#jebus & child! reader
headlessjest · 8 months
Child reader getting kidnapped by tricky and jebus goes after him
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I got distracted when I was drawing this. Was watching a iceberg iceberg video.
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
(idk what should the baby look like)
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• Mission to steal Jebus and reader child
- Successfully failed
100% Accurate. Don't TOUCH the child. You WILL die. I mean, it's Nevada. Can you blame them for being overly protective? Also, here's the baby grunt post that I did for this AU. : )
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cereswritingpoint · 1 year
Hey! Welcome.
Since you've come this far, let me introduce myself!
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Hello, I'm Ceres! I'm in my early 20s and I've chosen to bring my writing to Tumblr. Yes! I usually write (and read) in my free time. And, when I'm not writing, I like to listen to music and also read about academic (nerd) articles.
Newgrounds, JJK, TokRev, Junji Ito, Madness Combat, Soul Eater, CSM, AOT, Assassination Classroom, HxH, JJBA, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion: Death (True)².
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Sibling!Reader x Character (Only PLATONIC);
Female!Reader, Male!Reader (going to try), NB!Reader;
Reader x Character (Romantic OR Platonic);
(Going to try) angst;
Dark/Suggestive content;
(Going to try) Yandere!Character;
Gore, violence;
Note: I will put TW in any delicate topic.
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Underage characters;
R*pe or any other type of assault;
Religious themes;
Heavy angst;
Domestic violence (verbally, physically, emotionally and mentally);
Loli stuff or characters acting like a child.
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From Madness Combat: Series:
Hank J. Wimbleton, Deimos, Sanford, 2BDamned, Tricky, Jebus, Auditor.
From Project Nexus:
Dr. Christoff, The Employers, Director Phobos, Dr. Hofnarr, Dr, Skinner.
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Well, that's all for now! Thank you for the attention, and I hope you have a great day! <3
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danepopfrippery · 1 year
My baby sis (who also has rheumatoid arthritis) just confirmed to me at some point my hoar mother told her I had ra cuz i didnt pray to jesus, but sis didnt have it ‘like that’.
My hoar mother told me to my face I had ra because i didnt pray to jesus back in 2017. I tweeted it immediately for receipts and of course she now claims that never happened (ah gaslighters, will they ever learn?)
I just want to put out there that if any person of any faith or belief tells you that you are sick cuz you’ve done something wrong according to their system, tell them to kindly fuck off and try not to interact with them.
My mother is infamous in our fam for both these things. But i have, after all these years of it, a really hard time understanding how u could believe in a faith of love and say such a thing.
You know why i have ra? Surprised I have an answer? Her. And science. Years ago i took a dna test and ran it through some harvard reader that told u ur health info from it. I already had ra of course but i didnt need any new surprises. Theres three markers (or at the time anyway) for ra and rheumatology diseases and mine were a 10/10 on all counts.
My baby sister is my half sister, we share a mom. She got ra at age 3. Ive done some reading on it and by current (last 10 years) science it seems one parent would have high markers for rheum and if they bred with someone who had mild ones bam: rheum diseases. None of my mothers siblings have ra and no one in her line is known to have had it. But the combo of her parents set her up to have kids very prone to rheum diseases.
So i do love blaming her (shes a terrible human being) but do remember not all gen testing and gen therapy is regulated or good. Really research it if u do it.
As for the jebus thing? Yeah if theres a jesus i think that would piss him off (im a mostly agnostic pagan these days). No one should make anyone feel like their disease was from some moral fault. Truly just awful people how do they have the nerve?
When i was a child she had me so terrified if i didnt beg forgiveness from god then any slight i may have done would land me in hell (and along the way sick: i was terrified of aids and cancer despite not knowing anyone with either as a kid). Believe science. And spread kindness. You will be fine.
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warcriminalcommie · 2 years
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Somewhere In... Deez N—
'Sup. My name is Ay, I'm just your local (cringe as fuck) idiot on her i d i o t i c writing account. I honestly am still pretty weirded out about posting shit on Tumblr, specifically writing, but still. I gotta get used to it SOMEHOW.
Basically what I currently write is Madness Combat X Reader. I might consider Roblox X Reader later but I'm trying my best with my motivation right now.
And to the people who are from my Wattpad, pretend my update schedule history thing is actually existing and that I am a very competent writer that writes very frequently.
So uh. Here are the request rules, I suppose?
Very epik, go ahead. (I will do this.)
Platonic Character/Reader + Child!Reader/Child!Character. (It will be marked with a "+" or "&" instead of an "X". If not, then I forgot to mark it as such.)
Slightly suggestive stuff.
Violence and bloody stuff. (Kind of obvious since it's Madness Combat.)
Yanderes. (nO— I won't be romanticizing the yandere actions. All yandere relationships are abusive and unhealthy, y'know.)
Alphabets. (Fluff alphabet, SFW alphabet, Angst alphabet, etc... but of course not the NSFW alphabet.)
Boi what the hell boi. (I won't do this.)
Pedophilia. (Romantic/Sexual stuff with a Child!Reader/Child!Character. Like what the fuck?)
Rape. (Pro-Shippers when.)
Incest. (Pro-Shippers when. - Part 2.)
Male!Reader. (I have no idea on how to write a Male!Reader lol.)
Gender-Bent Characters. (Because their personalities will be really weird to work with. Just thinking about a gender-bent Deimos or something makes my head hurt.)
Oh, and the characters I'll write for. Right.
Deimos (The Deimos simps are wild bro. They're almost as wild as the Auditor and Phobos simps IF NOT EVEN WORSE— (And that's coming from someone who's favorite is Deimos.)).
Hot Dog Vendor (The most important character.).
Happy Hank.
I'll be writing one-shots, head-canons, and alphabets. B)
I'm also afraid I won't be able to write anything LGBTQ+ because I absolutely suck at representing groups that I am not from and I really do not wish to screw up the representation (Unless you like - Want a demisexual or maybe someone on the asexual spectrum. That's all I can provide.). My apologies.
