#Ciera Danielle
eslanes · 2 years
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(transcript below)
Ciera: Here's today's contestants, each competing for a date - and possibly more - with the gorgeous Ms. Grace!
*cheers and claps*
Ciera: So here's the deal. Each round, Devon will ask a series of questions to the contestants, at the end of each round, Devon (with the help of the Watcher and an audience vote) will pick the contestants who will move onto the next. But there's a catch - she can't see them until the final round! Now, before we get to the good stuff, let's meet our contestants!
*crowd cheers*
Lizette Chavez: 'Sup whores! Name's Lizette but you can call me Z! I'm from San Myshuno and got the best weed in the Arts Quarter (well, 'til I got busted!) Anyway, I was looking through simstagram and saw that Miss Devon Grace herself was looking for love so here I am, love in human form! You ready to fall in love baby?
Ciera: First up, we have the lovely Lizette! (@sxllylxttlebxtch)
*crowd cheers*
Ciera: Next up, we have Solomon! It getting hot in here or is it just me? (@alkalinesims)
Solomon Trevino: Hola hermosa, the name's Solomon. When I'm not *ahem* dealing in priceless works of art, I like to travel the world for business. What I would love even more is to have a special lady at my side to share the good life. I'm ready to steal your heart.
*crowd whistles*
Ciera: Say hello to Stavros! (@thegloomiestwhim)
Stravros Pantazis: Hey Devon, Stavros. I've been following your adventures in Del Sol and I can safely say you've finally met your match. Been all over Tartosa til I got tired of the local attractions (and tourists for that matter) so I'm now in San Mysh working in investments. Money, bitches, always. So baby, when you're ready - you me, some fuzzy handcuffs, hot candle wax and your wild imagination. I'll be ready.
Devon: *fans self*
*crowd cheers and whistles*
Ciera: So you may know our next contestant. We have gorgeous socialite Danielle Summers! (@pixel-falls)
Danielle Summers: Hi Devon! You've probably heard allll about me already (even if it is from the tabloids) but I'm here to find out if you can keep up with me, babe! I hope you're ready for money, fame, parties and luxury beyond your wildest dreams. I'm here to spoil you, babe.
*cheers and applause*
Ciera: Finally! We have the tall, dark and handsome Harley! (@geeky-simz)
Harley Grimm: Hello Devon, I'm Grimm, your typical bad boy turned good. Went from con to cop, but enough about that. I've yet to have much luck in relationships, mainly because I can't tell when someone is flirting with me. Not saying I haven't had my share of fun - get a few drinks in me and I'll do anything you ask. But I do have a soft side, if you can work it out of me.
*crowd cheers*
Ciera: Welcome contestants! Now back to Devon for Round 1!
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ledenews · 1 year
WPHS Speech and Debate Wins 43rd Consecutive State Championship
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WVSDA State Speech and Debate Tournament Results March 10 and 11, 2023 West Virginia University Sweeps: 1st Place  Mariana AlKhouri, 1st Lincoln-Douglas Debate Rylin Russell, 1st Public Forum Debate, Best Overall Public Forum Speaker  Laken Faulstick, 1st Duo Interpretation MacKenzie Kret, 1st Public Forum Debate Maliah Miskiewicz, 1st Humourous/Dramatic Interpretation Ellie Reasbeck, 1st Informative Speaking Carter Bauer, 1st Program Oral Interpretation; 6th Impromptu Speaking Ciera Faulstick, 1st Duo Interpretation; 2nd Program Oral Interpretation Logan Frazier, 1st Impromptu Speaking; 1st Oral Interpretation of Literature, 3rd Humorous/Dramatic Interpretation Chloe Humway, 1st Original Oratory; 2nd Duo Interpretation Grace Robertson-Villamagna, 1st Declamation, 2nd Prose Interpretation, 3rd Informative Speaking Clare Seibert, 2nd Informative Speaking Natalie Archer, 2nd Broadcasting; 5th place Congressional Debate Ayden Cottrill, 2nd Humorous/Dramatic Interpretation; 2nd Extemporaneous Speaking; 5th Impromptu Speaking Laykin Milton, 2nd Duo Interpretation; 4th Humorous/Dramatic Interpretation Danielle Daugherty, 3rd Declamation Brendan Loy, 3rd Broadcasting Alex Fabrizo, 3rd Program Oral Interpretation Kelsey Holeczy, 3rd Original Oratory Taylor Andrews, 4th Prose Interpretation Audrey Bennett, 4th Oral Interpretation of Literature Grace O’Neil, 4th Extemporaneous Speaking; 6th place Congressional Debate Julie Kelly, 4th Poetry Interpretation Sophie White, 4th Broadcasting Addison Wright, 4th Poetry Interpretation Gianna Cipriani, 5th Declamation Morgan Skariot, 5th Prose Interpretation Evan Stingle, 5th Lincoln-Douglas Debate Addy Perks, 6th Humorous/Dramatic Interpretation Ariauna Friend, Semi-Final SPAR Debate Alice Joseph, Semi-finalist Lincoln-Douglas Debate Additional Members contributing to the team win: Grant Kenamond, Melody Campbell, Cameron Fullerton, Morgan Graski, Alex Tennant, Josaphine Vosvick, Jocelyn Shores, Abby Sheller, Summer Duerr-O’Bryant, and Annie McKinley.  Read the full article
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familyofpebbles · 2 years
Wedding – The days before
June 10th
We began laden with more luggage than we could carry, but due to delays, we arrived with only our carry-ons. We WERE, however, greeted at baggage claim by Jake and Ciera, which was a lovely surprise!- even if travel exhaustion kept the outward enthusiasm levels low.
After sorting the luggage issue and securing our rental car, we went hunting for some Good Unhealthy American Food. The only place left open was Pickle Barrel, and we got some shockingly massive sandwiches (and ate a shocking amount of them) before collapsing into our little bed.
June 11th
It was surreal to be back, and surreal that we were back for our wedding!
We woke up early (not by choice) and did errands. Seeing how wide the roads are really blew our minds! A single intersection was far wider than any part of the Autobahn. SO much wiggle room! And even Bozeman itself was sprawling. Huge parking lots took up a lot of space, but even outside that, everything was just so far apart. There is certainly no real alternative to owning a car there.
We went to Walmart and again were blown away by how much STUFF is there. Like obviously we KNEW. But even just a couple years gone was enough to desensitize us to the variety of it all. It was honestly kind of exciting! I do very much appreciate the German ways of living and overall consumption but damn, it was nice to walk into one store and get absolutely everything we needed.
A small stop to get a temporary SIM card for my phone since neither of ours worked at all, and then lunch time!
We went for beers and fries with Jake, Ciera, and Blake (suppsed to be John too, but he got a flat tire). It was so nice catching up with everyone again! Blake is doing well with Shakespeare in the Park, and Jake and C are on their usual adventures- this time Jake is firefighting in Missoula.
Then, off to drinks with Logan, Jesse Mundt, and Kaleigh at a cool new place in an old barn. It’s fixed up really nicely and has a huge selection of mostly local beers. Jesse is just as silly and giggly as always, Logan is just as sweet, and Kaleigh was fun to meet too. We all laughed a lot and I nibbled around some chicken in the table’s nachos before we headed to our third socialization of the night: BBQ at John’s.
I didn’t know anyone there except for him, but everyone was so incredibly friendly (is this what it was always like in Bozeman??) and there were also some very cute dogs there. We had some veggie kebabs and tacos and sat around a fire and it was a gorgeous sunset. We chatted with someone who went to our high school (I kind of recognized her) and found out she had her own clothing store on Main Street! John and a few others run the farmers market, and everyone was just very all around successful and happy. They seemed like such a lovely tight knit group of friends to have.
June 12th
At long last, the event we had been wholeheartedly looking forward to, dreaming of in vivid detail for years now… breakfast at Jam!!
We went with Blake, C, and Jake, and it was exactly as heavenly as we had remembered it being. We split an omelet and some cinnamon pancakes and it was indeed my favorite meal of the trip. Mimosas, great food, lots of laughter. Perfect morning.
