#Beauty Utonium
theangrycomet-art · 4 months
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Doodles of @lune-redd's other adorable Fankiddos, from left to right, Britt, Beauty, and Berry.
Check out their work, seriously. They have such nice designs and they capture the Powerpuff girl art style past the "Puff".
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lune-redd · 4 months
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Mom Blossom II: Mom Bubbles & Buttercup (feat. Grandpa Utonium and Dad Mitch)
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miutonium · 10 months
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How to make your rectangle boyfriend turn red 🥰
Also plugging my comms info here heehee
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bugeyedfreaks · 8 months
painter guy at the auto body shop: so what design did you want for your truck again
me: [slides this photo across the counter]
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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frostise · 4 months
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silverswiss · 2 years
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fromthespaceamundo · 4 months
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Blossom, from The Powerpuff Girls (1998)
"She's the indisputable leader and spokesperson with fiery red hair tied up in her trade mark red bow. Her perfect combination of brains and beauty often saves the day.
Despite having just learned the alphabet and having to be in bed by eight o'clock, Blossom takes her responsibilities seriously, giving her an aura that goes well beyond her years.
She is the child who thinks she needs to be an adult. The funny thing is her idea of what an adult is, can be a bit childish. So no matter how hard she tries, Blossom, the perpetual Girl Scout is indeed a little girl."
1. What do you think of school?
Blossom: I think school is a wonderful place for a child to receive their education so they succeed in life.
2. What do you think of evil?
Blossom: That’s a good question. I think evil is bad because it does not do any good.
3. What do you want?
Blossom: What I want is world peace and a new dress.
4. What do you hate?
Blossom: I hate that there is no world peace and that my dress is hot pink.
5. What do you love?
Blossom: I love my sisters, I love Professor Utonium and I love being a super hero.
6. What would you do with a million dollars?
Blossom: I would go to the government and buy world peace, and then a new dress.
7. Do you know the alphabet?
Blossom: Yes I know the alphabet forwards and backwards.
8. Do you watch TV?
Blossom: Yes I sometimes watch tv but not all the time. I watch smart shows with the Professor and cartoons when I want to laugh.
9. When not saving the world, what do you do?
Blossom: Well, in truth I never stop saving the world because I recycle.
10. What would you do if you didn't have superpowers?
Blossom: If I did not have superpowers I would still have super powers because everything on earth has a super power in its own special way.
Source: Cartoon Network (press release from 1998)
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verieriberries · 2 months
while utonium was okay with bruce being batman, they definitely had a long talk about bruce allowing his sons in the vigilante life.
utonium doesn’t have a lot of bearing on the decision. all of bruce’s children except for one are already adults and have been doing the vigilante thing for years, some for over a decade. the professor is kind of privy to the information that damian was raised in a difficult environment that made him grow up too quickly, gave him no choice but to be a soldier at such a young age, and that he dons the title of robin with pride. but it doesn’t stop the uneasiness he feels about it.
the professor didn’t decide to transer to wayne enterprises and move to gotham just for the pay raise and the great opportunity it would be for his academic career. no, there was another reason for it.
he’s a well adjusted man who undestands that townsville needed the powerpuff girls on some degree. it was actually a statistic that crime rates significantly dropped on the time period that his daughters were active as townsville’s protectors. but he was just one man and no matter how superpowered his kids may be, they were still children. the worry that festered deep in his heart grew with every villain that they faced and every petty crime that they stopped. there were a few times where it became life-threatening for the girls to even be attempting to save the day.
he was just one man and he was the father to three beautiful girls that, although accidental and a marvel of science, were the additional pieces of a puzzle that made his life feel complete. no field of science or divine miracle would fix his heart if he were ever to lose his girls because he couldn’t get past the ‘obligation’ he felt to his hometown.
townsville was home for the first 46 years of his life but his daughters were his life until his death. it didn’t take much convincing for him to pack his bags.
he told all of this to bruce and held him in his arms when he aired his concerns in return. his fear of being a first-time parent to a kid that had just lost his parents like he did. the unimaginable grief he drowned in when jason died and came back angrier at him and at the world. the ironic worry he felt whenever tim would go on an unhealthy amount of days without sleep. all the fear and anxiety and uncertainty that he went through as a father of how many children he currently has under his wing.
but with as much of the negatives, there was just as much, slowly becoming more, of the positives. bruce and utonium spent the rest of the night talking and laughing about the antics their children had put them through. the firsts, the tantrums, the achievements, everything. every single thing that made them the fathers that they were.
not only was the love between them slowly growing, there was also the love that they had for their own kids and the other’s that made then think that they would be okay in the end.
