#Best of luck to those people
clownsuu · 3 months
Bro, people on TikTok keep saying that they're “nostalgic for the old days of Welcome Home!” and that “Welcome Home was dead but it's coming back now!”
Like dude, Welcome Home has been here for a little less than a year, there's nothing to be nostalgic about, at least not YET.
Fucking hell man, I feel like a Boomer trying to talk to some Gen Alpha kids, they're all thinking that fandoms are suppose to be short-lived, jesus christ.
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I don’t blame them too much, since they are not quite used to fandoms naturally descending and are quick to panic that it’s “completely dead”
Specially since the fandom had such a huge flux of community, art and discussions happening everywhere all at once and for it to slowly die down- naturally people will move on to other things and opinions are bound to change while the younger more naive individuals will wonder what’s wrong and create general assumptions that are not entirely accurate
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strangeasf · 2 months
I know we all talking about bi buck right now but can I just say that I hope we'll see ravi begins soon??
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naamahdarling · 3 months
#my psych who prescribes my psych meds is a resident and is moving on in a couple of months#i don't even remember the names of them all at this point#this happens over and over and I cannot find a clinic that will put me with someone who intends to stay#thst will also prescribe my adhd meds#and my anxiety meds#and the real kicker is that twice now they have LIED about it and said they would#only to reveal after all the hoop-jumping that oops sorry they didn't really mean it#so it's a risk i have to take any time i leave#and rhen there's the issue of new people almost always wanting to DO something#but instead of talking to me about it they just decide that my meds need overhauling and pressure me to go off shit that works#but that they morally object to i guess#and my psych for some stupid reason has decided she wants bloodwork for my cholesterol and blood sugar stuff and im just like#what hell does THIS presage because if she harasses me about the results or tries to put me on drugs for that#I'll give her a nasty scrap about it#im not interested in those meds at all#and im certainly not messing with my diet since food is the only pleasure i get most days and even that is marginal at best#and removing that would just make me worse#but medpros for the most part really don't give a fuck about that#and so now im afraid - because i do not and cannot trust them - that if i disapprove of the meds they will retaliate somehow#which good luck proving that when management and oversight often don't even care if they course of treatment will HARM you#if it relates to being fat or having bad numbers#they just gotta pathologize!#so yeah im sick of everything and just kind of want to bury myself in a bog forever#i shouldn't have to deal with this
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azurityarts · 5 months
aaaaa how do you draw muzzles so good!? I can never get muzzles to look right :<
(Sorry for how long it took me to respond to this ;;;)
They're definitely tricky! For me, I sorta just studied how different artists I like draw muzzles to get to where I am - don't be afraid to do some studies of your own! Owlspark over on Twitter has made a pretty handy guide on how they draw their style, which includes muzzles along with face structure and limbs if you'd like to take a look!
I unfortunately don't really know what else to say ;;; My best advice for this sorta stuff is just to practice! Practice with a goal in mind, and as you meet the goals you've set, you'll find new things to try, practice, and learn in turn.
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foxofninetales · 1 year
Possible entry points for DMBJ fanworks
Wanting to try enjoying DMBJ fanworks, but don't know where to start - especially if you aren't very familiar with canon? Here are some popular ships/characters that have a fair number of works to give you a decent starting place to sink your teeth into. I strongly recommend branching out from these as you become more familiar with the characters and world, as one of the strengths of DMBJ fanworks is the popularity of rarepairs, polyships, gen, aro/ace relationships, and the wealth of interesting canon characters to explore.
Note that this guide is specific to works representation in the English-language fandom, and that other ships/characters are more or less popular in the Chinese-language fandom.
I enjoy angsty ships where the characters will sacrifice everything and burn the world down to protect each other. You might enjoy fics featuring PingXie (Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling). Zhang Qiling is a silent, amnesiac, near-mythical immortal warrior with little connection with the world and a tragic, whumpy past. Wu Xie is an everyman clever-but-naive tomb-raiding-mob-family heir who gradually becomes hardened and ruthless to save those he loves. They are two of the main characters of the canon and this is the largest fanon ship.
