#BTAS running commentary
urbaneturtle · 9 months
DCAU Rewatch: Batman the Animated Series 2: Christmas With the Joker
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Written by Eddie Gorodetsky
Directed by Kent Butterworth
Supervising Composer Shirley Walker
Music Composed by Michael McCuistion, Lolita Ritmanis
Animation Services by Akom Production Co.
It’s a quiet Christmas Eve  and it looks like there may be no need for Batman for just one night. But the Clown Prince of Prime, freshly escaped from Arkham Asylum, has other plans.
This is a real clunker of an episode that sits particularly strangely when watched in production order. I appreciate some of its charm more now than I did a decade ago but it is incongruous with BTAS as a whole. The episode’s shortcomings on a story level are made worse by AKOM Productions. It’s a studio notorious for how poorly they do their work. They animated most of the 90s X-Men Animated Series, which looks almost uniformly awful, as well as some of the strangest-looking episodes of early Simpsons.  This episode is just not pleasant to look at. Characters are never on model and are inconsistently drawn from shot-to-shot. 
It is probably not ideal to watch this one so early in the run because it is the first introduction to a lot of characters including Joker and Robin. It’s not a strong debut for either one. Like Conroy, Mark Hamill is feeling out his performance as the Joker and he is a far cry from the iconic take he settles into. Part of it may be that this episode, and several of the Joker’s early appearances, required Hamill to re-record the already animated scenes after Tim Curry was recast and his performance scrapped. Some of the choices, particularly the lack of his completely unhinged cackle, may be constraints of the previous performance. 
Aside from the animation, which is a big thing to set aside, my qualms revolve around the overly slapstick and broad approach to the Joker. The core of his plot, capturing Gordon, Bullock and Summer Gleeson to turn them into a twisted family, is classic Joker. But I wish the episode had focused more on the hostages and tormenting them, as opposed to revealing that Joker has access to secret rocket-powered Christmas trees and enough weapons of mass destruction to topple an empire. It completely falls outside of the tone of what the show turns into. You can tell the whole production team is trying to figure out how to balance the broader superhero tropes and villains with the more grounded elements. 
But when you just sit back and let the absurdity of the fully armed tin soldiers and impossible squadron of tanks wash over you, there’s a lot to enjoy. It’s a good showcase for the animated Joker’s personality, which is equal parts genuinely funny and frightening psychopath. It’s a take that I miss seeing anymore.
For more, including initial impressions of BTAS Robin and production facts, take the plunge into the Turtle Club Patreon.
Stay tuned for more DCAU commentary! And if you are curious about what to expect from this series, the first entry for episode 1 of Batman: The Animated Series, On Leather Wings, is free as a preview.
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sleepaintreal · 3 years
So guess whos back with ep3
Spoiler ahead be warned
Wow brucie real subtle, why did ya even wanted to meet him
Awww he made brucie boy sad so bad
Stay in sch kids
Except big words🙃
Yasss revenge! Drama! A message!
Wat an intro
Oh nonononoi tats low
Oh its tat detective guy again
Ahahaha ninja bat
Yay go alfred! Yeah go tell him alfred!!
Lol yea he was asking for it
Hmmm actually maybe his fear gas is more directed or at least it brings up the recent worries
Lol like tat also can
I like how eloquent scarecrow is, i nv in a million years would hav guessed
His name aint anthony is it😂
Damm how did he survive tat fall
Oh damm is that where that line comes from??!?
Ooo tats cool
U know noe that i think about it batman really talks like tat huh, like i tot they were making fun in the lego movie but i guess not
Wow this really aint a kids show, really setting the mood
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gothamsgaygirlgang · 2 years
Top 5 catwoman versions 👀
I will HOPEFULLY be seeing Ms Kravitz playing the good sis in the next week and if what I'm hearing is true then she might be on here BUT for now, and in no particular order;
Arkhamverse Selina - Gameplay wise this version is perfect. It KILLS me that we never got a fully fledged Catwoman game using this version of her. I am insane and still replay her Arkham City DLC just to run around the city. Otherwise, Grey DeLisle does a great job playing her. Aside from the stupid Riddler damsel nonsense and her just being generally underutilized it's amazing. I could nitpick, particularly about her appearance but I will stop.
Catwoman (2002) Ed Brubaker/Darwyn Cooke - First of all, visually this is huge inspo for me, even though I don't really draw Selina in a similar vein I LOVE the aesthetic and character design choices for her. The vintage, pin up inspired artsyle, giving her civillian clothes this kinda 50s classic sophisticated style I'm OBSESSED. I think giving Selina such a distinct style of dress makes me so happy because I feel like the standard thing is to put her in something sexy and revealing without any consideration for like fashion or style. So she's just wearing something weird with her titties out and male artists are like yes good this IS what a sexy woman would wear. Also, just a great read.
The Long Halloween/When in Rome - Tim Sale - This man is another MASSIVE visual inspo for me, I love how he draws Selina in and out of her costume. I love her big shoulders and massive hair and her dark eyes and eyebrows out of the costume. And I LOVE how jacked she is in the costume and the design of the costume itself, the bat ears are cute and I love the bangles and gloves. Once again it's a great story too.
The Batman (2004) animated series - I don't know why I like this version of Selina so much, maybe it's because after her animated short (where she's voiced by Eliza Dushku) it is the best animated version of her. It's a really nice design and the voice actress is great. Controversial but I hate BTAS Selina, she is slightly better in The New Adventures and I love the Gotham Girls flash animations. I Think I just have a soft spot for this series anyway.
Catwoman (2004) - As we move further into superhero saturation I grow to appreciate this movie A LOT more. I like how it has an identity with it's music and visuals. Ms Berry does a great job playing the role. It is a fun, campy take on the character that could have some interesting social commentary if you chose to read into it that way.
Honorable mentions; Anne Hathaway in TDKR - The biggest lesson in not to judge casting in movies before you see it. I think its the most faithful, comic accurate version of the character that has been portrayed in a movie (still haven't seen the batman 2022 so can't say). She just has so many great little moments and I WISH we got more of her.
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rooneywritesbest · 5 years
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All It Takes Is One Bad Day 
Have you ever really wondered who is the joker? I mean actually who he really is, or what made him into the clown prince of crime. Join me on a trip descending into the psychological observation of the deep dive of the subconscious of the comic-book villain. The only origin we have recorded of the Joker is in the novel “The Killing Joke” by Alan Moore. Moore paints and illustrates a period piece of the underbelly of Gotham City. The timeline is a little fuzzy. However, the artwork of Brian Bolland and the tone and direction of writing from Moore brings the graphic novel to life. 
The clown was just a normal person trying to get by, struggling to pay bills, and living in a run-down apartment. Interesting enough, he was never given a name in the novel. Joker had a wife pregnant with his child. The emotion was painted on the panels, and he was terrified internally. So to alleviate the pain dragging down his well being. He soon made a choice that would affect his life by turning to the mob. The man was tasked with being the fall guy, he was also given a new code name or alias “Red Hood”.
