#Brian Lally
movie-titlecards · 2 years
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The Ape (2005)
My rating: 2/10
We as a society really should've known better than to enable James Franco.
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4theseus-s · 2 years
dumbledore: we need to distract these guys
newt: leave it to me
newt: centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. discuss
tina, theseus, lally: *immediately begins arguing*
jacob, watching in horror: oh this. i don't like this. i don't like this at all
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headcanonandburn · 10 months
Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Characters Sexualities, Gender and Stance on LGBTQA+ Pepps
Fantastic Beasts:
Newt Scamader: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Bunty Broadacre: Cisgender, lesbian
Credance Barebone/Aurelius Dumbledore: Cisgender,Gay
Queenie Goldstein: Cisgender, straight ally
Porpetina Goldstain: Cisgender, Gray ace heteromantic
Jacob Kowawski: Cisgender,straight ally
Eulalie "Lally" Hicks: Cisgender,straight ally
Seraphina Picquery: Cisgender,straight Homophobe
Brutus Malfoy: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Gellert Grindelwald: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind. Transphobe
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind. Transphobe.
Aberfooth Dumbledore: Cisgender,Straight....still on the fence if he is Transphobe or not
Nagini: Cisgender,straight ally
Minerva McGonagall: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Lord Voldemort's Era
Tom Marvolo Riddle: Cisgender (tbh if it weren't for him canonically hating his real name i would probably class him as trans MTF but...alas), Aroace Ally
Antonin Dolohov: Cisgender, Straight Transphobe
Corban Yaxley: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe & Transphobe
Mulciber Sr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe & Transphobe
Rosier Sr: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Abraxas Malfoy: Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed. Only married a girl because he was forced to by his father.
Orion Black: Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed. Only married Walburga because he was forced to by his father.
Walburga Black: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Fenrir Greyback: Cisgender, Gay Pedophile Transphobe (if Lycantrophy= Aids as J*ke Rowlling claimed then you can't tell me that he is not a pedo. Besides i'm pretty sure he was, at least partly based on Little Red Riding Hood's werewolf wich, for those who don't know, was actually a representation of real life pedophiles who pray on little girls)
Rubeus Hagrid: Cisgender, Straight ally
Madame Maxine: Cisgender, Straight ally
Euphemia Potter: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Flemmont Potter: Cisgender,straight Ally
Charlus Potter: Cisgender,straight ally
Dorea Black: Cisgender, straight ally
Cygnus Black III : Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Druella Black (Nee Rosier): Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Molly Weasley's Era
Gideon Prewett: Cisgender,Pansexual
Fabian Prewett: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Molly Weasley: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Arthur Weasley: Cisgender, Straight...on the fence about LGBTQA+ peeps
Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody: Cisgender, Aroace
Kingsley Shacklebolt: Cisgender,Demisexual & Demiromantic
Bellatrix Black Lestrange: Cisgender, Straight...not exactly an ally she just dosen't care for peeps gender or sexuality. Really as long as they are blood puritsts it's fine by her.
Rabastan Lestrange: Cisgender, Gay
Rodolphus Lestrange: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Dolores Jane Umbridge: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Rita Skeeter: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe (mainly thanks to the popular theory that Rita Skeeter= J*ke Rowlling. Though i do like the ship between her and Lucinda Talkalot)
Lucinda Talkalot: Cisgender,lesbian
Marauders Era
Mary Cattermole (Nee Macdonald ): Cisgender,straight ally
Dorcas Meadowes : Cisgender,Lesbian
Marlene McKinnon: Cisgender,Pansexual
Mulciber Jr: Cissgender, Bissexual & Biromantic
Crabbe Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Nott Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Igor Karkaroff: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Thorfinn Rowle: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Goyle Snr: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Evan Rosier: Cisgender, Ace homoromantic
Barty Crouch Jnr: Cisgender, Gay
Sirius Black: Genderfaun (i've seen people headcanon him as trans MTF or even genderfluid but...i'm sorry...No! He gives me the vibe of someone who, while perfectly confortable in wearing makeup would feel ashamed to be seen in a skirt or wearing red lipstick for exemple. Eyeliner, nail polish, body glitter, chopstick and black lipstick? That is fine. Anything beyond that? No! And since being genderfluid or MTF generally implies being confortable in female clothing it's safe to say that to me he is neither of those things) , Bissexual & Omniromantic with a preference towards males.
Remus Lupin: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
James Potter: Cisgender, Pansexual & Pan romantic .
Regulus Black: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Severus Snape: Transgender FTM (though i do love cisgenderSev headcanons as well.i'm cool either way), Demisexual & Demiromantic
Peter Petigrew: Cisgender, Bisexual Pedophile Transphobe (He could have made sure that he stayed in his cage where it's not very confortable but at least appropriate or at least use his "owners" wand to turn into a human and sleep somewhere else but, no, he chose to sleep next to his "owners" on their bed wich like...BRO! )
Xenopilus Lovegood : transgender FTM, nebularomantic & demisexual
Pandora Lovegood : transgender MTF, nebularomantic & demisexual
Lucius Malfoy: Cisgender, Bissexual with a severe case of internal homophobia that was never adressed.