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djkirin24 · 2 months
Professor Utonium Head canons SFW
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• His real name is Usigawa Shinchi
•He's bisexual and a hopeless romantic
•He's quite tall standing at 6'1
•He's the youngest person working at the university, only being 34
• Shinchi is Japanese/ Irish/American
•Him and Eguine are 10 years apart, making Shinchi
the baby
•He's a big willy nelson fan
•He doesn't like cats for personal reasons
• Professor has ADHD and autism but wasn't diagnosed until later in life
• He reads the book of Bushido while reading laundry
• Professor loves insects, and finds beauty in all of nature
• He practices Meditation in his spare time.
• had to to work multiple part times jobs as a student despite coming from a well of and respected name in one of the biggest manufacturers in Japan because his parents didn't believe in his scientific dreams.
• was married to his college sweetheart for 6 years. He was widowed at 28
• when his arm was knocked into the beaker of chemical X by at the time JoJo , he ended up cutting his hand on the broken glass, thjs his blood getting in the pot. Making the girls biologically his children as well.
• will protect his children at all costs
• He visits the Otto Time Diner every weekend because he has a crush on him but doesn't know how to confess
•his bloodline dates all the way back to feudal Japan from a royal family. Specifically back during the edo period
•he has a striking resemblance to his, great,great,great,great grandfather , Usigawa Ginchi
•Professor likes alternative rock, grunge and country rock
•his favorite food is actually tapoyaki
•is a clean freak
• always has some kind of accidental injury from working in the lab
•has an entire closet full of lab coats
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 1 year
Os, what is Bunny and Bliss sister dynamics
Taken from my Writeup at PowerofFive.carrd.co
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A Bunny reborn thanks to the combined efforts of Professor Utonium and Sapna using the scrap left behind when the original Bunny destabilized.
She is an entirely new Bunny, and while not retaining the same memories as the original Bunny she has much of the same personality.
While Buttercup can be considered the strongest, Bunny is the sturdiest thanks to enhanced endurance. She can take most blows that could send the other girls flying. Adversely, Bunny has a hard time being gentle, not knowing her strength and size.
She's very much neurodivergent. Often misinterpreting directions and being more visually and auditorily sensitive than the other girls. Focusing on odd details others might miss. Naive, yet stubborn. She will try her best to get something done even if she doesn't understand how. She's obsessed with animals of all kinds and the media surrounding them, especially bunnies.
Her unique powers include Enhanced Endurance, Sense Focusing, and Identifying Animal Calls.
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Bliss was the Professor's first reasonably successful attempt at creating the perfect little girl. However it took a very careful (accidental) amount of each ingredient to get the girls we know. As such, Bliss was terribly unstable and prone to painful bouts of explosive and devastating energy, unable to control her powers. Professor Utonium refused to give up on one of his own children. Putting Bliss into statis with the hopes that he would be able to perfect the formula of Chemical X and make Bliss stable.This wouldn't be until Bliss was in her teenage years.
After Bunny was reborn, Professor Utonium revealed Bliss to the girls. Using what he had learned from Bunny to help give Bliss the proper dosage of Chemical X to finally stabilize her powers. This has worked for the most part, but Bliss still has moments of instability with her powers.
She's also going to therapy to aid her in her own emotional instability and issues from being in stasis for so long (Something the Professor regrets terribly)Bliss' powers are heavily tied to her emotions.
Thanks to the retribution of the proper Chemical X through her body, destabilization only occurs when she feels intense emotions. These usually come in the form of fear and anxiety. Inversely she is at her strongest when she feels emotions such as intense love and joy. Able to utilize the raw energy into a more powerful form which turns her hair a bright white with a golden outline.
