#But like. These are some of my favorite stickers ever no joke
stick-by-me · 1 year
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It's the simple things in life. Like rhyming stoat stickers!
New follower sticker for: @unit00!
(From this shop here!)
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summerchris · 3 months
— missed you (c.s) ✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
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(this was extremely rushed sorry!)
summary: you and Chris were friends with benefits but stopped talking after rumors were spread around the internet of him dating someone. You were both invited to Tara Yummy’s 1 mil party and end up seeing each other.
the room is filled with loud music and flashing lights. Tara Yummy stickers are seen everywhere and the smell of liquor filled the place. my head was throbbing from the amount of drinks i chugged after playing a fun game of beer pong with influencers i’ve never met before. everyone was sweating from the massive heat filling the room. i sat on the couch talking to Larray as he was fanning me. “Chris keeps staring at you.” Larray blurts out. “Is he actually?” I question. I turn my head after a couple seconds to not make anything obvious and meet eyes with him.
Me and Chris met through mutual friends about 3 years ago and things started to escalate. We became friends with benefits but we kept it private. No one knew about us except for people we were close with. But one day, photos were spreading around the internet of him with another girl at a party. We both decided it was best to stop what we had going on before one of us got hurt. We stayed following each other on social’s so no one suspected anything and occasionally talked, but deep down it did hurt. I turn back around still feeling his eyes on me. “I’m not surprised, he’s been liking my posts non stop recently.” It was true, you’ve caught Chris stalking your socials ever since what had happened and favoriting some of your TikToks. “I think you should talk to him.” Larray suggests. I think about it for a moment and make my way over.
“I didn’t know you’d be here.” He jokes knowing me and Tara are best friends. “I can say the same about you.” I smile. “Just supporting a friend.” I nod. The music grew louder and it became harder to hear each other. He gently grabbed my hand and led me to a hallway that was more quiet. We definitely got in the background of some photos which is terrifying to think about. We didn’t say anything for a hot minute until he spoke up.
“You look really good.” He says while continuing to stare at me like he was star struck. “Thank you.” I smile. If I had to be honest, I was going insane inside but I was trying my best to act mysterious and calm. “Hey guys come get in the photo!” A voice behind us yelled. We turned in sync and saw Nick desperately waving at us. We head over and get in the photo with Jake beside us. “People are gonna think we replaced Matt.” Nick laughed. “Where even is Matt?” I question not seeing the guy anywhere. “He supposedly had better plans.” Chris responded. Nick and Jake walked away after the photos developed leaving me and Chris alone once again.
I couldn’t help but notice how good he looked. He was in a all black fit which was driving me insane and his hair was a bit messy but it still somehow looked good. He looked down at me and smirked. I’m guessing he caught me staring. I can feel the tension between us getting more intense. No one else was in the photo booth and the music was echoing behind us. I suddenly felt a pair of hands go around my waist. “Is this okay?” He politely asked and I nod. I look up meeting his eyes and he slowly leaned in not wanting to rush anything. “I’ve been thinking about you a lot recently.” He got closer. “I’ve been thinking about you too.” I whisper. Our lips meet and his hand travels down to my ass giving it a squeeze. I gasp and he took the opportunity to take control. The kiss became more heated until we both couldn’t handle it. After pulling apart, we were both out of breath and messy. He gently pulled away after catching his breath. “I’ve missed you, so so much.” Our bodies were still touching. “I’ve missed you too Chris.” I smile. “You’re the one I want to be seeing, not anyone else.” I couldn’t help but smile more.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 month
hello!! Hope you’re doing well!!
could you please do a Leo x mortal reader cafe au like the Connor stoll one? And could the reader be a Greek mythology nerd also please have a little brother who she’ll randomly quiz about the Olympian gods?
have a nice day 😚😚
heyyy i didn't get your whole request in but i got the vibe dw and also kind of made a moodpboard for it cause I loved the whole aesthetic and no one requests mood boards <3 LISTEN TO EXPRESSO BY SABRINA!
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Leo Valdez x Reader--- cafe au
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Hello,” you said, looking up from your screen for a millisecond, “what can I get you today?”
When whoever it was ordering didn’t respond, you raised an eyebrow, hand hovering over the digital menu. The boy frowned at the screen above your head where it listed all the different drinks. He had the nicest brown curls, you noticed, and looked back down before he caught you staring. 
He tapped his fingers quickly on the counter. Sabrina Carpenter's new song was playing over the cafe speakers. It sounded like summer.
“How many espresso shots are you legally allowed to put in one drink?” The boy asked with a crackly voice. He had dark smudges under his eyes. And on his hands. Huh. You really needed a camera to look into at times like this, for comedic effect. Like the office.
“About six,” you said, dropping your customer service voice with a shrug, and opened up a new order on the tablet, your bracelets jingling. “What can I get you today?” 
You loved your bracelets. Some were from that second hand store down the street full of goths and grandmas where you’d bought yet another version of the Odyssey yesterday, and the rest were from your little brother. 
You never admitted it to anyone, but he’d made them based on all your favorite Greek gods. The ones you were wearing today had pomegranate seed charms and antler horn patterns.  
His eyes widened considerably. They were brown. And sparkly. “What happened to your voice?”
You squinted at him. Someone else came into the cafe with three little dogs stuffed into their giant handbag. 
“That was my customer service voice.” Your brain was finally receiving enrichment in messing with this cute greasy boy. You put it on again, paired with a fake smile. “What can I get for you today?” 
He chuckled, and hitched a giant canvas tote bag over his shoulder. There was a giant inked cat with butterfly wings on it, and a long metal pipe sticking out the back. You had a feeling this boy would steal your name if he got ahold of it, or trap you in a ring of flowers deep in a forest.
“Uh,” he trailed off, and then winked, scrunching up his entire face. “Surprise me.”
You blinked at him. How entirely helpful. You watched him pull an entire fucking old fashioned pocketwatch out of his pocket to check the time. 
Medium was the most commonly ordered size of drink, so you selected that, and then a caramel latte with whipped cream. You had that knack that every person in your generation seemed to have been born with. 
Selecting random objects and flavors to match someone’s vibe precisely. You just happened to be a barista. 
For instance, this talkative sleep deprived boy was rocky road slices with peanuts in them, and torn open sugar packets, and caramel. Your coworker, Lou Ellen, who was wiping down tables behind the handbag dog man, was those butterfly shaped ice-cubes and home brewed black coffee from a saucepan and dragon fruit juices.                            And that thick book on Greek mythology she’d bought you for your birthday last year [she’d nicked it from the library and peeled the sticker off]. 
“Four dollars and sixty cents,” you said patronizingly, in your customer service voice. He grinned like you had just invented the funniest inside joke ever, and handed over five dollars in fifty cents coins.
“Keep the change.”
You printed out the receipt and reached for a medium sized cup and the ballpoint pen from a uni campus open day, after pocketing the generous tip of forty cents and a paperclip. 
What a gentleman. “Name?” 
“Leo Valdez, super sized Mcshizzle, bad boy supreme,” Leo Valdez super sized Mcshizzle bad boy supreme said happily, as one of the handbag dogs escaped the bag and started chewing on his laces. 
You desperately needed that camera to look into now. You should be the star of a sitcom at this point, with you as the tired main character dealing with silly customers while desperately longing to go home and read your books, Lou Ellen as the hilarious trashy best friend, Will [your coworker who was currently taking out the trash] as the angry bisexual lumped with the night shift crew, and your little brother, who would pop in at random times in each episode to deliver the punchline.  
Instead of letting the credits roll, unfortunately, you scribbled out an unintelligible scrawl to represent the complete nonsense you were supposed to instead. Your smile was strained this time. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.”
Leo [you assumed that was his name] beamed. “Thanks!”
