girlfriendline · 7 months
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babygirl himself after scoring his first goal with the kraken for @timbitshockey
kraken @ lightning || 30.10.23
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ehghtyseven · 5 months
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some lost boys return for a visit kraken at penguins | 15th january 2024
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o'knutzy week day 3: cookout
credit to @lumosinlove
@oknutzyweek2023 <3
team cookouts
remus, dumo (celeste), and leo are in charge of the main courses because they're voted best chefs
james and lily along with dorcas and marlene typically bring desserts
everyone else either brings drinks or snacks
sirius and regulus are always in charge of getting the alcohol (no one really knows why it just kinds happens)
there's lots of dancing and lots of karaoke 
lily and james DEMOLISH dancing queen
leo and reg are reigning champions of karaoke night with their killer queen
logan and remus always end up having too many drinks even though they swear they aren't drinking 
every cookout brings a new level of peace to everyone
a sense is family a majority of them have lacked
they're always held at dumo's house and more often than not most of the teams ends up sleeping over
either because they drank too much or simply because no one wants the night to end
they have these cookouts at the end of every month and for every holiday
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pensfan4lfe2 · 8 months
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Then&Now || Brian Dumoulin
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chaoticgoodit · 6 months
Sometimes when Garth and Dumo stand too close together I’m like “okay but why is this young person partnered with his smily-er future self”
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hey Eve! I’ve been missing the TikTok fico (but I still love everything you post because you’re my favorite fic writer 😊) I was wondering if you would write the Lions doing the TikTok trend where they’re like “they’re a 7 but…” or “they’re a 2 but…” if you have the chance?
Oh this trend is so fun! I miss these fics too! SW character credit goes to @lumosinlove ❤️
“Okay, okay, wait,” Nado said through his laughter as he took the phone from Kuny. “They’re a six, but they’re a goalie.”
“Instant ten,” Finn said immediately.
“Thanks, Harz!” Kasey called offscreen.
“Not you!” Finn shook his head. “Uh, they’re an eight, but they put their right skate on before their left.”
“Oh, tough one,” Remus mused. “Eight and a half?”
“Ten,” Sirius answered. “I do that.”
“So that makes my vote a solid five.” Logan grinned as Finn passed him the phone; he dodged Sirius’ punch to his shoulder by less than an inch, then winced at the following smack upside the head. “That’s an abuse of power, asshole!”
“Bite me.”
Logan pulled a face at him before turning back to the camera. “They’re a five, but they play for the Snakes.”
“Zero,” several voices said in unison.
“Cap, your brother played for them. Be nice.”
Sirius frowned. “Negative one.”
“You literally look the same.”
Leo snorted as he took the phone. “Bold of you to assume anyone on that team is above a three. Okay, they’re a five, but they use a stick with the same flex as you do.”
A moment of quiet contemplation passed through the group. “Nine,” James finally answered. “I took a point off because I don’t like to share my sticks, but… that’s hot.”
“It’s hot,” Talker agreed. “Can confirm.”
Logan wrinkled his nose. “Ew.”
“Um, they’re a nine, but…” Kasey bit his lower lip in thought, then grinned. “But they dress exclusively in khakis and polo shirts for seven years.”
“Ten,” Sirius answered without hesitation at the same time Remus said, “fuck you.”
“You’re only giving Loops a nine?” Talker whistled lowly. “Damn, Bliz, harsh grade. They’re a six, but they drink blue Gatorade.”
“Oh, hell yeah!” James whooped. “That’s an eleven, baby!”
“Definitely at least an eight,” Olli said with a nod. “They’re a seven, but they have red hair.”
“Ten,” James, Leo, and Logan chorused. Finn gave the camera a pleased look while Olli handed the phone to Dumo.
“I just say how attractive someone is, then something that makes them more attractive, yes?” he asked. Various agreements came from offscreen and he hummed in thought. “What’s the grading scale?”
“A ten is someone very attractive,” Sirius explained. “So for example, Remus would be a ten. And then at the bottom is a one, like Tremzy—ow.”
“And so Celeste would be an eleven?” Dumo continued mildly.
“Sure—stop hitting me!”
