#Cindy's the one who carries a gun
oculusxcaro · 3 months
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As troublesome as Gotham can be, Pauli's is one of those places that rarely gets hit. It's open 24/7 and offers good food to all regardless of who they are and Pauli isn't afraid to hire former criminals like Jerry who used to be muscle for Scarface. Petty thugs who threaten the place for cash are just as likely to receive backlash from their fellow crooks as they would from law-abiding citizens because where else are you going to get a decent meal at 4am?
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daisies-daydreams · 5 months
Confession - Pt. 2 (Hobie Brown x F!Civilian!Reader)
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x F!Civilian!Reader Category: Angst/Fluff Warnings: Swearing, Depictions of Blood/Injuries, Descriptions of Stitches, Minor Character Death(s), Gore, Trauma/Symptoms of PTSD, Gun Violence, Switching POVs Word Count: 3.4k+ Summary: You’re shocked when Spider-Man slips through your bedroom, battered and bruised. You’re even more shocked when you realize who it is... A/N: As requested by @maybethatfanfictionwriter, part 2 of Confession! This part takes place a few months after the first one. I hope you enjoy!
You gasped and sat up in bed when you heard a loud banging on your window. Your heart dropped when you saw a figure hanging upside down, their silhouette unfamiliar to you. They pounded against the foggy glass of your window as you tried to push yourself into the shadows of your bedroom.
“(Y/N), please let me in!” a muffled voice called frantically. Your eyes snapped open. 
“Hobie?” you gasped as you peeked over your shoulder. Your mind raced as you sprang out of bed and threw your window open. You nearly screamed as a masked figure flopped into your bedroom, his red and blue suit torn up and tattered. Your stomach dropped as you gazed at all the cuts and bruises littered across his body. 
“Shh!” the figure said. You snapped your mouth shut as you eyed his limp form. “I’m sorry, I-I didn’t know where else to go,” he coughed. You instantly dropped to your knees and pulled back his mask. You froze when you saw your love’s face swollen and cut up. 
“Hobie,” you choked as you examined his face. The man below you sighed, his voice raspy and exhausted.
“It’s not that bad, lovie. I’ve been in worse shape,” he tried to reassure you. You shake your head as tears well in your eyes. 
“Y-You’re Spider-Man,” you breathed in disbelief. Hobie chuckled before he coughed a little. 
“Yeah. Wish I could’ve told you in a more dignified way,” he lilted, his eyes hazy and unfocused. You kept your trembling hands against his cheeks as he sniffed. 
“I’m gonna get you some help,” you said before standing up. 
“They can’t see me like this,” Hobie grunted. 
“Who?” you asked as you paused in your doorway. 
“Literally anyone else. They can’t know that this is…me,” Hobie said as he tried to steady himself on his forearms. You bit your lip as you shifted your gaze between your couch and the lanky, bloody man on your bedroom floor. You grunted as you gently picked him up and dragged him over to your couch. You carefully undressed him and stuffed his suit beneath a pile of clothes in your hamper. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know where else to go,” he breathed shakily. You frowned as you handed him some old shorts and a t- shirt. 
“It’ll be okay, Hobie. I’m just going to get some help from the woman across the hall,” you reassured him. Hobie nodded before squeezing his eyes shut. You rushed over to your door and across the hall before knocking on your neighbor’s door. It eventually swung open to reveal an exhausted, young ICU nurse. 
“I’m so sorry to wake you up, Cindy. But I have a bit of a situation right now,” you bit your lip. She furrowed her brows. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked. You trembled slightly as you guided her into your apartment.
“My boyfriend, Hobie. He’s really hurt,” you sniffed. She gasped when she saw Hobie sitting on your couch, his body limp as he shivered.
“Let me get my kit,” she said before rushing back into her apartment. You rushed over to Hobie’s side and held his hand. Your lover instantly relaxed when you remained by his side. His breathing slowed as he gazed into your eyes.
“Thank you, lovie. I knew I could count on you,” he grinned, his lip cut right down the middle. You gave him a warm smile as you squeezed his hand. Cindy soon came rushing back inside.
“We need to get him on the table, now,” she urged you. You nodded and helped her carry Hobie over to your kitchen table. The three of you grunted as you helped him up, his lanky body flopping down onto the wooden surface. His face twisted with pain as Cindy opened her kit.
“Can you tell me what happened, Hobie?” she asked Hobie as she prepared to clean out his wounds. Both of you looked at each other before he took a shaky breath.
“I was jumped. Three blokes with shanks ‘n all,” he muttered. You frowned as you shared a glance with Cindy.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” she replied calmly as she began to clean his scrapes and cuts. She handed you a pan before applying pressure to a large cut in his chest. “Luckily your cuts aren’t that deep, but I will have to stitch this one up,” Cindy explained. Your heart pounded as you watched her grab some surgical thread, needle and some scissors. Your face grew pale as you sat down in the chair, still holding his large hand in yours.
“That’s alright,” Hobie slurred. Cindy frowned before pulling out a flashlight. She shined it in his eyes, only for his pupils to remain the same. The nurse turned to you. “It looks like he has a concussion as well,” she said. You bit the inside of your cheek.
“Do we need to take him to hospital?” you asked as you wrung your hands together. Hobie grunted as Cindy checked his other eye.
“I don't think so, but we'll have to wait and see,” she sighed as she put the flashlight away and slipped on some latex gloves. You blinked as Hobie slipped his hand into yours, his palm feeling heavy against your warm skin.
“It’s okay, Hobie,” you murmured and pressed his hand against your forehead. He hissed in pain as Cindy cleaned his wound, his brows scrunched together as he clenched his jaw. “It’s okay, baby,” you said softly and kissed his temple.
Your face felt drained of color as Cindy finally closed her kit with a heavy sigh. She slowly stood up and placed a hand on your shoulder.
“He should be fine for now. Not too much blood was lost, but if anything happens, get me right away,” the exhausted nurse said. You kept your hands clasped together as you blinked, your eyes raw and red. Cindy slowly slipped her hand away before walking out the door. You watched as Hobie’s eyes flickered beneath his lids as he breathed steadily. You released a shaky breath as you remained by his side.
“Hobie, I know you probably can’t hear me-“ you paused and swallowed as his hand flinched. You took a deep breath. “It all makes sense now. Why you show up with a few bruises and cuts…the long periods of time you’re gone…” you sighed and rested your forehead against the table. “I guess I never thought my boyfriend would be-“
“Spider-Man?” he murmured. You gasped and shot your head up to find him smiling at you with a sleepy grin.
“Hobie,” you breathed. He grunted as he raised his hand to pat your head. You slipped your fingers between his as you swallowed thickly.
“Hey, lovie,” he chuckled softly before scrunching his nose. You shook your head quickly.
“No no no baby, just take it easy,” you cooed as you squeezed his hand. Hobie sucked in a sharp breath and nodded.
“How long have I been out?” he asked. You relaxed a little as he smoothed his thumb over your knuckles.
“A few hours,” you replied. He nodded slowly and gazed up at the stark white ceiling, his eyes slightly glazed over. “Hobie…were you ever going to tell me?” you muttered. His brows furrowed slightly as he pursed his lips.
“Tell you what-“
“We both know what,” you said quickly as your chest burned a little. He closed his mouth as his eyes widened a little. “Sorry, it’s just…a lot to take in,” you swallowed and shifted in your chair.
“I know. It’s why I…I wasn’t-“ Hobie slowly blinked as he looked away.
“Why you didn’t want to tell me?” you asked. The man before you nodded as he started to shift up on his forearms. “Hey, hey,” you said as you braced him. Hobie grunted as he clutched his chest, his stitches flexing with his slow movement. He nearly slipped but caught himself just in time. Hobie opened his eyes as he parted his lips, his soft gaze lingering on your strained features.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of you gettin’ hurt,” he breathed as his chest rose and fell. You felt a fresh stream of tears fall down your cheeks as he perched himself with his free hand. “The people I go up against…they’ve…they’ve hurt the ones I loved before,” he clenched your hand. You cupped his cheek as he gazed down at his legs.
“I remember holdin’ her in my arms,” Hobie choked as he nearly folded into himself. You steadied him, your arms wrapped around his lanky form as your chest tightened. Your heart shattered as your love began to sob, his body trembling as you held him. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he wept, his hot tears dripping onto your shoulder.
You stroked his upper back as you cried with him.
“It’s not your fault,” you whispered. Hobie sniffed as his fingers dug into your flesh, as if he was making sure you were still there.
“You don’t know that,” he sobbed. You shook your head and pulled back, gazing right into his glassy eyes.
“Hobie, I know you. And I know what a wonderful, brave person you are,” you breathed as you cupped his face with both of your soft, warm hands. He breathed heavily as you stroked your thumbs across his sharp, soaked cheeks. You rested your forehead against his as your heart skipped a beat. “You did all that you could, I know you did,” you breathed. Hobie tensed in your hold, his warm breath falling over your lips as his eyes slightly widened.
“And I’ll do everything I can to stay right by your side,” you murmured gently. Hobie fully broke in your arms, a cracked sob falling from his lips as he fell against you.
“T-Thank you, love,” he cried. You nodded as you held him close to your heart.
“You’re welcome, my Hobie,” you whispered as you kissed the top of his head.
Hobie held you close to his long, lanky body, his arms wrapped around your torso as you snuggled against him. The two of you were lying in bed, his accelerated healing factor working wonders on the gash across his chest. Hobie held his breath as you shifted beside him, your brows furrowed slightly as you murmured his name. Your boyfriend cooed and brushed a loose strand of hair from your face.
“Shh, it’s alright, love,” he whispered and kissed the crown of your head. You slowly relaxed in his hold, your breathing steadying. The sound of a clock hanging on your bedroom wall ticked nearby, the incessant sound pulling him into a daze.
“I’m here, (Y/N),” he murmured. The ticking suddenly made his eyes widen and body tense.
3 Years Earlier…
“Glad you could make it, Spider-Man,” the beastly villain, Kraven, snarled as he held a gun to his beloved, Mindy’s, dark locks. Hobie’s eyes widened as he stood on the railway, his spider-suit clinging to his sweaty body as his heart stopped.
“What do you want, Kraven?” he asked as he eyed Mindy. The white’s of her eyes nearly drowned out her irises as she trembled in the villains grasp. Kraven released a roaring laugh before staring the hero down.
“I want to see your face,” the giant man lilted. Hobie stood as still as a statue while Mindy slowly shook her head, mouthing the word “no”. “What are you saying, girl?!” Kraven snarled as he cocked the gun.
"You stay the fuck away from her!" Hobie barked as took a step forward, only to freeze when he saw Kraven’s finger on the trigger.
“I wouldn’t step any closer if I were you,” he chuckled darkly while Mindy gazed at Hobie with wide, tearful eyes. Hobie’s heart pounded inside his chest as her bottom lip trembled.
