altered-statuses · 4 months
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Beyond the Superconscious Mind by Avtik. Anandamitra Ac. 超越心靈的奧秘 (Taipei: Ananda Marga Publications, 1989).
🎧Entheogeon mix 🎧
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kingariuss · 3 months
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 months
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PILE 1 - 'Light at the end of a tunnel.'
This one right here is is showing true romance. This person is going to light up your world in a way you didn't know was possible. They could be someone a bit eccentric, different or just has a less traditional way of being. Strong desire, passionate energy is connected to this vibe you will have going on with each other. Talking on the phone all night, lavish dates away from the city and going slow so that the flame could last forever. Remarkable journey ahead. Just breathe.
PILE 2 - 'Theres truth, and then there's fantasy.'
This flame is connected to feeling real butterflies. Like reaaaal butterflies. You guys will for sure feel that honey moon phase coming within short noticed. But I must tell you that honesty is going to be the wave that keeps on coming. You cannot live a fantasy with this person only because neither you can handle that time of vibe when being together. You guys have to wait for things to truly come full circle. There are things going on in the stars that brought you guys together, but in truth the way things set up in your life and the choices you made brought you guys here.. in one peace. and that's all there is. A practical love that makes infinite realities seem boring. Do NOT let anything break you guys apart because ones personal beliefs isn't the same as the others. Some things that people say on the internet can be true, but it isn't for everyone. You could be living the dream with this person, but only if you open your eyes and recognize who is right in front of you. Because the truth is the person standing right in front of you, and that's all you need.
PILE 3 - 'Being open to water, this time you'll swim'.
Patience, my darlings. Patience. They are already here. The illusion that you guys are so far apart is not true. The universe has a way of placing you guys together through divine timing, the lessons are still being worked upon by you two. So hold it! Make a wish to the sky and allow the answer to drop to you with peace in mind. They are going to mirror back the things you see in yourself, so this person is going to be putting you on a ride and you gotta be prepared to surf. A very strong entanglement (nicely put). You will have to be really sweet to each other, because I'm seeing with one of both of you that past relationships harden your heart and vulnerability is strong with this group. Be patient, with yourself first.. Because it's going to get transformative with this group.
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ifeelalot · 2 months
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Chidori Stream / 千鳥流し­ (Chidori Nagashi)
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dragoncrystals · 1 year
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amethyst 😍💜
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faizahnaeem · 1 year
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Fluorite tower
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
spiritual notes: the path of the heart 💚
When exploring the intricacies of spiritual consciousness, one often encounters a labyrinth of interconnected themes, energies, and practices. At the center of this exploration lies the concept of living from the heart, a state of being that transcends the limitations of the ego-driven mind and aligns one with the universal force of love. This journey toward heart-based consciousness is not only a spiritual pursuit but also a practical approach to navigating life's challenges with grace and wisdom.
In the realm of spirituality, the mind often presents itself as an obstacle to living from the heart. It whispers doubts and fears, suggesting that focusing on love will detract from one's efficiency and practicality. However, as we delve deeper into the nature of heart-based living, we discover that the mind does not cease to function; rather, it operates under a new jurisdiction—the law of love. This concept of mind-heart coherence allows us to harness the intelligence of the heart while still engaging in daily tasks and responsibilities.
Living from the heart enables us to perceive reality through a different lens—one that is attuned to the energy behind words and actions. Instead of reacting defensively to criticism or grievances, we become adept at sensing the underlying desire for connection and intimacy. This heightened awareness fosters deeper understanding and empathy in our relationships, transforming conflicts into opportunities for growth and healing.
At the core of heart-based consciousness lies the recognition that love is the highest truth, the ultimate guiding force in the universe. This acknowledgment leads us on a path of devotion, a journey toward aligning ourselves with the divine essence of love. While this path may present challenges and resistance from the ego, it ultimately leads to a profound surrender to the power of love.
In various spiritual traditions and esoteric teachings, the concept of the heart is deeply intertwined with themes of devotion, transformation, and spiritual evolution. For example, in Christianity, the path of devotion mirrors the journey of Jesus Christ, who withdrew to the wilderness to commune with God and align himself with divine love. Similarly, in astrology, the Sun symbolizes our connection to our spiritual essence, representing the core of our being and our capacity to radiate love and light into the world.
The astrological sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, embodies the qualities of courage, creativity, and generosity that are synonymous with heart-based consciousness. Leos are known for their strong vital energy and their ability to lead with warmth and kindness. Through their connection to the heart, Leos embody the archetype of the hero, bravely facing life's challenges with love and integrity.
As we journey through life, we are invited to cultivate the power of our cosmic heart, to embrace the light of our true essence, and to align ourselves with the universal force of love. This journey requires courage, dedication, and a willingness to surrender to the wisdom of the heart. Yet, in doing so, we discover a profound sense of fulfillment, purpose, and joy that transcends the limitations of the egoic mind.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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goodvibesatpeace · 10 months
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chakrajourney · 7 months
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Chakra Meditation in the Redwoods by Laura Iverson
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altered-statuses · 3 months
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人體在愛之中能量交流 Energy exchange between lovers
Bathing in the Light 沐浴在光中 by 王靜蓉 Wang Jing Rong (Taipei: Yuan Liu Publishing, 2001)
🎧Mystical 靈異 mix - Global new age music 1984-1994🎧
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spinallyspiraling · 4 months
The electromagnetism of the body has two homes. The brain and the heart. What we do is we send all the electromagnetism to the brain and out of the heart. That's why the Egyptians said there was a weighing of the heart to dictate who goes to heaven. The electromagnetism once it's drained from the heart forces the pineal gland to open up as lightning. The whole process in metaphysics is actually a temporal paradox. Kundalini kills you to keep you alive. So you're alive yet dead and the reason people say they are alive through Christ. The electromagnetism when absorbed into the brain becomes the reason we can feel our entire body with not just our nervous system but also our mind. When I did the process I would swallow smoke and watch myself pass it out of my body as gas within a few minutes. I literally could control all of my body including digestion with my mind. The entire body is superimposed neurologically inside of the brain. The opening of the pineal gland restarts this metaphorical computer and allows us to hit the reboot button thus breaking out of matter and out of the matrix of existence.
~ SpinallySpiraling
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nouveaucrystals · 7 months
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Labradorite forever 💜 Reblog if you agree!
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scogito · 3 months
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Il realtà se avesse reale deduzione logica uscirebbe dalla passione per il Sistema in tre minuti.
La massa non è al livello della logica, ovvero dell'ego, si trova nella passione del pensiero unico dentro cui si sente (falsamente) protetta e inclusa, è il livello in cui la felicitá sta nell'essere accettati.
In una società di questo tipo ciò si traduce nel seguire gli indottrinamenti e le mode, senza sapere applicare discernimento.
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dragoncrystals · 8 months
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who else loves smoky quartz as much as me?? it's definitely one of my favorite crystals. 🥰
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faizahnaeem · 1 year
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Fluorite heart
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thefinalwitness · 6 months
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i am sooooooooo normal about her. thanks.
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