kumomist · 2 years
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
DANCING IN THE DARK // Light Yagami x Reader
word count : 4992 genre : fluff, crack summary : it’s your birthday, and the yagami siblings have prepared some tricks up their sleeve.
a/n : made this for my birthday last year because why shouldn’t i and honestly light is my comfort character. also i keep on saying this but the internet needs more light fluff fics :) and for anyone reading this on their birthday, may you have a wonderful day! <333
"Happy birthday [Y/N]! Thanks for inviting us!"
"Oh Sayu, behave yourself!" Sachiko scolded her daughter who was running in circles around you before hugging you. You shook your head, implying that it's alright. You were close with her anyway. "Happy birthday [Y/N]. We hope you'll like these small presents we got you."
"Thank you! But you shouldn't have.. Really." You blushed. They only clicked their tongues friskily. "Hah! Though that's nothing compared to what Light got you!"
"Oh, where are your parents dear?"
"They're in the kitchen preparing and.. stuffs. Come on in you two before it starts—" You barely even summoned the rain, but there it went, an immediate, hostile rain invaded the city just as you had expected. They quickly stepped inside and before closing the door, you checked it there was anyone—someone in particular— who'd come running to your doorstep. But there wasn't.
"Mr. Yagami's still at work?" Sachiko nodded. "He'd be here by dinner time. I told him to go straight here."
"I understand." You replied meekly and shifted your gaze to the window. "How about Light? Where is he? Is he coming?"
"Of course dear! Why even ask? That boy wouldn't miss it for the world. He should be here in some minutes. He said he was gonna pass somewhere before heading here."
Before you could reply, as if summoned at the mention of his name, came Light casually barging in the front door. You thought he looked more like a thief rather than a prince coming to see his damsel who's not really in distress.
A thief drenched in the rain, that is, holding a bouquet of roses and nicely wrapped boxes of different sizes. He sure got you a lot of presents.
"Light! What did I tell you about bringing a raincoat?" Sayu huffed.
"Haha I said I'd be quick though— and it's fine.. Hello there [Y/N]. Good evening." He ran to you, handing you the presents and bouquet before hugging you tightly, the rainwater on his clothes permeating on yours. Of course you couldn't properly hug him back since your hands were occupied. You merely gave his cheek a peck and he whispered, "Happy birthday [Y/N]," before pulling away with a grin.
"Thank you Light! Although I really appreciate your gifts, what I don't is this." You pointed to your clothes with your lips, looking at them. His grin widened. He anticipated this to happen. "You are soaking wet."
"Yeah. I'll go change clothes. Be right back!"
"It's raining cats and dogs! You're gonna get even more drenched!"
"I already am so that won't matter when I enter the house."
You watched the siblings continue to quarrel. You sighed fondly and handed Light an umbrella. "There ya go. Though you really should've brought an umbrella or raincoat first."
"I'm sorry then, Ma'am." He chuckled. "You should go and change too." And with that, he headed back to his house, three blocks away from yours. Sayu snorted. "I thought he was incapable of being a dummy. Guess that can't be helped."
"I heard that!"
You giggled and put down the presents before going upstairs to change clothes.
Surprisingly when you went down he was already there. Guess you took too long to change. He seemed to be having that kind of conversation with your father. On the other hand, your moms were talking and laughing to themselves. You had no plan of interrupting either of their conversations so you went to Sayu who was idly playing with her hair, sitting on the carpet. As expected, she was full of topics—mostly just about girly stuffs which you didn't really mind— especially her continuously fangirling to that TV actor, Hideki Ryuga. And, well, you actually were too. It wouldn't kill you to fangirl sometimes, right? It went on like that for about some minutes.
A hand being suddenly placed on your shoulder was enough to startle you. You turned around, gazing up to see Light whose brow was raised.
"Oi oi Sayu. Don't brainwash her into joining you and your addiction to that TV star."
"I'm not brainwashing her! I mean, who wouldn't fall for Hideki Ryuga? Right [Y/N]?" She squealed.
"Precisely!" You winked. Light heaved a sigh dramatically as he sat beside you. "Psh. I am more handsome than him, and [Y/N] can attest to that."
"Who says I can?"
"I— whatever. Can't believe you'd choose that actor over me." He huffed and looked at you with disdain.
"Of course I will! Any girl will dump her boyfriend for Ryuga—"
"Hmm. Are you really older now? Or just a thirteen-year-old trapped in that body?"
"Hey! What makes you say that?"
"Nevermind me. Go and join Sayu in her silly fangirling and keep your childish mode activated." He rolled his eyes and was about to stand up, but you clung to his arm and began to act like a cat by playfully rubbing your head against his cheek— which was odd to say the least. He gave you a dubious and irritated glance.
"Oh! Is my Light jelly? My my, you look like a girl on her period, which is kinda adorable."
"Cut it out! Do you mean to say, you on your period?"
You slapped his arm. "I don't act like that during my red days! I certainly don't!"
"Oh yeah because you act way worse than that."
"Augh. You're just jealous! Come onn saaay it! My babyboy is jelly~"
"Good Lord, would you mind cutting it out? If admitting it is gonna make you stop then yes, I am jealous."
He was internally dead. Seeing his reaction made you laugh maniacally (c̶o̶u̶g̶h̶s̶ ̶k̶i̶r̶a̶ ̶l̶a̶u̶g̶h̶), even getting your parents' attentions.
"Talk about being childish, hah! Babyboy got jealous over an actor~ Ah, you are so adorable that I might even squeeze you to death!"
"Shut up. You're no fun."
"Oh, but you're enjoying this, aren't you babyboy?"
"One more of that ridiculous nickname and I swear I'll kill you."
"Shut up, or I'll shut you up!"
"I dare you babyboy!"
He looked severely annoyed when he glared at you and leaned his face closer to yours. He looked like he was going to eat your face rather than kiss you, but then—
There went Sayu, whose presence was completely forgotten by the both of you.
"Oh. Would you mind leaving us alone? We need privacy. Kids aren't supposed to see what's next."
"No way! You're taking her all to yourself Light! That's no fair."
"Fair enough since I'm her boyfriend."
"And I'm her bestfriend?!?! You're just her boyfriend. Bestfriends come first before boyfriends!"
Sayu rebuked, clinging to your other arm and pulling you away from Light. He had no rebuttals and only clung to your other arm, keeping you away from Sayu who was also determined to get you away from him. You already knew where this was going.
'Good Lord' you mentally sighed. And yup, there they went, playing tug of war, with you as the rope.
"I came first, so get your ass away from us, Light!"
"You get your ass away from us!"
"No you!"
"..Err...Sorry." The two Yagamis murmured and let go of you. You three soon heard a chuckle coming from behind. It was your mom.
"While you guys wait for the food, why don't you try out the karaoke? I'm sure you are great singers. Hmm my [Y/N] may be an exception though."
You whined at your mom's comment. You stood up and Light grabbed your arm before Sayu could, giving her a sharp glare. "She's gonna stay with me, got it?"
"Hmph. Fine then. Enjoy it while it lasts, big brother."
She pointed her fingers from her eyes to his before playfully winking at you. You grinned and shook your head as you made your way to the sofa. You had no idea that their exchanged glares had a double meaning to it.
After they finished picking song numbers and it was your turn, Light secretly handed Sayu two eggs, telling her to be careful in handling those.
Yup, he had five eggs—no not including his own and certainly NOT the number of his own—hidden inside his jacket's pockets the whole time.
You three had made it clear that you were the first one to sing even though you were all fully aware that you suck at that. They innocently looked at you when you glanced at them. You eventually entered the numbers and just as you were about to murder your first notes you heard a loud CRACK! You thought something fell somewhere in the kitchen, but then the second CRACK! came. It felt like something fell on top of your head. And you were right.
But you were already too late when you saw egg shells falling down your hair. And they weren't the only thing—
"What in the nine circles of hell is this?! Oi—" CRACK! CRACK! and CRACK!
The last one missed but by the time you were already a mixture of skin and eggs. The worst part was that one yolk was dripping on the right side of your face, and your mouth was opened due to shock at the same time so some of it got inside your mouth. You absolutely hated the smell and worse— you were sticky! You looked at the siblings who then burst out laughing. The adults were too.
"Now that's what I wanna have for breakfast." Light quipped.
"SHUDDAP! Were you guys all on this?!"
They didn't respond. You walked towards the siblings who were now slowly backing away. You scowled and raised your hands, about to touch them, but they scurried away, with Sayu using her brother as a shield.
"I am so gonna get you two! Sayu, why must you betray me?"
"It was Light's idea!"
"Hey no—" The three of you continuously ran in circles in the living room, with them (mostly just Sayu) screeching and frantically flailing every now and then the closer you got.
They were terrified of the egg monster that you were.
"Don't be mad [Y/N]. Did you know that eggs will do wonders for your hair? At least you don't need to go to the salon now."
"I know but it wasn't only my hair! I am so gonna get you, Light, you little ass!"
"Welp there you go [Y/N]! He's all yours!"
Sayu halted and tripped not only her brother but you too since you were accelerating too fast. Light fell on his chest, and you fell on his back, the gooey substance dropping to his jacket. And to make it worse, you nuzzled his hair with your yolk-covered one. He squirmed, panted, and whined ridiculously.
When he regained his strength he immediately wiggled you away from him. He stood up and removed his jacket, but the smell still lingered since his hair and nape were also covered with yolks and egg whites.
"This wasn't part of the plan.. Sayu..."
You dramatically threw your hands up and wheezed to get their attention.
"This is very unfair. I just changed clothes and now I definitely need to take a shower to get rid of this yucky smell."
"I may have to as well."
"Are you implying that we'll shower together?"
"Of course not! Unless you want to— but on second thought, no way! I'll go back home and return—"
"Nope, you're not going anywhere. I had it worse than you! You can easily wipe it away."
"But the smell—"
"You'll have to live with that until the party's over, mister."
You glared at him and walked upstairs to straight-up take a shower that took about thirty minutes. Even though you used as many shampoos as you could, there was still a slight smell left. You honestly weren't anticipating that.
As you languidly made your way downstairs you heard the clicking of metals, indicating that they had already started eating without you, the fucking birthday girl. Mr. Yagami had also arrived. Guess you really took too long and missed some tea— if there ever was.
Light glanced at you and gave a smile of mischief. You raised your middle finger but quickly hid it when your mom glanced your way.
No other choice but to sit beside your stinking boyfriend since it was the only vacant seat left. And you couldn't help but laugh when you saw the egg remains there.
"Let's properly start dinner then." Your dad announced. "Huh? I thought you guys had already started."
"We did. But it wasn't official. Of course we won't officially start without the birthday princess~"
"What difference does it make? And really, dad?"
After the prayer you eventually started eating. Just looking at the food already made you feel full and you were sure that you'd soon look like a pregnant woman after eating all those. Of course, there also had to be some entertainment otherwise it wouldn't be a normal dinner for you.
"Few visitors, huh?" Light elbowed you. "Obviously."
"Why didn't you invite the other neighbors?"
"Do I look like I'm close with those vivacious people?"
"Of course not." His grin somehow irritated you. He's doing this on purpose.
You puffed your cheeks. It was true though— you only had limited visitors this year, specifically the Yagami household. Let's just say that they're the only benevolent family in the neighborhood. You weren't really acquainted or interested in befriending your other neighbors and their kids since first of all, they're literally kids. And even though some of them were at the same age as you and Light, you couldn't really vibe with them. You had lots of friends though, but their houses were too far from yours. You could've had invited them too but it was raining cats and dogs. They might get stranded and you weren't really a fan of sleepovers. They did greet you via text earlier. Although, it was still rather saddening.
Both your parents shifted the topic to your university lives, the rankings and all that stuffs, including reminiscing old times, but they weren't comparing. It was all good to them.
"As expected! Your son is number one as always." Your mom smiled to Sachiko. Your dad then butted in, "Oho, I heard [Y/N] once swearing to beat him. Would you let that happen Light?"
"No way." He chuckled. You shook your head. "Watch me do it."
"I've been doing that for years."
"Tch. I was always first but then you stole the spotlight. Be thankful I don't hold a grudge on you." You jested. Him and your parents chuckled in unison.
"The spotlight isn't the only thing I stole from you though."
"Wow, you are capable of being cheesy too?" You coughed to apparently hide your smile and avoided your parents' sly looks. "Yes yes, you stole my heart too Mr. Know-It-All. You were supposed to be my rival but you cursed me."
"Did not. My charms were only being effective."
"Wow, you two might be the smartest couple I've ever seen! But you know my teacher once told me if two smart people were to collide then it'd be chaotic." Sayu butted in.
"Why is that?"
"Because they'd keep on contradicting each other with their own beliefs and when they get into arguments it'd be super long but very logical. She also said it's not good because there's no contrast between them. They're already perfect and too much perfection isn't good."