I enjoy the above, but think it would be even better with the addition of a strong-but-ordinary person who acts as the rock for the others to anchor to: You might enjoy PingPangXie (Wang Pangzi/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling or Wang Pangzi & Wu Xie & Zhang Qiling). Wang Pangzi is the third main character of the canon, an older tomb raider with a boisterously violent but deeply caring nature. This threesome is popular as both a romantic and nonromantic combination.
I enjoy power couples, banter, and an underlying thread of existential tragedy in a ship that manages to have UST even while actively having sex: You might enjoy HeiHua (Hei Xiazi/Xie Yuchen). Xie Yuchen (also known as Xiao Hua) is a tomb-raiding mob boss whose ruthlessness and tightly controlled power hides abandonment issues and a deep need to protect those he loves. Hei Xiazi is an immortal mercenary whose raccoon-gremlin clowning covers the underlying tragedy of his existence. They are secondary characters who appear regularly throughout the various canon series.
Shipping is okay, but I really enjoy gen fics with lots of hurt/comfort and found family vibes: You might enjoy fics featuring Liu Sang, a bitchy whump magnet with super hearing and a tragic past. Despite being a fan favorite in English-language works, Liu Sang is a secondary character who only appears in one canon series and a couple of spinoff movies.
I am interested in the above, but would like additional romance: You might enjoy some of the many Liu Sang ships, of which the biggest is probably PingXieSang (Liu Sang/Wu Xie/Zhang Qiling). If you like sunshine puppy + hissy bitch ships, you might enjoy KanSang (Kan Jian/Liu Sang). Kan Jian is a secondary character in a couple of adaptations, an expert marksman noted for his strength of bicep and himbo-ness of brain.
Again, there are many more amazing relationships represented in DMBJ fanworks, including other characters and/or other combinations of the above, and I strongly recommend branching out from here to other characters and ships as you learn more about the world, but if you are just putting your toe into the DMBJ ocean, these can be bigger islands to start out from!
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transmasc-cultureis · 11 months
transmasc culture is when ure not sure whether u want to be a boy or not bc having a male body sounds way better but then u have to suffer from societal expectations of men ure not ready to deal w
i think being a boy will make me feel happier w myself; but fuck the gender roles & stereotypes
transmasc culture is!
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
me when i ship zhaohan 😔 there's next to no content unless i'm just not looking in the right spots
be the change you want to see in the world my man.... if i can trick people into thinking masadai is real then i know you can rally the troupes with them lovable goobers......
#snap chats#zhao and yeonsu ARE cute to me tho thats the thing. theyre so sillay#i dont have many ideas with them but i love drawing them together when i get the motivation#i love drawing zhao and joon-gi honestly since Like Ichi i draw them kinda differently from everyone else#/kinda differently/ zhao's a foot tall motherfucker#BUT NO with joon-gi i want him to be a bishounen protag... so it's fun giving him all those sparklies and anime energy...#tho it'd be more appropriate to go for a manhwa art style huh#something to practice me thinks...#REGARDLESS i believe in you anon..... get that propaganda flowing you'll gather a small group in no time...#if you're sick enough in the head <- me#oh but if you arnet confident or know what to do yet !!!! pixiv and twitter generally has a good amount of art for them#i know i happen upon zhao and joon-gi art when i scroll through twitter sometimes#of course you have to follow eastern artists but they ALWAYS have The Best And Most Delicious Shit#they never miss they're the only artists i follow on twitter im p sure LMAO#if you don't know what artists to follow on twitter though pixiv's your best friend#some people are scared of her but not me...... i'm too numb to everything... plus she does have a LOT of good stuff there#'趙ハン' is the zhaohan tag on there. there's 101 works but i know not every thing is tagged sometimes#like a lot of arakawa fam stuff isn't tagged 'arakawa family' or even 'arakawa'- just generally 'yakuza' or 'rgg' and stuff like that#just gotta do a lil digging my friend ! best of luck to you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
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violentdevotion · 10 months
your journal pics have inspired me to create my own :) so excited to start
that's wonderful to hear !!!! im so happy i could inspire anyone to do anything !!!! let alone aomething i felt was really beneficial to me and my memory.
a lot of my entries are Really rough looking and the reason im so behind on them is because I wasn't happy with how they were looking but in the long run Alhamdulillah it worked out bc I was freshly inspired.