And that's all, for now.
EDIT: Some characters have been removed due to my lack of knowledge on them, for those who have requested them I'll still try to push the requests out but I'll no longer be taking requests for any character not listed here.
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Jebus, Sheriff, Auditor, Tricky - S/O gets knocked up
CW: Pregnancy
Reader is AFAB but this is gender neutral.
-The moment something is even a little off he can sense it, it’s something to do with the halo. He constantly questions you. “Are you feeling alright my angel? Are you sure? My darling I hope you know you can tell me anything.”
-Get used to being bugged because he’s not gonna stop nitpicking until his mind is soothed. He’ll pick up on it the moment you miss your monthly cycle, and he’ll search for a few tests for you.
-The moment you show him a positive he just starts hysterically crying, holding you tightly against his form and praising the heavens for this divine blessing. Nevada’s saviour just got another reason to purify the world, another reason to keep fighting.
-He is going to become an absolute helicopter over you, turning himself into a bullet sponge if he needs to, keeping you out of harms way as best as he can. Settling down isn’t really easy in Nevada but whenever he feels like a place is safe enough to leave you, he’s scoping out areas that would be private and perfect for his unborn babe to grow up in.
-Nevada isn’t really a place for children, so getting supplies for them is an absolute pain, so he resorts to just hand making things. His downtime is spent with you in his lap, one hand protectively over your stomach, the other idly knitting a blanket with levitating needles.
-He nearly bursts when he feels the scrappy babe kick, constantly praising both you and the child. “Oh, this is.. Truly something else, my angel. With a parent like you, this one is going to change Nevada.. No- the world.”
-Once a safe enough house is established, he insists on building the crib by hand, carving intricate crosses and wings into the frame.
-Jeb absolutely worships you and will answer your every beck and call, if you need extra pillows, he’s on it in an instant. Absolutely nothing but the best for his partner. Saw a cockroach? He’s on his way to destroy this foul beast for scaring his darling.
-The moment your water breaks he’s ready, he’s been feverishly devouring knowledge from any source he can on delivery. It’s just the two of you, he doesn’t trust anyone else to help. He’s with you ever step of the way, telling you when to push, reminding you to breathe, and when the pain gets too much, he relents, pulling off his halo and placing it over your head. Even with the halo giving you power, it’s an exhausting effort.
-“Come now my angel, bring forth the physical embodiment of our love, the next saviour of Nevada,” And it’s over, Jebediah cradles his newborn son, carefully towelling him off and bringing him to meet his other parent. “Look my angel, he’s got your eyes.”
-Let’s not kid ourselves, if this is gonna happen, it’s 100% gonna be on accident and Sheriff is gonna be floored. “Wh’d'j'mean you’re pregnant? How?!” He’s a little dense on how this works, but he’s a man that can roll with the punches.
-“So my sweet lil pie is gonna give me a new deputy eh? I wonder how small a cowboy hat I can get the boys to find.” Yes he is genuinely going to send them out to find one, he is completely serious about this. “When d'ya think they can hold a gun? I wanna train em early.” “Honey, no-”
-He starts getting a bit distant randomly, nervous in your presence, wringing his hands, tugging at his gloves, fiddling with his hat. Worry starts to creep into your mind, is he thinking of running out on you? Surely he wouldn’t, right? … Right?
-One day he cracks, gets all red and flustered and caves, dropping to one knee. “Look sweet cheeks, we gon’ do this thing, we gon’ do it right. Marry me.” Deep down he’s a romantic, likes things done in the old traditional way, that includes getting knocked up means getting hitched.
-It’s a quiet ceremony, only a couple of people are invited, while he’d love to throw a big old wedding with all the bells and whistles, he’s a marked man and that kind of attention would bring his enemies down on him fast. But don’t think for a second he isn’t going to flaunt his new spouse around town. “Ain’t they the sweetest thing out here? I’m a lucky man, that’s for sure,”
-Once again calling on his boys to find stuff for him, bribing em with a bonus if they find real quality stuff. It’s good to be in power, people eager to please to climb the ranks.
-The baby’s room is going to be horse themed, Sheriff loves horses, and his child is going to. They do not have a choice. Horse blankets, horse plushies, horse themed clothes.
-He’s gonna get the best doctor out when his young ‘un is ready to come into the world, a couple midwives on standby to help during the process as well. He cries like a bitch when he gives you his hand to hold, you crush it like its nothing in the throes of pain. A little hand breaking is nothing compared to what you’re dealing with anyway.
-“It’s a girl, a healthy little girl,” “Y'hear that darlin?! A girl!” He silently pleads that you let go of his hand. You don’t relent until you’re handed your new baby, swaddled in a horse blanket.
-He’s another one who’s going to preplan this, being careful until both of you are completely sure this is something you can both handle. A baby future employer is a lot more work than a simple grunt. Audi tries to carefully explain that it’s likely his little flame will prefer him and the other employers.
-It’s instantaneous when it happens, he can sense it, and you can feel the heat radiating from the brewing little life form. His ghostly hands trace your stomach and he smiles. “This one is going to be powerful, whatever pathetic remnants of the rebellion that remain when they are of age will easily be stamped out under their foot.”
-Audi is ever so prideful that his favourite grunt is instantly given respect now, agents offering you their seats wherever they can, bowing their heads to you, of course those lesser beings should feel lower than you, you’re blessed with the Auditor’s offspring. You’re not some common lowlife filth, of course you’re to be waited on.
-Duty does call, he’s a busy man with a lot on his plate, but servitude to you comes first and foremost. You can get away with a lot of shit during this time, sitting on his lap during important meetings with his fellow Employers, interrupting at your every whim and he’ll submit to you, wholly devoted. The others find your grip on him slightly disturbing.
-When he personally cannot be with you, you are escorted by at least one MAG and a handful of Soldats at any given time. If you so much as get a paper cut, someone will die a slow and agonising death. You are to be protected, no matter the cost.
