tartppola · 22 days
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this is so stupid but this sequence of images were the reason i had the energy to get up from bed this morning
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livwritesstuff · 2 months
Hazel posts a tiktok that starts with a view of Steve folding laundry.
Hazel: Pop
Steve, looking warily at the camera: What?
Hazel: If you and Dad got divorced–
Steve: Oh, come on, Haze.
Hazel: No-no-no-no, just hear me out.
Hazel: If you and Dad got divorced, how long would it take for me and Moe and Robbie to Parent Trap you back together.
Steve: *very long pause as he clearly considers the question*
Steve: Why did we get divorced?
Hazel: A dumb reason, like in the movie.
Steve: So how long has it been since we last saw each other?
Hazel: Well...no. It's not a shot-for-shot remake of the movie. You'd probably be, like, co-parenting or whatever.
Steve: How long have we been divorced?
Hazel: A long time. Since I was a baby.
Steve: *another pause*
Steve: Yeah, that...makes sense.
Hazel: Okay, don't be rude.
Steve: Who’s dating someone else?
Hazel: What?
Steve: The dad in the movie is dating someone else. So which one of us is the one dating somebody?
Hazel: Oh. I don’t know.
Steve: I bet it’d be your dad. You know what – you wouldn’t need to Parent Trap us because I’d already be trying to get back together with him on my own out of spite.
Hazel: Oh-kay we might need a part 2.
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beom9yus · 9 months
ours. - sookai x reader
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:sookai x afab!reader
:threesome, size kink maybe, all of them are virgins lol, loss of virginity, possessive!sookai if you squint.., creampie, oral/sookai receiving, reader is perverted and horny always
word count: 10k…
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Winter break was here and almost all of the group had gone home with their families. Except you. And soobin and kai. It was a coincidence, really, soobin’s parents had a winter vacation planned so soobin had to stay here. Kai was free to go and decided to stay with soobin because he didn't want him to spend the break alone. You stayed because you frequently see your family anyways, staying for break was normal for you.
 You walk through the snow begrudgingly, it was really hard to do around this time and apparently there was going to be a blizzard so bad that it would make the snow get really tall. You don't believe it. 
As you finally set foot in the building hallway you look at the time and realize because of the snow it took you 30 minutes to get to this building rather than the usual 15. Okay, maybe there is a blizzard coming..but if it was coming you wanted to spend it with your close friends rather than alone. You finally enter the hall and take out the spare key the boys gave you after getting so close with them since summer started. You unlock the door and enter the shared apartment, realizing that neither of the two boys were home. I hope they're okay.. 
As you grab your phone from your parka pocket you realize that soobin texted you about 10 minutes ago that he and kai went out to get snacks for the game night. 
You: Okay :) be safe, both of you. it's really rough outside…
cute bunny bestie🐰: don't worry our little y/nie, we’ll be home in about an hour, kai says not to die of lack of penguin cuteness while he’s out 🐧
cute bunny bestie🐰: btw we left the heater on, keep it on so that when we get there it’s still warm hehe
You giggle as you text back. 
I think I'm starting to blackout…help! And yeah ok i'll leave it on.
You put your phone away to finally take off your shoes and parka. What are you going to do for an hour? You decide to head to soobin and kai’s room to play some games on either of their PCs. As you enter you laugh at the fact that they took out kai’s bed to add in his pc setup because it wouldn't fit with the bed in the room. and the fact that because of that they sleep together now, although their beds were huge so you understand why they decided on that. You did ‘eeny meeny miny moe’ with your finger to choose which pc to use. Your finger landed on soobin’s, so you went ahead and turned it on. Both of them let you use their computers on a regular basis. although for some reason they won't let you go anywhere else but the game you're going to play, and weirdly enough, the search engine, which is actually the reason you’d thought they wouldn't let you use it. They're weird. As you look through the apps to see what game you feel like playing, a messaging application that everyone has these days both on their phones and computers pops up. You choose to ignore it and make it smaller to the taskbar. As you continue looking, you realize there's an orange flashing from the app on the taskbar and as you click it to exit out, you quickly glance over the messages, not wanting to invade soobin’s privacy, but just wanted a sneak peak. You only made it to the first message because that's when you see your name. And it's from kai…curiosity got the best of you and you read the preview, not daring to open it, because this was invading enough as is.
kaimalhue: you really think y/n would be up for it?
You check the time, it was from yesterday, around the time you were also here hanging out with both of them..what were they texting each other while you were here? Up for what? Game night?? You had already agreed to this a long time ago…weird. You decide to brush it off and exit out before they come back and see you snooping through the app. You decide on a game and play it for a while until you're bored and shut down his pc. You get up and stretch and decide you're going to shower. Even though the heater was on, you wanted to be even more warm, and you're too scared to move the settings on it. So what better way of getting warmer than taking a hot shower? You have clothes put away in yeonjun’s room from the sleepovers they would always invite you to, although they're mostly night shorts and tank tops, you're sure you'll be alright though, since the heater will keep being on. 
As you finish up your shower, you get out of the restroom and you see that soobin and kai had gotten home. You don't miss the way they stare at you for a little too long. “Hey guys?” you say as you wave your hand in front of your face. They quickly look away and cough. It’s weird, this has been happening more often, and even though you do the same to them, when you see either soobin or kai looking too good, and you can’t help but to stare, you're sure they're being this way for a completely different reason. Right..?
You get on your tippy toes while against the high ass counter built for giants like them. As you ruffle through the shopping bags to see what they bought, you see candles. You miss the way kai smiles looking at your figure extending, and the way soobin’s mouth opens a bit, looking at your legs stretching as you struggle to look over the bags.
“You guys bought candles? What for?” soobin answers you first, “well they said that there’s a high chance of a blizzard coming in so-” kai interjects, “mm yeah right, if there's a chance of a blizzard and it happens, the power might go out so it’s better to be safe.” you nod at their reasoning. “Hey, don't you think it's weird how we haven't heard of the blizzard on any kind of news, or like, social media?” you ask. 
They both look at each other as they realize you're right. You frown, “wait, did you guys just think of buying candles since you heard of it coming or-?” Kai looks at you confused and says, “no, beomgyu told us to stock up on candles…” You look back at him and start spilling, “wait, the only person i've heard talk about the blizzard, and getting info about it, is you guys and beom…gyu…” your face turns into a shocked one once you realize what’s happened. 
sookai look at each other as they realize they've been fooled. You start giggling and then laughing hard. “So….when you said ‘they said’ you…were…talking… about beomgyu!” you clutch your stomach as you realize they had just bought more than a dozen candles for nothing. “Damn it beomgyu!” soobin curses as he touches his forehead with his large hand and places it in a fist on the table. Just about you were to laugh at kai’s face staring into nothing, annoyed that beomgyu tricked them into buying useless candles, you hear a harsh gust of wind hit the living room window. You quickly turn around and realize there's a lot more snow than there was before, you start to see it almost reaches about 11 inches on the outside doors. Maybe beomgyu was right…
Two hours later and there's a blizzard. Fucking beomgyu. You guys turned on the tv and everyone is saying it came out of nowhere. They're starting to give warnings of power outages. You just hope it doesn't hit you guys. 
Four hours later and it's starting to get dark. You were sitting on the couch watching a movie while kai sat asleep on the other one. while watching the heroin about to get attacked, suddenly, the power is out. 
You hear soobin yell a quick no from his shared room with kai, he was probably in a game. You giggle a little at imagining soobin being pissed. You then turn to look at kai who fell asleep midway through the movie on the other couch. He was so cute.
You quickly forgot about the power that literally just went out, and you started to look at everything about him. His pretty face, large hands…and your eyes started to focus on his lips and nose. His lips were so cute and plump and his nose was so so so pretty, you start to wonder what it’d be like with his face between your legs with his nose hitting your clit as he greedily ate you out..as your thoughts raced, you felt your breathing getting more shallow as your chest moved quickly from your light breaths. It’s not like he even did anything to you to get this hot and bothered, you’re just that perverted, getting horny just from looking at him.
Soobin came out of the room and asked if you were okay. nervous, you sit up straight with your hands on your knees and ask him why he asked. You suddenly feel really small seeing him look down at you, looking so…big. You unconsciously rubbed your thighs together. “Well..the power did just go out…” he tells you. 
You realize that's what he was talking about. Of course it is. Duh. “Y-yeah i'm fine i-” you turn to see kai getting up slowly, rubbing his eyes. “The movie’s done? ‘M sorry i fell asleep,” he says still a little sleepy. You tell him that the movie didn’t end because the power went out. He got up quickly and looked around, “wait, the power’s out everywhere?” you take out your phone to see if you still had service. Nope. 
You look up at him, “yeah kai, it seems it's out everywhere.” Soobin sighed, “it's only 7, what are we going to do for the rest of the time, we usually don't sleep until, like, 2 am.” you nod, knowing that your fucked up sleep schedules are now going to haunt you. 
“Hey, let's start putting out the candles, yeah?” you ask them. They let out little hums of approval as they get the candles out and start carefully setting them up around the rooms. Well that only took 15 minutes of your time. 
You guys sit down, kai on your left while soobin sat on your right. kai still making a little space between you as he always did and you wish he’d just get close to you. But you’re also too shy to do the same. You realize how cold it is now without the heater, and you start shaking a bit. Soobin looks at you and asks if you want one of his sweaters. You look at him and say “yes, please” with big round doe eyes. 
soobin’s breath hitched at the sight of you looking at him almost in a begging way, the way your eyes shine from the candles and the pink fluttering of blush on your nose and cheeks because of the cold. He finally realizes how long he's been staring at you as he feels kai pinch him where his arm extended onto soobin. 
He clears his throat and tells you he’ll be right back. You tell him thanks, and do the first most brave thing ever in your life. You snuggle yourself onto kai, chasing his warmth. Kai stills, nervous that if he moves you’ll see the effect you have on him. “Kai,” you say. “Yes?” “When soobin gets here, wanna play a game?” you giggle. He smiles, he would do anything you asked him to, especially if it included giving anything to you. “Yeah,” he says. You guys stare at each other for a moment before you almost move to kiss him, hearing soobin’s footsteps enter the room, you realize what you were about to do. It’s not like you actually moved to kiss him yet, but just the way you had that thought had you blushing deep. 
You look at soobin as he says, “I tried to find the smallest one I have, it fits me kind of small, so you should be good to go” you grab the white sweater as you put it on. Too big still…the arms of the sweater go past your hands and the length stops almost at your knees. yeah, maybe you should’ve just stolen something from taehyun or beomgyu. “Thanks soobin,” is all you can say as you smile, because you feel really cute cause of how it fits you. 
“Y-yeah..no problem..” Suddenly you feel like the atmosphere has changed. Why’s it suddenly awkward? Both of them avoid looking at you, and you look down, thinking, maybe a game will bring this back to normal? You did tell kai you wanted to play one. “Guys, let's play truth or dare, since we can’t play any actual games.” Kai laughs his usual laugh, “I haven’t played truth or dare since middle school!” You smile at him, “well get ready to play it once again at your big 21 years of age.” Both of the boys laugh at that. 
“Okay guys sit on the ground! It’s better than the couch.” Soobin frowns, “How’s it better than the couch when the couch is more comfortable?” You roll your eyes. “Dumb bunny, we can’t face each other in a circle on the couch” you say as you cross your arms and shake your head. Soobin tries to not let the nickname affect him, but he can feel the twitch in his pants. 
“She’s got a point soobin..”
As the three of you guys get in a circle you start playing the game. It starts out lighthearted as you dare soobin to eat a piece of wax from the candles and ask kai to be truthful about which plushie is actually his favorite, as he confesses it’s his big fat molang plushie, one that you bought him. Soobin dares you to enter taehyun’s room and move something because he knows he hates when people are in his room. Scared, you go and come back. Hopefully taehyun doesn’t notice…the game goes on and you guys dare and ask dumb shit until soobin states, “I’m bored, these are too simple, can we dare and ask for a little more…i don’t know, like, heavy things?” You and kai look at eachother and just nod in agreement. “Okay,” you say. “Kai, you go first.”
“Um…y/n, h-have you ever made out with someone?” he looks away with a blush as if it was the dirtiest thing he’d ever asked. You can’t help but giggle loudly and he looks a little embarrassed, “yeah kai, I have, I’m not some prude you know.” He just nods in embarrassment. It’s soobin’s turn as he thinks of what to dare or ask. “Hm…kai! I dare you to kiss y/n on the cheek.” You shyly smile and look at him, “it’s okay kai, you don’t have to.” “Yes he does! It’s truth or dare not truth or maybe do the dare!” Soobin exclaims with a pout on his lips.
 “It’s okay, I’ll do it,” your breath stills as he reaches over and gives you a peck on the cheek, quickly going back to his place and looking to the side, hand covering his cheeks. So cute. You hadn’t realized you said this out loud as kai gets more red and soobin smirks. To turn the attention away from him, kai, still looking away, tells you it’s your turn with a soft voice. You nod as you glare at soobin. “Soobin!” You point at him, “I’ll give you such an embarrassing truth that when you hear it, and realize you have to answer it, you’ll want to die.” He just chuckles as he tells you to go on, thinking you’ll ask something lame like kai did. 
“When was your first time?”
He chokes. His mouth goes dry as he looks around the room and shuffles in his place, okay maybe you were going to embarrass him to the point where he’ll want to die. “Well…” he looks up and see both you and kai staring straight into his soul. “I haven’t…actually…done..it…” he whispers. Both he and Kai miss the way your legs move a bit, and you feel yourself clench around nothing, starting to feel turned on. Soobin’s actually a virgin? You try to act normal, like the thought of taking each other's virginity wasn’t in your mind.
