#Broadway au
writewolf90 · 11 months
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Had to wait until the Ao3 drama let me upload but I was too excited to hold on for much longer than that. This story is so much fun to write!
Warning for a little bit of love-hate SPICE!
Art by: @zakurarain
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this is for @somethingpoeticiguess thank you so much for submitting information for my marketing project!
Prompt: Percy h/c with vex in the broadway au
By the time Percy’s face is clean of makeup, he’s taken a shower, and changed into his street clothes, most everyone has headed home for the night. Keyleth left a while ago, popping her head through the doorway of his dressing room with a smile to tell him she was picking up takeout on the way home. Where she plans on getting food this late at night, he has no idea, but he is very much looking forward to a meal.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame has by far been the most draining show for all of them, emotionally and physically so some greasy take out sounds perfect right now. Plus he can guarantee when he gets back to the apartment, Pike and Keyleth will be fast asleep on the couch. And it’s his job to make sure that they don’t wake up with sore necks and backs. 
But as he’s jogging down the stairs towards the stage door, he hears someone talking. No one should be in these dressing rooms at this time of night, all the other cast members having headed home shortly after the show ended. With a frown, Percy turns down the hallway. Bulletin boards and posters line the hallway in addition to the dressing room doors, declaring whose they are with colorful signs. All of the doors are closed except for one, Vex’s. 
He can see a light on inside and as he gets closer, he can hear her talking.
“You didn’t see the way he looked at me, Vax.” Vex’s voice is thick with tears. The sound makes Percy’s heart ache. He’s never heard her sound like this, so distressed and upset. There’s a long pause where Vex sniffs and then, “I-I know. I’m coming home soon, it’s just-”
Percy peers through the open door and sees Vex sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch. Her knees are pulled to her chest, tears running down her cheeks. She’s dressed in her street clothes, a thick sweater and leggings, her hair is still done up how she does it for the show but she’s taken her makeup off.
Vex turns and looks at him, eyes widening in shock. “Vax, I’ll call you on my way home, okay? Love you.” 
As Vex sets her phone on the floor beside her, she wipes her eyes on her sleeve, “I thought you left already.”
Percy shakes his head, walking in, “I’m always last out. I like to take a shower here to avoid the stage door. May I?” He nods to the empty space beside her. Vex sighs but nods, moving over slightly. Percy sits down beside her, extending his legs out. “What happened?”
“My father came to the show tonight,” she tells him, voice thick with tears. Vaguely Percy remembers that Vax sent him a text about it a few weeks back. “He came backstage and he…he took one look at me and said I looked just like my mother. And the way he said it…I just knew that he didn’t mean that in a good way. He-He looked at me with such disgust and I-” Vex breaks off with a sob, covering her mouth with her hand. 
Percy immediately pulls her into a hug. He’s not good with affection, he’s not good with comfort, but when it comes to Vex, he can’t just watch her cry. He and Vex have been together for a few months now, it’s been absolutely wonderful, but he knows she’s been keeping him at arm's length. And he understood, it’s not easy to be vulnerable in front of your partner. He’s no hypocrite, about this at least, he’s hard pressed to share much about his past at all. 
Percy holds her close, but gives her space to pull away if the affection is unwelcome. It must have been the right thing to do because Vex presses her face into his shoulder, clinging to him tightly as she cries.
Percy just rubs her back for a moment before saying, “He’s a bastard.” Vex laughs wetly, lifting a hand up to wipe her eyes. “I’m serious, Vex’ahlia.”
She lifts her head, swallowing thickly, “I know. I’ve just…I’ve always wanted to make him proud, to do something worthy of him claiming me as his daughter but nothing I do is ever good enough.” Her words are filled with venom.
“You are more than enough,” Percy tells her, his voice full of conviction. “You have nothing to prove, you deserve far more than him.” He reaches out and touches her cheek, moving her hair from her face. “But your father was right about one thing.” Immediately her face fills with hurt and she starts to pull away, but before she can, he says, “You do look just like your mother.” He nods to the picture of Elaina pinned to her dressing room mirror. 
Vex wipes her eyes again and looks at the picture too. In it, Elania is sitting on a porch swing, her thick and coily hair pulled into a bun on her head. She’s wearing a dark purple dress, the same color as the one Vex wears in the show. And she’s smiling at the camera, looking so incredibly happy, crinkles at the corners of her eyes. 
Vex smiles sadly, “I guess I do.” Then she shakes her head. “And because of that, he will always see me as scum on his fucking boot.” 
Percy takes her hand, “And your brother will always see you as his strong twin sister and Velora sees you as her amazingly cool big sister,” Vex laughs a little. “And-”
“And you?” Vex asks, looking at him with those beautiful, tear filled brown eyes. There is such vulnerability in her face that Percy’s heart aches and he knows he will be able to tell her nothing but the truth.
