rainbowmuncherr · 10 months
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It’s like.. 3:44 A.M rn where I’m at..✍️😀
But enjoy both of them now that I’ve completed drawing both!💞
i may draw some Barnaby x Brenda stuff later
( here’s a rosy maple moth I found yesterday at my front door!..🥹 )
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krasytoonz · 2 months
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I need you all to Understand why I ship them So much — they work so well as lovers, you see, because they are kind of opposites, yet they complement each other
Barnaby being the Funny one who always makes Howdy laugh (WHICH IS SO SO HEALTHY ISNT IT), and Howdy can just ramble about his issues to Barnaby, whether it’s his Family or anything, and he is his favorite customer and every Audio of them together always involve some sort of good friendship — IT JUST WORKS GUYS
Howdy knows how to make Barnaby’s favorite dish, which is why he’s always visiting him, and the fact that Howdy is so open with Barnaby shows that there’s a huge level of trust between them
Howdy’s personality is quick, upbeat and well, ‘confrontational’ (or better word… Sassy), while Barnaby is relaxed, loves joking around and from what I could tell, he likes to playfully tease the other neighbors (mainly Frank) BUT IT WORKS BECAUSE… WELL YOU SEE THE VISION RIGHT?
somebody Help me
I am assuming that Howdy is usually Overworked and don’t really have breaks much, but whenever Barnaby visits and tells him Jokes, it makes him ease up. And out of all the neighbors, he gets along well with Barnaby very very well
I could just imagine whenever Howdy has a bad day, Barnaby comes in, tells a joke, and it brightens up his mood. and he’ll go, “This is the reason why you are my Favorite Customer.” AND IT DOESNT EVEN HAVE TO BE ROMANTIC BECAUSE THEY ALSO WORK SO WELL AS FRIENDS TOO AND JRWOMDMDEIODMCJEKEMSMW
i am going insane
but yes I really really do love beaglepillar/laughingstock because it’s such a fun healthy dynamic they have — I’d imagine if they do argue about something, I doubt that it’s going to last long, because I know that Barnaby will possibly Apologize first, since Howdy might have a little bit of an ego — BUT THATS THE FUN PART BECAUSE he loves Barnaby, he will forgive him and apologize too AND THAT ITSELF — THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE — IS SUCH A GOOD THING IN RELATIONSHIPS
Why am I typing a psychoanalysis on two puppets’ relationship with each other I swear I am Doomed
they are quite literally shaped differently — Barnaby being round, and Howdy being more ‘angular’/boxy — ITS JUST FUN TO DRAW AND OMFHFJFNNFD THEY LOOK SO WELL TGT HONESTLY
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pinejayy · 1 year
How about a Reverse! Wally (where the personalities are reversed). Well what if the reverse wally went to the original universe, now there are 2 wallys? And as a bonus, his girlfriend the reader came with him. But what if in the original world of Welcome there was no reader. Now the poor reader has 2 wallys fighting for his attention and love? If possible could the reader be human?
If my order is too complicated, forget it, I don't want to burden you.
[ I was thinking about the theory if a character didn't exist in a certain universe how would that affect? ​​As long as it existed in another.. In this case it would be the READER. ]
Two Wally's, at the same time!! It's a dream come true!! It's like a Wally Verse, just imagine how many more different versions of Wally's there are
And I love this request! I hope you have a lovely day Darling~ <3 I hope this is good!! uwu
OBSESSION! (Wally Darling x Reader x Reverse! Wally Darling)
Trigger Warnings: Maybe like two curse words, knife and rope mention. Normal Wally is going to be Wally Darling and the Reverse Wally is going to be referred as R!Wally Darling uwu
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What a lovely day. Well it was a lovely day. You were hanging out with your boyfriend Wally Darling and all of the sudden both of you were sucked into a portal, you thought you died but ended up at the Neighborhood, but it seemed different that your neighborhood. How strange, you looked at your boyfriend. "What's this place? Do you know Sweetheart?" Asking your puppet boyfriend.
R!Wally looked at you and he just shrugs. "Maybe we walk around and ask these people." He told you, to which you just nod grabbing him by the hand. Feeling safe around him. He smiled at you, you really loved your boyfriend. He was a sweet and a calm person. And he was so gentle towards you, and caring.
As you guys walked around this new place, everything looked the same but different. When you guys were walking around you ran into the neighbors that were from here. And they looked like the neighbors back from your world. How strange... Sally was Sassy and a brat but here she's sweet and fun, Julie was mean and harsh and here she was filled with joy. Both Poppy and Barnaby were really sweet here and in your world they kept to their selves. And here both Frank and Eddie were a couple! And Howdy was very helpful! Everyone was sure different here.
"Hello Wally! I love your new outfit!!" Sally said, as she ran towards you guys and looked at you and tilted her head to the side as she looked at you. She's never seen you before.
R!Wally looked at her, new outfit? His outfit was a Rainbow stripe shirt. With Khaki pants as he was wearing a small red scarf around his neck. "This is my significant other...my lover."
Sally gasped and started to jump around. She looked like she was a little kid on a sugar rush. Then she ran off yelling. "WALLY HAS A LOVER!"
How odd? You both look at each other and shrug as you guys were about to walk off a voice stopped you. "Hello, are you guys new Neighbors!"
You turn around and gasped. It was Wally! Well not your Wally. He looked exactly the same. Besides the outfit, it honestly freaked you out. You quickly hid behind your Wally.
Both of the Wally's looked at each other as they studied each other. R!Wally spoke up. "It seems like we're in the wrong Neighborhood. We were leaving."
But Wally looked at him, and chuckled. "Non Sense! I'll help you guys! Come follow me." He said in a firm but friendly tone. As you guys had no choice, you followed this Wally. This Wally walked you over to his house. Hmm..His house is also alive. As he invited you guys in he looked at both of you. Well especially at you.
His eyes never left you. It was honestly kinda creepy. As you guys sat down on his living room.
You were sitting by your Wally. You looked down as you still felt uneasy around the other Wally. You don't know but something about him seems really creepy and uneasy.
"So, do you guys care to explain how you guys got here?" Wally said. As he narrows his eyes at his other self. "And if you don't mind explaining who this is." He said pointing at you.
R!Wally grabbed your hand. He smiled at you assuring you everything is going to be okay. And then he looked over at the other Wally. "First off we don't know how we got here. We kinda just showed up. And second this is my lovely significant other Y/N."
Wally growled to himself, why didn't he have someone like you. He had to win you over, he didn't know you but he does know that you belong to him and HIM ONLY!
"Hmm how interesting...I don't have a Y/N for myself." Wally said as he looked at you. His pupils dilated. He was smiling big. He wanted you...he needed you.
You look away, as you try to hide from him. Using your Wally as a protective wall. He noticed this and placed an arm over your shoulder. "Shh it's okay sweetheart, well get back to our neighborhood soon."
You just nodded and smile. This made Wally angry but then he smirked to himself. As he stood up walking closer to you guys. "Why don't I help you guys out."
You and Your Wally look at each other as you guys had no choice and nodded. He smiled at both of you "Wonderful! Now new friends! Follow me, I think I might have an idea where you guys came from!"
Wally took you and R!Wally out for a walk. He walked you guys away from the neighborhood. He was ahead of you guys, you just followed behind. Holding onto R! Wally's hand. You didn't trust the other Wally. Something about him was off, some evil...
As you guys continue to follow him there was a loud "THUD"
You turn around and see R!Wally on the floor holding onto his head. And seeing Wally holding a piece of wood. Wait where did he get that? And wasn't he in front of you guys! How did he appear behind you guys?! As you were about to help R! Wally up Wally grabbed you quite quickly. As he held you close.
"You're mine now, and only mine! Why didn't I get a Y/N! Why didn't I get a sweetheart!" He began saying, as his grip tighten against you.
You whimper out, trying to get away from him. R! Wally looked at you and at the other Wally. Something inside of him snapped, seeing you being held like that made him feel something. Something he's never felt before. Jealously.
Your Wally quickly got up and charged towards the other Wally. "LEAVE MY SWEETHEART ALONE!"
Wally laughed and pushed you to the side as he walked towards the other Wally. "Oh? Didn't like that? Well what are you going to do about that ha ha ha ha!"
"Glad you asked!" R!Wally hissed and punched the other Wally in the face, causing him to stumble.
Soon after both Wally's were on each other. Throwing punches and kicks. You just stood there in horrors, you didn't know how to help. But you've never seen your Wally act like this. It was something new.
"Please! STOP!" You yell out, crying out. As you tried to pull off Wally off of your R!Wally an elbow came in contact with your face.
Wally accidentally elbowed your face. This made R!Wally even angrier. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He yelled out, giving Wally a final punch before running to you.
"Are you okay sweetheart?" R!Wally asked you, as he checked on you. Thank God there was no cut or blood. But you looked at him and tear up not paying attention to what happened to you. You just saw how best up he was and broke.
"Oh baby, are you okay?" You asked him. To which he just nodded and smiled. "Yes I'm alright sweetheart just worried about you."
