#Madness combat sheriff X reader
nowheregoat · 1 year
heyyyy can you please do sheriff/grunt hugs?
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Hug and a kiss!
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headlessjest · 7 months
How about some romantic stuff!! Some of y'all need your romance.
Hanging out HCs
Ft: Hank, Deimos, Sanford, Jedediah, Tricky, Sheriff, 2BDamned, Phobos, and Auditor.
・I think y'all would probably just stay home.
・You both just had a very stressful mission, so why not relax back at the apartment.
・They'll probably watch TV with you with the few tv stations Nevada can have.
・Cuddling is something he can do with you too. Just on bed or on the couch and just cuddle.
・There will be a couple times where he just lays on the ground with you and wonder what the hell happened to this place.
・"(Name)... Thank you.."
・Going out and eating Burger Gil's!
・Deimos just wants to enjoy his favorite food place with you.
・This can also be an excuse to to eat at Gil's in general, but it's nice to do it with you.
・When y'all are done at eating at Gil's, maybe a quick trip to the bakery.
・He threw up the Burger Gil's on the way there so you had to carry him back home.
・"That burger was sure good, but you're just as good."
・Alright, endless stary night, blanket, and you two. That's how it's gonna go.
・Just you two hanging out on a hill and looking up on the stary night, relaxing.
・There will be a few times bandits will try and get you two, but that's why y'all brought guns to this evening.
・Other than getting interrupted by bandits and a couple of zeds, this hangout is wonderful for the both of you.
・You accidentally fell asleep during this, but Sanford didn't mind carrying you back.
・"Thank you for this time, sweetie.."
・Going scavenger hunting.
・Jedediah surprisingly enjoys collecting stuff. It calms him down, and doing it with you makes him extra calm.
・You'll probably find a old coin or a rock with a cool texture and look to it and dash back to Jeb to show him.
・He also sometimes finds cool looking rocks and gives them to you. Like penguins.
・After going around and finding some cool stuff, you and Jeb head back home and organize all the stuff you both found.
・"These are beautiful, darling.. Just like you."
・Y'all go partying.
・I think y'all would also listen to your both favorite songs when partying. (His being all ICP songs and the chicken dance remix.)
・I think after the partying stuff is over with, y'all kinds just head back home and relax after the long night.
・If you get overwhelmed at the party, Tricky will notice and try to find a way to calm you down.
・Other than that y'all actually have a great time.
・"CL0WN L0V3S Y0U!!!1!1!"
・I think y'all would hang out at a nice bar. (If possible that is..)
・I think he took you to the bar in the first place because it was the easiest place to go without him freaking the fuck out and being horrified.
・Also, because he's been busy lately and wanted to spend time with you.
・He might also get a little drunk from drinking too much.
・You also had to drag him back home.
・"Darlin'... When do you get so beautiful/handsome?"
・Y'all also stay home.
・He just wants to relax with you and just hang out in bed. Nothing much really.
・He also is just a little stressed with everything, so relaxing with you seems like a perfect thing for the time being.
・I think y'all would also watch a quick movie for fun. Like a older movie from the later 90s and early 2000s.
・Other than that, relaxing with you makes his day better, no matter what.
・"This means a lot to me, (Name).. Thank you.."
・I think he would dance with in his office.
・The red lighten room and the slow jazz playing in the background, just you two slow dancing for the joy of it.
・Phobos made sure that no one would bother you both during this. I mean, quite literally.
・I think during this, you might doze off a bit from the slow atmosphere.
・Phobos does notice this and y'all get ready for bed.
・"Tonight was lovely.. We should do this again.."
・I think y'all just hang out and watch cat videos all night long.
・Most romantic thing I've ever heard.
・I think you both would also hold eachothers hand during too. Auditors love language is physical touch. (Somehow..)
・Another thing is that whenever you both see a cat that reminded of you both, you would point it out.
・This also made you both question about getting a cat.
・"Hm, a fur baby seems nice."
I'm absolutely shaking rn. Ate an entire tub of coffee icecream, also mixed with the excitement of watching the fnaf movie tomorrow!!!!
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
"Madness Day 2022" [Various x Reader, fic, either platonic or romantic, its up for interpretation]
Another say, another Madness is what youd tell yourself, and today was a somewhat special day, since it celebrated the day Madness came to Nevada
Well... It wasnt particularly celebration, as it sounds wrong to celebrate a day where many were killed ruthlessly, dont you think?
I guess... Think of it as a day everyone takes a day off, a holiday of sorts, where you all take a break from the constant bloodshed, even the AAHW would take a break from searching for Hank
That is if Hank or Tricky don't get bored enough to kill today. Which thankfully hasnt happened during this day in all the years Nevada has been the warzone it constantly is
It was also surprising because the Clown didnt bother killing anyone today either, nor did it pick a fight with Hank whenever they crossed ways, seems like it made a truce with Hank just for these days in specific
In fact, said Clown was currently sitting on your thorn couch, shaking wildly as always, you and the Four men you lived with standing in front of the clown as it looked up at you, eyes snapping between each as it waited for someone to say anything, bouncing its leg rapidly
You, Sanford and Deimos pretty much had the same stare of confusion, Deimos lit another cigarette with his thumb, taking a drag of it before blowing the smoke to the side. Hank glared at rhe clown, though you could feel the same amount of confusion in his glare
He had a truce with Tricky, and as much as he wanted to thow it out of his home, they promised each other that they wouldnt cause physical damage to each other as long as the other didnt inniate combat, the clown was a violent being but at least it stuck to its word, and Hank really didnt feel like being thrown around today, it was one o lf the rare days he could actually relax
Doc let out an aggravated sigh, rubbing his facial cross under his mask
"Clown, what are you doing here?" He questioned, arms crossed under his chest as the hand rubbing his face would limp to the side, palm up
"CLOWN WANTS TO SPEND MADNESS DAY WITH CLOWN'S FRIEND!!" it yelled, leaning forward slightly as happiness laced its glitchy voice
"we're- not your friends though--" Sanford spoke, though being rudely interrupted by the clown
"NOT YOU FOUR, DUMMY. [NAME]! THEY'RE CLOWN'S FRIEND!! :oD" it pointed at you, which made the others look at you in a small amount of shock, Hank glared at you even harder, you almost felt like he felt betrayed
"... Dont look at me like that, he's a cool guy to hang out with if hes not trying to kill people-" you crossed your arms and looked off to the side
they deadpanned at you, they knew you probably didnt mean to friend the clown, as they knew anyone who showed it kindness a few repeated times it immediately clinged to said person
You were a kind soul amongst many who had 'kill or be killed' engraved in their minds beyond repair, youd still be kind to someone even if they tried to kill you, albeit hesitant
Hank gave a disaproving look but didnt say anything, though it understood why the clown would think youre both friends, your kindness in this hard world could be quite addicting, specially for those who havent gotten a single drop of kindness or mercy for years, he'd know
"but did you have to invade our base? Couldnt you have called them outside or arranged a spot for you both to meet at?" Doc added, looking at Tricky once again, gesturing outside
"I MISSED THEM TOO MUCH, YOU ALL ALREADY SEE THEM EVERYDAY! I ONLY SEE THEM EVERY FEW DAYS, CLOWN COULDNT WAIT!! YOU CANT BLAME ME" it whined, getting up from the couch and immediately clinging to you in a hug in a blink of an eye, you flinched lightly, feeling the clowns arms wrap around you firmly, as well as its hand shakingly petting your head
You just accepted you're stuck now, Deimos groaned dramatically, throwing his head back
"cmoooon are you serious? You broke our door just because youre impatient??" He threw his arms to the side as he looked back at Tricky
Theres was a pause, Tricky staring at Deimos as it and you shook, you couldn't help shaking with it, after all it was holding you basically glued to it's body
".... YEAH" Deimos just looked at Tricky with a deadpan and Sanford facepalmed, shortly after, there was a little ahem coming from the door, you all switched your attention to the door
Jeb was standing there, a few bottles of soda under one of his arms "... Hofnarr said there was a party here?-"
"YEAH JEBBY, IT'S HERE! GIMME THOSE!" Tricky let go of you and zoomed to Jeb, taking the sodas from him "WHERE'S KITCHEN?" you just- pointed at the kitchen's door and Tricky ran passed you to it
Hank turned to the man in white "the clown told you there was a party here??"