Percy smiles, “You are utterly charming,” Vex laughs, “and witty and brilliant.” Percy touches her cheek, “And as beautiful as your mother.” 
Vex’s bottom lip wobbles for a split second before he suddenly finds her in his lap, kissing him. Her tears are salty between their lips, but he doesn’t mind. He just holds her as close as she needs, hoping with each press of his lips to reassure her of how absolutely wonderful she is.
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sendpseuds · 1 year
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The Resolute Theater Presents
After continually getting in their own way, Obi-Wan and Anakin finally go on a date.
Read it here
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loserdiaz · 3 months
broadway buddie! (because i also have a broadway buddie wip lmao)
Eddie Diaz, right in front of him. Nodding to something Bobby is explaining to him like it's the most important thing in the world, hanging onto every word like his life depends on it. Eddie Diaz, a person Buck hasn't seen in years. Eddie Diaz, the man Buck spent most of his college years in love with. "H-hey?" He says after what feels like an eternity, his mouth suddenly feeling dry, as if he had just swallowed sand. "What's going on?" "Buck, this is—" "Eddie." He cloaks out. "I know." God, Buck can't stop staring. His heart is going mad inside his chest beating so hard and painfully against his ribs and he thinks he might die right there on the spot. (He's totally being melodramatic, sue him he's a Broadway actor after all.) "We went to college together." Eddie explains after a few minutes pass by with Hen, Bobby qnd Chimney looking curiously between them and Buck offering them no other words. "I heard you're Hades, right? That's a great part for you. Can't wait to see it." "Thanks," Buck says. His expression only falters for a second; his tongue darts out to wet his lips, and then he’s smiling, polite. "Uh— I'm sorry, but what are you doing here?" "He's Orpheus understudy and also our new stage hand." Bobby claps him in the shoulder. "Ravi has been offered a part in a movie and he's debating if he should take it or not and we can't risk not having an understudy." "Enter Eddie." Chimney smiles and obnoxiously chews his gum. Any other day Buck wouldn't even think about it twice but now he feels exposed, backed into a corner. He feels too on edge and too— raw, fragile.
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blorbologist · 1 year
Bad Idea
[Lil ficlet idea I had for @romeoandjulietyouwish‘s Broadway AU! ;3 It’s been a solid 3-4 years since I’ve done theatre, and it was always small shows n only one musical, so apologies for any errors!]
It’s 10pm and the atmosphere of the night is a curious mélange of excitement and lethargy. They’re on to blocking, which is exciting… but impending show or not, it’s still 10pm, on a Thursday night, after hours of grueling runs.
Vex feels more awake than she has in months.
“Think you dears can get through the song?” Gilmore asks from the edge of the set, stomping an unruly line of tape back into place. “See what your instincts are - and then we can break the blocking down further.”
“If you give them that much free reign, they’ll fuck on the table,” Scanlan notes wryly. Keyleth makes a face at this.. 
Percy grins, adjusting his usual coat - just to match the feel of the doctor’s coat down in costumes. “We’ll save that for the reprise.”
Vax downright squawks before Gilmore can cajole the cast into settling down.
Vex inhales, affording Percy one last glance before they start. In Dr. Pomatter, she’s sure, most can’t see much of Percival - the cadence, how he stumbles through interactions. She sees him groggy before dawn, or late after too many drinks with Keyleth, and it’s easy to slip into Jenna’s bruises and aches and want that for herself.
Across the room, Scanlan hits the music. Pike gives her a thumbs up, and off she goes, giving pacing a try. “It’s a bad idea me and you-” 
“I know, I completely agree!” 
Percy joins his voice to her’s, hand brushing her knuckles as they spin on their heels. “It’s a bad idea me and you-”
“I've never known anything so true.”
Vex turns, and Percy’s grinning as she comes up short. She can’t help but beam back, leaning into his chest before pushing herself off, back to the edge of the scene. 
Together, “It’s a terrible idea me and you.”
They’ve had their fair share of bad ideas, too.
“You have a wife-” and Vex pads closer to the marks for the door. Percy stands in her way, and she makes no move to detour. 
His eyebrows raise meaningfully: “- You have a husband.”
For one: there are two rings, in the powder room where they left their things. Hers in her purse, his in - oh, no, his here, in his coat. He does have a wife. She does have a husband.
And none of the others know.
“You’re my doctor-” “- You’ve got a baby comin’!”
Well. That first part isn’t true. 
No one but she notices how gently he lifts her onto the box in center stage - stand-in for the exam table, of course. Or maybe they do, for how he needs to speed up the next line to catch up:
“It's a bad idea, me and you -” 
He drops the note completely when she wraps her legs around his waist and climbs him. Arms around his neck, it’s a familiar second home, his awed adoration a favorite dinner. Vex distantly hears Scanlan and Pike whoop. Percy holds her steady, breathless, and not from singing.