Wally couldn't help but growl softly as you looked at both of you. He was envy that he didn't have a lover, why did this faker have one. Was the world against him? He just kept looking at you guys. He needed to win you over somehow.
As you guys started to get up, you looked over at the other Wally. Scoffing at his direction. "Thanks for the help asshole."
Walking away from him, you held onto R!Wally's arms as you both walk hopefully you guys find a way back to your neighborhood. As you guys walked off leaving behind Wally. He ran back to you guys.
This time he appeared in front of you guys. Holding flowers in his hands. You guys stopped in your tracks and R!Wally put a hand in front of your body, protecting you. As you were behind him, you stare at Wally. What does he need now?
"Haven't you done enough?" R!Wally said. Stopping in his tracks as he saw the flowers. Is he really trying to win you over? How funny! "It's funny how you're trying to win over my sweetheart."
Wally didn't pay attention to him but he looked at you, you just hid behind your Wally more. Whimpering.
"Please....Y/N I know we are meant to be together! Please I need you, the second I saw you it was love at first sight. You'll be my light to my darkness... you'll be my candy apple." Wally said, as he held up the flowers. As he started to walk towards you guys.
Both you and R!Wally started to back backwards. He held both his arms up. Protecting you. "I don't think my Sweetheart wants nothing to do with you."
Wally didn't pay attention to him, his words just went into one ear and out the other. Wally just kept holding on the flowers, hoping you'll give him a chance.
You were getting overwhelmed, as you heard his words. You didn't know how to feel. He wasn't your Wally but he looked like yours. And that's what really got you.
Then all of the sudden both of them were looking at you. You were about to tear up. "Are you okay Sweetheart?" R!Wally asked you.
You nodded "I don't know how to feel. It just hurts seeing him talk to me like that. I know he's not you but he looks like you." You say, feeling ashamed.
This made Wally smile. he had hope. "I'll give you the best life my Candy Apple!" He said taking a few steps towards you guys. "Why don's you choose instead?" He stood in front of R!Wally smirking.
R!Wally looked at you and at him was he really saying that? Why would you choose this Wally over your actual Boyfriend? He felt it again.... Jealously fill his body. He then pushed Wally quite hard.
Wally was taken back a bit, as they were about to throw a punch at each other you got in the way. Specifically you in front of one of them, holding your hands up. Protecting him. Both of them stopped.
Now you have to choice who it was....
Now if choose your Sweetheart R!Wally
He smiled at you, he knew you would never let him down. He was happy that you protected him. "I love you Sweetheart, I knew you wouldn't leave me for him."
To which you just smiled and nod, both looking at Wally now. He was sad, you could see the tears starting to form in his eyes. It hurt you honestly but that's only because he looked like your Wally.
Wally just stood there he was going to get you no matter what. He just dropped the flowers and walked off.
Both you and your Sweetheart shared a kiss. Today was a crazy day. And you guys started to walk off. Hopefully you guys make it back to your own neighborhood.
Little did you guys know was that Wally would soon follow you with a knife and rope...you belong to him and choosing him over him was your first mistake. Wally was going to show you that your his, that your his Candy Apple.
Now if you Choose Wally Darling
R!Wally just stood there, shocked that you picked him! His eyes started to fill up with tears. He didn't expect you to leave him like this. "Sweetheart.....Don't tell me you're picking him over me?"
You didn't know why you picked him over your actual boyfriend. Maybe it was the guilt or maybe not. As you didn't know what to say so you just looked down and stood by Wally's side. Making Wally smile big, wrapping an arm around your waist.
He brought you close to himself and placed a big kiss against your lips. Making R!Wally whimper. his heart breaking. "Fine, then this is it. farewell my Sweetheart, I'll always keep a place in my heart for you. Maybe in the next lifetime we will be back together."
And with that R!Wally left, leaving you guys alone. Did you make the correct choice? A few tears slipped from your eyes.
Wally wiped them away and smiled. "Shh don't cry my Candy Apple. Come let's go back to the neighborhood. You have a new life ahead of you."
Damn I was tearing up writing that last part! But I hope you enjoy this uwu
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nearest-dearest · 1 year
The Red Lady
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"Thanks for helping me again (Y/n)"
"No problem Julie!" You say as you placed more flowers on the new pats Julie ordered. came in this morning and Julie couldn't wait to use them, that's why she enlisted your help, of course you agreed to
help, anything for a friend.
"So you and Wally huh?" You felt your checks grow warm when Julie mentioned the painter. It's only been two days since the dance, and Julie wouldn't stop mentioning it
"We just danced Julie, what's worth mentioning about it?"
"Sweetie, if there's nothing going on betwee you two, then why keep the red string tied around your finger?"
"Uh... Because that would be rude?"
That interaction happened happened two hours ago, now you're walking around the forest to heart beat. You swore you have never run that fast in your life, and all of that hassle just to get away from Julie's teasing. That was also the fastest you've ever
said goodbye after planting the last flower. At
least you're alone now, that actually gave you a chance to think about it all.
What are you two really?
You're not a couple, you two would've confirmed it if that was the case, but your interactions with him is so much more than what normal friends would do. It felt like this slow tango, dancing between the line of friends lovers. But would Wally even want to be more than just friends? What if he was just teasing? or
maybe he took it the wrong way.
. . .Do you even deserve him? Do you deserve everything? When you lied to their faces for almost a year now? Would the neighborhood even accept you when they find out?
Would Wally accept you?
You don't know, but you're not sure you
want to find out either.
The sound of rustling in the bushes made you stop walking. Then you saw a small patch of red sticking like sore thumb.
You can always be seen carrying your umbrella or a parasol wherever you go. Never once has anyone in the neighborhood have seen you without one, well at least outside, You put away her umbrella once she heads inside. Otherwise, the umbrella or parasol stays by your side. Whenever you’re asked as to why you do such a habit, you only gives one response “You never know when the clouds are going to cry.”
So it’s a habit instilled in you then. That made a lot more sense. But the neighborhood’s oddity towards you carrying your parasol only lasted for the first three days since (Y/n) moved to the neighborhood. Now, no one bats an eye whenever you carry your parasol. So much so that the neighborhood were in for a surprise when they saw (Y/n) one morning. Sally had Invited everyone in the neighborhood to show them a new dance routine that she took two weeks to master. Everyone is there, ready to support their friend with every encouragement she needs. Everyone, except for (Y/n). Though the neighborhood couldn’t ponder long, because the door to Sally’s place slowly opened, revealing you, with no parasol.
“Oh my! Where is your parasol dear?”
“Are you ill or feeling feverish?”
Poppy and Julie jumped in to try and see what was wrong, only to discover that nothing was wrong. (Y/n) simply didn’t feel like using a parasol.
“Frankly that is a wise decision, the body needs sunlight in order to stay healthy.” Frank added.
And that was the first time Wally saw you under the sun light. Infatuation is something that doesn’t come to Wally often, but when it does, it sends his heart pounding until its so loud that he can feel it within his eardrums. That’s exactly what happened to him when they all left Sally’s place. Where Wally could see (Y/n)’s skin and locks glow under the golden rays of the sun. The slow wind billowing your hair in a gentle motion, and the smile and laugh you had over a joke Barnaby made were like music to his ears. . .
Has (Y/n) always been this beautiful?
Wally found himself asking one day, and it wasn’t like it was just a sudden emotion he felt on a whim, because as weeks passed by, the infatuation just kept growing until Wally finally decided to paint what he saw that sunny day. In hopes that it would calm down this infatuation. It helped a little, but it never quelled the feelings he had. He’s not quick to call It love though, an infatuation is just a little crush, and given enough time. Wally will laugh about this all one day and forget. Just like how it always is in this
s neighborhood.
Wally should hurry, he knew you’re going to meet up with Frank and Julie for butterfly watching later, so he better give your handkerchief back to you as soon as possible. A handkerchief you dropped along the pathway between Howdy and Barnaby’s place. You must’ve been a hurry to drop something that you left behind something important. Just a few more walks, Wally made it to your front door and knocked three times. Then he waited, fiddling with the red string tied to his pinky finger in the meantime.
. . .
Knock knock knock
Wally knocks again “(Y/n)? Are you home?”
Because if not then she probably already went to meet up with Julie. Then she must be in the forest already.
"NO! GET AWAY!" You didn't know why you bothered yelling, the lady in red will keep chasing you no matter where you go. Ready to drag you back to the world of Guertena. You can't run back to the neighborhood. That would get your secret out and you'll lose everything. You have to keep the painting in the forest. Even if it means running in circles while a red lady is draining out your energy.
Thank goodness you left your rose is at home. How did this painting even escaped?!
"Gah!" You felt your ankle be blocked by a twig, tripping you down to the ground. You turned to look behind and saw the lady in red, catching up to you with fast speed. You tried to get up but the pain in your ankle kept you from standing up.
The red lady got closer and closer. And you couldn't do anything about it!
Then someone blocked your view of the lady, and though it's getting dark you can make out the blue of Wally's cardigan.