He looks up and sees you nodding saying “mm okay,” trying to act as normal as possible. But when he sees kai trying to stifle a laugh, that ticks soobin off. “Kai you have no room to laugh when you’re a virgin too!” Kai looks surprised and quickly looks at you for a point of a second before looking away, looking shocked and opening his mouth, being tomato red now. Before he can retort something back in his defense, soobin says, “well it’s my turn now. Kai. When was the first time you masturbated?” He smirked. He knew this information, he just wanted to see kai get even more embarrassed than he was currently. 
You look over at kai, waiting for him to answer. “I…this...summer…” Soobin places his hand behind one of this ears. “What? You gotta speak up kai we can’t hear you.” Kai keeps his eyes on the ground as he says louder, “I masturbated for the first time this summer!” All of you are quiet. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Why’s this making you so hot and bothered? For some reason it makes you want them even more, you want to learn everything with them.
You chew on your bottom lip as soobin tells you it’s your turn. You don’t want to embarrass kai even further though, so you ask soobin a question again. You realize at this point it’s not truth or dare, it’s just you guys asking embarrassing questions to each other. You should be given a Medal of Honor as you do the second bravest thing ever, you ask, “Soobin, you probably jerk off too, what do you think of?” Soobin just swallows hard as he feels his dick start to rise, of course, he thinks about you. But he can’t say that. Right? “Uh.., ah, this one girl, she’s really cute.” Your heart drops. Of course, you don’t even know why you asked, as if he was going to say your name. You try to seem unfazed as you smile, “you gotta show me her one day.” “Yeah.” It’s kai’s turn to ask. 
“y/n, are you also a virgin?” you blush wildly as you slowly start shaking your head and looking at the floor, almost mirroring kai’s earlier movements. “m, I am..” you don’t dare look up. The blood that was once in soobin and kai’s cheeks went straight to their dicks. Kai started imaging you on the bed, his dick in his hand as he was getting ready to enter you. He quickly snapped out of it as he saw soobin get up. Soobin gives Kai a knowing look and smirk before composing himself and talking.
“my ass is getting tired, and so am I,” he looks over at the clock. 9:30 pm. “i think i'm heading to bed, even though it’s not 2 am. I'm pretty sleepy now.” You look at him “actually me too, I think im going to sleep in yeonjun’s room, goodnight guys.” 
“im going to shower…” kai says. You stare wide eyed at him “what?? kai there’s no power, which means there’s no gas, so you’re going to take a really really really cold shower. What if you get sick?” A really cold shower is what kai needed right now, he feels hot from want and he doesn't know how long he can last like this. “It’s okay, I can handle it.” You worryly look up at him, “okay…” As you each get up, you don’t miss the way soobin signals kai to follow him with his head. you see kai just nod subtly before going after him. Okay…
You enter yeonjun’s room and you take off your bra as you look at his body mirror, seeing how small you look in soobin’s huge sweater. you decide to be a creep and smell it. it smells like both of them, they probably share it. Smells so good. ‘M such a fucking weirdo, you think. You give yourself one last look and smile as you head back to the bed to try to sleep. after thirty minutes you realize you can’t. Your body is too used to the 2 am sleep time. 
As you exit his room you hear Kai quickly open the bathroom door at the end of the hall and he walks quickly so you bump into him. He just got out of the shower with his hair still wet and a tight white shirt on and pajama pants. He’s shaking. “kai! you’re shaking so much! I know you just wanted to get clean but you’ll probably get sick now..” you pout at him. You put your hands on his cheeks unconsciously and he leans into it, closing and fluttering his eyes. He can’t resist your stare as he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. As he finally opens his eyes he says, “I know…y/n..can…can you stay with us in our bed..?” 
You look at him confused. He starts rambling “wellit’sjustthatit’sreallycoldandit’llbewarmerifwesticktogetheryouknow.”
 You giggle at his fast words. “Ok, but only if soobin is okay with it.” “He is.” You stare back at him, “He is?” He realizes what he said and tells you that of course he would be because you’re their best friend. You unconvincingly nod your head. hm. As you both enter their shared room, you realize soobin isn’t asleep yet either. He’s sitting on his headboard playing some game on his old ass gameboy or something. “Soobinnieeeee” you say as you go over to him. “Is it okay if I sleep with you guys? It’ll be like the sleepover our friend group always has, but just us three, hehe.”
 He looks up from his game and flashes you a beautiful smile, and his dimples come out. “Yeah, it’ll be way more warm with you. Kai and I usually sleep with a spot in the middle of the bed anyways.” You hum as you turn to look over at Kai sitting on his gaming chair, watching the conversation between you and soobin. You give him a goofy smile and a thumbs up as you make your way over to him. He cackles at your gestures. You’re way too cute for him to handle.
 “Kai, your hair is still really wet, let me dry it off for you.” You grab his towel from his shoulders and start drying as much of his hair as you can with it. Kai tries to subtly inhale your scent as he feels your warmth behind you, and, as well as your boobs being squished on his back. He plays with his fingers and nails trying to keep his composure. “I think it’s way more dry now,” you chuckle. “Oh!” He looks at your face wondering what has surprised you. “Kai, you’re really handsome with your hair all messy,” you say. He smiles and says thanks and looks away, by the time he wants to face you again you’re on the bed next to soobin, now your boobs against his arm, and he notices the way soobin glances over at them and gulps down. 
You sit in between both soobin and kai in bed as you watch them play on their consoles. You tell them goodnight, finally starting to feel sleepy thanks to how warm they are, and you lay down facing soobins waist. Soobin and kai give each other a nod and turn off their games. Soobin gets up and blows out some candles illuminating the room, leaving just a couple, enough so you guys don’t trip and fall at night. As soobin comes into bed again, he hears you ask kai if you could cuddle him, and he shyly nods his head while saying a quiet “yeah.” You put your arm around his waist and your head on his chest. “So warmmmm” you say to him. Kai just hopes you don’t open your eyes towards his bulge or move your hand closer to it. 
Soobin turns to you and asks if he could cuddle you. You turn your head to him with your doe eyes looking sleepy and half open and tell him yes. He puts his head on top of yours. You feel his broad shoulders and big hands encase you and feel his thigh on your ass. You were nervous. You wondered if kai and soobin could hear your heartbeat as you were pressed against the both of them. It takes some time before you calm down. Before you fall asleep completely, you hear soobin ask, hot breath against your ear, “our little y/n-ie, can you help us with something?” 
You quickly snap open your eyes and look up at kai, he just nervously looks down at you while biting his bottom lip, looking a little desperate. You shift and let go of him and look up at the ceiling, breathless. “With what..?” You ask. “Kai and I were wondering,” he paused, “if you could let us fuck you.” Your breath hitched noticeably. You squeezed your thighs, already feeling wetness between your legs. “Wh-what…?” You say, still breathless. 
It’s kai’s turn to speak, “p…pl…please y/n, really, really wan’ you…” he shifts closer to you and starts to drag his nose along your neck. 
“We wanted our first time to be special, of course we weren’t planning on losing our virginities in a threesome, or even together, but, it’s you we want y/n.” Soobin says, exasperated. “Only you.” He starts to play with your hair with his nimble fingers as you feel him start grinding on your hip. You always dreamt of this, but you didn’t expect for it to become a reality. You nod your head. 
“N-Need a verbal agreement my little y/n,” Soobin says as he slowly grinds against you still, eyes closed and brows furrowed in concentration. 
“Y..yes…” as soon as you said those words, you felt kai start attacking your neck and soobin’s lips against yours. The kiss was hot and messy, his lips were so soft as you brushed your tongue against his bottom one, moaning into his mouth while playing with kai’s hair the best you could. As you guys separated from the kiss, you saw the way a string of saliva followed from in between you. It was kai’s turn. Compared to soobin, he was way more gentle, and nervous, you completely turned to him and you let your hand go under his shirt, onto his stomach and his back while your other hand was on his cheek. He unsurely put his hands on your waist and you coo at how cute he is, and all he can do is whimper in response. You travel your hand up in his chest and let your thumb caress his nipple, “nghh, y/n, feels so..good.” You’ve barely done anything to him at all and he’s already a mess. You guess you are too. You feel soobin start to groan in your ear as he keeps grinding into your ass now. You let out a choked moan as you feel his dick pressing against you. Feels so big.
“y/n, ngh, want you so bad, please.” 
You nod and your lips let go of kai’s as he whines from the separation. Soobin just smirks as he instructs him to get in the middle and lifts you up in a doggy position in front of kai’s bulge. You start to whimper, seeing how big it looked even behind his pajama bottoms, wanting him to fill you up so bad. Kai looks down at you, his face looking so fucked out just from making out with you, and you feel yourself clench against nothing, feeling the way your arousal goes past the point of wetting your panties and is now getting your shorts wet. “Take off everything but the sweater.” Soobin tells you. “And leave it unzipped.”
You do as you’re told, slowly and shyly remove your tank top along with your shorts and panties. Putting the sweater back on, feeling even smaller in it now. You feel the way soobin and kai stare at you, hungry stares making you feel like a lamb caught in between two wolves. You feel too exposed. You squeeze your legs together and use the sweater to cover your boobs while zipping up the garment. You feel the bed shift and soobin appears behind you, towering over you. “No my cute y/n, show kai and I what we’ve been wanting since we saw you.” Soobin was shaking, as well as his voice, and was nervous as fuck, but he hoped you didn’t notice while he took charge of what was happening.
One of his hands separates your thighs and another unzips the zipper. He pulls down the sweater to your elbows, not enough to fall off of you but not enough to cover your body anymore. You feel the coldness of the room hit your nipples as they harden even more. Your body was on full display for both of them. Kai slowly thrusts his hips up, as if he was going to reach your cunt floating over him, groaning and biting his lips with sleepy eyes and eyebrows furrowed. You wish you could take pictures of his form. 
Soobin slowly bent you over to a doggy position again, lowering your head closer to kai’s bulge. You groan, “kai…want your dick, kai please, wanna taste it.” You swear kai was gonna cum right then and there. “Please- please, please, wanted you for so long now y/n…since I saw you.” You start to pull his bottoms down along with his boxers. His dick springs free and hits his stomach. Holy fuck, you think. He was so thick and big, such a pretty color and veiny. your mouth started watering at the sight of his head dripping precum, glob after glob going down under his head towards his shaft. 
“kai….” as you start to reach for it, soobin grabs your wrist with his hand, “wait, y/n, I think kai wants to tell you something.” Kai looks up at soobin and shakes his head no, no he doesn’t. Soobin gives him a firm look. After staring at soobin, Kai finally looks at you and starts speaking lightly, “y..y/n…t..the first…time I masturbated, it was right after we came home from dropping you off..thought bin was in the shower, an-and I couldn’t stop thinking about you…didn’t know what else to do but to touch myself for the first time…t-then..he came in and heard me whispering your name touching myself thinking of you…” all you could do was look up at him in awe.
 “kai…” soobin smirks, “although I appreciate your honesty, you know that’s not what I wanted you to tell her. tell her your perverted secret, come on. Or I won’t let her suck or fuck you.” Kai cried no as he turned red and his dick twitched, he liked this. “Y/n won’t forgive me soobin! Please..!” Soobin swung your wrists behind your back. “Tell her, or you can leave.” Is soobin really a virgin..? you thought. He seems way too good at this. Kai covers his eyes with the back of his hand as he starts talking, “y/n..the plushie you gifted me…smells so much like you..” You smile because you had sprayed it what seemed like a billion times with your signature scent so he would think of you whenever he had it with him. He continued, “so I….mmphgh..I…whenever I think of you I place it under me and grind on it..wanted..it to be you so bad..thought about stuffing my dick into your cunt every time..couldn’t help myself..m sorry..it’s all ruined now.” You felt your cunt start leaking and your arousal starting to travel down your thigh. 
As soobin lets go of your wrists, happy with kai’s confession, you grab his thighs and licked the precum from the bottom of his dick to his tip. Kai moans out so high pitched as he finally looks at you through his lashes. you tell him he’ll have to tell you what he likes since you’ve never done this before. He's never had a blowjob before, but he knows that whatever you do it’ll make him cum. 
you start to do kitten licks on his tip, feeling how heavy and smooth his dick was against your tongue. You loved it. “kai,” you say, his hot head still on your tongue, “lo- your cock, -eels o good…” he couldn’t handle the way you were saying this with your big doe eyes looking up at him with his tip on your tongue, it took everything in him not to spray on your face. You took his huge hands and placed them on your hair, “wan u to use me.” He groaned at your request and slowly pushed your head down on his length. He moaned out when he felt you gag on him, dick already hitting the back of your throat and not even all of it in. 
He started pushing your head up and down more, feeling you gag on his dick and looking up at him with big wet eyes, shining so much. As you looked for soobin, you realized he was on his gaming chair, watching you guys, he had his eye half way closed and a slightly opened mouth as he slowly palmed himself. 
Suddenly, you felt your nose hit kai’s pelvis bone and felt his dick go the furthest it’s been in your throat. You try to calm down and breath heavily through your nose as you gag around him. You look up at him again and moan. Seeing and feeling you was kai’s breaking point. “Y-y…y/n!…gunna..m…gunna..” you felt him shake a little as his mouth opened, moaning. His chest heaving up and down quickly as his eyes rolled back and started saying your name like a mantra. You felt his cum hit your throat and he pushed your head down wanting to feel you as he came. “M..shor..m..sorry..y/n…feel..s..suh…good…mmphghhh..y/n..y/n..y/n…y/n!” With one last spurt he let go of your head and started breathing heavily, blond bangs sticking to his forehead, chest deeply going up and down. You swallowed everything as you felt him bring your head close to his to kiss you. 
