#Disney L-Pop
candy-pants · 8 months
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we finished l-pop last night @petsohp
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 9 months
L-Pop on Disney + ep4-6 Recap/Review
So legitimately this is one of my favorite shows Disney+ Latin America has done. Did not see that on my 2023 Bingo card!
Ep4 - It’s the qualifier episode so we get more performances this time which was a lot of fun and just what I was hoping for. Sweet Ji-Won making Andrea an ugly poster - they are just the dumbest and cutest. Ofc the group is being absolutely insane as they prep. We got Indra with her sage, Tomas trying to hug Ji-Won, and them memorizing capitals to calm their nerves. The sillies are so silly. I’m just honestly having a good time. And the they miss the cut …by 1!
Ep5 - Obviously they weren’t going to stay down for long. Absolutely dying at Tomás not showering for days so he can scrub thru the videos to find the other team that cheated to get disqualified. And then Hye-Jin using her wits to blackmail the competition lady so she actually would disqualify them. I’m just obsessed with this group. They’re all absolutely insane and lovable. I love how invested everyone is in Ji-Won and Andrea’s relationship too - as am I!! They’re so adorable also the fact that he’s always bringing her food to flirt I’m 😭.
The scene with them filming their music video!! First the hilarity of them trying to scale the wall when Indra walks through an open gate 😂 and then the MV was really good! The song kind of reminded me of Dynamite by BTS lmao. I’m curious if we’ll get these songs on Spotify they’re all stuck in my head now (ticky ticky toc toc) . Also props to the director keeping the Pablo bit going even when they were all running away from the cop and still blocking Pablo’s face with his camera 🤭
Ep6 - The big finale already and I’m just sad this is already ending. But Andrea convincing Sylvana to stay and encouraging the team by showing her talent show video and them all agreeing to call the team L-Pop why are they all so cute?! The vintage shop scene was adorable and the whole group getting caught watching Andrea/Ji-Won again, it never stops being funny. And I really love that Pau always encourages Andrea with K-Pop even tho it’s clearly not her thing 🥲 and just always shaking her head at the parents pushing her into dentistry. Ugh supportive sisters got me 🥺
Idk what’s going on with Diego, like is he supposed to be flirting with Andrea bc I can’t. Im so glad Ji-Won finally made his move tho!! But ah that cliffhanger — I need a s2 stat!
Anyway this show was just good vibes, good heart, cringey but proud! 10/10 highly recommend for anyone with any fan obsession that should get them institutionalized 😍
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leona in club leadership
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Me: I’m safe after the hitman that was Epel’s Birthday Jacket jumpscared me with the “Leona is a reliable senpai” talk Broomquet Leona: Broomquet Leona: *slowly raises the broom for a bonking*
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why Why WHY
Alright, so. 🤡 We all know that Leona's the captain of the Magical Shift/Spelldrive Club at NRC (moving forward, I will refer to this as "Magift Club", since that's the shortest phrase). What's more is, we actually get quite a bit of information about how he goes around running the club and training its members (although the information is scattered across various vignettes, so it may be difficult to piece it all together if you don't know where to look or don't read certain vignettes). THIS IS THE GOOD STUFF THOUGH, THIS IS A GOLD MINE OF LuONA CHA EARCTERiXATION AND I'M GOINOG TO POP of DFF ABOUT IT
Firstly! In book 2 of the main story, Jack tells us that he was impressed by Leona's amazing play in a Magift game three years ago. This would later become a part of Jack's motivation to attend Night Raven College--so he could become a great athlete, and, perhaps, get to play against or alongside that player that he admired so much. Even when Jack learns that Leona is playing dirty to eliminated Diasomnia from the interdorm tournament, Jack exposes that he believes Leona is capable of securing a victory by playing fairly. Maybe you could call it a freshman's naive beliefs, but Jack knows that Leona is better than this. What book 2 shows us is that Leona is willing to resort to underhanded tactics to come out on top--but he's also very skilled in his own right, both physically and intellectually, and even at his lowest points, he has people who trust him to lead them: people like Jack. But where does this faith and respect come from???????? For that, we'll have to dive into additional materials.
In many vignettes, such as Ace's PE Uniform and Ruggie's Outdoor Wear, we hear from other characters that the Magift Club members train rigorously (usually to the point of exhaustion). Ruggie, a fellow Magift Club member, confesses to his inexperience; he never played Magift before coming to NRC and he's not a born athlete. He seriously considered quitting the club due to their physically demanding practice and training. However, Ruggie credits Leona for the vast improvement he has made, citing that Leona would give him all kinds of assignments to hone his skills. More importantly, doing all of these assignments also taught Ruggie how to endure and persist in the face of adversity. Ruggie could have just lied here and said the training was easy to quickly and artificially inflate the numbers of new recruits he pulls in to please Leona (some of the new recruits would end up dropping out anyway) BUT HE DOESN'T. This leads me to believe that Ruggie is being honest about what it takes to be in Magift Club and is genuinely praising Leona's guidance as a part of why it's beneficial to join. "Leona makes every session worthwhile [...] He makes all the calls during our games, but otherwise lets us do our thing. Which means we can work out our problem spots for ourselves. He's a great captain!"
Epel, the other main cast member in Magift Club, has not yet joined at the time of the flashback in Ruggie's Outdoor Wear vignette. Upon hearing Ruggie's praise of Leona, Epel gets the impression that Leona is an incredible person. Post-joining the club, this impression continues. In his Birthday Jacket vignettes, Epel describes Leona as someone who is quick-witted, fierce-looking, and has a cool personality. He really admires Leona and wants to be like him someday, making him the second first year that has these sort of sentiments. Epel tells stories similar to Ruggie, saying that Leona has helped him out a lot during club and is generally good at looking out for others. He specifically mentions that everyone counts on Leona for his leadership during games and provides individualized advice to help each team member improve (details which supports what Ruggie initially told the freshmen). People outside of Leona’s reign also comment on this, such as Ace in Endless Halloween Night. He remarks that the first thing Leona thought to do was untie Epel; this leads Ace to conclude that Leona, does, in fact, look out for people despite how he usually acts 🤡
Epel also says that he "knows" Leona would help him study if he were on the verge of failing a class. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??????????? Leona actually DOES tutor Ruggie (who initially descibes his grades as being "in the dumpster") and gives advice and materials to him. Now Ruggie's grades are average, but passing. In his Labwear vignettes, Leona doesn't formally teach Epel, but he does make a voice-changing potion to help Epel out (although his own ulterior motive was to avoid Rook, who was the one that originally helped Epel). When Epel and Grim then beg Leona to show them his technique, he refuses and seems annoyed at their requests. In other words, Leona doesn't seem eager to teach others unless it serves a purpose for himself.
