glubby-guppiez · 20 days
a few dumb screenshots I got from reading TMNT 2012's New Animated Adventures and Amazing Adventures instead of actually working in 8th period
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what everyone dresses as for halloween
Leo: Captain Ryan
Raph: Disney Princess (he chose it but says the other did)
Donnie: Einstein
Mikey: Ice cream kitty
Ice cream kitty: Mikey
April: Don’t know but she’d look good in tons of stuff
Casey: Werewolf or some other basic Halloween monster
Karai: Witch
Shinigami: Snake
Tiger Claw: Doesn’t dress up until the others force it and make tc an actual domestic cat
Chris: Himself
Xever: Sugar skull
Anton and Ivan: Jack Skellington and Sally
Baxter: Bluey
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they really needed to bust out all the assets huh
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aspen-washere · 11 months
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This post will introduce some of the side characters individually, though not as in depth as other characters. As more side characters are introduced, they will be added to this post.
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Ice Cream Kitty [They/them] and Mondo Gecko [He/him]
These two live in a secret hotel for mutants, alongside Mona Lisa, and are nearly inseparable. They've been there for 4 and 3 years, and are 18 and 19 respectively. The two of them enjoy gaming and watching movies, and are often hanging out with eachother.
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Metalhead [He/him]
Metalhead is a robot/ai made by Donatello, whom he considers his dad. He acts similarly to a young child, though he is capable of being serious and acting older. He thinks of the other turtles as his uncles, he and Chompy regard eachother as cousins.
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Baxter Stockman [He/him]
Baxter is a head scientist at TCRI, the kraang labs. He is very apathetic twoards humans, and is happy to go along with whatever plots they have. He could care less about humanity, just so long as they pay well. He and Shredder have an.. odd relationship outside of work.
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eievuimultimuse · 6 months
@eyeknowmayhem LIKED THIS FOR A STARTER ( from stockfly, for leatherhead ) !!
     “ JUST OVER THERE should do, thank you, “ the father says to his child. Though he has two smaller arms with which to point with  ( his primary pair preoccupied with lugging a fairly hefty piece of machinery over his shoulder ), he nods his head towards the empty space on the floor of his labs to indicate to them where they could place whatever apparatus they’d taken from that warehouse.  ( It still takes some getting used to, remembering that he has these extra parts now to assist him; he’s spent over 50 years with two arms instead of four, so who could blame him. )  It still seems so SURREAL, performing these numerous heists. He’d shocked even himself whenever he robbed TCRI of their property and fled for the hills to start a new life, nearly 15 years ago; he certainly never expected that it would become a semi-regular routine.
     ( But, if nothing else, he’s a man of PURPOSE. All of this — what he was doing — was for a GREATER GOOD. In the grand scheme of life, this chapter will eventually close, and by the end of it, everything will have been worth it. So he keeps telling himself anyway. )
     Baxter carefully removes the machinery from atop his shoulder and places it on the floor with a small clunk. As soon as he does, he stands upright, arching his back with one hand placed on the small of it, wings twitching as he stretches it out. “ Really need to start warming up before these things, “ he mumbles, mostly to himself. Once he’s done that, he unsheaths an empty canister from his coat  ( oversized for him normally; perfect for him while he’s like this ).  “ It can do a number of things, but it can’t hammer out my creaky back for me, “ he jests.
     ‘It,’ of course, being the OOZE — the substance that created his children and also the same substance that transforms him into the fly mutant that he currently is. Often, he would enter their target areas as an unsuspecting human — then, when they’d least expect it, he’d change, catching them off-guard. This recent warehouse trip was no different.
     At his workbench, he stands the empty canister up beside several others  ( evidently, he’d have to make more at some point. Ah well, wouldn’t be the first time. Running out of mutagen is comparatively less concerning than the alternative ). Beside it, there’s a rack of other canisters with layered liquid. Pressing a button on it, the rack started spinning them; the liquid swiftly began adopting an azure hue.
     He exhales a small sigh while he waits, though green eyes find themselves wandering towards Leatherhead. He usually didn’t involve his kids for little more than an extra pair of hands, though there certainly have been times where they served as worthwhile BACK-UP. He usually makes an effort to avoid the latter, but it can’t always be avoided. And those moments were never NOT concerning for him, being a father and all, but it was fair to say that, given the WIDE ARRAY of creatures he was dealing with, some of them were more concerning than others.
     Leatherhead was one of them. Just…not for the same reason as others. Nothing had escalated when they were out — actually, it was incredibly TAME, all things considered. Probably because they’d been there. Turns out, the threat of JAWS is far more intimidating than that of an insect. But— aw, hell. He can’t help the feeling of GUILT. This simply wasn’t what Baxter WANTED for them. Which was why he was going to such GREAT LENGTHS in the first place.
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“ . . . And how was that for you ? “ he inquires gently at first. Then he simply asks what is on his mind: “Are you okay ? “
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ryanthel0ser · 1 year
...so who's gonna be the one to tell everyone that Superfly and Baxter Stockman have two different voice actors so they're probably not the same guy
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taffycandyqt · 3 months
Who’s your favorite side character from a piece of tmnt media! (Or just a character outside of the main group!)