They may be some truth to what she said. You and Light exchanged glances, mentally communicating.
"There's a bit of rivalry. Sometimes. And it's rather fun." He replied. You nodded in agreement. "Besides, we're not entirely perfect. Look at your brother, he's very meticulous in mapping out scenarios and good at speculating probabilities. He's the school prodigy. But that school prodigy has a secret. Wanna know what? He dances like a withered vegetable being shaken up in someone's hands." You, except for him, all giggled. But he had a comeback of course.
"I can dance, excuse me. Hiphop just isn't my style. And you know what? Not only does [Y/N] destroy a song's purity, she can never be a match for any sports for me."
You harshly stepped on his foot, earning a loud groan from him.
Dinner went smoothly. You felt like you didn't need to eat for at least three days, however there were still some desserts to eat. The conversation regarding each families' personal matters continued with you being quite invested in it. Then eventually, the 'most' awaited part arrived—they actually saved it for last—wherein they sang you a happy birthday as you made your wish. Who knows what it was? Only you know the answer to that. You blew your candle and they clapped happily. It made you feel like a kid but it was fun. And then you continued to eat. Cake, ice cream—and there were a lot more. For some reason you also requested a bag of potato chips.
And you already felt bad for the horrors your toilet was about to see.
It was the karaoke's time to steal the spotlight, again. You only watched them sing, although a bit out of tune they were clearer better than you completely murdering those notes. You tried ushering Light to sing but he irritatedly responded a no to you for the nth time. There were only two times you heard his singing voice— and damn, he really is a talented man. But it wasn't exactly his main forte so he refused to do it again.
"Let's get drunk too!" You jested, looking at your parents who were now acting like drunk and cheesy teenagers. Welp they had some drinks.
"[Y/N], you know I don't drink." Light shook his head and sighed, sensing an incoming annoyance at the way you were acting.
"Oh? If that's the case then mind you explaining to me why you're still alive because-not-drinking-would-lead-to-dehydration-which-apparently-leads-to-your-death-if-not—"
"You know that's not what—"
"Let's get high on caffeeeeeine insteaaad!! One cup of bullshit and the other crappuccino!"
Your parents glared at you. Your boyfriend was beginning to get highly concerned. "Why is she like this?"
"Perhaps too much coffee is really unhealthy, that's why, son."
"Whaddaya mean coffee? She didn't even drink any! All she drank was milk! Eight glasses every other day! Blame the milk!"
'What did I do to deserve this?'
He thought, and there you went again with your maniacal laughter. If Light and you hadn't known each other he'd definitely think you're a complete psychopath.
"Oh dear! Did I just say that? God, why did I do that? Liiiiiight..." You shook him. "If I ever start acting like that again please stop me."
"You are acting lke that right now. That's not cute. You're not even drunk."
"Quit being a killjoy, I'm enjoying my 'drunk' state. This is an experiment."
"What the hell? You are sober yet you're doing things worse than people who aren't do."
"But it's honestly fun."
"I can't blame you for being so irritatingly childish since it's your birthday, but it's time to stop that. Stop it. Get some help."
"Stop me then. You're the good guy here."
"How can I stop someone so crazy?"
"They say a kiss on the forehead can stop someone doing crazy stuffs.."
"You're only making that up."
"So what if I am? I speak facts. So, go on, please."
He pressed his lips together and thought about it. It was barely visible but you were sure that he's blushing.
"HAHAHAHA! I forgot my babyboy can't kiss without feeling so yucky about it."
"Psh, don't bite on me mate! I'll do the honor then." You were already kissing his forehead the moment he thought about running away. You weren't able to hold back a smirk as you did. He was grimacing the whole time, but he was actually enjoying it. But of course, he'd never let it show.
To 'annoy' him more, you butterfly pecked your way to the tip of his nose. You pulled back at least an inch or two from his face. And to your surprise, he pecked your lips.
It was so light that you thought it felt like hair on your skin. Thankfully your parents and Sayu—or maybe not Sayu—were too busy to give a damn about it.
You wordlessly sank back, face the reddest it could ever get.
"You stay still now."
"Heh... How about one mor—"
"Absolutely not. That's a kiss worth for three months. We had a deal back then, didn't we?"
"I'm starting to regret that deal."
"It was your idea."
"Let's disregard that deal."
"Nope. I gave my word. You did too."
"Oh come on!"
"'Kissing is a waste of time,' you say."
"I take it back!"
"You don't." He chuckled. You elbowed him and groaned.
You then were idly eating more of the chips as you watched your parents dance shamelessly. They began to coax you and Light to do the same because it was your special day after all. You and Light had different opinions about it. And, he was in.
"Why not? Afraid of your true skills being exposed?"
"Why should I be afraid to expose talent? Heck it's just not my liking. Besides, didn't we already dance?"
"Yeah but that was last year on your 18th birthday. You danced with other guys too. So maybe, maybe— just maybe, I only want to solo you right now."
"Wha— pfahahahaha! Did you just say that? Say that again!"
"Ah? No. Nevermind. Forget it."
"Awe sorry. It's just rare to see that side of yours. Hmm, how can I refuse now?" You pressed your lips in order not to laugh at the way he looked, as if he was regretting everything he did in his life. You stood up and offered him your hand, in which he refused to accept since it was his job to do in the first place.
"Oh! But I don't wanna dance here. Let's go to my room. I have an idea." He merely nodded. "Mom, dad, we're just going to go upstairs! In case you'll wonder why we suddenly disappeared."
"Can I come with you? I don't really want to dance or sing with them." Sayu jumped at you. You shook your head and Light spoke on your behalf. "Kids aren't allowed. Let us have our privacy this time."
"—Sorry but he's right. I do have some games you can play for you to pass the time. Or books, over there if that piques your interest. Don't worry, we'll be back quick to make sure you won't be lonely."
"Alright! Thank you!"
"Ah but why not join us here?" Your mom frowned.
"We have some business to do in my room—" That came out vague, but it was too late. Your mildly drunk dad had already replied, "Don't forget the protection, okay?" Leaving you, Light, his parents, and your mom to have that 'What the fuck?' look on your faces.
You two raced to your room nonetheless, quickly locking it. He was surprised to see how much of a mess it was. Mostly just the bed and the heap of completely random things on top of your cabinet. If he's a neat genius, you're the untidy one.
"Do you ever seriously clean?"
"Why clean it when it'll just eventually turn into a mess again? I can work perfectly fine in this state."
He shook his head and picked up a pillow and the bedsheet lying on the floor, but you stopped him before he could lay his hands on your one-hell-of-a-mess bed.
If you two ever do get married someday, the marriage would certainly include a lot of chaotic things and arguments about the chaos you've bestowed upon your damned house.
"I didn't bring you here to be my personal cleaner. Stop that."
"I'm actually doing you a favor???"
"We have other business. Cleaning is uninteresting. As your girlfriend, it's my duty to stop you investing yourself in such a boring activity."
"You're not really much of a good influence, are you? Fine. But I'm gonna do it once we finish anyway."
You snorted and opened the curtains to add a slightly relaxing view to the scene.
The rain hadn't stopped, still hostile and loud. You were lucky your room had a nice view of the streetlight. Though it would've looked better at dusk— more romantic to a lovers' liking when they dance as the sun sets, coating the sky in a mixture of lively, serene colors, with the streetlight slowly coming to life and they wouldn't realize it because they're lost in their own world.
You smiled at the thought. You wanted to do that with Light even though you knew you would never say it out loud— or who knows?
While your boyfriend was looking at the window, you turned on your lamp and the purple LED lights you had hanging on the walls and turned off the ceiling light. The room was then turned to a dull purple one. But it looked better than before—if you were to ignore the tangled mess on your bed of course, in which case was thankfully barely visible now— and at least to set a specific mood.
"Outdoing ourselves, aren't we?"
"Yes, well.. doesn't it look more.. romantiiiiiic to you?"
"Maybe. All that's missing now is the music. And maybe roses too, hmm? But it's alright. I have the prettiest rose here already."
"Oh my God. Are you really Light Yagami, or just a spirit who had taken over?"
"Shut up. I thought the word romantic was never in your dictionary."
"Ah, but I have a lot of words in my dictionary, so you'll never know, my dear." You winked and took one rose out of the bouquet he had given you. You handed it to him. "There goes your rose."
He cringed, but he was smiling too. He tucked your hair behind your ears and placed the rose on top of it. Now all that was left to do was to play the music.
"Hey Light. We're gonna regret being this overly romantic one day, aren't we?"
"Probably. And all that cheesy stuff. But who knows? We may or may not end up like our parents and continue whatever this saga is."
"Yep. But I also think we'd regret it more if we don't grab the chance to do it."
"Well said, [Y/N]."
You grinned and went on to play the music on your vintage gramophone. Needless to say you were quite the quaint one. And Light knew well of this.
"Shall I have this dance, my lady?"
"Why, I thought you'd never ask."
You hid a smile as well as he. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands were on your waist and you two slow danced, the rest of the world falling away. You thought whenever someone would say it, they're just exaggerating. But you were wrong. It really did feel like it that it might have been the closest to heaven you'd get.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you...
His eyes were locked on yours. This time, he wasn't holding back anymore. He was feeling the moment just as you were. And who cares if your movements weren't completely in sync with the music that was barely audible due to the rain?
Shall I stay?
Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you...
The smile you were hiding broke out when he pulled you closer. It was definitely a rare event so you had to savor it. Slow dancing in the dark, just like old lovers.
Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be...
You might've had already ran out of steps halfway to the song. You two stood still, bodies pressed with you looking up at him. He rested his forehead against yours. Your faces were so close that you swore you could already feel his lips against yours.
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you...
And at that moment you really felt that you wanted him to take your whole life. You couldn't dream a world without your Light anymore.
To your surprise, he cupped your face and kissed your forehead, his lips lingering there for a while as your bodies merely swayed to the rhythm of the song.
You love this man. He's not entirely perfect, but he's the best for you. He's your match. He's your lover. He's your rival. You were his, too.
"Psst, Light. I love you.." You whispered, pecking his cheek.
He stared at you with amusement, his adorable smile growing wider.
"I love you too."
"Even if you smell like shit right now..."
"You too. But did I complain?"
"Oh shush." You laughed. His arms tightly embraced you, and you rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and smiling to yourself as you two continued to lightly sway your bodies. He as well closed his eyes, leaning his cheeks against your head.
He considered this moment to be one of the bests where he's genuinely happy.
And outside, unbeknownst to you, stood a lonesome fellow under the streetlamp, drenched in the rain, a wistful smile on their face as they looked up to witness a moment like that from you two, wishing that one day they'll get to do that with someone too.
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thatgirlwhowrites01 · 4 years
hot head
part 11 | masterlist
social media au
zuko x reader
this is a very long and fluffy update and I hope it makes up for my lack of posting these past couple days 🥺🥺💕💕💕
Zuko POV
“What is your partner’s name again?”
“Uncle, they aren’t my partner,” carrying a tray of used tea cups towards the back of the shop, I cleared my throat as I set it down by the sink for washing later. “Their name is y/n.” I folded my arms across my chest and faced towards Iroh, a grin displayed clearly.
“You’re telling me that my nephew is doing all this work for a friend?” he laughed.
“I’m doing all this work because you’re letting us stay in the loft,” my hands pointed to the stairs, “Besides, I owe them a favor and they’ve never been to Ba Sing Se, it’s the least I could do.” Which wasn’t a complete lie. I did owe them a favor, after everything I did I’m surprised they even responded to my initial dm. The only problem was keeping uncle out of the loop. He always had a knack for knowing when I was being sneaky and although it was a sense that came in handy when I was a child, as a fully capable adult it has now become annoying.
“What do you plan on doing tonight?”
“Um, I’m not too sure, I’m just planning on showing them the main spots of the city and then maybe some dinner.” I tried to play it off cool, but inside my heart was pounding at a rate far from healthy.
“Just make sure when you guys get back to lock the doors and wash any dishes you use, I’ll be in around nine in the morning tomorrow.”
“I will, don’t worry.” I watched as uncle took the shop key off the hook on the back wall. He tossed it to me with a wink, “Have fun Zuko.”
The shop was now mine for the night and I still had a couple hours before I had to leave to pick y/n up. There wasn’t much left to do since I had been here all day to help with customers and cleaning. I finished setting up the loft early this morning, it wasn’t anything super fancy. A couch that could be folded into a bed was pressed to the side wall and a nice mattress layed towards the back. I set up some fairy lights and a couple lanterns placed on tables around the room to add a relaxed ambience when lit tonight.