 “Let's just keep kissing 'til we come to!”
(They can’t, unfortunately, but, well. It was worth the shot.)
(This is going to get complicated once she starts showing.)
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i23kazu · 2 years
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take a break (run away with us for the summer)
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warnings – none. characters – diluc x fem!reader [can be read as gn!reader if you'd like, but feminine terminology (wife, mother, etc) is still there] a/n – the first part of my hamilton!au !! all lyrics go to lin manuel miranda, i don't take credit for any of it. the song is "take a break" from hamilton :3 please reblog if you enjoyed this!!! link to series post.
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“un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf.” you recited, fingers dancing on your beloved piano.
“un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf.” bennett repeated, copying your hands.
“good.” you placed your fingers gently on the ivory keys, your son following suit as he gingerly laid his fingertips on top of the back of your hand.
“un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf.” you hummed, your melody descending this time. these numbers were familiar on the tip of your tongue, having recited them to your dear bennett since he could talk.
“un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, se-pt, huit, neuf!” your darling son chorused. every morning, without fail, you would put your hands on his and he would change the melody every time. it had started out as a mischievous action at first, but you quickly found it endearing.
“sept, huit, neuf.” you corrected.
“se-pt, huit, neuf?”
“sept, huit, neuf.”
“se-pt, huit, neuf!”
diluc sat tiredly in his study, his quill and ink set laid out as if he was rushing to get something done.
My dearest, Jean.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day. I trust you'll understand the reference to another Scottish tragedy, without me having to name the play. They think me Macbeth, ambition is my folly: I'm a polymath, a pain in the ass; I’m a massive pain. Harvey is Banquo. Cyrus is Macduff, and the Council on its way to Dunsinane. And there you are an ocean away… Do you have to live an ocean away? Thoughts of you subside, then I get another letter, and I cannot put the notion away.
My wife and Bennett are doing alright. (Y/N) misses you, as usual — she asked how you were the other day.
he laid his quill down exhaustedly.
you rapped your hand on the door once, that all-too-familiar routine of having to break your husband’s train of working and pushing himself to the limit constantly. rap, rap, wait for him to open the door with a smile on his face but today you hear absolutely nothing. you gently pushed his study door open.
“diluc, come and take a break. there’s a little surprise before supper and it cannot wait!” you smiled, glee evident in your voice as you put your hands on his shoulders.
“i’ll be there in just a minute, save my plate.” he rested his head on your hand, the sound of his tired exhales filling the silence of the office.
“okay, okay.” diluc rose from his seat and stretched, taking your hand and allowing himself to be led downstairs by you.
“bennett is nine years old today, and he has something that he’d like to say. he’s been practicing all day…” you added, cheerfully sending your nervous son comforting smiles. bennett had really practiced all day — you wondered how busy diluc was in order to not notice the little boy practising his poem around the house since morning.
“bennett, take it away.” you chuckled. putting your hand to your mouth, you pretended to beatbox to the rhythm of your son’s present.
“daddy, daddy, look! my name’s bennett, i am a poet, and i wrote this poem just to show it! and i.. i just turned nine — you can write rhymes but you can’t write mine!”
diluc laughed, entertained by your son’s antics.
“i practice french and play piano with my mother, i’ve got a sister but i want a little brother—“
“wha- okay!” came your husband’s reply, a light flush colouring his face; he was absolutely floored by his boy’s comment.
“my daddy’s trying to start mondstadt’s bank — un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq!” bennett cheered, proud of himself for his craft.
“bravo!” diluc clapped, a grin as bright as the sun found on his face. the nine year old ran to hug his father and back upstairs — he truly was a copy of his redheaded father, wasn’t he?
“take a break?“ you laid your head on his shoulders, gently kissing his temple.
“hey, our kid is pretty great.”
“how about running away with us for summer break? we could go upstate.” you suggested. you had received a letter from your darling father a week ago, pleading for you to join him back upstate, back at your family manor.
“darling, i have so much on my plate-“
“we could all go stay with my father. diluc, please! there’s a lake i know, in a nearby park-“
“(Y/N), you know i’d love to go.”
“you and i could go when it gets dark!” you replied, blinking back tears. it had been years since he had spent any time outside of the little circle of shops and people and war and army he interacted with. why was diluc so damned stubborn — archons, it wouldn’t kill him to just take a break.
diluc grabbed your hands and squeezed them gently. he hated disappointing you, of course — what greater pain could he be in than seeing you upset over something that he could control, but chose not to? his work had to come first.
he knew that you’d understand the worth of his hands’ work.
My dearest Diluc, you must get through to Cyrus. Sit down with him and compromise — don’t stop til you agree. Your favourite older sister, Jean reminds you, there’s someone in your corner all away across the sea.