Being a teenager causes her to deal with mood swings and self-doubt. At her best, Bliss is a ray of sunshine, and at her worst she completely recluses. She's also a bit socially awkward due to all those years spent in stasis. She tries hard to fit in and feel accepted amongst her peers. Intelligent, but a tad naive. She has a lot of catching up to do.
Despite all this, Bliss wants to be the best superhero she can be, and her family is doing whatever they can to support her.
Bliss finds comfort in music, and has a beautiful singing voice to boot. Though she's sheepish about others watching her sing.
Her unique powers include Emotion Empowerment, Energy Projection, and Enhanced Singing Ability.
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I hope this is what you were looking for, otherwise you're gonna need to explain what you mean by "Sister dynamics"
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cherry-bomb-ships · 2 months
Honestly my friends, my lovelies, my beautiful followers you are not getting the full experience of this PPG phase unless ur also following my gf @rexscanonwife cuz as we watch the series together we are each falling for a character, her with Utonium and.... okay maybe I like Mojo Jojo a LIIITTLE BIT OKAY 😠😳😠 But like her posts are so fun and deranged and she has the energy and is not afraid to gush, meanwhile I am still in my denial phase so you gotta give me a few days and then Imma be losing it 💖💖💖💖
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snobgoblin · 6 months
It's not your responsibility to be worried about people being offended by non-existent issues. You shouldn't have to private your own post because people candy read or understand narratives tbh
yeah, true, still ill private that post and explain AGAIN and better this time why I think it would be cool for Sedusa to be asexual
-asexual people are often infantalized. it's always refreshing to see asexual characters that are legitimately competent and dangerous, it's awesome! theyre always either seen, especially in fandom spaces, as "uwu soft smol innocent beans" or "completely cold and unfeeling" so it would be refreshing for Sedusa to be asexual. as she is neither of those things (kind of like how in fandom spaces the aggressive woman is usually a lesbian or the bisexual is also hypersexual- I think it's really stupid to assume someone's sexuality based on personality traits instead of you know, their attraction. your sexuality says NOTHING about your personality)
-against purity culture. on the other side of this, sometimes asexual people are seen as just pure, because they're celibate, and for whatever reason many people seem to think that sex has a moral implication, so someone that doesn't have sex must be good. Sedusa would subvert this, she is asexual, celibate, and she ISNT pure
-it didn't come out of nowhere. when looking at a characters sexuality, I pay special attention to any time that they might have shown attraction to someone (like with Ace, I said he could be attracted to women bc he called Sedusa hot (plus more) and also men because he grabbed a man's butt) but with SEDUSA... she's really cool bc she's kinda like Wario (which I love) in that her first priority? first and foremost- it's money and power. once she's reformed and doesn't steal anymore, she doesn't make any attempt to seduce ANYONE. she doesn't care about it! all she cares about is running her beauty shop. she doesn't need anyone else... the point here being, she doesn't have people fall in love with her because she likes love, she does it because she likes money
-it's subversive. it's much too easy to look at a character like Sedusa and go "she's hypersexual" but if you really look into it... she doesn't seem to care about it at all. she just uses it to manipulate people WHICH, ANON, does not mean I think asexuals are manipulative. just that Sedusa herself is manipulative, and her mode of manipulation is, usually, her sex appeal. she's just using what she's got to her advantage, like any villain. she just doesn't have guns and lasers
-it's in the spirit of the show. the whole show is just, subverting your expectations. the superheros? not even graduated kindergarten yet! the mayor? incompetent! the scientist in any other story would have been uncaring or maniacal toward his creations, but Professor Utonium never was. it only makes sense for the character built on seducing others is completely not attracted to anyone
so yeah there's my case 💪
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Since according to one of our Cartoon Network gods 🥰 Craig McCracken the Powerpuff girls will be back in a proper reboot❤️‍🔥 I want to review another version of them... No, not the 2016 vomitive bullshit I hope soon to be lost media because nobody should acknowledge the existence of such an disgusting garbage tarnishing our childhood🤢🤮, that abomination doesn't deserve the time of anyone🤬... (I apologize to those who liked it but... I stand by what I said😖)
This is about one adaptation that though it was cut short due to the lack of success in audience but that it wasn't that bad, is still watchable and enjoyable and it has actual funny moments but in the end it was too far away from being a Worthy adaptation of the PPG, I'm talking about:
Powerpuff girls Z!!