Leons is oftentimes pushing others to perform well, and in a way that serves a dual purpose of helping the individual out but also ultimately benefitting him. For example, Leona helps sand Azul’s contracts because he wants to as terminate an agreement he has with Azul. Additionally, he plots in book 2 not only to help his dorm mates be noticed by Magift scouts, but also to prove his own worth as a leader. In yet another instance, Leona shows students outside of his club how to efficiently mine for magestone so they can fulfill their goal and earn a Vargas Badge. This clears them out of the cave so he can nap there. Leona is working smarter, not necessarily harder. Relating this to Magift Club... As Ruggie and Epel have told us, Leona runs his members ragged during practice. As a rich kid and royalty, he’s said to have a natural inclination for being demanding and ordering others around—but there’s always some kind of compensation or reward for following orders well. Ruggie gets many perks from doing Leona’s errands and chores for him, so he willingly follows Leona. For the Magift Club, the intense training causes those unable or unwilling to keep up to quit, leaving behind the go-getters, the tough, and the willful. Not only are these the types of people most likely to do well in actually playing the sport, but they’re also the types of people Leona himself is seeking with play with.
When your players are willing and able to train hard and by themselves (knowing what their strengths and weaknesses are, as well as how to improve), it encourages… independence. It means less work for the captain to do. It means having a group of people who are obedient and obey your every word. It means Leona can get away with napping during club practice. He's working them hard now so they can take care of themselves later and he has to do less. That seems to be the implication in some instances, as Riddle had noted before that, “it has been a while since [he has seen Leona] sincerely apply himself to his club activities.” (That's because Leona has already trained his team to be comfortable train on their own! This is demonstrated in the flashback of his Beastly Garb vignettes, when Leona instructs his club to do cooldown exercises "on their own while he heads off to nap.) And believe me, when he’s “applying himself”, his talent shines through (just as his intelligence does when he wants to employ it). As Epel and Ruggie say in Leona’s Halloween vignette (flashback), 5 people tried to get the disc away from Leona for 30 minutes and still weren’t successful while Leona barely broke a sweat. Part of the reason why Leona is able to afford bossing his team members around is because he can walk the walk. His own abilities, then, also serve as a point of motivation for the rest of the team. They want to be able to perform on the same level as him, want the honor to play with someone like that. We see one prominent example of this in his Dorm Uniform vignettes. In them, Jack is being bullied by Savanaclaw (senpai) mobs because they're annoyed with his athletic abilities and righteous attitude. These mobs also accurse Leona of being unworthy to lead them because "all [he does] is slack off during practice". They quickly learn the true magnitude of Leona's strength when he defends Jack from 30 mobs at once, not only demonstrating that he is fit for the title of captain, but also someone that has earned Jack's respect.
Though the Dorm Uniform vignettes ultimately frame Leona as siding with Jack, there is a lot of strategic thinking and wisdom in the advice he imparts to both parties involved in the quarrel. He argues in favor of the mobs "skirting the rules", which falls in line with his willingness to disregard morality so long as he achieves an end goal (see: his actions against Azul in book 3, and his actions in book 2 against Malleus). In this case, Jack preaching about playing by the rules is getting in the way of their goals (which will resurface in book 2). That's why he gets put in time-out to "think about his actions", and how he sees the world as black and white, evil and good. To Leona, it's not cheating, it's just playing smart and within the rules specifically specified (the mobs still acted within the boundaries set by rules) or what isn't specifically outlawed (they can't lose to Malleus if he can't play to begin with) to get what he wants. To this point, Leona also sees no shame in strategic retreats and surrenders. This is illustrated by him willingly turning himself into STYX when they approach, and passing on temporary leadership to Ruggie while he's gone. Again, he's just working with what he has in the systems that are presented to him, and he expects everyone else to be able to play the same game. While Leona tells Jack off, it's also true that Leona does have some code of honor as it relates to his own interests; he tells the mobs they're acting embarrassing by "punching down" and being jealous of a freshman. This doesn't come from a place of concern for Jack, or from worry about their attitude, but primarily from irritation that he has to clean up after their behavior. As we see in book 2, Leona himself has no issue with playing Magift against freshmen who are new to the sport (Ace, Deuce, etc.) when they've come unannounced into his dormitory. It's Jack who has to intervene there and call Leona out for picking on the small fry. Even Leona warning the mobs for using magic outside of Magift is a ploy to serve his own agenda. It's against school rules to use magic unless instructed; Leona is, therefore, against his students wailing on Jack using magic instead of fists because it could attract undue attention from staff (and thus cause issues for him, as their dorm leader). This is also why Leona wants to take on the Heartslabyul detective group in a game of Magift instead of just fighting them then and there; it's to avoid causing such a ruckus right before the big interdorm tournament. Leona has a problem with people challenging his authority and making unnecessary trouble for him to fix. When it serves his interests, he'll turn, and/or he won't side completely with one party. He can easily see the pros and the cons of both sides. If Jack is black and white, then Leona is all grey.
This is another notable quality of Leona's: he can identify and understand people's strengths and weaknesses, sometimes even better than they do themselves. His own club members can attest to how Leona gives them specific advice to improve their skills. In fact, we get to see one instance of it in Leona's Beastly Garb vignettes. Epel asks Leona for advice on how to better control the disc, since he's been missing passes and dropping them a lot. Leona responds by telling him not to worry about it and then walking off. A lot of people might look at this and say "he's just being lazy and shirking his work again". But later in the vignette, Leona explains his rationale: Epel's strength is his speed. When he's handling a disc as he's flying, that significantly cuts down on that speed and hinders his overall performance. If Epel tries to get better at all these things at once, he'll neglect his actual strength and not be useful to the team. Leona reasons that since making objects float is a fundamental skill for a mage, Epel will naturally practice it more and improve with time, so in the meantime he should dedicate his time in club to what he's already got as an asset.
This discerning eye is not just limited to club members, either. Leona has shown that, time and time again, he can key in on people. It was Leona who recognized Ace's craftiness and how Ace planned to use Leona's presence to his own advantage in Endless Halloween Night. Leona doesn't worry about the potential harm a wayward disc could have caused Riddle because he knows Riddle could easily deflect it with his own magic (in Ace's PE vignette). He alone noticed that Jamil's eyes "always glare" and senses his malicious intent against Kalim (in Jamil's School Uniform vignette). This is WAY before the events of book 4 ever came out too. Then, in book 6, Leona points out that Ruggie knows how keep to the strongest people to make up for his own deficits, how Jack knows how to adhere to a hierarchy, and how even Kalim has strengths in how amicable he is, and the wealth he was born into. He knows when people aren't meeting their full potential too, telling Jamil that he keeps making excuses instead of actually acting.
