#Chittaphon imagines
lucuslavigne · 7 months
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𖦹 Nigrum Pegasus.
Ten × Leitora.
๑: pégaso!Ten, monsterfic (?), smut bem BEM leve (quase nada, mais sugestivo do que para smut, desculpa anôn 😭), fluffy, Ten durante a maior parte do tempo será referido como Decimus, que é Dez/Ten em latim. 2k de palavras.
Espero que gostem.
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Estava na fazenda de seus avós, devido a decisão de seus pais, já que segundo eles, seria uma vida melhor para você e para seus pobres avós solitários.
O livro de mitologia grega, o qual lia, ocupava seu interesse no momento, principalmente os contos que envolviam criaturas místicas.
— Querida. — escutou seu avô lhe chamar.
— Sim, vovô? — o respondeu.
— Quer dar uma volta de cavalo?
— Quero sim! — marcou a página do livro para poder retornar à leitura mais tarde e pegou seu grande chapéu de palha, por conta do Sol forte que fazia no dia.
— Vamos então. — sorriu docemente para você.
Acompanhou seu avô pela pequena casa de madeira logo caminhando para o lado de fora da residência. O Sol estava forte, sem nenhuma nuvem no céu para lhe oferecer uma sombra. A trilha era um tanto quanto longa até o estábulo dos equinos, então teria que aguentar o Sol durante um tempo.
Nem mesmo as pobres árvores estavam aguentando o calor da Arizona, as folhas estavam todas murchas, os animais que moravam alí estavam todos nas sombras que os troncos faziam, numa tentativa de dissipar o calor naquele momento.
— Esse cavalo é novo, vovô? — perguntou ao mais velho.
— É sim, mas não é um cavalo comum. — sorriu.
— Não? — encarou o animal mais uma vez.
— Não. — foi até o lugar onde o equino estava. — Ele é um pégaso. — sorriu.
— O que? — ficou surpresa.
— Se eu mostrasse isso para sua avó, ela me chamaria de maluco. — deu risada. — Como sei que você acredita em coisas místicas, assim como eu, decidi lhe mostrar.
Havia ficado deveras feliz com o fato de seu avô ter confiança o suficiente em ti para lhe contar tal segredo.
— E qual o nome dele? — se achegou ao avô.
— Decimus. — respondeu. — Por que o número do estábulo dele é o dez. — sorriu orgulhoso.
— Decimus vem do latim, não? — perguntou enquanto apreciava a beleza do animal.
— Vem sim. — fez carinho do pégaso de pelagem negra. — O pelo dele chega a ter um brilho azulado.
— Verdade. — o pégaso virou para ti. — Olá, Decimus. — acariciou o rosto do mesmo.
Um relincho foi dado como resposta, te fazendo rir baixinho.
— Vou deixar vocês dois se conhecerem melhor. — o mais velho disse.
— Certo. — concordou. — Não esqueça de colocar seu chapéu.
— Pode deixar. — e se virou para ir embora, deixando você e Decimus ali.
Ficou mais um tempo apenas olhando o pégaso a sua frente, encantada demais com a beleza dele.
— No meu livro os pégasos falam, você pode falar comigo também? — perguntou enquanto passava os dedos pela crina do animal.
— Posso sim. — respondeu, te fazendo cair no chão.
— Meu Deus. — respirou fundo.
— E posso me transformar em humano também. — disse e uma fumaça negra se formou em volta dele.
Quando a grande quantidade de fumaça se apaziguou, pode finalmente ver o homem. Os cabelos negros e longos, as grandes asas pretas, os olhos profundos e o olhar penetrante. Não conseguia simplesmente desviar o olhar.
— Você é muito bonito, Decimus. — o elogiou, sabendo que seus olhos brilhavam em admiração.
— Você acha querida? — perguntou, se aproximando de seu corpo.
— Sim. — o olhou diretamente nos olhos. — Sem sombra de dúvidas.
— Você parece ter sido abençoada por Afrodite. — se abaixou à sua frente. — Nunca vi uma humana tão bela quanto você.
— Você parece estar equivocado. — riu de leve. — Existem pessoas muito mais bonitas do que eu.
— Acredite linda dama. — lhe estendeu as mãos. — Nenhuma delas é tão bela quanto você, e já estou nessa Terra há séculos.
— Me prove que não há alguma mulher tão bela quanto eu, Decimus. — ficou diante do homem. — Assim acreditarei em ti.
— Seus avós já foram ao centro da cidade? — lhe questionou.
— Sim. — olhou o pequeno relógio em seu pulso. — Faz alguns minutos.
— Então iremos ao seu quarto. — disse. — Alí te mostrarei como é a mais bela das criaturas.
— Venha. — pegou delicadamente na mão de Decimus, caminhando com ele para fora do estábulo.
Decimus estava encantado com tamanha delicadeza. O jeito que o tocava o dava mais certeza de que Afrodite havia vindo à Terra dos humanos apenas para lhe dar sua benção.
— Entre. — abriu a pequena porta branca, dando espaço para o mais alto passar.
— Obrigado. — agradeceu.
A calmaria com qual andava o deixava deslumbrado, o ritmo que seu corpo tinha sem ao menos ter uma música tocando de fundo.
— Esse é o meu quarto. — o falou. — Fique à vontade.
O rapaz alado entrou no cômodo e apreciou as cores claras e suaves das paredes. O tom esverdeado, quase branco, com algumas plantas de decoração combinavam com você. A cama com os lençóis bancos com babados pareciam confortáveis e a estante com livros antigos o mostrava o quão inteligente você era.
— Combina com você. — ficou de frente à você, te fazendo perceber ainda mais a grandeza do homem.
— Você acha? — chegou mais perto.
— Com certeza. — colocou a canhota em sua cintura, enquanto a destra ia até seu rosto, fazendo carinho alí.
— Sua mão é macia. — observou.
— Obrigado, linda dama. — depositou um beijo em sua testa.
— Eu poderia facilmente te deixar fazer o que quiser comigo. — o encarou.
— Deixaria? — sorriu pequeno.
— Sim. — suspirou. — Você é tão bonito, tão delicado. — sorriu tímida. — E você cuidaria bem de mim, não é?
— Claro que sim. — beijou sua bochecha. — Eu vou cuidar muito bem de você.
— Então me beije Decimus. — passou os braços pelo pescoço pálido do homem híbrido. — Cuide de mim.
Decimus então te puxou pela cintura, juntando os corpos e selou seus lábios com delicadeza, não querendo de forma alguma lhe assustar. Foi automático levar as grandes asas negras para envolver seu corpo, te mantendo alí, perto dele.
Te pediu passagem com a língua para aprofundar o ósculo, o que foi cedido sem resistência, levou as mãos para seu rosto, segurando alí, mostrando cuidado e atenção, te deixando molinha, bobinha pelo rapaz.
— Posso lhe deitar em sua cama? — perguntou, atencioso.
— Pode. — respondeu em um suspiro, sentindo o maior lhe direcionar para a cama, usando as asas enormes para te ajudar a se deitar.
— Irei tirar seu vestido, tudo bem? — perguntou enquanto se abaixava em frente ao seu corpo, deixando as mãos na barra da peça de roupa.
— Tudo bem, Decimus. — o encarou nos olhos.
Decimus então retirou o vestido de seu corpo lentamente, para não lhe assustar, e colocou a peça em cima do baú que ficava em frente a cama. Subiu as mãos pelas suas coxas e parando em sua cintura.
— Pode ficar de pé, meu anjo? — falou quase num sussurro.
Ficou de pé como te foi pedido, aguardando ansiosamente a próxima ação do homem à sua frente.
— Posso tocar em seus cabelos? — perguntou baixinho.
— Pode tocar qualquer parte de meu corpo, humaninha. — sorriu quando sentiu as carícias no próprio cabelo, sentindo que podia derreter sob seu toque.
— Está tão bonito sob a luz do Sol. — o elogiou.
— Fico deveras agradecido, linda dama. — ficou vermelho.
Ficou alguns longos segundos apenas te apreciando, querendo te gravar na própria mente. Com certeza Eros o havia acertado uma flecha para se sentir tão encantado pela bela moça humana.
— Eu quero te beijar Decimus. — riu envergonhada.
— Não se sinta envergonhada. — se levantou, ficando em pé junto com você.
— Eu sou digna de conhecer o reino dos deuses? — o encarou curiosa. — Assim como Psiquê conheceu e se casou com Eros?
— Acredito que sim, minha dama. — e beijou seus lábios, invertendo os lugares, se sentando em sua cama, a puxando para o próprio colo, te escondendo com as grandes asas.
— Me faça sua Decimus. — sussurrou no ouvido do maior enquanto abraçava o corpo pálido.
— Eu lhe faço qualquer coisa que me pedir. — te olhou apaixonado.
O maior te deitou novamente na cama, para não causar tanta dor no corpo pequeno, retirou as suas peças íntimas com todo o cuidado possível, e finalmente revelou o belo corpo por baixo daquela grande túnica com detalhes em ouro e safiras. Os desenhos cravados na pele alva te encantaram ainda mais, o corpo magro, mas definido te tirou o fôlego. Se antes já se sentia ansiosa, agora estava mais ainda.
Ansiava, desejava mais que tudo ser tomada por Decimus.
— É muito cedo para lhe confessar meu amor? — o perguntou, sentindo o coração acelerado.
— Se Eros lhe acertou uma flecha, assim como fez à mim, não. — apoiou o corpo na cama, abrindo suas pernas devagar. Respirou fundo quando sentiu o membro do rapaz lhe invadir, fazendo algumas lágrimas descerem por seu rosto.— Não chore meu amor. — secou suas lágrimas. — Isso irá passar. — selou seus lábios.
— Isso dói... — falou. — Mas é tão bom. — o puxou para mais perto.
— Já se sente confortável, bela dama? — te perguntou, sorrindo pequeno, reconfortante.
— Sim. — suspirou. — Continue, por favor. — o pediu.
Os quadris de Decimus acertavam os pontos mais sensíveis dentro de si, sua lubrificação escorria pelo meio de suas pernas, fazendo um som molhado muito excitante aos seus ouvidos.
Sentia o homem como um todo, o sentia todo dentro de si, te deixando cheia. O rapaz alado então levou as mãos até seus seios, os acariciando levemente, te fazendo arrepiar sob o toque, nunca imaginou que aquela ��rea seria tão sensível. Suas mãos estavam inquietas, ora nos braços de Decimus outrora em seus cabelos negros, em seu pescoço. Seus quadris se levantavam automaticamente quando sentia seu ponto mais doce ser tocado.
Seus gemidos eram tão fofos aos ouvidos de Decimus! Ele poderia os escutar durante toda a eternidade. O homem se controlava para não te machucar, para não destruir a pequena humaninha dele.
— Decimus... — o chamou com a respiração falha.
— Diga meu amor. — respondeu, diminuindo o ritmo dos quadris.
— Mais... — respirou fundo. — ... rápido.
— Tem certeza disso, bela dama? — te encarou, profundo, como se pudesse ver sua alma.
Um murmúrio em concordância foi dado como resposta, então o alado apenas acatou o pedido, aumentando o ritmo dos quadris, apertando sua cintura para descontar o prazer que sentia.
Sentiu suas pernas começarem a tremer, suas mãos foram automaticamente às costas de Decimus, sentindo as asas macias enquanto o puxava para mais perto.
— Que sensação é essa? — perguntou com dificuldade.
— A melhor sensação que eu poderia lhe causar nesse momento. — ofegou.
E o homem não podia estar mais certo. De repente uma sensação avalasadora tomou seu corpo todo, fazendo sua coluna arquear e seus olhos encherem de lágrimas.
— Decimus! — o abraçou mais forte.
— Se sente bem amica mea? — suspirou, lhe pegando no colo, te colocando deitada contra o peitoral pálido.
— Você não tem noção do quanto. — sorriu apaixonada.
— Isso me deixa feliz. — retribuiu o sorriso. — Mas temo que tenha que despertar agora.
— Como? — o olhou surpresa.
— Acorde e verá. — beijou seus lábios.
Quando abriu seus olhos, viu seu avô na porta.
— Bom dia querida. — disse.
— Bom dia... — olhou ao redor do quarto.
— Tenho que lhe apresentar à alguém.
— E quem seria? — o perguntou.
— Se arrume e verá. — riu.
Correu para o banheiro e escovou seus dentes, arrumou seu cabelo e voltou para o quarto para colocar uma roupa descente. Acabou optando por um vestido rosa florido que marcava bem sua cintura.
Desceu as escadas animadamente, encontrando seus avós e um belo rapaz observando o campo pela varanda.
— Vovô, vovó? — os chamou.
— Bom dia querida. — sua avó lhe disse. — Venha conhecer Chittaphon.
Chittaphon? Então era esta a pessoa que seu avô queria lhe apresentar?
— Com licença. — falou antes de ajuntar à eles.
— É um prazer lhe conhecer S/N. — o rapaz sorriu lindamente.
— O prazer é meu Chittaphon. — sorriu tímida.
— Vamos deixar vocês se conhecerem melhor. — seu avô falou enquanto colocava o chapéu de palha. — Eu e sua avó vamos ao centro da cidade, fique a vontade Chittaphon.
— Muito obrigado. — agradeceu.
Ficaram em silêncio até seus avós se despedirem e baterem a porta da frente. Se entre olharam, estranhos, até então.
— Então... — suspirou. — O que te trouxe até a fazenda dos meus avós? — questionou.
— Não se lembra de mim? — perguntou.
— Como? — o olhou atentamente. — Espera...
— Você já me reconheceu, bela dama. — se aproximou, te puxando pela cintura.
— Eu achei que havia sido somente um sonho. — o olhou, com os olhos cheios de lágrimas, porém, sem tirar o sorriso do rosto.
— Eu sempre darei um jeito de voltar para você meu amor. — selou seus lábios com carinho. — Sempre.
— Eu te amo Decimus.
— Também lhe amo, amica mea. — lhe abraçou.
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glitxhwayventeen · 1 year
The Confused One
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Characters: Ten x male reader
Warnings: anxiety to the maximum, questioning of sexuality i guess, controlling and manipulative parents, existential crisis mentions, sex mentions/implications but nothing too serious, bad influence Ten, mentions of cheating (though the couple doesn’t really care for each other anyways so🤷🏻‍♀️), mentions of forced/arranged marriages, crying and couple fighting, i think that’s it but let me know if i missed anything!
Author’s Note: the ending is kinda word vomit so I’m gonna go back through it in a few days when i have time. Other than that, what do you guys think?
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Watch It All Burn Masterlist
The Confused One: Part 1
Mostly anxiety and 🥀 with a teeny tiny bit of 💋 if you squint.
Bold= Korean Dialogue Italics= Thoughts Pink= Cantonese Red=Mandarin Green=English
Tag List-
‘Am I making you feel good?’
Truth be told, you felt terrible. You felt like a horrible person. You felt like you were just another guy letting his dick do the thinking instead of his head. But you couldn’t admit that to him out loud.
‘Fuck- yes!’
The dry chuckle you heard from the boy behind you made you feel like you needed to throw up. This wasn’t you. It couldn’t be you. But it was.
‘I know baby.’
His words sent shivers down your aching spine. Every part of you yearned for him. Every cell in you wanted him to want you the way you wanted him. But that was wrong, so so fucking wrong.
‘Are you close?’
You couldn’t help it. Your girlfriend hardly gave you the time of day. You tried to be understanding and rational given your situation with her. But you needed the release she so frequently denied you and he was willingly dangling it in front of you, it was yours for the taking.
‘I- I need to come!’
Waves of lightning shot through every one of your veins deliciously as you felt your body shake back your orgasm. You'd never been touched the way he was touching you. You’d never been used the way he was using you. You'd never felt the way you felt with him. You knew you shouldn’t give in. But you just couldn’t stop yourself.
‘Of course you do love.’
Part of you hated how sweet he sounded. The butterflies fluttering throughout your belly at his sentence should’ve made you hate yourself. But it only made you like him even more.
‘Now, are you gonna be a good boy and come for me?’
You wanted to cry. The pleasure he was forcing on you and the guilt your mind was making you feel was all too much for you to handle. You shouldn’t have been there. You should’ve been at home studying. But you chose to be with him instead.
Though, just as you felt your body start to convulse in the constant jolting it so desperately craved, an all too familiar sound started buzzing through your ears and your eyes you’d thought you’d closed due to the pure ecstasy you’d been enduring shot open in shock.
The all too familiar decorum of your boring beige room cascading throughout your line of sight had begun being a painful reminder of just how much you’d wished your dreams were real.
“They could be,” Ten had promised you when you mentioned your secret shame to him during one of your many midnight rendezvous, “You just have to say the word.”
You rolled your eyes at the burning memory and the charming boys' tempting words. As if you’d ever get the option to back out of your sad sham of a life you were living.
But that was Ten, the ever so care free and unpredictable boy who changed the course of his own destiny on the turn of a dime. He’d never understand why things had to stay the way they were for you.
Then again, he lived a completely different life than he lived. Not just because you were a goody goody and he just, well, wasn’t. But because he had different problems than you did. After the two of you had gotten together, you began corresponding with one another daily. After months of confiding in each other over just about every thought, feeling, and experience you had, he eventually told you he was a werewolf.
Of course you didn’t believe him at first. And Why would you? It sounded ridiculous at the time. It even sounded ridiculous when he took his contacts out to show you his strangely inhuman eye color. It wasn’t until he actually shifted in front of you that you had actually come to terms with what he said being the truth.
Not that the truth changed much. You needed a little time to get over the idea of fairytales and fables possibly being true but once you had, you realized he was still the same Ten you had come to know and love.
He was still kind and caring, still funny and charming. He still made you smile in a way you weren’t sure you ever did before he came around. He still lit up your world in a way no one else ever seemed to be able to. He still made you feel things no one else ever had or probably ever would. And he still made your pathetically dull and plain life worth something for the first time.
Everything with him was so simple. His chaos was the perfect fit to your calm. His crazy was steadied by your levelheadedness. He brought fire to your life and you brought water to his. Being with him would be as easy as breathing. But it just wasn’t meant to be.
Sure, in a perfect world you’d love to be with him. But your parents would never allow your little affair to continue if they knew it existed. Not only did Ten bring the exact opposite of everything their plans for you represented, he was also untouchable in their eyes for people like them.
Ten was a practicing Buddhist foreigner from Thailand. He was in the right economic class as you which might have helped when it came to him being a foreigner to your snotty parents sure. But even if his family did have a pretty big privy purse to match the extravagant scenery his country was known for, it didn’t change two simple facts: 1. He was a boy and 2. Your parents were freakishly religious Christians.
They would rather be killed than let their only beloved son be with a non-christian, non-Korean, party boy. You could almost hear the disapproval dripping from their voices as you thought of what would happen if you told them what you really wanted of your life.
‘No son of ours will make a mockery of this family by being with the likes of him.’
You felt massively naive for not realizing how ridiculously uptight and homophobic they were when you were younger. The reality only dawned on you when you realized just how much more you liked being with Ten than your own girlfriend, something you tried to keep under wraps as much as possible.
But you were positive the fact became apparently to her the first time you had all hung out together when you brought her new ‘friend’ over for a project and she noted just how quickly you became friendly with the Thai boy, a rather odd occurance considering how painfully shy you were by nature.
Still, she said nothing and pretended to see nothing. All the nights you snuck out to see him, all the times you left the room to take a call so you could hear his voice, all the hurried messages you’d type and send to him throughout the day while blocking your phone screen from view. She acted as though she hadn’t noticed your growing affections for him and that all was going on as normal with your relationship.
You weren’t too shocked by the move. You had both realized long ago that you weren’t in love with each other but rather created a compromised friendship in the hopes of making the best of a bad situation. If you weren’t weary about whether or not she’d break your big secret to either of your parents accidentally, you would’ve openly even told her about it. You hated lying and sneaking around her back because you knew it wasn’t respectful. But you felt you just didn’t have another choice. You just couldn’t risk it.
So, like many morning before your current one, you quickly got up from your bed, your girlfriend still snoring softly from her side of your shared mattress, and bolted to the bathroom to clean yourself and your shame up.
As you washed away the sticky substance that had accumulated against your abdomen while your shower head pelted your body with hot divets of water, Ten’s words kept playing through your mind like a broken record.
‘You just have to say the word.’
If only your life could be that easy.
“Oh,” Your girlfriend, Hae, groggily spoke from bed while rubbing her eyes as you emerged from the bathroom of your apartment with your towel draped across your waist, “You’re up already.”
You gave her a polite, albeit awkward, smile and nodded, “Yeah, I uh- woke up early again and figured instead of sleeping I should just try to get a fast start on the day, you know,” You lied, going to your dresser to rummage through it so you could find yourself some clothes to wear.
She bowed her head in understanding as she watched you go about the room so you could get ready. Observing you was something she did a lot, it was another reason you just knew she already knew about you and Ten, but that didn’t mean it made you any less nervous.
Being around her, even when you were children, had always made you nervous and on edge. Then again being around people usually made you feel that way. Well, people aside from Ten that is.
“We’re supposed to have dinner with your parents tonight,” She reminded you, breaking the uneasy silence that had rested throughout the air causing you to jerk your eyes away from buttoning your pants and bringing them up to look at her in horror.
“D-Dinner? W-What dinner?” You stuttered.
She mumbled something about you never remembering anything before she exhaustedly ran her fingers through her hair, “The dinner your mom texted you about the other day. You know, the one where she said they wanted to talk to us about something important? Ring a bell?”