This time, the kiss was lazy and soft, you felt yourself grinding your bare cunt on his stomach, seeing it start to shine with slick. You were so aroused you could come right then and there. Kai liked the feeling as he looked up at you, “thank you…was so good.” You smiled back, “like it a lot, wanna do it more to you..like making you feel good..” kai felt his dick twitch, he wanted to bury himself in your cunt, but he’ll have to take a minute to calm down. 
That’s when you felt soobin get behind you again, pushing you up so you’re on your knees but with your back flushed against his chest, your back straight up. He takes off the sweater and starts caressing your boobs, and you swear one of his hands could fit both of your breasts in it, everything about him was giant. breathing in your scent on your neck, you moaned as he rolled your nipples between his thumbs. Kai still laying down, watching you guys in front of him.
“Can you be my first time y/n..?” This time he sounded shy and unsure. You nodded yes as he started giving your neck hickies, going over the ones kai had done before. 
“Want you so bad soobin.” 
He lays you down on kai. Kai starts grabbing at your breasts and plays with your nipples as soobin kisses you and starts opening your folds, touching your cunt. He slides his finger from your slit up towards your clit. You moan at how good it feels and how good his pressure is on it. He then brings his finger down to your slit, the pad of his finger entering your heat. He pumps in and out of you slowly, and you feel everything. You clench around his finger. “Need to ready you up..”
You look up at him moaning softly, “soobin are you actually a virgin..? Mm making me feel so good already..” you feel kai giggle behind you, still playing with your boobs. you see soobin blush at your question and compliment. Embarrassed, but not stopping his actions he says “I…I did my research.” you giggle and kiss him.
 “you’re good at studying then.” 
He smiles as he adds another finger into you. You put your hands on top of kai’s as you moan at the feeling. “Soobin, want you now…” you’ve been waiting for so long now. “Don’t think ur ready y/n..” frustrated, you pull him closer to you as you basically make out with his neck. “Soob…” you feel tears fall from your eyes, “soobin please, please, please my bunny, need and wan you so bad.” Soobin looks at kai,  unsure. Kai gives him a nod, which in return soobin exhales shakily. “Okay. But tell me if you want me to stop at any time, this is your first time too. Don’ wanna ruin it.”
 You quickly nodded as you bit your lip. He took off his sweater and his sweats as you saw his dick spring up. Holy fuck, just like kai’s, big, tall, and pretty. You feel a heartbeat in your cunt as you spread open your thighs, you clench around nothing as his dick twitches on its own. He crawls over to you, nervously looking back and forth into your eyes, “thank you..” He starts with his fat head on your clit, rubbing it up and down for a little, until he finally stops and travels down to your slit. You feel how hot and hard his dick is. He slowly starts to push himself in, and your eyes start releasing tears from the pain, he was so big. “Y/n we can stop,” he tells you. You shake your head no. “Soobin go…don’t care…want you in me..” as he slowly nods, he finally pushes the tip of his dick in. It takes everything in him not to rut straight into you like a dog. You feel so hot and gooey and just good. He groans and moans and whines in your ear feeling so fucking good, and you tell him to go in deeper. 
He hides his face in your neck as he lets his dick go into you more. He then places his forehead against yours, eyes staring into yours. “So good..feels so good y/n, you were made for us.” You lifted your hips up as you moaned. 
To be honest, you liked the pain, it felt good to you. You felt your eyes close and your mouth open while you felt him split you open. 10 minutes later, and he was almost entirely in you. With one final thrust, the most he could fit in you was in. He stilled while you got used to him. You felt kai shuffle behind you, feeling his dick hit the curve of your back and he groaned with every move you made. “Soobin, move, please, feels good now.” He slowly got up, sticky forehead leaving hours as he started to grab your hips and thrusted mercilessly into you, he didn’t really have a rhythm or a set pace but it didn’t matter. “Y/n, love everything about you, when….ah..when you asked who I thought about when I jerked o..off..the answer was you…think of you always…since I met you.” You moaned at his confession. 
His dick was so big you felt him everywhere you needed to. Kai’s hand had reached down to your clit, rubbing circles and different figures. It all made you feel so fucked out. Soobin thrusted especially slow and hard one time and you felt yourself come undone. 
“Mmmmmm…kaibin..kai…soobin..kai..soob..” as you felt kai’s fingers still against your clit, you felt your eyes roll back and your body shake as your hands reached out for anything, landing on kai’s arms. Soobin was still thrusting into you as you came, feeling your gooey walls clench so hard against him that he almost couldn’t move. “So glad we’re gunna be your first, only ours. Love you being my first.” As you came down from your high, you were like a rag doll. You felt kai leave your clit alone and felt his hands go back to giving your nipples attention. Your body limp, you just moaned and let soobin use you. His cute bunny mouth opened and eyebrows furrowed in concentration. That was until one of kai’s hand started rubbing on your clit again, wanting to see you cum again, while the other one pressed against the bulge imprint on your lower belly of soobin’s dick in your cunt. You whined and moaned, “kai…can’t…can’t…” kai smiled as he whined pathetically  in your ears “please..please…wanna see you come again…” you were too weak to fight back. 
soobin was barely holding on, he had to stop himself from coming three times already, not wanting this to end. He wanted to feel this good forever. Feeling that he was about to come, he asked where you wanted his load. You just groaned and wrapped your arms around his neck as he thrusted into you even more sloppily than before, “want your seed in me my bunny.” With that sentence, soobin moaned and whined and rolled his eyes back so hard that he thought they’d go around. As he thrusted into you, coming, he kept repeating, “I love you y/n, love you y/n, I love you y/n since I met you, wanted you to be mine, love you so much.” This had you whining like crazy. Once he was done and filled you up to the brim with his cum, soobin took out his dick, hissing at the over stimulation. He pushed the cum that was drooling out of your cunt back into it, as he went up to you again, he kissed you, “felt so good…” 
Kai whined as he felt his dick wet from all his precum, he wanted to bury himself in you, too. You felt his hard dick against your back and told soobin to lay down where kai was. Soobin’s mind was still hazy and brain melted, did it immediately as he looked down at you. You loved their dicks, you know after this nothing but them would be able to satisfy you, ever. 
You put yourself in the same position you were in when you were sucking off kai, this time kai behind you and soobin under you. You mewled out, “kaiiiiiiiii wan ur dick please…wanna feel so full and good again…give it to me..wanna be your first..” kai whimpered as he entered you, being able to do it so much easier thanks to soobin stretching you out. As soon as he bottomed out, he became like a wild animal. Crouching down so he could whine and moan in your ear, feeling his breaths against your face. 
“Waited for this for so long…you feel so fucking good..feels like I’m gonna come already…nghhh..only we can make you feel this way okay?..no one else. You belong to us only. Mine…mine..mine….mine. Ours.” You felt drool leave your mouth as you cried out from how good those words and his thrusts were hitting you, eyes rolling back, feeling like you were about to melt. You open your eyes and look up at soobin, seeing his dick hard again already. You take him whole in your mouth and moan against him as you feel him hiss and pull at your hair. Just like kai, you let him use you however he wanted. Kai was more sloppy than soobin, but fuck, did he hit everywhere he needed to. You felt yourself come as he started pressing on his own dick imprint on your stomach this time, “you’re so small, can see our dicks in you..such a tight little cunt..so fucking good and nice and wet for us…”
Soobin felt you moan, and thrusted up, hitting your throat and sending his cum down. He closed his eyes as he let his orgasm take over as he groaned and shook, “ah fuckkkk.” You felt some of his cum slide out from the side of your mouth as your body went limp and you laid on his thigh. You could feel kai’s dick twitch in you as he held you up, fucking you like you were just some doll. “Kai…” you whine, “all those times you rutted against that plushie, wish it was me, love your dick, feel so good my mind is going numb. love, love hyuka’s dick so much…” 
hearing a new nickname for him, from you, sent him over the edge as he started crying into your neck as he filled you up too, “nguhhh y/n…also..also luh…fuck..ilove you so much…wish I was yours forever, wanna fill you up every day now, never wanna stop.” He messily kissed your neck as he rode his high, slow thrusts going into you.
as he slid out of your cunt, he did the same as soobin, scooped up his cum and pushed it back into you with his finger. “Want this to stay.” he crashed next to you and soobin.
“I love you guys,” you say. It felt good to confess. Both soobin and kai responded at the same time, “we love you more.” You giggled at how in sync they were.
With the very last of your strength you say, “Forgot there was a blizzard happening. It’s not even cold in this room anymore. Made it so warm.” You went in between the middle of them, laying down, closing your eyes.
Kai giggled as both of them turned to you and embraced you. “Well now we know what we’re going to do to not be bored,” soobin said. You felt kai smile as he nodded, “yeah. right.”
Before completely passing out you whispered a, “thanks beomgyu weather wizard for this blizzard.”
And somewhere miles away, beomgyu sneezed.
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Poll analysis part 5
This one isn't so much related to fandom behavior. Overall, it's more about how certain characters or apparently where some people draw the line enough to have made a fuss in the comments or my inbox. I find it interesting where the standards are for some people and I mean I just drew the line at no sentient weapons or mechs
And when I say cause a fuss that would mean causing crap in the comments to messaging me asking me to ban characters or entire franchises because they're problematic for various reasons which I will get into. To flat out harassment of me for allowing these characters in my polls and the people who voted for whatever character they have a problem. It's the full spectrum of bad behavior. This is going to get weird
Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi why is she the only character people are causing crap about for being 17? I have gotten so many messages about this one character. No one gives a crap about the other underage characters apparently, but the 17 year old cat girl is too much. And again, I think I would have gotten at least one message about one of the 15-year-olds but no just the underage cat girl. I am so confused why this is the line for so many people. When I say she has been a problem, she has been in two polls and she has been the source of 7 polite messages. 12 not nice messages full on harassing messages. Calling me a disgusting pervert for even allowing her in my polls. 11 comments that had to be deleted 12 tags/Reblogs that had to be hidden. All because they said something like she's 17 you perverts. I have set a new record for the amount of people I've had to block over a single character and she's been in two polls. I didn't get this much crap over the character that looked 12.
Kikuri Hiroi from Bocchi the Rock! My original problem character because of her Moe art style she looks 12. Even though she's 28, I've resorted to just putting her age in the post to avoid the things turning into a dumpster fire after that first poll.
Uncle Iroh was a character. I did not expect to cause issues because everyone loves Uncle iroh. Apparently some people find it weird that some people find him hot. Because multiple people have made a fuss in comments or in my inbox about how it's gross or weird to find him hot because he's a grandpa. Ironically, one of the people making a fuss about iroh really has a crush on Silvers Rayleigh the irony in that is hilarious.
Toji Fushiguro I've gotten a few messages about him saying he should be banned because he's a crappy father. A terrible person and anyone who finds him attractive should seek psychiatric help. People he's a villain calm down This is Tumblr. I feel like people have forgotten Loki mania where he was considered the god of Tumblr. I think Tumblr has a thing for villains. Look at the persistence longevity of the Hannibal fandom. So please calm down people it's still not a justifiable reason to ban a character from my polls.
Dracula from Castlevania because genocide and sexism once again I'm sorry people sometimes find villains hot. I'm confused about the sexism part. I think it's because of the way he treated Carmilla, But I'm still confused because that man loved his wife
Franken Stein from Soul Eater. I've gotten a message that he should be banned because he's a groomer. I watched Soul Eater and I'm also confused about this one. If any Soul Eater fans can anyone help me? I'm again so confused about this one. If anyone from Soul Eater should be banned for bad behavior, it is not Stein
Gojo, is a little bit of a headache character for me for the thousands of comments I've seen calling him the Blue-Eyed demon seriously Tumblr what has this man done to you? How did he hurt you? He is also a character I have had people message me asking me to ban because apparently he's racist. I'm so confused.
And to build upon this, someone sent an entire list of characters that should be banned because they have blonde hair and blue eyes because if they win that reinforces white centric colonial beauty standards I should have screenshotted that message. These polls are done for stupid fun and I don't think they are going to reinforce colonialism. In fact, many of you have told me they're going to kill the British monarchy and I think that's the opposite of reinforcing colonialism. That list is too long to post in its entirety here. Remember I said this was going to be a little weird.
Someone actually messaged me saying I should not put Victor from Yuri on Ice in future polls because he is not a good representation of the lgbtq+ community
I've also received similar messages about Grell Sutcliff and Yamato for the trans community
Dungeon Meshi You think would be free of criticism because it's so loved however Laios Touden should be banned because he's blonde with blue eyes and a bad representation of people with autism. I wish I was making this up. Marcelle and Falin are not safe either because some people have it out for blondes and they are also not good representation of the LGBTQ+ community
A bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist characters should be banned including Mustang, Hawkeye, Ed, Alphonse, Armstrong, Hughes basically everyone but Scar. Because those characters perpetrate and promote genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, imperialism, the military industrial complex, colonialism, fascism, sexism, misogyny, and white supremacy. I honestly think someone missed the entire point of the show but that's just me.
Someone wants the entire Apothecary Diaries franchise banned because it's sexist, misogynistic and a poor representation of Chinese culture.