"Hobie...baby..." she said in a broken voice. Hobie took a step back, tilting his heel against the ground as he stared Kraven down.
"If I do, do you promise to let her go?" he asked as he lowered his hands. Kraven's dry lips curled into a sickening smile as he nodded. Hobie sucked in a sharp breath before he slowly pulled his mask off, his puffy wicks spreading out as he stared directly into Kraven's dark eyes. The villain's smile grew as he narrowed his eyes.
"Thank you...Hobie Brown," he lilted. The deafening sound of a gunshot ringing out through the belltower made Hobie's heart sink into his stomach. He didn't even hear himself scream as he rushed towards Mindy, his girlfriend falling over the railing and tumbling down to the collection of shifting gears bellow. His heart rate pounded inside of his ears as he dove down, his bodily rapidly hurdling towards her.
The chimes of Big Ben suddenly rang throughout the massive room just as he wrapped one of his lanky arms around her waist and pulling her against him. Hobie huffed as he shot his web out and perched on a nearby landing. He cooed as he laid Mindy on the ground, the small speck of hope in his heart shattering when he saw a large, crimson stain spread across her abdomen.
"H-Hobie," she said as she gulped for air. He shook his head as he tried to put pressure on her wound, his head spinning when she yelped.
"I know it hurts, baby. Just breathe for me," he choked as tears welled in his eyes. Mindy screwed her eyes shut as she clenched her fists. “I got you, I got you baby. I got you,” he repeated frantically as tears streamed down his cheeks. Mindy’s eyes grew distant as a tear ran down her soft cheek.
“Hobie,” she said in her soft, melodic voice. Hobie’s heart dropped as she cupped his cheek, her blood smearing across his warm skin. She swallowed thickly as she gazed into his eyes, her thumb brushing over the stream of tears falling down his face.
“It’s going to be okay,” she sighed heavily before looking up at the gears shifting above them. Hobie’s eyes grew wide as she grew limp in his arms, her body heavy as she laid in his lap.
“Mindy? Baby?” his voice cracked as her hand fell away from his face. A burning sensation ignited in his chest as he laid her down on the ground. “Mindy, c’mon, sweetheart. Wake up,” he wavered as he kept his hand over her bleeding wound. She stared at him with her dark, lifeless eyes as he checked her pulse.
“No no no no no,” Hobie sobbed as he gently shook her. “NO! NO! NO!” he screamed, his broken voice reverberating against the gears and bells inside the tower. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it as he tilted his head down.
“Fuck,” Hobie wept uncontrollably as he held the world in his hand…his world. “Please, don't leave me,” he sobbed and traced his fingers over every dip and curve of her palm - one he’d grown to familiar with over the past year. Hobie gritted his teeth as a wave of anger swelled and boiled inside his chest. He choked out another sob as he scanned the area. The young vigilante spotted the tail end of Kraven's cape disappear behind a set of gears from above.
"KRAVEN!!!" he bellowed as he swung himself forward, his body trembling with pure fury as he whipped around the machinery. The hunter went down on all fours before rushing forward, his claws digging into the pavement as he evaded several of Hobie's webs. Hobie gritted his teeth while he dove forward and wrapped his arms around Kraven's thick neck. The giant man snarled and thrashed around as he slammed Hobie against the wall. The young vigilante continued to squeeze, wrapping his legs around Kraven's back as he bit down on his ear. The hunter howled in agony as the taste of iron filled Hobie's mouth.
He grunted as Kraven flung him across the landing, Hobie's boots skidding across the ground as he spit out the bitter wad of blood that leaked onto his tongue. The large villain scowled as he laid his hand over his pointed ear. His dark frown quickly turned into a wicked grin as he slid his tongue over one of his fangs.
"You shouldn't have done that," Kraven laughed as he took a step forward. The giant's eyes widened as Hobie swung his guitar around and furiously strummed across the metal strings. He flew back and slammed into the brick wall, the soundwaves drowning out the sound of the bells as Hobie stepped towards the villain. Kraven screamed as his eardrums burst, blood spraying across his fur coat as Hobie's eyes glowed with rage.
Kraven tilted his head to the side as the Spider-person approached him, his heavy boots thudding against the concrete as the walls cracked beneath the sheer force of the sound waves. Kraven roared as he was pushed deeper into the brick, the sickening sound of his bones crunching faint against the notes from Hobie's guitar.
Hobie suddenly let his hand off of the instrument. Kraven's eyes rolled back as he slumped onto the floor, his body limp as he groaned. The vigilante snatched the man's long, dark hair and slammed his face into his knee.
"YOU FUCKIN' PIECE OF SHIT!!!!" Hobie screamed as he shoved Kraven onto the ground and gripped the neck of his guitar. The villain's eyes widened as he raised it above his head and slammed it down on his skull. Hot tears poured from Hobie's eyes as he screamed and cursed, swinging his guitar down over and over again, several sprays of blood coating the ground around him and his ripped suit.
Hobie heaved as he slowly blinked, his body shaking as he dropped his broken guitar to the ground and stared at what was left of the man before him. His blood ran cold as he sank down to his knees, a wave of nausea washing over him as he clutched his stomach.
“Oh my God…what have I done?” he murmured.
“Hobie? Hobie!” you called. Hobie snapped his eyes open as he shot up in bed, his body covered in a sheen of sweat as he gripped the bedsheets. You gently cupped his face as he looked around.
“It’s okay, baby. You’re okay,” you cooed gently like a dove. His heart began to pound less as he licked his dry lips, his stomach twisted into a sickening knot even as he calmed down. He blinked and turned towards you.
“(Y/N)?” he swallowed thickly as he carefully eyed you. You tilted your head as he brushed his fingers over the sides of your face, his fingertips gliding across your parted lips as his eyes softened. You leaned forward and wrapped Hobie in a gentle hug.
“Hobie…what’s wrong?” you murmured as you held him close to your chest. Hobie parted his lips as he soaked in the warmth of your body against his. He sniffed as he pulled you against him, the gash on his chest the furthest thing from his mind as he pressed his lip to your cheek while his hands traveled across the expanse of your back.
"Thank God you're okay," his voice cracked. You nodded slowly as you rubbed his back.
"I'm okay, baby," you cooed before pulling back a little, your brows furrowed as you cupped his cheek. "Are you okay?" you asked. Hobie blinked away a few tears as he swallowed thickly, his heart still aching as the vivid image of Mindy lying in his lap would not leave his mind. Hobie sniffed and nodded slowly.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," he sighed. "Just...Just a bad dream," your boyfriend added. You frowned and wiped his tears away before gently kissing his cheek.
"Alright," you cooed and gave him a warm smile. Hobie instantly melted as you flashed him a grin, a crack in his heart mending while you laid down next to him. Hobie sighed as he slid beneath the covers with you, his ankle wrapped over yours. You wrapped your arms around him before humming a quiet tune.
"It's going to be okay," you whispered softly before kissing the tip of his nose. "I'm not going anywhere, Hobie," you reassured him. Hobie's breath hitched at your words, his eyes red and puffy as his Adam's apple bobbed. He took a deep, shaky breath before nodding.
"Thank you, lovie," he whispered as he wrapped his arms around you in return. You smiled gently as he rested his head against your chest, breathing in your pleasant scent.
"Goodnight, Hobie. I love you," you murmured while stroking your fingers across his dark wicks. Hobie smiled against your skin as his heartbeat steadied.
"'Night, baby. Love you, too...so much," he whispered before drifting off to sleep in your arms.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
Taglist: @maybethatfanfictionwriter @depressesoespressorat @yuhhtricki999 @lavenderbabu @thedevax @famouscattale @spktrgantenk @zombieblogx @mrswhitethornbelikov @migueloharastruelove @galaxy-dusk @samanthashadowriley @theloneshadow24 @xxkay15xx @inspace1 @manlikemilesmyguy @ghostslynx @synamonthy @oharasfilipinawife @scaleniusrm @jotarossshark @acotarobbsessed @8xbygirl @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @lyrasdrawer @rinverse
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sayafics · 1 year
Ghost - Chapter III
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The pair took a moment to compose themselves, to process what they had been through, what they had seen, and what they were feeling.
It was all too much, and for a normal person, it would've been enough to break. But the world they were living in now? The things they've had to face and will continue to face? It would not let them rest long enough to break.
They were confused, they had fallen behind in a world that had carried on without them and now they needed to play catch-up.
Casper led the way down the stairs, Rick trailing behind her wrapped in the blankets that had been on the bed - that had been Casper's stubborness.
They came to find Morgan and his son, Duane, at the dining table getting ready to eat.
Casper had not spoken much since she had stepped into the house, trusting Morgan to stay true to his word.
She hadn't spoken much when he introduced himself either, only a courteous nod whilst reciprocating with her own name.
Even now, she held her tongue and kept her curiosities to herself - she chose to observe instead.
Rick had taken her silence as a sign he should break the tension, "this place – Fred and Cindy Drakes’?"
"Never met ‘em."
"I’ve been here. This is their place."
"It was empty when we got here."
Casper raised her brows at his defensiveness before her eyes trailed to the curtains covering the windows. She stalked her way towards them, Rick still trailing after her, as she stepped towards the windows, reaching out to pull the curtains back.
"Don’t do that. They’ll see the light. There’s more of them out there than usual. I never should’ve fired that gun today. Sound draws them. Now they’re all over the street. Stupid – using a gun. But it all happened so fast, I didn’t think."
It was the first question she had asked, and Morgan regarded her with a look - as though he was only realising now how lost the pair truly were.
He avoided her question in favour of serving dinner, only for Rick to speak instead.
"You shot that man today."
Morgan shrugged, "man?"
Casper rolled her eyes as she faced the rest of them. Of course he'd answer when Rick spoke.
As though he had felt her roll her eyes, Rick lightly shoved at her shoulder, an amused smirk painting his face as she dignified him with a bashful shrug.
Casper had expected Morgan to continue, but it was Duane who spoke instead - "it weren't no man."
"What the hell was that out of your mouth just now?"
"It wasn’t a man."
Rick insisted, "you shot him in the street out front - a man."
"Friend, you need glasses. It was a walker. Come on. Sit down before you fall down. Here."
Morgan starts to spoon food onto a plate for Rick before doing the same for Casper, and at the sight of food Rick seems to remember how his body had been starving for days, if not weeks, now.
Feeling ravenous, he made his way to the food, spooning a mouthful. It may not have been what he was used to eating, nothing like the fries and burgers he would have with Shane, or the food Lori would make - but it was food.
"Daddy, blessing."
"Yeah," Morgan looked towards Casper, a pointed nod towards the seat she had still not occupied. She looked towards Rick, accepting his nod as a sign to give in just for a moment, to eat and fill her stomach with something.
She sat in the chair between Rick and Morgan, Morgan reaching out to place his hand atop her own and one on his son's.
Casper had never said blessings before, so she copied Duane as he reached towards Rick's hand, who, with disbelief, put his spoon down to take his hand. Rick looked towards Casper to be met with amusement, he squinted his eyes in playful annoyance before offering his hand to her.