It was only as you frothed the milk and tried not to burn your fingertips on the spout did you realize that the song was still going. Lou must’ve looped it, as she did with every song ever until she got sick of it and hated it. 
You nodded your head and tipped the bubbling milk into the cup, reaching for the tube of caramel sauce. “Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya, I know I Mountain Dew it for ya.” 
“That morning coffee, brewed it for ya.” You rolled your eyes to no one and tipped the extra caramel sauce into it. It was ten o'clock at night, and your shift had just started. Morning coffees meant college students rushing in at two a.m. so they could finish their projects. 
You shook up the whipped cream. “One touch and I brand-newed it for ya.” 
One of the most satisfying parts of your job, apart from spinning around and introducing yourself as the manager [you are not the manager] when someone demands to see the manager [who comes in once a month, looks around, and leaves again], is the whipped cream. The sound of it and the little pattern it makes just itches a scratch. 
You smile as you finish the swirl, which sinks into the cup of espresso shots and caramel milk. You spin around, “now he’s thinkin’ ‘bout me every night, oh…”   
“Is it that sweet? I guess so,” you hum under your breath, and ducking the spray bottle Lou Ellen launches over your head, you stick a straw in the cup and walk to the bench, where Will’s serving the man with three purse dogs a jelly donut. 
Leo’s digging through his bag while you wait, not bothering to rush him and leave the 24/7 rip off starbucks diner empty. 
You pick up the pen and take the lid off with your teeth, doodling a little cat on the blank bit of the cup. The tail comes out all wrong, and one of the whiskers slides halfway around on the plastic with a scratchy sound. 
You add rushed fairy wings to its soft looking back, and hand the cup over as Sabrina Carpenter sings about being a singer. Her voice is so pretty. Like caramel. “There you go.”
Leo grinned at you, and while you watched in absolute horror, proceeded to pour an entire monster energy drink he’d pulled from his tote bag into the perfectly made coffee. 
“Excuse me?” you whisper shrieked. 
He blinked at you owlishly, and you tried not to notice how warm his eyes looked in the vintage yellow lights of the shop that made everything seem seventies. “What?”
“That’s enough caffeine and chemicals to give a water buffalo a heart attack,” you said, pointing at his awful concoction. It started to fizz. You wondered if the building had chemical reaction insurance.
“I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Leo shrugged, and picked up his cup happily. He looked down at it, and a grin split across his face. “I got a drawing!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
It was only a few days later when the bell rattled quietly by the door and you looked up to see Leo and smiled despite yourself, fingers tapping on the cup in your hand, wear the ring you’d made from that paperclip sat, did you realize what role he would play in your heart shaped ice-cubes Sabrina Carpenter soundtracked paperback books late night set ballpoint pen sitcom.
The love interest. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
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nutstickler78 · 2 months
Compiling my german Zip headcanons!
Made These during school, so there‘ll probably be some mistakes as I‘m not supposed to even bring my phone 😝 (update: hi yes I ended up continuing and finishing this at home)
one of my moots lowkey motivated me to do this
Hope you enjoy this!
CW: Mentions of alcohol/beer, occasional swearing!
DISCLAIMER: These Are Just normal HCS, no x Reader or x Character.
Do not cry "you‘re racist!" As I was both born and raised in Germany.
Some of these are based off of things I as a german have experienced or heard.
☆ I already mentioned this in another post, but she had her first drink of alcohol free beer at the whopping age of 12.
☆ Curses the ever living shit out people in German whenever she‘s really annoyed.
☆ Sneaks beer into school and only shares it with Oliver, Edward and SOMETIMES Miss Circle (Favorite Student privileges)
☆ I feel like Engel at least speaks German, so when Zip, Oliver and Edward are bullying Claire and Engel (as well, I‘m assuming), she‘d throw in something WILD in German and Engel is kinda like: oh that‘s not.. 😀
☆ LOVES Bernd das Brot
☆ She would totally know "Komm, lass uns tanzen." by HEART (alongside Chip).
☆ Although it‘s rare, she sometimes lets out her German accent. For example, she‘s currently rambling and ends up pronounce the German R
☆ Says digga even if she‘s speaking english. It‘s permanently part of her vocabulary.
☆ Dresses with more drip than your average German classmate 💀💀 and she definitely judges them too
☆ When she was very, very young (like around Chip‘s age which I‘m assuming is like 5), she was a HUGE Bibi Blocksberg and Bibi & Tina fan. Had a lot of merchandise of them that she would NEVER EVER share.
☆ Would purposefully draw the ugliest outfits on the characters from the Top Model Books and put the little sticker clothes that came alongside on to the most brutal and metal characters ever.
☆ Always had Satch pencil cases. Thought they wer boring and drew on them. Free canvas lol.
☆ Loves saying German jokes in English to Edward and/or Oliver bc they make no sense in English.
"Hey, hey, guys. Can I tell you a joke?"
"If it‘s funny, go for it."
Zip, who‘s trying to control her laughing "Okay look, Two Hunters met each other."
"They both died." Zip bursts out laughing.
"That makes no fucking sense."
☆ I feel like she has a little notebook where she writes a bunch of dumb stuff down, including many, MANY German memes only Germans would get. Meine Mama, meine Tante, der kleiner-
☆ Always has that German candy on stock (only for Chip, the coolest little brother!)
☆ Can open a beer bottle with literally ANYTHING you give her (except if it‘s a weak material, then obviously she can’t.)
☆ Praises German lunch knowing damn well it sucks ass. She only likes it because they got a mini burger and chocolate Santa once in kindergarten.
☆ Finds the raw existence of Frankfurt, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bayern so hilarious for no reason
☆ Whenever Engel tries to say something positive in German (idk in what scenario he‘d do this, but imagine he would), she‘d counter react by saying something diabolical in Germany (technically you could count this in another hc I wrote down.. oh well <‚3)
☆ Knows a lot of kid shows, German or not, but always prefers (and often times only knows) the German version of them like; Sofia die Erste, Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten, etc.
☆ makes fun of American food (it‘s so processed okay 😭)
"Haha! Seriously? That Fanta is basically just chemicals! Your stomach will LOVE that chemical burn!"
"Please let me drink in fucking peace"
That‘s all for now! Should I write a German Zip FF? It won‘t be romantic and honestly only contain Zip being a menace but in GERMAN
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sukifinn · 2 years
A/N: Eek my first tumblr post ever? Random Eddie thoughts I had in my notes :) Most of them I imagine pre-dating because I live for ✨tension✨ but they’ll work either way hehe. Mostly fluff, a couple nsfw scenarios. If you have anymore please suggest! I’d love to add new scenarios :) Also the paper ring idea is from another user! I can’t remember their tag but they wrote the most wonderful fanfic. I’d love to credit them if anyone knows!
• Helping eddie clean his new tattoo on the back of his shoulder because he can’t reach it himself
• Eddie giving you random things that make him think of you (cool rocks, paperclips in your favorite color, a cool sticker he found on the ground at the hideout)
• One day while Eddie is in your room he discovers a box in your closet. He opens it to find all of the little gifts he’s given you over the years
• “You kept them?” “Of course I did.”
