#But it's still very satisfying to me especially because I imagine a happy ending for them both
shinidamachu · 27 days
You know what I always wanted? An episode where Kagome actually manages to give in to the Darkness in her heart and it would be up to Inuyasha this time to snap her out of it and bring her back to her senses (paralleling how she always manages to bring him back whenever he goes into full demon mode), kinda like the 1st movie or the Tsubaki arc but like better because this time it wouldn’t just be Kagome’s body under the control of another but her mind as well due to giving into all her insecurities regarding Kikyo.
Honestly? This is such a good concept that it deserved to be its own freaking arc. The potential for angst and character development is insane. The parallels with Inuyasha, the parallels with Kikyo.
"You really are my reincarnation, walking the same path I did" except Kagome is walking her own path, based on her own decisions, because of her own feelings and then dealing with the aftermatch of her own actions after Inuyasha manages to bring her back.
I think it's brilliant because Inuyasha was always so terrified of Kagome dying on him that he doesn't really worry about all the other ways he can lose her. Or rather, he does, but it's never really explored in a serious or satisfying manner.
And the irony of it all? Like, Kagome being the one constantly afraid Inuyasha would forget about her if he goes full demon, only for her to turn the tables? Cinema.
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fiona-fififi · 27 days
could you explain to me why you think bucktommy forever would be narratively satisfying but there's no possibility of them introducing a love interest for eddie that would be satisfying? i don't understand
I DON'T think bucktommy would be narratively satisfying.
I DO think there is more potential in the current narrative structure for them to make bucktommy endgame work in a reasonably narratively satisfying way (IF Eddie's story wasn't a factor, which it is).
I also don't necessarily think it would be impossible for them to bring in someone for Eddie if I'm imagining they have all the time in the world to make that work. But the reality of the current narrative is that I don't think they have all the time in the world. And as talented as these writers are, I don't see any way they could introduce someone entirely new, with no connection to the current narrative, and make me buy that person as Eddie's endgame. There just isn't time. A couple of years ago, I would have said that I thought Eddie could have an interesting and satisfying ending to his story if he learned that he didn't need romantic fulfillment to be happy. Since then, however, they've really doubled down on Eddie's loneliness and desire for a romantic partner AND they went for the queer Buck storyline. When you add to that all of Eddie's history with Buck and the way he's welcomed Buck into his life and embraced him as a partner both in his own life and in Christopher's, I don't see any way for them to disentangle that story and introduce someone else (unless it was Tommy, maybe, but nobody's going to want to hear that).
It would just take SO much work and time that I'm not sure they have because it would take several seasons, I think, for it to really reach any level of satisfying.
The difference with bucktommy is simply that it would take very slightly less work (though still a TON of work) for a few reasons.
First, Buck is just Buck. With Eddie, there's also the Christopher of it all to contend with, which adds a complicating layer that extends the work that needs to be done in Eddie's story in a way that doesn't exist for Buck's story (as important as Christopher is for Buck, it's very different from what would need to happen for Eddie who is literally Christopher's parent). So Buck's story has fewer complications to contend with, especially since they've already gotten it off the ground with Buck's queer awakening and introducing his relationship with Tommy already at this point in canon. So there would literally just be less time involved.
Beyond that, Tommy is already an established character in universe. They don't need to do quite as much work to help us get to know him, because we already do, even if only peripherally. But he is established as significant to the stories of other characters beyond Buck. He had a role to play in Chimney's, Hen's, and Bobby's (and hell, even Eddie's!) stories long before he ever became significant to Buck's. So, developing his place among the team and their extended family is not nearly as complicated as it would be with someone entirely new—and even someone from Eddie's past wouldn't have the history with the team, so still, more complications there.
So, yes, I think bucktommy has more potential in the current narrative structure (if—and ONLY if—completely divorced from Eddie's storyline, which it can never be).
But not only do I not actually think either could be a satisfying ending for either Buck or Eddie in the current narrative, there actually isn't anything to suggest that the show is doing the work it needs to to make that potential a reality, either. Because they are not separating out Eddie and Buck (frankly, they're entwining them further). And they aren't even doing any work to flesh out Tommy’s character. I know fandom has grown really attached to him, but the reality is that the character is currently just being used as a pawn to move Buck's story forward. Tommy has a past with the 118 that creates a lot of potential, but that potential is not being used. The character is, frankly, pretty flat at the current moment. They haven't even tried to bring him back into the 118 fold—the only people he's really interacted with since his reintroduction are Eddie and Buck, when there has been plenty of opportunity to fold him back into the team in ways that would at least have him vaguely interacting with the others (like, I don't know, Chimney actually inviting him to the wedding or Hen even acknowledging him at the bachelor party). Their relationship is cute and sweet, but there's nothing that indicates it's any deeper than any of the other relationships Buck has had thus far, and they are actively juxtaposing the bucktommy relationship with the buddie relationship in a way that makes very clear just how surface level that relationship really is when compared to the depth of Buck and Eddie's relationship with one another.
So, no, I don't think bucktommy are going to be endgame, nor do I have any interest in them being endgame. But I recognize that there is currently—literally, in the canon narrative—more potential for bucktommy to work if the show really wanted to make it happen and put in the work, mostly because of Tommy’s history with the rest of the 118.
On Eddie's end, there is no current canon potential. There's no current love interest they could turn around (especially because Edy is a shit human being and people would riot if they actually made Marisol Eddie's endgame). There's no past love interest they could bring back that wouldn't somehow have to be worked into the rest of the team. There's the additional complication of the Christopher of it all and how much that changes where Eddie's story can go and how quickly it can be developed.
It's quite literally just the difference in time. If Buck's relationship with Eddie wasn't a factor, I think they could do it in two seasons for bucktommy. For Eddie and this currently non-existent love interest, I think it'd take a good three or more, and even then, I think it would have to be someone they introduce as a part of the team (Lucy? Ravi? Tommy?) because anyone separate wouldn't have any room to develop sufficiently.
But the reality is that, frankly, the ONLY narratively satisfying ending for Eddie and Buck is one another. Any other option would require dismantling so much beautiful storytelling that I cannot see how it would ever be worth it.
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henrioo · 3 months
꒰ SYNOPSIS ꒱ : "Married life with young children has several difficulties, one of which ends up being the lack of time for intimate and romantic moments. It looks like today you and your husbands will have a chance to work it out... Or not"
꒰ WARNINGS ꒱ : MILDLY SUGGESTIVE BUT NOTHING REAL, TRANS! MASC READER, TRANS! MALE READER, POLY RELATIONSHIP (Sanji and Zoro also date each other but it's not explicit), any mentions of pregnancy but the children look like you three so you can imagine what you want, married life, mentions about not having time for your children and partners, INTIMACY, SEXUAL TOUCHES (kissing and stuff), child wetting the bed
꒰ WC ꒱ : 1,4k
꒰ NOTES ꒱ : So here another family fluff story, trying now to really go back posting so everyone can enjoy, I have a lot of stories finished so won't be a problem. Enjoy everyone, you know about fem and I thanks for the new followers I'm happy for having support in this hard time for me!
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Finally, after an extremely long and tiring day at work, and with double effort of getting home and having to make up for your twins and give them all the attention you couldn't give them while you were away. You and your two husbands found yourself putting the twins in bed, finally able to take a nice hot shower and lie down on their huge bed full of blankets so they could sleep.
You were in the middle of the two men while Zoro was mumbling about muscle pain and Sanji was hugging your waist and hiding in your neck, Sanji always missed you more, since he was just at home taking care of the twins and unlike Zoro that arrived home in the afternoon, you only arrived home at night. So he always wanted to hug you a little and exchange a few kisses to satisfy the longing before you fell asleep peacefully.
You calmly stroked his blonde hair as you had your eyes closed and let your head start to relax to sleep, Zoro had one leg over yours and Sanji was curled up against you like a needy puppy, everything was exactly perfect in your perfect life with your two husbands and two wonderful daughters.
Usually the three of you slept considerably quickly, but today the mood was a little more… different. Sanji started kissing your neck, then he started with small bites and then his hand was going under your pajama shirt and starting to caress the scars from your top surgery. You mumbled a little sleepily as you opened your eyes to try and understand what your blonde husband was wanting.
“San?” You asked, a little confused about his touches, soon he was pressing his crotch against your leg.
“Dog in heat” Zoro teased and turned to grab you on the other side while staring at Sanji provocatively.
“Shut up idiot… I wasn’t the one who was jerking off in the bathroom moaning his name” Sanji huffed irritably and you smiled realizing that even after years of marriage these two still fought about everything.
“Well, I'm not the one wearing provocative clothes and sticking my ass out every time he comes over trying to get him to pay attention to me” he countered again and now they were both embarrassed for having their secrets exposed.
“Okay, okay, no fighting kids” you laughed and stroked their hair at the same time “What are you up to?”
“We miss you…” Sanji murmured and rubbed his nose against your neck while Zoro hugged your waist tightly.
"You've been a terrible husband, neglecting us..." Zoro said and bit his ear irritably.
“Sorry, I was trying to be the man of the house to support this needy housewife and the gym addict” You laughed, you always teased Sanji by calling him a housewife and you also liked to say that Zoro only pretended to work at a gym to work out all day. Of course there was no offense or criticism in this, especially because they both said that you were the impotent husband who was married to work and forced his wife to have a lover... although in this last part you were a little hurt at being called sexually impotent.
“Well… Now you managed to make two men very angry and excited” Sanji smiled mischievously as he inhaled your perfume.
“And you know that the majority always wins…” Zoro said laughing and soon you were sandwiched between the two strong men.
"Oh yes? So you two are going to make a sandwich with me and punish me for not paying attention to my perfect husbands?” You said, sighing as you felt their hands becoming bold as they began to touch you.
“Something like that…” Zoro whispered as he moved closer to finally kiss you and begin the fun.
Before you could finally make up for lost time and have a passionate and exciting night, small footsteps were heard in the hallway and the door was quickly pushed open completely. The door was always propped open in case your daughters needed to come after you during the night… And it seems that was exactly what had happened now.
You jumped in fright as you pushed the two men hard enough for them to let out groans of pain. You looked at the door and at two daughters illuminated by the hallway light that was always on. The two wore matching pajamas, although Sora's were green pajamas with yellow ducks and Kuina's were yellow with green trees. They both had blonde hair and Sanji's characteristic eyebrows, however, their skin tone was a mix of theirs and Zoro's.
Sora was sniffling and her face was swollen and wet as she carried the huge stuffed monkey she got from Luffy, while Kuina had a determined face and was holding her sister's hand tightly. They might be twins and be the same age, but Kuina always acted like an older sister for everything Sora needed, she was really similar to Zoro and the woman she was named after. Sora wasn't exactly fragile, as she had enormous strength in her fists and legs, however, she used to be more sensitive and affectionate and this resulted in many tears. Kuina also had her sensitive moments, as she always cried in children's films, but she liked to act tough and you wouldn't stop her.
"Dad! Sora wet the bed!” Kuina screamed as if declaring war and you would have laughed if you knew it wouldn't make the situation worse. When her secret was revealed, Sora cried louder and clung to her sister for shelter.