Wally just stood his ground, and the lady in red suddenly froze. Then you could've sworn you heard a whimper, you manage to stand up a little to look over Wally's shoulders. That's when you saw the lady, a terrified mess as it left you and Wally alone. Disappearing to the darkness of the forest. That's when Wally turns to you "(Y/n), are you alright?"
He immediately got to your side and helped you stand.
"I think I'm fine, thanks Wally." How Wally even manage to scare away the red lady is not in your mind. It's too occupied wondering if your rose at home is still blooming.
"We need to get you home." Wally said before the two of you started walking to your home.
That's when you realized what comes next. Wally just saw what your secret is, and now he's going to want answers. You have no choice but to answer them, because as you already know. Wally is one perceptive puppet.
Daphne, Ficus, Iris, Lythrum, Myrica, Sabia, and Flos.
Those were the flowers that grew within your garden. Well, mother and father says it's your garden, but you know that you don't get to call it your garden. It wasn't you who planted those flowers; it wasn't you who; it wasn't you who maintained their health and beauty; it wasn't you who watched them grow from a little seedling and into a bright bloom; and it certainly wasn't you who can arrange each flower into a beautiful bouquet that will look lovely in your room. You'd love to be the one to do all of those things, but you're parents would never allow it, neither will your doctor, maids, butlers and your own skin.
And as much as you wanted your birthday to be celebrated outside where the sun can shine it's warmth. You knew that it would be an impossible birthday wish. Your condition will act up and you'll feel your skin burn for days on end. So your celebration remained indoors. No one to bare witness to your birthday but the maids and butlers. Friends never existed in your world and your parents are off on a business trip. Therefore they couldn't be there to celebrate.
All your parents did was send you their regards and a few gifts. Why are you not surprised? Your mother had gotten you another necklace. The color is not your favorite? Check. Will you be able to wear it on a special occasional like a ball? No, because that would mean going outside and take a risk with your condition. Also check. To the jewelery box it goes then.
The next gift is from you father, which was an oddity in itself. Your father would never dare to send you a painting, but as you scanned the painting itself, everything suddenly made sense. This was a painting of the neighborhood. And no, you're not thinking about your neighborhood, the painting showed the neighborhood from an old show called "Welcome home."
Your father adored that show, and it seems like this gift for you is more of a gift for himself. Still, it is a charming painting, that's why you had it set up in your room along with the other paintings you commissioned.
It's been three days ever since. And every single day you longed to just jump into the painting of the neighborhood and live there. Where peace is a constant and there's no one there to pamper everything you need. A place where you're an equal and the condition you have is non existence. You haven't watched the show itself, but your father has told you stories about it, and what your father describes sounds like a paradise. If only he had time to watch the show with you instead of working. . .
"Come (Y/n) dear."
You paused, looking up from your book. Expecting to see someone by your bedroom door to let you know that it's time to take your medicine. But there was no one there.
"Okay, creepy. Must be just the wind." You say to yourself while shrugging your shoulders. Then you went back to reading where you left off about the red eye stranger.
Then the lights went out. You let out a small yelp from the sudden darkness. Your hand darted under your pillows to grab the flashlight you always kept there. The light reached as far as it could, giving you a chance to see your room. You pointed the flashlight to your desk, to your bookshelf, to the window and finally to the. . . Paintings.
"Come (Y/n)."
We're written on every single painting, painted there with red paint. Whoever did this you don't want to know, you scrambled out of your bed and fumbled with the doorknob. Still, you manage to open your door and began running down the hall, with nothing but the light of flashlight to serve as your guide to the darkness that engulfed the house. You immediately went downstairs, expecting to see the green wallpaper, but the further you ran the more you realized that the green wallpaper had turned into a shade of blue. A blue hallway where paintings of a red seascape hung on the walls. When did the hallway got longer? And why is it suddenly getting cold?
And. . .
There's footsteps chasing you from behind. You didn't dare look back to see what it was, after turning to another hallway you found a door opened to another room. You dashed to that room and locked the door. You may be meek, but that didn't stop you from barricading the door to with yourself. The footsteps you heard then kept on going down further the hall. Leaving you to catch your breath from all that running.
"What in the world is going on?" You say to yourself again, using your voice to ground yourself in reality. Who are you kidding?! There's no way this could be real!
"Maybe I'm just dreaming?" You pinched your cheeks as hard as you could. . .
Nope, still here.
"Calm down (Y/n) maybe you just need something else to wake you up!" You got ready to ram yourself against the wall. Hopefully the impact will be enough to wake you up. If not, then it's just going to be really painful for you.
"Come (Y/n)."
There it is again!
You looked around again and like before, you saw nothing. Except for the painting of the neighborhood and a table with a rose. Shining it's warm atmosphere. Is that where the whispers are coming from? Impossible, a painting can't say anything other than the message it sends through pigments and brush strokes. Then there's the rose, idly sitting in a white porcelain vase. Without thinking, you picked up the rose from the vase and take in the beautiful scent. The painting stares down at you.
And in turn, you reached your hand out.
This is where your new life begins.
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Turnabout of feelings.
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(Enemies to Lovers)  (Welcome Home is a wonderful ARG made by Clown illustrations)
Wally darling x Human! Reader.
Word count: 1773. (warning! English isn’t my first language) part 1/3
You were sitting on the carpeted floors of Home. Beside you, Wally Darling was scribbling in the guestbook. Coming into this world of puppets and sunshine was a shock at first. You'd think you'd get accustomed to all the nice neighbours that tolerate and appreciate you more than 90% of humanity, but... Wally darling. The bastard that dragged you here the reason why you can never rest easy, Wally Darling.
He's aloof and innocent in front of others, but you know better. You've seen the eyes on the walls. The notes scattered around the neighbourhood... You've even ventured into the depths of Home. You couldn't say a thing to the others, though. That's how Barnaby and Eddie died last time. That's how you almost died as well.
The two sides of Wally contrasted harshly. It's as if they were two completely different puppets. One was childlike in nature and inquisitive. The other was knowledgeable and all-knowing. Horrifying. You saw how he ate and how he could easily wipe your existence from the neighbourhood if he wanted.
That's why you had to play nice and be a good neighbour. You don't know how many times the other neighbours have died, and you don't want to join them. "Is something the matter, neighbour?"
You were pulled away into the pitch-black eyes of Wally. His eyes dilate whenever he looks at you. You've been staring at him for the entirety of your inner monologue. You tore your eyes away and continued doodling on paper.
Wally repeated his question. He never got an answer. Home creaked and banged to divert Wally's attention. You've always gotten along with Home well. It was alive. Something welcome in this land of eternal sunshine and plush embraces.
Sometimes, if you'd listen hard enough, you'd hear a drumming. Like a heartbeat, it was a comforting sound, unlike the violent bangs on the door and the sounds of screaming outside late at night. You never understood home; you tried learning Morse code, but it wasn't your forte. Home was helpful, though, watchful and obviously a servant to Wally but still caring in a way. You can count on one hand how many times they saved you from certain death.
Your masterpiece was finished, or well, not at all, but you got tired of doodling and simply pushed the paper and art supplies away. Wally moved over to the drawing and inspected it. Spirals and eyes Much like the ones he liked to draw. For a moment, the more violent side of him surfaced, but he quickly put the drawing away and started talking. "What a good artist you are, neighbour!" You half-heartedly listened to his praise. You attempted a conversation once more,
"Why bring me here?" You get ignored.
You sigh and rest your head on the floor. Your head springs up when a quiet whisper leaves Wally's lips.
"What was that?"
"What was what, neighbour?"
Wally stood up and dusted himself off; he then extended a hand towards you.
You both walked out of home; a sunny day awaited you two. Such is the usual weather in this world.
It was run... 32? 35. Each run would be disturbed by you or Wally. And each time you’d lose a bit of yourself with it. You remember a time when you attacked the friendly neighbours at Welcome Home. Wally probably remembers as well. You had enough sanity to stop yourself, however, unlike the man who walks beside you. Wally’s 3-foot stature held your hand as he dragged you onward; his strength was at least superhuman.
You were approaching Howdy’s bodega. The place was pretty crowded today. seemed like an event.
The wind chimes rang as you entered. Howdy was chatting away with Sally and Barnaby. Talking funny business again, it seemed.
"Oh! There you are, Wally! And it’s a pleasure to see our new neighbour with you again!"
"Hello barnaby…. Hello Julie-"
Barnaby looked at his best friend and laughed.
"What a ‘coin’cidence that you joined us, little buddy!".
Howdy laughed heartily at the joke, and Wally tilted his head in confusion.
"…Hello howdy"
"What’s so funny, neighbours?"
Sally explains that they all found a coin whilst walking in the neighbourhood today.
"Can I see it?" You speak, gathering the attention of the room around you.
You inspected the coin closely, and Wally went nonverbal as the other three steered the conversation.
"It’s something out of a noir film, almost!" Sally exclaims
Well, hopefully not! I’d rather not become the neighbourhood’s funniest grey dog!"
"Ohoho! This almost calls for an investigation! I’m sure Jewls would love to hear this! Don’t you think so, walls?"