Casper doesn't bow her head with the others, doesn't recite any prayers, or listen either. She continues to look at Rick as Morgan recites his own aloud, noticing how, with every word Morgan speaks, his grip becomes weaker.
He must be thinking of his family, and that realisation made her heart clench. How many blessings had he missed out on whilst in hospital, whilst whatever it was that was wreaking havoc upon the world occurred? How much had he missed?
She found herself intertwining their fingers, promising herself she was only trying to show support and that it was nothing more. To her surprise, Rick gripped her hand in vice, his eyes meeting hers as Morgan and Duane concluded their prayers.
She almost pulled her hand away from his, but it seemed Rick was deadset on keeping them together. Her presence provided comfort, and her touch calmed something in him that he didn't know how to describe.
She settled the storm that raged in his heart - the possibilities of what could have happened to Carl continued to drown him, but she helped him to keep his head up in the water - and he was sure, given time, she would pull him out of it too.
As she began to eat, Casper turned towards Morgan, "what's going on?"
Morgan looked at her for clarification, waiting for her to elaborate - "we woke up today in the hospital, and came here - these walkers? The bites? We don't know what's happening."
"You know about the dead people, right?"
Casper nodded slightly, feeling Rick tense at the mention of the dead, "we saw a lot of them, on the loading docks, piled in trucks."
Morgan shook his head vigorously, "no, not the ones they put down. The ones they didn’t – the walkers, like the one I shot today. ‘Cause he’d have ripped into you, tried to eat you, taken some flesh at least."
Casper could feel her heart stutter at the revelation, the dead are walking? Her hands trembled at the news, her face painted in fear and confusion as she tried to recall what she had seen on their way to Rick's house, trying to remember if she saw these walkers.
Seeing her consumed by her own thoughts, Rick continues for them both - "they're out there now? In the street?"
"Yeah. They get more active after dark sometimes. Maybe it’s the cool air or hell, maybe it’s just me firing that gun today. But we’ll be fine as long as we stay quiet. Probably wander off by morning. But listen, one thing I do know – don’t you get bit. I saw your bandage and that’s what we were afraid of. Bites kill you. The fever burns you out. But then after a while… you come back."
The two reeled back as they absorbed the information that had just been spouted at them. Bites, fevers, dying, turning. What had happened whilst they were gone? What had the world come to?
The rest of the dinner had gone silently, Casper and Rick - still hand in hand - leaned on eachother's presence for support, their hearts burning at the idea of the monsters walking about in the dark, their mind spinning as they tried to make sense of the changes that had happened so drastically as they slept in their hospital beds.
Morgan and Duane sat on a sleeping palate, and across the room from them were Rick and Casper. Rick herded Casper towards the couch, nudging her to take up a place there whilst he sat on a bed made of couch cushions - "Rick, I can't take the couch."
"You can, and you are."
"You're the one that's hurt."
Rick quirked a brow, his eyes pointed as they both knew that was far from the truth. Casper was also hurt, her wound much fresher than his, and her own still covered in a bandage much too old - her fear of what was hidden under the bandage was greater than any fear of it becoming infected.
"Take the couch." His voice dropped an octave, the rasp his words held caused a shiver to run across her body, leaving goosebumps in its wake. And with a defeated sigh, Casper laid on the couch, making herself comfortable and bringing the extra pillow Rick had handed her close to her chest - something for her to hold onto as she slept, something to comfort her and make her feel safe.
Casper didn't pay much mind to the men or Duane. Instead, she succumbed to the tiredness which weighed her lids, and drifted off into a quick slumber.
Silence had overtaken the room, the faintest sounds of crickets could be heard and... them. The monsters of the night, lingering nearby.
Morgan had been watching Rick for a while, and Rick couldn't find it in himself to question why, "Carl — he your son?"
Rick looked at him in surprise, curious as to how he knew his son's name, "well, you – you said his name today."
Understanding flashed across Rick's eyes as he recalled his little 'moment' with Duane, only a few hours prior.
"He's a little younger than your boy."
"And who is he with?"
"His mother, I hope."
Morgan looked confused at that, and to his credit, he had tried to hide it, but Rick had seen through him all too easily.
"Just. The girl," Morgan nodded his head towards the girl splayed out behind Rick's back. Although she had blankets and pillows to delve into, she had somehow found her way to Rick, again.
Casper held onto the pillow Rick had given her, pulling it into her chest as her body curled over it - she slept on her side, her body facing Rick's back. What Rick had only just realised, after Morgan's indications, was that her face was pressed against his back - his bare back.
Rick was still in the blanket he had been made to drag down the stairs, but he had let his grip loosen when he had taken his place on his makeshift bed. And now, somehow, Casper had found herself pressed up against him in a similar way to how he had been when he had first woken up here.
A ghost of a smile made its way onto Rick's face, but he shook himself out of his stupor, looking back towards Morgan, hoping he did not notice his lapse of attemtion.
"Who is she?"
Rick didn't know what to say, he only knew her name and from how confused she had seemed after she had woken up in that hospital room it seemed she only knew the same.
She had been oddly calm for someone who had woken up to a mind full of lost memories, but considering she also had a bag full of weapons in her reach, it would not be fair to underestimate her capabilities.
Casper. She had a fire to her, courage - she had leapt at the opportunity to help him. Whether it was because she had feared being alone or because she did not want him to be.
Casper joined him on his ventures, joined him at his side to help him do whatever it was he needed to feel right, to feel whole.
Casper Graham was a strange woman, an echo of her old self. A ghost.
But Casper was the first person to offer him help, offer him comfort, offer him solidarity.
It was as if God had decided that he could not complete this task alone, as though he needed someone by his side. And He had chosen her.
Casper seemed confident they would find his son, his family. And he knew, just from the fire that sparked in her eyes, she planned to stick to every promise she had made - spoken aloud or held in her heart.
Casper Graham was his, from the moment he had found her in the hospital bed. From the moment she had opened her eyes and stared into his.
It just seemed that she would not be his in the way most people expected. The way he expected?
But he had her, and she had him. And that was okay. Because they were lost together, and they would find their way together.
They would find Carl and he would be safe.
"She's mine. Has been since I met her."
Rick's voice had deepened at the confession, a sense of possessiveness and protectiveness leaking into his words as he spoke what he believed to be true.
Morgan regarded Rick for a moment longer, taking in the sight of emotions that rampaged through his eyes - a window into the inner turmoil he faced.
Casper was not the mother of his child, nor was she his wife - if Rick's ring was anything to go by. But she was important to him, despite the fact he may have only just met her.
Morgan was confused about their relationship to one another. Despite being strangers, they had already formed a steady-growing bond. One he was sure would be put to challenge if Rick went through with his words and continued to search for his son.
The question was, now that they had found him and Duane - would Casper still feel the need to follow Rick?
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marjaystuff · 5 days
Guest Review: Double Tap by Cindy Dees
Double Tap by Cindy Dees has an action-packed plot with riveting characters.  Her heroine, Helen Warwick, can best be described as a soon-to-be senior citizen, female version of Mitch Rapp. This story combines a thriller, having two spies going after each other, with a mystery, a serial killer who tortures and kills women. 
“Helen can be described as a soon-to-be senior citizen female Mitch Rapp. He is one of my absolute favorite authors.  Part of why is because he is not afraid to have bad things happen.  I find his books fascinating thought processes involving the ‘what if.’ He pulls the trigger on stories and allows them to be challenging, ugly, or difficult. He will put his characters through things, which takes real courage as a writer, carrying through the repercussions. He still delivered stories that were satisfying and had good triumph over evil in the end. For me, any thriller must have good triumphing over evil and mysteries must have justice triumphing over crime.”
The book opens at a DC press conference. Helen has decided to support her three children, Mitch, Peter, and Jayne, which is why she is attending the news conference playing the elderly mother. Mitch is the acting district attorney for Washington D.C. and is announcing his candidacy for the permanent position. As Mitch steps up to the microphone, she sees the ominous green light of a gun laser fixed on her son’s head. She pushes the would-be assassin out of the way and saves her son’s life.
“Her reflexes are not quite as sharp, not as fast, and she does not see a lot of respect for elders. She is resentful that her children have tried to placate her.  She lost her job because of her age. Wisdom comes with age and experience. She is frustrated that her wisdom is being tossed out.  Helen sees some sexism in that her handler, Yosef, who is the same age as hers, is put at a desk for his wisdom, while she is tossed out. I wanted to show how in the workplace and maybe with society at large older people are taken for granted. Helen is not quite an elder, but not young. She is in the frustrating middle ground because people do not give her enough credit. She does use her age by dressing old and greying her hair.  Helen figures that since she cannot fight it, she will lean into it. She must prove repeatedly that she is competent.”  
While investigating who wanted to hurt her son, she is approached by her former boss, James Wagner, Director of the CIA, about returning to work for one more mission. The mission is to find the man named Scorpius who has been a deep undercover mole working for and with the Russian FSB for over a decade. Resentful of Wagner because he had told her that after thirty years of service, she was too old to continue and must retire. But being a patriot and protective of her family, Helen reluctantly agrees to rejoin the CIA and lead a team looking for the mole because her family is being threatened figuratively and literally. The plot then becomes a cat and mouse game pitting Helen against Scorpius.
Scorpius and the serial killer are both hunters, smart, organized, observant, careful, stealthy, and sociopaths. Sociopathy is a spectrum. The more organized they are the more manipulative and subtle they are. There are three sociopaths in this book.  Danny, the son is very disorganized, impulsive, with not much control. Scorpius is a charismatic sociopath, goal-driven, disciplined, and can contain his violence and anti-social behavior.”
The novel is shocking at times, emotionally charged, and pulse-pounding. There is plenty of danger, violence, and intrigue. Readers will be on the edge of their seats as they turn the pages.
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hsboss · 6 months
What would you do if your wife looked you in the face to tell you the man that raped her does it multiple times better than you?
I have been settling a fight between a couple (names withheld and replaced) who were robbed and raped. Ben and Cinďy have been married for more about 13 years without a child. They have carried out several medical tests and nothing seemed to be wrong with either of them. They even visited spiritual homes, yet no solution. The families of the Ben has not made things easier for Cindy as they have threatened fire and brimstone if Cindy do not give them a grandchild. Then this happened.
Here's the husband's narration:
"Armed robbers broke into our house. After robbing, the lead robber asked his boys, four in number, to put a gun on my head, pin me down to the wall and make me watch.
He ordered Cindy (my wife) to our matrimonial bed. He pounced on her. Raped her. Ride on her, she struggled at first to let go. Suddenly she stopped struggling, opened her eyes, looked at the robber and grinned.
Moments later she moaned, groaned, twist her waist, rode, pushed so hard in complete harmony and sweating to my dismay.