When you heard the cries and all the commotion, the three of you were already extremely awake and all the excitement had been replaced by worry for two girls. You got up faster and were soon kneeling in front of the two girls, accepting Sora who crawled into your arms, whimpering.
“Oh, honey… It’s okay, there’s no need to cry” you stroked her hair, smiling and trying to calm her down. “You did well, Kuina, but next time don't be so... Loud, your sister might be ashamed of this” you explained calmly, knowing that Kuina wouldn't take it as criticism but rather as a way to evolve.
"Serious? But there’s no need to be ashamed, Sora!” She said, patting her sister gently on the head, “Grandpa Zeff always says Daddy wet the bed a lot as a kid!” She smiled, thinking that this would help her sister to be less ashamed of the situation, which in fact happened, as Sora calmed down and looked at her sister, surprised and now calmer knowing that this was normal. In the background, you could hear Sanji muttering about how he was going to kill his father and Zoro laughing at him.
“Okay, okay, why don’t we change Sora and put you two to sleep again?” You suggested using your shirt to wipe Sora's wet face a little.
“Can we sleep with you tonight, dad?” Sora sniffed, looking at you with those tearful puppy eyes... And of course you weren't able to deny it, even if it meant that your night of wild love had gone to waste.
Some time later, you were all in bed. Sora was clean and in new pajamas, this time a yellow one with cute seaweed and of course her sister also wanted to change to match, and now she was wearing a green one, but with goldfish. Kuina was between you and Sanji already drooling over him, while Sora was curled up in a ball on Zoro's chest who held her tightly to comfort and protect her from everything. You were in the middle of the two and, every now and then, you stroked their hair just to hear your girls' soft breaths.
“Well, they told us to enjoy our honeymoon” Sanji sighed, trying to make a drama about not being able to have a night of love with the two of you, but soon he started laughing softly, making you both laugh too.
“Yeah… and you still wanted one more” Zoro laughed, thinking that if with two children it was already difficult to have a little intimacy, with three it would be impossible.
“I can't help it, I wanted a mini marimo to complete the collection” He laughed and then yawned, feeling sleep taking over him.
“We’ll think about the mini marimo later… For now, let’s just sleep and… Well, maybe these two will stay with Zeff for the weekend” you said, closing your eyes.
“Does it mean what I think it means?” Sanji asked excitedly.
“Be quiet, perverted cook,” Zoro snorted at him.
“Yes, yes, no fights or otherwise, I’ll go with the girls to Zeff” you laughed trying to threaten them.
“Well… You’re an essential part, but not mandatory…” Zoro teased and you scowled, these two were screwed with you when the three of you were finally alone.
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 months
Request or just saying
One piece is so good but all I was thinking is how Law can be a bit of a brat sometimes especially when he runs off and gets his ass in trouble (I'm sorry I was dying of laughter when his ass got beat by the flamingo guy, I can not spell his name for the life of me). So imagine a bigger sly reader punishing him 🤤
Like reader is happy Law survived and he punishes him, nsfw or not
This could be a good fluff or smut type thing, I don't mind!!
Love your writing
Trafalgar Law x bigger male reader
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The thing I love about one piece is that a request can say bigger reader, and I can make reader anywhere from a few inches taller than the other character, or make them 10 feet tall, and it would fit into the one piece universe.
Reader is 8 or 9 feet in this, cuz hehe, I love size difference.
You were the holder of a devilfruit, a zoan fruit more specifically, the tiger fruit. This granted you the power of any zoan fruit, and resulted in you having a striped pattern on your skin most days, as well as tiger ears and a tail flicking behind you, as that was most comfortable for you.
You had been a part of the heart pirates for a long time, and had been dating Law for a good chunk of that. You regularly used your tiger form to get him to sleep, transforming into a huge tiger and flopping down on top of him to keep him down.
He could easily use room to get away, but Law learns you’ll just follow him and keep it up. When you don’t turn into a tiger, youll still pick him up and keep him in your lap, making tiger noises in your chest as you rub your chin on the top of his head after knocking his hat off.
You end up having to pull him out of trouble a lot, at this point you are sure it’s the D in his name, as he attracts danger like a magnet. It leaves the hairs on your tail puffed up and frizzy, as you always feel the need to look out for him.
More than once you’ve had to swoop in, in tiger form, and chase off any enemy that’s too much, just to scoop Law up and carry him back to the Polar Tang as he pouts and grumbles like the brat he is.
People outside the crew can’t seem to believe you when you mutter about Law being a brat. Everyone on your crew knows it’s the truth, and he can get especially bratty with you at times when he wants to rile you up.
Law always gets this lazy but satisfied grin on his lips when he catches your tail wagging from side to side in annoyance, your teeth and claws sharper than normal as you try to suppress the urge to chase him down and punish him in one way or another.
Laws sacrificial ways have always left you feeling stressed, and after the fight with Doflamingo you want to rip all your fur out because you really felt like you were gonna lose your lover.
You thank Luffy and the strawhats for keeping him safe, even if you are also very bruised and bloodied from the fighting, before carrying Law back to the Polar Tang like you are used too, still transformed into the more Anthro looking form similar to the form Lucci takes, but a tiger instead.
The rest of the heart crew knows to give you space as you rumble deep in your chest, scolding Law as you stomp back towards the submarine, Law pouting as he lays in your arms with his arms crossed.
The wild thrashing of your tail and the twitching of your ears also tells your crew to find somewhere else to spend the night, or else they’re gonna be hearing their captains voice throughout the whole submarine.
Some of the strawhat crew seems to pick up whats up, whilst others don’t, so the ones in the know have a little laugh at Laws fate, but they leave you guys to it, since the celebrating will take a while anyways.
Law wont even look at you as you throw him into your bed, a bed big enough to feet all 9 feet of your height, his arms crossed as he stares at the wall like it’s the most important thing in the world.
You transform into your more human form, pacing back and forth at the bottom of the bed, growling and grumbling as you scold him, making sure to get your point across, till Law starts to feel bad for his behavior, at least somewhat.
His shoulders climb up to his ears and Law finally looks at you, his pout melted away into something a little softer and almost guilty. But it immediately melts away when you stop prowling and crawl up the bed towards him.
Instead, a glint appears in his eyes, that bratty satisfied grin like he has gotten just what he wanted from his behavior.
But, Law soon comes to regret that, as you take that expression as a challenge, and he soon finds himself thrown over your large bulky thighs, his pants pulled down to his knees as you spank him, making him count each strike.
In this situation, your much larger size is something Law curses, as your hand covers pretty much his entire ass as you lay into him, growling his wrongdoings at him, fangs flashing as striped fur licks up your arms and sideburns, your eyes flashing between human and those of a tiger.
Its only when he loses the ability to count and hes reduced to a blubbering moaning mess that you slow down, basking in the tears running down his face as he sobs and apologizes.
Its only after you find his cries and tears satisfactory that you pull his pants the rest of the way off and sit him up, pulling him into your lap. You have to lean down somewhat to kiss his forehead, but after such a spanking Law is so sweet and pliable.
He whimpers and shudders, face wet with tears and drool as he clings to your chest, hips lifted to not press his aching behind against your strong thighs. But the punishment has also left him aching somewhere else, his cock twitching and leaking as need burns up his spine.
You make sure to praise him and mumble how much you love him as you rub his back, comforting him through his tears until he’s calmed down enough for you to focus on something else, as the pain of the punishment lessens, and Laws lust grows.
When Law starts to whine and whimper for something else, you roll him onto his back, shucking off the rest of his clothes as you go.
Law gasps and shudders as his aching behind presses against the sheets, but his focus is quickly somewhere else as you start licking at his neck and torso, your tongue rough and sharp against his skin, your feline tongue leaving red strips across his skin from the sandpaper like texture.
Law tries to keep quiet, but with him already being so worked up from earlier, its easy to get him to wail and moan loud enough for it to fill the entire Polar Tang. Especially when your rough tongue brushes against the underside of his cock.
The first time you do that his back arches almost painfully, the noise the leaves him sounding almost tortured as he grips onto your hair, his throat burning from the intensity of his wail.
Law shudders and moans, what little shame that had been before bleeding out of his body as your large hands hold his hips down, your tongue carefully rolling against his sensitive length, never dragging or hurting too much. You rub it against him just enough for him to feel and for it to leave him shaking.
You rumble and purr as his blurry eyes fall shut, a tear running down his cheer as he lets out a soundless wail of pleasure, his entire body tensing and toes curling as white spurts leave his cock, splattering across the flat side of your tongue and across his torso.
As he goes limp you rub his hips and thighs, pulling your tongue away from his sensitive flesh to mutter praise and loving words to him as he pants and continues to moan softly.
Its only when you know he’s returned somewhat to himself that you crawl up the bed again. After laying down on your back, you pull him on top of you, letting him curl up in your arms for a bit. You’ll get up soon to get stuff to treat the bruises in a bit, but first you need to hold him as he shudders and grasps onto you, Law needing you to ground him.
You end up curling your tail around him, letting some fur appear on your torso so he can run his fingers across it in a grounding and comforting manner, a loving rumble leaving your throat and chest and leaving Law feeling tired but comfortable.
He may be bratty at times, but he’s your brat, and you’ll straighten him out when he needs it when you have too. It’s a process you both love more than you two will ever admit, and a process that annoys your crew at times, but that’s just what its like being part of the heart pirates at this point.
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eggsaladstain · 1 year
so i thoroughly enjoyed season 2 even if it was extremely rushed and the fact that it’s not a 1:1 adaptation is genuinely so fun to me.
like i get it, things are different from the books, the characters have developed in way they did not in the books, but the books still exist. the show canon does not negate the book canon in any way - we just have twice as much canon now and honestly i fail to see the downside to that.
book/show spoilers under the cut.
let me start with the not so good before i get to the good.
the crows really got shortchanged this time around and most of their storyline definitely felt more out of place this season compared to the first. and as satisfying as it was to see kaz beat pekka, all the wesper and kanej moments, and have 5 of 6 crows all together (sorry matthias, better luck next time buddy), the show was not nearly as successful integrating the crooked kingdom plot points as it was the storm and siege and ruin and rising ones. but i get it, the crows were always going to be secondary to alina.
that said, i do love the idea of taking this heist most of us are already familiar with and turning it on its head with these new character dynamics. imagine an empowered and free inej returning to ketterdam to help a less burdened, less haunted kaz plan the heist. imagine jesper in his element, confident and proud of his grisha abilities now that he’s made peace with his past. imagine wylan and jesper openly flirting at the most inopportune moments. imagine nina and matthias presumably actually getting some screen time together?? the possibilities are endless and i can’t wait to see where they go with this.
now, onto alina’s storyline, which has the biggest departure from the books.
the show ends with alina killing mal, amplifying her power to singlehandedly destroy the fold, bringing mal back to life with merzost, and then killing the fjerdan intruder with the cut summoned from shadows instead of light and seeming to enjoy her newfound shadow power. this is the story of a savior who becomes a saint who finds herself turning into a heretic - dark alina arc let’s go!!
