ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 5 months
the way u depict platonic affection always has me on my knees sobbing- thank you for your service it heals my heart sm 😭
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You can't tell me our main man Jim, Jim Kirk, James Kirk, James T Kirk, James Tiberius Kirk, CAPTAIN stack of books on legs James Respectful and Sensitive Tiberius Kirk does not know about Vulcan hand touching and their significance.
This man. JAMES KIRK. Looked at Spock, clearly vulcan spock, hands firmly planted behind his back Spock. LOOKED him up and down, and despite absolutely knowing it would not be considered impolite if he didnt offer a hand shake, looked at Spock, tall drink of water Spock, Vulcan sensitive hands used as terms of affection Spock, and was like hmmmm absolutely will make this Vulcan shake my hand. AND SPOCK gave like 1 second of thought before he was like yes absolutely here is my hand to hold for you and you only. I AM DECEASED
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calmparticles · 5 months
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?Want a break from the ads? If you tap now to watch a short video you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! Yes, really! If you tap now you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! So what are you waiting for? I'm still waiting.. Why aren't you tapping? Don't you want 30 minutes of ad free music? If you tap now and watch the short video you'll get 30 minutes of ad free music! It's that easy! If you want to be free from the ads forever considerIf it doesn't work for you, then you're using it wrong. Make sure you're using EVERY single filter. If you are currently, then de-select them and make sure they're updated and re-enable them. IT WILL WORK. There's no "it won't work" when you do this. It's either a 1 or a 0. Either a yes or no. Either a "it will work" or an "I am not using the adblocker correctly".
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saintbleeding · 6 months
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Was thinking about your designs for Jon and Martin all day and just had to draw em. Couldn’t quite nail Martin but I think I got close
[id: a digital sketch of my jon and martin designs with their arms around each other. martin is smooching jon's cheek and jon's eyes are closed with a blissful expression on his face. they are surrounded by love hearts. end id.]
UM HELLO EXCUSE ME??? THIS IS???????? i am so dewy-eyed and soft at this and it is my fave thing i have ever seen and will ever see thank u goodnight
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silly-writes · 11 months
Heya! I just came across your content and I must let you know that the way you write the characters is very accurate and pleasing to read!! <333 Could you please write romantic headcanons for Gwen, Tyler, Harold and Cody with reader (fem or gn Idc) that is the goofy sweetheart kind? Like super fan of physical affection, sweet and super understanding and respectful of boundaries and who loves to make them smile and laugh (and who herself/themselves is always laughing and smiling).
Contestants with a silly sweetheart reader!
Omg thank you so much! I really try hard on my characterization so it makes me really happy to hear you say that :] and thank you so much for this request! I love this concept very much! Enjoy!
Gwen probably takes a bit of warming up to the idea of someone who is just so unapologetically themselves and respectful. She almost just doesn't trust it.
It takes her a while to warm up to the physically affectionate part, but you're super intune with other people's emotions so you know better than to overstep.
She's so in awe of how you find every single one of her jokes funny, you laugh at things she didn't even think were all that funny.
You live to make her genuinely laugh, it doesn't happen that often, and since she's pretty reserved she stifles her laughter a lot.
You always tell her that it might not be so bad around you.
"You know it might be nice to hear you laugh for a change," you say in a lightly teasing manner, after you had just died of laughter over a joke she told.
"No way, I'm mysterious and quiet, remember?" She says, jokingly.
You chuckle a little more "don't tell me, you're afraid of getting smile lines like Mclane?"
She always loved to make fun of Chris with you, and she's struggling to breathe after you continue to lightly razz him.
"You don't think I'm being too nasty do you?" You asked softly after saying something that was just a little rude, even if it was Chris.
She snorts "You? I don't think you're capable of being too nasty. Or nasty at all for that matter."
The two of you pause for a moment giggling softly, as she elbows your side "maybe I am rubbing off on you just a little bit though."
Eventually she would warm up to the physical affection for sure, you just feel so safe to be around for her it's kind of hard not too.