And basically any villain or abusive parent. Someone has complained about or pushed to get banned because it makes them uncomfortable. Because God forbid characters have flaws
So many One Piece characters are problematic just for being One Piece characters not for anything they've done in the story or their character arc or anything like that. It's really because I have a group of people that think I should ban the entire franchise from my polls because the one piece art style is misogynistic. Oh boy. I should have screenshotted some of the essays I received in my inbox. Some of you need to take a chill pill because if I get another essay about one piece being misogynistic because of the art style, I'm going to shame you by posting that crab publicly. Because I will admit the art style is not for everyone, but especially when it comes to the female characters. But those female characters are some of the best written you will find in all of Shonen anime. Plus if we really want to start banning anime franchises for being misogynistic, It's going to be a bloodbath. Because if One Piece is misogynistic for the art style, Naruto is misogynistic for the writing. And I could probably find something misogynistic about most Shonen anime. So again let's not even go there.
The only justifiable reason I would ever ban a character is if the fandom becomes so toxic it's no longer worth it for me to put up with the drama. Now all the blogs I have had to block have been dedicated to one of two things. Naruto or Dungeon Meshi. One of those fandoms I already refer to as my problem child fandom and the other one I hate to say is quickly becoming its twin.
So can we all just agree to calm down because if I banned everything someone had an issue with because it's sexist, misogynistic, racist, etc. There would be no characters left. So let's calm down everyone and please keep the complaints and the tantrums to a minimum. I am a fellow fan that runs this blog for fun and I'm very tired of this crap.
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sylenth-l · 1 month
hello! hunter age anon back once moe with another question!!! (sorry ig yhis gets annoying!!!)
i want to ask about Cayde's dynamic with andal!!! like, how to portray their relationship and maybe cayde's general psyche when it comes to people and forming bonds.
Not at all, I love getting questions about my guys!! (I'm just bad at answering them aksdjhflks OTL)
It's… complicated, I'm never sure how to describe characters' relationships with words. I know it sounds incredibly cheesy, but to me Andal and Cayde are two halves of a whole, one feels incomplete without the other. Even if we're talking about them being just friends, they're the type who always show up everywhere together and if for some reason they aren't, they'll be texting each other non-stop still. "We're two halves of a whole idiot" - that's literally them.
You could say that they knew and understood each other perfectly, but I feel like while it's true in general everyday scenarios, on a grander scale Andal always had an upper hand in that. He knew Cayde like the back of his hand, he trusted him and believed in him far more than Cayde ever thought of himself. Cayde however wasn't exactly that sharp when it came to serious things about which Andal avoided speaking head-on - like, Cayde couldn't understand why Andal takes his Vanguard duty so seriously. It was only after he spent years as the Hunter Vanguard himself that he started to get what Andal must've felt. I don't think it's Cayde's fault or something though - Andal most likely barely ever talked about that, and he himself didn't exactly need people talking about their feelings to understand them.
I think it's safe to say, judging by how everyone speak of him and the leadership positions he seemingly effortlessly always ended up in, that Andal just gets people, he understands them extremely well and can find a common language with just about anyone. He was the one who made "significant progress in faction accords". What kind of person you must be to make faction leaders come to an agreement, at that time especially??? Convincing, sharp and charming sounds like an understatement alksdhfkjaks
So, I think it was that quality that helped Andal almost immediately see right through all of Cayde's clowney facades. And his own kindness and honesty pretty much left Cayde totally disarmed. Andal got to know him - the real him - and loved him, thought of him as his best friend. And made damn sure Cayde was aware of that as well. That's actually so, so incredibly important - because with the way Cayde is, he constantly thinks that deep down people surrounding him either dislike him or are disappointed in him. No matter how much time they spend together, it's not something he himself will just get one day because "well it's OBVIOUS" or something. His relationship with Ikora and Zavala are probably the most striking example of that. Ikora says he was one of her closest friends - Cayde says he's not sure if Ikora even likes him. The City is flooded with Cabal, lightless Guardians scattered all over the system, humanity is in shambles - and Cayde is genuinely surprised Zavala is looking for him and needs him. He leaves messages for both of them in case they kill him, making it sound like he wouldn't be surprised at all if they did. That… really shows the abysmal gap of misunderstanding between them, to put it lightly.
But Andal! Cayde never once doubted Andal and Andal's feelings for him. The good old days he speaks so fondly of is the time when he ran around the Solar system with Andal and their pack. Even if he sometimes laments that Andal is too serious and bad with jokes, that seriousness and honesty is actually just another proof that if Andal says so, then he really does like him and is impressed by whatever Cayde wanted to impress him with this time. 
I think it's probably one of, if not the most important part of what made Andal so incredibly special to Cayde - that freedom of being able to be equally honest with him, be real. Goofing off because he simply wants to goof off - not because he prefers to give people lower standards so that they won't be disappointed in him when he fails. Sharing his muddy concerns and fears that he barely even can put into words, knowing it won't be laughed at or brushed off as unimportant. Absolutely everything got better instantly if they were in it together. The mere presence of one of them in close proximity immediately cheered the other up.
I don't know, I can talk about them for hours and still not say what I wanted to say. I always miss the most important stuff somehow, no matter how many words I pour in. Honestly, I think that to better understand what was happening between them, all you have to do is to (re)read "The Man They Call Cayde" - literally half of it is basically Cayde's love letter to Andal.
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bloopinggenius · 7 months
✰𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝✰| Yautja x 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 |M/M/M/M/M x Reader
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*
A throbbing head was the first thing Ryia felt when she woke up. Her vision, blurred at first, cleared up to reveal to her a room. Smooth pristine coal coloured walls surrounded her as well as the floor.
The room was decorated with medical looking devices some similar to human ones. Getting up into a sitting position, Ryia saw she was laid upon a metal slab covered with a some type of animal pelt. Head still throbbing, she decided to find a way out of the room. All the walls had no sign of a door or a way out but she did find a keypad that could open the door. The keys had weird symbols that she couldn't understand. However, when she stood near the keypad, the wall to the left shifted like a slide door.
Stunned, she stood for a moment before stepping out, making sure to keep her steps light, looking back in time to see the wall seamlessly slide back into place. She decided on which direction to go in given that she wanted to go home, so after a little innie miny moe game, she went left down the hall.
The hall curved, still the same coal coloured look, into an open area that looked like an alien kitchen and dining area. As she entered the area, she spotted, on one side of it, a large window that spanned the whole wall. She ran to it while still being aware of how much noise she made. She looked out noticing how high the unknown object was from the ground and she was still able to see her house.
She let out a quiet sigh in relief that she was still on Earth. Now that she thought about it, what if those creatures weren't re-
Soft clicking noises could be heard behind Ryia and she felt like she could pass out.
Slowly, she turned around, and came face to face with three of the things she saw a couple hours ago.
"Three? Where are the other two?" She thought. But before that thought could be answered, the biggest of the three growled at her so ferociously she could feel it in her bones. The sound made goosebumps crawl onto her skin and she shrunk into the window behind her. The smallest of the males went in front of his kin and gave a him a shove.
"Calm down Vikap, you're scaring her." An'tui said to him while trying to calm him. "I have no reason to care about her feelings. She is prey. Her smell invades my senses and it makes me want to rip out her head from her body. I want her out!" He growls out. "Calm 𝒎𝒆𝒊'𝒉𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒊. That is a decision for Ra'kar to make."
Ryia was stood- more like plastered against the window in fear but also in bewilderment as she watched the interaction. It seemed the smaller one was attempting to calm "Hulk" as she called him, but she wasn't sure if that was the case because it just seemed like they were arguing from her point of view.
Just then, the other two appeared. The one that grabbed her so hard she swears her mother turned in her grave. Now that it was light out, she could see the dread-like appendages from his head, from all their heads, however his were lengthy; from his lower back and just past his waist and were greying at the ends. And then there was the one that stares at her with an odd look. Like he is constantly observing her, not judging, just staring.
'Grey', she called him, walked with such confidence that it brought Ryia's already low self-esteem lower. She shrunk into herself; the degrading thoughts making themselves known in her head. 'Grey' began clicking at his brothers before looking at her with a gentle look.
A growled out voice could be heard when she heard him spoke," Ooman......you...are aboard...our...ship." The sentence was garbled almost like it was generated. "You collapsed due to your fall after I grabbed....you. I sincerely apologize for that." First of all, Ryia wasn't detered by anything that had just happened, she just wanted to know why she could understand them.
"Y-you..guys...can speak..English?" She whispered out. "No, T'edqah implanted a translator behind your ear," as he said that she felt behind both ears at the same time and behind her right ear, there was a small bump that stung just a little. She dropped her arms and felt rather small in that moment as they were all intensely looking at her, well except Hulk, he just kinda looked like he was glaring at her.
"Who is 𝑇𝑒-𝑔𝑘-𝑎?" Mr Grey gestured towards the leanest one of all five. However that word should be taken very lightly because even though he was lean for the obvious fact that he worked in medical, he was still a hunking mass built with broad shoulders, strong legs and not to mention a sculptured torso. At this point, Ryia realised that she was ogling because the room had gone silent with all of them watching her.
"Its 𝑇𝑒𝑑-𝑘𝑎. He is our health aide or as you humans call it, a medic." "And who are you?" She asked.
"Shit, I shouldn't have said that. It sounded rude." She thought. Hulk growled louder this time and stomped his way over to her and aggressively grabbed her throat adding enough pressure to almost deem her unconcious. Va'tha was alarmed as he was worried for the human's life but he didn't let it show in his expression. They all were alarmed but looked to Ra'kar for direction.
"Brother..." Va'tha's voice fades. "Vikap, let her go." Vikap's anger threatened to overweigh his loyalty to his leader. "But she spoke out of tone." At this point Ryia was shedding tears. The skin on her upper torso was sensitive as it is but her neck was very delicate as the skin there was thin from her abuse, so she was in the most pain she had been in since she left home.
"Just put her down." Ra'kar was stern this time and Vikap didn't want to anger him, so with the slightest hesitation, he let her go without a care. Ryia fell onto her kness before laying on her side gasping for air. Shockingly to the brothers, it didn't take long for her to recover as she was used to such behaviour. She got up to her feet and looked at Rakar.
"C-can I l-leave?" The question came out shakily and whispered but not in fear but because her throat was bruised. "We need to do a vital scan of-"
"I'll be fine. I'm a doctor."
".......ok. An'tui will show you out." The smallest one started walking and it took a minutes before she followed. She walked a couple steps behind him. Even if he was the smallest, Ryia couldn't help but ogle him. All 7' something inches of him. One itty bitty question bottled her though. She just hoped he wouldn't react as violently as Hulk.
Back in the dining room, Vikap felt better now that the human was gone. "Vikap, why do you always have to go crazy?" T'edqah asked with a shove. "I will do what I wanted to do to her to you." "And I will shove a needle up your-"
"Enough! Vikap, this has happened one to many times. Go and cool off." Vikap left without a sound leaving the two together.
"'Should I ask or not? I mean I think I should but I don't want to die. What if he does worse? And 'Grey' isn't here to intervene. What if the answer is obvious? I could just try and find out on my own. I mean-'
"Are you guys dating?" The words flew right out of her mouth. Silence filled the empty hall. An'tui stopped walking. 'Oh no.' He spun in shock and looked straight at her. Slowly, he shook his head. "....No."
"....hm." He turned again and continued walking. Soon enough, they arrived at a wall just like the one she came across before and saw how seamless the door was. An'tui opened the door using some gauntlet on his wrist and gestured towards the ramp once the door was raised.
"Uh....thanks." "Now from what i've seen in horror movies, never turn your back towards the enemy. But walking backwards is a bad omen. So I'll walk out the doorway forwards, spin back towards him, check for any signs of an attack then run...no sprint home." All this she thought as she slowly walked to the doorway. When she got there, she put it into action and did as thought.
Once she got to the back door she entered, locked the door and rested against it. Then she crawled to a window to peep out of it to see if they were watching and to her embarassment, they were.
"I need to get out of here." She thought. She made sure to keep away from any windows and made her way upstairs and into her room. The trek upstairs was fairly easy. She ran into her bedroom and got her phone out. There was only one person she could talk to in the moment to fetch her and that was Louis. She wouldn't consider him as her best friend as she wasn't close to people like that and when she was close to someone, they hurt her. Crouched and on her knees in front of her bed, she rung him up and as always, he answered on her third attempt of trying to reach him.
"Ryia! Baby! How are you? It's been a while. I've been waiting for your call. It's like you forget about me when you leave work. How's life? Any hotties wanna party? Any daddies wanna smashie. Two bodies doing the naughty-"
"Shut up will you?", she whisper yelled. "Sorry. I'm kinda sorta in a situation right now and I would like it if you would get over her right now. I need a ride." She rushed out.
"Well excuse you honey, if you forgot, I'm kinda uhm....a DOCTOR. I got people to help here. You do know that you can still drive your OWN car to the store. You're not handicapped just because you're on your period."
"Firstly, ewww. Secondly this situation is serious. I don't know how to tell you this but," as she says this she doesn't notice An'tui approaching from behind her silently and appearing in her doorway. "There are aliens in my backyard."
"Are you ok? Are you high? Did you hit your head really hard? Cause like I'm confused."
"Please just get here." She adds on.
"I'll see later, Ryia. BAAYYE."
"Did I mention they're hot...?"
"....I'll be right there." He ends the call abruptly before she can even say bye.
A hefty sigh of relief leaves a lips as she sat down fully with her leg supporting her arm.
'Ok now I need to-"AAAHHHH!" Her screech was so high pitched, it startled the male into a defensive stance. She reached for her throw pillows and flung them with all her might at him which caused him to straighten back up but they had no effect on his rock solid muscled body. "What are you doing here! Get out! Get out!"
