly died. 
“Nothing, whatever,” Sam backtracked, letting out another much quieter laugh as if to make up for the brashness of the first one. 
“Nuh uh, tell me,” Danny insisted, quickly swiping Sam’s paper out from under his hand and holding it hostage under his forearm. “What’s so funny, funny guy?”
“Nothing!” Sam doubled down, his usually edgy tone taking on a brand new whining quality as he tried to yank his paper back. The annoyed knit of Sam’s eyebrows gave Danny a small thrill he didn’t quite understand. 
“You tell me why you laughed or I eat this fucking piece of paper.”
“Oh, I would actually love to see that, go right ahead.”
“Come on, Sam, tell me,” Danny all but begged. “Why is it so damn funny I don’t get compliments on the reg?” 
Sam still refused to meet his eye, half heartedly trying to slide the paper out from under Danny’s arm with his fingertips gripping furiously. 
“I don’t know, I guess it’s just weird considering you look, you know…” Sam trailed off, his tan cheeks rosy as he stumbled to his point. “Looking the way you do, I’d think maybe you’d be fending ‘em off ‘on the reg’. Your words, not mine.”
Danny blinked, still vaguely lost.
“Looking the way I do?” Danny echoed slowly, and Sam rolled his eyes. Danny looked down at himself, trying to decipher whatever Sam was getting at. “Is there a big sweater crowd here that I was unaware of, or…?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Sam mumbled, finally pushing Danny’s arm back with one hand and grabbing his paper with the other. “Nevermind.”
Danny spent the rest of the night trying to understand just what Sam had been telling him, but it didn’t hit him until that last second before he finally fell asleep. Danny had sat up abruptly when the thought settled on him, his adrenaline jerking him upwards like a puppet so hard that his knee collided with his cheek. He fell back onto his pillow with a prolonged groan, pressing the heel of his palm to his sore cheek, feeling his blood pulse as he blinked up at the ceiling with the realization spinning in his head: Sam thought he was attractive. And he had said it right to Danny’s face without him knowing. As he began to drift off again, Danny thought he might be the stupidest man alive. 
Danny certainly felt like one when the next time he saw Sam, he approached him with sheepish energy and a big, tender bruise on the plane of his cheek under his right eye. Sam’s mouth fell open and he immediately reached up to touch Danny’s face, his fingers softly grazing over the bruise as his dark eyebrows drew together in confusion.
“What the hell happened to you?” Sam asked, his eyes suddenly lighting up as a snarky comment generated in his head. “Oh my god, did you get in a fight?”
Danny, realizing there was no way he could explain the true nature of his injury without sounding like an utter idiot, quickly nodded in agreement and tried to look remorseful. Sam’s mouth fell open again. The sparkle in his eye paired with his ability to be so quick to believe made Danny’s stomach flutter in adoration.
“Yeah, no biggie,” Danny said coolly as he slid into his seat, shrugging off his bag as Sam landed on his seat harshly, his eyes still stuck to Danny’s face. 
“Who did you fight?” Sam gasped. “Did you fight a cop? Oh, please say yes.”
“Yep, you know me, big cop fighter,” Danny agreed, sarcasm edging his voice as he shot Sam a sly smile. Sam slumped in his seat as he began to scowl.
“Oh, fuck you, don’t lie to me,” Sam pouted, crossing his leather clad arms. “Seriously, what’s with the bruise?”
“It’s stupid, I’m fine,” Danny laughed. 
“Do we have to cancel midterms studying later?” Sam asked, looking concerned. Maybe even disappointed. “I don’t wanna, I don’t know.”
“Are you worried I’m going to strain my small bruise too much?” Danny teased, butterflies fluttering again at Sam’s genuine worry about his well being. 
 “I don’t know!” Sam spluttered. “I want to make sure my teacher isn’t being held back from teaching me.”
“Sure, sure,” Danny smiled, finding a random surge of confidence and channeling it by mocking one of the first things Sam had said to him. “Aren’t you just a perfect angel?”
Sam immediately fell silent, rolling his eyes deeply and lolling back into his seat, turning away from Danny for a moment before flopping his head back towards Danny. 
“Maybe I am,” Sam joked, giving Daniel a theatrical wink before scoffing and shaking his head, reacting so heavily that Danny figured that he must’ve been genuinely flustered by Danny’s accusation. It was hitting him again now, that Sam might actually like him back. It still felt like a reach, but Danny let the satisfaction of the possibility straighten his spine confidently while Sam continued to sputter. 
