#Charas and Sanses: exist
percepeony · 1 year
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If the AU Sanses Christmas Party can exist, then so can they 😤
Credits to Latte (incarnatedcaffeine on IG) for this great idea ngl I haven’t SEEN anyone make this before so major props to them 👏
AU Charas involved in this (left to right in chronological order from the pic):
• Swapfell! Chara
• Xtale! Chara
• Lytta! Chara
• Caretaker! Chara
• True! Chara (Latte’s)
• Outertale! Chara
• Underfell! Chara
• Reapertale! Chara
• Storyshift! Chara
• Underswap! Chara
• Undertale! Chara
• Ngrave! Chara (mine)
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elizakai · 8 months
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When it comes to the bad sanses, there’s so many things to be explored, but I want to point out something I never see addressed
⬇️ little soul analysis under the cut!!!⬇️
They all have COMPLETELY different SOULs;
Nightmare: Nightmare is a being that is a lot different from other monsters. He is basically a god, with a SOUL that holds great importance in relation to the multiverse they all live in, it’s an embodiment of negativity and corruption. Not to mention, Nightmare originally HAD no SOUL (same as Dream, as their entire body was magic, more so than normal, thus essentially being their SOUL) and this is a result of absorbing/ becoming the multiverse’s negativity.
Killer: Killer’s SOUL has been mutilated and twisted out of shape, it visibly and by nature is a “corrupted” SOUL. His very being was brutally and forcefully shifted, starting with his mind and ending with his very core, his SOUL. It being out in the open and, well, a literal target, makes me assume this is a weak point. I am under the assumption that SOULs are a very touchy topic for this man.
Cross: Cross had a SOUL that could be assumed normal, but he is also a creation of X!gaster. (I didn’t represent his actual SOUL oops) he has been shown to be out of the norm in terms of his existence/SOUL. To take it a step further, when he is fused with the soul of Chara,human and DETERMINATION, he only posses half of a monster SOUL. Either way his essence is very much different then that of “natural” monsters, I think it’s pretty self explanatory
Horror: this one can go two ways. A lot of horrortale fans interpret horrors eye, his source of magic, a representation of his SOUL. It makes a lot of sense within the comic and story. Thus we could obviously see that an eye and a SOUL are very different. However it could be argued that “source of magic” and “essence of being” aren’t the same. A lot of the fandom also interprets horrors SOUL separately, and a fair assumption is made that his SOUL is either shrunken or sickly in appearance in this case. This makes sense due to horrors lack of/small amount of magic, his body learning to regulate itself without proper nutrients to keep his magic going.
Dust: Dust has the most natural monster SOUL of the group. We can assume that monsters who have attained high LV, such as Dust, also have altered SOULs, especially when we consider how violence is out of a monsters default nature. That said, monsters are ABLE to gain LV, so it isn’t some anomaly. One could also consider Dust attaining “new traits” to affect his soul. What I mean is it can be interpreted that, Dust having lost JUSTICE and gained DETERMINATION, along with the usual PATIENCE (supposed to be cyan lol) , his soul would probably also reflect these changes. We can call into question how much DETERMINATION Dust actually possess? Is it dangerous? Again, it still doesn’t alter his actual MONSTER SOUL much
(I’d also like to point out, I think it’s cool that red (DT) and blue (patience) make purple (perseverance) which is the color of dust’s magic…I think it’s interesting 🤷🏽‍♀️)
They probably wouldn’t know what to make of the others SOULs, as they are all so drastically different. If something were to happen to one of them…would they even know what to do?
(yeah I’m forcing my story ideas down your throats because headcanons)
All that to say, I’m interested to hear other people’s thoughts or headcanons on this, and I want to see more of this explored!!!
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lover-of-skellies · 10 months
I'm surprised I haven't seen this yet. But if all sanses must be ranked for smooches. We can't forget who started it all.
So UT sans
Just regular old sans. Tell us the rating! Come on it must be good? Right?!