 Then you know the history that follows. Batman chases him and Joker falls into the vat of acid at ace chemicals. The chemical bath changes his mind and personality. Peeling away back at the persona that was once present. Now all that is left of the poor tortured soul. Being plagued by society is a man with pale white skin and the affinity to bring laughter in horrific fashion. The question to bring forth into context. Does he truly have any sliver of memory before undergoing his cosmetic change? 
The answer is a tricky one to understand the mindset of the Joker, you have to understand the other incarnations of the character. In the animated series where the clown is brought to life by Mark Hamil. He seduces the mind of Dr. Harleen Quinzel. He makes us a fabricated backstory of him and his father going to the circus. However, he also brings to the forefront that he grew up in an abusive household. The new foreground truth is quickly dismissed as false facts. When Batman tells Harley that Joker has a million stories. Just furthering exploring the identity crisis hiding beneath the pale skin of a clown clad in a purple tuxedo with a top hat to match. 
In addition to the critically acclaimed BTAS. The Arkham-verse from rocksteady stands on its own feet. However, being told time and time again that it’s a separate canon from the cartoon. Many would coin it as a continuation of the animated series due to the inclusion of the original remaining cast voicing the iconic roles that put them on the map. Kevin Conroy as the caped crusader, and Hamil as the Joker even bringing back the talented Arleen Sorkin as Harley Quinn. In the darker, grittier version of Gotham City. Being a world that is woven together by the seeds of Arkham spanning a timeline of Arkham origins all the way to the night the batman died on Arkham Knight. The games touch on certain Joker heavy moments and thematic events leading the clown down the path to where he’s meant to be. While also committing roles of unspeakable action such as showcasing the events of Killing Joke and crippling batgirl or referencing the comic “the death in the family leading to the execution of Jason Todd. It just goes to show that the Joker is just a person who wants to see the world burn. A great point made by buddy Joe is that “The Joker represents many things and it is the filmmaker/comic writer's responsibility to depict the character in a way that never idolizes what he stands for”.(Joseph Torres). 
It boils down to the justification that every incarnation or vision of the Joker is different in almost every aspect. It could change from the tone or sense of realistic nature or being a social commentary brought to the light in the comics being allegory’s into the mind of the writer stepping into the shoes of the Clown Prince Of Crime. 
 However, a name would complete the tragedy and give something the audience to sympathize with. Something that the Todd Philips darker realistic take of the Joker actually does. It stars Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck. A man drove to insanity by the corrupt and evil society around him. The film is a blend of color tones and wonderfully crafted shots that incorporate no CGI. Weighing down the background and giving it a fake or faux sense of the movie. 
Witnessing The joker trailer. I found it seems intriguing in many ways. I love the laugh. Phoenix is terrifying, um the just stunning visuals with an interesting concept two trailers in and still no idea or concept or even major spoilers have been shown. The only sense of context I can piece together is that it’s a period piece like the killing joke. Also, the mention of social commentary on those affected and plagued by mental illness could be brought to the forefront. The director Todd Philips has a really neat quote that follows “I don’t believe that in the real world if you fell into a vat of acid you would turn white and have a smile and your hair would be green. So you start backward-engineering these things and it becomes really interesting”(Todd Philips). The acting is phenomenal and oscar level. Another thing I like about this film is that Phoenix feels like a combination of major versions of the character. For example, his laugh has hints and moments of Mark Hamil. Or the color scheme of his outfit feels reminiscent of Cesar Romero from Batman 66, and the outfit along with the makeup pays homage to Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight. Also, the story is taking elements from the killing joke. 
Just one gripe, how can you make a joker movie work without his moral juxtaposition of the dark knight. The Joker needs Batman to thrive it’s like Heath ledger said: “anarchy needs order.” Essentially meaning Batman needs Joker and vice versa. We will see how Phoenix does when the film opens up worldwide Oct 4th. 
In conclusion, The Joker is the most important villain in all of the literature. Just something about him resonates with the reader and fans alike. Every version of the character will be different because it just depends on the vision and direction of the narrative. Which is the director or writer’s job to cement themselves into the mindset of The Clown Prince of Crime or better known as the Joker? Thus explaining the perfect reason why the Joker’s real name should never be revealed. 
Due to the role of human psychology. How anybody could be Spider-Man and wear the mask. Well anyone could be the Joker cause all it takes is one bad day to descend into the madness that awaits.  
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smokeybrandreviews · 7 years
We Can Be Heroes
So i took in Ragnarok a second time and even wrote an in depth review about it. I said i wanted to compare and contrast between JL, more because Marvel has released some solid films both directly from Marvel Studios and their franchised heroes to other studios, in particular Fox. Logan is the second greatest cape flick i have ever seen, after the Dark Knight. I don’t throw that distinction around lightly because TDK is one of the greatest films, overall, ever made and Logan can give it a run for it’s money any day. Outside of that flick, Homecoming was spectacular and so was Guardians. I have already gushed about Ragnarok and even Wonder Woman was on point. So why was Justice League so bad? Why did no one go to see it?
I’m not sating that Justice League is a flop. Of course not. It made a pretty penny. It had, like, a 96 million dollar opening last week. Cash money. The thing is, if i know the box office, that’s unsustainable. A good drop in the week two run is around 40 to 50 percent. I’m not sure what the week two drop was but, considering all of the cats i saw looking to check out Coco and the fact my screening of Ragnarok was full, i imagine it’s going to be pretty substantial. Probably high 50 to mid 60s which is not was Warner Bros. wants. That’d be terrible news. Considering it only made about 185 mil in the foreign markets over opening weekend, that mid 60percent is looking better and better. So how is it Marvel keeps knocking these things out of the park and DC keeps stumbling across the finish line? As a comic fan, Marvel Fanboy, and cinemaphile, i wanted to throw my two cents into the argument because i find it all very intriguing
DCEU Fatigue
There are cats talking about superhero fatigue. I’ve been hearing that thrown around a lot lately. I don’t think that’s accurate. There are too many of us millennials out here, of age, starting our own families, that are afflicted with that crazy childhood nostalgia because we’re all latchkey kids, particularly the older of us. Cats like me, born in the early to mid 80s, adore comic books and Saturday morning cartoons. We loved the escapism as the excess of greed and selfishness during the 80s tore our families apart. Among our “Oregon Trail” generation, we have some of the highest rates of divorce so escapism was real.  We threw ourselves into Nintendo, BTAS, and Marvel comics. We brought our younger siblings, those notorious and oft maligned by the media as the true “millennials”, those youngsters born in the 90s, into our world of comic book distraction, cartoon interference, and video game diversion. To see all of those heroes we followed as kids put up on the big screen with massive budgets and SFX spectacle is like catnip to us. The market is rife with prime demographics for these films and, as log as they’re good, there’s no stopping that machine. But that’s the overall problem.