After the robbers left, it became hard for me to say a word or look at my wife's face for months because of the rape experience. My wife has been moving on as if nothing ever happened. Eventually I found my voice, break the silence and asked my wife what really happened in there on our bed with the robber?"
Listen to their conversation:
Cindy: "Why are you behaving like a child. I can't continue to baby sit a full grown adult! I am the one who should feel more hurt. We're not only robbed, I was raped."
Ben: "Did you call that rape?"
Cindy: "What else is it. What would you rather have me called it? What would you have done or have me do in that situation, especially at gunpoint, do you want them to kill you?"
Ben: "Rape in deed. Who was doing the killing You or them? You that was busy having a nice time, pumping, grinding so hard, enjoying yourself and having a swelled time with you call 'that rape'?"
Cindy: Very angry she replied, "why won't I, when he does it better than you? You can't even do it half as good as him." She immediately reached out into her bag, brought out a piece of paper and tossed it to Ben. It was a medical diagnostic report.
Hearing this my jaw dropped and pen fell off my hand. Please can someone help me settle this fight with a worthy advise. At this point, I don't envy my counselling table.
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docrotten · 2 years
CAT’S EYE (1985) – Episode 218 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Forget the cat, you hemorrhoid! Get the gun!” Yeah! Get your priorities straight! Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they take in another portmanteau, especially for your Halloween viewing/listening pleasure, Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye (1985).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 218 – Cat’s Eye (1985)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Synopsis: A stray cat attempting to find a little girl in trouble is the linking element of three tales of suspense and horror. In “Quitters, Inc.”: the cat is picked up by a shady New York City “doctor” who uses experimental techniques to get people to quit smoking. In “The Ledge”: the cat is picked up by a shady Atlantic City millionaire who forces his wife’s lover to participate in a terrifying bet. In “The General”: the cat arrives in Wilmington, North Carolina, where it is found by the young girl it has been sent to protect from an unbelievable threat.
  Director: Lewis Teague
Writer: Stephen King (screenplay); 
(Based on stories by) Stephen King 
“Quitters Inc.,” Night Shift (1978)
“The Ledge,” Penthouse, July 1976; Night Shift (1978)
Creatures created by: Carlo Rambaldi
Selected Cast:
“Quitters Inc.”
James Woods as Dick Morrison
Alan King as Dr. Vinny Donatti 
Mary D’Arcy as Cindy Morrison
Drew Barrymore as Alicia Morrison
Tony Munafo as Junk
James Rebhorn as Drunk Businessman at Party
“The Ledge” 
Kenneth McMillan as Cressner
Robert Hays as Johnny Norris
Mike Starr as Ducky
Charles S. Dutton as Dom (as Charles Dutton)
Jesse Doran as Albert
Patricia Kalember as Marcia
Drew Barrymore as Girl on TV
“The General”
Candy Clark as Sally Ann
James Naughton as Hugh
Drew Barrymore as Amanda
If you’ve listened to even a few Decades of Horror 1980s episodes, you know that Bill is a very serious cat person, so it should come as no surprise that an anthology featuring a cat coming to the rescue is his choice for this episode. He liked Stephen King’s original short stories that makeup two of the three segments in Cat’s Eye, and as a mid-level Stephen King production, it holds up very well and he still enjoys it.
Crystal remembers loving Cat’s Eye as a kid and even looking up to Drew Barrymore. She remembers it being scarier through a kid’s eyes but in the end, it’s a feel-good movie with the cat finding his “forever home.” She agrees with Bill that the movie doesn’t seem dated at all and has held up very well. Jeff agrees with Crystal. To him, Cat’s Eye seems milder than he remembers, but he still enjoys it as an example of a well-shot movie with good storytelling and a great cast.
If you have a hankering to watch an anthology film, you won’t go wrong with Cat’s Eye. At the time of this writing, Cat’s Eye can be streamed from HBOmax, Tubi, and a host of PPV options. It is available on physical media as a Blu-ray from Warner Brothers.
For reviews of other Stephen King-based movies, check out these Decades of Horror podcasts:
CARRIE (1976) — Episode 42 — Decades Of Horror 1970s
SALEM’S LOT (1979) — Episode 69 — Decades Of Horror 1970s
THE SHINING (1980) – Episode 125 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
THE DEAD ZONE (1983) – Episode 153 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
CHRISTINE (1983) – Episode 110 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
CREEPSHOW (1982) — Episode 94 — Decades Of Horror 1980s
CREEPSHOW (1982) – Episode 149 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
CHILDREN OF THE CORN (1984) – Episode 187 – Decades of Horror 1980s
MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE (1986) – Episode 140 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal, will be Sleepaway Camp (1983). Yes, that one.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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despairots · 2 years
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𖥦 ˖⁩ ࣪ ִֶָ what happens if a gunslinger met another gunslinger who’s gun is more highly advanced.
★ ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) › prompto x gn!reader — fluff , dragon raja au
not my best one but i’ve been busy so i won’t be able to write long ones for now, don’t worry i’m not leaving and there will be a pt. 2
tw:: guns
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“woah… who’s that?” i asked admiring the person who was beside cindy, “hm? i heard they name is y/n, i did some research on them before, they from a place that got destroyed a few years ago called black swan bay.” ignis answered as i continued to stare at them.
i looked away as they turned around almost catching my stares, they smiled before turning back to talking to cindy, “ah! there they are!” cindy exclaimed dragging the h/c person over, “this is y/n! they’ve been here for awhile but had to leave because of a mission!” cindy explained.
“hi…” they waved with a nervous smile, “greetings, i’m ignis, this is noctis, gladio, and prompto.” ignis introduced as they smiled, “prompto’s are photographer.” i tensed up when ignis bought that up. “hm? really! may i see them?” they asked walking up to me, “u-uh, sure- their in the car, i’ll go get them.” i stuttered, i saw in the corner of my eyes noct smirking.
i playfully glared at him making him roll his eyes before chuckling, i gave the camera to them, “here.” they smiled, clicking through the pictures as we leaned against regalia. “these are nice, prompto, thank you.” they handed the camera back, “n-no problem.” stop stuttering, prompto.
“hm?” i noticed a thing floating beside their head before they pushed it away, “sorry, i have to go, gotta head back to cassel college.” cindy crossed her arms, “caeser? isn’t it?” “yeah, he won’t stop bickering.” y/n rubbed their hair, the floating thing beside them forming into a motorcycle. they turned to us, “you guys wanna come or?” they asked as i nodded my head with excitement.
they smiled hopping onto their motorcycle, “then get into your car.” we did what they said before waving goodbye to cindy as ignis followed y/n, “do you guys wanna take a short cut?!” they yelled as i saw a smirk appear on their face, “sure?” noctis yelled back making y/n nod before a portal appeared in front of us as we saw the place called cassel collage.
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“welcome to cassel collage!” they introduced, a lot of people waving at y/n. “you guys can wander but not to far, i gotta go talk to somebody-“ they got cut off when a siren went off, “what? why now!” they cussed underneath their breath before two gun appeared in their hand.
“sorry but i gotta take care of something! you guys go help people evacuate!” “we can help!” prompto refused as noctis nodded, y/n hesitated before nodding, “only two of you! two of you guys go help the civilians evacuate!” ignis and gladio nodded before running off, “you guys ready?” they asked before a snarl— no, multiple snarls was heard infont of them.
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“that was… awesome!” prompto exclaimed as the civilians cheered, y/n was panting, wiping off the blood they puked, “i like how your cheerful from the experience.” they pointed out before passing out, “y/n! ah! i told you not overwork yourself.” a red head came in, catching the fainting person.
“hehe, sorry.” they coughed up more blood before relaxing a bit, noctis was chatting with ignis before they saw the h/c person faint, “what happened?” the red head shook her head, “they have a condition where they cough up blood if they overwork themselves.” she explained, carrying the said person up, “i’m NoNo.” they said before leaving.
prompto still concerned, he wandered to the trio, “can they come with us on are roadtrip? please..” prompto begged as noctis scratched their head, “uh, i guess. they seem trustworthy.” noctis agreed leaving gladio wide mouthed at how easily noctis could agree. prompto cheered.
“you’re joking, right?” noctis shook his head before shrugging, “i’m not.” gladio facepalmed at his friend idiotic actions, guess the last thing to do is to get an answer from y/n who was currently going through hell.
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jinxthequeergirl · 3 years
For Those You Lost
Simon Kalivoda x reader
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Summary: you are forced to mourn for your friends and loved ones, and when you are given the chance to exact revenge, you don't hesitate.
Warning: SPOILERS FOR FEAR STREET 1666 basic horror violence, death, swearing, Implied that Heather was the Readers Older sister.
Consider this a short sequel to "As The World Caves in" in which i change the narritive so the reader is the one exacting revenge on Nick Goode
You Wish you would have just died that night, even wishing you would have died in the hospital. Instead you where walking around while not only your sister but best friend person you loved where all dead.
Now you where expected to give a speech in front of the whole student body.
It was all fake, the Sunnyvaleiers didn't give a rats ass about your family and friends, they didn't care that you lost the first person you said "I love you too."
No. They where just there because they had to be.
Walking up to the podium seemed to move in slow motion, as everyones eyes followed you, some bored, some annoyed, others not even paying attention. Not a single one shared a mournful look with you.
"Hello fellow ShadySide students and Staff, and hello Sunnyvale." You started having to clear your throat to get rid of the tears that theatened to spill after catching a glimps of Simons Photo in the back.
"We are here today to mourn the loss of three people, Some of you knew them...most...didn't their names where Heather, My...sister,Kate and...And Simon...My bestfriends..." You looked up feom your crumpled note book paper and out intonthe sea of bored highschoolers.
Why hadn't you died that night?
Why hadn't you died in that hospital bed?
Why where you the one standing at that potium?
Why did you have to find the right things to say about your dead friends and family, When no one there would ever really know the truth?
You froze the thought of Simons face right before he sacrificed himself for you flashing through your mind.
"I can't do this..." You muttered.
You crumpled up the paper throwing it somewhere and storming off, brushing officer Goodes hands off of you as you did so.
That night seemed so far away, now your blood boiled more as you stepped on the gas of The stolen cop car after hearing what Deena had just discovered. "Y/n! Slow Down!" Josh warned.
"Y/n..." Deena said softly putting her hand on your shoulder. "We're gonna stop him." She said in a soft confident voice. "Damn right." You said slowing down just enough to not get the three of you killed, but kept going fast enough to reach Ziggy and Devise a plan.
In the mall the five of you worked hastily to set up the trap for Goode, Ziggy glanced up at you ever now and then before finally coming up beside you.
"I'm assuming you two where close?"
You glanced up at her before quickly looking back down to tie the knot you'd been working on. "Yea...you know...mom was...well it was complicated...Heather...Heather took care of everything for me....I...being alone with our mom now..." Ziggy placed a hand on your shoulder. "I get that..Listen If we make it out of this...and you ever need someone...I Wouldn't mind the company."