i love this direction for the show because it’s incredibly consistent with alina’s journey and the way she is constantly presented as a foil for the darkling, following in his footsteps even without realizing it. she has tremendous power and a desire to protect those she cares about, and she’s clever and cunning and willing to do whatever it takes to reach her goal, whether that’s burning a set of maps so she can join mal in his trip across the fold or agreeing to a political engagement to give ravka hope for the future. though she has mal and nikolai and her other allies, this is really her journey and hers alone - her journey of discovery to embrace her own power, even as she becomes that very evil she worked so hard to destroy. the message of the show is that power corrupts, and it corrupts even those with the best of intentions, perhaps especially those with the best of intentions.
in contrast, the book ending is pretty much the exact opposite - alina fights the darkling’s forces inside the fold alongside both the first and second army. she kills mal to amplify her power but ends up losing it altogether. instead of amplifying her, the amplifier gives her power to the first army soldiers and other non-grisha around her and they, an army of sun summoners, destroy the fold once and for all. alina then kills the darkling, mal is resurrected using regular grisha-means, and alina and mal live a quiet life running the orphanage in keramzin. this is the story of a savior who is allowed to die a saint and live a quiet, happy life afterwards - poetic cinema, beautiful in its subtlety and restraint.
there’s a lot of criticism about the way ruin and rising ends and i get it, i really do. was it necessary for alina to lose her powers in order for the other sun summoners to gain them? why is her love for her power seen as something greedy, something to be punished and taken away? god forbid women do ANYTHING. but i will defend this ending with my last breath because it’s such a wonderfully subversive way to conclude alina’s story and i really don’t think it deserves most of the hate it gets.
the original trilogy started out as a pretty generic story about a chosen one who was destined to defeat a great evil and ended instead with a group of ordinary soldiers and orphans being the heroes instead. call me sentimental, but i ADORE how it comes full circle - alina was, after all, an ordinary soldier and orphan when we first met her. throughout the books, we see how she struggles under the weight of her power and the burden of her responsibilities, and i just really love the way ruin and rising said no, you do not have to do this alone, you are not the only light in the dark, here are your fellow countrymen to support you in your greatest hour of need. so often, these stories end with the heroine saving the world and then being expected to continue keeping watch with the knowledge that they will be called upon again the next time the world needs saving. and ruin and rising again says no, you have done your duty, let someone else stand guard, you have earned your rest and you deserve it.
all this is to say that i loved alina’s ending in the books, and i love that it’s different in the show. we get to explore the other paths her story could have taken, we are not just limited to the one. i love the crows as they are in the books as well, and i don’t entirely mind how different they are in the show for the same reasons.
this is an adaptation that knows when to pull from the source material and when to create something entirely new. it was never meant to replace the books, it was created in addition to them, and i hope we get many more new stories after this.
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hamliet · 1 year
I love seeing people of all ages participate in fandom, especially those who are 30+. It just makes me so happy and I seriously don't understand the vitrol people have of using age as an insult in fandom. Wasn't a popular Star Wars fanfic written by someone in their 60s? Regardless, fandom history is so rich and it's so lame to think that peoppe can't ship characters, write fics, draw fanart etc because you wanna play the non existent role of fandom police
I hate to tell tweens but when you grow up, whether you have a successful career, get an advanced degree, become a professor at the (literal) best university in the world, get married, raise many kids, are a published author, teach high school, or teach Sunday school (these descriptions are all describing people I am personally friends with in fandom)... your interests remain. You're still you. You still get excited about the same things.
There is no magic moment where you suddenly become some mature person. For that matter, when you do slowly mature, you realize none of that comes with scoffing at all things imaginative and being satisfied with goose liver and wine, unless that's like your fandom. Maturity doesn't mean a lack of enjoyment. Maturity means embracing what you enjoy, but balancing your life.
That can be scary for kids, but in all honesty, no matter how old you are, you never really feel grown up, like you've "arrived." You're all you've got. This person you are? Is who you will become. There's no magical switch. So embrace who you are and what you like, as long as you don't like, like, bullying other people.
And in the meantime realize your professor might just be writing fanfic in their office next time you stop by for office hours. :P
I'll end with these two quotes from CS Lewis:
“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
"You and I who still enjoy fairy tales have less reason to wish actual childhood back. We have kept its pleasures and added some grown-up ones as well."
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candy8448 · 3 months
Nothing like opening my eyes to a new linked universe update
Dawn pt8
My occasional source of dopamine XD
Its very satisfying seeing how all the traveling layers are put on. You can really imagine this scene animated
So a lot of important things were discussed, stuff the fandom have noticed before but its good that jojo finally mentioned them herself:
Shadow is the only this associated with the portals (pg1)
I LOVE how so many traits and experiences of the characters are shown here!!
Wild taking the blame first, he's got one heck a guilt complex (pg2)
We are just hit with everyone's emotions right off the bat and i love that!
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I kinda like how blunt Time is
Wars talking about how "helping the wound isn't an option," things they must consider during war (pg3)
Legend trying to lighten the mood again like he always does (pg4)
I like to see how what they think of wolfie has changed now that they know it was twilight. Wars thinking its fine if the animal goes off alone cuz it doesnt understand but now making it clear that he doesn't like it
Secrets are getting in the way (such as wolfie) and hindering their process. Maybe it wouldn't have been so clunky if tgey knew exactly who wolfie is
WARS' SCARF IS BACK BABY! I got so excited when i saw it that page, dont worry guys, he has it back now!
Legend with his puzzle mind :))) my legend-centric brain is happy (pg5)
But his teasing almost boastfullness ("it just got lucky") but then turning in to actual contemplation, i love that he is also taking things seriously
Its actively seeking them out, Hyrule is wary that it will find them, like in his adventure (pg6)
They need to get better at teamwork
Four bringing in the joke about friendly fire. He definetly knows a lot about that (im reading the four swords manga for the first time and am near the begining sooo)
They need to use their arsenal
I just gotta say that i love this shot, very pleasing to my eye for some reason. But im so excited to see how everything goes with this! Im guessing in the near future, they will be taking these but to the extreme that it hinders them so they need to practice or something
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Oof poor hyrule so tired of strong monsters, his games were HARD (pg7)
The power up on the sword! Ive seen a post about it before so its cool that they are noticing it, very important too!
I like the firmness with sky and time's ideas of the sword. Even though time says nothing about her we can see it, and the fact that she still sees him as her master (obviously!) It seems like they both need to sort out this dissagreement in order to not impact them even more (Pg8)
I love this especially because i just made a fic about exploring sky's and others' relationship with the master sword
I can't help but think that sky is thinking about more than just this quest in this update and back to his own adventure and maybe ghirahim. More bits in this update also make me think that ("he wants to fight" "yeah, 'cause he wont")
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Wind being the one most eagre to fight! And Hyrule being the one most ready to go! I love that!
I was just thinking a few bays ago about what happened to those letters, i guess we get to see now! It seems like it might be one more update before we set off properly again (pg9)
Sky looking so happy about the mail at the end :)))
We really do get a piece of everyone and their personalities in this one
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Im so excited for them to be on the road again!
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Ep. 15 "The Cavalry Has Arrived" Review
To say that I am happy is an understatement. I am beyond satisfied with the finale of TBB. For me, it was perfect and I cried several times. This was about a family. Of course, there are small things I would've liked to see more of, but that's more nitpicking. I watched the finale twice today and I am happy. I guess if I had to say anything, it's that I wanted more. I love these characters and I could spend hours with them.
From a more constructive criticism side (just to get it out of the way): I definitely think the writers needed more time overall with this show. There are corners that had to be cut and you can see it. The pacing is rushed at times. While I'm still happy with the final result, you can tell it really needed more time for character moments. I don't necessarily blame the writers; I blame Disney for not giving them more time. Jen and Brad are very capable of both action and character depth, but it's clear they didn't have the time for both.
On another note, the music and animation were phenomenal. The rain animation looked so real to me, especially when dripping off of the characters. Everything was stunning. And the music, like my gosh. The Kiners popped off here. Crosshair's theme and Omega's theme are two absolutely beautiful pieces of music and I really enjoyed hearing them throughout the episode. And my gosh, tension during the final stand against Hemlock was perfect. The music was incredible and I rewatch that sequence because of it (and other things).
Spoiler time; you know the drill 😎 This will be long, fair warning.
Crosshair's conversation with Wrecker and Hunter was truly heartbreaking. You can hear the guilt in his voice, especially when he admits he feels like he deserves to 'Plan 99' himself. To hear Crosshair admit that hurt. His past mistakes weigh heavily on him. However, I loved that Hunter stepped up and told him no. Family sticks together no matter what. It's a far cry from S1, where Hunter and Cross both left each other. But now, nothing will split their little family up. Crosshair's theme playing over that whole sequence had me in shambles.
The whole fight sequences with the operatives was also really well done. I can't imagine what would've happened if Hemlock managed to condition the boys. Omega got Cross out at the right time; if he'd stay'd there a few weeks longer, then Hemlock would've definitely adjusted the conditioning machine in time to fully break him. Luckily, Crosshair avoided that fate. Still, to know that he suffered in that machine for 5 months is heartbreaking. The operatives are true killing machines, devoid of life.
I can't believe I live in a world where Crosshair got Jaime Lannister'd. AND IM A HARDCORE JAIME STAN. This wasn't on my 2024 bingo card! I will say though, I can see why some people personally don't agree with it as a writing decision. Cutting off his had doesn't magically "fix" anything; it honestly will just add to his trauma. But at the same time, I love whump and there is symbolism of Crosshair being truly free. He is now just Crosshair and that's enough.
Omega really learned from the best, didn't she? Seeing her help the other kids and free the Zillo was epic. I got so many Ezra vibes from her as she slipped in and out of the vents of Tantiss. The faith and trust she has in her brothers is truly heartwarming. And it makes the epilogue feel even sweeter. Omega knows they raised her well and she can take care of herself because of that. She's grown so much since that first time seeing her on Kamino. It feels like looking in a mirror sometimes, at least for me. I see a lot of my life reflected in her, just like I do with Crosshair. It hits home.
The final standoff with Hemlock was definitely my favorite part outside the ending. I loved the music, the animation, and seeing Hunter and Crosshair work together. There is such trust between the brothers and Omega. Despite Crosshair's worries, there is no moment that Hunter doubts Crosshair's abilities. Hunter knows Cross will make it. He assures Cross that Omega also trusts her brother's abilities. And the hug after Hemlock died was so beautiful. I love that Omega hugged Crosshair first; he needed that.
Hemlock's demise was perfect. I kept joking that I just wanted him to fall off of Tantiss because it would be so pathetic. And guess what? He did fall off of Tantiss (after getting shot before hand).
Echo of course was awesome! Loved how he commented that he knew Omega was the one to release the Zillo. I also loved how he did get to fulfill his wish of freeing the clones and even lead them into battle against the operatives. The last domino still stands and I couldn't be happier. (Also glad that Emerie lived. She deserved it after realizing how messed up everything was).
