dwellermasked87 · 28 days
Got very curious and decided to make this poll
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tunapesto · 9 months
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I can only hope you'll hate me forever
I'll remain in your thoughts that way
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coatree · 23 days
Initially I was just drawing them for fun but coincidentally I happened to finish this drawing on alt hermit day so
Late Wels and on time Hels let’s goooooo
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Plus some doodles to explain the random bullshit lore I made up
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thechibifoxcub · 7 months
Darkness Evermore 💔
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It’s painful, and desolate yet freeing in a sense as the bouquet of once vibrant reds and golds shriveled in their final tomb beside his work desk. The vase that contains the withered corpses of roses and tulips sat as a sick, twisted sense of irony sat like a heavy stone in his gut. Freeing as it may seem, to only him, as the flower stems branched out from the confinements of their cage only to reach out to a sun that wasn’t even there. Freeing in a sense of a last attempt to seek salvation that only someone like he could provide.
It hurts him in more ways than one, but for some reason he can’t seem to rid of himself of the only remaining piece of you that he has. The last gift that you would ever bestow upon him as he tries to recall the dazzling smile you always wore whenever the two of you were together. He doesn’t remember the reason why you decided to gift him with flowers; however, he would never turn down anything that you would give him. Never. Not even once.
So as he turns his gaze away from the final remnants of a life that once brought happiness and love, he prays to any deity or power to hear him, just one last time.
“Should a day come where you and I are no longer to be…. then I pray that in the next life we can be everything once again…”
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[Another one-shot as I try to wrap my head around the fact that life has been so stressful lately. A dog that I’ve known and helped care for with my family had to be put down last week. On top of that my depression and anxiety has me down as well, but it’s nothing new for me. Just a lot of things all at once and I haven’t found an outlet till now. I wrote this with no particular person and/or character in mind, but I’ll tag the games and characters that I thought about when writing this. If you have a favorite character in mind and I didn’t tag them the please forgive me! Thank you~]
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spittyfishy · 5 months
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After the Darkest Day incident with Macro Cosmo Oleana needed to find a new job, and had all the qualifications for a management position in a different kinda shady highly influential conservation organization. Lucky for her after Faba’s demotion the Aether foundation had an opening!
I think Oleana’s awesome lol, definitely one of the stand out characters from Swsh, but the rest of Macro Cosmo was kinda underwhelming so I wanted to try putting her in a cooler evil team! I think she’d get along with Lusamine quite well, I’d love to see them girl bossing their way across the regions!
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rubberduckyrye · 9 months
Man ran into someone making a long analysis post about the 3.3 interlude quest, and like valid interpretation, but...
It's so weird for me, because I'm a weirdo who separates the terms Bad Person and Evil.
I think Scaramouche was about the worst person he could have been. However, that doesn't mean he was evil. He was a bad person because he was in a rampage, raging like a fire that couldn't be put out. He hurt people because he was unable to control that rage, as it too was fueled from hurt. When the whole world hurts you as badly as it hurt Scaramouche, when it dehumanizes you at every point it can, and makes you feel like you can do nothing but suffer because the gods and morals spurn you just for existing--and you don't even want to exist--of course he's going to lash out at the entire world! He hurt innocent people, but those innocent people were part of the world that deeply scarred him. And even then, again, there is lore that Scaramouche was kind to the elderly and to children. It's very possible that when he perceived someone as innocent, he didn't even think to hurt them to exert force or power over them. He helped them, even.
And even if that piece of lore isn't canon, it doesn't really matter. He's a bad person, yes--but to call him evil is misleading. To call him evil is to think in terms of black and white, and not about the shades of grey that exist in the real world.
I will never shut up about how Scaramouche's story was an allegory for abuse, how he was neglected from the moment he was born, how he was failed by his family, how he was manipulated and abused by the Fatui and Dottore--like. There's a whole ass line Signora says to his face that literally mocks him for being Dottore's test subject. He was the ugly duckling, the unwanted child, cast aside and deemed as a demon to be tormented for just existing. The only people who accepted him? They all died. The world literally taught Scaramouche he couldn't be loved or treated kindly, less those people die too.
There are real, living, breathing people who are just like Scaramouche. Who do bad things and are bad people right now because they don't know what kindness feels like, or how to be good. I think the distinction is important for those people in particular, because to just call people like Scaramouche evil implies that they cannot get better. That they deserve to suffer and hurt. That their feelings are invalid.