-The moment he suspects Hank is anywhere near your current location, the whole building goes on lockdown, you’re escorted to a bunker out of harms way, two additional MAGs joining your team because maker be damned, he’s not going to allow that monster to harm a hair on your head.
-Peaceful times with him are amazing however, his excitement and anticipation grow with each passing day. He’ll lay down with his flames gently enveloping you, enough to heat you up, he wouldn’t dare even dream of burning you. Hope you like the heat since you can’t escape it.
-During the final few days you can’t shake him at all, he’s barking orders at everyone, and shit is tense for everyone, everyone but you, of course. He wouldn’t stress out his dearly beloved. There’s a medical team on standby 24/7, and Audi’s flames seem to burn brighter, bathing the room in a red hue. He’s eager to meet Nevada’s next employer.
-Crunch time, he’s ready for it. The other Employers show up, which is kinda weird, but they are like Auditor’s siblings in a way. Still, having them hover over you at your most vulnerable is unsettling.
-“It’s uh.. on fire?” The doctor says in an apprehensive tone. “As is to be expected.” Auditor hums, taking his tiny flaming humanoid into his arms, bringing them to meet their other parent. The tiny flames that drift from them are a soft petal pink, matching their eyes. “They’re going to be a fine Employer, and Nevada will obey their every little desire.”
-The feral scientist has a very good sense of smell, something to do with his animistic tendencies. He can smell out a hormone imbalance in you, and he won’t leave you alone. “MATE SMELLS DIFFERENT. GOOD DIFFERENT, BUT DIFFERENT.”
-The twitchy bastard won’t stop sniffing you up and down, until he sticks his head between your thighs and sniffs hard again. “THERE. CLOWN SMELLS SOMETHING DIFFERENT THERE.” “Tricky that’s rude, stop it-” You chastise him, but he persists. “KNOW THE SMELL, CAN’T REMEMBER. SMELLED IT BEFORE. CAN’T REMEMBER! WHY!?!”
-He pounds at the floor and his head before it hits him. “BABIES-” He wraps his arms around your body tightly staring up at you from his kneeling position. “CLOWN SMELLS BABIES.”
-His instincts go into complete override, all lifes purpose stripped away, mind fixated on protecting his offspring and their vessel. If someone even glances your way, he will destroy them, turning them into a fine red mist before your very eyes.
-The underground bunker you call home isn’t really a good place to rear young, and despite the fact he loves this place, his only goal is to ensure your safety and his baby’s survival. “CLOWN MAKE NEW HOME, ONE SAFE FOR CLOWN’S BABIES.”
-He doesn’t 'make’ one so much as he finds a suitable place and the previous occupants 'mysteriously left and never came back.’ Still, it’s the thought that counts, right?
-With his speed he’s in and out of places in mere seconds, bringing you back a hoard of snacks and whatever soft things he can find. With his mushy brain, he doesn’t really understand that the birth he expects, one animal like in nature, isn’t whats coming, and while the nesting is nice, it definitely isn’t going to aid in a safe delivery.
-Tricky also can’t get enough of you, he’s constantly smelling you, rubbing his chin over you like a cat to coat you in his scent, how else will people know you’re his?
-When he feels that first kick his whole body shudders, and he nearly screams aloud but pauses before his outburst, quiet, the tiny one needs quiet, and for once, he is quiet. “C…Clown happy. Clown feels you, little ones, Clown is here. Clown promises he’ll never leave. Clown.. Clown loves his babies.” He breaks away from your stomach and rubs his cheek against yours. “Clown loves his mate.”
-Hope you enjoy lounging around because he’s going to keep you in his arms for as long as he can. He adores the feeling of his young shifting around, pressing his face into your stomach and mumbling in-comprehensively at them.
-The day comes where Tricky’s offspring is ready to meet the world and he panics, hard. “Clown don’t know what to do!! Clown can’t help, Clown doesn’t know how!! Clown needs… Clown finds help, Clown will be back, Clown promises.”
-Help arrives in the form of- “Why the fuck did you bring HIM?!” From your seated position you see Tricky dragging HANK of all people by his throat. “Clown didn’t know who else to ask!! Clown isn’t very popular. Now Hank help Clown’s mate or Clown will bash your skull in.”
-This is the opposite of Hank’s job, he is utterly unqualified for this shit, but with the clown foaming at the mouth staring down at him, he aids as best he can. Tricky growls as Hank takes blankets from his pile, but quietens down when he realises the madman is trying to stem the bleeding.
-It’s slow and hard work, after hours of labouring pains, it finally ends. Once, twice, and again, three tiny babies are born and Tricky loses his shit, violently shaking, he looks like he’s about to explode with joy. A labour of love and devotion, he handles them with a delicacy.
-“Look at Clown’s babies,” He smells them all, nothing quite like fresh baby scent. “look at what Clown and mate made,” He brings them over to you, ignoring his usual play toy and just embracing his family. “Clown didn’t think he’d ever get it so good.”
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haxorus-imp · 2 years
Just to be clear, this is primarily a reader-insert blog. ALL OF THESE ARE X READERS THAT ARE PRIMARILY ANONYMOUS.
I personally don’t prefer to write for ships or self inserts. Please keep this in mind when requesting art or writings from me! = I WILL DO = - Fluff - Hurt and Comfort - Angst - Yandere,Tsundere, ect. - Injuries and recovery - Vampirism - Transformations - Unique Readers (Winged readers, mermaid readers, ect) - I am comfortable writing for cancer, amnesia, and Depression. - Readers with Autism. (I am a diagnosed autistic person.) - Murder and Blood = I WILL NOT DO = - Sexual assault & Rape - Underage ANYTHING - Severe sickness (ALS, Cerebral Palsy, Ect.) - Severe mental illnesses (Suicide, DID, Schizophrenia) - Omegaverse stuff (I just don’t know much about it, sorry!) =~~Fandoms I am participating in currently~~= - Pizza Tower - Madness Combat - Little Big Planet
!!UPDATED AS OF 4/6/23!!
