#But then we also have this......I remember how Israelis said what animals the Palestinians are that whenever there was an attack on Israeli
knighta3 · 3 months
I got a rather scathing ask in response to something I said in the tags of a reblog a while ago. I couldn't really even remember what I said, so I had to look for it. I believe the person sent the ask, and then blocked me. Which is fine, whatever. What irritates me is how people draw such wild conclusions based off of two sentences.
I've been purposefully avoiding most everything on this site I can about the whole Israel-Palestine conflict. I've reblogged one, maybe two, things about it. I'm not tagging this because I don't want it easy to fine. I want it to be one and done. So if this is a topic you wish to avoid, you've had your warning.
The ask in question was referring to THIS post. With my tags in the following image.
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And the "ask" in question:
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The Palestinian people aren't collectively guilty of anything. Hamas is a terrorist group intent on ethnic cleansing. And Hamas' attack on Oct 7 was massively brutal. I've seen some very disturbing footage from it. There is no justification for slaughtering babies in cribs(or tossing them into ovens), or beheading someone(who is too injured to even weakly resist) with a dull hoe, or parading women's brutalized corpses for everyone else to spit on. I saw the footage, so nobody can convince me that didn't happen. Innocent Israelis were massacred. The deaths of innocents on either side is tragic, but there is a certain type of evil in such a hands-on manner of murder, as opposed to the detachment of sending bombs. Hamas enjoyed their rampage.
And Hamas believes it is the duty of every Palestinian to participate in Jihad, so they do not feel bad about using their own innocent people as cannon fodder. To them, it is just a sacrifice their people are obligated to make. And it works for them, because it makes Israel look bad. And Israel fell for it. The bombings clearly aren't helping, which is why I don't know how to feel about Israel's response.
The "Jewish government" has done nothing. Because that's not what it is. It's the Israeli government. And Israel wants to exterminate Hamas, because Hamas wants to eradicate Jews and Israel.
Hamas official, Hamad Al-Regeb in an April 2023 sermon: He prayed for “annihilation” and “paralysis” of the Jews whom he described as filthy animals: “[Allah] transformed them into filthy, ugly animals like apes and pigs because of the injustice and evil they had brought about.” Al-Regeb also prayed for the ability to “get to the necks of the Jews.”
Hamas is not interested in peace. And this is according to their officials as well as their own founding charter. They are certainly antisemitic. A cease fire from Israel wouldn't stop future Hamas attacks.
'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)
Can you really expect Israel to just let all this slide like they weren't just told, "We want to destroy you, and peace is not an option"? What are they supposed to do? Let Hamas slaughter them over and over again? Be driven out of their ancestral homeland(The area is sacred for both Jews and Muslims, and both have historic claim to it)?
You know, it's so ironic that the word genocide was coined because of the Holocaust, and Hamas is blaming Jews for everything like Hitler did.
'The enemies have been scheming for a long time ... and have accumulated huge and influential material wealth. With their money, they took control of the world media... With their money they stirred revolutions in various parts of the globe... They stood behind the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution and most of the revolutions we hear about... With their money they formed secret organizations - such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs and the Lions - which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies and carry out Zionist interests... They stood behind World War I ... and formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains... There is no war going on anywhere without them having their finger in it.' (Article 22)
You see, the difference between fiction and reality is that fiction generally has clear good guys and bad guys. There's the protagonist we root for, and the antagonist who is in the wrong, no matter how sympathetic they may or may not be. It is as clear cut as the author wants it to be. Reality is messy. Both sides say that they are justified in the atrocities they commit, so who decides which is truly in the wrong?
You can spin the narrative either way. Bend facts to make either side look good or bad. With Israel, I can at least understand how it can be justified as self defense. Hamas' Oct 7th attack cannot. That was pure slaughter. Ignoring the sheer brutality of Hamas and excusing that in "support" of Palestine is the blind devotion I was referring to. Hamas and Palestine seem to be referred to interchangeably, but they shouldn't be. Hamas is a terrorist group.
Calling me a hypocrite is a bold claim to make in response to two sentences that I said. It really seems like this person straw-manned an argument.
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nataliesnews · 1 year
Hawarra 1.3.2023
I cannot get my act together. I have again completely lost my appetite and am very energetic and don't want to do  anything. The trip was good for me and good to get out of here for a while even though I was a bit tame but with all that is happening I am glad that I am back here and in the middle of things. I will still write about the trip but I need to be calmer inside myself. Last night I could not sleep in spite of sleeping pills and today I went to the bottles but every time I try to sleep I keep wanting to write this letter and get it out of my system. I would like to take all those who sit in the cafes or at home saying how awful it is and wipe their noses in Hawarra.
 I came back thinking to sit down quietly the next morning with my Turkish coffee and write about the trip and instead came into a horrible situation which in my wildest dreams I had never thought would come to pass.
 Hawarra which I remember as one of the worst checkpoints I knew. Hawarra where so often we stopped after going to the olive harvest for coffee and  falafel at three shekel a go. The bustling town where we were always greeted pleasantly. I went with Tag Maier and Gadi Gavriyahu. He said that there had been the connection with the army and it was daf me the Palestinian Authority  who said we should not come as they were scared of violence or of something happening on the way/
 As we came into the city I felt my stomach clenching ...everything was closed and it looked like a deserted desert town in the westerns waiting for the showdown. Not a person in the streets. Only soldiers. I could not look at them. I feel such disgust and please do not write and tell me they are following orders. I have too often seen how many of them delight in doing so.
   The Palestinians wanted us there. They wanted to tell us their stories. The old lady who said she had never known such a night of fear even though she had lived through the 1948 war. The stories of how they had asked soldiers for protection and were told that they were there to protect the settlers .....who were rampaging and destroying...my words not theirs. And that they were not there to protect the Palestinians. And this is not an urban legend as I have been told the same by soldiers whom I asked why they did not protect us, the activists, in all kinds of situations and was told that they were not there to protect us. 
 As I saw the burnt buildings, as we got off the bus, I smelt the smoke and the tears came to my eyes but afterwards there were no more tears. It is like after a death. After a while your tears dry up.  A young girl told us how she had seen the settlers protected by the soldiers......and this theme was repeated over and over again.....attacking houses. When as in the case of this house which the owner had encased in an iron cage and with strong doors which could not be beaten open......the settlers built up the fires outside the building adding plastic and any inflammable material. The flames were so strong that the glass inside the house was broken.
  The soldiers were throwing gas canisters also and the smoke got in through the broken panes and the man who has four children said that when saw them on the floor gasping for air, he realised that however dangerous it was outside, he had to get them out and they ran for their lives. Their neighbour from across the road , a young girl, said she saw the house in flames and was sure that anyone still inside was dead. Netanyahu compares the demonstrators in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to the animals who set the houses on fire sometimes with people inside....we do not even destroy public property. Never mind beat up and kill as they do. I know three Israelis were killed. 
 I know many of you will not like what I write. Also I know that from the settlements there are people who belong to groups of Palestinians and Israelis. There was even a lady  from Naveh Daniel, a settlement near Hebron with us whom I have seen before. But when it is someone from the settlements I cannot help but wonder if they are not involved in attacks. We keep hearing these are the rotten apples.....but they seem to be infecting one another more and more.  And I think who lives by the sword....
  The settlers made themselves in groups of about 30 so that they could go down the street destroying more efficiently. 
 I look at this little girl and think how different her life is to that of a child in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv. Maybe she will remember that there were Israelis who came to stand with them. The top is Hawarra and the bottom Tel Aviv.
 I came home feeling that my clothes were permeated with smoke. 
 I keep thinking of these people who have no protection. Now the streets are deserted and all along the 
road people who have houses or businesses  are not allowed to open their doors for seven days until next week even to get the smell of the smoke. And if the businesses cannot open, people cannot buy food in their own village nor can people continue working in the shops. But just like with Baruch Goldstein of cursed memory, it is the victims who are punished. In Hawarra 6 were arrested out of the hundreds rioting there and over 40 demonstrators including a 70 year old woman who was handcuffed and literally thrown into the police car. Anyone who has a car has to get out somehow and go and buy in the neighboring villages. 
   Even though Gadi is the leader of Tag Maier he is sometimes naive. As soon as we drove in I was sure that they were under curfew.....even if later I realised it was partial
 We left when one man came to tell us that it looked as if there were going to be another confrontation with the soldiers and we should go.
Which we did knowing that the Palestinians could once more be attacked and there would be nothing we could to to help them. But I will close with something good. There are still good people out there. See the PDf
    Hawarra 1.3.2023
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morrigansmuses · 3 years
3 Golden Rules.
On Ethical disappointments. 
I was raised to be tolerant. To consider the views and opinions of others, to keep and open mind. I was a social outsider (homeschooled due to racism in the local school.) I vowed I wouldn’t ever exclude people for being different to me or having different values. I was desperate to make and keep friends. More than anything.
I was 15 in the late 1990s. Lonely as hell. I decided that I would befriend absolutely anyone who would have me. Essentially anyone who wouldn’t beat me up on sight for being foreign.
I decided that I had 3 and only 3 dealbreakers in terms of friendship.
RULE 1. They couldn’t be cruel to animals.
RULE 2. They coudn’t sexually abuse children.
RULE 3 They couldn’t be a card carrying Nazi.
If anyone in my life did any of those things I couldn’t associate with them anymore. But barring that I would try to accept them as individuals. 
Thats a pretty low bar right? I mean how could anyone fail to meet those insanely low standards?
See back then I didn’t know that shades of grey existed. I knew in theory that we were all imperfect beings, but I didn’t know what that meant yet in reality.