I can’t explain the feelings I’m having, nervous? Excited? I’m not sure, it’s hard to say. When Azula first told me about y/n she described them as this ugly, manipulative, mean person. But they aren’t like that at all. I remember when I first watched their video, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of them. They were beautiful, and the way they laughed made me feel warm inside, something I haven't felt in a long time. Azula insisted they were bad, and unfortunately I believed her. When they retaliated against me I didn’t know how to act, it filled me with rage because no one ever retaliates against me. I genuinely did hate them for a while but when the private investigator told me about what happened with their mom I wanted to take everything back. They had already been through so much and I was taking away something that could potentially work out really well. Despite what happened in the past I want this night to be a sort of ‘peace treaty’ if possible.
The circumstances weren’t exactly ideal.. Zuko, the one who bullied me relentlessly with his twitter fingers was going to be my tour guide of Ba Sing Se for the night. The warnings from Katara and all my other friends wouldn’t leave my head and I couldn’t seem to shake the feeling that they were right. I did forgive too easily, but it was too late to cancel and plus I’ve never been to the city before.
I packed a small bag with a change of clothes and a couple miscellaneous items, being unsure of what the night would bring I made sure to pack some pepper spray too. I don’t think Zuko would try to hurt me, but being in a big city with one of the biggest jerks I know I had to come prepared.
It’s nearing five in the afternoon and my nerves are starting to get the better of me. Anytime now Zuko would be here and I’m starting to realize how awful this situation is. I could taste blood in my mouth from chewing on the inside of my cheek, “fuck,” I said while reaching for my phone. Almost on instinct my fingers swiped to Katara’s name in my contacts. The monotone ring droned on until I heard her pick up on the other line.
“Katara, I’m freaking out, Zuko’s gonna be here at any moment and I don’t know what to do,”
“Hey it’s gonna be okay, are you sure you want to do this? I can always just make up an excuse for you so you don’t have to go?” I can tell she desperately wants me to say yes, but I can’t bring myself to do it.
“No it’s okay, I just really need someone to talk to until he gets here,”
“Okay, I promise it’s gonna be alright. You’ve got a whole army waiting up tonight to make sure you’ll be okay. Sokka, Suki, and Toph are gonna come over to Aang’s house with me and we’re not going to sleep until you’re back at wherever you’re staying.”
“Okay,” I laughed “If I don’t send updates by 11 send someone”
“Will do, Toph said she’s been ready to practice some knew boxing moves”
“Can’t wait,”
Our conversation went on for several minutes until I heard a knock on my door. “Coming!” I yelled and quickly ended the call, rushing to grab my bag. My hand curled around the handle and realization hit when I opened the door to see Zuko holding a bouquet of sunflowers. I smiled “Are these for me?”
“Yeah, I figured it’s the least I could do to make up for stuff.”
“Thank you,”
He seemed different than in his videos. His face was softer and his voice less harsh. I followed him to his car which was, to put it lightly, much nicer than my mini-van. I’m not even a car person but it was polished black with dark tinted windows and red rims, definitely something I could see him driving. He opened my door,  allowing me to slide in and fully appreciate the car. Leather seats accompanied a ‘new car’ smell and the front displayed a touch screen for controls. Shitty person or not, he rides in style.
After pulling away from my apartment the car fills with a low volume of slow RnB, “I’m not too sure if you  have anything specific in mind that you want to do, so I figured I’d show you my favorite parts of the city and grab something to eat, maybe some drinks?”
“That sounds great to me,” I smiled.
The rest of the car ride was silent, but with the mix of the sun close to setting, RnB, and the scenery I didn’t feel the need to talk. For a Friday night the traffic wasn’t that bad, we worked our way through it easily and stopped outside of a tea shop.
“This is my Uncle’s shop, there’s a loft on the top he said we could use for the night.”
“That’s so nice of him,  I’ll have to come back sometime to say thank you.”
I waited behind Zuko as he fiddled with the door. Now that I am standing next to him it was clear how muscular he was. The tight green shirt fit snug around his shoulders and biceps, his back muscles flexed while giggling the door handle. Finally it popped open and my focus changed to the space we were entering. It was cute and tiny, tables lined the walls and the bar had several stools flipped on top. I followed Zuko as he climbed the stairs to the loft.
“I washed and made the bed for you so you don’t have to worry about bugs or  anything,” Zuko pointed to the bed. I walked over to throw my bag down on the mattress “This place is so adorable, I love it!”
“Tea is my uncle's passion, when I was younger and he first started this shop I worked for him. This place is practically my home away from home.” He sat down on the couch facing me.”
I nodded, taking the place in. Fairy lights danced around the ceiling twinkling in a way that was mesmerizing. “Are you hungry?” Zuko asked.
“Is that even a question?” we both shared a laugh, “Come one, I know the best place for some pho.”
“And then, I practically threw up all over the place!” I laughed uncontrollably through my mouth full of pho,  “I can’t believe that,  in the middle of church?!” Zuko’s comment made me laugh even harder. “I swear! My mom was so mad it took everything in her power to not to drag me out by my hair!”
The night was going incredibly well. After a couple awkward ice breakers we somehow got on the subject of disappointing our parents and now we were the loudest table in the restaurant. Zuko was so much easier to talk to than I expected, and we had a lot in common.
“Excuse me, but would you and your partner like any dessert?” I was too busy laughing, I didn't even see the waiter approaching.
“Oh, they aren’t my partner.” I couldn’t help but snort which in turn made Zuko start laughing again, “I think we’re ready for the check if that’s alright” he said with as much composure and he could muster. I waited until the waiter was out of sight, “Partner” I snorted again. “Hey, the guy was just trying to find out if you were single,” I rolled my  eyes at Zuko’s comment. “Whatever..”
“It’s the truth! I bet everytime you go out you’re bombarded with people trying to get  with you!”
“Mhmm for sure, but I only  grace them with attention if they can guess my favorite color.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Zuko stared at me, rolling his lips to hide his smile.
“Why would you want to know? Are you trying to gain my attention?”
“I just want to make sure I know who I’m dealing with, they say you can learn a lot from people’s favorite color you know..”
“And who exactly is ‘they’?” I asked while crossing my arms.
“I prefer to keep that a secret.” He said while mimicking my stance.
We laughed together again at the stupidity of our argument. The waiter came back with the check and I reached for the cash I brought but before I could even get it to the table Zuko handed him a few $20’s telling him to keep the change. Warmth rose to my face “Thank you, I could’ve at least split it with you,”
“No worries, this is your trip and I wanna make it special.” he smiled, “Come on, there’s something I want to show you.”
We began walking the silent streets of Ba Sing Se, I admired all the little shops along the way. There was so much to do here and so many different people to meet. I think I have fallen in love with the city. When we came upon a small turn Zuko asked me to close my eyes.
“Why?” I smiled, I didn’t really care for the reason but I enjoyed teasing him.
“Just do it,”
With my eyes closed he grabbed my hand. I felt a jolt of energy race through my body. His hands were warm and calloused and much bigger than mine. The same warmth I felt at dinner returned as I tried suppressing my smile to no avail.
“You’re gonna love this.” he said, I could almost see his grin in my imagination. As he guided me I could hear water splashing and turtle ducks quacking. I was so excited I almost opened my eyes. Eventually he stopped me, “Can I open my eyes now?” I asked, wanting to know what he had led me to. “One sec,”
He shifted behind me, I could tell he was standing close because the heat radiating off of his body touched the back of my neck. “Okay, open.”
I was greeted with the sight of a beautiful fountain lit from all around, I felt like I had entered another world. It was so beautiful, the lights reflecting off the water made it even brighter. “What do you think?”
“Zuko, this is so pretty. I love it”
“I’m glad, this is one of my favorite spots. Especially at night.”
“I can see why,”
He made his way right next to me. We were standing so close our fingers grazed each other. I smiled at him nervously, unsure of what to do. “Do you want to feed the turtle ducks? I’ve got some bread”
“Yes!!” I said while practically running towards the animals in the fountain. I sat on the ledge which was a bit wet but not uncomfortable and Zuko took a seat next to me pulling a bag out of his pocket. He handed me a couple pieces to throw into the fountain and I wasted no time throwing it in.
They swarmed the area close to us splashing water as they ate. Zuko and I krept closer and closer together, if I moved my head it would bump into his shoulder.
I felt his hand fall on top of mine and I looked up. His eyes looked into mine and fell to my lips, the tension building had me leaning closer. His hand came up to gently cup my cheek while my eyes fluttered closed. Our lips met  with a heat, my breath caught in my chest due to the sudden sensation.
The kiss was slow, but short. This was better than the kiss Haru and I shared back at Aang’s grandparent’s house. This was electric and made me feel something.  We pulled away, my forehead falling on his. I could feel my heart beating through my chest.
This felt right.
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octoberobserver · 4 years
“Just To Dream In The Moonlight” - (Eddie Can Sing)
Richie Tozier was on a date.
Eddie Kaspbrak was not.
Instead, he was at home, the home he had been sharing with Richie for five months now, hunched over his laptop at the kitchen table and steadily building up a knot in the base of his spine because he was too fucking old for this shit.
Fuck his life.
He had died, come back, divorced his wife, moved half-way across the country, only to find himself working from home on a Saturday night while his roommate, best friend and, oh yeah, love of his pathetic fucking life, went out to dinner with some handsome, single, ‘Instagram model.’ 
I mean, what the fuck even is that anyway?
Eddie knew this day would come, of course. Had seen it almost instantly after Richie came out, live on stage.
Richie was a catch. He was funny, smart, and…yeah, he’d admit, handsome. Bev was right. He did ‘grow into his looks.’ 
So, it didn’t take a genius to realise that him coming out would soon draw the attention of all the eligible men within a hundred mile radius and for them to show their interest. They’d be fools not to.
And you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Kaspbrak?
With a groan, Eddie dragged a palm down his face, snapping his laptop shut and pushing it away from him.
He had to cut out this wallowing bullshit. It wasn’t a good look, at all. 
Richie was on a date and that was…good.
Eddie, as a good friend, should think that’s a good thing.
Then again - has Eddie always been a good friend? 
With a roll of his eyes, he shut down that line of thinking, knowing it was the blame of the two glasses of wine he had just inhaled while pouring over Teddy’s illegible ‘reports’ while trying to ignore what Richie could possibly be doing right about now.
Or who, his mind added scathingly. 
Shaking his head, Eddie mentally-scolded himself for his stupid, jealous streak. 
Richie had left just over an hour ago, throwing him a half-hearted wave, muttering a low, “Won’t be long, Eds. Trust me,” and snapping the door shut behind him.
It hardly screamed a guy who intended on having a little Wham, Bam, Thank you, Sam. 
Not that there’s anything wrong with a one-night-stand. Richie is a consenting adult, Eddie’s treacherous brain reminded him. 
Despite this, Richie had insisted, all this week that it was “practically a business dinner.” Something that his publicist had apparently set up that was more than a little mandatory for some bullshit-Hollywood-reason. 
Richie had not seemed too psyched about it either. Lamenting to Eddie more than once that he didn’t have time for “aging-ex-Disney-stars-looking-for-the-ultimate-selfie-or-whatever.”
But that had been before he had seen the picture.
Up-and-coming actor and singer, Dylan Lemass was…hot. Even Eddie could concede that.
And, he was a little more age-appropriate (at 33) than most guys DMing Richie at four in the morning.
Richie hadn’t been quite quick enough at hiding his impressed eyebrow quirk at the picture sent to him by Bev after some googling. 
“He looks…nice,” Eddie had ground out through clenched jaw, heart panging as Richie began to nod.
“Uh, yeah. I guess. If…if that’s your type.” 
“Richie, that guy is everybody’s type.” 
He had looked at Eddie then, something indecipherable on his face. 
“I’m not usually into…blonds.” 
That had been the only word to ring in Eddie’s head. 
“Well,” he forced himself to shrug, punching Richie harder than he intended on the shoulder, “just see how it goes. You never know…he might…he might be your Mr Right.” 
Fuck, actually, Eddie was a damn good friend, okay? He had encouraged Richie, “Mr Right” and all that shit, and helped him pick between two (admittedly ugly) shirts and everything. 
He was friend of the fucking year.
Just a friend.
With a sigh, he crossed to the fridge, fully intending to help himself to the leftover cheesecake that Richie had bought them in celebration of four months of Eddie allowing himself dairy again.
“I know you belong to somebody new,” he sang under his breath, the old song he had heard on the radio this morning continuing to be an ear-worm, “but tonight, you belong to me.” 
He crossed the kitchen to get a spoon from the drawer, because it was an eating-straight-from-the-container-despite-that-being-gross kinda night, and sticking it directly into the strawberry mousse. 
“Although we’re apart, you’re a part of my heart,” he continued, cheesecake in one hand and picking up his half-empty glass with the other, making his way out to the couch.
“But tonight, you belong to—”
“A bit of Eddie Vedder, huh? Eddie squared, I like it.” 