Marvel has been doing this since 2008. They stumbled in a few outings (The two Hulk films, the first two Thor films, and to a lesser extent Iron Man 2 and Age of Ultron) but they have also shined brilliantly along the way while taking crazy risks. No one knew who the f*ck the Guardians of the Galaxy were or why Chris Pratt would even be cast in a superhero role but look; That first Guardians film is a classic and the second, even with all of it’s missteps, is a goddamn joy to watch. Pratt is a huge star now and people are looking to GOT to set that Cosmic Marvel tone. James Gunn’s visibility as a director has increased considerably, to the point that Taika Waititi took a little of their tone and levity into his own MCU outing, Ragnarok. And, again, i adored that flick. When Ultron came out and audiences reacted with mild tepidness, Marvel pulled Whedon and installed the Russos as the primary architects of MCU and look what happened. Cap 3 was ridiculous and literally every Marvel film after has scored in the 80s or 90s on Rotten Tomatoes. Not only did these cats helm arguable the best MCU film in Winter Soldier (the first Iron Man, i guess the first Avengers flick, and Homecoming might have something to say about that) but they were trusted with introducing the Marvel golden child, Spider-Man, in Civil War. and he was a goddamn hit! In my screening, people gave Pete a standing ovation. I cried manly tears when i saw him suit up. We have Black Panther on the horizon and the hype for that sh*t is explosive while Infinity war has been brewing for a decade. Marvel is coming up aces. The lowest rated film on Rotten tomatoes is The Incredible Hulk (see, them hulk flicks,man) and it’s at a 67 percent. Over almost a decade and 17 films, the MCU has an average tomatometer rating of about 83 percent.
The DCEU? different f*cking story. These cats are just the worst at this game, man. Their highest rated film is Wonder Woman. She’s sitting at a respectable 92 percent. To be honest, upon repeated viewing, i think it’s more a high 80s flick but still, for what it did with what ist had, i’m not made at the 92. Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins crafted a heartfelt fairy tale that built up a legit female icon for girls and even boys to look at with admiration. I adore what this film meant on a social level and the fact it blew up the f*cking box office has movie execs standing at attention. Wonder Woman is the best character and overall experience to come out of this sh*tty DCEU. Everything else is trash. The next best reviewed film in the DCEU is Man of Steel, the first in the franchise, at 55 percent. That’s a far cry for the MCU’s initial outing of Iron Man at 94. My lady is a MASSIVE Supes fan and she HATED MOS. She said that wasn’t a Superman movie. She said it was a hodge-podge of nonsense. And it was. Sh*t didn’t get any better either. Since 2013, the DCEU has dropped 5 films, two of which rate less than 30 percent. their average tomatometer rating? 48.2 percent. I’ll be kind and round that up to 49 percent. Why would yo keep throwing money at a studio that ‘s dropping such awful movies? Justice League had it’s problems but i don’t think it’s 49 percent bad. I think audiences don’t trust Warner to their jobs. I think audiences are still burned by that 27 percent BvS debacle. I know they’re still reeling by that cluster f*ck of Suicide Squad. Essentially it’s fool me once, shame on you. Fool me three times, shame on me. Wonder Woman was really good but that’s because it’s more Marvel than not. But fool Me four times? Nah, breh. We learned our lesson. Cats are experiencing Superhero fatigue, we’re experiencing bad movie fatigue. We’re tired of the DCEU producing crap and don’t want to pay for another clusterf*ck. of nonsense.
No one trusts Zack Snyder because he’s awful at telling stories and DC was stupid to put him in charge of their cinematic universe to begin with
300 was dope but that movie lended itself to Snyder’s style of film making. If you’ve ever actually read Frank Miller’s 300 comic, you’d know that it’s all splash pages and action scenes. There’s very little substance in the book itself, just a bunch of cool looking sh*t. There’s no overarching narrative other than these 300 guys stood in there Persian’s way only to die fighting. That’s the narrative for 300. So, for a guy like Snyder who can’t craft a plot to get himself out of a wet paper bag, this was a tale designed for him. All that slow-mo and cg blood was just cool sh*t to see, Snyder is a master at crafting cool looking scenes to see and that 300 flick of his was cool to see Terrible film overall (non existent plot, terribly cheesy dialogue, anti climactic ending) but it was dope to see. This is where, i think, people mistook Snyder’s ability to craft a dope ass action scene for an ability to actually tell a story. People loved 300. It made 456 mil on a 60 mil budget. Critically, it sits at a 60 percent, critically and an 89 percent audience rating. Surprise-Surprise, cool looking sh*t based on cool looking sh*t is popular among the ignorant masses but falls short with people who actually engage cinema on more levels than just cool looking sh*t. So what happens when you give Snyder a heavy plot and meticulously crafted narrative to adapt to film? you get his take on Watchmen.
One of the greatest tales ever written in comic form was Watchmen. Alan Moore crafted a magnum ops of a tale and st it on the backdrop of cold war paranoia. This thing is visceral. This thing is sobering. This thing is real. It peels back the layers of our supposed society and asks hard questions about what it means to be human. So, taking this commentary rick narrative in to account, WB decided to give it to an asshole who couldn’t recognize subtext if it shoved it’s massive cock down his throat in Zack Snyder. Yes, Watchmen is pretty but does it do it’s job as an adaption? F*ck no. None of that gritty, hard question asking, almost malevolent intent at holding society hostage for it’s nonsense. None of it. Instead, we get, like, Watchmen lite. No character development. No social commentary. Not even a period correct piece. Watchmen take place in the 80s. Why do i feel like it’s present day?? Because Zack Snyder is the worst at movies. This thing made 185 mil on a 130 mil budget and sits at a 65 percent (which, i think, is Snyder’s highest critically rated film, ever) on Tomatoes. The audience score was about 71 percent, a significant drop from his last outing with 300. This is Snyder trying to create an actual movie, trying to craft a proper narrative and he lost about 17 percent of his audience,according to Rotten Tomatoes. So WB tripled down on this asshat and gave him a massive budget to do whatever the f*ck he anted with it and we got Sucker Punch. Nd OH BOY, is THAT film problematic.
