roz-ani · 2 months
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httpiastri · 6 months
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what the frick? what??? lola why did you do this to me?? what am i supposed to do with myself now???? i’m on the subway but i’m screaming on the inside?????? HELP ME
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silvensei · 2 years
For your consideration:
- Despite having a fully-grown consciousness, Martin's child-self has trouble controlling his emotions and this is specially troubling if you're a Lonely avatar.
- He once experienced a tantrum/panic attack/ptsd flashback and accidentally vanishes several people within a 10 meter radius
- This event lands in a statement about a boy crying and multiple missing persons reports on the same day
Other things for your consideration:
- Annabelle and Martin meeting Gerry 😳
- Annabelle and Martin starting their own cult
- Annabelle and Martin being manipulative little bastards and other avatars increasingly growing wary of them
I gotchu, we're on the same wavelength wrt Statements 😎😎
Then on the complete flip side! Gerry!! I abandoned my boy! I had considered him but then thought "nah, he's in America, that's too much of a stretch for little kid travel," but I was being a big dumb! Not even remembering the 20-year timeline of events, how could I...
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envy-of-the-apple · 6 months
Omg hi are your requests still open??? No pressure!
Unfortunately I am here as a Mahito simp and your twoshot of him has me in a chokehold. I’ve re-read that an ungodly amount of times now. That said, I can’t get the thought out of my head of Mahito noncon-ing a reader he likes who can’t see him, who is eventually able to see him in the midst of the act. Aaaaaa
sfjklsdkljsdkfjsdklfjsdlksj oh my god bestie you absolute genius hold on- alsosorrythistooksolong
(Dark!Mahito x reader)
Bed Bugs
(Yandere, dark content, implied somno, noncon, dubcon, choking-but veryvery brief)
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You've been waking up sore lately.
Maybe you aren't sleeping, right? Maybe it's your bed. It might not be expensive, but you bought it solely for comfort.
The pain comes from your thighs. Aching. Numb. And if you looked closely, you swore you could see bites-
Bed bugs. That had to be it.
"I hate those fuckers," your friend groans, "I got a couple bites when I was staying in that cheap motel back in California? Lasted for a week."
"I was looking at exterminators. Everything's so expensive these days," you mutter, swirling your latte, "I don't even know how I got them. Ridiculous."
She hums. The cafe was quiet during this time, not too many customers. The two of you were tucked away in a booth, still nursing the expensive coffee. You'd already heard her rant about the inflation.
"Y'know, my friend's older brother has some kinda' homerun pest control gig. I can ask him about it. Maybe he can give you a discount? I'm pretty sure he specializes in termites but I don't think there's a real difference."
You eye her. "Yeah, no. Termites aren't in any way close to bed bugs. Besides, don't they use acid for termites? I'd still like to sleep on a bed that doesn't give me skin problems."
"See? I'm giving you solutions, and you keep rejecting them," your friend sighs, "I give up. I think you just got roommates now."
You laugh, about to respond, when you feel something dangerously close to your inner thigh. You glance down. Nothing.
"Uh, speaking of roommates, what did you say was happening with yours?" You change the subject, shifting in the booth.
"Oh yeah! Her and Dan are getting pretty serious, I think she's gonna move out soon."
"Oh really?" The touch came back. Harder. More insistent. You gasp when something grabs you by the hips, squeezing.
Your friend gives you a look. "You okay?"
You look around again. Nothing. Again.
"Um, yes! I am." You managed to respond, "Sorry, sorry, just....long day."
You clear your throat, plastering on a smile as you listen to her prattle about the drama in her life. Her voice distracts you from your thoughts swirling in your mind. Each getting more ridiculous than the last. 
You swore it felt like a...hand.
Work kicked your ass today. 
You'd never been so tired, practically falling asleep on the train. Crowded as always. You scrunched your nose as yet another person conveniently forgot to wear deodorant that day. Wonderful. 
At least, the day was over. You could resign to being as unproductive as possible for the rest of your night. 
You scroll through the forum. Almost everyone said that bed bugs- Cimex lectularius because now you've researched them so much you know their scientific name- are a losing battle. The final verdict is to get rid of your mattress immediately. Either that, or you'd need to call a specialized exterminator that cost at least twice the price of your current mattress. You didn't know which was the worst deal. 
You ignore the first few touches. Trains. Crowded area. People who don't understand boundaries. It's the swipe on your ass that makes you turn around and glare at the likely culprit. A sleazy-looking man in his late-forties. He barely even reacts, just arching a brow at your look. 
Typical. You inch away from him, squeezing past the other bodies until you're well past the other side. You lean against the window, blocking yourself from any other unwanted touches. Finally. Some peace. 
Until it started back up again. 
Something solid presses against you. Like-like a wall. Insistent, begging to be noticed. You're forced back, squished against the already small space. It wasn't your imagination. You can't delude yourself. It was real. A real hand was pressing against your pants, right above your clothed pussy. 
But there was no one there. 
What the fuck. 
The rhythm is rough, forceful as the hand starts grinding on your clit, sending tingles up your spine. You let out a confused whine, slapping a hand over your mouth as you squirm fruitlessly against whatever the fuck this thing was. You can't stop it. It's too much. Too sudden. You want it to stop but it takes you higher and higher and higher and-
It's gone just when the train rolls to a stop. All at once, the opposing wall disappears. You stumble out of the doors, legs shaking, panting. 
There's a whisper of a laugh right by your ear. You realize you're very wet.
What. The. Fuck. 
You could have deluded yourself into thinking it was a hallucination. That you were so tired from work you had an orgasm untouched. It sounded ridiculous, but it was plausible, right? Stranger things have happened. 
But, it just kept happening. 
The touches range. Sometimes, it's just a brush against your shoulder. A poke on your cheek. Other times it's more insistent. You can still remember the sharp spank on your ass in your very much-alone apartment. 
You were starting to think you might not be so alone, anymore. 