By the time midterms had come and gone, Danny was beginning to become actually convinced he might have a shot with Sam. A lot of this was attributed to Sam suddenly and consistently indulging in a habit Danny was well acquainted with: kleptomania. 
“Sam, you have got to stop,” Danny said defeatedly after Sam dropped yet another grocery bag of snacks on the table in front of Danny before collapsing in the booth across from him. This study session was at a coffee shop, which Danny thought might deter Sam from his now expected habit of bringing Danny bags of treats and the occasional other small, random items. 
“Why? It’s funny,” Sam insisted as he did every time Danny questioned why the hell he was doing this. “Come on, laugh.”
“I am not laughing, thank you very much,” Danny said haughtily, sifting through the bag with two fingers. “Aw, come on, there’s even more than last time. Those poor store owners you’re robbing are going to start to notice, you know.”
“Whatever, as if they could prove it was me,” Sam scoffed with pride, cracking his neck cockily. 
“Security cams, Sams,” Danny remarked, tying the handles of the bag together. “Seriously, it’s just not worth the risk. I don’t know why you think I’m so desperately in need of a couple hundred granola bars.”
“Totally worth the risk,” Sam argued. “I have a great time doing it, and then you have a great time not starving.”
“Why would I be starving?”
“You said you barely even eat during the days you work. Boom, problem solved, shut up and eat your damn fruit snacks.”
Danny’s heart suddenly began to slam against his ribs as the feelings that accompanied Sam’s shockingly sweet intentions jolted every nerve ending in Danny’s body. 
“You started being a full blown klepto because…you didn’t want me to be hungry?”
“So?” Sam’s voice was sharp and defensive, but when Danny blinked at him, he saw Sam’s eyes soften for a fraction of a second and he knew. 
 “It’s just…actually very nice of you,” Danny said, his voice petering out slightly at the end of his sentence. “Now I kinda feel like a dickhead for yelling at you. Even though I still don’t think you should steal.”
“I accept your apology,” Sam answered jokingly. “So, which homework are we going over today?”
“Oh, we actually don’t have anything due on Friday,” Danny said. “I’m slightly concerned you don’t remember her saying that, but, yeah, we don’t technically don’t have to work on anything.”
“Oh,” Sam said simply, tensing and then relaxing in the same second. “So, we’re just…like, hanging out?”
“I guess,” Danny replied, masking his nerves by taking a sip of his drink. “I mean, we can look ahead in the book. Or you can, like, go if you want.”
“No, no, it’s whatever,” Sam said hurriedly. “I mean, I already ordered a drink, so.”
“Yeah, I mean, then you gotta stay,” Danny teased, still a little surprised by his own ability to flirt so quickly lately. “Maybe we can even attempt a conversation without talking about trigonometry.”
“Sounds like pulling teeth,” Sam agreed, arching a dark brow in amusement. “I’m down.”
“Should I ask you how your day was?”
“Definitely not.”
“What about your childhood?”
Sam bristled but somehow twisted it into a weak smile.
“I don’t know, you were there for a good chunk of it,” Sam smiled, and Danny melted a little. “You weren’t super involved or anything, but you probably know the gist of it.”
“Mm, I guess,” Danny shrugged. “Not enough to know how you went from being such a nice little nerd to…wherever you are now.”
“Is there something wrong with me now?” Sam snapped, giving Danny the stink eye.
“No, no, but you’re definitely a lot different than you were 5 years ago,” Danny went on and Sam swallowed, his eyes traveling in the air next to Danny’s head uncomfortably. 
“True,” Sam agreed sullenly. 
“I didn’t mean to, I don’t know, drag up anything,” Danny said nervously, taking note of the dark cloud settling over Sam’s head. “Just making conversation. I mean, I admit I am curious, but you can change the subject.”
“It’s…fine,” Sam sighed, shifting in his seat and finally taking off his jacket as he talked. “I mean, you know all the shit that went down with my family. I guess it’s just kind of a weird thing for an angsty little teenager to deal with, and doing spontaneous, adrenaline rush inducing shit is a lot easier to do than dealing with emotions. Way more fun, too.”
“I get that,” Danny said softly. “I was worried for you for a while in high school. You didn’t come to school for like a week straight once and I totally thought something bad had happened.”
“Really?” Sam asked. He looked surprised that Danny had remembered that, and he also looked a little guilty.
“I mean, yeah,” Danny stammered. It was true; it had been a little hard not to be on the lookout for Sam after his dad’s mugshot had been plastered on every newspaper in town.