So Sucker Punch was WB giving Zack Snyder carte blanche and about 8 mil to do whatever he wanted. And this mess of a rape fantasy is what we got. There are just so many thematic, social, and personal problems that ween through it’s terrible, terrible, film. You can see that Snyder hates women or, at least, thinks ridiculously less of the with all of the rampant sexism in this film. You can tell he has no idea how to actually cut a film with that lack of coherency. You can tell he has no idea how to develop characters beyond the literal and shallow tropes that are present in even the most mundane of cinema. This sh*t is a glorified, multi-million dollar, student film based on a fanfiction Snyder wrote when he was 14 years old and barely understood why he got boner or why the popular cheerleader didn’t look his way. Sucker Punch is trash. Sexist, problematic, poorly executed, wildly rapey, trash. And both the audience and critics understood that. It’s sitting at a 47 percent audience rating and a 23 percent critic rating on Tomatoes. No one liked this film. No one went to see it. It only made 89 mil on an 82 mil budget. Sucker Punch proves that Snyder is a bad filmmaker and a crackpot story teller. So WB puts him in charge of one of their most precious and profitable franchises in Superman?
This Zack Snyder is a proven loser and you give him Superman? You give him one of the most recognizable icons in the world and tell him to create a new vision that will be the linchpin of an entire cinematic world to rival the now full steam MCU? Based on 300, Watchmen, and Sucker Punch? Literally all of his films have shown woeful diminished returns but this is the guy you throw the DCEU to, after coming off the Dark Knight Trilogy? F*cking Nolan got you an Oscar on the back of Ledger’s performance as the Joker and instead of giving the reigns of the DCEU to a guy with that sort of vision, you give it to Snyder who can only craft “cool looking sh*t”? really? On top of that, you force him to bring to life a David S. Goyer script, the co-author and co-creator of that wildly successful Dark Knight trilogy, and expect Snyder to execute like Nolan did? Really? Who thought this was a good idea and why?? Where was the guy at the top to say “No”? Which brings me to my next point...
The DCEU needs a guy like Kevin Feige or Kathleen Kennedy to guide their universe and not rely so much on filmakers to execute a vision.
The DCEU needs a Feige to reign this sh*t in. I hear WB touting that a cinematic universe should be helmed by film makers or whatever and they’re tight. But there also needs to be a uniform vision. Someone needs to sit up top to guide the ship. Someone removed from the film making process but still knows a good narrative when he sees it. Someone who understand the business side of movies while understanding what’s necessary to create a compelling film. The DCEU needs a proper producer to sit on top of all of these movie directors and force them to essentially create within the formula. Yje <CU does that and look at their success. Te Star Wars universe is doing that and look at their success. Hell, the Star Wars universe is a perfect example of the same issues the DCEU is having right now.
Look at the original trilogy, Episodes IV to VI. Lucas was sitting on top, even directed the first, but stepped aside to let actual film makers craft an actual narrative after A New Hope. What did we get? F*cking classics. The Empire Strike Back is one of the greatest films ever made and sits on a very short list with The Dark Knight and The Godfather Part II as sequels better than their predecessors. Guess what happened when Lucas decided to make the Prequels himself? Yeah. George Lucas is that visionary with a lot of ideas but lacks the ability to execute them properly. He’s a lot like Zack Snyder in that way and the Prequel trilogy showed that to the world. Disney took those mistakes to heart and basically built a universe system based on the success they’ve had with the MCU and guess what? two movies in, it’s paying off. The Force Awakens and Rogue one are sitting at an average of 89 percent critic rating on Rotten tomatoes. Average. the audience rating is about 88 percent. People love these films and The Last Jedi looks to be a home run as well. They have so much confidence in Rian Johnson, they gave that cat a trilogy to develop on his own. Bet, though, that Kathleen Kennedy is going to be right there, adding her input and making sure it follows that path she has set for the future of the Star War universe. Giving the film makers themselves the reins to the entire universe is a little like letting the patients run the asylum ad the DCEU is worse off for it.
The DCEU should have followed Marvel’s blue print and taken it’s time to flesh out the principal players in their massive team up instead of copping-out with BvS as basically it’s second film into a fledgling franchise
This one, i think, is the biggest reason the DCEU is sh*t. Marvel took it’s time to execute and create a world. We had a Hulk film, two Iron Man flicks, a Thor outing, and a Cap flick before we even got to the Avengers. We knew the character. We loved the universe created. We were invested when Loki snatched the Tesseract. We were five movies into a universe, five decent movies into a world, before cats came together to face off against a rogue god and his alien army. Sure, there were course corrections. Thor was adjusted a bit and Ruffalo was recast as The Hulk but it worked. We go Nat in Iron Man 2 and Clint in Thor. And the Avengers was good. I don’t think it was Dark Knight good but it’s still pretty widely accepted as the superior film for some reason. Marvel took the time to build something. They took the time to establish something. They built up their characters and made sure audiences knew exactly ho they were and what they were about before they even attempted that team up flick. Everything felt organic. The growth felt earned. The DCEU did not go this rout. The y, instead, rushed out BvS instead of MOS II and basically sh*t all over the good will they had with audiences.
BvS should have stuck to one story and carried that over but it didn’t. t was The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman with hints of For All Seasons thrown in just because and none of it meshed. BvS should have bee the climax to a DCEU phase one. Start of with a character driven story about Lois Lane investigating “The Blur” which leads her to the discovery of Superman or whatever. maybe have a token villain or some sort of world cataclysm that needed addressing just to introduced boy scout Supes and call it a day. No Krpytonians yet, maybe have them as the end credit stinger or something. We should have had a Wonder Woman movie before BvS but after SUpes, so, maybe the second one out? And then a throwback Batman outing that established his vigilantism in the past. I would have adapted that excellent Year One story or The Long Halloween, crafted a tale of mystery and noir, Batman’s strengths, as a prequel to the universe it’s self. Wonder Woman could have been exactly hat it was and have her movie with the Motherbox stingers at the end. Sandwich that with another Superman flick, MOS II, that introduced Deathstroke and Metallo while making Luthor (and i don’t have a problem with Jesse Eisenberg’s interpretation. In this day and age, of course Luthor would be Zuckerberg That just makes sense.) the mastermind behind all of this, culminating in him, with the help of the expert Deathstroke, discerning the identities of the Trinity. Set up for Phase two, ya dig? So now you release the MOS as Snyder envisioned, tweaking it ever so slightly into a Trinity movie and not just a Supes film. Kryptonians invade, forcing not only Superman to act but Wonder Woman and Batman, too. Working together, the latter two as the civilians Diana Price and Bruce Wayne so they get a front seat for how much destruction Supes has caused, they subdue subdue the Kryptonians and banish them and/or kill them. Supes can still kill Zod because you have two films establishing that he deosn’t want to do that, that his moral compass dictates that murder is never a thing. Having to kill Zod would shake his world and you can go into that existential Supes we saw in BvS while forcing Bruce to understand how threatening Kryptonians are and Wondy questioning in her banishment from the world of man is actually right.