Your eyes widened even further. It did ring a bell. Mostly because you remembered sheer panic spreading through your body as you received and read the message. Your parents hardly ever actually saw you except on holiday breaks now that you were in college. So when your mother texted you out of the blue and requested the four of you have a meal together, you couldn’t help but be so worried about what their intentions were for the dinner that you forgot all the details you had discussed.
“O-oh yeah,” You thickly swallowed the whine ready to pass through your throat, “Y-Yeah I remember. But- uh remind me again what time it was scheduled for exactly…?”
Hae rolled her eyes at you in disbelief, clearly no more excited for the event than you were, “It’s at 6pm ____. And you know if we’re late there’ll be hell to pay,” She added with a raised brow, getting up out of bed to throw on her own clothes for class, “So you need to make sure that whatever it is you were planning on doing at that time tonight gets moved to another time okay?”
Okay, you were 100% positive she knew about what you had been up to considering you had originally been planning on seeing your secret boyfriend at that exact time later.
“Yeah,” You tried to play it cool, “yeah of course. I won’t be late I promise.”
You truly meant what you said. You didn’t want her to be stuck stalling with your annoyingly boring and judgmental parents while you went out and had fun. If she knew about your little other life and was willing to keep it mum, then you figured the least you could do was have her back when it came to dealing with them.
“I hope not. Because if I have to listen to your father talk about the importance of cosmetic surgery as you age again I’m gonna throw myself out the second story window,” She laughed, causing you to force out a small chuckle of amusement as you planned out how you were gonna tell your boyfriend you couldn’t meet up with him because you and your girlfriend were going to meet up with your parents, who’d never approve of him and could never know of him, for dinner.
“Seriously?” Ten practically growled through gritted teeth as you sat and ate a very late lunch across from him on a patch of grass that was just out of view from your university’s campus.
To say you felt bad was a bit of an understatement. You had originally just decided it was best to just tell him you had to reschedule your little date, if you could even call it that, for another time because something came up. But, as he always seemed to have a way of getting you to open up about any and everything, you ended up telling him the whole story.
You told him you had forgotten about dinner with your parents, that they would probably hate him if they knew he existed or was in your life in any capacity let alone a romantic one, that you didn’t want to go but had to because you didn’t want your girlfriend to suffer through it alone, and that your girlfriend seemed to already know about the two of you being together and didn’t seem to care. And of course as you originally assumed, he was pissed at the explanation you gave.
“If she already knows about us then why are you still even with her?” He quizzed with a hint of venom lacing his tone, his true eye color beginning to seep through his fake contacts.
All you could do was let out a deep sigh, “You know why.”
But your answer only seemed to aggravate him more. He stood from his cross cross position on the grass and stared down at you with now fully crimson eyes, this time with flaring nostrils, claws beginning to elongate from his fingers, and a jaw so clenched you were sure his teeth would break.
“No I don’t know why!” He protested, clearly doing what he could to contain his anger for your sake, though you also knew he couldn’t help some of it.
After you had come to terms with werewolves being real and with actually knowing one, Ten answered just about every question you could think of involving them.
He practically gave you lessons on imprinting and mating. He talked about a really weird time when wolves got super sexually aggressive called rut. He had you meet his pack and disclosed to you how pack business and connections worked, that’s also when you found out your favorite student was not only in said pack but also mated to Ten’s baby sister along with another one of their ‘brothers.’
But most importantly, he told you all about shifting. You realized his claws and teeth could grow whenever he wished and that his body even rejected the contacts he used to cover his eyes so often he had to change them multiple times in a day to keep people from seeing their true color. He explained the whole ‘changing during a full moon’ thing was complete horse crap and that they could change at will, at least, most of the time.
You knew when he got too emotional, whether it was good or bad emotional, he could end up shifting out of instinct. And he cautioned you that people could get hurt when that happened, much like his sister Minnie apparently had when her mates fought over her and lost control. Though he swore he would do whatever he could to keep a similar situation from happening to you, not that you were ever really worried about it considering Ten was the only person in the world who made you feel safe and secure.
But as he towered toward you, part of you did start to get a little worried, even if it was only for a moment, he could turn into a super strong giant animal after all while you were just a weaker than most human he could crush with one paw.
As angry as he had worked himself up to be and as much as you tried to not show your fear, he noticed you shrink into yourself and turned away from you to collect himself. He may have been mad and hurt, but he didn’t want to scare or frighten you.
Truthfully, you didn’t understand why he was so upset. Sure you were still in a relationship, but what did it really matter to him if you were or not?
You always thought you had felt for him maybe a tad more than he felt for you anyways. Thanks to your newfound werewolf knowledge, you figured it was because at any moment he could imprint on a passerbyer and he’d have to dump you so he distanced himself. It stung, really stung actually, but it was what it was and you knew that.
You thought you both did. That’s why whenever he talked about wanting you to give up your current life and try for a new one with him you didn’t really entertain the idea much at all, even if you really wanted to. You were just a human who had trouble controlling emotions and severing ties and he was a werewolf who’d have no control over who fate decided to pair him up with.
Having to reschedule sucked yeah, but it wasn’t like the love of his life was blowing him off for someone else and telling him they could never be together.
Ten never told you he imprinted on you. He figured it was a lot for someone as nervous as you to take in all at once. So he decided to wait until he thought you were ready for it.
He always figured once you told your girlfriend or she found out about your little affair, the two of you would finally get to be together fully. But he was wrong.
Now you didn’t know you blowing him off for someone else and telling him you could never be together was crushing him. You didn’t know the reason tears were now flowing freely down his face was because it felt like his heart was being ripped out of his chest at your so nonchalant refusal to leave your girlfriend. You didn’t know you were the love of his life.
“I don’t know why it has to be like this and i don’t think it’s fair for it to be happening,” Ten said just above a whisper, barely audible to your human ears.
You called his name to get his attention, but he seemed cemented in his place and wouldn’t move. You tried once more and received no response once more.
So you eventually got up from your spot on the ground hesitantly and gently laid your hand on his shoulder, “Ten?”
Finally, he turned himself around to face you. That’s when you saw his tear stained cheeks and pulled him in for a hug instinctually and without thinking.
He was quick to return it, wrapping his arms around your waist as he buried himself against you and sobbed ‘it’s not fair’ over and over in English.
Ten hadn’t meant to start crying in front of you. Even if he had, he wouldn’t have so easily let himself be wrapped up in your arms. But he couldn’t stop himself once the pain of you basically telling him you wouldn’t leave your girlfriend even if she knew the truth.
Because it meant he’d still have to share you. He’d still only get partial moments with you and not full ones. He’d still have to restrain himself from grabbing your hand and lacing his fingers between yours in public. You’d still be saying goodnight and good morning to someone else that wasn’t him. You’d still be sleeping with and sharing the same bed with someone who wasn’t himself.
You acting like your girlfriend knowing about the two of you changed nothing meant he’d have to keep living a hallow life in the shadows while your girlfriend got to keep living a filling life in the light with you. It hurt him in a way he wasn’t ready for and so he broke down. And instead of pulling away from you like he should’ve if he had been stronger, his heartbroken inner wolf yearned for your touch and gave in to you holding him.
When he was upset normally, you were who he’d turn to to comfort him. Now that he was faced with the harsh reality of having to hide your love from the rest of the world, you were the only person that could make him feel even remotely better.
After about half an hour of crying and sobbing, Ten eventually calmed down enough to relax back down to your original spots. You apologized for having to see each other again at another time and promised to make it up to him, something he unconvincingly responded to with ‘okay.’
And, while it made your chest hurt to know he was still so upset over something you really had no control over, time had gotten away from you and you soon had to leave him to get ready for dinner.
And dinner was going okay enough. You had arrived together with Hae on time, dressed sharper than you had been earlier in the day as per your parents usual dress code. Even though the food you knew there was no way either of your parents cooked was good, the conversation was as dull as the day was long. That is, until desert came and your father halted everyone from digging in to their treats.
“____, I’m sure the two of you are wondering why your mother and I wanted you and Hae over today,” Your father accurately pointed out, taking another sip of his brandy with a light hiss.
You cleared your throat to keep your voice steady after having it go unused for most of the evening due to your parents obsessing need to talk about themselves, “Yes father, I suppose we are.”
Truthfully, you didn’t even really like your dad all that much. Even more truthfully, you didn’t really like either of your parents all that much, but you disliked your dad’s personality more than your mother’s.
Sure, your mother had no idea what quality family time or house work/chores were, she had maids and nanny’s hired especially for all that, but at least she put in the effort to send you a text message every now and then to make sure you were still alive. You were pretty sure you’d never once received any form of distant communication from your father.
So listening to him go on and on about his work and how all your friends must’ve been jealous of you for how much money your parents made really made you want to cave into your seat and disappear.
Your father was quick to glance over to your mother, who strangely gave him a nod of approval before he continued on, “Well ____ my son, your mother and I, as well as Hae’s parents, believe it time the two of you finally get married and start a family.”
Hae, who had just been in the middle of swallowing some much needed wine, began coughing aggressively while you stared up at your beaming parents in pure confusion.
“W-What…?” You barely murmured out just as your girlfriend managed to get her coughing under control and began to question ‘come again?’
Your father let out a hardy laugh while your mother mustered a strangled giggle, “Marriage son. Then children. Just as we planned remember?”
You shook your head as if to shake out all the unpleasant feelings beginning to build up in your stomach, “N-No. W-We planned for later father. Much much later.”
“Yeah. We weren’t supposed to do any of that till after we both graduated and had our careers where we needed them to be.” Hae confirmed.
But it seemed it didn’t matter much to your parents what had been originally scheduled anymore, “Yes we know that children,” Your mother ever so nonlovingly replied with an eye roll, “But the plans have changed.”
The fact that she said something so life changing so casually and finished her sentence by taking another rather chill sip of her expensive wine only made your stomach churn that much more. That meant they had already had their mind’s dead set on the idea.
They went on to explain that your maternal grandfather was getting sick, very sick. And it seemed that his dying wish was that his only grandchild be settled down and married, hopefully with a child on the way, before he passed. Which meant your parents had to have their plan jump started a little, or you would say a lot, sooner than anticipated.
Your father told you that the two of you would be married as soon as your mother could put together a lavish enough wedding to impress their friends and that afterwards, you would switch universities to one closer to the house they would get ready for you and you would finish your degrees there. He also stressed the need and want for a child as soon as the two of you were happily, though not by either you or Hae’s standards, married.
You were unsure of what was going on for the rest of the night, but you could guess based on where your parents' statements were heading. You started to feel dizzy and flushed and essentially blacked out the remainder of your visit with them so you wouldn’t burst into tears right then and there. It wasn’t until you and Hae managed to get to your car that you finally broke down.
Part of you expected her to be upset with you for not at least pretending to be happy when the two of you were together. The other part thought she might even be pissed at you for doing something as childish as crying. But to your shock, when you looked over to your right, she had the same drops of despair rolling down to her chin.
The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like forever, just staring off into the distance as tear after tear was shed in mourning of your previously mediocre lives. You never know what you had until it’s gone.
“What in the hell are we going to do?”
“No! You can’t!” Ten declared loudly with a stomp, almost as if the small childlike protest would help change what was to come.
But, as much as you wish it would, you knew that it wouldn’t change a thing. Your fate was set in stone long ago.
You let out a long winded sigh and ran a shakey hand through your hair while you tried to find something to focus on to ground your never ending nerves, “I don’t have any other choice Ten.”
After having fallen asleep after a night’s worth of dry heaving and silent sobbing, you called him the next morning to tell him you needed to speak with him about something important. Once you’d met up in your usual spot in the woods just off your university’s campus, you told him all about the previous night and what had happened with your parents at dinner. And he was clearly taking the news about as well as you and Hae were taking it.
“There’s always a choice!” Ten practically yelled at you, doing his best to hold back both the pathetic whines threatening to spill out of his mouth and the burning tears trying to pour past his waterlines, “You can tell them no! You can say-say you don’t want to! Y-You can call it off!”
You still didn’t fully understand why he was so upset over you having to get married and break things off. Sure you’d been sleeping together and all, but it wasn’t like you’d be together forever. You both had known that since you’d started your little hang outs and midnight rendezvous.
He’d eventually have broken up with you when he found his mate and you’d eventually have had to cut contact with him when you got married. That was just how it was and you thought you’d both been pretty clear about that.
Even though part of you never wanted to leave his side and would’ve preferred to at least keep him in your life once you’d had to get married, you could never do that to your girlfriend.
Hae was many things, but a bad person wasn’t one of them. She didn’t deserve to have an unfaithful husband or to be reminded of his past infidelities by having your ex-lover brought around all the time.
Still, seeing Ten so hurt broke a piece of you. You had fallen for him the night of the party and ever since seeing him in any sort of distress made you went to smother him with kisses and cuddle him until he felt better.
So the only thing your heart could think to do was apologize to him, even though you hadn’t actually done anything to him to warrant one in the first place, “This is just the way it’s supposed to go. I can’t do anything about it. I’m sorry.”
Ten just scoffed at you like you had just spit in his face directly.
“No, don't you get it?!” He tried to question with an angry tone, but really it came off as more desperate sounding if anything, “This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go!”
The statement caught you off guard. You were standing in the middle of a forest clearing doing your best to hold yourself together to break things off with the guy you had such strong feelings for you couldn’t separate yourself from him for much longer than a few hours. You were trying to do the right thing by being nice and apologetic while he started freaking out on you. Like he was the one who got the short end of the rotted stick that was your life.
How was that fair? You were the one who had to marry someone you didn’t love. You were the one who had to give up the one good thing you’d managed to ever find in your life. You were the one who had to be a stand up guy, a good son.
If you were anyone else, you’d have been able to pick your own friends growing up. If you were any other kid on the block, you wouldn’t have been forced into an arranged marriage. If you were like any other college student, you’d have been able to pick your university or your own major. If you had been literally any fucking body else in the world, you’d be able to fall in love with someone and stay in love and with them for as long as you lived. So how was any of what he was saying fair to you?
You could see why he would maybe be a little bummed, hell, you could maybe even see him being a bit sad you’d have to break things off. But why the hell was it supposed to just be so cool that he could pretend you were being the bad guy and deny what you were saying?
You’d tried being kind and you’d attempted being amicable and understanding. But his sentence ran through your heart quicker than a damn bullet train. ‘This isn’t the way it’s supposed to go.’
As if he knew anything about what life meant for you going forward.
Why did he get to stand there and act like you were the bad guy? Why should he get to pretend you got a choice in anything? Why was he able to question you or make you feel bad? What was he losing? He’d eventually get a happily ever after, you wouldn’t. He’d get to live the life he wanted, you wouldn’t. He’d get to grow old with the love of his life, you would never get that.
“And how do you know that?” Your demeanor changed from your usual passive self to a rather defensive one as your hands closed into a fist and clenched tightly, “You’re the one that doesn’t get it!” You chuckled dryly, leaving Ten dumbfounded as you towered over him, “I don’t like this anymore than you do!” Your voice began getting louder and higher pitched the more you spoke, “And neither does Hae for that matter! But there is no calling it off!” You finished, your body beginning to tremble in aggravation and frustration as you stared down your boyfriend.
It only took glaring at him for a few seconds for you to notice that he’d semi-sunk into his shoes at your new found sudden confidence to speak your mind. He almost looked rather… frightened that you’d finally managed to obtain a backbone.
But as overwhelmed and overworked with the situation as you were, you couldn’t let someone you cared so much about stay so obviously worried over your current state and not at least try to hold back some of your rage.
So you managed to turn yourself around and sit your lanky figure down on a fallen over tree log to calm yourself down, or at very least make yourself look less menacing. Not that you probably were to him in all reality since he was a werewolf that could rip you to shreds easily if he wanted to after all. But you wanted to show him it was your life you were truly mad at, not him.
“Not all of us have a plan literally designed by fucking date to give us happiness like werewolves do,” you whispered as you threw your head into your hands, “Us humans get whatever the fuck life throws at us and unfortunately for me this is it,” you began to muffley sob behind your hands, unable to keep your true emotions back any longer, “I don’t get a mate like you and your friends. I don’t get to be happy with one person i love for the rest of my life like you. I get whatever my parents plan for me or I’m fucking screwed,” after that, you cried hard over and over about life being unfair and how you didn’t want it anymore than he did until your throat hurt.
You couldn’t help it. Your life as you knew it before him was already intolerable and the one good thing, the one fucking thing you’d managed to find to bring some happiness to yourself was being taken away from you because you had to be a decent human being. You were close to having a full on mental breakdown at that point. And because he just happened to be around you, your boyfriend had to be the one to listen to you choked wails and curses as you cracked at the seams.
It wasn’t until you felt Ten’s nimble hand lay against your back and his warmth sit still next to you that you began to collect yourself enough to speak like a regular person again, “I hate fate for putting me in this position! I hate my parents for forcing shit on me I don't want!” You whimpered in a pout, Ten drying your eyes with the pads of his thumb before shushing you and bringing your head into the apex of his neck to comfort you.
Not that it helped much, because now that the flood gates were broken, you couldn’t help but vocalize everything that had been truly bothering you since you’d met him. It also didn’t help that the angle he had you in was also a bit awkward due to your height difference, which meant you were a little uncomfortable when you breathed too hard and jerking in his hold.
“A-And I hate you for dangling happiness right in front of my fucking face knowing i can’t do shit about it! I hate myself for fucking letting myself fall in love with you w-when i can’t fucking have you!” You turned and sniffled to look into his shoulder, too ashamed to hold your face against him while you told him how you really felt, “I fucking hate this whole situation more than you or my parents or Hae or anyone else will ever know,” you let the now tired tears slide down your cheeks and chin onto his nicely ironed dress shirt.
As you let a deafening silence fall over you because Ten didn’t react to your confession, you couldn’t help but think how you always liked when he dressed up even nicer than he usually did when he saw you. It made you feel like he wanted to put in the extra effort to be even more presentable for you and gave you the most ecstatic butterflies in your stomach thinking the man you loved cared that much about you.
Though in the current moment, it only made your chest ache even more knowing you’d probably never get that feeling again, “But it doesn’t fucking matter! None of that fucking matters because my life as I know it is o-over and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it!” You stuttered as you exhaustedly cried against the smaller boy like a defeated child.
You clung to Ten like you were going to fall away from the earth if you let go of him. You didn’t know when or even if you’d ever be able to hold him so tightly again. So you refused to release him from your grip even when you began letting the tired sobs wreck through your weakened body.
But after a few minutes of you hiccuping and whining, the small Thai boy finally pulled together enough courage to speak, still keeping you tight against him as he spoke softly, “Y-You love me?”
What kind of dumb ass question was that? You couldn’t help but push yourself off his shoulder and jerk back to stare at his face, your own no doubt red from the constant tears and hyperventilating, “Oh fuck off!” You used language you wouldn’t have normally used to show him your annoyance at his statement, then again, you weren’t normally in the position to lose someone you loved as much as you loved Ten, “Don’t act all shocked now! If you didn’t notice it before then you’re as big a moron as I am for letting myself get caught up with you!”
You never really meant to be so informal or improper, it just wasn’t how you were raised to be. Even when you were upset, though you’d let out a few swear words out of frustration, you’d never actually told someone to fuck off. Nor had you ever called someone as impolite a name as moron before.
But Ten had a way of bringing out a side of you you had never thought existed before. It’s one of the things you’d grown to love about him. And one of the things you’d miss the most about him.
Barely above a whisper, you heard Ten stutter, “I-I though- I mean, I- I didn’t know…”
You used the sleeves of your cardigan you had thrown on before you left your house to wipe off your face in an attempt to look a bit more presentable and stable, not that it worked much considering how roughly you had been crying only moments prior. But you had to try.
“Well now you do, happy?” You asked rhetorically, looking down to the forest floor at your feet as you tried to figure out what to do now that you had let your true colors show.
Though once an awkward and slightly uncomfortable silence, something you’d never experienced before with Ten as you’d never ran out of things to say with him before, took place for longer than a minute, your body went into survival mode and did what it always did when things got awkward: ramble.
“It’s not like it changes shit for you anyways,” you tried to half heartedly joke to lighten the mood, “You still get to imprint and love and be happy and ride off into the sunset and all the bullshit I read about in books.”
Learning was always a love of yours. You and the others around you considered yourself a bookworm for it. Some of your favorite stories involved good ending romances. A small part of you had secretly hoped that maybe your relationship with Ten would receive the happy ending you in your stories that you so deeply craved. But fairytales were just make believe. Your own current desperate situation was living proof of that.
“I don’t because I have to get married because a forced arranged marriage is the best thing someone like me is ever gonna get,” You sighed, picking at your finger nails out of nervous habit while trying to keep the once more burning feeling in your eyes from making matters worse as you let out the words.
Because admitting it all out loud stung almost as much as keeping it all in. Really, what other choice did you have but your arrangement with Hae? Even if you somehow managed to convince your parents to call it off, you just knew you’d never find someone you’d love as much as you’d come to love Ten. So it was your only real option at that point anyways.
Ten nearly immediately started shaking his head at your sad words, “No, it’s not.”
But it was. And that was probably what hurt the most. The best you could get was a set up arrangement by your parents to some girl whereas the guy you really wished you could be with would end up loving someone the way you loved him.
You’d just be a distant memory to him then. He’d get to find someone the universe deemed fit enough to be his soul mate and he’d probably forget you even existed. Then it hit you: He’d forget you one day.
He’d forget you and even if he did care even the slightest bit enough about you to remember some part of you and what you had together, he’d probably only remember the bad things.
Humans always remembered the stuff that hurt. And one of the last few memories he’d have of you was you yelling and crying at him, making it seem like the whole situation was because of him.
You’d told him you hated him for god’s sake. Surely he’d remember that if he remembered anything about you at all.