Nala Se and Rampart were also handled well. Rampart never changed and I'm glad he didn't. Some people are just not nice, even after getting served humble juice. Meanwhile, I will cut Nala Se some slack. I will never forget Fives. However, she did save Omega so there's that. And she took out Rampart.
Overall, I'm just really glad that everyone made it out in the end. I would've been fine with a sacrifice, but the Batch was constantly being forcibly split apart, I'm glad that they now get a break and can be family. (Tech lives on in all their hearts). They will be ok and they know that. TBB was my comfort show and seeing that final shot of the Batch reminded me that I will be ok. Stuff happens, but somehow, things will work themselves out.
And the epilogue! I wish we got old man Crosshair and Wrecker (maybe one day we will), but it makes sense why it was only Hunter and Omega. He's her primary father figure and their relationship has been one of the driving forces of the show. For so long, Hunter has been very protective Omega, almost going too far at times. However, he learns to let her go and trusts that she will be ok. He is at peace knowing he, Wrecker, and Crosshair (and Tech + Echo) raised her well. It reminded me so much of my own experiences with my parents and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect epilogue. It also hit hard seeing Omega as an adult; she was so tiny in the beginning.
Anyways, that was a long review. I am overall thrilled with the final and I'm glad everything wrapped up neatly. I'm sure we will see Wolffe, Cody, and Rex in another project; their story isn't over. But Clone Force 99's is. They struggled so much and are now finally able to rest. The epilogue confirms that Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair got to grow old and watch their kid grow up. For me, there's such a beauty to that. In a galaxy that is riddled by war and darkness, there is hope for a better future. The Bad Batch started as a group of "defective" clones, but in the end, they became something so much more: a family. And in my eyes, that is the perfect ending.
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skitskatdacat63 · 3 months
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Prince Jenson of Somerset
+ process & lore
Yayyyyy omg finally have drawn portraits of the four main characters!!!! I'll show the process of Jenson's first and then them all four together. Though it's a shame the Seb/Fernando ones are older, I think it's hopefully obvious how much I've improved since November?
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Look at him in all his handsome, princely glory 🥹 It's funny, I'm always happy with the second sketch and initial lineart, and then I start coloring it and I absolutely hate it, and it takes a significant amount of time into the painting for me to like it again. And then I reach a certain point and I'm in love with it again. Ugh though I gotta say, I love drawing the curls, it's just so 18th century, but at the same point, man I always will love my original lineart for the hair the best ah. Also yes I absolutely had to give him a big ass hat with feathers, he really is that kinda guy to me. I originally drew a bicorne and then realized that those don't really exist until basically almost a century later oops, so tricorne it is!!
Okay now omg look at them all together 🥹
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Haha wow I have improved a lot! Just like the Seb/Fernando ones, Mark and Jense's were meant to be put together. I think there's a lot of inherent characterization in their poses that highlight the difference between them. Mark is looking up, very wistful, looking up to greater people, greater things. Jenson's head is tilted down, almost looking at the viewer, he is very satisfied with his role and revels in it, he's here to slay!
Okay, yes, lore, characterization, sorry that it is so far down on the post!!
Jense would probably be the fan favorite if this AU was an actual book or show or something. He's the guy you randomly find while browsing Wikipedia and you're like, woah this guy is so cool??? Unlike Sebmarknando, he doesn't really have the same level of angst, he's kinda just chilling. He's a bit harder to write a lore post about, because he's basically that character who is always magically around the corner, ready to witness some crazy thing and just breeze past it.
He is less linked to Seb than people like Mark and Fernando, because he's basically just his personal minister of transportation(read: horse fucker), so he avoids a lot of the relationship complications and drama, but that isn't to say he's completely uninvolved. He really likes Seb, and loves to hang around with him and serve him, but he's not as beholden to him. He's who everyone goes to air their grievances or to get away from the others, and he's very happy with this role. He's generally willing to play any side in an argument, but does tend to have a pretty big soft spot for Seb overall(Seb also gives him cuteness aggression, and he wants to bite him. Especially when Seb puffs himself up and acts super bratty when he gets offended at not being seen as a proper ruler.)
He's royalty from other kingdom, but pledged his loyalty to Seb's kingdom when he was quite young and has served him(his father first) ever since. He started off somewhat low in the military, rose to a pretty high rank, was a renowed war hero, and then ended up retiring pretty early to tend to Seb's horses. That's an oversimplification, but yeah. He liked the military life, was very good at it, but decided he had done enough, and wanted to be involved in more direct service, albeit more laid back. As I mentioned in Mark's post, Mark *really* doesn't understand his choice to do this, because if Mark had been in Jense's position, he can't ever imagine being able to let all that go and living the quiet life.
He is the palace whore, everyone has been with him honestly. It'll be like, some man walks into his bedroom, only to see Jenson in bed with his wife, but instead of being angry, he's like "wow you couldn't even wait for me??" He's just very carefree, and happy to just slut around and tend to Seb's horses.
I think he definitely still advises Seb, and would go to battle if truly need be, but generally seems to be living in a different world than the weird psychosexual homoerotic political drama that the others seem to be living in. But as I said, it's not like he doesn't contribute to it! He loves to goad Fernando, and constantly plays devil's advocate in "debates" between Fernando and Seb. He's also obviously the one that keep "accidentally" locking them in rooms and forgetting where the key is.
Sorry if this isn't very explanatory, I hope it gives a general idea to the type of character he is???? As always, let me know if you have any questions! I kinda struggled on what to write here because I'm finishing this at almost 8 am 😭 so I'm not sure if it's great or not. But basically you need to know: horse fucker who is generally breezy and carefree but also can be a bit of a menace to society every once in a while.
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#YAYAAAAAAA PRETTY HAPPY WITH THIS ONE!!!!#lmfao tho not 100% sure about the lore notes because i wrote this at like 8 am#hope its understandable 😭 and that you love jense as much I do#hes probably the funniest character in the AU#and like if it wasn't centered on seb/nando he would be the favorite#hes just often there as my kinda reaction character#tho both he and Mark are reaction characters but on opposite sides of the scale and they play off each other#jenson walks into a room where sebnando are psychosexually glaring at each other from across the room#and hes like hmmm how can i make this worse#and mark is the type to walk into the room. see whats going on. and briskly walk away#so jense absolutely loves to tease him w this kinda thing and just make any situation 100x worse(aka funnier)#well funnier for him probably not the other people involved#but its okay bcs they love him. hes jense!!! who wouldn't love him!! hes our favorite guy!! our jense!!!#I just love to imagine he gets all the sides of the gossip and is like hmm yes yes interesting#but doesnt use it for scheming or evil but rather just to tease and be annoying and make everyone blush :)#okay well anyways wow im not really discussing the art itslef sorry!!!@#I think he looks so handsome pretty in this 🥺#hes pretty difficult to draw but i think it came together when i gave him freckles tbh#i hope he gives off carefree but seductive but laidback prince 🙏🙏#f1#formula 1#jenson button#catie.art.#boy king au#*not sure about his title officially yet. i mean hes from somerset but yeah idk its okay
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yuyusgirl · 20 days
This is my first story so bare with me guys :) lol.
Just another regular practice for you as Ateez choreographer. You’re choreographing their new tour song “WAKE UP”, when u first listened to it you just KNEW it had to be a sexy dance to it so you got right on it. Using every sexy dance trick and as much thrusting ucan think of u put it in the choreo. And finally u were finished snd it was time for the boys to come in and learn. As Ateez enters very happy to see you, you scream “ARE U GUYS FUCKING READY” them not knowing what u have up your sleeve they respond saying “ YESSS” and you get to work. Firstly you get to show them the dance which is fun for you because you love their reactions as you dance. But this time there were different reactions then u normally see, all the faces seem mesmerizing and they are just looking u up and down, especially yunho. After you are done showing it is time to teach, and while teaching the hip thrusting parts of the dance seemed a little awkward to you knowing they are enjoying it a little TOO much but u are satisfied that they enjoy your dance. Y’all stop and take a water break and yunho comes up to you saying “ so a little spicy for this song hmm?” You replied “yes I know I know but I really feel like the choreo goes with the sound of the song” “you know what I feel like Y/N ?” He asks “what?” you ask “I think u looked too sexy performing that for us” “oh haha” you laugh thinking he’s just joking “oh so u think im playing, im so serious” he replies, “Oh yunho im flattered thank you” you respond trying not to seem awkward because that flustered you. “Of course pretty” he replies. “Ok time to get back to work guys!” You yell to try to get yunhos compliment out of your head.
Day 2 practice you’re so excited to get things done, the boys coming in with loud energy and screaming you know this is going to be a good practice. Y’all are all stretching, getting ready to get started and while you are in the straddle with your legs open, yunho is staring you DOWN thinking of how your legs are so farly stretched. You look up catching him staring and he just plays it off by looking down super fast, you get flustered AGAIN with how he is looking and you. You decide to just say fuck it and show him how it feels, so the whole practice you are both just staring and eye fucking each other. “Hey Y/N” san yells “woo taught me how to do the spilts yesterday you wanna see?” He asks, “boy what the fuck, yea sure haha” you reply, he tries his hardest to split and obviously.. he can’t. “Y/N can you split?” San asks “of course I can” so you go down and split. Yunho sees this and his mind is running CRAZY knowing you were this flexible Imagining all these things has his literally drooling all over himself. You catch this and start laughing at him “seen a ghost ?” You ask he plays it off with a laugh saying “shut up”. Yall finish up and everyone is hugging you bye, you get to yunho and while y’all are hugging you whisper in his ear “stop eye fucking me and do it for real” being very bold. His face and ears turning redder than ever he can feel himself getting hard and runs off to the bathroom. “Hey yall leave without me I’ll call a Uber I have to shit” he says. They all agree and leave, you are still there packing your stuff getting ready to go and you hear slight moans coming for the bathroom. You head closer to the bathroom to hear what’s going on, obviously you know whos in there, you slightly turn the knob seeing its open. Yunho springs up in shock and is very embarrassed to see you standing in the doorway, “yunho what are you doing?” You ask “im sorry you kinda just tu-turned me on...” You chuckle “and how is that yunho?” “ the dance, the splits, my ear I-I-I just couldn’t take it”. You start slowly walking towards him and you end up looking up at him. You not even realizing he’s so much bigger up close, him towering over u just turned you on. You both just staring at each other his dick hard and your cunt soaked, he says “ im s-sorry I just got caught up in the moment” “you want to see me do the splits on that big dick huh?” You ask, “mmhm” he replies. you keep walking towards him while he is backing up and he suddenly hits the wall. You grab his hard cock through his pants “fuckkkk” he replies, he wants to cum from just you grabbing on his 11 inch. You get on your tippy toes to hard on kiss him and y’all just go at it, tongue on tongue him moaning while your hand is rubbing his hard on. He starts to think that you shouldnt be the dominant one so he turns you around and now ur the one on the wall you let out a small gasp being so surprised, and now your letting him take control. He slowly moves his veiny hand down and now is slowly taking your tights off and reveals your pretty pink panties which the sight is getting him even harder and is getting your cunt wetter. He takes his thumb to move your panties to the side and sees your cunt is so wet for him. “ this all for me pretty? I knew you were a slut the way your legs were so spread open during strech” “its all for you daddy” he LOVES this word, a little TOO much that he takes It upon himself to pick u up. “Daddy?” “You dont even know what that does to me pretty girl?” He rips your panties off and you moan at the dominance of him, you never thought he was this freaky. You still touching his rock hard cock pulling his sweats off “dont” he says, making you anxious you ask “wait what’s wrong” he replies “ let me show you everything I wanted to do to u since you started teaching” he says while carrying you to the couch in the practice room and gently putting you down while he takes off your panties and reveals your leaking cunt throbbing at him.