“Well, I was fine,” Sam insisted, guilt still gracing his features. “With everything going on, I figured nobody would care if I stayed away for a little while. I was pretty much just taking tabs in the woods and eating at drive throughs and stirring up shit at random bars.” 
“That sounds like it sucks,” Danny blurted, and Sam looked startled by his candor.
“It did suck,” Sam answered plainly. “But it could have been worse. I mean, I only got arrested once.”
“That’s a miracle,” Danny joked and Sam laughed. 
“Honestly, yeah,” Sam agreed with a feline smirk. “I’ve gotten up to some pretty crazy things in my time.”
“I’d love to hear about them,” Danny smiled, cupping his chin in his hand in an effort to look tuned in completely to Sam. Sam laughed again and mirrored Danny’s cheesy motion with a higher notch of dramatics, making both of them chuckle before Sam launched into a highlights reel of the craziest things he’d experienced in the past couple of years. With every new anecdote, Sam loosened up more and more, his eyes staying round and playful as he gesticulated often and laughed between his words. Even though his stories painted him as some kind of a wild thrill seeker, the Sam sitting in front of Danny was exuberant, sweet, and kept collapsing into fits of giggles that made him snort and giggle all over again. Danny couldn’t help but stare.
   Suddenly it was November, and Danny and Sam put their heads together to work through the review packet they’d been given. The truth is that the review packet had all the basics of the units they’d gone through, and the professor had said that the final was going to be a collection of all the simplest concepts so there was no reason to unnecessarily stress, but Danny and Sam began to study like it was the bar exam. At this point, both of them were quietly aware that Sam would be able to pass this final without Danny’s help, and that their studying sessions didn’t actually involve all that much studying anymore. They’d go to the library or a coffee shop or any kind of quiet establishment, pull out their folders and pencils and calculators, and then not touch them for the next couple of hours while they chatted. On a few occasions, Sam would shut down when the conversation got too close for him, and Danny knew that during those times he was waiting for Danny to go, but he never did. He’d pick a new topic, broach it carefully, and wait for Sam to warm back up to him. That unthinking kindness was a big part of why Sam actually started to feel comfortable opening up to Danny, even if it was only a little bit. It was also why Sam started to feel like he would do anything to get alone with Danny, such as feigning that he absolutely needed them to start meeting up twice a week more than once. Right before the actual test, Sam even considered inviting Danny over to his place to…not study, he wouldn’t get away with saying that’s why he wanted him over. That’s why he never ended up offering. Part of it was shame, honestly. He didn’t like the imagery of Danny, bright and clean, standing in the basement he called home and pretending to like it. Or even actually liking it, seeing as he seemed to like everything Sam pitched to him, even when it was a tale of arson or getting an unseemly tattoo in an unseemly place. 
What it was, really, was that Sam wanted Danny alone because he had a big, fat crush on him. When he’d first seen Danny in class, he’d recognized him from school, sure, but his first thought was that he was absolutely drop dead gorgeous. So gorgeous that he looked entirely out of place hunched over his laptop in a stained t-shirt that he assumed doubled as his uniform for work. Sam wasn’t stupid, he knew that his look attracted his stares, and usually he loved the attention. But he felt uncharacteristically nervous when he began to notice that Danny’s eyes couldn’t stay off of him during class. In fact, even after becoming friends and becoming arguably close friends, he still felt nervous under Danny’s gaze. He wanted to keep his eyes on him at all times, and as the last day of class drew near, he was worried he was going to lose it. Sam knew he had to make a move. He just wasn’t sure how.
“Come over.”
Danny blinked.
“Hm?” Danny asked with a closed mouth, looking up from his paper to see that Sam wasn’t even looking at him. Sam was regarding the motor oil under his nails with great intensity.
“Come over,” Sam repeated, slowly and theatrically. “After the final tomorrow. We’ll party and lay a semester of unrelenting torment to rest.”
“Oh,” Danny replied dumbly, suddenly feeling very warm under the collar of his green sweater. “Yeah, sure, sounds fun. Should I bring anything?”
“Nah, I’ve got enough liquor to be deemed a public fire hazard,” Sam grinned, finally looking at Danny to flash him his teeth. “You’ll probably have to crash for the night, though. We’re going to get pretty fucked up.”
“Oh, are we?” Danny challenged with a smile of his own. “I don’t know how wild a two person party can get.”
“I’d invite other people but they wouldn’t understand the true heart of the party like we do,” Sam explained dryly. “You can pick what we watch.”