•All he can do his bury his face in your shoulder and hold you tighter than ever while he tries to blink away the tears forming in his big brown eyes
• Eddie didn’t like you at first. You were popular and he’d written you off from the start. Unbeknownst to him, you were friendly with the hellfire freshman and they dragged you along to a campaign one night as a stand in. Eddie thought it was a joke at first, but you knew your way around a dnd match and that’s when Eddie knew he was in trouble
• Eddie always had a crush on you, but it was your giant smile and even bigger heart that had him head over heels in a matter of days
• One day Eddie agrees to let you paint his nails. You guide his hand up your thigh for a better angle. You wince a bit at the chill of his rings against your skin. He giggles innocently, only to let his thoughts wonder to how you’d react if you let him touch you with them in other places. Less innocently
• Eddie has a box full of guitar picks he’s collected over the years. You were rummaging through and picked out one you really liked. You set it on his dresser forgetting to put it back, but Eddie never put it back either. It sat there for weeks. Every time it would catch his eye he couldn’t help but blush and grin
• You also have a favorite ring of his
•One day Eddie gives you a cheap chain necklace. Attached to it your favorite ring and the guitar pick you’d set out months ago
• Eddie’s nervously rubbing the back of his head looking down at the ground. “I know it’s not much, but…”
• “Oh Eddie. It’s everything.”
• Every time the rest of the gang cancels leaving the two of you alone, Eddie will frantically clean up around the trailer. He’ll light some candles and set out snacks and blankets. He’ll like to pretend it was a casual act, even though he never does it for the rest of the gang ;)
• He’ll fantasize about you like crazy. Not necessarily sexual, but about the ways he’d love you. He thinks about cooking dinner with you and dancing around the kitchen. He thinks about surprising you with the perfect picnic as the sun sets in the sky. He thinks about the way he’d hold you in bed at night and never ever let you go
• He definitely thinks about you sexually though
• Absolutely worships the ground you walk on. You are literally an angel to him
• Makes fun of your music taste, but secretly learns all of your favorite songs on guitar
• Cooly inviting you to all of his gigs, but his heart literally feels like it’s exploding every time he sees you in the crowd
• Eddie getting the wonderful idea to pierce his ear with a sewing needle one night. He knows he’s fucked up and calls you for help. You sit on the couch and lay his head across your lap to better examine the wound. Of course, he’s being a smart ass the entire time and you flick his ear in retaliation. He turns around and flicks the inside of your leg
• “Ow, Eddie!”
• “Aww, sorry princess.”
• Without thinking, he innocently kisses your inner thigh like you’d do to a child with a hurt thumb. The tiniest moan escapes your lips and Eddie is launched over the edge. He excuses himself to the bathroom to “examine his wounds”
• Eddie secretly wearing a hair tie of yours around his wrist that you forgot at his trailer one time
• Eddie always has your favorite snacks and drinks at his trailer, but he’d never let you find out that he gets them just for you
• Eddie has a secret cassette tape with all of your favorite songs. He’s titled it with your name and a sloppy sharpied heart (which he tried his very best to draw)
• Hates his hair being touched, but craves the feeling of having your fingers wrapped up in his curls
• Eddie absentmindedly talking about not having enough money to buy a new album from his favorite band. He acted like it was no big deal but deep down he was bummed. He knew it’d be sold out for weeks. You got up at 6:30 to be at the music store as soon as they opened to nab Eddie’s album. You surprised him at his trailer, and that’s when he knew he was done for
• After finally confessing his love for you, he’d put so much thought and time into planning every single date making sure every last detail was absolutely perfect
• The first time he got you in bed, he was literally in shock. He burned the image of every freckle and curve into his mind, never wanting to forget. Your beauty to him was otherworldly. He’d listen to the sound of your moans over his favorite song any day
• He’d always let you doodle on him when you got bored. He secretly turned a couple of your drawings into stick and pokes. He’d put all of his focus into it wanting it to be absolutely perfect. He’d be in a trance, his tongue hanging slightly out of his mouth as he traced every line. When he was done, he’d lean back with the goofiest smile plastered across his face as he admired the masterpiece you had created together
• Actually cried the first time you said you loved him
• Gets emotional over the little things you do for him. He never thought he’d have or deserve a love like yours
• Always grabbing your thigh in public
• Likes to jokingly have casual conversations with your boobs, referring to them as “his girls”
• Eddie like to take Polaroid pictures of the gang when everyone gets together, but he has a couple of secret ones he’s taken just of you (in a non Jonathan way)
• “Princess” “Sweet heart” “My girl”
• He loves assurance. Craves it actually
• That being said. Praise kink
• Eddie likes to make you ride with him to the gas station when he needs cigarettes. He buys you your favorite drink every time
• Eddie never really wanted to get married or have kids. Everything changed when he met you
• He always provides the best after care. He’ll hold you tight and ask you a million times if you’re okay. He’ll lift your chin with his fingers so your eyes meet his and just gush about how he’s so in love with you
• He’s super forgetful, but remembers every little detail about you
• Obsessed with pleasing you. Literally lives for it. Will eat you like his last meal
• He acts like a jerk, but has the biggest soft spot for. You literally opened his heart
• Soooo clingy
• If you get him something he literally treasures it like a priceless artifact
• Eddie liked to bring home random hookups after his gigs. He didn’t even realize he’d stopped after meeting you. He was so devoted to you and he didn’t even know it yet
• Always at your every beck and call, but especially on your period. He’s always making sure you’re comfortable and stocked up on everything you need
• He’s always had so much love to give but no one to give it to so he absolutely showers you with it
• Eddie has anxiety, so he can tell when you’re anxious. He’ll always try his best to calm you down. It makes him so happy when it works and he knows he can be your safe place
• When you get bored in class you make Eddie little origami animals. He has them all sitting on his dresser
• You make him origami rings too. Every time he breaks one he asks you for another because “he likes the style”
• He definitely keeps all of the broken rings in a secret box
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rosemirmir · 2 months
Tagged by @stickers-on-a-laptop for this! Thanks for the tag. :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
152 across my three pseuds, 123 on my main/fic one, 25 for my art one, and 4 for my meta one.
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly tokusatsu, and old anime. Though there's also some Zelda, and a few other things in the mix too.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Excluding the one that got hit by a kudos bot its:
Please Bird Call Responsibly (Ankh/Eiji, T)
A Reminder (Ankh/Eiji, E)
When It's Spring, and You're a (Horny, Horny) Bird (Ankh/Eiji, E)
Tell Me Your, Tell Me Your, Fantasy, Fantasy (Ankh/Eiji, E)
Hot Weather, Popsicles, And a Touch of Mischief (Ankh/Eiji, G)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yeah! Sometimes I forget because memory issues, but I like to respond to comments whenever I get them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This one. (Post OOO 10th, probably the only thing I will ever write that's compliant with that film XD)
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's a good question. I would say this one?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't gotten any yet, I think locking my comments to archive users only (mainly because of all the spambot problems) is a big reason why.
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I do. I just write it for the ships and characters I want to center it around. I've always joked "You can tell I'm really invested in something if I write/draw smut for it".
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I do when I have the idea! They're fun to do. And I would say the fic where I make Ankh have incredibly awkward sexual tension with The Owner from Den-O is up there.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Two times, both in Brazilian Portuguese. :D
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, but it would be fun to give it a try one day.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
AnkhEiji and Mayalock. I refuse to pick one over the other.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There was this one WIP I had where Ankh and Eiji are dealing with a heat wave I don't see myself getting back to anytime soon. (Unless inspiration strikes during the summer.)
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and characterization! I've had people point it out to me before as well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions of things, I've always struggled with that. Which is why its something I've been really working on with my writing as of late to try and improve at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I don't think I've done it yet (If I have I can't remember right now, memory issues) but the approach I would take is italicizing it to differentiate it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon! I'm pretty sure the first fic I actually wrote was a pokemon one. Though none of those have survived throughout the years.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I would have to say Wrap Me In Your Wings (And Hold Me Closer) is my favorite fic I've written so far.
Tagging @belovedstill @xing-hua @buddyaldridge @droppedalltheseoreos @dragonofeternal @setsuntamew (No pressure!) And if you see this and want to do it, go for it!
