#Colonizers istg
your-subby-creature · 10 months
Was given the opportunity to add a lecture section on anti-fat bias and now I think I will explode /pos
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pstelwitchcraft · 1 year
Hey! Hey! Yeah, you there commenting weird stuff abt that one village in Critical Role C3. You know that the solution to a cult isn't religious law enforcement right? You know that "hey i don't like the way these people do religion so i guess they deserve to be oppressed" is a tight TIGHT rope to walk, right? Right????
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latin scholars when semi-colons
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talagalaxies · 2 years
Just finished P. K and my HUMSS in me is crying with joy
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alo-officialgf · 3 months
fernando alonso's career in f1 is older than me 😳
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mrsconcept · 2 years
I was just talking to a friend from Britain, and I regretfully am here to inform you that they call an "Arnold Palmer" a "Bumpity Snicket" ... This is viscerally incorrect and I will make it everyone's problem.
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protect-namine · 2 years
sometimes I cannot act without a goal or deadline to push myself towards. so even though there's no reason for me to take a language proficiency exam (especially considering how I complained sooooo much about taking the toefl and never getting to use my results because it expires in two years and I took it the year before the pandemic and I decided not to apply to grad schools abroad anymore because uh. world situations are fucked up right now, and I need my job/source of income more), I think I'll make it my goal to take one next year anyway
because otherwise I can't really stick to a consistent studying session. also I kinda want to prove to myself I can do it
of course I know language proficiency exams are half about how good you are at a language and half test-taking skills, so it's not a true measure of how far my language skills have come. but it's something! and still a good enough measurement anyhow. also it looks kinda fun lol. I like testing myself when there's no outside pressure. maybe because I don't need the scores for anything, I can actually not stress out about taking the test and just really challenge myself?
anyway I feel like my brain is turning to mush lately and I'm just wasting away my days (soooo many days I just do nothing and feel bad about because I want to do things but I... can't) so. I really need something to work towards that's sorta high stakes but not really.
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fangirltothefullest · 2 months
I find it fascinating seeing the use of tone indicators circle around so much back to a similar way that my mom used them in early AOL message board days. Tone indicators are useful to us because they help people read how we are talking and the tone we intend so as to not alarm people when talking online. We don't have the ability to tell if anyone is serious by playful manner of facial and physical expression so they're useful to us online even now!
But the fact that they evolve and change is fun to watch even as I watch it circle around.
So here's some examples of American tone indicators and outside influences to them that I've seen since first being online:
My mom's age- AOL users/early message board system used a fabulously straightforward way of indicating tone:
::::begin sarcasm now::::, ::::laughing::::, ::::shaking my head::::
The usage of colons was an easy way to identify a tone indicator was coming. There was a very limited way of creating text and often message boards did not come equipped with rich text formatting so this was a perfect way to show what you meant. They tended to have indicators fully worded with no short/chatspeak.
Then two things happened near each other- cellphones and rich text formatting being more prominent in online spaces.
Starting with cellphones- when they became a more accessible thing, tone indicators changed and abbreviations of the sayings became prominent, originally known as "chat speak" which began to form much more readily in texts and online. These indicators tended to be indecipherable unless told what they meant and the indicators had to be memorized:
Rofl, lol, smh, istg, wtf, ruok,
These tone indicators persist today, but part of their legacy was the limitation on character counts. Most places had a 140 character limit, meaning you had to get your message across fairly quickly. A way to indicate tone was either go the abbreviation route, or use the rich text editing.
Rich text allowed for italics, bonding and underlining so people could use these tools to indicate tone. These also had to be learned, because not everyone read them the same way and sometimes different places online would have different etiquette on what each tone meant. Freeboards would often have one board to specify what each one was for:
Sarcasm was popularly italicized
Anger was often bolded
Underlining was used often for seriousness
If you had the ability to strike through, it was a whisper or afterthought.
Doubling your rich text with different punctuation could change the tone.
But the internet also let people in America see other people's cultures more readily. We are notoriously bad for teaching about other cultures here but the internet did allow us something fun! An exchange of faces if you will.
In the West, we were using emoticons with other things (note that this was dependent on if it would not work if your HTML or CSS confused the brackets and parentheses etc. as coding):
:), :(, :O, >:(, =), =D, D8, D:<, O_O, ( • )( • ), >.>, 8===D~~~, [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅1̲̅0̲̅)̲̅$̲̅], ಠ__ಠ, ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ,
But now we could see that other people were making faces in different ways and the anime crowd caught on very quickly:
OTL, (^_^;), (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄), (/◕ヮ◕)/, \(^o^)/, (✿◠‿◠), ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ, (OwO), (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻,
Boy do I LOVE emoticon indicators! A lot of them are still used today as well.
And then things shifted again when cellphones gave us emojis! Now tone indicators were colourful!
But they were not accessible as easily to PC users so there becomes a nice little divide between who is and isn't using them. Also there are so many now sometimes it's hard to figure out what the intended emotion is, considering they look different on different devices! But the younger age groups of my students are trained on emojis! So much so that if I ask them to draw happiness, they draw the happy emoji.