In a letter I received from you two weeks ago, I noticed a comma in the middle of your phrase. It changed the meaning, did you intend this? One stroke, and you’ve consumed my waking days. It says:
“My dearest, Jean.”
With a comma after dearest. You’ve written “My dearest, Jean.”
Anyways, all this to say I’m coming home this summer, at my sister’s invitation. I’ll be there with your family if you make your way upstate. I know you’re very busy, and that your work is important, but I’m crossing the ocean and I just can’t wait! Finally, you won’t be an ocean away, you’ll only be a moment away…
Sending my love,
Jean Gunnhildr.
“diluc! come downstairs, jean’s arriving today!” your infectious energy had been spreading throughout the manor the past week, and a glimpse of a smile was finally shown on your husband’s face.
“jean!” you ran into your sister’s arms, a loud whoop resounding as you took in the sight of your darling jean.
“(y/n).” the blonde smiled warmly, setting down her baggage and kissing you on the cheek.
“the gunnhildrs are reunited at last.” diluc chuckled, picking up jean’s bags.
“diluc.” jean greeted, the man replying with a soft ‘hi’, not wanting to break the precious moment between you two.
“it’s good to see your face.”
“jean, please tell him that even barbatos spends summers with his family.” you pleaded, sending a cheeky smile to your husband as he wrapped his arm around you.
“jean, tell my wife that barbatos doesn’t have a real job anyway.” he retaliated.
“you’re not joining us, wait?”
“i’m sorry ladies — i’m afraid i cannot join you upstate.” diluc exhaled tiredly. you brought your hand to the nape of his neck and started to massage his sore area.
“but diluc, i came all this way; surely you can reconsider?” jean turned to him, disappointment evident.
“i’ll lose my job if i don’t get this plan through Congress. i’m sorry, ladies. i can’t stop til i get this plan to Congress.” diluc replied, kissing you on the forehead. disappointing you felt so much more painful that losing his career.
but he knew that he had spent his whole life building it, and as much as he loved you, he wasn’t going to risk it all for a simple summer. recounting it in his head made it hurt even more.
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taglist: @codename-hiraeth (send an ask to be added into the taglist!)
*** if you found jean's relationship with diluc slightly strange pls be assured that it is okay i am just taking everything from the musical and angelica had a (slight) crush on hamilton but she pushes it aside for her sister and i promise there is no affair between diluc and jean :") please reblog (esp with tags!! they make my day :3) if you enjoyed! consider giving me a follow too if you enjoyed my content :")
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softsnzstuff · 11 months
Went to the theater with my nana tonight.
The artistic director I was talking to at intermission said that last week the lead woman was sick. She said she wanted to tough it out through opening night but pushed herself too hard and had to call out the rest of the weekend
The artistic director then told us that today, the leading MALE is out and that the guy on tonight is actually the understudy and heavily implied that it’s because they kiss in the show.
And I’m just thinking about my Broadway AU Eddie and this happening….
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dgknightblue · 9 months
RVB fic idea:
Donut is casting characters for Phantom of the Opera for the theater he works at.
Simmons really wanted to be the Phantom but he didn’t get the part as his voice just didn’t go deep enough.
Donut decided on either Tucker or Locus.
Christine is either Donut himself, Caboose, or Kai.
Those are the only names I remember. Sorry.
Anyways, Simmons sulks that he didn’t get a big role because his voice wasn’t right for it. Grif’s voice could be a big role, but he didn’t put in the effort or tried out for it. He’s stuck in the back with Simmons.
Simmons and Grif are backstage with Doc and Carolina. Simmons is an understudy for a minor role and is a background singer. Grif is the phantom’s understudy since it’s decent enough.
Wait. Caboose gets a deep singing voice so he’s the phantom’s other understudy. Tucker got a major role, just not the one he wanted.
Behind the scenes as the production goes (there are problems as they are the reds and blues) Simmons still memorizes everyone’s lines in case they need help. Sarge is in charge or props and costumes.
Of course everyone gets to choose what their costume looks like because there would be too much arguing if any of them were forced to wear an outfit they hated (and weren’t in their colors). Jensen venomously denied wearing a dress because she wanted a suit.
Caboose wanted a dress, and Donut put on a amazing suit.
Sarge for some reason decided to wear a half dress/ half suit to one up everyone even though he wasn’t one of the actors.
Time passes and accidents happen, Simmons still doesn’t get to shine in the end. He gets so frustrated, he would have even accepted being Christine’s friend for a day!
As everyone parties, Simmons is in the bathroom (with an unbroken mirror) crying.
Grif, who had to watch this disaster and trying to keep it from blowing up (bow chica- shut up Tucker), sits with him on the floor and eat cake with tears in it.
“You know you would have hated the attention.”
“I know….I just…. It was important to me. Being the phantom was really important to me…. At least it wasn’t ripped away from me instead of not having it in the first place. It would of hurt more.”