An'tui could sense the stress of the female and purred lowly. "Calm down. I followed you to keep an eye on you."
"Why!" At this point she was slowly hyperventilating and couldn't breathe properly. An'tui saw this and approached her with slow and measured steps. "Calm down. My scans show that you overbreathing also know as hyperventilating. Listen to me. Breathe in, breathe out."
Ryia didn't know why but for some reason she listened and soon enough her breathing had returned to normal.
"Why should you be keeping an eye on me? I don't have anything you guys need or want and I didn't steal anything."
"You may have not done anything but you jave seen us and know we exist. We cannot risk you telling anyone about us and this was the better choice."
"W-what was the other choice?"
"To kill you."
She took a tentative step backwards, you know just in case, with a scared look on her face.
"I'm sure t-that was Hulk's idea."
"What is a Hulk?"
The conversation was interrupted by loud honking from outside. An'tui's head snapped towards the window whilst a set of blades extended from his wrist. The 2 foot blades were sharpened to perfection and glistened in the light of the room.
"Stay here. There is a threat outside that needs to be terminated."
He turned on his heels and headed for the door. Ryia realized that it was her crazy friend and followed behind him.
"Wait! Wait! He's not a threat! He's just a friend! An accomplice! A companion!"
≻───── ⋆ ⋆ ─────≺
Hey guys! Geenius here. Here's part two of the series. Hope you guys enjoy it. 💋💋
Taglist: @maxismp1
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newkatzkafe2023 · 4 months
What If demon Male ( Y/N ) have a personality like fluttershy ( from My little pony ).
Fluttershy love animals but scare of people plus super shy to the other people.
But when they angry is quite surprising cuz it's really rare to happen.
"So how well The Monkey king react"
I love my little pony my childhood!!!🤩🥰🤯
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(Lmk Wukong) You were so adorable. He remember clear as day the first time you guys met. You were red as a cherry Holding A baby bunny in your arms. He quickly realized you were in a threat at all In fact he was like What he was seeing and wanted to know what what else you got. Every day he come to make his move with you. And every day you You would squeak and look like a cherry. You were also the kindest person Heck the kindest demon ever met. You are always worried about him and his injuries taking care of him and make a sure He eats and drink alot of water and tea. You were also very soft-spoken and always talks to him in a low tone. But you also know when to be firm with him. When he gets to reckless and that's when he'll listen to you sometimes. But 1 day MK and the rest got into a fight with some D. M star attacking the city again, but well, one of them almost stepped on Moe The cat iswhen you got involved
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and you came and swinging Everybody's without there with jaws drop. Well , except for wukong , who had hearts in his eyes and dopey expression on his face He received severe brainstorming a way to repay you for protecting him, his successor and his friends, Although the way he's planning to do it won't be innocent at all. When you finally calm down and the demons were defeated. You apologize to everyone about your outbursts but MK and Mei We're astonished and fan girling all over the damn place with How awesome you were and how impressive your strength was. Later that day will come whispered something to you And And flew Off So flower fruit mountain what he said i'm leaving that up to you
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(NR Wukong) Oh my gosh you're cuteness is what constantly turns him on. He remember the first time meeting you. You were so gentle with him and kindness seems to be your biggest quality. And he would find you around Taking care of the city's stray animals whether it'd be wrapping up their wounds or feeding them or sometimes just sitting on the curb and petting them. You are a very gentle soul But had the appearance of a gorilla who can snap Anyone like a twig. Man, he had to get you before somebody else. Does so he officially asked you out and that's when you're relationship began. And 1 day a bunch of thug demons were harassing some downtown people. But what pissed you off was the fact that they almost stepped on a rat While a reckless sweet bothering the children too that's when you Snapped and lost all your reason
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Wow, everybody knows you really don't f*** around, do you? Especially with people's lives. And you may have forever captured the heart of a certain monkey King, who is having not so pure thoughts about you And whatever you're doing right now. He wonders if he can get you with that upset with him. You will destroy him like that in bed. When you finally calm down and make sure all of the kids and pets were all right , you went over to apologized to Wukong About ruining your outing together, but it appears. He was way into it more than you thought. And it's beckoning you to follow him home so you guys can Work off that excess Adrenaline.
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(MKR Wukong) You got to be kidding him. The monk has sent him to find the most dangerous creature in this part of the forest And ask him for his aid in the journey. He Did not expect to find a Hulking figure that speaks Like a baby and freaks out at the smallest sounds. And despite your huge figure, you look like you couldn't even squish a bug without running for someone to go kill it for where are you. The monk is really pissing him off now. I mean he does that a lot but this, this is not fair. But Despite Wukong Not taking you seriously at all You are still kind and respectful to him. Always greeting him with a good morning or a how are you Or have a good day even as you pet whatever random forest animal You find or has come to you. I guess your manners won him over a little bit but he still doesn't think too much of you until one day The Monk got kidnapped by some demons again and Wukong Went Save him with you following him pursued as to offer support for Hurt. And hurt the heat was it was That your boyfriend got hurt but Almost named a poor squirrel that Got caught in the cross fire and that's when you snapped
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Everybody watched beat the ass of every demon that disrespected you and your friend After a while you walked past the dead bodies of the demons who kidnap the monk and release him. You then reached your bloody hand towards the baby squirrel. That was caught in the cross fire. It was shaking and fear, but since that you were no threat. You picked it up and whispered towards it as you are finally coming back to your original Self. You turn To apologize to the Wukong To apologize for your outburst, but something was different about him. He was blushing, he was drooling a little bit and their was deep red hearts in his eyes. As he stared at you with a dark expression. You were worried That you may have scared him. But with the way he was purring now. I think you did the exact opposite as he pulled you by your shirt. Your uncontrolled fury had flipped a switch in his brain. And now he wants in on whatever you got.
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(HIB Wukong) I feel he'll like your Personality. You are a lot more patient then he is that's for sure. And his Grouch moments doesn't seem to put you off if anything it motivates you to see what would make him feel better about the situations. So I guess he'll appreciate that. They also appreciate how you show Liuer How to be respectful and gentle to animals? And how you care very much for nature as well , and even provide for injured or Sick animals Until one day some stray demands were Hunting for animals and harassing the villagers When one of them almost hurt Silly Girl and a Butterfly That's when you snapped entirely you quickly grab silly girl and put her next to Liuer Before going absolutely insane on those demons.
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Everybody's jaw dropped as they watched. You lay ways to all those demons that attacked the children and the animal. You finally calm down the second demons. Decided to run away from you and you went back to your shy soft-spoken self. As you apologize to everyone for your outburst. But everybody seemed to be cheering and impressed by your Unusual There was even a little mini party as a thanks for helping When everybody went home that's Wukong Approach you. And then he was making a bunch of very steamy promises as he pulls you towards Cave.
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(Netflix Wukong) OMG You guys have the cutest relationship anybody what he has ever seen. Like it is so adorable that people wanna throw up and be envious what you guys have. You guys took forever to give a hug to the other with out Blushing on both ends, don't even get me started on the First Kiss. It is so painfully cute. Your kindness was a big advantage on winning him over and a listening ear for him when he's Having a bad day and do you appreciate when you offer cuddles to distress. You were always there to offer him comfortand he appreciates that , but one day you actually got to see the cause of his discomfort. Some demons Invaders were not taking him seriously at all in fact they were bullying him Engranted he was fighting the more but You yourself can hear his Stone Heart breaking from a bunch of miles from Here. And that's when you lost it
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You had no problem striking the fear of God into those demons. I think some of them might be dead. But everybody saw what you can clearly do when provoked and enraged. The demons quickly retreat at knowing better than to try and stay and fight you. And everybody in the village stood there in shock Before breaking out into a cheer's and that's When you snapped out of it and turned back into your shy. Cherry soft spoken self Quickly apologizing for the outbursts to both the villagers. When you got back from the town square, you were ready to apologize to Wukong about your uncontrollable anger. Until he looked at you strangely. There was a blush on his face and hearts in his eyes ,He never seen you like that before, How savaged how unhinged how, How sexy. He wants a taste of that rage in your body and he's gonna get it now.
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pinpurin · 11 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 1610! Miles morales x reader
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ hc of playing acnh with miles bc I miss playing it
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ gag worthy fluff tbh, I need me a bf like miles
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ header by pastelwalks
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tbh he probably played before u two had gotten together but let’s pretend he didn’t rn
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ miles most definitely questions everything about the game
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”why are we the only human??” “Why is the place being ran by a racoon?” “Who is this random otter in the ocean??”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷miles shaking trees and getting stung by wasp. After you told him that a villager can give him medicine he went up to one and they called him ugly LMFAO.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I feel as if miles wouldn’t be picky when it comes to villagers, he loves all of them
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ skips all of blathers dialogue. “He talks to much” 😭
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷but because of blathers he remembers so many facts about dinosaurs, bugs and fish. He even recites them if he see it in public
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “that’s a paper kite butterfly” “ I don’t now wether to write on it, fly it or spread it on toast”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ He isn’t really into the whole “selling villagers thing” and when he finds out you put your villagers up for sale on discord he judges so hard😭😭
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “wdym your putting Moe up for sale???” “Miles he’s a ugly version of Tom, I don’t like him” “but FOR SALE??? That’s sounds like human trafficking”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I feel like the villagers miles would like would be Dobie and Joey, don’t ask why they’re just adorable.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ now back to the actual game, miles would have BEEF with Tom nook (just like the rest of us)
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷” baby why do I have to pay a phone bill fee, he OFFERED the phone to me”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷imagine the first time he shoots down a ballon and it goes in the water LMFAO
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ when he has to build the nooks cranny alone, he would be so shocked at the amount of material he needs
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”30?? 30 iron nuggets?? How am I supposed to get 30 iron nuggets if the rock only gives me two???”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ you start to treat him like he’s your sugar baby, giving him iron, regular wood (bc that shit is hard to get for no reason), flowers,literally anything
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”hey baby, why’d you want to come to my island?? What are you dropping?? Is that MONEY, WHY ARE YOU DROPPING THOUSANDS OF BELLS??”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he always says he’s gonna pay u back but you decline ofc
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ miles gets mad when he gets a sea bass for the 90th time so you offer for him to fish on your island only for him to get another see bass
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷” I got ANOTHER SEA BASS? If I hear this joke one more time I’ll start crying. “Baby here you try” *you pull a sunfish* *angry stare in disbelief*
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he gets a little aggressive with Isabelle when she is trying to help the island get up to 3 stars and he keeps getting told “plant more flowers”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ now he gets 3 stars right, he’s fucking EXCITED like it took so long and he finally got it
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ miles fav k.k songs are kk crusin, kk surfin and kk western.
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I don’t think he has a theme going on, just kinda goes w the flow but loves watch island tours on YouTube
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷miles coming over to your island just to see you beating the hell out of a villager with your net and calling them names
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷”mi vida…. Why are you torturing them?..” “I want him to leave”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ most definitely has you design a Spider-Man costume for his character
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I truly don’t know what his favorite season would even be, like idk I get spring vibes but it could be anything
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ having miles come to your island to catch the spiders that are harassing you. (I’m being so fr, the spiders scare me so much, if I see one I’m closing the whole game).
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he WORSHIPS your island, like he loves it always praising you about it just UGH 😩 I LOVE HIM
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷” Amor??? Your island is so good, what?? How long did this even take?, you’re so talented I swear” “uhhhh haha it’s not that good” “ baby it’s AMAZING”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ acnh dates where Celeste is at your island and you both make wishes
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “you know… my only wish is to be with you forever” “miles, you are so corny….I love you” “I love you to mi alma”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ spending the holidays together in acnh, like him wrapping up a gift for you during Christmas and you both exchanging them 😭😭 adorable
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ telling miles all of your island drama bc he swears yours is more entertaining
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ “omg baby, literally Raymond and Judy got into a fight the other day arguing about who’s better looking and Raymond said it was obviously him, so he was basically calling Judy ugly. THEN they had the audacity to ask me who looked better. “Whatttttt😮”
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ he loves the game truly, he plays with you whenever you ask. He just got out the shower but you wanna play? let him hurry and put clothes on and he’s yours. Just got done patrolling after a long day but you wanna play? How could ever deny you with a face like yours?
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I literally love this sm, I might have to make another one with 42!miles and another with the twins 🤔🤔🤔 let me know if y’all want that bc I’ll have it done,
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love-sapphirerose · 2 months
Rin: Bad Inuyasha Character
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Another bad damsel in distress in the Inuyasha series. I never really liked Rin since I've always thought of her as a weak girl who was clingy and obsessed with Sesshomaru. Rin is like a younger version of Kagome except she's not an archer.
Her Character
In the original, rin was an annoying and obnoxious little girl who had a dark past and a major obsession with sesshomaru but in yashahime it was much worst.
For the majority of yashahime, rin was frozen in the tree of ages. In the first season of episode 1, it was a flashback of a manga chapter in the final act. But in episode 15, she lacked character as she let sesshomaru, who just ignored her, take her newly born twins away with no explanation other than it was a rite of courage and cowardice and was completely obedient and okay with it. Suddenly in season 2, she was reverted back to her original annoying character and so on but worse.
In episode 27, I know why rin wants to protect towa and setsuna because she's there mother but she makes this over dramatic and whiny speech as she wants sesshomaru, who is her husband, to kill her to protect them.
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When she confronts kirinmaru, she pathetically tries to fight him, someone with no kind of power at all and no combat training is going to take on a very powerful beast king yokai who can instantly kill her as she is all talk and no action.