the sight of it makes him so hard he just wants to fuck your face into the couch but he holds his composure and places the top of his tongue on your clit making you jump and moan loudly “AHH YUNHO F-FUCK” “hey pretty girls dont curse” “yes daddy” you reply. He takes his finger and slides it into your leaking hole making you jump once again, he chuckles and keeps eating you out like its his last feast and stroking his long veiny finger in and out of you making your walls cusp around his finger. “So you are a little pretty slut hm?” He asks “ Y-ye-yes FUCK” you scream “cum for me baby I know you can” “FUCK YUNHO FUCK ME” you scream feeling so good his fingers hitting your g spot and his tongue sucking your clit so well. You’re reaching your max point and just needed one more push, and he gave you that push. Slapping his other hand fastly on your clit makes you go so insane “FUCK Y-YUNHO IM CUMMING FUCK” “hey didn’t I say no cursing pretty?” “Sorry daddy” you respond. Cumming on his fingers he gets so turned on by that, precum spreading everywhere, and dripping down his pants he couldn’t wait to stick his hard cock inside you. “Yunho..” “Yes baby” he responds “please…” “please what pretty?” “Fuck… me, I want you daddy” faster than lighting he took his sweats and boxers off and you see his long, hard, 11 inch flick up on his stomach making you wet once again. “Im gonna fuck you so bad you can’t teach another sexy dance mk?” That turned you on so bad you couldn’t even respond you just grabbed his dick and pulled it closer to you signaling for him to put it inside you. “You want it bad? Beg.” He said “yunho I want you to fuck me so deep I won’t get to teach another sexy dance” he didn’t know you were gonna say that, he was gonna let you beg but he seen you confess and confirm that your his. That turned him on and he grabbed your thighs closer and tapped his cock on your throbbing clit “AH SHIT” he screams out that slap felt so good that he just wants to cum on the spot. “I thought u dont like cursing daddy?” You asked, he chuckles “ I do, not from you you’re too pretty for that baby” he slowly puts its in your hole, “SHIT” you scream out, he doest like that “ you dont wanna listen?” He says “no no daddy I’ll listen” “do you want me to cover your pretty little mouth while I fuck you?” That actually didn’t sound bad to you but u wanted him to hear your every moan. “ no please just ram into me daddy” he does as you please going faster in missionary while flicking your hard nipples “OH MY GODDD” you scream out, he’s trying to just cum in you by hearing your moans so he ends up covering your mouth which does him no justice because it turns him on even more. “Fuck Y/N why do u feel so good, your pretty little pussy is clenching around my cock so well” his moans going up even louder when he sees you so fucked out taking his length so well “ who’s pussy is this hm ?” He asks “YOU-YOUR-YOURS DADDY” barely can talk because he’s fucking you so well. “Promise its mine or ill pull out” “its its yours daddy forever” you say, he loves that shit and is going faster while kissing down your chest, fucking you while he’s sucking on your breasts makes your orgasm come even faster. He feels your walls clenching him and your moans getting louder and louder “cum for me baby, I know you can your doing so well” he says, this sends you over the edge “OH MY GOSH FUCK ME FUCK YUNHO AHH UGH” “ I knew you could do I-AH SHIT” he saying while he cums right after you “hey let me tell you something” he says “hmm?” You reply “if u curse so much like that again ima stick my cock so far down your throat you won’t be able to speak and curse word hm?” “Sorry daddy u just made me feel so good, and yk what I won’t even mind u sticking that big thing down my throat” yall both chuckle, y’all sit there not the next 20 mins touching and kissing not knowing you’re both hard and wet again. “Let me take you home baby” he says, you agree and he takes you home, making out before you walk into the house.
Day 3 of practice you are no where to be found everyone is worried and is asking where are you, someone walks in the door “HEY THATS NOT Y/N” woo says “hi guys im Veronica, Y/N couldn’t be here today she said her legs were hurting idk, so I am here to cover for her” yunho chuckles “something funny?” Hongjoong asks “ oh nah nah my bad” yunho says.. if only they knew what took place the night before..
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silviakundera · 5 months
Lighter and Princess Ep 27 thoughts
Sad that LX really had to go too far in lashing out to come to some revelations about how him pushing everyone away hurts THEM too. He's been thinking of himself as poison at this point, and so preventing attachments is for others' own good. He had to be shocked out of that twisted mindset.
Honestly, he's getting a lot of grace from me due to the whole 3 years in prison thing. He's not well. If this was just regular dude angst, I wouldn't be so forgiving. But these are atypical circumstances.
With the visit to teacher Lin there's a light at the end of the tunnel, though. He's opening up and talking about being prision, acknowledging it frankly and with good-natured humor instead of verbal stabs. And he declines the offer of getting a foot in the door of a major company, acknowledging (!!) that he likes his co-workers. He SMILES. "I like them very much."
Thinking back to the start of his university era... I can't imagine the same sincere smile & statement about the base squad. These guys he has partnered with aren't half as bright as his team members in the past, but Li Xun isn't trapped like Gao is - he's changed from his experiences. He no longer uses the same metrics to judge people as worth his time. He is still on top of the mountain, but he's not looking down from there at others in the same lofty, derisive way he did at 19. This isn't just the last 3 years, it's been a slow change building in him all this time. But it just hit me here.
Li Xun's realization at how awake and alive Zhu Yun has been at their lil flop startup, feeling creative and engaged. And his own admittance that he likes it there.... it's just a perfect contrast with Lao Gao and Fang Zhijing at their sterling corporation, and how fucking miserable they clearly are. Especially Gao, who is still finding no joy in his profession and has no passion for programming or game design and only thinks about "winning". The giddy glee at Flying is a perfect contrast to Gao's dead eyes at an up-scale bar.
dangermousie had a great comment to me, about how Gao can never be satisfied because of his desperation, because he needs to win & prove himself and the essence of Li Xun's cool badassery is that he doesn't. god, the absolute worst thing that Li Xun can do to Gao is what it seems like he might be starting to find right now: being happy where he is and feeling that what he's producing is great.
Li Xun has his own measure of success and I truly hope he finds it. He already told us in ep 23: "I don't want money or his company. I want dignity. He needs to give back what I lost."
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karuuhnia · 10 months
Okay, I doubt anyone’s ever gonna read this, but I just need to write down my thoughts on Good Omens Season 2. (Beware of spoilers) 
The Characters
First of all, I love, love, LOVE the writing and especially the acting of everyone involved! Both Michael Sheen and David Tennant (and everyone else) gave absolutely stunning performances! I also like that the main cast was a lot smaller than in season 1, so everyone had more time to shine. Great choice! (I did however kinda miss God’s narration and meta commentary).
My favourite new character is Muriel by far. She is like Aziraphale's cute, naive, dorky little sister or niece and I had the biggest smile on my face whenever she was on screen! I hope to see more of her in season 3 (which we probably will since she now runs the bookshop).
What I also liked was that Nina and Maggie don’t just magically fall in love in the end. I mean, they barely know each other and Nina is still in a relationship for most of the season. I liked that they even call out Crowley and Aziraphale for trying to force a romance between them instead of treating them like real humans with free will. (Was that a slight call-out to shippers in fandoms? Who knows lol) I hope they'll find love along the way, but I'm glad they were portrayed as realistic human beings.
Gabriel goes from smug, condescending asshole everyone loved to hate to adorkable himbo and I'm all for it! lol I wasn't in the fandom back in the day, but apparently Gabriel x Beelzebub was a popular ship and I can only imagine how happy the fans must be now that it became canon! I didn't see it coming at all, but it played out really well and didn't come across as forced. I just found it a bit funny and sad that these two fell in love and decided to break away from Heaven and Hell to be together in only a couple of years whereas Crowley and Aziraphale haven't managed to do that in more than 6000 years.
Which brings me to...
The Last Episode
We all know the last 20 minutes of episode 6 were absolutely heart-wrenching, but I wouldn't have it any other way! It was the perfect ending/cliffhanger in all regards and both their decisions make perfect sense. I wouldn't have wanted Crowley and Aziraphale to get their happy end at this point in the story because they're simply not there yet, character-wise. 
Also, then a huge plot point and conflict would miss from the final 3rd season. I live for the angst and the drama and I can't wait for satisfying character development and the ultimate, heartfelt conclusion. (Please, Neil! ;__;)
Character Analysis
The most interesting things for me were the several hints that Crowley used to be a very high-ranking and powerful angel before he fell (maybe Gabriel’s predecessor?). 
In S2-1 Aziraphale already knows who Angel Crowley is and looks at him with awe and admiration. (In German we have the great expression "jemanden anhimmeln" - roughly meaning sth like "to admire someone as if they came from heaven")
Crowley was part of the designer team of the universe and worked together closely with the higher-ups. He was also entrusted with starting the engine of a quadrant.
He is a creator and visionary who loves the stars, the planets, the whole universe and sees the big picture. He also uses critical thinking and encourages others to do the same.
The miracle he performs with Aziraphale to hide Gabriel’s identity is so strong that Heaven thinks the most powerful of Archangels must have done it. Since Aziraphale hides Gabriel from Hell and Crowley hides him from Heaven, but the alarm only goes off in Heaven, we can assume that Crowley had a bigger part in the miracle.
He can somehow deceive other angels from recognizing him as a demon: Gabriel, Michael & Co. in the Ijob episode and later Muriel when she first comes to observe Aziraphale. 
He can change the weather and cause fire or lightning at will.
He still has access to classified files for dominions or above.
He literally brings the guy who was killed by the demon horde back to life like it's nothing.  Short update: Neil recently said that Mr. Brown wasn't actually dead but only held captive during the battle. Well, Crowley at least healed Mr. Brown's injuries and removed his traumatic memories.
He is the only one in a room full of high-ranking angels who recognizes Metatron as what he is.
But it’s also implied that Crowley may have memory loss after he was kicked out of heaven because the angels did to him something similar to what they want to do to Gabriel now.
He doesn't remember working on the universe with Saraqael.
He remembers being in the Great War, but not battling right beside Furfur.
He vaguely remembers discussing gravity with the other angels, but he doesn’t remember why it was a good idea.
He seems to know exactly what the amnestic Gabriel is going through (the empty house metaphor, the physical pain of trying to remember etc.)
Crowley is hiding a huge trauma and it becomes really obvious how hurt and lonely he really is. 