Discord: https://href.li/?https://discord.gg/damkmyRkeM AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Haxorus
🧾 ++ MASTERLIST ++ 🧾 (Under construction)
🩸 Madness Combat 🩸 = X Readers & Other Stories = ---- - Fall into Nevada (Part 1) (Soldier!Reader) - Fall into Nevada (Part 2) (Soldier!Reader) - Soldier!Reader Headcanons - Soldier!Reader picks up the SQ crew - FSR First Contact (Future!Soldier!Reader) - FSR First Contact [AAHW Version] (Future!Soldier!Reader) - Future!Soldeir!Reader Headcanons - The Player gets very sick (SQ Crew + Auditor) - The Player gets very sick 2 (Jeb, Tricky, Sheriff +2) - In the Player’s World Headcanons - The Player and the SQ crew get married - The Player and Phobos/Auditor get married - The SQ crew react to dyed hair - The Player tells Phobos about their world - The Player sacrifices themselves to save Nevada - The Player shattered headcanons - Jeb and Phobos react to The Player’s corset collection - The Main Cast With a Chubby!Player - The SQ crew learns that The Player is Asexual - The AAHW and NEXUS crew learn The Player is Asexual -
=Papa Grunt Series (Set in Salty’s AU)= ---- Pregnancy: - The SQ Crew during Player’s Pregnancy - Jeb and Phobos during Player’s Pregnancy - Sheriff and Tricky during Player’s Pregnancy - The Auditor during Player’s Pregnancy - Crackpot during Player’s Pregnancy - Church and Jorge during Player’s Pregnancy - Goyle, GIL, and Skinner during Player’s Pregnancy - Chopper Dave during Player’s Pregnancy Parents interacting with their Kids: - The SQ kids discover their Player powers - The Auditor and Phobos kids discover their Player powers - The Sheriff and Tricky kids discover their Player powers - The kids react to their Player cleaning their faces - Goyle and Player meet again - Goyle finds out he’s the child’s father - Tricky, Phobos, Auditor, and Sheriff reaction to their baby in danger - How would Phobos, Jebus, Crackpot, and Audi bond with their kids - What if the child asks for another sibling? - Grunts getting asked “Where do babies come from” - Sheriff’s kid getting their horse - The papa!Grunts react to their children crying out in pain - Papa!Grunts Egg version: - Where did the eggs come from? - Egg type guide (Art) - Hank reacts to his egg hatching - Jeb reacts to his egg hatching - Tricky and Auditor reacting to their eggs hatching - Phobos reacts to a crack on his egg - Eggy AU Artwork (Both mine and fanworks): ---- - DON’T TOUCH THE CHILD -
All Grown Up: - Sheriff’s Kid - The Tricksters AU Ramblings: - How many kids would the grunts like to have? =Seasonal Stories= ----
- The SQ crew reacts to Halloween in the Player’s World - Jeb reacts to Halloween in the Player’s World - The SQ crew reacts to Fall - The SQ crew reacts to Snow - The SQ crew celebrates Thanksgiving - The SQ crew celebrates Christmas - The SQ crew celebrates New Years -
=Artwork= ---- - Grunt Babies - Hank with his Child - Tricky and his Tricksters - “It was Him” - Hank Wimbleton and His Player - Hiding from Hungry Bandits - Cuddling an Auditor plushie - They live with you now - Short!Human gets bullied - Short!Human gets picked up - Papa!Grunt Doodles - Soldier!Reader and their clone - Reader with all of the babies - Human height discussion and flexibility - Humans are cryptids - Celebrating Hank Doll getting funded - If the SQ group were able to transform into dragons - Futuristic Soldier Artwork - Shattered Player Beta Design - FSR Underskeleton Concept Art = GOD!PLAYERS AU = ---- Writings - God!Players Harem Headcanons - God!Players react to Phobos’s Fanfiction ---- Artwork (both mine and fanworks): - God Player Portraits - Devil!Player Portrait - Mermaid!Player Portrait - BE NOT AFRAID - Soldier!Player Spa Day - Phobos drawing himself with Gods - Auditor giving Goddess Player a flower - World Map of New Nevada - God!Player Soul Gems - Phobos Doujinshi comic - Skinner casually letting SQ know he’s gonna be a dad = Other interesting things / Madcom Rambles = --- - Roommate Grunts - Grunt Culture - Grunts are reverse paradise birds - Human anatomy would fascinate grunts - Nevada Tycoon? - What makes the Player a god - Humans and Grunts being interested in their respective Biology - Human history being explained to grunts - Grunts reacting to human evolution and their generations - Human explaining space to grunts -
🍕 Pizza Tower 🍕 --- (COMING SOON!) ++++++++
🌌 Little Big Planet 🌌
= Headcanons = ---- - Clive Headcanons - Larry DaVinci Headcanons - Avalon Headcanons - Dr. Herbert Headcanons - Headcanons on the titans - Newton is younger than the 3 heroes of Bunkum - Headcanons on the nature of Negativity = Human in Craftworld Stories/ Headcanons = ---- LBP/ LBP2 / LBP3 - The alliance reacting to a human - Human perspective - Dreamer Biology - A shy human gets lost in the imagisphere - A depressed human gets lost in the imagisphere - Marlon Random and Newton are friends - Newton comforts his human friend - Avalon with a shy S/O - Newton is touch starved and in a relationship with Reader - Newton has a panic attack and Reader comforts him - Vex / SABA - Vex meets a Dreamer that’s just as evil as him - Vex and a Dreamer (Part 1) - Vex and a Dreamer (Part 2) - Vex and a Dreamer (Part 3) - Vex as a Significant Other Headcanons - Vex gets turned into a Sackperson Headcanons
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abstract-crossverse · 3 years
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** - Platonic
Hank showing his face to reader
Hank with a cat-like reader
Mag!Hank with a simp reader
That one character thinks the reader's d3ad but the reader's alive prompt, with Hank [fic, angst/comfort]
Mag!Hank having an episode and reader calming him down
Hank comforting the reader
"La Seine" [fic, fuff]
"Overworked" [fic, fluff]
Deimos with a super injured Reader
Deimos x Owl winged!reader