What makes the whole conversation Leona has with Jamil so great is that a lot of what is said is relatable for the two of them. Leona, too, knows what it's like to be in a situation where others shun his talents in favor of another. That's why he's able to speak so pointedly on the matter. It's that connection that helps to move Jamil and motivate him to finally act on his own to fulfill a support role for Leona that he needs later on. There's a parallel here with how Leona acted in book 2; he tried and tried and tried, and when he failed, he sat down and gave it all up, blaming his team mates and claiming he played along with their game. Leona was a quitter before. But now he's seeing that same behavior in others and he's calling it out, bluntly posing the question of if they're going to continue to wallow or if they're going to pick themselves up and move forward. It's the same lesson that HE had to learn for himself. If you consider that his Dorm Uniform vignettes play out prior to book 2, it becomes even more fitting for his growth since he tells Jack back then: "[...] guys who own up to their mistakes are all right in my book. Keep at it and model that behavior for the rest of Savanaclaw." This is Leona owning up to his own mistakes. He never openly and formally apologizes what his wrongdoings or promised to "be better" (then again, some OB boys just don't), but he's making up for his past behavior by imparting the wisdom he learned with his peers, whether subconsciously (like, out of guilt) or consciously.
This all goes hand-in-hand with the high standards Leona has set for Magift Club. Cater asks him for the details of his club's training (in Leona's Broomquet), to which the birthday boy responds with a story about how a team member didn't have enough stamina for a game, so instead of training them to pass the disc, he purposefully chucked the disc as far as it would go. It's to demonstrate to the club member that was lacking in stamina that this is the distance they need to be able to go, and this is their current disparity. It comes off as perhaps too harsh (and certainly a means to quit the club), but as Leona puts it, he doesn't want nor need cowards with him. His team should be full of people who get frustrated when they cannot meet their goals and will actively think about how to be better, then come back and try again and again. Think of it like how Mulan found smarter ways to tackle the challenges put forth by the army, rather than training the conventional way. That's what Leona expects of his club members, and it's the same mentality that drives himself. Tackling the same problem using creative solutions--it's like a game of chess. qbkhldyuFVYOwovyifS ;fslh ihof Aana dnAn thEN MCaER T SAYS smsethbha TH LIKE "waaaah~ Leona-kun is such a cool leader~" AFSHYJASVYOIFADOS AND THANE THAT FUCKE R LONA ' JUST G oeaS "this is to be expected of every leader, it's the basics" UNM???????? ??? ??? ???? ? BITCH EXCUSE YOU???? ???? ??? ? ? ? ? ? 😭 IW ANS'T EXPEC TING TO BE FUCXKIGFN A ATTACKED LKIKE THIS, CA T MAN
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assim-eu-sou · 2 years
Looks like another DCLA show is in the works, and the cast includes 2 members of the Bia cast, Andrea de Alba and Rodrigo Rumi.
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Translation: With a lot of K-pop, Disney L-POP will arrive soon on Disney+. The project will include eight 30 minute episodes with an original soundtrack by the Walt Disney Company containing 8 songs performed by the cast of the series. Filming has already begun in Mexico,
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comicchannel · 7 months
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Funko Pop Marvel Studios Disney+ Secret Invasion Nick Fury - 1115
Link para compra BR: https://amzn.to/3uauaZ2
Buy here: https://amzn.to/49jNgwd
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melodyvega1967 · 9 months
oh yeah also I started this show called 'l-pop' which just had me addicted for 3 hours straight
also I badly ship Andrea and Ji-won
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kuriruki · 1 year
Feeling a lot of emotions abt 💛💙 (and falls for them all over again 😔 )
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itsallyscorner · 1 year
The Sour Tour | Marvel Cast
pairing: marvel cast x teen!reader
warnings: none
summary: the youngest marvel cast member goes on tour💜
a/n: this fic does not correlate with any other fics I’ve made that include the Sour album
face claim: Olivia Rodrigo
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Liked by brielarson, robertdowneyjr, and 4,618,387 others
(y/n)(l/n) The Sour Tour has finally begun! Thank you (home state) for kicking it off to an incredible start! Can’t wait to see you all so soon🥹💜
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brielarson my sweet angel baby
brielarson love you so much can’t wait to see you!!!!!!!!💖💖
(y/n)(l/n) bc I do🧍‍♀️
(y/n)fan5 WHAT THE FUCK
tomholland2013 FINNA BE IN PIT
(y/n)fan6 HE FINNA BE IN PITTTTT🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
zendaya @/tomholland2013 bro shut up
robertdowneyjr Wishing you the best of luck, see you soon bee🐝❤️
paulbettany You’re going to do great!!😃
lifeisaloha Love you fam🫶🏼
(y/n)(l/n) All the love Jacobbbb🫶
(y/n)updates I’m ready.
(y/n)fan7 you’re the harryflorals of (y/n) stans
(y/n)fan8 where’s (y/n)scloset????
(y/n)scloset I’m hereeeee🙋‍♀️
markruffalo Wishing you a FANTASTIC and safe tour❤️
(y/n)(l/n) thank you Mark!!❤️
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Liked by chrisevans, imsebastianstan, and 5,293,735 others
(y/n)(l/n) North America tour dump✨🦋💜🎸🔮💿🎀
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chrisevans can you just pls sign my poster?
chrisevans please (y/n) I’ve been waiting outside for 30 minutes and teenagers scare the shit out of me
anthonymackie get in line
imsebastianstan I was here first
mcufan1 ya’ll are actual children
evansfan1 @/chrisevans don’t act like we didn’t just see you and Scott going off during Good 4 u👀
elizabetholsen So so so proud!!🤩❤️
mcufan2 Lizzie these are very millennial emojis
(y/n)fan9 MOTHER
scarlettjohansson You are the most incredible person I know, what an honor it was to see you live❤️
letitiawright TO EUROPE SHE GOES!!! Can’t wait to see you💜
chrishemsworth can you please do a shoey when you come to Australia?
(y/n)(l/n) no❤️
(y/n)fan11 outta them Doc Martins?💀
(y/n)(l/n) @(y/n)fan11 I swear my feet don’t smell bad
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Liked by markruffalo, anthonymackie, and 7,204,834 others
imsebastianstan ALL THE FLOWERS FOR YOU💐
tagged (y/n)(l/n)
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elizabetholsen MY BABY❤️
(y/n)fan12 mother sighting
(y/n)fan13 the marvel cast is so cute
mcufan4 They really are her second family🥹
anthonymackie Wtf you went without me?
paulrudd I had a great time Sebastian🫶
paulrudd @(y/n)(l/n) you were phenomenal
anthonymackie YOU WENT WITH PAUL???
mcufan5 LMAOOOOO
(y/n)(l/n) love you Paul <3
(y/n)(l/n) THANK YOU FOR COMING💜💜💜
vancityreynolds YOU BETRAYED ME.