Phase two Starts of with BvS ad it follows The Dark Knight rises scenario. Luthor pits Supes and Bats against each other because he knows exactly who they are t this point, probably Diana as well, and sets about to have the twi destroy each other. It can be established that he’s already gotten access to the Kryptonian ship and has been working on his “Doomsday Protocol was killed two years earlier or whatever. After being goaded into trying to kill Supes, Bats does his thing, more or less, how it’s seen in BvS without all that Martha bullsh*t. During their battle, Bruce and Clark come to terms and realize that neither really wants this battle and decide to go after the awaiting Luthor who activates Doomsday/Bizzaro. The two engage and, with the help of Wonder Woman, subdue the beast at the cost of Clark’s life. He dead. Bruce visits Luthor ins prision, at his invitation, and reveals that he was able to activate one of the Motherboxes two years ago and the entity on the other side told him about the Kryptonian history of conquest. He continues to explain that everything was a means to remove Superman from earth, because he believes it’s in the world’s best interest, so that their world wouldn't fall like the countless others. Since Luthor was locked away, Bruce is the only other person in the world with the means and will to continue his work to which Bruce agrees but decided to do it his own way.
Bruce’s nonchalant dismissal would infuriate Luthor even more and the seeds of The Legion of Doom have been sowed for future titles. Little did Luthor know, however, that it was Steppenwolf on the other side of that Motherbox trying to find a way back to earth in order to enslave it. He used Luthor to remove the greatest threat to his conquest, the Superman, and it worked. The earth is defenseless and Batman knows it. So he sets about to find cats with powers as a means to defend them from what’s coming. And now you move forward Witt the standalone Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman films. Maybe a Wonder Woman sequel and then drop that first Justice League flick. It can basically be what we got now. which fits, for the most part, with what i would have established. SO, now, instead of having basically two book e films in your five film world, you have about 11 of varying popularity, in about 7 years. maybe 10. The point is, you’ve built something. Something good. Something compelling. Something substantial. Something worth coming back to, again and again.
You see how taking the time to craft a universe sets you up for spectacular success? You see how telling good stories can compel others to want to create better stories?  The MCU understands this. The Star Wars universe understands this. You can’t rush these things in an effort to cash-in or compete You need to go t your own pace and make sure the product is up to snuff. The DCEU didn’t do that. They rushed in with no plan or strategy and released sh*t. Why was Suicide Squad even on the docket? how does that film fit into the DCEU? There was literally no mention of it in Justice League and you’d think an attack by a thousand year old witch would be something cats would want to speak on. nope. The what was the point of it all? Sh*t’s whack son.
At the end of the day, no one trusts the DCEU aymore
Justice League failed because the DCEU is failing. People imply don’t trust WB to deliver stories on the same level of Marvel. The DCEU is looked at more as another Dark Universe, which is now defunct, rather than something with promise like the Star Wars universe or something established like the MCU. They’ve earned the reputation of shilling sh*t and that sticks. Cats want good cape flick. They want to see their heroes portrayed brilliantly. The want to go to a film that’s pretty, entertaining, and enriching. No one wants to watch that dark ass BvS. No one wants to see an out of context, somber ass Superman. Vats want the comradery of that Timmverse Justice League. Cats want to see their heroes represented in live action as well as they have been in their animated outings. The thing is, though, i don’t think anyone believes the DCEU can deliver that level of quality. I think everyone is tired of giving these cats chances. I liked Justice League a little bit. I thought the tone was a decent, if jarring, combination of levity and seriousness. In someone else’s hands, there is a great f*cking movie there. But, Snyder has his mits all over this thing and it shows. Bringing in Whedon to clean up was a stroke of genius but it was too little too late for JL. And, to be honest, it might be too little too late for the entire DCEU.
0 notes
smokeybrand · 7 years
We Can Be Heroes
So i took in Ragnarok a second time and even wrote an in depth review about it. I said i wanted to compare and contrast between JL, more because Marvel has released some solid films both directly from Marvel Studios and their franchised heroes to other studios, in particular Fox. Logan is the second greatest cape flick i have ever seen, after the Dark Knight. I don’t throw that distinction around lightly because TDK is one of the greatest films, overall, ever made and Logan can give it a run for it’s money any day. Outside of that flick, Homecoming was spectacular and so was Guardians. I have already gushed about Ragnarok and even Wonder Woman was on point. So why was Justice League so bad? Why did no one go to see it?
I’m not sating that Justice League is a flop. Of course not. It made a pretty penny. It had, like, a 96 million dollar opening last week. Cash money. The thing is, if i know the box office, that’s unsustainable. A good drop in the week two run is around 40 to 50 percent. I’m not sure what the week two drop was but, considering all of the cats i saw looking to check out Coco and the fact my screening of Ragnarok was full, i imagine it’s going to be pretty substantial. Probably high 50 to mid 60s which is not was Warner Bros. wants. That’d be terrible news. Considering it only made about 185 mil in the foreign markets over opening weekend, that mid 60percent is looking better and better. So how is it Marvel keeps knocking these things out of the park and DC keeps stumbling across the finish line? As a comic fan, Marvel Fanboy, and cinemaphile, i wanted to throw my two cents into the argument because i find it all very intriguing
DCEU Fatigue
There are cats talking about superhero fatigue. I’ve been hearing that thrown around a lot lately. I don’t think that’s accurate. There are too many of us millennials out here, of age, starting our own families, that are afflicted with that crazy childhood nostalgia because we’re all latchkey kids, particularly the older of us. Cats like me, born in the early to mid 80s, adore comic books and Saturday morning cartoons. We loved the escapism as the excess of greed and selfishness during the 80s tore our families apart. Among our “Oregon Trail” generation, we have some of the highest rates of divorce so escapism was real.  We threw ourselves into Nintendo, BTAS, and Marvel comics. We brought our younger siblings, those notorious and oft maligned by the media as the true “millennials”, those youngsters born in the 90s, into our world of comic book distraction, cartoon interference, and video game diversion. To see all of those heroes we followed as kids put up on the big screen with massive budgets and SFX spectacle is like catnip to us. The market is rife with prime demographics for these films and, as log as they’re good, there’s no stopping that machine. But that’s the overall problem.
Marvel has been doing this since 2008. They stumbled in a few outings (The two Hulk films, the first two Thor films, and to a lesser extent Iron Man 2 and Age of Ultron) but they have also shined brilliantly along the way while taking crazy risks. No one knew who the f*ck the Guardians of the Galaxy were or why Chris Pratt would even be cast in a superhero role but look; That first Guardians film is a classic and the second, even with all of it’s missteps, is a goddamn joy to watch. Pratt is a huge star now and people are looking to GOT to set that Cosmic Marvel tone. James Gunn’s visibility as a director has increased considerably, to the point that Taika Waititi took a little of their tone and levity into his own MCU outing, Ragnarok. And, again, i adored that flick. When Ultron came out and audiences reacted with mild tepidness, Marvel pulled Whedon and installed the Russos as the primary architects of MCU and look what happened. Cap 3 was ridiculous and literally every Marvel film after has scored in the 80s or 90s on Rotten Tomatoes. Not only did these cats helm arguable the best MCU film in Winter Soldier (the first Iron Man, i guess the first Avengers flick, and Homecoming might have something to say about that) but they were trusted with introducing the Marvel golden child, Spider-Man, in Civil War. and he was a goddamn hit! In my screening, people gave Pete a standing ovation. I cried manly tears when i saw him suit up. We have Black Panther on the horizon and the hype for that sh*t is explosive while Infinity war has been brewing for a decade. Marvel is coming up aces. The lowest rated film on Rotten tomatoes is The Incredible Hulk (see, them hulk flicks,man) and it’s at a 67 percent. Over almost a decade and 17 films, the MCU has an average tomatometer rating of about 83 percent.