87' defiantly Casey Jones, i know in every other iteration his is apart of the main cast, but in 87' he is most defiantly a side character, but boi has my heart. then Mona Lisa, Irma, lotus blossom, and then maybe leatherhead. He's a silly guy.
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03' probably angle and leatherhead, He's a silly guy in this one too but more of cutie silly guy ya know. Then Karai and Baxter Stockman, absolute bosses, they friggin ate.
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12' would have to say ice cream kitty and chompy. I know they're both technically pets... but ya know they got some likeable personalities. then it would be mona lisa, she slays and i love her but her character really only matters when raph needs development of some kind. She's still awesome tho, which is why she stays.
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from rise I'd probably say piebald, big mama, and Sheldon. These ones in no specific order. i just love <3
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fabuloustrash05 · 10 months
My Review of Mutant Mayhem
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The animation was AMAZING!! From the colors to the facial expressions to the fight choreography, it all looks so good!
It took me a while for me to get used to the Turtles designs and voices but after finally seeing the movie and watching them talk and move, I can say now that I do love them, though I'm still not crazy about Raph's design…
If you know me then you know I'm not too big of a fan of the idea of Splinter not being a human at all, but for this movie it makes sense as to why he was always a rat and never human. Him being a rat from the start and hating humans ties in with the movies message about being accepted and even has a little connection/parallel with the main villain Superfly. I am still kind of upset that Splinter has no connection to Hamato Yoshi (that we know of rn).
Another reason why I don’t like the idea of Splinter never being a human or Hamato Yoshi is because I feel like it takes away the ninja aspect of their story, but the way they explain why they’ve ninjas was actually hilarious. Splinter and the boys learned how to be ninjas through YouTube tutorials, which makes so much sense for this day and age with how many people claim they are experts at something simply because they read or watch something online. 
Leo was my favorite turtle in this movie, I loved his personality/character and how serious but dorky he was. He’s trying so hard, I love his hopeless romantic side, and how he wants to listen to his dad but also have fun with his brothers, so he’s stuck in a tug or war with himself. He was precious and I love him.
Leo having a crush on April actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. His crush on her was genuinely sweet and it wasn't shoved down our throats like in other versions *cough* 2012 & Bayverse *cough* I like that he asks her to prom, which I thought was very cute and a nice ending for Leo.
I'm surprised how quickly they killed off Baxter Stockman, but his "son" Superfly was a really cool villain to take his place. Ice Cube did an amazing job! But I’m not full convinced Stockman is dead. There’s no evidence that he’s still alive but knows. Maybe they’ll pull an 03 Stockman and make come back as a robot in the sequel.
The other mutants were also really fun, but I wish they had more screen time. And truth I felt like they added too many Mutants and I felt like a few of them could've been removed from the film but overall they were a fun cast!
Mondo Gecko and Mikey instantly becoming besties was nice. And I loved Bebop and Rocksteady's Bromance.
Mikey twerking was NOT needed in this film.
I like how the "milking" joke actually came full circle when the turtles were kidnapped by Cynthia.
Splinter vs the TCRI soldiers was my second favorite part of the movie, The animation was so well done in the choreography of the fight was amazing and had great detail.
My overall favorite part was the sequence of the Turtles confronting each one of Superfly’s leads. How the scene would sync up and cut back-and-forth to each brother fighting different gang members. The music during the scene was so well done and the animation with how it tied in with each brother was peak cinema. 
April’s little arc of getting over being camera shy was cool and actually helped save the Turtles and NYC. But the April puking joke went on for too long. The fact they showed it longer than I excepted felt wrong.
I’m happy that Splinter got a girlfriend by the end but please don’t ever show us him making out with Scumbug ever again. *flashbacks to 2012 Raph making out with an ant*
My favorite joke was when the Turtles were like “Eventually Superfly will run out of cars to throw at us, right??” *Superfly turns to see he’s right new to a parking garage* LMFAO XD
There was a lot of modern day references and slang in this movie and a lot of people say this movie is gonna be outdated in 5-10 years but I feel that’s gonna be part of the movies charm. We’ll have to see in 5-10 years…
Superfly’s mutant army (Mondo Gecko, Bebop, Rocksteady, Leatherhead etc) got redeemed way too quick. All it took was one heartfelt speech and suddenly they weren’t down to kill all humans. Like they seemed really excited about it during the bowling scene?? Gave me Shrek 3 vibes. I was confident that Mondo Gecko was gonna change but all of them was unexpected but I’m happy regardless by the end that the Turtles have a bigger family.
I loved the sequence of the people of New York helping the Turtles and their mutant friends stop Superfly. I feel we’ve never seen that done before and in truth, New Yorkers ramming their cars into a giant kaiju Superfly IS something New Yorkers would do! XD
The ending I did not expect, the Turtles actually being excepted by all of New York, and actually getting to go to high school. This was so new and fresh, and I absolutely loved it and I can't wait to see more of it in the TV show and the sequel.
Also there’s a mid credit scene.