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queen-breha-organa · 1 year
IvyOrgana - The Threadless Shop (Updated)
Have you ever thought “Gosh, I wanna wear merch inspired by my favorite space opera, but nothing available is ridiculous enough.”
Well look no further then my Threadless shop, because I’ve got the answers to all your problems. Please enjoy my minimalistic, hand drawn, and ridiculous memes inspired by your favorite characters.
Check out some of my bestselling designs like Emo King and Coffee Brother, while also browsing some newer designs like Single Father and Father Man. 
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In total, there are currently sixteen designs and characters available! Follow the link below to see the entire collection on my shop, or hit the ‘read more’ link to see all the designs and a breakdown of all the products.
Mahalo plenty! 
The current selection consists of these designs:
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Each design (besides overtired prophet) is available as all these products:
Appeal (Unisex Sizing) 
T-Shirt - Regular 
T-Shirt - Classic 
T-Shirt - Vintage Wash
Longsleeve T-Shirt - Regular
Sweatshirt - Classic Fleece
Pullover Hoody - Classic Fleece
Sticker - White
Sticker - Clear
Standard Mug - White 
Standard Mug - Black
Latte Mug
Travel Mug
Journal Notebook
Spiral Notebook
Greeting Card
I wanted the product selection to be as simple and easy as possible, so the color selection for each piece of appeal is limited to colors that suit each individual design. Therefore, some colors may be unavailable, just because they obscured the design. 
However, if you want to see an additional product or color added, please let me know, and I’ll take it under advisement.
If you purchase something, please feel free to tag me in some pictures if you’re comfortable posting! I’d love to see my memes in the wild, and I’d be honored to thank you personally.
Thank you so much for reading this far and supporting me. I really enjoy making these jokes, and I’m so honored that you guys enjoy seeing them!
Mahalo plenty, 
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batmanisagatewaydrug's small business compilation post
hi hey what's up. if you celebrate christmas it's definitely too late to b e ordering any more gifts online, but here's the great news: buying shit isn't tied to any one holiday. maybe you want to order yourself a little something to start the new year off right. maybe you have family or even (gasp) friends with birthdays for which you sometimes feel compelled to provide gifts. maybe you're just looking to support more independent artists and small businesses in 2023.
luckily for you I have a.) a fucking HEAP of business cards that I've been collecting for years and b.) too much time to kill, since I've currently snowed in and unable to go to my mother's for Christmas. below is a compilation of every small business/artist whose card I've accumulated and links to buy their shit. enjoy!
Candles & Soap
Cellar Door Bath Supply Co - genuinely some of the coolest soaps and funkiest candles I've ever encountered. bonus points for the tiny dogs hanging out at their booth last time I saw them at a craft fair.
GreenTree Factory - listen, straight up this website is a mess, but their candles are gorgeous and burn FOREVER.
Roots & Sky - when I say their Hive soap literally cleared my skin and watered by crops I am not joking.
Assemblage Studio - unique reconstructed garments made from vintage clothes
BrianBrain Studio - spooky clothing & accessories. my wife bought one of our buddies a button-up here and it RULES.
Chlo's Clothing - HELLA cute crochet tops, I have one that's a big ol' fringey rainbow and I adore it.
Arcane Threadery - luxury dice bags. I've met the seller in person at a craft fair and the bags are GORGEOUS to behold.
Bugbear Bubbles - purveyors of such goodies as giant ooze soaps with dice sets inside and d20-shaped soap on a rope!
Pink Petal Development - cool D&D accessories like dagger-shaped dice holders and a crossbow dice roller.
Bespoke by Feldman - lightweight leather earrings that I'm all the way obsessed with. the owner gave me a discount for shitty weather last time I bought from her.
Cargo Creates - funky polymer clay earrings & other accessories
The Foxy Hipster - big! fun! earrings!
Hades Bone Yard - distinctive animal bone jewelry
Jenny Shlemon - if you want resin earrings that say something vulgar this is THE place to go. I have like twice as many Shlemon cards as anything else because my friends and I won't stop buying them for each other.
Wicked Wildwoods - animal bone & porcupine quill jewelry; source of my favorite set of bracelets
To Draw Attention - illustrated stickers of cute critters
Windy Woods - stickers, enamel pins, and other goods based on ghosts, cryptids, and other spoopy pals. one of my wife's favorites.
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ieatnomnom9823 · 4 months
stupid headcanons no one asked for and make 0 sense
me and my friend enjoy in making the most shit headcanons to exist so i'm gonna share some of them bc why the fuck not?
princess kenny is an amazon box
kyle only knows how to play football because of how much he kicks Ike
cartman vibes to this video: https://youtu.be/PDJLvF1dUek?list=RDgBpdSlgR5qM (thats not mine btw)
butters has a MLP figure he literally sleeps with and treats it like his own child
everyone is sort of worried about butters obsession to that toy
the plural of kenny is in fact not kennies, but kennys
kyle not only kicks babies, but he also throws them
butters genuineley thinks the rickroll is a banger
kenny and cartman have the weirdest fucking pinterest feed *cough* maid catboys, shitty t-shirts, those random-ass pictures with text over them, like memes kinda but not with a very specific color text and font, the most random stickers and flags like bibble idk they really like bibble though also this totallyyyy isn't inspired by my feed *cough*
stan dedicates his LIFE to minecraft parkour. i'm talking watching those low guality parkour things with screenshits from the interent and he is a GOD at hypixel housing parkour (i came up with this because i have hypixel parkour open rn)
kenny is #1 lemon demon fan. i will NEVER change my mind about this.
craig literally sleeps with a fucking metal pipe.
instead of warming glasses of milk by pouring milk into a cup and microwaving the cup, he literally puts the whole fucking CARTON IN THE MICROWAVE AND THEN PUTS IT IN A CUP
instead of repenting your sins, cartman repeats his sins ( i just really needed to say that phrase today)
kyle is so weezer coded
stan's the type of mf to say "chat" instead of "guys"
anytime someone makes a dirty joke butters just akwardly smiles politely bc he doesn't get it but he's too embarrassed to ask what it meant
i found a picture this is exactly cartman and kenny's feed:
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(that was my first screenshot since cleanig my files out other then the random bunny thing i drew in class cuz i was fucking boerd and had no idea what was going on)
stuart, randy, gerald, and steven (or whatever the fuck their name is) are literally besties but HERE ME OUT
randy and gerald are the silly besties like kyle and stan BUT stuart and steven (what the fuck is that man's name) are ALSO besties BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE IN TFBW IN THE STRIP CLUB THEIR WATCHING LADIES DANCE TOGETHER AND THEIR GETTING DRUNK TOGETHER THEIR LITERALLY BEsTIES OMG
craig has flying powers
butters thinks skibidi toilet is peak comedy and that is why everyone hates him (except for literally like 2 people)
why the fuck is his name dougie
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"life goes onyonyonyonyonyonyonyon" is literally cartman's theme song after trying to kill everyone with some shitty plan he got from watching Megamind or something
kyle literally has trauma from burgers he will NOT eat any burger if you paid him fucking 56,000,000 bucks
kyle is so an elephant he's literally an elephant that's his spirit animal
tweek is literally a turtle idk how i can't describe the vibe but he is ik he's SO not a turtle but he just... idk he is
kenny is a fucking rat i literally have art of me bullying him and calling him a rat
butters is either a bunny or a cat of a duck he's just silly like that
cartman isn't a duck he's a goddamn angry goose
stan is a bear or like a giraffe or something idk ik he's the main character but i don't think about him that much for me
butters is literally in choir guys
craig is the most beaustiful majestic dragon to ever exist
craig's literally my favorite character if you couldn't tell
kenny is too scared to eat cheetos so he eats takis instead
literally everyone loves megamind
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hotshot624 · 2 years
Headcanons for daddy eddie and how he plays and interacts with the little reader ( they ask for dress up and tea parties pease, daddy?  And how can he say no to that!?)
