#Can you tell I’m tired bc I’m tired
ironunderstands · 2 months
I’ve already made several posts on it, but I’m again gonna go over how Aventurine’s and Ratio’s argument scene Has To Be Acting For Both Of Them.
So, I’m going to approach this by interpreting the scene as if it’s genuine, to demonstrate how that makes no sense.
Aventurine made the plan pre-Penacony, but he didn’t let Ratio in on it until after their argument, making Ratio’s end of the conversation genuine but not Aventurine’s.
This doesn’t make sense for several reasons. The most obvious being “why the fuck would he not tell Ratio of the plan if he clearly needed him for it?”. Did he want to cause Ratio severe emotional distress and confusion? What the fuck does that get Aventurine. And if this is the case, when Ratio supposedly goes to report the loss of the Cornerstones to the IPC, all that he would find out is that it was part of the plan the entire time, and he would reasonably be even more mad. Aventurine would then have to brief Ratio in on everything and somehow convince him to trust him in like not even a day’s worth of time they have free during the events of 2.0 and 2.1. If this is the case, then Aventurine was written to be a risky, selfish idiot, a complete contradiction of the fact that he is an amazing planner and geniunely one of the smartest members of the cast, who we know weighs every outcome and thinks of every possibility.
This also means he just fucking stood there while Ratio was yelling at him and was like “oh wait till this guy finds out” LIKE??? WHY. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT. Ignoring the fact that the shit Ratio says to Aventurine is completely out of character for him if it isn’t acting, would he not pick up on the fact that Aventurine seems rather unbothered about the stuff he’s saying. Like Aventurine visibly looks upset, but like, wouldn’t Ratio be a little confused about the lack of rebuttal? Also in what universe is Ratio going to agree to go to Penacony with Aventurine and be fine with not being told why he’s there? This scenario expects both of them to be incredibly stupid, ridiculously lucky (even for Aventurine) and somehow have magic time bending powers that allow a complete 180 in Ratios character.
But wait! It gets dumber!
2. Aventurine and Ratio make the plan AFTER their argument.
This interpretation is so flawed that I don’t even know where to begin, so I’m gonna start with the thing that stuck out immediately to me, ie WHY????? WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?? We know Aventurine got the cornerstones pre-Penacony because a) how would Sunday confiscate them in the first place and b) his conversation w Topaz in 1.4 in which he asks for her help. So like, did he not have a plan going in? Did he somehow convince Jade and Topaz to give him their cornerstones with no plan?? “Oh yeah I know these objects are very important to yall can I just borrow them real quick??” Like??!? Did he have a plan but it completely failed and he somehow came up with one in the less than a day of free time he had??? Why do we hear no mention of it then??? And if he had another plan, then why are all the pieces for the current one perfectly in place. Why does Ratio as his mission partner luckily have access to the cornerstone box? Why can the Jade stone be a perfect dupe for the Aventurine one if that wasn’t its intended purpose? Why was the Jade stone luckily even in the random bag if he didn’t plan on it getting confiscated??
This also has similar problems to the last one, no way in hell is Ratio going to agree to an important mission with no plan or a clearly flawed one that immediately falls apart, and no way in hell is Aventurine gonna take the Fuck Around And Find Out Method.
Ratio and Aventurine both get the preverbal idiot ball in either geniune interpretation of this scene, if they aren’t acting then they are both varying degrees of incredibly fucking stupid and it heavily diminishes the impact of the plot. “Aventurine and Ratio planned it from the start” makes an amazing plot twist and demonstrates their characters perfectly. “Aventurine and Ratio made it up along the way and it somehow worked out” is very stupid and hinges on the writers bending the plot around them to have it function for them, rather than making the characters have the plot function for themselves. Playing this scene straight takes two incredibly smart, calculating characters and turns them into complete fucking idiots, and that’s ignoring the myriad of other plot and character reasons for why this scene can’t be genuine.
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“why’d they miss the solstice deadline that’s not in the books????” did you hear ares say that zeus is going to war with poseidon no matter what no matter if they make the arbitrary deadline or not because “i think zeus just feels that it’s time for a war” “and honestly i think he’s okay with that”. 
did you hear perseus jackson, for the first time, look this quest in the eye and say NO we WILL complete this quest, not because im being forced to, not just for my mom, but because i am the son of the sea god and this is the right thing to do. 
do you realize that percy powering up requires him truly accepting his place in this world and his POWER in this world and he can only take down ares in the next two episodes if he has this moment of choosing this quest choosing his father, choosing to fight against not just this inevitable war but the series-long one brewing underneath it. 
because what is percy jackson if not choosing to look the impossible, the established, the millennia long arbitrary rules and traditions in the eye and say NO. FUCK THAT. ima do my own thing 
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rapidhighway · 1 year
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um. Hm..