In S1-5 we learn Crowley was tortured by being thrown into a pool of boiling sulfur, just because he dared to ask a few questions and make suggestions. Heaven is cruel beyond all measure! (But because of their chronic lack of communication I doubt Aziraphale knows exactly how much Crowley suffered both physically and mentally.)
At the end of the Ijob episode in season 2 he laughs at the distraught Aziraphale because he knows what it’s really like to have fallen. The thought of someone like Aziraphale going to Hell is ridiculous to him. And he wouldn’t wish something so terrible on anybody anyway, especially not Aziraphale. He knows first hand what Heaven does to “traitors”.
He’s been tortured and kicked out of Heaven, but he doesn’t resent creation itself like the other demons do, quite the contrary. He often goes out of his way to help humans, even if it means punishment from Hell. 
Because both Heaven and Hell are cruel and toxic, he decides he doesn’t want to be on any side in this eternal and pointless conflict. This, of course, leads him on a very, very lonely road.
Maybe this is why he (consciously or unconsciously) latches onto Aziraphale so much: He notices Aziraphale’s own doubts about the heavenly plan really early on. So he constantly encourages him to question his beliefs and own morals. 
I don’t think he does it for overly selfish reasons, he just wants to show someone else that not everything is black and white and that Heaven’s plans are not always as good as they want to come across. But of course he also doesn’t want to be all alone anymore.
Aziraphale is, first and foremost, a guardian, a protector. But we can’t forget he is also a warrior and a leader. 
In the beginning he was wielding a flaming sword, in S1-5 he is supposed to lead the heavenly troops into battle, in 1941 we learn he owns and knows how to use a gun. In S1-6 he is willing to shoot the Antichrist (who is in the body of a child I might add!!), but Madame Tracey stops him.
He likes spending his time helping others and indulging in his quirky little hobbies, but if he needs to, he steps up and becomes a leader (e.g. the stand-off in S2-6 when the demons and angels shout at each other and he takes control of the situation).
Aziraphale embodies many positive core values: Love, loyalty, politeness, kindness, forgiveness - which sometimes lets him come across as naive. He is also a big people pleaser. 
In Season 2 we once again see how much Aziraphale values and loves humanity (more than we deserve tbh). His heart is so big and full of love for them. He is his best self when he can do good for humans and he thrives off it. The thought of innocent people, especially children dying is really the only thing that ever convinces him to go against Heaven’s rules/orders (seen in the entirety of season 1 and in season 2 in the Ijob and graverobber episodes). 
But because of these core values he sometimes acts pretty holier-than-thou and hypocritical: He tends to try to make others do the dirty work so that he can wash his hands of responsibility.
We also learn that he sometimes abuses his heavenly powers to get what he wants. I mean, organizing a ball itself is a very wholesome idea, but he literally manipulates everyone’s clothes, feelings and behaviours, making them do or feel things they wouldn’t normally do in this situation. Nina is the one affected by this the most: She just got dumped and is sad and angry, but Aziraphale’s magic doesn’t allow her to feel those very valid emotions. He only means to do good, but ultimately he forces his will on the participants of the ball. And he doesn’t even realize it! This is not okay. 
There is this one very meaningful line in Season 1 where Aziraphale says: "You go too fast for me, Crowley". And it really shows in every aspect of his personality and character design. 
Aziraphale always wears similar, familiar clothes and barely changes his hairstyle over the centuries. Crowley on the other hand looks completely different in each time period we see him. Crowley lives in the present, goes with the time, Aziraphale lives in the past, can’t catch up. 
No matter how often Heaven disappoints and mistreats him, he still desperately clings to the idea that their plans and institution are good at their core. Even after more than 6000 years Aziraphale is still so obsessed with the idea of good vs. evil, Heaven vs. Hell and to an extent even Aziraphale vs. Crowley. Yes, the two have become visibly closer and more familiar with each other since season 1, but Aziraphale still thinks in the good side vs. the bad side ("my people" vs. "your people", “Of course you said no to Hell, you [not “THEY”!!] are the bad guys!”) absolute, whereas Crowley has distanced himself from both sides long ago and only wants to be with Aziraphale.
Besides their lack of communication this is their biggest problem: Aziraphale can’t accept Crowley for what he is - or is not anymore. 
First there is some sort of resentment and caution towards this fallen angel, of course. But Aziraphale wouldn’t be Aziraphale if his big loving heart held onto those feelings for long. He quickly sees that Crowley isn’t purely evil as demons are supposed to be. He likes and WANTS to see the good in everything and everyone.
Aziraphale begins to enjoy Crowley’s company over the centuries and eventually trusts him completely. But due to his indoctrination by Heaven he still unconsciously believes that Crowley, as an evil demon, is beneath him, Aziraphale, who is a righteous and morally superior angel. And while he has compassion and sympathy for Crowley and his terrible fate - he also somewhat pities him. (And being pitied is certainly nothing Crowley wants.)
This is the reason he is so incredibly happy about the thought that he could give Crowley his angel status back. As sad as it is to see how little Aziraphale understands Crowley after all those millenia, it feels completely in-character why he wants Crowley to be an angel again. He sees that there is still so much good left of the former angel he admired so much. He witnessed how brilliant Crowley used to be, an angel who loved creating and gazed at the universe with such exaltation. How happy he was, how bright, how enthusiastic in what he was doing! 
This plays right into Metatron’s hands in the last episode. 
Early in the season Crowley is offered a huge promotion in Hell if he finds Gabriel. And Crowley doesn’t even consider it for a single second - even though he hates Gabriel (He still clearly remembers the "Shut your stupid mouth and die" and all the other horrible things). When Aziraphale is offered the new position as Supreme Archangel he hesitates at first, but as soon as Metatron suggests reinstating Crowley to angelic status, he agrees in delight. Aziraphale thinks now they wouldn't have to be separated, they could even be together officially and it wouldn’t be reprehensible anymore because they’d now both be angels, both on the “good” side. They’d finally be equals and could even do good together, change the system.
So of course, from Aziraphale’s perspective, making Crowley an angel again would solve all of their problems (or what he perceives as problems). He, Aziraphale, wouldn't have to have a bad conscience anymore for spending time with someone who should be a mortal enemy. He could finally “fix” Crowley, make him truly good again. But of course it backfires horribly.
Their relationship:
As much as I loved the funny banter, the wholesome and adorable slice-of-life moments, this season made one thing really obvious to me: There is a big power-imbalance (for the lack of a better word) between them in their relationship. 
As far as we've seen, Crowley is almost always the one who gives, Aziraphale is almost always the one who takes. When Aziraphale wants something (e.g. protect Gabriel, take the Bentley to Edinburgh, have Crowley take care of the bookshop in his absence, organize a dance etc.), Crowley initially refuses - but in the end always gives in to what Aziraphale wants. 
Aziraphale is very outgoing, has a whole little community with the vendors in his street, actively mingles with humans and has hobbies (reading, collecting books, eating at fine restaurants, listening to music, practicing magic, going on little detective adventures etc.). What I’m saying is: Aziraphale has a life for himself, even after becoming a persona-non-grata in Heaven.
Crowley on the other hand... He either goes along with what Aziraphale does/wants or sleeps in his car (and takes care of his plants I guess). That's pretty much it. He doesn’t get any new tasks from Hell and only communicates with Shax on occasion when she brings him his mail or random news. He is so isolated from Hell, Heaven and Earth that literally his only reason for existing at this point seems to be Aziraphale. He practically has no ambitions or life of his own. Aziraphale always lets Crowley be his rescuer because it makes Crowley happy. But isn’t it sad that Crowley is only ever happy when he can protect and be around Aziraphale? Crowley’s whole life revolves around him and nothing else. This is not healthy!
Think back to season 1 when the bookshop burns down and Crowley thinks he’s lost Aziraphale forever. He is a mess, he screams and cries and breaks down. It was only for a couple of hours, but he’s experienced what a life without his one true friend is like and the loss hits him so hard, it hurts even us as an audience! 
And the worst thing: I don't think either of them really notice all that - because they don't TALK! Nina and Maggie were so right: The two idiots never really talk to each other about their true thoughts and feelings. 
There is so much miscommunication and misunderstanding of each other's needs because of that:
Aziraphale is internally conflicted about what he wants (be a good angel of Heaven vs. be with the enemy, an "evil" demon).
Crowley knows exactly what he wants (to be with and ONLY with Aziraphale), but he can’t muster up the courage to say it. After all, the last time he spoke freely about his thoughts, he was branded a traitor, tortured and cast out by Heaven.
So they constantly fail to find a solution that both of them are happy with:
Both in Season 1 and 2 Crowley asks Aziraphale to leave everything behind and run away with him, not acknowledging Aziraphale's undying love for and loyalty to humankind. And he gets rejected for it both times.
In S2-6 Aziraphale asks Crowley to come to Heaven with him, not acknowledging how Heaven has hurt Crowley, not accepting him for who he is. Instead he wants to fix him. Over the years he has also become so used to Crowley always being there for him, he takes his help for granted. So when Crowley actually stands his ground for once and refuses to do what Aziraphale wants, it shocks Aziraphale to his core. He’s never been rejected like that.
They aren’t humans, they are both ageless, sex- and genderless, asexual, otherworldly beings, so human relationship standards don’t apply to them. We can also see that in Gabriel’s and Beelzebubs relationship. Their love is something emotional, not physical. They don’t kiss or even hug, they just look at each other and sing "Everyday" - their personal love song - before they go off together. 
Crowley and Aziraphale have spent so much time away from Heaven and Hell and lead almost human-like lives on Earth. So in a desperate, last ditch effort Crowley chooses to show his emotions in a very physical, human way, a way that beings like them wouldn’t normally do. But it’s his very last chance to make Aziraphale understand. So he kisses him. It’s an angry, sad, messy, utterly unpleasant kiss, it’s painful to look at. 
Aziraphale doesn’t kiss back, his hands are erratic. He is so torn. His heart and his brain tell him two different things. He needs Crowley, but Crowley refuses to come to Heaven with him. 
And what is the first thing that comes to Aziraphale’s mind after the kiss? “I forgive you!” Because that’s what he’s good at, right? Forgiveness. He told Maggie that in the first episode of the season. I don’t know what exactly he wants to forgive and I’m not sure he knows himself. 
When they part they’re both in emotional agony, they both feel betrayed. Crowley storms out, but still waits outside his car. He still has this tiny bit of hope left that Aziraphale will come with him after all. He only gets in and drives off once he sees the doors to Heaven close behind Aziraphale and Metatron.
Metatron’s plan
I read some theories that Metatron poisoned Aziraphale’s coffee, but I really, REALLY hope that this isn’t true. It would take away all the gravity of Aziraphale’s decision if he is just drugged to go along with Metatron and comes to his senses once the drug wears off. That would be boring and lame!
I also don’t think that Crowley and Aziraphale switch appearances again as they did in Season 1: Clearly Metatron would be able to see through the disguise, he is much more powerful than the angels after all.
No, I think Metatron cleverly manipulates Aziraphale by giving him the opportunity (or rather the illusion thereof) to make changes in Heaven with Crowley at his side. Aziraphale is so convinced that Crowley would be full of joy and gratitude at the prospect of becoming an angel again. He once again fails to understand that this is the exact opposite of what Crowley wants.