He jumped so high that his red wine sloshed dangerously close to the rim of the glass.
“Fuck, Richie! Don’t scare me like that, dipshit!” 
The man in question snorted out a laugh from his position at the front door, keys still in hand, jacket half off one shoulder.
“I did say ‘honey I’m home,’ Eds. Not my fault you were too busy crooning to notice.” 
Eddie’s face flushed as he collected himself, carefully depositing his glass and cheesecake on the coffee table before straightening up and tilting his head at his friend. 
“You’re home early.” 
He didn't mean for it to sound as accusatory as it did. 
He winced.
“I mean, uh…how’d the date go?” 
Richie’s face was pretty expressionless as he shrugged.
“We wined, dined and sixty-nined. Just how I like it.” 
Eddie’s mouth dropped open.
“I’m kidding, Eddie, Jesus,” Richie held up his hands as he kicked off his shoes, leaving them by Eddie’s on the rack by the door and padding over in his socks to the couch, sinking down into it with a loud sigh.
“It went exactly like I thought it would,” he mumbled to the ceiling, slipping his glasses up his forehead to rest in his hair, his eyes falling closed.
Eddie watched him for a moment, unsure what to do, before taking a seat beside him, turning to properly look at him.
He seemed…tired. Weary. 
Time for Eddie to be a good friend. 
“Well, fuck that guy, Rich,” he reached out and clasped Richie’s arm. “He’s clearly a dumbass if he can’t see what a fucking catch you are.” 
Slowly, those dark eyes that Eddie loved so much blinked open, meeting his with something indistinguishable glimmering in them.
“Thanks, Eddie.” 
It was the most sincere Eddie had heard his friend be in a long time.
It made his heart skip a beat.
Quietly, he reached out and picked up the glass and cheesecake, holding it out.
“Wanna watch that new Chris Hansen exposé?” 
A small smile crossed Richie’s face, breaking through the weariness like a soothing balm.
“Sounds like a plan, Eds Spagheds.” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, throwing the remote at him before standing up.
“I’m opening another bottle. Don’t start without me.” 
He crossed the room, into the kitchen and towards the fridge. 
“He couldn’t sing for shit either, Eds,” Richie called after him, sounding pained. “He made me suffer through like four YouTube videos of him squawking his way through covers. I wanted to use the steak knife to stab out my own eardrums. It was fucking torture, man. You’re a hell of a lot nicer to listen to.” 
Eddie froze, bottle in hand, the soft, unthinking compliment making him blush from head to toe. 
“Eddie Vedder is technically a cover too,” he reminded him as he fought (and failed) to keep the grin from his face.
“Yeah, I know but…least it’s not the Patience and Prudence version. Talk about creepy. That’s some Children-of-the-Corn-type shit.”
Eddie snorted out a laugh as he made his way back into the living room, sinking down into the couch, his stomach lurching as his thigh pressed against Richie’s.
Richie held out his cheesecake-topped spoon, dangling it in Eddie’s face and making obnoxious airplane noises.
“Want some before I infect it with my Trashmouth germs, Eds? It’s a one time deal. I know how you feel about double-dipping.” 
Eddie leaned forward, closing his mouth around the spoon, eyes gluing to Richie’s as he swallowed the bite and pulled back slowly.
Richie’s eyes were the size of saucers, clearly shocked that Eddie had called his bluff.
“Uh, I…” he cleared his throat, “it’s good?” 
Eddie smirked, “Yeah, it’s good.” 
They lapsed into a short silence, Richie shifting to face the TV just as Chris Hansen popped up and launched into his latest case.
“Thanks, Eds. For the uh…cheesecake.” 
He nodded, deciding not to comment as Richie kicked his feet up onto the coffee table, his shoulder pressing into his as he slowly, carefully, raised the spoon to his own lips.
Eddie blushed like a teenager as he kept his gaze firmly on the TV, trying not to think about the fact that Richie so easily put his mouth somewhere Eddie just had his.
At about the twenty-five minute mark, Eddie felt a soft, familiar pressure close to his neck.
Tilting his head ever so slightly, he saw that Richie had fallen asleep, his cheek pressed into Eddie’s shoulder, his glasses askew.
A small smile spread across his face as Eddie let his own head tip back a little, resting against the couch, the lyrics of that godforsaken song flittering into his brain.
“Wait down by the stream, how sweet it will seem, once more just to dream in the moonlight…” 
(Read the entire series here)
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cha-lyn · 5 years
Milk & Eggs - Nine
Farmer!Bucky x Reader
Words: 1680ish
Summary: Small Town /Farmer Bucky AU // Reader leaves the city to go live with her grandma. She meets an attractive farmer and, no, they don’t hit it off.
Warnings: usual angst, use of alcohol, silly fluff maybe
A/N:  Sorry this took so long. : )
if ya like it, give it a reblog/like/comment. Makes my day.
Master List // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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You lay awake for almost two hours, your mind was racing with excitement for Brad and Aaron and your own excitement of getting to stargaze with Bucky. Did he think Saturday was a date? You kind of did, although you would never admit it. He didn’t ask you in person though, so it can’t be a date. But it was really thoughtful. Would he think the wedding was a date? Wasn’t it?
When you finally fell asleep, your dreams were Bucky-centered and pretty streamy. In the dream you were set up in the bed of his truck, gazing up at the stars. Something happened, maybe you shivered and he gave you his blanket. You protested though, not wanting him to get cold, either and he joined you under the two blankets. Things progressed from there.
It was hot.
The rest of the week went by quickly. Thursday and Friday were extremely busy. You and Grams had three event cakes to complete by Saturday: a 50th anniversary cake for the Sheriff and his wife, a birthday cake for the owner of the diner and a wedding cake for the Peterson wedding. You liked being busy at the bakery. Baking and decorating was cathartic for you. It was also distracting, thankfully.  
“Got any plans this weekend, hun?” Grams asked as she rolled out fondant.
“Oh. Yeah, actually Bucky invited me over to watch a meteor shower this weekend.”
Grams looked up at you, smirking. “Is that so?” You ignore her tone and nod. “Well, I guess I’ll see you Sunday afternoon then.”
“No, Grams. It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”
“Everyone is just friends, until they aren’t, sweetie.”
You shake your head, “Anniversary cake is done. I’ll start the decorations for the Peterson cake.” The front bell rings, before you can even start. “I’ve got it, Grams.”
“Hey slick.” Bucky Barnes. Wearing a white tank top, plaid shirt all the way unbuttoned and sleeves rolled up, both covered in dirt. Really everything was covered in dirt--boots, hat, jeans.
“Hi,” you squeak.
“It’s hot out there today.”
You nod, trying not to stare too hard. Sure as hell is, you think. “Uh. Can I get you anything?”
“Oh, nah,” he takes his ball cap off to smooth his hair. “Just stopped in to say hey. Just picked up some feed for the horses.” He waves offhandedly towards the feed store direction.
You couldn’t help but smile. “Well, it’s nice to see you...”
“It’s great to see you,” Bucky was looking at you hard. His mouth opened like he was going to say something--
“James! What a pleasant surprise.” Out comes Grams, wiping her hands on her apron. “Y/N get him some water, he looks absolutely parched.” You do as your told, thankful for a chance to hide the blush that was creeping up your face. “Oh, James. Y/N has to move a giant wedding cake tomorrow. See, I have back issues and it’s too heavy for her to move alone--”
“--I’d be happy to help.” He smiles that brilliant smile of his.
Grams clapped her hands together. “Oh good. Then you guys can get on with your date.” Bucky’s eyes widened and he glances at you, then at his boots.
“Grams. I told you it’s not a date.”
“Ooops sorry, sorry. I’ll go back to my flour covered cave then. Nice to see you James,” she called as she headed back to the kitchen.
“Um. I’m sorry she’s…” You trailed off, not knowing how to continue.
“It’s fine.” Bucky took one sip of his water. “I should go. What time tomorrow?”
“We have to drop the cake off at the chapel at 2 so be here 1:30. See you then.”
He tipped his hat at you, with a grin and left.
You waited until his truck had driven away to put your head on the counter and groan.
- -
At exactly 1:30, the shop's bell rang and in walked Bucky. Opposite from the day before, he was in a clean t-shirt, jeans and his dress boots.
“Hey slick.” Cue dazzling smile.
“Hey Bucky. Right on time. So really we don’t have to carry it the entire way, it can roll on that,” you point to a rolling cart. “We just have to lift it twice and make sure it doesn’t fall in the road.”
He nodded. You directed him to the other side as the two of you lift and place it onto the cart. “Here we go. Careful on the threshold.”
“This cake is amazing,” Bucky looked at the intricate details as he walked backwards, which did not put you at ease in anyway. “Did you do all of this?”
“Most of it, Grams did the fondant and modeling chocolate.”
“Amazing,” he repeats.
You smile. “Thanks.”
The cake was delivered without a hitch. The bride was ecstatic and fawned over it for 5 full minutes before she’s let you leave. You and Bucky headed back to the bakery, he insisted on pushing the cart back for you.
“Well. I’ll see you at 9 right?” he scratched the back of his neck.
“Yeah. I mean if you still want to,” you bite the inside of your cheek.
“I’m looking forward to it, slick,” he smiled again. “I’ve got some things to do in town, but I'll see you tonight.”
- -
You pull into his driveway at 9:02, the night getting darker by the second. Bucky is leaned up against his truck in an army green hoodie.
“You’re late, slick. I was about to send out a search party,” he laughs at his own joke. “Where are the snacks?” He goes to your passenger door and finds what he’s looking for. “Hell yes.”
“Well hello to you too, Buck. I’m great thanks for asking.” You roll your eyes at him as he smiles back, already with a mouth full of cookie.
He just laughed, “I thought we could sit on the roof up there,” he points to his house, “but the barn light is too bright. So instead,” he opens the tailgate of his truck to reveal a mound of pillows and blankets, “We’ll just drive out to where it’s dark enough and the view from here.”
Holy shit is what you thought, immediately remembering your dream, but “Sounds great,” is what you said.
Snacks, hot chocolate, beer and liquor were loaded into his truck and the two of you headed into the dark. Bucky had informed you that hot chocolate was a must, but since you were adults, you got to spike it with booze. Once Bucky found a dark enough spot, he shut off the truck and opened the tailgate.
You climbed in the truck bed, placing your shoes on the tailgate, and Bucky followed sitting with his back to the cab, fluffing up a pillow to lean on.
“Pick your poison, doll.”
You hadn’t heard that name in a while and it made your stomach flip. You told him you’d have whatever he was having. Bucky smirked as he poured the two of you drinks. “So.”
“So?” You repeated sipping your drinking and immediately feeling the warmth of the alcohol. “Mmmm. If farming doesn’t work out, you could be a bartender.”
Bucky laughed, “Thanks. Where’d those cookies go?” You handed them to him. “You are in the right industry, no doubt. That cake earlier, these cookies? Mmm! Please don’t quit your day job.”
You laughed and wring your hands together. The conversation, aided by the dark and alcohol, flowed freely. You talked about your childhoods, favorite foods, most embarrassing moments. Even if there were lulls, they were comfortable. You had your head leaned back on the side of the bed and you were dozing off.
“I know you're not falling asleep, doll,” he scooted over next to you to look at your eyes and you were suddenly very awake. He smelled so good. So manly. He laid down hands under his head. “C’mon, it’s almost time.”
You tried to shake the dream out of your mind by changing the subject. “Oh! Brad and Aaron are engaged! They’ll be getting married soon and they want you to come!”
“Really? That’s awesome! I’d love to go!”
“Well, it’ll be in Seattle, so you’d actually have to get yourself a farm hand now!”
“I guess I better get to looking then. I haven’t been to the city in ages. Maybe we could stop and do some sight seeing afterwards?”
“That sounds like a great idea, Buck.” You wondered if he could hear your heart hammering in your chest as you laid next to him.
Bucky pointed out a couple of constellations and even gave you the names of some of the brighter stars. You tried to focus on the sky above you and not remember your dream. The stars were everywhere and so bright. You see a star fall and you made a wish.
“Can I ask you something Buck?”
“That night at my house, did you leave because I touched your scars?”
He sighed, suddenly annoyed. “I really don’t want to talk about that, Y/N.”
“I understand that, I’m not saying you have to… I just want to know what… what I did that made you run.”
“I wanna know so I don’t do it again.”
“They are from my time in the military. I was... tortured. They just remind me of how hopeless I was.”
You didn’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t that. “Shit, I’m so sorry.” You sat up and leaned on your arm to face him. It was dark but you could see the tears in his eyes, threatening to fall. He didn’t look at you. You suddenly wished you hadn’t asked. “I can’t imagine what you went through.”
He got up, sighing and jumping off the bed of the trunk. “I need some air. I’m gonna take a walk. I’ll be back in a few.”