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ozzo-the-wozzo · 10 months
shoutout to when we first got a glimpse of Luka and my entire dash was blue for 2 months and everyone characterized him as this cool bad boy type and then we get introduced to him and the more we see him the more he actually just turns out to be this weird music freak who speaks in riddles and is obsessed with reading your aura
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shima-draws · 7 months
What the FUCK Furina’s backstory is so fucking sad??? The absolute TORTURE she’s been through. Shit dude,
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acediaedeus · 2 months
this does contain them sweet
what I find really upsetting about Ichigo’s dynamic with his friends/family/mentors is how they treat the fact that he’s part-Hollow. especially when it comes to the Visored and Orihime.
bc yeah, the Visored did struggle with their Hollows, bc they already lived hundreds of years without that aspect. they were comfortable with their shinigami existence, but then this hollowfication bullshit drops on their heads and suddenly they’re not only barely in control of themselves, constantly in a fight with an inner “demon”, but also there’s no one to support them AND they’re getting fucking exiled and then they exist as this tightly knit community of eight for a fucking century with no one to understand them but each other. I’d hate the Hollow in me too, probably.
BUT, then there’s this fresh guy, that hasn’t accepted the fact that he’s now an amalgamation of a million different things, including something that he has been told he has to fight and exterminate, that they have to teach to manage the hollowfication bullshit™️ so what do we do? correct, scare the shit out of him and present existing with a Hollow as amensalism (one is harmed, one is unaffected) or parasitism (one benefits, one is harmed) when it’s more like commensalism (one benefits, one is unaffected), in which the shinigami is clearly the one who’s benefiting from this.
(although we could argue that for the Visored this is a symbiotic relationship in which both are getting harmed, but even then the shinigami still gains benefit and the Hollow gets nothing but hatred, so like, fuck them, lol (I’m advocating for inner-Hollow rights 💀🙏🏻)).
biology lesson out of the way, they essentially do not teach Ichigo anything that would bring long-term benefits (we see this when Ichigo is unable to complete his training with Squad 0, bc he has no fucking idea who Zangetsu (or he himself) actually is (this is, of course, in part his quincy power’s doing, but I wouldn’t say his supposed “mentors” helped much).
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in conclusion what does Ichigo get out of this? self-hatred and the habit to suppress what is, whichever way you look at it, a big part of his being, thus blocking himself and Zangetsu from reaching their full potential.
but I guess you can’t teach lessons you haven’t learnt yourself, so there is that with the Visored.
now onto my dear Orihime, who I love dearly (this is a disclaimer). for someone who, supposedly, loves Ichigo more than anything and who we have to take seriously as not only just a potential love-interest, but the actual, one-and-only lover, she is a little bit too scared of Ichigo.
this, of course, for me, begs the question of how am I supposed to accept a love-interest who is consistently terrified of the mc? not a single battle with Orihime present (and Ichigo using the mask) without her shaking in fear and having to be reminded by others (who have known him for much less time than she has), that not only is it still Ichigo in front of her, but he’s also fighting and pulling out the mask he himself doesn’t like much, in order to protect her.
it’s plain and simple upsetting how there’s absolutely no one to accept and embrace the essence of Kurosaki Ichigo. everyone around him wants the shinigami and human in him, no one is interested in the Hollow (except for *ahem* Grimmjow *ahem*), all they do is reject and cower and isn’t that fucking hypocritical after hiding behind his back and begging him to save them?
everyone around Ichigo just really pisses me off with their constant whining. I feel like the only ones who love and cherish Ichigo for the absolute gem of a person he is are Chad and the fucking Arrancars 💀🙏🏻
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as I mentioned in the ALT to the last photo in this parade of idiocy: trying to separate and think of Hollow Ichigo and Ichigo as two different entities is crazy and delusional behaviour, bc we have been told countless times, that a person’s inner Hollow is a manifestation of all repressed emotions and traits that they view as unsavoury. which for Ichigo happened to be aggression, cruelty, being merciless and thirst for bloody battles.
let me remind everyone that you cannot truly love a person w/o accepting and acknowledging all their flaws (including yourself).
this is not me trying to say Orihime doesn’t love Ichigo, it’s not really about the characters, more so the writing. I am actively trying to square up with Tite Kubo. for many reasons, but this is one of the ones I pay most attention to.
Ichigo is someone who is in perfect control of himself, who protects no matter what, bc even when he turned into the vasto lorde (after getting his heart ripped out of his chest) it was all his Hollow, yet it still carried out the mission of protection seamlessly, that’s how strong his will is. Kurosaki Ichigo deserves ppl who actually love him around, thank you.
thanks for coming to this ted talk, love y’all!