But being a bad person does not mean you are evil or irredeemable. It means you need to stop and look at yourself, you need to stop and look at the world that you want to burn. Even at your lowest point, there is salvation--you can find happiness. You can recover. You can step forward to a new future where you can become a better person.
For as much as I dislike the 3.3 interlude quest and how it handled certain aspects of Nahida's character and the Traveler, I thought that this message of abused victims who are hurting deserve to find peace and happiness too was a good message to bring home. It was very muddied down by Nahida and the Traveler, yes, but all in all, the 3.3 Interlude quest was never meant to be about redemption.
It was meant to be about healing. About taking the first steps necessary to accept yourself and move forward with your life.
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mattzerella-sticks · 9 months
Thinking, putting pieces together...
Leaks about Dokutaro (aka the Poison Peach) who granted the Loyal Three their deepest wishes (to become stronger/wiser/prettier) by fixing them with the toxic chain...
Kieran vowing to become stronger and rumored to be the Champion in the Blueberry Academy arc...
Codes for 'zombie' in the DLC that haven't aired for the Teal Mask...
What I'm wondering if the player is asked to come to Blueberry Academy to help defeat the 'Champion' because they have taken control of the school and made everyone into 'zombies' with toxic chains - all part of Dokutaro's master plan (which may involve Ogrepon, may involve Terapagos) and you, as the main character, have to fight your way through the school and the 'Elite Four' to get to Kieran and free him from Dokutaro's influence. I also think that perhaps the evolution for Dipplin might go from Grass/Dragon to Poison/Dragon (to keep with the theme of caduceus and healing but the opposite, and also tying in with what happens to Pokemon influenced by Dokutaro - wouldn't be surprised if a new poison-move boosting item is introduced as well).
I know there's theories that the professor wearing a scarlet blazer and violet pants might be the villain (and she might still be involved, maybe she releases Dokutaro and introduces Kieran to it in a bid to get Terapagos) but thinking about how the first half of the DLC is more exploration and the latter half is battling makes me think about the Team Star battle mechanics but also how to raise the stakes and what makes sense story and lore wise given everything that's being set up.
Then again, maybe I'm wrong. This is just speculation after all...
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gourmetbeef · 1 year
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ok yea I decided I liked this vers too <3 
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sshrinkydink · 1 month
Do you like Pokevillians? If so I have a discord server you may like!
We currently stand at over 70 people and everyone here is super friendly and welcoming, its a really great place if you're looking to make new friends.
(Just a disclaimer, you can only join this server if you are currently under 18! If you turn 18 while here you will not be kicked out)
Some of the best quotes from our server 😭
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gravityflops · 7 months
more thoughts on this
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since we know next to nothing abt the travelers’ previous lives,,,
if their little origin story was fabricated, and they were created by the unknown god,,
the same way scaramouche was created by raiden,,,,
also i wonder if scara’s wrists started glowing the way the travelers do after he got his vision.
he had them fully covered while he was an amnesiac, during that time he might have just been self-conscious in a way that he’d grown out of in his previous life, but once he got his memories back he still hid them… perhaps he’s gotten sick of explaining himself now that he lives in a reality where nobody knows he’s artificial,,, but i digress
in the scenario where the travelers’ entire backstory as alleged world-hopping explorers was fabricated, and in reality they were created by the unknown god…
the unknown god could also be where Raiden got her “creation method” from.
bc i reckon it’s a LOT harder to artificially make a sapient being with a fully fleshed-out personality than a human-resembling machine that just follows orders.
like. her first attempt could be a near-exact replica of the original “formula”, just with a few minor tweaks to make him resemble her.
could also be why, as her first prototype, Scaramouche was much shorter,,,,, he’s just closer to the travelers’ heights as the original copies…………….he’s travel-sized—
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Pathetic Eclipse actually managing to get the Star one day, through sheer dumb luck that managed to look like a well-executed evil scheme. And everyone is freaking out because holy shit the harmless dork villain actually pulled off real dastardly genius pro villain shit.
Meanwhile Pathetic Eclipse is just lost on what to do now that he’s won, because “I don’t know. I never thought I’d get this far…”🦇
Pathetic Eclipse simply looks at Moon, looks at the Star. Looks at Moon. Looks at the Star. Looks at Moon. Then simply says 'want this back?' To which Moon says 'yes', of course, he does indeed not want Eclipse to have the Star.