Sans Classic gets an 11! It’s not the absolute best rating he could get, but it’s pretty damn close
1) Is Sans’ mouth dangerous? From the looks of it, nope. His teeth are flat, so there’s very little risk of your lips getting pinched or cut or anything. That being said, he gets 2 points for safety
2) Would he bite? Frankly,, I can’t see him being a biter. Even when he’s surprised, he seems like he’d be more likely to teleport away than chomp down on your lip. Is he aggressive? Like anyone else, he can be kinda aggressive if the situation calls for it and there’s no other way to handle said situation, but still. This is a smooch, not a surprise attack. If you smooched him, I can’t see him getting aggressive about it. For being chill and not biting people, he gets 2 points
3) Are there any health hazards to the smoocher? Unless ketchup and/or hotdog water breath counts, then no, he’s perfectly safe. He could be a little smelly if he didn’t shower that day and was in dire need of it, but that’s not something that poses a risk to anyone’s wellbeing. 2 more points for not being a walking health code violation
4) Does Sans have a sympathetic backstory? We don’t actually know much about that. He’s very mysterious about his past, and all we know is that he used to be a scientist, and that he’s probably the one financially supporting himself and Papyrus. He did agree to take care of Frisk and he does a fairly good job of that, even if there was a time when he did kinda sorta threaten them. Since there’s not much information about how he and Papyrus grew up or what kind of childhood they had, he won’t be getting full points, sadly. I’ll give him 1 point though, because lord knows it’s not easy raising and supporting a younger sibling
5) Does he deserve a smooch? He typically looks like he’s being lazy and doesn’t seem to do very much, but I’m inclined to believe that he actually does a lot more than we get to see. He works at multiple little pop up stalls/vendors throughout the game, he basically gets stuck babysitting some random kid that he knows nothing about for however long (and he’s a pretty good sport about that, all things considered), and then he’s the final defense In judgement hall, keeping Chara/the player from getting to Asgore if they’re deemed dangerous. His puns and gremlin behavior could get old pretty fast, but with all that he does, yeah, I’d say he deserves a smooch. He gets 2 more points for all of that
6) Is he cute or cool? I’m not sure if I’d call him cute, but he does deserve something for being the original, and the reason why his AU counterparts exist. He’s the start of all of it, so even if he’s a little basic in design and seems pretty lazy with a decently apathetic personality, he’s still cool enough to get points here for this area. 2 points for being the OG garbage boy stink man that everyone knows and loves
In total, his smooch-ability rating is an 11 out of 12. He’s a safe one to smooch, assuming you don’t mind his potentially stinky breath. The worst he’d probably do is ask you not to do it again, and the best thing that could happen is that he’d allow it and then proceed to get flustered and blushy, and attempt to play it off with some joke or pun that he thinks is relevant at the moment
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revolvius · 1 year
So I'm in the mood to draw some UnderTale alternate characters. Thing is, my brain's blacked out and can't think of anything rn. SO...
Any character ideas suggestions? Lmao.
They can be Out!Codes or AU characters, I just want something to draw rn lmao.
If you have any ideas then write in my inbox/ask box and I'll try to draw your alternate characters! Toriels, Undynes, hell, Froggits, Whimsuns, etc. Just be creative with it :b
Can't be an OC, has to be UnderTale characters (An Undyne, Asgore, Mettaton, etc)
No Sanses (Really? You're going to ask me that? Come on now)
NO LIMITS, you can suggest MULTIPLE characters at once.
Can't be an already existing character. ex: Life (Reaper!Toriel), X!Chara, Core!Frisk, etc.
For the format of the inbox, just tell me something like this.
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or if you wanna give more details that's fine by me too. Helps a lot tbh lmao.
Welp, that's mostly it, really. I wanna see how many creative ideas you guys have regarding this! :b
Good day, fellas!
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I feel like the way we see ‘resets’ in Undertale and their relationship to the charaters is wrong. Here me out but; The resets aren’t ‘time travel’ at least not entirely. (And I feel the distinction is going to be important for Deltarune.)
For clarification when I say Reset I mean resetting your save file. Not the Save and Load function. I make this distinction because the save points in the game quite literally do save a point in time and allow you to travel back, which is just completely time-travel. But in this theory we are going to Discuss resets, and why I believe they don’t actually take you back in time- but to an alternate timeline. Hear me out- Every time you reset the game you are given a FUN value number. Most of you know this already, but for those who don’t a FUN value number is number from 1-100 that you get each new game.