And then you were alone, in the dark, in the middle of a field.
It was fine for the first few minutes, but then you heard something howl.
“Bucky?” You call into the night. No answer. “Bucky?!”
No answer.
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keichanz · 5 years
i got lazy with this one but eh i think it still turned out alright.
Spooktober Day 30: Treat
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It was a lazy, quiet Wednesday evening at the Taisho residence, the day before Halloween. The eldest half-demon of the house lay sprawled out on the couch in the living room, taking a break from his work to mindlessly scroll social media on his phone while half-listening to his family scattered about the house. Not far away at all, his youngest sat in front of the TV, watching cartoons while his sister remained upstairs in her room, supposedly working on her homework, but no doubt talking to her friends via cellular device. His wife was in the kitchen, humming a soft tune under her breath as she finished last minute preparations for the party tomorrow and the scent of her homemade cider pleasantly teased his senses.
Closing his eyes and carelessly letting his phone drop to the carpeted floor below, Inuyasha quirked a half-smile and tossed an arm over his eyes as he released a relaxed sigh. He heard Tai give a soft giggle and his ear flicked in response. Next he heard Izayoi’s badly muffled laugh which confirmed his suspicions about talking to her friends.
He was thinking that perhaps they’d ought to put down some ground rules about that thing lest her grades start suffering because of it when the sound of soft footsteps approaching grabbed his attention. The scent of sugar and vanilla drifted over to him and his smile boarded, but he didn’t bother to remove his arm or sit up.
The footsteps drew closer until they stopped beside him and wordlessly Inuyasha adjusted his position, spreading his legs and opening his arm in silent invitation. Seconds later something soft, warm, and nice smelling wriggled its way onto the couch with him, crawling up his body to rest comfortably against his chest, and with a contented rumble he wrapped his arms his other half and pressed a kiss to a head of dark hair.
Kagome hummed and returned the loving gesture with a soft kiss to his jaw, roughened with dark stubble. Her husband needed to shave, but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t like it.
“Mmm,” Inuyasha murmured and moved his mouth down to press against the delicate line of her jaw with a little grin. “Smells like cookies. Good enough to eat.”
He punctuated that remark with a soft nip and reveled in his wife’s breathy laugh.
“Oh yeah?” she murmured and snaked a hand into his hair to find an ear and stroke the soft flesh.
His response was a low, pleased growl as he buried his face in her neck and Kagome smiled, heart bursting with love for his amazing man, the love of her life and the father of her children.
And speaking of children…
“I think it’s about time,” Kagome muttered, nuzzling his nose with hers when he lifted his head to lock gazes. “Don’t you?”
Instantly Inuyasha’s expression softened into one of his rare, genuine smiles, melting Kagome’s heart even further.  He kissed her lips, her nose, then her forehead as his arms tightened around her.
“I’ll go get Iz,” he said by way or reply and his wife bestowed upon him a truly brilliant smile before giving him one last kiss and reluctantly removing herself from his embrace.
With a grunt Inuyasha stood up, took a moment to stretch, and then wandered toward the stairs as Kagome ambled over to Tai. In short order he climbed the stairs and padded down the hallway to his daughter’s room; his ears picked up the sound of scribbling and low volume music through the cracked door. He peeked inside and spotted his little girl lounging on her bed, texts and notebooks surrounding her as she completed her schoolwork.
Inuyasha quirked a grin and knocked gently on the wooden frame of the doorway despite the fact that she’d probably already scented him. Izayoi glanced up from her homework and smiled at her father, tilting her head in silent inquiry.  
“Hey, babygirl,” he started and leaned against the doorjamb. “You mind coming downstairs for a bit? Your mom and I have something to tell you.”
Izayoi blinked and gave him a wary look, however she did set aside her books as she swung her legs over the bed.
“I’m not in trouble, am I?” she asked, eyeing him a bit suspiciously.
Inuyasha snorted. “No. Just c’mon, we’re telling your bother too.”
He waved her over to him and curious, Izayoi brushed past him, giggling quietly when he tweaked one of her ears before following after her down the hall and then downstairs.
“Mmmm, smells like cookies,” Izayoi commented as they entered the living room and from her place on the couch, Tai sitting contentedly in her lap, Kagome laughed quietly.
“I put aside a few of them for us,” she said and beckoned her daughter over to join them on the couch. “They’re cooling now and should be ready by the time this is over because I think a little celebratory treat would be in order.”
“And what is this, exactly?” Izayoi hopped up onto the sofa next to her mother and tucked her legs to the side, leaning back as Inuyasha claimed the recliner across from them.
Stroking back her daughter’s hair, Kagome smiled at her, then her son, and finally exchanged a glance with her husband. Inuyasha quirked a grin, nodded, and she beamed. Izayoi looked bemused as she glanced back and forth between her parents and Tai just looked adorably curious.
“Well,” she started, gathering her thoughts and trying to find the words. “I’ll be honest here. I don’t know exactly how to say this despite having said it once before, but…”
Their daughter frowned. “Before? You’ve told us this once already?”
A secret little smile curved Kagome’s lips. “Sort of,” she supplied. “I have to you Iz, but not Tai.”
Izayoi blinked. “You…did?”
“Mmhm. Just about six years ago, actually.”
The young half-demon still looked completely confused and chuckling, Inuyasha took it upon himself to give their daughter a little nudge in the right direction.
“Tai,” he said and eyes identical to his own swung his way, blinking owlishly. “How old are you gonna be in a couple months?”
The five-year-old scrunched up his face as he brought up his hands, extending his figures and concentrating hard. Amused, Kagome was just about to help when Tai bent down the correct number of fingers and then thrust them out to his father.
“Six!” he crowed, eyes bright and teeth bared in a proud smile.
Inuyasha grinned back. “That’s right, bud. Six years old.” He shifted his gaze to his daughter and raised both eyebrows, patiently waiting for her to connect the dots.
Izayoi stared blankly for a moment first at him, then at Tai, and then a second later realization dawned. Her eyes went wide, her mouth dropped, and her back went ramrod straight as she looked frantically between her parents, her shock evident.
“Ohmigawd,” she breathed and elicited a soft laugh from Kagome as Inuyasha chuckled again. “Oh my god. No way!”
“I don’t get it,” Tai opined, face screwing up into a pout as she slumped against his mother.
While Izayoi released a high-pitched noise of utter delight, Kagome smiled tenderly down at her baby boy and affectionally rubbed one of his ears.
“About six years ago,” Kagome began gently, “Eight months before you were born, your father and I told Izayoi that she was going to be a big sister. Well, baby, now we get to tell you that you’re going to be a big brother. What do you think of that, Tai?”
Izayoi squealed again and started bouncing in her seat, flapping her hands excitedly with the biggest smile on her face. Tai blinked and then frowned as he processed those words and when he looked down to stare at Kagome’s stomach, they knew he understood.
Amber eyes grew wide as his little mouth parted in wonder. He lifted his gaze to stare at his mother’s smiling face as Inuyasha got up from the chair and wandered over to kneel beside them.
“You’re gonna have a baby, Mama?” he breathed and Izayoi shrieked again. “I’m gonna be a big brother?”
Ridiculously Kagome felt tears prick the back of her eyes and she felt the reassuring warmth of her husband’s hand land on her knee.
“That’s right, baby,” she breathed and kissed his forehead. “In about nine months, you two are going to have a baby brother or sister and it’ll be your job to protect him or her, just like Izayoi protects you.”
If possible, Tai’s eyes grew even rounder as he directed his gaze back to his mother’s still flat stomach and ever so gently, as if afraid any pressure at all she would shatter, he put his little hand over Kagome’s stomach and softly patted.
“Don’t worry, little brother or sister,” he said solemnly while his parents watched on, amused. “I promise I’ll protect you with my life.”
“I’m gonna be a big sister!” Izayoi chimed in, now standing on the couch and hopping up and down. “Again!”
Kagome, tear-eyed, looked at her husband and Inuyasha wordlessly hooked the back of her neck with a hand before dragging her forward and claiming her lips in a soft, loving kiss.
“Wait,” Tai suddenly pipped up and they broke apart to stare at him quizzically. “Does this mean I have to give up my room? I don’t wanna sleep in Izayoi’s room. It’s too girly.”
“Hey!” Izayoi protested, scowling down at her little brother. “You little brat!”
Sharing a laugh, Inuyasha and Kagome bent down to press wet kisses to each of his cheeks and they relished in his soft, happy giggle.
Hours later, after the kids had gone to bed and it was just the two adults awake, Kagome sat on their bed waiting for her husband to return from the bathroom, wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts. She pressed her hands against her still felt tummy and marveled at the fact that there was life growing inside her, a life that she couldn’t wait to meet and hold and love for the rest of her life.
“My little chibi,” she whispered and giggled softly. She heard the bathroom door open down the hall and with a content sigh, Kagome adjusted her position so her knees were bent on either side of her and she planted her hands on the bed before her, waiting. The collar of the shirt, stretched over time, gaped in the front and revealed one delicate shoulder.
That was how Inuyasha found her when he walked into their room, his wife looking utterly enticing as she sat on their bed and graced him with a beguiling smile. He stopped short and with heavy-lidded eyes took her in, racking his eyes down her delectable from and not-so-subtly eyeing the bare skin exposed for his viewing pleasure. He growled his pleasure and watched the way his wife’s dark hair tumbled over her shoulder as she tilted her head, silky strands brushing against the pale skin of her breasts.
“Trick or treat, Inuyasha?” Kagome breathed, her smile growing a tad impish as waited for her husband to make a decision.
Amber eyes flashed as another low, hungry growl rent the bedroom. Without a word Inuyasha shed his clothes before stalking forward, joining his beautiful vixen of a wife on the bed, and happily taking the treat his beloved had so graciously offered him.
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Orphan 10
Starring:  Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader and MCU characters! Contents: Spoilers for Endgame!! Fluff. Yeah, you read that right. Of course, there’s also some pining, worrying, awkwardness, and general feels of all sorts. A/N: So I’m posting this from my new home!! First night here! SoooooooOOOOOOOoooooo*gasp*ooooOOOOOoooo stoked about this, it’s almost ridiculous! Still: previous chapters can be found on the masterlist. Thanks for likes and reblogs and comments <3
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10. Protective
After managing the initial formalities and even getting into the car without making a fool of yourself, there’s little left to say. So, Rhodes had left you behind for some work-thing. Why not take Pepper’s offer? I can’t…not yet, though you explain that differently with excuses of any kind. Perhaps Steve realizes the true reason but if so, then he doesn’t push the agenda in an effort to find out which. You are more than grateful, just like you feel a sense of relief that he doesn’t question you about how the visit went.
How did it go? It’s a lot to take in, that’s for sure.
Tony Stark was a man of transitions more than anything. Every time he had faced something new, he’d go in head on and work his way through until he had transformed it, or it had transformed him – into something more, something greater. Flawed, like most other people, it had been easy for him to follow down a path of less than honorable activities. Then he was forced to learn the truth. Afterwards, Tony sought to use all he had to correct the mistakes he had made. Make a difference. Your estranged father had become a hero to the world through his intellect and stubbornness.
Now people who knew him keep saying how alike the two of you are, how many of his features you share. What is anyone supposed to do with information like that? Become someone new like Tony Stark might have done? Or go on, allowing the well-meant comments fall to the ground and shatter as you turn your back?
There are probably more options, but as much as you would like to think it through, analyze the situation, it’s impossible for your brain to follow a train of thought to the end because of the person sitting to your left.
Hyperaware of Steve, your logical and emotional sides are at war, periodically freezing the hordes of butterflies that just will not give up. Each beat of their wings heat your belly and cheeks only for leaden worry to replace it. And guilt.
Consumed with your own turmoil, you do nothing to keep track of the real world until Steve suddenly cuts the engine, proclaiming the destination has been reached. A few stairs up, the lights of the city visible through narrow windows in the stairwell, and on to a front door which the Captain unlocks before offering your to enter first, like the gentleman he apparently is.
Dark hair swings out of the face as Barnes looks up, nailing you to the spot with his icy eyes. “Ohooo, so this’s the emergency y’didn’t want me along for?”
“Bucky.” There’s a hint of a warning barely hidden there.
“Nah, man, it’s okay,” Bucky chuckles, winking jovially, “Wouldn’t wanna be a third wheel anyways.”
Despite the red ears, there’s no warmth left in Steve’s voice now: “James.”
You silently watch a standoff unfold between the blond captain and his friend with the shit-eating grin plastered across his face until, eventually, the cheeky ex-assassin decides to back off to his own room, leaving Steve alone to help you settle for the night.
