#Covid agenda
mediaexposed · 1 year
"Blue Light Increases Neuronal Activity-Regulated Gene Expression in the Absence of Optogenetic Proteins"
"We found that exposing these cultures to as short as 1 h of blue light, but not red or green light, results in an increase in the expression of neuronal activity-regulated genes. "
"Optogenetics is widely used to control cellular functions using light. For instance, channelrhodopsins, exogenous light-sensitive channels, allow light-dependent control of neuronal firing. “ - pubmed central
"blue light (p=0.009, t-test), indicating that more light ex- posure results in more gene induction "
So not only can quantum dots be used to manipulate cells for mind control, they can also be used for a variety of cellular and dna functions depending on what color spectrum of light they used. This might explain why they are using quantum dots. Their colors will vary depending on the size of the quantum dot. Plus they can control the electrical charge of the quantum dot with lights as well. In principle, this means that they can manipulate millions of cells in the body at once with a single photon and by taking advantage of a quantum property called entanglement....So like an on/off switch they can manipulate cellular function and dna expression too to express or silence too.
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awesomecooperlove · 6 months
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lasseling · 1 month
British Gov’t Bombshell: ‘One Billion Vaccinated People Now Have VAIDS’
An official British study has confirmed that over one billion people worldwide now have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a direct result of taking the mRNA Covid jab.
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henreyettah · 1 year
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Belated Christmas art! Of the girls!🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
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livingdeadhorse · 2 months
I was encouraged to make the butch post so here it is:
Characters I think are butches with little to no explanation
Mukuro Ikusaba (no shit)
Sayaka Maizono (dw Ms. Maizono I see your closeted butch aura)
(also butch4butch ikuzono — something something issues with vulnerability something gnc something kinda fucked up butches who can either heal each other or make each other way worse)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (it’s the boots and the buzzcut)
Mondo Owada (he’s annoying and that’s the best trait in a butch)
(butch4butch ishimondo nuff said)
Monokuma (you js don’t get it)
Aoi Asahina (she was rd to spin the block for her femme…need I say more)
I have way more reasons for each but also. I’m not writing all that out.
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major-x-blog · 5 months
Non ho molte cose da dire in particolare di questo 2023, ma forse un paio, a riguardo di questi ultimi 3 anni,
la prima è:Non so quanti si sono accorti che l'Umanità sta scorrendo nella Fogna, oggi più che mai, e che presto si arriverà al culmine dell'intollerabile, quindi credo che sta a noi invertire l'assurda "direzione" che è stata presa.
la seconda è: che tutte le Persone Oneste Intellettualmente e Moralmente, riconoscano la realtà dei fatti, Agendo di conseguenza, anche con piccoli gesti per contrastare la Follia dilagante, ed è a questi Ultimi che Auguro un Buon 2024, Un Ricco, Salubre, Soddisfacente e Quieto Anno Nuovo. ❤️❤️❤️
Con Rispettoso Affetto.
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misspeculiar-principe · 2 months
Adolf Gates & Bill Hitler
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amisoma · 1 year
Yall so me and my freind @marmelarity were watching bsd
When we realised
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Asagiri is doing something here
Look u can see angel wings and a cross
One of the wings is being killed by the cross and the rest are surrounded by crosses
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If that wasn't enough theres a bunch of eyes just watching them but doing nothing and in the distant of it all we see
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A v symbol which has been associated with the doa and especially fyodor
If u thought this was just a composition look at this
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It's directly being placed on ranpo and ik for a fact asagiri isn't the type of man to write metaphors
Could it be the wings are the ada as angels are associated with kind acting symbols who help out the weak and have strong morals
The ones crushing them are crosses which can either mean Catholics or in a more metaphorical way a organisation that thinks it's doing right
What if this is foreshadowing to the ending of the series and ranpo is the one to die or be broke
What i think i look like:
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What i actually look like:
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awesomecooperlove · 4 months
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anti-poxxer · 2 years
Australian senators know and knew that this is all bullshit, and we've been had. It was planned over decades. And we will hunt those people who are guilty down hold them responsible, and expose the global agenda.
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lasseling · 1 month
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We tried to warn people.
We got mocked, criticized, ostracized and called crazy conspiracy theorists.
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patientmakt · 5 months
Are we witnessing a genocide? Covid bioweapon injections and Covid measures
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brianbachochin · 13 days
Prophecy Brief: Implications of Iranian President Raisi's death
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howtobeamagicalgirl · 3 months
My feelings about the staff meeting were 100% spot-on, and it turns out that the staff meeting was, in fact, about ME!!!
#ranntics#a 15 minute bitchfest about how ''people have been calling out when they don't have enough sick time to cover their missed days'' i.e. ME#then a 10 minute vent about how some teachers will bleach toys and set them out to dry and then leave them over the weekend#and then call out sick so the poor assistant manager who was subbing in the room had to put them all away 😭 which was so stressful for her#I know the first part was about me bc after the meeting my CA approached the manager and apologized for being out (her kids have been sick)#and the manager said ''it wasn't about you it was about LeeAnn calling out for the hell of it 🙄''#I HAD COVID AND FLU SYMPTOMS. FUCKING SHOOT ME.#apparently her issue is that I text her ''I am feeling unwell and will not be in tomorrow'' instead of a list of symptoms#so she thinks I'm lying#.....but like. if I'm lying it is just as easy to type ''vomiting all night sorry can't come in''#to me sending her a list of symptoms and just saying ''feeling unwell''are the same thing. if she had an issue she could have told me#instead of wasting the valuable time of 20+ other people to vent about it to a group.#oh and the bit about toys being left out was too specific to be about anyone else bc I'm the only person who cleans their goddamn toys#and mine was the only classroom she had subbed in this week#they had both of these talking points typed out and printed on an agenda that they passed out to everyone in the meeting.#y'all both have offices. we could have talked in there.#they don't like confrontation so they hold an ENTIRE MEETING WITH EVERYONE JUST TO TALK SHIT ABOUT ME?? LADIES.
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misspeculiar-principe · 8 months
Zionism Is Not Judaism
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exit-babylon · 7 months
A 3D animated not yet cancelled short film about not too distant future.
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