“D’accord. Ah, they’re an eight, but they can bake madeleines.”
“What’s a madeleine?”
Kuny rolled his eyes. “Is cookie, Cookie. You should know. Hmm. They are seven, but have strong muscles. Before you speak, only correct answer is ten.”
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tblueger · 2 years
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if there's one thing about dumo, he WILL hold a dog up in the air like he's in the lion king
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coffee-at-annies · 1 month
He's no longer a pen but baby girl dumo, if you dont mind?
sure! all players welcome. you want kraken or pens babygirl Dumo?
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Hi I was wondering if you could do one where this is like Remus’ first dinner at dumos with the team but has like an allergic reaction to something. but does not want to say anything so like makes a hurried excuse and calls 911 or something idk. Totally okay if you’re not comfortable writing this.
Okay so this is just further proof I AM Remus John Lupin because this is some shit I would do (and actually have done ope) because above all else I hate to be an inconvenience to anyone ever. And I think Remus is the same way.
This prompt hasn’t been sitting all that long and I need you all to know it has not once left my head since it came in it is perfection. I’m love. Thank you.
To say Remus was nervous would be an understatement.
He had been invited to a team dinner at Dumo’s and though he knew Celeste’s cooking was to die for and that he wouldn’t want to miss it did nothing to stop him from panicking just a little. Sure, he’d been to team dinners here and there once in a while but always out at restaurants, never at anyone’s house.
So, he tried to time it so he wouldn’t be too early, as he was apt to be, so that he wouldn’t be the first or only one there with no one else to fill the lulls in conversation. Luckily, the cab driver seemed in no rush to get him to his destination, which was fine with Remus. He happened to get there just as Thomas Walker was getting out of his car.
“Loops! Hey, good to see you for like, what, the third time today?” He laughed.
“Yeah, yeah.” Remus chuckled, “Can’t seem to get away from y’all. After you.” Remus motioned for Finn to walk ahead of him on the path to the Dumias’ front door.
Talker, as they all called him, gave three brisk knocks and the door opened barely a moment later. “Heya, Black.”
Sirius gave a nod in acknowledgement to them and waved them in. “Hi guys. You can go ahead and hang your coats in the closet. Celeste said everything’s about done so then go ahead and take a seat. I’ll be right back.” Sirius shut the door behind them and then made his way down the stairs to the basement, presumably to his room.
Remus noticed he seemed a bit nervous around a lot of people, especially when the team went out, but even at larger gatherings at one of their houses. And even though Sirius lived here, he still didn’t seem to be at home here. At least, that’s what he overheard Dumo saying to Pots after practice in the lounge the other day when James had inquired how Sirius had been adjusting after months of being in Gryffindor.
Remus shook his head back to the present and followed Talker and the smell of amazing cooking into the kitchen where they found some empty seats around one of the makeshift fold out tables that were scattered about. An empty chair was left next to Remus that was soon filled by Sirius, who had walked up and rose an eyebrow in question, to which Remus nodded for him to take a seat.
The food started flowing soon after, as did conversation which was never at a lull with James Potter and Thomas Walker around and trying to include everyone, Remus and an especially quiet rookie Sirius. Remus had to admit, he was having a great time; laughing freely and savoring the food that lived up to the hype from the team.
At one point he laughed maybe a bit too hard, quickly devolving into a short coughing fit.
Talker gave him a few pats on the back, “Alright there, Loops?”
Remus cleared his throat and rasped out, “Yeah, sorry.”
“He’s just enjoying Celeste’s cooking a bit too much.” James joked. “Celeste, I hate vegetables but these green beans are divine. How?”
“Cooked them with almond butter and sliced almonds, really helps give it more flavor.”
“Ah, well I’ll have to try that next ti—”
“Excuse me.” Remus’ voice was a bit scratchy as he got up from the table to grab a glass of water and head towards the entryway, away from the crowd.
Almonds. Of course it just had to be tree nuts, didn’t it? Just his luck.
Remus rummaged through the front hall closet to look for his coat, just beginning to pull it off the hanger when a shadow fell over him as someone approached.
“Hey. Are- Are you leaving?” Came Sirius’ timid voice. “I hope the crowd wasn’t too much, I know lot’s of people make me nervous too.”