Deimos Snuggle headcanons
Deimos with a ticklish reader
Deimos with a stressed reader
Deimos x Sanford's sibling!reader
Big bro Deimos teasing Child!Reader **
"Big Bro" [Deimos x Child!Reader] **
Sanford x bird winged!reader
Shy Sanford going to ask the reader out
"This Place About to Blow" [fic, angst]
"Leaving wasnt a Good Idea" [MC2!Tricky x reader angst to fluff]
"Meeting a Clown" [MC2!Tricky x reader, fic, fluff sorta] **
Corrupted!Tricky x reader
Tricky x Optimistic!Witch!reader
Tricky comforting the reader from a nightmare
Tricky x Jester!cat!reader
Tricky x Chubby!reader
Tricky x Nervous!reader
Hellclown!Tricky x reader
Tricky x Bomb!reader
"Clown promise" (Tricky and Sibling!reader angst I made one night) **
Tricky x Male!Demon winged!reader
Auditor x reader [fic, fluff, pt.1]
Auditor x reader [hc, pt.2]
Auditor x Mag!reader
Auditor x Monster!reader
Surprise kisses headcanons
Sheriff nicknames Headcanons
Auditor-possessed!2BDamned x reader [fic]
2BDamned x child!reader **
Jebediah Christoff/Jebus
"Together at Last" [Jebus x Reader, fic, angst/fluff]
"Peanut Butter" [Phobos x Reader, fic, feat. Science trio]
"Daring" [angst/comfort fic?? Idk how to tag this one]
"Jelly?" [Part.2 of "Peanut Butter", fic, fluff, feat. Science Trio]
Mag Agent Torture x AAHW reader
Romps + Romp Star with the reader **
"A Torturous Confession" [Mag Agent Torture x reader]
"Well Deserved Rest" [White Hank x Reader, oneshot]
"Listener" [MAG Agent Torture x Reader, hc]
Hofnarr x Reader [hc]
Deimos and Sanford comforting the reader headcanons
Tricky and Hank(separate) adopt Teen!reader**
Main 3 + 2BDamned x a reader who has powers like Eleven(Stranger Things) **
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vinnival · 3 years
Oh, I will repeat the request. I would like to read where Phobos and Sheriff (separately) take care of their readers, like a headkanon. (you are really the best author :3💓)
My Favorite Pastime
Is Getting Cared For By
A Cowboy And A Man
With A God Complex
He did not know h would care for another being like this
He's like "what tf is this feeling ew"
He denies it at first but being around you makes him feel happy
He has the intense urge to protect you and he is still very much confused about it
Finally he gives in, starts looking out for you more, giving you a bit more consideration, respecting your needs
Yes it is the bare minimum but this man thinks he's a whole ass god so of course these are rather big things to accomplish out of someone else
You start picking up on his unusual antics towards you when he suddenly saves you from bullet fire on a mission
You knew he wouldn't care about you otherwise if this were like, a couple months before
You had to sit there and think about it for a second
Like wtf? PHOBOS SAVING YOU? omfg
Then you started picking up on things like him asking if you've eaten yet or drank water yet that day, or him having more casual conversation
You couldn't take it anymore and straight up asked him what tf was up with him
He froze in his tracks like "uhhhmm nothing o-]"
You coaxed out the answer from him, and he finally admitted how he's been feeling the urges to care for you
"Phobos hon thats called love, you love me," you pointed out
You were laughing so hard because he looked like a lost and confused child just then
Lots and lots of cowboy puns to make you laugh
Also pick-up lines
Hes always this charismatic so you don't see anything out of the blue
He let's you ride his horse :]
He even has two so you two go on cute little canters once in a while
Shows off his cool collection of guns from the south
"They ain't make 'em like this anymore, yeah?"
You eventually notice hows he's been slightly acting different to you specifically
He usually mildly protected you in battle, now he goes all out- making sure you're armored up, have multiple guns, will always be watching your 6 o'clock (basically watching behind you) and other blind spots
Gets you chocolates
Where the fuck are chocolates in nevada
You try not to think too hard about it
Also roses
He keeps it a secret >:(
He finally beings you a plushie grunt one day and softly calls your name "So... This is rather sudden but I'll finally admit it, I... care for you. I love you."
You're like FINALLY
You reciprocate :] you two: *in love*
I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS !!! I don't know too much about either of them because I haven't completely finished the subseries with phobos in it so I know very little- I do know he's a narcissistic bastard who thinks he's a god though sooo
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headlessjest · 8 months
Holy shit, I haven't posted in a bit. How about some more Dadness Combat stuff?
What would've happen if you followed them to the Project Nexus stuff? (Slight spoilers)
Ft: Hank, Deimos, Sanford, and Jebediah
(All of this is platonic!!!)
・Not visibly upset, but he is upset.
・He didn’t care how you followed him, he cared on how you didn't get hurt during everything that he went through.
・Christoff thought you were kidnapped until he realized you were cheering Hank on during the fight between the two.
・You accidently yelled a curse at Gestalt when you first saw him. Hank was proud tbh.
・During Hanks betrayal, you were honestly very upset that Deimos and Sanford killed Hank. You didn't leave his side after that.
・Shocked you were able to fit in his backpack.
・Also very shocked when you didn't have any injuries during the crash.
・When you first met Jorge and Church, you honestly liked them. Thought they were cool.
・When y'all got into the whole Gestalt stuff, you had to cling onto Deimos when jumping off and on to carts.
・Deimos let you control the robot thingy during the Deimos and Christoff mission.
・You were honestly was very confused during the betrayal of Hank but didn't really care.