It starts off very cute with the Turtles doing high school shenanigans: Mikey in joining improv, Donnie with his “people” (lol), Raph joining the wrestling team, Leo and April starting a conspiracy vlog, and finally them at prom, but then it cuts to Cynthia, who it’s revealed she is secretly watching them. She talks to her second in command about wanting to catch the Turtles and get revenge. She then basically says that she “knows a guy” that can help and it cuts to a shot of someone outside the city….
But sadly no Casey…
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red-rage-machine · 1 month
Here’s a little intro to my TMNT X ANIMAL CROSSING “au” there’s an island attached to this, so l’ll share the dream address. But here’s the master post
WELCOME TO HIDEOUT! A town made from the remains of New York City, for mutants and mutant ally’s. Walk around! You’ll find amazing restaurants and beautiful cites!
back in the day, HideOut was a city full of humans. However, most of them were wiped out by creatures called “Kraang.” Only leaving mutants and a few humans. However, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made a new city, us!
Casey Jones (named Raph on my save- oops): Casey Jones was one of the founders of the island, having fought along the ninja turtles. He’s often seen assisting fellow residents.
April O’Neil: A very helpful guide! April O’Neil is always willingly to assist you if anything goes wrong! She’s got powers too!
Baxter Stockman: he’s been missing for some time. We don’t know where he went.
Hazel: She’s been living here since the founding of the island, she’s a mutant squirrel. Really nice, if April or Casey aren’t available, please go ask her for assistance!
Simon: A cute monkey who’s always out fishing! He’s our local fish expert, got a fish question? He’s your guy! Spike: A rhino who looks mean, but is actually a really nice guy! He works at our gym, making sure everyone is healthy!
Purrl: Purrl used to be an ice cream cat called “Ice Cream Kitty”, but now (thanks to further mutantion) is stable outside a freezer! She now helps new comers!
Henry: Henry’s the child of a mutant frog from an alternate universe, we legitimately don’t know where he came from. However, he’s smug.
Lucky: Lucky used to be Casey Jones childhood dog, well before he died. Then he came back to life thanks to a spill! Hes extremely shy.
Snake: Ex-Foot Clan member. He was mutated whit his pet Rabbit. He’s still trying to heal from the trauma he induced from the foot clan.
Stella: She’s a goat, and the mother of the island. She’ll often bring you food right to your door step!
Bertha: She’s a hippo who’s always kind and cheery! She’s the town’s therapist!
Rasher: He was an experiment by Baxter stockman, he wanted to see what would happen if he combined Bebop and Rocksteadys DNA. So he’s basically their “child”, in a way. Really cracky however.
we have other residents, who would like to stay anonymous.
Why us?
well, we’re a save haven for both mutant and human. We have lots of services, like food and disability aid, which insures every single person has a home and a stable environment to trive.
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insanepoll · 1 year
Here's where your favourite insane characters will battle to the death for the first spot! More below the "keep reading" line.
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Pre-match rounds start April 12th at 1PM (EDT)! Each round will have 24h to vote. For propaganda, you can go ahead and submit it in the askbox or through normal submissions. If you want to post your own propaganda, be sure to tag me so I can reblog it! I hope to see y'all there!!!
Round 1-A matches:
Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets) VS The Antagonist (Hatred (2015))
Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Tokishige Usami (Golden Kamuy) VS Enerjak (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium) VS Evan (EverymanHYBRID)
Azula (ATLA) VS Knock Knock (Phantom Spirits (2002))
Eric Cartman (South Park) VS Wade Wilson / Deadpool (Marvel)
Orochimaru (Naruto) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH I
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) VS Delirium (Sandman)
Castiel (Supernatural) VS Simon Keyes (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) VS Bibble (Barbie Fairytopia)
Hamlet (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) VS The Observer (TribeTwelve)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets) VS Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire)
Will Graham (NBC Hannibal) VS Shou Tucker (FMA)
Ophelia (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) VS Starscream (Transformers)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH II
The Narrator (Fight Club) VS Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Round 1-B matches:
Dabi (My Hero Academia) VS Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)
The entire cast of Blaseball (Blaseball) VS Trexel Geistman (Stellar Firma)
Seo Moon-jo (Strangers from Hell) VS Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Sebastian Morgenstern (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) VS GIR (Invader Zim)
Aerion Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development)
Dottore (Genshin Impact) VS Helena (Orphan Black)
Dr. Franken Stein (Soul Eater) VS Tyrian Callows (RWBY)
Samarie (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina) VS Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Lee Dongsik (Beyond Evil)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (Star Wars) VS Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-girlfriend)