Metatron on the other hand appears to know Crowley much better in that regard. He remembers how powerful Crowley is and how far he fell for asking the wrong questions. He loathes Crowley and would never want him in a position of power in Heaven ever again. So from the outset Metatron knows that Crowley would not agree to become an angel again, that’s why he makes that specific offer to Aziraphale in the first place. It’s his clever way to make the two fall out with each other, to separate them and still win Aziraphale over for his plan.
I just wonder what his real goal is here. Michael or Uriel seem like a much more logical choice for Supreme Archangel if he really only wants to go through with the next Armageddon. That can’t be everything, right? He knows that Aziraphale actively worked on preventing the first Armageddon. Why would he think Aziraphale would now be on board for the second one? Metatron can’t underestimate Aziraphale that much, right? He’s way too cunning to believe that Aziraphale is weak-minded and gullible.
I mean, I’m not too versed in religious mythology, but doesn’t the Second Coming of Christ mean Judgement Day and that God’s kingdom takes over the world after smiting all enemies? That doesn’t sound like something Aziraphale wants (especially the smiting of all enemies which would include Crowley). So why does he still agree to go with Metatron after learning about this??? 
Does Aziraphale think he can outsmart Metatron and all the other high-ranking angels and avert the end of the world when he’s in a position of power? I mean, he is intelligent, he must have a plan after hearing about the Second Coming, right? That would at least somewhat explain his very weird and uncanny smile during the credit roll. I just don’t know what to think about all this.
My best guess is that Aziraphale will first try to undermine Metatron and speak to the Almighty Themselves (something he already wanted to do in season 1 but was denied), and also to make positive reforms in Heaven. But Metatron sees this coming of course. To make Aziraphale his obedient puppet he will simply threaten to erase Crowley from the Book of Life should Aziraphale ever dare to step out of line.
Crowley never told Aziraphale about what he and Muriel found out in Heaven - that Michael & Co. were actively planning Armageddon 2.0 before Gabriel went renegade. But now Crowley can’t do anything to help prevent it because he knows that Aziraphale is completely at Metatron’s mercy.
I’m dying to see how this will all play out, but at this moment I’m just confused and unsure about all of this. 
So what do I want/expect from season 3?
I want Crowley to overcome his trauma, his pain, his trust issues, all the rejection and loss he faced. I want him to be able to be himself: Free, loved, respected, cared for, accepted. I want him to live a happy life with, but not live FOR Aziraphale. I want him to make other meaningful connections. Maybe with Muriel? She is the only other kind and good-hearted angel we see in the show and a friendship would benefit both of them greatly in my opinion. 
I want Aziraphale to fight for Crowley, to protect him for once. When they meet again I want him to do the stupid apology dance for three hours. I want him to finally accept Crowley as his best friend, his soulmate, his true love, his equal. I want him to take Crowley’s glasses off, look him in the eyes and then be the one to lean in for a kiss. A kiss that isn’t forceful and desperate, but heartfelt and genuine.
As for the plot of season 3… I’d really like to see a flashback of the often mentioned Great War between the angels and soon-to-be-demons. I’d also like characters from season 1 to make a cameo appearance if possible. Apart from that I don’t have any predictions or big ideas (as I said before, still very confused about Metatron’s plan). 
I will put my faith in Neil Gaiman and Wait and See (TM) what he ultimately comes up with. :’)
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scoobydoodean · 1 month
i’m trying to write a s15 fix it fic and i’m kinda stuck on what the ending for heaven should be. along with other smaller details i have figured out, i know jack’s not gonna be god, and neither will amara, but that means heaven can’t keep functioning as it has been, smth needs to change. i do have a few ideas, but i’m interested in what someone like you, who has a much more comprehensive knowledge of spn than i do, thinks. like how you wish the ending happened (other than dean living ofc), how you wish they handled the cosmic consequences of taking out chuck?
and ofc i won’t like steal your ideas! i’m just looking for inspiration and another perspective in order to flesh out my basic ideas
Well... to be honest, when I read fix it fics I often skip the world building aspects surrounding "new heaven structure". Honestly I'm more the kind of person to feel that part of the fun of fic is not having to do complicated world building and getting right into the character-oriented portions of the story. 😂
As far as my own wishes: I am a HUGE proponent of an open ending for Supernatural. Because Supernatural is about a battle between the concepts of Free Will and Destiny, and the final season, in particular, is about an evil author/god writing the characters lives, I feel the only narratively satisfying conclusion is one where even the irl author sets the characters free from their vision (after a certain point—obviously we want to have our fun and set the characters up for success). This is a HUGE issue with the actual series finale in my mind—that it attempts to write out the entirety of the characters lives even into eternity, entombing them in the author's vision with absolutely nothing left to the imagination when this show was MADE for a "ride off into the sunset" style ending because it's about free will. 15.20 simply was not that—it was far FAR too intrusive.
I mean to be totally honest because of its negative narrative significance, I kind of think heaven should simply implode. I think it would be very cathartic for everyone involved. The Winchester's provided (imo) an excellent landing pad for a fully canon-compliant fix-it fic where Dean once again tears apart the script. And yes—to me heaven is still someone else's script in 15.20, whether that was the authorial intent or not. Even if one isn't "Chuck won" truthing, one still has the line, "Cas helped" in 15.20—meaning that at the very least, Cas and Jack are trying to write paradise. They are trying to write The Future. (I discuss my criticisms of that here). This is also why the summary for my own WIP fix-it... looks like this:
Castiel abruptly drops the cassettes onto the kitchen table in a clatter, barely avoiding Mary’s morning coffee. “I need help understanding your son.”  Much to Castiel’s consternation, Dean… isn’t happy with the heaven Cas and Jack have designed and built for him. If that wasn’t clear enough from his preference for universe-hopping to alternate worlds over spending time in the heaven literally designed to be his personal peaceful paradise, or his in turns defiant and despondent attitude when grounded (read: when he hasn’t quite figured out how to chew through the plastic of his “cage” yet again)… it would be impossible for Cas to miss the fact that Dean will barely speak to him. Instead, he afflicts Castiel with one-track cassette tapes. 
On a symbolic level, to me, heaven in SPN represents false paradise. It represents Free Will losing to Destiny. It’s a hopeless, helpless, ultimate: “No matter what you do, you will always end up here”. Even if you succeed at defying The Man in life, you will ultimately be forced back into a heaven where someone else’s vision for your life plays out for the rest of eternity, sold as "paradise". You will always end up back in The Beautiful Room. The afterlife doesn't have to be conceptualized that way, but I think the "new" heaven in 15.20 still heavily misses the mark for me in this regard, especially given the surrounding context.
All of that said, in a more general sense, I think what you do with heaven in a fix-it fic really depends heavily on what relational/emotional themes you're exploring in the fic. For example, say I want to write a fic where Dean reflects on his life being full of responsibilities that were too big and how this deeply warped his sense of self-worth. Say though that I largely explore Dean's feelings and reflections on this through Jack, in the present, cracking under the pressure of being expected to be God. A narratively satisfying ending to that fix-it might intentionally leave the question of what exactly becomes of heaven an open question, because the catharsis in the end is that it isn't Jack's (or anyone else in TFW's) responsibility to figure that out. To have Jack say "I'm trying so hard to make everyone happy everyone wants me to make paradise and I don't know how and I'm drowning", and for Dean to say "You don't have to make paradise. You don't have to do any of this. It isn't your job." Could be a very emotionally poignant conclusion to a fic that focuses on that theme.
I wonder if taking even a further step back would also help? By which I mean: the concept of a heaven as a whole, or hell, or purgatory... they're all assumedly of Chuck's design, and while that doesn't make having four afterlife locations (including The Empty) inherently bad, it also doesn't make make for inherently good design either—practically or ethically. The angels were having trouble keeping the lights on upstairs as their numbers dwindled, Purgatory is an absolute mess (think about where Garth and Bess and their kids will end up...) The only place possibly doing okay in the end is Hell, under Rowena's rule. Death had lots of concerns about balance between the various afterlife areas and I actually think it would be hilarious to give Death... 4.0? a heart attack by just being like "Well... what if we just got rid of some of these places? What if we were trying to stay upright and balance on a seesaw instead of on a ball that can turn in any direction? Do we really need a separate afterlife for monsters? Can heaven and hell just both be in the same place and Rowena and a few other people run it?" Though the need for a new Death could also mean... a new one comes in with a new idea about how to structure the afterlife, but then you also have to ask yourself how intricately you want to detail any of this. If your primary goal is to build the most comprehensive possible fix-it fic that addresses any conceivable question a reader might have about the new reason of the world, then you might finely detail the new concept of the afterlife. On the other hand, if you're more interested in exploring an emotional theme, it might make sense to have whatever happens or doesn't happen with heaven symbolize or relate to an emotional/relational theme within in your story.
Idk that was very rambly sorry I hope it helps a little with brainstorming!
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runawaymun · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @zealouswerewolfcollector @melestasflight & @niennawept - thanks guys!!!!
Under the cut for length.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
43 total. 26 on my reg runawaymun account, and 17 spicy works under spicy_runawaymun.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
466,324. Geez.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently just Tolkien. Mostly focusing on early third age and late second age. I used to write for Stargate and Doctor Who but that was like ten years ago.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
To Partake - 842 kudos - Longfic in progress. Elrond/Celebrimbor set in the second age, based loosely off The Rings of Power but it's really gone off the rails now because I didn't like some choices in the show and am trying to fix them haha. Show knowledge is honestly not needed because I stop following it after like the seventh chapter. Mostly an Elrond character study disguised as porn.
And the Stars Shine the Same - 695 kudos - Longfic, complete. a look at early third age Rivendell as told by two kids from proto-Rohan who get adopted into Elrond's family out of harsh and traumatic circumstances.
Beneath a Boundless Sky - 520 kudos - longfic and in progress. Sequel to above. Much wider scope. Dealing with the politics of proto-Rohan and exploring Fram's rise to power, while also keeping a firm focus on Elrond, his relationship with Maglor, and his relationship with his family. Oh yeah, and there's an eldritch monster in the mix (one that isn't Elrond that is!)
A Gown Spun from Starlight - 400 kudos - Thranduil x Reader insert oneshot. Mostly fluff.
Supine - 358 kudos - exploratory kidnap fam multi shot. Mostly Maedhros-centric.