 Then, we picked up Jesse Mundt and Wesley for an ambush mission to Butte. We were going to find Daniel. It all seemed to go well, but he seemed kind of uncomfortable and by the end still was non-committal about coming to the wedding. Which, to me, was more disappointing than him just straight up saying no. Instead of writing about him again later, I will give a spoiler and say that he did not come. He didn’t even tell you he wasn’t coming. He just went silent and didn’t show up. He didn’t ever say congratulations, and he didn’t ever say sorry. You haven’t heard from him since we drove to see him. And it makes me so angry. I know that he’s your friend, and this is your pain, and you’re not as angry as I am. He probably has something going on in his life. But I find it inexcusable to ghost a friend like you. You don’t deserve that. I’m sorry that your friend did that to you.
So. We will move on. Much more to cover.
 In fact, that very night, we went to dinner with Haley and her girlfriend(? I don’t know actually I just assumed) Audra! It was sooo good catching up and so fun that you finally got to meet her! Yummy Mexican food and margaritas and old funny stories. I’m so proud of her and I. We really went through it with that shitty family (her especially) and have really come out on top. It took a lot of courage and strength and endurance and we did a lot of growing and WE MADE IT. I’m so happy she could be there with me, for such a landmark of an event <3 It wouldn’t have been right without her.
 But then, another downer. Moriah tested positive for covid. She may not make it. Technically, her quarantine was up before the wedding but… we just had to wait and see.
In better news, Caiah texted me back! I had noticed her watching my stories for a while and just decided to reach out to tell her I was thinking about her and I loved her. And she responded! She said she loved me too and misses me! I didn’t push it any farther but I am so happy to even have gotten that.
June 13
A busy errands and prep day. We did our first venue visit to drop of the deposit. There’s some severe flooding happening on Yellowstone and so water levels are high everywhere and we were mildly concerned about the creek levels, but no one else seemed worried so I chose to trust their judgment. It wasn’t set up the way it would be for our wedding yet so it was hard to get a full idea, but even in the rain and gloom it looked like it would turn out really nicely! It’s such a pretty space, I’m so happy we went with it.
I found out from dad that mom had moved just this past weekend. I messaged her to get the new address, and she left me on read. So there goes my plan to drop in and see her. And if she won’t give it to me, that means I can’t keep sending Cate gifts. I don’t really know what to do. There are so many emotions happening this trip, and there’s no real time to process any of them.
More errands, quick dinner, and an early bedtime.
June 14th
Woke up to the fantastic news that the boat guy paid us off! All of it at once! Makes no sense to me but whatever man. Perfect wedding gift!
Today was our extra luxurious spa day. We went to The Loft downtown, and though very expensive, it was worth it for this. We got to use the steam room, which was the first I’ve ever used, and I loved it way more than I expected. I don’t really like dry saunas but this was completely different. It was like getting cleansed from the inside out, and it felt so wonderfully hydrating. Next was our 90 minute couples massage. I wanted mine to be relaxing so I asked for a little less pressure which felt nice but probably didn’t do me much good, and you wanted to unknot your muscles which made it far less relaxing for you but definitely helped you out in the long run. You said you could stand up straight without pain for the first time in ages. I’ve been trying to get you to have them more often.
Then, my favorite part- 45 minute facials! It felt SO incredible and included head, shoulder, and arm massages too. It was absolutely blissful. It went by so quickly I almost would have thought they didn’t go the full time allotted if it weren’t for how shockingly late in the day it was by the time we emerged from the lowlight of the spa. We were deliciously relaxed, and decided to top it all off with some uswirl.
 Turns out, my dad had just landed! He was in the area so met us in the parking lot we were at. It was so nice to see him again! It’s been so long. AND for him to finally meet Robert. We chatted in his car for a little bit but we all had other people to meet, so it was short and sweet. He also agreed to give Cate’s gift to her for me, which made me feel a lot better.
 Next we were off to Pray, to meet your family. The flooding had put a few bridges out of commission but Susan and the crew found a way there so we all began the migration to the house. We got there pretty late but were greeted by Grandpa Bob, Aunt Gail, Barb, Susan, Charlie, and of course little Daisy Mae! Drew, Eliza, and their littles arrived after us. I love watching you interact with your family, I remember the warmth and familiarity of that. And little Robert just loved you to death, and even made a buddy out of me by the time bedtime rolled around! A full evening with many reunions.
 June 15th
Had a nice low key morning at the house with everyone. Breakfast and rotating chairs and conversation. Being around family like that really made me miss mine though. It really began to set in that none of them would be at our wedding. My mother was in the same town and would not speak to me. I would not get to have pictures with her and Cate on this most important day. New pictures, updated pictures of the RIGHT day. They were only at first wedding- the sad wedding, the wrong one. I would never have wedding pictures with my whole family who I loved so much, my family who used to have such joyful reunions like the ones I was at with yours right now. It felt like this with them too. I would have never guessed I could be dropped so easily, forgotten. I may not see any of them again. I almost certainly won’t see my grandparents again. All without saying goodbye. An unceremonious dumping.
And on top of that, Moriah can’t come. The closest thing to that family I have.
I really tried to keep it together, I did. I didn’t want to shift attention to me and MY family when it is a day for you and yours. But it really started to overwhelm me, and when Susan caught my eye as I was tearing up I really couldn’t help it anymore. Thankfully, only she and Drew knew, and you, of course. I was so grateful to have our little cabin to retreat to. You followed me with the pizza I had been reheating, and wine, and held me as I sobbed. It had just all gotten to me.
And, you told me that we would see Moriah no matter what, and if she couldn’t come to us, we would go to her.
I love you so much.
 An hour later, I was cleaned up and changed and only mildly embarrassed. We were off to our “engagement” photoshoot! The package with our photographer came with one and because of the geographical situation it just became a fun little pre-wedding session. I wore the dress that was originally going to be my wedding dress, before I saw The Pink Dress of my dreams and you convinced me to go ahead and get that one. We went to the Cherry River access point at golden hour, and met Stephanie.
I was nervous, since having pictures of myself is just not my thing (yours either). But Stephanie was so nice and she made it so easy and fun it just felt like running around and playing in a field with you! There was a lot of laughing and a lot of kissing and twirling and running and being absolutely thrilled to be told to cuddle each other as closely as we could. No matter how the pictures turned out, it was already such a happy memory.
The sun set, and we headed back to Pray.
 It had been quite the day of emotions (the whole trip, really!) and I pretty much just contentedly zoned out while you jumped in on the mystery game that your family was playing until we went to bed in our cozy little cabin.
June 16th
A day devoted to family time! We began the day by going thrifting in Livingston with Gail, Laura, Ben, and Barb (most of the other guys went golfing). Our first stop was a secondhand shop where they were selling books for just $1 each! I got as many as I thought I could wedge into my suitcase (and probably more). Robert and I wandered into a gorgeous photo gallery with massive black and white prints of Montana cowboys and Native Americans. Our favorite was of two little girls- a white girl in a ballerina outfit, and a native girl in her regalia- standing next to each other and staring into the camera. No attempt to be intentionally cute, but really showing their personhoods. I loved it. We got to chat with the photographer a bit too, and he was very nice.
On to a pawn shop, where I found a really cool tasseled leather jacket (very 80s shaped) and you found a signed photo of Bill Guarnere! (Easy Company, WWII- of Band of Brothers fame).
Had a nice little lunch in the sun (treading uncomfortably close to vaccine arguments) before heading back to the house.
There, we sat on the porch and chatted, sipped drinks, and eventually moved out onto the lawn for the most idyllic golden hour. I was stretched out on the grass with Susan, Eliza, and Emily, and you played baseball with Drew and Charlie- the kids drifting in and out between the groups, occasionally darting inside to grab a snack. With the big cabin and the sweeping green hills leading up to the towering mountains bathed in gold, it was a very Norman Rockwell type of sight.
Gail gave everyone a very generous gift after making us all dinner. We will be using it to visit her soon.
A few cutthroat rounds of Uno (those Fosgate kids are brutal!) and then we had to pack up and head to our next AirBnB back in Bozeman. We would be meeting Leanna and Antonio there. It was really late and hey got there shortly before we did, all the way from Arizona. We got a quick hello in with Leanna before we all crashed for the night.
June 17th
What. A. Day.
I woke up and realized that I was quite sunburned on my shoulders. Perfect timing, of course. I added aloe to the shopping list.