So I began to make friends. With normal kids. Actually probably nicer than average kids because they were sweet and sensitive enough to accept me for who I was when no one else would.
So the first hurdle I came across was that some of these people I was friends with enjoyed hunting. They would say for meat. I get that. Better than factory farming right? less cruel, less wasteful.
“You shouldn’t eat meat unless you’re willing to kill it yourself” They’d say virtuously.  
But then I saw them in action. Delighting in the act of killing in a way that I knew wasn’t healthy. Laughing at the kid goat’s head bursting in a shower of gore or the way an animal screamed upon being shot. Killing more than they needed… That’s an impulse I don’t believe humans should engender in themselves.
But it was for food. Right? So I overlooked it and silenced the voice in my heart.
One day my best friend shot a stray cat with his bb gun just for the laugh. It didn’t kill the cat or anything but the animal yelped and ran away. I was so upset and shocked that I burst into tears and it all came pouring out. Was he training himself to become a sociopath? I asked him.
He apologised. He never did anything like it again. He was very kind to animals, especially cats, ever since and doesn’t hunt them anymore for any reason.
I forgave.
That’s the first time I remember compromising a core value. It was like a tooth being pulled from my 15 year old head. 
I don’t regret it.
We’re still best friends. 
The second hurdle that started to crack my young heart was the undeniable fact that in the early 2000s almost every guy I knew in his early 20s had a girlfriend between that ages of 12 and 15. NEVER OLDER. I can’t stress this enough. They would vomit in disgust at the thought of a crone of 18 or 19. They were also VERY vocal about their desire and right to have sex with children after a few drinks. By the time I was 20 I knew I had aged out of the 20s dating pool. I wasn’t attracted to older men. 
No matter. I’m asexual and prefer platonic relationships anyway.
To this day I’ve never had a romantic relationship with a man. Because once I realised that Rule 2 wasn’t one any of them could keep, the trust was broken.
It wasn’t only men either. My closest girlfriend was a 26 year old substitute teacher who fucked one of her 15 year old students on a drunk night out once…
So they both had fun and boys that age are up for anything right? I mean. He probably still boasts about it today…
Plus… She was all I had. Like the only one I had at the time. I was so scared of losing her.
I turned a blind eye and ear. I tolerated. I didn’t have to approve of their teenage girlfriends did I? After all there were so many of them that if I cut them out of my life I’d have no friends ever again. Because the whole of society looked like them…
Thats the truth.
People in my extended family have dated 17 or 18 year old girls and encouraged them to drop out of school to have their children. People I love have done that.
I once knew a handsome, intelligent and charming man. He was dating a family member for a few months. He often defended the right of adult men to date teens. “Girls mature more quickly than boys.” He’d argue. Everyone would agree. After all hadn’t my great grandmother been 12 years old when she met my great grandfather and married him on her 16th birthday (with parental permission)? He was in his 20s. Just a boy himself surely? “We all know what children boys in their 20s are right?” Said my Mother… Whom I love very much.
Excuses were made.
Years later I discovered the the handsome, intelligent and charming man had been raping a 6 year old the entire time we’d known him. He is still wanted by the police today.
My father tells that when he was a boy of 18 back in the 70s he had kicked an older German man, a respected family friend, out of his car because the man had asked him to pull over, he had something important to tell him. When he did so, the man said that the Holocaust was a myth. An exaggeration, a Zionist hoax.
My Father was dating my mother at the time. She’s Jewish. So is his uncle, a Holocaust survivor.
He yelled at the man not to talk shit and made him walk home.
I am not my father.
The first time a Holocaust denier (a respected local businessman) voiced their opinion to me I froze. Then laughed. Surely he must be kidding... I argued briefly before realising that he’d made up his mind.
My well meaning people said I’d made a mistake. It was my job, they said, to change his mind. To educate him. Otherwise how would he learn?
I didn’t speak to him again but I still nod at him in the street because he employs a few of my friends and I wouldn’t want to make things awkward for them.
And also I don’t want him to yell at me. 
I have worked with Holocaust survivors and have survivors in my immediate family and I still nod in the street at a Holocaust Denier because we are raised to be polite aren’t we? Let’s not make a scene. 
We’re mature adults.
Aren’t we?
People are starting to turn weirder than they used to be. Politically.
My Leftist friends are in a secret facebook group... Strenuously defending China’s Uyghur genocide because Communism can do no wrong… And at the same time saying all the Israelis need to be killed for what they’ve done to the Palestinians. One suggests a biological weapon tailored to Jews.
My Centrist friends are suggesting we “Hang up democracy for a while” in order to combat global warming and welcome a global police state and stop “kicking off” about our rights all the time. “Maybe we need a jackboot up the arse” one of them says.
And the ones that aren’t on the Left?
My facebook feed these days is getting awfully full of Rothschild memes.
“We own every bank in the world and funded both sides of every war since Waterloo.” They say, next to a grinning caricature of Jacob de Rothschild. Reminiscent of a Nazi cartoon of a “Rat Jew.”
Even a hedge fund billionaire prick doesn’t deserve that, does he?
I don’t comment. What’s the point? They’ve watched all the youtube and don’t read history books on principal.
My Brother is getting into Qanon. So is my Sister in Law.
She follows the medical teachings of a man who thinks the Jews invented Chemotherapy to kill the Germans after the war. Apparently he is becoming more and more popular.
Thats all.
I’m half Jewish. Like My Brother.
One of the Survivors I know said that 3 weeks after the Nazi propaganda came into the school he attended, he was in Bergen Belsen and half his family was dead.
His neighbour was jealous because his father had 2 more cows than he did.
I hear Marine Le Pen is neck and neck with Macron to win France.
A good friend of mine said it's because by 2030 Muslims will outnumber white people in Europe. He won’t read the articles I send him. But he sure sends me a lot of YouTubes.
I ignore them because I don’t want to hate him. Maybe he ignores my articles for the same reason.
Hey 15 year old me…. You, skinny thing with the ethics, the braces and black eyeliner…
Those compromises I made were made out of love... And also fear. 
Please stop looking at me like that little girl.
“It’s true” writes my friend. They’re trying to breed us out. It’s all an elite Zionist plot.”
I close Whatsapp.
Here I go again I guess…
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dfroza · 3 years
“The good news of the coming kingdom of God must be delivered first in every land and every language.”
A line from Today’s reading of the Scriptures that points to the True significance of translation and sharing the spiritual truth of rebirth in Light of the Son amidst a world of many differing religions and paths, yet leaving us only a single path that leads the heart “Home”
[Mark 13]
As Jesus left the temple later that day, one of the disciples noticed the grandeur of Herod’s temple.
Disciple: Teacher, I can’t believe the size of these stones! Look at these magnificent buildings!
Jesus: Look closely at these magnificent buildings. Someday there won’t be one of these great stones left on another. Everything will be thrown down.
They took a seat on the Mount of Olives, across the valley from the temple; and Peter, James, John, and Andrew asked Jesus to explain His statement to them privately.
Peter, James, John, and Andrew: Don’t keep us in the dark. When will the temple be destroyed? What sign will let us know that it’s about to happen?
Jesus: Take care that no one deceives you. Many will come claiming to be Mine, saying, “I am the One,” and they will fool lots of people. You will hear of wars, or that war is coming, but don’t lose heart. These things will have to happen, although it won’t mean the end yet. Tribe will rise up against tribe, nation against nation, and there will be earthquakes in place after place and famines. These are a prelude to “labor pains” that precede the temple’s fall.
Be careful, because you will be delivered to trial and beaten in the places of worship. Kings and governors will stand in judgment over you as you speak in My name. The good news of the coming kingdom of God must be delivered first in every land and every language. When people bring you up on charges and it is your time to defend yourself, don’t worry about what message you’ll deliver. Whatever comes to your mind, speak it, because the Holy Spirit will inspire it.
But it will get worse. Brothers will betray each other to death, and fathers will betray their children. Children will turn against their parents and cause them to be executed. Everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to Me. But if you’re faithful until the end, you will be rescued.
You will see that which desecrates our most holy place [described by Daniel the prophet] out of place.
Let the one who reads and hears understand.
Jesus: On the day you see it, whoever is in Judea should flee for the mountains. The person on the rooftop shouldn’t reenter the house to get anything, and the person working in the field shouldn’t turn back to grab his coat. It will be horrible for women who are pregnant or who are nursing their children when those days come. And pray that you don’t have to run for your lives in the winter. When those days come, there will be suffering like nobody has seen from the beginning of the world that God created until now, and it never will be like this again. And if the Lord didn’t shorten those days for the sake of the ones He has chosen, then nobody would survive them.
If anyone tells you in those days, “Look, there is the Anointed One!” or “Hey, that must be Him!” don’t believe them. False liberators and prophets will pop up like weeds, and they will work signs and perform miracles that would entice even God’s chosen people, if that were possible. So be alert, and remember how I have warned you.
As Isaiah said in the days after that great suffering,
The sun will refuse to shine
and the moon will hold back its light.
The stars in heaven will fall,
and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
Then you will see (as Daniel predicted) “the Son of Man coming in the clouds,” clothed in power and majesty. And He will send out His heavenly messengers and gather together to Himself those He has chosen from the four corners of the world, from every direction and every land.
Jesus: Learn this lesson from the fig tree: When its branch is new and tender and begins to put forth leaves, you know that summer must be near. In the same way, when you see and hear the things I’ve described to you taking place, you’ll know the time is drawing near. It’s true—this generation will not pass away before all these things have happened. Heaven and earth may pass away, but these words of Mine will never pass away.