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softboiled-egg · 4 months
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Some mikoto doodles from class! (01/23/2024)
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milflewis · 3 months
#in a strange place today and i need to put this somewhere. i do not have a journal yet. this is it#my grandad was diagnosed with dementia years ago and the grandad i have now is often unrecognisable from the one i grew up with#and while this like isn’t fun and it is strange for him to look at me and not know me more times than he does. it has also been kind of l#lovely?#bc he thinks my granny is still alive so whenever i get to go see him i get to pretend she is too. and she is for a minute. and tho i am#glad she went before him. it is nice to say oh i’m popping in to see her after this grandad and talk about her like she’s hasn’t been gone#since i’ve been ten. my dad has spoken more to him in the last five years than he has his whole life#he was not an easy man. he was loud and friendly and hard working and funny and scary but not easy. in ways he is even#harder now. in others he is easier.#he is more of a child. this is what dementia can do to a brain. we are learning things about his childhood that no one alive has ever spoken#about. that no one knew. my dad doesn’t love him more now but he understands him better#my grandad taught me how to drive a tractor and how to fish through my dad and he has not recognised me in over a year and he#hasn’t walked since he broke his pelvis seven years ago and his muscles are nearly all gone. he is a fraction of the size he used to be. his#personality and body took up my childhood like adults on the screen in cartoons. he hasn’t dressed himself in a decade. he told one of the#nurses that after dinner he wanted ice cream plain like herself and nearly peed when she laughed and told him to fuck off#he is in there. he is himself. i know him. but he isn’t. he doesn’t know me but he allows me to tell him how to ppl he knows are doing. he#still somehow trusts me. we talk a lot about my granny and how she stayed up watching tv again last night so she’s tired today. don’t stay#long when you call in to see her?#whenever we would journey to see him and my granny and get in v late he’d ask us if we wanted apple tart and my granny would say michael.#not ur kids. u can’t parent them. he didn’t know my name yesterday but he asked me if i wanted apple tart#i hope he dies soon. for all that i will miss this. miss my dad having this. he would not want to live like this. it wouldntbe living to him
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libidinous-weeb · 4 months
no, i think i get it now
through no fault of his own, gojo was so busy becoming “the strongest” that he didn’t realize he wasn’t there for geto when geto needed it the most.
when geto said “are you gojo satoru because you’re the strongest? or are you the strongest because you’re gojo satoru?” he was intentially trying to hurt gojo. the context and the subtext is important.
gojo was BORN to be the strongest, whether he wanted to be or not. some people are born with blue eyes, some with brown. and some people are born the strongest. that’s what gojo’s strength is like to himself. it’s a part of him, but it’s not who he is. when he was friends with geto, they were close despite that fact. it’s one of the first times someone stood side by side with gojo and didn’t really care if he was the strongest or not.
throughout his life, everyone else hates gojo for something he didn’t ask for. something that he can’t change or give up but something that he was born as. they all stare at him like some kind of circus freak, either in disgust, or in awe.
and geto just says “it’s because you’re too strong.” but they BOTH know that’s a lie. what geto is actually saying is “i’ve decided that you aren’t gojo satoru, the person i’ve loved and lost and fought with side by side anymore. i’ve decided i don’t want you in my life anymore. i’m saying the words that hurt you the most, because i hate you.”
and gojo is angry because his best friend, someone he loves, has just decided to have nothing to do with gojo anymore. it was like a sudden break up because he didn’t give a reason. he gave his reason for leaving jujutsu society but not why he didn’t tell gojo any of it.
tldr: gojo is asking “why didn’t you rely on me? aren’t we friends? why did you choose to go through this all on your own? why didn’t you tell me anything? i thought we were friends!”
and geto is saying “i hate you, just like everyone else. you’re the strongest. you’re not my friend. you’re barely even human. you wouldn’t understand.”
and geto’s saying that because gojo was practicing and training and getting stronger and wasn’t there when geto needed him to be there. and it wasn’t gojo’s fault, he was doing what he was supposed to be doing. gojo wanted to be there but geto chose to shut him out
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kissmefriendly · 9 months
Venn diagram with Richard Sharpe and Sam Vimes in the middle
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orphyd · 6 months
Young white people discovering the concept of “no ethical consumption under capitalism” is gonna be the downfall of the nation I’m sure
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so2uv · 7 months
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sickgraymeat · 11 months
Me: hey brain can we PLEASE try to be less crazy or at least keep it to one kind of crazy at a time I really like th—
My amygdala:
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theatremp3 · 1 month
idc if you hate taylor swift tbh i get it but if you are instead incredibly invested in either my chemical romance or the beatles you must be willing to acknowledge your ultimate similarity in behavior and idiosyncrasies to swifties. that’s all
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tsuchinokoroyale · 1 year
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I will learn to draw hands, feet, and faces LATER
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