It’s not a huge place, but from the looks of it it’s perfect for a pair of friends sharing the kitchen, bathroom and living room while having each their own bedroom – at least you did spot a perfectly made bed before Bucky pushed the door shut behind him and somehow you don’t think the two would manage to share a normal sized bed. King size, minimum? Keeping silent, it’s easy to follow Cap through to his room (with a “full”) while he babbles absentmindedly about towels, pillows, and lending out t-shirts for the night.
“– and I’ll keep the light on in the living room so you can find me…I’ll be on the couch…or the or the way to the –“
What he says finally catches your attention. “Wait what?”
He looks cute when perplexed, you realize and promptly try to ignore. “No the…you’re not sleeping on the couch.”
“I can’t ask you to do that. It’s no big deal, it’s comfy.” A shimmer of the stubbornness from the standoff a moment ago has returned.
I’ll give you stubborn. “Good, then I’ll be perfectly fine there, thank you.”
A snigger warns both of you before the tauntingly sarcastic voice booms through the wall: “And tHeRe wAs o-oNly onE Be-eD!”
 …   Clint   …
“She’s an adult.”
Even with woolen socks, the man still manages to stomp as he paces back and forth.
“She’s not our kid, honey.”
Fingers tap restlessly against his thigh, itching to dial Rhodes number or to fire an arrow…maybe at Rhodes. Good thing he’s not here.
“Her problem solving’s commendable and…” Laura sighs, trying to hide the roll of her eyes behind a hand before stopping her husband with a steely gaze. “Clinton Francis Barton. Y’listenin’ to me? [Y/N] is an adult and in good hands because she made a smart decision and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“But –“ He motions wildly to the phone where the messages still can be seen on the screen. “The plan was –“
Laura isn’t just used to dealing with superheroes. She’s a wife and a mother too, and a faithful partner through thick and thin. For years, she’s been preparing for and handling events like this, and Clint is in awe at her calm. Serenity. Looking at her, he realizes for the millionth time through their years together that she is his rock by which he can secure himself and find steady ground.
A few deep breaths then he can seek refuge in her embrace. “You’re right, sweetheart,” he admits, “it’s just hard not to be protective o’ her. What if’t’d been Lila?”
“Then Lila would have known what to do too.” He can feel her smile as Laura kisses his head. “We’ve got smart kids…all three and a half.”
Silence falls between the adults, allowing the crackle of firewood to prevail – it’s one of those sounds Clint cherishes too much to remove the hearing aids for. That and birds singing. And the sound of wind in grass. For too many years none of those sounds had carried any meaning because the most important of them all were missing: the voices of his family. Even now when the kids are sleeping and Laura sits quietly, he can still hear them or at the very least their living echo.
“She’s not gone,” she murmurs gently.
Magical wife. “I know.”
 …   Reader   …
On a scale from zero (none at all) to ten (the worst possible), the level off awkwardness is steady right about an eleven…maybe a nine if you don’t breathe and move which on the other hand would make it a very uncomfortable experience in other ways. Who’d have thought? To be fair, you did but there’s no way you’re changing your mind now.
Even where you are lying in the darkness, you can feel the heat radiating off of Steve who is lying equally rigid, probably with his hands neatly above the blanket he has insisted on using just so you could have the duvet. At least he accepted you slept with a smaller spare pillow, something you had rejoiced for a moment, foolishly thinking his scent wouldn’t be so overpowering…dude, were you wrong. Careful not to move too much, you squirm until you’re on your side.
“Can’t sleep?” he asks softly.
Duh. “Might help if ya sing me a lullaby.”
The mattress shakes with soundless laughter. “Not sure my taste of music’s…y’know…the right kind.”
“What d’you listen to?”
Awkward minutes turn into peaceful hours as the two of you chat about music, books, anything really as time passes until sleep finally overpowers you.
Gnnnnooo…something big and warm is moving ever so slowly, trying to free itself from under your arm and head. In your sleep muddled brain, it only matters that the being equals safety for some reason. But despite the half-hearted whine you still end up alone although the covers are tugged nicely around you, eliciting a semi-pleased sigh from your lips.
A few minutes pass where you try to silence an insistent nagging in the back of your head, too tempted by sleep to want to dig out the bugger. There is a clang of a pot or something on the stove, jarring your mind a bit further. Cooking. The little thought bounces up and down in your spongy brain, already prepping the spotlight for the natural associations. Person…cooking…person. Now the nagging is millimeters from turning into realization in all its shiny glory. Person. Steve.
Sitting up with a jolt, wide-eyed and hair a mess, everything comes crashing back. The visit yesterday before you called the Captain for a ride. Of course the chat as you both lay there in the dark, pretending and eventually believing it wasn’t weird at all.
All of it meaning that the person gently pushing you away must have been Steve. Captain America. And you had snuggled him in your sleep.
“Please, kill me now,” you breathe, face hidden behind hands and hair.
“So…no eggs for you?” You can hear the shy smile in Steve’s voice just as clearly as the measured footsteps bringing him to the bed where he sits. “It’s alright, doll…you’re safe here.”
Despite the heat spreading all over your face, you still manage to look at him and return the smile. “I know.”
“Good.” For a moment it looks as though he wants to reach out for you, his hand twitching in the lap but never moving further. “I-uhmm…the Barton’s will probably want you back but…but would you want to visit Banner at his lap?”
There’s a distinct sense of disappointment. Not because you don’t want to check out the renowned scientist’s lab, but because…because what?
Pushing away an unformulated theory, you smile gently. “That’d be awesome.”
And with that he’s leaving to sort the cooking, only pausing to pull a towel out of the cabinet so you can shower.
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softspots · 5 years
commission fic for @ari-trash, who asked for demon!Anti and a very lustful Chase (inspired by this twitter thread)! I hope you enjoy!
(Read it here on AO3!)
Chase slipped through the curtain of the confessional and sat down quietly, making the sign of the cross as he waited for his priest to speak.
It seemed like the silence stretched on longer than normal - or maybe it just felt that way because of his shame - but eventually his priest began. “May God, who has enlightened every heart, help you to know your sins and trust in his mercy,” he said in his warm, kind voice.
Chase nodded at the man’s slightly shadowy figure through the screen between them. “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned,” he recited. “My last confession was nine weeks ago and these are my sins.” He took a breath and lowered his eyes, guilt rising up in him as he listed off all that he’d done. “I’ve let myself be… lustful. Promiscuous. Six times this month I’ve gone home with men I met in bars and had sex with them. I’ve been drawn to pornography, I watch it often at home; even in public a few times, on my phone with earbuds, if I think I can do it without being caught. And I - I posted a video of myself masturbating on an adult website because I wanted others to - ” He swallowed hard, his face hot with embarrassment. “I wanted others to see my body and post lustful comments so I could read them and enjoy them. In addition to all of this, I have allowed lust to cloud my mind too many times to count; I think about engaging in obscene acts almost constantly. That is all I remember, Father.”
He tried not to shift or squirm as finished speaking, every inch of him filled with shame. Why, why had God given him this to struggle with? Sins of the flesh were the most humiliating of all to confess, and he should know, considering how many times he’d been in this exact situation before seeking forgiveness for similar transgressions. Why couldn’t he get a hold of himself? Why did he have to be so - so damned insatiable?
“Describe your sinful thoughts to me, my son,” his priest said. “What is it that rises up in your mind in these moments of weakness you have?”
Chase shrank into himself. His blush must be up to the tips of his ears by now. He didn’t want to admit to the dirty details, they were so embarrassing; but his priest was only trying to help him, right? He was a good, kind man. His voice was soft and soothing as it floated through the thin screen separating them. He was a man of God, he could be trusted. And his voice was so gentle, drawing the truth from his tentative lips like a kiss. His voice could be trusted.
“I… they aren’t moments of weakness, Father,” he said. “It’s all the time. It’s nearly every minute of the day. I’m always, always thinking about sex. I think about - I specifically think about being taken by other men. Letting them… use my body as they please.” He squeezed his legs together tightly as a new wave of heat spread over him; this time it wasn’t shame. This time it was excitement.
He began to panic as he realized. Oh no, please, no, he couldn’t be like this now! Not in front of his priest, not in the middle of his confession! He had to stop, he needed space to breathe and calm down, he needed -
“Go on,” his priest prompted tenderly. His voice was so strangely wonderful. Chase had never known a voice to sound so nice. Hearing it calmed his racing thoughts immediately, though the heat within his body remained.
He didn’t need to leave, he thought, all the fear draining away. He needed to keep talking. He needed to confess, confess to everything. Just like his priest had told him to in his lovely, lovely voice.
“I fantasize about being fucked hard,” he said, not even giving a thought to how he’d just used vulgar language in church. “I want to be bent over and spread open so huge, fat cocks can shove inside me. I want to be a whore, I want to moan and drool while I’m pounded by dick after dick and filled with cum. Nothing is ever enough for me, I always want more; even after I let the men I meet in bars take me home and fuck me I’m still not satisfied, I have to use toys - I have so many toys, I ride them until I can’t even walk. That’s what I posted online, a video of me fucking myself with one of my dildos. People said it was so hot, they called me a slut in the comments… I loved it.”
“Are you becoming aroused as you tell me this, my son?” his priest asked. Chase realized foggily that he’d taken off his t-shirt; he was holding it loosely in one while his other hand was fumbling with the button of his jeans. When had he started to take his clothes off, he wondered, his mind feeling distant. And when had it gotten so hot in the confessional? It felt like someone had lit a fire, his skin was shiny with sweat and he swore the air in front of him was wavering with the heat.
“Yes, Father,” he said through increasingly heavy breaths. His heart was thumping loudly and his cock was hard and aching in the pants he was struggling to take off. “I’m very aroused, I’m - I’m so horny, Father. I want to be fucked right now, I want a cock inside me right now!”
His priest spoke again and now his voice was deeper, darker, different, but no less beautiful and every bit as compelling as before. “Touch yourself, child,” he purred. “These thoughts and desires of yours are overwhelming, aren’t they? You must satisfy them. Touch yourself.”
He stopped trying to shove his pants and underwear down and just pulled his cock out to start rutting into his hand mindlessly. Everything just kept getting hotter and hotter and this whole thing was wrong but it was making him feel so good. “I want you to touch me,” he whined. “I want you to fuck me. Will you? I want it so much… you’ll be rough like I need, right? You won’t be like everyone else I’ve let have me, I know it, I know you won’t; you’ll make me a slut like I wanna be. You’ll fuck me right here in church and make me scream so everyone here’s and knows I’m being a little whore in the house of God. You’ll do it, won’t you? Right?” His hand was pumping up and down his cock so fast it was nearly a blur. He tried to work his other hand down into his jeans to finger himself, but they were too tight and his skin was too sticky with sweat and the desperation to have something, anything inside him was driving him insane.
“Please fuck me,” he begged, pressing his forehead against the delicate screen keeping him from his priest. “Please, you - you did this, you made me so horny, you have to help me! Your voice…” He trailed off, trying to catch his breath in the intense heat of the confessional. “I love your voice, it takes everything away… everything except this. I don’t know why I came here, I don’t care but please, fuck me! I’ll do anything!”
“Anything, boy?”
Chase gasped. He was there in front of him, his priest - but he wasn’t his priest. He looked like his priest, he had the face and body of his priest, but… his eyes. His eyes were pitch-black and searing as they gazed down at him in amusement.
It wasn’t his priest. It was a demon wearing his priest’s flesh. And Chase didn’t care.
He threw himself at the demon, wrapping his arms around its too-hot body and grinding his cock against the stolen robes it wore. “Yes, anything!”
“Will you give unto me your body?”
“Will you give unto me your mind?”
“Will you give unto me your soul, child?”
Chase all but sobbed, overcome with lust. “Yes! All of it! Everything, anything! You can have it! Just fuck me, please!”
The demon placed a hand under his chin and tilted his head up, directing Chase to look at him. He’d changed; the face and body of his kindly older priest was gone and now the demon looked… like Chase himself. But sharper, leaner, far more dangerous. His eyes were still a glittering black and now a horrible, gaping wound had appeared on his throat, oozing dark blood onto his collar bones and bare chest. Somewhere in his clouded mind Chase understood that this was a terrifying creature and he needed to run for his very life.
But he needed it to fuck him. So he squeaked but didn’t struggle as the demon slammed him against the wall of the confessional with one hand, using the other to tear Chase’s jeans and underwear to shreds with a gleaming knife that materialized in his palm. Chase felt the blade ghost over his skin as it destroyed his clothes and shuddered at the ice-cold touch; it was a drastic contrast to the suffocating heat all around him.
“Good boy,” the demon rumbled in his ear, lifting Chase up by his hips like he weighed nothing and pulling his legs around its waist. “Your soul is a lovely little thing, I’m quite pleased to be its new owner. Now, I believe there was something you needed?”
Every last trace of air was snatched from his lungs as the demon rammed its cock inside him, burying itself to the hilt.