Take heed: no one knows the day or hour when the end is coming. The messengers in heaven don’t know, nor does the Son. Only the Father knows.
So be alert. Watch for it [and pray,] for you never know when that time might approach.
This situation is like a man who went on a journey; when he departed, he left his servants in charge of the house. Each of them had his own job to do; and the man left the porter to stand at the door, watching. So stay awake, because no one knows when the master of the house is coming back. It could be in the evening or at midnight or when the rooster crows or in the morning. Stay awake; be alert so that when he suddenly returns, the master won’t find you sleeping.
The teaching I am giving the four of you now is for everyone who will follow Me: stay awake, and keep your eyes open.
The Book of Mark, Chapter 13 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 5th chapter of the book of Job that continues with Eliphaz addressing Job’s condition:
[Don’t Blame Fate When Things Go Wrong]
“Call for help, Job, if you think anyone will answer!
To which of the holy angels will you turn?
The hot temper of a fool eventually kills him,
the jealous anger of an idiot does her in.
I’ve seen it myself—seen fools putting down roots,
and then, suddenly, their houses are cursed.
Their children out in the cold, abused and exploited,
with no one to stick up for them.
Hungry people off the street plunder their harvests,
cleaning them out completely, taking thorns and all,
insatiable for everything they have.
Don’t blame fate when things go wrong—
trouble doesn’t come from nowhere.
It’s human! Mortals are born and bred for trouble,
as certainly as sparks fly upward.
[What a Blessing When God Corrects You!]
“If I were in your shoes, I’d go straight to God,
I’d throw myself on the mercy of God.
After all, he’s famous for great and unexpected acts;
there’s no end to his surprises.
He gives rain, for instance, across the wide earth,
sends water to irrigate the fields.
He raises up the down-and-out,
gives firm footing to those sinking in grief.
He aborts the schemes of conniving crooks,
so that none of their plots come to term.
He catches the know-it-alls in their conspiracies—
all that intricate intrigue swept out with the trash!
Suddenly they’re disoriented, plunged into darkness;
they can’t see to put one foot in front of the other.
But the downtrodden are saved by God,
saved from the murderous plots, saved from the iron fist.
And so the poor continue to hope,
while injustice is bound and gagged.
“So, what a blessing when God steps in and corrects you!
Mind you, don’t despise the discipline of Almighty God!
True, he wounds, but he also dresses the wound;
the same hand that hurts you, heals you.
From one disaster after another he delivers you;
no matter what the calamity, the evil can’t touch you—
“In famine, he’ll keep you from starving,
in war, from being gutted by the sword.
You’ll be protected from vicious gossip
and live fearless through any catastrophe.
You’ll shrug off disaster and famine,
and stroll fearlessly among wild animals.
You’ll be on good terms with rocks and mountains;
wild animals will become your good friends.
You’ll know that your place on earth is safe,
you’ll look over your goods and find nothing amiss.
You’ll see your children grow up,
your family lovely and graceful as orchard grass.
You’ll arrive at your grave ripe with many good years,
like sheaves of golden grain at harvest.
“Yes, this is the way things are—my word of honor!
Take it to heart and you won’t go wrong.”
The Book of Job, Chapter 5 (The Message)
my personal reading of the Scriptures for monday, April 12 of 2021 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible, along with Today’s Psalms and Proverbs
A post by John Parsons about the significance of Israel:
After the Jewish people had suffered for nearly 2,000 years of exile as clearly foretold by Moses (see Lev. 26:38, 44; Deut. 28:64-64) and the other Hebrew prophets (Isa. 43:5-6; Jer. 30:11; Joel 3:2; Ezek. 36:8-10; Hos. 9:1-10, etc.), Israel was miraculously reborn as a nation in their ancient homeland on May 14, 1948 (Iyyar 5, 5708). Today Jews across the world celebrate Iyyar 5 as Israeli Independence Day (this year we observe it earlier to so it will not fall on the Sabbath).
Israel’s Independence Day is called Yom Ha'atzma'ut (יום העצמאות), the “day of independence.” In Hebrew, the word independence (atzma’ut) comes from atzmi - “my bones” (i.e., etzem: עֶצֶם), so the name itself alludes to God’s glorious promise to revive the “dry bones” (עֲצָמוֹת) of Israel by bringing the Jewish people back from their long exile during the End of Days (Ezek. 37:1-6). “Son of man, can these bones live?”
But why should Christians care about ethnic Israel? After all, many Christian denominations advocate some version of “Replacement Theology” and regard the promises God made to the Jewish people as belonging exclusively to their church... The existence of the modern State of Israel therefore evokes little thanks to God from these groups, and some of their ranks even regard Israel’s revived presence on the world stage as an embarrassment to their typically “liberal” theology. Hence we see the (remarkably bad) phenomena of so-called “Christian” church denominations that express anti-Israel sentiment, even asking their followers to divest investments in Israel on behalf of the “Palestinians,” etc.
The title "Christ" refers to the anointed King of Israel, the Mashiach (מָשִׁיחַ)... To say "Jesus Christ" is therefore to affirm that Yeshua is none other than the Messiah, the rightful King of Israel (מֶלֶךְ יִשְׂרָאֵל). Followers of Jesus, the One born "King of the Jews" (Matt. 2:2), should therefore care deeply about Israel because the existence of Jewish people - and of the nation of Israel in particular - demonstrates that the LORD (יהוה) is completely faithful to the covenant promises He made to our patriarchs (e.g., Gen. 15:9-21). Indeed, the Scriptures teach that the Name of God is forever designated as אלהי אברהם אלהי יצחק ואלהי יעקב - "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob" (Exod. 3:15), just as it is also the “LORD God of Israel” (יְהוָה אֱלהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל). The perpetuity of the Jewish people - despite so much satanic hatred over the millennia - is an awesome testimony of God’s loyal love (Jer. 31:35-37). עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי / am Yisrael chai: "The people of Israel live!" Israel is a sign of the “sure mercies of David” (חַסְדֵי דָוִד הַנֶּאֱמָנִים) that are revealed in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah (Isa. 55:1-6). Moreover, the New Covenant itself, as foretold by the prophet Jeremiah, explicitly promises the perpetuity of the Jewish people throughout the ages:
"Behold, the days are coming, declares the LORD (יהוה), when I will make a new covenant (בְּרִית חֲדָשָׁה) with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the LORD. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD: I will put my Torah (תּוֹרָה) within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know the LORD,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Thus says the LORD, who gives the sun for light by day and the fixed order of the moon and the stars for light by night, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar: יהוה צבאות שׁמו - the LORD of hosts is his Name: “If this fixed order departs from before me, declares the LORD, then shall the offspring of Israel (זֶרַע יִשְׂרָאֵל) cease from being a nation before me forever.” Thus says the LORD: “If the heavens above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth below can be explored, then I will cast off all the offspring of Israel for all that they have done, declares the LORD." (Jer. 31:31-37).
According to this theologically critical passage, if you saw the sun shine today or the stars in the night sky, you can be assured that God’s promise to preserve the “offspring of Israel” -- (i.e., zera Yisrael: זֶרַע יִשְׂרָאֵל) -- is in effect. Indeed, in the world to come, heavenly Jerusalem will have the names of the twelve tribes of Israel engraved upon its gates (Rev. 21:12). Note well that this is the only occurrence in the entire Tanakh (i.e., “Old Testament”) that the New Covenant (בְּרִית חֲדָשָׁה) is explicitly mentioned... It is a foundational passage of Scripture for those who claim to be followers of the Jewish Messiah.
The spiritual blessings Christians enjoy come from the root of God's covenants with Israel... Yeshua our Savior was born the King of the Jews, and he plainly said הַיְשׁוּעָה מֵאֵת הַיְּהוּדִים הִיא- “salvation is from the Jews” (Matt. 2:2; 27:11; John 4:22). The Apostle Paul clearly warned those who think the church has "replaced" Israel: "Remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you" (Rom. 11:18). This doctrine is so foundational that it may be rightly said that how you think about Israel will affect every other area of your theology. Indeed, the nation of Israel is God's "super sign" that He is faithful to His covenant promises (Jer. 31:35-37). Celebrating Israel's existence acknowledges God's loyal love for us all! For more on this subject, see the article, “Is Christianity Anti-Jewish?” on the H4C website [Hebrew for Christians]
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4.12.21 • Facebook
Today’s message from the Institute for Creation Research
April 12, 2021
Bible Authority
“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” (Proverbs 30:5-6)
The Bible is unique among all books. Not only is it different in its form, structure, and history, but it takes the position of supernatural superiority to all other communication. It insists on total accuracy for its content and absolute obedience to its commands. No other book is so demanding. The whole of the Bible abounds with the teaching that it has “given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3).
It is the word of God the Father. Jesus made it clear: “I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak” (John 12:49).
It was confirmed by the Holy Spirit. “For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:21).
It is the source of faith and salvation. “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever” (1 Peter 1:23).
It is not to be changed. “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you” (Deuteronomy 4:2).
It is the instrument by which “a young man [can] cleanse his way...by taking heed thereto according to thy word” (Psalm 119:9). It is to be reverenced and obeyed, “for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name” (Psalm 138:2). “Yea, let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). HMM III
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tribulationwatchman · 4 years
Is Donald Trump’s historic deal between Israel and United Arab Emrites a precursor to him being the Antichrist?
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Throughout the entirety of his first term in the presidential office, President Donald Trump has shown a strong stance in brokering peace in the Middle East specifically for Israel. Earlier this year back in January, the White House formed a plan titled Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People. The 181-page plan imposed few painful demands on Israel while allowing it to annex strategic occupied land in the West Bank.