Depending on your number you will get special ‘FUN events’ exclusive to that number. (The most famous example being the rare ‘Mystery Man’ who most people think is Gaster). This is Important because while it would make sense for these secret events to be ‘random chance Gaster easter eggs’ that’s not all they are.
But three FUN events in particular have no obvious lore relevance; Alphys calling for a Pizza, Sans Prank Calling you, and Nightmare Mode word search (Sans’s word search now has a snowman named nightmare).
The question is- why? None of those FUN events have any lore relevance or obvious connection to Gaster. I believe it’s because the Resets Bring you into a new Timeline, one where almost everything is the same except something small (like a phone-call or a word search illustration). And I’m not making this assumption without any evidence or precedent, this is actually something that happens in Deltarune too. Something not a lot of people know is that Between the three save files you are given in Deltarune there is a in-game difference- but it’s somthing small and unimportant, the items in Asreil’s Dresser. Small differences that don’t really affect the game, but indicate a difference. Sound familiar?
Deltarune has two more save files than Undertale, since game mechanics have a heavy metta narrative in these games it is easy to draw the conclusion that these are alternative timelines to eachother - (Which as I will explain soon aren’t a new concept in canon Undertale) how else would you justify three almost identical games happening at once in a world where the metta narrative of Save and Reset is important. Not only that, but before completing the first chapter doing certain actions in the Save menu will get you special dialogue from the menu guy.
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All of these imply something happens to the people when you erase saves. And why would that matter if it simply took them back in time- because these are separate timelines. Honestly I shouldn’t have to make too much of an argument for Deltarune- since it’s literally an Alternate Undertale timeline CANONICALLY. ‘But that’s Deltarune what does this prove about Undertale Resets’ you ask. Well to answer that we have to talk about Sans, specifically his dialogue after you come back from him mercy-killing you.
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Look at how he words that, don’t tell THE OTHER SANSES. This line is mostly ignored in the community (unless you like Sans AUs, then it’s mostly used for that) but that’s a pretty interesting thing to say. Because when you compare it to how Sans talks about ‘Timelines jumping left and right’, he probably means it literally. He literally means other timelines exist, and more-so we can go to them. (Since he believes we would be able to tell the other Sanses). I also think this explanation would help explain why Sans has ‘seen what comes next’, because it’s implied- if not outright stated- that Sans KNOWS what happens at the end of a Genocide run. Chara erases the world- somthing that we as the player can do in DELTARUNE that is implied to permanently get rid of the Timeline. But they bring it back right? So it’s all ok? No. Because if my Theory is correct it implies something BIG about the Genocide ERASE reset and the True reset. (I will from here-on be calling that type of reset a hard reset since no-one remembers anything.)
Think about this for a moment- why do we name the fallen Human every Hard Reset. Here’s a better question- why do we ONLY name Chara after a Hard reset. Because if you reset normally the game says ‘a name has already been chosen’, so why DO we get to choose a new name when a hard reset happens? Well I think the answer can be found in Frisk.
Ok to prove my next bit of evidence I need to explain myself. Frisk is their own character- they may not be much of one like Kris, but they are their own character. Examples; Frisk moves of their own accord multiple times (Lamp, Omega Flowey, Maybe Genocide if it’s not Chara), Telling Asriel their Name, Not having enough will to hurt unyne on the hang-out (if choosing to fight), Facial expressions (Sans tells us like a million examples during his fight). At the very least you can’t deny that Frisk told Asriel their name. So in some regard they are a character- Flowey even says this explicitly during his Post-Pacifist Dialogue.
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This is confirmation that Frisk is a person outside of Player/Chara influence. But what this is also confirmation on is that Frisk is affected by OUR ability to reset. Not only that but because of many factors such as, Sans Judgments, Sans room Key test, Sans handshake, Sans fight, and telling Asgore he killed you, we can conclude that Frisk remembers Resets. Which should be obvious right? Except that after a hard reset Frisk DOESNT remember. They don’t do any of the thing indicating they do, and not even Sans seems to notice them acting like they know things beforehand. Why? Well maybe… it’s not the same frisk? And to answer my earlier questions maybe the fallen human we name isn’t the same one after a hard reset. We have reset/erased ALL timelines and have started anew.