“Sweet,” Danny sang, his knee bouncing from jitters under the table. He couldn’t stop thinking about the prospect of sleeping in the same room as Sam. “Do I get to sleep on the couch, or is it a pillow and a blanket situation?”
“Whatever you want, bro,” Sam answered coolly, looking back to his nails. “All I know is you don’t get the bed.”
“You must be so proud of your twin size mattress.”
“Hey, she sees plenty of play,” Sam purred, blatantly lying. He winked and Danny rolled his eyes, landing his attention back on his paper.
“If ‘she’ saw plenty of play, you wouldn’t still have a twin,” Danny accused, his stomach turning at the thought of anyone other than him in that bed with Sam. Sam scoffed.
“Hey now, mattresses are expensive as fuck,” Sam argued, reaching a defensive headspace where his arms crossed and his lip curled. Danny loved it.
“True, true,” Danny humored him. “So, do I get to ride home with you on your big scary motorcycle or do I have to follow you in my car?”
“We’ll see if your excuse for a car can keep up with my Harley. I’ve been meaning to ask you to drag race, anyways.”
“My sheer spite would make my car go faster than your tricycle.”
Danny laughed as Sam flew into a sputtering tirade of defending his motorcycle, counting out bullet pointed arguments on his fingers as Danny sat there with a dopey smile on his face. Danny wondered if Sam had caught on to the fact that he fired him up just so he could watch him fizzle down. At the same time, Sam wondered if Danny knew how much he liked that he did that.
Danny’s nerves began to run wild about halfway through his final. Not because of any uncertainty at his answers, but because as time passed, he realized just how soon he’d be at Sam’s. He was worried about what he’d be like after a few drinks and finding himself completely alone with the man he’d begun to fantasize about more and more every day. Actually, he hadn’t thought of much else but what he was going to do about this hangout time with Sam, or rather, what he wanted to do. A gentle, almost innocent crush had morphed so quickly in such a short time, and his feelings were quickly developing in a way that kept his head filled with images of his hands on Sam’s hips and how Sam’s neck might look when covered in bruises. As one of those thoughts started to drift into his mind, his thoughts whispering about how it was a very real possibility, Danny’s pencil began to fly over his paper as he hurried to finish as fast as possible.
Sam didn’t keep Danny waiting for very long after he did finally turn in his final and hurry out into the hallway. Sam had dressed pretty nice for once, in his own uniquely Sam way. He had on a rumpled white shirt with a dark green leather jacket, paired with dark jeans that boasted only a few scuffs and minor rips. He stomped after Danny down the hall in heavy workmans boots.
“How was it for you?” Sam asked, his body language bordering on giddy as they burst out the doors into a chilly, biting breeze that immediately reddened both their cheeks and noses. 
“Honestly? It was kind of easy,” Danny said brightly and Sam immediately let out a laugh, kicking an icy stick as they approached where they’d parked their respective vehicles nearby. 
“I knew you’d say that, ugh,” Sam complained. 
“What, was it hard for you?”
“No, it’s just more annoying when things are easy for you,” Sam explained. “‘Cause everything’s easy to you, so, like, duh, of course you thought it was easy.”
“Sorry for being smart?” Danny laughed apologetically.
“Yeah, you better be.”
Danny scoffed and Sam laughed, brushing a few stray leaves off the seat of his bike and straddling it. Danny’s breath caught slightly when Sam adjusted himself, his back arching for a few seconds before he settled down, fiddling with his gloves while Danny dragged his gaze away from the seat of his bike. They weren’t even at Sam’s yet, and he started to become really worried about his capacity for self control.
Danny worried again when they arrived at Sam’s grungy apartment building and he watched Sam flip his hair over his shoulder as he fumbled for his keys. 
Danny worried some more when Sam insisted on standing sideways in the doorway to dramatically present his living room to him, so that Danny felt his chest drag against his upper arm as he squeezed past. 
Danny worried the most in the moments right after the door closed. Sam pressed his back against the wood coquettishly while grinning softly at Danny, and Danny sort of floated out of himself when he felt his body turn on his heel and march right up to Sam. Sam’s eyes widened and his goofy introductory remarks died on his tongue as he looked up at Danny in puzzlement right before Danny gently palmed the side of his tattooed throat and brought his lips to Sam’s. And Sam, the rough edged, chain smoking, eye rolling, pain of a man immediately buckled at the knee and sighed into the contact, his rough hands grazing Danny’s neck before diving into his hair. Danny felt his entire body go blindingly white hot with nerves as he gasped and went in for another kiss, his jaw angling perfectly against Sam’s as he held him firmly against the door. Sam arched against the wood and into Danny’s touch, melting against whatever contact he could find on the taller man. After a minute of Sam writhing and Danny nearly blacking out from the pleasure of Sam’s soft lips on his own, Danny finally pulled away for a deep breath of air, maintaining frenzied eye contact with Sam as he watched him paw lightly at his neck and take gasping breaths. 