I don't remember if I sent this one yet or not!
So sorry if its a duplicate and this is my last request for the moment.
Thank you so much for everything!
Okay so like I'm trying (keyword: Trying) to finish a fic you requested but I'm just horrible at dialogue so I'm giving up for just today. I'ma try again tomorrow with a new mindset and (hopefully) better dialogue. But knowing me it's still gonna suck. anY WHO I decided that maybe writing some headcanons might be the best bet and help with my writing. I have a feeling that there gonna be a lot so just remember you brought this on yourselves/j
✨🍼Daddy/Cg!Eddie x Little!Reader Headcanons 🍼✨
(Look at me trying to make this look fancy lol)
Eddie is literally like the best daddy/cg/whatever you wanna call him ever
I'll admit he's not absolutely perfect (I mean no one is expect my cat) but he does his best and that all you can ask for
He's very attentive always watching and listening to what you have to say and is always careful not to push past your comfort zone
It doesn't matter to him what age you regress to, he'll take care of you as long as you let him and with no complaints
He's just so good at matching his energy with yours it's honestly impressive
Like he could be jumping up and down with you running up the walls excited
Or he could be mellowing out with you on the couch as y'all watch She'ra
He's like always trying to get you to laugh it's adorable
Funny faces/voices, dumb jokes, tickles, running around cashing the reader, whatever he came to get the you to smile or laugh he's doing
My man's loves to play with his little. It could be argued that he enjoys it more than his little does
His favorite is making up games and playing pretend
He'll set up a whole story line with characters and adventures and task so his little is never bored. He's also will always try to be apart of the game your playing either with helping you on your adventure, being a bunch of side characters that all have a bunch of different, funny voices, or being the antagonist
Whatever he's doing, he just wants to be doing something with you
And if his little wants to have a tea party then by god are they gonna have one
He'll try and set up tea cups and the tea pot and fill it with lemonade or some sort of fun drink as well as some cookies or treat to eat with it with your stuffy joking you guys as well
You absolutely have to do clinkies with him or I swear to God he will cry
Your pinky has to be out too. Gots to be proper😙
I would also like to mention that he will not refuse to wear a tutu or dress as well as make up or finger nail polish
He's got NO shame when it comes to his little
I'm just imagining him with like messily put on lipstick that like going up his face as wells as a bunch of random stickers, his hair in like multiple pigtails, wearing a tutu with his regular clothes on underneath with the most content smile on
He's unbelievable, I love him
My man's literally could not care less what you called him
Bubba, Daddy, Dada, bubs, Eds or even just his name will send him over the moon
Just the thought that his little was comfortable enough to share this with him, nevermind wants him to be with them while while smalls brings a tear to his eye
While Eddie is a great care giver sometimes he has his moment
Sometimes he gets a little to dramatic or frantic in trying to make his little laugh and he ends up scaring them and makes them cry
Or maybe he gets a little too mad and snaps at them if they were miss behaving to much (nothing to much just him yelling "Will you stop that!" or "I said not right now Y/N, knock it off!" loudly)
Once he sees his little getting a teensy bit misty eyed he's already on his hands and knees apologizing to them and begging for forgiveness
Okay not all of that like he will try to comfort you depending on how you feel like if you want physical contact or want to be left alone he'll always accommodate for your needs but he'll still apologize a lot
He wants you to know that he is truly sorry and that sometimes his emotions get the best of himself
Again he's not perfect but that okay
He tries his best and tries to fix what he did so he doesn't do it again and honestly that's all anyone can ask for
Cuddles and a bedtime story are a must before bed
They also have to be read dramatically or he will be hearing from your lawyers
He also must tuck you in and give you a lil goodnight kith before you fall asleep it is LAW
Eddie's uncle is aware of your regression from walking in on you regressed one time and let me tell you this man could not care less
Like I mean he's glad you and his nephew trust each other enough to be like this but other than that he doesn't really care about it. He'd appreciate if you didn't trash his home or write on his walls though
Eddie let's you wear his Hell fire club shirt if your feeling small. He loves how it looks on you and you like that it smells like him so it's a win win
He's honestly considering making you a Hell Fire shirt onesie so look out for that
All in all Eddie is a great Cg.
11/10 would recommend
I told y'all these would be long. Okay tis not that long but still. I kinda like the headcanons actually so tell me what y'all think. They seem way easier to write then fanfics (I say watch these get harder) so if y'all want more of these please request them. Thank you for requesting this btw I really enjoyed writing this. It was pretty easy for my ADHD brain to type this cuz this is usually how I think. In short busts that aren't always complete sentences. Alright that's all for now. Love y'all 💜💜💜
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iluvnyasm1th · 1 year
random ninjagay headcanons
they r all under cut because its kinda long lol
kai: tries 2 make jokes but laughs at them b4 he can say them, has a bunch of merch of himself, carries bandages and bandaids 4 lloyd when he was lil bcuz his like gi was 2 big 4 him and he fell all the time, radiator, takes showers daily and nightly (zane had to convince him to only take them nightly)
cole: knows how 2 sew and fixed lloyds lil gi 4 him (he face plants bcuz of the tmrs tea incident and had 2 fix it all over again), he has had a bunch of pets and is a big animal lover, literally oblitareates everybody at just dance 2017, he has all of them memorized, has a rock collection (his favorite rock is named rocky lol)
lloyd: names eveyrything and anything, gets emotionally attached 2 stuff too easily, (cried all the times the bounty got destroyed), left handed weirdo, often fantasized about doing generic father son activites with his dad when he becoems good again, terrified of snakes, its the trauma, he gets sick a lot (my brother core), curls up and hugs his knees when he sleeps, hates vegetables (cole has 2 pin him down and force feed him any type of greens)
jay: horror movie fanatic (mostly why hes paranoid all the time), autistic about mechanics and video games, has a game reviewing yt channel, loves physical aftection but cuz of electric things others dont rlly appreciate it they try 4 him tho, hes so cold all the time, has won multiple gaming tournaments, vocally stims a lot and gets overstimulated easily, spends all of his money on random ass things nobody needs and tries 2 tell the ninjas it was a life long valuable investment, obsessed with orange juice, doesnt brush his teeeth, what does that make? yellow ass teeth
nya: loves going 2 the aqaurium, celebrates random national days, plays mermaid with lloyd whenever they go to a pool, will punch u in the face for anything and everything, loves sharing way too personal things, kind of a grimy girl, has a scrapbook thats rlly thick with pictures and scraps of paper or stickers
zane: rlly quiet, he sneaks up on ppl all the time (he says its on accident but the ninja rnt rlly convinced of that), literally looks like the epitome of some guy, so confused when they text, he sent a list of tone indicators 4 them 2 use bcuz hes austistic and confused, night light, is air conditioner in the summer, often gets confilcted about being a nindroid and if he ever truly feels things, tells the same joke 100 times and still thinks its funny, he doesnt need 2 sleep so he kinda just cleans at night and keeps watch 4 the ninja in case sormthing bad happens, nya often has 2 like oil up his joints bcuz if they rnt treated after a while they get rlly squeaky
pixal: hangs out with zane a lot at night cuz no need 2 sleep, also looks like some girl, cooks a lot, she may be a nindroid but she does not cook well, she loves building random like yk hings where u put a marble in and its like a beautiful just like continuenous movement that knocks stuff over and triggers stuff yk? likes to doodle and lloyd hangs up her drawings on the fridge, has a secret cat hidden in the monastery that she named screws, jays allergic 2 cats, she avoids jay a lot bcuz of this and jay thinks she doesnt like him, also she just isnt fond of the little blue one
i have more about other random things if u guys wud like it
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kusosthings · 10 months
Ok cool more Katamari stuff I thought of at three in the morning why not take these headcanons for my favorites. I'll gradually add onto these as I think more shit up
The younger cousins openly bully him for his forehead every day. Everyone else is kinda used to it but they still joke about it whenever they think he's not around
He has many licences and diplomas on his wall but most of them are printed out
Yes the goggles were always there I can no longer see him without them on
Any nerd phrases you can think of are part of his everyday vocabulary "Well erm according to my calculations 🤓☝️"
He's a smartass with anyone it doesn't matter how old you are, or who you are. Well except for the king he doesn't want to die or anything
With how vain he can be over his forehead and smarts it makes getting along with everyone else quite hard, though he's positive it's a problem on their part due to jealousy and not his.