Somehow it didn’t hurt; there was no pain aside from the usual semi-pleasant ache that came with being filled. The demon gave him no time to adjust to its - truly massive - size before beginning to thrust hard, using its grip on Chase’s waist to bounce him up and down like a toy.
“You’re all mine now,” it said over the flood of moans and cries that spilled from Chase’s lips. “Every little piece of you belongs to me. You’ll be a treat to have down in Hell, I’m sure of that. If you’d care to know the name of the one you now serve, I am the demon - ”
It spoke a word that clashed within Chase’s ears and made him cringe. He didn’t understand the name at all and he knew he could never hope to repeat it, but the sound of it was horrible.
The demon laughed at his reaction. “But you could have no use for such a name. You may call me by the first part of it: Anti. Or better yet, simply call me Master.”
Chase gasped as the confessional caught fire - bright green fire. The flames overtook the walls and the curtain, burning them away and surrounding Chase and the demon Anti. Instead of crackling and popping, the fire shrieked and cried like tortured souls. Anti kept fucking him, slamming against Chase’s prostate over and over as the fire rose up around them. Chase could do nothing but wail in pleasure as the blaze consumed them.
“Look at where you are, my pet,” Anti said, letting his cock slip out of Chase’s opened hole so he could turn him around. He manhandled him effortlessly and once Chase was arranged how he wanted - his back to Anti’s chest, facing outward - he dropped him back down onto his enormous cock and continued making Chase ride him. Chase whined at the sudden emptiness and moaned loudly at the return of Anti’s cock - his Master’s cock, his demon Master’s huge perfect cock that filled him up so good - but didn’t forget the order Anti had given. He looked out at all that stood before him and his eyes widened in shock and awe.
He was in Hell. It was everything and nothing like he’d imagined it to be.
“Welcome home,” Anti murmured with a hint of a taunt in his voice. He wrapped his hand around Chase’s throat for a moment and when it fell away something hot, heavy and metal appeared in its place.
A collar. He whimpered, cock twitching and dripping.
“Consider that your uniform, little concubine. Although it’s still missing its final touch.” Anti began to fuck him even harder, even faster, even rougher. Chase howled, back arching and eyes rolling back in his head as he was totally, utterly ruined by his Master’s cock.
“You begged to be filled with cum, didn’t you? Well, fear not, pet; your cup runneth over.”
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spookysweet-heart · 5 years
A Winter Friend
Request: “h-hewwo can I have a Natpai x Reader where the reader is like a winter creature? qwq”
Fandom: Youtuber Egos
Pairings: Natpai x Frost Spirit! Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: So I guess this is my first Monster Fic? I’ve never written for monsters or creatures before but I always love reading fics about them. I was a little surprised when I first got this request and felt a little intimidated, but I had a lot of fun in the end. I might add some OC monsters to my character list when I open up requests again. If you guys wanna make any suggestions that would be amazing. Um and if you like the monster stuff feel free to comment. Thank you so much for requesting this! Collage pic was made by me!
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      November was just ending and snow had just started to fall the night before. Natpai was sitting on his porch with his big brother Phantom. He was carefully putting on Natpai’s boots for him getting ready to go out and play in the snow. “Remember don’t stay out too long okay? We don’t want Jack Frost nipping at your nose now do we?”
Phantom tapped the tip of Natpai’s nose as the little one giggled and nodded. “Of course! Don’t worry big brother I’m nine! I’m old enough to fight off anything!!” He raised his small fists up and then proceeded to punch the air.
Phantom laughed and ruffles the little one's hair. “Just be careful out there, be back before it gets dark okay?” He smiles softly down at the kid.
“I will!” Natpai stood up and ran to the gate, quickly opening and closing it he waved goodbye to his big brother. Turning around with a big smile on his face he started running towards the woods. He lifted the hood of his jacket over his head feeling the snow hit his head.
Once he made it to the woods he carefully walked around the trees, he didn’t know why but every winter when he was able to come out here he always felt like he was being watched. Even the few times he came out with his other big brother Natpai still felt it. He would tell Natemare about it but he would just shrug and say it was Natpai’s imagination and they’d continue to play like usual.
As he got deeper into the woods he would look back when he felt eyes on him. The fifth time he looked back he was able to see a glimpse of white hair. “H-Hello?.....Who’s there?” Natpai moves closer to the tree looking around but feeling confused when he saw no one there. “Weird…” Turning back the way he was going he was startled by the sight of a young girl, letting out a yelp as he fell into the snow on the ground.
Looking up at her he noticed she was very pale, her skin almost matching the snow itself, her dress was a bit flowy and faded from dark blue to light blue to while. She looked worried and rushed over to him holding out her hand for him to take. “A-Are you okay?! I’m so sorry I scared you, I didn’t mean to!” When he looked up at her as she got closer he could see the small snowflakes on her white eyelashes, frost is slowly forming on her cheeks and the tips of her fingers. Her blue eyes filled with curiosity and guilt as she waited for him to speak.
Natpai took her hand and as she helped him up he noticed her feet were bare, frost also formed into a light blue fading to her pale skin. “I’m alright thanks….but aren’t you cold with just the dress on? Your feet are turning blue. Do you want to wear my mittens?”
He started to take them off but she stopped him before he could. “N-No! It’s okay! I don’t need them. I don’t feel cold or numb. I’m alright.” She smiles at him and holds out her hand again. “I’m (Y/n), what’s your name?”
Natpai shook her hand and smiled a bit, “I’m Natpai!” When he looked down at his hand he saw some of the frosts stuck to his mitten. “What are you?” He looked at her curiously.
She was silent for a moment till she looked like a light bulb turned on in her mind. “Well, I’m a Frost Spirit, kinda like Jack Frost! Um but I can be seen by anyone even adults that believe in us. I’m the one who brings winter here.” She looks down at her hands and fidgeting with her fingers looking nervous. “Y-you don’t think I’m weird, do you?”
Natpai blinked but quickly hugged her. “Are you kidding?! You’re so amazing!” He smiled excitedly at her as he pulled away. “I’ve never met a Frost Spirit before.”
The little girl relaxed and smiled back at him feeling relieved. “To be honest I’ve never been this close to a human before…I would always see you here alone or with another boy.”
“I knew I wasn’t imagining things! So you really were looking, my brothers always told me I was imagining things but I knew I wasn’t. But why didn’t you just come up to us?” He tilted his head slightly questioning her.
“I-I was scared….I didn’t know If you were really friendly or if you would run away once you saw me.”
“Well…I’m not running away. Do you wanna have a snowball fight?”
(Y/n) beamed at this and happily nodded taking his hand in hers and she leads him to a more open area of the woods.
After that day the two would always meet up every day during winter. (Y/n) would show him all the stuff she was able to do. She made him ice skates forming them from her breath. There were times when she was sad or angry over something Icicles would form on her dress and cheeks, anything she touched during those moments froze instantly. The times where she felt excited or happy the area the would be in a small snowfall would surround them as they ran around creating snow angels or having snowball fights.
A few years had passed since then and Natpai even now as a teenager still goes into the woods every winter like he's promised. He brought a thermos full hot chocolate for the both of them and sat on a tree stump waiting for (Y/n) to arrive.
(Y/n) made her way to him, a childish smile on her lips as she snuck up behind him placing her hands on his shoulders. “Boo!”
Natpai jumped and screamed at the sudden surprise as he turned around to find her laughing at him and how scared he got. “Ha ha very funny (Y/n).” He rolled his eyes and pouted at her.
She wiped a tear from one of her eyes and held her stomach as she finished laughing. “Oh c’mon you have to admit I got you good this time!”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll admit it was a good one this time.”
She perked up even more when she the thermos in his hand. “Is that hot chocolate?!”
Natpai smiled and nodded as he sat back down opening it and pouring some for her to drink. I made it for us to share this time.” Handing her a cup he watched as she drank it relaxing a bit. “Do you like it?”
She nodded happily. “I do it’s very good! Thank you!”
“You’re welcome.” He takes a sip of the drink and smiled. “Hey (Y/n)?”
“Yeah?” She licked her lips cleaning up the hot chocolate that stayed on her upper lip. “What's up?”
“Do ever get lonely here?”
She stares at him unsure at first. It took a moment but she smiled and shook her head. “I’m too lonely, you always visit me so it’s not so bad.”
“But what if we could see each other longer?”
“How would we do that?” She asked as she handed him her cup.
“W-well I uh was thinking you could come live with me and my brothers. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind at all.”
“Do they….believe in my kind?”
“Phantom does, it’ll take a bit to convince Natemare but I think everything would end up being alright. We have an extra room you could sleep in….if you want to do that we could walk home together tonight.”
She touches his cheek with her fingertips, he felt a slight cold sting when she did. “That’s very kind of you but I don’t want to be a burden to you or your brothers…”
“You wouldn’t be a burden! Trust me.”
She hesitated, looking around her surrounds and then back at him. Sighing she nodded and smiled. “If sure it’s okay….I guess it would be nice.”
“Great! Now, all that’s left is….”
“Is what?”
“A snowball fight!!”
The two giggled as they started to throw snowballs at each other, both feeling extremely happy with the decision they made and couldn’t wait to start each day with one another.
Tag List: @bee-wrecker @multifandomgirl99
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
She Said ___?
Warnings: Smut (18 +)
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Ah, date night, the cornerstone of healthy relationships. 
For you and Chadwick, date nights came in random spurts. For the first three six weeks of your relationship, Saturday’s were set aside for both of you to turn off your devices and focus on each other. No distractions and no extra people; only the comfort of each other’s company. Unfortunately, the routine couldn’t continue this way forever.
The last month and a half was clouded with irregular work schedules, constant traveling and spotty physical interaction. If Chadwick wasn’t on a plane to promote or film, you were in another WNBA city to assist your team. In six weeks, you had only seen Chadwick three times, each of them when he was dozing from the activities of the day.
After a week of what-ifs, Saturday’s date night was set in stone. Despite hopping on a red-eye from Minnesota to Los Angeles and arriving to your condo only four hours before your next scheduled work day, the excitement of seeing your man carried you through the end of the week.
Standing in the kitchen of your condo, that energy twisted your wrist in time with with your hips to “Caught Up in the Rapture” by Anita Baker as you stirred the muffin mixture in front of you.
“I love you here by me, baby. You let my love fly free. I want you in my life for all time. Damn, Anita, we sound good,” you complimented at the end of the bridge. Anita’s sultry voice and the infectious melody of the song set the perfect mood for a quiet evening dinner.
Depositing the homemade mixture into a muffin pan, you continued to sing as visions of Chadwick ran circles in your mind. You thought of what he smelled like the last time you saw him and how his lips felt against your cheeks before he left. His gapped smile made you grin as if he were there for you to see him person. You missed him in a way that you didn’t think was possible.
When you caught a glimpse of your attire in the full length mirror leading to the living room, you did a pose to thoroughly examine yourself. The black, strapless “Luciana” dress was simple but form fitting, contouring your body in all the right places. Your feet remained bare to uphold the integrity of your white rugs and to show off your fresh pedicure. Chadwick’s favorite hairstyle, the braidout he saw you in when he crashed your housewarming party in Atlanta, sat just above your shoulders from a fresh wash and trim. If he didn’t think you were fine, he had to have gone blind in his time away.
You split your time between setting up the living room and watching the food in the kitchen as you waited for the doorbell to ring. Instead, the spare key jingling in the lock alerted you to a visitor. Chadwick shrugged his jacket off of his shoulders in record time before carefully placing the garment on the coat rack.
“Sunshine! Where you at?”
“In the kitchen, dear,” you cooed, rolling your eyes at the use of one of your many pet names.
Heavy feet that you prayed were free of shoes beat against the floor of your home until his tall frame rounded the corner into the open space. A split second exchange of wide smiles led to an all out rush to scoop you into his arms. The moment his body connected with yours, invisible sparks communicated the sheer excitement between you two. Your fingers danced in his coiled mane as you held his head close your chest before dropping your head to signal for a kiss. He spun you in a slow circle, pressing his lips against yours in rapid pecks.
“I missed you so much,” he murmured against your mouth as he gently placed you on the ground. His forehead pressed against yours to get a good look at your face. His arms crossed at the wrist around your waist, barely containing the urge to run his palms against the curve of your behind. “How’s my girl? You look good.”
“Better now that you’re here.” Your face screwed as you groaned, causing Chadwick to raise his eyebrows in curiosity. “Oh my God, that was so corny. Look at what you’re doing to me.”
“No, don’t blame me! You’ve been a closet cornball all this time, just waiting for someone to bring it out of you. Face it, you’ve fallen in love with the country boy you swore you didn’t want to be friends with.”
His cheeky grin made you roll your eyes in response though the smile on your face made your true feelings clear. He was right. “Oh shut up. You ready to eat?”