Narcissa Black Malfoy: Cisgender, straight ally
Andromeda Black: Cisgender, straight ally
Ted Tonks: Cisgender,straight ally
Gilderoy Lockhart: Cisgender, Straight Transphobe & Homophobe (i once said that i thought he was a pedo but i saw a better headcanon somewhere that states he only dates people who help his image (ie conventionally atractive women in his age range) ).
Alecto Carrow: Transgender MTF, Straight Homphobe
Amycus Carrow: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Augustus Rookwood: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Frank Longbottom: Cisgender,straight ally
Alice Fortescure (nee Longbottom): Cisgender,straight ally.
Cornelius Oswald Fudge: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe and Transphobe
Rufus Scrimgeour: Cisgender, Straight Homophobe
Charlie Weasley's Era
Charlie Weasley: Cisgender, omnisexual & Omniromantic with a preference towards males.
Nymphadora Tonks: Gender nonconforming (i have seen people headcaning her as genderfluid wich i would be more than fine with IF the reasons for said headcanon didn't boil down to "they are a metamorphamagus who hates their birth name" i mean... Seriously?! while it's true that there can be shapeshifters who are genderfluid (Ie Loki from Thor) not all shapeshifters HAVE to be genderfluid and its perfectly possible to be cisgender and hate your birth name (ie me, one of my cousins and a shit ton of people out there) though if someone ever gives me other reasons for that i may change my mind) , Pansexual & Panromantic
Bill Weasley (i know he is older than Charlie i just didn't know were else to put him): Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Golden Trio Era
Percy Weasley : Cisgender, Gay with a severe case of internal homophobia caused by Molly. only dated & married chicks to please his mom.
Fred & George Weasley: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Neville Longbotoom: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Luna Lovegood: Cisgender, Gray ace & Demiromantic
Ron Weasley: Cisgender (i do love the trans ron headcanon's specially considering is weird as heck that Ginny was the only female in the family but...let's be real with him being one of the main characters as well as a Self-Insert of J*ke's childhood crush/best friend and me headcanoning Molly as transphobe it wouldn't fly), Bissexual with with a severe case of internal homophobia caused by Molly.
Padma Patil: Cisgender,Lesbian
Parvati Patil: Cisgender, straight ally
Pansy Parkinson: Cisgender, Bisexual with internal homophobia caused by her parents. Omniromantic with a preference towards males
Blaise Zabini: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromatic.
Theodore Nott: Cisgender, Demisexual & homoromantic
Hermione Jean Granger: Cisgender,straight ally (i know she is canonically confirmed to be J*ke Rowlling's self insert but honestly....Her?a Homophobe and Transphobe? NO! it would be hipocritical at best like....She will go on a passionate crusade for blood equality and for a better treatment of house elfs but the second a transgender, homosexual and/or homoromantic person crosses her way, she bashes them? I mean, get real: we all know that Transgender,homosexual and/or homoromantic peeps are as marginalized and mistreated as the elfs she so pationally defends and, like any muggle or muggleborn they didn't chose to be born that way. Being a homophobe and transphobe while defending the causes she does would be stupidity and Hermione, as we know, is not stupid)
Harry James Potter: Cisgender (though i love to read transHarry Potter fics but...let's be real: there's no way J*ke rowling would ever make her protagonist transgender,specially since he is the Self-Insert of her dream Husband as ig was canonically confirmed. though if Harry was actually a trans woman, i believe she would choose to name herself Lily, like her mom since Harry does seem to be more inclined to choose names that pay homage to the dead or people he cares about).....tbh still unsure if he is bi,omni or gay but he is definetly not straight, demi,aro or ace.
Draco Malfoy : Cisgender, i'm also unsure if he is bi,omni or gay but he is definetly not straight, demi,aro or ace.
Vincent Crabbe: Cisgender, He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Gregory Goyle: Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Millecent Bulstrode: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Tracey Davies: Cisgender,aroace
Astoria Greengrass: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Daphne Greengrass: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Astoria Greengrass: Cisgender, Gray ace & Demiromantic
Hannah Abbot: Cisgender,straight Ally
Susan Bones: Cisgender,straight Ally (My otp for Ron is either her or Hannah Abbot)
Rolf Scamander: Cisgender, Demisexual & Demiromantic
Victor Krum: Cisgender, omnissexual & omniromantic with a preference towards females.
Fleur Delacour: Cisgender, Heterosexual demiromentic
Cedric Digorry: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Cho Chang: Cisgender,straight ally
Lee Jordan: Cisgender,straight ally
Angelina Johnson: Cisgender,straight ally
Katie Bell: Cisgender, Bissexual & Biromantic
Alicia Spinnet: Cisgender,Aroace
Ginny Weasley: Cisgender,ominisexual & ominiromantic with a preference towards males.
Gabrielle Delacour: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Colin Creevy: Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Denis Creevy: Cisgender, Straight Ally
Lavander Brown: Cisgender, Bissexual & ominiromantic with a preference for males.
Hestia Carrow: Cisgender, aroace
Flora Carrow: Cisgender,Gray aroace
Luna Lovegood : Cisgender, Panromantic Gray ace
Neville Longbottom : Cisgender, demisexual & demiromantic
Next Gen Era:
Teddy Lupin: Nonbinary, Pansexual & Panromantic
James Sirius Potter: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Albus Severus Potter (who i would rename as Remus Severus Potter, Cedric Severus Potter, George Severus Potter or Neville Severus Potter.... Or..... Pretty much any name besides Albus ) : Cisgender,He is Gay and you can't change my mind.
