artichow · 10 months
for the oc ask! 1, 10, and 43 for shoyo!
also E if you're interested in answering that!
1.What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
Not a lot! I think maximum amount is maybe 1 minute with like a lot of concentration. Though she could maybe get better at clearing her mind and standing still, almost meditating as the years go on. But yeah, they really need to have something to do or concentrate on, and if there's nothing, she will be fidgeting, stimming or pacing around.
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"I hate you." And it kind of does yeah.
43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 
Oooh boy this one's fun!! okay, Shoyo learned about some of the labels name thanks to Madoka, and they almost immediately said "oh! then I'm ace too." As for the romantic aspect, she realizes not too long after that they're probably aroace actually! But also girls pretty but also do they only like Hyoma platonically?? Sometimes he's a girl too, and people in general are cool looking but also typical romance feels icky and uncomfortable. So yeah, aroace, keeping in mind that "what the fuck is even romantic attraction". But she doesn't need to know and feels alright just being!
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loreofthefritz · 2 years
37 :)
37. Share a secret
This ask made me walk in circles in my house because I, too, can't think of any secrets of mine that I haven't shared with one person. Tbf, i dont think i have secrets because given that i remember something or if someone asks, I'll instantly overshare. But, let's see...
This is a little complicated to explain and may be not what you expect or what you want to hear but I guess a secret of mine that I remember right now is the fact that I've had 3 unusual dreams where I wake up after I'm placed in a capsule like thing that's long enough for me to lie down against my back on---after I say goodbye to my parents. It's beginning to bother me the third time I have it and the more time passes, but I haven't told this to anybody yet because... 1. I don't think anyone would believe I could be having the same installment of a dream; and 2. I'm still thinking about what they mean (and I'm starting to get invested).
The dream starts in different places all the time with some semblance of fighting, like a war. On one dream, I have weapons that are like guns but it shoots some kind of laser??? Hard for me to tell really. There's this other dream that I have some bracelet or watch that made me have fire powers?? And my gloves and shoes(?) can help me climb up a wall. These dreams have a huge gap between them so I don't remember the first one very much (I also didn't think much of it).
My troup always consists of mostly women and femme people and I even have a gf that I wanted to "retire" with and she's like our leader/captain or something but we never got actual romance in the battlefield, I just know she was my gf (or maybe dream me was delusional). Anyway, I'm her second in command of some sort and she trusts me with her whole heart, that's what I can tell. But we can't retire or not fight and idk why. [These details, I'm just picking up on different parts of these dreams; also, I think she died :( i dont even know her name :'(]
Anyway, we're fighting either machines or actual men but theyre covered head-to-toe with uhhh something resembling of military clothing but not really??? Iirc, it's kinda really blurry and they're wearing something unusual and hard to move around with. But these are overalls and I hated them. Idk why dream me hates those clothes.
So yeah a lot of things happen at the middle of the dreams but mostly like it's always loud and it makes my head spin. But they end up somewhat the same way. With my parents tearfully saying goodbye (they look like my actual parents kinda). Twice, they were happy but there was one time they were really sad (I think that was at the same dream I've known my gf died???). And then I lie down this capsule thingy, and just wake up on my bed feeling kinda weird.
SORRY FOR THE DREAM DUMP!! I literally cannot think of one secret right now other than this one.
But since I've told this now, that leaves me with no secret (that I can remember!)
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trianglemom · 9 months
I look at Donette and think she’d enjoy watching the play performances of Space Mama.
She has traveled to both Gourmand Land for fresh fruits for pastries and Fiesta De Los Muertos for unique sugars and spices for her cooking.
Oh wow, it's been a while since I've heard about Space Mama! I could see that though, Donette being into plays would be so cute <33
Oooh that's a good one; If she's not outright from Gourmand Land via Edith (since I assume Edith lives there and may be related to Donette if we're going off the last anon's idea asdfghdfgh), I could definitely see her travelling there and to other food-themed places for her ingredients and recipe inspiration. She strives to make her cooking / baking the best it could possibly be, and it ought'a be good if she's going through all that trouble for it :^D
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thebigolbee · 1 month
why do you draw Mr.House kinda… 😳
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The amount of hours I've spent thinking about this fool is genuinely bananas
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daily-dragon-drawing · 16 hours
Hi! I saw you asked for pride dragon requests - could you please draw a bi dragon?? I love your art so much!!!