When rin finally meets towa and setsuna together closely, instead of hugging them immediately she decides to wait not like moe, ms higurashi, and kagome who did despite the circumstances.
Even after zero tried multiple times to kill towa and setsuna and terrorized them, rin still wants to save zero who ended up committing suicide by riku anyway.
2. Appearance and Age
Despite what the creators of yashahime tried to explain through jaken and tree of ages that rin is 18 and later 32, she is actually 15 and later 29.
The true creator, Rumiko Takahashi, explained databooks and interviews that rin was 7-8 years old but disgsting sessrin shippers want to ignore it and agree with yashahime creators.
The timeline of rin's age in order. In inuyasha, rin was 7-8, in the 3 year time skip of the final episode of the final act she is 11, in since then is 11 and 1/2 but yashahime said that 18 years have passed so 11 plus 18 is 29.
Despite yashahime falsely claiming she is 32, majority of the time makes rin look like she was still 11 and sometimes the exact age as towa and setsuna.
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3. Marriage
rin's marriage to sesshomaru is creepy and disgusting as he knew her since she was 7-8 years old. Rumiko Takahashi said in interviews and databooks that sesshomaru and rin have a father-daughter relationship. rin should've been with kohaku because they are close in age and have great interactions with each other. The sick reason for the yashahime creators pairing sesshomaru and rin together was because they wanted sesshomaru to have hanyos and rin is the only female that wasn't taken, has some kind of relationship with him, and is alive. They could've made Kaname Kururugi and Janis canon in yashahime and created a story where one of them returned to the feudal era and been with him or created a human female character for him but instead they choose someone that was like a daughter to him.
In yashahime, sesshomaru and rin's relationship is basically the same in the original except rin's is less rebellious and more obedient. rin still calls him 'lord sesshomaru' and doesn't see herself as his equal or even his wife as seen with her conversations with towa and setsuna, she refers to them as 'sesshomaru's daughters' and not both of theirs. sesshomaru doesn't see rin as his wife as he continues to give commands to her like she's a dog.
Ex. ordering her to stay in the tree of ages, him waking and orders her to follow him, orders her to stay and watch closely of him and kirinmaru fight, and in the last episode he orders her to follow him.
sesshomaru doesn't even take care of the towa and setsuna, especially when they were babies as he doesn't even change their diapers and rin just made excuses for him saying 'changing diapers doesn't suit lord sesshomaru' and dumbed her down.
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4. Sudden Change
In the yashahime series, rin worried about towa and setsuna and was even willing to sacrifice her life for them in the last episode with a conversations with them she completely changed.
rin was worried about kohaku and kagura but she had said to towa and setsuna 'since they're hanyos she's sure they'll more hardships and they'll be attacked by strange demons just for being the daughters of lord sesshomaru' while being cheerful and laughing.
While kagome, who is majority of the time an awful character, wife, and mother, who worried about moroha and wanted her out of debt immediately.
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sunshine-overload · 1 month
[BSTS] Mizuki Birthday 2024 4* Card Story
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chapter 1 -starless kitchen, table area-
saki: Mizuki-san! I finally found you, so this is where you were.
mizuki: Yo. I was forced to wear this outfit which pissed me off, so I’ve been sittin’ here eating all of the kaarage from our staff meals. Why were you looking for me?
saki: Unei-san told me to relay a message to you. He would like you to participate in practice.
mizuki: Huh? Practice for what?
saki: For the special service event that’ll be held for your birthday month. You’ll be acting like a butler and providing the best hospitality you can for the guests, right?
mizuki: Ugh… So that’s what he meant. Unei did say some shit like that. He said that if I act like a butler the guests will find the contrast to my usual personality ‘cute’.* Don’t bother listening to his nonsense. 
He gave me some sheet to reference too but it made no sense, it was super annoying. It said something about ‘coolest things a butler can say’. Like, has Unei lost his mind? Look at this shit.
-mizuki hands saki the paper-
saki: I see, it says… ‘When taking a guests order, reply with a smile and say ‘As you wish, my lady.”’
mizuki: Fuckin’ gross! …That damn Unei, I’m gonna make sure to beat him up after this. What’s so interesting about butlers in the first place? I don’t wanna have to do this all month.
saki: That’s true… Your birthday is supposed to be a day of celebration after all.
mizuki: Right? I can’t get fired up about it doing something like this. Instead of dressing and acting like a butler I’d rather put on another show. That’s way more exciting and the guests would love it. I’d get all the guests involved too, that way it’d be an absolute blast.
saki: A celebration like that definitely would suit you, Mizuki-san.
mizuki: Yeah! I’m gonna ditch the butler shit after all.
saki: Wait, where are you going?
mizuki: To catch Unei! Imma have him change my event to a solo stage like last year!
saki: Huh!? Wait, Mizuki-san!
*Unei used the term ‘gap moe’ here lmao
chapter 2 -starless hallway-
saki: (Starless is going to be opening soon yet Mizuki-san is nowhere to be found… Where did he go? He wasn’t in the rehearsal rooms or the break room… Oh, maybe he could be…)
-behind starless, night-
mizuki: ……... (annoyed)
saki: There you are…! Mizuki-san!
mizuki: !? …Oh, it’s just you.
saki: The store will be opening soon, what are you doing out here?
mizuki: That dumbass Unei told me that I can’t use the stage. Cause they’re getting it ready for the next show or whatever. Agh, this is the fuckin’ worst! Saki, let’s just ditch together.
saki: ……..
mizuki: …What is it?
saki: You said it the other day, that you’d want to get everyone involved and have a blast.
mizuki: I did but… That was the me of the other day. And I was talking about putting on a show not this.
mizuki: ………
saki: Without you there, there wouldn’t be any reason for us to celebrate.
mizuki: What about…
saki: Hm?
mizuki: What about you then? Are you looking forward to the event?
saki: Of course I am, it’s your birthday. A special day that only comes around once a year!
mizuki: …I see.
mizuki: Fine… If you’re gonna say that then I guess I’ve got no choice but to go ahead with it. One rude ass butler will be at your service.
saki: Fufu, I’ll be cheering you on from my seat!
mizuki: Sure, I’ll be attending to you too. Make sure you watch me firing it up. With that decided I guess I should get going. You’re coming with me, yeah?
saki: Yes. Oh, but before that… Happy Birthday, Mizuki-san.
mizuki: …! W-why are you suddenly telling me that out here!? Dummy, I’m glad to hear it. Thanks, Saki. I’ll say my part properly too then. Uhh, what was the line again… Welcome back, my lady. B’s next show will be turned up to eleven, so you better be looking forward to that too!
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge
So I saw an earlier post about what BSD characters being the love interests in Diabolik Lovers, so why not make an otoge/otome game for them?
Dazai Yohane proudly presents you... Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge!
Warning: Crack, some angst in the bad endings, OOC even maybe. Random thoughts in a mental breakdown. Spoilers for Storm Bringer. Character deaths mentions.
Notes: None. I just want to distract myself.
Love interests:
Dazai Osamu - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 2 Bad Endings
The mystery type
"Posterboi", yes, he's on the poster for the common version of the game, the limited version ft all 5 love interests (except for Fyodor because he's in the secret route)
Ranked #2 in the popularity poll
Is loved by all the fangirls
Likes to fool around with MC
All of that disappear when you got out of the common route and head for his route
Shout out to Dazai slowly opening up gotta be my favourite genre
Will have a CG where he takes you to Lupin and slowly opens up to you about his past
Best bed scene in the whole game
One of the bad endings is where you two committed a lover's suicide together and succeeded.
Nakahara Chuuya - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 3 Bad Endings
The rich guy who'd buy you everything as a gift, jewelries, fancy clothes, a store, a building even?!
Candidate for the next mob boss
5/5 (actually 4.5) on these criterias:
The (soon to be) mob boss
Cruel, cold to almost everyone else except for his 'family' aka the mafia
Is actually a nice person
Will treats you gently, like a princess when he's head over heels for you
Gap moe (he likes dogs)
So inevitably, he ranked #1 in the popularity poll
Is almost everything the Italians hates about 'romanticizing the mafiosos'
His route is basically a whole "FUCK GO BACK" like Dazai, since we'll focus on his traumas and his past more.
He will opens up about his fear of not being a human, about the calamity that lives inside him
Has a CG where he takes you to visit Rimbaud's and The Flags' graves.
That one route would make the players put the Switch/PS Vita down and ask themselves why are they here, just to suffer.
Best kiss sounds in the whole fucking game I say. His bed scene makes you went from angsty mood to instant horny.
One of his bad ending is about how Chuuya lost control of the calamity inside him - Arahabaki when he saw you, killed before his eyes by the enemy, and with Dazai out of the picture, there isn't anyone there to stop him anymore.
Nakajima Atsushi - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
That one character make everyone goes 'hell I could adopt him even not flirt with him.'
Cute, shy boy
Is cute when needed and sexy when wanted
Makes you wonder how can an angel like this even exists
Has good kissing sounds *if you know what I mean*
Drifting off the common route we dig deeper into his past, about the beast inside him, about the orphanage and the headmaster
A CG where he'll cry in your arms and you soothing him, reassure the boy that it's all in the past and he isn't alone now
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 2 Bad Ending
Tsundere type
Eventually will slowly opens up to MC
God he's so cute and precious
Needs a hug for all the traumas he's been through
His route basically focus on his past and how Dazai affected him so much
He has a CG where he sat down and talk with you about Gin and how he grows up in the slum, about why did he crave for power so bad, and why he wanted to be acknowledged by his ex-mentor.
3rd best bed scene in the game.
Kunikida Doppo - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
Workaholic type
A man who dedicates his life to work
The handsome one with glasses
It's really fun watching him slowly falling for you, especially when he has this "58 standards for the ideal woman"
He'll slowly crosses them out just for you 💖
His route focus on the reason he dreams of an ideal world, his ideal world
Will has this 'behind the scene' flashback about The Azure King's case and Azure Apostle's case 2 years ago with the death of Rokuzou and Sasaki.
A CG where he holds you tightly in his arms and speaks with a broken voice, teary eyes about how he's so scare that his ideal might consume him one day like what happened to Azure King. He is whom chases his ideals like the moth chasing flames, but deep down under that perfectionist, workaholic mask is how he's insecure and scared that his ideals will burn him down like the flame that burn down the moth.
2nd best bed scene in the game.
His bad ending is basically when his ideals finally consume him and Kunikida became the 2nd Azure King.
Secret route: Fyodor Dostoevsky - 1 True Ending and 1 Bad Ending
After you finish everyone's route, a new, hidden route will be unlocked. And it's the Russian man, the mastermind behind everything
To be honest, this is quite of a short route. No common, just straight to his route
Also a mystery type
The smart, prodigy type
The one who has this aura goes "run for your life" or either "damn he's hot"
Expect an unhealthy relationship when you're in this route
This man will uses you like a pawn on his chessboard
Gaslighting, manipulation, abusing, you name it. Everything is in this route
What good ending? No good ending with him for you missy. Only true end or bad end.
WORST BAD ENDING IN THE WHOLE GAME. Please don't ask what it's like.
Fandisc: 2 fandisc with one being the current timeline, the other is about when Dazai is still in the mafia.
Bonus contents for 1st fandisc:
An extra route for Fukuzawa
A Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, a Dazai x MC x Chuuya sandwich *chef's kiss*
An another Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, an Atsushi x MC x Akutagawa sandwich
And a new Bad Ending in secret route leads you to a Dazai x MC x Fyodor sandwich
Bonus contents for 2nd fandisc:
A Mafia!Dazai route
An Odasaku route
An Ango route
A Bad Ending in common route that's extra spicy ft a 4P with the Dark Era Trio?!!! *chef's kiss*
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typellblog · 5 months
just watched elfen lied (2004). this is not a good show. i did not watch this expecting it to be a good show. sometimes, however, it's interesting to see how bad a show can get
it is a fusion of a gratuitously edgy scifi show and a harem show. this contradiction is embodied in the character of lucy, who has split personalities, one of which is a psychotic killer. stop me if you've heard this before
she swaps between personas based on head trauma, being confronted with her crimes, sleeping drugs, and whenever it is convenient for the plot. her other personality is a moe anime girl who does not understand language or how to interact with objects in the world on a basic level.
it's honestly kind of creepy how the show views nyuu as a legitimate target for romantic affection from the protagonist, especially when compared to lucy, who is both intelligent and actually possesses a complex internal life.
we do not get to see this very much, as she is largely a vessel for gory and pointless scifi battles rather than any character drama. so if you were wondering how the harem elements works with the scifi stuff, the answer is really that they do not
the normal human protagonists only avoid death by extreme contrivance whenever they interact with the deadlier elements of the setting, and remain unaware of much of what's going on until the end, thanks to extremely convenient personality switches on lucy's part
of course, if you were wondering how the harem elements work on their own, the answer would also be that they do not
kouta, the protagonist, is such a wet blanket that its impossible to interpret his feelings towards any of the girls until he is shown kissing them on screen. yuka, his cousin, has the emotional maturity of a deeply traumatised child, which is not a flippant comparison given that multiple such characters are depicted in the show. if she had psychic powers like the Diclonius she would probably end up being a mass murderer
which raises the interesting question of what the show's actual view on the creatures is. do they kill people out of irresistible instinct, as the evil scientist types claim? or are they simply lashing out at the people who hurt them, and would be able to adjust to normal life if properly supported by their family, like we might assume from the case of Nana?
the show doesn't really care, sweeping the awkward problem of how to deal with characters like Mariko under the rug by exploding her, but only after the sympathetic figure of her father forgives and accepts her, dying in the explosion with her to atone for his crime of trying to kill her in the first place. writing this out makes it seem more thematically coherent than how it actually comes off.
but back to the harem stuff. i know i'm swapping around a lot. don't worry, it is accurate to the experience of watching the show.
i suppose calling it a harem feels somewhat inaccurate since only two of the girls harbour romantic feelings for kouta, the other two being younger characters given a more 'daughterly' position in the household. these girls make no particular effort to grow closer to kouta, neither does he deliberately or accidentally woo them into liking him. they are simply drawn into his orbit by the sheer force of the show needing a bunch of girls to fill up kouta's stupidly large and empty house.
mayu is the most notable example, considering she has no connection to the scifi plot whatsoever, simply happening to stumble upon the house while in the middle of being homeless.
i feel like it's important to point out that she also walks around with no pants on for a decent portion of the show. if you pay attention it's implied she isn't wearing any underwear either. the reason for this is, and i am not joking or exaggerating, that her father was molesting her and forcing her to strip and she ran out of the house right after taking her bottoms off.
mayu wears a big jumper, so she has plausible deniability to both the audience and random onlookers. however, kouta and yuka invite her into their house for an extended period of time and then let her leave again without ever commenting on the fact that she isn't wearing any fucking pants
the show is filled with baffling decisions like this that erode any trust in the consistency or good taste of the character writing, much less any expectation that the characters' actions make sense on any level
they test the psychic girls powers by strapping them to a wall and firing cannonballs at them. this doesn't even turn out to be effective in-universe.
im very sleepy. what more can i even say about this show.
i think it's cool when girls get their arms chopped off. unfortunately it pretty obviously limits itself to only limbs on account of the characters being able to replace them using prosthetics combined with their psychic powers. i would have liked to see more guts
the opening theme is good and very creative. i skipped it every time
the way the show ends is functionally a non-ending. i'll have to look at the manga soon
multiple people have told me this was their first anime. it explains a lot about them in every case.