“Fuck I’m sorry,” You winced, hoping he wouldn’t be able to see the sorrow and the new tears building up in your eyes as the pain in your chest grew worse with each passing thought, “Ten none of this is on you and none of it is your fault.” You hated how sensitive you got sometimes because it meant crying over and over was something you did frequently, and you were sure he must have hated it too, “I’m just… upset and depressed. You should just probably leave because I don’t see it stopping anytime soon and I don't want to upset you or say anything else I don't mean to say.”
You sniffled, attempting to steady your breathing so the Thai boy could leave your line of vision in peace without being disturbed by your waterworks. Then you could break down all you wanted.
But instead of seeing his figure walk off into the distance, you heard him voice out the word, “No.”
“W-What do you mean no?”
“No, I'm not leaving. No, i won’t be happy. No you’re not a moron and no neither am i.” Ten simplified, taking your large hand in his smaller one as he forced you to turn your glossy eyes to look at him and sighed, “____, I imprinted on you the first day I saw you. I just never told you because…” He breathed deeply, though you could really only focus on his confession, “Because I didn't think you could handle it at first.”
While you were beyond confused and bewildered, most of what he had said had been blocked out by the sudden racing pulse sound ringing in your ears.
He admitted he had imprinted on you. Which meant you were his mate. Your strong feelings for a man you hadn’t known nearly as long as you felt like you had all now made sense.
Before you met him, you were content with just playing the role your parents had given you your whole life without fighting it. But after you met him, you started to see just how colorless and emotionless it all truly was because he brought an instant connection to your life you had never had before.
“Then when i did want to tell you you basically told me you were staying with your girlfriend even though she knew we were fucking and i figured that meant i needed to just leave you be because that meant some part of you wanted to be with her,” Ten shrugged as he uncomfortably shifted his weight on the log.
He had done exactly what you had done. He assumed you liked someone else deep down the same way you assumed he’d find someone else and leave you anyway. You both really were the world’s biggest morons.
“I was just gonna keep doing whatever it was you wanted to do no matter how much it hurt because I just… wanted you to be happy,” Ten admitted rather sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck with his hand that wasn’t holding yours, “But marriage is permanent and babies are permanent and I don't want you to be stuck in anything that permanent with anyone unless it’s with me because I love you.”
You assumed as a werewolf he would have because, if you were his true mate and if what Ten had told you about werewolves was true, he must’ve instantly felt love for you the second he laid his eyes on you. But still, hearing him say those three little words practically took the breath out of you as you never expected to hear them from him even though you felt them for him.
“Y-you love me too?” You stuttered, your brain barely able to form a sentence because of all the new information it had been flooded with.
Ten smiled earnestly and his eyes glistened with what you could now place as fondness, “Of course I do. You’re my mate.”
And before you could even think of a proper reply back, you realized your body seemed to have had other plans as, you found your lips quickly connecting with his own and your hands flying behind his head to weave into his soft black hair to pull him closer to you.
The kiss was beyond electrifying as it finally confirmed your real feelings for each other. It made you feel like something other than a puppet of your parents. As Ten’s own hands found purchase on either side of your face to deepen the kiss further, you realized being with him made you feel human, maybe for the first time in your life.
Eventually, the molding of your bodies had to end and someone had to break the ice in starting a conversation, “I know you’re scared of your parents and it goes against everything you were taught and told and all, but can you please for the love of god call off that stupid wedding so I can hold your hand in public and not be called an adulterous homewrecker?” Ten joked with his forehead resting against your own, finishing his sentence by pecking your nose gently.
You couldn’t help but smile like an absolute idiot while taking your boyfriends hand with a nod and tears in your eyes.
Were you still scared of your parents? Yes absolutely. Were you even slightly worried they might try to fleece you for your actions? Sure. But we’re you worried about your future or your happiness being put at stake? No.
Because with Ten by your side, it didn’t matter to you that your parents didn’t accept you. It didn’t matter that you’d lose all their ‘love’ and financial support. It didn’t matter that all, if not most, of your friends and family would turn their backs on you.
Because with him by your side you knew you’d forever be in love and be loved back by the only person that’s opinion actually truly mattered to you.
(Last Edited: 3/14/23)
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writemekpop · 9 months
Live A Little | Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Summary: You knew that a holiday with your best friend Ten would be wild… you just didn’t expect to fall in love with him.
Genre: Friends to lovers AU
Word count: 1k @tyongie
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“Ten, what are you doing? You’ll get soaked!”
You watched in horror as your best friend Ten ran out from under the bridge, right into the thunderstorm.
Ten stood in the middle of the empty road, arms flung out, face tilted up to the sky.
Thick, warm drops of monsoon rain soaked him in an instant. The rain slid down his body, darkening his clothes and making his T shirt cling to his slim, muscled frame.
Ten turned to look at you, his dark eyes glinting mischievously.
He cocked two fingers at you.
“Come here,” he said, smirking. 
“No way! I don’t want to catch a cold!”
Ten just smiled, and turned his head to the sky once more. His handsome face was smooth, blissful. The rain soaked his plump lips.
Your eyes traced the droplets that curved down his Adam’s apple and pooled in his collar bones. The sight of him sent shivers down your spine. You couldn’t tear your eyes away. Ten had never looked less like your loveable best friend. He looked like a beautiful stranger.   
Not one drop of rain had touched crisp white shirt and business skirt. You could feel your bra digging into your skin, and your tight bun made your head throb.
You wanted to be carefree like Ten. You wanted him to lick your wounds and kiss your worries away. A strange feeling was swelling inside you. You realised that Ten was the answer to every question that had filled your head since you got here.
The realisation that you were in love with your best friend hit you like a truck.
You pulled out your bun, letting your hair fall past your shoulders.
Then, you took a deep breath and stepped out from under the bridge.
The rain drenched your body. It was warm, soothing your tightly wound muscles, coaxing a moan from your lips. 
Ten’s head turned towards the sound.
He walked towards you. His sly smirk transformed into a full-on grin by the time he reached you.
“Look who finally let her hair down,” Ten teased, twirling a soaked curl of your hair between his fingers.
You grasped Ten’s hand and pressed it against your chest, hoping he could feel your thundering heartbeat under his palm.
Ten’s brows quirked up.
Your words died on your lips. What did you want?
“I want – I want to be free like you,” you said, gulping. “I want… to be passionate like you. I want…”
Ten hummed, pretending to think.
Ten watched you with cold interest. “Is that all?”
“I want you,” you finally said.  
“You just have to do one thing,” he said, trying not to smile.
“Anything,” you gasped.
“Close your eyes.”
You let your eyelids fall shut. Your whole body felt alive, every cell was pulsing.  
At first, nothing happened. All you could feel was the rain splashing against your face. You stayed still, hoping, praying…
Then, suddenly, you felt warm, plump lips pressing against yours.
You gasped. You had never kissed your friend before. You didn’t even think you were his type. But the more you kissed, the more right it felt. It was like something had been missing in your relationship all these years, and this was it. Ten’s body against yours – that was what you had been craving.  
You moaned against Ten’s lips, reaching your hands to tug through his soft, dyed hair.
Ten’s head tilted back, and a slow, sexy grin spread over his lips.
“Took you long enough,” Ten said, dark eyes raking down your body.
You let out a laugh. You pulled Ten towards you, feeling his arms curl around your waist.
“Shut up and kiss me again.” 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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crdteezv · 3 months
Frat House - Yangyang Ver.
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DISCLAIMER (important): This is a continuation of a fratboy series I’m doing for all the Wayv members! I recommend you read the prologue here first so everything can make more sense. You can also choose the other members here or at the end if you are interested in seeing someone else!
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Paring:  !fratboy! yangyang x afab! reader
Genre: college! au, frat! au, smut
Synopsis: You continue playing an interesting game of Spin the Bottle/Truth or Dare with Ten and his friends. You were dared to spend the night with one of them. When the bottle was spun, it landed on Yangyang. You wondered what type of things you and him were about to get into tonight…
Warnings: smut. !possessive/jealous! yangyang, DUB-CON, toxic…, also somewhat dark and not for the faint of heart, dirty talk, teasing, kissing, fingering, hair pulling, oral (giving/receiving(69)), throat fucking, manhandling, masochism, spanking, video recording (consensual), edging, o.denial/control overstimulation, unprotected sex
Word Count: 3.2k words
A/N: I know it’s been some time since I last updated this series. But, I would like to say that it is hopefully coming to an end very soon! Next, I will work on Xiaojun and then finish off with Winwin. Now I hope you all enjoy the Yangyang ver!
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After Hendery spun the bottle, it landed on Yangyang.
You felt a bit surprised but relieved that it didn't point to a certain someone. Plus, you kinda know Yangyang so this wouldn’t be too awkward for you. 
"Looks like you're staying with me tonight!"
"Yeah, sounds good. I'm pretty tired anyway, let's head up now."
He agreed and took your hand, leading you upstairs to his room.
Meanwhile, Hendery was still processing what happened. He felt a bit upset because he wanted the bottle to land on him. Others understood his feelings but moved on eventually. Everyone went to their rooms to sleep for the night.
You have arrived at Yangyang's room.
It was nice and simple with a lot of grey undertones. His bed was facing the TV and was accompanied by his gaming setup.
"Hey, you can take the bed, and I'll crash on the floor or something–"
"No, it's okay. I'd feel bad making you sleep on the floor. Come here."
You gently pulled him towards the bed, feeling surprisingly at ease together.
"Your gaming setup looks pretty cool. So, you game a lot I assume?"
"Yeah, I do! I usually play with Winwin or Hendery. Lately, we've been hooked on Apex."
Seeing him talking about something he is passionate about, made him have this sparkle in his eye. You were so focused on what he was saying, you started to notice how attractive he was.
"I've never really played it before. I'm usually swamped with schoolwork."
"Wait, we could play now! I'll teach you."
Agreeing nervously, you watched as Yangyang set up the game. With a controller in hand, he guided you through the basics, his excitement contagious. Soon, you were immersed in the game together.
Laughter filled the room as you navigated the game alongside him. Gradually, you found yourself enjoying his company, feeling a growing connection. As the night wore on, you sensed a subtle shift in the air, the space between you started to heat up with tension. Sitting closely against the bedframe, your thighs would occasionally brush with each other, which was distracting you from the game.
"Hey, are you alright? You're playing slower than usual."
"I'm fine, just not used to this controller."
Yangyang paused the game, intertwining his arms with yours, hands still on the controller as if to offer comfort and support.
"You see, this is how you do it–" 
Yangyang's hands covered yours, skillfully maneuvering the controller to control your character. It was as if he was playing the game for you. You couldn't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and heightened nervousness at his intimate gesture.
As you and Yangyang continued playing the game, the close proximity between you felt both exciting and nerve-wracking. His subtle breath on your neck sent shivers down your spine, a sensation you hadn't experienced before. It was hard to concentrate, and Yangyang noticed.
"Do I make you nervous? You've been squirming since we started playing again. We can stop if–"
"No, don't stop," you interrupted, feeling emboldened by the moment.
Leaning back into him, you gave him a seductive look, feeling a rush of adrenaline at the intimate exchange.
Throughout the night, Yangyang couldn't keep his eyes off of you, feeling a growing desire. He couldn't resist any longer. Slowly, he began to kiss the back of your neck, which sent tingles throughout your body. His hands found their way to your waist, his whispers in your ear
“You should keep on playing the game sweetheart. If you win, I’ll do whatever you want...”
Shivers crawled down your spine as he said that to you. But, who are you to deny such an offer? You nodded your head and he leaned back onto the bedframe and your backside was facing against him. You felt at ease and started to play the game again.
But Yangyang had other plans.
As you focused on the game, his teasing escalated. His hands roamed under your shirt, causing you to squirm and struggle to concentrate.
"Please stop, I can't focus–" you pleaded, feeling overwhelmed.
But Yangyang's actions only intensified, his playful bites on your neck were sending waves of pleasure all over your body.
"I never said this was going to be easy," he smirked against your skin, his touch was driving you to the brink of ecstasy.
Determined to win, you bit your lip, trying to block out the sensations and focus. This will all be over once you beat the game. 
Feeling Yangyang's hand inching lower, your breath caught in your throat as anticipation mingled with excitement. His touch through your clothed pussy sent a jolt of pleasure surging through you, and you couldn't suppress the moan that escaped your lips.
"Seems like you don't want me to stop either," he whispered huskily, his voice dripping with lust as he felt the dampness soaking through your panties.
His words only fueled the desire raging within you, and you didn’t want him to stop at all.
His words alone were making you feel more aroused for him and you don’t know how long you could take it anymore. 
He pulled your panties to the side and shoved his middle finger into your wetness. You let out a moan that was quickly covered up with one of his hands.
“Shh, you don’t want the others to find out what we are doing do you?”
You shook your head no and weren’t even focused on the game anymore. You were too immersed in all the things Yangyang was doing to you. Each thrust was pushing you closer to the edge. As waves of pleasure crashed over you, your moans became so out of control that you couldn't contain them anymore. But luckily Yangyang's hand muffled all the sinful noises you were making. Your body felt limp as you surrendered to the overwhelming sensations, losing control over yourself. Tears started to dwell down your face from all the stimulation you were feeling.
When Yangyang's thumb found its way to your clit, a primal scream tore from your throat, your body shuddering with pleasure.
He finds this all amusing and starts laughing at you.
“God, you can’t be this desperate for me, right? You’re not even playing the game for me anymore-”
He feels you squeeze and clench around his finger.
“Mhmm, you’re getting close sweetie? Then cum for me.”
He started shoving his fingers into you at a faster pace than ever before. And just when you were on the brink of climax, he stopped and pulled out his fingers immediately. You felt a sense of discomfort from being unsatisfied by his actions.
“Hey, why did you do that?”
His smirk only widened as he pointed to the TV, explaining his motive with a mischievous look in his eyes.
“It’s because you didn’t win love. I told you I will give you anything you want if you win.”
“Are you serious? It’s not even fair you, kept on distracting me.”
“Oh I know, and I don’t plan on making any of this easy for you. But I'll give you one more chance since I'm feeling generous tonight."
“YES! Now what’s the catch this time?”
He grabs the controller and switches the game to a simple racing game.
“Now, this should be easier for you to play and I will just be down here-”
He switches positions now between your legs while you lean against the bedframe.
You rolled your eyes out of annoyance. This is just going to be harder than before. But you were determined to win, fed up with his teasing. You agreed and focused on the game.
He started slow by kissing all over your thighs and squeezing them firmly with his hands. You stayed focused, he was not distracting you this time. He admired your determination but knew he could break you soon. His kisses turned into bites, making you tense. He let out a little smirk and continued marking up your thighs. 
You were more focused on the game than before. You knew for a fact he was going to do everything in his power to make you fall for him. But, you are standing your ground and not making any moves. He couldn’t wait any longer and started to lick up your drenched pussy. He put your legs over his shoulders and started to devour you like he was hungry.
You bite your lip hard and start to lose focus. You were almost done with the game and just needed to hold out a little longer. He didn’t care anymore and shoved your core into his face. He started lapping up all of your juices and even started sucking on your clit. 
You finished the game just in time and ended up in first place and you can fully let yourself go for him. You threw your head back in pleasure and started moaning even louder than before. You didn’t care if the whole house could hear you at this point, you just wanted Yangyang to keep going.
You pulled onto his hair and pushed him hard against you. You feel him start to whimper into you. The vibrations of all of the sounds he was making made you start to wince around him. You squeeze your thighs around his head and he starts to gasp for air. 
“Fuck baby, this is not enough for me come here-”
He lays down on his back and places you on top of him. He made you face away from him.
“Back that ass into me sweetie.”
You were taken aback as he grabbed your waist and pushed your pussy onto his face, causing you to let out a moan. No one had ever made you feel this aroused before, and he was practically driving you wild. He practically making you see stars. You grind your core onto his face and he was loving every second of this. 
As you were going at it, you started to notice that his cock was right in front of you. With a sinful idea in mind, you pulled down his shorts and boxers, stroking him with your hand. He moaned in pleasure, too focused on you to fully comprehend your actions. He couldn’t help but grind up into your hand. Pumping him faster, you reveled in his needy desire.
"You enjoy this, don't you?" you teased, slowing your pace as he begged for more.
“Mhm f-fuck yes, don’t stop-”
You started to slow down your pace and let out a playful laugh.
“I don’t know if you earned it yet. You teased me so much tonight and -”
“P-please, I won’t tease you anymore..”
You looked back at him and gave him a smirk. 
“You promise?”
He nodded his head you decided enough was enough. You took him into your mouth, and he threw his head back. He had already forgotten that he had a job to do too.
“Hey this don’t get too comfortable, you better get back to-”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. He went back to devouring your pussy and with more vigor than before. You let out a loud moan and decided to suppress all your noises by shoving your throat down his cock. You began to bob your head up and down wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon. You were both overwhelmed by each other. Just a moment ago you were playing a spin-the-bottle game and now his face is deep into your pussy.
Who would’ve known this all happening because of Hendery's little dare?
Yangyang couldn't resist thrusting into your mouth, causing you to gag. Tears streamed down your face as you wondered if you could take this anymore.
The both of you were reaching your breaking point.
You felt his cock start to twitch in your mouth, and you clenched around his tongue in response. With increasing urgency, you both intensified your pace, driving each other to climax simultaneously, not wasting a single drop. You got off of him and almost fell back but he grabbed you in time. 
“Oh baby, we're not done just yet.”
You gave him a confused look and he grabbed you and pushed you down into the mattress on your back. He pinned your hands over and proceeded to take off the rest of his and your clothes. 
"You're so beautiful. I've always wanted to do this," he confessed, his words a mix of desperation and lust, unsettling you slightly.
"Every day in class, I'd stare at you, wanting to be closer," he admitted, his voice tinged with longing. "But Ten or Hendery would always get in the way..."
He slowly brought your legs up his shoulders and positioned himself into you.
“But now… I have you all to myself.”
You started to feel a little intimidated by him. He seemed so possessive all of a sudden. Before you could even say anything, he slips his cock into your pussy, eliciting a loud moan from you as pleasure surged through your body. Your eyes started to roll in the back of your head. 
He began to pound into you with rough, deep strokes, his pace relentless and unforgiving. It was as if he was consumed by an insatiable hunger for you, a side of him you had never seen before.
“F-fuck Yangyang s-slow down-“
“No, I can’t anymore. I’ve wanted this for too long, princess. Besides just a moment ago you were practically begging me to fuck you.”
His words were starting to get to you. You did ask for this but you didn’t expect him to be so feral for you. Apart of you didn’t mind it though. You almost like the feeling of being wanted and almost felt selfish for it. It’s been a while since someone wanted to be inside of you this bad. 
So you gave in and started to make out with him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought him closer to you.  He gripped on the headboard with one of his hands and started fucking deeper into you. His strokes started to become more sharp and precise. 
“F-fuck p-please keep going… right there-“
“Ah you’re liking this a lot more now huh sweetheart? You look so pretty for me.”
He caressed your cheek gently before deciding to change things up. Flipping you onto your stomach, he positioned you with your ass in the air and pushed your head into the pillow.
"Now, I'm not holding back anymore. I want you to be loud for me so everyone in this house can hear you, sweetheart," he whispered in your ear, delivering a loud smack to your ass that elicited a whimper from you.
“Especially Hendery and Ten.”
Your eyes widened as you realized Yangyang had planned this all along. He had been jealous since you kissed Ten in front of everyone
Little did you know, he and Winwin were in on it the whole time.
 When he was whispering to Winwin when you kissed Ten, he was telling him that he wanted to find a way to separate you and Ten. Yangyang thought if he could somehow convince Hendery to come up with such a dare, there was a chance he could have you to himself tonight. That's why he didn't object when Hendery first proposed the dare.
Yangyang was jealous.
You looked back at Yangyang with such anger "You wanted this to happen, didn't you? How long have you been planning this?"
“Since we first met in math class. I always saw you and Hendery going against each other and how close you were with Ten-“
He pulled you up by your hair and brought you closer to his face.
“Now here you are all alone with me. Begging for me to fuck you. Isn't it crazy how things have turned out?" 
“Oh you’re literally insane you know that?”
He pushes you back onto the bed and slips himself back into you.
“And you love that about me don’t you princess?”
With each powerful thrust, you moaned his name, torn between fear and lust. Despite your conflicting emotions, you couldn't deny how good he was making you feel. You felt like you were losing yourself to him and you didn’t want to let go of that feeling.
You were enjoying this and so was he.
He slowed his pace slightly, still inside you, and reached for his phone. He started to record you.
"Now, baby, look into the camera and tell me who makes you feel this good," he demanded.
"You... you do," you managed to gasp out.
He gave a harsh slap on your ass again and you let out a loud moan.
He delivered another harsh slap to your ass, eliciting a loud moan from you. "What was that, sweetie? I didn't quite catch that," he teased
"YOU DO!" you exclaimed, feeling the pleasure intensify as he pounded you deeper into the mattress.
"That's right, pretty girl. Only I can make you feel this good," he affirmed before stopping the recording and tossing his phone aside.
"Now that I've got what I wanted tonight, I think it's time to wrap this up, don't you think?" he suggested, his actions leaving you too overwhelmed to respond with words. All you could do was nod your head. You were too preoccupied to be able to let out any words at the moment. He was bringing you so much pleasure that all you could do was scream and moan in ecstasy.
He grabbed your waist with both of his hands and started to fuck you into the mattress. He gripped your waist so tight that it was starting to become a little painful to bear. You both eventually climax at the same time and he was riding out all of your orgasms. He wouldn’t stop until you were fully satisfied.