idk if you'd want or need any advice but I'd say have a strictly informative journal just like in your phone notes app so you can have a pretty physical one. when I want to recall something i read in June 2021 the first place is check is my phone not this book but that's just how I use it, you could be different. I have another physical notebook I take everywhere with me that had my cinema tickets, to do lists, thoughts, appointments, passwords, doodles etc in it and the inside of that is UGLY !!!! but I value greatly and the second its all used up I'll get another one.
other than that the way you want to do it and the things you want to keep record of is entirely up to your preferences and if you ever wish to share it online or personally i would love to see it ❣️best of luck and thank you so much for letting me know this really made my day :))))
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pangolin-404 · 2 years
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"The value of Life is negative. The balance of being is rotated by 38 degrees. The surface is full of cracks, a turgid light shines through. Fleshy primordial bodies sluggishly roll down the slope. Only you slide upwards, with a celestial step. You become beautified, a saintly figure. Your pristine idiocy reveals a safe path through the impenetrable fog of Life. Your dull sword cuts through the weak tendons and membranes of the garden of corruption. Sit on the throne of contentment and ferment. Inspect the eternal blue skies of your kingdom. You come to a realization. You pick up an onion and begin peeling."
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stunkcap · 1 year
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Joker wishing you good luck!
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anonprotagging · 1 year
I'm too afraid to start the pokemas alola arc....... tbf I haven't played any of them since johto bc I'm too nervous but kalos and alola absolutely make me the most nervous... what if they massacre my faves....... or what if they don't and they turn to the camera and point at me specifically and say that I'm absolutely destroying their characterizations
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
can I get some good luck or encouragement to come out? it's been eating away at me, and I need to come out to my parents at some point. my safety is not an issue and I want to do it, I need to get some irl affirmation in my gender
I hope you can come out when you're ready! It can be really daunting, but it's something I really believe in you about! Just know no matter what, you are divine. I'm sending you my best wishes for your coming out, and I really do hope it goes well!
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malaky-nightm4r3 · 2 years
Sup fuckers Im 2
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laesas · 2 years
Listen, I have probably only intentionally listened to a KPop song like twice in my life but KPop fans are everything to me. I am a KPop-stan stan first and a human second. KPop stans you will always be famous.
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rohirric-hunter · 2 years
Hmmm I think maybe SSG should consider making the Treasure Bugan spawn only once per day in a given instance for a given player, because almost all day I've been loading up Chamber of Shadows, running it to the Bugan, which takes I want to say maybe 75 seconds?, taking out the Bugan, then leaving the instance (ignoring Monologue McMonologeyface), running a mission to reset it, rinse and repeat all day long, and with a 75% spawn rate it has been extremely profitable.
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
Headaches are objectively awful for a lot of reasons, but the worst one is that the best way to cure them (or at least the bad ones I get) is to lay in a dark room for hours on end with literally nothing (maybe quiet white noise, as a treat) but of course my brain would rather die than do nothing and be quiet so I wind up just having to suffer and do things that make my headache actively worse until I either feel like crying from the pain or like throwing up in which case I then I have to stop and take a break and maybe sleep until it gets a little better, rinse and repeat until the headache goes away or I finally fall asleep for the whole night.
#ravenpuff rambles#by headaches I mean I’m pretty sure it’s a migraine and I have chronic migraines but#you know my brain hates claiming words without confirmation because what if people get angry#anyways having a headache is probably the worst thing for my adhd ass and there is a reason I just push through them so often#a lot of times they’re just headaches that if I don’t move my head or have too much light around I can minorly do things so I learn to deal#the shitty part is the fatigue without the ability to sleep that just kills my thought process#because I could write without looking at the screen but no forming words that require thought like that is hard#can’t even daydream when my head hurts enough because the pain is distracting#anyways guess who has a headache today I’ve just kind of been pushing through#i wish I could just take the time to relax but my brain says no#but you know I’m fine and there’s nothing going on with that Nope#anyways wish I could see a doctor to talk about my headaches among other things but#good fucking luck finding one that has a spot not four months from now that take insurance and also won’t be gone in a years time#i do not live in the best place for medical care that’s for certain#I’m lucky I got a dermatologist and it took me about four months to get an appointment with him#and that was with a recommendation from my doctor who has since left#at least I got those problems under control though one thing about me is semi stable and that’s my skin#i mean it’s a nightmare but at least I have treatments and names for what’s wrong
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