Lily Luna Potter: Cisgender,straight ally
Lysander Scamander: Transgender FTM,Gay
Lorcan Scamander: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Victorie Delacour: Cisgender,straight ally
Louis Delacour: Cisgender,bissexual & biromantic
Dominique Delacour: Transgender MTF,Lesbian
Hugo Weasley: Cisgender, Pansexual & Panromantic
Rose Weasley: Cisgender,straight homophobe
Delphini Riddle (who i headcanon is actually Delphini Rokwood): Cisgender,aroace homophobe & transphobe
Frank Longbottom II: Cisgender,demisexual & demiromantic
Alice Longbottom II: Cisgender, straight ally.
....aaaaand...that's it.
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darkdoverpseeker · 1 year
21+. She/Her. Looking for some fandom roleplays.
Please be 21+ to interact!
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting, though, and don't hand out my Discord handle until I'm sure we'll be doing something together. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. Replies usually happen within 2-3 days. I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF) and canon or canon divergent plots. I am willing to do some canon x OC stuff (but only MxM or FxF for those). I lean towards romantic pairings but can do platonic. I'm fine with writing NSFW stuff or keeping things clean. I have no triggers.
Communication is key. When plotting, I like to hear back within 3-4 days. When writing the actual thread, within 5-7 days. No communication of any kind within that timeframe and I'm going to start assuming you're no longer interested in doing anything with me.
I'll be listing my biggest muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with the character I prefer writing in bold, if I have a preference). I'm definitely open to doing other ships, however. There's only a very small chance I'll turn any down.
Note: All characters will be 18+.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan ~~~ Eleven x Clara, Eleven x Amy, Eleven x Rory, Eleven x Jack, Fourteen x Rose, Fourteen x Jack, Harry x Four, Ten x Jack, Ten x Simm!Master, Yaz x Thirteen
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander ~~~ Dumbledore x Grindelwald, Dumbledore x Newt, Dumbledore x Theseus, Dumbledore x Jacob, Theseus x Leta, Theseus x Lally, Theseus x Grindelwald, Theseus x Newt
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon ~~~ Alliser x Jon, Dany x Jorah, Dany x Jaime, Dany x Margaery, Jaime x Sansa, Jaime x Cersei, Jaime x Bronn, Margaery x Stannis, Margaery x Joffrey, Margaery x Sansa, Petyr x Sansa, Petyr x Renly, Roose x Sansa, Roose x Stannis, Sansa x Jon, Stannis x Davos
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino ~~~ Dimitri x Faustin, Dimitri x Niko, Francis x Niko, Gerry x Niko, Niko x Ray, Niko x Packie, Ray x Phil
NBC Hannibal: Brian Zeller, Frederick Chilton, Will Graham ~~~ Zeller x Price, Zeller x Will, Chilton x Hannibal, Chilton x Will, Will x Hannibal
Harry Potter: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle ~~~ Barty x Lucius, Barty x Draco, Cedric x Harry, Cormac x Hermione, Cormac x Ron, Lockhart x Snape, Lockhart x Quirrell, Oliver x Percy, Snape x Harry, Snape x Lupin
House of the Dragon: Alicent Hightower (pre-10 year time jump only), Daemon Targaryen ~~~ Alicent x Rhaenyra, Daemon x Rhaenyra, Daemon x Laena, Daemon x Criston, Daemon x Otto, Daemon x Laenor, Daemon x Viserys
Scream: Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Micky Altieri, Richie Kirsch ~~~ Dewey x Gale, Dewey x Randy, Jill x Charlie, Jill x Kirby, Mickey x Randy, Richie x Sam
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies ~~~ Ketch x Mick, Ketch x Dean, Azazel x Sam, Azazel x John, Chuck x Sam, Dean x Crowley, Lucifer x Sam, Lucifer x Nick, Mick x Sam
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh ~~~ Beth x Daryl, Beth x Rick, Beth x Negan, Beth x Rosita, Gareth x Rick, Merle x Glenn, Merle x Rick, Merle x Daryl, Jesus x Daryl, Jesus x Aaron, Shane x Lori, Shane x Andrea, Shane x Rick
If interested, please like this post and I'll message you. When responding, please let me know what it was that caught your eye. I have a limited amount of free time, so I like to get the ball rolling right away.
like if interested!
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prpfs · 1 year
21+. She/Her. Looking for some fandom roleplays. 🐶
Please be 21+ to interact!
I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I like to stick to Tumblr for plotting, though, and don't hand out my Discord handle until I'm sure we'll be doing something together. I write in third person, past tense and around 2-4 paragraphs. Replies usually happen within 2-3 days. I'm mainly interested in canon x canon pairings (MxM, FxF, or MxF) and canon or canon divergent plots. I am willing to do some canon x OC stuff (but only MxM or FxF for those). I lean towards romantic pairings but can do platonic. I'm fine with writing NSFW stuff or keeping things clean. I have no triggers.
Communication is key. When plotting, I like to hear back within 3-4 days. When writing the actual thread, within 5-7 days. No communication of any kind within that timeframe and I'm going to start assuming you're no longer interested in doing anything with me.