We began with a breakfast at Nova café with Leanna, Antonio, Jordan, and Britta! It was SO good to see everyone! And then, you had a surprise for me: When I cried to you that I had found out my mom donated all of my old beanie babies, you immediately started posting on facebook and calling thrift shops in the area. Eventually you found one and they knew my mom and recognized what delivery you were talking about! Unfortunately most of them had been bought already, but there were two left. You paid Britta to go get them, and then you had them restored! All leading up to this moment at the breakfast table, where I opened a package with my beloved Fudge and Pounce inside- two of my earliest babies. I immediately started crying. It may seem like a small childhood thing but they truly did mean so much to me and I had been devastated to know my mom got rid of them like they meant nothing. You understood this, and put in incredible amounts of effort into getting them back for me. I treasure you so much, and I’m overjoyed to have them back, and I am just so thankful. For everything.
We had errands to run, so Jordan came with us and Britta was going to meet us at Hobby Lobby to find some last minute things with us.
At a stoplight, as I was looking at my phone, you suddenly said, “That’s your sister”
I couldn’t process what you just said.
“Babe! That’s your dad and your sister!”
They had crossed the road in front of us on bikes and were about to turn a corner.
Stunned, I finally said “We have to follow them”
As soon as the light turned green you sped ahead to switch lanes and turn where they did. Heart in my throat, we scanned the roads for them.
And there they were.
They were on your side of the car, so you rolled down the window and called my dad’s name. They heard, and Cate saw me, and she smiled and I heard her say, “Allison!”
We pulled into a parking lot and I got out of the car and a wave of relief washed over me as I saw Cate walking up to me with arms open and a big smile on her face.
She was so tall. Almost as tall as me now. So grown up. Braces and painted nails and that posture that every teenager has. I have missed so much. But her eyes are the same. It was surreal looking into them and seeing the tiny little girl I used to know in them contrasted with who she is today. I love her so much- then and now, and everything in between that I missed.
We didn’t know where to start at first. Of course, that we had missed each other. I held her hands and asked her how she was, how was her time with dad, what were they doing… I found out she still likes cooking, and she has a bearded dragon!
But then I held her and I told her all the things I had been worrying about, that I needed her to know. I told her I loved her and was so proud of her no matter what she does or believes. That I will always, always be there for her. I asked her how she felt, if she was angry or anything. She said no, that she never had been. I told her I hoped that she understood that I didn’t make my decisions like they were a choice between her and another life that I just had to be honest and do what I believed in. She said she knew. I told her that I always wanted to hear from her, that our door was always open, that she could even live with us in Europe if she ever wanted to! That made her laugh. I told her that I would keep sending her things and writing her letters but that I wouldn’t reach out any other way because I didn’t want to step on her or moms toes, but I would ALWAYS be thrilled and respond if she ever reached out to me. I told her when our wedding was and that I would always be happy to have her there. She said she knew, but that I knew what she believed in…. I said that I did, I believed in it too for 22 years, and she didn’t have to explain a thing to me. I just wanted her to know. I told her over and over that I love her and always will, and was so proud of her no matter what she does. We hugged each other and cried for a long time.
I asked her if I could take a few pictures, and she said yes, so now I have pictures with my sister for the first time in years. I am so thankful.
A tearful goodbye, and then back into the car.
I felt dazed, like I was dreaming I couldn’t process what just happened.
It really was the best case scenario. It couldn’t have gone any better, really. And all by chance. All luck. Thank you, Fortuna, or Tyche, or whatever made that happen. I am so thankful. So thankful.
I had to go shopping after that! I felt like I was just hazily floating through the store. Thankfully Britta and Jordan were there to help me out (since seeing Cate had been an unexpected detour, you and I split up to cover more ground before the rehearsal).
Three more stops including fixing my nail (I got my nails done earlier in the week and they were already peeling) and buying several forms of sunburn care. Then a rush back to the airbnb, hello to Shayne and Logan! And then we all rushed off to Bodhi for the rehearsal.
Rehearsal went quickly. Now that we were practically on top of the date I had detatched myself from any further decision making or worry and was just going with the flow. We decided who was sitting where and where we would start walking from and who would hold my bouquet and how we would do the rings and which way we would face, etc. It was a strange group of friends trailing along behind us like slightly confused ducklings, and Shayne was grumpy for whatever reason, but I was still glad to have everyone there. And even gladder to head back to the Airbnb.
But not before ice cream! I finally got to have my favorite coriander flavor again! Just as good as I remember.
Back at the house and on to the last minute wedding DIY. Britta braided a beautiful cord for our rather spontaneous hand fasting ceremony. Robert and I finalized the seating chart as much as we could, and then I wrote two lists of everyone coming so that Jordan and Shayne could write the place cards for everyone. We poured wine and ordered pizza as more and more people showed up. We ended up with a group of Britta, Shayne, Leanna, Antonio, Logan, O’Rourke, Jordan, Christian, Meredith, and Lizzie! Robert and Logan had to go out to chase the pizza (and good whiskey) down, and came back with it to rounds of cheers. We scooted furniture around until we had a good little circle with the pizza in the middle, and played We’re Not Really Strangers, which is a fantastically honest game and right up my alley. I can’t tell you how good it felt to have a room full of my family all together and talking and laughing like that. It was really the part I had been looking forward to the most all these years. Maybe some people found it awkward to be so intimate with near strangers (for some of them), I don’t know. But I think the mood was good. I was happy. Even if my story is messy, I can only trust them all to love me for it anyway.
It was late, and we had to wake up early, and there was still details to hash out with Logan’s speech.  So we shifted to that, and everyone started heading home, until we went to bed. I wouldn’t have thought I’d be able to sleep much, but the emotional and busy day- week, really- had worn me out. I don’t remember falling asleep.
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badmovieihave · 6 years
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Bad movie I have Child of God 2013
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freshlyblaked · 3 years
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tyler perry’s the oval season one cast
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dargonpoop · 4 years
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this is probably the funniest thing ive ever fucking seen
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Astrophysicists detect first black hole-neutron star mergers A long time ago, in two galaxies about 900 million light-years away, two black holes each gobbled up their neutron star companions, triggering gravitational waves that finally hit Earth in January 2020. Discovered by an international team of astrophysicists including Northwestern University researchers, two events—detected just 10 days apart—mark the first-ever detection of a black hole merging with a neutron star. The findings will enable researchers to draw the first conclusions about the origins of these rare binary systems and how often they merge. "Gravitational waves have allowed us to detect collisions of pairs of black holes and pairs of neutron stars, but the mixed collision of a black hole with a neutron star has been the elusive missing piece of the family picture of compact object mergers," said Chase Kimball, a Northwestern graduate student who co-authored the study. "Completing this picture is crucial to constraining the host of astrophysical models of compact object formation and binary evolution. Inherent to these models are their predictions of the rates that black holes and neutron stars merge amongst themselves. With these detections, we finally have measurements of the merger rates across all three categories of compact binary mergers." The research will be published June 29 in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. The team includes researchers from the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), the Virgo Collaboration and the Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector (KAGRA) project. An LSC member, Kimball led calculations of the merger rate estimates and how they fit into predictions from the various formation channels of neutron stars and black holes. He also contributed to discussions about the astrophysical implications of the discovery. Kimball is co-advised by Vicky Kalogera, the principal investigator of Northwestern's LSC group, director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA) and the Daniel I. Linzer Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy in the Weinberg Colleges of Arts and Sciences; and by Christopher Berry, an LSC member and the CIERA Board of Visitors Research Professor at Northwestern as well as a lecturer at the Institute for Gravitational Research at the University of Glasgow. Other Northwestern co-authors include Maya Fishbach, a NASA Einstein Postdoctoral Fellow and LSC member. Two events in ten days The team observed the two new gravitational-wave events—dubbed GW200105 and GW200115—on Jan. 5, 2020, and Jan. 15, 2020, during the second half of the LIGO and Virgo detectors third observing run, called O3b. Although multiple observatories carried out several follow-up observations, none observed light from either event, consistent with the measured masses and distances. "Following the tantalizing discovery, announced in June 2020, of a black-hole merger with a mystery object, which may be the most massive neutron star known, it is exciting also to have the detection of clearly identified mixed mergers, as predicted by our theoretical models for decades now," Kalogera said. "Quantitatively matching the rate constraints and properties for all three population types will be a powerful way to answer the foundational questions of origins." All three large detectors (both LIGO instruments and the Virgo instrument) detected GW200115, which resulted from the merger of a 6-solar mass black hole with a 1.5-solar mass neutron star, roughly 1 billion light-years from Earth. With observations of the three widely separated detectors on Earth, the direction to the waves' origin can be determined to a part of the sky equivalent to the area covered by 2,900 full moons. Just 10 days earlier, LIGO detected a strong signal from GW200105, using just one detector while the other was temporarily offline. While Virgo also was observing, the signal was too quiet in its data for Virgo to help detect it. From the gravitational waves, the astronomers inferred that the signal was caused by a 9-solar mass black hole colliding with a 1.9-solar mass compact object, which they ultimately concluded was a neutron star. This merger happened at a distance of about 900 million light-years from Earth. Because the signal was strong in only one detector, the astronomers could not precisely determine the direction of the waves' origin. Although the signal was too quiet for Virgo to confirm its detection, its data did help narrow down the source's potential location to about 17% of the entire sky, which is equivalent to the area covered by 34,000 full moons. Where do they come from? Because the two events are the first confident observations of gravitational waves from black holes merging with neutron stars, the researchers now can estimate how often such events happen in the universe. Although not all events are detectable, the researchers expect roughly one such merger per month happens within a distance of one billion light-years. While it is unclear where these binary systems form, astronomers identified three likely cosmic origins: stellar binary systems, dense stellar environments including young star clusters, and the centers of galaxies. The team is currently preparing the detectors for a fourth observation run, to begin in summer 2022. "We've now seen the first examples of black holes merging with neutron stars, so we know that they're out there," Fishbach said. "But there's still so much we don't know about neutron stars and black holes—how small or big they can get, how fast they can spin, how they pair off into merger partners. With future gravitational wave data, we will have the statistics to answer these questions, and ultimately learn how the most extreme objects in our universe are made."