The DCEU? different f*cking story. These cats are just the worst at this game, man. Their highest rated film is Wonder Woman. She’s sitting at a respectable 92 percent. To be honest, upon repeated viewing, i think it’s more a high 80s flick but still, for what it did with what ist had, i’m not made at the 92. Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins crafted a heartfelt fairy tale that built up a legit female icon for girls and even boys to look at with admiration. I adore what this film meant on a social level and the fact it blew up the f*cking box office has movie execs standing at attention. Wonder Woman is the best character and overall experience to come out of this sh*tty DCEU. Everything else is trash. The next best reviewed film in the DCEU is Man of Steel, the first in the franchise, at 55 percent. That’s a far cry for the MCU’s initial outing of Iron Man at 94. My lady is a MASSIVE Supes fan and she HATED MOS. She said that wasn’t a Superman movie. She said it was a hodge-podge of nonsense. And it was. Sh*t didn’t get any better either. Since 2013, the DCEU has dropped 5 films, two of which rate less than 30 percent. their average tomatometer rating? 48.2 percent. I’ll be kind and round that up to 49 percent. Why would yo keep throwing money at a studio that ‘s dropping such awful movies? Justice League had it’s problems but i don’t think it’s 49 percent bad. I think audiences don’t trust Warner to their jobs. I think audiences are still burned by that 27 percent BvS debacle. I know they’re still reeling by that cluster f*ck of Suicide Squad. Essentially it’s fool me once, shame on you. Fool me three times, shame on me. Wonder Woman was really good but that’s because it’s more Marvel than not. But fool Me four times? Nah, breh. We learned our lesson. Cats are experiencing Superhero fatigue, we’re experiencing bad movie fatigue. We’re tired of the DCEU producing crap and don’t want to pay for another clusterf*ck. of nonsense.
No one trusts Zack Snyder because he’s awful at telling stories and DC was stupid to put him in charge of their cinematic universe to begin with
300 was dope but that movie lended itself to Snyder’s style of film making. If you’ve ever actually read Frank Miller’s 300 comic, you’d know that it’s all splash pages and action scenes. There’s very little substance in the book itself, just a bunch of cool looking sh*t. There’s no overarching narrative other than these 300 guys stood in there Persian’s way only to die fighting. That’s the narrative for 300. So, for a guy like Snyder who can’t craft a plot to get himself out of a wet paper bag, this was a tale designed for him. All that slow-mo and cg blood was just cool sh*t to see, Snyder is a master at crafting cool looking scenes to see and that 300 flick of his was cool to see Terrible film overall (non existent plot, terribly cheesy dialogue, anti climactic ending) but it was dope to see. This is where, i think, people mistook Snyder’s ability to craft a dope ass action scene for an ability to actually tell a story. People loved 300. It made 456 mil on a 60 mil budget. Critically, it sits at a 60 percent, critically and an 89 percent audience rating. Surprise-Surprise, cool looking sh*t based on cool looking sh*t is popular among the ignorant masses but falls short with people who actually engage cinema on more levels than just cool looking sh*t. So what happens when you give Snyder a heavy plot and meticulously crafted narrative to adapt to film? you get his take on Watchmen.
One of the greatest tales ever written in comic form was Watchmen. Alan Moore crafted a magnum ops of a tale and st it on the backdrop of cold war paranoia. This thing is visceral. This thing is sobering. This thing is real. It peels back the layers of our supposed society and asks hard questions about what it means to be human. So, taking this commentary rick narrative in to account, WB decided to give it to an asshole who couldn’t recognize subtext if it shoved it’s massive cock down his throat in Zack Snyder. Yes, Watchmen is pretty but does it do it’s job as an adaption? F*ck no. None of that gritty, hard question asking, almost malevolent intent at holding society hostage for it’s nonsense. None of it. Instead, we get, like, Watchmen lite. No character development. No social commentary. Not even a period correct piece. Watchmen take place in the 80s. Why do i feel like it’s present day?? Because Zack Snyder is the worst at movies. This thing made 185 mil on a 130 mil budget and sits at a 65 percent  (which, i think, is Snyder’s highest critically rated film, ever) on Tomatoes. The audience score was about 71 percent, a significant drop from his last outing with 300. This is Snyder trying to create an actual movie, trying to craft a proper narrative and he lost about 17 percent of his audience,according to Rotten Tomatoes. So WB tripled down on this asshat and gave him a massive budget to do whatever the f*ck he anted with it and we got Sucker Punch. Nd OH BOY, is THAT film problematic.
So Sucker Punch was WB giving Zack Snyder carte blanche and about 8 mil to do whatever he wanted. And this mess of a rape fantasy is what we got. There are just so many thematic, social, and personal problems that ween through it’s terrible, terrible, film. You can see that Snyder hates women or, at least, thinks ridiculously less of the with all of the rampant sexism in this film. You can tell he has no idea how to actually cut a film with that lack of coherency. You can tell he has no idea how to develop characters beyond the literal and shallow tropes that are present in even the most mundane of cinema. This sh*t is a glorified, multi-million dollar, student film based on a fanfiction Snyder wrote when he was 14 years old and barely understood why he got boner or why the popular cheerleader didn’t look his way. Sucker Punch is trash. Sexist, problematic, poorly executed, wildly rapey, trash. And both the audience and critics understood that. It’s sitting at a 47 percent audience rating and a 23 percent critic rating on Tomatoes. No one liked this film. No one went to see it. It only made 89 mil on an 82 mil budget. Sucker Punch proves that Snyder is a bad filmmaker and a crackpot story teller. So WB puts him in charge of one of their most precious and profitable franchises in Superman?
This Zack Snyder is a proven loser and you give him Superman? You give him one of the most recognizable icons in the world and tell him to create a new vision that will be the linchpin of an entire cinematic world to rival the now full steam MCU? Based on 300, Watchmen, and Sucker Punch? Literally all of his films have shown woeful diminished returns but this is the guy you throw the DCEU to, after coming off the Dark Knight Trilogy? F*cking Nolan got you an Oscar on the back of Ledger’s performance as the Joker and instead of giving the reigns of the DCEU to a guy with that sort of vision, you give it to Snyder who can only craft “cool looking sh*t”? really? On top of that, you force him to bring to life a David S. Goyer script, the co-author and co-creator of that wildly successful Dark Knight trilogy, and expect Snyder to execute like Nolan did? Really? Who thought this was a good idea and why?? Where was the guy at the top to say “No”? Which brings me to my next point...