・Sanford was horrified when he saw you. Thought he was going nuts during all of this.
・Double checked you for injuries but honestly glad none was founded on you.
・When y'all met Crackpot, you thought he looked funny and even said it out loud. Sanford giggled a bit from that.
・During the Hank and Sanford mission when y'all had to deal with the AAHW, you honestly were going absolutely insane during this because you kept cheering on Sanford.
・You were also confused during the Hank betrayal but you just fell asleep during it.
・He scolded you for following him. He strictly asked you not to follow him and you just did the exact opposite.
・When Jeb and Hank fought, you kinda just watched too and cheered on your dad.
・When you met with Tricky, you kinda got a free pass of the life or death situation. Not Hank and Jeb though.
・Jebediah genuinely held you tightly when getting chased by Gestalt and was so relieved when you didn't get hurt.
・When he got pushed off the tower, you kinda just jumped off with him. You both luckily survived but you gotten major injuries from it.
Sorry for not posting a lot. I've just been a little stressed lately and just need some time to myself.
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headlessjest · 9 months
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Jebus + Child! Reader/Y/n that no one asked for. /lh (I also gave Child! Y/N a harness because I dealt with so many of them and thought it was funny.)
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headlessjest · 8 months
Y'all thought I was only a artist? Nuh uh!!! I got some dadness combat Hc stuff for y'all!!!! (Sorry if my grammar and writing is bad. I do write a lot but rarely post it and mainly keep it to myself.)
(All of this is platonic!!!)
・To be honest, he's not gonna be the best father/parent figure in the world. He's a murderer for Christ sake! But he sometimes do set aside his responsibilities for you. Not all the time though.
・He sometimes forgets to feed you and when he does remember, they'll just give you a hot dog. Hope you don't choke on it.
・They'll play with you when he has the time to, but he's often busy 24/7.
・You one time threw up in bed and since he was too tired to clean your bed up, they just took you into his bed and let you sleep with him for the night. (Your room smelled awful in the the morning though..)
・Ya know how toddlers/little kids squirm away from their parents when it's feeding time or running away before going to bed? That's you both but 10 times more rougher and violent with it. He threw you once and you almost tore off their finger once.
・Smoker dad. He's a smoker dad, but he tries not to smoke around you, even if you don't mind it. Doesn't want you coughing a lot around him, almost sounding like you're dying.
・He also sometimes forgets to feed you, but he doesn't just give you a hot dog like Hank. He actually finds food that you don't choke on and feeds you it.
・I think some of y'all know my child! Reader design where reader has a harness right? Well, Deimos is the only one where he doesn't have to use it a shit ton. Because he always carries you by your feet.
・I think Deimos would try to rock you to bed no matter what age, both lovingly or just to tease you.
・Deimos always loves it when you watch him play games. He even loves it when you point out obvious things he didn't notice in the game.
・Probably the best dad out of all of them. He's such a loving guy and a massive sweetheart. Most likely got it from his mom.
・Would go nuts when you get an injury. He would flail around trying to find bandades, bandages, etc whilst comforting you at the same time.
・He loves to relax with you on the couch. When both of you are just really tired, you'll just relax on the couch and most likely fall asleep.
・He never forgets to feed you. He gets the right stuff and always has a timer for breakfast, lunch, pre dinner, and dinner.
・Whenever you get sick, he puts all his plans aside just to take care of you. He doesn't want to see his kid in pain.
・Honestly, he's a neutral dad. He can be kinda strict but only due to his trust issues around Nevada, but he does care for you and wants you to have fun.
・He's always busy so he has a schedule that he always runs by to you when he heads out. He does write it down just incase you do forget though.
・His voice is genuinely comforting to me, so if you can't sleep or something, he'll read you a bedtime story or even sing you a lullaby.
・He never forgets to feed you, but when he's out for something, he has premade food and extra snacks just incase.
・You one time followed him and accidently got yourself dragged into the project nexus shit. He wasn't happy about that.
・Jesus Christ he's not a great parent. He a immortal demon clown and you expect him to be a good dad?
・He does feed you but not the right stuff...
・He one time took you on a high speeded ride throughout Nevada and he somewhat regrets it. You became temporarily deaf for awhile.
・Whenever you're tired but you can't sleep, he always, like always starts a pillow fight with you, hoping for it to tire you down.
・Honestly doesn't care if you get fed to much candy. He'll just let you rob a candy store and then eat it.
・He's also a pretty great dad, but his cowardly ways can sometimes get in the way of being a parent in general.
・Don't be fooled by his cowardly ways, he will not hesitate to fight just for you. Except for Hank. You both will run away.
・Always loves it when you wake him up first thing in the morning just to eat breakfast. You're like an alarm for him.
・He one time showed you around Merc and you gotten pretty close with Church and Jorge. Y'all are like siblings pretty much.
・He one time let you wear his hat and you didn't give it back to him after. He genuinely had to find a new hat.
・So he's not a good dad but he's also not a bad dad. He's also a little bit more stricter than Jeb.
・When you don't really work with him by eating or going to bed, he sometimes puts you in timeout.
・He also is way more better at fixing you up when you got hurt or sick.
・He never let's you have sweets. He always gets those vegan snacks that you thought were bad but are actually pretty good.
・Some of y'all would probably get this, but you know when you're working with your dad with something like the car, and you freak out when your dad asks for a certain tool and he gets upset from you not getting it quickly, yeah that's you two.
・Phobos is not a good dad. Final answer.
・The only few things that're sweet is that he always keeps the drawings you give to him. He'll look at them once in awhile when he's working.
・He always have his workers babysit you, the only times he's around you is when it's bed time or when all the workers can't babysit you.
・When he first saw that you were one of the cloning failures, he was gonna kill you, before you accidentally touched his heart by doing literally nothing.
・He watches over you on the cameras when you're hanging out with the workers and sometimes laughs a bit to himself when he sees you mess with them.