"well, yes. And he wouldnt stop pestering me to go, so I gave in.. nothings decorated though-"
"yeah! Because there ISNT one! We didnt agree to have a party here-" Deimos kicked in, throwing his arms in the air
While the boys argued with one another, you and Doc went to the kitchen, where Tricky seemed to be looking all around, you spoke first
"Tricky, bud- did you tell people there would be a party here?-"
"T-Tricky- this place isnt supposed to be known!-"
"how many did you invite?" Doc interrupted you, sternly asking, Tricky made a comic thinking pose, then counting on his fingers. You and Doc shared a look of tired dismay, you could hear Tricky mumble
"Coward, Jebby, Rat man, Gilly, Gunners... A LOT OF PEOPLE!!" It looked back at you both, smiling under its mask
Doc took a deep breath, getting more and more irritated by the second
"any.. one we should worry about?" You asked, almost pleading with your eyes that Tricky didnt invite any of your enemies here
"OH! I DID INVITE CHIMNEY SMOKE, ELECTRIC ELL, GOOP MAN, GEOMETRY BOI AND THE BITCHASS FIGURE HEAD!" it said, in the most innocent voice it could muster, you both looked at him wide eyed
"you WHAAAT?!?!" you both screamed in sync, catching the attention of the others, as they rushed over to see what was going on, you think you never heard Doc yell like this before, which even surprised you
Tricky reeled back, balancing himself in a cartoony defense, standing in one leg all shriveled up and covering his head with his hands
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MIND???!" Doc yelled, getting in Tricky's face, Sanford stepped, holding back by the shoulders "calm down, Boss, what's going on??"
"ah- Tricky invited almost everyone in Nevada for this 'party' he's throwing here." you explained, "including Auditor, some other guys, and Phobos."
now it was time for the boys to get mad, Hank marched up to the clown, grabbing it by it's jacket's collar and lifting it up "HEY NO! REMEMBER OUR TRUCE FOR TODAY, NO VIOLENCE ALLOWED!!"
Hank glared at it, shaking it roughly, it wasn't really violence if it didn't injure, that's his thought process at least, Tricky made a rattling sound, like shaking a rock inside a metal can "Hofnarr, what in the world?? why would you invite them? you know we're against them!" Jeb butted in as Hank finally stopped shaking the clown
"THERE'S NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE A PARTY HERE, WE DIDN'T AGREE TO THAT, AND NOW WE'LL HAVE TO MOVE. AGAIN." Deimos yelled, throwing his cigarette on the ground out of anger, stomping on it to put it out while grumbling, Sanford was also annoyed, a grimace on his face as they'll now have to deal with most people who hate them, hopefully they'll also have the mentality of 'no violence today' for this party
"good lord now we're going to have to deal with them, if Christoff's already here, who's to say they're not already halfway here?-" Doc rubbed his temples, annoyed "could we just, yknow- tell them there was a mistake and that there is no party?" Deimos suggested
"NAH-UH!! WE'RE HAVING THIS PARTY WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!" Tricky yelled, Hank dropped the clown back on its feet, your buddies groaned and sighed
Doc began to give out orders, as their 'guests' could be here any minute, at least they'll have a plan "FINE- fine... but if we're going through with this let's at least make this a decent-looking party.. Tricky, since this was your idea, you get to decorate, but don't go overboard. Jebediah, since you don't live here, can you be in charge of getting snacks?-"
"I CALLED STEVE HERE, HE'S BRINGING HOT DOGS! AND GIL'S BRINGING BURGERS!!" the boys looked at Tricky with confused looks, you looked at them with a deadpan "Hotdog Vendor." you simply said, they let out an understanding sound, Tricky looked at them in disbelief "YOU REALLY DIDNT KNOW HIS NAME WAS STEVE?-" "no time for that, you can be upset about it later, Tricks. what else, Doc?"
"alright, still, Christoff, if you can cook anything, and if we have the ingredients, go for it." Jeb nodded, knowing he had no way out of this situation, he already went to the cabinets looking for ingredients and Tricky zoomed off to get decorations
"as for you four, start packing your things and leave them in the truck, Sanford, once you finish packing come help Christoff with the food, Hank help me load the things in, [Name] and Deimos greet the guest. k go go gO-"
And so, you all scrambled off, Doc rushing to the room he had the makeshift medbay in and you four rushing up to the 2nd floor of the building to your makeshift rooms, you had to room with Hank since there were only two rooms, and the duo refused to part. thankfully Hank wasn't that bad of a roommate, you just- woke up sometimes to him staring at you, either staring you down beside your mattress or from his own, it was a little odd but you didn't dare say anything about it, you also found out he sleeps with his mask, bandana, and goggles on, or maybe he just didn't want you seeing his face, which was completely valid
but it's not the time to think about that, you have to pack your things fast before people start coming in
god Tricky, what did you put us into
thankfully you all didn't have much going on in your rooms aside from most weapons, this wasn't the first time you had to move locations in a hurry, which was good because you were able to load the truck with your stuff pretty quickly, only the medbay was taking a bit longer
Sanford was currently in the kitchen helping Jeb with the last of the snacks they were able to quickly make, and meanwhile, you and Deimos moved the broken doors aside so they wouldn't just be on the ground as people came in, Tricky did a pretty good job on the decor too
black, red and grey balloons around the corners, some paper springs on the ceiling and a big banner on top of the kitchen's entrance saying 'HAPPY MADNESS DAY 2022!!!!!!' inrg red, as well as an identical one on top of the front door
you just wondered where tricky got more couches??? once you came downstairs there was an L-shaped couch around the one you already had, which was also turned to the L couch, as long with two solo ones, and a few metal chairs near the walls for the ones who didn't want to socialize on the couches, he also replaced the tv table with two dining tables lines on the wall for the food
Gil was the first to get there, with multiple bags of burgers on his green arms, Deimos immediately lighted up from his grumpy mood upon seeing the Zed G03LM, rushing over to him with a greeting and helping him carry the burgers inside, the zed slurred a 'thank you' as they went inside
you just finished setting up some towels to look more presentable on the tables as they came in, Sanford and Jeb also came out with the homemade snacks they managed to make and placed them on the table, you walked to stand near the door to greet the next guest went Hank and Doc rushed past you to get to the back of the house to load the last things from the medbay in the truck, almost knocking you over accidentally, Doc chocked a 'sorry' as they left view
you just chuckled, this was a mess huh? at least things were done in time before most of the guests came in, the Hotdog vendor was next, still in his usual apron as he brought his whole ass cart with him
you greeted the man with a smile, who returned the same, he liked you, aside from Tricky you're the only nice client he has, though he's pretty sure Tricky is only more behaved towards him to get hotdogs faster since Steve didn't bend for rude clients
"Hey Steve, glad you could make it!" you said with a wave "Sup, [Name]! good to see you too-.. what happened to your door?-" "Clown." you simply replied, gesturing to the broken doors to the side of the house
Steve chuckled "well isn't that convenient? then I don't have to take the cart inside, could you help me take the dogs inside and hide the cart under the doors?-" "I CAN HELP! I CAN HELP!" Tricky zoomed beside you jumping excitedly like a little kid, making your clothes swoosh a little with the speed he came with-
the hotdog man laughed at Tricky's excitement, accepting the help, the clown immediately rushed off to grab a big plate for the hotdogs, coming back just as quick as both of them began loading the plate
you looked behind them and saw the well-known cowboy coming your way, you began walking to meet him halfway, he tipped his head at you and smiled "howdy, [Name], real nice seein' ya, I ain't late, am I?"