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andromeda1023 · 3 years
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.This is How a Supermassive Black Hole Feeds
At the heart of most massive galaxies in our Universe, there are supermassive black holes (SMBH) that are on the order of millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun. As these behemoths slowly consume gas and dust that is slowly fed into their maws, they release tremendous amounts of energy. This leads to what is known as an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) – aka. a quasar – which can sometimes send hypervelocity jets of material for light-years.
Since they were first discovered, astrophysicists have suspected that SMBHs play an important role in the formation and evolution of galaxies. However, as a result, there has also been considerable research dedicated to how these massive objects form and evolve themselves. Recently, a team of astrophysicists conducted a high-powered simulation that showed exactly how SMBHs feed.
In addition to being incredibly massive and powerful, SMBHs are also know for having a mighty appetite and can consume 10 Solar masses of material in just one year. But whereas some enjoy a continuous supply of gas, others will go dormant for millions of years, then reawaken due to a sudden influx of gas. Until now, the details of how gas flowed through the cosmos to feed SMBHs has remained a long-standing mystery.
To address this, Anglés-Alcázar and his fellow researchers created the first simulation powerful enough to simulate all the physical processes involved. These included the Hubble-Lamaitre Constant (expansion rate of the Universe), the large-scale environment of the cosmos, gas hydrodynamics, feedback from massive stars, and gravity, all into one model.
The study that describes their research was published on Aug. 17th, in The Astrophysical Journal. The team was led by Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, an assistant professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Connecticut and former Fellow with the Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics (CIERA). He was joined by Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, an Associate Professor at Northwestern University, and a CIERA member.
Further info and video: https://www.universetoday.com/152285/this-is-how-a-supermassive-black-hole-feeds/#more-152285
**I found some misspelled words and an incomplete sentence/paragraph in this article. I've notified them.
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kwebtv · 2 years
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The Oval  -  BET  -  October 23, 2019 - Present
Melodrama (25 episodes to date)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Ed Quinn as Hunter Franklin
Kron Moore as Victoria Franklin
Paige Hurd as Gayle Franklin (main season 1; recurring season 2)
Daniel Croix Henderson as Jason Franklin
Javon Johnson as Richard Hallsen
Ptosha Storey as Nancy Hallsen
Vaughn W. Hebron as Barry Hallsen
Teesha Renee as Sharon
Lodric Collins as Donald Winthrop
Ciera Payton as Lilly Winthrop
Taja V. Simpson as Priscilla Owen
Walter Fauntleroy as Sam Owen
Brad Benedict as Kyle Flint
Travis Cure as Bobby
Matthew Law as Kareem Richardson
Bill Barrett as Max Carter (main season 2; recurring season 1)
Derek A. Dixon as Dale (season 2)
Recurring cast
Melissa L. Williams as Ruth Hartman/Denise Truesdale
Rusell Charles Pitts as Picky
Maurii Davenport as Lindsay Yuma
Ashley Monique Harper as Jean Peterson
Yvonne Senat Jones as Tally
Nick Barrotta as Allan
Natasha Ward as Ellie Lyles
Gillian White as Diane Wilmont
Janee Michelle as Maude
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i’m still looking for more harry potter based threads on discord. i really want some right now.
Characters that i play:
Marauder Era -alecto carrow (phoebe tonkin fc) -bellatrix black (crystal reed fc) -molly prewett (madeline petsch fc) -narcissa black (natalie alyn lind fc) -remus lupin (cody kearsley fc) -sirus black (casey diedrick fc)
Hogwarts Mystery Era -barnaby lee (thomas doherty fc) -penny haywood (willa fitzgerald fc)
Gold Trio Era -draco malfoy (boyd holbrook fc) -harry potter (noel fisher fc) -hermione granger (zoey duetch fc) -lavender brown (nicola peltz fc) -pansy parkinson (sabrina carpenter fc)
Future  Era -albus potter (daniel sharman fc) -edward lupin (thomas doherty fc) -lily luna potter (emily rudd fc) -rose weasley (kaya scoldario fc) -scorpius malfoy (brandon flynn fc) -victoire weasley (giorgia whigham fc) OCs: -ciera stone (sydney sweeney fc) hogwarts mystery era. halfblood. hufflepuff. -mackenzie sterling (amandla stenberg fc) hogwarts mystery era. purelood. ravenclaw. -ophelia kane (ana de armes fc) hogwarts mystery era. pureblood. slytherin. main in plot. -sophia lebeau (phoebe tonkin fc) maruader era. muggleborn. gryffindor.