Wally is startled from his thoughts; his eyes dilate.
"Julie? I think Julie would like a new game to play." Wally smiles.
"Don’t you think so, neighbour?"
"Sure." You were mostly focused on the coin in your hand. That right there was a Franklin half dollar, produced in the 1960s.
Shabby quality, covered in dirt.
Money from your world... being here? As far as you knew, brands from your world didn’t exist here. Seeing as how Howdy sells Brickero’s cereal and cups of Joe that are just diluted orange juice and Breenberry ice cream, whatever that was,
The bodega quiets down a little, and Barnaby cracks another joke. You never laugh. It’s not that you didn’t like these puppets. They were nice. Sweet. Caring. But they were dead. As far as you knew, nobody here was real. Except maybe for Wally and Home. It left a bitter aftertaste.
"Well, my fellows and fellays! Would you care to purchase anything?"
"Wally needs red and green paint, and I need something edible."
"Didn't know you started speaking for each other? Wowie, I feel heartbroken... I can't believe my little buddy got a new best friend!" Barnaby half-joked.
"We’re not friends." -
"We’re the best of friends. -
Sally couldn’t help but giggle.
Wally was still gripping your arm; you had to play nice for now.
Howdy handed you your things in a paper bag and cashed them in on three jokes and a little quip.
You were the one usually telling most of the jokes, and Wally would have to practise for half a day for a single joke.
"What do you call a sad coffee? A depresso," your execution was lacking, but today was too tiresome to put in any effort.
Howdy chuckled but then gave Wally an expectant look.
"What about you walls? Got any jokes? Cracks? Quips?"
"I do"
"You do? Well, let’s hear it then!"
Wally straightened up his posture, tightening the ascot around his plush neck.
"Why did Barnaby get arrested? Because he’s a serial licker."
The execution was made funnier by Wally’s monotone voice.
"Ohohohoho! You never disappoint, dear fellow!"
"Put the other joke and quip on my tab." Barnaby winked at Wally, who smiled up at his best friend.
"We’ll be going now." You walked out as Wally said goodbye to each individual one by one.
"Oh! And don’t forget about the rehearsal later today, dearie!" Sally yelled out to you.
Right, the rehearsal. A play about... a pastry princess? Queen? Who knows… Julie’s the princess, you’re playing as the love interest, and Frank is the king of marshmallows or something.
Speaking of Frank, Frank Frankly was in front of you, face-first into the mud after getting toppled by Eddie. You laughed at that, getting another harsh tug from Wally. Right, laughing at misery was not neighborly.
You and Wally helped Frank and Eddie. It took quite a bit to tug the clumsy mailman up, or maybe it’s just your lack of arm strength.
Frank Frankly gave Eddie a harsh look, though it softened immediately after the mailman apologised. It was clear the two were soft on each other. If this wasn’t proof enough, then the many times one sacrificed themselves to save the other are. It used to sting at first, seeing the two go through the heartbreak and loss.
Wally held your hand and smiled. You looked down at the puppet and sneered. An ugly look on you, he’d say, and you couldn’t care less.
Frank starts talking, thankfully.
"My my, what a day... At least my tomatoes aren’t ruined. Be careful, won’t you next time, Mr.Dear?"
"Agh, sorry Frank I didn’t mean to, I swear. God, I should’ve been more careful delivering those packages. Luckily, nothing broke!"
"Who are you delivering these boxes to, neighbour?" Wally asks, looking at the many boxes on the ground.
Oh, I’m delivering these to the bodega! Howdy’s got a large shipment this week."
Hmm, well, I did need to go there to get more fertiliser for my plants. I’ll join you, Mr. Dear." Frank picks up some of the smaller boxes for Eddie. It was a kind thing, and Eddie thanked Frank --- not without insisting on carrying the boxes himself, of course. Frank simply hushed him and smiled, and Eddie smiled back.
"Won’t you join us? Mr.darling and-"
"No. We just left the bodega, actually," Wally explains.
Oh, alright then! Have a good day, you two!" Frank and Eddie head off.
You continue onward. Home’s following eyes are a comfort at times. Now? Not so much... Wally was staring at you intently as you walked. The creep had a love for eye contact, much to your dismay.
The sky had a reddish hue, never a good sign. You turn to look at Home.
Wait a moment. Where did Home go?
Where they had stood was a hole of black, looking infinitely deep and with a spiral surrounding its edges. An eye opens, a hand grabs your leg; it has five fingers, and as soon as you blink, everything goes back to normal.
"What’s wrong, neighbour?"
You were lying on the plush grass with Wally. Julie was to your right.
You grabbed Wally by the throat; he had done it again. Used his weird eldritch abilities to skip the day along.
Wally’s eyes dilated as black sludge left his mouth.
Julie screamed.
Fuck, there went another run. You were so sick of this. So very tired.
You drifted off again, and you knew you'd wake up again inside of Home. Wally will greet you in the morning, and you'll go through this day again, over and over, until you get it right. Until it goes perfectly.
Huh… Now that you dwell on it, you think he whispered ‘sorry’. Perhaps there’s a hidden third side to this strange puppet.
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looking very closely at the website neighborhood and here's some little things i noticed (plus some overthinking & flower symbolism):
~ the only butterflies on the "map" are the ones outside of Frank's house, and the single one outside of Eddie's.
~~ i think the flowers outside of Eddie's are either hyacinths or lavender. given that the flowers are different colors, they're probably hyacinths. which is a Fascinating choice to me, because hyacinths can symbolize regret, devotion (especially beyond death), love, forgiveness, and jealousy - depending on the flower color. Eddie has light blue, dark blue, and purple. The butterfly is landing on the purple one (sorrow, mourning, forgiveness, regret, devoted love).
~~ its also Fascinating because the myth behinds hyacinths is about the greek god Apollo and his (male) human lover, Hyacinthus. they were playing discus (metal frisbee). Apollo threw the discus too hard, and it bounced back and hit Hyacinthus, killing him. devastated, Apollo grew the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus' spilled blood. SO THE FACT THAT EDDIE, GAY PUPPET EDDIE, HAS HYACINTH FLOWERS OUTSIDE THE POST OFFICE IS UM. INCH RESTING!
~~ (also also in the myth, Apollo wanted to rescind his immortality to join Hyacinthus in his death. and in an alternate version of the myth, Hyacinthus was technically murdered, because Zephyrus was jealous that Apollo preferred a mortal over him & purposefully blew the discus off course to strike Hyacinthus. things to think about. yes, in this whole myth metaphor im viewing Eddie as Hyacinthus and Frank as Apollo. do with this what you will)
~ All of the trees in the neighborhood are in the same general style, except for the tree outside of Sally's home, which is a pine tree. i wonder why!
~ the only buildings with second floors are Barnaby's, Frank's, Sally's, and Poppy's homes. rip the "wally falls down the stairs" memes
~ there's a teeny tiny Home in the post office display window
~ Julie's house has quite a lot of heart symbolism. like, a weird amount. an amount to the point where i now have an entire theory around what her role and arc might be. i Will talk about it with minimal prompting.
~ one of the swingset balloons has a happy face balloon with its eyes closed, which stands out to me (and fuels my julie theory)
~ the only neighbors who don't have flowers outside of their buildings are Sally, Julie (disregarding decoration), and Howdy.
~ Poppy has daffodils, which symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, resilience, and hope. however, they have a negative side of selfishness.
~ Barnaby has red, yellow, and blue tulips. red means undying love, admiration, and truth. yellow means "there's sunshine in your smile", joy, happiness, friendship - But it can also mean unrequited love or jealousy. Blue means individuality, trust, and good luck
~~ note that there's a dead/trampled white tulip. white tulips symbolize sorrow, "my condolences", apology, honor, purity, faith.
~ Frank has sunflowers, daisies, and some others, but those i think are more generic, unspecific flowers for added decoration. i couldn't find a "red flower on vine" that fits the general look of the ones on his house. now, sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, longevity, happiness (also, might i add that these flowers are from another greek myth about apollo, this one where Apollo turns a jealous nymph into a sunflower for snitching on his mortal lover, which got her (the lover) killed. inch resting indeed.)
~~ also blue daisies, which i am assuming are the blue flowers outside his house, symbolize freedom, trust, loyalty, confidence, and honesty. lots of positivity surrounding Frank's house!
~ Wally has daisies. these symbolize innocence, purity, new beginnings, hope, and affection. it can also symbolize the ability to keep a secret. a fun fact i found interesting is the word daisy comes from an old english word meaning "day's eye."
~~ do i believe these flower choices were purposeful? maybe. probably. it does seem strange that there are specific, distinct flowers drawn in equally specific parts of the "map", while a couple of generic "cartoon" style flowers are sprinkled throughout
~ three green apples are growing on the tree next to Howdy's Place
~ it stands out to me that the bodega window above the fruit stands is completely blacked out. no window shine or nothing
~ Sally's "yard" is weirdly barren. everyone else's buildings (excluding Home) has several things decorating the surrounding area. all she has is a spotlight and a tree.