Tyler absolutely loves it
He loves your sunny and giggly disposition so much it makes him so happy to be around you always.
He loves physical affection too, and he loves even more than he doesn't have to be the one to start it.
I think he's probably used to being in relationships where he has to play the super manly role and do all the heavy lifting for a lot of the stuff, being the jock that he is.
But let's face it our boy is a big silly bimbo he just wants to chill and let you take the lead.
So he loves when you are super cuddly, and that you always ask to see what he likes, and that he can just be himself.
He'll laugh at every single one of your jokes, even if he doesn't get it at all.
"One sec babe, I gotta go to the bathroom," he said one day standing up from the couch
"Okay, don't fall in," You chuckle.
He laughed for a little bit until saying "I don't get it, fall into what?"
you just smile at him "don't worry about it, go do your business."
He smiles and jogs down the hall.
Harold likes to be taken seriously, surprisingly.
It's just that he's used to generally being treated like a joke, so he's really sensitive to being laughed at, something you pick up on right way.
You always make a note to make sure he really is making a joke before you laugh at anything he says, since sometimes with his past experiences it can come off (at least to him) as you tease him.
But he loves that you're always trying to make him laugh, with jokes that aren't about him, and aren't poking fun at him or his interests.
It takes him a little bit to get used to not being the butt of the joke with you, but after a while he gets it and feels much more comfortable with you.
He absolutely loves how physically affectionate you are, he is too, so it works out perfectly!
He loves holding hands with you, sometimes you'll take his hand in yours while he's talking.
He was rambling one day when you soundlessly slid your hand in his.
"What?" You chuckled softly "I was just getting invested."
"Really? You actually think this is interesting?"
You laughed a little bit and shrugged "well, duh."
He smiled at you before continuing his rant.
When I say this boy is obsessed.
He himself is always putting on his "cool boy" persona, so he very much appreciated getting to turn that side of him off when around you.
He laughs at every single one of your jokes, he thinks you're the funniest person around!
"I'm serious, you should do stand up or something," he suggests after absolutely crying laughing over a joke you told.
Despite having a very muted interest in that you smile at him "Really? You think so?"
"I do!" he really just thinks the world of you.
He likes being silly with you too, just leaning against each other, riffing off one another.
He likes that you're physically affectionate too, god please hold this boy.
He likes it best when you hold your arm around him when you walk, or when you two are talking slowly start to cuddle up against him.
You'll pretty much never hear him complain about it!
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bg3sinbin · 2 months
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yall have fun w ur headcanons, but the idea of that devil squirming like a virgin and cumming too fast is the thing that endeared me to him so ya kno,,, skill issue lmao
this is a joke. I don't actually care what u headcanon.
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fooltofancy · 1 year
Hi!! How about Summer Shells for your favourite love interest from the latest IF you've read?
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it's just field of asphodel in here rn, tbh, and i am nothing if not predictable.
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st-hedge · 8 days
outside your front door banging my pots and pans I LOVE YOUR ART ❤️
*mildly hungover staring at u from a window* WHO ARE U AND HOW DID U FIND ME
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loudcackles · 2 months
Having a drink with ur girlies only to look up and see Jan Peteh himself across the table is a WILD experience 💪🤠
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theloveinc · 3 months
OKAY hear me out but touya WITH a job getting ready at your cute vanity and pink room. struggling to put up his cargo pants/ slacks with the belt, while running over to get his coat off of the fuzzy pink chair in the corner. he's forced to fix his hair and check if his face looks the least presentable in your mirror filled with polaroids before he goes out and it's SO funny to watch him do that omg. i'm gonna die
(pt. i!)
WAHHH mismatched socks, the elastic of his calvin kleins (that u bought him) peeking out at his backside; he nearly trips over his work bag that's waiting for him on the floor and practically slides right into your full-length mirror--you're really rooting for him and even though he wouldnt say it, he'd try to strangle himself if he lost his job for being late just one too many times--because he's rushing to get out the door.
you can hear him from the kitchen where you're putting together lunches (not for him specifically, but because you already make something for yourself, you might as well...you're welcome, touya), AND YES IT'S SO HARD not to laugh when the door bursts open and he's looking like a little fool with his black and white hair actually combed down and smudges around his eyes from trying + failing to get your eyeliner off of him.