also play any of my characters as ocs in the universe
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malsrp · 4 years
#1. Aaron Roeder — Terry Chen — tag: aroeder 2. Aida Wilks — Julia Garner — tag: awilks 3. Alexander Lightwood — Matt Daddario — tag: alightwood 4. Alexandria Gillham — Gemma Arterton — tag: agilham 5. Alia Maxwell — Vanessa Morgan — tag: amaxwell 6. Alisia Carabajal — Bridget Regan — tag: acarabajal 7. Alissa Kytönen — Nicola Peltz — tag: akytonen 8. Alyx Humphries — Joe Brooks — tag: ahumphries 9. Amadej Moralis — Matthew Daddario — tag: amoralis 10. Amanda H. Nørgaard — Selena Gomez — tag: anorgaard 11. Amelie Robin — Felicity Jones — tag: arobin 12. Angel Devaris — Neels Visser — tag: adevaris 13. Anna B. Mathiasen — Anna B. Mathiasen — tag: amathiasen 14. Anthony Higgins [ Race ] — Christian Navarro — tag: ahiggins 15. Antoine Neuhaus — Avan Jogia — tag: aneuhaus 16. Apolline Tachel — Taylor Swift — tag: atachel 17. April Olson — Amber Heard — tag: aolson 18. Archie Andrews — KJ Apa — tag: aandrews 19. Arlan Havernathy — Vasiliy Makarov — tag: vmakarov 20. Árni Sveinsson — Bruno Mars — tag: ásveinsson 21. Arron Castillo — Dylan Sprayberry — tag: acastillo 22. Asmarina Tesmi — Letitia Wright — tag: atesmi 23. Aurora Moon — Emma Stone — tag: amoon 24. Austin Valero — Danny Schwarz   —  tag: avalero 25. Ava Hunter  —  Danielle Campbell  —  tag: ahunter 26. Bastiaan Morgan  — Jacob Young  —  tag: bmorgan 27. Beau Amarante  —  Douglas Booth  —  tag: bamarante 28. Bellamy Blake  —  Bob Morley  —  tag: bblake 29. Bentley French  —  Keegan Allen  —  tag: bfrench 30. Blair McKenzie/McKenna  — Joe Brooks/Matt Bomer  —  tag: bmckenzie; bmckenna 31. Blake Anderson  —  Nick Robinson  — tag: banderson 32. Bobbi Downes  —  Cole Sprouse  — tag: bdownes 33. Bonilla Serrato  —  Hunter Schafer  — tag: bserrato 34. Breana Logston — Hayley Lu Richards  —  tag: blogson 35. Broderick Boyer — Trevor Noah  —  tag: bboyer 36. Brooke Nicholas —  Scarlett Johansson  —  tag: bnicholas 37. Buddy Wiltsie — Freddie Stroma  — tag: bwiltsie 38. Caleb Whitton  — Vasiliy Makarov  — tag: cwhitton 39. Caley Greene  —  Margot Robbie  —  tag: cgreene 40. Casey Finch  —  Ashton Irwin  —  tag: cfinch 41. Caty White  —  Madelaine Petsch  — tag: cwhite 42. Celeste Goodman  —  Virginia Gardner  — tag: cgoodman 43. Célia Méndes  —  Marina Moschen  —  tag: cméndes 44. Cerin Ó'Caoimh  — Spencer MacPherson  —  tag: cócaoimh 45. Charisse Walther — Odeya Rush — tag: cwalther 46. Chelsea Tassinari — Brittany Snow  —  tag: ctassinari 47. Cheryl Blossom — Madelaine Petsch — tag: cblossom 48. Christopher Candler — Rey Valentin — tag: ccandler 49. Ciel Phantomhive — Jakub Gierszal — tag: cphantomhive 50. Ciera Folger — Zendaya — tag: cfolger 51. Clarissa Fairchild — Katherine McNamara — tag: cfairchild 52. Clarke Griffin — Eliza Taylor  — tag: cgriffin 53. Claude Donovan — Matt Cohen — tag: cdonovan 54. Cleopatra Mercia — Danielle Campbell — tag: cmercia 55. Cody Chester — Austin Mahone — tag: cchester 56. Connor Dreyer — Ryan Lochte — tag: cdreyer 57. Conrad Benham — Theo James — tag: cbenham 58. Corey Hamilton — Gregg Sulkin — tag: chamilton 59. Curt Wagoner — Ellar Coltrane — tag: cwagoner 60. Dallas Ference — Richard Madden — tag: dference 61. Dalton Fuller — Ed Westwick — tag: dfuller 62. Dana Bela — Griffin Powell-Arcand — tag: dbela 63. Deane Trager — Hayden Thompson — tag: dtrager 64. Deanna Scofield — Madison Beer — tag: dscofield 65. Demi-leigh Maclean  —  Victoria Justice — tag: dmaclean 66. Destin Rumancek — Penn Badgeley — tag: drumancek 67. Diamond Turk — Tristan Lake Leabu — tag: dturl 68. Diana Lanham — Gina Carano — tag: dlanham 69. Dmitry Alkaev — Andrew Boldar — tag: dalkaev 70. Dominik Aaron — Felix Mallard — tag: daaron 71. Dorothea Lightwood-Bane — India Eisley — tag: dlightwoodbane 72. Dorothy Baum — Kaniehtiio Horn — tag: dbaum 73. Doyle Barish — Ty Simpkins — tag: dbarish 74. Dwight Apolinar — King Bach — tag: dapolinar 75. Dyana Roy — Lyrica Okano — tag: droy 76. Edelira Réyes — Ana De Armas — tag: eréyes 77. Eden Farley — Diane Vulpine — tag: efarley 78. Eleanor Blackburn — Rachel-Marie Jones — tag: eblackburn 79. Elden Pointer — Harrison Gilbertson — tag: epointer 80. Eliot Waugh — Hale Appleman — tag: ewaugh 81. Émelié Overgard — Georgia Henley — tag: eovergaard 82. Emilio Youngberg — Brendon Thwaites — tag: eyoungberg 83. Emily Robin — Thomasin McKenzie — tag: erobin 84. Erin Madden — Anna Kendricks — tag: emadden 85. Essi Hanski — Lachlan Watson — tag: ehanski 86. Eva Coleman — Holliday Grainger — tag: ecoleman 87. Eva Rosales — Aimee Carrero — tag: erosales 88. Evangelina Stigall — Anya Chalotra — tag: estigali 89. Evie Trippe — Morgan Lily — tag: etrippe 90. Ezequiel Hanby — Ryan Guzman — tag: ehanby 91. Faye Thompson — Katherine Langford — tag: fthompson 92. Felix Tenner — Timothée Chalamet — tag: ftenner 93. Finn Jagger — Sam Riley — tag: fjagger 94. Forrest Nilges — Lucas Zumann — tag: fnilges 95. Gabriela Méndes — Camila Queiroz — tag: gméndes 96. Genevive Janowski — Hailee Steinfield — tag: gjanowski 97. Georgette Fresne — Ciara Bravo — tag: gfresne 98. Georgianne Rentfro — Dalilah Bela — tag: grentfro 99. Gino Warkentin — Andrew Garfield — tag: gwarkentin 100. Grace Quinn — Lucy Hale — tag: gquinn 101. Hailee Lewis — Chloe Norgaard — tag: hlewis 102. Harley Quinn — Margot Robbie — tag: hquinn 103. Harper Finch — George Shelley — tag: hfinch 104. Harry Hook — Thomas Doherty — tag: hhook 105. Hayley Marshall-Kenner — Phoebe Tonkin — tag: hmarshallkenner 106. Hazel Arden — Katheryn Winnick — tag: harden 107. Hunter Harris — Mikkel Jensen — tag: hhunter 108. Imelda Navarro — Alex Steele — tag: inavarro 109. Isis Monohan — Emily Rudd — tag: imonohan 110. Israel Preston — Landon Liboiron — tag: ipreston 111. Ivy Romano — Ariana Grande — tag: iromano 112. Jacqui Valo — Natalie Dormer — tag: jvalo 113. James Carstairs — Choi Jun-Hong — tag: jcarstairs 114. Jamie Kostelnik — Camren Bicondova — tag: jkostelnik 115. Jared Rubio — Sebastian Stan — tag: jrubio 116. Jaskier Pankratz — Joey Batey — tag: jpankratz 117. Jason Kleinman — Chris Pine — tag:jkleinman 118. JC Garner — Jonny Weston — tag: jcgarner 119. Jed Achorn — Hayden Christensen — tag: jachorn 120. Jellybean Jones — India Eisley — tag: jbjones 121. Jenna Ormond — Carlson Young — tag: jormond 122. Jeremy Lindsay — Cameron Palatas  — tag: jlindsay 123. Jericho Lefévre — Stephen James Hendry — tag: jlefévre 124. Jimmie Souen — Conner Dennis — tag: jsouen 125. Joaquin Desantos — Rob Raco — tag: jdesantos 126. Joaquin Nero — Jamie Campbell-Bower — tag: jnero 127. Johanna Söderström — Anya Chalotra — tag: jsoderstrom 128. Jonathon Pruette — James Marsden — tag: jpruette 129. Jordan Burton — Devon Aoki — tag: jburton 130. Joshua Hope — Vasiliy Makarov — tag: joshhope 131. Jude Byrom — Ezra Miller — tag: jbyrom 132. Jude Godfrey — Sterling Knight — tag: judegodfrey 133. Jughead Jones — Cole Sprouse — tag: jugheadjones 134. Julie R. Mogensen — Bailee Madison — tag: jmogenson 135. Julio Guarnieri — Gael Garcia Bernal — tag: jguarnieri 136. Julius Satchell — Chris Pine — tag: jsatchell 137. Juliyn Godfrey — Austin Butler — tag: juliyngodfrey 138. Justine Schoolcraft — Melissa Benoist — tag: mbenoist 139. Kade Westfield — Cole Sprouse — tag: kadewestfield 140. Kailyn Howard — Ash Stymest — tag:khoward 141. Kameron Grainger — James Reid — tag:kgrainger 142. Kammy Milkovich — Rasmus Ledin — tag: kmilkovich 143. Kareem Mauriello — Graham Philips — tag: kmauriello 144. Karisa Sandström — Bridget Satterlee — tag: ksandstrom 145. Karleen Widell — Nathalie Emmanuel — tag: kwidell 146. Kaylah Robles — Kirsty Mooney — tag: krobles 147. Kendrick Slabaugh — Brenton Thwaites — tag: kslabaugh 148. Kenzi Malikov — Ksenia Solo — tag: kmalikov 149. Kian Westfield — Cole Sprouse — tag: kianwestfield 150. Killian Jones — Colin O’Donaghue — tag: kjones 151. Kira Connor — Katherine McNamara — tag: kconnor 152. Kiran Wilson —  Paris Brosnan — tag: kwilson 153. Kirk Rich — Zac Efron — tag: krich 154. Kis Szabolcs — Alicia Vikander — tag: kszabolcs 155. Kisanet Isaias — Rihanna — tag: kisaias 156. Kitty Sullivan — Tina Guo — tag: ksullivan 157. Klaus Hargreeves — Robert Sheehan — tag: khargreeves  158. Krista Albertsdóttir — Naomi Scott — tag: kalbertsdóttir 159. Kristyn Dilley — Cara Delevigne — tag: kdilley 160. Koda Westfield — Cole Sprouse — tag: kodawestfield 161. Lacey Tauber — Adrianne Palicki — tag: ltauber 162. Lauranne Leemburg — Daisy Ridley — tag: lleemburg 163. Laurence Lachord — Toby Nichols — tag: llachord 164. Leah Holt — Crystal Reed — tag: lholt 165. Lennox Hamilton — Chay Suede — tag: lhamilton 166. Lenore Francoeur — Dascha Polanco — tag: lfrancouer 167. Leon Ó'Caoimh — Chris Collins — tag: lócaoimh 168. Lesli Mclaurin — Demi Lovato — tag: lmclaurin 169. Lexa Kom Trikru — Alycia Debnam-Carey — tag: lkomtrikru 170. Liam Dunbar — Dylan Sprayberry — tag: ldunbar 171. Liberato Pisani — Tanner Buchanan — tag: lpisani 172. Lita Balsley — Veronika Bonell — tag: lbalsley 173. Livia Hullett — Esme Creed-Miles — tag: lhullett 174. Lizbeth Burton — Maya Hawke — tag: lburton 175. Lola Porter — Rachel Hilbert — tag: lporter 176. Lorie Garnett — Elle Fanning — tag: lgarnett 177. Lucas Abbott — Drew Acker — tag: labbott 178. Mackenzie Greyr — Jaira Burns — tag: mgreyr 179. Madelaine Thomas — Dove Cameron — tag: mthomas 180. Majestas Upriti — Natalie Dormer — tag: mupriti 181. Makkai Barnabás — Judah Lewis — tag: mbarnabás 182. Mal — Dove Cameron — tag: mal 183. Marina Alves — Zendaya — tag: malves 184. Mark Blackthorn — Jamie Campbell-Bower — tag: mblackthorn 185. Mark Westlock — Luke Bilyk — tag: mwestlock 186. Matteusz Villegas — Samuel Larsen — tag: mvillegas 187. Matthias Brewer — Henry Cavill — tag: mbrewer 188. Maxxie Oliver — Mitch Hewer — tag: moliver 189. Melanie Widing — Kate Beckinsale — tag: mwiding 190. Mercedes Abbott — Lyndsy Fonseca — mabbott 191. Merida Dunbroch — Felicia Day — tag: mdunbroch 192. Mia Alloway — Taylor Momsen — tag: malloway 193. Micah Martin — Tom Holland — tag: micahmartin 194. Mickey Milkovich — Noel Fisher — tag: mmilkovich 195. Mihai Fenrirson — Asa Butterfield — tag: mfenrirson 196. Milosz Sheehan — Ilja Van Vuuren — tag: msheehan 197. Mira Martin — Amanda Seyfried — tag: miramartin 198. Monty Green — Christopher Larkin — tag: mgreen 199. Morgana Pendragon — Katie McGrath — tag: mpendragon 200. Morgyn Kennedy — Bill Skarsgard — tag: mkennedy 201. Murdock — Sharlto Copley — tag: murdock 202. Murphy McManus — Norman Reedus — tag: mmcmanus 203. Nadia Lowe — Tiera Skovbye — tag: nlowe 204. Neal Caffrey — Matt Bomer — tag: ncaffrey 205. Neil Crowley — Emile Hirsch — tag: ncrowley 206. Nelle Leng — Chloe Bennet — tag: nleng 207. Nicholas West — Max Lloyd-Jones — tag: nwest 208. Nikki Howe — Dylan Sprayberry — tag: nhowe 209. Niko King — Rob Raco — tag: nking 210. Nine/Nina — Kiernan Shipka — tag:nnine 211. Noah Lamont — Marlon Teixiera — tag: nlamont 212. Nola Delpozo — Anya Taylor-Joy — tag: ndelpozo 213. Octavia Blake — Marie Avgeropoulos — tag: oblake 214. Olivia Octavian — Elizabeth Gillies — tag: ooctavian 215. Olympia Green — Lana Condor — tag: ogreen 216. Orion Kirk — Dominic Sherwood — tag: okirk 217. Oscar Ellinger — Penn Badgley — tag: oellinger 218. Otto Feehan — Nat Wolff — tag: ofeehan 219. Paige Kerler — Abbie Cornish — tag: pkerler 220. Paris Dupont — Lucky Blue Smith — tag: pdupont 221. Patrick S. Knudsen — Joe Keery — tag: pknudsen 222. Paul Mann — Henry Cavill — tag: pmann 223. Peter Rumancek — Landon Liboiron — tag: prumancek 224. Phoenix Monsoon — Edu Beber — tag: pmonsoon 225. Poppy Martin — Danielle Campbell — tag: pmartin 226. Presley Lowe — Zoey Deutch — tag: plowe 227. Quentin Coldwater — Jason Ralph — tag: qcoldwater 228. Quinn Simons — Emilija Baranac — tag: qsimons 229. Rebecca Conway — Rihanna — tag: rconway 230. Reino Kantee — Rami Malek — tag: rkantee 231. Remi O'Reilly — Dylan Sprouse — tag: roreilly 232. Renée Gorski — Jenna Dewan — tag: rgorski 233. Reo Calhoun — Alexander Koch — tag: rcalhoun 234. Rhys Gray — David Henrie — tag: rgray 235. Riian Floyd — Andy Biersack — tag: rfloyd  236. Riley Bowman — Blake Lively — tag: rbowman 237. Robin Buckley — Maya Hawke — tag: rbuckley 238. Romain Plourde — Hudson Thames — tag: rplourde   239. Rory Gearheart — Hudson Thames — tag: rgearheart 240. Rosa Hurley — Kimberry Behets — tag: rhurley 241. Rosemary Daniele — Thaliá — tag: rdaniele 242. Rosia Obryan — Scarlett Sperduto — tag: robryan 243. Ruby — Katie Cassidy — tag: ruby 244. Rupert Fulgham — Jeremy Irvine — tag: rfulgham 245. Sabrina Spellman — Kiernan Shipka — tag: sspellman 246. Sammie Brandes — Taron Egerton — tag: sbrandes 247. Samuel Silver — Thomas Doherty — tag: ssilver 248. Sara Narjus — London Vale — tag: snarjus 249. Sascha Trent  — Rasmus Ledin — tag: strent 250. Scarlet Patton — Alexandra Daddario — tag: spatton 251. Seren Haines — Cody Longo — tag: shaines 252. Shane Holden — Julian Schratter — tag: sholden 253. Shayne Fox — Alex Watson — tag: sfox 254. Simon Lewis — Alberto Rosende — tag: slewis 255. Skylar Mattiachi — Jelle Haen — tag: smattiachi 256. Sophia Tulloch — Alina Kovalenko — tag: stulloch 257. Sophie Lassiter — Abigail Cowen — tag: slassiter 258. Sophie Windsor — Elizabeth Gillies — tag: swindsor 259. Spencer Henderson — Tyler Blackburn — tag: shenderson 260. Stiles Stilinski  — Dylan O’Brien — tag: sstilinski 261. Susanna Sandström — Bridget Satterlee — tag: ssandstrom 262. Suzume Ahumada — Constance Wu — tag: sahumada 263. Szymon Trujillo — Devon Bostick — tag: strujillo 264. Tabitha Mersey — Miranda Kerr — tag: tmersey 265. Talia Sholes — Lara Robinson — tag: tsholes 266. Taylor Beauford — Asa Butterfield — tag: tbeauford 267. Tess Friedkin — Jessica Lowndes — tag: tfriedkin 268. Thomas Escamilla — Nathan Saignes — tag: tescamilla 269. Tiberius Blackthorn — Asa Butterfield — tag: tblackthorn 270. Tinkerbell — Dove Cameron — tag: tinkerbell 271. TJ Hammond — Sebastian Stan — tag: tjhammond 272. Toby Kao — Selena Gomez — tag: tkao 273. Toni Topaz — Vanessa Morgan — tag: ttopaz 274. Trista Dutra — Corbin Reid — tag: tdutra 275. Valentin Sainz — Richard Madden — tag: vsainz 276. Venus Gallo — Dove Cameron — tag: vgallo 277. Verona Watkins — Maisie Williams — tag: vwatkins  278. Veronica Beck — Phoebe Tonkin — vbeck 279. Veronica Lodge/Luna — Camilla Mendes — tag: vlodge 280. Vigo Oldbuck — Zac Efron — tag: voldbuck 281. Viki Leick — Gigi Hadid — tag: vleick 282. Violet Addison — Elizabeth Gillies — tag: vaddison 283. Wendell Bray — Michael Grant Terry — tag: wbray 284. William Croxton — James McAvoy — tag: wcroxton 285. Xavier Camden — Thomas Doherty — tag: xcamden 286. Yalena Yardeen — Hannah John-Kamen — tag: yyardeen 287. Zaid Kyle — Chris Wood — tag: zkyle 288. Zakariah Franco — Nick Robinson — tag: zfranco 289. Zarka Nyék — Dakota Kuhn — tag: znyék 290. Zoe Cole — Antonia Thomas —tag: zcole
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theatretrades · 4 years
new adds!