I feel this will be important to Deltarune because Deltarune itself is an alternate timeline. Now I’m done with the theory for now but I feel like giving a bit of a prediction- I think Deltarunes ending won’t be an end. I believe Toby when he tells us Deltarune will have one ending. Because I think that after the game is completed, the save file will reset (an option not actually available in Deltarune) and we will be cast into another similar timeline to do it again.
This is the first theory I’ve made so any feedback welcome!! :-)
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ant1quarian · 7 days
hello! Just found your account and immediately following because you seem really cool. Your Until Dawn Breaks utmv/au (?) fic idea seems really intriguing! Do you have an idea for all the teachers yet? I think I saw Dust and Classic but didn't know who the other three might be.
Oh, and I would be down to suggest some students if need be! Will the students also be Sanses or are they other monters/humans?
Couldn't help but notice how vague the infection seems to be mentioned. I believe you said you weren't sure on how it would work. An interesting webtoon I read some time ago was called "Surviving Romance" kinda has the school idea with zombies. Hard to describe as it has been a while since I read it. Perhaps you can check it out and get some ideas?
Why thank you! UDBverse, as it's also called, is a silly goofy idea I had that I decided to make exist. (It's currently being written)
I do have an idea for who the teachers will be! I actually did a poll about it a while back and the answers were:
So essentially the Bad Sanses except Classic has replaced Horror lmao.
The student'll be different Frisks and Charas! And also some monsters and monster-esque versions of 'em. I'm deciding which Charas/Frisks/Monsters to use at the moment- which may also take another poll.
The vagueness of the infection mentioned is due to the spoilers it may give, but I'll definitely read it and see what it's about!
Thank you for the ask, it's nice to see you here!
( Also, more information about this story will appear on @ask-udbverse, by the way! )
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chompsloudly · 10 months
So some character placements for my au plus explainations.I accidentally went on a rant at one point
fresh-burger pants
Horrortale sans-cannibal/butcher grillby
Dust sans-dustbelief papyrus
Geno-either muffet or undyne
King multiverse-asgore?
Blue-underscramble mettaton
Killer sans-killer sans
Sci sans- alphys
core frisk-core frisk
fell-idk. Possibly fell mk? Mad mew mew
epic- maybe undyne
Cross-I have no idea
Time kid- monster kid
Error explanation
Strings, threatening, muffets already kinda out of it if you read her genocide dialogue. Add an eternity in a white void and you get destroyer muffet
Ink explaination
It makes since for flowey to be ink since they both have no soul. I would've made asgore the protector but he doesn't do much protecting. Plus flowey seems to be capable of some range of emotion, which is better than nothing
Fresh explaination
Fresh is canonically a parasite and I randomly thought it would be funny to have him possess burger pants and it stuck
Dream explaination
Asriel is perfectly suited for the role. Just look at the fluffy boi. Kind, sweet, sunshine, helpful. I honestly don't know why there isn't any dream-asriel, well, anything.
Nightmare explaination
Chara is asriels sibling, and they're the more malevolent of the two. Also it only makes sense.
Horror explaination
Made a new au for this grillby since I couldn't think of a good one for the in-code cannibal role. Grillby was the best fit since he already owns a bar.
Dust explaination
I was lazy
I'm not sure whether to use muffet again or undyne. It would make sense to use muffet due to errors backstory, but undyne literally dies due to being too determined, which makes her the better candidate. But then that might result in an error undyne, so I'm not sure which one to do
King multiverse explaination
I didn't know where to put king asgore so I made him king multiverse. Admittedly I don't know anything about king multiverse at all, so I'm not completely sure
Swap explaination
Underscramble mettaton is my favorite when it comes to the 'excitable human catcher' role. It was the only character I considered and I can't think of any better anyways
Killer explaination
Unfortunately I can't leave sans out comepletely so I let my favorite of the sans au's stay. He's got a good reason to be a sans that isn't just sans reskin
Sci explaination
I'm going to be very honest when I say that I hate the fact that sci's a sans and not an alphys. Y'know, the literal royal scientist. So I decided to fix that by doing what should have been done in the first place. On a less rant-ish note, I'm kinda tempted to make her a fell alphys
Core explaination
The goal is to reduce the amount of sans aus, so changing core would be pointless. Plus core's a good character
Lust explaination
I have no idea who to use for this role.