you chuckled at his accent, it always amused you "good to see you too, Sher. no, you're actually pretty early, you can get going inside."
and bit by bit, more and more Guests came along, first came some familiar faces, Skinner, Dave, Q-bert, Bossman- all in the same ride, then came the Gunner Twins, Crackpot- hell even Garrett showed up,
everyone was already inside by now, chattering and laughter around the room as Tricky chatted with Garrett, Crackpot and Steve about Slaughter Time, Hank just stood in the corned talking to Doc and Skinner leaning on the wall as Deimos chatted with Gil, Sanford and the rest eating and chatting near the tables, this reminded you of the past when Madness wasn't a thing
when everyone wasn't constantly trying to kill each other, the so-called Madness Day was a breath of Fresh air honestly... though you were still missing a couple guests, so you were just standing against the front door waiting. Jeb came up beside you, crossing his arms over his chest
"taking a breather?" he asked, leaning on the wall beside you "ehh, that and waiting for Auditor and co." Jeb sighed aggrievedly "gods.. why did he invite them, they were constantly trying to kill us."
you chuckled, giving him a jab with your elbow "because it would be fair for them not to be invited on an off day, remember?" you recalled what Tricky said earlier, you got a small smile from the older man, he sighed
"... this is oddly peaceful.. it almost feels wrong..."
"I know, right? it's so weird not having to fight for your life against these guys..." you thew your head back, gently bonking the back of your head against the wall, hearing the laughs from inside flood your brain, they actually seem like they're having a good time
silence fell among you both, as you just waited for the last ones to come, feeling the breeze hit your face as you occasionally looked around the land, eventually, Jeb broke the silence
"... [Name], may I be honest with you?"
"sure, what's up, old man?" you joked, looking at him with a grin, he shot you a glare before softening again, looking out at the land and shaking his head with a small smile
"you know, since you came along, things have been a lot more interesting... not much different from a world standpoint but- since I met you, things have been.. different."
he nodded "you brought some light to darkness, it's clear the others like you, you're a pleasing presence, kind, calm and playful, I honestly hadn't seen the four ever really smile as much as they do around you- well, I can't tell for Hank, but I can for Deimos and Sanford, and hear a smile in Doc's voice when you talk to them."
you almost teared up, smiling at him over the sweet words "oh.. Jeb.. that's-"
"Fucking ridiculous." you yelped as you were suddenly picked up, and placed on a broad shoulder, looking down, you realized it was Phobos- now you're damn confused
"Phobos?! you fiend, put them down!" Jeb pulled out his sword, pointing up at Phobos "do not point my own sword at me, Jebediah, I was there when it was made." the Director pushed the sword to the side with his hand "and remember, no violence day, Christoff~" he grinned behind his bandages as Jeb glared at him, hesitantly putting away his sword
"thank you for your patience, by the way, I was quite busy." The Director looked up at you, satisfied that at least someone was decent enough to wait to greet him "ah-.. of course, Director, welcome... May you put me down?-"
Phobos nodded, putting you down and walking inside, you and Jebediah suddletly felt a chill down your spines, you looked in front of you, four cores in different colors decended from the sky, taking form shortly after
The first was Auditor in all his red flaming glory;
Then the blue core, who seemed to have a water like consistency, although you could see what looked like glitches around it and deep blue eyes, they looked tired; you had asked Jeb before about them when you were able to, you recalled this one was called Conductor
The next was the white core, they seemed to have a more geometric or blocky take to its form and white eyes, seemed the more neutral looking of them; you think this is Deliberator
And next was the pink core, who has a goopy like consistence, though while it formed it seemed to fog in your vision, sure they looked a lot more softer then what you initially saw, they had bright pink eyes, look smug and ready to cause chaos; this must be Stygian
Jeb sighed, looking annoyed at rhe four "so you finally decided to show up..."
"oh shut your trap, Christoff, we arrived right at the time the clown gave us... [Name]." Auditor greeted you with a nod, which you returned, he began to walk inside with his friends, the other three waved at you as they passed you and Christoff
You waved back as Christoff rubbed his face "this'll be a long gathering..." You groaned, you laughed softly, hearing Tricky begin to play some music
"tell me about it... Lets get inside before they break tradition and start killing each other over something dumb." You began heading inside, Jebediah couldnt help but smile a little at your remark with a puff from his nose, soon walking inside as well and deciding to join Tricky on the speakers, faintly hearing Phobos talk great shit about himself as always
He thought back on what you two were talking about earlier.... This feels normal.. even with all the interesting faces of those who won their concequences from their actions.. it still felt mostly normal again, no violence, no madness, no fights.. at least physical ones for today
He sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips, until Tricky walked to him
"HAPPY MADNESS DAY, JEBBY!" it exclaimed, handing the other a drink... It had its mask around its neck and back, a drink in its other hand... Was he wearing his old glasses...?
Christoff stared at his friend for a moment, before chuckling and smiling at the Clown
"Happy Madness Day... Hofnarr..."
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orderly-anon · 1 year
hello, are you able to write any romantic headcanons for sheriff ?
much appreciated <3
I'd love to!
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Prescription: Yandere Romantic Headcanons
Side Affects: Obsessive behavior, unbalanced power dynamics, nonconsensual drugging, nonconsensual affection
Doctor's Notes: The reader is assumed to be a MERCenary working under the Sheriff.
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]] Sheriff, at first at least, wants to court you.
]] He does it anonymously in the beginning, and you even resort to changing your number as the texts begin to tell you things about your daily life that no one should know.
]] Not realizing that he shouldn't have escalated so quickly, he starts sending you gifts. They'd be cute if you didn't assume they were from a stalker.
]] You try going off the grid. You delete your Bumblr account, your Killter account, you destroy your phone, you do everything except quit your job.
]] That was your first mistake.
]] The gifts are delivered directly to your office, your (new) doorstep, your work mailbox, your home mailbox-- they're everywhere.
]] You start having paranoid breakdowns at work, lashing out at everyone, even your boss.
]] It's now or never, if he doesn't act soon you'll never trust him.
]] He calls you into his office one day, and you obediently go. Obedience. . . he always liked that about you.
