#Crazy BS ❤️
thesirencult · 6 months
Pick A Card Reading: Your Soulmate's Letter To Santa About You 💌
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Dear Santa,
I want to thank you for my gift from last year, lol. She is amazing.
She makes me happy and puts a smile on my face. Sometimes I smile so hard my cheeks burn.
I've never felt happier in my life.
The way she talks, the way she moves, the way her eyes brighten up when she looks at a puppy or a piece of chocolate pie, they all drive me wild.
I want to be there for her, this Christmas and every other Christmas after this one. I want to buy her a house as a gift and a ring to go with it, maybe even a car? She doesn't like to drive that much but my baby has to have everything she wants.
What she wants she will get. I love her. I adore her. She owns my heart and soul. I'm proudly whipped.
Thank you Santa, I'll take care of her heart ❤️
~ Your soulmate is a provider. They must be a "golden retriever" type of person. I'm hearing "here comes the boy!". When you first meet them you won't expect to fall so hard for them. They have a compatible sense of humour with you.
Hey Santa Baby,
Am I in the naughty list? Great!
This year I put up with no bs and I said "bye" to everything that held me back. I let go of the old stories and left the world behind.
Well, not the whole world, because I met that special someone and they are amazing. I'm writing down my goals for next year and I want one of them to be to deepen my relationship with my soulmate.
I know that they are special, I'm not crazy! I consciously make the choice to commit to them. I feel like we are twin flames and can not wait to explore they way their mind works.
I want to help them unlock their potential. They are a force to be reckoned with and they don't even know it.
Bye, for now!
~ Your FS (yup, they are) is someone who could very well be a motivational speaker or a content creator in that space. They love doing challenges like 75 hard and lighting up other people's fire. They could also be an athlete or ex athlete. You will love this person's practical nature and approach in life. This person is also very spiritual and they probably have heard of Ayahuasca and other popular terms etc. They remind me of a Tech Founder in silicon valley who is I'm woowoo stuff (no worries, I'm the woo woo stuff).
I'm ready to move on from this year. My faith is stronger than ever before.
I've wished for so many things in the last few years. Many of them manifested into my life but one thing still hasn't showed up yet and I'm very bumped because of that.
Don't get me wrong. I'm grateful for the life I live and lead. I have almost everything I've wished for but that almost is killing me.
I know she is out there. I've felt her energy before. Since I was a child, whenever I looked up to the stars, I felt this overwhelming connection with someone. This invisible string tagging at my heart at all times. No one has ever made me feel this way and I know that it is unfair to say that for my previous partners but I miss her. I miss someone I've never met. Can you please bring her to me this year? I don't want anything else but my love to come back to me in this lifetime.
I know that the time to meet her is coming. I can feel it, but make it as fast as you can. Please.
I have a lot of goals for the year, especially financial ones. I'll try to focus on them until she comes. Where is she? Where is my love?
I will know she is here when I lay my eyes on her. My heart will speed up and the world as I know it will shutter. Shutter my world darling. I don't care. I made that world by myself and it is time we build our own world together.
P.S. Send loving energy to my soulmate, they need it. Tell them I will buy them their gift myself next year, but for now... This, sadly, has to do.
~ Awww your soulmate is very sweet and... depressed! They don't show it to anyone though but when they are alone at night they drink a glass of wine and think about you. They would want you to be there.
This person is very, stoic and "protected". That give me "military" vibes even if they have nothing to do with the military. This inability to outwardly express their feelings. You will baby them a lot and it is going to look comical but they will love it. Your FS might be older and taller than you and people will laugh when they see how much of a baby they become around your presence. They are very tired of being lonely. Don't get me wrong, this is not someone mopping around, they are just a "closeted" romantic. They hide their true feelings and you will know they love you because they will do acts of service for you or you will catch micro expressions. As soon as you enter in an official relationship they won't be able to keep their hands away from you.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
"Of course my bf uploaded this to my Instagram.... Sorry guys, he grabbed my phone and started filming me in the tub. I look kinda cute, though.... And I know ya'll probably mirrored this like crazy, so what's the point in deleting it? So, yeah.... my bf definitely loves torturing me. He's a sweet guy but in the three months we've been dating he just takes every opportunity to humiliate me. He pretends to be my brother and calls me his 'baby sister' when we make out in public. He sneaks up on me when I do my errands and pulls off my shirt, sometimes running away with it, leaving me topless. Sometimes while we go out to eat he asks the staff inappropriate questions like if they think I should get a breast reduction, and how small I should go...
