violetstar121 · 5 years
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I made a cool potion bottle holster thing. Very happy.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
Do normal people not have the ability it just imagine a story in there head? I was talking to some work friends and they looked at me like I was crazy.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
I've discovered a lack of slenderman dressed like mr.Rodger and decided to fill the void. Please add to the collection.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
Context: playing dnd walking through a forest.
Dm: you hear a loud rumbling noise ahead of you
Me (wizard): detect magic
*rolls a 3*
Dm: you sense a small amount of magic below you.
Me: can I try to dig to it? How far down is it?
Dm: just under the surface.
Me: ok I dig to it.
Dm: it's a worm.
Me: -_-, this is gonna be a thing isnt it.
Dm: yup
(Every time I rolled low when detecting magic he said I "sensed somthing small below me" it was always worms)
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violetstar121 · 5 years
Ghost: *whispers* mom
Mom: I just heard someone whisper "mom"
Me: yeah that's happend for a while now I've named him Jeffrey
Mom: but why is he calling me "mom"
Me:because for all he knows that's your name we dont really call you anything else.
Mom: yeah ok, I guess I'm a ghosts mom now.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
Kids are something else
My little sister was just screaming her head off about me not wanting to color with her and now, not a minute later, she is fast asleep in my lap.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
So pale
I have recently discovered that I am so pale, my skin is black-light reactive. My work has black-light parties every Friday night and i was working for one. I was glowing almost as much as my neon shirt.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
My 7 y/o brother keeps leaving random piles of coins on my bedside table, I just wake up and theres a stack of 2 nickels a dime and a penny. I'm not complaining I'm just confused.
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violetstar121 · 5 years
Harry potter theory
I'm rereading harry potter and I realize somthing interesting. Hagrid says he borrowed his motercycle from Sirius black, and also says he needs to return it. That implies hes not in prison yet (which makes sense). So why doesn't harry go live with his godfather rather that his aunt, who wants nothing to do with him and hasn't even talked with her sister in years. I think it's because he is on a revenge mission to find Peter, because he knows that Peter was the only one that could have told Voldemort the potters location. Albus does say that he wants harry to grow up away from the wizarding community, but technically being Harry's godfather Sirius would most likely be the next in line for legal guardian, meaning it would be his decision to keep harry, not Dumbledore's. So if Sirius had been less emotional or had gone to the wizarding authorities with the information about Peter so they can deal with it, instead of going to kill him himself. It is a very good possibility that Harry would have been raised by Sirius. I'm not sure if this actually counts as a theory but I like to imagine that Sirius (and probably Remus because why not) would do a good job raising harry, and the wizarding police would catch Peter and thus prevent the dark lord from coming back (because Peter is the one who brings him back). And everyone is happy, besides Peter, he would probably be in azkaban so he wouldn't be happy.
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violetstar121 · 6 years
Instrument fluid
My sister just said that in marching band people are referred to by what instrument they play so if you play a trumpet you are a trumpet. Well she plays two instruments so I asked "what are you a flute or a bassoon?" She said "both I'm instrument fluid"
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violetstar121 · 6 years
Cards against humanity
I was playing CAH with my mom and some of her adult friends (I'm technically an adult too so its ok) well the whole time I would have my mom read all the curse words for me because I dont like to cuss. Well about half way through the game I'm already ahead by like two cards and one of the white cards says "reverse cowgirl" and my mom says she dosnt know what that is so I lean over and tell her it's a sex position and everyone bursts out laughing, they all find it very funny that someone who dosnt curse knows this and her mother who has five kids doesn't. They just gave me the card, I ended up winning the game without saying a single curse word.
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violetstar121 · 6 years
So I'm rewatching Doctor Who for the third time, I got to the end of the first episode and, am I the only one who saw this.
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And thought of the posters for thor 2 and iron man 3?
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violetstar121 · 6 years
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An autobiography by Dean Winchester
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violetstar121 · 6 years
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Random nature photos pt2
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violetstar121 · 6 years
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Random nature photos
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violetstar121 · 6 years
I have no self control
So I live near a really cool adult arcade called Scean 75, now normally I go there with my dad and we just do a couple little things, today I went with my sister for her birthday and we went all out. I spent over 150$ today. As we were heading home i checked the damage and it said i only had 200$ in my account(I only had 500 to start with) I thought is was a mistake so I refreshed my phone, nope still only 200$. So I looked through to see what i was charged with, long story short it didn't add up, literally. It said I only spent 150 but I was still missing another 150. Longer story short, after a quick mental breakdown I realized my paycheck wasn't deposited yet, good news, after that I'm not gonna be spending too much money in the near future.
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violetstar121 · 6 years
HELP, I need advice
So my best friend and I were talking on the phone about our perfect type of relationship, and I said mine would be no romance just cuddling on the couch watching TV eating pizza, and she said that's what hers was too, so I jokingly said why don't we just date each other. But as soon as I said it I realized I ment it, like I would be perfectly happy growing old with this girl. I know she doesn't care about gender and neither do I really, but I don't want it to be awkward between us if I ask her and she says no. She's probably the first good friend I ever had and I would be ok just staying friends too. This is why I wish I could read minds.
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