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livwritesstuff · 6 months
Something Eddie had learned during his and Steve’s past few years living in mid-western Massachusetts was that nobody parties harder than middle-aged suburbanites with their young children in the next room.
Sure, it’s a different kind of partying than what Eddie had participated in when he was younger, but still just as impressive, or so he's thinking as he stands in the crowded kitchen of a ridiculous McMansion decorated to the holiday nines, fancy IPA in hand (in a matte can and everything), four days before Christmas.
He's mingling.
Well, he’s kind of mingling. He’s had one eye on Steve, who is on the other side of the kitchen, pretty much the entire time, because Hazel, their youngest daughter, is sacked out and Steve is holding her in one arm as if she’s a newborn still and not a couple months past her first birthday like she really is (it’s providing Eddie with yet another reason he needs that kid to stop growing up, already, because he’ll never get tired of watching that man hold a baby).
Moe and Robbie are…honestly, Eddie doesn’t really know what all the kids get up to at these things. They are loud – and with an unending consistency that makes any silence deafening (and a telltale sign that some type of shit went down that they should probably check in on) – and occasionally one or two of them will barrel through the kitchen on some imaginary mission.
Eddie isn’t really even drinking. Steve is certainly doing enough for the both of them, and his way of getting himself into trouble with the other parents once he’s got a couple beers in him is entertaining enough for Eddie to not need alcohol to get through the night.
“Dude, fuckin’ Dan is making drinks,” Steve tells him early in the evening, “If he offers you a dirty Girl Scout, say no. He’s a father.”
“What the fuck is in that?”
“Vodka, creme de menthe, and chocolate whiskey.”
“Shit, that…actually sounds kind of good.”
“I know, but we’re declining in protest.”
Some time after that, Eddie ends up with Hazel. She’s awake and curiously mouthing at a peppermint cookie when Steve makes his way back to him.
“Lisa is mad at me I think,” he says as he sidles up behind Eddie, pressing himself against his back and wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Watch it, handsy,” Eddie warns him, “There’s children present. What did you do to Lisa?”
“All I said was that maybe the start of a recession isn’t the best time to buy a timeshare and suddenly I have a tone.”
“Well, what did you expect?”
Not even twenty five minutes later, Steve returns.
“Evan’s parents probably aren’t gonna invite us to their New Year’s party,” Steve tells him, with the tiniest slur to his voice that might have worried Eddie if he wasn’t also holding a very large bottle of water.
“I dunno, man. All I said was that the fourth Christmas tree might be compensating for something and it was like I said the Armageddon was coming.”
“Alright, I think it’s time for us to head out.”
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sugawhaaa · 11 months
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Karma tastes so sweet
🍫PAIRING:: switch!Jungsu x switch!fem!reader (other members are present but are only around for a few seconds)
🍬WARNINGS:: smut (I think this is officially my nastiest fanfic 😭)
🌸GENRE:: smut, blow job, oral, (Face sitting???) Lots of cum idk
💫WORD COUNT:: 2,323 (so satisfying sjsjsj)
A/N:: so tomorrow is my birthday and as I was writing this I was like I need there to be reason for Jungsu to stay home and my totally big brain went "let's pretend tomorrow is your birthday in this." And boom there u have it folks. Fanfic tip 101
Gunil POV
"Why am I doing this again?" Gunil groaned to himself as he found the perfect chocolate. He had been looking for a chocolate laced with an aphrodisiac. Why did he want it? No one really knows except for the fact he has a girlfriend that he's been getting comfortable with lately but he had never thought his worst fear would become a reality.
He ordered a box of 6 aphrodisiac chocolates from a rather sketchy website and it said that they'd arrive in a week. He relaxed knowing that it was going to arrive on a Saturday so he'd be home all day to make sure no one else got a hold of his precious chocolate.
Your POV
There was a knock on the door and Jungsu got up to answer it. Jungsu requested that he take the next two days off of work and the company had no reason to say no. Today is your dating anniversary and tomorrow was your birthday so you had an excuse. Today the two of you were simply hanging out and cuddling, watching movies, baking etc
You were going to the door before Jungsu stopped you.
"It might be a surprise for your birthday!" He said cheekily so you waited for him in the kitchen. Jungsu returned with a cardboard box in his hand. It was the average size but whatever was in it was small because any slight movement in the box made a loud clunk noise. "I have no idea what this is," he shrugged as he set it on the table in front of the couch you were sitting on. "But it is addressed to us." Jungsu said, sitting next to you.
"None of the members said anything about ordering anything?" You shrugged your shoulders as Jungsu set the box on his lap. You looked up at him with a smirk "you gonna open it?" You said as nudged his arm.
"You know me too well. Even if it's a gift for you tomorrow is your birthday anyway," he said as he tore the cardboard open to reveal a small red and pink box. On it there was a label that said "velvet pleasure" with fancy cursive writing. Based on the box itself it was something sexy. Maybe a sex toy? But it was so small…
Jungsu's face started heating up and you could see it as clear as day. "This yours?" You teased him.
"No!" He freaked out before picking the box up to examine it.
"Then why is your face so red?" You said leaning closer to him.
"Because this is most likely one of the members' packages and we just opened it! And I mean look at it," he blushed and looked away from you. You took the box from his hands to read it.
"Damn it, it's written in Chinese…" there were directions on it but it was all in Chinese.
"Maybe there's a paper inside that has other languages?" Jungsu said as he leaned in to look at the box in your hands. You opened it up and found chocolate. "Oh." You said in unison at the harmless product. Jungsu picked one up to examine it. It was brown with milk chocolate stripes around it. He popped it in his mouth and critiqued it as he ate it before shrugging. "Tastes fine to me," with that Jungsu grabbed a heart shaped one and took a bite. Pink jell dripped out of it. His eyes lit up as he held up for you to see. You gave him a surprised look before he ate the second half.
You gave him a questioning look before he shrugged again. "I'm not dead, I don't know why you're so worried."
"I just think it might be something else…" You mumbled before he stood up. He put the chocolate in the cupboard before going back to the couch with you. You observed him closely but half an hour passed and he had no side effects. You decided to relax a bit and continue to enjoy your time alone with Jungsu. After about an hour since he took the chocolate he started moving around a lot. Like he couldn't get comfortable? You asked if he was alright and he insisted that he was perfectly all right. You were suspicious but you decided to let him be.
His face was all red, he was coughing and clearing his throat constantly, he shifted positions 24/7 so you finally spoke up again. You paused the movie you were watching and turned to face him. "What is up with you, your acting so weird." You exclaimed.
"You were that chocolate is fucked up!" He whined as he dramatically flopped his head onto your thighs.
"W-what?" You said slightly scared at his strange behavior.
"Ever since I ate those chocolates I've been so hard," he whined into your lap as you placed your hand on his back. You shook your head with a sigh.
"I knew it was an aphrodisiac…"
"A what?"
"Aphrodisiac. It's essentially a type of food that makes you horny and extenuates pleasure and sensitivity." You explained as he whined quietly. "If we don't do anything about this you're going to feel horrible," you explained as you propped him up against the couch. He looked up at you with doe eyes just begging for your touch and it melted your heart. You sighed and shook your head again "what am I going to do with you?"
"Hopefully fuck me." Jungsu said with a smirk.
"Horny and still cocky," you said as you spread his legs for you to sit on like your throne. Just the feeling of your weight and warmth on his legs made him shiver. You took off your cardigan "What should I do first?" You thought to yourself aloud like he was your fuck doll. Jungsu just whimpered as he clawed at your hips.
"Touch me please." He whined aimlessly trying to get you to sit on his dick.
"Fine since you said please," you smirked as you instantly stripped him. Taking a moment to look at his body that was just begging for your touch. You then went down on your knees and licked all up his length. Make him moan deep and loud before he covers his mouth. You hardly even touched him and he's already a mess. This aphrodisiac really works…
He teased his tip, small little cat licks, and he was just a mess. Rocking his head back and forth on the cushions of the couch as his back arched. It was quite the sight. You decided to wrap your mouth around him but only going so far up.
"Fuck. Please~" he mumbled as he messed with his dark hair. Grasping it like his life depends on it. You slowly moved your mouth all the way up his cock and you alright felt his orgasm building in your mouth. He distortedly moaned out your name, curse words and words of desire.
"I wanna cum, please, please," he'd whine out repeatedly and you didn't plan on stopping him. As you felt his high coming closer you used one of your hands to play with his base, his entire cock couldn't fit in your mouth so you resulted in your hands and he definitely liked it. Loud moans came from his throat. Loud, raspy, deep, long, slow everything. He was a wreck for you and to no one's surprise he came all down your throat. A lot.
This aphrodisiac had a powerful effect on him not only mentally but clearly physically.
Despite him filling your mouth to the brim you kept bobbing your head up and down him. You then slipped your lips off his soaked dick to swallow his cum. As you felt the warm liquid go down your throat, Jungsu whined for your mouth around him again.
So you did just as he asked. Shoving his entire length in your mouth making you choke lightly. Before you started moving. Jungsu was a mess of words. He couldn't get two words out without praising you.
"So good-fuck, fuck!" He moaned out as used your free hand to rub his thigh. "More, more, more, more please~" he said faster than you could process but after registering his pleads you picked up the pace. Your mouth moving at a rapid pace as your tongue swirled around him. Surprisingly he came again, and perhaps even more than the last time.
You thought it was impossible but there was more arousal in your mouth than ever before. You choked on it and it dripped out of your mouth. You took his cock out of your mouth and he watched as strings of cum connected your mouth to his cock.
Long raspy groans escaped his lips as you attempted to swallow everything but mid way through you coughed and spat it out.
"You okay?" He said with a breathy voice as he knelt down to you. You nodded your head as you whipped some of the arousal off your lips and chin but it only spread it to your hands. "Are you sure?" He said putting his hand up to your cheek trying to wipe off more of his arousal.
"I'm positive. I never knew you could cum so much and moan so loud," you chuckled as you teased him. Jungsu stammered as his face turned more red. "It was hot." You said as you climbed up to sit on his lap.
"You were too…" he said as he turned his head away from your gaze.
"Awe are you shy because of how good I make you feel?" You teased while you held his chin, moving it to face you. You then kissed him as you pushed him down, his bare back against the couch. Your body's motions synchronized perfectly as you sloppily kissed him with passion. Your hands in his hair and on his chest, moans and whimpers echoed throughout the room.
"I shouldn't have eaten that chocolate," he whined as you moved to his neck. Sucking on his soft, tender skin. Soft little mewls came out of Jungsu's mouth as he rested his hands comfortably on your body while you put one hand around his neck, the other at his bare chest. His eyes shut tight as you licked him like a damn dog.
"Why do you regret it?" You uttered between licks, your hot breath sending shivers down his spine.
"I want you…" He whined, desperation in his voice.
"Well I'm right here, you do whatever you want to me." You said as you rocked your hips against his while your hands played with his hair. Low curses escaped his lips as his body tensed again. The sensation and friction made your stomach flip but this wasn't about you, your goal was to make Jungsu cum as much as possible.
"Sit on my face." He demanded out of nowhere.
"W-What?" You said clearly flustered at his request but the look in his eyes made you consider it. "I've never done that before…" you said as you shyly looked away while he stared up at you with admiration.
"Just sit, I'll do the rest," he said before grabbing your hips. You nodded and mumbled out an "okay" so you did just as he had said. You followed his hands and sat right on his lips. You kept some of your weight off him so he doesn't freaking suffocate but his hands kept pushing you down. Jungsu instantly started using his tongue to work miracles on you.