Well, that was foreshadowing. He demanded to sit in with me during a doctor's visit, and I told him none of his usual BS. Since he was my bf, the doctor pretty much just directed his questions at him, almost ignoring me.... He, of course, told the doctor I have bad back pain and am extremely embarrassed to have such 'oversized' breasts. I was so stunned I could hardly talk, and when I tried the doctor would talk over me and tell me it's OK to be embarrassed.... Sure enough, without ever saying a thing, my bf requested I get a breast reduction. He asked the doctor 'how small can I go'. The doctor said he knows a surgeon he can refer us to that specializes in making girls with oversized breasts like mine as small as can be, because it's so common that our boyfriends or parents request we go flat chested.
The second we got in the car he burst out laughing. I folded my arms, kind of..... and he only found it funny. He said I'm lucky he didn't suggest I wanted something way worse, like Femruptarin, or that I fantasized about being a quad amputee, or something really messed up. He did smile naughtily and said he had a few ideas now, though.... So, maybe a small glimpse into the torment I'll be posting about in a year? Or a few months, knowing this guy.....
So, he took me to this nice hotel to unwind before my surgery tomorrow. It sucks cause he loves my breasts, or at least humiliating me about how big they are. It's going to be so weird losing them and being flat again. I guess I won't miss all the guys groping me and playing with them constantly. Well, I might miss it a bit..... Of course I end up with a guy who likes seeing me suffer. Not a huge deal I guess, as long as he's having fun with me I'll go along with whatever he wants, like a good girlfriend, no matter how demeaning it is. I'm just such a little people pleaser..... Oh well, goodbye, titties. Can't wait to see what my bf will have me do next. ❤️"
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russica · 6 months
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Back on my BS ❤️💜 Added an extra Kar'niss
Fun Facts! I think we should be able to spare Kar'niss. Or recruit the crazy boi! I do not care what is canon lore for drider, I'm sure their broken psyche doesn't make for a good time but, well, fantasy.
Ryth would absolutely adopt this broken boi. Kar'niss' demented mind and Ryth's swiss cheese Durge brain are a match made in the hells 💙 Ryth is a fan of the weird and broken. He would absolutely love Abdirak, He Who Was, the Nurses in the House of Healing, and the Debtors in the House of Hope. He wouldn't be a fan of Araj Oblodra only because she insults Astarion and makes him uncomfortable.
Ryth would do whatever it took to convince Kar'niss to come with him when the Shadowlands were cleared out. He wouldn't want the poor thing to fry in the sun. Then, when the Absolute was finally defeated, he'd revisit the drider who would, let's be honest, probably be in a state after being abandoned by another god... Unless Ryth threatened the Emperor to extend the protection- I think Ryth would actually get violent about it too. He would fully believe Kar'niss deserved kindness and that clearing the Absolute from his head might be temporarily devastating but long term better.
Ryth would find a safe place for the drider to live, maybe in the underdark. He'd find safe ways for Kar'niss to hunt and try and find ways to comfort the poor guys broken mind.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ot7 x reader]
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one direction 😜
8 participants — 8 online
jin: don’t laugh but
y/n: laughing
jin: fuck you
hobi: but what?
jin: found a grey hair today
namjoon: young in spirit !
y/n: can i be on your will?
jungkook: still love you bro 💜
jimin: he cried for an hour
y/n: LMAO
jin: and you dare ask to be on my will ?
y/n: 🥰🥰🥰
jungkook: have you guys listened to the song mad at disney ?
tae: bye
hobi: …
namjoon: are you okay now jin?
jin: i knew you were my favourite for a reason namjoon !!!!
i’m ok … i’m coping i guess there is not much i can do
i’m just gonna sit here and accept death as it comes
just know namjoon your name is on first line in my will ❤️
namjoon: thanks?
jin: you are most welcome
tae: can i be visual now?
jin: no.
anyways y/n…
jin: again no.
yoongi: lol
jin: y/n i fear we are going to have to reproduce to save my bloodline and fill my gap in the group
y/n: YOU FEAR ???