“Why did you want to be the phantom so badly?”
“Back when I was a kid, I was desperate for something to hold on to. I wasn’t… always a man…. And well… even now I feel like a stranger in my body and it’s been years.”
“So you wanted to feel like a man? Are you on a low period right now?”
“It’s not just that, I can’t explain it well but I didn’t tell you guys everything about my accident. The phantom is this mysterious and luring figure that’s shunned a way and disfigured… like me. I honestly never considered acting or music since I was more into science and math, not to mention sports and music were something my father forced me to do.”
“Did you hate it?”
“Oh I hated it, though some things weren’t so bad. I never dared to say anything since I… well I didn’t want to get hit again, but I guess it would have happen either way.”
“Don’t, you didn’t hear that.”
Grif places his hand on Simmons’ for a moment and squeezed. Simmons leaned on his shoulder.
“I’ve always tried to hard and gave everything I had…. But no one wanted it. Wanted me. Too antisocial yet talked way too much… too much personality yet nothing worth talking about…. Always so dull and not good enough.”
“I want you, you know. To be your friend and all.”
“The only person that compulsively cleans up after you no matter what? Of course you want that.”
“No, I mean it. I like being your friend. I think the others like you too.”
“I don’t believe you. Last time I thought I had friends, they humiliated me in public.”
“We aren’t like that, I promise if you asked any one they’d wonder why you were asking because of course you are.”
“Right, and I didn’t slash the breaks of those xssholes cars.”
“Uh….did you really?”
“Yeah, not that hard- I even rewired their radios to broadcast their screaming to everyone else’s radios. Sigh… good times.”
“Bull shxt.”
“No really, one time I was sick of this one girl making fun of me for being a “teacher’s pet”, so I stole her phone and did some shxt. She thought she was haunted and the only way to get rid of it was to cleanse herself by swimming in the river near the park. It was mid winter and cold as fxck, she got sick for weeks.”
“I still don’t believe that.”
“When my ex hit me, I stabbed him like five or was it fourth five? Times. Anyways, he wasn’t getting up so kicked him to check if he was alive. Luckily he was, so I asked one of my aunts to deal with him and I never did find out what happened.”
“I’m just fxcking with you.”
“Oh thank fxck!”
“I just walked home crying until my cousin drove by and took me to their house. My grandma made me cookies while they dealt with him. Still don’t know what happened, but I only got a letter saying he’s sorry and that I can have his black Porsche.”
“What the fxck? He actually hit you?”
“And kicked me and I’m surprised I made it that far down the road with a limp and blurry eyes. I did get better after spending time with Aunt Trudy on one of her tours around the world.”
Grif frowned at him until he noticed how close Simmons was leaning towards him. He swallowed down a stutter.
“Thanks Grif, for trying to cheer me up.”
“It’s no big deal…”
“Of course it is! I have to pay you back.”
“Nah, it’s fine!”
“I prefer actions over words, so I tend to give gifts like a batch of cookies or pie.”
“Well if you insist, I’m not going to stop you.”
Simmons leans in to give him a sweet kiss on the lips with one of his hands on Grif’s cheek. Grif was too shocked to respond, it was over before he realized it.
“Thank you, I’ll be sure to make you something you’ll enjoy.”
Simmons smile melted him as the burning from the kiss grew and showed on his face.
“Cough… okay…”
Simmons stood up and walked out of the bathroom. He opened the door to see the confusing sight of everyone else in the hall looking like they weren’t suspicious at all.
“Uh… Maine, can you please move?”
Maine moved and Simmons slowly made his way through the hallway looking at everyone. No one met his eyes.
Funny thing is, Simmons didn’t even think about where he kissed Grif. It was a thank you kiss after all. He’s European and has a large, mostly female, clan that smothered him with affection. He was the only baby of his mother and the youngest at the time. They couldn’t be near him, so he still felt lonely.
He missed his big sister, but she’s dead now.
It’s his fault, he shouldn’t have survived.
Anyways that’s it, bye!
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lizzieisdizzyyyy · 9 months
I’ve been threatening to write this fic for ages, and I’ve finally gotten around to doing it! My OFMD modern theatre AU is now on ao3 🎭 First three chapters are up, fourth coming soon! I’m hoping to update every week but no promises.
Tony-winning director Edward Teach is tired of the grind of commercial theatre.
So when an unknown actor named Stede Bonnet buys an abandoned theatre in Brooklyn and founds The Revenge Theatre Collective, with the claim that he’ll bring a new musical to Broadway within the next year, the temptation to escape boredom is too good to resist.
Things do not go as planned.
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Smoke and Mirrors AU
Feel free to ask about him.