He doesn't believe in favorites but if he had to chose one it would be Shy, she's quiet and the least annoying cousin out of the bunch
Bro reads math books for shits and giggles. It's a shock nobody's tried to put him in a locker yet
He wishes the King would call on him to roll Katamaris on Earth just as much as he calls on the Prince,the way his cousin described the humans down there fascinated him and he's always wanted to gather more research on them
Went to prison for tax fraud
Endless supply of sunglasses. No seriously nobody knows where he keeps getting them and it's even disturbing the King
He has a burning hatred for rich people, whether it's jealousy or not, he'll never tell
Hanging out in alleyways is literally one of his hobbies it's not just a one-time thing in the comics. He's alone most of the time but occasionally the Prince joins him if he's bored
Foomin tricked him into drinking soap when he was a toddler and he's hated her ever since
He's exactly one bit taller than the Prince and he makes sure to rub it in his face every moment he gets
Going by some stickers I saw I like to think that he's fond of several sports, bro just sucks at football. Baseball players tremble before him
Laughs at his own jokes, sometimes before he can even get the full thing out. Mf isn't even funny wtf
His favorite cousin is easily himself
Yes she's a book nerd 100% just not on the same level as Odeko. That being said she doesn't mind reading to her cousins either
She tried to carry The Prince on her shoulders once because she wanted to prove to Velvet that she's very responsible around kids but ended up dropping the dude when he told her to run. She's not allowed to carry any of the young cousins anymore
Plans to get a restraining order towards Nickel. He knows about the magnet thing and still has the nerve to come towards her anyways
Yeah speaking of babies she's not biased or anything but she sees many of the little ones as younger siblings.
The way she dressed in TMK was just her going through a phase okay ignore it that no longer exists she thought Daisy was cool for some reason
The main source of the Odeko forehead jokes. She rags on the Prince a lot for being short too she can't help it
Tricked every cousin into eating a spoonful of salt at least once. In Ace's case, 13 and counting
Scared of Pu
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herbrattybaby · 2 months
Chapter 6
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(This is leading up to the game Arkham City)
*Perse began to train with Batman with not only her powers but hand to hand combat
*She struggled a lot at first but eventually got the hang of it. Perse didn't really have to use hand to hand combat too much since she had powers but it was just in case she couldn't use them
*Perse is only allowed to do patrol with Batman doing simple things. Absolutely nothing dangerous.
*Sharks. she loves sharks. her favorite is a bull shark
*Don't even get her started on sailor moon. Perse watched all of it in 3 days. Her favorite is Sailor Saturn since she can relate to what shes went through.
*Music she really enjoys is goth and metal. Becoming a pastel goth girl.
*Skateboarding becomes a daily activity for her. Perses board is pink with black bats on it while the bottom has sailor moon stickers
*Cheese is her pet possum. It hates everyone except her
*The first fight Perse was in they were talking bad about Batman and her.
Perse and Batman were on the roof stalking some wanted thugs that were having an interesting conversation
Thug 1- "Have you seen that kid thats been with batman?"
Thug 2- "Not yet. Is she hot?"
Perse cringed at this while Batman was ready to pound them in the ground.
Thug 3- "I heard she was that Persephone girl? The one that killed some of our crew. Nobody is positive though.
she despised that name.
Perse jumped down and faced them all. A mask from the purge covering her face. She hasn't decided on a costume yet so she winged it.
Thug 2- "Hahahaaha whose kid is this"
Perse didn't respond and sent water strikes at them knocking them down. She walked over to the one thug that wasn't knocked out and stood over him.
Thug 3- "W-who are you"
Perse enveloped water around her fist and punched him knocking the bastard out.
Over time she did start to talk more to everyone but mostly just to be a smartass
Robin- "Perse! Do you have my grapple?"
Perse- "Of course I do! Since I use it all the time when you aren't around"
Perse- :)
Barb will never forget the time she was showing Perse all the main villians when she pulled up Penguin and she started laughing out loud clutching her stomach. This was shocking to her because she hardly ever smiles.
"Why is he so short and fat? You could use him as a bowling pin"
Barb couldn't hold back her laugh which caused the attention of Dick and Tim.
Barb made you repeat the joke to them in between laughs.
The rest of the villians seemed boring to Perse but one stuck out
Harley Quinn
Perse was mesmerized by how stunning she looked.
"You good?" Dick asked and waved a hand in front of her face.
Geesh, had she really been staring that long.
Perse blushed and started hitting Dick.
Tim walked over to Barb while they were play fighting
"You think shes ya knowww"
"For sure"
Alright enough about Big Perse lets talk about little Perse
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*She carries around the cape EVERYWHERE!
*Favorite person is Bruce ofc and loves everyone else equally
*Loves cuddling with everyone and eating goldfish
*Wears diapers sometimes but only when shes feeling very little
*Only lets Bruce and Barb change her
*Is very sweet most the time but will have tantrums sometimes
*HATES loud noises
*Doors slamming is a huge trigger and will make her slip very small
*Loves to pretend being a shark in the pool
"Bubba looks" Perse held up a hug shark stuffed animal Bruce just got custom made for her. It was dark pink and had her name stitched on the side.
Dick smiled and acted very suprised
"Wow! Is that your new shark?"
Perse nodded her head and smiled.
"Its very cute just like you princess"
*Favorite things to wear are pajamas especially her shark onsie
*Robin loves carrying her on his back while you shoot water at Dick. He lets you splash him in the end because he loves seeing you happy
*When it comes to Bruce you feel the most safe when hes Batman since thats when he saved you.
*Perse loves when he just holds her in the rocking chair and rubs her back. Its calming and helps her sleep.
*Just imagine Batman sitting on a cough with a little one bottle feeding them.
*When the rest of the fam saw it they almost screamed
*They were just too cute
Now that we got that out the way time for Perse in Arkham City!
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amporella · 1 year
what are your pet headcanons for the sp characters? like what animals would they own if they did?
THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION... HERE ARE MY THOUGHTS (though a few of them are canon):
Stan: He is SUCH a dog person. Like, he's an animal lover all the way, but dogs are definitely his favorite. His dream house has like five dogs in it. And while he loves all kinds of dogs, he's definitely more of a large dog breed kind of person. He wants to come home to his big Lab or German Shephard or whatever getting up and putting its paws on his shoulders and licking his face. He just loves his dogs!!
Kyle: THIS IS AN INTERESTING ONE. I think that he is definitely more of a cat person than a dog person (both by personality and that dogs are generally a little messier), but I can't imagine that he'd be thrilled with constantly vacuuming hair from his couch. He would deal with it because he loves his cats, but I can also see him dodging the issue entirely and getting hairless/hypoallergenic cats that don't tend to shed a lot. Either way, he would definitely spend a LOT of time thinking before he ever made the leap to getting one.