The worst was when you were out in public. It always happened in public. You'd be at work, typing on your computer when you'd feel a sensation on your pussy, grinding on you until you're close to cumming. When you'd break away to hide away in the bathroom, you'd always find your panties soaked.
Sometimes, you find yourself typing something ridiculous on your computer. Are ghosts real? Can apparitions touch the living? 
In one of these rabbit holes, you stumble across the word Spectrophillia. Forums of tons and tons of people sharing their own experiences that are eerily similar to yours. A woman describes her encounter with her own aspiration, saying that the thing had physical teeth, a physical tongue, a physical- 
You stop reading after that. A horny ghost. Is that seriously what you were dealing with? You weren't raised religiously, so the idea wasn't very appealing. 
Luckily, your doctor was a woman of science. 
"The symptoms you're describing are a very common indication of stress." She types away on her computer. 
You eye her, both in relief and incredulous. "Really?" 
"Of course," she says, "Trust me, people have come up with crazier stories. Now." She turns back to you, clicking her pen before writing a couple things down on her clipboard.
"I'll prescribe you diazepam. Take one two hours after you've eaten before night." She instructs. "Come back if you feel anything out of the norm." 
You nod, still a bit dazed by her answer. Stress, that's seriously all that this was? 
But it worked, oddly enough. The first night back from the clinic, you stopped feeling those pseudo touches. Your insomnia started going away. You started getting a proper sleep cycle. For the first time in weeks, things were starting to work in your favor.
And then you wake up to the sounds of your bed moving. 
Creaking. Back and forth and back and forth and back and forth. 
Also, you feel...good. Really really good. Tingles shoot up your spine. A pleased sigh unconsciously escapes from your lips as the pleasure between your thighs grows. You're still incoherent, hips following the feeling. Hands are wrapped around your wrists, pressing them against the mattress. There's a puff of air against your ear. Tongue and teeth that nip against your throat. 
It feels like a wet dream, you think. Blearily, you open your eyes, fully prepared to see some Hollywood actor, your crush from work, a cute stranger. 
You see nothing but the ceiling. But the pressure only increases. 
Immediately, all sleep is gone. You wiggle and squirm under the sudden weight. Weight that shouldn't be possible, considering there's nothing there. Your scream is blocked by a hand clamping itself over your windpipe, squeezing. 
The panic is immediate. You're writhing, doing whatever you can to get air into your lungs. It's not working. You can't move your hands. You can't move your legs. You're dying you're dying you're-
"Can you see me now?" 
You can see him. 
You were expecting something a bit less inhuman. Apart from the stitches that litter his face, he looks familiar, in terms of shape that is. Two human eyes. A human head. Human lips that are curved into a grin. Human skin. 
He looks so normal. And that makes whatever is happening even more scary. 
He releases your throat, and you're sucking in mouthfuls of air, regulating your breathing. He hums in clear delight, leaning away so he straddles you. He tuts when you start crying, sobs wracking your shivering body. 
"Is that all you can do?" He clicks his tongue like he's disappointed in you. 
"Get off," you wheeze, wiggling away, "Get-get off." 
"Why? You were enjoying it a couple of minutes ago." It? You glance down at the mess of bedsheets, where he's still inside you, lazily grinding his cock back into your wet hole. 
Nothing about this makes sense. What was he doing-How can he be-How is he even real when you couldn't see him before? You can't think; your mind is still drowsy on fatigue and the medication. Fuck the medication? Is that why you can barely even struggle?
"What a-are you?" You manage to slur out, words slipping around your tongue like butter. 
He laughs like you just said the world's funniest joke. It only makes your stomach drop. You've never heard a sound so evil before. 
"That's kinda' rude. Your parents never taught you manners?" He drawls, "Mahito, that's my name! I know yours!" You hate the way he says your name with so much perversion. He's ruining the innocence, just like how he's ruining you. 
You open your mouth, intent on screaming, but at that exact moment, his cock slams back inside you. You give out a stuttered moan instead. 
"See? Told you: you like it." Mahito gloats and your mind swirls in and out of focus again. You're barely coherent, moaning and huffing underneath him. You feel disgusted at yourself. For being so okay with this. But-but you can't move. You can barely breathe. 
And, you note with reluctance, he's been doing this for a while. You're practically mid-way through your build-up, so close to an orgasm that you don't want. Given by a fucking monster. 
"Have you-have you been-" 
"Yeah, it's been me, for a while now," he answers without much cadence, "You were so close with the ghost theory. It was kinda cute watching you get so desperate. Finding whatever you could to check out of reality."
Oh. You get it. This was all a game for him. How long has he been doing this to you? Making you stumble around, drowning in your own paranoia. How long has this thing been watching you? Touching you. Fucking you.
"You, on the other hand, are on a whole other level with your delusion." He grins, showing teeth. "Fuck, seriously, did you think you were hallucinating me fingering you? At that point, I have to admire your creativity." 
You can barely focus on his words, not when his cock was digging you out. You were so close, practically on the precipice. He gives one more snap of his hips, and you're gone, pussy clenching around his dick, back arching.
The orgasm feels like it lasts for hours because he refuses to stop moving. He finally grants you mercy by spilling his cum deep inside you, forcing you to milk his cock as he lazily rolls his hips, forcing your oversensitive body to jolt. 
You catch your breath when the world stops spinning. When it grows quiet, you can only hear your own panting. Another wave of tears threatens to spill. 
"Aw, cheer up," Mahito purrs, "At least it wasn't bed bugs, right?" 
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slayfics · 7 months
(I am so in love with Yuta he just- stolen my heart fr 🥹💖) Hi, I’m back after like months of requesting (I think-) so how about scenario of Yuta who has a crush on the reader, however he always gets too nervous to approach them. He was scared to fall in love again due to what happened to Rika (just like you said! :D) so he just admire them from afar, until he get caught…he was pretty obvious about it- but his crush let it slide for now.