Caroline, or Change - West End Revival - December, 2018  FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux), Jack Meredith (Noah Gellman), Lauren Ward (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Alastair Brookshaw (Stuart Gellman), Abiona Omonua (Emmie Thibodeaux), Naana Agyel-Ampadu (Dotty Moffett), Me'sha Bryan (The Washing Machine), Angela Caesar (The Moon)
Company - Third Broadway Revival - March 10, 2020 (Preview) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Katrina Lenk (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Jennifer Simard (Sarah), Christopher Sieber (Harry), Rashidra Scott (Susan), Greg Hildreth (Peter), Nikki Renée Daniels (Jenny), Christopher Fitzgerald (David), Claybourne Elder (April/Andy), Kyle Dean Massey (Kathy/Theo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Marta/PJ), Matt Doyle (Amy/Jamie), John Arthur Greene (u/s Paul), Terence Archie (Larry) NOTES: Wideshot MP4 Gifted Upon Request
Company - Second West End Revival - January, 2019  FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Rosalie Craig (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Richard Henders (David), Richard Fleeshman (April/Andy), Matthew Seadon-Young (Kathy/Theo), George Blagden (Marta/PJ), Jonathan Bailey (Amy/Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry)
School Girls, Or, the African Mean Girls Play - April 2020 - NFT until July 1 Adia Alli (Gifty), Katherine Lee Bourné (Ama), Kyrie Courter (Ericka Boafo), Ashley Crowe (Nana), Ciera Dawn (Paulina Sarpong), Tiffany Renee Johnson (Mercy), Tania Richard (Headmistress Francis) and Lanise Antoine Shelley (Eloise Amponsah). The Goodman's digital recording of the Chicago premiere production, captured in previews and before the production was halted several days shy of its scheduled opening night. Beautiful performance by a cast  Multi-cam pro-shot, MP4 (HD). A+
Six - Pre-Broadway Tour - December, 2019  CAST: Adrianna Hicks (Catherine of Aragon), Andrea Macasaet (Anne Boleyn), Mallory Maedke (t/r Jane Seymour), Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert (s/b Anna of Cleves), Samantha Pauly (Katherine Howard), Anna Uzele (Catherine Parr) NOTES: A mostly unobstructed video taken from left orchestra. Plenty of zooms, and the action is captured well. The quality is a bit grainy, and there is some washout as it was filmed on a phone. There are two videos; the second video includes the Mega-Six. Limited Trade 2:1
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aundrelarrow · 4 years
hey! I directed this!
LATE NIGHTS by Nicholas Roberts & Napoleon the Wilderness
@dlabeach (Darien LaBeach)
Sofia Degtyar
Lydia Catherine Miller
Rory Michelen
Winny Chen
Bobby Daglio
Chris Burg
Kyle Beale
Kelsey Wilkerson
@harrisonsanborn (editing and color grading)
Melissa Yang (second camera)
@cved (bts and second camera)
Ciera Battleson (second camera)
Daniel Luke Gardner (second camera)
So many folks to thank.
Special shoutout to Paul Hawxhurst for loaning me my first cinema camera and giving me a lesson on how it works.
Thanks to 368 for loaning us the gimbal.
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booksandwords · 4 years
Realms and Rebels: A Paranormal and Fantasy Reverse Harem Collection
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Read time: 102 Days (Intermittent) Rating: 4/5
Contains Stories By: C.M. Stunich, Elizabeth Briggs, Margo Bond Collins, Laura Greenwood & Arizona Tape, L.C. Hibbett & N.M. Howell, Lena Mae Hill, Eva Chase, Julia Clarke, Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon, Amy Sumida, Chloe Adler, AJ Anders & Amanda Perry, Angelique Armae, Joely Sue Burkhart, Caia Daniels, May Dawson, LA Kirk & Lyn Forester, Jackie May, Cecilia Randell, Erin Bedford, Catherine Banks and A.E. Kirk
Overall It took me a while reading this to figure out what was frustrating about it, primarily the stories are first stories or prequels. I would have preferred more stand-alone stories. It is not impossible to create a world in this shorter space but it seems that authors have used it to provide fanservice and some background they wanted but had not written previously. I really hope most of these get published as individually, especially the 1st stories. This is a reasonable collection if you like reverse harem and want something to break up your other reading, none of the stories are taxing. And there is something for all tastes.
See No Devils by C.M. Stunich Disclosure: See No Devils is why I bought Realms and Rebels. I have written a full review which I will post when and if C.M Stunich publishes the story individually. I'm glad I bought it See No Devils is a fast-paced fun ride with brilliant characters that engaged me and made me theorise the significance of characters, of situations. Any story that can do that in 10 chapters is impressive. I loved the characters and the writing, both are amusing and intelligent. This is definitely a series I will be keeping an eye out for. 4.5 stars.
Light the Fire by Elizabeth Briggs Light the Fire is a prequel in the Her Elemental Dragons series (1st book Stroke the Flame). It's not a series I have read but this does make me want to read it, as any entry in an anthology should. The lore is brilliant, there are reverse harems woven into the world, the mythology and I like the fate angle that was used. What really struck me reading Light the Fire is the feeling of fan service, Calla and her men appear in Her Elemental Dragons as supporting characters this feels like something that fans wanted, had asked Ms Briggs for. (Full review is available here.) 4 stars.
Her Big Bad Wolves by Margo Bond Collins Another story with editing issues. Days and names were wrong sometimes. Liam was originally Seth I think and there is one instance where that wasn't changed. And there are continuity issues in the timeline. It is a helluva into a world with decent lore. I would love to spend some time getting to know, James, the pack historian. He is the brains trust and after the alpha the best person to introduce a reader to the world. Has the feel of a prequel if or when the series continues I don't think this will be a necessary read just a pleasant addition. But it did it the nail on the head to a degree S's options are a complete, balanced man. This is common in a reverse harem. (Full review is available here.) 3 stars (.5 loss due to bad editing)
Fifth Soul by Laura Greenwood & Arizona Tape Fifth Soul feels like a lost opportunity. The harem is 3 men and 1 woman centring on a bisexual protagonist. It is a situation I had thought of but never seen in a stand-alone. Given the authors have a series for this universe (Dragon Soul, Torn Soul protagonist Holly makes an appearance) it could have been published left on its own and done very well because that is a situation that is a fantasy for some. It is lost in here this anthology. It's also odd, the lore isn't explained well, the writing isn't consistent and there is too much focus on a single relationship. It's rushed and disappointing because of that. I can't even make this 2 stars. 1.75 stars
A Nightmarish Mystery by L.C. Hibbett & N.M. Howell I have never read any of the Cats, Ghosts and Avocado Toast series, that put me at a distinct disadvantage reading A Nightmarish Mystery. This story fits between A Vet Vanishes (book #2) and A Devilish Disappearance (book #3) and is admitted fan service, though not the kind of fluff one expects from fan service, this is heavy and dark. It can be read as a stand-alone though that is not its intention. I give props to the authors for creating a situation that allowed for fans to get what they wanted but didn't mess with the continuity of the series. I know from the authors note that A Nightmarish Mystery is different to the series but reading this first does not endear me to the series, does not make me curious to read it. Might that defeat at least part of the purpose of the story? 2 stars.