She nodded, before you could say anything Josh called out too you. "They're here!" Everyone turned to the doors seeinv the nightwing killer come in hastily. You caught sight of the axe in his hand and stared for a moment.
Ziggy grabbed your hand and pulled you behind her to hide. "Ready?" She asked.
You nodded and ran to your battle station.
Everything was going fine, the plan was working you felt confident This would work You Felt like Fred Jones or some shit.
Then he grabbed Ziggy, staining her Sweater With Deenas Blood making her a Target. "Fuck..." You looked over to Josh who shook his head no at you knowing what you where about to do.
You ignored him and took off sprinting across the mall floor to the two of them tackling them to the ground. "Run Ziggy! Run!" You Yelled As Goode now wrestled you.
You gabbed your elbow into his stab wound, causing him to cry out and let you go. You got up running to Ziggy and Josh waving you to them. you barely dodged the skull mask killer ripping the sleeve of your neon stained shirt as you slid under the store gate.
He crashed against it wiggling it attempting to get to you.
"Here have it!" You yelled pulling the hoodie off and sliding it under the gate.
"You ok?"
"Yea..." You panted watching Nick Goode run to an Exit door, Deena Not to far behind. "That shit, I'm going after them." You said.
"Hang on." Ziggy said. "You can't just go out there...they might try to stop you." She said gesturing to the swarm of killers.
"I'm not just letting her go alone!"
Everyone went quiet. "I have an Idea." Martin spoke up eyeing the water guns you carried.
"Hey!" Josh yelled catching the killers attention.
He pumped the water gun before shooting them, ziggy and martin joined him, with in seconds they turned to eachother and started attacking. "That should buy everyone some time." Josh said to you.
"Stay Alive!' You yelled before Taking off in the direction Deena went stopping to stoop down and yank the Night wing killers Axe from the ground.
You followed a trail off blood down the hall and around the corner. "Deena?" She jumped turning to you, ready to stab you. "What are you doing!? Go back!" She said taking your newly obtained weapon.
"No! No way!" You said.
"Listen Ever since the other night I can't help but feel like...like I should be dead too...I Wish I had Died On that Floor with Simon." You choked rubbing away tears. "But... Simon...Simon Sacrificed himself to make sure I was Still Alive And Goode? He killed my Fucking sister...he killed simon." You took the Axe back from Deena.
"So I'm coming with, And I'm going to make sure he gets what he Fucking deserves. " You bit out.
She stared at you for a moment before nodding.
"Then Lets Kill this Asshole." She said with a affirming look. You gripped the axe tightly in your hands as you followed behind her through the tunnled.
"Goode!" She yelled hoping to scare him out from whatever hole he was hiding in.
You stopped nudging her to show her the bloody hand print on the walls
"Where the hell are you coward?"
Something jumped out from the dark taking deena down. "Sam!" She cried as sam attempted to stangle her. You tried to pull the girl off but failed, something caught the corner of your eye. "Y/n...Goode...Go!"
You grabbed the axe and took off after him you got close enough to swing at his legs knocking him down. "Wait wait please..."
"Begging? You think I'm gonna show you mercy?" You asked pinning him down with your foot. "Did you show mercy to my sister? To my friend?" The man babbled hoping to find a way out of this.
"Thats what i thought." You raised the axe and brought it down on his chest.
"This is for Heather you fucking Dick!" "Cindy Berman, Sam and kate!" You cried chopping at him with each name.
You gripped it even tighter before bringing it down on him one more time "For Simon."
You stood above him panting making sure he was gone before you heard coughing. "Sam...Deena..." You ran back to where you left them and found them hugging. "It worked?"
Deena looked up at you with teary eyes. "It worked."
"Good...good lets get the fuck outta here." You said pulling both of them up.
That night seemed like a blur really, it still hurt not having the comfort of your sister or simon around.
But Ziggy was there for you like she promised.
"Hey, I have something for you." Ziggy said as you entered the door of her house.
"What is it?" You asked dropping your bag.
"Deena dropped it off, she wanted to give it to you but she had to get going."
She held out a red hoodie to you. "Where...how did..."
You took it from her holding it up. "She wanted me to tell you it was of course washed, like a lot." She laughed. You pulled it on wrapping it around yourself, it didn't smell like him anymore but that was ok.
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
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ok i saw this cap of zoë kravitz in hf and she's got such a dreamy expression, she looks so deeply self-absorbed and infatuated by whatever she's imagining and those lines. and i couldn't stop picturing billy exactly like that for days so,
There’s a pretty unusual sound coming off the house when Max comes back home, that summer afternoon.
Full volume. Walls shaking. And she quietly walks to the source of the sound, holding back her breath right in front of Billy's room because, there's this second sound? Stranger and way more unsettling and Max's not sure-sure at first but then Steve Perry’s voice takes off and Billy’s follows it and then he's like, singing along and. Well. Max did know Billy liked Journey but not like, their 'stuff for pussies' but uhm, he does, apparently. Rasps his voice all the way through ‘Faithfully’. Kind of, sighs. Longingly? When it ends? But pfff, ok, big brothers are weird. Definitely weirder after being possessed and then kind of resurrected. Even if it's in a good-weird way but, whatever. So Max's just about to sneak to her room, dutifully rolling her eyes, steps muffled by the first chords of 'Edge of the blade' when―
Click. Click. Billy stops the tape. Click. Takes it out. Tap. Tap. Click. Puts on― Billy puts. On,
Bryan Adams’ Heaven.
And Max―
Being a younger sister is a meticulous kind of full-time, private detective job. You gotta learn how the person you’ve been watching so carefully for years and years works. Hafta develop some sort of―sense about your target. And Billy’s been—un-Billy-like? These past two months. Smiling more. Telling more jokes. Playing ‘You shook me all night long’ in a loop on their drive to school and back, not complaining at all but even joining when’s Max who can’t help but sing along so.
So. She retraces her steps. Knocks. Takes the distracted grunt she gets as a ‘Yeahyeah, c’mon in c’mon in’ and,
Creak. Creak. ‘―baby you’re all that I want’
Billy’s sitting cross-legged on the floor. Radio close to his knees. Cassettes scattered everywhere. Piles and piles of breakwater surrounding Billy’s old, rusty beacon of sound. He’s reading through the song-list of one of the tapes, a smoke locked on the corner of his mouth, bouncing up and down with every little, absent suck he takes, and he looks. He looks―
Self-absorbed and even. Relaxed. Happy. Like whatever he’s thinking about right now is actually carrying his thoughts away to fucking heaven.
‘When you’re lying here in my arms!’
“Billy are you. What―” ‘I'm findin' it hard to believe. We're in heaven’ “What are you doing?”
But there’s this orbit around the sun and then there’s whatever one Billy's been spinning along with the last couple of months so he completely ignores her question. Shakes the tape on his left hand. Picks another one from the pile on his right. Asks her.
“Is Billy Ocean too much? ‘Cause I think it’s too much. But it kind of fits into what I'm trying to say so” he says, shrugs, looking up at Max and waiting for the answer of what she realizes was not really a question. Not at all. So she does her little sister job and just, nods “Right. That’s good. I think it’ll slide just nicely into Bruce Springsteen and―”
“Billy” Max insists, waiting for the charm of the third time to work. It doesn’t. Not really. But keeps Billy's eyes on her long enough to squeeze an “A mixtape?” And, uh. That’s what gets it on. The charm “Are you making a mixtape?”
And it’s like Max just shook Billy out of a daydream. Ash plopping down from his cigarette as his lips try but can’t purse and Max― she’s good. She’s stellar at this detective thing. Recognizes an opening the moment she sees it, right there in front of her, frozen in the middle of shaking Billy Ocean and Bruce Springsteen in the air right before cocktailing them together. Shaken, not stirred, please. Max’s upgraded to James Bond-level just right now.
“You’re making a mixtape for someone”
“But you didn’t have those tapes before. Not even in your secret stash”
“How do yo―?”
“Holy. ShIT. You’ve been listening to somebody else’s music” This is. Oh, God. This. Is. GOLD. Max gotta take a moment. Blink. Breathe. Process. Her hands move by themselves, palms spread toward Billy in a wait-a-minute kind of gesture except. Max’s gonna need way more than a minute for this “You’ve accepted a music recommendation”
“Gosh, you’ve even listened to the tapes enough to. Make―”
“I just can’t believe it”
And Max was glad. Well. As glad as one can be. Bunch weeks ago. Her mom and Neil out for the day. Coming back home a little earlier than she usually does to hear those ugh. Those other noises. Happy screams. Again. After months and months of Billy being basically alone except for her and the party and Steve. And Max’s so glad, of course she is. But she’s also a little sister. And all this investigation work has a high, rightful purpose.
Make her big brother’s life a living. Hell.
“Oh my god, you must be so gone!” Max brings her hands to her mouth. Takes a deep, deep breath that’s more a poorly restrained giggle. Shoots her index at him “Is it Bon Jovi? What I’m seeing right there? Goddam, Billy are you in lo―”
Bam. Bam!
The front door.
What a way to spoil the fun. Max doesn’t have time for this. She’s working.
“BILLY?” comes a voice from the other side “Billy are you in there?”
What a way to make the fun a hundred times better.
She’s starting to move to get to the door, sinsonging “Well, I guess Steve’s gonna find out you’re so stupid in love you’re willingly listening to―” when she realizes Billy’s eyes have widened and he’s jerkingly trying to unfreeze, he’s mumbling something in around his already extinguished cigarette in the ways of “Can’t” and “Find out” and “Surprise” and “Fucking help me!” While literally trying to shove the huge mass of tapes under his bed, his tone like hurryhurryhurry!, like he would start gagging and throwing his lungs out at any given minute, so nervous he looks.
So Max doesn’t go for the door. Yet. She basks in the enjoyment.
“Oh, is it a secret romance or something?” She sighs happily, leaning against the doorframe instead. “‘Cause you look pretty worried”
Steve’s banging the door now, voice wavering a little as he asks-shouts “Billy? Billy answer me! Hey, bab―Are you ok?”
“Max, please” Billy begs. Begs. Crawling over to where a Madonna’s Like a virgin is laying with the tape looping slightly out “He really can’t find out”
“What? That you’re in lo-o-oh-oh-OH―”
Billy stops at the tone, right there on his knees. Spits his forgotten cig to the side. And in the instant it seems to take him to make up his mind they both can hear Steve shout “Ok. I know you’re in there!. I’m coming in now!!”
“Fuck! Yeah. I am. Ok?” he looks like he just realized he’s tripped. Blushes. “Making it, I mean”
And Ohhhhhhh.
“Steve,” Max gasps. Because. Hear it makes it like. Easier. To process “You. And Steve”
B A M!
“Yeah, Max, Yeah. And this is a fucking surprise and he’s gonna―”
‘I've been waitin' for so long. For somethin' to arrive. For love to come along’
Ok. Oh. Okok.
“Door!” Max hastens him.