He fell back into the bed and brought you to his chest. You were both panting for air, trying to catch your breath. It felt a little awkward afterward and you both didn’t know what to say to each other.
“Hey look I’m sorry for the way I acted tonight. It’s just I’ve liked you for a very long time now and I just got carried away. I can’t help myself when it comes to you-“
You kissed him on his cheek. 
“It's fine, Yangyang. You just caught me off guard is all. I just didn’t know you were this crazy for me-“
"Hey, I'm not that crazy for you," he joked, attempting to lighten the mood after everything that happened between the two of you.
“Oh come on. You kept on going on and on about how much you wanted me and was being really possessive. I think that’s what you call crazy.” you teased, noting his surprised expression as he realized your point.
"Look, I'm sorry again, and we can forget about this happening, and I'll even delete the video–" he started, but you interrupted him by grabbing his wrist.
"Oh, but I don't want to forget what happened tonight. It was just getting fun, don't you think?" you said playfully, causing him to feel drawn to you once more.
"You don't have to delete the video if you don't want to. I know you want to show all the other guys what went on with me and you tonight," you added, observing his surprised reaction.
"Especially Hendery and Ten, right?" 
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**AUTHOR NOTES**: If you want to see what would happen if the bottle landed on a different member, choose here: [KUN] [TEN] [WINWIN] [XIAOJUN] [HENDERY]
152 notes · View notes
mins-fins · 2 months
boyfriend texts. — ten lee
male reader, swearing, mentions of your good old sexual acts, just stupid, idol x idol relationship this time
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102 notes · View notes
hwangyeonjun · 4 months
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prompt: “stop teasing me”
pairing: ten lee x fem!reader
warnings: suggestive, clothed grinding and teasing, dirty talk (kinda)
word count: 706
2k followers celebration masterlist
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“look, y/n!” yangyang exclaimed, shoving his phone into your face. “i ordered this shirt yesterday, what do you think?” he smiled brightly at you.
you chuckled at his excitement, his sparkly eyes warming your heart as he looked at the peace of clothing that he was showing you and sat down next to you, waiting for an answer.
“it’s nice. i think it’ll look good on you” you replied honestly, offering a small smile his way.
you heard a loud sigh and a grunt on the other side of you where ten was sitting. glancing at him, you notice a little scowl on his face which almost made you laugh out loud.
deciding to play along, you look at yangyang again. “don’t forget to send me a picture of how it looks on you”
your words made his eyes sparkle even more as he nodded eagerly, failing to notice the growing tension in the room which was caused by your very own boyfriend.
ten knew that there was nothing to be jealous or suspicious about you and yangyang. he trusted you both and you always treated yangyang like a little brother because that was the relationship you established with him ever since you met and it was completely normal and acceptable for everyone.
but although ten is embarrassed to admit, he is jealous of the attention yangyang is getting from you, even if it’s childish and maybe even selfish. he knows that. yet, he can’t shake this feeling off, because he just can’t admit that today he wanted your attention a little more, so the only thing he is left to do is to pout and hope that you’ll notice him.
later that night, when you returned back to your own house, you found ten still sulking with his arms crossed on his chest.
giggling quietly to yourself, you approached him, though he didn’t even spare you a glance. “are you mad?” you cooed, sitting down next to him.
“no” he answered quickly, still keeping his gaze forwards.
you sticked your head out in front of him, forcing him to meet your eyes. “jealous?”
he scoffed. “no”
you rolled your eyes and threw your legs over his, straddling his hips. ten’s eyes went wide for a second as he gulped from the sudden contact.
wrapping your arms around his shoulder, you wiggled on his lap. “oh come on, you know that yangyang treats me like a big sister, he’s still a kid in heart, he wants the attention”
ten hissed when you pressed down on his crotch. “i know”
“he’s been separated from his family at a young age, lost most of his childhood in the practice room, in a different country. you, from all people, should know better what that’s like” you continued while dragging your fingers from his neck down to his chest, feeling him relax more and more every passing second.
ten knew you were right, and it made him feel more like an asshole for getting visibly upset over this issue. but he was too damn stubborn to admit it, so he nodded his head before tilting it back and resting it on top of the backrest, eyes fixating on the ceiling, while his hands finally found its way to your thighs, though he only softly placed them on top, which annoyed you.
you took it as a challenge and started to grind yourself more on his crotch, his dick slowly becoming harder until you could see a visible bulge in his pants, while your hands burried themselves into his hair, slightly tugging at the roots and your lips leaving soft, wet kisses on his neck, showing a little bit more attention to the sensitive spots.
ten couldn’t suppress his sounds anymore. low grunts and moans slipping past his lips, eyes squeezed shut, nails digging into your thighs.
but when he lifted his head up and tried to remove your pants, ready to actually start doing something and take the lead, you swatted his hands away and smirked.
“nope. not so fast”
“oh come on” he groaned loudly. “stop teasing me” his last words came out like a whine which only made you smile more.
“oh baby, this is just the beginning”
81 notes · View notes
mymoodwriting · 1 year
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Request for Anon (Yandere Sugar Daddy NCT U) 9k, assault, verbal assault, physical assault, slut-shaming, public humiliation, bullying, name calling, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, penetration, blowjob, handjob, creampie, gang bang, breeding, pregnancy scare, forced pregnancy, non-con, kidnapping, yandere, bad ending, blatant disregard for womens reproductive rights
“Leave me the fuck alone!”
    This wasn’t the first time you had answered the phone in such a manner. Screaming into the little speaker, hoping to blow out the eardrum of the annoying caller, and then hanging up. It was a very frustrating ordeal.
“Damn girl, what’s your problem?”
“It’s nothing, Mina. Just trying to get my point across.”
“Is someone bothering you?”
“Then why haven’t you blocked their number?”
“Oh I have, but obviously they still know mine. So whenever I get a call from a random number, I answer by screaming.”
“And how long have you been doing that for?”
“Uh… a little over a week now.”
“Seriously? And they still haven’t gotten the message?”
“You know, what if those calls are important?”
“I don’t have any jobs or internships or anything that I’m waiting to hear back on, so it’s highly unlikely that’s the case.”
“Maybe you should change your number.”
“That would mean spending money I don’t have.”
“Really? Says the girl who has paid her tuition in full and doesn’t owe a penny in student debt. All because of some mystery job she won’t tell me about or share!”
“Well, you know me.”
“Yeah, I do.”
    You and Mina were close friends, having met here at Uni your freshman year and sticking together through it all. Now you were at the start of your final semester, ready for one last ride before starting a new chapter of your life. Of course the campus was jammed back as new students were moving in, and freshmen were trying to navigate this new place and find their classes. It was a really beautiful day too, and you had yet to start any of your classes, so you were in a pretty good mood. You knew you probably wouldn’t feel the same by the end of the day, but it was best to make the most of it now. That is until you were suddenly yanked back, and came face to face with someone you really didn’t want to see.
“You’re such a fucken bitch.”
    Jeno’s words dripped with venom. To say he was pissed would be an understatement. He was also the last person you wanted to see right now.
“What the hell are you doing here!”
“Why aren’t you answering our calls?”
“Oh, I am answering. I just don’t wanna hear what you have to say!”
“That’s not solely for you to decide!”
“Yes, it is. If I want to end things, I can, and I have.”
“Without a proper explanation? You’re kidding, right?”
“Does it sound like I am?”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Leave. Before I call security.”
“We are not leaving until we talk.”
    You heard it then, the terribly familiar sound of a car engine, two car engines to be specific. You looked over and saw the vehicles pulling up, two gentlemen exiting each one, and making their way over to you. In the moment you attempted to run off, but Jeno grabbed your arm and dragged you towards them.
“There she is.” Ten teased. “Where ya been hiding love?”
“Fuck off! I want nothing to do with you! Any of you!”
“Yeah, we got your text. Now explain yourself.”
“What’s there to explain? I’m breaking up with you, period.”
“See that’s the thing.” Johnny grabbed your chin and forced your eyes to meet. “Where did that silly idea come from?”
“My head. Or is that too hard to comprehend.”
“Easy now, princess. You’re begging for punishment if you keep acting like this.”
“I’m not playing any games here.” You pulled away from Johnny. “We’re done, now leave.”
“That’s hardly an explanation.” Jaehyun hissed. “Do the last four years mean nothing to you?”
“Are you really all that dumb? Our relationship was just an exchange of goods and services, nothing more.”
“Is that so?”
“I’ve told you all about my dreams and aspirations for the future before. When did I ever include you in them?”
Yuta scoffed. “So you really just whored yourself out to us for four years so we could pay your tuition? And now that it’s all been paid off, you’re done with us?”
“Bingo. Maybe you’re not that stupid.”
“This was all just a fucken game to you?” Jeno yelled. “Four years?! A fucken game!”
“Not like you ever made a serious move, did you now? Any of you for that matter. So don’t come bitching to me about a broken heart or broken promises. It’s not my fault you caught feelings when I wasn’t sending you any fucken signals.”
“Yeah? What about all the nights out? The dinners, the trips, the clothes and accessories?”
“Dinners, and trips, you invited me out on. I never asked to go anywhere. As for the clothes and other stuff, that’s all at your place, isn’t it? I never kept any of the fancy expensive stuff you got me, did I? Nor did I ask for anything. I owe you nothing. You got what you paid for, more than that actually, but I’m fine leaving things as they are.”
    Your words had certainly stunned them into silence. And you also meant everything you said. It was certainly fun to be with them, to get a little slice of that kinda life, even if it was just for a while. You knew it wouldn’t last though, and that’s the mentality you kept, the one that kept you from falling for them. They were just rich guys wanting someone to mess around with, and now that their no-strings attached fuck buddy had left them, they were panicking. You said your peace, having to spell it all out for them. It was good to get it off your chest though, and with that you’d make you exit. Or at least that was the idea.
    As you turned around to leave, you felt a hand grab your arm and yank you back with enough force to drop you to the ground. You couldn’t get back up as they surrounded you. By then your whole argument had been noticed and a crowd of students and faculty had gathered around. Having this conversation out in the open was already embarrassing, and all the attention was making it worse. Although they were about to increase that exponentially.
“Whore.” Jaehyun spat. “Any money spent on you was clearly a waste. The only way you could think about getting through uni was to spread your legs. I bet you slept around with your professors too.”
“Excuse me!”
“Do you even have any brains?” Yuta questioned. “Or are you just playing pretend so you can wear a cap and gown, and show off some piece of paper.”
    You tried to get up but Jeno got his foot on your chest, pinning you down. You struggled to get him off, but he was putting all his weight on you. When your eyes met him you could see he was still pissed, and if possible, he was way more enraged now.
“You found someone else to spread your legs for, didn’t you!” Jeno yelled. “Whoring yourself out for whoever can benefit you the most!”
“Get off of me!”
“Why? Don’t you like having men on top of you?” Johnny kicked dirt at you. “Fucken slut.”
“Just do what you do best.”
    Yuta and Ten started yanking your legs apart, and you kicked and screamed at them. Although you stopped when Jeno put more weight on you and you struggled to breath. You were clawing at his leg, but he was relentless.
“What’s going on here!”
    Two officers from campus security approached and all the boys stepped back. Jeno moved away and you took in a deep breath, sitting up and coughing a bit.
“We’re leaving.” Ten smiled. “No need for an escort.”
“Hold on now, you can’t-”
“Just let them go.” You spoke. “I’m not gonna make a big deal out of this.”
    The officers didn’t do anything more, and so the boys walked off. Soon enough you heard those damn engines again, but you didn’t dare look over at them. For a moment after they were gone everything remained quiet and still, and then Mina came over to help you stand, the crowds starting to disperse.
“What the hell was all that?”
“Remember when I told you I got a sugar daddy…”
“Yeah, daddy, as in one, not five! Also, I didn’t believe you.”
“Well I wasn’t lying.”
“Clearly. And you couldn’t share any of them?”
“They’re not exactly easy to deal with.”
“Is that why you’d always ditch me? Disappear on weekends? Why we couldn’t ever really share a meal together? You were off with them.”
“You really are stupid.”
“Girl, when did you ever have time for yourself? Or anyone else in your life who was actually important? Here I thought you were just so focused on studying and busy working to pay off your tuition. I wasn’t wrong on the latter, but still.”
“Are you... mad at me?”
“No, not really. Just processing out loud... you did tell me about this, somewhat, I just didn’t think you were for real.”
“I know. If you had told me the same thing I wouldn’t have believed you either.”
“But you’re really done with them now?”
“Yup. I didn’t think they’d throw such a fit though.”
“A fit? I’d call that harassment, and assault. Shouldn’t you press charges?”
“There’s no point. They’d get good lawyers, and it’d just be a waste of my time. I don’t want anything to do with them anymore, so I’ll let it go.”
“Fine, but you are getting a new number after class. Got it?”
    That morning certainly killed the mood, but you went about your day trying to make the best of it. Of course your chest hurt pretty bad, but nothing some quick pain killers couldn’t deal with. Like you had promised, after all your classes, you and Mina went to change your number. Then you went about the grueling task of messaging friends and family to let them know you had a new number.
“Shall we go out for ice cream? You know, since you’re free now.”
“I could use something sweet.”
    You knew there would still be issues. If they made such a big show at your campus, who knows what else would happen if you met out on the streets. With that in mind you didn’t go anywhere off campus alone, and you didn’t visit any of their favorite places or usual hangouts. You thought you had it figured out, but there was something you couldn’t avoid. Everyone else.
    Word spread fast about that day. About how a girl got harassed by five guys, and all the slurs and insults that they threw her way. A few days later everyone seemed to know your name, and had an idea of the type of person you were. When you went to class all the others would purposely sit away from you, only Mina ever sat next to you. Then there were the whispers and chuckles. Every time you raised your hand to ask a question there was always some comment about you sleeping around with the professor. Regardless of who it was. It was frustrating, but you just pushed through. Although Mina certainly wanted to pick a fight with everyone.
“Just let it go.”
“How are you so okay with this?”
“I’m not, but it’ll die down eventually. As long as I don’t engage with them I won’t add fuel to the fire. So don’t pay them any attention.”
“They are slut-shaming you and saying all kinds of shit.”
“And I just have to make it through this semester. After that I can move forward and really build my life. I’m not gonna let some idiots who have nothing better to do ruin that. Besides, I’m sure they’re all just jealous I could actually get a Sugar Daddy, and five at that.”
“You’re not wrong there. Those people don’t just throw money at anyone.”
“I appreciate you ready to fight for me, but this ain’t worth it.”
Mina sighed. “Fine, but if you ever wanna start swinging, just let me know.”
“Will do.”
    You were right, in part. The teasing did die down, and you could go about your life like normal, but there were still a handful of dicks who found things funny. And one ballsy little fucker who decided to go a step further. As one of your classes ended, and you were gathering your things, another of your peers accidentally spilled their drink all over you.
“Oh shit, my bad. You must be used to getting soaked though.”
    That bastard and his friends snickered to themselves. You knew everyone got the joke, some chuckling too, but of course no one was gonna say anything or take your side. So you just did your best to clean your face, and then whipped around to look at your attacker. Of course it was a boy and his friends, although he got quiet now that you were staring at him dead on.
“Your mistake, right?”
“Yeah. I can be clumsy, you know.”
“Right. So then just pay up and we can call it even.”
“You said it was your mistake. So pay for it.” You held out your hand. “I think a hundred dollars should cover my hair and clothes.”
“A hundred dollars? You play around with some rich boys and now you think you’re worth all that?”
“So you’re not gonna pay me?”
“Fuck that.”
“Fine then, but we are gonna call it even.”
    Without missing a beat you swung at him and clocked him right in the face. He fell back onto his friends, and you noticed a bit of blood from his nose.
“My mistake. I guess we’re even now.”
“You bitch!”
    Not once in your academic career have you ever wound up in the principal’s office, this was the student dean’s office, so not the same but still. You had no problems with words, but things getting physical was crossing a line, and you weren’t going to sit still. You were still drying off as you sat in the dean’s office, listening to that jerk go off about how you were a monster and whatever. You weren’t going to apologize until he did, but that was definitely not gonna happen when his parents walked in. You couldn’t believe he actually called for help like this, and now they were demanding your expulsion. That someone violent like you shouldn’t be at such a place.
“Are you kidding? Are you even looking at me? Your son started this, and couldn’t apologize or pay up for his mistake!”
“A mistake isn’t met with physical violence!”
“He started it!”
“Please, everyone calm down.” The dean spoke. “We can resolve this without yelling.”
“I want that girl expelled.”
“That seems a little too-”
“Do you know how much we give to this school so-”
    The conversation stopped short as the door opened. You couldn’t imagine who else would join this conversation. When you looked back your eyes went wide, and you stood up.
“Sit down, baby.” Johnny said. “We’ll get you cleaned up later.”
“Who the hell are you gentlemen?!”
“Y/n’s sponsors.” Jaehyun smiled. “We heard there was a commotion involving her, and by the state she is in, I’m not very happy. What is being done to remedy this?”
“She hasn’t apologized for hitting my son!”
“Has he apologized for his actions?”
“Exactly who are you to be making such demands?”
“Ah, right. I’ve not introduced myself. I’m Jung Jaehyun. These are my friends, Nakamoto Yuta, Johnny Suh, Lee-”
“I know those names…”
“Good. Then apologize before you’re buried.”
“Or shall this be resolved outside this room?” Ten smiled. “I have no problem doing it that way too. I might actually prefer it.”
    You didn’t care much for an apology, you got to punch the fucker in the face, but getting one was the cherry on top. You didn’t apologize either and the situation was left at that. Now that you had a moment you wanted to go clean up, and the boys wound up dragging you into a gender neutral bathroom. Johnny locked the door, and leaned against it, guaranteeing privacy. You were ready to start screaming and fighting but Yuta turned the sink on, getting the water warm and grabbing paper towels. They weren’t saying anything, and you could silently be grateful for that. You washed up your hair, using the hand dryer to dry it off as best you could. Jeno gave you his jacket afterwards since your shirt was still dirty.
“Alright, what the fuck do you want?”
“We owe you an apology.” Yuta said. “For everything.”
“Go on then.”
“We’re sorry we attacked you the way we did that day.” Jeno began. “We were out of line and completely in the wrong for that.”
“Assholes. You know this is all your fault right? Everyone keeps calling me names because of you! And this was the first time someone dared to take it a step further.”
“We never meant-”
“Then what did you think was gonna happen when you screamed out that I was a whore in the middle of campus?”
“Good try, I guess.”
“You were right.” Ten admitted. “Four years is a lot of time, and yet throughout it all you never made a move to suggest you wanted anything more from us than attention and money. We never did anything to give you the impression that we wanted more from you either. I’m sure if we had, you would have said something sooner. So you were right, we had no reason to act the way we did. We’ve been seeing each other for a long time and you broke it off so suddenly. Our judgment became clouded, and we let rage overtake us when we should have been better. We can’t simply undo what we did, but we are sincerely sorry for our actions.”
“Hm… was it really that hard to take a moment and reflect?”
“Yeah…” Jaehyun added. “We’ve had such good times together, it was hard to believe you’d just leave us like that… but why was it so sudden? Why didn’t you just talk to us?”
“I… I wasn’t entirely sure how… we weren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend… and it’s not like we had agreed to anything specifically when we started this whole… thing… all I could think of was a break up text… I also didn’t think you’d explode at me the way you did… I mean, I always thought you had girls lined up that you played with or whatever… I didn’t think you’d care that much…”
“Well, as you can see… we care a lot…”
“Yeah… how did you even know I was in trouble?”
“We might have… been paying someone in the administrative office to keep tabs on you for us…”
“Yeah.” Johnny commented. “We’ve practically been with you throughout your whole academic career. You’re a good student, so we never imagined you’d get into any kind of trouble, but just to be safe. It worked out for us in the end. We’ve been wanting to talk to you, to apologize, we just didn’t really know how to approach you.”
“I see.”
“Which brings us to our other point. Do you think we can do this properly?”
“Do what?”
“We understand that you don’t see us in your future, but can we at least end things on a good note? We’ve been with you for four years now… we were all kinda hoping to see you graduate you know…”
“What exactly are you suggesting here?”
“One last dinner… one last trip…” Yuta mumbled. “That kinda stuff… let us see this to the end. We can just be another part of your Uni days and nothing more.”
“Can you at least give us that kinda closure?”
    You weren’t really sure how you felt about all this. You had already cut them out of your life, but they were clearly still hanging on. At least they had apologized, and did help you back there in the dean’s office. Truth was the way you handled things wasn’t all that great either. You had been worried that if you just talked to them they’d find some way to convince you to stick around, but that really wasn’t your life plan. Now they understood that, so maybe things could end differently. You also didn’t want to part ways with them on a bad note.
“Just until graduation?”
“We really wanna see you with that cap and gown.” Jeno admitted. “You’ll look so gorgeous.”
“Alright, we can somewhat continue as we were, but after my graduation, we’re done. Understood?”
“Got it.”
“Can we take you out to lunch then?” Ten asked. “Since you’re done with classes for the day.”
“You know my schedule too?”
“We were trying to figure out a way to talk to you…”
“Fine, let me just go change clothes first. I’ll meet you at my usual pick up spot?”
“That works for us.”
    It had been a while since you last hung out with the boys, so there was a bit of awkwardness. At least this was just lunch to ease back into things. They took you to one of their usual spots, getting a private room and ordering your favorites.
“So, you really just clocked him in the face, huh?”
“He could have paid up. I wasn’t going to let him do that without consequence.”
“Good on you.” Yuta cheered. “Although tryna get you kicked out, that’s ridiculous.”
“I can’t believe he called his parents. Such a momma’s boy.”
“Says the sugar baby.”