jin: i mean ur not the best person to reproduce with…
y/n: what’s that supposed to mean ??
jin: i said what i said.
y/n: i’ll have you find i’m a GREAT person to reproduce with
jin: really?
y/n: really
jin: i’ll guess you’ll have to prove me wrong.
yoongi: gross
tae: omg wait… i’m dying too
y/n it’s the only way
save the kim bloodline
jungkook: im mad at disney disney
namjoon: bro…
jungkook: they tricked me tricked me 😔
y/n: jay park so ugly omg
hobi: i pass the mic pass the mic
jungkook: wtf don’t talk about my bff like that
jimin: BFF 😨⁉️
tae: god forbid…
yoongi: hell naw 😟
namjoon: oh
y/n: and that’s your problem….
always saying dumb shit that make me want to hit you
jin: did he not steal from you? or did someone make that up
jungkook: moving on lol
yoongi: LMAO
hobi: 😭😭😭😭😭
jungkook: it’s not even that funny it was an accident.
namjoon: what did he steal?
jungkook: just some headphones nothing major
namjoon: the studio ones?
jungkook: yeah he said he’ll bring them back they accidentally fell into this bag
yoongi: are you fucking dumb?
namjoon: did you get them back?
jungkook: he says been really busy lately
hobi: wow…
jimin: you deserve it idc
jin: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
jungkook: shut up
y/n: you ain’t never getting them shits back so sorry my love
yoongi: fr
jimin: i hate enhypen
y/n: omg ?!
tae: same lol
yoongi: who
hobi: fever fever fever
namjoon: what did they do to you?
hobi: love them
jimin: idk i just felt like being a hater
namjoon: ok??
y/n: sunoo is great
jimin: no fuck him
y/n: fuck you
hobi: do you think enhypen hates us?
jin: we are bts ofc they don’t tf
tae: true
namjoon: …
jin: what
sorry i didn’t lie
y/n: no comment.
yoongi: also no comment.
jin: also no comment
hobi: ???
namjoon: you made your comment already jin?
jin: no
namjoon: whatever
tae: i stand by what i said
jimin: i honestly couldn’t give a single fuck about what they think
y/n: omg who crawled up ur ass today
jimin: 🧍🏻‍♂️
yoongi: crazy
jungkook: i think we should give jay park a chance guys
jimin: bye.
tae: peace ✌🏼
y/n: …
hobi: out.
namjoon: tired of this bs
yoongi: 👋🏻
jin: bitch.
im back omg ???? this is literally just a draft that i never finished that’s why it sucks so bad 😭😭 freeing everything from my drafts so stay tuned for that !!!
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aydaptic · 5 months
Hi there! Just passing by to ramble about how much I love your take on Gavin since he's also my favorite non-playable character in the game.
(Connor is my fave playable character ((predictable, ig?)) and I know [read it somewhere in your post, at least] you're not very fond of him, and that's okay.)
I know Gavin may not be everyone's favorite, but I just love how you see him differently regardless of what people say. I'm always relieved to read all your posts about him because it makes me feel like I'm crazy for even liking him while others are very against him.
I think some people are just conditioned to hate him instantaneously for being antagonistic towards Connor and Hank. And I think he has a good reason for it too. He's not a saint and I guess it's fine to like a character who's a bit cocky and with a lot of flaws.
But you had to admit that despite how seemingly shallow he is in the game, he does show a bit of his character upon extensive scrutiny and that's the beauty of what you're doing. I'll be reading (quietly) more of your opinions about this lovable jerk and I'll be loving every bit of it. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi :)
I'm glad to hear that. The toxicity/vitriol towards Gav has always made me concerned for humanity. It proves that so many ppl are incapable of thinking logically instead of emotionally. Where are their empathy? Likes/dislikes are subjective, but to say he's "nothing but a bad guy" and/or "has no redeemable qualities" are such brain-dead takes.
Despite his unpleasant attitude, Gav has every right to be canonically concerned about androids, and he has every right to believe they're not alive. It's logical. The guy doesn't have the insider knowledge that we, as players, do. Gav's not a psychic.
I love the gameplay of Con -- the detective aspect -- as well as his journey... but his awkward + overtly positive + doormat personality type annoys the shit out of me, lol. I'm Team Gavin Reed™ in disliking Con. Kudos to you for having enough intelligence to put aside your love for him and recognize that Gav has a point.