“Hey,” Danny breathed, his voice raspy and shaking. “I’m sorry, I should have-”
“Took you fucking long enough,” Sam cut him off, his shining lips splitting into a wild smile. “I mean, fuckin’ A, man. I was starting to think I was reading into nothing.”
“Definitely not nothing,” Danny replied quietly. “A very nervous something.”
“Well, the something is mutual,” Sam grinned, giving Danny a proper up and down with his eyes and chuckling softly. “Very, very mutual.”
“Cool,” Danny said shyly, dipping his head to try and hide his smile, as if he hadn’t just slammed Sam against a door to steal a kiss. 
“Come back,” Sam whined softly, grasping Danny by the collar of his corduroy jacket and pulling him back into his embrace. “Come on, don’t be a tease any more than you already are.”
“I’m a tease?” Danny asked with delighted disbelief, smiling into the contact of Sam beginning to kiss along his jaw and neck. “You were the one who was going to make me sleep on the floor tonight.”
“Oh, baby, you were never going to be sleeping on the floor,” Sam whispered in his ear, kissing his jaw and working his way up to giving Danny one, long kiss on the lips before speaking again. “I always get what I want.”
“You want me?” Danny asked against his lips, getting lost in the wide expanse of Sam’s dark eyes. 
“You don’t know the half of it,” Sam purred, cupping Danny’s jaw and pulling him into a series of slow kisses while Danny’s mind continued to reel at Sam’s reciprocity. With Sam biting his lip and kissing it better in succession, along with his willowy fingers tracing down Danny’s chest, Danny was honestly beginning to find it hard that this wasn’t a miracle from the universe. Or maybe some kind of dream that he’d fallen into without realizing. He couldn’t even begin to comprehend that this scenario was exactly what Sam had been picturing for their evening the entire time. 
Once Sam’s tongue made its way into Danny’s mouth, adding warmth and licking smoothly, Danny started to hurriedly shrug off his jacket and toss it blindly behind him before starting to work Sam’s off of him. It exposed the patchwork of tattoos along Sam’s arms, tigers and daggers and snakes in the traditional style popping against the white of his shirt. To his surprise, Sam’s hands left Danny’s cheeks and boldly slid up under his sweater, causing Danny to flinch and yelp at the feeling of Sam’s ice cold fingers on his warm skin. Sam giggled, still keeping their lips locked together as he grabbed at Danny’s waist and sides, his hands unable to stay in one place. Matching Sam’s reckless abandon, Danny suddenly bent at the knee and hooked his arms around Sam’s thighs, boosting him into the air. Sam hummed into his mouth, crossing his legs behind Danny’s back and snaking his hands out from under Danny’s sweater to tangle back into his curls.
“My bedroom is the door behind you to the right,” Sam mumbled breathlessly, fidgeting slightly against Danny’s firm front.
“That’s awful forward of you,” Danny flirted, taking a moment to breathe and appreciate the weight of Sam in his arms, holding him up with very little effort. This could come in handy.
“Well, do you want to fuck me or not?” Sam scoffed, a further blush flushing his face as he said it. His pupils completely swallowed up the warm brown of his iris as he stared expectantly at Danny, who had to take a second to concentrate on not cumming in his jeans right then and there.
“Yes, god, yes,” Danny answered quickly, immediately starting a slow, backwards walk towards Sam’s bedroom as Sam grinned wolfishly and descended on Danny’s mouth hungrily again. 
Eventually, they fumbled their way into the bedroom, Sam closing the door behind them before Danny dropped him on the bed and climbed over him. Danny considered continuing with his conquest, but he found himself looking up to observe his surroundings. Sam’s bedroom was small, with wrinkled posters and flyers for basement shows and concerts peppering the gray walls. There were clothes all over the floor, along with the butts of cigarettes and a myriad of worn out sneakers and boots. Sam watched Danny’s expression carefully as he assessed the mess that was his room, his eyes tracking the pattern on his quilt before smiling at Sam again. 
“It’s cute in here,” Danny declared, looking at a string of lights taped to the borders of the walls while Sam blinked in surprise at his words. 
“No, it’s not,” Sam muttered, looking around his room and seeing only the disregard for his own environment in the mess he’d created.