I'll be listing my biggest muses for each fandom and some of my favorite ships (with the character I prefer writing in bold, if I have a preference). I'm definitely open to doing other ships, however. There's only a very small chance I'll turn any down.
Note: All characters will be 18+.
Doctor Who: Eleventh Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Fourteenth Doctor, Harry Sullivan, Sixth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan ~~~ Eleven x Clara, Eleven x Amy, Eleven x Rory, Eleven x Jack, Fourteen x Rose, Fourteen x Jack, Harry x Four, Ten x Jack, Ten x Simm!Master, Yaz x Thirteen
Fantastic Beasts: Albus Dumbledore, Theseus Scamander ~~~ Dumbledore x Grindelwald, Dumbledore x Newt, Dumbledore x Theseus, Dumbledore x Jacob, Theseus x Leta, Theseus x Lally, Theseus x Newt, Theseus x Grindelwald
Game of Thrones: Alliser Thorne, Daenerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Sansa Stark, Stannis Baratheon ~~~ Alliser x Jon, Dany x Jorah, Dany x Jaime, Dany x Margaery, Jaime x Sansa, Jaime x Cersei, Jaime x Bronn, Margaery x Stannis, Margaery x Joffrey, Margaery x Sansa, Petyr x Sansa, Petyr x Renly, Roose x Sansa, Roose x Stannis, Sansa x Jon, Stannis x Davos
Grand Theft Auto IV: Dimitri Rascalov, Francis McReary, Gerry McReary, Mikhail Faustin, Niko Bellic, Ray Boccino ~~~ Dimitri x Faustin, Dimitri x Niko, Francis x Niko, Gerry x Niko, Niko x Ray, Niko x Packie, Ray x Phil
NBC Hannibal: Brian Zeller, Frederick Chilton, Will Graham ~~~ Zeller x Price, Zeller x Will, Chilton x Hannibal, Chilton x Will, Will x Hannibal
Harry Potter: Barty Crouch Jr., Cedric Diggory, Cormac McLaggen, Gilderoy Lockhart, Oliver Wood, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle ~~~ Barty x Lucius, Barty x Draco, Cedric x Harry, Cormac x Hermione, Cormac x Ron, Lockhart x Snape, Lockhart x Quirrell, Oliver x Percy, Snape x Harry, Snape x Lupin
House of the Dragon: Alicent Hightower (pre-10 year time jump only), Daemon Targaryen ~~~ Alicent x Rhaenyra, Daemon x Rhaenyra, Daemon x Laena, Daemon x Criston, Daemon x Otto, Daemon x Laenor, Daemon x Viserys
Scream: Dewey Riley, Jill Roberts, Micky Altieri, Richie Kirsch ~~~ Dewey x Gale, Dewey x Randy, Jill x Charlie, Jill x Kirby, Mickey x Randy, Richie x Sam
Supernatural: Arthur Ketch, Azazel, Chuck Shurley, Dean Winchester, Lucifer, Mick Davies ~~~ Ketch x Mick, Ketch x Dean, Azazel x Sam, Azazel x John, Chuck x Sam, Dean x Crowley, Lucifer x Sam, Lucifer x Nick, Mick x Sam
The Walking Dead: Beth Greene, Gareth, Merle Dixon, Paul Rovia, Shane Walsh ~~~ Beth x Daryl, Beth x Rick, Beth x Negan, Beth x Rosita, Gareth x Rick, Merle x Glenn, Merle x Rick, Merle x Daryl, Jesus x Daryl, Jesus x Aaron, Shane x Lori, Shane x Andrea, Shane x Rick
If interested, please like this post and I'll message you. When responding, please let me know what it was that caught your eye. I have a limited amount of free time, so I like to get the ball rolling right away.
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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2023 Leo Award Nominations
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Best Hairstyling in a Dramatic Series - Linda Nelson, Chesapeake Shores, Season 6 Episode 10 'All or Nothing at All'
Best Make-up in a Dramatic Series - Charles Porlier, Chesapeake Shores, Season 6 Episode 10 'All or Nothing at All'
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Best Television Movie - Lights, Camera, Christmas! (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel) Mid-Love Crisis (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Three Wise Men and a Baby (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel) Time for Him To Come Home for Christmas (Miracles of Christmas, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)
Best Direction - Heather Hawthorn Doyle - A Splash of Love (Hallmark Channel) Peter Benson - Color My World With Love (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Jessica Harmon - Game, Set, Love (Fall Into Love, Hallmark Channel) Terry Ingram - Three Wise Men and a Baby (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel)
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Best Male Lead Performance in a Television Movie - Benjamin Hollingsworth - A Splash of Love (Hallmark Channel) Richard Harmon - Game, Set, Love (Fall Into Love, Hallmark Channel) Niall Matter - Rip In Time (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)
Best Female Supporting Performance in a Television Movie - June Laporte - Mid-Love Crisis (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)
Best Male Supporting Performance in a Television Movie - Riley Davis - Dying for Chocolate: A Curious Caterer Mystery (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Riley Davis - Grilling Season: A Curious Caterer Mystery (Hallmark Movies & Mystery)
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Best Screenwriting for a Television Movie - Paul Campbell and Kimberly Sustad - Three Wise Men and a Baby (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel)