Tinúvion - 289 kudos - Oneshot. Elrond and Sauron meet and hiss at each other and fight over Gil-Galad for 1972 words. Sauron shits his pants. Transitive property Luthien-Elrond.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Sometimes often my spoons are low so I am not always as fast as I like. But I endeavor to respond to everybody!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ohhhhh. Let me think, here. Probably That We Are Still - in which Elrond has a foresight nightmare about Cel's death and they have sex about it, which fixes nothing.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have happy endings, because I love happy endings and I've written a good deal of fluff! I think And the Stars Shine the Same has the happiest/most satisfying ending, though. But it's an unfair comparison because it's a longfic. But Never Doubt I Love (Russingon) has a happy/bittersweet ending that's one of my favs. And Equinox (Elrond and Lindir's first meeting) is just pure sugar haha.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not that I recall, honestly. Hopefully it stays that way. I've gotten one or two slightly homophobic comments but I believe the commenter meant well. It was a weird experience.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes! I find exploring how characters are sexual really really fascinating. It's like a microcosm of everything -- of their relationships, of their trauma, of their securities and insecurities. It's so interesting and fun! And especially the journeys that characters can take sexually, learning to open up and explore :) it's very rewarding. All of that is over on my spicy account. It's nearly exclusively Celrond but there's a few others in there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've written a few, but none on AO3. My favorite was one I wrote a long time ago where SG-1 (Stargate SG-1) got into a tangled up mission with the Eleventh Doctor and River. I also do a lot of daydreaming and play in my free time imagining my OCs from my original works winding up in middle earth. :)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had someone offer but if it wound up happening, I wasn't tagged, so I am not sure! But receiving the offer was very nice <3
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not any of the ones posted to AO3, but @the-commonplace-book and I have collaborated on a lot of work together! I'm always open to collaboration. It's so much fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
CELROND CELROND CELROND. Though Brimbrond is becoming a close contender now!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
All of them, really. I try not to doubt I will finish things and just trust my process. I am a naturally slow writer who's a perfectionist and tends to hop from project to project, which is why I focus myself on one or two longfics at most, and I just let the others percolate in outline form until I finish something. I used to not finish things ever and it drove me crazy, so I try my best to stay focused so that things will always get finished in their due time.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Prose. Action and horror. Long character arcs -- especially the unfolding of characters who are recovering from traumatic experiences. I have a pattern haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions of settings and characters (I know what they look like in my head and have to actively remind myself that this image isn't downloaded into someone's brain). Politics and schemes. And IMO I am not good at twisty plots. I tend to write pretty linear progressions with few unexpected surprises.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic.
I like peppering individual words here and there, or perhaps small phrases. Pet names, absolutely. But nothing more than that. IMO adding in language can really help ground a story in the worldbuilding.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Funnily enough, Tolkien. When I was a kid I set out to rewrite the entire books just from Merry and Pippin's perspectives. I did not get very far.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I think it's honest to god And the Stars Shine the Same. I am obviously fond of To Partake, but Stars just is in its own special category for me. It came to me at the exact right time in my life when I really needed it. It's a very personal story, and it revived my love of writing and reminded me why I liked doing it.
I am rather late to this and I am not sure who has been tagged and who hasn't, so forgive me if I tag someone who has already done this! But no pressure tags for: @emyn-arnens @jaz-the-bard @lordgrimwing @greyjedijaneite @maglor-my-beloved and whomever else would like to participate!
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ageless-aislynn · 3 months
Aislynn's Rumble Jumble of Random Thinky Thoughts on Halo s2 ep 5 "Aleria."
Spoilers, natch. 😉
I was holding out a little bit of hope, especially given that Riz went back for Vannak, that we were going to get some sort of last minute reprieve to save the big fellow. Sadly, no. 😭
John's guilt that Riz went back for Vannak's body because he had been pushing her so hard was understandable but I don't believe that was the whole story, if it was even a part of it at all. I think she went back for him because because he was one of them and they don't leave one of their own behind. More than that, she went back for him because she loves him. Call it the love for a brother, for a comrade, a friend who has been at her side since they were children, she loved him. Of course, you're also welcome to call it romantic as well, you know how I support my fellow shippers 117% at all times 😇 (she says, as if she hasn't totally written Vannak/Riz shippy fic 😂😉)
Poor John, of all the trauma he's been through, this has been by far the worst of it all: he's been abandoned by the UNSC, he's lost his armor, he's lost his identity as Master Chief, he's lost Reach, has lost Cortana, lost Admiral Keyes, lost Kai, lost Vannak and then now Riz. That moment when he tells her she's all he has left just about broke my heart. When she hugged him, he did a brilliant job, IMO, of showing how for a moment, he just wanted to close his eyes and collapse onto her, then pride makes him withdraw and try to pull a facade together like it doesn't matter. *sniffle*
I obviously hope this isn't the last we see of Riz but, at the same time, I'm happy for her. She deserves some peace after the terrifying amount of physical and emotional violence she's been through. Just seeing her smiling at the end made my heart feel a little better. Love you, Riz. I hope we see you again having a great life, bb, you deserve it. 💖
Okay, so I was NOT expecting Laera to go all Negan with a barbed wire bat. 😮 But was it satisfying to watch the quiet menace growing larger and larger, while that shopkeeper dude clearly realized that he would've been better off taking a beating from Soren? Yes, that was very satisfying, indeed, lol! And why I wasn't expecting the UNSC to have taken Kessler is beyond me because of COURSE they know about him (Halsey called him by name, after all) and of COURSE they're going to want a son of a Spartan. Will any of Soren's enhancements have been passed down genetically? Will Kessler be more likely to survive the process if they put him through it? Will they not even have to put him through it at all? I would imagine they have a lot of questions they'd like answered. And Laera and her bat would be very happy to answer them all, I'd imagine... 🥊😠🥊😉
Now, the three most important things about the scenes with Makee, Cortana and not!Thel!Arbiter whom I shall try to now call Var 'Gatanai since that's his name:
I still don't care for Cortana's makeover. 🤷‍♀️I liked the bit of camaraderie between her and Makee, especially with Makee's line about what happens when a useful thing loses its use. I see a forced alliance in their future, if not an actual friendship.
I still keep staring at Makee's eyebrows, wondering if they're more blonde because she dyed them or is it from whatever she went through to bring her back to life after last season. Yes, this is the important thing to keep worrying about. 🙄😜
I had to struggle so hard not to loudly exclaim, "ARE YOU BLINDED BY ITS MAJESTY?" when Cortana showed Var the Halo lands Makee and John frolicked through in season 1. 😇😂😉
And fourth place runner up, I didn't get as many shippy vibes this week between Makee and Var, whom I can call by his name or by not!Thel!Arbiter but not just "the Arbiter" because I'm a card-carrying member of the Fangirls of Arbiter Thel 'Vadam Fan Club and I'm not going to risk losing my membership. 😂😉
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My bb boi. *draws sparkly hearts everywhere* 💖💖💖😉
I'm of two minds about them pretty obviously giving Var the Arbiter storyline here. However, if they would've called the character Thel 'Vadam(ee) but not had him voiced by Keith David? Um, HERESY. I don't say that sort of thing often when it comes to new adaptations but, c'mon, he IS the Arbiter when it comes to voices and considering that Thel would be CGI or whatever they're using to create Var and the other Elites, it's not the same sort of prospect as I've heard other people say, that they should've dubbed Steve Downes' voice over Pablo Schreiber's. (Yes, I saw that pop up a couple of times in the earlier days.) I mean, clearly Steve Downes IS Master Chief when it comes to the games but dubbing a live action actor is never going to look smooth, IMO.
Anyway, I think this means we won't be meeting Thel in this series, since his storyline is currently going along without him. 🤷‍♀️
Now to see what's in store for us next week. I am both looking forward to and dreading Kai and John's inevitable reunion. He's going to feel utterly betrayed, I'd think, and as I've said before, if she's not utterly devastated by Vannak's death and feeling guilty over not being there when Silver Team needed her... I'm going to have to super-duper fix that with fic. *nodnods* 😜😉
PS - Am I writing something utterly fluffy for Vannak right now? OF COURSE I am! C'mon, Vannak, jump in the AU Party Warthog, where you'll always be safe and happy!
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lilunaire · 3 months
I'm dying for any ghostflower TWBOS content you have
Can u give us any teaser 🥺 pretty please?
(If it's not too inconvenient off)
Hi anon, sorry for answering so late !!
Dont worry, I got your back now 😎 And since I'm so late against, here's two teaser for chapter 9 !
(side note : im so happy to have an ask you can't imagine-)
(teasers below the line)
Teaser 1
Four depressed teenage girls in their pajamas on a bed and a huge tub of ice cream.
They're watching a movie on Webflix, a movie that Margo chose ("It's not so bad," she told them.) And that was perfect, because at the moment, it was an average movie that they needed to watch. With this, they could continue talking while paying a little attention to what was going on.
It's hot in Mumbattan. The three guests each brought a fan, but it wasn't enough. Gwen didn't know she would need a seventy-centimeter-high pot of ice cream in her life until Margo told her it existed on her Earth.
Drowning your sorrows in ice cream, that's the ideal solution!
And by sticking your hands on it, you could be sure of being cooled off.
Gwen also had to admit that she'd seen… better than that. It was a film aimed at young adults (and to be completely honest, female young adults), very cliché and sometimes lame. Fortunately, the two main actors came to save the shaky scenario.
“Margo, I thought you said it was a good movie… Peni whined.
— Actually, I said “not so bad”.
— That’s not the word I would have used to describe it…”
“So, about your parents? Gayatri asked. How's it going?
— Still through divorce, but there's progress! If lawyers are right, just another month and it will finally be behind!"
With the divorce, Margo was already planning a lot of things: for starters, she will finally be able to invite her friends to her dimension without having to hide all the details of their visit. But also organize parties: Margo had parties in her soul.
Her mother was often away for work, and she intended to take advantage of it.
“Cool, I’ll come to squat more then, replied Gwen.
— Only if you bring cakes, it’s not open bar here.
— Deal."
Teaser 2 / CW : Implied nudity
Satisfied with her work, she comes to join him in the bathtub. He, in the meantime, had managed (with great difficulty) to sit down in the water. She comes to settle in too, pressing her back against the wall, which is still a little cold despite the scalding water.
When she opens her arms, Miles understands the message and comes to stick to her, letting her surround his body with her arms. He doesn't need to be asked to put his head back where it was earlier, that is to say against her neck, and once again inhales the comforting smell of peaches.
She lets her hands absently caress his chest and back, rubbing the bath suds onto his skin. He hums in pleasure and contentment, pressing himself deeper into her.
He knows he shouldn't. He had spent the last few hours trying to convince himself that he absolutely had to end this twisted relationship with her before it was too late.
But the feeling of her body against his acted like morphine, and he was addicted to it. He wants this moment to never end. He hears Gwen in the distance asking him if he wants her to wash his hair: that was probably a bad idea given the time. He would probably fall asleep with wet hair, and his mother would go crazy if she saw him do that, especially at this time of year.
But the “yes,” leaves his mouth before he can even form that coherent thought. She makes him to stand up so she can access his shampoos, and grabs the shower head, making sure to lower the water temperature to rinse his hair.
He closes his eyes, and he feels like he's falling asleep almost immediately. But he stays awake just so he doesn't miss what happens next.
IMPORTANT NOTE : hey people who actually speak english unlike me, would you mind helping me ? In Teaser number 1, i said "Four depressed teenage girls". So idk if it's okay in english, but since it doesn't work in french it makes me confused. I don't mean to say that they have depression, just that they're all in a bad mood (but i can't really write that you know ?). But everytime I try to translate it on internet, they all give me "depress". So if anyone can help me on this 🙏
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