“Nah, it’s all very you,” Danny explained, looking at the room and seeing the person behind it all. He imagined Sam wobbling on a stool to paint the walls their moody gray, or pulling his quilt out of a box and smoothing it lovingly over the sheets, wondering if it had been made for him by a relative or hand picked from a thrift shop with a curated eye. It was all painfully adorable to him. It was all so…Sam. 
Sam saw the adoring shine in Danny’s crinkled, hazel eyes and felt all his seductive confidence fly out the window, only able to bat his lashes up at him and marvel.
“You really don’t think I’m a scuzzball, do you?” Sam asked with a note of amused realization, his sentence lifting into a slight one note laugh. 
“Never have,” Danny answered honestly, cocking his head at Sam while smiling warmly. “I mean, you can pretend all you want, but I know you’re not who you pretend to be. You’re just…”
“What?” Sam challenged, slightly defensive of the persona he’d worked hard to maintain over the years, and also slightly embarrassed that Danny had seen through it so effortlessly.
“You’re just you, I guess,” Danny shrugged as best he could while holding his weight on his elbows, still hovering over Sam’s reclined body. “And that’s not very scary to me.”
Sam was silent for a minute, unsure of what to say to that. Initially, he’d been annoyed that Danny was so nice to him, figuring the other shoe would drop at any time and he’d reveal his worst intentions. This was a pattern Sam was accustomed to. But Danny really meant what he said. He didn’t just see through Sam, he saw him fully, and Sam realized with a relieved jolt that he had never really been annoyed about it. He was grateful. 
But Sam was still very much in a certain state of mind, and his body reminded him of it when he looked down and saw how his crotch had lifted to press against Danny’s without his realizing. He figured maybe there was a certain way he could show Danny just how grateful he was. 
“Why don’t you show me just how scary you can be?” Sam invited lowly, his hand returning to Danny’s cheek as his thumb swiped over Danny’s bottom lip. This small action seemed to remind Danny of how they’d ended up here, and Sam watched with restrained delight as Danny’s eyes glazed over slightly. 
“What do you want?” Danny asked quietly, adjusting and hovering further over Sam, his look of genuine caring slowly morphing into something almost predatory as he smiled. His hair fell around them, the rest of the world falling away.
“I already told you,” Sam pointed out haughtily. “I want you.”
“I’m getting kind of tired of your attitude,” Danny fired back. “You know I want specifics.”
“Is that what you want? Specifics? Not me?” Sam grinned cheekily, enjoying pressing Danny’s buttons even more now that he was getting the idea that he’d be rewarded for it. Danny rolled his eyes and shook his head at Sam.
“Be that way,” Danny hummed, straightening and sitting hard on Sam’s lap, causing him to let out a strangled whine as Danny pulled his sweater off. “Guess I’ll just call the shots.”
Sam really wanted to conjure up a fiery retort, but his mind went fuzzy and blank at the sight of Danny with his shirt off, his broad chest exposed and his smile cocky and triumphant as he watched Sam flounder wordlessly. Sam became even more aware of the strain in his jeans when his eyes traveled downward and he caught sight of the trail of dark hair just over the waistband of Danny’s pants. 
“Do you even know how much I like you?” Danny started, casually undoing the clasp of his watch and leaning to the side to drop it on Sam’s bedside table while Sam propped himself up on his elbows. “I literally thought I was going to flunk the class because you were so distracting.” 
“I didn’t even talk to you,” Sam said simply, barely audible. 
“Didn’t need to,” Danny affirmed. “My mind did most of the distracting stuff.”
“Like what?” Sam prodded, tipping his chin up to stare unrelentingly at Danny in a pathetic attempt to regain control. Danny, taking advantage of this surprising burst of dominance that Sam seemed to give him, gently grasped Sam’s chin.
“Well, initially, I had all these ideas of how we’d end up kissing for the first time,” Danny explained. “Shockingly, none of them ended up being how it went, but I’m glad I had options. And, I mean, those ideas just sort of developed over time. I’d wake up and be all surprised that I’d cum in my pants and not on you.”
Sam’s jaw hung open and Danny shut it gently for him, his body pulsing with heat as his adrenaline raced in his veins.
“You gonna teach me some more, hm?” Sam finally managed to say, straining to try and steal a kiss. “Or do you want me to lead?”
“I’d like to see you try,” Danny grinned, pushing Sam onto his back. Sam, breathless, watched Danny move his hands down to Sam’s aching groin and begin to undo his pants, fingers shaking with anticipation. Sam pushed his hair off his forehead and pressed his covered dick into Danny’s hand after his pants had been tugged down to his knees, not speaking but letting a needling whimper escape that made Danny smile. 