John Kramer (Saw) VS The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Komaeda Nagito (Danganronpa 2)
The Master (Doctor Who) VS Simon Laurent (Infinity Train)
Gollum (Lord of the Rings) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH IV
Roman Roy (Succession) VS Jack (The Shining)
Round 1-C matches:
Jinx (Arcane) VS Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders (Heroes)
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne) VS Professor Henry Hidgens (Hatchetfield)
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) VS Cicero (Skyrim)
Renfield (Dracula) VS Dr. Gregory House (House MD)
Tim Drake (DC) VS Ultra Violet (Lego Ninjago)
Donatello Hamato (ROTTMNT) VS Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
The Ice King (Adventure Time) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH V
Villanelle (Killing Eve) VS Kira Yoshikage (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Max (Sam and Max) VS Loki (The Mechanisms)
Darcy (Amphibia) VS Cheryl Tunt (Archer)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Dr. Baxter Stockman (TMNT 2003)
Izzy (Total Drama) VS Alfred Drevis (Mad Father)
Michael Distortion (The Magnus Archives) VS Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche)
Doomguy (Doom) VS Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous)
Ben Chang (Community) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VI
Fëanor (The Silmarillion) VS Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files)
Round 1-D matches:
Eliot Cardale / Eli Ever (Villains Duology) VS Knives Millions (Trigun)
Denji (Chainsaw Man) VS Bubby (Half Life: VR but the AI is Self Aware)
Tsukishima Hajime (Golden Kamuy) VS Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate)
Hannibal Lecter (NBC Hannibal) VS Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Johnny C. (Johnny The Homicidal Maniac) VS Leopold Fitz (Marvel)
Midori (Your Turn To Die) VS Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VII
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas (1974)) VS Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) VS Fintan Pyren (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Galahad (The Mechanisms) VS Alexander Hilbert (Wolf 359)
Armand (Interview with the Vampire) VS Spinel (Steven Universe)
Jīn Guāngyáo (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)) VS Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia)
Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin) VS Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Harley Quinn (DC) VS Xue Yang (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed))
Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VIII
Chat Blanc (Miraculous) VS Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
But first, we'll have the pre-match rounds that will determine if any of the following characters that almost didn't survive the cut will manage to secure a spot in the competition! They are as follows:
PRE-MATCH I: Caleb (Blood (1997)) VS Tuco Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
PRE-MATCH II: Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony) VS Amy Kirio (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
PRE-MATCH III: Magic Man (Adventure Time) VS Mindbender (GI Joe Renegades)
PRE-MATCH IV: Jevil (Deltarune) VS Midari Ikishima (Kakegurui)
PRE-MATCH V: Dennis Reynolds (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) VS Eddie Gluskin (Outlast)
PRE-MATCH VI: Vanilla Ice (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Roberto (Futurama)
PRE-MATCH VII: Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow (DC) VS Annie Wilkes (Misery)
PRE-MATCH VIII: Ben Linus (Lost) VS Kristoph Gavin (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem CG animated film unveils cast.
Nicolas Cantu as Leonardo
Shamon Brown Jr. as Michelangelo
Micah Abbey as Donatello
Brady Noon as Raphael
Jackie Chan as Splinter
Ayo Edebiri as April O’Neil
Ice Cube as Superfly
Seth Rogen as Bepop
John Cena as Rocksteady
Paul Rudd as Mondo Gecko
Rose Byrne as Leatherhead
Natasia Demetriou as Wingnut
Post Malone as Ray Fillet
Hannibal Buress as Genghis Frog
Maya Rudolph as Cynthia Utrom
Giancarlo Esposito as Baxter Stockman
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mrmistoffles · 10 months
MM superfly theory
one thing thats been bothering me since the mutant mayhem trailers is when superfly opens the vans doors and sings "six in the morning police at my door", and this confused me cause as far as I've seen theres really no context for him saying this.
So I went sleuthing on genius lyrics and found the lyrics came from the ice-t song "6 'N the Mornin'" (kinda obvious but I don't listen to that genre of music so I didn't really pick it up). Essentially, the song is about the narrator running from the police and hitting the streets.
Automatically you can see the parallels between the song and superflys backstory, but I was still curious as to why it was referenced in such an odd place until it hit me. Superfly is trying to compel the turtles to follow him by referencing his backstory.
At six in the morning, tcri came into Baxter stockmans lab and caused the chain events that led to the turtles and everything that happens in the movie. Without superflys backstop and the police coming through his door, the turtles wouldn't exist, and tcri wouldnt have come if Baxter stockman hadn't created superfly.
Superbly is trying to tell him that without him they wouldn't exist, so they should be following him as thanks.