・They're not a really great dad. They always care about their work and gets a little upset they're not there for you.
・One time, you wandered into their office and just casually sat on their lap and slept there. They didn't move a single inch during that.
・You sometimes remind them of a cat, so they sometimes even carry you like a cat.
・Despite not having any lips, they try to give something that resembles a forehead kiss. Like a headbump or something.
・They hate that you grow up faster than them. (I Hc auditor that they're like 1000 years old or smth) They don't like that they'll see you grow right in front of their eyes and them not age a single bit.
Omg that last one was sad, uh.. Hope y'all like this..? Like I said before, sorry for any grammatical errors, writing errors, etc.
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
The baby posts were adorable af! The thought makes my heart all warm and mushy like oatmeal. Now I gotta wonder what a Jeb or Phobos dad would be like. Hell, what would a Player/Tricky hybrid look like?? That one’s a little scary.
HAHAHAA! I cannot be stopped! MORE MADCOM ASKS!!
Tw: Pregnancy and non-descriptive birth mention, but more cavity-inducing papa grunts!
+Reader has fem bits but are gender neutral +Set in Salty’s Self Aware AU PART 2 HAS SHERIFF AND TRICKY! Thank Jebus I got two asks asking for the same stuff!!
– JEB –
The moment that his player comes forward to tell him that they were carrying his child, Jeb pretty much experiences a temporary blue screen in his mind. After a few moments of him blankly staring ahead, he comes alive and finds himself so elated that he picks up his player and spins them around in a fit of elated joy. He was going to have a demi-god for a child, how could he NOT be happy? Not only that, but it was a product of their shared love for one another, so Jeb couldn’t be any more excited.
In the first trimester, Jeb works overtime to make a safe haven for you to carry his child safely to term. He gathers up any materials he can, such as blankets, medical supplies, and various utilities that he can use to help you throughout your pregnancy. He also reassumes his ‘bodyguard’ instincts from the early days of him protecting the Sheriff from Hank, making sure to watch over you whenever he could and dealing with anyone that dared come too close for his personal comfort.
He also begins to reread up on his studies from long ago and to apply much more modern knowledge to childcare. His player had to help him understand human anatomy at times, but he was more than willing to learn if it meant that his child would be brought into the world of Nevada healthy and safe.
In the midterm, Jeb grows more anxious and excited as you have to help him relax and calm down on more than one occasion. Mostly because his repressed emotions have begun to emerge and they slightly get away from him from time to time. Your cuddles and loving kisses always calm him down and he lays next to you for hours on end like a loyal guardian, even after you’ve fallen asleep and the nighttime part of Nevada comes around.
Jeb even takes up ‘childproofing’ most of the new living space and gathering furnishing materials in his spare time. He’s not an overly handiworker-type of grunt, but he is determined to give his offspring the best crib in all of Nevada. Days of work went into carving up a wooden crib for his child. Designed with angel wings on the corners and halo-esque designs carved into the wood that gave the side of the crib a similarity to stained glass windows one would find in a place of worship.
Needless to say, you were pretty impressed with his work, even more so when you discover that he wasn’t really a handy grunt or an artist. You give Jeb a kiss of approval to make sure he understood your appreciation for his effort.
By the late trimester, Jeb becomes borderline obsessed with protection and nesting. The crib’s room is decorated with little carved figurines and lots of white sheets and items, to which Jeb claims was just to make the room ‘feel holier’. As his player could only snicker in response and encourage his creativity by making glowing sheets and a ‘onsie robe’ from their own iridescent strings.
Eventually, the room is covered with white and color with a few shiny objects and precious polished metals that Jeb had found while he was scouting around for items. It reminded you of a holy-themed magpie's nest for obvious reasons, but you could only give Jeb a loving kiss on his lips while you stand and look on in satisfaction of what will become your child’s bedroom.
Pretty soon, the due date begins to arrive.
Jeb is no longer leaving his players side as they need more and more help as their birthday draws closer and closer. Jeb is stressed out and nervous, and he makes sure that you’re cared for and doted on the most in this stage. He even gives you periodic massages along your back and hips to help you with your growing discomfort and pain.
You both prepare for the arrival by gathering up materials and items that would be used to help you deliver his child as Jeb also works on a medical station that would deliver his child safely.
Then suddenly, it happens.
Right before dawn, his player lets out a loud cry of pain that shocks Jeb out of his deep sleep. Jeb springs to life as he picks up his player effortlessly and goes to the makeshift medbay to lay you on a stretcher he stole from an abandoned hospital. His emotions run high as he prepares and follows your strained instructions on what he should do.
The process was long and difficult with you two being the only ones around, but eventually Jeb finishes the delivery process and cleans the young one off. His player becomes exhausted as they slump against the cot to catch their breath while he swaddles up the little arrival and then…there’s stillness.
There was only the sound of your labored breathing while he sits in the quiet room looking at the bundle in his arms from behind his shades. The little one makes a couple of quiet squeaks as they wiggle in his arms and let out a kitten-like sneeze as they open their eyes.
Surprisingly, their eyes looked just like his…and an even more shocking turn of events, an iridescent halo suddenly developed around their head after a few minutes of being awake. It startled Jeb, but enthralled him at the same time. He holds his child close as the infant lets out a few squeaks and painful yanks on his beard, making Jeb wince and pull back a bit giving his young one a soft glare before chuckling in response. The child even let out a giggle of their own.
Then, the emotions hit Jeb all at once and the ex-AAHW member blinks in a repeated fashion until something wet drips past his eyes. He doesn’t even mind the small hands that come up to investigate his dripping tears as the new father merely holds them close to his body. Relief and happiness fills his S3LF as he nuzzles the glittering infant as close to himself as possible.
Jebus wept. But not from sorrow.
As a father, Jebus desires to raise his child to become the ‘true savior’ of Nevada. Since his departure from the AAHW, Jeb has tried to live a more peaceful life, but Hank and their group tends to make that…difficult. But his child is far stronger and has higher-god blood in them, so he tries his best to be a great role model for his child and guide them through Nevada the best he can.