“I didn’t call you to come save my ass.”
“Ah, so you agree.” Johnny teased. “We did save you?”
“Well… I wasn’t entirely sure how I was gonna deal with that just yet…”
“We saved you. It’s okay to admit that.”
“You guys just wanna brag to my face.” 
“Is that so wrong?” Jeno teased. “Maybe you can shut me up with a reward.”
“You think you deserve a reward?”
“Don’t I?”
“Hm… what did you have in mind?”
“I have been missing you a lot.”
“Really? You? Or is it someone else?”
    Jeno had been at your side, and he was leaning in close asking for his reward. Now that you were teasing him back you leaned in too. You placed a hand between his legs, slowly moving it closer to his crotch. After breaking the ice, it was kinda easy to slip back into old dynamics. Besides, maybe you had missed something about them too.
“Oh… you want a reward out of this too, huh?”
“I’ve been good, haven’t I?”
“Easy now.” Jaehyun pulled you away from Jeno. “We’re just having lunch today, baby. Besides, are you still taking the pills?”
You sighed. “I stopped taking them when we parted ways.”
“Then we should probably get you back on them before we start playing. Don’t you think?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“We still have some.” Ten offered. “They should work just fine, right?”
“It shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Excellent. I’ll throw in a pregnancy test or two, just to be safe.”
“Well, you took a break from the pill, just a precaution.”
    Things weren’t exactly like before. They were more respectful of your time. Before they’d always be calling, wanting every moment of free time you had. They’d pick you up Friday night from school, keep you to themselves all weekend most of the time. You only ever got a pass during exam time, and when you had the guts to ask for a break. Usually you didn’t, not wanting to upset them and possibly lose out on your tuition money. It was exhausting, but it was all for a better life. At least that’s what you told yourself. This time around they were more like friends, checking in on you, and asking how you were doing.
    They definitely wanted to see you, but on your own terms. So occasionally you’d go out for lunch, maybe dinner, but nothing too extravagant, as you knew they were gonna go all out for the last trip and dinner. At least with these little outings they always brought you back to campus unlike before where you’d spent the night with them until Sunday afternoon. Things were better this way, kinda making you wish the last four years had been like this too. Although you were actually surprised when they brought up the last trip.
“Spring break?”
“Yeah. Let’s have a blast and unwind before you give it your all for graduation.”
“Uh… well… the thing is…”
“You don’t like it?” Johnny questioned.
“I had already made plans with my friends for spring break… and I thought you’d want to go out on a trip like after my finals…”
“Ah, right. You didn’t intend for us to still be in your life by now.”
“Then how about we split it.” Yuta suggested. “First half of your break, you hang out with your friends. For the second half, we get you all to ourselves.”
“Hm… switch it.”
“You get the first half, my friends get the second half.”
“How come?”
“Cause you guys can switch your plans around easily, my friends can’t.”
“Fair. So we’ll pick you up Monday morning?” Jeno asked. “Or can we come get you Friday night?”
“Oh, wanna kick things off early?” 
“If you can handle it.”
“Sure. I’ll pack some things after my class.”
“Can’t wait.”
    Even if you were acting cool, you were excited for this trip. They always treated you so well, spoiled you like a princess. This wasn’t gonna be any different. They had been modest so far, but now was their chance to do things like back then. They picked you up in a party bus, starting off strong with drinks, and congratulating you on your midterm exams. Of course karaoke and good food followed, and you were out celebrating until early hours of the morning. Somehow you all made it back to the penthouse sweet. You had a few more drinks before you made it to bed, half dressed with the boys piled around you.
    The morning was a hangover times six, although some of them had it worse than you. Thankfully breakfast was brought up, and hangover cures, so you just had to get up and put food in your mouth. When that failed Johnny was more than happy to feed you, the one of the bunch that could really handle their liquor.  You also needed to get yourself together. The party had only just begun, not to mention all the plans you had with your friends later on in the week. For now though, you just needed to make it through breakfast.
“Had a little too much?”
“I’m good…”
“Your face says otherwise.”
“What’s it telling you?”
“You wanna throw up?”
“I don’t want a bad taste in my mouth.”
“Then some ice cream to help soothe your throat.”
“Ice cream for breakfast?” Jaehyun questioned. “Isn’t that a bad idea?”
“This week is all about bad ideas.”
“So what’s on the agenda for today?” You asked. “More drinks?”
“We want you sober for all the memories we are gonna make. So no more drinks, is that okay?”
“Just fine.”
“Good. We were thinking of some tourist attractions, and some trips to the museums.”
“Yes. The aquarium is on the list.”
    Once you were all better you headed out, taking a limo into town. You had a chance to relax now that you were on break, and really take it all in. This was one of the last times you’d be around here, planning to go home after graduation. The whole day honestly made you feel like a child, indulging in everything you wanted to do or eat. To many you looked like a little sister with her brothers, or maybe just a lucky girl with her friends, but either way, you were glad you didn’t attract any negative attention. Some did recognize the boys, but that never became a problem, so you had nothing to worry about.
    You got to have lunch in the aquarium, watching all the fishes swim, almost feeling like you were in the water with them. The penguins were great too, and the jellyfish, and dolphins. You totally walked out with two or three plushies. For dinner this time you returned to the hotel, having some quality food, but as said before no drinking. Jeno and Yuta still felt the need to embarrass you and make a toast to your health and success in school. They even had a dessert brought out with a candle to once again congratulate you on surviving midterms. Although once back in the suite you better understood why there was a drinking ban.
    As soon as you set foot in the penthouse Johnny picked you up in his arms, taking you to the bedroom. He saw you down and laid you back, his hand caressing your cheek. You could feel one of the others getting your shoes off, and you knew where this was going. It had been a while, but you had been waiting for this. Besides all the attention and money, there was another benefit to having five sugar daddies. No one could ever take care of you the way you did. Johnny leaned down to kiss your lips, his hands reaching down to your shirt, although you stopped him.
“I don’t think you asked permission.”
“I’m not asking tonight, baby.”
“You have any idea how bad you’ve been?”
“Breaking up with us.” Jeno hissed into your ear. “Hiding away and trying to leave.”
“I thought we-”
“Sh, unless you wanna cause more trouble.”
“Tonight you’re gonna give us everything we are owed.” Yuta added. “So you better take it all with a smile on your face.”
    Suddenly Johnny had your hands pinned above your head as Jeno pulled up your shirt. He reached over to unhook your bra and push it up, exposing your breasts. He kneaded them for a moment and you bit your lip. His hands were cold, but he knew how you liked his touch. Then you felt hands getting you out of your skirt. The second your panties were exposed there was a hand grabbing your crotch.
“It did always hurt that you never invited us back to your dorm.” Ten commented. “Didn’t want you getting exposed to your roommate?”
“She knew… about our arrangement… sort of…”
“I didn’t say you could speak, baby.” Ten slapped your inner thigh. “Bad girl.”
    You bit your lip, instinctively trying to close your legs but Ten pulled them apart. The boys stripped you out of your clothes, leaving your panties on for the time being. Jaehyun had taken to holding down your arms as Johnny started kissing down your chest, Ten’s hand squeezing your thighs. Yuta and Jeno were already shedding articles of clothing, getting you all the more excited.
“You’ve been a good girl and taking the pills we gave you, right?” Jaehyun asked, and you nodded. “Good. So we can have all kinds of fun tonight.”
    For as long as you had been with them, you had always taken the pill. They didn’t always take you raw, but it was better to be safe than sorry. You were also glad they didn’t play around with that kinda thing, wanting to be safe with you even if they were gonna fill you up to the brim with their seed. Tonight was going to be no different, you figured they’d be desperate to do so. Even if they wanted to tease, they couldn’t help themselves for too long. Soon enough you were all naked, and you were getting attacked with kisses from all angles.
“Who’s first?”
“The eldest.”
    They still cared to make sure you were nice and wet, Johnny stretching you out a good way before giving you everything. It had been so long for you too, abstaining from sex to focus on your studies. You also hadn’t slept with anyone else but them for four years, and weren’t entirely sure how to get laid anymore. Even if it hurt at first, your body was quick to remember this familiar stretch, and feeling. Johnny hadn’t forgotten your body though, doing everything just right, doing it just how you liked it. Not to mention the others knew what to do while waiting their turn. Playing with your tits, stealing kisses, rubbing your clit, using your hands or mouth to warm up. You were gonna wear yourself out long before them, and they really loved when you became putty in their hands.
    Even with all the distractions you couldn’t ignore Johnny as he was the one pounding into you. He was always so rough and precise with his movements, hitting your sweet spot just right. Of course you had been getting yourself off in your dorm, but nothing could compare to one of them taking you over to the edge. You could tell when Johnny got close, he got sloppy and so desperate, trying to hold out to make it all last, but spilling inside you was just as rewarding. The warm feeling between your legs was already making you head spin, but you knew Johnny lost a bit of his touch if he didn’t get you off. He wanted another go, but Jaehyun was already shoving him out of the way.
    His turn was spent and Jaehyun would take pride in finishing you off. He had no problem slipping into the mess that was becoming of your cunt, eager to add to the mix. Of course Johnny wanted to give you a taste too, having you use your tongue to clean him up. If you had taken him all at once you probably would have choked as Jaehyun was giving you everything. He was making it very obvious he had a lot of pent up frustrations he was taking out on you. If he made you feel this good, you wouldn’t mind him holding off more often. Although he wasn’t gonna get the satisfaction of making you cum either as Jeno started playing with your clit, pushing you over to the edge before Jaehyun was even close.
    You squeezed Jaehyun tight, feeling as you were leaking out cum, your head thrown back as your mouth hung open in bliss. You vaguely heard Jaehyun scolding the other boy for taking what was his, but it wasn’t so bad if he got to fuck you while you were so sensitive. He moved with your climax, trying to keep you riding that high for as long as you could, but as you started to come down he got relentless. You couldn’t help but whimper, but that wasn’t gonna make him go any easy. In his own desperation he got close, unable to hold back before cumming inside you, making you overflow.
“Such a messy slut, taking two cocks so well.”
“Let’s make it three.”
    Jeno wanted to go next, but Ten kicked him off. He stuck two fingers into your mess, swearing cum on your belly, and then sticking the digits in your mouth.
“How’s that taste?”
    He swirled his fingers around before pulling them out with a pop. He could be real mean, playing with you when he wasn’t even filling you up. Your whimpers were adorable to him, especially when you got needy enough to start shaking your hips. Now you were begging, and he was happy to give you what you wanted.
    Hearing those words outside the bedroom certainly wasn’t fun, but in the bedroom, even if it was said with the same level of vileness, you’d happily accept it. Four years, the same five dicks, you were certainly a whore for them. Ten was certainly on the more elegant side, working you over along with him, knowing how to get you on his level so you’d both climax together. Even being a little out of practice with your body, he could still play you like an instrument. He always held your hands when he had his way with you, wanting more than just your cunt to squeeze him tight, he wanted to feel the rest of your body shake. You’ve left him with marks before, and he’d happily welcome them now.
“At a girl, still know who owns you.”
    You swear you saw white when he made you cum, drool slipping down your face. It was only your second orgasm, but you knew they could get more out of you. As many as they pleased. There was a safe word in place, but in all the years you had known them, you never used it. They seemed to know your limits as well as you did. Before you could even properly come down Jeno was already kissing at your chest, sucking on your nipples as he edged himself inside. The noise that was heard as he pushed aside everyone else’s seed to get in, an all too familiar sound you did quite enjoy to hear.
“You’re already so full, baby, can you take more?”
“That’s what I like to hear.”
    These sheets were gonna need to be thrown out when you were all done. You were already creating such a mess, and it wasn’t much compared to other nights. At least not yet. Jeno was practically digging into you, pushing in as cum came out. They had all had their turns before, being first or last or in the middle, so they wouldn’t complain about what stage they got to you. There were five of them after all, so they had to be good about sharing. Jeno was eager to make you unwind, so he gave you plenty of attention elsewhere. Twirling around your clit with his fingers, seeing it get red and swollen, another hand on your hip, keeping you from escaping him. He did it well enough you came first, already so sensitive, and he soon followed.
    You felt so fucken full you swear you were gonna burst, but you were just out of practice. Yuta peppered you with kisses, telling you how well you were doing. His fingers dipped into your sloppy cunt, having you get a taste of it. You certainly didn’t expect him to kiss you after, but they didn’t just play around with you. They had each other after all. You were already so overstimulated and lost, Yuta was kind enough to give you a little break before taking what was rightfully his. He had no problem playing around with your cunt for a while before dipping into the mess. He fit in nicely, having a pretty good idea how to keep you happy despite your state. He was ruthless, just as frustrated as Jaehyun, taking it all out on you and sparking you back to life. You really missed them.
    Now either the orgasm or Yuta made you pass out, but either way, you blacked out for a while. When you came to you were lying on the floor with your legs up in the air, clearly having fallen off to the side of the bed. Although Jeno was happily sleeping on your tummy, sighing dreamily and clearly cozy. You giggled at the sight. Sometimes you really did forget they were all close to your age, and yet living such different lives. You let Jeno stay for a while before you realized this position was very uncomfortable. You poked Jeno’s face to make him open his eyes.
“Why didn’t you pick me up? Do you think this is comfortable?”
“You looked cute, almost like you were drunk.”
“But I’m not.”
“Well, maybe not drunk off alcohol.” Jeno giggled and got up. “We were all out of it.”
    You got up, sitting down properly, well aware that you were leaking cum all over the floor, but that wasn’t for you to worry about now. Some of the others were lying in bed, and you crawled up to join them, pressing lazy kisses to exposed skin. This was all a little break for everyone. The night was still young, and even if you were four orgasms in, it was just one for each of them. They were greedy, and would certainly get what they wanted out of you, whether you were conscious or not. Waking up with a cock inside you wasn’t new, but certainly something you could picture for a night like this.
    You didn’t actually wake up properly until the afternoon. After that you knew the next day would be nothing but a lazy day. Somehow you managed to get up and get into the shower, knowing you needed a deep clean. Although you dozed off until Yuta found you sitting in the tub. He had the energy to join you and help clean you up, which you were grateful for. You returned the favor as well, the two of you the first to eat lunch from room service, waiting around for the others. When you were well enough you stepped out of the penthouse so they could clean up, heading to a park to enjoy the weather and sun. 
    The rest of your little trip was like that. You had some more fun at night, but not too much. Besides, you’d be going off with your friends, and you didn’t need to be completely worn out. Overall it was a good trip, a good last trip, one you knew you’d never forget. When the time came they dropped you off back at Uni, wishing you well with your friends, asking you to let them know if you needed anything. You thanked them for the adventure, glad you could still have all that. It felt more authentic given that this was really you going out with them as friends, not getting paid for your company.
    Of course at some point your friends had to ask about your little trip. Anyone who knew you now knew about your sugar daddies, so there was no point lying about it. You spilled what you were comfortable with, and just enjoyed your time with them. You couldn’t believe this was your last spring break, but you were so happy to have them with you. It was hard to fall asleep Sunday night, knowing what awaited you the next day, but you had enough good memories to get you through the door. So come Monday morning, you weren’t actually dead as you got to class, unlike most of your peers.
    The professors weren’t all going to be kind, so it was back to work like before. This was the final stretch for you, focus and study hard, and you’d be graduating. A part of you couldn’t actually believe it, but you had to, you couldn’t fuck this up. So you put a lot off to the side, including the boys. You still texted them, but you couldn’t do any mini dates, and they were very understanding. Even if you were the one working your butt off, they were just as nervous and as excited as you were. Although all that focus distracted you from something that was just as important.
“Holy shit, I’m late.”
“I was due like last week. Fuck.”
“Aren’t you on the pill?”
“That’s not foolproof.”
“Fair. Are you sure it isn’t stress though? I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a period or two cause of classes.”
“I don’t think I have before…”
“Well you are gonna graduate in a month. That is if you pass your finals.”
“Don’t fucken jynx it!”
“I’m just saying. You’ve probably never been stressed like this before. Athletes wind up not having a period for months cause of the stress they’re under.”
“I’m not a professional athlete.”
“Then go buy a pregnancy test and see if one of your sugar daddies is gonna be a father.”
“I wouldn’t fucken tell them. We’ve always been careful.”
“Then it’s just the stress. Problem solved. Also, don’t you have class soon?”
“Fuck. I do. I’ll get a pregnancy test later.”
“Cool, see you later.”
    You really didn’t think you’d be pregnant. You were careful, for the last four years, and you were very sexually active. Mina had a point though, you were under a lot of stress with graduation, but you had to be sure. Thankfully instead of buying one you remember the boys had given you some when they got you the pills. After classes you returned and used one of the tests, relieved to see it came out negative. So it really was just stress, and you were quite amazed it could do that to your body. Regardless, that was one less thing to worry about.
    To a degree you did feel bad you couldn’t see the boys after spring break, it had been quite a trip considering it was the last, but your academics were important. They wished you luck with finals, and you were ready for the last major exams of your life. You waited anxiously for the results, overjoyed that you had passed, and you were going to graduate. You had to celebrate, doing so with your friends. It was only once things wound down that you called the boys wanting to share the news.
“So, how did it go?”
“I passed… I’m graduating!”
“I knew you could do it.” Jeno cheered. “Our baby is so smart.”
“We’ve got to celebrate.” Johnny added. “Shall we pick you up?”
“I’ve already been partying, and I’m kinda spent. Maybe tomorrow?”
“Nah, it’s okay, you should rest. Don’t drink so much, okay.”
“I haven’t had a drink, can’t risk becoming a drunk mess before I take the stage.”
“Can we take you shopping!” Yuta asked. “Get you a nice dress for graduation?”
“I’d love that actually. Perhaps the one thing you guys can get me that I’ll keep.”
“If we don’t rip it off you.”
“True. Tomorrow then, shopping day.”
“We can’t wait.”
    Shopping wasn’t something to make a big deal out of, but how could you all not be excited. You’d be walking across the stage in the outfit you bought today, it had to be perfect. Not to mention the five guys buying it might wanna destroy it later, so you had to get good pictures first.
“We were thinking, after the ceremony, we’d take you out to dinner.”
“The last dinner.”
“Of course.” Ten smiled. “If that’s okay.”
“Yeah. It seems like a fitting end for us.”
“You better not cry.”
“I won’t.”
“Hm, guess we’ll see about that.”
    The big day brought on a lot of nerves, you could barely sleep the night before. Although when the sun was up, you and Mina were already getting dolled up, and she loved your outfit.
“You look hot.”
“So you really can’t come with me for dinner.”
“I already promised the boys. It’s the last one. Besides, I wanna see what kind of graduation present they get me.”
“Oh, they’ll probably give you a lot of money. Maybe a house.”
“That’d be awesome.”
“You better tell me immediately.”
“I’m sure I won’t be able to keep it a secret from you, so don’t worry.”
    Even if you looked stunning, it was mostly hidden by the gown. Still, you looked incredible and you couldn’t believe you had made it to the end. When you headed to the ceremony you looked around taking it all in. Even if you wanted your family there, you knew things had come up so they couldn’t attend. It’s why you were so happy to see the boys, knowing they were there for you. Although they did embarrass you a bit, Jeno and Yuta having a big congratulations sign, the others swinging around noise makers. Of course it dragged to wait for your name, but when it was your turn up on the stage you had the biggest smile, finding the boys in the crowd to show off too.
    You had tears in your eyes, so happy that all your efforts hadn’t been in vain. The boys had made their way over to you, embracing you in their arms, congratulating you over and over again. They said your tears were cute, but they were very proud of you. They even had flowers and a graduation bear as a present for you. They wanted pictures too, so you did your best to get rid of the tears and fix your makeup. After celebrating with your other friends and seeing the ceremony to the end you headed off to eat. You weren’t really hungry from all the adrenaline, but it was your last meal with the guys, and a very important one at that.
“You looked so beautiful up there.” Johnny complimented. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I’m glad you could be there.”
“Us too.”
“So, what did you get me?”
“After you eat.” Ten said. “So be a good girl and have your fill.”
“I’ll burn a hole in your wallet tonight. Just watch.”
“I’d love to see you try.”
    There was something so peaceful about this meal, and exciting. They all asked about your plans going forward, what you wanted to do. Of course this was where you’d part ways, but you knew there was always a chance you’d run into each other again. Despite all the good things, you couldn’t help but wonder what your present was. After dessert they finally presented you with a little box. Now your heart was racing. It could be a key to a car or house, or maybe a card to a bank account they had made you. Still, you thanked them all and opened the box. Your smile faltered as you stared at the contents, dumbfounded.
“It’s… it’s a pregnancy test…”
“I… I don’t understand…”
“Well, you always talked about your future.” Jaehyun explained. “And how we weren’t a part of that. It really hurt, but you were right. So we figured we should include ourselves in your future.”
“I’m not… following…”
“You’re late, aren’t you?”
“Yes, but I took a pregnancy test already. It came out negative. The stress-”
“The one I gave you was fake.” Ten said. “It’s meant to come out negative.”
“What… what are you…”
“The best way to become a part of your future is for you to have our kid.” Yuta stated. “Of course we’re probably not gonna know which of us is the biological father, unless you had like quintuplets, but we can raise it together.”
“Of course we’ll cover all the expenses.” Johnny assured. “So you don’t have to worry about food, or a roof over your head, nothing. We’re gonna be a big happy family now.”
“You’re… you’re lying… you… I’m on the pill!”
“Those were also fake.” Jeno added. “A placebo thing, right? Like sugar.”
“You planned this!”
“How else were we gonna be part of your future?”