These are the reasons I've seen ppl hate Gav for:
some are too blinded by their love for Con and/or Hank (as you say)
some are narcissistic enough to feel entitled to their personal favorite characters having more fandom content (...and thus they take it out on fandom favorites)
some feel envious that Gav has the charisma to get away with being a dick (...and they aren't capable of doing the same bc they don't have charisma)
some try to take some BS moral high ground (...and fail)
some see parts of themselves in Gav and thus desperately try to convince others that, "I'm not like him!" (...and funnily enough, every Gav hater I've interacted with has proven themselves to be worse ppl than he is -- so yeah, they're not like him, they're worse)
some ppl are envious that Gav is better/more beloved than them and/or their favorite characters
some ppl hate white ppl (racists)
some ppl hate men (sexists/misandrists)
some ppl ignore the lead writer's statement that "the game is about androids and not race" so they can make it a modern-day political issue, and get brownie points saying stuff like "androids are real-life POCs meaning anyone who dislikes them is racist," bc they can't separate fiction from reality (...and thus they have the brain-dead take that Gav is "racist." I don't like AI such as ChatGPT taking jobs. Does that make me a racist, too?)
some ppl claim to hate Gav just bc it's popular (pack mentality)
some ppl just wanna create drama
some ppl are so starved for attention that they claim to hate him "just bc"
some ppl lack empathy (...and thus they don't understand what losing a job you love is like -- especially to someone who was just programmed to be better than you -- when you worked your ass off for decades getting said job)
some ppl didn't pay attention (...and thus they don't know that Gav had every right to step in both in The Interrogation and Last Chance, Connor bc Con was literally breaking the law)
some ppl see the world as black and white meaning they only think in extremes (...and are incapable of seeing the greys/finding balance)
some ppl are specifically looking to get triggered and thus bring up completely unrelated topics like "misogyny" bc god forbid you like Gav and not North even when they're completely different ppl (...and it's hypocritical that they protect North for hating humans, while at the same time, cursing Gav out for hating androids -- I don't go around with the false claim that, "you're sexist/misandrist for liking North and not Gav" bc I'm not an idiot)
That hatred is all based on emotions instead of rational thought.
"He's a dick!" So is Hank, North, and Con can be. "They have good reasons for it!" So has Gav. These ppl are in no position to decide who's 'the most' affected/traumatized, etc. bc we all react differently. Some are more distraught by their pet dying than a parent. That doesn't make their pain any less real.
Disliking him is fine, but don't give BS moral reasons for doing so. Sometimes we just don't vibe with a person/character and that's perfectly fine. Not vibing with someone, however, isn't hatred. It's apathy. Ppl who are just "meh" about him and don't spout BS excuses are valid.
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I want to express admiration towards you and your posts too ❤️ the fact that you can comprehend the bs gender-rot people post here and come up with brilliant, witty and elegant answers (which of course they will ignore, but it doesn't matter) - it's incredible and very helpful, even validating sometimes. Your stance of prostitution is remarkable and overall seeing you and others women here fight for women (even if it is just words on internet) makes me feel not as depressed as I usually am.
wish you speedy recovery, queen 👑
you are all so very kind i feel honored! like i said despite many issues this community has helped me a lot… this society can make you feel absolutely crazy its nice to see there are some women seeing through the bullshit we are being fed. thank you 💜
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yakumtsaki · 1 year
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I’d like to start this update with this shocking image of SHAJAR TICKLING JOJO. Since when do you two remotely interact?!?
-Oh lighten up, will ya? -My beloved daughter is right, look at those snapdragon animations, everything’s literally coming up roses around here! 
YA RIGHT, ‘things are going great’, what bs are you gonna come up with next??
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-Things ARE going great! Look at me suddenly being a good father!
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-And look at me becoming a professional party guest! And I’ve been super loyal to Don too, huhu!🌸
Ok well excuse me if I don’t bust out the confetti yet, historically we’ve had some difficulties maintaining a winning streak around here..
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Sugar, there you are! Now what disaster do you currently have going on, spit it out.
-No disasters, just enjoying my day off! 
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-I’ve just read this great book about the importance of skin-to-skin contact for newborns!
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-And I rolled the want to potty-train Felina!