Jebus is an honored parent of a demi-god that wants his kid to succeed and be just as righteous, if not more so, than he could ever be. While hopefully saving Nevada from The Madness in the process.
When you told Phobos that you were pregnant, you should have really expected that he would be the type to go full ham about you carrying his holy offspring. Phobos was beyond elated, he was pretty much ascending inside of his own body when he processed the news that he was going to have a child. He had pulled you close and nuzzled you in the way you liked while he rambled about making a new wing on the science tower that would house all of his youngling’s rooms.
During the first trimester, Phobos begins construction on the new wing of the science tower. This didn’t surprise you in the slightest, as Phobos was always the type to go above and beyond to ‘please his godly lover’ and as your loyalist acolyte (and chosen child-bearer; his words not yours), you being pleased with your environment came before all else. Even the project.
So he started from the ground up with units to build more onto the building that houses you both, he started the project with the bedroom. Phobos is relentless in his desire for absolute perfection when it comes to you and your developing young. The poor workers are strained to their limits while he makes the room as perfect as he can. Not only that, but he was also making it as ‘holy’ and needlessly extravagant at the same time.
The floors of the room were made from a polished rare white stone, the pillars of the room had to have unique carvings on them, and the doors were made from the darkest refined wood that they could find. All the patterns worked in harmony and even had a style that was similar to Chinese Imperial architecture from your world. Which made sense, since Phobos was a self-deemed ‘emperor’ of Nexus City.
The crib itself was made with precious metals and has a long canopy that was strung above it by one of your iridescent strings, which was requested by the worker that hung the canopy up.
The room was also given a bookshelf, chairs, a changing station, a vanity, and a large walk-in closet. Each piece of furnishing was also overly decorated and painstakingly carved with unique designs that each depicted the player in their holy visage and a god-like Phobos as well. You really felt bad for the workers that put all that effort in, so you would bring them refreshments and sweets as a gratuitous gift to them when Phobos wasn’t around. Since you worried that he would execute the poor workers if he saw them ‘tainting’ you with their presence. This made you rather popular with the workers and some would even visit the altar that was dedicated to you Phobos had set up to leave you gifts.
During the midterm of your pregnancy, Phobos is pretty much obsessed with making sure that you’re protected at all cost and that the wing of the science tower continues its construction. After the bedroom was done, the construction moved to making the child demi-god a playroom, an entertainment center, a living area, their own personal kitchen (cause like hell Phobos would prepare their food in the cafeteria of the science tower), a schooling room, and a luxurious bathroom. He still wasn’t done with the plans for the tower, but you constantly had to remind him that your child was merely an infant and what he was doing was enough.
Phobos is stubborn though, but a good few kisses and affectionate strokes is enough to make your ‘loyalist acolyte’ melt under your touch in response. You manage to get him to relax for a while as you both lay together, his hands on your belly and him whispering sweet sayings into your ear as you stay wrapped up in his crimson cape. Then, he gasps when he feels the child press back into his hands. His cycloptic eye seemingly sparkling as you let out a couple of giggles and a long sigh when he cuddles up closer to your belly to talk to the little one within. Listening to him say how he was so excited to meet his little godling and how much he loved them was enough to make you blush brightly in response.
In the late trimester of you carrying his child, Phobos is strict with his staff and he begins to prepare for the arrival of your little one. Making a closet worth of clothes, high quality blankets for the crib, having a cleaning staff go through the new wing of the science tower daily, and preparing a special medical wing for you to give birth in. Phobos also has to work on his ‘lesser important’ project in the meantime, so you are left in your shared room alone most of the time with assistants helping you throughout the day.
Then, the due date arrives.
Phobos is in the lower levels of the science towers scolding a lot of incompetent grunts from messing up some ‘simple’ engineering work when he suddenly gets a call on his comm from the medical wing.
The moment he is given the news that his player has gone into labor, he leaves the other grunts behind and races to the medical wing. When he arrives, the grunts that were walking through the medical district of the tower part like the red sea to allow Phobos through without a hassle. He gets to the private section of the wing to find his player in the middle of labor.
He rushes to his players side while the trained medical team works on preparing to deliver his godling. He allows you to grip his hand throughout the process, which nearly brings a tear to his eye from how hard you were crushing it. Then, the process passes and the medical team clean up his little one while you release his hand from your deathgrip.
With his player resting on the medical cot, Phobos is handed a little swaddled bundle of grunt in a satin cloth while the medical staff clear out of there to give the pair a moment of peace. Phobos is in awe as he looks at the little glittering grunt in his arms in silence as they slowly awaken to see the world for the first time.
Their eyes are colorful like the players and they were sporting a rather unique mark around their head. There was a bright small crimson circle that was placed in the middle of their forehead, along with crimson markings that gave the illusion that the little one was wearing a royal circlet. Phobos holds up his hand as he gently rubs the child’s face in a gentle and loving manner, almost as if he couldn’t believe his little god was finally here after months of waiting.
He cuddles them and holds them close to his body as the youngling hiccups and stretches out their little limbs, making cute little straining noises before letting out a small yawn. Phobos could feel his ego pretty much becoming even BIGGER as his heart melts and palpitates in his chest. What a perfect little royal.
“My little god…it’s nice to finally meet you.” Phobos mutters just above a whisper as he nuzzles his child in a loving manner.
As a father, Phobos couldn’t be more protective and proud. He bred with the most powerful being in Nevada and was ‘chosen to rear their young’ (again, his words, not yours.) as a god among the masses, Phobos is the most egotistical he has ever been.
But now, he has a child to absolutely spoil rotten and dote on while he works on his other project. Though, you’re the parent that keeps a tighter leash on your child and you also perform disciplinary actions against them. Less they become a spoiled brat because of Phobos’s constant doting.
You also might have to keep a watch on Phobos too, because he’s already talking about having another little god.
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