Idk if I'm right or not, but its a fun thought
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camilieroart · 2 years
I'd recommend checking these out before reading this :)
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Mikey has a shit ton of nicknames : Mikey, Mike, Mikey Mike (separate from the two first), Mikester, Painty, Sticker boi, Angel, Angelo Raph doesn't have much, just the occasional : Anger machine, Pointy, Phael, Pha. Meets is Meets, they did try one : Meaty. It did not stick. Leo is : General, Chief, Flake (snowflake that was shorten), Sensei (mocking), Boss, Braincell boy (when he's alone with mikey), Narnar, Nardo. Donnie is : Techy, Natello, Tel, Tello, Explosion man, Disaster boy, problem, Don, D April is : Neil, Champ, Winwin, Fluff. Casey doesn't have any yet, he's too recent, but they do throw some around from time to time : JJ, Deok-Su (not really a nickname jgirejger), Edgy Boy, Emo, Splits, Case. Splinter : Dad, Daddyo, Papa, Oto-san, Splinty (only from April), Mr. Splinter sir, Yoshi
So season 1 is all about the Kraang's menace, with a sideline of Shredder but not much, just enough to distract them a little from the Kraangs before they wipe out the city Now Season 1 also has to introduce the mutanimals, metalhead (maybe same episode ?), April gets a gun and a role in the team (could get coupled with a b plot), Karai becomes Shredder (over several episodes) and some daily life eps and fillers because MY GOD do I miss some good fillers in nowadays shows sometimes Like yes !!! I love plot !!! But please let me breathe a little S1 ep 1 would be the pilot, idk if 20 or 40 minutes long, probably in between these two, since it has to introduce : the turtle family, April, Casey, their relationships (should be done in tje first few minutes for april and turtle family), the kraang threat, and the entire "let's sneak out and beat down a random thief that will happen to be casey" While maybe setting up in tje background some of the future eps Like let's push as much foreshadowing in the first ep as possible so it ties back nicely to the rest of the show
2nd ep I would feel like should be about the turtles figuring out how to move around, maybe beat down some people and learn how to use their new environment while discovering the city. Could have a b plot of Casey actually formally meeting them. 3rd ep they discover the kraang menace during patrol, and instead of being all like "mmmh =-= what's going here... Sound sketchy znd weird let's learn as much as possible", freak out and retreat to the lair and just panic explains everything to Splinter, Casey and April. They don't believe them. #2012 mikey moment but with the whole team. The ep would go the turtles proving what they saw, Casey becoming part of the patrol team and Donnie getting his hands on some kraang tech (not much), setting up the soon to be metalhead ep 4th ep they investigate more what the fuck are the weird alien thingies doing. They infiltrate one of their base and find out absolutely nothing because none of the aliens speak english. So nothing is written in english. They do take a shit ton of pictures in hope to decipher it later. B plot, while team A is infiltrating the base, Team B is on lookout and they run into Baxter Stockman. That's when Buckle is born and also they find out what the hell the green thing was.
5th ep, in the background Donnie has just finished making Shelldon and presents him to the team. He doesn't mention it but we can see him making meets. It's a chill ep, just some family shenanigans with the pets. Casey meets Buckle. Raph and Leo want to try to make Shelldon a battle drone while Donnie and Mikey are very much against it. April and Splinter are looking for Ice cream kitty that disappeared and they're trying to hide it from mikey. 6th ep, the trio Donnie, Casey and April get some development, again a chill ep, smth like either everyone else got sick and they're looking for a cure or uhhh casey busted some of Metalhead's compunds and is trying to help Donnie get them back and April tags along, or donnie is missing pieces to continue Meets and Casey and April take him in the city to find some pieces... Smth along these 7th ep, Mikey is the one that finally figured out how to read the kraang's writing. I don't know how yet but he did. They find out about their obsession with imagination, and their plan to get it with the mutagene (which failed) and their brand new plan to directly extract it from people but whoops it kills them (work in progress). They're like "well wow that massively suck and it's on a huge scale how about we don't try doing this by ourselves" znd they try to warn the human authorities. Humans being humans, they don't believe them but now knows about their existence (which well they kinda did before because of rumors but now they know 100% (since in the colorcoded universe people knows actually mutants are a thing, and there are people that arz pro-mutants and people that are against mutants))
8th ep they play it low and stay in the lair instead of going on patrol, nice filler ep just fluffy family time, b plot we meet the mutanimals.
9th ep, Metalhead ep ! It's them !!! It's the boi (genderless) !!!! So Donnie presents them to his brothers, saying it's an IA blah blah blah, then they watch a movie where it's like "ooooooh evil IA they all realize humans sucks actually and kills them all" which makes them uncomfortable with Metalhead (who is not on), cue the "let's deactivate them" Meets yeeting thz fuck out to the mutanimals and the turtles meeting thz mutanimals and adopting meets
no actually when Leo lose his braincells, Meets is the second Leo guihgeru it's one of the thing about his brothers Donnie coded in the original program before the IA evolved
meets as soon as Leo is alone with Mikey : My time has come
i also want to slip in bonus shorts like 10 minutes long, of family shenanigans in the present and when they were young, including April and Casey as kids
like there's this part where you know how they aren't allowed to go too far in the lair ?