]] As soon as you're in, the door is locked. You're directed to sit down.
]] "Mercenary," he says, "You been actin' a bit. . . anxious lately."
]] You pick at your elbows and chatter your teeth nervously with no response from your lips. You're on high alert.
]] Sheriff notices this and offers you a shot of whiskey, which you refuse. He persists, and you give in, not wanting to be at the receiving end of his anger.
]] "Ye've been a good worker, Mercenary. Yer obedient. . . yer efficient. . . yer. . . pretty."
]] You start to feel woozy, and you tell him you'd better get back to work. You get up on shaky legs, and Sheriff gets up and rushes to your side.
]] "No no, doll, ye best sit down. 'Fore ye hurt yerself."
]] Unable to think properly, you agree and sit down. The glass slips from your hand and you barely notice when Sheriff kisses your cheek. "Yer safe, doll." He chuckles.
"Finally safe with me."
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amunisence · 2 years
Nevada isn't Big Enough for the Two of Us
Rogue Player AU: Prologue Part 1
Madness: Project Nexus Self Aware AU belongs to saltymongoose
I was also inspired by Purgatory Mode - New Player AU by dallyfae who further inspired me and encouraged me to post my fanfic
Check them both out they're phenomenal! Story is on an indefinite hiatus.
CW: Violence, obsessive behavior(?)/toxicity(?), slight language, Player is all around not a good person here tbh-
This originated on the idea of the Player being a "bad guy". After all, the Player is a powerful being. The Player could easily develop a Phobos-esque God complex from the endless adoration from the vessels. Also I'm just doing this for fun, so I don't mean to step on anyone's toes whatsoever. I also haven't finished Arena Mode yet, so my AU may not be 100% lore accurate forgive me. I'm so nervous to post this, but I had a lot of fun writing it so enjoy!
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No one knows how it began. Sure, there was a lead-up to it. Hank, Sanford, Deimos, and the others could sense the Player's new craving for violence and power, but they didn't know where these new desires manifested. Despite some of the group's apprehension, they did not confront their concerning behavior until it was too late. Their beloved Player turned rogue and abandoned them. It is now up to the forsaken vessels to put aside their differences and stop the Player's rampage before Nevada resides further into disaster.
In an attempt to corner them, the vessels agree to use Sheriff as bait...
Sheriff, on the other hand, absolutely loathes this decision. They want him to act as bait for the Player? Someone, he not only respects but is rather intimidated by? It's not like he could say no—not with Hank there.
According to Christoff, the Player seems to be targeting any grunt in a position of power. That's why Sheriff, who's in charge of MERC, is the only one at short notice who could draw them in. Christoff warned him that his defenses would need major reinforcements against the Player. The goal was to distract them long enough to give Christoff and the others a window of opportunity to act.
After a long night of deliberation, Sheriff constructs a fort of defenses that he hopes is dense enough to delay their wrath. Christoff predicts MERC will be targeted today for a myriad of reasons, but the main gist Sheriff got was that he's "next in line".
Like Christoff predicted, the Player did indeed arrive at MERC, but... they’re different from how Sheriff remembers them. The Player's strings, now dull ebony, are tangled tightly around their being (and it honestly looks uncomfortable). Your soft tender smile is now stoic and sour. What happened? 
"AUUGH!" a cry from one of his men jolts Sheriff back to reality. The Player slams the recruit to the ground while their strings grasp another.
"Where's the Sheriff?" with no response, the recruit is haphazardly flung over their shoulder. This display puts a deep pit in Sheriff's stomach. They really are out for his head. It won't be long before they breach his first line of defense, so he retreats further into the building for his own sake.
"Christoff, where the hell are you?" Sheriff plants himself around the corner from the Player. He's sweating enough bullets for an army.
The Player, on the other hand, is irritated by everyone's lack of cooperation. Is it that hard to tell them where the Sheriff is? Their strings catch a wrench inches from their skull. The Player snaps their head back and locks eyes with the laborer trying to strike them. Amidst his pleas for mercy, their strings spin around his neck and drag him closer. They get a hold of the wrench and raise it threateningly.
"You have three seconds to tell me where-"
Klang! The wrench propelled out of their grasp. Someone shot at them. The Player’s eyes snap to the anxious cowboy pointing his revolver in their direction. Merely tossing the laborer aside, the Player homes in on the fleeing Sheriff.
"Christoff, get yer ass here now!" He rounds another corner but collides with another grunt. "Hey! Get! Get outta my-" Sheriff now sees the bright red orbs of the grunt in front of him and recoils with a yelp. He then spots Christoff not far behind. "Well, ‘bout time you showed up."
"I trust that you were well equipped to preoccupy the Player until our arrival," Christoff says with crossed arms. Before Sheriff responds, the Player approaches from around the corner.
"Player, you go no further," says Christoff"Yes, not without that," the Player hums, stretching an arm towards Christoff, "Ť̵̬h̵͎͆ȅ̸̦ ̵͓̓k̷͚̉ḛ̵̓y̸͈͑s̵̞̃t̷̥̆ò̸̤ń̵̙e̸̤͠ ̵̤͌f̵̞̕r̶͈͝à̵̤g̷͙͠m̶͇̋ẻ̶͖n̵̙̆t̴̢͆.̸͖̎"
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Edited A/N: I cannot believe I didn't fact check myself when I said "artifact" instead of "keystone fragment". I wasn't entirely wrong, but I meant keystone fragment f- so I fixed it.
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dummysalmon · 1 year
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new cover for the MadComxReaders! text and no text variant. check the fic if you'd like
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yandere-is-my-life · 2 years
Yandere madcom Sheriff x reader
Violence, Yandere behavior, Unhealthy mindset, Stalking, Killing
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↑It's not my GIF
※y/f/n=your friend's name
It started for 3 months ago.
After your work, you tried to take a shortcut, and were walking an alley.
In this place, walking at late is dangerous for civilians who cannot fight.
That's why you were hurrying home.
It was when you came to the middle of the alley.
"Hey, babe."
It's a man's voice.
Is it a bandit?
You turned around and faced the stranger.
"Why are ye here? It's late to walk alone."
That was the Sheriff, one of MERC's member.
You had seen him in posters, and heard some rumors about him.
You were surprised and suspicious at the same time.
Why did this famous guy talk to you even though you are an ordinary grunt?
Before that, why was he here?
He smirked.
"So, wanna come with me? I can take yer home safely"
You couldn't understand what he offered.
In Nevada, people who talk to stranger when they are alone are not good people.
Besides, it's strange that an important person is here without his subordinates.
You felt bad feeling.
"...Sir, I gotta go. I'm in hurry and I must go back home immediately"
It's not a lie.
Then all of a sudden, his smile disappeared.
And look at someone without expression.
You couldn't take this situation, so left as if you were running away.
He didn't come after you, but you didn't know he stared at you until you were out of sight.
After that, you came to run into Sheriff several times when you were alone.
All he usually does "flirting behavior" in general.
But because of what happened before you refused him.
That's his little play. He'll get bored soon.
Also, you acted as if you wern't interested him.
After a while, it was worth it, you didn't see him anymore.
He must have found new prey.
After a few weeks, you got a lot of letters.
There were no name and address.
Their contents were rambling.
For example, what happened today, what did you eat, etc.