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Close ups:
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Forced to smile, pretend nothing is wrong, but the nonsense whispers at the back of his head tell him that he should feel shame for trying to bite at his shackles. He is a star, he should be grateful, for once the attention is on *him*, and after all, it is broadway, if you crack, it will be thought of as an act.
The au is complete for the most part. Dark 1920s aesthetic broadway au. It takes place in modern times and Krogan is the “pet star” of some large broadway entertainment CEO. If I am honest the CEO might end up being Viggo’s father. Who is. Horrible. If not I might close someone else.
The stitched mouth just means he has been forced into silence with a binding spell. He can fight it all he wants at first but it will always force him to smile on stage. (It is really only visible when he is fighting it, which at the beginning of his “career” he wasn’t allowed onstage because he was “unstable”
The spell does make him extremely cheery and bubbly while in public because He (the owner) wanted him to be approachable by fans.
The spell will go into “sleeper” mode whenever he is alone, which pretty much just means that it is dormant, however it still forces and influences his mood, or it tries to. He’s turned to smoking and alcohol in mild amounts to try and fight it because when he’s drunk the spell is practically fizzled away and useless.
He acts for the most part very similar though because he’s a happy drunk. The recurring hangover though kinda makes him. Far less enjoyable to be around. The hangover is about as clear as he can get to being himself while being around people at the same time.
Krogan was originally going to be in ACCOUNTING. He did not have long hair nor was he chunky when he was taken. They did this to him. The shoved the binding spell onto him first so it would start wearing his sanity down to be ready to perform and be around the public.
Then, Vikomet (Viggo’s father) started to shape Krogan in the way they wanted. Making him gain weight was an obvious choice for him because he’s a lot less scary looking like that. He would therefore be more approachable and therefore people would be more likely to overlook his sharp teeth and odd features.
With magic they just. Whisked away his scars. Except for the new magical ink that binds him to Vikomet and Vikomet alone. Hypothetically one with magical abilities might be able to steal him for their own gain, however other things are up for dibs.
Do not ask about Hamilton in this universe. It DOES NOT exist. The reason why Hamilton doesn’t exist in this universe is simply because a) I don’t like the play that much… the songs are nice but I had it shoved in my face 24/7 in school and it was tiring and B) history is a bit wonky due to multiple other factors not including the fact that dragons exist.
Most of the plays/ideas are going to be completely original ones that do not already exist but!! This means that mlm plays and other potential media will be here.
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writewolf90 · 1 year
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It's finally here!! My Broadway AU!!!
Just in time to get caught up before PuzzleJune, I present my very first enemies-to-lovers fic starring our favorite puzzleboys! They are rival stage actors in New York City, one has issues with his self confidence and the other needs to find the love of acting again. How will they be able to look past their hang ups over each other after they are cast as a couple in the classic musical RENT?
Art by: @zakurarain
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romeoandjulietyouwish · 4 months
💭heacanons for your broadway au when the de rolo kiddos are born?
Like how do you think they announced that? I imagining an closing night where Vex was wearing an oversized coat (idk what role that would be) but she just opens it and turns to the side to kiss Percy as he puts his hand on her stomach as the crowd goes wild.
Who would watch the children when Percy and Vex are on stage? I’d imagine they would bring them to at least one show night during the show tours
What would be their first musical/production when they’re old enough/want to perform? And why am I imagining either Cinderella (them as the mice) or Annie (Vax as Daddy Warbucks)?
Any other ideas?
omg I love this!
Vex and Percy are pretty famous both in the broadway world and outside of it because they blew up on social media after they went public with their relationship. And imagine that they posted something about being pregnant right before going on stage so no one in the audience would know. And they need to tell the public because they're both taking a break from the show they're in. And yeah, everyone is immediately obsessed with the announcement because they both look sooo happy!
I think what they would do is do a speech after the show and of course everyone in the cast has known for ages but they still scream and hug them when they tell everyone.
I know at some point I mentioned baby Vesper playing Lulu in Waitress while her parents are the leads and I'm still obsessed with that but I also like the idea of kid Vesper being one of the school kids in Matilda at a community theatre. But I honestly don't think musical theatre sticks for her, I think she likes the dancing bits of it the best.
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sendpseuds · 1 year
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The Resolute Theater Presents
Chapter 13: Not Quite Opening Night
The boys spend a lazy day in bed. Anakin finally asks for what he wants.
Read it here
Chapter 13/14
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loserdiaz · 3 months
Oooh Broadway Buddie please 🩷🩷
He remembers the first time Eddie and him went head to head for a part at this play that was, frankly, not that good. But it had felt like a life or death situation, competing against Eddie for the spotlight.
He remembers how slowly this rivalry turned into reviewing scripts together, practicing choreographies and dances together, guiding each other through their visual arts classes and circus workshop.