“What are we going to do with you, Sam?” Danny teased, running his thumb up and down Sam’s concealed length.
“Danny,” Sam choked out as Danny took his hands off of Sam and began to unzip his own pants. The lack of touch was almost unbearable at that moment. “Come on, fuck me, please.”
“That could look like a lot of things,” Danny said absently, freeing his dick and palming it casually, letting out a slow sigh of relief. Sam stared unabashedly at Danny’s impressive and admittedly intimidating length. He’d fantasized about what he might expect, but the real thing was almost overwhelming. But he knew what he needed.
“In me,” Sam whispered, his tone bordering on longing. “Please. I can take it.”
“You can?” Danny questioned, trying to keep up his domineering tone despite the wind being knocked out of his lungs at Sam’s request. “Have you been getting ready for me?”
“Maybe,” Sam admitted quietly. He took a dangerous leap with what he said next. “But those randos don’t even hold a candle to you.”
Danny flinched, jealousy immediately rolling over him in cold waves as his mind started to conjure up disgusting imagery of Sam on his back for anybody other than him. It must have translated into his expression without his knowledge because Sam’s open mouth twisted into a smug smile, arching an eyebrow at Danny. It was a dare, and Danny dared to prove himself. 
“Shut up before I make you,” Danny snarled, challenging Sam to call him out for being all bark and no bite. But Sam obediently shut his trap, lowering himself slightly on his elbows and spread his legs ever so slightly, inviting Danny in without a word. 
“So…was I better than those other ‘randos’ stretching you out?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I was joking.”
Sam’s whole body was in absolute, delicious agony, his face buried into the crook of Danny’s neck. He attempted to even out his breathing, his throat raw and his chest tired after all the pornographic moans and whimpers that had escaped him when Danny had driven into him with varying amounts of mercy over the course of what felt like hours. Sam’s shoulders were already blooming with a score of bruises where Danny had left teeth marks, anchoring himself to Sam in animalistic moments of passion when he threatened to finish far too early. Danny’s body was aching too, his abs and hips tense and his shoulders in their own pain from holding himself up for so long. It had been worth it to keep the sight of Sam’s gasps and fluttering eyes, and he was certain he had enough material in his mind's eye to keep him satisfied in his own personal endeavors for weeks. Danny brushed his fingers lightly up and down Sam’s spine, his lips pressed to the crown of Sam’s head as they laid in silence, recovering. 
“Do you want to hear something crazy?” Sam said, his voice muffled by Danny’s scorching hot skin. 
“Sure,” Danny replied, giving Sam’s hair a quick kiss after he said it.
“I used to have a crush on you in high school.”
“What!” Danny blurted, attempting to push Sam’s shoulder up so he could see his face, but Sam buried his head even further into Danny’s neck. “Explain!”
“I just did!” Sam laughed, his voice still muted. “It wasn’t anything serious but, yeah, I guess you were kind of my hallway crush. It’s no big deal.”
“Wow,” Danny said dreamily. “And look where you are now. How exciting for you.”
“Shut up!” Sam groaned, finally lifting his head and giving Danny a fake frown, his face glowing and flushed. Danny mocked his frown back to him, laughing at his expression and tucking a sweaty strand of hair behind his ear.
“I definitely thought you were cute,” Danny smiled. “I was super into emo haircuts.”
“I hate you,” Sam deadpanned, looking unamused.
“Is that why you just let me cum in y-”
Sam pressed his palm over Danny’s mouth, muffling his subsequent laugh. Sam let out an exasperated sigh and leaned over to reach into an opened drawer of his bedside table, items rattling out of sight until he emerged with his prize: Marlboro Reds. Sam bit down on a cigarette and slid out another to offer it to Danny, who wrinkled his nose at it initially but took it between his fingers anyways, studying it while Sam pulled free the lighter and rolled onto his back next to Danny.
“You ever smoked?” Sam asked, lighting his cigarette and taking a deep inhale while Danny shook his head no. Sam blew out a thick cloud of smoke before rolling onto his front, taking the cigarette out of Danny’s hand and sticking it in Danny’s mouth himself. Danny wanted to protest, but froze when Sam leaned over and pressed the tip of his lit cigarette to Danny’s, both of them silent save for the crackling of the paper and tobacco as Danny’s cigarette began to glow. He took a hesitant inhale, letting the heady warmth settle on his tongue before he began to cough, sitting up sharply and choking on a cloud of smoke while Sam chuckled and patted him on the back.