Another day, Box with a message, you got clothes and favorite food.
"You like this? I got special things for you"
Curiously, as it said, things are your favorites.
But that wasn't all.
After a while, the content became extreme.
"You are mine, you only need is me"
"I want to know everything about you"
That was crazy.
Also the person seemed to know things that only you know.
"You better leave from Y/F/N, they're cheating on you"
"You're so cute when you're sleeping."
You were starting to wonder it would be Sheriff.
If this situation continues, the worst is yet to come.
And you carried it out the plan.
You sneaked out of the house without warning and telling anyone.
But if you take a bus or a taxi, the Sheriff will find you in no time.
While wandering in wilderness, you found a building.
It seems that there was a fierce battle there, but it's just right to survive the rain and wind.
Fortunately, there were no bandit, nor MERC.
It was very lucky you could found a place to rest in this situation.
It was when you were tired from your trip and you were about to sleep.
Suddenly you heard someone's footsteps.
You peeked through the gap towards the front door.
There was a shadow.
You couldn't make out his face well because of the backlight.
But you recognized that voice.
"Where are you hidin' sweetie?"
Oh god, It's Sheriff.
How did he find you!?
No way, was this building still under surveillance?
But there is no time to think.
Anyway, it's better to hide.
You hid in lusty locker and killed your breath.
You couldn't see his face by darkness, if you can, he would be smirk as usual.
For some time he was walking around and moving scraps.
"Why did ye run? I was being good for, wasn't I."
He continued.
"My heart sank when ya were gone."
Saying that, he entered the room where you were.
You heard something screeching.
But it seemed he couldn't find nothing, footsteps receded.
At that time, you heard the door opened.
You sighed in relief.
It was short, but surely.
But it was fleeting.
Suddenly the locker's door opened.
You were tricked. He knew you were here from the beginning.
You screamed and kicked his body as long as you could.
Probably you never done that in your life.
Surprised by struggling, he released you.
It's a chance!
You pushed him away and ran to the exit.
To be exact, tried to.
Two gunshots.
Suddenly, severe pain stroke your legs.
Aginst your will, you collapsed upon cold floor.
"I didn't want ye do this, But ya made me that."
Sheriff said mercifully.
As if he doesn't do something wrong.
"Don't worry, I won't kill. But..."
He grapped your chin and made you see his face.
"If ya don't act be good, I'll do more"
You glared at him. One was pain, another was hatred. 
"It's yer fate. Be mine."
In detail of story
Actually, Sheriff knew about you before encounter.
It was love at first sight.
Then he started stalkingwatching over you.
But don't underestimate. his obsession is strong.
It's natural to be worried about someone person like, isn't it?
But he can't talk to you by confusion because it's the feeling he had for the first time.
Then soon, he searched for your information your favorite, hobby, routine, friends, local area.
As he knows you more, a worry arose.
You're an ordinary grunt, not a soldier.
Unfortunately, there are dangerous wanted criminals in Nevada.
You'll die in a moment.
That's why Sheriff decided to protect you in particular.
So, he came to get rid of thugs even if it wasn't a mission.
The effect of this will be an extreme increase in security in your local area!
On the contrary, gradually his mind became more insane.
At that time, he happened to meet you on his way home. ※Elimination of your intruders
It was enough to forget the previous struggle.
After that, Sheriff come to hope to get your attention, and love.
At first, I approached it in a normal way, you avoid him much.
That's why he changed plan.
He wrote some letters, and gave you presents you like.
But you tried to run without warning.
For that matter, he couldn't take it anymore.
Sheriff was shocked but there was also a feeling that it was fun to hunt you down.
His feelings have reached a point where nobody can't stop.
Unfortunately, you seems you don't know how dangerous Nevada is.
His wish is to keep you safe.
Even if it involves many sacrifices.
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Would you happen to have any Sheriff headcanons? Also coolios on the upcoming vacation. Hope you have fun and get that sweet r&r or however you plan to spend your time.
yeah totally! Here you go anon!
Ahh yeah been super excited for it!! been a while since I got some quality time with my sib n' dad so I'm super duper excited!! +) Got a couple things planned too!!
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Sheriff General Headcannons
GENRE - Romantic
Trigger warnings - Stockholm Syndrome, Implied Kidnapping, Murder & Murder threat, Gun Violence & Gun threat, Mention of Children ( Adoption wise anyways. ), idealization, Toxic mindsets, delusions, stalking, intimidation, Maladaptive Daydreaming mention, Isolation
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Sheriff is possibly one of the better yanderes around Nevada under certain circumstances. Compared to the likes of others, He's a lot more manageable is your able to work with him. This is due to him being both delusional and wanting nothing more than to live in peace with you but that's only IF you play along.
He often daydreams . This has turned into almost a form of maladaptive daydreaming which has almost gotten to the point it takes up most of the time he spends at his desk instead of signing papers. Which has lead to him rushing it and not being able to get everything done
He doesn't really hide his feelings for you, constantly flirting and calling you affectionate pet names. He'll get you gifts and show you his love via hugs, kisses, etc. No matter how much it makes you uncomfortable and tell him to stop, he's already too far gone. To him, It's almost like you two are already in a relationship and in his ideal fantasy world: You are.
He's nice, easy going but isn't stupid. He won't let you go once he has you, even if you ask nicely. Anything else you want though? it's yours. He'll try to get his boys ( aka MERC ) to come around and help him out with it. Thanks to the sense of community Sheriff has established, most will be more than happy to help him out.
He'll also make sure to get some to stalk you and others to dig up some information. He wants to know your likes and dislikes after all! He wants to make sure he can make you happy and compatible in any and every possible way! Maybe even snag a missing item that he can claim you left while visiting him, Y'know. So he has an excuse to see you and play a little bit of the hero.
Wants so desperately to be your hero, to save you from the madness. Wants you to idolize him and swoon as he goes past and winks. Just overall: in his head, he's the cool cowboy who saves the damsel/Damoiseau in distress aka you. It's just how it's meant to be!
He'll get all giggly around you. constantly complimenting you to the point it becomes awkward. Even the littlest thing, Whether it's about your smell or the certain little thing that no one else knows or should know. He just nervously spurs them out, thinking it's endearing when it makes your skin crawl - terrifying you because he shouldn't know that
You could probably kill him and get away but it would result in the MERCS hunting you down for the rest of your days. Not exactly ideal. He just loves you too much to fight back against you or any violence you throw at him - Also he's cowardly. He'd rather run from you than fight, so he usually flees the room if you start trying to get violent with him.
However, With as much as he'd never dream of harming you. He would never let anyone hurt you. Not in a million years, With how soft and sweet he is with you, It'll come as a surprise to the fact he won't hesitate to gun down anyone who even thinks of you the wrong way.
No one gets to tell you that you aren't the perfect thing to ever grace Nevada. You are the best thing that ever happened to him and he will not tolerate slander. Not even from his own men. If anyone does so in his presence or gets told by another member of MERC, He'll make their death easy but in no ways quick.
A lot of people forget just how intimidating he can be but keep in mind, When he is running in every appearance, both in the series and game, The most deadly men of Nevada are behind him. His voice can get real deep and he knows how to make most people's skin crawl from a tilt of his hat and a couple words alone.