Best Casting for a Television Movie - Jackie Lind and Tara Bell-Irving - Color My World With Love (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Erin Lally and Annalease Tilling - Dating the Delaneys (Fall Into Love, Hallmark Channel) Jackie Lind and Tara Bell-Irving - Lights, Camera, Christmas! (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel) Judy Lee - Time for Him To Come Home for Christmas (Miracles of Christmas, Hallmark Movies & Mysteries)
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Best Cinematography for a Television Movie - Mike Kam - The Holiday Sitter (Countdown to C Christmas, Hallmark Channel)
Best Picture Editing for a Television Movie - Jason Dale - Color My World With Love (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Saeed Vahidi - Rip in Time (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Jason Pielak - Welcome to Mama's (Loveuary, Hallmark C channel)
Best Musical Scor for a Television Movie - Brian Chan and Caleb Chan - A Big Fat Family Christmas (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel) Brian Chan abd Caleb Chan - A Fabled Holiday (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel) Graeme Coleman - Wedding of a Lifetime (Fall Into Love, Hallmark Channel)
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Best Hairstyling for a Television Movie - Melissa Lawson - Dying for Chocolate: A Curious Caterer Mystery (Hallmark Movies & Mysteries) Melissa Neilson - Inventing the Christmas Prince (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel)
Best Production Design for a Television Movie - Michael Nemirsky - A Second Chance at Love (Spring Into Love, Hallmark Channel) Ali Tavasoli - Christmas at the Golden Palace (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel)
Best Costume Design for a Television Movie - Jessica Kalan - Dating the Delaneys (Fall Into Love, Hallmark Channel) Tina Fiorda - Lights, Camera, Christmas! (Countdown to Christmas, Hallmark Channel) Tanya Lipke - Welcome to Mama's (Loveuary, Hallmark Channel)
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theam-cjsw · 1 year
The AM: January 9, 2023
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After two weeks of AM Gold, we're back to the usual AM mix of new sounds, classic throwbacks, old favourites, and musical oddities. From occultish electronics and haunted psychedelia to free jazz, pop detours and joyful noise, it's an eclectic start to the new year.
Hope you enjoy it. Track list is after the break.
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Spotify Playlist
Hour One:
By This River (Brian Eno cover) Pascal Schumacher • Single
Binding Garden Skúli Sverrisson • Sería
Pay No Attention to that Man Y Bülbül, Yumurta • Not One, Not Two
égrégores RAMZi • hyphea
Take Care Kogane • Single
Afterglow Ryan Hemsworth • Single
Over Tracks and Roads Rupert Lally • Wanderweg
South Current 2.0 Buildings and Food • Single
Super Hit Bendu • Super Hit EP
Buntik Mong Tong • Indies 印
Talkoot Fomular • Audio Visual!
Hour Two:
Maybe Next Time (It'll Be OK) Carl Didur • Maybe Next Time
Soft Light Heavy Color • Soft Light
9-5 Silver Jairus Sharif • Water & Tools
Horns of Trascala Postnamers • Sissies & Sluts
Isodea Cluster • Grosses Wasser
Avanti Cluster • Grosses Wasser
Hidden Signals Bristol Manor • A Distant Urban Forest
Morning in the Jungle Black Flower, featuring Meskerem Mees • Magma
Just Smile Gone to Color, featuring Kurt Wagner • Gone to Color
Message to Belial The Sadies • Colder Streams
Hour Three:
Follow Your Nature Great Area • Follow Your Nature
Haffmilch Holiday Decisive Pink • Single
Esc Rich Aucoin • Synthetic: Season One
Says Nils Frahm • Spaces
Painted the Room Rozi Plain • Prize
Solo HANAH • Colours of Now & Then EP
Only Child Aoife Nessa Frances • Protector
Sweets to the Sweet Tom Tom Club • Downtown Rockers
Tatouage Bernardino Femminielli • Plaisirs Américains
Joy Scott Hardware • Engel
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starkiddreamcasting · 2 years
Starkid A Man of No Importance
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Love who you love. It’s another day for Starkid A Man of No Importance. Didn’t really know about this musical until the recent revival and a friend recomending the cast album. It ended being a beautiful show and the ideas started flowing through my brain. Haven’t seen a lot of buzz for this show on this site, so if you haven’t listened to this show uhhhh do it. Lots of holiday/winter dreamcasts coming up for the rest of the month so look forward to those.
1. Dylan Saunders as Alfie Byrne 2. Jamie Burns as Lily Byrne 3. Curt Mega as Robbie Fay 4. Tiffany Williams as Adele Rice 5. Jim Povolo as William Carney 6. Lauren Lopez as Mrs. Patrick 7. Nick Gage as Baldy O’Shea 8. James Tolbert as Peter/Berton Baret 9. Lily Marks as Mrs. Margaret Grace 10. Brian Rosenthal as Ernie Lally 11. Corey Dorris as Father Kenny 12. Rachael Soglin as Mrs. Curtin 13. Jaime Lyn Beatty as Mrs. Oona Crowe
Understudies: Tyler Brunsman (Robbie Fay, Peter/Berton Baret, Ernie Lally), Bryce Charles (Adele Rice, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Curtin), Meredith Stepien (Lily Byrne, Mrs. Margaret Grace, Mrs. Oona Crowe), Joe Walker (Alfie Byrne, William Carney, Baldy O’Shea, Father Kenny)
Make sure to leave any show suggestions or any questions on my casting choices so I can explain them.