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(Get prepared with so much Yuta request in the future, I just love him so much AAAAAA)
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Yuta watches you train.
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Yuta watched from the bleachers as you continued your spar with Maki. You had been training hard and as a result, have been able to best Maki in three spars yet. Continuing to be stubborn Maki demanded you spar with her again determined to get a defeat on you.
"Wow they have really improved, hu?" Yuta said to Panda and Toge.
"They sure have!" Panda agreed.
"Salmon" Toge exclaimed.
"Hmm," Panda hummed scanning his eyes from Yuta to you. "You sure are watching them closely today," Panda teased.
"What?!" Yuta exclaimed jumping a bit in his seat. "No, I- I'm watching the same as you two!" He yelped nervously.
"Oh come on, you know you don't have to lie to us," Panda said thumping Yuta on the back.
"Bento flakes," Toge agreed.
Yuta looked down at his shoes, unsure how to respond to his friends. The truth was he had been admiring you for some time now. However, he was haunted by flashbacks of Rika whenever he considered approaching you.
The last person he fell in love with met an awful fate due to him being unable to control his cursed energy. Unknowingly, he cursed Rika, causing her to turn into a cursed spirit instead of passing on after being fatally injured.
Anytime he daydreamed about you or spoke to you for too long, worst-case scenarios flash over his eyes. What if something ever happened to you because of his inability to control his cured energy just like Rika?
Yuta let out a heavy sigh looking back up at you and Maki sparring for a fifth time.
"What's that sigh for? You know I think they kind of have the hots for you too you know," Panda said.
"Hu?" Yuta exclaimed looking at Panda.
Panda laughed, "You humans are complex creatures but sometimes you get so wrapped up in yourselves you miss obvious signs from each other."
"Like um- what kind of signs?" Yuta asked shyly unable to control his curiously.
"You really haven't noticed?" Panda asked. Even Toge looked confused and curious to hear Panada's observations of you. "Well for starters even when you're taking way too long to pack your stuff up after class they always wait for you. They suddenly mix up words anytime they are in a conversation with you, and not to mention anytime you go out on a mission they pace around restlessly until you come back safe."
Yuta felt his face get hot at Panda's observations. Did you really like him back? Yuta looked back to you and Maki just as you spun around landing a final blow on Maki, winning the fourth spar. Landing the blow and throwing Maki to the floor you looked up at the bleachers making eye contact with Yuta. His face was completely flushed and he immediately looked away.
You felt your own face flush at realizing he was blushing from watching you.
"Just say something to him already," Maki said irritated.
Maki was right, Yuta was very timid and if you took the lead it would drastically speed your relationships up. However, you wanted to be mindful of his past. It couldn't have been easy for him to live with his deceased girlfriend as a curse all through his childhood.
You let out a heavy sigh, "No, I'll wait till he's ready."
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I haven’t read the manga only caught up on the anime- so I hope this is still pretty accurate for Yuta! Thank you for my first JJK request 🤭!
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r0-boat · 6 months
If requests are still open and it's not too much trouble, can I request Bull Guzma, Adaman, and Leon reacting to S/o pregnancy? (Ps Please have a Happy Thanksgiving.)
Aaaaaa Happy Thanksgiving this is my gift to you! I'm grateful for all my readers!
Bullfarm au! Pokemen react to S/o's pregnancy
(feat. Guzma, Adaman, Leon)
Cw: pregnancy talk, all about babies!
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Puffing out his chest in Pride strutting around like he's the giant bull on the farm, he's a winner, and he knows it, wearing the fact that he is The Big Bad Guzbull with a pregnant mate as a badge of honor, rubbing it in the faces of all the other Bulls that he was the one who claimed S/o. With you by his side he feels as though he could take on the sun and win. Behind that prideful bull was a terrified one. Frantic and worried for your safety, he demanded and even forced you to stay in this soft nest of blankets that he had stolen and made for you. This big bad ball Cooing soft words of endearment as he snuggles closer to you to keep you warm. Refusing for you to go anywhere else but by his side because to him he is the only one that can protect you and if anything happens to you he would never forgive himself.
Promising to you that he would be the best father to your calf. As big bad, and rough as he still appears to be, he has vowed to leave the life of troublemaking behind him when he first arrived on the farm. He wants to be an excellent example for his child, a good father, a fatherly figure he didn't have.
The bulls that see Guzma for what he betrays himself to be will never understand how soft and sweet he really was. Brushing his head against yours as his eyes glaze over feeling his fingertips gently brushing against your tummy.
But you don't understand why he still puts on this tough exterior.
" it's to protect you." he murmurs now rubbing his face against your tummy. "Cuz no male will ever bother ya if they know who they will be messing with."
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Impatient Adaman over worries and over prepares for the arrival of his child because the longer he waits the more anxiety he feels. What if something goes wrong?! What if another hybrid tries to hurt you?! What if you don't sur-. Is grateful that you're always there to soothe his anxieties before they spiral. The only thing you could do now is prepare and make sure you are pampered.
Adaman is a busy bull, he knows he couldn't waste his time worrying he'd rather be caught dead then under prepared if you need him he needs to be ready for anything. He couldn't be wasting time so there he was you're serious hard-working bull fluffing the nest he had prepared for you for the fifth time before going to the orchard part of the farm to grab you and sneak you some fruits. He needs to make sure you are healthy he needs to make sure that you are eating. Because of your healthy his child is healthy.
It finally got your busy bull to cuddle with you after trying to convince him that you'll be fine and it's okay to relax with you occasionally. Adaman finally relents as he joins you in the nest, wrapping his arms around you, finally enjoying this cute moment, his hands feeling your stomach, his heart touching whole. For your sake, he will take breaks, but he's reminded why he is trying to get ready. It was for you and his future child.