Can get insanely paranoid too which had lead him to keeping you close to him. He doesn't want to lose you, he's already lost so much, will only leave you with his most trusted allies and even then - he's constantly checking in. He just wants to live in peace with you, maybe you could even have kids! ( maybe you guys could adopt?... somehow. ) He just really wants the whole domestic fucking package.
But his paranoia leads him to isolating you you - probably the only one you see. It's both to keep you safe. However this might end up with you warming up to him quicker. Grunts are social creatures and flock to each other because they desire that attachment and belonging. You are no different, so when he is the only one you see in your prison, You may start to develop Stockholm syndrome because you crave social interaction and possible affection.
I would not recommend testing the waters. You can't really trust him as far as you can throw him. If you push him far enough, Break too many of his delusions, stripping him of his ideal fantasy world and force him to face reality? It WILL result in severe punishment and an even worse yandere.
He'll essentially " trains " you to go along with it - To meet his expectations and work hard to make his fantasy a reality. You have to because he loves you and there is no other option in his head. He'll become a lot more colder and easily angered over the littlest mistakes you make. Bereding you with insults for not playing along.
He's not playing the nice guy anymore and doesn't intent when he gave you so many chances to play along, to just give him that little bit of indulgence. Just once, Please recuperate his affections because you're slowly wearing him down and he doesn't wanna resort to hurting you. He really doesn't want too, so he'll get other, expendable grunts to do it ( after - slaughtering them for laying a hand on his darling. ).
He's desperate for you to love him back and he will go to any means to get it.
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nowheregoat · 1 year
I wanna give Sheriff a hug and a kiss. Mabe a new gift too? Like a nice and yee-haw belt buckle?
Look man, I am but a sheriff enjoyer, he needs love too!!!
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Cuddle the cowboy.
I'll get around the belt gift once I get more time, have this on the meanwhile :>
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yippie-ki-yay · 2 years
i just found you and hurblurgh. brainrot is strong. anyway i was wondering if a heem heem sheriff with a (soon to be bestie) bodyguard who protecs him from hank? not in the sense that they actively kill ppl for him more in the sense that they escort him around but he kina likes em
Sheriff/Bodyguard!Reader (Platonic)
Ayo first ask-
Anyways, I hope you enjoy! This is my first time writing for Sheriff but I have read a couple things for him so I think I kinda understand how to write for him?? I also tried to make this longer than the first headcanon post since it was only for one character
Considering the fact that Nevada’s most wanted is gunning after him, it only made sense for Sheriff to get a bodyguard. It wasn’t that he was incompetent per se, but violence wasn’t exactly his strong suit.
He wanted someone with experience but not too imposing. It was one thing to be able to kill someone, just about anyone nowadays could do that, but for someone as important as he was not just anyone would do. 
After looking over what mercenaries were for hire, he decides on which one would be the best pick to be by his side - you. 
The job wasn’t anything new to you, but normally these sorts of things had an expiration date. Even if this one sort of did as well (i.e, Sheriff died), it was going to take a little convincing for you to take it on. 
After hashing out the details and writing up a contract, you were all set to join the team. And boy what an experience it was… 
You’d never had a client quite like this guy. There were a lot of odd people out in Nevada but someone in a full cowboy getup? That was a new one. Even so, he’s as nice as bosses come. 
Working for Sheriff isn’t too hard, considering that you’re spending most of your time with him. You have to deal with the occasional aggressor that decides to target him but other than that it’s been the easiest money you’ve ever made. 
Spending so much time with the guy has led you to get to know him a little better as well. Normally these sorts of jobs were requested by people who weren’t too talkative, they didn’t really like to get even slightly personal with who they hired, but Sheriff wasn’t exactly the typical client. 
It probably wouldn’t take long for some semblance of friendship to form between you two. He’s not as serious as other people out here, which can get a little annoying from time to time, but it can also be kind of refreshing. It’s a nice change of pace. 
Of course, you don’t let this get in the way of the job. When shit goes down there’s no joviality - you do what you need to do in order to get him out of there alive. Even if it means putting yourself in the way of any oncoming danger. 
The first time you got hurt (especially if this was after your arrangement became a little more personal) he’d feel pretty guilty. Sure, he’s grateful that he wasn’t the one who was hit, but seeing you with grit teeth and blood staining your clothes leaves a bad taste in his mouth. 
Insists on helping you out. Even if his hands are shaking a little from the nerves he’ll at least clean out the wound for you.
However, what’s really worrying is your first run-in with Hank. It’s bound to happen eventually but really any time is too soon.
While any threats to his life make him a little skittish, this is one of the few times where he’s actively scared. It’s in his eyes - Sheriff tries to come off as a capable, fearless leader, and the former would be true, but it’s rare to see him as panicked as he is. 
Of course, he was more than in his right to feel that fear, but the way he drags you through the hallways and past the others that work under him makes it a little hard to do your job. 
The door is slammed behind you once you’re both inside, Sheriff rounding his desk and trying to punch in a code to access the panic room (yes, he’s had one of those installed. How did he fit it in the building? Don’t ask me-) and leave you to stand guard. 
Somehow the silence was even worse than the sounds of bloodshed and the screams of your coworkers. You kept an ear out for any signs of life on the other side of that door but nothing came. 
Well, not until the door was kicked in and you were met with the sight of those haunting red goggles. 
Honestly you expected to die right then and there, even if you fought there was little chance that you’d be making it out of this one alive. You weren’t going to go down easy, though, that’s for sure. 
A fight breaks out between you and the monster of a man, and somehow you’re able to hold your own for a little while. It’s all to buy more time for Sheriff to get the fuck out of there. 
When you end up on your ass with death staring you in the face, the quiet hiss of the door sliding open behind you did bring you some relief. At least someone would be making it out of this one alive. 
However, the gunshot that rings out from behind you comes as a surprise. You’re pretty sure that Hank’s a little taken aback by that bold move as well if the way he pauses means anything. 
“G-get away from ‘em you… y-you…” That bravery was gone just about as quick as it had come, the true weight of his actions now hitting him. He’d gotten Hank’s attention off you, sure, but now all eyes were on him. 
The distraction did give you enough time to scramble back up and make a run for the safe room, dragging your boss behind you and slamming a hand on the button beside the blast door. 
Leaning against the wall, you looked at Sheriff (who’d slid down the wall opposite to you, still a little shaky, but he was smiling. Yeah, you’d probably never stop hearing about this moment…) and he locked eyes with you. Smirking, he removed his hat and placed it in his lap. 
“Heh, knew I kept you around for a reason…”
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headlessjest · 9 months
PLEASE draw quartermaster bert or sheriff kith.... i lvoe them both so so much..... thank yu for reading this ask
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Why not both lol. (Also, I love you for asking for Q-Bert. He’s such a underrated character and funny Australian man.)
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a place to send your [redacted] thought of MadCom characters...or simply, normal thoughts. i don't care, i prefer the second
inspired by @/decaydanceredacted
it's the wild west in here but just cause i post it doesn't mean i support it
unless your post is seriously repulsive it's most likely gonna end up posted
everything is completely anonymous, please only use anon thank you (if not I am not posting it, unless it's a picture then I'll quote what you said)
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kingfranpetty · 2 years
Hello again! I really enjoyed your post and hope you don't mind another request!