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-And I just love changing diapers all of a sudden! 
OK SERIOUSLY WTF. Are we gonna have our first calm update.. EVER??
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Oh man here we go, here we go, what are you two arguing about!
-Nothing, we’re just talking about how nice it is that those spicy updates are a thing of the past! -It’s so much better to treat each other with love and respect!💗
Are you people trying to drive me crazy??
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-I got promoted again! I can’t wait to share the good news with my family and then spend quality time with my children! 
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The kittens grew up and Shinok is the automatic heir per my tradition of picking the chonkiest cat! The puppies also grew up..
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..and I think it’s clear who the dog heir is LOL. Veronica where the hell did your giant ears come from?? 
-I don’t know but they’re a lewk! 
They most certainly are! The non-heir pets are of course going off to have much better lives with Wulf and Angel❤️
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Speaking of ❤️, it is with a heavy ❤️ that after trying to turn Jojo into a werewolf for the better part of a century, I’M NOW CURING HIM PER HIS WISH. Jojo truly, I have no words. 
-Well then you’re gonna love the want I’m about to roll tomorrow!
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Things continue to go UNNERVINGLY well. Liz topped her career and rolled the want to teach Felina to talk-
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-followed by the want to teach her to walk! (Look at their identical noses, awwwww🧡)
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Then Sophito rolled the want to teach her a nursery rhyme, at which point something incredibly shocking has become clear. Sit down for this: we are dealing with our first pair of good parents in the main house.
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-Oh haha, we sure were wild back then! Now dear, I read about this great new educational toy- 
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-Oh I know the one, it said it helps with cognitive development!  -Yes!  -We need to get two, Bartholomew is about to become a toddler!
Oh right he is!
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That’s how calm shit is around here, that I actually REMEMBERED a birthday. Alright Barth, time to grow up! Please don’t get the Frances eyebrows, please, please, please-
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-YES THANK GOD. Now let’s check the ole personality panel..
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Speaking of Shajar, Cyneswith remains a better grandma than her despite not being these kids’ grandma. 
-I wanna teach her how to talk!🌸  
You what now?
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-Ok baby now say ‘chair, huhu💗’! -Chaiw, huhu💗! -YAYYYY🌸
Alright I’m starting to develop a theory here since Cyn is so ridic partial to Felina but doesn’t seem to give a crap about Bartholomew, that maybe Cyn wanted a daughter?? Idek dude, NOTHING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE.
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Look at this shit.
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LOOK. Like these are legit some never-before-seen images, where did this all functionality come from??? Also man Barth is ROTUND, his cheeks! Liz and Soph really made some cute bbs🧡
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It’s time for Felina’s birthday, which I ALSO REMEMBERED. Jojo does the honors since this is probably the last birthday where he’ll be with us💔
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-I sure am! Now if you’ll excuse me, grandma Cyn said she has bought some new clothes for me!
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 6 months
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Beautiful Black People 👑
So grateful for this historic night and thankful to my @thecolorpurple family. It’s been an honor to create art with you 🖤 #thecolorpurple #worldpremiere
Wearing our flowers 🖤 my heart is so full 💋💋💋 @thecolorpurple #thecolorpurple #worldpremiere
Today was MAGICAL!!!!!✨ I’m BEYOND honored to have received the Equity in Entertainment award from @hollywoodreporter in a room of extraordinary women.  Thank you to @arianadebose for that crazy moving introduction and congrats to @adele! And to all the brilliant young women in the mentorship program, BRAVA!!!!! I’m so inspired by you. And so happy for you! Continue to SHINE. ❤️🙏🏾
Don’t even waste your time trying to compete… she’s really HER 💜 #hermusic #hermusicx #hermusicofficial #hervol1 #hervol2 #iusedtoknowher #iutkh #iutkhpt2 #HER #focus #bestpart #avenue #pigment #changes #couldvebeen #wegoingcrazy #icanhaveitall #comethrough #hardplace #bomm #backofmymind #rnb #soul #explore #explorepage #damage #holdon #slide #slideremix #bs
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jeannineee · 8 months
Can i say how absolutely crazy BS it is to complain about lack of ‘skinny representation’ where there are hundreds of other writer who write that??? I absolutely adore your writing BECAUSE it is inclusive, and while I myself would not be considered plus size (probably more midsize but idrk where that line is drawn??)still love your writing. Why? Because if i dont relate to something i can skip over it, but if you do relate to it it makes reading it that much more enjoyable because its more YOU. This is all to say you are a wonderful human being and you should not be criticized for representing others and yourself in your writing, especially not when you are putting this all out here for us FOR FREE. Just ignore it and know you are doing well.