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Happiest bull in the world as soon as he found out, he told any bull who would listen about the calf that was coming Raihan was already sick of Leon since his child was all he would talk about. Sonia and Milo thought it was cute I know is that possibly most new parents go through that phase . Staying glued to your side with that big smile on his face, Leon was already a very lovey person, now it seems like He can't keep his hands off you! As if leaving your side is torture even when you have to work chores on the farm Leon won't be too far away watching intently until you're finished so he could scoop you up and have you all to himself once again. It seems like that's all he wants to do now. When he is not sparring with others on the farm he's cuddling and laying with you in the nest whining when you try to get up and leave him. Giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes until you cave to his demands.
This whole body is practically against you, his face buried into your neck, mooing to you about what a beautiful parent you'll become—vowing you that he'll be the best father. If you are ever feeling scared or doubtful, Leon will instantly ease those fears, because he knows that you are a hard-working kind and caring person and you will try your best and your child will love you unconditionally!
He knows that there will still be some time till your child is born, but he can't help but fantasize about holding them in his arms—the baby he made with his beloved mate. And you already look so cute laying in the blankets, your belly already beginning to show. Laying his head against your tummy, his tail thumping against the hay from how hard it's wagging.
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bloodsbane · 3 months
big spoilers for the end of dungeon meshi but that last post got me thinking about how for all the reasons we can call dungeon meshi's finale a happy ending, to be honest, in my heart it feels quite sad and almost tragic for laios
in particular i felt very stricken with this feeling when we got the post-story manga page where everyone is asking what, exactly, his greatest desire was. and after they drag it out of him, when he's clearly reluctant and nervous to share, laios tells them he wanted to be eaten by monsters. and the reaction to this is everyone all hastily leaving the room looking vaguely disturbed/disgusted/exasperated with him.
and dude honestly it pissed me off!!! because what the fuck is YOUR problem that you have to look down on how someone would prefer having their body handled after their death. having your ashes spread in nature or incorporated into something like a reef isn't even unusual or weird in real life, people do that! and the worst part is that laios will NEVER get even that, since he and his body are cursed to repel monsters (and please notice that even as he is explaining his desire and lamenting the fact it'll never happen, he immediately moves onto thinking about how this can still benefit others/the kingdom rather than dwell on what he cant have)
honestly i thought it was a super sweet and thoughtful method, because to me it was about laios wanting to become part of the greater cycle of life and to give back to the things that helped him survive in the dungeon, that he consumed. he wanted to become part of nature; he wanted to be a part of the ecosystem, consumed and propagated, forever, in a world he loves. the idea of him getting placed in a cold tomb forever preserved in the middle of an enormous kingdom surrounded by people who will never ever understand him or his legacy makes me fucking SAD dude!!
i guess it's just my frustration with laios' feelings frequently being relegated to a punchline. but idk maybe that's the point, it only ever highlights just how much of an outcast he is, even amongst trusted friends and allies, no one will ever truly understand him and he'll never.......... ;lakjs;dlfkj im gonna make myself fucking cry thinking about this AAAAAA be nice to him!!!!!! TT0TT
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lillithhearts · 3 months
Hello! Just wanted to pop in and say I love you’re writing it’s so amazing! You capture the characters perfectly in every piece of your writing!
Can I also request more of the Rosie x Reader x Alastor? Maybe Reader pops by when they are busy with their overlord duties to check in on them and give them a little gift? If that’s not too much to ask! Hope you have a good day!
Alastor x Reader x Rosie ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
ׂׂૢ pairing : Alastor x Reader x Rosie
ׂׂૢ cw : not Proofread
ׂׂૢ reader is gender neutral
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
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Pacing around in your own office you Sauntered from side to side; you did everything you needed done the day before so what will you do today? You meticulously planned your week in advance but happened to fall into a working haze last night and finished everything so now you stood around like a wet sock with no clue what to do however the knowledge of your two partners being extremely busy today came into your head as you immediately set out to find them, having known before hand where they'd be most of today.
So you hastily rushed to hurry over to the building; getting quickly stopped by a particular store Alastor and Rosie both had said they enjoyed a few things from but nonetheless complained they had no time to get the items that had caught their wanting eyes so you wandered into the bougie looking store and searched around for the items they had mentioned to you; as you fiddled around with the items you looked at a few colors before picking up what you decided they'd likely enjoy most; you brought the Cashier and owner the deep red bowtie you picked for Alastor and a golden pendant with a beautiful red stone in it. The store owner waved you goodbye as you passed through the city streets to your destination, upon arriving it seemed Alastor and Rosie were already on their way out and your pace instinctively quickened, a small smile creeping it's way to your lips seeing Alastor wave at you and Rosie soon following suit.
Rosie embraced your form into hers before twirling you around as she laughed and squealed about how she missed you and how it's great to see you, she finally put you down and stepped back; clearing her throat and brushing off dust on her dress along with adjusting her hat; your gaze shifted when you saw Alastors sharp claw gently grab your wrist that held the back; recognizing the logo and giving you a look; oh how he hated you spending money on him..now what did you get him? His eyes narrowed at you before straightening back out
"I'd like to assume that's for us, my dear?"
You quickly shook your head and held it out for them, nodding quietly while Rosie started gushing over how sweet you are to get them something while Alastor quickly snagged the back and peaked inside, pulling out what was inside Rosie almost screeched in excitement as she snatched the pendant from the Deerish demon who only blinked at her a few times as she started jumping around you, telling you to put it on her; you sighed and started to clip it around her neck as she shivered and giggled at your freezing hands before turning around and showing you and Alastor very proudly; so as you looked at Alastor he already wore the new bowtie also very proudly puffing out his chest
They seem to love it, almost as much as they love you and now they are dragging you along to spend the rest of the day with them.
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Taglist : @k1y0yo @ihavetoomanyfictionalcrushes @anni1600 @d0nutsaur
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sweetiecutie · 10 months
OMG! For the event, how about some hcs from when Valeria was in jail? And reader is her cellmate, and just get on her nerves. I go crazy thinking about this. And when Valeria broke out of jail, she take the reader with her aaaaaa.