Probably the single most significant part of the plan would be that the White House plan would discard a U.S. policy consensus that a final political settlement would be roughly based on the borders between Israel and its Arab neighbors back in 1967 before the former claimed new lands in war with the latter.
In turn, Palestinians were promised $50 billion (think about that for a moment) in international investment if they agreed to the White House plan. On their behalf, they would need to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, accepted limited Palestinian sovereignty, and pass a series of laws aimed against Islamic terrorist group, Hamas, specifically ending the practice of providing financial compensation to the families of imprisoned or dead militants.
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Ultimately, the White House plan has stated that, “A realistic solution would give the Palestinians all the power to govern themselves but not the powers to threaten Israel.” It also stated there would be limitations of certain sovereign powers in Palestinian areas” in order for this part to work.
Immediately, Mahmoud Abbas -- the “sovereign” president of Palestinian regions (which I will just simply call Palestine) -- aggressively opposed he plan and stated:
“I say to Trump and Netanyahu: Jerusalem is not for sale. All our rights are not for sale and are not for bargain. And your deal, the conspiracy, will not pass.”
Though things did not work out for the White House and Israel with Palestine, President Trump just recently secured a historic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates to advance peace and prosperity in the region. With Trump actually succeeding in brokering peace in the Middle East between Israel and her Arab neighbors, the question is it a precursor to Trump being the Antichrist?
Peace and Prosperity between Israel and the United Arab Emirates
Last month, President Donald Trump brokered an agreement to normalize relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a first such agreement between Israel and a major Arab country since almost three decades ago (1994).
Both countries have committed to exhange embassies and ambassadors and to beging cooperation in a broad range of field including education, healthcare, trade, and security. To be honest, this kind of deal could have only gone through with the UAE as they are the first major Arab state to recognize Israel since the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty was signed back in 1994.
The agreement will also further advance both countries as Israel is quite possibly the most prominent economy in the Middle East while the UAE has both the fastest growing economy and assimilation into the modern technological world among other major Arab countries. Just look at Abu Dhabi and Dubai if you want examples of how advanced the UAE is.
With the aforementioned said, there are many who claim that President Donald Trump is the Antichrist as he is brokering a monumental treaty with a prominent Middle Eastern Arab country. But how much of those accusations fit with End Times prophesy and eschatology.
Donald Trump is far from being the Antichrist
For many who have thoroughly studied Christian eschatology especially Revelation, we can tell you that the Holy Bible has enough information on what the Antichrist would be. We don’t know who he is, but we do know details about him. Following these details, we can easily say that President Donald Trump is not the Antichrist.
For starters, the Antichrist will be the opposite of Jesus Christ in all things according to the medieval view communicated by writers like Adso and Ripelin and many others on the principle that Antichrist is parodic of Christ. This can and may include the following:
Born of a whore by means of conception by a diabolical spirit.
Born from the Tribe of Dan in Babylon.
Will grow up in obscurity and come into power around 30.
Will perform tricks as opposed to miracles.
His reign will be 3.5 years like Christ.
He will come into Jerusalem hailed and revered by Jews.
Taking some of the details above, the Antichrist will be a young man coming from the former Roman Empire. From last I remember, President Donald Trump is none of those things.
Let’s also bring into account that the historic deal between Israel and the UAE has no timeframe and is between Israel and only one of the major Arab countries in the Middle East. The peace treaty between Israel and the rest of the world, especially Arab nations, will be seven years in which the Antichrist will not keep his end of the deal halfway through it, as detailed in Daniel 9:27.
He will confirm a covenant with many for one “seven.” In the middle of the “seven,” he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple, he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured ouot on him.
So you all know, “He” is the Antichrist, “seven” is the Seven-Year Tribulation period, him putting an end to sacrifice and offering will go against the Jew’s as they believe in animal sacrifice to atone for sins as Jesus is not the ultimate sacrifice to atone all sins. Finally, the Third Temple will be desecrated with an idol that opposes God.
There is more information in the Holy Bible and through studying that further proves that President Donald Trump is not the Antichrist. Ultimately, he may actually be doing something in favor of the Lord as he supports His people.
Ultimately, devout and true Christ Followers will know when the Antichrist is here as the peace treaty will truly be one that affects Israel and all her enemies for a planned seven years exactly. Not only that, the man brokering the treaty will be a charismatic young man, someone who seems to be universally loved, who will be “new to politics.”
Until then, any true peace treaty between Israel and others is a testament to the fact that prayers for the peace of Jerusalem (Israel), as stated in Psalm 122:6, are being answered.
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loheryn-blog · 5 years
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21st century guide to a free world (Updated 26.08) Foreword Have you thought about why is it that as time goes by society gets more dangerous to live in. There are more mentally ill people, more psychopaths, more pollution,  more cancer, more illnesses, more selfishness, more loneliness. Why isn't it going the other way around like more freedom, safety, wellbeing, trust and connection between people? Why is it that every aspect of our lives is monetized? To understand how the world has come to be so you have to know our past as well as the present situation. Christinity has shaped Europe and it's people since it's creation. Many of our social customs and ways come directly or are greatly influenced by it. At the core of Christianity is a belief that Man is a sinner, a fallen being whose only salvation is in letting God's blood. Oddly enough God rants very angrily at people in old testament about people "eating his flesh and drinking his blood", yet this God angering sinful activity is the cornerstone of all Christian sects. An awake and aware 21st century person knows that one is what one thinks and believes. Said person is also aware that sacrificing someone else for your own gain is evil. Especially a blood sacrifice. Doesn't matter that it is imaginary, it is still gross and wrong. After the medieval crusades, templars, returning from Middle-East pondered that the God presented in Bible could be the bad guy and the Snake, who confronted Eve with an offer, actually a good guy. They called him Lucifer. Thus was born one of the most powerful organizations in the whole of the world. Luciferianism. This cult established the first international banking system and soon grew rich and very, very corrupt. Consider the following points: * Templars adopted kabballistic( a jewish esoteric teaching) knowledge as their own. *They took the baseline corrupt christian dogma, despite it being so obviously the opposite to what Jesus preached as a reason to think that the Biblical character, the devil was actually a good guy. * John the Baptist called jews “You are of your father the devil” * Jews veritably hate Jesus even today. * Templars went underground in 14th century and soon emerged as the Freemasons * Freemasons have a hierarchical power structure. You don't get to the highest degree unless you are a major world player financially and politically * All Freemasonic cults, of which Skull and Bones is one, operate clandestinely. In the beginning they needed to hide their true views and activities for fear of being persecuted by the Catholic Church. These days they are surely well versed in keeping out of sight. * To even join Freemasons you must be rich and active in cultivating the society. (Who made our world such a mess?) * Both Freemasons and Jews are usually the money people. * Irish had a spell for getting the devil and his money out and away from one's life. *Jews and Israelites were at odds and even at war with each other. * No one nation is evil, Jews are no different. They have Zionism and orthodox religion which justifies violence toward other people. Just like whites, blacks, asians, etc have religious "justifications" for hating others. * America was created by Freemasons, which is why that country stands by Israel by default, no matter what horrible deeds Israeli military commits on the Palestinians. * Judaism is a religion, not a race. Jews branding their critics "anti-semites" is an ages old method of the guilty blaming others of their own faults. In fact Palestinians and Arabs are Semitic. When you criticise Catholics that doesn't make you racist. Yet criticising Jews does. Wake up from the slumber! *Jews view gentiles with contempt. Remember, Freemasons inherited their religion from the Jews. By the looks of how they degrade our education, society, culture and our self-identity, it seems they also inherited their superiority complex. *Goyim is not a jewish word of endearment for non Jews. It's more likely to mean useless eaters, cattle, mindless animals than "Gentiles". Would this self-superior religion view others as more gentlemanly than themselves? * Jews sacrifice lambs. It is a satanic ritual. Freemasons sacrifice people. So who's the worst? Here are few resorces for you to study this whole matter and get a more in-depth view. Europeans Are The "Lost" Tribes Of Israel - A Rare Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbbSVjVWX-4 Then consider this statement by a jewish activist. https://youtu.be/G45WthPTo24?t=38 An orthodox Christian view on Jews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbLd688gXoI Rabbi Dovid Weiss: Zionism has created 'rivers of blood' | Talk to Al Jazeera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUppu2OHVTY Christian view on Freemasons. Beside being funny it's on point too. https://youtu.be/fDizgM5DUaY So that's what they teach themselves "We are God" Yet to public they propagate a culture of trashiness. At point 34:52, aliens consider humans "limited" https://youtu.be/hKJzAXbjlbQ No wonder if we are being totally controlled by out of control loony religions, like Luciferianism. Satanic child sacrifice rings all go hand in hand with moneyd and powerful groups, just the exact circles in which Freemasons operate. https://youtu.be/rvVb_cVcwB4 There's so much more to study. About templars, the Lost 12 tribes of Israel, etc. It all points to the same. There are a few wealthy and powerful running satanic, deceptive religious orders and cults. And, just like in society most members of those cults have no clue whatsoever about their organizations true end goals. Let us continue with the modern state of the world. What is Satanism. In essence it is a cult of selfishness. It's adherents seek to exploit others for their own gain. What do Freemasons do: *Operate in secret *Pretend a good cause *Are in control of modern culture, media, movies which are full of lewdness directed at children, violence and general decadence. How is that not Satanic? They are satanists with another name. If it walks like a duck and quacks like duck then