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#114 - 雙性戀 (shuāng xìng liàn / bisexual) - Rejoice!! Bisexuality be upon ye 💖💜💙
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lil-lemon-snails · 18 days
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decided to draw some of your guys' tags from my harlequin sun and moon post!!! These guys are so much fun and you're all so funny >w<
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pregmothy · 5 months
If you’re a slime puppy does that mean that your body is translucent? If someone were to cum inside you would everyone see? Would you grow slime eggs in your little slime puppy womb and have to walk around with everyone seeing your eggs jostling around inside you?
Horniness aside, that was a super cute doggo oc you drew a while back. You should draw more often you have a cute style :3
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lol yes (^///^) nothing is hidden when puppy's womb is full ❤
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pleasuremehere · 25 days
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north-noire · 21 days
Behold! I am the magic anon #058! Now it’s time to dropkick William Afton into the fifteenth dimension!
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The FNAF good ending just dropped.
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d0not-disturb · 8 days
hi !1!!! everytime I see your art I EXPLODE. your style is !!1!2!2!!2!2 so good. for an art ask,, may I be so risky as to request a silly little grian and etho??1 (but you don't have to. I just came to express my love for ur style!!!1 hyped w/ every notif. wish I was joking. super recognizable and everytime I see it im like!! :0)
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
I saw you wanted fluffy suggestions so here ya go:
Baby Mikey blabbering and Donnie responding like it’s a philosophical discussion.
Big! Sweaters! Big fluffy sweaters!
Disaster twins in the get along shirt
Raph and Leo in the get along shirt
Raph napping while Donnie happily rants to him
All boys walking together down an overgrown subway tunnel and relishing in sunlight and plants!(if ya need some background practice)
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sooo uhhh, this ask may be four months old BUT! I was saving it for a rainy day and, would you look at that, its raining outside :D
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some close-ups :)
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basketobread · 1 month
my dumb fuck ass just spent 30 minutes trying to find Save Us White Girl and caved and "help white girl bg3" immediately returned it via google,,,,, had help white girl, white girl help stuck in my head,,,,,
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THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH TBH I CANNOT BELIEVE IT CAN IMMEDIATELY BE FOUND LIKE THAT???? everyday this comic finds its way back to me and i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to outdo it... it might be my magnum opus, i fear... (this is a good thing)
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time-woods · 8 months
you are like the five star chef that showed up to cook for a two star restaurant (prohibitedwish fans) and ur awesome for it
all yalls deserve good food
and i came here to cook so cooking i shall do
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passionpeachy · 3 months
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I watched ponyo recently and was thinking about your ponyo dogs...ฅU ´ᴥ` Uฅ♥
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cerealboxlore · 1 year
(this is for the divine twitch chat au my beloved)
captain marvel, at 3am: *preparing a goat for an ancient sacrificial ritual in the watchtower kitchen*
jl member of choice who just wanted a quick break from watchtower duty: hey uhh.. cap? buddy? whatcha.. what are you uh doing there?
cap, basically hissing: the voices, they’re winning
queue misunderstandings and rumours spread among the heroes
This ask had me cackling like a mad man ever since I got it, omg 😂😂😂
There's some hilarity in Billy holding a goat 🐐 like the Billy goat, hahahahaha
This is both hilarious and horrifying, bc if a JL member saw that, it'd be an immediate report to HR or batman. Does the JL even have a HR? Oh man
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The divine twitch chat AU certainly is expanding and I am here for it!
Also, I hope that goat ends up being safe in the end and getting taken care of By Damian.
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1alchemistart · 1 year
I love the way you draw Demetrius Desmond 🥰, do you have anymore drawings about him?
what a way to realize that i haven't posted any of my demetrius on tumblr JKAKLKLSDF
shall drop some drawings of He
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man can you believe my initial thought when i first drew his design was "i must make him intimidating"? i succeeded for maybe one drawing and then i turned him into an anxiety-ridden buffoon LMAO
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