“You. Door. Run!” She commands, and Billy― sometimes Max can’t honestly understand how he's got the grades he's got, because Billy blinks, looks clueless “C’mon slow ass. Hurry! I’ll hide all this shit”
And Billy finally gets it. Nods. Slow. Then fast. Stumbles up. Literally runs, to get to the door.
Max still gets to hear his labored “Fuck, pretty boy. “That was really hardcore of you. That's how bad you wanted to see me?” And Steve's own breathless “Really?” Before pushing Billy's room door close with her back, and kneeling on the floor to check for stray, incriminating cassettes.
Pretty boy. Maybe Max isn't as clever as she thought she is. Or hasn’t been doing her job right, clearly.
It's when she’s making ‘It’s a kind of magic’ disappear into the rest of the pile that she lays eyes on it. The case. The J-card written almost all the way down to the B-side already. A mixture of songs Billy's heard so many times there are parts where his tapes screech, and others she'd bet her life he wouldn’t have deigned to listen to. Not ever. Definitely not because―no, for, somebody. Bowie and Cher and Cindy Lauper and Bob Seger right next to Metallica and Guns n' Roses and Meatloaf and― there. There. Almost hidden in the back of the spine. A note. A tiny, thin-lettered thing Max really, really shouldn't be reading but―
‘Thanks for driving me back.
Love. Billy’
But. That's what little sisters do too, she guesses. Intrude. Annoy. Snoop. Feel this sudden rush of relief. Of happiness. When Billy laughs softly, on the other side of the door. When Steve laughs back. Maybe a tear. Or two. But just maybe. She’s really good at this little sister thing, after all.
Hopes for stellar.
or: that post s3 where steve lets a camaro-less billy drive him around in his own car "really? again, hargrove?" almost every single day, for months, after he comes back, because "you’re gonna perpetually stick yourself to my ass at least let me do the one thing that frikin’ calms me down" which results in steve resigning himself to deejaying in the shotgun even if "jesus, what's that shit, harrington?" "my car, my rules, sweetheart" which results in billy developing a ‘songs steve harrington is in love with’ mental playlist, realizing he’s probably a little bit in love with the way he loves them and, possibly, a little much love with steve and then stealing steve's tapes one day and,
making a mixtape about it.
(the first of a whole lot, of love letters)
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fighterkimburgess · 3 years
Your CPD/Halloween post has made me smile a lot today. The absolute swoonworthiness (is it a word? who cares?) of Kev as Bond! The cuteness of the Burzeks and of Hailey carrying a plushie T-Rex around! Trudy in Mouch's uniform *chef's kiss* though Herrmann would get to boss her around only in his dreams 🤣 However, imagine the levels of badassery of Stella+Trudy on truck! Do you have any ideas about the good folks of 51 for Halloween too? :)
...oh yes. Yes I Do. SO MANY IDEAS. Surprisingly only one couples costume, but it's PERFECT.
Sylvie Brett is Halloween fucking personified. She loves it. If she's working that night she wears one of those headbands that makes it look like you've been stabbed in the head. If she's not working, she goes all out. I see her as book characters. Growing up she went as Dawn from the Babysitters Club four years running. This year, she's Amy March from Little Women. She tried to convince Stella to be Jo, but she refused.
Matt doesn't really get it, so he normally just wears a mask or something. If he's made to dress up he'll go for the easiest costume of all time, a Secret Service Agent. It's a dark suit and sunglasses, his hair slicked back. Herrmann banned him from the costume after three years running attending the Molly's costume party in it.
Stella and Kelly are Evelyn and Richard from The Mummy. I will take no arguments here, they are the perfect ones for them. Stella goes all out in a flowy dress and thick eyeliner with her curls everywhere, and Kelly loves that it's an easy enough costume for him. They win the couples costume contest.
Herrmann does a costume with his kids every year until Lee Henry got too old to do it. Now it's only the two youngest that will, but this year they're crayons. Cindy thinks it's fucking adorable and it kept the kids occupied building the costume themselves, even if it was a massive mess.
Mouch is Elvis. I have no idea why, but I SEE IT. I see it so, so clearly. Big puffy wig, white suit, swinging his hips. Trudy makes a comment that on the surface is innocuous but is actually filthy, making Kim Burgess spit out her drink. Mouch and Trudy leave surprisingly early.
Cruz decides it's his first year as a dad, he's Homer Simpson. He gets laughed at by Capp and Tony for the idea, but it means he has an easy costume with a baby in the house. Chloe uses a hot glue gun and pipe cleaners to make the hair that they sock glue to his head.
Violet ropes Ritter and Gallo into being the three musketeers. She yells "en garde!" a lot, especially the drunker she gets. Gallo follows her with puppy dog eyes, Ritter asks Herrmann for advice when there's too much sexual tension between people who aren't dating. Herrmann just laughs and reminds him of when Kelly and Stella split up, and the far too long time before Matt and Sylvie got together.
Capp is the genie from Aladdin. He uses body paint to turn himself entirely blue, but when he's washing it all off in the shower he misses a spot on the back of his head. Nobody in work tells him until someone they're rescuing spots it and screams.
Tony doesn't enjoy dressing up, so he insists he's a lumberjack. He gets to wear his own clothes, he has a plastic axe, nobody really complains too much that he hasn't dressed up. He's the one who helped Capp get the back of his head covered in blue, and is also the one who refused to point out that the blue was still there the next day.
Oh man this is long!
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holy shit it DID NOT get better. and i have to ask....do u really find tommy attractive? there was one moment near the end where hes running towards zig n cindy under the hanging tree but im inclined to believe thats more to do w my thing for axe murderers than him specifically. okay so, i really liked 1978 too, but just a bit less bc a) there was only one character i liked as much as simon kate n josh (alice) and b) 1994 had this constant checkovs gunning, where everything would be referred back to, which did carry on into this one but less so? i love the setting more than 1994 though bc who doesnt love the 80s and the 80s summer camp being terrorized by a killer? fucking rad. the gore was good and there were some fucking brutal kills, joan n gary agshdghja. its also fun cause ive found myself in very similar circumstances to zig n cindy n its always fun to see urself reflected back. gonna watch 1666 after work but from the teaser it looks fucking cool as shit!
Do I really find Tommy-
Also, I'm glad you seemed to like it and it's cool if you preferred 1994 it has some really good lighting and it's a really good start to the series so I get it!! Also, I really love Alice so I'm glad you liked her!!! Lmk what you thought of 1666!!!
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bookclub4m · 2 years
Episode 143 - Amish Romance
You voted for it, so this episode we’re talking about Amish Romance! (Just in time for Valentine's Day!) We discuss romance, sex, chasteness, cultural appropriation, bonnet rippers, and terrible pies!
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards | Tillie Yoder
Things We Read (or tried to…)
The Amish Widow's Secret by Cheryl Williford
The Coffee Corner by Amy Clipston
Made with Love by Tricia Goyer and Sherry Gore
An Amish Christmas Quilt by Jennifer Beckstrand, Charlotte Hubbard, and Kelly Long
Between You and Me by Susan Wiggs
Other Media We Mentioned
The Dawn of Christmas: A Romance from the Heart of Amish Country by Cindy Woodsmall
Snowfall by Shelley Shepard Gray
Christmas at Rose Hill Farm: An Amish Love Story by Suzanne Woods Fisher
Little Fish by Casey Plett
Amish Vampires in Space by Kerry Nietz 
A Forbidden Rumspringa by Keira Andrews
Amish Christmas Baby Gone by Samantha Price 
An Amish Husband for Tillie by Amy Lillard
"Weird" Al Yankovic - Amish Paradise
Protector of the Realm by Gun Brooke (lesbian spacestation captain romance)
Justice League of America: The Nail by Alan Davis and Mark Farmer
Kim Luna und der Fluch des Wiedertäufers by Dietmar Krüger
PunisherMAX, Vol. 1: Kingpin by Jason Aaron and Steve Dillon
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen
Thrill of the Chaste: The Allure of Amish Romance Novels by Valerie Weaver-Zercher
Podcast Links
Just Plain Wrong Podcast
A Non-Euphemistic Barn Raising: A Discussion on Forbidden Rumspringa
Gendered Burping: A Book Discussion on An Amish Husband for Tillie
Bishop Better: A Discussion on Amish Christmas Baby Gone
The Pacifist Vampire Soul Dilemma: Three Books about Amish Vampires & Mennonite Assassins
Podcasters Panel: A Glimpse Behind the Microphone
Down Time with Cranston Public Library
93 - Is Wordle a Video Game?
Book Club for Masochists: 
Episode 061 - Romance Fiction
Episode 070 - Erotic Romance
Episode 119 - Regency Romance
Links, Articles, and Things
Anabaptism (Wikipedia)
Amish romance (Wikipedia)
Pennsylvania Dutch language (Wikipedia)
Hutterite German (Wikipedia)
Long s (Wikipedia)
Rumspringa (Wikipedia)
Why do the Amish practice shunning?
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books
Pyrex (Wikipedia)
15 Religious Romance books by Authors of Colour
Every month Book Club for Masochists: A Readers’ Advisory Podcasts chooses a genre at random and we read and discuss books from that genre. We also put together book lists for each episode/genre that feature works by POC (People of Colour) authors. All of the lists can be found here.
The Someday List by Stacy Hawkins Adams
The One Who Rocked Away by Joanna Alonzo
Courting Samira by Amal Awad
The Summer of Me by Angela Benson
Everybody Say Amen by ReShonda Tate Billingsley
Sunny G's Series of Rash Decisions by Navdeep Singh Dhillon
Passing by Samaria by Sharon Ewell Foster
The Preacher's Promise by Piper Huguley
Hana Khan Carries On by Uzma Jalaluddin
Sunday Brunch by Norma L. Jarrett
Bring on the Blessings by Beverly Jenkins
Forbidden by Faith by Negeen Papehn
She Wore Red Trainers by Na'ima B. Robert
In Search of a Prince by Toni Shiloh
Sushi for One? by Camy Tang
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, February 15th when we’ll be discussing “What is a book?”
Then on Tuesday, March 1st when we’ll be discussing the genre of Anthropology Non-Fiction!
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wilting-carnation · 3 years
so like....Tommy and the wee band of misfits(Arnie, Alice and Cindy)
what if Nurse Lane had an assistant that helped her with the whole curse thing and were investigating it along with her. But the assistant knew someone from one of the other attacks like possibly a descendant of a survivor that just “disappeared” of course they were being a little detective and whatnot. That scene where the misfits break into Lane’s office when her assistant comes in mumbling to themselves or talking to the descendant on the telly about the whole curse and their smoking(cause who wouldn’t get stressed out about the curse) the misfits are hiding at this point trying to find a way out. Either the assistant knows someone was there because the book is gone or because of a noise that was made. So the assistant pulls out a gun and tells them that they better come out before they find them y’know all like “by the count of 10 if you don’t come out we can go through with this little came of hide n seek.” When was hide n seek even invented?!! I mean who wouldn’t carry around a weapon with the weird stuff that be happing in Shadyside or just to threaten some stuck up Sunnyvalers
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corie-the-writer · 4 years
Won’t Let Go - Prologue
Summary: Sophia Herrmann arrives back to Chicago after a long four years away. Wanting to keep her past a secret and struggling to find her passion, what happens when her past decides to pay her a visit refusing to let things die? Will the charming Detective Jay Halstead help keep the demons at bay, or will the skeletons from the past be too much to handle?