This request is also related to the Sheriff. A reader very similar to him and working as his bodyguard! To be honest, I think the reader often changed or borrowed clothes from the Sheriff! I just want to see how the main trio will react to the appearance of two sheriffs and death at the hands of one of them (just imagine how the reader snidely praises the sheriff for a good shot)
This will be short
There was two people who looked very much alike, The Sheriff and The Reader. The Reader was The Sheriff's bodyguard. They two were very happy with this and went everywhere together. They even wore each other's clothes and would confuse everyone around them by looking so similar. One day, Hank J Wimbleton and his friends, Sanford and Deimos, came along to kill The Sheriff again. (Don't ask how it was again.) They came upon The Sheriff and The Reader and were immediately baffled. Hank grumbled loud enough to be understood by everyone, "Two Sheriffs?! I killed that fucker and now there's two of them!?! Sanford, Deimos, is this a prank?!" Deimos replied quickly, "No, we just as surprised as you are, Bro." Then Hank got shot because he was standing around talking while a guy with a gun was in point blank range. Just as soon as it happened, Sanford and Deimos had picked Hank up and were running off to heal him from the gunshot. They yelled, "FUCK FUCK NOT AGAIN!!" as they ran off. The Reader complimented, "Good shot." The Sheriff looked away and blushed to himself as he readied himself to speak. He breathed out, "Well I am a Sheriff." 
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warcriminalcommie · 2 years
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Somewhere In... Deez N—
'Sup. My name is Ay, I'm just your local (cringe as fuck) idiot on her i d i o t i c writing account. I honestly am still pretty weirded out about posting shit on Tumblr, specifically writing, but still. I gotta get used to it SOMEHOW.
Basically what I currently write is Madness Combat X Reader. I might consider Roblox X Reader later but I'm trying my best with my motivation right now.
And to the people who are from my Wattpad, pretend my update schedule history thing is actually existing and that I am a very competent writer that writes very frequently.
So uh. Here are the request rules, I suppose?
Very epik, go ahead. (I will do this.)
Platonic Character/Reader + Child!Reader/Child!Character. (It will be marked with a "+" or "&" instead of an "X". If not, then I forgot to mark it as such.)
Slightly suggestive stuff.
Violence and bloody stuff. (Kind of obvious since it's Madness Combat.)
Yanderes. (nO— I won't be romanticizing the yandere actions. All yandere relationships are abusive and unhealthy, y'know.)
Alphabets. (Fluff alphabet, SFW alphabet, Angst alphabet, etc... but of course not the NSFW alphabet.)
Boi what the hell boi. (I won't do this.)
Pedophilia. (Romantic/Sexual stuff with a Child!Reader/Child!Character. Like what the fuck?)
Rape. (Pro-Shippers when.)
Incest. (Pro-Shippers when. - Part 2.)
Male!Reader. (I have no idea on how to write a Male!Reader lol.)
Gender-Bent Characters. (Because their personalities will be really weird to work with. Just thinking about a gender-bent Deimos or something makes my head hurt.)
Oh, and the characters I'll write for. Right.
Deimos (The Deimos simps are wild bro. They're almost as wild as the Auditor and Phobos simps IF NOT EVEN WORSE— (And that's coming from someone who's favorite is Deimos.)).
Hot Dog Vendor (The most important character.).
Happy Hank.
I'll be writing one-shots, head-canons, and alphabets. B)
I'm also afraid I won't be able to write anything LGBTQ+ because I absolutely suck at representing groups that I am not from and I really do not wish to screw up the representation (Unless you like - Want a demisexual or maybe someone on the asexual spectrum. That's all I can provide.). My apologies.
And that's all, for now.
EDIT: Some characters have been removed due to my lack of knowledge on them, for those who have requested them I'll still try to push the requests out but I'll no longer be taking requests for any character not listed here.
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writersmilex · 2 years
In Between. P3
Sheriff X Reader Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Prequel
Summary: Sanford and Deimos catch (Y/n) in the act and they're in trouble now... It’s about time I put a cap on this story, left undisclosed for so long is not good at all, no.
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(Art by  zinkzznome on Twitter) 
"How is the mission?" 2Bdamned's voice calls in through Sanford's radio. Sanford takes the radio out and extends the antenna to respond. "Erm, we may have found out what (Y/n) has been doing behind our backs," Sanford replies, watching Deimos peer through the binoculars at the objective of their mission.
Sanford can hear Doc sigh through the radio. "These days I expect nothing but surprises... What is it?" 2Bdamned asks and Sanford rubs the back of his neck, unsure how to put the situation into words. Deimos lowers the binoculars and snatches the radio from his friend. "(Y/n) is in love with the Sheriff, and is hooking up with him," Deimos says without any hesitation. Sanford gazes at his friend and his subtlety.
"What?!" 2bdamned's tone rises in volume upon receiving the information. "It-it's true Doc," Sanford adds. He looks through the scope to see you take Sheriff by the hand and guide him to your shared bedroom.
"New plan, You two take (Y/n) with you back to the HQ and I'll send Hank to get the Sheriff. Time for some answers..." Doc cuts the radio off. Sanford can't help but feel a little guilty. You did look very happy with Sheriff... What if he and Deimos just destroyed your relationship with him. Sanford and Deimos glance at each other, and Deimos offers a reassuring grin. "No goin' back now." He says and Sanford agrees with a nod.
The back of your underlegs hit the bed and you let yourself fall on the mattress, the coils within the mattress make you bounce. You crawl up on the bed to lay a bit more comfortable, and then your lover positions himself over you. Resting his elbow over your head on the bed, his other hand placed on your hip. That seductive look in his eyes told you enough, and you weren't really feeling frisky tonight. You place your hands on his shoulders to get his attention. "Sorry babe, not really in the mood now." You say honestly. Sheriff's expression softens and lowers himself on your further. Simply laying on you, his head resting on your chest. His favourite way to cuddle you. "Ah'm really grateful for all that you planned tonight, darlin'. It was amazin'." He smiles into your shirt, his arm wrapping around your waist to keep you close to him. You raise your hand to stroke his short hair, a low growl comes from the depth of his throat as your fingers rake through his hair, that always feels good. "Me too, I always love spending time with you." You reply, staring blankly at the ceiling while your train of thought leaves the station. "you wouldn't be here if you didn't!" Sheriff jokes, his head shaking on your chest as you laugh at his silly comment.
After a moment of silent cuddling. Sheriff listening to your mesmerizing heartbeat. You can feel your eyelids getting heavy. You squirm to alert him. "Can I get up to change?" You ask, half-expecting his answer. "No, no you ain't gettin' up now." Sheriff stubbornly replies, his grip tightening on you. "Fine..." You chuckle, your arms wrapping around his back to hold him. And soon enough, you and Sheriff fall asleep together.
~~The Next Morning~~
You give Sheriff your typical goodbye kiss, hugging him close with your arms around his neck.
"see you soon, babe." You say in between kisses. It's going to be another few weeks before you can see your lover again. At least you can keep secret contact while away from each other. But calling over the phone is nothing like talking in person.
"I have this bad feeling (Y/n)..." Sheriff confesses, using your first name instead of his common pet names, you can tell it's serious. His gut feeling has been telling him that there is something going on. It makes him feel uneasy at best. "Be careful out there, lovely." He rests his hand on the side of your face to pull you into another kiss, as if it's the last one he'll ever get from you.
