ducks who have a pilot cap with goggle are my favorite genre of ducks
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I may or may not have realized something about my favorite characters throughout the years….
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why do shows even try when they know they can never outdo perfection
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our mothers watch hgtv we watch sims 4 house design videos on youtube, history repeats itself in mysterious ways
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one time there was a question on a high school PE test where we had to write what depression was and I said that depression can make someone feel worthless and my teacher crossed it out and corrected it to hopeless
she really corrected a depressed person on what it’s like to be depressed
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of course my first post to get over 1000 notes is about misha collins and elon musk beefing
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queerbaiting definition from wikipedia: Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment in which creators hint at, but then do not depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ+ representation. The purpose is to attract a LGBTQ+ or straight ally audience with the suggestion or possibility of relationships or characters that appeal to them.
key word: fiction and entertainment. real people are not fiction and they are not there for your entertainment. people need to start acting like it.
i wish everyone who made kit connor feel he had to come out a very merry FUCK YOU. you forced an eighteen year old into coming out publicly, before he was ready, when he stated many many times he wanted to keep it private. how many more times does this shit have to fucking happen before some of you fucking clock that YOU CANNOT QUEERBAIT IN REAL LIFE. this is the natural end to the discourse of ‘if somebody is in the public eye playing a queer person they owe us their sexuality’, and it’s DEEPLY FUCKED UP, they do NOT owe you an answer, and this mindset JUST FORCED AN EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD TO OUT HIMSELF BEFORE HE WAS READY TO
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i’ve a feeling that the great migration of twitter people to tumblr will end when they all realize that their “haha weird” is our 100% normal who gives a singular shit
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me: struggles to plug my phone in
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i love telling people i meet that one of my favorite things is pussytoes and letting them figure out what that means for themselves
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i will only be referring to eula as this from now on
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comfort ship? nah baby, that’s my hurt/comfort ship. the hurt comes from the show and the comfort comes from the fanfics that fix the show
bitches be like "this is my comfort ship" and that ship is destiel.
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your honor, in my defense, the lady i rear ended had a “don’t honk, i’ll cry” sticker on her bumper
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oh to be a penguin in need with a swank sweater
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just a reminder:
some county parks have wildlife cams. motion activated wildlife cameras. these cameras can be triggered by people too. sometimes, they are placed where there is not a lot of foot traffic because more animals will be there. so just because people can’t see you now doesn’t mean people won’t ever see your………activities (:
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the lack of crustaceans in my hands right now is outrageous
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”hello, this is xxx insurance company, how may I help you?”
“hi! you repaired my apartment like a week ago, remember? the one in the building xxx in new york?”
“ah yes, the one that the avengers wrecked, that was a pain to get fixed and very expensive, plus the legal team for the avengers is always so difficult. was there something wrong with the repairs?”
“……………..i don’t think you’re gonna like what i have to say next”
The insurance industry in the Marvel and DC universes must be a f**kin mess.
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