Twisted: A Fairy Tale Mash-up by Lena Mae Hill Another 1st book in a new series unlike the others though this one is explicitly aimed at the YA market. From the time I read it's intended audience I questioned its place in this anthology, Realms and Rebels seems to be aiming at a more mature audience. But Twisted had more sexual intimacy than a few of the others and some seriously dicey consent. Twisted has a well-executed setup Little Red Riding Hood meets Three Little Pigs. Having the leading man be not particularly likeable was a good thing in the scheme of things but Cayenne frustrated me a combination of her Red Riding Hood nature and her attempted modernity, it rubbed me the wrong way. My biggest issue was the questionable consent she sort of assented to their actions but not strongly enough for my conscience. (My full review of Twisted) 3 stars.
Raven’s Fall by Eva Chase Raven's Fall plays with Odin's raven Muninn, the raven of memory and the idea of shapeshifting. When Muninn transforms she appears as standard with a gorgeous black dress. What I really like is the use of the phrase "what in Hel's name" this is possibly the origins of the curse used now, Hel guardian of Helheim the Norse equivalent of the underworld. The language in Raven's Fall is fantastic, it is beautifully descriptive. The raven, the rogue, the healer and the charmer. They are an intoxicating combination. Muninn's innocence/ naivety is endearing because it is understood, she isn't human she is an immortal who has never experienced humanity's joys. Her men share easily, but their stories broke my heart. Mythology is always a whole lot of fun, make it Norse and it becomes even more bloody and vindictive. Reading Raven's Fall certainly made me interested in reading more of the Their Dark Valkyrie series.
Charms of Attraction by Julia Clarke Fantastic characters. Charms of Attraction focuses on the relationships the protagonist has with not only the men in her life but her sister. The portrayal of the sibling relationship between protagonist Katerina and sister Ana is particularly good. I really liked one date in particular. There is potential in the series, as with so many in the anthology though polyandry in the norm in the society. I will say though this story does really need a warning for those sensitive to domestic or psychological violence situations, violence plays a major role in Katerina's past and is discussed in some detail. 3.5 stars
Hell’s Calling by Bea Paige & Skye MacKinnon The first book in the Infernal Descent series re-imagining Dante's Inferno. I enjoyed the characters and the plot definitely looking forward to reading more. This story establishes the word, the characters, some of the internal relationships but stops short of anything drastic physically. Hell's Calling does for me what an entry in an anthology needs to do It makes me want to read more in the series. I want to know what happens to Ciera, Maro, (Cer)Beres, Plutus & Tris. 4.5 stars
Twisted by Amy Sumida What a brilliant take on the Wizard of Oz. It just works for me, nothing feels out of place. The origins are obvious and the twists are so clean and logical. My full review of twisted
Inconceivable Origin by Chloe Adler I read two chapters and stopped. I found the protagonist insufferable, she rubbed me completely the wrong way. Also, I have major issues with rape, I'm sure that there the author finds a way to write her way out of it (we are talking about magic here) but I can't do it.
On The Edge Of Forever by AJ Anders & Amanda Perry WTH just happened? So much promise, so much build. It was so rushed at the end I got head spin. Actually, the story felt incomplete, there is nothing confirming the status of the story as a first or a prequel, it just ends. I was so happy reading the start of this. It has an interesting lore that the authors did their best to explain as briefly as possible. The men having a pre-existing relationship helped for succinct writing as they could talk among themselves rather than just to her. The protagonist is badass and her familial relationships are brilliant. but their end is disconcerting. It's still a 3.5/4 star story.
Eclipse by Angelique Armae Bastet is a fave deity. I had to attempt to put aside some of my own issues to read this, I try to stay away from titles with any BDSM elements, even light ones. Spanking is part of the makeup of Eclipse. So this is an alright read if you don't mind your mythology being butchered. I liked the characters, to a degree I liked the lore but I cringed at the use of Egyptian mythology it just wasn't working for me. The truly appealing aspect of this story was the relationships, the reader meets the immortal daughter of Egyptian Goddess Bastet, Marcus the Lion, Lucius the Tiger and Horatio the Panther in present-day Manhattan but their relationship has existed since 30 B.C. It is an established, happy relationship. There are intimate moments with two of the three men but not the 3rd that was disappointing. 2.5
Queen Takes Jaguars by Joely Sue Burkhart Absolutely gorgeous. So much sex-positivity. I really loved the confidence and the owning of womanhood. I definitely made want to read more of the series (despite it having a different perspective). There is a whole scene in a hotel which is both hot as hell and emotionally devastating. I really liked the characters and the lore. (Full review is available here.) 4 stars.
Sovereign of Soul by Caia Daniels 3 chapters in I gave up. it didn't grab me and had done an awful job of explaining the lore and wtf was going on. Essentially it felt like a combination prequel and fanservice piece, despite only being a prequel. The series does have an interesting basis for the harem creation though.
Ugly Magic by May Dawson This is one of the stories I skipped for no real valid reason. I stopped 4 chapters in one day and didn't pick it up for about 5 weeks. By which point I was completely lost and it just made more sense to skip it.
At Water’s Edge by LA Kirk & Lyn Forester To me At Water's Edge is more a journey of self-discovery than a typical reverse harem, it feels like it's more about her than her relationship with them. The ending is just gorgeous. The story is quite self-contained. There is a lack of explanation that didn't detract from the enjoyability, I get the feeling there is some serious lore in play. I really like the portrayal of the neriads is perfect, they are quite bratty, teenage girl. 4 stars
My Soul To Keep by Jackie May A nicely written, pleasant story with lovable characters in an interesting setting. The protagonist is window-able, she is quite easy for you to see yourself in. Fairy-tale but in the best possible way. A shared trait to Her Big Bad Wolves by Margo Bond Collins with day by day dating to try and choose a man. 4 stars
Blinded Beauty by Cecilia Randell Odd, not bad just odd, it wasn't gripping for me. Blinded Beauty makes decent use of fantasy themes. it doesn't get bogged down in the lore it just gives you tid bits. Polyandry relationship is a non-issue is just happens, which works well. I quite like the characters though. 3 stars
Indebted to the Vampires by Erin Bedford I skipped this one. I just couldn't. it's short the synopsis just didn't appeal. I can see a way to make it not dangerous but it would be difficult.
Moon Academy by Catherine Banks Again the skipped because the premise really didn't appeal. It is possible it might have worked but by the time I got to Moon Academy I was done. I might come back to the 4 (?) I missed but I don't know.
Demon In Distress by A. E Kirk Demon in Distress is a definite book one, or possibly the working base for a book one. It just comes to a dead stop. After reading it I felt like it shouldn't be in here, I really hope they publish it stand alone. It is a dissatisfying end to the collection. It isn't awful but it does just stop with a clear indication of the future direction. I didn't enjoy it, I did enjoy See No Evil which faces the same issues. 2 stars.
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hunniescheer · 5 years
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Introducing your 2019-2020 Hunnies Cheerleaders 📣
Pictured left to right:
Rookie: Shannon
Coach: Caitlynn
Vet: Whitney
Rookie: Britany
Rookie: Danielle
Vet: Katrina
Vet: Catelyn
Rookie: Kahlia
Owner: Christin
Rookie: Ciera
Rookie: Tianna
Vet: Sierra
Rookie: Taylor
#prodance #procheer #FireSquad #SidelineDistraction #HunniesCheerleaders #MarksmenHunnies #HockeyCheerleaders #IceQueens #HeatUpWithTheHunnies
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axedhq · 5 years
i’ve got you, nonnie!
danielle campbell, sofia carson, maia mitchell, tati gabrielle, melissa barrera, emmy rossum, jenny boyd, ciera ramirez, madchen amick, jodie comer, aja naomi king, abigail cowen, winona ryder, alisha boe, medalion rahimi, odeya rush, lee ji-eun, marilyn lima, gemma chan, lily james, sandra oh, melisa pamuk, margaret qualley, lee sung kyung, and candice accola king!
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