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Sophia Herrmann had a great childhood growing up, raised by great parents, with three younger brothers and one younger sister. Even though Sophia was almost thirty years old, her parents Cindy and Christopher had her when they were extremely young. Growing up around the firehouse, going to church on Sundays, Sophia wanted to explore life once she had graduated college. She wanted to see what the world had to offer her outside of Chicago. 
The deal was that Sophia would graduate college, then take a year off to explore what ever avenue she had wanted. Sophia agreed, got a bachelor's degree in education with a major in art. Instead of going to college in Chicago, Sophia had gotten a scholarship to Purdue University in Indiana.
Once she had graduated, Sophia had went to Chicago for two weeks to spend time with her family, and then set off to Europe for a week vacation, that gave her a chance to backpack through the unfamiliar cities, and once she had gotten back to the states, she had explored different parts of the United States. 
Sophia had met so many people through her time exploring. She had met some of the greatest people she had ever come across, and also had met some people she would have never liked to cross paths with, but she marked each experience as a learning lesson. 
Now being back in Chicago, as much as Sophia had wanted to stay with her parents, there was just not enough room with four younger siblings. With not having enough time to find a place of her own, Christopher and Cindy was allowing her to stay in the apartment above the bar Molly's, that her father had owned. 
The small apartment was filled with different canvases of paintings she had created since being back in her hometown for two weeks. Most of the portraits were of scenes she had seen in her time of traveling. Some vibrant, some dark, each fitting to the different people and experiences she had came across. For the long haired woman, painting and drawing was an outlet. Not ever fully able to express what her heart felt, it came out perfectly through brush and pencil. All Sophia needed was to get the emotions out some how and art was how she did that. 
Since she had been back for almost two weeks without a job, even though she had money saved from different forms of work, mostly through paintings she had sold, she felt like she was useless. She had convinced her father to hire her as a bartender at Molly's. 
Glancing to the clock, seeing that it was going on eight in the evening, Sophia put her paint brush down, needing to get ready for her shift downstairs. 
Taking a quick shower to get the paint off of her, Sophia had washed her hair and body quickly. Once she was done, she wrapped a towel around her body, and then her hair. Using her hand to wipe the fog off the mirror, Sophia began to brush her teeth. Once she had spit the toothpaste out, she had started to apply her make-up for the evening. Applying simple foundation, concealer and contour, Sophia had went with a subtle smoky eye to make her dark blue eyes stand out more. Once she was satisfied with her make-up, she had began to towel dry her dark brown hair, brushed out the tangles, and then grabbed her hair dryer. When it had became dry enough, Sophia tilted her head to pile the hair and secured it into a messy bun at the top of her head. 
Walking out of the small bathroom and to her dresser, Sophia picked a pair of panties and a bra and let the towel drop to put the fabric on. Moving to her closet, Sophia grabbed a pair of distressed black skinny jeans, wiggled them on and then moved to grab a white V-neck shirt, then grabbed a her favorite red flannel to slip on, making sure to roll up the sleeves some. Once she had gotten comfortable in the clothes she had picked, she moved to put on a pair of socks, followed by her black low rise boots. 
Once she had adjusted her clothing, she had sprayed some perfume on, she grabbed her cell phone from her bed and stuffed it into the back pocket of her jeans and headed out the door. 
When she had gotten down to the bar she was surprised to see most of Firehouse 51 already posted up in seats around the bar, and some of Chicago PD filing in through the door. 
"Hey..." Sophia smiled to her father who was behind the bar with Stella Kidd. 
"Hey kid." Christopher smiled back as he was cleaning a few glasses, "Can you work the floor tonight?" Christopher questioned and Sophia gave him a nod. 
Sophia looked around the bar to notice that a lot of people had yet to have drinks on the table, so she had came up with the game plan of starting from the furthest wall and work her way towards the front door. Grabbing her notepad from behind the bar, Sophia had walked back around to hit up the first table. 
"Hey guys..." Sophia smiled to the unfamiliar faces, "What can I get for you?" Sophia questioned. 
"Can we get a round of tequila shots and four house beers?" A red headed man stated. Sophia quickly jotted it down and gave them a nod, "Oh and how about some of them pretzels." He added. 
"Coming up." Sophia smiled as she turned to walk away to fill the tables order. Sophia had quickly worked through the first five tables, making sure that their drinks were filled and then finally landed on the table that held Chief Boden, Kelly Severide, Matt Casey, Sylvie Brett, Kim Burgess and Adam Ruzek. 
"Hey Soph!" Sylvie and Kim greeted her with bright smiles which she automatically returned. 
"Hey guys, what can I get for you?" Sophia questioned to the table as three other men approached, her immediately noticing Kevin Atwater and Hank Voight. 
"Herrmann already got us." Chief Boden smiled kindly, "How are you liking being back in Chicago?" Boden questioned as Sophia noticed a tall light haired man with freckles looking at her as he adjusted in the seat he had pulled up, then turning her attention back to the Chief. 
"It's been great so far, can't really complain." Sophia smiled brightly then turned to the three men who arrived to the table late, "What can I get for you guys?" Sophia questioned.
"Can we just get another round for them too?" Chief Boden questioned causing Sophia to turn her attention to the older man and gave him a nod. 
Sophia had left the table after stealing a glimpse of the light haired man, noticing the badge and gun near his jeans, how the black t-shirt hugged his chest and biceps, and quickly went behind the bar to get the tables drinks. As she was putting the bottles on the tray, Sophia found herself looking up feeling a set of eyes on her and noticed the man's bright blue eyes staring back at her for a moment before Kim Burgess said something to him, causing him to look away. 
"Girl..." Stella Kidd chuckled causing Sophia to bite her bottom lip to keep from laughing, "That's Jay Halstead." Stella commented, "He's a hottie." The dark haired woman playfully elbowed Sophia's side. 
"I don't know what you're even talking about." Sophia joked cluelessly, causing Stella to playfully glare at her as she carried the tray of drinks out from the bar and took it to the table. 
Once Sophia had delivered the drinks to all of the tables, she was now behind the bar helping Stella stock the bars drinks, cleaning the glasses and restocking. Sophia had noticed that Jay Halstead would occasionally steal glances in her direction, softly smiling behind the beer bottle he held. 
As the bar settled, Sophia was leaning against the counter listening to Joe Cruz and Otis talking about different food dishes. Otis was trying to explain to Joe what his favorite Russian dishes were, and Sophia couldn't help but to giggle. 
"You've been to Pizza Hut and gotten a calzone before, right?" Sophia commented after taking a drink of her beer and watched Joe nod his head, "That is basically what a Priozhki is, just so much better!" Sophia explained causing Otis to slam his hand on the counter happily. 
"Finally, someone who gets it!" Otis smiled brightly causing Sophia to laugh, "You went to Russia didn't you?" Otis questioned. 
"For about two days." Sophia commented, "Long enough to eat delicious food, site see and pick up a couple of phrases." 
Otis and Cruz looked in amusement, "Oh boy, here we go..." Cruz mumbled behind his beer bottle, and watched as Otis started speaking in Russian to Sophia. 
Sophia watched in amusement as Otis began to speak fluently in Russian, only being able to pick up a couple of words because of how quickly he spoke. 
"I only got, how are you, did you enjoy Russia and something about night." Sophia commented, noticing that the red headed man was waving for her across the room causing her to roll her eyes a little towards Joe and Otis, since the man had started getting a little rowdy with his friends, "I'll be back..." Sophia smiled, and headed out from behind the bar. 
Jay Halstead had been watching the young woman all night. He had been out on an undercover case for the past month, and now that the case was closed, he had wanted to catch up with his co-workers. He had decided to join them at Molly's for a few beers. 
When he had arrived he didn't expect to see a new face, one that was absolutely beautiful on top of that. Jay had been quite embarrassed when he stumbled over his words when she spoke to him, but quickly recovered. Ruzek and Atwater had gave him a questioning look, and he quickly dismissed it to being tired. Jay had spoke to his friends, and when Sylvie and Kim began talking about the mystery woman Sophia, he had questioned who exactly she was. 
He had quickly found out that Sophia was the oldest daughter of Christopher and Cindy Herrmann, and just recently moved back to Chicago after being gone for almost four years. 
With the way Jay was facing, he was able to watch as Sophia approached a table with unfamiliar faces. Jay finished off his beer as he watched the red-headed man grabbed ahold of Sophia's elbow when she had tried to walk away from the table and slapped her butt. 
Before Jay could stop himself from seeing how Sophia would handle it, he had shot up from his chair and closed the distance quickly, noticing that Ruzek, Atwater, Severide and Casey were all behind him. 
"Hey, get your hands off of her." Jay quickly moved to the man's wrist, pushing his body between Sophia's and the mans, "I think it's time for you and your friends to leave." 
The red-headed man let out a laugh, moving to stand up and come to nose to nose with Jay, "And who are you to tell me what to do, my father?" The man laughed in the detective's face. Jay turned to look over his shoulder, looking to Kevin and then to Sophia who was standing directly behind him, and watched as Kevin gently grabbed her arm and pulled her back behind him, knowing what was about to happen. 
"You have two choices, either leave on your own or we'll escort you out." Jay stated simply. 
"Guys..." Jay was aware of Sophia trying to speak up, but Jay did not like another man touching her in the way he did, so he had chose to ignore her soft voice, "This is not necessary..." Sophia added. 
"Listen to your little bitch." The red-headed man taunted. 
Jay let out a low chuckle and ran a hand over his face before drawing back and socking the man right in the jaw. The man stumbled, his friends tried to jump in to help them, but the men from Firehouse 51 and Intelligence quickly stepped in. The man wiped his mouth, recovering from the punch for a split second before trying to throw a punch towards Jay's face, which he had saw coming, dodging the fist, and then used his left hand to hit the man in the ribs. 
"ENOUGH!" Christopher Herrmann raised his voice, pushing through the men to reach Halstead and the unknown man. He quickly pushed them apart. A look of fury was sketched on his face, "If you two want to fight, you take this outside." Christopher stated, "If I so much as see your face in this bar again, I will not stop anyone from kicking your ass if you ever lay a hand on my daughter again." Christopher sneered, "Take him out back." Christopher added to Jay. 
Sophia was surrounded by Otis and Joe, making sure that she was out of harms way as the familiar faces dragged the red-headed man and his friends out of the bar. 