We have to keep in mind the show was adapted to japanese audience and has the concept of ✨"Magical girls"✨ so they made lots of changes: the very first one I strongly disliked was that they weren't sisters and they weren't professor Utonium daughters, that alone made me irrationally hate the characters that were the girls individual families (yeah you're going to notice how salty I am about this xD). With that, one of the things that fans loved the most that is the very loving, funny and cute father-daughters interactions disappeared, seriously the girls still hang out a lot in his laboratory but it's not the same as the beautiful moments we got in the original show like how he plays tickles with them, how he kisses their heads to wake them up in the morning... 😔
And another thing is the girls personalities and dynamic between them and don't get me wrong it's not like they are unbearable or awful they are entertaining but in my eyes is just that they aren't "they"... And specially now that I re watched some things to make this review because... I realized that Z Buttercup and Z Bubbles have a bunch of fucking shippeable interactions in the show😨😨. If you were too young last time you watched it just search on YouTube a video of their interactions and you'll see! I'm not that twisted I swear!! Sometimes they literally look Like a married couple and Z Blossom behaves as if she was their daughter, Z Bubbles was even blushing in the first episode when she recognizes Z Buttercup from their School and saying she looked up to her and in general I found their interactions too shippeable and yeah in this universe they aren't sisters but is still incestuous as hell in my head 😖🤯
So individually speaking: Design and personally
For design in general I dislike that the style is not quite unique as I would have liked it, this character design resembles too much to Magical Doremi and something that really bugs me is that the PPG here are in an age between 13 and 14 so they are teens... Yet they made them look like little kids, you can see in the show that they are older than that only when they stand next to a younger character like Ken and like I said they resemble too much to the Magical Doremi girls and those girls were only 8 years old, there's a big gap between 8 and 13/14 you know? Specially for girls. This PPG don't have a single trace of "womanhood" In the shape of their bodies. I would have liked something more like Tokyo Mew Mew style since they were teenagers with (no sexualized) hips, bust and breast shape but the PPG have completely Flat undeveloped child bodies that don't correspond to their ages. I mean if you wanted little kids OK, the original where basically toddlers but if they are teens they are teens! Make some distinction between a teen and a 8 years old other than being tall please.
Z Blossom: Her clothes are nice and I think it fits her well, here she became a genki dumbass girl because they targeted her as the main protagonist (and is apparently a magical girl rule to make the main character a genki mostly dumbass girl) which is one of the things I dislike the most, with fanfics too, I hate when they are too much Blossom-centric if is a general story because to me the others are just as relevant and Blossom ends up being the main focus because she is the leader and is in the center and is seen as a big sister (which she isn't because they all popped alive at the same time) but well, even if it is mentioned several times at the beginning the show actually gives the three the same importance and as the original show sometimes there are episodes where one of them is the main focus so... Half-Ok. Genki is a Japanese term for very energetic characters and that's another problem, it feels like she just sucked all Buttercup's and Bubbles' energy and looks too chaotic hyperactive, her intelligence and liking for studying is nowhere to be seen, only you see traces of her being smart when she thinks of a plan. Also she is a sugar addict (that could be the hyperactivity explanation 😐) and is really thirsty for boys, ok look, is not that I think Blossom is out of character for being thirsty over a boy is just that she wouldn't be thirsty over EVERY cute boy she sees (but curiously not the RRB 🙃) . The original Blossom is a responsable (most of the time) dorky bookworm who likes to learn things and cares about her looks and brags a lot and...this one brags a lot too I guess? But even if Blossom had her not very graceful moments she wasn't as chaotic dumb as Z Blossom,🤦‍♀️. She also doesn't look popular in her school unlike the other too, I kind of feel bad about it, I always dislike when she is put in fanfics as the most or only popular of the three for a reason that usually is that she is a super hottie while her sisters aren't 🤨(but almost always with a repellent bitter personality 😑 that makes me question that popularity) but to no making her popular at all? Come on can we just agree that the 3 of them are meant to have their own fans to their different personalities and looks please? Smart, kawaii and sporty are popular in Japanese anime schools. And another annoying thing is that she also has an annoying bratty mean little sister nobody asked for😬😒 nothing like her original awesome actual sisters 😤, Blossom deserves better. Well at least she is cute and fun but is not very accurate to Blossom.