The DCEU needs a guy like Kevin Feige or Kathleen Kennedy to guide their universe and not rely so much on filmakers to execute a vision. 
The DCEU needs a Feige to reign this sh*t in. I hear WB touting that a cinematic universe should be helmed by film makers or whatever and they’re tight. But there also needs to be a uniform vision. Someone needs to sit up top to guide the ship. Someone removed from the film making process but still knows a good narrative when he sees it. Someone who understand the business side of movies while understanding what’s necessary to create a compelling film. The DCEU needs a proper producer to sit on top of all of these movie directors and force them to essentially create within the formula. The MCU does that and look at their success. Te Star Wars universe is doing that and look at their success. Hell, the Star Wars universe is a perfect example of the same issues the DCEU is having right now.
Look at the original trilogy, Episodes IV to VI. Lucas was sitting on top, even directed the first, but stepped aside to let actual film makers craft an actual narrative after A New Hope. What did we get? F*cking classics. The Empire Strike Back is one of the greatest films ever made and sits on a very short list with The Dark Knight and The Godfather Part II as sequels better than their predecessors. Guess what happened when Lucas decided to make the Prequels himself? Yeah. George Lucas is that visionary with a lot of ideas but lacks the ability to execute them properly. He’s a lot like Zack Snyder in that way and the Prequel trilogy showed that to the world. Disney took those mistakes to heart and basically built a universe system based on the success they’ve had with the MCU and guess what? two movies in, it’s paying off. The Force Awakens and Rogue one are sitting at an average of 89 percent critic rating on Rotten tomatoes. Average. the audience rating is about 88 percent. People love these films and The Last Jedi looks to be a home run as well. They have so much confidence in Rian Johnson, they gave that cat a trilogy to develop on his own. Bet, though, that Kathleen Kennedy is going to be right there, adding her input and making sure it follows that path she has set for the future of the Star War universe. Giving the film makers themselves the reins to the entire universe is a little like letting the patients run the asylum ad the DCEU is worse off for it.
The DCEU should have followed Marvel’s blue print and taken it’s time to flesh out the principal players in their massive team up instead of copping-out with BvS as basically it’s second film into a fledgling franchise
This one, i think, is the biggest reason the DCEU is sh*t. Marvel took it’s time to execute and create a world. We had a Hulk film, two Iron Man flicks, a Thor outing, and a Cap flick before we even got to the Avengers. We knew the character. We loved the universe created. We were invested when Loki snatched the Tesseract. We were five movies into a universe, five decent movies into a world, before cats came together to face off against a rogue god and his alien army. Sure, there were course corrections. Thor was adjusted a bit and Ruffalo was recast as The Hulk but it worked. We go Nat in Iron Man 2 and Clint in Thor. And the Avengers was good. I don’t think it was Dark Knight good but it’s still pretty widely accepted as the superior film for some reason. Marvel took the time to build something. They took the time to establish something. They built up their characters and made sure audiences knew exactly ho they were and what they were about before they even attempted that team up flick. Everything felt organic. The growth felt earned. The DCEU did not go this rout. The y, instead, rushed out BvS instead of MOS II and basically sh*t all over the good will they had with audiences.
BvS should have stuck to one story and carried that over but it didn’t. t was The Dark Knight Returns and The Death of Superman with hints of For All Seasons thrown in just because and none of it meshed. BvS should have bee the climax to a DCEU phase one. Start of with a character driven story about Lois Lane investigating “The Blur” which leads her to the discovery of Superman or whatever. maybe have a token villain or some sort of world cataclysm that needed addressing just to introduced boy scout Supes and call it a day. No Krpytonians yet, maybe have them as the end credit stinger or something. We should have had a Wonder Woman movie before BvS but after SUpes, so, maybe the second one out? And then a throwback Batman outing that established his vigilantism in the past. I would have adapted that excellent Year One story or The Long Halloween, crafted a tale of mystery and noir, Batman’s strengths, as a prequel to the universe it’s self. Wonder Woman could have been exactly hat it was and have her movie with the Motherbox stingers at the end. Sandwich that with another Superman flick, MOS II, that introduced Deathstroke and Metallo while making Luthor (and i don’t have a problem with Jesse Eisenberg’s interpretation. In this day and age, of course Luthor would be Zuckerberg That just makes sense.) the mastermind behind all of this, culminating in him, with the help of the expert Deathstroke, discerning the identities of the Trinity. Set up for Phase two, ya dig? So now you release the MOS as Snyder envisioned, tweaking it ever so slightly into a Trinity movie and not just a Supes film. Kryptonians invade, forcing not only Superman to act but Wonder Woman and Batman, too. Working together, the latter two as the civilians Diana Price and Bruce Wayne so they get a front seat for how much destruction Supes has caused, they subdue subdue the Kryptonians and banish them and/or kill them. Supes can still kill Zod because you have two films establishing that he deosn’t want to do that, that his moral compass dictates that murder is never a thing. Having to kill Zod would shake his world and you can go into that existential Supes we saw in BvS while forcing Bruce to understand how threatening Kryptonians are and Wondy questioning in her banishment from the world of man is actually right.
Phase two Starts of with BvS ad it follows The Dark Knight rises scenario. Luthor pits Supes and Bats against each other because he knows exactly who they are t this point, probably Diana as well, and sets about to have the twi destroy each other. It can be established that he’s already gotten access to the Kryptonian ship and has been working on his “Doomsday Protocol was killed two years earlier or whatever. After being goaded into trying to kill Supes, Bats does his thing, more or less, how it’s seen in BvS without all that Martha bullsh*t. During their battle, Bruce and Clark come to terms and realize that neither really wants this battle and decide to go after the awaiting Luthor who activates Doomsday/Bizzaro. The two engage and, with the help of Wonder Woman, subdue the beast at the cost of Clark’s life. He dead. Bruce visits Luthor ins prision, at his invitation, and reveals that he was able to activate one of the Motherboxes two years ago and the entity on the other side told him about the Kryptonian history of conquest. He continues to explain that everything was a means to remove Superman from earth, because he believes it’s in the world’s best interest, so that their world wouldn't fall like the countless others. Since Luthor was locked away, Bruce is the only other person in the world with the means and will to continue his work to which Bruce agrees but decided to do it his own way.