"Welcome back Soph..." Joe chuckled behind his beer bottle.
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okay im gonna try ur welcome. one ask. all from memory. if i fuck up i fuck up.
good morning heartsville this is tank comin at ya the voice of reason the voice of the season here at WLUV the student run radio station here at heartsville high the heart of america its 7 am on the dot and a perfect 68 degrees out there to start the school year off right. just a reminder folks heartsvilles annual community picnic is this weekend so guys grab ur guy and girls grab ur girl and head on down to lookout lake. and if u dont have anyone to grab sounds like youve got some extra love on ur hands and i know one magical matchmaker who just aint gonna let you get away with that. so go get em zanna this ones for you!!!!
when the alarm clock rings u know ive got to start to sing thinkin bout the joy the days gonna bring love is all around it just has to be found my job is making sure ig gegs spread around. i knew the day of my birth that i was put on this eartj to make sure no one suffers extra love so you can leave it to me its my responsibility to pass it on to someone without enough. i seek out the truth im a love sleuth im goin undercover for a lover who might not find another and im lookin for clues and they might point to you so come on gimme ur extra love. hey cindy! who do we got on the schedule today? steve buckman a quarterback i dont know him he must be new well im sure he is feelin a bit lonely ill see what i can do.
two by two just like noah had to do the only trick to love is finding who belongs with who so come on lets start the arks about to depart we gotaa pick up some extra love. (mornin mornin hi hi whatever have a good day) whos got wxtra love? i spy (call call me see ya later whatever) mornin officer klotsky! mornin zanna was your date w dr green a success ohh you bet hes the perfect guy for meee yeah i thought he might be my gratitude to you i cant express all in a days work! we walkes thru the park holding hands hntil dark such a guy i jever thought id meet yeah life is so sweet when extra love is complete so now im keepin the beat down on love street.
zanna karla hi roberta zanna hi (ahatever) whos got extra loce? not i because we got some hreat news uh huh you wont believe this uh uh tell em karla yeah! i forget what it is we’ll be govethee forever oh yeah our loves here to stay uh huh i cant believe we met only yesterday ! e just wantes to thank you fof makinv us fall in love zanna! u know karla i cant actyally make two people fall in love. i can merely favikitate! good morning everyone good morning principal cooper. now zanna i trust you wont be meddling in anyones affairs this year now will you? now principal cooper would i ever meddle in anyone elses affairs? yes you would. ur darn right i would!
two by two just like noah had to do the only trick to love is finding who belongs with who oh well i better go my friend is waiting and so ill see uou later later later later shes so great i know. (hi hi hihi bye bye bye whatever) whos got extra love? mike does! i dont but theres this new guy in town perhaps youve seen him around. mike has a crush on him i dont you do he does okay i do but let me make this clear zanna dont interfere oh please no please no please no pleas no PLEASE heres what im gonna do. (please no!) friday ill walk by and say hi next week we’ll start to speak and boah blah blah blah just be a man forget this stupid plan and quit the delay i dont wanna scare him awayyy no ur just a chicken ow chicken ow HEY NEW GUY wuit it oww. come on! good luck on ur chess match today mike!
excuse me olease but ut seems ive lost my way how bout a map ill explain another day hi im zanna im steve new quarterback of the team howd u know a little birdy told me oh i see what brings u to the midwest a mikitary request my two dads r five star generals in the army ooo im impressed. so we move place to place base to base unpack the suitcase try to make a few friends and then pack up and leave again wherever ive been ive never seemed to fit in. well never fear uts clear you fit in here! so keep up that chin. thanks for the encouragemnet ill see u in class!
oh excuse me. no no its my fault. hey hi zanna kate how are you wait i cant im running late. breakfast sure wnat som yeah what a pptatt would be great. thanks! let me uh uh find you pleae dont a girl no thanks im doing fine. it it wont will change will not ur world ive got no time ive got sats acts aps and gpas and college applications w all those tribulations to get to university then a medical degree so i just cant b distracted by loves triviality. no! yiu just havent met the right girl yet u can philosophize and rationalize but theyre just alibis loves all u need just take it from me okay u can set me up great! when im 33! ill get u yet.
hey zanna!! hey mr dj! wont you play this song for meee from the way that ur beamjn i see that ur schemin to turn somebodys dream to realityy you know me so well well its not hard to tell ur always happy making dreams come trhe its what i do! well in spite of ur list theres always one guy u miss i do who? you i know u got dreams too. no time my friend.
hi zanna. hi candi hi buck hey zanna. whats on the clipboard for today well the school board .. well as im sure you know the schoolboard is meeting with the ciry council to discuss whether or not the linrary should be allowed to carry a copy of hearher has one mommy and one daddy. in my opinion .. oh and if you can think of anyone we could sure use another guy for this years musical. come along buck. yes candi.
the schoop musical, huh? i think i have just the right guy! i seek out the truth im a love sleuth im going undercover for a lover who might not find another and im lookin for coues and they might point to you so come on gimme ur extra love. [i almost fucked up here] well u can cocer your tracks thats a fact jack but you aint gonna shake me to fake or make me take a break from chasin you can duck off the trail but im hot on your trail so come on gimme ur extra love now baby dont try to run from the love gun ive got the place surrounded and bounded the hounds r all around it you may be on the lam from the love caravan but u aint getting away w your love!
cause this is heartsville high where i dream of a love that will stay heartsville high where nothings ever gonna get in my way heartsville high where ive a feeling loves about to begin i hope that this time im gonna fit in. HEY you over there dont be shy come iver here i bet you got extra love what you hoarding it for? lifes got so much in store for someone w extra love. dont try to hide you cant keep it inside you migt as well give up ur extra love cause if u want love to stay you gotta give it away you gotta give up give up give up hive uo your ectra looooooove give up your extra love!
this took me over half an hour to type.
dee,,,,,,,other than the typos (and the whatevers) this is accurate as far as i can tell and how did that all fit in one ask i swear there was a character limit
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1-800-slater · 4 years
(determined by casting, performance, script, cinematography, set design, prop design, character design, character appeal, soundtrack, plot, etc.)
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overview: R, action/crime, 2h 1m
description by ella: an elvis presley fanatic named clarence worley (christian slater) falls suddenly in love with a peachy romantic call-girl named alabama whitman. (patricia arquette). to prove to her his willingness to protect her, he goes to take back her belongings from her former pimp. after a violent change of plans, clarence leaves the club with the pimp’s blood on his hands and a mistaken suitcase filled with cociane, not clothes. they decide to live a glorious on-the-run life by selling the coke, with the help of friends. but, will clarence and alabama’s movie lifestyle have a happy ending, especially with the mob on their tail?
directed by: tony scott
script by: quentin tarantino
music by: hans zimmer and others
starring: christian slater, patricia arquette, michael rappaport, dennis hopper, christopher walken, brad pitt, & gary oldman.
why it’s #1: with a movie directed by tony scott and a script by the legendary quentin tarantino, nothing can go wrong. clarence worley and alabama whitman are some of the most interesting characters to ever be in a bonnie/clyde scenario. the movie is always moving, but the cliches of a crime/action movie are thrown out of the window when it comes to true romance. the cinematography and overall design is very unique, is quite beautiful. pretty much one of the sexiest, if not the sexiest, movie, ever.
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overview: R, drama/comedy, 1h 45m
description by ella: a outcast with a way of words, mark hunter (christian slater), finds his voice in a pirate radio show, going by the name happy harry hard-on. every night a 10 o’ clock, he empowers the teens of arizona to be who they are, be crazy as shit, and live their life, no matter how ridiculous and crazy, all while nineties hard rock plays and his hormones rattle. but when he’s discovered by nora diniro (samantha mathis), everything falls apart. suddenly the government and the school are after him for his out-of-line behavior on the air, and he’s falling in love for the first time. jeez, somebody give mark hunter a break!
directed by: allan moyle
script by: allan moyle
music by: concrete blond, pixies, peter murphy, urban dance squad, etc.
starring: christian slater, samantha mathis, annie ross, cheryl pollak, andy romano, billy morrisette, & ellen greene.
why it’s #2: pump up the volume is one of the most controversial and eye-opening movies of it’s era. with mark hunter (christian slater) boiling over with truth about society and how it beats down it’s youth, it’s bound to be fantastic. the set design is gorgeous and really matches the aesthetic of the 1990s. the plot is easy to follow, but wild and interesting, and really is a good watch. plus, who doesn’t want to see christian slater and samantha mathis drooling over eachother?
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overview: R, dark comedy, 1h 43m
description by ella: a teen girl lost in societal standards, veronica sawyer (winona ryder) falls for a rejected and dejected jason dean (christian slater), with a taste for a clean slate. it seemed perfect at first, her prince coming to her rescue on his motorcycle. but, after a line of murders with her knight in armor, veronica finds herself pushed off the edge. before she can stop the madness, she must stop jason dean.
directed by: michael lehmann
script by: daniel waters
music by: david newman
starring: winona ryder, christian slater, shannon doherty, kim walker, lisanne frank, patrick labyorteaux, lance fenton, & carrie lynn.
why it’s #3: the set design of this movie is absolutely gorgeous, with each piece seemingly handcrafted to fit. the script is one of the best of it’s kind, as it’s unique catchphrases and dialogue assigned to each character is brilliant. the plot is so fun to watch unfold, and you’ll find yourself torn between rooting for veronica sawyer or jason dean.
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overview: P-13, romance/drama, 1h 42m
description by ella: caroline, a bubbly waitress,(maresi tomei) falls victim to the tender trap of love after a series of breakups. with the help of her best friend cindy (rosie perez) she finally feels herself again. but, comes along thugs from her past, who follow her home and attempt to rape her. a shy busboy named adam (christian slater) who is hopelessly in love with caroline, comes to her rescue. as their romance blooms, caroline falls even deeper in love with adam than she ever imagined.
directed by: tony bill
script by: tom sierchio
music by: cliff eidelman
starring: maresi tomei, christian slater, rosie perez, kyle secor, willie garson, & lotis key.
why it’s #4: untamed heart is one of the most tragic yet heartwarming romance stories ever told. maresi tomei and christian slater play their roles with ease, and their romance is believable and awe-worthy.
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overview: R, crime/drama, 2h
description by ella: four mobsters, charlie luciano (christian slater), meyer lansky (patrick dempsey), bugsy siegel (richard grieco), and frank costello (costas mandylor) rise from nothing a build an empire. but, the original big guys of the mob world are sensing the quartet are more trouble than they thought.
directed by: michael karbelnikoff
script by: michael mahern
music by: michael small
starring: christian slater, patrick dempsey, richard grieco, costas mandylor, lara flynn boyle, anthony quinn, & michael gambon.
why it’s #5: armed with a tommy gun and a craving for revenge, christian slater and his gang of mob maniacs stop at nothing to make their acting perfect in this movie. the set design is the best i’ve seen in a mob movie ever, and does justice to charlie lucky luciano’s legend.
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