(y/n)fan14 is his singing a lyric or is he also yelling at Seb?
mcufan7 Ryan what—
mcufan8 Seb what’s your favorite song off the sour album??
imsebastianstan Traitor and Favorite Crime
(y/n)fan15 Bucky coded.
mcufan9 i bet these are on his Bucky playlist
Chris Evans via Instagram Story:
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Liked by tomholland2013, therussobrothers, and 6,349,934 others
robertdowneyjr You little legend you💜 What an incredible show @(y/n)(l/n) put on tonight at LA! Your talent, charisma, and presence made this such a memorable experience. This show was anything but Sour, the room was full of love and it’s all what (Y/n) deserves. Proud of you always, your Pops❤️
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mcufan10 “Proud of you always, your pops”🥹
(y/n)(l/n) It meant so much for you and your family to come out tonight, thank you so much I love you all❤️
(y/n)fan16 I’m crying this is so sweet😭
therussobrothers Can’t wait to document such a legend
mcufan11 excUSE ME?
mcufan12 WHAT—
(y/n)fan17 A TOUR DOCUMENTARY???
(y/n)(l/n) coming soon on Disney+😉
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Liked by zendaya, florencepugh, and 7,034,384 others
(y/n)(l/n) Quick pit stop⛽️
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zendaya face card never declines
(y/n)scloset bestie where is the sweater in the fourth slide from?
(y/n)scloset unfortunately could not find it :(
(y/n)(l/n) my nana made it <3
(y/n)fan18 we love nana😌
tomholland2013 2 MORE WEEKS TILL IM IN PIT😎😎😎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
anthonymackie shut up
zendaya you’re embarrassing me🫣
(y/n)fan19 TOM FINNA BE IN PIT YALL🔥🔥🔥
florencepugh you look better in my sunglasses than I do
(y/n)fan20 besties
(y/n)(l/n) I’ll give them back to you when I’m in London😌
haileesteinfeld my baby girlll😍
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Liked by florencepugh, tomholland2013, and 8,834,238 others
(y/n)(l/n) UK BABY OI OI🇬🇧👑☕️
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(y/n)fan21 OI OIIIIII
(y/n)fan22 she’s such a One Direction fan I love it
florencepugh you mystical, voice of an angel, fairy baby I love youuuu🧚‍♀️❤️
(y/n)fan23 FLO WAS AT NIGHT 1
flofan1 The fact that Flo was backstage and not at the guest section🥹😭
mcufan11 WHERE IS TOM????
brielarson my cutie pie🥰
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Liked by robertdowneyjr, zendaya, and 8,474,924 others
tomholland2013 told you guys I was finna be in pit😎🔥
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imsebastianstan unbelievable
mcufan13 how was Tom even allowed in pit with all the fans???😭😭
chrisevans wtf bro
paulrudd OH so this is pit
mcufan14 not paul not knowing what pit is😭😭
anthonymackie she only let you into pit to make you shut up😒
mcufan15 Tom riling everyone up is hilarious😭😭
(y/n)fan25 I’m just as salty ac Mackie tbh..
tomholland2013 don’t be so jealous, there’s always next tour🤪
(y/n)fan26 was right next to Tom the entire concert and I swear I love the man, but he kept screaming in my ear💀
zendaya @/tomholland2013 can never take you anywhere man
(y/n)fan27 Tom’s just a fellow girly pop✨
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thesecretsofthedivine · 3 months
Pick a Pile Reading | Details About Your Future Spouse ⚖️💝
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*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading — take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
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[ old money ] [ athlete/athletic build ] [ family-oriented, especially with their mother ] [ fluffy, curly hair ] [ brown hair ] [ looks good in/often wears the color blue ] [ will enjoy making pinky promises or playing with your hands ] [ tall for their gender ] [ mediterranean or european background, possible greek or british ] [ charming ] [ talkative ] [ golden retriever ] [ PDA ] [ almost always wears sneakers/tennis shoes ] [ gets along well with your friends & feminine energies ] [ conventionally attractive ] [ notting hill movie ] [ spontaneous first meets, maybe during a trip abroad/after moving to a new place ] [ gemini, sagittarius, capricorn, leo placements ] [ is very knowledgeable about culture, wines, fine dining, etiquette, etc. ] [ woodsy scents/would love to drink alcohol by a fireplace somewhere cozy, especially scotch or something old school ]
[ enjoys orchestra/classical/instrumental music ] [ creatively gifted, especially in singing or photography ] [ likes to stay organized/clean ] [ gift giving as a love language ] [ nicknames that make you feel like royalty, “princess/prince” or “god/goddess” ] [ playful teasing ] [ fire sign, scorpio, aquarius, libra, cancer placements ] [ enjoys writing & keeping a journal ] [ homebody but somebody with status/notoriety & success ] [ using you as their muse on social media/in careers ] [ dyed hair for people attracted to feminines, especially pink ] [ manic pixie dream girl complex ] [ “you’re different than the rest” ] [ opposite aesthetic as you ] [ the great gatsby movie, especially jay & daisy’s attraction ] [ an old soul ] [ cynical and reserved humor ] [ light hair for people attracted to masculines, especially dirty/honey blonde ] [ somebody that i used to know — gotye ] [ a person you share a past/past life with ] [ the letters a, e, r, t, i, l, and n ]
[ spiritually gifted/self-aware ] [ 9h, 12h, 1h, 3h, 5h placements or synastry ] [ optimistic ] [ teaches you how to connect to nature ] [ sent to you by your guides/ancestors ] [ in touch with their feminine side ] [ empress in tarot energy ] [ roots for the underdog ] [ enjoys investments & humanitarian work ] [ well-spoken ] [ amicable ] [ compatible political affiliations, but they may expand your understanding of the world ] [ wears jewelry ] [ would love to get matching tattoos or wear matching clothes with you ] [ manifestation/spell work is a factor in this romance/one of their hobbies ] [ wants to build a home out of you ] [ provider ] [ sensual ] [ connected to their inner child & may like to watch disney/nostalgic movies, especially frozen ] [ a huge cuddler ] [ winter birthday for some ]
[ flexible or enjoys dancing ] [ aesthetic hands ] [ a lover of the arts ] [ soft or quiet voice ] [ socially anxious ] [ remembers the small details about you ] [ impresses your family/mother upon first meet ] [ has a cat or younger sibling for some ] [ lets you paint their nails or practice makeup on them ] [ short hair, may sometimes get perms or curling techniques ] [ thin frame ] [ infp/infj/intj/intp/etc type of personality ] [ indie or soft pop music lover, especially clairo ] [ soft kisses ] [ prone to blushing or avoiding eye contact ] [ pale skin ] [ talks about you to their best friends ] [ karaoke/comedy clubs ] [ graham crackers ] [ strong perfume, especially floral/rose ] [ height difference/size kink ]
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
lonely b*tch // daniel ricciardo (instagram au)
summary: former disney star and pop-rock singer y/n y/l/n returns from a two year hiatus with new music . . . and a new man.