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addierose444 · 9 months
My Favorite Cooking YouTube Channels
It rained all weekend and I was a bit low energy (still went rock climbing both days though), so I initially had no idea what to write about this week. I watched a number of cooking videos this weekend, so thought I’d share some of my favorite YouTube cooking channels. While I enjoy both watching cooking videos and actually cooking, I very rarely actually cook recipes from cooking videos. While I’m likely inspired and influenced to some extent, for me it’s really just a form of entertainment. It’s a bit old, but you may also be interested in my post about YouTube Channels for 2021. 
Claire Saffitz x Dessert Person
I was first introduced to Claire a few years back through her Bon Appétit series Gourmet Makes. During each episode she would try to recreate a different iconic packaged food. While that series ended a long time ago, I do rewatch episodes from time to time and enjoy watching Claire on her channel. As mentioned in the intro, I primarily watch cooking shows for pure entertainment; however, I have actually used one of Claire’s recipes. Specifically, the last two Thanksgivings, I’ve made her apple crumble pie to great success. With Claire’s background in pastry and cookbook entitled Dessert Person, her channel features a number of desserts. While I don’t have a huge sweet tooth, I tend to prefer baking to cooking so it’s fun to have this more baking focused channel. With that said, nowadays I never actually bake as I don’t have the need or equipment to do so. 
Carla Lalli Music
Like with Claire, I was first introduced to Carla through Bon Appétit. I like Carla’s channel because it’s amusing and she makes delicious looking pasta dishes. While I haven’t made any of the recipes from her channel, I have made her fettuccine alfredo from an old Bon Appétit video. It’s funny though, because I literally made her alfredo last night and she literally just posted a video with an optimized alfredo sauce today. Thus, I’ll need to try out the new version soon to compare!
Brian Lagerstrom 
I discovered Brian’s channel sometime last year and was immediately hooked. He brings in knowledge and techniques from his experience working in professional kitchens and clearly puts a lot into his recipe development. Despite not yet trying any of his recipes, I feel pretty confident that they’d all turn out great. While very enjoyable to watch, his videos are also packed with information.
Ethan Chlebowski
In addition to recipe and food challenge videos, Ethan’s creates some incredible longer form deep dive videos. I’d watched Ethan’s videos from time to time, but only more recently actually subscribed and explored his catalog of older videos. 
Pro Home Cooks
I actually just subscribed to this channel today because I noticed that I’d watched and enjoyed most of the recent videos. As the name suggests, this channel is focused on leaving up as a home cook. While I don’t have a garden here, it’s cool to see how many of the ingredients the host Mike sources from his own garden. 
America's Test Kitchen
While I love America’s Test Kitchen, I only watch a handful of their videos and subsequently haven’t subscribed. However, looking at their video page I really am considering subscribing as all the videos look great. The one series that I watch religiously is What's Eating Dan? with Dan Souza. I also love Gear Heads, which is a show about the best cooking equipment. Recently I’ve also been enjoying Techniquely with Lan Lam and honestly need to go back and watch all of the episodes. 
This is another channel that I enjoy, but don’t actually subscribe to because the upload frequency is just too high and I don’t/wouldn’t watch all of the videos. My favorite series is 4 Levels in which three chefs of varying cooking abilities (amateur, home cook, and expert) all cook the same dish. Each episode concludes with a food scientist (level four) discussing the decisions each chef made from a food science perspective. I haven’t watched it recently, but another cool series is Pro Chef vs. Home Cook in which “expert chefs swap recipes and ingredients with adventurous home cooks.”
NYT Cooking
This is yet another channel that I don’t subscribe to but enjoy videos from. In addition to her individual YoutTube channel, Claire Saffitz has a mini series on NYT Cooking called Try This at Home. Another fun series on NYT Cooking is Sohla El-Waylly’s Mystery Menu. Other chefs I enjoy watching on NYT Cooking include Melissa Clark and Eric Kim. While I have cooked a number of Melissa’s recipes (and have had great success with them), for the most part I’ve discovered her recipes (and watched her videos) from the actual NYT Cooking website and not their YouTube channel. 