Z Bubbles: Ok Bubbles is my favorite but Z Bubbles lacks of some Bubbles things, I mean is totally fitting that she would be popular with boys but this way is not how I imagined it: a enthusiastic Kawaii girl that could be scouted to be an idol, instead she is a fine lady like mannered elegant girl (because of a strict traditional grandma nobody asked for 😑) that likes fashion, (i mean it makes sense for both her and Blossom to like that so.. That's ok) but my problem is that even if she is still a bit of an airhead she is way too calm and collected! TOO CALM!! Z Blossom absorbed practically all the usual enthusiasm and energy she should have and also given that her attribute is the "sugar" It would have been more fitting for her to be the sweet addict don't you think? Where is your sugar girl!?😫😫 Her civil clothes... one looks like an uniform and its a bit weird because in their school nobody wears uniform which is unusual in Japanese schools, to be honest I would have liked to see all the three of them in uniforms her other outfit is ok. Her hairstyle is a bit too complicated, I mean I don't dig in those loop style piggy tails I'll rather have normal piggy tails for her (she has to sleep with some balls with her hair around them to keep the shape, looks uncomfortable as fuck). It feels to me like a half baked Bubbles, almost but not quite there.
Z Buttercup: Thought her personality is decently similar to the original: tough, not as polite as the other two, sports star(she has fangirls 😆 which I think fits perfectly in her anime persona) there's something that rubs me the wrong way. In anime there are different kinds of tomboy characters (I kinda want to make a post about about it) the type used for Z Buttercup is not the one I think fits better, is way too overly against anything "girl related" to the point she'll despise the idea to spend time with other girls or even being acknowledged as one because being girly is "uncool" but is not like you see her with boys either unlike the original and Mitch. The original Buttercup defended womanhood and the right to be rough and tough and to like things usually "meant for boys" without being any less of a girl and she never disliked being a girl or tried to physically hide it, I totally think she would be offended if someone mistook her as a boy and would get a punch 👊😂. I don't think she hating dresses and skirts in general is accurate, what I think she hates are clothes with a girly or flashy style, she would be just fine with a simple denim skirt but she would absolutely hate something like a tulle skirt, in the original she is ok with her simple dress but she was upset with the pompous party dress she used in one episode.