I'm sure I'm missing a few but right now we've been back to a combined group of tone indicators! Here on tumblr we are using the slash to indicate tone much like the original AOL message board users used the colon and we are shortening the words AND using abbreviations and some write out the whole thing! Its FASCINATING seeing it come full circle.
/gen, /pos, /jk, /srs, /serious, /genuine, /positive, /happy, /encouraging
I just love how languages evolve! 8D
What are some tone indicator trends YOU noticed in your online spaces?
Edit: FIXED all of the stupid phone spelling errors.
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dukeofdelirium · 20 days
it's a always a male shipping kataang istg...
all you kataang shippers are the same. MISOGYNISTIC MALES.
apologize to women, you fucking sexist pig.
why do zutarians all sound like fucking radfems 😂 quit sippin the koolaid you fuckin freak and log the hell off and touch some damn grass QUICKLY
apologize to ME for sending such a stupid message trying to call me a sexist for shipping a canon children’s cartoon pairing that is in no way, shape or form misogynistic
see this is why the entire ATLA fandom fucking hates y’all and is constantly taking the piss outta ya. bc you idiots have the damn nerve to actually call someone sexist for shipping one of the most innocent pairings you possibly can lol. and for what? because Katara didn’t end up w a colonizer whose family directly murdered her mother and genocided and colonized her ppl? get fucked fr
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juliettedunn · 10 months
Epiphany: King and Luz are how fanon imagines Philip and Caleb
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King is clingy, and has major separation anxiety. He insists he’ll never let Luz leave him, gets anxious and upset when she does anything without him. He wants nothing more than to have her stay with him forever at all times, having assurance and full control over it. He even specifically was afraid Luz would leave him for another realm. He wasn’t just orphaned, but he lost his entire species before he was born. Luz and Eda are the only family he has.
He’s a scared little kid who just wants a family who stays with him. That’s almost exactly how I see Belos stans portray young Philip. And maybe that is indeed how Philip acted when he was King’s age.
Though, crucially, King doesn’t target Luz’s other loved ones and then kill her, only to clone her tons of times and abuse those child clones before murdering them. Because King isn’t a pathetic weirdo bitch.
King grows up. Which, he shouldn’t have had to mature so fast, because unlike Belos, he really IS just a little boy during all this. When his entire world gets shattered, TWICE, he has every reason to think only of himself and cling desperately to everything.
When he learns his entire species was killed, that he’s alone in the universe, it’s even clearer that Luz and Eda are all he has. But he chooses to open up his world and see things more widely, to pay attention and have a deeper understanding of his loved ones.
He becomes more aware of other people and their own lives, his worldview expanded outside himself. He uses that knowledge to reach out to others, like having empathy for the Collector, not condemning him. He tries to help Collie with the lessons he only learned recently.
In the end, King himself sends Luz away to another realm to protect her. All that time swearing he would never let her leave him, but he loves her more than that. He expresses his joy over her having her as a big sister, and he saves her. Because he truly loves her.
King is a CHILD. He couldn’t be faulted for acting more selfishly. It would have been reasonable of him to cling and beg Luz to protect him during King’s Tide, but he was a hero.
Belos never understood actual love like this. Caleb gave it to him, but he didn’t return it. It further emphasizes what a fucked up weirdo Philip is. He hasn’t been a child in hundreds of years. He was an adult who couldn’t learn to think beyond himself and the idealized fantasy narrative of his brother existing for him.
He thinks that any attempts for Caleb to have his own life are an insult to him, that the entire world starts and ends with Philip and his own desires. Hundreds of years and he never learned to see beyond that. He doesn’t feel joy that Caleb was his big brother. Only that he has a right to control and possess, and he will do anything to make it happen. Murder, abuse, enacting sick, petty fantasies.
He even disguises himself as a little kid and clings to Luz, hiding behind and clinging to her, tricking her into caring for him, in Hollow Mind.
Two clingy, anxious, possessive little brothers terrified to be abandoned when the world already took what should have been their family from them. One who matured greatly at only eight years old, and sacrificed everything to protect his older sibling.
And one who maintained a petty, selfish obsession for hundreds of years, colonizing a world and trying to commit genocide, while playing out a sick power fantasy of caretaking and control while screaming about what was taken from him, which was his own doing
Istg, if King wasn’t placed into the “animal companion” category as default, the fandom would have been all over the parallels. I would say “Hey Belos stans! Your cute, sweet, angsty,clingy younger sibling with abandonment issues is right here in King! Make stuff with Titanlights!” but they’d probably hear that and miss the whole damn point.
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fairuzfan · 4 months
i once read a response from a israeli about the systematic mass sexual violence the iof does to palestinians, and they went "ok but the ottomans were also doing that to palestinians of all religions before israelis did uwu" like some sort of gotcha???? like that has anything to do with it???
istg these people aren't real
"Other people like the ottomans did this also" thanks for proving my point that you're a colonizer like the ottomans??