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iamheatherfay · 11 months
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Directed by 
Drew Harwood
Writing Credits (in alphabetical order)  
Drew Harwood
Gareth Koorzen...Jake Drew Harwood...Brandon Sidney Edwards...Sandra Chris R. Taylor...Aj Heather Fay...Cali Aja Nicole...Sofia Mary Charles Miller...Chanler Amber Hutchins...Zoey Katie Garland-Noble...Leanne Johnny Mocker...Ivan Makar Tony Suriano...Vok Chip Heidt...Axl Roger Jerome...Grandpa Jezebel Luxure...Burlesque Dancer Jean Robert De-Cavel...Chef
Other cast:
Bradley Paynter...Party Guest Randy Bruce...Party Goer Richelle Talor...Party Goer Angel Lane...Party Goer Jake Kopronica...Party Goer Brian Lally...Delivery boy Nick Coleman...Kyle (uncredited) Jai Sahai...Priest (uncredited) John Christian Schulte...Spencer (uncredited)
Produced by 
Katie Garland-Noble...producer Drew Harwood...producer Chip Heidt...executive producer Calvin Herbst...line producer Gareth Koorzen...producer Johnny Mocker...executive producer Jared Safier...executive producer
Music by 
Jeanne-Peri Foucault
Cinematography by 
Brandan Haskell
Editing by 
Sam Zarrin
Casting By 
Brittany Kirby
Production Design by 
Rachel Z. Meyer...(as Rachel Meyer) Drew Vecellio
Art Direction by 
Drew Vecellio
Costume Design by 
Robin K Fields...(as Robin Fields)
Makeup Department 
Celeste Blandon...assistant makeup artist Libby Dietrix...assistant makeup artist Patricia Martinez...makeup artist
Production Management 
Calvin Herbst...production manager
Second Unit Director or Assistant Director 
Samantha Sather...second assistant director Jeff Seemann...first assistant director
Art Department 
Rachel Z. Meyer...set dresser (as Rachel Meyer) Tony Suriano...art department assistant Drew Vecellio...set dresser
Sound Department 
Sam Costello...sound designer Chen Shen...ADR & VO recordist Mike Teeters...sound mixer Dean White...re-recording mixer
Bryan Carlisle...boat driver/water safety
Camera and Electrical Department 
Aria Brice...best girl grip Jon Cibella...key grip Jack Miller...second assistant camera Mitchell Sacco...first assistant camera John Christian Schulte...gaffer
Costume and Wardrobe Department 
Elizabeth M Galbraith...costume assistant Julianna Weis-Palacios...assistant set costumer
Editorial Department 
Strack Azar...colorist Jack Kanner...assistant editor
Location Management 
Katie Garland-Noble...location manager Drew Harwood...location scout Gareth Koorzen...location scout
Script and Continuity Department 
Shawn Tira...script supervisor
Additional Crew 
Frank Batten...production assistant Hunter Deno...production assistant Jeremy Jardine...Additional Music Brian Lally...on set paTim Lally...driver double Brodie Mccauley...production assistant Olivia R. Ramage...production assistant Benjamin Willis-Teff...Key PA (as Ben Willis-Teff)
Kimberly Carlisle...special thanks Jean Robert De-Cavel...special thanks (as Jean-Robert de Cavel) Pattie Lally...special thanks Lynn Michele Latta...special thanks Marilou Lind...special thanks D. Lynn Meyers...special thanks Kristen Schlotman...special thanks Tassy Taylor...special thanks
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How Much Time Does a Child Need to Create a Reading Habit?
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Although the headline of this post is focused on reading and puts the emphasis on children, to whom we will refer at the end, everything that follows is applicable to any habit and person, so do not stop reading it, because it is extremely interesting .
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It all starts with a story that happened more than 70 years ago...
Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon in the 1950s when he began to notice a strange pattern among his patients… When Dr. Maltz performed an operation, like a nose job, for example, he found that it took the patient about 21 days to get used to seeing his new face. Similarly, when a patient had an arm or leg amputated, Maxwell Maltz noted that the patient felt a phantom limb for approximately 21 days before adjusting to the new situation.
These experiences led Maltz to think about his own period of adaptation to changes and new behaviors, noting that it also took around 21 days to acquire a new habit. Maltz wrote of these experiences, saying, "These and many other commonly observed phenomena tend to show that a minimum of about 21 days is required for an old mental image to dissolve and a new one to solidify."
In 1960, Maltz published that quote and his other thoughts on behavior change in a book called Psycho-Cybernetics. The book became a box office success, selling over 30 million copies.
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And that's when the trouble started...
In the decades that followed, Maltz's work influenced nearly every major "self-help" practitioner, from Zig Ziglar to Brian Tracy to Tony Robbins. And as more people recited the story of Maltz, as in the "Telephone Game", where the participants whisper a phrase to each other until they reach the last one completely distorted; people began to forget that he said "a minimum of about 21 days" and replaced it with "It takes 21 days to form a new habit."
And that's how society began to spread the false myth that it takes 21 days to form a new habit (or 30 days or some other magic number). It is remarkable how often these terms are cited as statistical facts. Dangerous lesson: If enough people say something enough times, everyone else starts to believe it.
It makes sense why the “21 days” myth would spread. It's easy to understand. The time frame is short enough to be inspiring, but long enough to be believable. And who wouldn't like the idea of ​​changing their life in just three weeks? Can you imagine acquiring the habit of going to the gym in just that time?
But the problem is that Maxwell Maltz was simply observing what was going on around him and was not making a statement of fact. Also, he made sure to say that this was the minimum time needed to adjust to a new change.
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And a scientific study came to answer the question of how long it really takes to develop a habit...
To answer the question of how long it really takes to develop a new habit from a scientific point of view, we can turn to the study by Phillippa Lally. This lady is a health psychology researcher at University College London. In a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, Lally and her research team set out to find out how long it actually takes to form a habit.
The study examined the habits of 96 people over a 12-week period. Each person chose a new habit for the 12 weeks and reported each day whether or not they did the behavior and how automatically the behavior manifested.
Some people chose simple habits like “drink a bottle of water with lunch”. Others chose more difficult tasks such as "running for 15 minutes before dinner." At the end of 12 weeks, the researchers analyzed the data to determine how long it took each person to go from starting a new behavior to doing it automatically.
And the answer was…
On average, it takes over 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic, 66 days to be exact . And the time it takes for a new habit to form can vary greatly depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstances. In Lally's study, it took people between 18 and 254 days to form a new habit.