(also, did he use your hairspray that was sitting on your vanity? maybe. okay, yes. though it's no surprise he knows where everything you own is lmfao)
he stills refuses to let you put things in a lunch box, but no way in HELL he's not shoving the wrapped sandwich and bento full of fruit into his bag before !!! kissing you goodbye!!!
it's truly like a dream come true 'coz even though part of him feels like a DOG having to work for the man, making you happy is what MAKES HIM HAPPY and being able to fill your (and now! his) room with more cute and pink things is his new favorite hobby...
(and even though he blushes like hell doing it, the next lunch date he's picking you up from, he's paying the whole table's bill in CASH and not taking no for an answer. makes him feel the best he has in a while. even though he's still eating everyone's leftovers lmao.)
slay the house down HOUSTON I'M DECEASED!!!!
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wikitpowers · 1 month
I think an alternate universe where Kit was a red head would be really funny… because him and Kit would literally be Cordelia and James re-incarnated
WAIT!!! that's a really cute idea,,, and so i have gathered a few pics to show a ginger/copper haired kit (ik it's not cordelia-red, but i think this colour would suit him so well ahhh)
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but i will add that i adore his natural colour (my blonde little baby) so we can have our silly little headcanon that he just has this hair for like a few months in the summer before going natural again :)
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i do love the colour though and the last pic has me convinced his blue eyes would POP with it, ugh he's so gorgeous help me
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pixlokita · 4 months
Oh :0 heck sorry forgot to say anything on tumblr xD been taking a break from posting and being on social media this week :’> nothing happened 🫶💖✨ will be posting arts next week ^^💝 sorry I forgot to make a post about it bdkdbkdbdodh bless
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adamnsey · 1 year
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adansey / come over - noah kahan
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Also ok now imagine him having words run through his eyes like on some billboards and signs....🥺
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bakubunny · 7 months
Not for the trick or treat thing, just a thought that has been plaguing my mind. Imagine kiri hears you talking bad about your body so he of course takes it upon himself to show you how pretty you are. And by show you I mean literally *show* you... in a mirror... as he's fucking you dumb. Imagine he makes you compliment and praise yourself while forcing you to look at how beautiful you are for him. Don't stop praising yourself or looking at the mirror though... or else he'll stop all movement instantly. And you obviously don't want that right?
I need him so bad like it's not even a joke anymore 😭
i’m not sure if i love this or hate it bc how the fuck am i supposed to form a coherent thought let alone speak when this pretty man is destroying me? 😭 i’d wind up begging for mercy lmao.
@dcsiremc @neon-gothicc u need 2 see this
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toshkakoshka · 1 year
okay but hobie also having sensitive hands?? Like the palms of his hands are super soft and sensitive but his fingers are a bit calloused from playing his music-
But Pavi & Hobie are just holding hands when Pav just aimlessly starts tracing his palms and wrists. Hobie just tried to ignore it but after a while, he’s trying to pull away and is avoiding looking at Pavitr.
So Pavi gets worried as hell, asking if this is too much or making Hobie uncomfortable when this interaction follows:
“J-just stop moving your hands and hold mine!”
‘But am I bothering you? We don’t have to!’
“P-Pav! It’s- My hands are tingling when you do that..”
Pavitr looks and notices what he’s actually doing, ‘Hobie…does it-‘ And he’s cut off but continually lightly tracing his hands again.
“N-no! Don’t d- P-pahahav plehease, it-“
‘Ohh so they’re just ticklish! You have such soft hands for a musician, I wouldn’t think here would be so bad! Stop complaining, you love this! Your blush is showing, Tickle bug~’
-Silly goose anon 🪿
please and pav wouldn't stop at tracing them either he'd KISS them because it also makes hobie jump and hobie loves-hates it now that pav has more leeway into finding his weaknesses LMAOOOO
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