“Truth is we always imagined a future with you.” Ten admitted. “After about a year, we realized how great you were, how perfect you were for us. So when you suddenly broke it off, we couldn’t believe it, but you were also right. We never really let you know we wanted you, so that’s on us, but we’ve rectified that now.”
“You’re fucken lying!” You stood up. “You did not get me fucken pregnant!”
“Shall we go confirm that?”
    You were furious, and you hated that they were throwing this idea out so casually. You took the pregnancy test and stormed off to the bathroom. They had rented out the whole restaurant, so you didn’t have to worry about anyone else. You nervously used the test, scared to look at the results, but they were clear as day.
    The boys had followed you to the bathroom, cheering and letting off confetti poppers. You stayed frozen in shock, trying to process this.
“It’s wrong… the test…”
“You can try again.” Jaehyun threw more pregnancy tests on the floor. “Better to use more than one anyway.”
“You… you…”
“Even if there wasn’t a baby inside you right now.” Yuta explained. “We’d have plenty of time to impregnate you now that you’ve graduated.”
“No… no you’re all fucken nuts…”
    You threw the test in the trash and intended to leave, only for Johnny to grab your arm, holding you back. Jeno was all over your belly, grabbing it and making baby noises.
“Easy now, baby. Now that you’re carrying our kid, we gotta take special care of you.”
“I am not having this baby!”
“That’s not up for debate.”
“It’s my body! And you fucken-”
“You think you can just play with us for four years?!” Jaehyun grabbed your chin, making you face him. “Four years, baby doll. That’s a lot of time to fall in love with a beautiful body and the girl that inhabits it. We weren’t playing, and we’re not gonna let you either. Your future is ours.”
“Fuck you! I didn’t consent to this! I’m not-” Jaehyun’s grip got tighter. “Let go…”
“You gotta be careful baby, don’t want you hurting yourself or the kid. We have a nice place picked out where we can look after you.”
“Let go!”
“Listen closely, darling.” Ten had Jaehyun let you go, stepping before you. “If anything happens to that baby, you are going to pay dearly for it. And don’t get any silly ideas in your head, you’re still young and very fertile, we have no problem tying you up and breeding you every night if something happens. So be a good girl, and smile, you’re gonna be a mother.”
“You’re crazy!”
“And you’re very hormonal, must be the baby. We should get you home.”
“No, no! Fucken let me go!”
“I can’t wait for the pregnant waddle.” Jeno cheered. “You’re gonna get so big!”
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl.” Yuta said. “Maybe there’s more than one in there!”
“That’d be so cool.” 
“We’re gonna be dads!”
“I can’t wait!”
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00127am · 4 months
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"you're an unlucky man when it comes to baccarat, detective,"
@ rollthedice detective chittapon leechaiyapornkyul can't seem to beat you, the vision casino's own high roller, at any game of cards (or any odds of gambling for that matter). but he can stop your repeated attempts to rob the vision's vault.
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@ information [🎱] private eye! ten lee & afab! thief! reader genre enemies to lovers, fluff, comedy, insane sexual tension, ten is so pathetically head over heels warnings use/consumption of cigarettes & alcohol, sexual humor/innuendos, cursing, suggestive though never nsfw! status updates every friday @ 10AM ⤷ taglist always open!
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@ masterlist @ ♡♡♡♡ @ soundtrack
user rollthedice's posts i. the ace of hearts ii. queen of clubs iii. five of diamonds ♠. valentine's special iv. six of clubs v. five of spades vi. seven of diamonds vii. nine of hearts viii. coming soon!
🧾 © 00127am 2024
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winwintea · 28 days
how wayv would react if you showed up at their doorstep covered in bl**d with a g*n
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how wayv members would react if you showed up at their doorstep covered in bl**d with a g*n. PAIRING ▸ wayv x reader 
TRIGGER WARNINGS ▸ mentions of: bl//d (o) and g/ns (u), very angsty
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ i watched the winwin and ten lovely dance cover again and cried because im an emotional trainwreck... REGARDLESS. idk actually how this prompt came to me but damn
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Qian Kun
Kun’s lips are pursed together, his eyes widen at the sight of you. With your blood stained cheeks, mixed with your murky tears, you were covered head to toe in… red. He looks you up and down before demanding angrily, “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?” His voice is loud and clear, and you can’t help but choke up a few sobs in response, unable to answer him. Kun grabs the gun out of your hands, and embraces you in a tight hug. This time his voice begins to crack and it’s a lot softer, “What did you do…?”
Ten was so caught off guard by the blood, he didn’t even notice the gun in your hands. “Holy SHIT! What the hell, y/n?” Strings of curses followed, but you couldn’t do anything but just sob uncontrollably. Ten gazes into your teary eyes. It’s hard to see your face clearly, since it’s covered in blood. Although Ten had no idea what you did, you had come to him for help. He grabs your shoulders and presses his face close to yours, and gives you a comforting smile, “Come inside. I’ll get you cleaned up.” He would be your rock. He would be your shield. He would protect you. Always.
Dong Si Cheng
Winwin has mixed feelings as soon as he sees you at the door. He’s definitely shocked, but hides it well. The gun was directed towards Winwin, but your hands were shaking, trembling. You were a wreck, a blubbering mess. He places his hand upon yours, slowly lowering the gun. “Why don’t you put the gun down and tell me what happened?” His voice has a soothing and calming edge to it. He embraced you in a hug, rubbing your back, as he whispered in your ear, “It’s going to be okay.” And that’s almost enough to make you believe his words. Almost.
Xiao De Jun
Xiaojun cursed as soon as he saw you. “Woah…” He held his hands up in defense, eyeing you carefully. His eyes nervously glanced around the area, wondering if any of his neighbors might take notice. You remained silent, your shaky fingers still wrapped around the gun.  The scent of blood fills the air, which Xiaojun notices as quite fresh. Once his shock has worn over, he finally breaks the silence, “Are you going to tell me what happened or are we going to be here all day?”
Wong Kun Hang
Hendery is just at a loss for words. The first thing he says to you, trying to process everything going on in front of him is, “Oh. That looks… messy.” (no shit) Hendery stands there awkwardly, not sure of what to do. He looks into your eyes and stares back at his reflection. There’s nothing left he realizes. Whatever you did, whatever caused this mess… didn’t matter. You would never be the same. The person he once knew, was gone. Lost forever. And he could never get you back. 
Liu Yang Yang 
Yangyang hadn’t expected you to turn up at his doorstep, much less covered in blood. “I’m trying not to freak out… but is the blood yours?” You shook your head, and he stared at you, in awe for a second. He put his hands around your shoulders, and felt how much you were shaking. Not wanting to disturb the neighbors, he brought you inside, wrapped a towel around your body, and quickly filled a bucket with water so he could wash you off. “Yangyang…” You called out to him, your voice still trembling, “Do you trust me?"
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moonlezn · 2 months
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𝕺 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖔 intro mermaid!reader x monster!ten wc 775 mlist
n/a: demorou, mas saiu. não é feliz. é bem experimental. tem tempo que não escrevo. não foi revisado. espero que gostem!
Era uma vez um rei, chefe do reino mais poderoso do mar, soberano incontestável. Para seu desgosto profundo, sua única filha, herdeira do trono, não poderia ser mais rebelde. Completamente diferente do pai, a sereia mais encantadora dos sete oceanos é perdidamente apaixonada pela vida fora da infinidade das águas.
A noite se aproxima, você sente na pele. A temperatura cai aos poucos, e a correnteza torna o nado mais desagradável. Ok, esta é uma implicância sua. Já havia nadado incontáveis quilômetros sem cansar-se, procurando algum lugar para arriscar-se sobre terra. 
Seu pai a mataria se soubesse. 
Ele sabe. 
E que bom, tomara que a deserde logo. 
Pensamentos como estes a fazem sorrir. Apenas a possibilidade de se ver livre do trono aquece a pedra que é o seu coração.
Sem perceber, havia parado na escuridão da profundidade e, ao cair em si, resolve que é hora de alcançar a superfície, finalmente. 
O que encontraria desta vez? Uma nova ilha? Um novo povoado? Uma cidade chata? Os humanos são muito simples, porém fascinantes. Há alguns mil anos atrás, eles não sabiam nada, era desprezível. Ao longo do tempo, criaram coisas e tornaram-se instigantes para você. 
É sempre doloroso respirar, nem um milhão de anos a permitiram se acostumar com a sensação terrível do oxigênio rasgando seus pulmões pouco desenvolvidos. 
Ainda controlando o fluxo de ar, usa os cotovelos para arrastar-se mais adiante na areia, levaria um tempo até que a calda secasse um pouco e desse lugar aos pés — um privilégio de ter sangue real. Seu pai não aproveita a condição, logicamente. 
— Chega de pensar no papai. — expira afobada ao testar a própria voz após a queimação no esôfago. 
Você soa engraçada, o som sai esquisito, então se permite rir no meio da terra desconhecida. Começa a inspecionar o ambiente, vendo árvores gigantes com folhas douradas primeiro. O luar não lhe ajuda, então aperta os olhos para distinguir os contornos distantes, sem sucesso. Parece apenas uma ilha.
A dormência familiar na parte inferior de seu corpo chega ao fim, então você se levanta, alongando os músculos das pernas. Precisam ser mais usados, coitados. Já faz dias desde sua última visita a este mundo, obviamente não é bom deixá-las descansar por tanto tempo. 
Arrisca caminhar por entre a floresta estranha, tudo é muito dourado e branco, parece tirado de um conto infantil — os humanos têm imaginação fértil. Porém, se algo de algum desses livros fosse real, seria como este lugar. 
O cheiro é doce, os frutos que encontra são deliciosos, os caminhos terrosos são encantadores. É enorme, talvez demorasse semanas para conhecer cada canto, o que lhe é muito agradável. 
Ao caminhar por um campo aberto, você nota que dali em diante, por muitos quilômetros, os tons de ouro se tornam mais sombrios. Atravessando para o outro lado, encontra arbustos enormes, espinhosos, que formam um arco apertado sobre sua cabeça. 
As panturrilhas ardem pela atividade exagerada madrugada afora, no entanto, o contorno de um castelo aparece na sua linha de visão. Definitivamente não poderia parar agora. Continua em direção à construção belíssima, apesar de reparar que a passagem se torna mais e mais estreita. 
Após alguns dos espinhos maiores lhe roubarem algumas gotas de sangue, você consegue chegar à entrada do castelo. Está completamente desprotegido, os grandes portões estão abertos, apenas uma ponte de madeira a separa de conhecer o que há ali dentro. O rio que atravessa embaixo é mais cintilante que as estrelas, não ousa aproximar-se do líquido, receosa com o que poderia causar. 
Uma criatura de beleza indescritível se materializou diante de seus olhos após seu primeiro passo. Assim como os arbustos, ele tinha espinhos. Em sua pele, porém, eles pareciam lindos. Os desenhos permanentes nos braços definidos não se pareciam com nada que você já havia visto. 
Os olhos cor de céu diurno quase não se viam por trás dos fios negros e pesados, mas te encaravam com firmeza. Não pareciam curiosos. 
— Quem é você? 
Apesar do exterior estranho, a voz que adentrou seus ouvidos é tão doce quanto as frutas que comera. 
A pergunta é retórica, ele sabia muito bem quem era a princesa prestes a invadir seu forte. Ela não precisava, entretanto, saber que sua identidade nunca havia sido um mistério.
— Uma sereia. — consegue encontrar sua voz novamente e, sem pestanejar, revela a verdade. — Você tem belas terras. — preenche o silêncio que segue, antes de tomar coragem de devolver o questionamento. — E você, é…? 
A criatura parece se divertir com sua inocência, é assustador e encantador ao mesmo tempo. Em todos os anos de terra nunca havia imaginado encontrar algo assim, achava que monstros não existiam. 
— O seu salvador.
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ronjunnie · 16 days
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break-up season (14.4k)
sleepless cinderella: ten (13.8k)
four years later (11.5k)
worlds apart (7.8k)
rest (1.1k)
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babbymochiiii · 3 months
Would love a part 2 for ten's on my youth😭
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↪︎pairing: idol! Ten x ngs! reader
↪︎genre: angst
↪︎warnings: crying, missing one another, more crying, confrontation, minor yelling, even more crying...it's a lot of painful memories for these two folks, some sort of a hopeful outcome for the two..?
↪︎requested: YES [✔️] NO [ ]
↪︎ word count: 1.7k words
↪︎synopsis: ten goes to your apartment to speak to you in person about everything that is going on between the two of you...will things clear up between you both?
link to part 1 🤎
note ⭐️: hello to my first anon! 🥰 here’s part 2 for you babes MWAH 😚🖤
requests/ask open! ✨
divider credit @iluvrei 🖤
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“Can we talk?” 
You felt your entire body freeze at the sound of his voice being muffled by the door that stands between the two of you.  
A sigh is heard from him along with something else that you couldn’t quite catch. “Listen...I know you're on the other side of the door, and honestly, I don’t blame you for not wanting to open the door.” He gently speaks out.  
“I really need to talk to you. I get you don’t want to talk to me after what I did, I could’ve texted you, but I want to do this in person…please.” His voice cracked at the end causing your hammering heart to break a little to see how affected he is by this as you are.  
Contemplating between if you should answer the door or not, your body had a different reaction than what you planned. You subconsciously opened the door to find yourself facing Ten with tears pooling in your eyes.  
A sudden wetness falls onto your face as you look upon the light tinge of red around Ten’s eyes and just the way he looked so tired.  
“y/n…” Ten spoke softly as he looked at you. Truly looking at you and seeing how you mirror his own expression as well. Tired and completely broken.  
Before you could respond, you felt arms crushing you against their owner’s chest as they pulled you into a comforting hug that missed so much. Feeling Ten’s arms around you, his scent, just everything about him makes you completely break down once again.  
Stuttered shushing sounds come from Ten as he holds you close to him. Cradling your head as he places soft kisses on the top of your head as be too cried softly with you.  
You pulled away from Ten, everything being too much for your heart as he held you so close.  
“Why — why do you want to talk now?” You questioned him as you tried to calm down and wipe at the tears still falling down your eyes.  
“I want to make things right.” Ten said as he gulps down the painful lump in his throat that he knew was from trying to hold back as many tears as he could.  
You looked at ten for a few seconds before softly nodding your head and letting him inside of your apartment.  
Ten slowly made his way to the couch. His eyes scanned the area as nostalgic memories ran through his mind causing a small smile to play on his lips.  
A soft familiar murmur of a sound catches his attention to where he looks down to see your phone still on and playing his group’s recent album. What struck him is that it was playing “On My Youth”. He felt his face heat up at the thought of you listening to the song.  
Ten felt himself suck in a breath as he looked towards you where you looked at him with a thin smile as you too waited for his reaction.  
“Y-you listened to the song?” Ten asks slowly as he brought his attention back to the phone and then slowly looked back at you.  
“Yeah…” you trailed off softly as you walked over and gently took hold of your phone and pausing the song.  
Silence wrapped around the two of you as it did in the practice room where you both last saw one another.  
You both spoke up at the same time to say something, but closed your mouths as you didn’t want to interrupt one another.  
You felt your face flush in embarrassment as you looked down to your feet before you looked up at Ten again, and saw that he too felt embarrassed at the way the tip of his ears flushed an alarming red.  
Silence once again surrounds the two of you, both not knowing what to say or how to approach the situation.  
“Ten— “  
“I regret what I did to you…” Ten blurts out, interrupting your sentence.  
You felt your eyebrows crease together, creating small folds between one another as you wait for what else ten has to say.  
A small sigh escapes from Ten as he takes hold of the border of his shirt and starts to fold it around his fingers, a nervous habit that he tends to have. “I…regret everything I have wronged you for. You are worth so much more than for how I’ve treated you since I’ve came back from the tour. I know that I have no excuses, therefore I’m not really sure how to tell you this without making you double guess our whole relationship. But what I did, I honestly thought was for the best— “  
“Ten…” you sighed out as you felt the hot tears stinging your eyes.  
“Please, hear me out…” ten said as he too started to feel his tears sting fiercely at his eyes. “I thought it was for the best because I wasn’t always with you. And yes, you waited for me like the absolute fucking wonderful woman you are. I felt like I was weighing you down from the things you could be doing with your friends and how you can meet new people.” Ten choked at the end causing him to look down at the floor trying not to let you see him cry.  
“I thought what I was doing was selfless. That I was doing the absolute best for you and what was in your best interest.”  
“You won’t know what it’s my best interest if you don’t ask me!” You cried out as you pointed towards yourself, feeling all the emotions from that die rise up within you again but all you could truly feel was sadness. Just general sadness due to the situation. “How could you say you’re being selfless when it’s the most selfish thing you’ve done in our relationship?” You questioned as you stepped closer to him and pointed an accusing finger his way.  
“Selfish?” Ten gasped as he looks at you a confused-frowned look on his face. “How is that being selfish!?” Ten countered as he looked at you with genuine confusion.  
You felt your blood boil at the fact that he couldn’t see from where you were coming from. “You made that decision! Not me, you! You decided what was best for me without talking to me!” You said as you started to lightly jab your finger into his shoulder to drive your point further.  
“You ignored me!”  
“Because you ignored me! How was I supposed to know that you wanted to talk to me when all you did was give me the coldest fucking shoulder ever!” You shouted as you started to feel somewhat dizzy because of the whole ordeal as new emotions began to surround the two of you.  
“Y/n please— “  
“No, you listen to me now!” You cried as you pushed at his shoulders with the palm of your hand. “You broke me into tiny fucking pieces for those long months and not once did you even bat an eye when I needed you most!”  
“I was distancing myself!” Ten defended.  
“Distancing yourself!? Why? Because you were being “selfless”?” You air quoted towards him, continuing to let the anger inside of you take control of the situation.  
“Baby please— “  
“Don’t baby me! I’m not your baby anymore!” You cried as you felt the anger turn into tears the more you kept fighting him. “I’m not your partner anymore! You have no right— “you sobbed as you fisted Ten’s shirt into the palm of your hands as the emotional pain was too much to bear. “—you have no right to call me that name or any pet and at that point.”  
“I want you back.” Ten softly spoke out above the sounds of your sobs.  
This causes you to quiet down significantly enough that it causes you to look up in confusion. “You what?” You said as you continued to cry but tried to calm down as you tried to listen to what he had to say.  
“I want you back, y/n. I was being selfish yes…I was distancing myself but all it did was making me want you more than ever before. I love you. I can’t stop thinking about you and the way you are just so perfect…I’ve been in such deep regret it’s not fair.” Ten cries as he takes hold of your face in between his hands just admiring your facial features as if it was his first time.  
 “It’s not fair, that I can’t have you the way I used to. Call you whenever. Text you and send you the most random things I can find.” A small laugh escapes his mouth as more tears fall down his eyes. “You are my world, and I broke you into tiny pieces that not even myself can pick it up because of how much damage I’ve done you.”  
“I’m so sorry y/n. Please, you don’t have to accept it. I just want you to know that everything I’ve done to you since then has been nothing, but excuses and I want to make up for it to you baby.” Ten said as he rubbed away the tears that have silently fallen from your eyes.  
“How do you expect me to trust you again?” You cried harder as you felt your heart tug at his words, but you felt so conflicted knowing you wanted to be with him but the fact you couldn’t find a way to trust him just yet.  
“We can work on it. I-I— “ten stuttered as he felt his heart break at the utter sadness and broken expression on your face. “—I’ll work on myself." he whispered.  
Ten closed his eyes and placed his forehead against yours gently. “I’ll work on myself, then I’ll come back and gain your trust. I want you to fully trust me and know that I love you. I can’t stand knowing that it won’t be the same as before, but it happens. Everything and everyone change but I can’t have you hating me.” He gently whispered.  
“Please wait for me.” Ten cried as he placed a tender kiss on your forehead.  
“I’ll wait for you.”  
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ahhhh what for you guys think??? writing this honestly hurt my soul ✋🏼😩
as you know requests/asks is open! don’t be shy and lemme know what y’all think or want done 😚🖤
With so much love from me to you MWAH MWAH 🖤
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glitxhwayventeen · 1 year
The Confused One
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Characters: Ten x male reader
Warnings: anxiety to the maximum, questioning of sexuality i guess, controlling parents, existential crisis mentions, sex mentions/implications but nothing too serious, bad influence Ten, mentions of cheating (though the couple doesn’t really care for each other anyways so🤷🏻‍♀️)
Author’s Note: I changed his mate like 10+ times before i actually wrote anything for him because i kept forgetting to write the story line down so cut me some slack on this one pls and thanks. Also let me know how you feel about a male reader. I created his personality after a nepobaby i knew growing up
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Watch It All Burn Masterlist
The Confused One: Part 2
Mostly just anxiety. Not even 🥀 or 🤪. Just pure plain and simple nerves and butterflies all over the place with some sex talk
Bold= Korean Dialogue Italics= Thoughts Pink= Cantonese Red=Mandarin Green=English
Tag List-
You weren’t a partier. No, in fact you were rather a homebody. Most of the time, people couldn’t pay you to leave the comfort of your tiny studio apartment. So you weren’t really sure how you found yourself surrounded by a bunch of sweaty, smelly, drunken bodies flinging themselves around you on a makeshift dance floor.
Though you supposed that statement in itself was also inaccurate. You knew exactly why you found yourself in your current predicament. You just weren’t sure what possessed you to actually fall for another guy in the first place. Let alone a guy who was everything you swore never to be.
See you were the quiet type, some would even call you sheltered or protected. Not that you had really chosen that life or personality for yourself. No, your life and personality had been handcrafted for you in childhood by your overprotective parents.
You were the only son and child of a wealthy CEO and a successful plastic surgeon. You never wanted for anything. You never needed something they couldn’t provide. You were set for life since they had a set aside a huge trust fund for you to live on when you got older.