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lunarwashere · 15 days
Violently throws valk x reader at you
Valk x reader headcanons
-holy shit this man is so fucking loveable
-your taller than him because I said so no questions
-you probably have some kind of social media. For example; Instagram or Tumblr, something along the lines of that.
-you have a pretty fair amount of followers.
-of course, you have haters. This is an x reader fic, why wouldn't you?
-valk probably makes TONS of alt accounts to defend you if someone's hating.. I love this man sm it's unhealthy
-for example some random jackass goes under a post you made and says smth along the lines of; " cringe!!!!!!!! Ew ur so smelly stinky poopy!! " (not actually like that)
-this bitch makes sure you have absolutely no haters fr
-if he's in a little silly goofy mood he's def using his main
-everyone would be like: WHAT THE PH-
-this man is a fucking sucker for cuddles.. PLEASE, CUDDLE WITH HIM.
-he's so fucking warm I'm going to bite his head off omg /pos
-I imagine he has like.. A lot of simps (I'm the a lot of simps)
-not as many as Dom though-
-at meet and greets there would be people all over him istg
-and than your ass is just standing there like: 😶
-YK those sans fangirl videos where they kill other fangirls? YOU GET THOSE LMFAO
-please pick him up. He likes it.
-pick him up like he's a fucking dog. Like pick him up like he's a burrito. He's burrito shaped trust me
-source? I ate a coin when I was 7 on August 6th 8:16 pm
-if you make music you bet his ass WILL listen to it. He is SO coming to concerts you make
-you two would probably preform if you make music
-front row seats to flipside concerts. No questions.
-puts on way too much colone. Source? My father is taking a fat shit rn
-you like kissing valks don't you?
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Okay, I'm a Filipino and I just have to get this out of my system. Might make some art about it in the future.
For those of you who don't know, the Philippines was colonized by Spain for 300+ years before the Americans and the Japanese got to us so until now, we have some Spanish words in our language.
So imagine taking Miguel home to meet your family and Miguel being a bit nervous he won't understand when you start speaking in Filipino (plus yannow, first impressions) then the first thing your relatives say when you introduce him:
Uy, ang guwapo naman ng jowa mo.
And suddenly, he's a bit comforted because he understood only one word in that sentence and he knows he has a good impression already.
Also cursing in Filipino when he's around!!! Istg cursing in Filipino hits harder than any "fuck you" you can throw around. If you and Miguel get into an argument and you let out a malutong na "tangina naman, oh" , he knows how serious shit is.
Also, I highkey believe that Miguel loves it (dare I say gets turned on) when he catches you speaking to yourself in Filipino and just being in your element when you're concentrating on something.
Cooking champorado for him on rainy days (there's actually a fic for this written by Luciel49 in Ao3 A MUST READ!!!). Tuyong adobo with egg and steaming rice. Beef mechado during New Year. Miswa when any one of you is sick. Pancit canton, Lumpia, and Leche Flan for the S/O's birthday. Taking him around the Philippines to try street food like Kwek-Kwek, Betamax, or Dynamite. Sisig Nachos while staying in and drinking with him??? I COULD GO ON AND ON ABOUT COOKING FOR THIS MAN. I WANT TO MAKE HIM SMILE FROM THE FOOD I MADE FOR HIM!!!
(or idk how his spider altered genes work but let's say he does get coughs and colds). You make him salabat with lemon when he's got coughs. If he's got the flu, you make him arroz caldo or maybe lugaw with tokwa't baboy (making the baboy extra special by making it the lechong kawali version). Before sleeping, rubbing Vicks on his back and chest while wrapping him up in a blanket.
(I'll add on to the list as I think of more. Suddenly want to make an OC for my headcannons, now.)
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world-fire-entity · 2 months
I think I just experienced some form of culture shock
I found a tma fanfiction that used “John” for Jonathon Sims instead of “Jon” and I’m having a mental breakdown
Istg, “John” is this.
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
Love how we are talking about Latin America
Though what about having a pet axolotl? If I remember correctly they are only native to a Mexican river? I imagine fishy boys didn't get the chance to interact or see axolotls just one day the octotrio comes to Ramshackle and bam an axolotl!! (Istg if Jade tries to eat it I am smacking him)
Originally they are from the lakes that Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City) was built over, Lakes Xochimilco and Chalco I believe. Their habitat was destroyed by the Spanish when they came and drained the lakes during colonization. They're very endangered in the wild and the ones in the pet stores are domesticated, so you can't just buy and release since it will damage the ecosystem/they'll die. It makes me so sad!!
I think they'd get a kick out of an axolotl, they're so cute and dumb looking! Plus Floyd now has a new aquatic nickname to give! Even if they have axolotls in TWST, they're freshwater creatures while the octotrio are saltwater. So they are super interested in these cute little guys!
I'm pretty sure they're not something you'd eat, so I don't see Jade trying to eat them, but I do think he'd like to have an aquarium with lots of freshwater plants as a terrarium for one. As a friend :)
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msrandonstuff · 1 month
I am now seeing someone on twitter say that "white brasilians are colonizers and therefore arent brazilians, they're just europeans" i feel like im having a stroke at each of their posts that i read istg
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