At some point when they were 10~11, they went anyway like "i ain't scared ):<" and then they kinda convinced themselves the place was haunted and never went back and when as teens casey asks about it they're like "bro no this place is haunted D:" i feel like it could be a fun ep ghioregheuri just 10 mins short, maybe an halloween special
Casey: "have you ever come back there since then?" Them: "lol no that place is scary af"
casey : "you. are fighting aliens like. every day" Them : "yeah but you don't get it this place is haunted"
it's it's a halloween special there would probably need to be a sort of threat, even if it's just their imagination, what did they think they saw? Fdhdf
i'm not sure yet but imagine it was just splinter messing with them to make sure they never go back he saw them preparing to sneak and go in and he followed them and scared them
it would be easy for a master ninja
maybe it could also JUST be them getting spooked it's easy to get spooked when you're 10, in a place dark you don't know a bit abandonned
i'm thinking April would be with them or go a bit after them (so like when they were young), going "yeah well I'm not scared >:)" but she'd be all alone in a dark place abandonned with rumors of it being haunted and Splinter wouldn't even intervene
but if casey had to go, first he'd be much older than they were, since they're 16, the others would still refuse to go, and Splinter would be like "welp i guess the secret is up now" but Casey would go in, alone with the lamp and come out like 10 minutes later screaming for his life because turns out the place is actually haunted
Meets, who's room is the closest to the not-allowed part : sweats intensifies
They're also a teen and they just learned this is in fact haunted and they are not one to dispute their brothers words "you say it's haunted ? that's factually impossible however every metal bones in my body trusts you and now i'm scared"
In the 10th ep, April finally learns about the Kraang's plan (which they kept from her), and HEAVILY insists to help them. They're hesitant about it but Leo straight up refuses, and she gets upset. Later during patrol with jis bros and Casey they talk about it and they're like "mate you should give her a chance, you gave Casey a chance and look at him now" and Leo is like ): but what if she gets hurt,,, she can't fight ! April (who had been following them without them noticing (which is already a proof she's skilled)) is like ):< well i'm gonna show him. They run into the Kraang and start a battle and April sees it as a chance to prove herself. She tries to sneak and grab one of the Kraang's gun but gets spotted and saved by Leo who gives her a VERY dirty look before finishing the battle. Once it's done he stomps over and they get into a yelling match (yey), until April convinces him to give her a real chance, using the skills she has (namely, a good shooter since when she was very little and her parents were still together, her mom wanted her to be able to fend for herself and she was given daily lesson for around 8 years. She only recently had to stop). She succeeds the test and Leo, still very not happy about it, "accepts" her in the team. After that we see his opinion improves about her position in the team during the episodes, as a background thing. She gets her own donnie made gun in the beginning of the next ep, too :)
Ep 11, chill ep, maybe a special for a holiday or smth, just a breather ajdcjzvd Ep 12, introduction of the Foot as a problem (until then there were some bits and pieces of Karai's and Saki's story here and there). The kids find Saki's corpse on patrol and recognizes him from Splinter's pictures and bring him back home. Yada yada grief, he gets a tomb, they realized something bad happened and investigate the Foot. Donnie and Raph are against distracting themselves from the KRAANG, but the other disagrees. Donnie and Raph don't go in the first place but then have tp rescue the others that got captured (and got a bunch of infos with it). They learn that the Foot went bad, and that there's a new leader the "Shredder". They learn they plan on dominating the city and invade bits by bits the world so the Foot rules over everything, as it should. Donnie and Raph acknowledges it's a problem and agrees to help as long as their main priority is the Kraangs (modifié) Ep 13, chill ep, Mikey centered with a b plot involving Meets introducing the turtle family to their sign language because they had grown tired of writing in a notebook.
when meets officially becomes part of the family, there's an awkward amount of time where he doesn't know what to say instead of "my sons" cue a lot of laughters from his kids when he calls them "my spawns" "my kins" "my beloveds" "my children" etc He ends up settling on "my turtles" Meets really hates being reminded THEY'RE a bot so even Splinter calls THEM Meets even tho he calls his other kids their full names
do you think Meets ever asks Donnie for upgrades ?
Well there is some moments where they do but usually they're content with what they have It's like, they ask when it's smth that will help them (silent flying thing to be discreet), not just going up to him like "eyyy upgrade my dude ?"
I feel like Mikey would try to get them to get more cool upgrades zgdvf, he'd be like "dude, you should ask Donnie for super fast rocket boosters, or an ice cream machine, heck yea, that'd be awesome!" xD
Oh he probably would XD Meets would just politely say no tho fhzvdjzcdh If Leo was the robot one, however, he'd probably end up with a shit ton of useless upgrades until donnie goes "okay that's enough"
Because Mikey and Leo together have 1 braincell
Mikey: "DONNIE! CAN YOU GIVE MEETS A GIANT ANIME SWORD?" Meets, signing: 'please no' Donnie: "what the fuck Mikey."
LMFAO I had forgotten this whole aroace mikey bit where he runs away from potential love interests
Mikey: "my handsomeness is both a blessing and a cruse"
"i'm handsome" UwU "you ARE handsome" fear
"i'm handsome but just for me. it is my handsome. don't touch"
absolutely LOVING how Joo-Hyun does the most BUCKWILD SHIT and then when asked how she just winks and goes "the power of magic" that is SO fucking funny to me Joo-Hyun : is loaded Joo-Hyun : has retrieved all contacts in a new phone without even knowing the people Joo-Hyun : "the power of magic ;)"
the power of hacking people's phones
the power of magic ? Yeah no i'm just really into illegal stuff why am i loaded ? i robbed a bank
Imagine she just has some random talents and says it's magic but also knows magic and you never know which one's which
i think i'm gonna make that canon actually. she's magic-y but she's also a criminal
"criminal" in the society's way i mean. she's super nice.
i could use that "criminal" thing to like criticize the rich and this kind of things. like she's didn't rob a bank, she robbed the super rich.