it is a duck. Look at our business and political arena. *You succeed the better you can lie and manipulate other people. * You make more money if you exploit people and their needs or weaknesses. * All world power centers are rumored to be hotspots of child abuse, human trafficking and sacrifice. Vatican, Brussels, London, New York. * Governments are supposed to represent people. No one has the right to force someone against their will or hold captive anyone without being threatened in the first place. Yet, the government can force people to do anything. That in itself shows that you are a captive of the government and not represented by the government. So if the Freemasons are supposed to be wealthy and influential players in our modern world then why isn't our world getting safer and better like their public humanitarian declarations claim as their goals? Have you seen a one Freemasonic Lodge which, after a thorough study and observation does not come out to be involved in crime, perving, underage sex slaves, etc, etc. Here are few interesting videos to get to know the whole picture. There are many more. Go explore and learn. The Masonic Religion is Luciferianism https://youtu.be/tjPQ_ZXqkWI Skull and Bones were involved in JFK assassination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ka_vjCU-qg J Edgar Hoover was a Freemason and one of the main organisers of JFK assassination. A secret military industrial syndicate was responsible for 9/11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbdxXWN4DGk So Donald Rumsfeld, himself a Mason or Skull and Bones initiate, orders 3000 people, Americans, to their deaths at 9/11 Here's a further tidbit to consider. The word pagan means satan. That's what the Catholics called all non-christians. Horned god worshippers, satanists. Makes it real funny seeing some people identify themselves as neo-pagans. A cult which involves a horned god and making pacts with that god. Do you realize now, that we live in a mad Luciferian/Satanic world where the masses are docile slaves? The Guidebook to becoming Free People. Start making loving, caring connections with people. Don't exploit anyone. Refuse to do so. Instead enact mutual care toward everyone and demand the freedom to do so. Protest being treated like a mindless will-less cattle. Legal code applies to players in the arena. It's like in the wrestling world. You are not in the ring, the code does not apply on you. Legal code is not the Law. Nor does it even matter what it is. It works on the basis that the authority has power and right to rule over you. Only a slave has a master who decides what the slave can do or can not do. A free person is fully responsible for one's freedom and actions. Stop looking at the government as your savior, it's the system of your imprisonment and it's maintainers are not interested in letting you go. Become self responsible. Start working for your and everyone's wellbeing. Stop being a selfish asshole with an excuse "everyone does it and i need money to buy food". The more you separate from other people the less you have and the more you need money to get what you need. Those who created and run the economic system are always going to be it's masters and can do whatever they want. So, what? You want to mass exploit people and murder your way to the top? People who think like this will end up lonely, mad wrecks who can find no love, no company, no solace. They get their love from perving on and raping others. Is that what you want to become? Crazily enough there are many budding businessmen looking to become just like that. The key to unraveling the system of evil is to not consent, even if you say yes to the authorities. Just think that it is a lie to save yourself and they will get all the karma from abusing you. If you don't know then authorities corralling you around is authorities corralling you around like rancher does it with his cows. Got it? You're a human being. Your life is about freedom and living according to your own understanding while respecting others at the same time. We are not meant to be someone's elses property to command and do as they would. Eject all ideas about creating a business or making money or becoming a politician to save the world. These things are meant for selfish people to control others. You can't change them, only demolish or reject them. Alternatives are needed. Not every politician or freemason is evil. Demand changes and common sense. The evil system can be and has to be left behind and a new way of truly taking care of each and every one has to be established. It can only happen if you make it so. Give and receive freely. For giving is receiving and receiving is giving.
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giftofshewbread · 4 years
Prophetic Update
Prophetic Fulfillment :: By Daymond Duck Published on:
February 2, 2020
Here are nine reasons why I believe we are living in the days of prophetic fulfillment.
One, shortly after the U.S., Mexico and Canada reached an agreement on the USMCA (on Nov. 30, 2018), Mexico’s Pres. Enrique Pena Nieto tweeted that the agreement would consolidate the economic integration of North America.
It was reported that he said, “The USMCA is not a step back towards American independence and sovereignty; it’s a step closer toward greater integration.”
Pres. Trump has scheduled a signing ceremony for the USMCA on Jan. 29, 2020, and Canada is expected to approve it on that same date.
Just know that this economic agreement will be restructured into a political agreement at some unknown future date, and its leader will be one of the 10 kings.
Their rise precedes the rise of the Antichrist, but that could happen very fast.
Two, on Jan. 23, 2020, scientists moved the hands on the Doomsday Clock to 100 seconds before midnight (the closest they have been since the clock started in 1947).
The group cited Iran, Climate Change and Cyber Security as the reasons.
Iran, natural disasters and the surveillance society are major prophecies.
Three, a group of world leaders called the World Economic Forum meets every year in Davos, Switzerland.
On Jan. 23, 2020, during a private dinner, a multi-billionaire named George Soros warned the group that the fate of the world rests upon the 2020 U.S. elections.
His desire to “Dump Trump” is an important part of the globalist agenda.
It is easy to believe that the next election will be extremely important.
Four, for several years, some prophecy teachers have taught that the Antichrist and the False Prophet will establish a cashless society.
In the third week of January, it was reported that New York city has joined San Francisco, Philadelphia and the states of New Jersey and Massachusetts in requiring stores to accept cash as well as credit and debit cards.
One New York politician said customers should have the power to choose their preferred method of payment.
The fact that a law is needed to require businesses to accept cash is proof that a cashless society is not a far-fetched idea and it could easily come into existence.
Five, during the Tribulation Period, the rider on the pale horse will kill one-fourth of the people on earth with the sword (war), famine, death (pestilence or plague) and wild animals (Rev. 6:7-8; Matt. 24:7).
It is too early to tell, but there has been an outbreak of an incurable coronavirus in China that has led to reports of more than 50 million people being quarantined, and it has already spread to several other nations.
Some health officials say the risk of a pandemic is low at this time, but others say it is already too late to stop it.
There is no way to predict what this plague will do, but it is a reminder that God can fulfill His Word anytime He wants.
Six, the Rapture will be before the Tribulation Period.
The Tribulation Period will begin when the Antichrist confirms a covenant with many for peace and safety in the Middle East.
Pres. Trump released his peace proposal on Jan. 28, 2020.
As written, it is not the covenant that the Antichrist will confirm because it calls for negotiations, but the fact that it calls for negotiations leaves open the possibility that the proposal will be changed, and it could lead to the covenant.
Something that could be very significant is the fact that U.S. and Israeli officials continue to emphasize that one of the main aspects of Pres. Trump’s proposal is that it takes Israel’s peace and security (peace and safety) into account.
It calls for a four-year freeze on Israeli construction of settlements, but that could possibly be extended (seven years might make it very interesting).
It has already been rejected by the PA, and it is likely that they and others (Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.) will oppose it with riots, terrorist attacks and war.
But it is important to remember that Jared Kushner released the economic part of Mr. Trump’s proposal several months ago, and it promised 50 billion dollars in aid to the Palestinians to build roads, utilities, hospitals, schools, etc.
In addition to that, some Arab leaders have changed their position on the destruction of Israel because they want Israel’s help with Iran’s terrorism and quest for nuclear weapons.
Also, some of the Arabs are tired of contributing to the upkeep of the Palestinians, and they want the PA, who has rejected every offer, to start negotiating and stop depending on charity and foreign aid for their upkeep.
Furthermore, Pres. Trump warned the PA that they must accept this deal during Israel’s four-year freeze on settlements or this could be the last chance they will have for a Palestinian State.
Simply put, this is a historic moment, and Trump has started a whole new ballgame that could trigger several major wars and the judgment of God.
The question is not will those prophesied events happen (they will), but the question is how close are we?
Seven, Pres. Trump created a map to show the borders of the two states.
Pres. Trump’s borders are one thing; God’s borders are another, and His borders will prevail.
It is impossible to know what God will do, but it seems clear that the U.S. can’t support a division of the Promised Land and get away with it.
It is also significant that Jordan would retain its responsibilities over the al-Aqsa Mosque because, at some point, Israel will rebuild the Temple.
Much prayer and repentance are needed.
Eight, torrential rain is still falling in Israel; and residents of the Jordan Valley, Judean Desert and Dead Sea area have been put on high alert for flooding.
Who has ever heard of a flood alert in a desert?
Nine, it has been estimated that wildfires have burned 46 million acres in Australia.
In the third week of Jan. 2020, hail the size of golf balls fell in Australia.
Hail mixed with fire was one of the 10 plagues in Egypt in Moses’ day.
Also, a 186-mile-wide dust storm driven by gusts up to 66 mph turned daylight into darkness.
Three days of darkness was another one of the 10 plagues in Egypt in Moses’ day.
Also, about this same time, a swarm of locusts 37 miles long and 25 miles wide struck Kenya.
This was another one of the 10 plagues in Egypt in Moses’ day.
God may be telling us His Prophetic Word is true and reminding us that there are more prophetic fulfillments to come.
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the-record-columns · 5 years
May 1, 2019: Columns
Children and food revisited...
Record Publisher
This past weekend, as you all know, was MerleFest time.
Well, for me, the very best part of the weekend was getting to see and visit with my children — my daughter, Jordan, son, Sam, his wife, Mary Ellen, their daughter, Carter Grace, and my youngest daughter, Cary — who have always enjoyed the event. I make sure to adjust my schedule so I can be with them as much as possible.
I especially enjoy any time we can have a meal together.
One of those meals was last Sunday’s lunch with Cary, and her boyfriend, John McLean, who were both in from Wilmington. For whatever reason, I didn’t have a huge appetite, and there was some food left on my plate.
This being unusual for me, Cary made a comment about it, to which I replied, “…but I ate all the money stuff.”