"That's, uh, wow." Buck blinks slowly. "Good for you, Diaz. I'll, uh, I'm gonna leave my stuff in the dressing rooms." He says, pointing vaguely behind him with his thumb and smiles shakily. "Welcome to Hadestown."
Buck turns around and sprints out of there like a bat out of hell. He thinks he hears Hen whisper to Eddie, "Sorry, he deals badly with change" under her breath. But Buck doesn't stop to check or to call her out playfully, to pretend he's wounded by her comment in the funniest and most dramatic way.
No, he can't do that when half of him is now back on his past. Remembering and replaying every moment, every word he ever said to Eddie.
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thereadingfangirl · 1 year
𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚 𝐀𝐔 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐔 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Angel of Music by @nellblazer​
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ima-ghost-art · 2 years
Modern theatre cast st au!!
Musical - Cats!!
Steve wasnt disappointed with the character he was cast with, actually he was quite exited for it, but he was a little confused.
Originally, when he and Robin came to audition into the new show Dustin was working on. (Cats) (seriously the kid was amazing at building sets and helping with the tech side of theatre aswell as offering backing vocals if needed?!) Steve had auditioned for the role of Munkustrap.
There wasnt alot for the role compared to others he had done before, the whole musical itself was basically all song and dance which was a nice change. Sure Munkustrap danced most of the songs, but Steve had trained in both ballet and contemporary since he was little (much to his fathers resentment), so the constant dancing was a fun concept!!
Plus, with Munkustrap, it was more of a singing and narration role, most of the time performing to accompany another actor. He was also a protective cat, so steve thought performing as him would be quite fitting.
When Robin finally came barreling into their shared apartment followed by thier friend Chrissy, with the letters telling them what roles they got, Steve was surprised to see that he was given the Character of 'Mr Mistoffelees/ Quaxo' the magical cat.
"I just dont get it robs... why would they give me Mistoffelees of all cats?" He wasnt unhappy, just confused, Mistoffelees was often given to more... smaller (?) male actors. Which Steve knew he wasnt that small.
"Well maybe its because your an amazing dancer who ive witnessed do like 50 pirouette in a row, AND could easily steal the show, but doesnt like admitting how good he is out of fear people will think hes some rich kid who just gets roles handed to him instead of trying really hard because his parents disowned him leaving him to work paycheck to paycheck while also babysitting to get through performing arts school?" Robin smirked up at him over the copy of the letter telling her she got 'Skimpleshanks the railway cat', the same role she auditioned for.
Chrissy laughed, her role as 'Victoria' also displayed out infount of her, "You know shes not wrong stevie!" Mischief glinted in her eyes as she held her girlfriends hand.
Steve looked to the two of them and huffed, "I can do like 27 not 50." He roled his eyes at the unimpressed look Robin gave him, but it didn't last long before they all laughed.
Steve was pleased for them, he and Chris had met as kids, the two children of rich familys who had convinced thier parents to send them to dance school, who also lived in the same small town, quickly became close before chrissys mother moved her away. Thankfully however, they reconnected back in college away from their controlling families.
They had met Robin in a production of Wicked a couple years later, she was playing Elphaba while Chrissy was Galinda and Steve had the role as Fiyero.
Mid way through practicing the production, there had been a fire in the theatre that had him and Robin trapped for hours in the bathroom. It had left Steve with a pretty nasty concussion too.
While hiding in one of the musty old stalls, they had a heart to heart were Rob had confessed her feelings for their co star and couldnt go through with kissing Steve on stage. He had understood and after being saved from the burning reck of the old theatre, desided to come up with a way to help with Robin's stage kissing problem.
Turned out, after talking with a couple of the kids he babysits, there was an easy change that could be made to the story that fit the character archs better, aswell as not force Robin to have to kiss a boy on stage.
With permission, the kids had taken the script, making a change that left the two women as the love interests instead, while the Scarecrow Fiyero took over looking after Oz. It was an instant hit, pulling out the shows hidden queer themes. Also leading to the now power couple that is Robin and Chrissy, who didnt take long after the first show to confess to eachother!!
Now him and rob share an apartment, with Chris basically living there too even though she had her own apartment and roommate too. All now being told they finally all were cast in the same production again!
"I dont even get to sing my own song though!" He slumped into the sofa, taking a moment to glare at Robin as she chuckled at him from where she sat on the floor between Chrissy legs.
"Yes buttttt you get like the coolest costume and the best dance number all while being serenaded by whoever is playing Rum Tum Tugger!" Robin threw her hand that wasnt being held by her girlfriend in the air as she talked, "Plus Mistoffelees has a bunch of like, jumps and spinnys which is like... literally your favourite thing to do when dancing so dont worry about how you got the role, be exited that you get to do it!!!"
Steve looked down and smiled, "I am exited... it's going to be the first performance with us and all the kids either performing or working front or back of house... plus Jon said hes helping backstage this year and doing promotional work, and Hoppers joining again, I so am exited. I just want this to be perfect Robs."