Pairing: Valeria Garza x fem! Reader
Warnings: jail?, criminal stuff I dunno, lesbians in love and escaping from jail, prison riot but not too intense
A/n: omg YES! Why does this gives off Jojolion vibes?😆
Valeria knows all too well how to behave in a jail. How to handle herself in certain provocative situations, how to gain status around these places. It’s not like she intended to stay in prison for long, but it’s better to be respected among bastards than to be their bottom.
And here were you, her cellmate - a pretty little thing with a personality of a devil, who got in jail for hitting your cheating ex with his car. You weren’t exactly popular or on top of prison’s hierarchy, but you weren’t one of the slaves either.
First week Valeria had to quite literally fight back her urges to strangle you - this is how much you tried to get under her skin. She just clenched her jaw, inhaled deeply and closed her eyes in attempt to calm herself down as you kept on taunting her, with or without any reason.
But at the same time you were never aggressive, indicating that all of your relentless teasing was just your own way of trying to get along with your cellmate. God knows how long you were gonna spend together - it’s better be friends anyways. And without noticing, Valeria made a crucial mistake - started liking you.
You spent numerous nights muddled up in your bunk bed, talking about all the things in the world. You started developing a very intimate connection - not exactly friendship, but something way deeper then that.
At the same time Valeria wasn’t wasting her time, pulling all the right strings inside and outside the prison, getting everything prepared and ready for her escape.
A huge riot was about to happen among prisoners, Valeria’s own people were ready to break into the prison, helping her to get out. Tension was almost palpable in the air, and a dam finally broke as one day a fight occurred between a guard and one of the prisoners - chaos went loose.
Valeria didn’t lose a perfect opportunity, her military skills coming in handy while tackling a few guards to the floor, pocketing their guns and patrons while making her way out of the jail, her cartel soldiers flooding in the building gradually.
You were unlucky to end up in a middle of a huge carnage - people were fighting everywhere, prisoners pubbeling guards and other prisoners, place smelt strongly of sweat and blood, noise so hard, it made your insides shake. You were of a smaller complexion, standing no chance to other, way bigger and stronger women; you were practically dumbstruck, too terrified to move an inch.
Suddenly, someone grabbed you by the shoulder, tugging you forcefully towards them. You squeaked, trying to fight back until two strong hands grabbed both of your wrists, enabling all of your movements. You squeezed your eyes shut, too scared to face the attacker.
“Y/n, for fucks sake!” You heard an angry shout, eyes snapping open to look at the person who grabbed you. It was your cellmate - Valeria, covered in blood and thin sheen of sweat, panting heavily, a few guns attached to her waist.
“We’re leaving, now!” She shouted, letting go of one of your hands, tugging you in direction of the washhouse. Once there, you saw numerous heavily armed people in balaclavas waiting for you two, all windows blown out. Valeria pushed you towards the window, you made quick job of getting out, Garza and her men following closely behind.
About a half a kilometer far in the woods surrounding the prison, a few cars were waiting for you. You didn’t remember much, just how you got shoved into a backseat and Valeria’s shouting as she said something angrily in Spanish, soldiers nodding to her words, replying sometimes as well.
Soon you arrived at the makeshift base, not able to go any further since all police were out in the streets, searching for escaped prisoners. Situation was slightly easier since you were not the only ones who escaped - about half of prisoners used blown out windows of the washhouse to get out, distracting policemen as well.
Once settled in a temporary base, Valeria approached you. “We’re going to Mexico” she informed plainly, plopping down on a couch with a heavy sigh. You nodded your head, at her words; both of you were silent for nearly ten minutes before you decided to break the silence “Why me?” You asked, making Valeria perk up at the sound of your voice.
“Why did you decide to take me with you?” You said, looking at Valeria expectedly. Her expression didn’t change even a littlest bit, as she said plainly - “I like you”. You raised an eyebrow at her reply, obviously not satisfied with her answer. “You seem like one of my people, you know? Don’t give a shit about what others think, do whatever you want but still loyal to your friends. I like these qualities. And I want you close to me. So, what do you say?” She explained, dark eyes looking over to you expectedly.
You stayed silent for a few minutes, trying to take in all the events of this eventful day, before sighing heavily. “Do I have a choice? Your men will come after me if I say no” you joked, slumping against the backrest of an old shabby armchair. Valeria grinned, gazing at your relaxed form with great interest.
She nodded towards the door in the corner. “Shower is over there. Let me know if you suddenly feel lonely” she winked, sly smirk curling her full lips. You got up, heeding towards the bathroom “Oh, I will, don’t worry” you shot back, winking at Valeria as well, making sure to sway your hips seductively on your way there. Hell yes, did Valeria like you.
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pupyuj · 5 months
Sadly I have no plot but im sure your genius brain can come up with something crazy 🤭
AAAAAA THIS ASKKKK ILY TOO KEER HEHEHEHE 😭💕💕 hopefully i get to do a full fic on ghostface!yujin in the future bcs i am sooo into the idea omgkdhjkhvc
yujinnie definitely the type of ghostface to initially plan on killing you fr but thought you were too pretty so she'd have a bit of fun with you first! it helps that you knew yujin as that unfairly handsome girl who walked aimlessly around the local library (that you just so happened to frequently hang out in) for no reason... bcs when she took off her mask after breaking into your room and scaring the living lights out of you, you found yourself softening up instead of screaming your head off and it only made things easier for yujin! she wouldn't even let you recover from your initial shock and just grab you 😳
definitely makes fun of you while you're desperately sucking her off as if your life depended on it bcs guess what... it did! see, you weren't restrained so you could have easily stolen her stupid knife and finally put an end to the nightmare she has put the entire neighborhood in but god you're such a whore that the sight of yujin throwing her head back and hearing her moan turned your brain into mush... making you only capable of pleasuring her and nothing else 😵‍💫 and her praises only made you want to do her better! "just like that... fuck—" yujinnie would feel so good that she'd fuck your mouth herself!