Remus finally got his jacket free, immediately rummaging through the zipped inside pocket and retrieving his epi-pen. “No, it’s not that…” He got out before coughing lightly. He dropped his coat and leaned back against the wall, bending his legs slightly and taking out the pen. He took a deep breath to steel his nerves, “Let me know when it’s been three seconds.”
Remus did his best to hold back a wince as he stabbed himself in the thigh and heard a distressed noise from Sirius.
“Okay, oui, three seconds.”
“Thank you.” Remus placed the pen back in the holder to dispose of later and tossed in on top of his jacket. He leaned his head back against the wall and rolled his head to the side to look over at Sirius. “Sorry. Almonds. Allergy.”
“Are you okay?” Sirius look more that a little freaked. Panicked might be a better word. “H- Call? Nine un un? Hospital?”
Remus let out a chuckle at Sirius fumbling for words, hoping it would calm him a bit. “No,” Remus cleared his throat. “I’ll be fine. Could, um, could you actually grab me some water? I think I’m going to sit for a bit, away from everyone.”
“Oui. Viens- Come. We can sit on the stairs.” He tentatively reached out to Remus and lead him to the basement door, walking down just a few steps and motioning for Remus to sit. He left and came back a moment later with a cold bottle of water and sat on the stairs next to him, closing the door just above him, muffling the sounds of the team just upstairs.
“Sorry, I—”
“Don’t apologize. We should have asked of anyone had allergies. You could have asked, too, Celeste wouldn’t have minded. I can tell her for next time. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Remus let out a huffed laugh; he was pretty sure that was the most Sirius had spoken to him ever. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be fine. Not that severe an allergy. More embarrassed than anything.” He opened the water and chugged down half of it in one go. “Usually, I’m more careful about noticing if there’s something I’m allergic to. But I’ll be find, just need some air for a minute. Crowds can be a little suffocating, right?”
It was Sirius’ turn to huff out a laugh, “Oui. I usually don’t even make it to the end of these things without hiding in my room a couple times. The quiet helps calm me in the middle of the chaos.”
“Yeah, I get that.” Remus finished off the bottle of water, setting it down by his feet. “I think I’ll need a bit before heading back out there, you?”
“Oui, same. The stairs, uh, aren’t that comfortable. Do you want to maybe come sit in my room for a few minutes before heading back? I think Adele left me her Gameboy, I could show you my pokemans?”
“Pokémon?” Remus smiled at him. “Sure. Lead the way.”
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girlfriendline · 1 year
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paying a lot of attention to The Game right now clearly
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ehghtyseven · 5 months
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look at himmmmmmmm
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Hi I was wondering if you could do loops angst with the team kinda comforting him. Maybe through in some insomnia???
this kinda ended up in a the team is helping him but they don't know it kind of way so hopefully that was close enough <3
Remus sighed for what felt like the thousandth time before turning onto his other side. He was restless and he had nothing to blame except his insomnia. It was well past midnight and Remus was so tired he could cry.
He was tired and annoyed and he just wanted to sleep.
Reaching a blind hand over to the hotel nightstand he grabbed his phone and let out a frustrated sound. It was 5-fucking-30 and he had to get up in two and a half hours. Remus slapped his phone down on the bed with a little more force than he meant to but he’s annoyed okay? He is utterly exhausted yet his brain won’t shut the fuck up.
When he felt the telltale burn in his nose and eyes and sat up abruptly. He was not going to cry like a fucking baby just because he can’t sleep. No way. If he can’t sleep he may as well get up now so he can act awake at practice.
Normally he roomed with Sirius but Sirius was in James’s room. They had gone for drinks and then went to talk in James’s room but Remus got a text around 1 in the morning that Sirius was falling asleep and not to worry if he stopped answering and didn’t make his way up to bed.
Remus considered being upset but honestly, James and Sirius hadn’t been spending enough time together recently and Sirius would have just been concerned about Remus not getting any sleep.
Groaning, he rolled out of bed and grabbed some clothes before going to the bathroom to change and brush his teeth. He didn’t bother trying to tame his hair which was slightly crazy due to how much rolling around he was doing.