Truthfully, you didn’t even need to attend the university you were going to to gain a bachelors in your chosen major of biochemistry. But not going to university would’ve gone against the well thought out plan your parents had carefully laid out for you. They had all your future major life decisions mapped out for you. Whether it was the housing layout they decided you needed or something as simple as the color of the suit you’d wear at your wedding, everything was set up for you down to the last detail.
You just had to go through the motions and follow through with the plan using the extreme disciplinary measures and the self control techniques that had been drilled into your head when you were young. It seemed simple enough: Do what you were told and you’d live happily ever after.
There seemed to be no way you could possibly fuck it all up. But you did.
Though if someone looked at it from your perspective, there was no way you could be fully to blame for it.
Because the very university your parents picked out for you to attend was where you met him. The extracurricular they signed you up for, tutoring others, to boost your after college resume as high as it would go lead you to your first meeting with him.
The housing complex they had you living in was only down the street from the party spots he frequented. And the very future wife they had arranged for you since you’d practically been born seemed to be someone you had virtually no problem cheating on given that you eventually found yourself pressed up against his bedroom wall while he kissed down your neck and had his merry way with you.
It all started on a random Tuesday afternoon. You hadn’t originally felt any different. You woke up with your chosen girlfriend of 3 years beside you. You poured your usual cup of morning tea and made yourself a heart healthy breakfast. You drove to school an hour earlier than your intended class to start your typical tutoring session with a pupil of yours, Yangyang.
Only instead of his constant backpack for a companion sitting on the seat beside him as he waited for you to show, there sat an actual human being. And a rather cute one in your opinion at that.
“Hey Yangyang!” You cluelessly beamed at the younger boy while trying to sneak another glance at the boy next to him, “Who’s your friend?”
And instead of your dongsaeng replying with his usual goofy giggle, the raven haired male quickly stood to introduce himself.
“I’m Ten. You must be ____.” The boy, Ten apparently, smoothly reached his hand out for you to shake while staring at you with starry eyes.
Part of you wanted to run away in the opposite direction because of how frighteningly handsome he was. But the more rational part of you knew that would be very suspicious and strange and would probably lose you your tutoring student.
So you pulled up your metaphoric big boy pants and reached to shake his hand right back as quickly as your brain would allow you to as it began glitching.
Though, you couldn’t help the no doubt obvious gulp your body automatically let out as you attempted to gain your vocal footing again, “Y-Yep. That’s me.”
And as you felt your palm come into contact with the guy stationed in front of you’s hand, you felt a nonexistent fire spark up your skin.
“Yangyang here’s told us a lot about you and what a great tutor you are,” Ten spoke with an almost sinister grin, “and you must really be a pretty good one too cause i haven’t seen anyone else actually get him to do his homework.”
Then the stranger in front of you let out one of the most harmonious and beautiful laughs you’d ever heard as your student smacked his side out of embarrassment.
“That’s not true!” Yangyang insisted, “____ is a great tutor. But I can do my homework just fine without the extra motivation, thank you very much. I just need a little help with the teaching part sometimes is all. So don’t listen to him ___ hyung.”
“Whatever you say kid,” Ten tauntingly reassured him as he turned to you as if he was privately conversing with you via eye contact.
But just when you finally got the courage to look the pretty guy directly in the eye, you could’ve sworn you saw some color in them that was definitely not a natural eye color surrounding his pupils.
Though before you could ask any questions, Yangyang nudged him in the arm to gain his attention. And whatever was said their private little conversation they had in what you could only assume was Yangyang’ native mandarin, Ten jolted in place and politely excused himself with the excuse of needing to get going and not wanting to interrupt your session any further.
And before you could even say your goodbye pleasantries back, he dashed off towards the library doors with a quick ‘nice to meet you’ being thrown over his shoulder.
Once the initial awkwardness of the interaction wore off, you quickly went to work and began your usual tutoring session with the Taiwanese boy as promised. But in the back of your mind throughout the whole hour you had laid aside for your teaching, you couldn’t help but wonder when you’d get to see his lovely friend again.
The wonder confused you for a multitude of reasons, the first being you had never actually been attracted to anyone before, let alone some random guy you had quite literally just met. And the second reason was because having a weird guy crush on the boy wasn’t part of your programming.
You weren’t allowed to go outside of the plan that had been put in place far before your birth was anticipated. Your mother and father would have simultaneous heart attacks if they thought you entertained the idea for even a split second.
But some unhinged part of you just couldn’t stop thinking about the mysteriously handsome stranger.
“Boy do you look lost,” Ten managed to chuckle out as he stepped foot in the kitchen you found yourself hiding out from the other party goers in.
He easily maneuvered his way over to your place on the counter after pulling a beer out of the friend he seemed so familiar with.
You let out a nervous laugh back out of embarrassment and the small proximity between you both, “Yeah I um- was supposed to be meeting a friend here but they uh… made themselves known a little later than expected.”
Flirting was never your thing either. You were bad at it, anyone who even looked at you could tell based on your naturally shy demeanor.
But you had a drink and you felt the liquid courage flowing through your veins and decided to try it out, even though you knew it was a bad idea.
“Oh,” Ten slyly smirked at you while leaning in dangerously close to your lips, “Is that all I am to you? A friend?“
And once again, the alcohol running through your body made you feel brave enough to do a stupid, stupid thing.
You quickly let out a breathy ‘no’ and finally brought the painful tension between the two of you to an end by fully closing the small gap between the both of your lips.
Normally, Ten didn’t go with Yangyang to his actual study sessions since he figured the kid was old enough to handle it himself. But after finding out how much his younger brother was struggling to come to terms with having to share his little sister with another one of their packmates, he figured checking up on him every once and a while couldn’t hurt.
So he offered to come into the library of their shared university to help get him situated under the false pretense of ‘having too many books to carry’ instead of just dropping him off at the double doors and waiting for his own classes to start about half an hour later.
However, once Ten got inside, he could tell the younger boy was feeling a bit nervous. It was the first time seeing his tutor after their school’s break and he could only guess the boy must’ve been stressing out over the amount of work he was gonna be given to make up for lost time. So he decided to stay and sit with him until his tutor got there to be sure the guy knew who he was dealing with to help put him at ease.
But what he wasn’t expecting when you walked through the door was to have the entire world instantly fall away from him, leaving you as the only thing keeping him chained to the earth. And you were unbelievably perfect.
Your perfectly buttoned nose made him want to melt to the floor. Your uncallused hands and geekish clothing showed him you probably hadn’t once done anything other than be the bookworm he already knew you were from his conversations with Yangyang that were centered around you. Your disheveled hair and cherry red lips told him you were already flustered to the max after having only just made your tutoring session with him on time.
Ten wasn’t sure he ever really understood, or even wanted for that matter, what a mate really was. Sure he knew all his brothers had imprinted. And of course he knew they were real because of the multiple sisters he had gained over his time with the pack. But he had never expected to find one for himself.
He was a partier. The wild child most parents told their kids was a perfect example of what not to be. So long as it was the weekend and he didn’t have to be a responsible student or loving kindergarten teacher, he did pretty much whatever he wanted (or whoever he wanted for that matter) whenever he wanted with little regard for anything else other than to have a good time.
He drank, did the occasional recreational drug if he felt like it, dressed in dark sharp clothing to fit his nightlife, and slept around for as long as he could remember as often as he could. He figured having a mate just wasn’t in the cards for him because of the lifestyle he chose to have, which was something he had come to terms with long ago.
But here you were, living breathing proof that he was wrong, dead wrong.
The only problem was, he was sure he was gonna mess it up. He was probably someone you considered scary by your own set of personal standards. You were a goody goody with a long term girlfriend and were set to be your graduating year’s valedictorian. Your grades were as straight as you were and your lifestyle was so far from his own, he was sure you’d mini vomit in your mouth at the sight of him in the same vicinity as you. You’d never go for a guy like him.
Still, you were his mate. And that fact was easily confirmed by his ever racing heart speeding up tenfold the closer you got to them, which was something the young maknae was quick to pick up on.
Whether Ten thought he had a real shot with you or not, he was gonna try. Sure he’d never thought he’d get you, but he had to attempt to after all. He’d literally die without you.
So when you finally reached the table where you’d be doing your studying, he figured what better way to try to show you he was interested in you than a little bit of flattery. He introduced himself with a handshake and tried his best to keep his cool even though the minimal skin to skin contact he had with you for those few seconds set a bonfire alight inside him.
Then he tried to break the ice a little by mentioning something about you being a great tutor to Yangyang, which would end up being a mistake. Because if the small touch to your delicate hand had made his inner wolf crazy, the light blush that appeared across your face at the small compliment made him want to jump on you and smear kisses all over you, which was something he obviously could not just do having just met you.
But before he could say anything else, Yangyang gave him a little nudge to his side. When Ten turned his attention to the boy he saw that he was raising his eyebrows up and down, a silent signal used by most in the pack to let another know they had started to burn through their colored contacts that hid their true nature.
It made Ten panic internally. Of course he knew you’d eventually find out his secret, but he didn’t want it to be in the middle of the university library surrounded by a bunch of strangers simply because he couldn't control himself.
So he hurriedly let out a goodbye and dashed out the door, careful to keep his eyes fixated on the ground as much as he could till he got to his car and could go home.
Sure the interaction wasn’t everything he had hoped for, but it was enough to get the conversation started. Which was all he could ask for given the circumstances.
Little by little, he started seeing you more. He’d rearranged his schedule so he could catch a glimpse of you on campus more often. He’d always have his ear to the ground listening for someone mentioning you or your girlfriends name so he could keep tabs on you both. He’d even gone so far as to actually befriending your girlfriend, who, much to his surprise, wasn’t nearly as horrible as he’d thought she’d be.
Sure she was a stickler for the rules and always had to keep up her own appearances with her naturally styled makeup and ironed prep school girl clothes, but she actually was… pretty cool.
Ten had already known who she was and knew of her activities on campus simply because he shared a few classes with her. She was a psych major and he was majoring in early childhood development, so their paths crossed a lot.
He already knew your girlfriend didn’t like to talk to anyone she didn’t think was worth her time based on how seriously she took her class schedule. So when she responded to him in their shared psychology class when he asked her to explain what the teacher’s lecture answer meant in an attempt to get her to speak to him, he was pleasantly caught off guard with her willingness to help him out. She knew he was a foreigner and she didn’t want him to unjustly suffer in his class just because he might not be 100% fluent in current like she was as a native.
That’s how he got her talking to him and soon enough, they almost became sort of… friends. Ten definitely knew her other friends didn’t like that she was associating with someone as ‘lowly’ as himself, but she didn’t seem to care. In fact, she didn’t seem to care much at all about what anyone thought of her.
As the days passed, he learned that she was someone who stood up for others a lot more than standing up for herself. Ten watched over and over as her friends seemed to make decisions that hurt her personally, but she never said anything to them. Yet when she saw one of her friends make fun of a student with less money, Ten watched from the sidelines as she had to practically be held back from slapping said friend for being so rude to an innocent stranger. Unlike many in your world, your girlfriend wasn’t one to judge others based on looks but rather how they treated others.
Ten also figured out rather quickly that she too tutored others in her spare time like you, something he asked her to help him with to gain more knowledge about you and what your lives looked like together. Except unlike you, she did it because she wanted to, not because her parents forced her to.
But that didn’t mean her parents didn’t force other things on her, like you.
According to her ranting during one of his study sessions with her, neither of you had wanted to be together in the first place. It was something your parents had decided when you were both young without consulting either one of you, but you were both too quiet and timid to say anything against it.
Though, you’d both worked out a harmonious way of living together by the time you had started college and had become good friends to try and cope with your situation. And that’s how you found yourselves practically silently engaged in the present.
It turned out your girlfriend was quite a nice girl who was just playing a part she had been assigned since she’d been born. He almost felt sort of bad that he had imprinted on her boyfriend and was using her to get an in with you. But what else could he do? You were his mate and you were both clearly miserable with the life that had been shoved on you. He figured he would just be doing you both a favor by trying to split you up and get you to be with him.
And once that thought process had been established in his mind, he decided to up the stakes.
Ten had started to drop Yangyang off to every tutoring session so he could speak with you for a few spare moments, even if it made him late to his own classes. He wanted to get to know you personally, not just from the odd little snippets of information he’d get from your girlfriend.
He figured he’d just make some sweet small talk to get more familiar with you. Then after he’d done that for an appropriate amount of times, he’d eventually move to becoming friendly enough to ask for your number and get you comfortable being around him alone. Finally, he’d eventually make his move, at least that was his plan originally. But when he saw you walk in with what was almost certainly bed head and yesterday's clothes from what was no doubt a long night of cramming for your biology exam Yangyang had mentioned you would have as soon as his tutoring was done, that idea went out the window.
As you came and rushed up to the table with a hurried apology for not being on time once more and said your pleasantries, Ten could barely comprehend the two of you were even in the same building. He was in total awe of you, he figured he was probably even staring at you like some sort of love struck idiot. But he couldn’t help it. You just looked so cute.
Your soft and messy hair only accentuated your already chiseled and perfect features. Your clothes hung even closer to your body than they had the day before because they hadn’t been properly washed or ironed and seemed to lay over every crease of your delicate body. And to top it off, you smelt even more like the scent that had recently become his favorite thing in the whole world after having met you, old books and cinnamon, because you were probably trying to overcompensate for the lack of fresh clothes by coating yourself in your cologne.
So when your next set of worried words about potentially failing your upcoming exam left him an opening, no one could really blame Ten for what he did next.
“Well if your exam doesn’t go so well, I know of a few ways to help lessen the blow.” Ten sleekly smiled up at you, much to your and Yangyang’s sudden shock.
You had to clear the nervous spit that had lodged itself in your throat before you asked him what he meant.
“I just mean there’s a few… unconventional ways of relieving stress and frustration that you’re probably not used to.” The button nosed boy finished joking just in time for his younger packmate to nudge him in the side as a warning to tread carefully.
If the statement the attractive guy said hadn’t lit your cheeks on fire, then him having you unlock your phone so he could put his contact information in surely did.
“Call me if you need to vent out your frustration from your test you’re sure you’ll fail by hitting up a party sometime. Or if you ever just want to go to one really. One might help you loosen up a little and forget everything troubling you ____.” He winked before handing you your phone back with a flare and leaving you and his friend to get to your tutoring session.
Not that that was ever gonna be easy after you had the interaction you had. You weren’t the best at interacting with people who weren’t as bland as they were dull, so you weren’t really sure what to make of the little conversation.
Was he just trying to get you to quit yammering about how worried you were about your exam? Was he flirting with you? Or was he simply trying to be nice and help you out?
It seemed like a thousand things and possibilities were running through your mind every second. You couldn’t focus, something you were sure was evident to the younger boy you were trying to teach, though he was at least kind enough not to comment on your lack of awareness.
After what felt like forever, your tutoring ended and your exam began, something that also felt like it took forever to accomplish, but you finished.
However, now you were left with a choice, one you weren’t sure if you should even be considering: Message Ten that you want to party or don’t and pretend the conversation never happened.
You weren’t sure of his intentions, you didn’t understand what he had meant by his sudden invitation to contact him. And you weren’t sure why you were having such a difficult time deciding whether or not to take him up on his offer. You could go to the party and most likely have nothing happen, you could not go and have your usual routine continue. Or, maybe… just maybe, you could go and have something you’d secretly been dreaming of happen.
Which was stupid of you to think. You were in a relationship, you were committed to your plan. However, it seemed like each time you saw Ten, you were becoming more and more attracted to him. More attracted than you had ever been to your sort of fiance/future wife.
You liked to consider yourself a loyal guy, one who would never willingly hurt someone else, and a good person. So you couldn’t really explain why you had suddenly pulled your phone out of your pocket, or why you found yourself quickly unlocking it and clicking on Ten’s contact.
But what you really couldn’t understand was why you started messaging him telling him you had failed your exam and needed to let loose.
You had gotten a 96% on your exam. So you weren’t sure what you were thinking. It was a bad idea. A very very bad idea that had your head spinning in all sorts of directions and made your heart yearn in a way you weren’t sure it ever had.
When he touched you, it felt like the whole world lit itself on fire. When he kissed you, you felt all the oxygen being sucked out of your lungs. You knew it was a bad decision to go to the party. Of course you knew that. But if being bad meant you were able to feel as good as Ten made you feel, you never wanted to be good again.
He knew he should feel guilty, in his head he knew that. No good person would try to breakup a relationship just to get with another person. Ten did know that. And if you were genuinely happy with your life the way it was, he’d leave well enough allow and not bother trying to get with you to keep you happy. But you were miserable in your life. You had to have been.
You had a girlfriend you didn’t love, a major you loathed, and a social life you hated. How could he not do what he could to try and get you to be happy by potentially being with him? He couldn’t live with himself if he let you stay stagnant. You deserved better than that.
And that’s exactly what he planned on showing you as he made you cry out his name all night long.
(Last Edited 1/26/23)
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spennsrs · 8 months
༘⋆✿ stuck by the glue.
↳ TYPE OF WRITING: headcanons ↳ CONTENT CREATOR: chittaphon aka ten from wayv !!! ↳ SONG REC: paint me naked by ten
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ten wld be such a cute bf
definitely kisses your knuckles/hands a lot
also TONS of jaw and cheek kisses
he is all about intimacy, not necessarily sexual intimacy
he jst likes to be close to you :(
he is so confident, i can imagine you would get some doubts about yourself and get sad
but never fear!!!
ten is here!!! he kisses your face
"darling, you are prettier than any painting in a museum and you touch my heart in more ways than any poetry could."
yes im headcanoning ten with poetic rizz!!!! you cant tell me he doesnt !!!!
matching outfits are a must
"my dove, look at these outfits i got us!!!"
expect so many pet names
darling, my dove, my baby, any and all, he will call you at least once, especially at the beginning of your relationship to scope what you like and don't
cuddling with him.... he definitely doesnt mind being the little spoon every once in a while
hes a big fan of laying his head on your chest, arms around your middle as you cuddle so you can press kisses to his head and play with his hair easier
most definitely will lay on you so you dont leave the bed or couch or wherever yall are laying
big on physical contact.... usually ends with hand holding or his hand on the small of your back in public
i also imagine you are super close with the wayv members because you spend so much time with ten
you have become like a mother figure to the younger (xiaojun, hendery, yangyang)
they absolutely adore you
overall, ten ????? bestest bf !!!!
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crdteezv · 4 months
Frat House - Kun Ver.
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DISCLAIMER (important): This is a continuation of a fratboy series I’m doing for all the Wayv members! I recommend you read the prologue here first so everything can make more sense. You can also choose the other members here or at the end if you are interested in seeing someone else!
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Paring:  fratboy! kun x afab! reader
Genre: college! au, frat! au, smut
Synopsis: You continue playing an interesting game of Spin the Bottle/Truth or Dare with Ten and his friends. You were dared to spend the night with one of them. When the bottle was spun, it landed on Kun. You wondered what type of things you and him were about to get into tonight…
Warnings: smut. !hard dom! kun, dirty talk, teasing, fingering, thigh riding, oral (giving), praise/degradation, mutual masturbation, voyeurism/exhibitionism, unprotected sex
Word Count: 4.3k Words
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The bottle landed on Kun.
You were relieved that it wasn’t Hendery. You were still a little surprised by the result but didn’t mind it either. You just thought it would be awkward between you and Kun since you are not that close. 
Kun looked back at you with this smirk on his face. He was pretty much chill about the whole situation and was unfazed by it.
“Well, I guess you’re spending the night with me then hmm?”
“I suppose so. I’m fine with anyone but Hendery.”
“HEY! That’s so uncalled for” Hendery said.
Everyone chuckled and he started to burn up a little. He got annoyed and went upstairs into his room to go to sleep. The others start to do the same as well.
You and Kun were left on cleaning duty. You picked up any leftover trash and put all the games away. You got to talk to him more and got to know him a little better afterward. He was actually a pretty chill and nice guy. It surprises you that he was such a player - he doesn’t seem like the type to be.
You both were finishing up and started heading towards his room.
As you both were walking up the stairs he said 
“This whole night was honestly so fun. I haven’t laughed this hard in so long.”
“I know, it's the same for me too. I’m glad I hung out with you guys tonight. I feel closer to you all now.”
He reached out to the side of your arm and started to lightly caress it.
“I do too.”
Something about the way he said that felt more sincere and direct towards you. 
“Also, here is my room.”
He opened that door and you walked into his room. His room had this dark grey theme going on. It was pretty simple for the most part.
You start to make your way into his bed and put the covers over you.
“Hey, I know you’re only here because of the dare and all - so I will honestly just sleep on the floor if you want. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
You loved how respectful he was being towards you. Throughout the whole night, he hasn’t made a single move on you. He respected your space and didn’t want to break any boundaries.
“Nah, it’s ok you can come into the bed with me. I will just put this pillow between us - so you can lay on this side.”
You pointed towards the right side of the bed and he agreed to do so. You began to scroll on social media like you always do before you go to sleep. 
Kun was wearing this grey hoodie and had taken it off as he was getting ready for bed. Now all he had on was a white tank top and some sweatpants. 
Since his back was turned, you couldn't resist taking a look at him. The outline of his back muscles protruded through his shirt, flexing and moving as he began to take off his hoodie. It was having quite an effect on you, and you could now clearly see the size of his muscles.
You didn’t realize how built he was until now. Something about the way Kun was looking, was making you mildly aroused. You’ve never felt this way about him until now.
“I can feel you staring at me you know.”
You feel a tinge of embarrassment for staring for so long. Clearing your throat, you quickly averted your gaze back to your phone.