~ Barnaby's house having paint all over it (and a paintbrush & can next to it) is just cute to me. it makes me think that he wanted to paint like his lil' buddy Wally and just went ham with it. or it was a team effort between them<3
~ it took me a while to notice the tiny "Eddie's" painted above Post Office. it gives the vibe (to me) of him tacking on the "Eddie's" to make the office feel more like his. maybe he saw the sign "Howdy's Place" and decided to paint his name on his building to make himself feel more established and at home
~ there's something on / part of Frank's roof. i don't know what it is. if anyone has an idea please tell me its driving me insane. at first i thought it was a chimney but theres two? making an additional symmetrical structure? idk!!
~ there are only three buildings with straight up rainbows. Eddie's post office (hanging from the roof and in the window), Sally's house (the entire front), and Frank's house (butterfly on the door wreath. i almost didn't catch it, it's a sneaky one!)
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strawberryxfieldz · 1 year
Welcome Home- Call Me (Maybe)
You're a conductor for the train that only comes by Home every so often. You aren't exactly a neighbor but Wally is still inexplicably pulled to you, looking forward to your weekly meetings and wishing for something more. He'd like the chance to allow your relationship to blossom further as his neighbors are endlessly pestering and you are awfully enchanting. If only he knew how to.
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Note: Here is a lil mini-series I'll be working on as I write my human AU--a much larger project by comparison lol! I just had the idea for this and couldn't let it go, and it's a nice outlet for all the fluffy stuff I wanna write anyways :)
Reader is a flirt that cruises by in their locomotive every week to charm the pants off the resident painter and I love it haha...
Welcome Home Masterlist
details under the cut:
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Welcome Home - Clown Illustration Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wally Darling (Welcome Home)/Reader, Wally Darling (Welcome Home) & Reader, Wally Darling & Welcome Home Ensemble Characters: Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Reader, Barnaby B. Beagle (Welcome Home), Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home), Julie Joyful (Welcome Home), Poppy Partridge (Welcome Home), Sally Starlet (Welcome Home) Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Romance, Fluff, Slice of Life, Snippets, Not Canon Compliant, Oblivious Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Wally Darling is Bad at Feelings (Welcome Home), Autistic Wally Darling (Welcome Home), Train conductor/engineer reader, flirty reader, No use of y/n, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Gender-neutral Reader, Mutual Pining, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Eye Contact, Puppets, each chapter is its own little story, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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theneighborhoodwatch · 5 months
Found this welcome theory video that i found interesting: https://youtu.be/9Lz6OcILeSc?si=tcPnCX3QC4JmAyC-
Thoughts :3?
(functional link to video)
i tend to avoid youtube coverage of welcome home because i'm petty, but fuck it, it's a new year and i've never actually heard of this youtuber before. i'll give it a shake. liveblog under the cut:
"y'know if it wasn't for the unsettling mysteries, the feeling that somebody is always watching you, and the mold.... i'd wanna live in the neighborhood" that's exactly why the mold and paranoia's so scary babeyyyy
"update number two" Tch.
i'm less inclined to call the writing in this update character development so much as it is just character establishment. especially since before the july 22nd update (bc that's what this video is about) all we knew about the other neighbors was what the WHRP was willing to tell us. i feel like i'm preaching to the choir though.
ok i laughed at the grindset alpha male howdy joke
"now i wanna move onto eddie bc i wanna make a connection between [eddie and howdy]" :D OH DO YOU NOW.
i do love the energy in this video, very infectious. i too have recommended people welcome home solely on the basis that they would have the hots for eddie and y'know what i haven't been wrong yet.
I WAS GONNA SAY SOMETHING ABOUT HOW LIKE. almost all of the characters have that backstory element of having coming from somewhere else before settling down in home, but i see the point about howdy and eddie specifically dealing with stuff that comes from someplace else as like, an actual job. putting a pin in it.
i'm not Sure how i feel about the idea that the world of home/the world in which home exists is Within our world? pretty much from the beginning i assumed it was running on re:creators/deltarune dark world rules (i.e. it is a world that was born from human thought and its existence is dependent on/influenced by our world, but at the end of the day it does exist on like a separate plane of reality) and i still stand by that. barbieland in barbie 2023 is a more apt comparison though.
"possession route" Tch.
ok actually i can't tch at that because i have talked about it in my own posts. TL;DR: i think possession/haunting theory could work but only if it's anything other than actual literal ghosts. as soon as you try to make it FNAF 2 i sleep.
don't have much to say about Real Poppy Lover Hours except emphatic smiling and nodding. although i will say i have seen people use "oh she's more like a mom/aunt/etc.!" as an excuse to sideline her in fanwork bc for some reason some folks think that her having a motherly personality means that she can't be shipped with anyone? even though all of home's residents are adults who aren't even related to each other? that's a gripe for another post, though.
...actually now i want big sally. note to self to draw that later.
i do like the examination of whether or not sally referring to the audience is meant to mean anything. personally i think it's just a bit of wordplay/red herring action but You Never Know!
i misheard "girlboss bossgirl slay" as "girlboss boygirl slay" for like a split second. still fits tbh.
IT'S FUNNY THAT THEY MENTION THINKING THAT THE WHRP IS A SINGLE PERSON bc i do have an ask about that right after this. i'll save my thoughts for that response though.
it's funny that "was the majority of the gang being some form of queer/disabled/nd/etc. planned in-universe" is a question at all bc at the risk of sounding like an asshole it feels so obvious to me that it very much was not. the interview is definitely playing into those themes though.
"them <3" yeah
again. extremely refreshing to see a welcome home video from someone who actually likes welcome home instead of the clicks that covering it will give them.
he always knows when to show up, huh.... huh.... i've been trying to break away from being so self-referential ever since welcome home and consequently this blog blew up but. huh...
do i think he's a service dog? i think to answer that question we would first have to answer the question of whether or not he's even a Dog or just Shaped Like A Dog. the laws of his reality say he is a dog, but we can at least guess that even even those can't be trusted. i think it's possible that he may see himself as in service to wally, that he worries about what will happen if he doesn't butt in, but i don't know if this is an objective truth.
"[wally] being so mysterious i don't think is like, him wanting to be mysterious. [...] there just may not be that much about him." and then relating that to how typically protagonists in puppet shows have more subdued personalities than their co-stars so they can be more relatable to the audience. Teehee. (this is positive)
oh there's something kind of poetic about the idea that each bug video ends bc wally's snapped out of his dissociation by one of his friends calling his name when paired with the idea that he's disassociating in part due to his connection with the audience isn't there. being reminded of one's own personhood through your connections with others, and how that has the potential to become more bittersweet the more wally continues to risk it in the process of regaining a sense of purpose as The Audience Surrogate. oogh. that's just me waxing poetic though.
oooh that whole passage about the idea of remembrance and the pursuit of a "correct" story and tying that back into how welcome home in-universe has been almost universally forgotten and the themes of living as a disabled or mentally ill or queer person. beautiful connection.
"hmmm, how much agency do you have in your life actually" AHEHEHE. HEHEHEHE. HEHE.
conclusion: Good Video. thank you for sending it.
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aakipple · 2 months
1, 9, 14, 18 for taibani ship asks!
...about my absolute favorite of their scenes and why I love it so much.
oh man. where do i begin. first to come in mind is the season 2 ep 21 scene where barnaby says he wants to continue being a hero with kotetsu. another fav is when they called each other and kotetsu was like, call me if anything happens, or if nothing happens (paraphrased) something about their relationship in s2 being so . whats the word. they just get along so well and love working together!! i could just feel the fondness oozing out of these scenes.... even if u dont ship them the love is there
9. ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
living together with kaede and maybe 3 other adopted children. barnaby as a hero, kotetsu with his consultation office and kaede going to hero academy.... the domesticity of it all....
14. ...which tropes I think describe them the best.
rivals to friends to lovers, slowburn, pining idiots, popular x unpopular etc etc anything can be tiger and bunny if u think hard enough!!
18. ...three of my favorite fanart or edits for this ship. And (in the event that I've created something for them) one of my art or edits involving them that I'm most proud of.
ohhh this is a good one !! i dont think i can choose just three though. oops
i love ALLL of CreamyGhost's T&B fanart but for variety sake ill only choose one (<-lie). This one makes me want to pull my hair out and scream. its so good ... this too. and this ....
This one where they're wearing rings (changed my life) and uh this entire collection are Some of my favs by ituka!!
as for my own art, i'm really fond of this thing (the 2nd one) i drew for taibani week a few years ago :) i also still like this piece for barnabys bday too
ill stop here but i can go on forever KJLHGKHJ
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zimithrus1 · 8 months
For the Fanfiction Writing Asks... I'm kind of cheating due to low spoons, sorry:
80: please answer 1 to 5 of the other 79 questions, choosing the ones you'd rather talk about today? 😅
Asks List
Cheat all you need to with low spoons, I've been there am there 💚 But also thank you for the versatility~ This is a little long so I'll add a read more option. Let's see...
7. Post a snippet from a wip With Barnaby’s portions in hand, Kotetsu carefully steps out of the kitchen, walking into the living room with a soft smile on his face. He sets the bowl down against a small coffee table just a few feet away from the couch. (Also bought on one of Kotetsu’s mentions).