"y-you... don't feel any shame at all, huh, slut? fuck.. sucking off a murderer like this... if only those goody-two-shoes of a friend group you have could see you now..." yujinnie says while you're crying bcs it just dawned on you how much of an idiot you were being :(( even if you somehow gave yujin the best fuck of her life, she'd still kill you! you were practically spending your last moments sucking her dick which wasn't only embarrassing but also just fucking crazy...
ofc a serial killer as sick as yujin wouldn't care at all when you're bent over and sobbing on your pillow while she pounded you from behind, not letting up even when you've cum so much 😣 she'd be so happy to see you all messed up under her,, "take it, you bitch..." omgomg she would grab your jaw and push your back to her chest so she can hear you clearly, giggling against you shoulder while she simultaneously toyed with your clit and thrusted deeply inside you… as dirty as it was, it was definitely way better than being stabbed to death… and yujin got to know how grateful you were of her for sparing your life for the night when you obediently started riding her, doing anything and everything to get the two of you to cum together… 😵‍💫
yujinnie would leave without another word after all of that, but she definitely comes back for more! after every other kill, she comes to you for relief… or to waste whatever energy she has left! sometimes you never really know if it’s your last night whenever yujin knocks on your window… but the fear in your eyes every time you turn around to look at her was such a turn on that yujin just can’t help but let you live night after night… your life was just a sick game to her and you know what?? as long as you’re still breathing the morning after, you’ll let her play with you for as long as she wants 🤭🤭
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sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
🍁 for luke?!
congrats again on 100!! 🫶🏻
AAAAAA TYSM LOVE !!!!!! enjoy this blurb lmao, i love lukey pookie <3
he's so 1989. idk why but he just gives off that vibe. OKAY. HE'S VERY 'how you get the girl' (he for sure got the girl in this one lmao)
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luke doesn't know how the hell he ended up at your house.
it was a 11:30 on a random tuesday, he knows you're asleep but he can't, even though he knows he has early morning practice tomorrow and a whole day of classes. his mind is racing, but so is this heart.
it was raining and he's still in his pajamas, too. his new jersey devils pj's really fit the whole mood. he rolled his eyes at himself ─ why didn't he change?
it had been six months since you two had broken up. well, not exactly. tomorrow morning, or in 20 minutes time, it would be exactly 6 months since you two had broke up. he knew this because he had been anxiously counting the days until your break-up was official.
ever since luke was little, jack would always tell him that break-up's weren't official until the 6 month mark which basically gave them a 'grace period' to get back together. and even now, as a whole adult, he applies it to everything.
he doesn't even know why he was here. he knew you had moved on ─ he saw all those guys you were with at the bar the other night, you weren't hurting anymore. still, that stupid rule made everything so much worse. knowing that after this period, you wouldn't even be thinking about him anymore made him sick.
he decided, an hour ago, that he was gonna get you back that night. he finally let out a big exhale and closed his eyes, getting out of the car and into the rain, walking up to your driveway and to your front door.
he quickly rang the doorbell twice ─ it was your guys' inside joke, knocking twice or ringing the doorbell twice was some kind of code for one another.
he heard some faint footsteps and he straightened his posture, letting out a loud exhale before you opened the door.
your eyes widened at the sight. your ex, luke hughes, standing outside your door in the rain, a few minutes before midnight. he could see the grogginess on your face and suddenly felt a tinge of guilt.
his curly hair was soaking wet and so were his pj's and you almost cringed at the sight. then you saw his face, his cute, stupid face. your heart fluttered at the sight, like it always did when you saw him, even when he was being a fucking asshole.
"luke, what are you doing here?" you shouted over the rain, that was starting to become more than just a midnight shower.
"i-i..." he didn't even know what to say. he let out a loud exhale before speaking again. "i miss you, y/n. i really, really miss you. i can't sleep, i keep repeating that fight over and over again and every time, i wish i had said something different. anything else would've been better."
your heart broke again at those words as you were transported back to that night. you shook your head, you didn't wanna relive that after you'd tried so hard to get over it all these months. "oh, you can't sleep?" you said, sarcastically. "i have repeated that night over and over again too, trying to figure out where it all went wrong. for a while, i even blamed myself─"
"it's not your fault, it was mine!"
"yeah, i know that now." you spoke bitterly at the boy, who was now shaking from the now, heavy rainfall. "i wish you had said something different, too, luke. but now we both have to live with the conseque─"
"fuck, y/n!" he grunted in frustration. "i'm so mad at myself for letting that happen, i'm so sorry for doing that to you."
you let those few words sink in. luke hughes was not one to ever apologize, you knew that. that was one of the reasons why you two had ended things and hearing those words come out of his mouth felt somewhat therapeutic. "luke─"
"y/n, please just let me talk!" he shouted over the rain. "if i could go back in time i would. if i could just... erase all of it, i would. but i can't. and i know i'm selfish for even asking this but i want you back. no one compares to you and no one ever will, y/n. i've tried, i really have. but i lost you once and i'll be damned if i lost you again if you just gave me another chance.”
that whole monologue sounded like it was right outta a movie. you didn't know how to feel ─ or how to react. you felt so many emotions wash over you and you took another good look at luke.
his curly hair, his soft skin, his entire face just took you back to when you two were together ─ the good times, too. summer at the lake house with his family, late night car rides for drinks, sunday night dates because he insisted that saturdays were for the boys, and especially, his soft touch.
luke's heart was beating out of his chest and he knew he was going to catch a cold because of how long he'd been standing outside, but all of that wouldn't matter if you just took him back. he watched your expression change and he swears he felt like a million tons had just been lifted off his chest as you opened up the door for him to come in.