Bruce’s nonchalant dismissal would infuriate Luthor even more and the seeds of The Legion of Doom have been sowed for future titles. Little did Luthor know, however, that it was Steppenwolf on the other side of that Motherbox trying to find a way back to earth in order to enslave it. He used Luthor to remove the greatest threat to his conquest, the Superman, and it worked. The earth is defenseless and Batman knows it. So he sets about to find cats with powers as a means to defend them from what’s coming. And now you move forward Witt the standalone Flash, Cyborg, and Aquaman films. Maybe a Wonder Woman sequel and then drop that first Justice League flick. It can basically be what we got now. which fits, for the most part, with what i would have established. SO, now, instead of having basically two book e films in your five film world, you have about 11 of varying popularity, in about 7 years. maybe 10. The point is, you’ve built something. Something good. Something compelling. Something substantial. Something worth coming back to, again and again.
You see how taking the time to craft a universe sets you up for spectacular success? You see how telling good stories can compel others to want to create better stories?  The MCU understands this. The Star Wars universe understands this. You can’t rush these things in an effort to cash-in or compete You need to go t your own pace and make sure the product is up to snuff. The DCEU didn’t do that. They rushed in with no plan or strategy and released sh*t. Why was Suicide Squad even on the docket? how does that film fit into the DCEU? There was literally no mention of it in Justice League and you’d think an attack by a thousand year old witch would be something cats would want to speak on. nope. The what was the point of it all? Sh*t’s whack son.
At the end of the day, no one trusts the DCEU aymore
Justice League failed because the DCEU is failing. People imply don’t trust WB to deliver stories on the same level of Marvel. The DCEU is looked at more as another Dark Universe, which is now defunct, rather than something with promise like the Star Wars universe or something established like the MCU. They’ve earned the reputation of shilling sh*t and that sticks. Cats want good cape flick. They want to see their heroes portrayed brilliantly. The want to go to a film that’s pretty, entertaining, and enriching. No one wants to watch that dark ass BvS. No one wants to see an out of context, somber ass Superman. Vats want the comradery of that Timmverse Justice League. Cats want to see their heroes represented in live action as well as they have been in their animated outings. The thing is, though, i don’t think anyone believes the DCEU can deliver that level of quality. I think everyone is tired of giving these cats chances. I liked Justice League a little bit. I thought the tone was a decent, if jarring, combination of levity and seriousness. In someone else’s hands, there is a great f*cking movie there. But, Snyder has his mits all over this thing and it shows. Bringing in Whedon to clean up was a stroke of genius but it was too little too late for JL. And, to be honest, it might be too little too late for the entire DCEU.
0 notes
sleepaintreal · 3 years
Ok i cannot i got stuff to say for ep2 as well. N since i have no one to be sacastic to irl imma gonna shout it out into the void that is tumblr. Spoilers ahead be warned
~~~ ep 2
Ok first of i was damm confuse with the opening i tot i replayed ep 1 again lol turns out that was the opening sequence lol
Lol surpise suprise batwings =/= batman, what it gonna be bat beast?
Wait wait are they, are they rhyming OoO ?!??
Alfred *chef's kiss*: Le gasp that wasnt you? U didnt finally took it too far?? Shocker
Bruce jus snarking rite back love it!!!
Also jus like how his batcave is jus along a ledge
Wow the batcar sure is agile despite being so long. Dramatic bruce is at it again, u gonna turn why u gotta fire up ur boosters??
Yep his grappling hook really is ridiculously loud. But the music thou
Lady dont take a deeper breathe when u smell sth weird!!
Lol bruce that aint a finish line, dont jus go be walking through it😂
That right there, that detective guy, is what we call "high on power" which will soon lead to "abuse of power" or "crash and burn" if hes lucky it be both 🙃
Hoi hoi hoi hoi hoi lolol can only think of the seagulls
Haish that dumb dumb guy that couldnt see the huge flammable sign on the door in front of him
Aww bats save the guy
Idk why but this is starting to feel like scooby doo. I really really wanna say is that guy but m not sure if his back can take the flying. If it follows scooby doo logic it should be all 3 of em or the husband hmmmm
I like how the computer name is computer
Also bruce voice while in batman suit is trippy, which is his actual default voice thou. N why dosent he jus remove his cowl i mean hes at home whos gonna suddenly pop out n see his face
Alfred straight face is amazing nth phases that man
Hes lying???? NooOOooo say it aint so, who would have tot tat (sarcastic)
Also hes awfully calm at having a guy jus appear in his lab that he jus left for a moment
For a moment i tot it was gonna be some werewolf style thing but i guess its gonna be a hulk thing
Why are chu smiling creepily... Are u really tat desperate to fix it?? *squinty eyes*
Oh wow i was wrong its both
Oh no hes sad maybe he was desperate
Oof wat a faceplant. I honestly tot he was gonna get wrek again
Batman riding a bat man 🙃
Awww batman saving bat man
Why is no one suspecting bruce wayne i mean where the heck did he get the hair n sound clip from?!?
Also brucie boy why do u gotta wrapped his face up as well (like his dead) u r gonna scare his wife man
N yep end of the ep hahahah m sry i cant put all this under the cut, it doesent seem to work🙃
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sleepaintreal · 3 years
Ok so i decided to watch batman the animated series... And i have so many comments omg! Spoilers below be warned
~~~ ep 1
Anyways omg this bruce is such a dramatic ass😂😂😂 purposely flipping his cape over his shoulder to show off his suit. Meeting jim in the shadows. Spinning around his grappled to come down. For that matter why even is his grapple hook so damm loud!???
N this selina dammmmmm how did she even trained the cat so well😂😂😂 she too so dramatic. Fast game 2nd meeting and kissing batman already. Like wow. But i like that she has fire even as selina. But whys her costume so similiar to batman's. Its kinda cool that her secatary knows bout her. Oh and her like sharp kittys like does she even carry those around?? I would hav love to see her ordering those to be made, a bag of kitty paperweights, in the shape of my kitty in crime, extra sharp please
Lol the goon just knock his friends out. Anyway what happend to him actually after going down the sewers????
Also that bad guy in the office again another so extra guy. Who the heck has a single octave of piano keys on the corner of his desk?!? Of course it has to be a secret switch!!! N why did u even used it in front of other people!!!!! U have a not so secret piano switch to bring up your play table and your secret safe but your secret wall jus rises by itself!???? Like wat?!??
The music thou *chef kiss* sufficiently dramatic to match the characters😂
Oh boy ohboy this is going to be a long ride
Oh but bruce saving the cat thou yayyy
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sleepaintreal · 3 years
N now ep4 spoiler ahead be warned!
Oh no joker is gonna star is this ep aint he
Nooooo Alfie!!!!
Wow tat dude strong
Wait hes a robot??
M jus hearing "NO CAPES!"
Batman looks so naked without his cape
Did he jus jump?!??
Old frens
Yay alfie ok!
The number of puns in the ep thou lol cant say m dissapointed😂
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