Casey: "damn, I have a wicked aunt :)"
casey the gun in the making
Donnie: "I will literally shoot you with this gun if you don't stop annoying me" April: "lol you wouldn't do that, you like me too much uvu" Donnie: "Don't fuckin test me"
Meets wardrobe : a bowtie
Mikey is soft/cute boy aesthetic, Raph is tough boy, Leo is slut aesthetic (he is not)/japanese inspired. These two are not in relation to eachothers, Donnie is techwear, Casey is Emo/Goth boy, April is Girl ™️
like don't put donnie in red but you can put any of the bois in green
omg they could literally be greenscreens
put them in front of a green screen they're invisible
does Donnie have more than one pair of glasses?
yeah, but he usually wear the square one, he modified them the most heirohjtir like to zoom or so other things
lmaooo I imagine Mikey would sometimes take the gasses when Donnie's not using them and mess around with them he probably broke soem yea
Leo be like "I look better than you and I know it"
mikey be like : hehe fun clothes leo be like : haha i'm hotter than you
All the dresses are dresses Meets gave as a present for Christmas
meets looking at leo's casual ouftits "boi i know what i'm getting ya"
does Meets have money did they shoplift the dresses vhfbdh
meets has extensible arms they shoplift
Meets: happily giving the dresses everyone: "wait where did you get those"
bold of you to assume they don't all shoplift
maybe they would but imagine it was the first time Meets has ever stole anything and they're all like "wow, didn't think they had it in them to do that (impressed)"
baby’s first crime
Donnie would play Dnd if he could zvdge
oh absolutely sadly his family isn't interested
They gave one to Mikey but he refuses to wear it
Mikey: "wow Meets, how did you find dresses that matches our aesthetics so perfectly?" Meets, who has gone through hundreds of different clothing stores to find them: [maaaaagic! :)]
Meets who hasn't been around for a while before gifting : :)
"oh so that's why you disappeared for so long"
Meets who broke the 4th wall to draw the dresses themself : :)
Meets who asked the writer to write them conveniently finding the perfect dresses despite it not being logical at all in canon: :)
(raph’s dress ) hot take : the dress looked like that at first, but meets added the embroideries (he learned from mikey)
most people look very "professional" in suits but I think they would very much not look professional efdjhbfd colorcoded Leo: "time to look SEXY AF"
(surprisingly they all turned out great)
i love it when like there's clothes in other languages that are like "wow super cool and neat" but actually the words are really stupid like water water sock grandma
i'm going to give mikey a shirt that's like really basic, just it says BUTT in giant letters in japanese
the boys at night going shoplifting and seeing this shirt : "LMFAO WHO'S GETTING IT"
Leo: "oh this is terrible I love it"
the boys everytime they come across a stupid japanese shirt : haha YES
the shirt wasn't orange it was like, idk red or something but Mikey wanted it so bad he recolored it to fit his color sceme dhdfbdf
Splinter : "you must learn to share Michelangelo" Mikey : "NEVER" dips the shirt in orange dye
Splinter, with a straight face: "Michelangelo, next time you find a butt shirt, you will have to give it to one of your brothers."
This is Donnie. Donnie has 2 hyper complicated futuristic ouftits in his wardrobe and the rest is normal. Be like Donnie.
do you think they'd try to go to a convention in cosplay disguises like the rise turtles efhdbfh
Leo and Donnie dragging Mikey to a Tanako no Ichi convention
Mikey, actually having fun at the convention but doesn't want to admit it: "this is terrible. I hate all of this. I should have stayed at home."
magical girls but it's the gender that's magical
sometimes i think about how conservative and traditional Yoshi used to be and then I look at his sons and i'm like "damn."
Raph: "s k u l l s h i r t >:)" Casey: "w i c k e d"
imagine Mikey asking people to put stickers on his shell because he can't to it himself zdgfvg Mikey: "HEY DONNIE! I got new stickers, can you put them on my shell :D?" Donnie: "AGAIN?? At how many stickers will you stop??" Mikey: "I will never stop."
Tanako no ichi
Mikey: "I still don't get this show. Why are they letting a bunch of kids save the world???" Leo: "Mikey, we've saved the world before." Mikey: "THAT'S DIFFERENT!"
Mikey: "we're ninjas, we can fight!" Donnie: "and they have magical powers, what's your point"
are you gonna make up any parallels/foreshadowing with the turtles' story like they did in the 2012 show ?