Your moans hitching as he circled your entrance, his stern hands massaging your hips. The vibration of his groans made you see stars, how is he so good at making you feel surreal pleasure? You started subconsciously grinding against his face as his tongue pressed against your clit. You covered your mouth with the palm of your hand as he sucked on your bud.
You then started to feel a knot forming in your lower stomach and you grabbed Jungsu's head to ground yourself. You blabbered out "I'm gonna cum," repeatedly to warn him so he picked up the pace. You tugged his hair to basically brace yourself before you came and started to relax. You realized that after he started sucking on you, all of your body weight was on his face. You got up off of him and immediately asked if he was okay.
"I'm more than okay now," he smirked with a little chuckle. You laughed a little as you laid on top of him.
"Did you really enjoy that?" You said as you examined his face that was covered in your liquid.
"Hell yeah," he said as he shut his eyes and laid his head back. While he was distracted you moved down his body slowly before stuffing his length into your mouth. It caught Jungsu off guard and he immediately moaned in a high pitched voice. He squabled around at the feeling on your tongue swirling around him and your hands on his hips. You started bobbing your head and the fast distorted whimpers from Jungsu made you go faster in hope of being rewarded with more blissful sounds. His response to your actions was to arch his back and moan. Loud. It probably echoed throughout the dorms.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck~" he moaned out as he grabbed the cushions harshly. "Oh my God, oh my-fuck- I'm gonna cum~"
To none of your surprise he came again, all over your face and on the couch. As you were cleaning up his mess with your tongue you saw Jungsu open his eyes and his jaw drop. Pure terror on his face. You sat up and turned around to see Jooyeon, Gaon and Junhan. Just as petrified as Jungsu. Junhan just walked right back out of the room while Gaon and Jooyeon just flipped out saying "What the HELL-"
The end :D
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isekai-crow · 5 months
2024 Winter Anime Lineup (Master Post?)
First post for a new blog where I'm going to try and record my opinions, break downs, comparisons, and various degrees of squees about anime!
The lineup for this year's Winter isn't as packed as the 2023 Fall season was, but that's always the case. It sure is still causing my To Watch List to keep getting longer... but more importantly because it's so lacking in big name shows one of my most anticipated shows gets to shine...
also, holy CRAP look at all this TRADITIONAL FANTASY!!! There is even a decent selection of non harem Isekai this round too! And a lot of awesome sequels/continuations!
Anyways, here's what's on my to watch list for this season! I'll be posting about them in their own or other threads as I figure out how I want to set this blog up. My reasons for WHY I'm watching what I'm watching
Definitely Will Watch!
Solo Leveling / 俺だけレベルアップな件
Apothecary Diaries /薬屋のひとりごと(Continued)
Delicious in Dungeon (Dungeon Meshi) / ダンジョン飯
The Villains Day Off / 休日のわるものさん
Undead Unluck / アンデッドアンラック(Continued)
Fire Hunter (Hikari no Ou) 2nd Season / 火狩りの王
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High Hopes / Might Drop / Taking My Time
Sasaki and Peeps / 佐��木とぴーちゃん
The Witch and the Beast / 魔女と野獣
Doctor Elise / 外科医エリゼ
Cherry Magic (THIS ENGLISH TITLE LMAO) / 30歳まで童貞だと魔法使いになれるらしい (DEF WATCHING THIS ONE NOW)
Shangri-La Frontier / シャングリラフロンティア (Continued)
Beyond Journey's End / 葬送のフリーレン (Continued)
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Gonna Give Them A Few Episodes
Mashle Season 2
Fluffy Paradise / Isekai de Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame ni, Ganbattemasu (I'm doing my best in another world to pet fluffy creatures)
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic / 治癒魔法の間違った使い方
Blue Exorcist / Ao no Exorcist (OUT OF LEFT FIELD THIS ONE)
Delusional Monthly Magazine / Gekkan Mousou Kagaku
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This is already insanely long, so the second half of this essay about what I think is below ↓↓↓↓
SOLO LEVELING - I've been waiting for the solo leveling anime since BEFORE the anime was ever announced, re-reading the webcomic/manhwa multiple times and just HOPING someone would animate these gorgeous shadows. It is a very well done power fantasy with only squints of romance, and while I'm sad it's been localized to Japan (and all the fuckery that comes with of Korean erasure), I got to see the first two episodes at the World Premiere and I. Am. So. Hype.
APOTHECARY DIARIES existed completely outside of my head space, and my initial response at the premise was, Raven of the Inner Palace? I wasn't actually expecting much from it and then the first few episodes BLEW ME OUT OF THE WATER and now I'm obsessed.
DUNGEON MESHI is one of those manga I've heard about, but tried reading and it was too slow paced for me (I say, currently slogging through The Boat Arc (TM) of Hunter x Hunter), but the anime gives it life and I think I'll enjoy this alot. I love cooking anime and fantasy, so this will be fun!
KYUJITSU NO WARUMONOSAN is just straight up Crow Bait. That curly bowl cut, the gap moe of a villain who loves cute things, and voiced by fricken Shintarou Asanuma!!! (I know him as Samatoki from HypMic, other's will know him from the "Fucking Bullshit" song from Carole and Tuesday, and a host of other roles) Also, all the pretty sentei / power ranger boys!!! I'm so hype, in the most relaxed chill way for this.
UNDEAD UNLUCK is so weird in that it involves a lot of random sexualization, but it doesn't make me uncomfortable like Seven Deadly Sin's random gropping did, maybe because there is actual implied consent involved. Fuuko and Andy are Poly and I love them for it. And the world building is TOP NOTCH.
FIRE HUNTER - If you haven't seen season one, you are missing out. A darkly beautiful post-post apocolyptic alternate Japan-esque world, from the POV of a young girl, and a young genius boy having to let himself be manipulated by capitalism to survive, and gods? a magic system? but so soft that it's barely there even while being a full on fantasy story.
High Hopes or Taking My Time
SASAKI AND PEEPS- What a weird little show that has the weirdest combination of isekai, the most "this is fine." salaryman, and a fricken' CHUNIBYO BIRB. I've already watched the first episode and it feels like there are two magic systems going on and its a bit confusing, so we will see how this plays out!
WITCH AND BEAST - I keep wanting to call this Beauty and the Beast, because the beast is a rad bad ass looking lady, and the witch is certainly one of the most beautiful undertakers I've ever seen. I think he carries his boyfriend around in his coffin backpack, so I'm hype to see WTF is up with that >o>
DOCTOR ELISE - Why do manhwa I read keep randomly popping up as anime??? This is a vilainess turned good story, and supposedly the market is full of these, but none of them are the good ones I've read, so I did a double take of happiness when I saw this. THIS ONE IS GOOD. An spoiled princess gets killed, is reborn in Korea and becomes a doctor, only to be killed by Airplane-kun, and winds up back in her old body where she decides to become a doctor again! The prince is even not your typical icy asshole! (although maybe he is a little at the beginning..)
CHERRY MAGIC - THIS FRICKEN ENGLISH TITLE GOOD LORDS ABOVE. I'm dying. I'm also excited to see this one play out and I'll be hiding behind a pillow giggling like a mad lad while I do. It's been a while since there's been a good BL that's not SAD (looking at YOU Given and Banana Fish, but avoids eye contact with Sasaki and Miyano) so hopefully it doesn't dip into that territory. Going into this one mostly blind as to the premise apart from the obvious Gap-Moe with the love interest.
SHANGRI-LA - I started watching this on a whim as the Fall season started to wind down, and found it to be a good potato chip to have on in the background. I'll probably continue watching it, but not weekly.
FRIEREN - This is what I watch when Jujutsu Kaisen hurts too much to keep going. I'm only a few episodes in, so it'll be slow going, but I think it's about to pick up it's pacing a little where I'm at, and it'll be good comfort food to have.
Mashle Season 2 - The pacing was SUPER WEIRD in the first season that despite all of it's shitting on the properties of she-who-shall-not-be-named, the end of the season kind of fell flat. I wanted to like it more, so I'm hoping Season 2 does that for me.
Fluffy Paradise - I love isekais with an adult in a child's body pretending to be just super smart, and this doesn't feel like it's going to do that, but still looks cute none the less. I'll give it a few episodes, but will quickly drop it if my watch list is too long.
Ishura - Is this what life is like for D&D Characters when they hit level 20? I HOPE SO. I LOVED the Legend of Vox Machina, and hope this has the same sort of vibes, but I'm going in blind!
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic - Love me some fucked up healing magic. Please DO NOT let this be ANYTHING like Redo Healer. I refuse to watch that even those FUCKED UP HEALING MAGIC IS FUN. But this. This I want to see. Please let this also not be a harem. I'm fine with ~vibes~ but please no actual harem that's not actually Poly.
Blue Exorcist - THIS IS TOTALLY OUT OF NOWHERE. HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?????? I remember the last season feeling like a disappointment? But can't remember why? Gonna see if this is worth re-watching the seasons from like... a decade ago.
Delusional Monthly Magazine - I watched the PV and had no fucking clue what was happening. Therefore, I will be watching a few episodes to sate my curiosity about WTF OR possibly just get myself even more confused and rage quit. lmao
I've watched the first few episodes of a couple of these, and will be watching a few more tomorrow, so Next Goal: Post a write up or three about what I think!
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princess-glassred · 29 days
Guys pls hear me out on this au idea i just thought of pls pls pls im begging:
It Carrie AU where Henry is Carrie but instead of an abused child who's been bullied all her life trying to come out of her shell and it ending in tragedy, it's an abused child who's been A BULLY all his life attempting to actually grow as a person, and it ending in tragedy.
Henry suddenly becomes aware of just how much like his father he's become, and by extension, just how much his cousin is becoming like both of them, so Henry finally looks inward and begins to think about things. He doesn't change instantly, in fact, he still responds to what he sees in that typical Henry Bowers fashion, but it does make him think. Very very slowly he begins to second guess the things he's doing, whenever he thinks about harassing Mike again he can't help but ask why since it doesn't even sound like a fun time, and moe often than not he changes his mind to something mischievous but alot less harmful and psychopathic.
He starts complaining openly about his dad to Belch and Vic, and although Belch and Vic are asshats too they listen and agree that Butch is horrible to Henry, and just that's enough to chip away at Henry's issues. He'd been holding all of that agression in and putting it out in exclusively violent ways, that just HEARING belch and Vic say "Your dad is so stupid, you're the strongest guy i know" messes with him. From there it kinds spirals, and Henry starts to question himself even more, if his dad is so wrong wbout everything, then he must he wrong about the Hanlon's right? Why did he ever care about harassing Mike at all when his dad didn't love him either way? He still holds on to prejudice, and he's still violent as fuck and generally acts like a dick to most people, but there IS a change happening, with possibly even more on it's way. Dare i even say, healing?
This is probably the first time in his whole life he's ever felt like moron for picking on some one, or heck, the first time Henry's felt like he could be kinda honest and vulnerable about how mucu he hates his dad. He is so so so god damn CLOSE to changing it hurts, but it all ends up being useless in the end.
Henry had been avoiding the losers club for a while now, the real reason was that Henry knew whenever he saw them it drove him fucking ballistic and he was realizing how it'd be better for him (not for the losers club, HIM, but hey, it's a start at least) to waste time harassing people who made him the most violent. The losers club, however, do not know this at all, as far as they know Henry has just been busy and is as incapable of change as his father. They are not wrong for assuming it, but what they do next is about to have horrible horrible consequences.
About four weeks ago, before Henry had started to think about things, he'd broken into the Hanlon farm and slaughtered his dads most favorite sow. It deeply affected him for a while, and the reat of the losers club are all pretty pissed off on his behalf. They just wanna mess with Henry a little, he's been humiliating them for god knows how long, he deserves to get back what he's been dishing out.
So they wait until Mike can collect some blood from their slaughtered pigs and puts it in a bucket. They plan to dump it on him during the Derry days festival, after they all vote for him to be the Derry Days Prince, and they assume it'll just be some well deserved karma for a psycho that's been harassing them for years.
What they did not expect though, was that when Henry comes to Derry days he is... remarkably well behaved. He's pretty quiet, he's not getting in fights, there's offensive or nasty joke here and there, but he seems calm. For the most part, he's just having a genuinely good time with Belch and Vic.
When Derry Days prince is announced Henry is pretty stunned. He is far from a Carrie White, people aren't clapping for him and he's not crying tears of joy or anything, but he is caught of gaurd and quite flattered.
Then the blood falls. And while the losers club think they've just done a humiliating prank on some one who deserved it, they've actually just erased all the progress Henry had been working towards. It's not really their fault, they had no idea, but they had just snapped him all the way back to rock bottom. And Richie's jokes at Henry's expense definetly don't help.
If being around the losers club in general was enough to make Henry see red, then you can only imagine what's happening inside his head now. The blood had taken everything Henry had ever feared and used to fuel his violent tendencies and AMPLIFIED it. Everyone does think he's pathetic. Everyone is laughing at him. He isn't a real man. He's puny, weak, and nothing will ever change that. And that's when Pennywise wiggles it's way into Henry's psyche and turns Derry Days into anothet town tragedy just like the Black Spot or the Derry Ironworks explosion. It let's Henry get a taste of it's infinite cosmic power and he rampages, utterly snapping.
He kills a lot of people, but the losers club manage to get out okay. He ends up walking home and killing his father too, only for the losers club to find him and band together to defeat him.
They're all deeply remorseful for inadvertantly causing the Derry days tragedy and do extensive work to make amends and apologize to everyone they might have hurt. Everyone except for Henry, who is remembered exclusively as a total psycho, with out anyone ever realizing he was nearly there.
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