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A dress and a shirt don't have to be always too femenine and I think the magical dress isn't exactly a style she should hate that much because is not that girly, it has a football jacket 🤷‍♀️and fingerless black globes. To be honest she looks like a crossdressed boy, let me explain 🙌: her civil clothes are 100℅ masculine that mixed with her mannerisms, her Japanese name used for boys too, her voice with the tone used to play little boys roles and her spiked up hairstyle (that is the style Butch should have had) and as I mentioned before her completely flat without a trace of womanhood body makes her look like a crossdressed boy, in fact when Butch stole her dress in that episode he looked more like a girl than her because of his hair and feline eyes 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️, why can't she even have eye lashes if the other two have eye lashes? I want the 3 to have the same eyes style 😭. I have to mention that there was a make over episode where she gets a more femenine look to please a guy 🙂🙃 Emmm ok, that dress she wore was... Not so bad but just as she would hate tulle, frills are also not an option 🙅‍♀️ but I was very pleased with how they re styled her hair, it was almost like the original 💚. So the tomboy type I like for her is the girl with the boyish mannerisms who likes tough sports and has short hair but not necessarily boy style (like a Bob) and wears sporty style clothes that ok can be pants but also can perfectly wear a skirt like denim, or leather fabric or a Hoody dress and she could even wear make up like a simple eyeliner, that's it. Anyway according to the show she is the way she is because of her dad and 2 brothers 🙄thay nobody asked for (By the way I hate Z Buttercup pijama, looks like a Harlequin disguise 🙅‍♀️ like she is disguised as "Z Him")
Magical Dress design and Tranformation sequence:
Oh girl, here I go... I'm going to be mean... After seeing some designs in the artwork I feel robbed. I FEEL ROBBED!! Look!! LOOK!! 😤😤
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I can't Fuckign believe out of all THIS☝☝☝ they went with that plain flavorless boring dress with a short sleeves football jacket?(why the fuck buttercup's jacket is yellow? I don't care buttercups are yellow, I didn't like it🙃) ROBBED WE WERE ROBBED!! And the transformation sequence was... MEH, not very superhero fitting, again they copied magical Doremi transformation style 🙄🙄 the only thing I rescue is that moment when Z Buttercup gets the skirt because her face and how she moves her legs is hilarious but really the animation is slacking in general, they should have been put more effort in the transformation sequence and also the weapons... sorry but magical girl or not I find insulting that the power puff girls needed weapons and a belt to transform NOPE, sorry Blossom for Ladybug kinda worked but you a yoyo?😕 Bubbles used a giant bubble blower? Ja. ja. hilarious.😐 I would have liked it better if she blew the bubbles directly from her mouth or her hand making a circle👌and Buttercup using the only thing that is an actual weapon, a giant hammer like Amy rose? Also Fucking yellow like the ugly football jacket? I just don't like it yellow, I don't care buttercups are yellow ok 😂 but honestly Buttercup deserves boxing globes because I rather have her punching instead of smashing like girl you're more of a Knuckles Girl type not an Amy Rose girl type... That's more like Blossom or Bubbles.
Secondary Characters:
Mayor: I'm disappointed he isn't bald and doesn't use a little hat... Was it so hard to give him a Chibi form? Something like Iruma-Kun's demon grandpa. Actually we were robbed again! One of his previous design had a more accurate design as the original and it was adorable and funnier! This one has such a BORING design... Like a background character... Mayor should stand out more!!
Miss Bellum: first of all... Why the hell is she blonde? Nop this is unforgivable, she is a REDHEAD, yeah yeah you kept the gorgeous body and the face hidden joke but she isn't blonde! 😑 also she doesn't have as much presence as her original version which was a role model even more than miss Keane for the girls to look up to but well she is still there I guess. Poor Miss bellum, here Fuzzy tried to pull a Browser with her 😂😂 but this isn't as funny as when he wanted to do that with the professor in the original show.
Miss Keane: nothing much to say in general, her design is pretty good for an anime version of her but unfortunately see isn't much relevant in the show.
Professor Utonium: they wronged you so much professor...😤😤 Instead of being the father of 3 super awesome super powerful girls you are stuck with a unoriginal tiny version of you of a son taking all the screen time you should have 😭😭😭 also he wasn't even the one who accidentally creates something, in this case the chemical Z, that credit was for a fucking robot dog!!! But at least he actually has a wife 😂😂 but he never sees her... 🤪. You know what is ok, if his screen time is not him being a dad with the girls I don't want it anyway 😒.
Ken and the robot dog: Out of the principal four protagonists the girls and the professor individual families Ken is the one I wrinkle my nose the most when he shows up, like who the fuck needed a junior Utonium playing son? NOBODY ASKED for this character and didn't make things more interesting and on top of that he has more screen time than the professor 😒😒, I guess is because in magical girl animes the adults barely have important roles... So we better put a random kid just because 🙄🙄. And the robot dog who talks I suppose is the anime version of talking dog but downgraded, because talking dog was a Fucking real dog DUH! Nobody cares about this robot, is so irrelevant I barely remember anything about him just that they tried to make a emotional scene with him at the end of the series. And my greatest resentment against Ken... He actually has a mom😒, of course since you didn't pop out of a concoction but you popped out of an actual woman but still... The actual daughters of the professor never got a mommy, you know what? It's ok they had miss Bellum 🖕🖕, and I'm not gonna hate the mom because she has the decency of only show up in one episode and didn't took screen time from the professor 😤 uff I'm way too salty about this...