Fell explaination
I originally didn't know who to use, but then I remembered mad mew mew existed. I actually want to use a mad mew mew fell instead of a sad mew mew fell though. Anywho I gave mad mew the fell role since she's knows for being angry in the first place.
Epic explanation
Im not completely sure, but undyne seems like a good fit. From what I've seen of epic while he seems laid back he is also a protector. Naturally undyne seems like the best fit. But now the geno problem shows itself again.
cross explaination
I have absolutely no idea who to use
Time kid explaination
A last minute thought, I only gave them this position due to time kid being a kid. Like king multiverse, I don't know anything about timekid. This position is most likely temporary at best
I still don't know where to put all of the characters on this list as I'm not completely sure of the sanses they'll be replacing. Or I can't decide between two characters. Still don't know where to put napstablook. Or gaster. And I want to give toriel a better role cause nim dies immediately.
overall I need help and any criticism is appriciated. Let me know any characters I forgot or would be better suited for another role.
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everydaygremlin · 1 year
Ok, so i had a few ideas,
After undertale became so popular, and the first aus were made, a multiverse had formed, where aus existed in some kinda void made of the fandom, and all of the sanses appeared,
Over time, the base game's frisk began to slowly be able to resist the player's control, eventually, they just began to speedrun a pacifest route, slowly gaining a, strange kind of determination, which, eventually made them gain Levels, but not levels of violence, normal rpg levels, that made them better at [ACT]ing instead, and eventually, on one asriel fight, they managed to max this "Love" level up enough to, change, becoming frisk pime (W.i.p. namee) forgoing the ability to save, replacing it with the ability to [S A V E], granting them a cool new rainbow outline, and ability to do things toby never coded, like grant the npcs real free will like they had,
And they used this new ability to Save asi, during the hyper goner attack,
The fight ended early, and everyone's souls were granted back to them,
Asriel ended up in the dog shrine (Switch version specifically), where frisk found him and showed asi his new free will and prime soul (Like frisk had gotten) for various reasons. After one long crying session, asi managed to find out how to use this new power when the stir awoke mad mew mew, because frisk didn't know about her and never spared her,
After ma mew mew gained free will too (but not a prime soul, so no glowy outline, maybe a redesign like asy and frisk tho), toriel and asgore managed to find them, and after another, even longer crying session because "hOLY SHIT OUR SON IS ALIVE AND NOT EVIL!", frisk did the thing to them, and then went to do it to the rest of the underground.
Afteer a feew yeears on the surface, Prime asy and frisk (With narra chara because why not) manageed to find a way into said multiverse,
and thats wheeree i'll stop for now while i think of more ideas and probably need to design Prime!asy, Prime!frisk, and the Free! versions of everyone
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carkki85 · 2 years
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That’s KeyboardSans.
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Some of these are from AlterDate, which is a Multiverse. Long story short: the humans that were meant to save their univers’ world suddenly disappeared. Sanses united and found the humans fused into one body. 
Some of these are from my Alternative Universes, called HorrorLust, which is kinda mix of HorrorTale and UnderLust, and SlipUp. 
HorrorLust is a world where the monsters came up with injections that would make them stronger, the black chemical. While it made the monsters stronger, it also made them unable to feel sympathy or empathy. This resulted in monster population dropping. So... they came up with purple matter, that made the monsters horny, so that they would reproduce again. They also are having a Human Hunt -game whenever a human falls down there. Sans and Papyrus have begun to behave strange after Frisk’s sister Chara, who has healing and purifying powers fel down there. After years, Frisk finally dared to go look for her sister... 
In SlipUp the monsters are actually angels. Some are fallen angels and some not. They were once trapped by the humans that feared them, but thanks to this one child, they were free again. Sans was sent to protect the human, and years passed... After watching this child growing up ino an adult, Sans fell in love with her and did something that caused him to be kicked out of Heaven company. Not too long after a fallen angel reached out to Sans... 
Oh and I used to call HTSans FreakSans, since his world was also pretty much based on my other character Jake Freak, but I had to change that since there already existed FreakTale, so that might have caused confusion. 