- with much love,
Thank you so much, anon!! ❤️❤️❤️
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hanniluvi · 11 months
moot games!
a moot/moots that could be a secret idol
a moot/moots who you enjoy talking to
a moot/moots you like seeing on your dashboard
a moot/moots you’d like to get to know more
wooo another moot game !!
1. @urszn + @soov
guys its true im their managers!!!! they r planning their debut!!!! idk i just get those vibes from u guys ?? rei could be a secret idol … maybe we if stop saying Kys and die it would be great ❤️ (jokes love u pooks Keep it going!! ure js keeping it real and i love u for that) . and esther??? IT JUST FITS PROVE ME OTHERWISE!!!
2. @flwoie + @haknom
i love talking to all my moots but these two LORDDD . they make me laugh sm its crazy.. sona and i have been like this 🤞 . i love js randomly appearing in her dms and js saying random bs… thanks for putting up w my shit sona ily 😊🫶 and KAYLAAA my little employee kdrama buddy hoon to my jake .. anything u can think of , we r that 😊❤️ shes so fun to talk to , instantly comfortable w/ her 🫶 prob one of the reasons i look forward to talking to / getting notifs from <3 love you pooks 🫶
i love all my moots posts like i be getting excited when they got something new to work on!!! i love seeing their msgs abt their daily lives too .. like idk its js updates that they r well 🫶
4. lots 😭😭
walmart enha + some others r the ones i interact w/ more on and out of blr so .. there r def moots i probably only followed back but we never interacted </3 or like moots i am intimidated to talk to bc wym im moots w someone that i read their works for my time on blr…??? feels like a dream if im gonna be honest.. so guys pls ttm ill give u my disc insta anything 🙏🙏🙏 would love to know u guys more !!
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Does anyone else feel exhausted, terrified, and paralized right now?
Life went south when the world was hit with COVID. That’s when evil permeated every facet of life, from isolation to criminal acts of violence and destruction in the name of “equity,” to racist concepts and sexual exploitation in schools. Gun violence and craziness continues, and while covid certainly played a role, the main factor is - without a doubt - social media.
Although the world is no longer “locked down,” the world will also never be the same. The “DEI” initiatives continue and thrive, becoming normalized, the dangerous woke BS is taught everywhere, including at institutions of “higher learning” and the concepts of which are woven into children’s shows. What’s worse, the people who disagree have to stay quiet or faced being “canceled” and losing their livelihood.
This isn’t the life I’ve known for 42 years, it feels more like an episode of the Twilight Zone where up is down and left is right (case in point - the Harkles). It also feels like a prison sentence, specifically life without the possibility of parole.
I’m a shell of myself, obsessing about this stuff daily. I worry about my son being brainwashed in school and in life, I no longer fly, and when I’m out, I’m constantly on edge for fear of a mass shooting. How are other people so carefree right now? All I want to do is crawl into bed and hide under the covers - and most days I do. 
Sorry for the long post, this is the only place I can talk about how I feel without judgment, and where I know I’ll get compassion and maybe even some prayers. It would be nice to know that I’m not alone. For others who feel similarly what, other than prayer, do you do to cope? Or am I just crazy?
You are not crazy!  The world has changed, and most of us are in a tailspin.  How do we get through?  Faith!  Stay strong in faith.  God is right there with you, with us.🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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silvyysthings · 2 years
What a nasty piece of shit Cluchalamet is...her latest rant towards Armie in her last IG post she is just not evil, but a crazy nuthead and as Timmys biggest fan Cluchalamet should be glad he isnt reading her BS...Im just glad to visit you and other blogs where love and positivity is the Main focus❤️
❤❤ thank you ,
sure I don't follow her but I left a comment 🤣 ( thing that I would like all will make under his shitty post about Armie !!!! ), I will be blocked soon 😅but in general I have to say this morning consideration:
some chalastans on Twitter and here on Tumblr really make me feel like I'm in the Stephen King ' s Misery ....creepy, really creepy
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levok · 1 year
Happiest new year to you all 🥰 To all my friends, my anons, my besties, my haters (well some of you can burn in hell for all I care lol).