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y/nmakesmusic might have been lonely when i wrote this one . . . and it might kind of be about you. . . stream 'lonely bitch' or ur no fun!
see all comments:
user7297 look at how much she's grown from being that disembodied voice on disney channel!
charles_leclerc danielricciardo is that u?
user7294 idk whats funnier: charles listening to y/n or that he thinks daniel is in the second picture
-> user hang on he might be on to something
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y/nmakesmusic i <3 fitzroy island
see all comments
user7392 daniel liked!!!
danielricciardo <3
--> y/nmakesmusic best tour guide, not such a great dune buggy driver
-> danielricciardo :(
-> y/nmakesmusic will a spot in my next music video make it better?
-> danielricciardo yes. but can scotty come too? he told me to ask
selenagomez looking good babes!
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y/nmakesmusic i promised myself i'd never date a country boy . . . now look at me. i broke my rules for you, doofus. love you danielricciardo
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scoonsalicious · 1 month
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The Pocket MCU: Avengers 1/?
In Which Pocket Meets the Avengers for the First Time.
Word Count: 1.5k
Scene In-Movie @ 53:45
You offered Couslon a Sour Patch Kid as you walked toward the bridge with him and Tony. You could hear a group talking up ahead, mentioning something about iridium. 
“It’s a stabilizing agent,” Tony said, immediately jumping into the conversation. 
You continued your conversation with Couslon. “It’s really not a problem, Phil,” you told him. “Take the jet.”
“I’m just saying, pick a weekend,” Tony turned back to add. “I’ll fly you to Portland. Keep love alive.”
You nudged Coulson with your elbow, giving him a reassuring glance. “Think about it,” you offered as you followed Tony onto the bridge. Your eyes lit up when you saw Natasha Romanoff sitting at the table in front of you. “Natty!” you exclaimed, rushing forward to give the spy a hug. It had been ages since you’d last seen her.
“(Y/N)!” she exclaimed, returning your embrace. “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you, but what are you doing here?”
You shrugged and rolled your eyes. “I go where he goes,” you said, gesturing toward Tony.
“I’m sorry, but who are you?” a sandy haired man in a red, white, and blue getup behind Natasha asked. He turned to Coulson. “I thought this was a top-secret situation. Need-to-know, only, and you’re just letting civilians in here?” He gave you a once over, taking in your black leggings and your off-the-shoulder Disney World t-shirt you’d had to tie back with an old hair tie. 
“Trust me,” you said, popping another Sour Patch Kid into your mouth as you sized up the man before you who could only be Captain America, himself– Steve Rogers– “you’re gonna be real glad this one’s got his own handler.” You jerked your head in Tony’s direction.
“Hurtful,” Tony called out as he moved toward a row of computers on the bridge. “The iridium means the portal won’t collapse on itself like it did at SHIELD.” He passed a big, beautifully beefy long-haired blond man that looked like he came straight from a viking saga and patted him on the arm. “No hard feelings, Point Break,” he added, “you got a mean swing.”
“Dr. (Y/L/N).” Bruce Banner stepped forward and reached for your hand. Your eyes widened in surprise at being recognized by someone as prestigious as the Bruce Banner as you wiped the sugar on your fingers off on your leggings. “I read your dissertation on examining the ethical considerations and societal implications of developing and deploying advanced technology for global live-saving purposes. Brilliant work.”
“Oh, shit,” you said, blushing as you reached out to shake his hand. “Dr. Banner, thank you. It’s an honor.” Sometimes, you forgot that you, too, had finally managed to snag your PhD. And to be reminded by someone like Bruce Banner was… well, it was fucking flattering.
“This little one is a doctor?” boomed the tall, viking-like god of a man. “She is so small, I feel I could place her in my pocket and abscond away with her home to Asgard before any of you would even notice she was gone!” 
“Who is he and can we please let him do that?” you whispered to Nat, who managed to conceal her laugh behind a cough. 
“(Y/N), this is Thor. Thor, this is (Y/N). You already know Dr. Banner, and this is Steve Rogers and Maria Hill,” Nat made swift work of the introductions. “(Y/N) is Stark’s–”
“Ward,” Tony interrupted. “She’s my ward. I’m her guardian. It’s very touching, very heartwarming.”
“Chief Technical Officer of Stark Industries,” you amended, shooting him a glare. “Legal adult, thank you very much.”
“Listen, Doctor Pocket,” Tony began, but you interrupted him.
“If this Loki guy gets a hold of iridium,” you began, talking over Tony, “he’ll be able to keep his portal open as wide and stay open as long as he wants.”
“Uh, raise the mizzenmast,” Tony commanded, raising an arm over the bridge. “Jib the topsails.” Everyone on the bridge gave him a confused look. “That man is playing Galaga!” He pointed to a crew member of the helicarrier who was, in fact, playing Galaga. “He thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.” You rolled your eyes and sighed. Tony needed to be the center of attention at all times, otherwise, he tended to… act out.
Tony proceeded to look around the bridge controls and Tony covered one of his eyes. “How does Fury even see these?”
“He turns,” the woman Nat had introduced as Maria Hill deadpanned.
“Sounds exhausting,” Tony said, running his hands over one of the screens. “The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily.”
You put a hand on Nat’s shoulder at the mention of Clint’s name and squeezed gently. You knew how much he meant to her, how devastated she’d been when she’d learned he’d been compromised.
“So, the only major component he still needs is a power source of high-energy density,” you added. 
“Something to kick-start the Cube,” Tony agreed.
“When did you two become experts in thermonuclear astrophysics?” Hill asked, arms folded across her chest.
“Last night,” Tony replied. At Hill’s disbelieving look, you added:
“The packet. Selvig’s notes. The extraction theory papers.”
“Did no one else do the reading?” Tony asked, exasperated.
“Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?” Captain Rogers asked, trying to get the conversation back on track.
Dr. Banner paced in the background, thinking. “He’d have to head the Cube to 120-million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier.”
“Unless,” Tony added, “Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect.”
Banner opened his arms. “Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion at any reactor on the planet.”
“Finally,” Tony said, holding a hand out to Banner. “Someone who speaks English.”
“Hurtful,” you shot back, but Tony just stuck his tongue out at you.
“Is that what just happened?” Captain Rogers asked as Tony and Banner shook hands behind him.
“It’s good to meet you, Dr. Banner,” Tony said. “Your work on antielectron collisions is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage-monster.”
“Do you want me to book the honeymoon suite for you now, Boss?” you asked with a sardonic grin, “or do you want to wait until the two of you have found a place to register, first?”
“Jealousy is an ugly look on you, Kiddo,” Tony said with a grin. “Daddy can have more than one genius friend.”
You pulled a disgusted face. “I swear to god, if you ever refer to yourself as ‘Daddy’ in my presence again, I will rip that arc reactor from your chest and shove it so far up your ass that you choke on it.”
Tony looked contemplative. “Yeah, yup– I hear it now. Horrible choice of words, totally my fault. My apologies. Never again.”
“Wait,” said Captain Rogers, clearly confused. “I don’t understand. Are you her dad, or–”
“Absolutely not!” you and Tony both shouted at the same time.
