#Fandom Wanks
shadow-turtle-234 · 2 years
Reminder to all parties (Lokius, S*lkis)...
Yes: both Mobius and Sylvie abused Loki during the series. And yes, biphobia and transphobia has increased in this fandom (because of this shit show). However, none of y'all are innocent.
Many S*lkis love to harp on the "wah, you biphobic misogynist! You are mad your gay ship isn't canon!" excuse on Twitter and on here, but in you all are silencing those are female and/or female presenting and/or trans women (who may or may not be bi), as well as other bi folk who found more issues with S*lki. Such as the pro-Autogynephilia messaging Disney/Marvel been pushing (there is literally no way to dance around it, it is autogynephilia. Please stop lying to yourselves - KH, SDM, MW and EM have all revealed their true colors when it comes down to trans people and their views on them. Sophia has blocked trans folk [idk if these people are for either ship] on Twitter who called her out on her transphobia and/or critiquing her and/or her character; and Kate has been outright ignoring and playing innocent to her fucking audience members) by forcing Loki with a female version of himself who is a massive sociopathic bitch, and the actual biphobia is how so many people (either Lokius or S*lki or none) called Loki's sexuality as nothing more than him being frisky til he fell in "true love" with Sylvie (yes, I have seen these horseshit takes. And it needs to stop) and the fact Kate herself said she wasn't going to continue exploring that element of Loki's identity (then again, she never did. Stop praising her for literally doing fuck all), and the incest issue as well as the IPV that Sylvie performs on Loki makes Amber Heard look like a fucking saint.
And, before anyone gets pissy, Mobius is just as bad. Being Waldy's self insert, of course (much like how Sylvie was Katie's), he treats Loki like shit and threatens him with death and tortures him repeatedly throughout the series. However, I myself still enjoy the natural and authentic chemistry between Wilson and Hiddleston, and for me, that makes this ship a little more enjoyable than the former. But, I know just how toxic the Lokius fandom is on Twitter (I mean, Twitter in general is a toxic cest pool owned by Elon Musk now. Are we really surprised?) and they need to learn just to block and ignoring and to not engage in sending threats. If you are by any chance a Lokius shipper who has/planned to send threats - piss off into Hell, rn.
Hell - BOTH parties need to realize that they need to learn just to block and ignore. NOT SEND THREATS (Or you can piss off into hell). This is the problem that both parties are guilty of: sending threats and/or KYS messages to anyone regardless of their shipping stance; hell, even valid criticisms about the show and people who've made them- yeah, they've gotten threats as well. I have seen a few mutals of mine repeatedly be sent death threat after death threat, for posting their opinions ON THEIR BLOG. And it needs to stop.
Also, do not send me death threats for the tags or for the fact that I made this post. Y'all never cared for tagging appropriately (yes - both parties). And the tags aren't for positive only posts.
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azure-arsonist · 2 months
Our fandom forbearers did NOT suffer through Anne Rice, strikethrough, and other bullshit for fucking ACOTAR and Harry Potter fans to fucking ruin it for all of us by selling fanfiction. I am not losing novel length yaoi epics because some of you don't know how to act in fannish spaces and yes I do blame the booktokification of fanfic but I also blame those of you that treat fandom like content to consume and not a community to engage with.
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the-bar-sinister · 11 months
Look, I'm going to be honest, I don't care whether people feeding other fans' fanfiction into AI is "legal" or "illegal".
What it is, is rude, entitled, and disrespectful of your fellow fans.
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commander-krios · 6 months
I didn’t want to make this post but I really need to.
I have been part of different fandoms for nearly 15 years. I’m in my mid-30s. I have been here on tumblr for over 10 of those years. And no matter what fandom I’m in, there are always those people that makes things weird or toxic for others.
There are the people who insult or belittle people on their faves, in their art or writing, on how they interact with choices in a game.
There are the people who cross the line when it comes to devs or voice actors, etc and makes things creepy or sexual or push boundaries of these people.
There are the people who gate keep characters. Who claim that no one can romance their fave because they claim them. That anyone who does is making their character cheat and they will harass you as if we’re talking about real life.
There are the people who criticize everything about a piece of media to find the “problematic” things only to be able to show you why you’re a terrible person to like it.
YOU are the reason fandom is dying. YOU are the reason why people don’t want to share their art or their fic or their gifsets. YOU are why we lose these amazing people because no one wants to hear how much you hate the thing they love.
There was a lot of “don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything” when I was growing up but the internet has made you lose all kindness or respect for other people in fandom. It’s disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
When people stop making fic and art and gifs, you can thank yourselves for that. Because people can only take so much abuse before they give up entirely.
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shieldofiron · 10 months
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What if I actually get this tattooed on my body
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doctortwhohiddles · 8 months
Friendly reminder that no celebrity has to stay single just so his fans can keep fantasizing about him. That celebrities do not need their "fans" approval when chosing a partner. That self-insert Mary-Sue fan fics are just that, fiction. Most actors will end up with an another actor, not a barrista or a librairian.
Unless your under 16, being sad and hurt that a stranger got married is not a normal reaction. And throwing insults, making up lies and harassing people over it is even worse.