“Here you go, baby bunny.” He softly says as he sets the water down next to it.
A flush of red on Barnaby’s face from the extra sweet term of endearment. “Thank you.” He says in despite of that coyness.
“Of course.” Kotetsu smiles. “Here, let me…”
He trails off, but when Barnaby shifts ever so slightly, he’s already on the move to help him reposition himself. With how his partner had his leg clutched, he’s obviously in pain, and moving himself around too much makes it flare up worse. Though with someone to help, it eases the strain. (Coming soon to an ao3 account near you lol! 😂)
13. Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently? It varies, but more often than not I've got something playing to keep me from getting too distracted. I tend to put on songs without words, or songs that I've heard over and over and haven't gotten sick of yet. Lately when I've been writing, due to my faltering mentality, I've been listening to this and this to keep me both distracted and focused as possible. 🎧
22. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles? 95% percent of the time I come up with the tile before I even start writing. It's hard for me to start if I don't have a good title. I can think of an idea, flesh it out in my head, but until I come up with a title it stays there lol! I come up with titles from songs, not-so-common words, or smashing two words or things together. It varies depending on the idea.
34. How much personal/life experience do you include in your fics? A lot. Writing is usually how I process a lot of thoughts and feelings I don't normally allow myself to have or act on. Or its experiences I want to have, or things I was denied when I was younger that I can give myself through words now. Maybe even just to think 'wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened??' and going with it lol 😂
45. What genre/trope do you tend to write the most? My go-to trope is tied between hurt/comfort and fluff and my go-to trope is friends to lovers. Hurt/comfort has always been a good push and pull for me. I love writing how characters would react/act to bad/painful/stressful situations, and when the tension dies down, having something or someone warm, soft and comforting waiting to help pick them back up. And fluff is just, so sweet and fun to write. I've always had a knack for the cute, fun stuff in writing and art. Just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside hearing it. Ties in very well with hurt/comfort too, like an extra layer of glue. 👌 And friends to lovers has always been a thing I've gravitated towards even as a child. Mainly based on my own experiences. When watching movies, reading books and playing games I always thought 'how could someone just fall for someone they don't even know? I wish X went for their best friend, they've known each other for so long! It seems unfair!' (might've been the demi/ace in me too lol 🖤🤍💜) There's a connection between friends, especially friends that grew up together. They've seen the other through every stage of their life, shared secrets and late nights and pinkie promises, adventures and heartaches all the same - I always thought what's more intimate and special for a partner than that? 💗
Long rambles jeeze lol though I do love these little ask games, I get so eager to share 😆 Thank you very much for the ask, and sorry it took a little while to get to - I apparently had a lot I wanted to blab about 😂 Take care~ 💚
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seikatsu-ga-tsuzuku · 5 months
Hi, I really love reading your blog, thanks for sharing your posts. Even if I'm not the one who asked your otps, do you mind if I asked why you love those couples (your otps)? You can pick at least 3 couples, if you want to write the reasons.....
Sorry if I ask too much, feel free to just ignore my ask. Also sorry again if I send this ask twice....
I don't think anyone has ever said they like reading my blog, so somehow this makes me happy. I get little traction on my posts so most of the time I'm thinking I'm just talking to myself on here.
I don't believe you've sent this ask multiple times, but if you have, I guess tumblr ate it because I don't see it in my inbox. But sure, I'll try to answer succinctly because when it comes to ships I can ramble for years (ask my best friend). I am assuming you're referring to the post I did the other week about my top 10 ships of all time, so I'll pick 3 of those to explain.
So first up, Adachi and Kurosawa from Cherry Magic. They are so refreshing. I don't know how to explain it. First of all, I appreciate the gentle kindness of Kurosawa as the pursuer/top which I feel like is something you don't see often in BL. There's always the looming threat of noncon/dubcon which is nowhere to be found in Cherry Magic thankfully. His love for Adachi starts off much like a schoolgirl crush, and quickly morphs into an adoration and admiration of Adachi as a person as they get to know each other better. It's interesting to watch how Adachi's feelings develop for Kurosawa as well. He thinks carefully about what Kurosawa means to him, and in what ways he wants to be with him. He's considerate of Kurosawa's feelings even before the love is mutual. Their love for each other is very pure, sweet, and wholesome, and the slowburn from coworkers to friends to lovers is just perfect. They definitely give me a toothache, and their relationship is something that I would like for myself. I also hope to write a love story as good as theirs someday. I could go on but I'll spare thee. Next is Kotetsu and Barnaby from Tiger & Bunny. Now, I know they are not canon, but they are as close to canon as a couple can get without being canon, if you know what I mean. Their relationship starts off spiky, but their growth as people because of the development of their relationship is one of my favorite things about them. They become better people because of each other, especially Barnaby. They teach each other a lot, learn to work together and care about each other, even during the times when Barnaby is resistant to this change in him. Barnaby's attitude eventually changes from snooty, prickly, and isolated to soft and trusting of Kotetsu. They don't only maintain a good relationship for work reasons, but outside of that obligation too, working on their friendship and truly becoming family (in season 2 you can literally see a photo of Kotetsu, Barnaby, and Kaede together in one of their apartments', I forget whose, but my gut is telling me Barnaby's). The scenes in season 2 when Kotetsu just wanted to go out for a drink with Barnaby but some shit kept coming up so they couldn't. And the episode when Kotetsu wanted to do something nice for Barnaby's birthday. Kotetsu's determination to get along with him just makes my heart ache, I dunno. And whenever the other's life or health is in even the slightest of danger, they launch into panicking worry mode for each other. Also I can't overlook the occasional flirting. It just genuinely feels like watching two people interact that don't realize they're in love with each other.
Last lemme talk about Ryuji and Akira from Persona 5 because I never get to talk about my feelings for them. Now I know there is another more popular BL couple in P5 that shan't be named here, but let me explain why I prefer AkiRyu. I like the premise that Akira and Ryuji's relationship starts on and is built up from; an almost immediate acceptance of each other and the ability to relate and empathize with one another's circumstances. Ryuji had become an outcast after the incident with Kamoshida and the track team, and Akira had become an outcast due to his criminal record, which rumors of had followed him to his new school. At the start of the story, they had nobody but each other. Ryuji took an immediate liking to Akira, and Akira also seemed to be content with Ryuji as his first friend at Shuujin. Despite having very different personalities, they had the same morals, the same sense of justice, similar problems to deal with. Now this can be said about Akira with the rest of the Phantom Thieves, yes, but I feel like Akira and Ryuji's dynamic is unique. Again he's Akira's first friend, and you can't deny this quickly escalates into Ryuji being his best friend out of all the Phantom Thieves. Ryuji often basically tells Akira this is how he feels about him as well, so it can't be denied or brushed off (although you can make Akira respond with the snarky and meaner dialogue options, the sentiment is still there. It's not in the same ways that you can be mean to Mishima or rude to Goro, for example). They have a bond that I don't feel is present with the other Phantom Thieves, after completing everyone's social links. Even the canon romance routes with the girls felt weak in comparison. I feel like AkiRyu is the prime example of the shounen-esque tendency to write two guy best friends so emotionally charged that it loops right back around to being gay by accident (see Ryuji's social link stage 9 or 10, I forget which. If you know, you know. The ramen restaurant conversation, yeah, that one. It was basically a declaration of love to me). Those are the vibes they give off to me.
I said this would be succinct but it wasn't. Thank you for your time 😭
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kamikazeworld · 5 months
Thanks for answering my ask. If you don't mind me asking (again), who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them...Thanks if you want to answer....
oh JEEZ, that's even more difficult than the last ask xD I've been an avid romance lover and shipper since I was little. There's soooo so so many omg. But hm, in no particular order, I think some of them would definitely be Enjolras/Grantaire from Les Misérables, Phoenix/Miles and Klavier/Apollo from ace attorney, Fakir/Ahiru from Princess Tutu, Sora/Riku from Kingdom Hearts, Aziraphale/Crowley from Good Omens, and of course I adore the mxtx couples since that's my ongoing hyperfixation! Wangxian, Bingqiu and Hualian! <3 What else what else.... it's been many years now, but victuuri holds a special place in my heart. OH and Zack/Cloud from FF7 ; A ; but I also like all the ship combinations between Zack, Cloud, Aerith and Tifa (except Zack/Tifa because they never met) slgjhslfjh. Oh, add Yuugi/Atem from Yugioh to the list, but same there with liking most ship combinations between the main cast xD Just, do not separate those two. Ever. Somewhere in the background you also have Kirk/Spock from original Star Trek and Kotetsu/Barnaby from Tiger & Bunny.