I can’t believe on this day I am 1,5 year into this fandom! That’s too long for anyone’s sanity 😭 But here we are.
There’s so much to look forward to in 2023 and I am honestly so excited to see my boys succeed with all their projects!
As much bs this fandom has brought me and how mad and infuriated it makes me at times, it will never measure up to the love and amazing people I’ve been blessed with.
By random coincidence I’ve bonded with some of the best people in the world this year. The craziest, funniest and loving people who have gone from being fandom mutuals to genuine friends who I treasure and love so so much ❤️🦄 It’s crazy what a random Netflix show can lead to, if you just continue down the path.
Thank you for 2022 guys ✌️ thanks for the asks, the interactions, discussion and freak outs. Stay on the good side, and take care of yourself tonight. If 2022 has been a shitty year for you, i send you the biggest virtual hug and love and hope your 2023 will be better 😙💜
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clairehadenough · 6 months
If you believe it be true then just live with it//
but somebody does have to call the crazy PR blogs out because they are legitimately dangerous and were just recently scamming people. This blog and a few others call out lies so other gullible people don’t fall for them. Honestly I was very skeptical about Chris and Alba and believe it was PR but i’m so glad I got out of that because now looking back the theories seem so ridiculous. They make their lies sound believable to others who go and harass all the innocent people who aren’t even related to Chris and Alba. This blog hasn’t done anything of the sort so there’s a huge difference.
Thanks Anon❤️ and I think you’re right about getting out of it to see it. It doesn’t need much to see it from an outsider perspective and then realise how ridiculous it is. We know it’s possible thanks to people like you and other ex PR peeps who admit that the second they used their logic they realised it didn’t make sense. That being said, not everyone is willing to snap out of it. They’d rather believe that Chris is a poor little single soul who is forced to do things rather than accept that he is married and move on. And it’s funny when I see the chiefs delulus like Regina and Midwest whatever, say (about me) “she thinks she can change our mind”😅 If only they realise how much I don’t care about THEM changing their mind, I mean their heads are too far up their asses for that anyway🤓 But again, some people are looking at our blogs and are beginning to understand who is really lying and ruining the fandom and who is just here to call out the BS!
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renohasbigtits · 2 years
Turks parenting Style
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A/N: Wooooow I’m actually writing??? That’s crazy bro…
Side note: do not send me requests!! I’m not taking requests right now. If you send me one, I will delete it. You’ve been warned.
Hopefully y’all enjoy this. ❤️
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• Reno has more of a laidback parenting style.
• He just let’s his kid explore & learn about the world on their own Pace. Only interfering if necessary.
• He definitely keeps his job out of his kids ear. They are too cute and innocent to learn about the horrible things he does at his job.
• He’s also very gentle to his kid.
• They just look so cute & innocent, completely different from what he sees at his job.
• He also spoils them rotten.
• Gets them whatever toy they want, treat, they could want. Whatever they say is Reno’s command. He can’t say no to their little face.
• Reno does discipline when necessary but he also knows that there only small so he knows that physical force won’t teach them anything.
• He teaches them why what they did was wrong and to not repeat it or else they would go in time out.
• Overall, he’s laidback with his kid but also quite loving too.
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• Rude is definitely the most hands on when it comes to his child.
• He wants to learn everything about his child. Their likes, dislikes, interests, everything.
• His kid is now his whole life and they now complete it.
• But he is willing to give his kids space if they so ask.
• Rude may look the most intimidating but deep down is a huge softie. Especially to his kid.
• No. he’ll never talk about his job to his kid. Don’t even ask.
• He gives the biggest bear hugs, kisses and love to the bundle of joy in his kid.
• Rude tries to teach them everything he knows in a way that the kid can understand but tries to overbear them. Get it?
• Similar to Reno, He does discipline if his child acts out but has a harder time doing so since he loves them so much but he knows that they must understand why certain behaviors are not OK.
• Rude definitely has the closest relationship with his child out of everyone.
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• Out of everyone, Elena is probably the most strict but fair.
• She definitely makes sure her child understands that acting out in anyway, will result in timeout or no tv or whatever for bad behavior.