"alright, luke. fine, one more chance. one, and if you fuck up, it's over and it will be over for the rest of our lives, got it?"
that sweet smile graced his lips for the first time tonight as he walked into your home, exhaling deeply. "got it."
you both stared into each other's eyes, your heart beating fast as a smile plastered on your face as well. then, luke smashed his lips against yours and pushed you against the door. "won't make you regret it, princess."
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sharkboywrites · 1 year
Floyd With an Autistic S/O Who Loves His Hugs
A/N: ohhhh boy this is my first fanfic and I'm kinda nervous aaaaaa anyways this is an idea I've had on my mind for MONTHS because pressure therapy go brrrrrr
Male/gn reader, autistic reader
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Floyd has probably never had anyone in his life who enjoyed his hugs
His special ability is to squeeze a person to the point of being almost paralyzed, clearly people were way to terrified to even get close to him let alone let him touch them
That was until a peculiar student showed up at Night Raven College
Everyone else like Ace and Deuce had already gotten the memo to stay FAR away from the 6'2 giant that was Floyd Leech after the Octavinelle incident, just the threat of him squeezing them made people shiver
Except for you
Something about you was different, the way you couldn't seem to pick up on the fact everyone else was afraid of him caught him off guard
You didn't scream or run from him, nor did you seem to care about how we was "Scary". All you ever really did was make a comment about his heigh the first time you had met and that was it
The first time he had grabbed you, he had really expected you to scream and finally be afraid of him
But that wasn't what happened
You had both been assigned to work together on a project. Crewel had put you two together because you were the only one who wasn't deathly afraid of him
While you were focusing on trying to get the potion just right, Floyd decided it would be fun to tease you
"Your focused face is so funny shrimpy! I could just squeeze you right now!"
And he did just that. He picked you up almost like you weighed nothing and squeezed
But to his surprise, you didn't scream or cry, instead you relaxed, almost melted, into his hold
The feeling just felt so comforting, like a weighted blanket or your favorite hoodie. That indescribable feeling of comfort and joy, almost enough to make you start jumping up and down, started to bubble up
After that day you two became much closer
Floyd was so overjoyed that he had found someone who didn't think of him as scary or a monster, someone who loved his hugs and he could squeeze when he needed
As your relationship went on he learned more about you and about your mannerisms, how his hugs helped you just as much as they helped him
He managed to pick up on when you were feeling down or understimulated. When it all became to much he knew his hugs were just the thing that you needed.
He was just like a weighted blanket that would help you calm down after a rough day
He also learned when you didn't want to be touched, he understood with his own mood swings exactly how you felt
While others may few the two of you as odd or weird because of the things that make you both "different", you're the perfect match
Floyd wouldn't have it any other way
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ohhh my god ok first fanifc down honestly I CANNOT take myself seriously writing these but who knows maybe I'll get more comfy as I keep going. Ty for reading and have a nice day!
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a-b-riddle · 1 month
Omg Simon said that purposely????to hurt reader?? Not like in the moment thing, thought about what would fuck with her and then did that????? And then just let her stu in it??? For days/weeks???? Put the final nail in the coffin????
Oh that's so good, it's a real good level of malice I'm really excited to see what you do with it! There's so many ways for that to go, cuz you have all the moving parts of the boys' reaction if they learn that. Like if you want them all to dig themselves in a hole, having someone they can scapegoat would be a way for them to dodge responsibility. Like "oh it's acturally all Simon's fault this happened, we could have worked something out otherwise"
Aaaaaa I know this message is getting too long so I'll wrap it up, but I'm really excited to see what reader did to get him were he's at now. For any of them that's that boy that would especially be hard to walk back from, especially if he feels justified.
I knowwww 🫠 I'm working on the outline of what Simon says to reader while it comes into my head and it honestly would GUT me if someone said this to me.
He did do it with the sole purpose of making sure that things truly did end between him and the reader. That's not to say he meant what he said, but he did intend to hurt her.
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brittle-doughie · 15 days
Hey Brittle! Sorry for looking like i'm impatient and Tumbler ate my ask so I'll repeat it here. How about a scenario of y/n cookie spliting into three versions of themselves because of an accident (they were visiting alchemist cookie but a potion fell on them) one being the emotional side, the second one being the logical side (despite this one being the logical side they have an ego) and the third one being what's left of a living being that lacks emotion and logical thinking, the instinct and struggle to survive (this one isn't always going through the struggle of trying to live btw but they do lack some ability to rationally think, they will act now and ask later. This also leads to unfiltered thoughts that are sometimes said outloud, this ranges from very random to very concerning.) The other cookies (specifically the ancients, legendaries, the beasts, and dragons[wow that's quite the group of cookies]) found out about this and go to Alchemist's location to see if they're alright, unfortunately for them the emotional and logical sides hate eachothers existence and will consantly argue with eachother which quickly escilates into a physical fight between them with the third half desperately trying to stop both but because of them acting now and ask later thing, it leads to them picking the worst way possible, especially when into more time of their existence the other two get to the point of trying to kill eachother accidental or not,leading the other two to get horribly damaged in the long run with the emotional side getting perminantly blinded and further into their existence the logical side's vocal chords get ripped out and now they have a voice modulator, leading to the third becoming quite suicidal(an attempt was made in the progress which failed cuz of the other to interfere.) And when they finally become y/n again they held one fourth of each of their injuries, slight rope burn marks on the neck, slight blindness on both eyes, and throat (do cookies even have throats and necks?) has slight injury causing their voice to become a little horse, all of these injuries are caused by the three sides that they split into and are permanent, the worst part about this being y/n misses the comforting black void without to worry about other cookies wanting to be or stalking them ect. Which leads y/n back to alchemist cookie's lab, steals the potion, goes back home, and drinks some of it, causing the other three sides to go back to hating eachother and back into existence and y/n now peacefully in the black void as the their three sides are now back to square one, which after becoming y/n again will worsen their injuries and their condition. Can we have their reactions to this situation? (Sorry for how long this is and take this as a reference to an au crossover i'm making lol) Sincerely- CCCC Anon
Literal wall of text, pls put spaces between paragraphs next time going insane aaaaaa-
Since there are three sides to Y/N Cookie, there will be a split amongst the group of cookies on who they’d likely take the side on. Emotional, Logical, and Instinctual are all still Y/N in their own ways.