Moon knows at this point that his dumbass child didn't even try to get the Star after having seen just how pathetic Eclipse is, especially with all his failed torment resulting in injuries to only himself. He has seen the level of dumbass Eclipse is and knows exactly how incredibly pathetic he is and loves his stupid clumsy son by that point.
Eclipse hands Moon the Star back after tripping over the guard rail and falling into the main balcony room from the balcony. Moon now has a crying Eclipse who just cracked his faceplate and is whining that his head hurts.
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moldycantaloupe · 4 months
HEHEHEHEHEHHE also sending in the form of an ask but PLEASE lemme know when you write the water dew/ fire rain stuff???/nf ofc but AAA
for you, moon, the first two paragraphs of what I'm working on. I might 1) make this either into a multi-chapter fic or a series, or 2) might never actually finish this and post the rest here as a ficlit, but I will willfully let the infection that is this AU win. Anyway here is Fire>Water Dew
It had been a mistake. Dew knew it from the moment he said yes, the moment he gave Sister full control of his body, his element. As he walked down the basement, step after thundering step, arms clad behind his back, he was acutely aware of the mistake he had made. But he knew that with Sister, it wasn’t an offer. Not a question. It was a demand disguised as choice. That thin smile lulled him into thinking he had a choice.
But it was all too late now. Now hours, maybe even days after the ritual he was sitting on the stone cold tile of his bathroom, leaning against his bathtub. He was hyperventilating, tears just begging to fall. He had someone by his side, he’s not sure who, rubbing at his shoulder, but Satanas their hand against his skin was so hot, he didn’t even know he was capable of feeling heat that burned. He wants to yell at them to go, to never touch him again because he doesn’t know if he will ever be able to touch someone again without burning and it scares him. He’s shivering under their touch, and all he can do is breathe.
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thechibifoxcub · 5 months
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Amongst the darkness that accompanies the rain fall, stands a rose most pure and vibrant. Brilliant hues of ruby and emerald adorn the flower while the drops of rain glide down youthful petals and thorny stems. A flower most sought after yet seemingly untouchable despite its radiance can cause one to ponder about its purpose. Is a flower not meant to be picked and preserved for one’s own pleasure? But if so, why does the flower wilt so swiftly? Do you need to pull it from the earth below and preserve the rose in it’s entirety, or can it not be snipped at the base and be dried and pressed for future perusal?
How can one know of such things before the rose withers? And why, once plucked, does the flower choose to die and not stay in its glass vase? Why has no one truly thought of this before? Science, of course, explains everything if someone was able to stop and actually pay attention, but that’s not the point. Science and botany explain much but the emotional toll that follows once said rose is gone. Science does not explain the pain except through definition alone and by biased experiences. At least, that’s what they think.
Because to them, you see, that once brilliant flower, the one covered in dew drops and sunlight now sits cold and soaked from rain water and regrets. The flower they plucked and cherish now sits shriveled and decayed. Or, more so, that it’s in the process of decay. Their flower sits still with eyes once full of that eye-catching hue; a magnificent array of light and happiness now fading along with the waning sunlight that once brought them comfort. Rain clouds block out the heavens and the rain fall grows, yet their flower sits here beside them…. Withering inside their polished glass vase. The youthful glow of that flower- no, person now sits still behind window panes and foggy memories as the vibrancy begins to fade. A rose is a rose best left free; yet how can one enjoy such a rose of left be? Tell them how they can save their rose, before the final petal falls and the world around them crumbles. A rose is a rose, but their purpose is yet foreseen. A flower is a flower that they plucked all too soon. And a person is a person that is meant to be free.
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This is random af and I don’t even understand it myself, but I’ll be damned at least it’s something! So much going on and I’m just trying to get back into things after being sick for so long and with all of the bullshit that’s been going on lately. Angsty but it’s something 😅 Any way I hope you like it!
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
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so uhh found that eleazar hospital oh boy
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furinafontaine · 18 days
I’m gonna be sick oh traveler twins I love you so much ohhh god
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starless-nightz · 2 months
What do you guys think of me making a Nico Di Angelo X RE8 crossover or a Nico Di Angelo X Genshin crossover? Or maybe a HSR one....
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