Villains: (note, I'm going to complain a lot about how the colors aren't bright 😅)
Mojo Jojo: Why must you make a mockery of a villain that had such a great origin story... This one is too silly, he lacks of aggressiveness. Silly as mojo might be, this one is right away a pushover and is insulting! Mojo was very important in the original show and... This one looks like the principal villain but... No... His personality just won't do... Also why is he so tall? And I don't like his green! His green was brighter!! You know like ☢️ radioactive
Him: Excuse me but... He is a drag queen not a Fucking son of a Harlequin clown, he doesn't even look that demonlike, well yes, he looks like a possessed cringy clown doll... But uff I miss his bright color palette, he needs more RED!! Anyway he was the source of the black energy that created all the villains, as the lore of the show that wasn't that bad, keeping aside his downgraded looks.
Fuzzy: given the scenario I suppose he is pretty accurate, again with his color palette dulled, but he pretty much was dececently similar.
Princess: I know her name is princess but... What the fuck with those clothes? They took it too seriously, she is a rich mean girl, kinda like a bee queen... She should be more stylish, not a girl disguised as a tacky medieval princess, not even the original one who was 5 did that with her civil clothes and I hated her hairstyle when she goes villain mode😑. Her personality is... Half baked, she is still spoiled, nasty and mean but like not as mean as the original and well actually I do like when sometimes she wasn't bad but in general not the anime version of princess I would have liked. Also what did I say about please make a distinction between a teen body and a little kid body? 🙄 he looks even younger than the PPG and she is the same age!!
Sedusa: WHAT were they THINKING with that DESIGN?? Yeah sedusa had big eyes and a big head and didn't have a nose BUT THAT WAS IN THE CARTOONISH version!! She is supposed to be a extremely attractive woman not a fucking monster 😂😂 she is so out of the place with the style of the other characters! Also she is actually a normal girl that turns into this thing they called Medusa when she puts on lipstick!!😨Was it so hard to hit with the black ray an attractive thief woman so she gets magic hair?🤨🤨 And seriously, her body is ridiculous in this anime style, no even miss Bellum was that exaggerated
Gangreen gang: excuse but again, isn't anime style supposed to make characters more good looking? How the fuck they managed to make them uglier? Again with the wrong green color! but seriously what are those designs?! Is like they couldn't decide between the American cartoon and the anime style ☹️☹️... And they changed the gender of one of the members I HATE THAT. Oh look for Arturito there was a Chibi version unlike with the mayor 🙄.
Ameba boys:......i don't really know what to say about them... So... Meh? 😑🤦‍♀️ yeah that will be enough and one of them is a girl now. I could live without the original ones too to be honest.