But the overall situation would be Y/N wanting to escape their situation of having the cookies crowd and stalk them and want to just hide away for as long as they can.
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Cookies that are attuned to your Emotional side like White Lily and Pure Vanilla Cookie would feel horrible that this is all happening because you’re wanting to escape the stalking, the constant attention, it was a horrible thing to hear that this side of you had been blinded. This side of you lived up to your part, unable to control your emotions as the two watch you break down..
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Your Instinctal side…that’s something in the Dragons’ side of things. Longan would want you to do what came natural in your general nature as a cookie. Pitaya would want you to just go with what the first thought in your head was to do. For them, it was to fight! Even when you’re all put together as one, they’ll still tell you to just follow your first instinct as a cookie. Crumbling yourself wouldn’t be their answer though…
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Some of the others may align with your Logical side. Ice Queen would advise that you should let feelings cloud important judgement on things. Shadow Milk Cookie is more blunt, he was the former Virtue of Knowledge after all. Why should others’ feelings or instincts change the facts, use your head and come to your own decision, and make sure no cookie change your choice. Yes, even if it did result in your voice faltering.
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pix3lplays · 11 months
Dan hangs line when you heal him ‘Don’t worry about me.’ But what if reader aggressively tells him to shut up because we will worry about him 🤭 his reaction?
AAAAAA! I love this prompt, ugh when he says that I’m always like, my dude what do you MEAN don’t worry about you?!!!
-Reader tells Dan Heng to shut up after he says not to worry about him-
Note: Reader is the healer of the party.
“Don’t worry about me,” the words leave Dan Heng’s mouth, cold and empty, and something strikes a chord with you when you hear that after trying to heal him. “SHUT UP!” you snarl. You didn’t mean for it to come out that harsh or that aggressively. Even calm Dan Heng looks taken aback by the aggression in your voice, not to mention the looks on the faces of your other team members. “I WILL worry about you, Dan Heng, so just shut up and let me heal you…” He’s so taken aback by the ferocity in your voice. He doesn’t know what else to do beyond apologize for upsetting you and he finally lets you heal him without any talk back. You worry you scared the poor man. But it’s true, you do care about him, you would be frightened if anything were to happen to him…telling him to Shut Up was just the fastest way to express that. You do apologize later for yelling at him, to which he replies that it was alright, and that he appreciated your concern for him. Just…for next time…there’s no reason to yell…
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snowywolf1005 · 3 months
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Note: You never escape this man. He will get you no matter what. You will die.
You opened your eyes to see you were in a ship. You can't remember what happened. You were on a bed, and you tried to get up.
But you were hand cuff, wrapped around your wrist. You tried to pull them off, but "you know if you pulled your arm hard, it will start to bleed"
You looked to see a man sitting at his chair. You ignored him. Then the chain broke, and you finally free your hand.
Law was surprised and walked toward you, "I know you don't know me, my name is trafalgar D. Water law," he said.
You were shocked, you heard his name. "So what your name?" Law question, you didn't say anything. Law took out his sword and put on your neck.
"(Y/N)(L/N)..." You said with a shaking voice. You only know your name. Law smirk, "Where am I?" You question. "Don't you remember? You were one of my crew members. And I'm your captain. You were knocked out from the battle"
You were his crew members? And you knock out?
So many questions. "Here I brought you some food," said law as he gives you some food. With fish steak, bread, and roast beef.
You grabbed a fork and started eating. The food tasted wired and different, Law sit next to you and pat your head.
"Eat every lat food you eat can't let the food be a waste isn't?" Said law, you keep eating, not even miss each food.
But you keep questioning yourself, why were you hand cuff when you woke up? Is there something that law was hiding? Is he really your captain?
There are so many questions, but you try to ignore them. After you finish the food, Law gives you medium pills.
"What this?" You asked law, he looked at. "This? This helps you to feel better and make sure you use it, " he said.
You take a pill and swallow it. You felt wired for some point, "Now you should take some rest for now" said law.
You nodded your head when you were sleeping. You were having some weird dreams.
'P-please... leave me - ALONE!...'
A voice cried.
'You know the rules, darling, you belong to me. Not anyone'
'Law voice?' You thought
'*hic* I wanna go... h-home...'
'Home? you already got home'
'Don't worry, this won't a pit'
You woke up, and you were sweating. 'It just a dream,' you said to yourself, as you falsleep.
You didn't realize that Law was sitting next to you, watching. He put his hand on your hair and cut a piece of your hair.
Then Law takes out of a small jar and puts your hair in it.
And you with law with your check-up health. As law looks at paper of your health, he stops. You felt nervous.
"Is something wrong?" You asked. Law, look at you, "your health has one problem," he said.
"What is it?" You asked, "love, your missing love, but don't worry, it's a fairly common condition. Since your body does not produce love on its own, you should take these pills, " said law.
He gave you a can of pills. You ate the pills, "law, this medium will make me better?" You asked. "Yes," he answered.
You trust law more. He takes care of you, but you keep having this dream. But you realize maybe this dream you are having is just memory?
Every it is, you think law is lying to you?
Like lat times, when we're walking the hallway. You saw Windows doors and see, law cleaning himself.
And you saw he took his cloves out full of blood. Law gets his papers started writing, and you can't see what he is writing.
You went to bed, and then you felt something that someone was hugging you. You look behind you, and it was law. "L-law, what are you doing!?" You asked.
"I just want some cuddle," he said, closing his eyes. Your cheeks came red, "(Y/N), I love you," he wisperd to your ears.
You blush by his words. He is in love with you, and you love him. You thought he wasn't in love with you.
"I-i love... you too, law"
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