• But she is very loving as well.
• She’s sweet and very motherly to her little angel.
• Elena does whatever she can to spend time with her little one despite how busy she is.
• She does tell her kid that she works but doesn’t go into detail what she does. At all.
• Very hands on.
• Definitely makes sure her child is well dressed and well groomed.
• She tries to teach and help them with whatever they need from her. She’s the best teacher out of everyone imo.
• Elena sadly can’t be with her baby all time but she definitely tries to be the best mother she can be.
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• Out of everyone, Tseng is definitely the most absent but not because he wants to be.
• Being the leader, he can’t be there for his child all the time, which devastates him greatly.
• When he is around, He tries to be very involved with his child.
• He listens very intently whatever his kid has to say.
• He loves hearing what his little one has learned and loves even more when his child expresses it to him.
• Though he’s very strict and a no bs Dad, he loves and spoils his child to death.
• He makes damn sure his child is very well dressed and well groomed.
• Nothing less for his kid.
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amazon85centaur · 1 year
It is literally 2 a.m. for me right now but I have to get these thoughts out....
I think that Dick Grayson's "I thought I lost you" is his "I love you" let me explain...
What we know about Dick is that he lost both of his parents and had to move in with Bruce Wayne. Then he did crazy shit with Barbara and then somewhere along the way, started the Titans. Leading up to everything else in the show. Dick Grayson has lost a lot of people. He also blames himself for losing them. Season 1 when he lost Kory in the Trigon dream he went to the dark side for the cookies. Season 2, Kory comes and he is so relieved, but then she has to go and he gets himself thrown in prison. Season 3, he refuses to let anyone help him...*you're Batman now* and *Batman works alone* and all that BS. Plus, like what he said in season 2, Kory: you wanted to protect them/Dick: or I didn't know how to ask for help, it's not how I was raised*cough cough* Batman 🙄. Do you think Bruce Wayne ever told Dick that he loved or cared about him, unless it had to do with training him to be Robin???? Even then? Did he ever help him heal his trauma or did he just use it to make him into Robin????? I'm sorry but if this is healed Dick Grayson, we need a factory reset and lots of therapy. Season 3, Kory is constantly like... Let us help you, and he's like nope, I gotta gooo. Aaannnddd... Gets himself shot and then killed. And in his Lazarus pit vision...He beats Jason to death, while dressed as the Joker whilst being taunted by Crane... Then he sees his dad and his dad tells him that he's proud of him/ that he loves him (something along those lines) and then he sees the sweet baby girl in his future (Mar'i 💖). Now I saw this as the past being healed so that he can have a future. He starts off in the dream as a monster controlled by his anger, is healed by meeting his dad and gaining some solace and faith that he can be a better man and then that leads to him getting the future that he wants with Kory. Also I think "who he is going to be" was never just about his superhero self and shelving Robin, it's about the type of man he's going to be. (Also Kory knowing who she is, was not enough, because it was always tied to her reason for being on Earth and her destiny, which finally gained its conclusion in the finale) Dick Grayson had to learn to let go, learn to ask people for help/ confide in people, accept when he cannot change something and come to a point where he won't blame himself for what he could not control. That was essential to healing the trauma of losing his parents. Season 4 Dick Grayson is fighting elves to save her, overcoming mind control and beating the ever-living hell out of people and things (see season 1!) He is 🤏🏾 close to throwing brother blood into the wormhole, so that Kory doesn't have to possibly die. He's already seen her die, he's already watched her leave multiple times (mentally and physically). He says "I thought I lost you" as if losing someone close to him is how he loses pieces of himself. He only ever says that to her... Just like when you say "I love you" you say it because you mean it, because it's the end all be all. Because that person is the one and without them you'd feel empty or incomplete or like something's missing. And that can be endearing, and that can be toxic, but as a trauma response, I can only see it as him trying to heal. He was able to let her go, knowing that it would break him. He was able to say goodbye. That is him healing. And although it took so long to get there, I think that's beautiful ❤️
"I thought I lost you" ~ "I love you" ; "I can't live without you" ; "I don't want to exist in a world without you" ; "I woke up and you weren't there" ; "You are the one person, I refuse to lose."
Honestly, would it really be Dick Grayson, if he wasn't speaking in code to Kory? cuzzz he does that A LOT.
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