Cary smiled, remembering that expression from childhood and reminded me of a story.
Some time ago I wrote a piece about children and restaurants, and, for lack of a better way to put it, wasting food.
One part concerned trips I used to take to Myrtle Beach with my children and our favorite eatery called Steer's, where the feature was a 50-foot all you can eat food bar. My admonition to the kids was to stick to the last four feet of the bar where the crab legs and shrimp resided, reminding them in no uncertain terms that I could find Jell-O and macaroni and cheese at home—for far less than $20 a head (and this was years ago).
I would also mention to them how many times my daddy, The Preacher reminded me to not “...let your eyes get bigger than your stomach,” when I was a kid, because I would surely clean my plate before leaving the table.
Well, that column must have been read by many folks with kids, because it sure seemed to resonate with many—all with their own story. Several people saw me out to eat and asked me if I had eaten all the “money stuff” on my plate, a reference to my way of making sure if something got left on the plate, at least it wasn't the steak or shrimp or—well, you get the idea.
Another thing that reminded me a bit of myself was told to me by several parents who said they would make it clear to their children they were at the beach with sand and surf, and that the hotel's swimming pool was virtually off limits.
One guy said he told them “There is a swimming pool at the YMCA and the Country Club and several other places at home. No ocean, however.”
I always loved any opportunity to play in the sand and hauled enough shovels and hoes to the coast to build a sand castle realtors would envy. As the day wound down, we would all often stand on the balcony and watch the inevitable destruction of our work by the tide, vowing to beat it the next day.
In general it was a fun column to write and a fun one to talk about. My favorite conversation was on a Saturday at what was then Woodhaven Restaurant on D Street in North Wilkesboro. There was a couple there I would see virtually every Saturday morning, and, when I sat down we began to talk about the column.
The lady spoke about babysitting her grandchildren and how their eyes sometimes did get bigger than their stomach, but, being a grandma, I got the feeling she was pretty easy on them. I got particularly amused when she said she sat down to eat with them and one of the boys wouldn't eat a bite—claiming he had a blister in his lip. I told her that kid should be glad he was with grandma; if my Pa had been there, the blister might have been on my bottom.
But the most memorable story came from her husband. We had talked back and forth about everything from our parents dealing with hard times, to children just being children. As our conversation was ending, he told how his own mother dealt with the not cleaning ones plate issue. His mother cooked on a wood stove and, like most women of her day, was a wonderful cook. A kid being a kid, however, sometimes he didn't want to eat everything he had put on his plate.
This was apparently no big deal to his mother—she would take his plate without a word, carefully placing it in the warming closet atop the wood stove—and faithfully bring it back out at the next meal. That's right, he finished that meal before he got the next one.
Way to go, momma!
Another wonderful lesson learned.
O (possum), baby!
Record Reporter
They say everything happens for a reason.
There have been times we read about extraordinary events happened, and people being spared injury, or worse, because they couldn’t find their car keys or overslept etcetera, which made them late, and in turn they avoided being involved in an accident.
Well, I’ve never been in that situation that I know of — at least, I’ve never been spared the diatribe of a less than happy boss at my tardiness. But I digress.
During MerleFest, I help run the VFW Post 1142 campground office. Saturday night I was to attend a birthday party of a friend after my shift was over at 8 p.m. I left later than expected, since the Saturday night dance at the Post was well underway, and I was still selling ice and taking pictures of dancers to put in this weeks edition of The Record. I made promises to Commander Blackburn and Christy Sherwood — who was gracious enough to work the raffle table while her husband drove the shuttle bus — that I would be back to take pictures of the raffle drawing winner at 10 p.m.
Well, about 20 minutes later, after missing the exit I was to turn on, then traversing down a back road because I was miffed at myself for missing said exit and was just too stubborn to get back on the highway, I found myself in the middle of the road, after dark, with two baby opossums, tails wrapped around my fingers, and heading down into a drainage ditch to find another that I could hear crying, but couldn’t see. I know what you’re thinking. “Heather! Really??”
So what had happened was….
I saw an opossum coming into the road from the field, and just knew the car in front of me was going to hit it. In fact, they swerved to hit it on purpose. I was far enough behind them to see the atrocity, and then panic when I saw the asphalt come alive. Or at least it seemed to. There were babies all over the place. I put on my flashers, stopped the car and started scooping up babies by the tail. Sadly, three of them were killed on impact with the mother. One was in the middle of the road, one was going back into the field, and one had rolled into the steep ditch on the other side of the road.
No, I don’t have any idea how to raise baby opossums. No, I didn’t stop to think about calling the vet first, and no, I was not thinking about how I was going to transport them in my car. After all, babies in the road is an emergency, I can deal with the rest later.
As it happened, I had my VFW Campground tote bag in the passengers seat, and with thee baby opossums now in hand, I slung the contents out in a frenzy (I still can’t find my favorite ChapStick) and gently deposited the babes into it.
I walked into the party with the bag clutched at my side, hoping someone would give me a pointer how to keep them alive until the morning.
I sent messages to vet techs, and made a Facebook post. Almost immediately my friends came to my rescue on social media.
As it happens, the birthday boy and his wife knew a lady who was involved with those who recue opossums. They called and she was there within the hour.  And I was glad to recognize her too, because I wasn’t just letting this precious cargo go home with just anyone. Besides, they had gotten cozy in the tote bag that I now had tucked under my shirt to keep the wee marsupials warm. Meanwhile, I had texted Christy and told her of the situation, and asked if she would be kind enough to take pictures of the raffle winners, as I was otherwise engaged.
I got sad looking at their sweet little faces, wondering what would have happened if I hadn’t been there when I was. And even sadder still, knowing that they are so misunderstood that people want to run over them on purpose. They eat ticks, which carry Lyme disease, so that makes them keepers in my book.
Here are some links to read about these amazing- and smart- animals.
Trading territory for terror
Special to The Record
In the United States the term “settlement” generally refers to an agreement, an arrangement, a resolution or an understanding of one sort or another.  In Israel, the word “settlement” means something quite different and is a hot button for those who are anti-Israel.  
By definition, “settlements” are civilian communities inhabited by Israeli citizens who are mostly Jewish. When the liberal, anti-Israel media presents a story about one of these areas, they intentionally create the image of a “settlement” as being an illegal encampment on land owned by the Palestinians.  This causes the uninformed to believe that Israel stole land belonging to the Palestinians.  Now let’s look at the true facts in a nutshell.
An excerpt from The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel says, “The land of Israel is the birthplace of the Jewish people.  Here their spiritual, religious and political identity were shaped, and it was here where they created cultural values of national and universal significance and gave to the world the eternal Book of Books.” 
Throughout the Diaspora (Jewish exile from the land of Israel), Jews maintained physical, cultural and religious ties to the land.  They kept their faith and never ceased to pray and hope for their return to their national homeland which was deeded to them by God Himself. Following the horrors of World War II and Hitler’s concentration camps where millions of Jews were tortured and murdered, the problem of Jewish homelessness became a matter of urgency. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a Jewish state in the land of Israel and proclaimed it irrevocable.   
On the very day Israel became a nation on May 14, 1948, this tiny, fledgling country with no organized army and very few weapons was attacked by five surrounding and well-armed Arab nations.  The fighting continued into 1949.  Although at a great disadvantage, Israel was not defeated.  Armistice lines were drawn up between Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Transjordan and Syria. These armistice lines held up until 1967 when Israel was again attacked by Egypt, Jordan and Syria.  The outcome of this war significantly changed the map of most of the Middle East and served as the catalyst for the geopolitical issues which we read about almost every day.  Israel’s attackers had well-trained armies and ample stockpiles of munitions and hardware.  During this fighting which became known as the Six Day War, Israel learned that Egypt was planning a major air offensive.  The IDF (Israel Defense Force) launched a preemptive air strike which crushed the air forces of Egypt and her allies.  Israel then launched a successful ground operation which resulted in the capture of the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria and the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza strip from Egypt.
In a war Israel fought in self-defense which resulted in the capture of land from her hostile Arab neighbors, Israel began to rightfully and lawfully establish villages, towns and cities.  These communities are located in the areas many of us know as Judea and Samaria or the West Bank and Gaza strip.  But Israelis are not newcomers to this land.  For thousands of years Jewish “settlements” and communities have flourished in these areas.  The Jews made the deserts bloom.  
Today the world is pointing an accusing finger at Israel claiming that the “settlements” are illegal.  Legal opinion states that a country acting in self-defense may seize and occupy territory when necessary to protect itself and its citizens.  Should the occupying power elect to withdraw, it has every right to require assurance that it will not be harassed or attacked again from that territory.  
Time and time again Israel has held out the olive branch to the Palestinians and her other Arab neighbors only to have it rejected and trampled upon.  Israel has a right to defensible borders, and this is why the issue of “settlements” is so important.  In 2005 Israel’s then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon unilaterally withdrew from Gaza hoping for peace, but peace never came. What Israel received, and continues to receive, from Hamas and the Palestinians in Gaza, is more rocket attacks and more terrorism.  In other words, Israel traded territory for terror.  By Israel giving up Gaza, terrorists did not stop terrorizing they only moved their bases of operation closer to Israel’s population centers.
Soon the people of North Carolina will have an opportunity to hear personally from the mayor of Ma’ale Adumim which is a suburb of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem. This beautiful and peaceful city is located less than three miles from Jerusalem’s city limits.  Ma’ale Adumim was established in 1975 by 23 families on a hilltop 1500 feet above sea level overlooking the Judean Desert. Today this “settlement” is a thriving municipality and the largest Jewish city within the “territories.” Ma’ale Adumim is vital to Israel’s security and is a place where Jews and Palestinians work side by side in peace and harmony.