Being a fan of someone does not give you a say in their personal life. Ever. Celebrities are not your friends, they're not family, they are strangers. Stop acting like they owe you something. They don't.
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qprstobin · 1 year
The fact people act like Steve wouldn't notice if a guy/Eddie was flirting with him at all, when part of the hilarity behind the big boy flirtation scene is that Steve CLEARLY knows something about the comment is off lol. That's why he looks so baffled. Steve can be oblivious about other things but come on Casanova over there is going to notice when someone is flirting with him even if it is a guy
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solisaureus · 1 year
look this is gonna be a hard to swallow pill for the pjo fandom,
but the sun and the star is coming out at a really important time in the USA -- homophobia is on the rise, books like this are being restricted, and policies are being debated and passed to exterminate queer and trans people from the public sphere. having a positive example of a queer relationship in fiction, especially as part of a mega-popular middle grade series, is going to be important to a lot of the queer 10-14 year olds that make up this book's main demographic.
i have never, ever seen a percy jackson book have such a negative reception online. and it's just a coincidence that this is the first queer-focused installment of the series?
people are seeing the extent of the hate and thinking they shouldn't bother reading tsats at all, that they have already heard enough from people who hate the book. I have had people reblog my positive posts and say "maybe i'll give this book a chance, this is the first nice post i've seen about it." that's really fucking sad yall.
maybe tsats wasn't what you expected, maybe it contradicted your headcanons, maybe you prefer ships other than solangelo. you don't have to like tsats. but the amount of vocal hate for it is ridiculous. other pjo books do not get this kind of hate -- picking apart and complaining about every tiny little detail, ridiculing the writing style of both authors, mocking the attempts at sincerity, even sometimes mocking people who did like the book.
i have never seen this harsh of a response before (and i'm old -- I've been a percy jackson reader since the lightning thief came out in 2005) and especially not from such large portions of the fandom to the point where people who haven't read it are feeling discouraged from doing so.
Please look at the big picture. your opinions don't exist in a vacuum. maybe this is a hot take, but at some point the hate is indistinguishable from how homophobes talk about queer fiction. i'm just saying there are better things to turn your anger towards, and if you hated this book so much just do what the rest of us do and write fucking fanfiction to make yourself feel better. fucks sake
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sporkberries · 9 months
Im sooo fucking tired of people disrespecting comics im soooo tired oh my goddd. “Its hard to get into comics dont even try” oh okay you can read a 300k word fanfic on ao3 but you cant read a fucking picture book? Are you serious?
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clownfessionsofficial · 4 months
"DNI if you ship ILLEGAL ships!!!!!"
Tell me you suck cop dick without telling me you suck cop dick
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adaav · 3 months
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They had 15 years that no show this generation will ever have. And they just waisted it on brother bonding 😔.
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the-bar-sinister · 11 months
"but they might have broken the law!!"
Are you forgetting the "do crime" in "be gay, do crime" again today?
👉 "failed to fully comply with the law" does not mean "did something harmful or evil".
👉 "fully complied with the law" does not mean "acted with compassion, justice, or mercy."
Don't fall back on legalism when you're evaluating the goodness or badness of a person, idea, or organization.
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adhdprincess · 6 days
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Not gonna put this person on blast by reblogging, but I need to rant here:
a) People are mad because this behavior is why fandoms basically die a few months after the content releases.
b) Fandoms weren't like this before. People used to be way more supportive of new fandom members(there were toxicity problems also, like constant unsolicited concrit, but I digress). When people only give the BNFs a chance, we lose the heart of the fandom.
c) Hits to kudos ratios are useless indicators of quality. There are too many factors that change the ratio. Smut, multichapter, rare pair, oc, reader insert, size and activity of fandom. Kudos ratios always drop over longer periods of time, especially on multi-chapter fics, because whenever people come back for updates they'll leave another hit but can't kudos again if they already have.
One more point lol: d) I've sorted by kudos/bookmarks before, but I've never made posts about "digging through trash to find gems" or "only reading fics with a 1:10 ratio" like I've seen multiple posts about.
tl;dr: Fic writers don't feel entitled to readers. We want healthy fandom ecosystems. No one's venting as a personal dig to readers. (unless the readers publically post sub-par opinions of course 😊)
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Big yikes.
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qprstobin · 10 months
Controversial opinion but unless Steve and Eddie were friends prior to season 4, he's not going to be like spending all of his time at his bedside in the hospital 😭 if he's going to be that overprotective and not leave the hospital it's bc he is sleeping on the floor next to Max's bed, he's the one who thought she was gone too long! She gave him a letter! He's been looking out for her since S2! Like I'm sorry but a whirlwind infatuation is not going to take precedence over one of his kids/surrogate siblings???
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exhuastedpigeon · 23 days
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mariaalenkoshepard · 8 months
I wish people would stop fucking writing Aziraphale as self-conscious of his body. He can CHOOSE WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE. He looks like that BECAUSE HE WANTS TO
Oh sorry I forgot, he's chubby so he must hate his body 🙄
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