Kenny: RATS! I know he had Mr. Possy in Phone Destroyer, but possums don't make very good pets, so I think he would probably settle for leaving food outside for them instead of actually owning them. BUT he would own rats. They're such clever little quirky guys, and they're low maintenance enough that a busy guy like Kenny could have some and still keep them happy. He also strikes me as being able to bond with rats over also often being misunderstood but actually very very smart.
Butters: He would get a budgie!!! A little parakeet. They're very social and affectionate birds and Butters would return ALL of that tenfold. He would just casually talk to his bird a lot, and he would be very very good at teaching it phrases. The Chaos Hamsters are good, but his parakeet can actually say 'chaos' and that was like the best day of his life. His budgie would really be his constant companion.
Craig: He is a guinea pig guy for his whole life. If he had to choose another pet it would be a cat, but I don't think he'd vary from guinea pigs if he didn't have to. He likes his pets cute and inherently fairly low maintenance, BUT he turns it into a really high maintenance job because he would dote over those guinea pigs like it's his job. When TFBW said guinea pigs were one of the two things Craig cared about they weren't kidding; those guinea pigs live a life of absolute luxury. He names all of them Stripe.
Tweek: FERRETS. I asked a friend about this one and I didn't even consider ferrets but now I know they're correct. They're cute and mischievous, and generally very charming in a very Tweek-like way. Them being super curious and playful would just bring a lot of light to his home, and would probably help him destress! They would definitely try and steal and hide his Legos, though. Hermit crabs and/or fish are also options for him! He loves watching them move. They're just so fun. He would like their fun shells.
Clyde: He is also SUCH a dog guy. He owns a huge dog and it sits on his lap all the time and he's totally cool with it. He's the kind of guy to have a bumper sticker talking about his dog and to mention his dog first in his Tinder profile. He is basically a puppy boy himself so there is no reason for him not to own a dog!!
Tolkien: Owns the most spoiled cat on the face of the Earth, BUT would also own a very regal looking dog. And could possibly own a bird too. He has a LOT of room for pets and I don't think he would stick to only one!! He's very smart about biting off only as much as he can chew in terms of pet amount, but he also owns a bunch of different pets throughout his life.
Jimmy: HE ALSO GIVES ME BIRD VIBES. A cockatoo in particular! He's very talkative, and so is his pet. He would practice his comedy routines on it and teach it to laugh when he finishes a joke. It's basically his comedy wingman. He'd devote so much time into teaching his bird new words and he'd definitely love every second of it.
Wendy: Definitely a cat person and pretty similar to Kyle with her reasoning, but generally a little less concerned about the hair. And regardless of what pet she ended up getting, she would definitely train it. She leans towards very clever breeds of cat and probably somehow manages to teach them to read. She could also get a bird! She's very capable no matter what pet she has.
Bebe: Also a dog person as opposed to a cat person! Would go on a lot of jogs with her dog. However, if she didn't have a dog, she would get chinchillas instead! They can be very playful and active, and they're pretty enough that she'd be content chilling with them until she gains their trust.
Nichole: She would get reptiles and nobody would expect it!!! She has the most beautiful elegant ball python that just chills on her shoulder when it's out of its cage, and she's so unbothered by it. She is extremely fearless and Stan is literally terrified. Ball pythons live super long too if you take good care of them, so she has this one python for ages and loves it very dearly.
Heidi: Honestly, I can see her as a horse girl. She strikes me as the type for whatever reason!! Alternatively, she could also have a few cute mice that are just very snuggly with her. She needs to either have a huge pet or a very very tiny pet.
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forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Tagged by @joyfuladorable but I don't know how to link their post. Sorry.
Share your wallpaper:
Laptop lock screen
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Home screen
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Phone lock screen
Just a turtle emblem on a black background
Phone home screen
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As you can see, turtles are still in my brain rent-free.
Last song you listened to: Not counting the instrumental stuff I put on to help me write? YT music says it was Yasashi Kiss by Hitomi Shimatani, but before that, it was Adoro by the Broncos, The Guiding Key by Liz Robinett, Passing Through by Kadan Mackay, Feel it Still by Portugal. The Man, and a remixed version of I Love You Baby by Gloria Gaynor. I also listen to a lot of electro swring and stuff with a good bass beat, as well as jazz and classical.
Currently reading: nothing specific at the moment, just different fanfics, haha. My sister really wants me to start reading one of her favorite series, but I can't ever seem to dredge up the willpower to do it.
Last movie you watched: The whole way through? The Mario movie. I've seen bits and pieces of others since then whenever my mom's watching one, but not the whole thing.
I'm not counting the Rise movie since that's just a permanently open tab on my laptop now.
Craving: Frozen yogurt. Or a bacon avocado cheeseburger. Or steamed buns. Or all of them. It's been a while since I've had them, and I want some.
What are you wearing right now: Stitch pajamas when I started this, but work clothes right now since I'm at work.
How tall are you: 5'3"
Piercings: I guess my ears? Pretty sure one or both of them have closed over by now, though.
Tattoos: None. At most, I've done those fake paper ones that used to come with packs of gum, but nothing permanent. Don't really plan to, either.
Glasses? Contacts?: Both. Since middle school. Used to hate glasses, but now I love them. Only thing I don't like is the poor vision that comes with it, haha. Contacts are for work or trips to places like theme parks where I'm afraid they'll fall off on a ride or something.
Last drink: Water. If we're talking alcoholic...I don't even remember. I'm not a big drinker.
Last thing I ate: Pizza for dinner. And breakfast since I was too lazy to make anything.
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I don't even know what toppings were on these but they were delicious.
Last show: TMNT, specifically, "The Real World" from the 03 series. I need my reference video.
Favorite Color: Red and purple. Green is nice too.
Current obsession: I think it's pretty obvious, lol. TMNT.
Unrelated obsession: ... I'm not sure what to put here. Fluffy things? Cute things like penguin stickers? ...Pokémon?
Any pets: 4 cats, 2 dogs, all rescues. We are very much a "You're coming home with me" family.
Crush on anyone?: No one that's real, lol, and my fictional "crushes" are said more as a joke more than anything. Am I opposed to the idea of romance and being in a relationship? Not at all, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to find one or stress out about it either. If it happens, it happens, and if not, that's cool too.
Favorite fictional characters: Now these I have a lot of. Yusuke Urameshi, Yagami Taichi, Gary Oak, Roronoa Zoro (although I love all the strawhats really), Michelangelo (though again, I love pretty much all the ninja turtles), Knuckles, Tails, Professor Layton, Donald Duck, Sora, Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, Zack Fair, Maes Hughes (and most of the FMAB cast), Luigi, and many more. These are just some of the first ones that come to mind, but it would take too long if I did all of them, lol.
Last place you traveled to: ...What is this traveling you speak of?
Joking aside, probably Tucson, Arizona, to visit my brother. Not counting that? Mexico, but that was ages ago.
Tagging...uh...*checks to see who actually interacts with me on here* @klonoadreams and @eldritchgray I guess?
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servin-up-surveys · 3 months
survey #201
Do you like meatball subs? I really don't, they just make the bread soggy, which I cannot tolerate texturally.
What is your favorite smell on earth? Fresh baked goods. Cinnamon rolls are the best.
If you have a sib, do you call him/her “brother” or “sister” sometimes? I call Ashley "big sis" quite a bit, and sometimes "little sis" for Nicole.
Did you ever collect stickers? I did in my childhood for a very long time! My original dresser ended up completely covered in stickers because that's where I kept my collection of them.
Have you been baptized in any religious tradition? I was as a baby.
Do you love the smell of sunblock? I don't.