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nataliesnews · 4 years
Holocaust day in the shadow of Corona 22.4.2020
  From: Natanya Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 8:32 AM Subject: Holocaust day in the shadow of Corona
 I woke up thinking of Yehudiet. How lucky we were that for Oscar we have the funeral and the shiva. Strange how fate works our heads.
 The nights are still the worst. I have been taking one to one and half sleep tablets at night. But I realise that I have to cut down otherwise they will lose their effect. It is at night that the thoughts come. Not of the illness, not of fear but of being in a closed environment. Granted much better that we can go out but it is still closed. How did the Holocaust survivors survives their holes, their attics I tell myself but it doesn’t help. I do Reiki. I don’t want to go and sit in front of the tv because if I fall asleep there I will not sleep when I got back to bed.
  It is so quite during the day that one can hear the wings of the birds as they go past.
 Holocaust day. The bereaved father who said that they would storm the cemeteries. I wonder if he saw the ceremony last night of Yad Vashem as we never thought to see it. The bereaved father this morning who claimed that there is no corona. What is the matter with them.
I walked in the garden yesterday. The pavestones are not always straight and I fell. I banged my head on a stone and immediately swelled up into a beautiful egg. A woman heard me and she wanted to call one of the workers but I said not necessary as I remembered exactly what had happening and was not dizzy or sick. She phoned later in the day to ask how I was and again this morning and I told her I was fine. That I now had a soft boiled egg on my head.
 Having walked in the area I realise that my floor really is a bit fucked.  The top floors from 9-13 are evidently for couples and all seem to have gardens. The 8th floor has an expanse, large but not comfortable to walk on but with sun during the day. The 7th where I am and the 5th have nothing besides the corridors. The 6th has a small balcony, for all that is but not big. The 4th which is the entrance leads out into the garden and there is the main entrance which we do not go out and which people bringing goods can leave it at the reception desk. You can also see people down there for a short time but it is not good as it makes problems for those at the desk. The third though I have to check this out again also has nothing. The second floor where the animals are has a balcony where you can meet one or two people but I have not seen that it gets sun. The first  floor you can go out to the area where the trucks come in. Fairly big and sunny but the rubbish bins are there
 Some people walk around here without a mask or gloves so I just keep my distance from them. I don’t tell them what they should be doing. I am sure that often people forget when they go out. I know I do so I keep my mask down on my body and put the gloves with my key. But I really object to one woman who seems to think it is her job to keep everyone in line. I have less time for her too because once when I asked her if she knew what  happened to the foreign helpers who were ill she said it did not interest her as it would not help her to know. I am proud to say of Nofim when I went to help the social worker here about the young Indian woman who had looked after my neighbour who died she said she was recovering well. I asked what would happen to her afterwards and they said that they had had an opening for her here in Nofim but it had not been suitable but they were contacting other retirement homes or people who could employ her. Lucky for them that this is not the woman who said basically she did not know and she did not care. 
 I did not want to put what I think on Facebook but here I will.   He recovers after his actions or rather lack of actions sent close to 200 people to their death and caused thousands of other to fall sick. And Netanyahu again makes him Minister of Health in his new government. And Gantz, the traitor to his voters, is supporting the attempt by the right, of which they are now true members or should one say capos, to stop the law to prevent Netanyahu from becoming prime minister again.  Truly we are the Titanic.
 I hear the church bells in the wadi at Ein Kerem. I wonder for whom the bell tolls.
  read article: https://www.timesofisrael.com/health-minister-recovers-from-covid-19-after-weeks-long-illness/
   After what I wrote yesterday compare these two reports read article: https://www.timesofisrael.com/bereaved-families-threaten-to-storm-closed-cemeteries-on-memorial-day/
 In lieu of in-person survivor testimony, the museum is directing Israelis to peruse its digital resources on the Holocaust and many Israelis are expected to attend videoconference testimonies later in the evening.
Holocaust survivors have been among the 172 fatalities of the virus in Israel, including Aryeh Even (who was a resident of Nofim), the country’s first death from the pandemic, and Eliezer Grynfeld, 96, who greeted Pope Francis at Yad Vashem in 2014.
This morning, I phoned again. His mood was difficult. A. said the village streets are still deserted, but the real problem is that the house is empty. The groceries ran out and there was no money to buy food. A. said the PA does not offer help to those in need, "not like you have each child receiving NIS 500." He also said that there is no mutual assistance in Kfar Yamun. A said he asked for a neighbor who had a lot of money, 200 NIS (as a loan?) And refused to give.
Another man said that the area where he lives is the responsibility of the PA (not the Jerusalem Municipality) and they "do nothing" according to him. The PA does not provide assistance. The shops are open and there is everything, but people have no money to buy. Preparing for a particularly sad Ramadan ..
 Even at such a time the army finds the time and the inhumanity to harass Palestinians many of them who do not have the money to buy basic necessities.
I talked to the landlords from Burin. Who suffer daily from the settlers of Givat Ron (estateYesterday they went to plow their land near the house, this time not the settlers harassed them but the Zahal  army came, expelled them and threatened them
I spoke to Doha from Burin. She received a permit to plow her land close to Yitzhar the soldiers arrived and removed them. (Not the land the settlers took over)
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the-record-columns · 6 years
July 25, 2018: Columns
Christmas in July on Hinshaw  Street...
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                                      Calvin and Coleen Hayes
By KEN WELBORN Record Publisher
To have known Coleen Fairchild Hayes was to love her.  
Because I was a kid growing up on Hinshaw Street in North Wilkesboro, among the many blessings that brought me, was getting to know Coleen and her husband (eventually) Calvin Hayes.  Those two people thought the world of each other, but consistently put other peoples needs in front of their own--all their lives.  
They were both school teachers and, while they never had children of their own, they were the de facto family to uncounted children at the Mount Pleasant Elementary School (Coleen), and the Mulberry Elementary School (Calvin), and to all of the great unwashed kids who lived on Hinshaw Street and, of course, any child who attended the Hinshaw Street Baptist Church.
For years whenever their names would come up, the conversation would often get around to the fact that they had been dating for many, many years--but had not married.  The assumption of many was that their parents didn't approve or didn't like one or the other of them, but nothing could have been further from the truth.  The fact is that Colleen and Calvin made the conscious decision to take care of their aged parents  as long as they lived, and then, and only then, would they make a permanent life together.
Theirs really is a love story for the ages.
 Coleen was born in 1932 and lived in the Mt. Pleasant community.  Her family ran a mill until she was about 12 years old when her Dad bought a home in North Wilkesboro off Duncan Street with about 14 acres of land.  Coleen attended the North Wilkesboro High School on E Street and in 1952 graduated from Pfeiffer Junior College in 1952.
Coleen had always wanted to be a flight attendant but her father didn't want her to do so, and she decided to settle on a career as a nurse.  After she graduated from Pfeiffer College, however, she was soon contacted by the then Superintendent of Schools C. B. Eller, and he persuaded her to take a temporary job teaching school at Mount Pleasant Elementary as a second grade teacher. 
The rest, as we all like to say, is history.  She loved being a teacher, she loved the children, and they loved her, and her "temporary position" became quite permanent and she taught school for 40 years. 
Whenever the names of Calvin and Coleen Hayes are brought up, it doesn't take long to find someone whose life was touched for the better by these two folks who took human kindness to another level.  The were both faithful members of the Hinshaw Street Baptist Church as long as they lived.  Calvin died several years ago, and when Coleen died on Feb. 12, 2018, she left her entire estate to the church she and Calvin loved so much to be used to pay off the mortgage on the new sanctuary. 
      It is to this end that the big Christmas in July Sale is being held this Friday and Saturday.  Coleen had a Christmas tree in every room and decorated her home for the holidays with an unbelievable eye for beauty and detail. Clearly you will be selecting from an incredible array of wonderful decorations which were bought and handled with the love and care of a  wonderfully kind woman who was a source of encouragement to everyone she met.
    Coleen Fairchild Hayes was truly a saint on this earth and we are all better for having known her.
  Christmas in July Decorations Sale
HInshaw Street Baptist Church
1105 Hinshaw Street
North Wilkesboro NC
Estate Sale of Christmas Items
Friday and Saturday, July 27 & 28
8 am till 2 pm each day in the lower Fellowship Hall
All proceeds go toward the building fund.
  Under construction
Life is a mess.  A good plan lasts about 30 seconds then your day gallops off in a different direction, never to return to the plan. You end the day thinking you have accomplished very little.
How often do we doubt our path when things go wrong?  We are all averse to failure, but the reality is that our vision of failure should not be to prevent risk but to recover when failures occur.  Ultimately it is like construction.  I have a friend who is having a pool house built and everything that can go wrong has gone wrong.  It is so frustrating she is threatening not to open the pool this year. In the end the pool will open and all will look great.  Let me repeat: life is a mess! And that’s okay! Life is always ”under construction,” with all the mess, delays and mistakes (big and small) that go along with the process.
Often, we get caught up in the struggle of having a schedule and when things go off schedule we get anxious and want to give up.  What if we looked at the progress made versus the “messy place” we are in the moment? Can we trust the process, trust the messy places and keep building our foundation so that the building will be strong?
Too often people overestimate the significance of one big defining moment and underestimate the value of making good decisions daily. Most of the results in your life — positive and negative— are the result of many small decisions made over time. It's not about where you are now, it's where you are going!  