“Depends on what’s on the menu,” He flirted, lightly tapping your butt as you walked away. “You and this dress are about to introduce us to parenthood in about nine months.”
“Then you can be a daddy and a daddy.” Your stress on the second ‘daddy’ made his eyebrow quirk as he took a seat at the table. “So, how was filming? Tell me all about it.”
“There isn’t much to say about it, baby. Five AM call times, craft services, you know, the usual. I need a hot shower and a chest to lay on so I can actually get a good night’s rest. One day, I’m gonna take you with me.”
“I keep telling you I can’t just leave my job to follow you around the world. That’s a privilege reserved for wives, remember?”
“Yeah but, it’s worth a try.”
You planted a kiss on his puckered lips while sliding his plate in front of him. The steam wafting from the fresh, stuffed salmon and vegetables on the dish set off a series of quiet rumbles in his abdomen to remind him of what he missed during his absence. His mostly vegan diet would have to take a backseat tonight. Your plate was the next to hit the glass surface of your small dining table before the blessing was presented and dinner could officially commence.
Conversation flowed effortlessly, moving from work to family, a trace amount of celebrity gossip and back to work with no issues. Chadwick listened with a smile as you recounted office spats and a grueling flight schedule that introduced you to the flight attendant from hell.
“Then, she acted like she didn’t see my light on and walked right past me three times. You know I try to be nice-”
“Do you,” he questioned with his hand on his chest and an incredulous look on his face. 
“I said try,” you laughed along with Chadwick. “But, she was really burnin’ my biscuits!”
He nearly choked on his water to stifle his laugh, “Baby, what does that mean?”
“Burnin’ my biscuits? You know...she was making me upset. C’mon, you never heard that one?”
“Never. And I’m supposed to be the country one!”
“Anyway, that’s been my week so far. People getting on my last damn nerve and counting the days until you could come back to me.”
“Well,” he started, grabbing your left hand and running the pad of his thumb over your bare ring finger. “I’m here now. We can pick up where we left off.”
Heat rushed to your cheeks as you turned your head to hide your smile. Had you stared any longer, eating dinner would have surely turned into something much more adult against the dining room table.
“You gon’ help me wash the dishes? The faster we get this done, the quicker we can get to the fun stuff.”
“I like where this is headed. What kind of fun stuff,” he questioned while standing up to follow you into the kitchen. He remained hot on your heels until his chest was pressed against your back and trapping you against the sink. His fingers traced circles from the top of your thighs until they clasped across your stomach.
“Season three of Grey’s of course!” You peeked over your shoulder to find him rolling his eyes. “Oh, so, now you don’t wanna watch Grey’s Anatomy?”
“I was hoping to look at your anatomy but, we can binge if you want. Just let me go grab something from up front.”
“Baby,” you whined as he placed a kiss on your bare shoulder before starting his journey to the front door. “We agreed on no phones during our private time.”
“I’m just texting my mama to tell her I’m back and then I’m all yours, okay?”
You grumbled an okay, not able to to offer a rebuttal. What kind of person would you be to complain about him texting his mother?
While you cleaned the kitchen, Chadwick fought to get his heartbeat under control. His fingers trembled as he held the Cartier box in his hand, wondering if now was the right moment. He spent the better part of four weeks battling his inner self over the decision to customize the jewelry in the expensive package and present it to you. He was sure of his feelings, and he felt like he was sure of yours. Still, nothing could prepare him for whatever reaction awaited him.
“Hey, baby. H-how do feel about marriage,” he called from his spot near the coat rack.
You cocked your head back at the abrupt nature of what you assumed was a random question.
“To you or in general?”
“Start with in general.”
Chadwick took a deep breath and stuffed the box into the back pocket of his dark wash denim before returning to the kitchen. Taking one look at your brown skin absorbing the light of the room was all he needed to go through with his plan.
“I mean, marriage is beautiful. If you love someone that much, why wouldn’t you spend the rest of your life with them? What is life if you don’t have someone to share it with, ya know? At least that’s how I look at it.”
“Do you see yourself being married?”
You took a moment to smile at the fairytale you created from the moment you could understand the basic concept of love. “Yeah...I do. One day, I guess. At least I hope. Time seems like it’s winding down for me though.”
Hearing the words leave their private space in your brain made your muscles tense in response. You expected to be married well before this point in your life. Your career was set in stone, dating was rarely an issue and, yet, your ring finger was still empty. The comments from nosey aunts and family friends only created a complex and made you wonder if you were marriage material. Were you too independent for a man to find you suitable? Why were you worried about a man’s approval in the first place? You were an amazing woman without the title of wife...right? All of these questions and more ran in a constant loop whenever your mind would drift.
Chadwick took in your words and removed the box from his pocket. The time was right. He didn’t need anyone to tell him because he felt it. Through the jitters and rapid heartbeat, he could feel God giving him the okay to continue.
“What about marrying...me?”
“Aaron, you know how I-” your words dissolved into a soft gasp as you turned to face him.
His big brown eyes, the eyes you imagined on your future children and the eyes that always seemed to look into your soul, gazed at you with a fire of hope burning behind them. On one knee, he knelt to ask you the one question you never thought you’d hear.
“It’s been a long time for us, right,” he laughed to release some of his nerves. “I know that I love you. I’ve known for way too long. I should’ve done this when you were keeping me sane in New York but, I wanted you to have the best and I couldn’t give it to you. I waited too long but, God gave me the chance to get it right. It’s only been three months officially but, it feels like a lifetime. When I’m away from you, you’re all I can think about. I make decisions based on us now and I’ve never done that for any woman before. I want you to have my last name and be beside me through all the good and bad shit that life throws at us. All I need is your permission. Will you...marry me?”
“Are you being serious?” The moment the question left your lips, you knew that your doubt was unfounded. Still, you needed to know.
“Of course I’m being serious. I got a bad knee. I wouldn’t be down here just to play around, Tasha. If the answer is no, just tell me. I won’t be mad.”
“Yes the answer is no or y-”
“Yes, I’ll marry you!”
Your mad dash toward him provided enough time for him to stuff the box into his pocket and welcome you into his arms. Your lips connected in a kiss laced in passion and love, fitting together like the final pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. His large hands pressed against your behind to push your body closer to his as he explored your mouth with his tongue. You traced tight circles at the nape of his neck while you moaned into the kiss from happiness and the growing arousal. Chadwick was the first to pull away, sporting a goofy grin as he watched your eyes flutter open.
“Can I put the ring on you now or would you rather we skip that part?”
“Ring,” you questioned in your daze. “Oh y-yeah, the ring...let’s do that.”
He chuckled at your stutter as he retrieved the item in question from his pocket. Gripping your wrist, he pulled your hand to press a kiss against your knuckles.
“Just to be sure, Tasha Nicole Green, will you marry me?”
“Yes! Yes today, tomorrow and everyday after that. Yes!”
Your feet danced in anticipation as he opened the box to reveal the most beautiful ring you’d ever seen. Nestled in the ivory lining of the box sat the oval Cartier Destinée Solitaire ring that you fawned over during a quick shopping trip. You didn’t even know that he was watching you because you never said a word. Now, here it was, sliding onto your finger as if were made specifically for you. You couldn’t help but stare at the ring with wide eyes as it sparkled in the light.
“Do you like it?”
“It...it’s beautiful. I don’t know what to say.”
“You said everything I need you to say,” he pressed a long kiss your lips. “All I wanna hear after this is you moaning my name. Hearing it over the phone the other night wasn’t good enough.”  
Moonlight and the R&B playlist from your phone swathed your bodies as they created a song and dance of pure love. Chadwick hands pressed against the back of your knees to keep your legs steady while he moved in and out of your body at a tantalizing pace. As much as your whines and whimpers urged him to speed up, he wanted this moment, this feeling, to last forever.
He watched your slick entrance stretch to accommodate him, nearly pushing him out as your walls clamped around him. You were close for the second time and he was ready to give you the release you’d been begging for.
Releasing his grip on your legs, he placed your ankles on his waist and leaned into your body. His lips kissed across the top of your breast to your throat, nipping and sucking at the spots he knew you would react to. When he reached your ear, his kissed the spot below the lobe before whispering into it.
“You feel so good, baby. Do I make you feel good?”
“Yes,” you gasped as his hips snapped against yours. His short strokes came with a force that rocked your entire body. “Please...don’t stop.”
He took a moment to stop sucking at the sensitive skin on your neck to lock eyes with you. Your request was simple but had the power to drive him absolutely insane. He’d been with other women, some proclaimed to be fantastic lovers, but none held a candle to you and the way you made him feel. Your voice calling his name in reaction to his hips winding into yours in time with Any Time, Any Place sent him to Heaven and back. To slow the building eruption in his lower abdomen, he closed his eyes for a moment to focus on his movements.
Your ankles locked at the small of his back, sending him deeper inside of you as you continued to moan his name. Words were hard to come by, resulting in the chanting of praises for your man. He looked down at you with his pupils blown wide in response to the stimulation and bottom lip drawn between his teeth. He loved seeing your eyes rolled back in pleasure as your back arched off the bed, pressing your hardened nipples into his broad chest. The sting in your legs only increased when he pressed his chest into yours to push your back against the bouncing mattrea and intertwine your fingers with his. Your engagement ring caught the moonlight and created a spectrum of colors on the wall across the room.
“I love you, Tasha.”
“Ooooh...I-I love you, too. I’m - I’m-”
“Do it with me, baby. Let it go. Let me hear you.”
His grunts and groans seamlessly combined with yours as both of you came. Your legs trembled with each additional stroke, contributing to the ringing in your ears and black specks clouding your vision. He continued to snap his hips into yours, leaving him throbbing inside of you. When he was completely empty, he pulled his face from the crook of your neck to look into your eyes. Chadwick waited for your breathing to slow down and your eyes to open before he attacked your lips with kisses and murmured thanks.
“Let’s get married tonight. How long is it from here to Vegas,” you laughed from your spot underneath his body.
“Why so soon?”
“If this is a sin and it feels this good, imagine what married sex is like. I need to know like, right now. C’mon, go start the car!”
“Uh uh, slow down,” he answered, pushing your body back to the mattress when you tried to sit up. “We’re gonna do this the right way. My mama will kick my ass if I got married and she wasn’t there. Then she’d kick yours when I tell her it was your idea.”
“You’d snitch on me that quick?”
“Is it snitchin’ if it’s the truth,” you giggled along with your fiance as he moved to roll off of you. He propped his head up with his hands and allowed the other to drape across your waste. Turning to face him, you brought your hand up to caress his face and accept a kiss to your palm. “One year. Give us one year to put together the wedding you deserve.”
“You sound like you’ve been planning without me.”
“Something like that. I have a planner picked out already. She has some ideas that I think you’ll like. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll set up a dress fitting in whatever boutique you choose.”
“Baby,” the tears that you managed to hold in during the proposal slid down your cheeks in appreciation. Your lips found his in a soft kiss as he used his thumb to wipe the damp area under your eyes. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Buuut, we can talk about this in the morning. Tonight,” he started, pulling your body on top of his, “is for more anatomy. What season are we on again?”
“Three, I think.”
His hands pushed your hips forward to motion toward his face, “Season 3, huh? That means you owe me a least what, three more orgasms?”
“I don’t really see how that correl-ooooh shit.”
His tongue and lips against your center brought forth an uncontrollable shiver against his face. It took his fingers pressing into the small of your back to start up a grinding motion while he groaned and smacked during his meal. He was working on orgasm number two and, dammit, you were gonna give it to him.
TAGS: @njadont @k-michaelis @wakandanmoonchild @idilly @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving @inxan-ity @daytimeheroicsonly @onyour-right @brianabreeze @sisterwifeudaku @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl @willowtree77785901 @maynardqueen101 @heyauntieeee @halfrican-heat @purple-apricots @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser @girl-wtf-lmao @dramaqueenamby @royallyprincesslilly @melaninmarvel @thiccdaddy-mbaku @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess @unholyxcumbucket  @airis-paris14 @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny​ @drsunshine97​ @cozyshack2​ @zxddy-panther​ @queentearra​ @skysynclair19​ @retro-melanin​ @mermaidchansons​ @misspooh​ @melanisticroyalty​ @babygirlofwakanda​ @wakanda-4evr​ @sarahboseman​ @karensraisns​ @blackmissmarvel​ @wakandankings​ @kaykay4454fan​ @ororowrites​ @awkwardlyabstract​ @mixedmelanin​ @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers​ @sunflowerpsalms​ @panthergoddessbast​ @justanotherloveaffair​ @jaeee-http​ @iliketowrite1996​ @blackpantherismyish​ @thompettiedatheaux​ @msincognito67​ @reignsxjackson​ @yaachtynoboat711​ @syreanne​ @ilcb7​ @minim236
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