“Umm, no I wasn’t. I have been looking at my phone this whole time. Renjun had texted me about the party he was at earlier. I’m responding to him right now.”
He turned around and now you can see the front of him. 
The skin-tight tank top he had on revealed more of his body's outline. His broad chest seemed almost too big for the shirt, practically bursting out. His abs were also on display.
God, why does Kun look so attractive right now?
You begin to slowly rub your thighs but he doesn’t notice since you’re underneath the covers.
“Mhm, sure you were.” He replied in a sarcastic tone. 
“Hey, if you don’t believe me come look for yourself.” You started waving your phone in his direction.
He was serious about it and he started walking towards the bed. He had to kneel a bit to see and you practically almost was face to face with him. Up until now, the two of you have never been this close to each other.
You started to become more flustered by him.
He saw the messages on your phone and nodded.
“Ok, I will believe you just this once.”
You let out a sigh of relief and turned to the other side of the room, your back now facing Kun. He switched off the lights and settled into bed, making himself comfortable. You were getting ready to go to sleep as well. The room was pretty dark now and only the moonlight that was escaping his window was lighting up the room.
You both lay in silence for a bit and you had the random urge to ask him a question.
“I’ve been wondering besides school, what made you want to stop sleeping around with other people?”
Your question surprised him. He turns around to face you, and you do the same.
“Don’t you think that’s a little personal to ask?” He said in a playful tone.
Embarrassment starts to wash over you. Why did you even feel the need to ask him that? In your defense, you were genuinely curious. 
“I’m sorry, it’s not my place to even as-”
“I was only kidding darling. I pretty much got nothing to hide and I’m an open book.”
His sudden use of such a sweet pet name caught you off guard. It made you jump for a second, and it felt incredibly endearing.
“Ok, so what is the reason then?”
“Well, I was honestly just tired of all the girls I was hooking up with. It felt so repetitive, and it kept on getting bored.”
He kept going on and on about different girls whom he used to sleep with in the past. Hearing him talk about his previous entanglements, was quite interesting, to say the least. 
“Have you just considered taking someone seriously and being in a relationship with them? It would just be easier to find the one perfect for you.”
He scoffed and said 
“Of course I have! It’s just, I don’t have time to settle down right now. I barely even have time for myself these days.”
“I understand you completely to be honest. All I do is study, go to school, and work all at the same time. Whenever I have free time, I usually just hang out with Ten.”
“Mhm, you guys do hang out often I’ve noticed. I either stay at home or go to practice when I need to. I also go to some parties on occasion.”
You felt good talking to Kun and getting to know him more. Apart of you wished that you had become friends with him sooner. 
“Yeah, we do hang a lot out! Also, when you mentioned practice, I didn’t know you played any sports. What sport do you play?”
“Oh, I play football, track, lacrosse etc. But, I mainly focus on football since that’s the thing I’m mainly good at.”
This was practically news to you.  You had no idea that Kun played any sports, let alone be on the football team.
“Oh shit, I didn’t know you played all these sports. I should come to your next football game.”
He nodded in agreement, and as the night progressed, you both became closer…
“When was your last relationship?” You asked Kun.
“I've never been in one at all.”
“REALLY? Is there a reason why you haven’t been in one yet?”
“Well, the main reason is, that  I lacked confidence in myself during high school and wouldn’t talk to any girls. After I got into college, being on the football team really helped my social skills a lot. After each game, we threw massive parties, and that's when many girls approached me and wanted to talk. Through those experiences alone, I gained much more confidence."
You were so immersed in what he was saying  - that you didn't realize how close your faces were, just inches away from each other. The only thing separating the two of you was the pillow you had placed between you.
“Now that I'm a senior, I've chosen to dial it back and not hook up with anyone as much anymore. I've only done it once or twice this semester.”
His reasoning surprised you, but it made sense.
“Ah, I understand now. It all makes sense really.”
"Now I'm just looking for a friend-with-benefits type of thing. I prefer that because I don't want anything serious right now. The issue is I haven't found anyone willing to go along with it."
This fascinated you a lot. 
"Most of the girls I've tried this within the past ended up getting feelings for me. I feel bad having to reject them afterward, you know?"
"Oh, I completely understand! I hope you find someone willing to go along with it someday."
He let out a loud sigh and agreed too. It was getting late and you both turned over and went to sleep.
You couldn’t fall asleep and you kept on thinking about the previous conversation you had with Kun. You start to have fantasies of what it would be like if you guys were friends with benefits.
You pictured how he might caress your body, wrap his arms around you, and whisper dirty things into your ear. The thought of him sucking and biting all over your neck, making you feel good, crossed your mind. You even began to imagine what his dick probably looks like.
You almost felt uneasy for having such lewd thoughts of him.
You didn’t understand why you felt this way about Kun. You guys practically didn’t know each other before and now all you want him is to be buried deep inside of you.
You just want to get off to all the little fantasies you were having. You were sure he was fast asleep by now. You found yourself starting to squeeze your legs together. That wasn’t enough and you couldn’t take it anymore.
You carefully lifted the pillow that had been creating a distance between you and Kun. Wanting to avoid any sudden movements that might wake him up, you proceeded with caution.
You started to maneuver your way toward his side of the bed, subtly moving your backside closer to him. You were silently hoping that he would catch on to the hint and take things further.
You couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed for acting this way.
As you continued grinding onto him and covered your mouth to stifle any noises, you suddenly felt one of his arms wrapped around your waist.
He pulled you closer to him and you felt his breath against your neck. That alone sent tingles down your spine. 
“Mhmm, I didn’t think you were going to be this needy for me, love.”
You start to become flustered all over again. It was hard to believe how you had reached this point of desperation for him. Maybe it’s because it’s been a long time since you last been intimate with someone. You needed Kun so badly right now that you would do anything for him.
“I can’t stop thinking about you-”
He begins to lower one of his hands down your body. He then proceeded to lift up your shirt and pull down one of your bra straps. One of your boobs became exposed and he started to grope on it with his hand. He was fondling it and was twisting your nipple too.
You couldn't help but release a low whimper as waves of pleasure surged through you. 
“Mhm, how long have you felt this way about me?”
“Since you took off your hoodie…”
“Oh, so you were staring? You really are such a filthy little liar huh?
The way he was talking down on you now was driving you mad. You can't even process any of his words right now, let alone the way he was touching you.
 You didn’t want this moment to end.
He continues by exposing the other breast, removing your bra, and tossing it aside. Now topless, you only remained in your shorts. He flips you onto your back and positions himself on top of you. Despite feeling intimidated, it only adds to your arousal.
"God, how can you be so desperate for me, darling? Here I thought you couldn’t sink this low."
He lowered himself to your ear and whispered, "I know you were rubbing and squeezing those pretty thighs of yours the moment I took off my hoodie. Don't act all innocent around me — I know what you are-."
His kisses and sucks all over your neck made you practically shake from anticipation.
"You're just a dirty little slut for me."
That did it for you. 
You grabbed his face and started to make out with him. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and your legs around his waist. Things started to become so intense between the two of you, that your tongues started to interlock with one another. Both were fighting for control and were gasping for air.
You both were grunting and moaning from all the sexual tension that was in the room. He pulled away from your lips and began to kiss all over your chest. Trying not to make loud noises, you covered your mouth to suppress any sounds.
Kun wasn't pleased with that.
He seized both of your hands and pinned them over your head.
“Aww, baby don’t go and hide all the pretty noises you have been making for me.”
He started to move onto the other boob and used his other free hand to caress the other one. He was making you feel so good at this moment.
“You know, Hendery's room is right next to mine…”
You started to widen your eyes and you started to feel a bit embarrassed now. The fact that he could probably hear all the noises you were making right now was kinda humiliating.
“Imagine the look on his face when he hears you start to moan my name.”
He then proceeds to suck on your breast aggressively and it made a loud pop sound when he release it from his mouth. That sent shockwaves throughout your body. He leaned down and whispered into your ear
“I bet you would like that a lot huh pretty girl?”
That alone made you feel hot all over. The fact that everyone in the house could hear what was going on between you right now - especially Hendery was driving you insane. But something deep within yourself wanted him to hear. You imagine how jealous he feels right now.
“Umm… maybe I do.”
“Wow, you really are as evil as everyone says you are.”
He started to take off his shirt and was looking down at you.
“But, I kind of like that about you.”
You have never been so attracted to Kun up until this moment. 
He sat up slightly, and you started to explore his body. Your hands moved down from his chest, gradually reaching lower. Gently pulling down his sweatpants to his knees, you traced the outline of his arousal through his boxers. It turned out to be bigger than you initially thought.
He then switched positions and now he is sitting up against the bedframe.
“I want you now to give me a little show. Take off your shorts for me.”
You felt so needy for Kun now.
You turned yourself around so now your backside was facing him. He was for sure liking the view you were giving him. Gradually peeling back your shorts and panties, you glanced back at him. The sinful look you had in your eye, made him even more feral for you.
 He slowly starts to pump his dick into his hand. He was loving the way you looked right now. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you throughout the whole night. Now that he has you all to himself, he is going absolutely insane for you. 
You start to arch your back and shoved two of your fingers into your aching pussy. You hated how humiliating this was for you. But you couldn’t care less at this point. You just subconsciously follow all his orders and demands. You start to whimper and moan out his name. 
“Fuck… I want you to just fuck me already…”
He threw his head back for a second and locked his eyes back onto you.
“Patience darling…you will get everything you ever wanted if you just wait a little longer for me.”
You nod your head and agreement and start rubbing yourself faster than before. You've become increasingly anxious and unsure how much longer you can endure all of this. Your whimper and moans started to become louder and louder for him. He was loving every second of it.
Kun was at his breaking point.
“Shit…get over here right now.”
He removed his boxers and sweatpants entirely now. You halted what you were doing and began to lower your mouth onto his erection. You were bopping your head up and down on it.
He leaned his head back against the bed frame, overwhelmed by the pleasure you were giving him. He started to grab your hair and pulled your head onto him. Your eyes start to water and you begin to gag and choke on him.
That just made him even harder for you.
He then grabbed both his hands and put them both around your head. He started facefucking you with his cock. He was moving at such a rough pace, his bed started to shake aggressively. Your eyes start to roll to the back of your head. He was bringing you to the brink of ecstasy, and you experienced a profound sense of euphoria in that moment. He felt himself getting close so he stopped him and pulled you off him. You struggled to gasp for air, feeling a bit winded.
But the night wasn’t over yet.
He pulled you into his lap and made you sit on his thigh. 
“Now, before I finish inside of you, I want you to show me how desperate you truly are and ride my thigh.”
You started to become hot all over. You started to doubt if you still had it in you to keep on going.
“I - mean I don’t know if I can do all that…”
He delivered a sharp slap against your ass, and it elicited a scream of pleasure from you. He burst into laughter, wearing a patronizing look on his face. A sense of fear began to creep in as you started to feel a little intimidated by him.
“What do you mean you don’t know baby? You were practically waving your ass against my cock earlier and now all of a sudden you want to act all shy?”
His hand landed onto your ass once last time. He slowly started to rub it to soothe you from the pain. That alone made you start squirming for him. 
“God, I didn’t think you would become this much of a pussy for me now. It’s kind of pathetic if you ask me, sweetheart.”
You had enough of this. 
You started to rub up and down on his thigh. You supported yourself by wrapping your arms around his neck. You didn’t care how loud you were being for him at this point. With the pace you were going at, it made your clit start to twitch. You were in such a deep, sensual state that nothing else mattered to you right now.
All of a sudden Kun started to flex his thigh. 
That just made you let out one of the loudest moans you had for the night so far. It very much caught you off guard and you weren’t expecting it. You couldn’t help yourself and threw your head back from pleasure. 
He didn’t like that and grabbed your jaw and made you look at him. 
“Nice try baby, but you are going to have to keep those pretty eyes on me ok?”
His teasing nature was driving you insane for him. He was being so rough and gentle at the same time. You couldn’t understand why you were so horny right now but you were loving every second of it. 
You feel yourself start to become close. 
It seemed that Kun noticed and he moved his hand down onto your neck now. He pulled you into him and said in your ear
“Go ahead and cum for me like the needy girl you are.”
You didn’t hold back and let out such a slutty moan that even tears of pleasure started to roll down your face. Before you can even adjust, he pushes you down onto the bed with you lying flat on your stomach.
You were a little terrified by what was happening right now. Everything had happened so fast. He went down to you and pulled on your hair to make you look back at him. 
“Oh, you thought we were done?”
Without any warning, he slips his cock into your wet pussy. You let out a loud moan and didn’t even try to conceal it. 
“I’m still not fucking satisfied.”
He started pounding into you deep and was fucking you stupid. You were in a pronebone position and he had your right where he wanted you. He wanted you to feel everything for him right now. He wasn’t slowing down any of his strokes at all. 
“.. Fuck you make me feel so good.”
Kun liked the way you talked to him like that. He wouldn’t want to admit it but he secretly likes to get praise. 
“Oh yeah?”
He placed both of his hands on the bedframe, using them as support to properly thrust into you. His strokes became more rough and precise.
"How about now, darling? Do you like it when I fuck you like this?”
You never felt this good before during sex until now. He was touching you in ways that awakened sensations in places and areas you didn't even know existed. You were practically screaming his name at the top of your lungs.
He eventually started aiming at you in a certain spot and your eyes started to water again. 
“Fuck… slow down I can’t handle it-”
He began ramming into your G-spot with increased speed and aggression. Your screams echoed from the deep, forceful strokes he was delivering.
“Mhm, I don’t think I can slow down sweetheart. How can I resist when you look this good, being my desperate little plaything?”
His degrading words made you twitch a little for him.
“Aww, you liked that? You like when I keep fucking you right here?”
He started moving even more faster than before.
“Yes… please don’t stop - fuck”
He starts to slow down his pace a bit. He was practically teasing you at this point. 
“First you wanted me to stop then slow down and now go faster? God, why can’t you just make up fucking your mind?”
You couldn’t even control what you were saying right now - let alone even remember. All this overstimulation was starting to affect your head. You don’t know how much longer you could take this.
“But fuck I’m really close. I’m going to be serious now and not hold back anymore - are you ready?”
You nodded your head and he went back into fucking you. You were about to cum for the 2nd time now. He was driving you insane and you just couldn’t wait for this all to be over.
“Mhm… Fuck… darling I’m gonna-”
You both feel yourselves on the verge and both came at the same time.
 The moan you let out was so loud and your eyes started to roll to the back of your head. He climaxed inside of you and withdrew his erection from your now-soaked wet core.
He lay back to your side, and you were still on your stomach.
You both just took a moment to reflect on what had just transpired between the two of you.
It was one of the best nights you had in a very long time.
You completely forgot about your upcoming exams at this point. When you were with Kun, it felt as if the world had stopped, and the only things in motion were the two of you.
“Are you ok? I wasn’t too rough or anything right?”
You turned onto your side to face him. Despite feeling exhausted and a bit shaken up, you were now looking at him.
“No, everything was just perfect honestly! Apart of me wants to do this again sometime…”
“Really? Are you sure it’s a good idea? I don’t want you to fall for me or anything.” He said in a joking manner.
You rolled your eyes and said “Oh please, I will be just fine. After all, you did want someone who is ok with being  friends-with-benefits…”
Kun's eyes have widened by your previous statement. He had this cocky look on his face and said 
“Wait, don’t tell me you were thinking about that this whole time?”
You start to heat up from embarrassment. He read right through you like a book.
“Maybe I was, who knows…”
You both started laughing and he then pulled you and made you lay on top of him. He was slowly patting your head and you both stayed there in silence.
“If you’re okay with it, then I’m willing to try too.”
You smiled under him and were pleased by his response.
You both became pretty good friends after tonight and would always be there for each other if called upon….
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**AUTHOR NOTES: ** If you want to see what would happen if the bottle landed on a different member, choose here: [TEN] [WINWIN] [HENDERY] [XIAOJUN] [YANGYANG] 
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Taglist: @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan
164 notes · View notes
mins-fins · 3 months
&&. but really, what closure can you even receive? he's gone, and you'll never see him again.
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pairing: ten lee x m!reader
genre: yummy yummy angst
warnings: mentions of death, hospitals, and some homophobia
word count: 1.2k
notes: do you guys like angst ☺️?? i like angst for sure!! so anyway i have finished all my tests and it is now the weekend, so have this ten angst i cooked up while i also work on that long detective ten fic that i totally do not cry over every time i touch it
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"your hands are always so cold".
ten chuckles at your muttering, again lacing your fingers together as you wince a little bit due to the cold surface of his fingers. he winks at you, and turns back to the pastries he was currently decorating, letting go of your hand. "yours are always warm, were so compatible, aren't we?"
you just stay silent at his question, observing him as he decorated the cookies before him with icing, a small smile on his face as he thinks about something funny.
you observe him for what seems like forever, a smile crossing your features as you watch him do it so meticulously, as if with no mistakes at all.
he's like a magician.. you think to yourself as he continues, and another smile comes to your face. he is very pretty, gorgeous even!
your not sure how long you stay lost in thought, it's like your eyes fix on ten and suddenly, you get lost in your own mind. he isn't doing anything drastic, just decorating cookies—
and looking absolutely gorgeous while doing so..
"what are you thinking about?"
his soft voice snaps you out of your own head, and you catch his eyes quickly, they soften as the two of you make eye contact, which gets a small chuckle out of you.
you don't mean to respond so honestly, but you do, and he just looks down, snickering. "aww, really?"
"you know already.." you mutter, turning away as your eyes focus on the window. it's pitch black, not like it's the middle of the night or anything, it's just black, no street lamps, no additional lights, nothing else to see but black.
there's nothing outside..
there's nothing anywhere outside the house, you know that, and you hate it.
"yeah, i do" you can hear the smile in his voice, but you don't look at him, continue staring at your surroundings. they're all blurry except for the area surrounding you two, like your both in a small personal bubble where the rest of the world makes absolutely no sense.
"why do you do this to me?"
you try to laugh as you ask that question, but you sound more depressed than anything. ten pauses his actions, and merely glances up at you, tilting his head as he blinks.
"i don't know what your talking about, babe".
there goes that dumb nickname again, the one that somehow always get your stomach flipping for a completely unknown reason. ten has just this thing with giving you couple like nicknames, but it's normal, normal for you two.
you hate that your heart hurts.
after what seems like forever, he finally looks back up at you, and those eyes are back, the same ones that make you want to burst into tears by just the sight alone.
but you contain yourself, contain your emotions.
"why do you keep doing this to me?"
you ask the exact same question, just in a different way, you just need to know, you don't want to leave until you know.
his gaze softens, and his reaches forward to caress your cheek with his thumb. you want to flinch away from the touch, but you don't, you relax, and you hate that you do.
you hate that he isn't ever going to come back..
"i really don't mean to.." he mutters, a soft smile coming to his face, while your sad frown remains. "i just want you to say it".
"i can't—"
"you can".
you feel like your about to cry, and you hate that you feel like your about to cry. you never got to spend that much time with him, it all felt like it went by so fast, you could never even process your feelings, let alone tell him how you felt before he.. well.
you look down, sniffling despite no tears falling down your cheeks yet. "why'd you have to go?"
"i didn't have a choice, babe".
you know, you know he didn't. no one ever has a choice when it comes to suddenly dying, it was all so random, abrupt, it all just happened.
"i'm sorry.." you mutter, an unforeseen guilt suddenly taking over you. it's not fair, you get to wake up and he doesn't? do you even deserve any of this? it feels like you did something horrible.
"there's no need to be".
"i love you" you finally say, somehow able to keep yourself from crying, again. ten smiles, but his smile is sad, everything about this is sad.
"i love you, and i never told you, and then you were gone, so i couldn't, and i—" you sniffle again, tears now falling down your cheeks. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to hide it from you i was just scared".
and it's true, you were scared, you had seen the judging eyes from everyone else, and though ten didn't care about any of that, you did, you hated the idea of being judged for something you couldn't control, so you hid it, hid it for so long, but now he's gone, and this is really the only way you can actually tell that to him.
his smile becomes a frown, pressing his thumb to your cheek as he wipes away the tears that continue to fall down, and it only makes you want to cry more. "it's okay, it's okay, your fine now".
but you aren't, because he's not going to come back after this. even after you finally admitted what had been making your stomach swirl in uncomfortable ways for so long, ten won't just reappear, he is always gonna be gone.
"it's not" you whisper. "your not going to come back".
"but you finally got that weight off of your shoulders" he whispers, lifting your chin up so that he could look at you. "you have to wake up now".
you sigh shakily, holding onto ten for what seems like forever. you don't want to let go, you don't want to wake up, you can't, you'll never see him again if you do.
"i don't want to.."
"but you have to" ten presses. "you have so much left to do, right now isn't your time".
how am i going to do anything without you?
you hate that you begin crying again, and you press your head against his chest. just a few more minutes.. just a few more minutes.. you don't want to go just yet. "i'm sorry".
"don't apologize, you did everything you could, i won't ever fault you for that".
you look down, and he runs his fingers through your hair. it feels so real, you wish you could stay like this forever, with ten, in this dreamland where all he does is comfort you, hug you, whisper kind words into your ear.
"i love you.."
he just smiles as you say those last words, and he leans forward to kiss your forward, whispering; "it's time to wake up".
maybe it's his voice, or the way he gently holds you, the way his breathing gets slower and slower as he leans closer, you don't feel yourself begin slipping away, which is probably good, you weren't sure how you would hold up if you felt the dream end.
and when you open your eyes, your met with the sounds of beeping hospital machines, hushed voices, and hundreds of eyes staring at you.
your alive.
your awake.
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