“I was hoping you might join Dr. Banner in tracking the Cube,” said a voice from the entranceway to the bridge. You turned and saw Nick Fury enter the room. “That’s Banner’s only purpose for being here.”
“Oh, hey, Nick!” you chirped. “Sour Patch Kid?” You held out your box to the SHIELD Director. 
“You got any blue ones?” he asked, to your utmost delight, and you fished through the box to dig out two before placing them in his outstretched palm.
“They’re my favorites,” you told him, smiling. “You’re lucky I like you.” Fury winked at you– or, maybe he just blinked, you couldn’t tell with the eyepatch on– before bringing the candy to his mouth. 
Captain Rogers narrowed his eyes at you. “Maybe we should start with that stick of his,” he said, eyeing you up closely. “It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that,” Nick said, trying not to pucker his face as his Sour Patch Kids proved sour, “but it is powered by the Cube. And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
“Monkeys?” said the sexy viking-man–Thor, you reminded yourself– he had a name! “I do not understand.”
Captain Rogers excitedly pointed a finger. “I do!” he said, and Tony rolled his eyes behind him while you tried to stifle a giggle. “I-- I understood that reference,” Rogers nodded happily, looking to you, as if for approval. You just nodded at him.
“Good for you,” you said.
“Shall we play, doctors?” Tony asked.
“This way, sir, madam,” Banner said, indicating for you and Tony to follow him into the belly of the helicarrier, where no doubt his lab was waiting.
You turned back one last time as you followed the two men, wanting to wave a farewell to Nat before the ship swallowed you up. The second after you turned, you notice Captain Rogers turn quickly turn away from you, a blush coloring the side of his neck.
Huh, you thought as you turned back to follow Banner and Tony. If you hadn’t known any better, you’d have sworn Captain America had just been checking out your ass.
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 9 months
L-Pop on Disney + ep1-3 Recap/Review
I didn’t expect to care that much about this but I had some thoughts! Some spoilers, but nothing too earth shattering lol (it’s a pretty straightforward plot)
Disclaimer: I only know K-Pop from what I see on social media so I have no idea how accurate a portrayal it is of that fandom
Ep 1 - this episode was mostly setup, you get the lowdown on K-Pop and it’s popularity in Mexico. We meet Andrea and her KPop dance crew. One thing I didn’t know is this would play a little bit like a show within a show as it’s through the lens of a character who is making a documentary on her K-Pop obsessed sister. It’s a very clever way of explaining everything without unrealistic dialogue which I think this a very clever angle! And I like how Pau equally cares about Andrea and supports her while also having her own selfish interest as a documentarian (we love sisters!).
Ep 2 - I think this episode is a lot better as we get the wheels rolling on the plot as Andrea starts her own K-Pop dance group for the contest. We meet the chaotic members and watch her scramble to get them on the same foot. So far they’ve established some really fun characters. Her clairvoyant bff, the embarrassed zillenial fanboy, an overzealous influencer, cameraman Pablo who’s face we still never see, the sister of Andrea’s LI who has some great comedic moments as she nonchalantly stirs the pot
Ep 3 - We get a Bia reunion! Rodri Rumi appears on the scene as the Argentinian soap star who got cancelled by KPop stans which is so hilariously accurate from what I’ve seen on social media. You do NOT mess with the KPop community! But the main focus on this episode is her relationship with Ji-Won who so far has been the grumpy to her bubbly trope until it’s revealed he is a secret K-Pop lover. Even with the predictability on this “twist”, their chemistry is organic and the show plays up the obvious as everyone comments how they’re gonna get together “just like a K-Drama”. He’s very lovable and sweet once he lets down his guard and we get a very wholesome pair between them as they learn to compromise. The final scene where they dance together while the sister and Pablo watch on (before Pablo sneezes) was especially adorable.
So with only 3 episodes left there’s only so much they can do but the characters are fun, and hopefully there’s more dancing and performances to look forward to in the second half as so far they’ve been pretty brief besides the first episode dance number and Ji-Won’s audition/Andrea’s talent show clips. And a really sweet romantic end for the cuties 🥰
Pablo face reveal???
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casp1an-sea · 2 months
if anyone actually reads all this, I’ll be impressed
Tv show themes through the years playlist
I colored the ones I cared most about in each section if none are colored it means I care about the things in that section equally.
Star Wars:
Original Trilogy 
The sequels are alright but I pretty much only care about HUX and Kylux
Rouge One
Star Wars Legends
Star wars Infinites
Star Wars as written by William Shakespeare 
Star Wars Clone Wars
The Bad Batch
Star Wars Rebels
Obi-Wan Kenobi Series 
Star Wars Visions 
Tales of the Jedi 
Tales of the Empire
Anything Lego Star Wars 
the movies (I’m not caught up yet) 
Falcon and the winter soldier 
Loki (not caught up) 
Wanda Vision
Avengers Assemble (literally so weird and silly) (not finished with season 5 cause it’s ass)
spider verse
Tobey Maguire Spider-Man movies
Andrew Garfield, Spider-Man movies
Bye Bye Biride
Christmas Carol
Little mermaid
Wizard of OZ
Anything goes
Sponge Bob
Beauty and the Beast
Guys and Dolls
The guy who didn’t like musicals
ride the cyclone
Les Mis
The lighting thief (not finished)
into the woods
Zac McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders!!!! (Literally the best game)
Twisted Wonderland (read through book 6)
Ultimate Shark Simulator
Hogwarts Mystery (not caught up)
KOTOR (not caught up)
Star Wars Asault Team
MHA (stopped watching mid season 4 only really care about Iida)
Angels of death 
Darling in the franxx (only really care about Goro)
Saki k (haven’t seen season 2)
Minecraft SMPs:
Dream SMP (not caught up)
Empires SMP
X Life 
After Life 
New Life 
Pirates (not caught up) 
Trafic Light/Life Series (I only watch Jimmy, Joel, and Martin’s POVs)
2000s Kids shows:
MLP G3 and Friendship is Magic
Wild Kratts 
TMNT 2012
Odd Squad 
imagination movers
Dinosaur Train
Lego Friends (The og version)
Monster High
Ever After High
Avatar the Last Air Bender 
Sofia the first
Elena of Avalore
dinosaur train
Weird Sci-fi and Fantasy Shows:
Doctor Who (only on the 4th Doctor) 
Read All About it 
H2O Just Add Water 
Wolf Blood 
Fragle Rock
Mako Mermaids (only watched season 1)
Alien Surfer Girls/Lightning Point
Thunder Stone 
Girl From Tomorrow 
Ocean Girl 
Sparticle Mystery 
Elephant Princess (featuring Liam Hemsworth) 
Eerie Indiana 
Girl’s World
House of Anubis 
A girl named Jo (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Blue Water High (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
The Prisoner 
Spell Binder 
Just Add Magic 
Maddigan’s Quest 
The Next Step (not sci-fi or Fantasy) 
Return to Jupiter 
Rocket’s Island 
Silver Sun (not caught up) 
Disney Plus Telenovelas: 
Soy Luna 
Misc fandoms and shows:
Harry Potter (not caught up, I do not support J.K. Rowling or read the books) 
The Tick (og cartoon version) 
The Outsiders (movie, book, and 90s Tv series) 
Alex Rider (the show not the books) 
Wild at Heart (never finished) 
White Collar 
National Treasure Edge of History 
The Lodge
Gilligan’s Island
NCIS New Orleans
Hell of a Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Heart Stopper
OFMD (not caught up)
Julie and the Phantoms 
Disney in general 
Tinker bell
Book series: 
Percy Jackson (currently only read the lightning thief)
The Final Six 
Thea Sisters (when I was little) 
Chronicles of Narnia
Wizard of Oz
The black stallion
Series of unfortunate events
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savelockwoodandco · 1 year
Disney+ Information Post
Hi Everyone, your regularly scheduled mod (albeit stuffed chock-full of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and caffeine) here!