I thiiiink that's all I can come up with right now. Like, I'll always somehow come back to those or get extremely excited when I'm reminded of them after long periods of not thinking of them. Noticing a lack of lesbians here. Good thing I'm lesbian enough to make up for it LMAO
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weilongfu · 1 year
PatPran: Continuation of them running away to the green village
If Pran was honest about his personal organization tendencies, he'd already started classifying parts of his life into eras. The Rivalry Era, The Split, The Lovers, and even their running away was classified as The Divide Era. At the moment, Pran considered their little family within The Peace Era, having recently received end of year wishes from both their parents once introduced to Ran. The power of Ran's smile was never to be taken lightly and Pat had taken pride in that. Pran, on the other hand, refused to acknowledge that their adopted daughter had learned anything approximating his husband's lethally charming smile.
If only to protect himself.
But now, as Pran watched Pat and their daughter chase Barnaby down the beach as he ran with someone's favorite sandal in his mouth, Pran considered naming this era The Chaos.
Business was picking up and more hired hands meant more people to keep track of and less time with Ran. Pat did his job as Head Engineer perfectly albeit with some newly hired engineers working with him to keep things moving swiftly and Pran now had a team of architects under him. Ran was, however, moving along as a rambunctious child with far too much intelligence which Pat spared no effort in blaming Pran about.
"She would never have figured out how to open presents like that if you didn't teach her that steam trick for tape," Pat reminded him when they found Ran screaming in delight in the kitchen when she found one of her Christmas presents to be an art kit she'd asked for.
"Yes, but thankfully she doesn't know how to be subtle because of you," Pran pointed out before they pulled their daughter off the dining chair she'd appropriated to hold her wrapped presents over a steaming pot of water. "Ran, the point of Christmas presents is to open them on Christmas..."
"But I just wanted to see!" Ran complained as Pat took the returned the remaining presents to their tiny Christmas tree. "I was gonna wrap it back up!"
"Next time you want to be a sneak, don't scream in joy," Pat said after Pran had given in to letting Ran play with the art kit. "I taught you better than that."
"No, last time you taught me how to use leverage to try and pry up loose floor boards that aren't secured by nails," Ran said while sticking out her tongue.
"I... Definitely did not teach you that." Pat frowned. "Was this when we let N'Rai babysit you the other day?"
Ran blinked. "Oops?"
Barnaby chose that moment to wander in holding one of Ran's dolls with markings on its chest indicating a preparation of an autopsy.
Pran groaned. "No more late night medical dramas either."
"Your daughter is a menace," Pran said later that night as they got into bed. "She didn't have terrible twos, and now she's taking it out as an eight-year-old."
"I notice that you only say she's my daughter when she does something unexpected." Pat pointed out as he curled around Pran. "And when she's exceptionally brilliant in school, she's suddenly your daughter and never mine."
"I have a full understanding of where her capabilities come from," Pran said as he turned to face Pat within the circle of his arms. "And you're not helping."
"Look, at least I stopped Korn from giving her that set of lockpicks for her birthday," Pat argued as he rubbed his nose against Pran's. "That's one less chaotic thing for her to do before she's ten."
Pran sighed. "Huzzah."
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huntinglove · 1 year
𝓣𝓪𝓰 𝓢𝔂𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓶:
Here's how I tag my content!
I'm very open when it comes to tagging, so if you ever need anything specific tagged, feel free to send me an ask and I'll tag it accordingly
❧ [Insert fandom name] (All fandoms I post about will follow this tagging pattern)
✯ lovely asks (Nice asks) ✯ how bothersome (Rude asks/hate mail) ✯ wonderful ships (Friend's selfships) ✯ here's a question (Polls) ✯ let me know what i can do (Ask memes) ✯ ghosty's mail (Submissions)
✯ dreaming near the stars (Selfship imagines) ✯ homely ships (My selfships) ✯ all time faves (My favorite posts) ✯ i hope you'll smile (Memes/positivity) ✯ living and creating (Art/edits) ✯ let me tell you a story (Writing) ✯ oh my (NSFT, I kindly ask that any minors who follow me blacklist this tag) ✯ let's get serious (Discourse) ✯ undead ramblings (Random) ✯ speaking from the grave (Vent) ✯ recovery break (Queue) ✯ my heart sings (Playlists) ✯ a ship has sailed (Pairs I ship) ✯ a heart full of love (Gushing) ✯ welcome to the turned mansion (Turned Mansion Original Universe)
❥ dreaming on the rails (Enmu) ❥ golden heart (Hunter) ❥ hearts side by side (Zebruh) ❥ the love virus (Ashton) ❥ love with a dash of poison (Gyutaro) ❥ emotions greater than words (Kyogai) ❥ the sun sets over the ocean (Tanjiro) ❥ my emperor (Belos) ❥ let's duet (Raine) ❥ i'm already cursed (Eda) ❥ playing together (Collector) ❥ cat lovers unite (Amity) ❥ two dorks against the world (Edric) ❥ devil eyes (Bump) ❥ when does a man become a monster (Viktor Arcane) ❥ stalking the stalker (Yoonbum) ❥ set my heart ablaze (Zuko) ❥ bunny on ice! (Yuuri) ❥ building our own world (Tadano) ❥ you make my heart bloop (Zucker) ❥ the puppet and their lover (Donna) ❥ two halves of the same coin (Tenebris) ❥ when does a man become a monster? (Viktor) ❥ guarding chaos (Nathan & Cleo) ❥ the ghoul and the reaper (Grell) ❥ ghastly knock out! (K.O) ❥ turbo hauntings (T.K.O) ❥ my one true ruler (White Diamond) ❥ death can't do us part (Emily) ❥ special lover's discount (Howdy) ❥ you make my heart smile (Barnaby) ❥ welcome home my love (Wally) ❥ you make hell feel divine (Stolas) ❥ the duality of love (Todoroki)
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Small Gods: Lost Objects - 6
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Lost Objects:  A Thor Fanfic
Lost Objects Masterlist | More Small Gods PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Thor x F!Reader
Rating: E
Word Count:  1722
Warnings: Smut (MF, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, anal sex)
Synopsis: Thor has lost a lot in a very short period of time and he’s worried about losing himself too.  He goes to the one person who understands loss.
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Chapter 6
Thor was in an exceptionally good mood when he woke.  You lay against him, your head resting on his chest and your arm draped over his stomach.  You smelled of sex and in these early hours, there was something exceptionally erotic about the scent mixed with the warm and dusty scent of your home.  He rolled so he was spooning you and pulled you close to him.  You mumbled in your sleep.  A gentle contended noise of someone who was completely happy just where they were.
He was beginning to feel it too.  Thor had always been so full of wanderlust.  The thrill of battle called to him, even when he learned humility, he still longed for a cause to fight, the comradery of the battlefield, and to see the galaxy.  It was what had made him a restless king and a less than perfect romantic partner.  He couldn’t sit still for long enough to give himself to anything completely.
The only time in the past that he’d ever just stayed in one place was after Asgard had been destroyed and he’d lost the fight with Thanos.  Then he had ended up slipping into a deep depression and locking himself in his house.  Even then it had taken the promise of revenge to get him outside.
Right at this moment, he felt like Barnaby.  Just a warm, well-fed house cat sitting in a beam of light.  Part of him knew it wouldn’t last.  He may have relinquished his role as king but he was still the god of thunder - and much like the thunder, he couldn’t be contained.  For now, he would appreciate the quiet and the fact he had you, his brother, Mjolnir, a fat ginger cat, and a sense of peace.
He kissed your neck and began to slowly knead your breasts.  You moaned softly and your lips parted.  They were soft and tempting and he teased his fingers over them.  Your tongue slowly flicked out and traced over the tips as you moaned softly.  Thor chuckled softly.  “Are you awake, lover?”  He whispered.
You hummed and pushed your ass back against him but didn’t say anything.  He chuckled again and pushed his fingers into your mouth and began to suck on them.  He smiled and slowly began to roll his hips against your bare ass, his cock gradually hardening against your warm flesh.
He continued to tug and pull on your nipples, loving the way they hardened under his touch, along with the moans they drew from deep within you.  His hand traveled downward, skimming over your stomach and down between your legs.  His fingers teased over your clit, toying with the sensitive little bud.  You were still slick from last night, and as his fingers moved between your folds you gasped and your lips parted in silent pleasure.  Your legs spread and you hooked an ankle behind his thigh, giving him more access to your needy cunt.  He slipped two fingers inside you slowly, stretching your entrance and humming as your internal walls clamped tightly around them.  He pumped them in and out, curling them slightly and dragging his fingertips over your walls.  You moaned and ground back against his cock, leaning your head back and looking up at him.  Thor smiled and watched the look of pleasure on your face as he worked your cunt.  He captured your lips, kissing you hungrily, his tongue darting out and circling yours.  You mewled and reached behind you, slipping your hand between the two of you and wrapping it around his shaft.  You pumped his cock and slid the head up and down your ass crack, leaving a sticky trail of pre-come in its wake.
Thor pulls back, tugging you over, his fingers still buried in your wet heat.  You move willingly, arching your back and spreading your legs as an invitation to him.  He ignored it, for now, continuing to use his hand as he leaned down and pulled one hard nipple into his mouth.  You cried out and bucked up hard against his hand.  “Oh gods,” you gasped.