He looked up to see his best friend giving him a knowing smile. They had worked hard for this, both with unsuporting familys, all the tireless classes, with boring tough part time jobs to afford paying off loans and rent. They worked for this.
Even if this was performing as mystical, jellicle cats on Broadway.
"If it helps," Chis let go of Robin, scooching her legs around her girlfriend so she could move to cuddle into Steve's side. He leaned into her, snorting slightly hearing Robin huff that steve stole Chrissy from her.
"If it helps, I'm almost certainly convinced I know who got Tugger if your wondering who got to sing your song." She beamed at him, excitedly grabbing his hands in hers and pulling them both to be sitting up as Robin came and rested her arms on their legs, "my roommate auditioned for Cats aswell! He doesnt often do shows like this but his dream role ever since I ment him has been Rum Tum Tugger!! Hes really good aswell so if its him I bet you guys would work wonders together!"
Steve laughed and shook his head. "You make it sound like Mistoffelees and Tugger are inlove!?"
The girls gasped! "Steve I know you're a dingus who probably has enough brain damage to stop you from performing, but you HAVE to know of the power couple that is Tugoffelees!?!?" Robin said sounding aghast from where she sat on the floor, hand to her chest and everything!
"Omg EXACTLY!!" Chrissy looked between Robin and Steve, "Tugger doesnt want everything he cant have, stealing the spotlight whenever he can, while misto playfully acts uninterested when every fauns over Tugger, ONLY FOR Rum Tum Tugger to sing an entire song dedicated to Mistoffelees being perfect!?!? I dont think so steve, that has gay and smitten written all over it!!!"
Steve snorted and shook his head, looking at the girls like they couldnt be serious. When he noticed their expressions hadnt changed, still holding firm about this suposed truth for these beloved characters, he looked at them like they had grown a third head.
"They are CATS??" he said incredulously!
"THEY'RE GAY CATS STEVE!!" The lesbians yelled back in unison!
He groaned knowing he wouldnt win this argument, even tho being queer himself and understanding what it ment to have characters like them in media, especially theatre. Still he had never been able to get into any fandoms, even if he did perform in some shows with respectably large ones, much unlike his female counterparts who revealed in needing out one every musical they heard. So honestly the concept of how two cats based on children's poems were gay? Very possible. Was he about to analyse every rendition of the character to determine their sexual preferences?
Yeah no, he would much rather just dance his little heart out performing as said character, than worrying about anyone else's but his owns sexuality.
Plus, he doubted he could even have the same 'romantic tension' with he co star, whoever he was, anyway. He had given up on romance ages ago since his last relationship with Nancy Wheeler, a kick ass reporter who had been writing an article about how the group had gotten the chance to rewrite parts of Wicked, crashed and burned the night of the grand finale.
Steve gave out a long suffering sigh, "Uhhhh fine you win gay cats," he rubbed a hand over his face, "but really chris, your roommate? I thought you said he was in a metal band??"
"Oh he is!" She absent mindedly went to stroke Robin's hair as she spoke, "but he and his best friend are in some of my music classes, they often audition for more 'out there' parts. His most known role was the Phantom in Phantom of the opera, and I think his friend got Michael last year in an off Broadway production of Be more chill, they both auditioned for this show aswell! They have like amazing range as singers!!"
"Well if they get any parts it's going to be nice to finally meet them!" Rob says looking pleasantly blissed out from being pet by her girlfriend. "You've been rooming with this guy for like three years and I dont think I've seen more than a picture of him!"
Chrissy giggled, they all knew her roommate was her other best friend she lovingly called rockstar to the point no one was sure what his real name was. At this point it was a running joke to see who ever could meet him first since the man was often sleeping, or away through out most of the evening and night. Constant clashing of schedules making it so neither him or robin had met the elusive man. Which was kind of shocking since apparently to chis, he was very hard to miss!
"Definitely!! Hes out of state till next week, just before rehearsals start actually, so I was wondering I could stay here till hes back?"
"Do you really have to ask Chris?" Robin asked, making her girlfriend turn to her with a shy smile.
"I love having you here and so does Robs, you practically live here at this point" steve pointed out, "honestly I'd tell you to move in if I knew you didnt like liveing with your other friend so much!"
They laughed, "Steve made a great point love, you should know you are always welcomed here!" After getting a chrissy giggle of approval, Robin stood up, immediately pulling the other up with her!
"Now come on! We just got the greatest job offers yet, we need to celebrate!!" The woman dragged them, all laughing with her, too her and Steve's liquor cabinet. Opening it and reaching in she pulled out a bottle of vodka that Murray, their very... exasperated acting coach, had lovingly gifted them after their auditions.
Robin looked Steve in the eye, a glimmer of something mischievous as she brandished the bottle.
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