In view of tomorrow's hashtag (or today's, if you're one of our friends outside the US living in The Future) being #DisneyForLockwoodAndCo, we figured we'd put up a bit of an info post for all things D+ that you might need to know.
We'll make a similar post for each streaming service that the day's hashtag will focus on the night before (as we are for Disney+ today), so that we can all hit the ground running the day of.
**Just as a heads up, these posts are for information, not for debating which platform L&Co should end up. Our thoughts on that are here if you're interested. Keep it kind, polite, and professional -- the ultimate aim is getting the show picked up, no matter which site does it.**
For all of these, there's no account necessary to call/chat/etc. (Our beloved other mod encourages those who don't have accounts to let the CSR you're dealing with that you'd get a D+ account if they picked up L&Co; that mod is well-acquainted with Disney as a business and has worked in CSR for a long time.)
Disney+ Phone Number: 1-888-905-7888
Disney+ Live Chat Link: Here; once you've clicked on the link, click on the little robot pop-up in the lower right-hand corner, type "live chat", and follow the link it sends you. From there, choose "feedback" and they'll ask for your name and email! Remember, you can change your country down at the bottom. The CSRs here are extremely nice and polite, so it's a good option if phone calls make you nervous.
Disney+ Email: No option to email here; the live chat fulfills that function.
Disney+ Feedback Form (super easy, type in the show you're requesting and go!): Here; once you follow the link, it'll be the lower right-hand box at the bottom of the page entitled "Give Feedback"!
We can do this! Every day, we get more good news -- mentions at the Grammy's, higher critic numbers on Rotten Tomatoes, and more engagement from the Strouds just today!
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Part of my world.
Pairing: Namor/K’ul’ku’kan x reader
Summary; you couldn't help it, truly! You grow up loving Disney movies and as a kid, you'd randomly sing their songs. So sometimes it slips.
A/n: enjoy!
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You groaned in annoyance as you searched for your lover, he said he would be busy but you missed him it wasn't easy to be a lover to a king that ruled over a kingdom under the ocean. You made it to your fifth searching spot; the throne room, of course, nothing was there, but as you were turning around, in the corner of your eye sets on Namor's spear beside his throne. A thought, an impulse came to you and before you think about it more you had already grabbed it "Let's get down to business, to defeat the huns. Did they send me daughters when I asked for sons?" you sang, carefully spinning the spear around."You're the saddest bunch I ever met—oh noo! how long have you been there?!" you turned around and yelled, curling into yourself as Namor stood there smirking
"Enough." you want to die so bad.
You were so bored as you swam with Namora and Attama to talocan, having given orders to bring you safely to Namor. You paused, seeing a rock close by but far enough not to be seen so easily by a beach like always you had to, looking back at the two Generals that continued swimming 'fuck it' you thought, you quickly made it to the rock and peaked over it, it looked
you pushed yourself up slowly "I don't know when I don't know how but I know something's starting right now!" Namora sighed and nudged Attama once your singing reached her ears "watch and you'll see..someday I'll be..part of your world!" "In ko'olelo', K'a'abet k bin. K ajawo' a pa'ta'al ka ma' je'el u páajtal k mantener tu pa'atik. (My lady, we must go. Our king waits for you and we can't keep him waiting.)" Namora said her head popping out of the water, voice calm but even then you could she was annoyed.
"right coming!"
You loved moments like this, where it was just you and Namor, just flying in the night sky where no one could bother you and your responsibilities fell to the earthy ground. Namor sometimes flew you around when you couldn't sleep and it was one of those times, your head lay on his chest, his heartbeat in your ear as he flies at a slow pace, and the urge hit you once again. "A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew but when I'm up here it's crystal clear that now I'm in a whole new with you~" you sang tiredly as sleep overcame you, the thing you heard was a soft chuckle and "Ku weenel ma'alob in princesa (Sleep well, my princess)"
It was your favorite of nights, movie night with Namor! You showed him all your favorite Disney movies like the Disney crackhead you knew you were, tonight was Pocahontas, who was ultimately one of your favorite Disney princesses besides well Ariel. Namor sat on your cushy small L-shaped couch in the living room as you moved around your kitchen. The lights were off in the living room the only thing that illuminated the room beside the kitchen was the flat-screen TV light, the Pocahontas movie main option showed on it, you came out of the said kitchen with a large bowel of popcorn and drinks, you almost busted out laughing as your large handsome boyfriend particularly dwarfed the (f/c) couch "Here." you handed him your stuff with a smile once he had it in his hands you grabbed the blankets that sat on the spine of your cushy sitting area and the remote, sat beside him and started the movie with an excited giggle. Namor watched the film with little interest but if this made you happy he'd do it, he'd burn the world for you, "Ooo my favorite part!" you straightened up as colors of the wind began "You think I'm an ignorant savage, And you've been so many places I guess it might be so but still I can not see if the savage one is me. How can there be so much that you don't know? You don't know" you smiled singing along, Namor watch as you sang, not taking yourself seriously, in his five hundred years of living did he think he would fall in love with a surfaces dweller, especially one so...interesting, but you made him feel human, not like he had to as strong as a god, he could just be him around you and that's why he loved you " You can own the Earth and still. All you'll own is Earth until. You can paint with all the colors of the wind~" you finished with a giggle before pulling Namor into a kiss just as the couple in the kissed as well.
You buzzed with excitement as Namor flew to his surprise date with your eyes closed, you could feel yourself lowering to the ground as his feet landed "Open." he whispered in your ear, when you did you gasped there around you were fairy lights on the sand in the shape of a large circle and a speaker "It's...so..I don't have words." you said as he sat you down "you don't have to say anything as well long as I have this dance?" he said with a smug smirk and his hand out for you. He pulled you close to his chest as a familiar song from your childhood displayed.