What was the last upsetting thing that happened to you? An asthma flare-up. Since my actual attack at the very end of January, I've now had FOUR more instances where my oxygen levels were on the very, very brink of "I need to go to the ER." One time I literally would've gone again if Mom hadn't told me not yet (she didn't want me waiting for hours because my oxygen wasn't low enough to be attended to immediately). I'm very stressed out about it; I'm not supposed to see a pulmonologist until June, but Mom and I are praying that there's a cancellation I can slide into.
What was the last thing you ordered from Starbucks? I've never gone there because I hate coffee. Oh wait, I have gotten a treat from there, but I can't recall what it was, this was years ago.
Do you trust your doctor? I trust my primary doctor and therapist. My current psychiatrist is an absolute fucking joke and after my last appointment, I refuse to go again. We're gonna try and set me up with a psychiatrist where my therapist is.
Do you ever question if your mother loves you? God no, I know me and my siblings are her world.
What is missing in your life? Fun. Adventure.
What is your favorite type of Lunchables? Nachos, zeeeeero competition.
What is the worst medication side effect you’ve ever had? As far as the most truly unenjoyable, vomiting. Scariest, bodily spasms and the constant state of feeling like I was on the very precipice of a seizure. What I'm assuming was probably the most dangerous, hypomania.
What is your favorite thing to order at Taco Bell? Fiesta potatoes.
What church do you go to? I don't go to church.
Do you take risks often? I really don't. I need to be more willing to. Not stupid ones of course, but sometimes risks are necessary for growth and success.
The last time you ate leftovers, what was it that you were eating? My mom made these sorta cheesecake bars to bring to Girt's the other day, because he was obsessed with them when Mom made them last, so his family got to try it and were also hooked, haha. I can't remember everything in it, but I know it included a sugar cookie base, chocolate chips (I think?), toffee bits, pecans (which you really couldn't taste, it was mostly a texture thing), and caramel.
What was the last flavor of ice cream you ate? Vanilla.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Probably "V.A.N." by Bad Omens and Poppy, at least for right now. It's not my favorite song ever, but it's newer so more enjoyable to listen to lately.
What is one thing you have too much of? fat lmao
What type of fruit do you eat the most? Apples.
Would you rather eat strawberries or watermelon? Strawberries. Watermelon is too watery to me, I don't enjoy it.
Do you prefer hamburgers or hot dogs? Burgers.
How far away do you live from the place where you were born? The hospital I was born at is barely five minutes away.
If you buried a time capsule, what would you put in it? Oh I have no idea.
Describe your clothing style in three words: Comfortable. Lazy. Dark.
What’s something you want to do more often? Be outside.
Who is your favorite YouTuber? Of all-time, Markiplier. I don't really have a favorite these days, just a few I enjoy a lot. Some of these are Game Grumps, Snake Discovery, NKFherping, John Wolfe, Shane Dawson, Woolie VS, and Gab Smolders.
Do you believe in soulmates? No.
What band or artist do you think is overrated? I just really don't care, let people enjoy the shit they like. Just because I don't enjoy an artist doesn't mean other people can't.
What’s something untrue that you believed for a long time? Uhhhh maybe that slit pupils on a snake always meant it was venomous. I've known that's incorrect for years, but I did think that was a universal rule when I was younger.
Did you skateboard when you were younger? No. I kinda passively wanted to, but was never too interested to actually learn.
Have you ever won a contest? A few, mostly related to writing ability.
What’s something weird you’ve eaten? An orange yogurt-flavored treat for guinea pigs lmao
Who is someone you would like to get to know better? An acquaintance from high school named Courtlyn. We're Facebook friends and interact sometimes, but I'd love to get to know her better.
When’s that last time you saw snow? It's been like two years. :/
Who are the 3 people you love the most? Mom, Girt, and then I'm not sure who would be #3. There's a collection of people that come to mind, not just a single one.
Last person you slept in the same bed with? Girt.
Have you recently been sick? No.
Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex? Yeah.
Does heartbreak really feel as bad as it sounds? I think this would vary from person to person. For me, it was infinitely worse. I never would've anticipated the pain I went through.
Last reason you went to the ER? I had an asthma attack.
What facial cleanser do you use? I don't use one anymore.
Have you ever cheated on the significant other that you have now? I've never cheated on a significant other, period.
Do your parents like your boyfriend/girlfriend? They both love him and have loved him since we were teenagers.
What was the last fruit or vegetable you chopped/sliced up? An apple.
Does the last person whose house you were at like anyone? Me, I'm his girlfriend.
Do you tend to talk on the phone a lot? No, I literally hate talking on the phone. Primarily because over the phone, my auditory processing issues are worse, but also because I dislike not being able to see body language/expressions and it's just annoying to hold a phone and talk to someone and stop what I'm doing when you could just message me.
What turns you on the most? do not touch my boobies ok
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? Yes.
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you? Not seriously. I can ponder the possibility of Jason having had something going on with the girl he dated after me with how quickly they got together (over Facebook, anyway), but I genuinely do doubt this. If anything, he was over it/open to someone else quick.
Ever get caught doing something naughty with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes and we never addressed it and I'm thrilled about that lmfao
Do you use q-tips to clean your ears? Only occasionally, and I'm very careful when I do because overuse/going too deep with them before caused wax to dry and adhere to both of my eardrums and I had to have it suctioned out by a specialty doctor. The doc was very serious about q-tips being an awful idea for internal cleaning, but I can't stand NEVER doing it.
Have you ever swam with dolphins? No, but I'd like to.
If you/your gf became pregnant accidentally, would you consider abortion? I would get an abortion. It'd be the better option for everyone involved; yes, including the potential baby.
What was the last candy you ate? Peach rings.
Do you like zombie movies? Indifferent.
What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Blood completely covering the underside of the seat.
Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No to both.
How do you feel about runny egg yolks? The concept of that going in my mouth makes me want to fucking hurl.
Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? No.
Who was the worst friend you ever had? Colleen, when it boils down to it.
When was the last time you made plans with someone? What are you going to do with that person? A couple days ago, at least loosely. Girt and I are gonna hang out here this weekend. Dunno what day yet.
Are you close to your extended family? Do you wish you were closer? No; yes.
While on the road, do you play any road games? No.
Have you ever picked apples before? Not really, like at an orchard or something, but I have picked a wild apple out of a tree (it was on a friend's property; we all did it, with the owner) and it was the best apple I ever had.
Are you scared of semi-trucks? Especially when you’re driving next to one? I'm terrified of them. I get tense when I'm in a car where the driver is near one.
Do you have a fence? Along the back and one side of the house, we do.
If you have any pets, do you talk to them in a baby voice? uh, duh
Who was the last person to comfort you? My mom during one of those bad asthmatic episodes.
Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? Not necessarily, no. This sadly doesn't happen to everyone. Some people just live a shitty story with no pleasant resolution, no matter what they do.
What was the last thing you swallowed? Flavored water.
Do you like cats? I adore cats. I'm glad Girt's an obsessed cat dad now too because that means more cats in our future, haha.
On a scale of one to ten how much do looks matter to you? In a potential partner? Probably like... 2 or 3.
What are you listening to? "The Death of Peace of Mind" by Bad Omens.
What’s the closest pink object to you? There's pastel pink on the tumbler my sister gave me that I use for my flavored waters.
Are you afraid of thunderstorms? So, yes, but I can also enjoy them. I only get scared when there's a tornado risk.
Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy? No. But I know historically, I've been happier when with a partner.
How much effort did you put into your last relationship? Before my current one? I put my all into it. I mean, at the time, I thought I was in love with this person. And when I feel like that, I go all in.
Do you have impulse control? Yes, at least to a degree. I can tell you I'm not the best at controlling my mouth when I'm hurt, but I'm definitely better than I was as a teen.
Would you do anything on a dare? Nope. I don't even go along with dares, I'll do what I want to and not do what I don't want to.
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