As he reached to open the door knob turned and Remus froze momentarily. His life flashed before his eyes. The door opened and Remus stayed tense until his eyes met Sirius’s. “Jeez.” Remus gasped, his hand coming up to his chest in his go-to you scared the crap out of me move.
Sirius just stared at him for a moment before cocking his head to the side. “What are you doing away, Re?” Remus could practically see the concern coming off Sirius in waves. He just shrugged tiredly, not really having the energy to do much else. “Couldn’t sleep.” Sirius searched his face and Remus stood there, he figured Sirius would figure out the problem with or without Remus trying to hide it.
Sirius seemed to find what he was looking for and opened his arms for Remus to fall into. “It’s okay, love.” Sirius whispered as he pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Remus stuck his nose into the space between Sirius’s shoulder and neck and exhaled softly.
“I’m just tired.” Remus cursed himself for how shaky it came out. Sirius tightened his hold and pressed another kiss to the top of his head. “I know. I’m sorry. Did you get any sleep?” Remus shuddered slightly and shook his head.
Sirius swayed them gently for a moment before letting him go. “Do you want to go to Leo’s room? A few of the boys are already awake and they’re all in there. Or we can just lay down in relax. Whatever you want to do.” Remus sighed and nodded. “That sounds nice.” He said quietly, a yawn taking over quickly.
The walk was quiet. Sirius held his hand the entire way and kept pressing random soft kisses to his head or hand. Remus squeezed his hand in appreciation.
When they got to the door Sirius knocked quietly. Logan opened the door and ushered them in. There were quiet a few ‘Good mornings’ and Remus was honestly surprised by how many people were awake so early. They typically went to bed earlier though, due to getting up early and having long and taxing days. He knew that James, Leo, Dumo, and Winter always got up early to keep a schedule but he hadn’t realized Logan did. Perhaps it was because he roomed with Leo.
Logan returned to Leo who was sitting at the small table in the kitchen talking animatedly to Winter. They both had paused to say good morning before diving right back to the conversation. James was on the bed on his phone, presumably talking to Lily since it was almost ten in the morning back home.
Dumo sat next to James on the bed watching a black and white movie on the TV. He had his legs pulled to his chest as he did a crossword puzzle that was resting on his knees. Remus plopped down in front of him and felt the bed dip where Sirius sat beside him with his back against Dumo’s legs. It was a tight fit between the four of them but it was surprisingly comfortable.
Remus rubbed his eyes, which were burning from having been open for so long, before adjusting so he could put his head on Sirius’s chest. Sirius wasted no time in pulling him in closer with an arm resting around his shoulders.
The sun hadn’t risen yet and only the bathroom light was on, the door opened so that the light could spill into the room without it being too bright. The soft sounds coming from the TV and the kitchen conversations were slowly lulling him but he fought the hope blooming in his chest that maybe he would get a little sleep after all.
Sirius ran a hand through his hair and leaned down slightly to whisper in his ear. “Close your eyes, love.” Remus shook his head and burrowed further into Sirius’s side. “Can’t sleep.” Sirius kissed the top of his head and continued running his fingers through Remus’s hair. “That’s okay, just rest your eyes.”
Remus huffed a little but did as he said. He didn’t quite see the point but he sighed as the burn in his eyes lessened. Sirius kept messing with his hair and his other hand came up to run up and down his back. Remus was struck again by just how much he loved Sirius. There was so much comfort in knowing that Sirius would always have his back and care enough to make sure Remus was doing okay.
The repetitive sounds of Dumo’s pencil on his paper and James tapping on his screen was pushing him over the edge but his consciousness was trying its hardest to stay awake.
Remus didn’t realize when he fell asleep but Sirius did. Sirius smiled as he felt Remus’s breaths even out. He dropped one last kiss on his forehead before he turned his attention back to the movie.
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pensfan4lfe2 · 2 years
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Then&Now || Brian Dumoulin
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fromtheorient · 1 year
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chetbakeralmostblue · 2 years
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had a great chat with dumo and heinen
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tblueger · 1 year
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choosing to believe that chad and dumo are racing their children. no one tell me otherwise
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