'I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream'
You guys twisted and turned to the music but to your surprise, Namor wrapped his arm around your waist and began to fly slowly up into the sky not far from the earthy sand "But if know you, I know you what you'll do. You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream." he gently serenades you, which left you gapping at his voice, he sang so beautifully "Marry me." Namor said once the song ended and you were back on Earth "Yes!" you kissed him passionately.
Your son swims into your husband's throne room and traces his father's throne, he looked back to make sure nobody was there " I'm going to be a mighty king So enemies beware. I'm gonna be the main event like no King was before! Oh just can't wait to be king!" he sang flexing his non existence muscles and set on the impressive throne.
Just as he looked up he screamed seeing you there smiling, holding in your laughter "How long have you been there?" your 13-year-old son asked certainly embarrassed "Enough." you couldn't wait to tell Namor.
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tomorrowxtogether · 1 year
TXT Setlist & Concert Review: TOMORROW X TOGETHER’s Fantasy-Filled Stage Stuns New York
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Welcome to TXT’s magical kingdom. TOMORROW X TOGETHER shone like the stars they are on their third US date of the ACT: SWEET MIRAGE World Tour on May 10, 2023. The five-piece boy group, consisting of SOOBIN, YEONJUN, BEOMGYU, TAEHYUN and HUENINGKAI, has come a long way since the last time they were in New York. Just 10 months ago, they embarked on their first world tour, ACT: LOVE SICK and were the first K-Pop group to perform at Lollapalooza. They also landed their first No. 1 on the Billboard 200 with their latest mini-album The Name Chapter: Temptation earlier this year. It’s safe to say that they’ve become pros in the game.
As the luminous “Blue Hour” introduced the boys, their beaming confidence filled every inch of Belmont Park’s UBS Arena. With their princely attire, they walked and boasted down the extended stage to perform the fan-favorite dance break. The vibrant “Can’t We Just Leave The Monster Alive?” showed their boyish charms and qualities while they sang “Do we have to break this stage? Do we have to become adults / To say that we’re doing well?”
Resistance to growing up is TXT’s strongest concept and they’ve absolutely perfected it. “We know we have to grow but are tempted by the possibility of staying as we are and living freely day to day,” TAEHYUN told StyleCaster back in January. Transitioning from the background of Disney castles and the everlasting feeling of royalty, the boys took off their jackets and revealed sports jerseys as they skipped toward the back of the stage. They dribbled basketballs and did exercise stretches while singing “Drama” and “No Rules” accompanied by a vividly colorful forest in the background that accentuated their youthfulness.
But even with all those athletic moves, the energy ramped up exponentially when they performed “Cat and Dog.” A beloved classic of the group, they brought the song back into the setlist after fans perpetually barked at them at their last tour—mimicking the fervent outro of the song where YEONJUN sings “Let’s play forever, I just wanna be your dog!”
Of course, they took part in the action as each member of the group demonstrated cute gestures and impressed their fans, MOA (which stands for Moments of Alwaysness) with one woof and smile at a time. Extending the time and fully equipped with their own lightsticks, the members controlled the radiant crowd with such jubilant and intense motions. Sectioned off with different parts of the arena, each one of their personalities lightly dazzled with their instructions— BEOMGYU screamed, TAEHYUN drew circles, YEONJUN did rumbling choreography, SOOBIN conducted the crowd very fluidly (like the great leader that he is) and HUENINGKAI did an elaborate beatbox tutorial. MOA satisfyingly reflected every action with thousands of lights doing the same thing and it surely tightened the bond and trust between the fans and the group.
It was a magical segue into “9 and Three Quarters (Run Away),” where HUENINGKAI illuminated the stage with his solo dance and winded back time to the breezy track “We Lost The Summer.” They later delved into their fiery reflective selves in “Can’t You See Me?” before exploding into the more emo-inspired and angsty songs of their repertoire: “0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You)” and “LO$ER = L♡VER.” The members couldn’t contain their excitement and intense energy while performing “Dear Sputnik” where it seemed like they directed the audience to jump for more than half of the punchy rock song.
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For most of the setlist, TXT’s wide range of expressions of lightheartedness and deep heartache were portrayed in complete succession. “Magic” offered a playful and bouncy atmosphere but the group separated into elegant dance pairs and solo dances right before the dramatic reveal of “Opening Sequence” where they all convened and leaned on each other before they moved with so much precision. Personal sulking and the acceptance of unrequited love are at their best when the soft “Anti-Romantic” played and they sang in solitude in front of the enchanted rose inspired by Beauty And The Beast.
“Eternally” stirred all of those heightened emotions in a passionate and jolting manner. The song started in an ethereal blue and stationary setting where the members flowed through the stage, but once the beat switched, the stage descended into a nightmarish hell and the boys danced rigidly with flames appearing everywhere with no escape. A connection between the two props and thematics happened right before the frenzied and visceral “Good Boy Gone Bad” when BEOMGYU lit up a rose in his mouth and extinguished it by throwing it at the back of the stage like a true rebel.
The infectious Afrobeat song “Tinnitus” slowed everything down to a more chill atmosphere to the frigid “Devil By The Window” where the group was taunted by spiraling Cheshire Cat visuals in the background. Immediately after, “Angel or Devil” picked up the pace with the group’s pleasing and cheerful raps. TikTok master YEONJUN later took the lead when it came to teaching the crowd the “Happy Fools” dance challenge—where it thrived on the social media app with its easy and followable movements since the song’s release date. “Sugar Rush Ride” closed off the main set of the night with the audience wanting more and more.
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The encore reiterated TXT’s radiant love for MOA; Sitting upon a golden sunset, the boys crooned “Farewell, Neverland,” a soft ballad about being at the cusp of adulthood. The penultimate “Blue Spring” was a unifying gentle anthem for their fans that joins the ranks with “MOA Diary (Dubbadu Wari Wari)” of songs that are specifically dedicated to the people who’ve supported them all the way. “When we’re high when we’re low you’re always by my side / you’ve filled up all my youth with your warmth,” they sang confidently in the chorus as an abundant promise that the members will always be by their side. The upbeat “Our Summer” extended that promise beyond the arena and well after the concert was over. “No matter where you are, no matter what season / If we’re together, feel like summer” Their long goodbyes stretched out after the song and assured fans that they’ll be back soon in an even bigger venue, all grown up. Until those moments, TXT’s fervor and youthful spirit will persist.
TOMORROW X TOGETHER Act: Sweet Mirage Tour Setlist
Blue Hour
Can’t We Just Leave The Monster Alive?
Cat & Dog (English ver.)
9 and Three Quarters (Run Away)
We Lost The Summer
Can’t You See Me?
0X1=LOVESONG (I Know I Love You)
Dear Sputnik
Opening Sequence
Good Boy Gone Bad
Devil by the Window
Angel or Devil
Ice Cream
Happy Fools
Sugar Rush Ride
Farewell, Neverland
Blue Spring
Our Summer
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