Most of my work involves helping people develop a plan of action. I always start off by saying the plan will not go like you think it will, changes will be made but the result of where you want to go will remain the same.  Part of getting to the end is the small things we do each day- rituals or habits that keep us focused on the destination or vision we have.   What is a ritual? Lots of things: five minutes of sitting quietly in meditation or 10 minutes of yoga or a few minutes set aside each day for reading a good book.  
Think about how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back everything is different? That’s the power of daily rituals. Think about your rituals — the little things you do every day that occupy your attention and energy.  Regardless of your unique talents, knowledge, and life circumstances, or how you personally define success, you don’t suddenly become successful.  You become successful — you become an expert — over time based on your rituals.
Marc and Angel Hack Life blog site three guidelines that are critical to making your rituals manageable: start with one ritual, make it small, and maintain it for at least sixty days: Focus on one (and only one) positive change at a time.  Implement one positive change and make it a ritual for a month before considering adding to it or starting a second.  Only build upon your ritual if you are successful; otherwise stay with it until it feels like second nature.  Keep your ritual small to start.  Start with a daily ritual that lasts ten minutes or less.  If you feel strong resistance and fail at ten minutes, drop it to five or even three minutes, and then do it for a full month before adding more time.  Remember that establishing a ritual takes time.  You need sixty days for a new ritual to become a part of your life.  
Your daily rituals literally make or break you, gradually. Nothing will change with your trajectory — you will experience little growth — unless you make daily rituals that reinforce what you hope to achieve.  
Where’s PETA?
Special to The Record
The unrest at the Gaza border continues under any guise to justify demonstrations and rioting by the Palestinians. At first the riots were claimed to be for ‘the right of return.’ Afterward they were said to be in protest of the move of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, Israel. Now it has advanced to ‘breaking down the fence’ along Israel’s southern border.  From the onset his unrest has been incited by the terror organization known as Hamas which is also the official government of the Palestinian people living in Gaza. Hamas is encouraging their people to come to the fence to be martyred (killed) “until Jerusalem is liberated." But Hamas is not acting alone.  Iran has been dutiful in prompting additional incitement by covertly providing Hamas with additional weapons to add to their already full arsenal of missiles.
Israel is now contending with a new form of weaponry called kite and balloon-terrorism.  In fact, Hamas has formed an entire battalion dedicated to producing Molotov cocktails and formulating melting materials which sail on the wind over the border fence dripping fire all along their path igniting dry fields.  This new balloon-terrorism has caused hundreds of fires, forty in just one day alone.  Burning crops are bad enough for Israel but these fires are also wreaking havoc by melting the underground irrigation systems.   Within the past few days, the Palestinians have elevated their evil minds to a new level of darkness.  All animal rights activists and particularly PETA should take notice here.  Hamas is now tying dynamite to the legs of captured birds (Falcons) and causing them to fly over the border fence. Once on the Israeli side of the fence, Hamas is blowing these birds to pieces causing destruction and horror. Not that long ago Hamas strapped dynamite to a donkey and sent it walking toward a group of IDF soldiers.  When it got close enough, Hamas detonated the explosives killing the donkey but thankfully no soldiers.  If the U.N. is not concerned about innocent Israelis being terrorized, perhaps they will take notice of terrorized wildlife and do something to stop this monstrous evil.  If the shoe had been on the other hoof and it was Israel using animals in such a cruel way, PETA and other animal rights groups would already have Israel’s head on the world’s chopping block.  
In a recent interview at the Gaza border I spoke with a member of a kibbutz which owns fields ripe with a harvest of wheat. During that interview I learned that drones carrying explosives and other incendiary devices are being flown from Gaza in an attempt to reach farms fields farther inside Israeli territory. 
 As resilient as Israelis are, the constant turmoil and bombardment by rockets, Palestinian infiltrators and kidnappers building and using terror tunnels, explosives tied to donkeys and birds and incendiary devices attached to kites and drones, all are taking a physical and psychological toll on the young and old alike.  Rarely, if ever, will you read about any of this in mainstream media reports so I thought to describe a bit of what life is like for Israelis living along the Gaza border.  In case you are wondering why they don't just pack up and move, it’s because vacating their homes and the land will only make way for the terrorists to move closer further infiltrating in to Israeli territory.  Israelis living in the south are truly pioneers and they are the first line of defense helping to protect Israel from terrorist invaders.  
On my last trip to Israel which ended two weeks ago I, along with members of my Israel Always team, had the opportunity to visit with a friend who lives in Sderot in the south of Israel. This tiny Israeli town is located close to Gaza and has suffered more than 10,000 rockets raining down on its people and land since the start of the first Intifada … 300 rockets landed recently in just three days. To give you a perspective, Sderot is relative in size to Wilkesboro and North Wilkesboro combined. Together we sat on my friend's patio enjoying fresh fruit picked from his garden, homemade pastry and delightfully cold minted water for refreshment. As we sat discussing our families and world affairs, our ears were constantly tuned for the warning siren alerting us to incoming rockets and our minds were cognizant of the path we would run to reach the nearest bomb shelter. Observing this contrast between the appearance of calm and the turmoil brewing just below the surface reminded me of a duck gliding across the water.  On the top the duck seems restful and at ease but just below the surface his little legs are paddling like a well-oiled race car. Sitting with my friend on his patio felt like we were waiting for the proverbial "calm before the storm” which is always on its way at any minute.   My return to the States was brief. As I write this I am back in Israel.  A cease-fire has been in force for the past two days which apparently was broken last night.  No less than two dozen rockets had been fired into southern and northern Israel overnight. There is no telling what today holds.  Few can understand the trauma and torment the people of Israel must face on a daily basis. Many ask what they can do.  Please contact your congressmen and senators telling them you expect them to stand with Israel and the Jewish people.  Contact the White House and tell President Trump that you appreciate his support for Israel and that you want to see pressure put on the U.N. to stop treating Israel unfairly holding them to a higher and different standard than any other country in the world.  If the Palestinians want a state of their own, they must first prove that they are able to govern civilly and live in peace with Israel and value life, all life, more than they value death.    
A nice day Journey
Life in the Carolinas
It has been a good week and Thursday was especially enjoyable. I had the opportunity to spend much of the day with friend, David Taylor who is visiting his east coast family in the Carolinas while his Manhattan apartment awaits his return after a month or so of travel.
I ask David what he would like to see, and his answer was one that I immediately understood. He said, “Anything, I love the journey” to which I said, left or right? Left was the answer and that’s the way we started our day's journey. Our starting point was Purlear, NC.
We were soon on highway 16 N and made our way up the winding mountain road with relaxing vistas along the way. As we were getting closer to Jefferson NC, I ask David if he had ever seen the Ben Long Frescos. He had not, so our first stop was at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Glendale Springs, NC.
We had a casual self-guided tour of the grounds, and then we went inside, and for the first time, David saw “The Last Supper” fresco by Ben Long. It is reported that approximately 50,000 people annually make that thought-provoking stop. There are many exciting stories about Ben Long, his students and the high level of interest in his fresco paintings at both Holy Trinity and St. Mary’s in West Jefferson.  
After picture taking and conversation with others who had stopped just as we had, it was time to continue our journey. Our next stop would be at the Ashe County Cheese Factory in West Jefferson. These folks started making cheese in 1930 and have made a lot of people happy over the years, including dairy farmers and eaters of the cheese and butter produced at the cheese factory.
As it turns out, David has a cheese tooth, so I knew this would be a tasty stop on our journey. I know you can get just about any kind of cheese you want in Manhattan; however, it would not be common to find it within a few hundred feet from where it is produced. The sample bar had some of the best cheeses available including a delightful black label aged cheese that is more than a little good. Upon tasting David’s smile and extended hand for a second sample reviled he appreciation and approval.
We made our selections and stopped by the car to secure our treats in a small travel cooler. We were then off to find a place for a proper meal. As we walked down the street, we stopped and spoke with locals about restaurant recommendations. I then spotted the office of the local newspaper, the Ashe Post and Times. We went in and met some friendly people who know more than a little about word usage. They were kind enough to give a variety of recommendations on where we may want to eat. However, being the good reporters, they are, the information was shared with minimal personal commentary.
So down the street, we went and once at the corner of the decision, I looked at David and said, left or right. We went right and ended up at The Log Cabin restaurant. A non-assuming place with country cooking and good mountain southern hospitality.
We choose our table and soon realized that we were going to have the opportunity to enjoy more than a meal. A music in the round setup was getting underway, and I could tell that it was going to be a Bluegrass Jam and sure enough it was.
The group Jest Country and other friends come together every Thursday and Friday for a Bluegrass Jam. I noticed that many of the participants were veterans and the wall behind them was dedicated to honoring local veterans who have served over the years.  I asked about the group's name, Sandy Johnson said that’s simple, we’re jest country folk. So, there we set, me, my friend from far away and local toe-tapping people. I felt at home. We had good food, friendly people, smooth music and a feeling that things were just fine.
As we walked away, we noticed a stature on the hillside with a pathway leading to the library. Midway up the hill we stopped for more pictures and rested on a perfectly positioned bench. We reflected on the day, David shared that it was one of the best days he has had in a long time.
As I thought about David’s words, I was reminded that we are indeed fortunate in the Carolinas.
We are often the producers of some of the best days in the lives of a lot of people, including our own.
Which way…left or right?
 You can email Carl at [email protected] Carl White is the executive producer and host of the award winning syndicated TV show Carl White’s Life In the Carolinas. The weekly show is now in its seventh year of syndication and can be seen in the Charlotte viewing market on WJZY Fox 46 Saturdays at noon. For more on the show visit  www.lifeinthecarolinas.com You can also catch episodes of Life In The Carolinas on Amazon Prime
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