“You’ll get there,” Sam assured him through laughs.
“I don’t know if I wanna get there,” Danny wheezed, letting the cigarette fizzle between his fingers instead of taking a second drag. 
“You don’t have to, just figured I’d give you a taste of the wild side,” Sam grinned, the cigarette dangling attractively from his bottom lip.
“You’ve given me more than a taste of that,” Danny said with a wink. Sam chuckled again, blowing smoke out of the side of his mouth as he stared with glittering eyes at Danny.
“I like you,” Sam said simply, conjuring the innocent butterflies in Danny’s stomach. 
“Thank you,” Danny answered shyly and Sam immediately slapped his arm.
“Say it back!”
“I like you!” Danny laughed, slapping Sam back. “You knew that!”
“Yeah, but I like hearing you say it,” Sam hummed proudly. 
“You’re weird.”
“You’re weirder.”
“You’re the weirdest,” Danny teased, taking another more careful inhale of his cigarette and releasing it with only a mild clearing of his throat. “Ooh, look, I’m learning.”
“Maybe I had something to teach you after all,” Sam smiled. “I guess I never really needed to bribe you into helping me, huh?”
“Not at all,” Danny said. “But I’m enjoying the reward of just you.”
Sam’s smile widened and Danny smiled right back at him. It suddenly seemed so ridiculous that there had ever been a time when he was afraid to speak to Sam. How could he have looked at his puppy dog eyes and cute shaggy hair and not dragged him into his lap right then and there? Danny figured he had time to rectify that, doing just that and catching Sam in a smoky kiss, suddenly thrilled about all the things that they could continue to teach each other.
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azgfggf · 2 months
Spoilers for One Piece post Marineford/Egghead
Hot take, but Monkey D Dragon is a little bitch.
Bro is the ~*Most dangerous criminal in the world*~ but does literally nothing????? Like what does he do??? He abandoned HIS OWN SON because “The child is a weakness” or some shit. M8 it’s been proven time and time again that fighting for something (especially family) MAKES A BETTER CREW
“Oh but he just doesn’t have the time to raise a child!”
Okay dragon
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He says he wants to protect Luffy, but then sends him to live with Garp. Hoe that is NOT protection. “Oh he saved them from Smoker and Buggy” you mean the one Marine that actually cares about justice and the pirate they literally already defeated? So you can save him from Smoker but not your Croco ex-wife???? Bitch the lighting saved Luffy, not you.
SPEAKING OF WHICH *Pretend I smack a whiteboard right here*
I literally looked it up and all I got was Reddit posts like nobody knows. So now I gotta ask, what is more important than Marineford?? Like especially to dragon.
•Iva is there (Fresh out of Impel Down)
•Kuma is there
•Luffy is there
•Whitebeard is there
•Multiple crews are all united to fight the government and broadcasted worldwide (SOUNDS GOOD FOR A REBELLION HMMM???)
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He really said “Ooooooohh nah we can’t saveeee her because uhhhh she can handle it or whatever”
Kuma, along with everybody else in this entire fucking organization ACTUALLY DOES.
Dragon is the only child of a Marine Vice Admiral, and compared to literally everyone else in the OP world, is extremely privileged. Bro was educated, always fed, and his father had a well respected and stable job. He doesn’t know jack shit about what Celestial Dragons do on the inside. Unless, of course, he *did* know how bad they were from Garp or smth (MEANING HE REFUSED TO SAVE HER KNOWING WHAT THEY’D DO) or unless he had spies in Mariejoa (IN WHICH CASE WHY DID HE NOT SAVE HER??) OR MAYBE HE COULD USE THE ONE PERSON WHO
MAN IS TAKING LEAPS AND BOUNDS TO ABANDON THIS WOMAN FOR WHAT PURPOSE? ONE OF HIS FRIEND AND ALLIES (Kuma) HAS LOST SOMEBODY VERY IMPORTANT. I’ve seen people make connections with Luffy and Vivi but that’s a whole different thing bcz Luffy both A) wants to save her and B) knows she’s not with celestial dragons.
Now I hate him, post Kuma backstory I hate him more for what he did to my girl. But I also know that a lot of this stuff is still undetermined. Oda has a knack for making me love character within a very small amount of chapters. I’m open to liking this guy, but everything he’s done so far is annoying me to hell. If Iva trusts him, I trust him for now, but DAYM all this guy does is stare East at the kid he abandoned and his maybe dead probably trans ex-wife.
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