After parting, you give him a genuine look. Rubbing your thumb over his cheek, he leans into your touch, his expression a little solemn. He really is worried. "Everything is going to be okay Sher, you know what I'm capable of and I will protect you." You try and console him. Using the nickname that only you are allowed to use. "I love you, Sher. And I always will, no matter what keeps us apart." That makes him smile. "I love ya too (Y/n). Ah'm yours and you're mine." He rests his hand on your hand that's on his cheek.
After yet another heartful goodbye, you and Sheriff part ways. There is a mission you need to get to. You close the door of the complex behind you had turn around to view your buggy, and your heart dropped.
There, leaning against your buggy are your two friends and teammates. They look at you as if they caught you on something. You smile the best fake smile you can manage. Raising your hand and meekly waving at your teammates. "Hey, guys, what brings you here?" You greet, acting gullible. Sanford's expression turns stern, "You know why (Y/n)..." You don't like the tone of his voice. "You're caught red-handed (Y/n)!" Deimos grits out through his shark teeth. Oh boy... This doesn't look good... "Don't play dumb now, (Y/n). It's over." Sanford adds. The way he speaks makes you feel uneasy. It takes a moment to sink in. It really is over... There is no talking out of this one (Y/n). You're really in for it now. You pale upon the realization that you have been found out about your secret relationship with Sheriff. It feels like your whole world is falling apart that every moment. It's a terrible feeling and you're powerless to do anything about it. The cold judging stares of your friends are almost painful, making you shrink in your spot. Wishing you could turn back now, but you can't. Deimos and Sanford push themselves off of your buggy, Sanford waves his hand, signalling for you to come closer and get in the car. Sanford gets behind the driver's seat, starts up the engine and drives away.
"You have some nerve, thinking you could get away with something like that." Sanford scolds while keeping his sight on the road as he drives. "I can't wait to see Doc chew you out." Deimos' voice is muffled as he balances a cigarette between his lips. Lighting up with his thumb. The little flame snuffed out quickly, taking what little hope you had with it.
Your heart has dropped into your stomach, being dissolved by your stomach acid. You didn't worry much about yourself, however. It was your lover who you are more worried about. What if they're going to kill him? It would be your fault, you feel like it would. You wouldn't be able to live with yourself if something were to happen to him. You promised to protect him.
"I Cannot... BELIEVE THIS!!!" 2Bdamned roars, causing you to flinch. "You! You've been in a relationship with the Sheriff this whole time?!" Doc fumes and you pale under his flame-raging gaze. "For, how, long?" He asks with a threatening tone. You try to swallow the lump in your throat. You already know you'd get chewed out if you were ever found out. Even though it's a little amusing how Doc is acting like a father disapproving of his child's date. "w-we've been together for almost a ye-year, Doc." You respond quietly.
"Holy crap, almost a year..." Deimos gapes at you. Your two friends; Deimos and Sanford, are standing beside you, preventing you from going anywhere or doing anything. "You've had a fling with the leader of the Mercs for nearly a whole fucking year?!" Doc gets up from his chair and approaches you. Every step he takes closer to you makes you feel smaller and smaller. That comment didn't sit right with you. Your expression turns sour as 2Bdamned comes face to face with you. "It's not a 'fling' Doc. I love him and he loves me." You defend yourself. 2Bdamned is taken aback by your defence, leaning back away from your face.
Then he turns back around to look back at one of the many monitors in his office space. "I've ordered Hank to bring the Sheriff here... Alive that is..." 2Bdamned picks his words carefully, knowing that if your claims were to be true. Putting the names; Hank and Sheriff in the same sentence would cause you to panic even more. And alas, 2Bdamned turns to see you being held back by Sanford and Deimos. Each holding your arms to keep you in place, yet struggling greatly to do so. "You jerk!! You leave him alone you hear me!?" You sneer as your supposed teammate.
As if on cue, speak of the devil. The door is kicked open, revealing Hank with the Sheriff hoisted over his right shoulder. The Sheriff whimpers as he is dropped on the floor roughly. Hank glances at 2Bdamned, looking like a cat that caught a mouse of his owner. "Finally you're here. Took you long enough..." Doc complains and looks at the cowardice Sheriff, "You and your supposed 'lover' have so much to explain." he threatens. You return a threatening look, gritting your teeth at 2Bdamned before your expression completely softens as you turn to Sheriff. "Sher, are you okay?" You ask in the most gentle tone of voice you can manage for your lover. Sheriff lifts his head from the floor and looks at you, a nervous smile appearing on his face. "I'm fine, darlin'" He replies, but the way he says it doesn't ease your worries at all.
"You jackasses, I thought we were friends! You won't even let me have a glimpse of happiness, do you?!" You sneer at your supervisor. Doc remains quiet, willing to still hear your side of this troubling situation. "I should have just left when I got with him. But I felt compelled to stay and help!" Your vision becomes glossy with tears, your heart weighing heavy and overflowing with emotions. You should have been more careful, shod have kept it a secret and all of this never would have happened. "(Y/n)..." a comforting hand finds your knee, looking down you see Sheriff attempting to comfort you. Even at this moment, his life is at stake and he still thinks about you. The contact helps you calm down.
"Let go of me." You grit your teeth and pull your arm out of Deimos' grip, he doesn't fight back and merely lets you leave. Kneeling down, you help your lover up from the floor, you take turns to glare at each of your friends, not even Hank is spared from your cold stare. Clutching onto Sheriff's Jacket, you pull him to his feet. And without saying much else, you drag your lover out of the room and out of the building. Sanford was about to go after you, but 2Bdamned stops him, "Leave them, talking through to them is futile now." His comment saddens Sanford a bit, along with Deimos. The duo feel like they royally screwed up this time.
~~~~ Taking your buggy back to Sheriff's apartment, your knuckles turn pale as you grip the wheel tightly. The sheriff is giving you concerning side glances. You just left your cause for him, and he knows you're already struggling to hold it together. It pains him to see you in such mental turmoil. He reaches over and places a gentle hand on your thigh, letting you know that you're not alone and he's right there with you. This move makes you ease slightly, your grip on the stirring wheel loosening a bit. The moment you and he entered the apartment, you break down. The sheriff is quick to take hold of you and does his best to comfort you. You slowly fall onto your knees, Sheriff taking you in his arms while kneeling beside you. You wipe your tears on his jacket, It smells like leather and gunpowder. His hand rakes through your hair, a motion that has always eased your reeling thoughts. "Breathe (Y/n), Ah'm here and Ah'll never leave ya..." He mumbles into your hair, clutching you tightly to himself. Simply to remind you that he is still here, Sheriff is still here and he's not leaving. Staying together until the end of your days. It's not like you have anywhere else to go... _______________________________________ Doc: You're dating Sheriff!? Unacceptable! (Y/n): But dad! I love him! Thanks for reading. - Smilex🙂
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huntersafeplace · 2 years
This is a writing blog based on Madness Combat x Reader or Character x character
For now I (hunter) is looking to write your requests and other X reader content for all of you!
But as is with all things, we have to set some rules to keep things comfortable for readers and writers alike.
What I will write:
Gender neutral readers
Fluff & angst
Gore (some violence)
NSFW a.k.a. Smut (with kinks)
Character x Character
What I WON’T write:
Some kinks (Piss, shit, feet ect)
R@p3 (sexual assult)
I don’t usually write threesomes or stuff like that.
Underaged X mc 
Anything that makes me feel uncomfortable lol
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