#Concealing Darkness
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Warhammer 40k: Conquest - Unforgiven - Concealing Darkness by Mariusz Gandzel
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charmed-n-zesty · 4 months
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Mist in the forest.
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windydrawallday · 9 months
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Dreams to Survive
Dream on, try to survive, Keep hope alive reach for the sky. Do the best you can make a wish come true, Listen here's the clue: Let it flow before it's all gone.
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victor-v · 5 months
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elsa? this dig is not arendelle
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sxnbleachedfiles · 5 months
OKAY SO i know we always talk about how kit suddenly turns into a victorian poet in front the object of his affection every time ty is in in peripheral vision but! ty also had some bangers like “you may not yourself be luminous but you are an extraordinary conductor of light” and whatever is going on in his flower card
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devoutlywished · 1 month
gothic heroine behavior
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phantom-bleu · 6 months
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God ok i spent an hour on this got frustrated and then realised i DONT give a shit and dont need to finish it but like does anyone get the vision? anyone?
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roachyreblobs · 4 months
kinda hate the stereotypes of Asians having this clear soft pale skin like no my culture isn’t just fucking anime and k dramas there’s other things to it :/
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moeblob · 3 days
Someone sent me a message on Discord like "why is everyone obsessed with the Random Guy" in regards to the tags on my previous post. SO. I definitely rambled there but also I love this plot a whole lot and it's very dear to me so:
Tolliver is the "Just a Guy" who Kronos wants dead for stealing all of the Devil's focus. The thing is, Tolliver doesn't WANT the focus but not much he can do! He was born and his parents opted to sell /his/ soul to the succubi in exchange for wealth and fame. So while they retained souls (and then promptly died after ticking off the wrong people with their money and habits, coincidental deaths of course) he doesn't have that leniency. He can do whatever he wants and he'll still be dragged to Hell when he dies even if he's a saint. His soul is already waiting for him down there.
So the Devil is like "well, time to send low ranking demons after my living toy but I distinctly do not wish him dead yet" and that's not really a thing Tolliver knows. So he thinks if he doesn't really fight back he's just gonna die early and while he doesn't think it's nice on earth, he'd rather not start his eternal burning quite yet. So he uses a magic marker (literally) to ward off and banish the demons. That's why the Devil is invested in him - it's entertainment on earth with his future property!
Kronos going up to kill him and then failing and then becoming his roommate is actually the reason why other demons kinda track Tolliver. They're tracking Kronos. They need Kronos back in Hell come on stop loitering on earth buddy. (he continues to loiter on earth)
The siren is purely coincidental in that Tolliver sees her when it's cold and gives her his jacket completely unaware she isn't even human. Then we have one of the bad guys, The Boogeyman. He feeds off of nightmares and that means Tolliver is a delight since all he HAS is nightmares. Man's never had a good dream in his life. So it's a nice little "promised" meal but he ropes the Sandman into luring others to sleep for him to feed off of. Eventually Lady Luck gets involved with Boogie and she's a bit arrogant and childish (there's lore there) and then she sees Tolliver. Fighting against Boogie's grasp despite having nothing to fight for. And she decides he deserves one win in his life since it's clear that the hand he's been dealt sucks. And stops helping Boogie which ends up being his demise.
All the demons that directly interact with Tolliver aren't there for the random guy, honestly. They're there for Kronos. Who unfortunately is obsessed with Tolliver (and he's got such a weird gay crush on the guy and gets so emotionally distraught when Tolliver doesn't feel the same cause he doesn't feel anything for anyone because he doesn't have a soul and feels zero attachment.)
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luckquartzed · 18 days
@harmonysheart // continued
Aventurine hadn't expected to end up growing so close to the songstress over these last few days ,  it had happened so suddenly .  One moment they were discussing what happened in Penacony while she had been whisked off to Dreamflux Reef by the ... err ... by Sleepie ,  he had been told was Dormancy's nickname ,  &  the next moment he was somehow bringing up the fact he knew how to play the guitar .  Granted ,  he hadn't played in quite a while ,  but music was sort of like learning how to ride a bike ;  you never really forgot how to do so ,  no matter how long it had been .
 It was impossible not to get drawn in by her charisma ,  &  the way she radiated such joy when she sang in a way that lit up the entire room ,  despite the tinge of sorrow that he sometimes saw reflected in her beautiful emerald eyes .  No wonder all of Penacony was in love with her .  She was so kind to everybody she met ,  &  including him ,  despite the whispers when people who recognized him saw him with her ,  not that he could blame them this time .  Robin wasn't the sort of woman who should be seen with a man like him . 
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He was so close to kissing her that evening  ,  before reality came crashing down  &  he drew back at the last moment ,  with conflict written clear as day across his face .  
" I ... I'm sorry ,  Robin .  I shouldn't ... "  he exhales softly ,  still lingering close to her ,  despite the fact he knows he shouldn't be .  What he needs to do is leave her alone ,  before she ends up tainted by the misfortune that plagues everyone who dares get too close to Aventurine .  " It's not ... someone like me ... you're practically considered a royal on this planet .  You're intelligent ,  kind ,  beautiful ,  &  I'm ... "  he touches his neck briefly ,  trying to ignore the way the brand flares with phantom burning under his palm .  " I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable ... "
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crosseyedcricketart · 1 month
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the Sunday 04/28/2024 edition of crosseyedcricket.art beauty news 📰 new products and shades coming to Sephora at the beginning of May.
glossier in the original balmdot com formula! flavor: strawberry
new dior shade: 063 pink lilac
Natasha Denona powder foundation
sigma eyeshadow palette
refy serum concealer
YSL finishing powder
armani beauty serum blush
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cheshiremask · 1 year
Laughing, it has to be the best concealer on the market.
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grimm-haven · 4 months
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What they both desperately need after working for weeks, trying to pay off student debt and preparing their house for the arrival of their babies, is sleep. But they barely spent time with each other - their work schedules won't align. She leaves early to train and work out, and he stays up late to code and program. Now, with both of them getting promoted up the career ladder, they knew they needed to plan their one last date night before Sol starts showing and he gets held up for more late night shifts.
Beginning of Lemon Gen // Previous // Next
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burncdheart · 2 months
@diverse-hearts-ocs asked:
"Did you say something?", Amadeus looked as though he hadn't slept for a while now, eyes half closing even as he tried to sit a little more upright, "...sorry...."
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To ask if he was okay seemed like such a waste of time. It was clear as day that he wasn't with the way he looked at her, the way he spoke - Taru frowned at her boyfriend. “Did you sleep at all while I was gone?”, she ginger haired woman asked. She closed the door she just came in behind her and tossed her still bloodied sword unto the floor - she actually had planned to clean it right after coming home. However, one look at Amadeus and her plan changed immediately.
A hand was put underneath his chin, so she could take a better look into his face. A hum was her only reaction before letting go, “Did something happen or was it just because I wasn't here?”. Taru wasn't annoyed about it, moreover she felt a weird mix of amusement and worry - depending on his reply, she'd know that one of those emotions would take over rather soon.
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“It better wasn't latter. Else I'll have to tire you out the next time I go somewhere alone.”, a promise or a threat? Well, she'd decide later.
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moony-ghoul · 5 months
2024 is the year we bring eye bags into fashion idc
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so-called-egg · 8 months
Guys it Friday the 13th ain't that swaggy? And it's October? This only happens once every 6 years at the most frequent! That's wacky! And there's a ring of fire today/tomorrow! Kill someone! You could probably get away with it!
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