Rowdyruff Boys: My heart is completely broken. 💔 Why? Why, why? Just WHY?? 😭😭😭 in this show I couldn't ship them with the girls!!! Because this time the boys are basically Mojo and the girls sons!! 😭 you don't know what I'm talking about? In this version the boys were made with Mojo's arm pit hair, his DNA and Blossoms saliva, Bubbles ear wax and Buttercup's foot sweat 😵😵 so their DNA, just like children are made from mommy and daddy DNA 🙈🙈😭😭😭 each boy is basically each girl son WITH MOJO 😭😭😭. I'm not going to bother to review the three of them separately because they have exactly the SAME personality🤦‍♀️, I like their outfits better than the girl's outfits thought Butch face and hair design is just... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ emo bangs? SERIOUSLY? I want the Vegeta hair back thank you😤😒 Also I resent with all my soul that they got to be brothers while the girls couldn't be sisters 🤬🤬 and I can't believe how much of a bad joke they are compared to the originals, hello? The originals were intimidating characters that were pretty much equal to the girls in battle and they were dangerous thugs, here they are just 3 gross kids that fight throwing saliva, ear wax and sweaty socks 💔🤦‍♀️ they wronged you so much my boys and they took away my shipping energy by making it incestuous 🥲🥲
Duchess: well look at that, the 2016 abomination wasn't the only PPG adaptación that utterly disrespected the fourth Puff in an insulting way... She shouldn't exist to begin with, she was not only a wannabe Bunny but she also stole Princess original role: a rich attention seeker bitch who buys a supersuit more stylish than the PPG dresses, wanting to be a 4 PPG and also wants them to look bad... What kind of bullshit is this?? What she was is what princess should have been in the first place, and they dared to put Bunny's color theme, she even has the same hair color 🤬 and FUCK I hate how much I like her super outfit 1000 times more than the PPG outfits 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. They wasted the chance to make an emotional episode using Bunny's lore. Maybe a girl in a wheelchair or another disability (since Bunny represented disabled people) that gets saved by the girls and wished to have the same powers and return the favor and she gets them in a accident, then saves the girls and loses her powers and then moves away from the city after saying goodbye (so that things doesn't end up as tragic as the original but still ends emotional) see? Something this simple would have been more respectful towards Bunny than this unnecessary bullshit of a character.
Cody: There's a few original villains of the show that I don't care about but I'm gonna talk about this one because of his relationship with Bubbles. This character basically is a hospitalized boy who was Bubbles childhood friend and first love, he gets hit by a dark ray and turns into a beast, so we could have a "beauty and the beast" With Bubbles. I just find curious that his design could be considered another version of anime style Boomer, his hairstyle is similar and he has darker blond hair and darker blue eyes and I wonder... I have the Headcanon that the creator of this character was a boomubbles fan that was as frustrated as me that the rrbxppg weren't shippeable here so they made a character who looks like boomer to make a love story with Bubbles 😂😂😂 what do you think?
Well in general I believe that this show was watchable and entertaining but as anime is not a very remarkable one, it doesn't have a particularly good animation (is a bit sloppy) or good script and definitely I don't think it does justice as an anime adaptation of another show like PPG.
Jeez... I think I roasted it too much 😶😶, I know that normally I talk about why I love things but sometimes a girl has to vent 😅👉👈, I apologize to those who loved this show 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ sorry 😅😅
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humaudrey · 7 months
what's your top 5 favorite powerpuff girls characters and why
1. The Powerpuff Girls
Granted, Blossom's my favorite, but it feels wrong to not include either of her sisters, when they're the titular characters of the franchise who I also adore. They're tough (sometimes unnecessarily violent but who doesn't want to go ape shit sometimes?) badass superheroes who kick ass and take names but they're also five years old and cute and adorable and cry when people laugh at them. The duality.
2. Professor Utonium
Who doesn't like Professor? His writing is a little shaky sometimes depending on the episode/season but he's still one of the top ten fictional fathers of all time. Name another one man willing to dress in drag to save his daughters (who did it comfortably might I add)? He's just a huge nerd who's learning to be a father and he's neat.
3. Princess Morbucks
One of my favorite villains (that's a different list) in the show. The more I really think about Princess, the more interesting she is. Like you ever notice that, yes, despite being a spoiled brat, the things she deems valuable and of worth all belong to her father? When she gets robbed, she's concerned about her father's belongings. In her first episode, when she's asked if she wants to play, she brags about the high class things she does with HER FATHER. She's also very smart, which gets underlooked, and there's so much more to her, I could go on but that's a different post.
4. Sara Bellum
Again, who doesn't like Ms. Bellum? She should honestly be the Mayor of Townsville. Beautiful, smart, and rocks one of my favorite colors.
5. Sedusa
Another one of my favorite villains (despite the fact she gets the least amount of screentime compared to the others). Beautiful, smart, and rocks one of my favorite colors but she's EVIL.
Honorary mention: Ms. Keane (sometimes a little annoying but she just wants to be a good teacher)
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rexscanonwife · 2 months
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By the way LOOK at this commission I got from @beeholyshit 😭😭💖🫶💖🫶💖🫶💖 my first ever comm with Utonium and it's sooo beautiful!!!
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