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ao3feed-undertale1 · 7 months
Happy Birthday Your Present Is Angst Because I'm Tired and Kinda Emo Inside
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50837899 by Always_Sleeepy_Headd It's Cross's birthday today, he wants to forget and he tries his hardest too. Although it never seems to work and just leaves him with more scars and more pain. Cross is beginning to love that pain. Words: 3398, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Killer Sans - Character, Cross sans, Nightmare Sans, Dust Sans, horror sans, bad sanses, Color Sans (Mentioned), Xtale Chara Relationships: killer/cross, Kross - Relationship, Criller, cross x killer - Relationship, Sans/Sans (Undertale) Additional Tags: Cross being emo, Killer being a cutey pie, Cross burns himself, Self Harm, Purging, purging disorder, Non Suicidal Self Injury Disorder, NSSID, Eating Disorder, Cross's Birthday, Cross Sans Birthday Fic, Selective Mutism, Or basically Cross having an intense fear of speaking, Social Anxiety, Dust having panic attacks is normal now, Killer crying over a sad comic about cats, Cross overworking himself, Cross passing out twice, Horror was so scared for him, Dust doesn't speak once in this fic I'm pretty sure, Nightmare being gay but secretly, Nightmare actually loves romance novels, Cross also loves romance novels, Killer just likes stories with cats in them, Killer is an extreme animal lover, Horror is a sweety pie, Nightmare and Killer definitely had a silly string fight but Nightmare will NEVER admit it, Lots of crying a other bullshit, Cross is a people pleaser, Killer being in Cross's personal space, Xtale Chara is there literally twice I kept forgetting they existed, I think that's it for tags, Oh also Killer has a 'special' surprise for Cross read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50837899
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zackojack2 · 7 months
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Everything about Omniverse!sans
His real name is Willow, he was born in the galactical timeline (basically a futuristic version of UV Omega timeline) and lives with OutCode!Chara (before they absorbed the Orb of glitch)
Coding-the name implies…
Omnilo!Blasters-a godly powerful gaster blaster
Bones-go brrrrr
Sword of Divine-A diving light sword (basically dragon balls sword of hope)
Strings-cause all god sanses needs one :3
Soul manipulation-unlike other godly sanses, he can use this on multiple opponents
Personalities and hobby:
Having lost his only friend (OutCode!Chara) and mother (Asterisk) Willow lives his life fully in isolation, only watching the multiverse, notifying Mana!sans that something is wrong and for him to tell GT and MT about it,…
He doesn’t talk much (stress stuff idk)
Sometimes he gets his ass up and teaches Omni!Frisk about AUs, ATs, all the entities in the multiverse, etc…
Final Fact: He’s the most powerful being to ever existed (might make a comic about Omnitale soon >:3)
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shaylacousintale · 2 years
Fun facts about gangverse!amber: people will called her now is Anna, some people or bullies called her “circus freak”, the people who met her or seen her show knows that she exist, the people that never met her that never exist, the people she met and she knows are the unknown gang,pink,ink,drawing,Surena,Claire,and her sisters, the people who haven’t met her are nightmare,dream,hope,and other sanses and other frisks and charas. “But hope met Anna in “is gangverse!amber evil?”” Well actually hope met Anna’s darkside but she doesn’t know that was her darkside, Anna doesn’t remember anything when her darkside take control of her.
Gangverse au belong to @redloves
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Hello, this blog is about an undertale “AU” or universe I am designing. This doesn’t have a name yet, but it involves stone, petrifaction, and many more. This is inspired by glitchtale and underverse which I need to rewatch, I missed a lot dont kill me.
This au is evolved with the star sanses, or what they use to be. I have no group what has happened or if they still exist. These three sanses created an AU, with the help of core frisk, that was safe for everyone. Any sans, papyrus, undyne, etc. may live here, wait for a new au, and more. It’s for those who had their AUS destroyed or never had one to begin with. It has buildings and homes they could live in, there is a place at the top almost like a castle where the three remain.
Ink, the Master of Creativity.
Dream, the Guardian of Positivity.
Swap, the Enforcer of Tranquility.
These three protects the aus and from harm, nightmare and error, dust, charas, and many, many more. They are the founders of the G.A.U. known as Guardians of the Alternate Universes. The name may change because I suck at names sometimes.