In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that it will probably take you two to eight months to build a new behavior into your life, not 21 days.
Interestingly, the researchers also found that "missing an opportunity to perform the behavior did not materially affect the process of habit formation." In other words, it doesn't matter if you mess up once in a while. Developing better habits is not an all-or-nothing process.
And the positive reading that we can make of all this is…
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Let's talk about three reasons why this research is really inspiring:
First of all , there is no reason to criticize yourself if you try something for a few weeks and it doesn't become a habit. It's supposed to take you longer than that! There's no need to beat yourself up if you can't adopt a behavior in exactly 21 days.
Second , you don't have to be perfect. Making a mistake once or twice has no measurable impact on your long-term habits. That's why you need to treat failure like a scientist, give yourself permission to make mistakes, and develop strategies to quickly get back on track.
And third , adopting longer timeframes can help us realize that habits are a process and not an event. You have to embrace the process. You have to commit to the system.
Understanding this early on makes it easier to manage expectations and commit to making small, incremental improvements, rather than pushing yourself to think you have to do it all at once.
And what about the reading habit in children, which was the title of this post?
Well, the conclusion we wanted to reach is that we must be patient with our little ones. Do not give up on the effort and enjoy the process. Read, read and read. This, with patience, will lead our little ones to create the very important habit of reading. At Navabharath school, we dose reading through a novel format: letters that the child receives. These letters include stories in which our little one is the protagonist in the first person. And, in addition, the reading of each letter leads him to look for a hidden clue in his own house. Do you dare to try it?
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4theseus-s · 2 years
dumbledore: time for plan g
jacob: don't you mean plan b?
dumbledore: no, we tried plan b a long time ago. i had to skip over plan c due to technical difficulties
theseus: what about plan d?
dumbledore: plan d was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago
lally: what about plan e?
dumbledore: i was hoping not to use it. theseus dies in plan e
newt: i like plan e
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badmovieihave · 6 years
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Bad movie I have Child of God 2013
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mooncalf87 · 2 years
25 Buntyforth HC
Newt was the first person Bunty ever told that she was in love with Abe.
Their first kiss was in the snow in the middle of Hogmeade village, midnight on Christmas eve.
Abe couldn't find a ring he thought would be right for Bunty, till one day Teddy the Niffler ran up to him. He didn't know where he got the ring, but it was perfect.
Abe barley had to get down on one knee before Bunty tackled him with a hug and yelling "yes!"
They would often take walks around the outskirts of the village, and the grounds of Hogwarts.
Bunty became really close with all of his goats.
Bunty once worked a day for Abe when he was ill. Never again. There was a reason she worked with as little people as possible.
After Jacob and Queenie got married in the bakery, they made it a tradition for their friends to get married there.
The order of marriage was Queenie and Jacob, Bunty and Abe, Tina and Newt, Theseus and Lally.
Bunty and Abe had originally planned to wait to get married till after Grindelwalds defeat, but once they found out Bunty was pregnant with their first child they got married.
Bunty was five months pregnant when they got married. She was self conscious about the bump, but Aberforth telling her she was beautiful was all she needed to hear.
When Bunty threw her flower's, Lally caught them.
After 72 horrible hours of labor, and three hours of pushing, Bunty gave birth to a girl, they and named her Hopendale. After Buntys dead twin sister.
She had bright red hair just like her mum, but the rest was all Abe. She almost looked like a spitting image of Ariana but with red hair.
Newt and Tina were named godparents.
Most people just called her Hope.
Once Bunty brought her to work and she absolutely loved the Mooncalfs. She climbed up the small hill and just sat there with them staring at the moon. Bunty and Newt were laughing before joining her.
She once found a necklace in Uncle Albus's office, that had once belonged to Ariana Dumbledore. She always kept it with her.
If she ever got sad she would go to the fireplace and just sit talking with Ariana, even if she was one and her speech was pretty bad.
She was very smart just like her mum, Abe was always impressed when she could tell him what type of flower he was picking to give to Bunty.
When she was two Bunty became pregnant again, this time with twins.
At Uncle Newt and Aunt Tinas wedding, Hope was the flower girl. She didn't exactly understand what she was meant to do, so she just slowly walked up the aisle handing a flower to each person.
They all just watched as she did this, smiling and not telling her wrong. When she walked up to Newt she handed him the biggest flower and held up her arms. For the rest of the ceremony Newt had a pink flower tucked behind his ear, and a little girl in his arms.
When the priest asked Newt, before Newt could say anything Hope said. "He does." When Newt was meant to say "I do."
When the priest said "you may kiss the bride." Hope put her hand in between their lips, and said "kissing is yucky. Mummy and Daddy kiss all the time." So instead they both kissed her hand.
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t-rex-arm · 2 years
(I don’t support JKRs actions and views on the lgbt community)
(This was the first FOB I’ve seen, my partner wanted to see it so I went with them)
He’s def also trans and gives me such gender.
Also, he’s neuro divergent. I will not be elaborating. He just is.
I LOVED THE SWIVLE, I think it shows Newt and Theseus characters really well from what I know about them.
I love that Dumbledore openly admits to being in love with Grindelwald. I understand how it is problematic with JKRs past performative activism and homophobia, but it was refreshing to have it be stated in the actual franchise, not just on twitter.
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bon-appetit-babey · 4 years
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