He pressed his teeth down on the hardened bud and continued to fuck you with his fingers, his thumb working your clit.  You cunt quivered and fluttered around his fingers and he twisted his wrist.  You clenched suddenly and came, crying out as you arched off the bed.
Thor pulled back and flipped you over.  You squealed and wriggled on the bed, popping your ass up.  He ran his hands down your back and over your ass, prying your cheeks apart.  He spat on your asshole and rubbed the pad of his thumb over it.  “I want to claim your ass,” he purred softly.  “May I?”
You squirmed pushing up against his hand needily, pushing his thumb into you slightly.  “It’s been a long time,” you said.  “And you’re very big.”
He leaned in and swirled his tongue over your tight hole.  “Do you trust me?”  he asked as you moaned loudly and your pussy dripped.
“Yes, Thor,” you whimpered.  “Always.”
He spat onto your ass and reached over, grabbing the scented lubricant off the stack of books you used as a side table.  He squeezed some, first between your ass cheeks and then over his fingers.  He began to tease his fingers over your asshole and gently eased one in.  He reached around and began to play with your now overstimulated clit as he gently pumped his finger in and out of your ass.  Your moans filled the room as he stimulated your ass and pussy at the same time.  He was patient and gentle with you, letting you relax fully before pushing in deeper.  It wasn’t long until your ring muscle had given and you were taking two of his fingers, mewling and biting on your pillow as he did.  He spread them slowly and pulled them out.
“Are you ready, goddess?”  He growled.
“Yes, Thor,” you mewled.  “Give it to me.”
He poured more lube on your ass and along the length of his cock, making a thick, sticky mess.  You lifted your hips more like you were presenting yourself to him, he groaned at the sight of you and lined his cock up, and slowly eased himself in.
You mewled, biting down into the pillow as he sunk into your ass.  He groaned at the sight of his cock disappearing into your tight passage and the way it clamped tight around him.
He pressed his whole body on top of you, wrapping one arm around your chest and the other around your neck, his forearm pressing against your throat.  “How does it feel, lover?”
“Hurts… but good.  Both,” you whimpered.  “Fuck me, Thor.”
He was more than willing to comply.  He began to roll his body against yours thrusting into you, deeper and deeper.  You clenched and pulsed around him, moaning into the pillows and reaching behind to tangle your fingers into his hair.  He groaned as you tugged on his hair and pulled him down against you more.  “Fuck, Thor,” you moaned.  “Oh god…”
“You feel so good, lover,” he groaned against your ear.  He moved his hand down to play with your clit again and you began to completely lose control.  There was no concern about being quiet, you vocalized everything you felt.  He knew when he caused you pain and when he caused you pleasure and when you walked that fine line where it seemed as if you would split in two, and he made sure he adjusted accordingly.
“I’m gonna come,” you cried out, bucking under him.
“That’s it, goddess,” he growled.  “I’m right with you.”
You tensed up, gripping the sheets and with a loud cry you came, your back curving as you pushed up against him.  Thor’s hips began to stutter and he pulled you back up to him, kissing you passionately as he chased his release.  He groaned into your lips and pulled out, jerking his cock, and with a roar, that rumbled in the air around him he came, painting your ass and back with thick ropes of semen.
“Gods,” you moaned, collapsing down on the bed.  “That was … quite the way to wake up.”
Thor chuckled and scooped you up into his arms.  “Let us bathe,” he said.  “I have made quite the mess of you.”
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After a long shower, you and Thor emerged into the rest of the house, to find Loki reclining back on the couch with Barnaby sitting on his chest.  He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the couch, his back popping in protest.  Barnaby jumped off and made an indignant ‘mrowf’ sound as he landed on the ground.
“Finally finished rutting like a couple of mindless beasts have you?”  Loki sneered.  “My sleep was terrible, thank you for asking.  This … couch… is one of the least comfortable pieces of furniture I’ve ever encountered.”
“Cheer up, brother!”  Thor said, clapping Loki on the shoulder.  “It’s not so bad.  Come.  I will make us a feast.”
“You?”  Loki asked, raising an eyebrow at him.  “Since when could you cook.”
“I guess we’ll find out,” Thor laughed.
“While you do that, I’ll go and check on Mjolnir,” you said.
Thor grinned at you and pecked your lips before heading into the kitchen with Loki on his heel.
“I don’t know what is worse,” Loki snarked.  “When you were wasting your time with mortals or now you’re wasting your time with minor deities.  At least with the mortals, you were just lowering yourself briefly.  How long will you stay in this… hovel … with someone so beneath you?”
“Watch your tongue,” Thor growled, without looking up from the cupboard he was rummaging in.
“It wouldn’t be so bad if it were just you,” Loki continued.  “Judging from your… condition… you are dealing with some things.  But you’re keeping me trapped here with you.”
“What would you prefer?”  Thor asked, turning on him.  “To be returned to prison?  That’s where you were, wasn’t it?”
Loki rolled his eyes.  “How long will you stay here?  I know you brother.  You won’t be happy here with her.  You’re just going to end up hurting her.”
“You know nothing of what you speak,” Thor shouted.
Loki rolled his eyes.  “Fine,” he said.  “Keep telling yourself you will be happy trapped in this hovel for the rest of your days.  I’m so glad I get to be trapped here while you have your existential crisis.”
Thor huffed and went back to cooking trying to ignore the things his brother spoke.  The problem was that for once it wasn’t just Loki’s silver tongue at work.  He was right.  Not about you.  You weren’t beneath him - not as far as Thor was concerned.  Loki was right about Thor though.  He couldn’t stay here forever.
By the time the bacon and eggs were sizzling in the pan and Barnaby was eating from a tin of tuna, you returned with Mjolnir.  “She’s complete,” you said, laying the tray out in front of Loki.
Loki looked at the pieces curiously and lifted one of them in his hand, a look of surprise on his face as he rolled it over in his fingers.  “Well I am worthy of this piece at least,” Loki teased.  “And what do we propose to do with this?”
“It might be possible to use magic to reform it,” you said.  “It has a connection to Thor, correct?  Perhaps if the three of us work together we can bring it back to its original form.”
“I think a visit to Nidavellir would be more useful,” Loki said.  “How did this even happen, brother?”
Thor looked at his brother and sighed.  He was so close to his Loki, but the things he was missing were the things that had fixed their relationship.  “Our sister destroyed it,” Thor said.  “And Nidavellir is all but lost too.”
Loki looked up at him, opened his mouth, closed it again, and shook his head.  “What exactly happened on this timeline, brother?”
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that-scouse-wizard · 3 years
OC X OC friendships and love stories are so much fun – but tag another creator and tell me about their OC that you love who is NOT a close friend or partner of your own.
Alright, here goes, excuse the fanboying.Tbh there's so many to get through so I apologise if I miss anyone out.
First of all Ekaterina "Kat" Solokov by @struckbyelectriclove This quirky cursed weirdo has some of the best angst done by an insanely talented creator. From just how badly her curse effects her to the multiple angst-filled scenarios Charlie has come up with. Her relationship with Merula is also very well done.
Matthew Luther by @hphmmatthewluther I love how Matthew starts as this sweet, shy kid and he stays like that just a bit more confident thanks to Quidditch. To say nothing of the fact that he's an absolute badass when the time calls for it. His relationship with Merula (and the interpretation of Merula's parents as being decent people) makes me root for Luthersnyde 100% of the time.
Adel Young by @adellovesrowan also springs to mind. I love this girl's relationship with Rowan as they grow as friends, fall out and then reconnect later in life.
Freyja Young by @marmotish would it really be an awesome Ravenclaws list without Freyja? I love that she's always got a poker face yet she she still feels emotion. Marmo's artstyle especially makes sure the subtle changes in expression carry that much more weight. While quite flawed, that just makes me love her as a character even more.
Next is Maca Camillo by @akaryuga I love the future AU for Maca and Merula. In large part thanks to Aka's art style, Maca comes off as a really expressive character and her relationship with Merula is honestly the most adorable one I've ever seen.
Eugene Hope by @witchy-push can I just say, I love how this OC swooped in and stole most of the fandom's heart, my own included. Witchy's art style brings Eugene and the other characters to life in such a unique way.
Verna Malinda by @gaygryffindorgal you know I love a good enemies/rivals to lovers story and Verna’s relationship with Merula delivers that in spades.
Artemis Hexley by @the-al-chemist I love this little firecracker and her tragic backstory. Her sass is most definitely the best part of her charm.
Carmilla Frank by @carmilla-the-bird I love that she's such a realistically flawed character. Also provides a really cool take on an MC who’s a seer. Her relationship with Merula is just the icing on the cake.
Cereza Gomez by @rosachaotic  Her relationship with Talbott is both one of the most well thought out and entertaining MC x Talbott relationships I’ve seen.
Edie Quinn by @praetoring I love that she attempts to breakaway from her death eater family. Her relationship with Barnaby is just the icing on the cake as far as this amazing character goes.
Alex Vega by @weirdcursedvaultkid without a doubt the cutest HPHM MC, I love all the cute little takes Alex’s character gives to certain moments in the game such as the Sphinx Club TLSQ.
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