Anyone can join the guard, but they must be prepared for what may come to them. To prevent villains from destroying anymore aus Master! Ink had designed a void that had the codings of Errors and Gasters own void, and with the combination of other inks they created a prison. These voids are designed to trap villains, they are connected to the au so that a guard may enter. It’s an endless space that may shift or change, but it can be opened. An abyss. It’s called the Abyssal Shackles, these voids hang out of the bounds of the aus yet remain chained to the au itself. (Drawings will come soon of this)
There’s one abyss called the stone garden, statues fill the area and the remains of an au is home to a villain. His name (for now) is Pétrifier! sans, a dangerous sans able to turn monsters into stone. His whole au deserted, and those remaining have become stone for him to grind. He remains there trapped there for an unknown amount of time unable to escape, stuck to see the pain he caused.
A creature exists coming from another side able to hit the “walls” of a void, or an au. I have no name for this creature but it is inspired by a creature from a Canadian show I love. I’m not gonna spoil any of the story just yet so look out. Here’s a picture of Pétri!
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His cloak is see through, and across his body is stone crawling and infecting him. I know the eyes are empty and I will design them at some point, but I want them to be unique.
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ongakurubydisc · 2 years
Ok, new Sanses, DUOTALE!Sans (Or Destroyer) and Echo!Sans (Not to be confused with ECHOtale!Sans).
Destroyer took Echo’s soul, and used it to revive DUOTALE!Chara, which failed. Echo got a new soul later, and HATES Destroyer, with his deathwish.
Menawhile, to Destroyer’s backstory...
When he was a kid, he and his Papyrus were being forced to separate. Destroyer told Paps to run, and he did, ending up in a different universe (But we’ll get to that later.)
Without a Papyrus he was lonesome, and after a while, he forgot Paps existed. When Frisk showed up, he asked if he could join in on her killing spree, and she said yes, knowing his power would be useful. They now kill together, hence the name DUOTALE.
Meanwhile, Paps went to an AU called AllTale, an AU where all people could switch their looks to look like them in a different AU (I know, confusing). There, he changed his looks, personality, and became Serif. Though, he never could forget Destroyer. 
Anyway, that’s all from them!!!
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cosmosfated · 5 years
Me: Hey Fleur I wanna interact with these people
Fleur: well. that’s a sans. and that’s a chara.
Me: ...
Fleur: ...
Me: Please?
Fleur: fuck you.
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chompsloudly · 12 days
Going to post some aus here cus im bored
Council of the fallen au
Basically while the sans aus fight for the fate of the multiverse, theres a council made up of purely frisk and chara aus that actually oversee the multiverse, by either getting threats too big for the skeletons to handle, politics, or various other responsibilities. They also work keep the councils existence a secret from the sanses, as they dont want to deal with their shit. The council is primarily up of fallen children from the original version of their au, with those from copy aus being far less prominent and generally only included when their au is significantly different from the original version of their au. Also core fridk is op as hell cus why not
Mha and undertake crossover: homicide edition
Alphys builds a machine to traverse different worlds instead of just, alternate universes and the machine malfunctions whilst frisk is visiting with flowey, sending them into mha while alphys is still in undertale trying to figure out a way to actually bring them back. Frisk gets thrown into the l.o.v base whilst chara gets dumped at ua. Leading to frisk staying with the league because of reasons I'm still working out and chara getting stuck at ua because more reasons that i haven't fully fleshed out yet. Chara struggles to not kill every human in their immediate vicinity while frisk takes up violence and ends up saving magne with ability to basically time-travel via death. Frisk isn't totally innocent in this and has complicated feelings regarding the genocide route but absolutely hates San's guts and has no regrets when it comes to killing him. Chara has a twisted morality and difficulty feeling and expressing emotions, though not a complete inability to. Flowey is a menace to everyone who crosses his path and steals souls while the humans look for the homicidal flower. Also monster kid may end up there too somehow. This popped into my head a few days ago so its not well constructed or thought out. The reason i called this homicide edition is cause frisk has a gun and shoots somebody (overhaul), flowey steals childrens souls to become asriel and find the other two, and chara is stuck as the only one unable to enact their fantasies of killing the human race.
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