Tanako no Ichi: has a world ending plot scenario Leo: "man, I sure hope that never happens here lmao" Donnie: "don't jinx us please"
and then it happens
imagine Casey's alter ego dies on screen (foreshadow his dad dies saving him) and they all turn to him and then collectively decide to stop watching for now
Casey: "Aw, that was my favorite character, how could they do that :'((??" Donnie: "I always thought they looked a lot like you, It's almost like this character was a reflection of you as a person and this was a sort of prophetic warning lmao" Casey: Casey: "How about we never watch this show again"
Donnie after Mikey asks if it's a reboot : "Well Mikey, since you asked so nicely, I will tell you that if presented as a reboot, it is not ! In fact, while keeping the same story and continuing the plot of the previous 12 seasons, they changed the designs that were very flawed and had numerous problems of cohesion. Take... uh butterfly girl. Her hair grew longer and thicker during the transformation sequence even tho none of the other characters had that ! Her Butterfly motif looked more like a ribbon and caused confusion, and a lot of people complained about "sexualized" design because of her bare legs but short skirt (even tho it was part of her character). There was also a story of plagiarism, that was debunked since then, but did participate in the redesign. Plus, the overall team cohesion was really bad, none of their ouftit even slightly mirorred eachothers. How did they fix it you ask ? Well, they gave to the team several similar points, especially with their motifs. Look at the 6 button middle, they all have it, with their motifs on the side ! There's a little mark on their cheeks, and-" Mikey : "put me out of my misery"
Donnie : "Well actually that's not lore, it's just behind hte scenes informations that you asked for. However" pulls out a huge book Donnie : "If you want lore, Leo and I have been keeping track of everything and-"
Mikey: "NOOOOOOO-"
Donnie has buck teeth:)
sasuka exists purely so I can put merch on several turtles without messing up the colorcode. however I am sure i can figure out a proper reason for their colorcode XD
Absolute revelation : WHAT IF I colorcoded Sasuka WHITE with green accent so the betrayal of her mom being the villain mirrored the betrayal of Oroku Saki (colorcoded white with red accents) when Karai stabbed him
I feel like this show is looking too much like a show Mikey would actually like fdhdhbf needs to have a really nonsensical story efvdhbf
not if it doesn't make any sense i mean don't worry in 30 seasons you have time to fuck up
Mikey thinks the visuals are great ! The characters are great ! But what the fuck is going on tho it just annoys him more than makes him hate it he just likes a well-built story
Mikey: "aesthetically? cool. what the fuck is going on tho"
he can sits through an ep, but through a season ? too many incoherence and characters getting OOC, too many plot points gets lost and characters arc butchered it is a cool show ! that's why most of his family likes it. you just have to make abstraction of the huge storyline flaws
Leo: "if you ignore the entire plot, it's a good show" Mikey: "are you even hearing yourself right now"
in level of stupidness, it presented the Shopkeeper as Sasuka's mom in the end of season 12 (they already had the redesign then), but then in season 20 they said the Shopkeeper was actually Sasuka that travelled back in time to beat up her team for some stupid reason
and it's like "yeah ! cool ! CHOOSE 1 THO" Mikey's favourite show is an on-going action romance show with a really well constructed story called "On the Devil's shoulder" he keeps trying to make his family watch it but they find it boring to death
Donnie: "I have a list of all the canon events that happened in this show right here." he points at a journal the size of a dictionary, "and in here I have a list of more events that directly contradicts the events of this first list" he points at another journal that somehow looks bigger than the first one
it's bigger because they contradict the same plot point several time
SO in Colorcoded each season would be year, and the ending of season 1 would finish most of the short arcs started there, like April's dad learn that they are a danger magnet, and the Kraangs winning happens on the anniversary of when they first got out of the lair. Like a bittersweet reminder. So in the end of season 1, New York is definitely destroyed (renamed Old York), and a lot of people runs away. April's dad cut all relations with the turtles, and she's dragged away to Canada, while Casey and Hye-jin are being put in foster care in Philadelphia, waiting for their mom to take them back (she's all they have left... or is she ). The turtles and Splinter returns to Japan to the remaining Hamato Clan (the Foot clan and Shredder does the same), and everyone is severely traumatized.
yea but like, what does imagination give the Krang? why wouldn't they give up after such a huge disaster? Is it really that worth it? Do they have a way to know if someone humans/mutants have more imagination than others? (cause if that's the case, I'd imagine Mikey would be an easy target since he's is pretty creative)
cause like, imagination is just basically the ability to make a mental image of something you have or haven't seen/felt/experienced, do they really need that? how come the Utroms and Kraang don't have that actually? If by imagination you mean the ability to have be able to "see" things in your head (mind's eye), then well, some irl people don't have that, it's not that uncommon, but it's really not worth all this effort to get. If by imagination you mean creativity, (hehe, kinda like the Lego Movie plot) then "imagination" probably wouldn't be the right word what's your definition of imagination here, cause it's a bit confusing why the Kraang would want it dfhdfdf (and surprising that they don't already have it, depending on the definition)
I thought they didn't care about what happened to the humans? why would they want to stop them? Even with a few new human memories, would that change their morals?
Imagination is the ability to create things that aren't real nor possible in one's head. Imagination is an ability that only the humans possesses, and that was deemed interesting by the high-tech society of the Utroms to study. To study it they made a faction dedicated to it : the Kraangs. Over the course of their study they realized the potential of imagination for their specie (not to advance, they already can do that, but to create their own made-up stories, make themselves a culture much like the humans. They want that ability, to them it's like a superpower).
the things is that they don't get a few human memories, when they snatch the imagination they snatch the entirety of the human's memories, and feelings attached to them, essentially fusing the human with the Kraang. To the Kraang it's like they experienced all that the human experienced. If the human had a daughter, it was their daughter
so they have both their own memories and all the human's memories?
ya but like the human's memories is this super violent all of the sudden thing, it feels much more fresh and vibrant and important basically it gives them empathy
so like, in this, imagination is like a 'skill' you can give someone (like, one human's imagination = one Utrom/Krang being able to imagine) right? it's not like, a quantity or something
i mean "give" is a big word. They do kill the human in the process. It's an ability they steal. But yeah basically 1=1
so are some people's imagination better than some? I think that would make sense
i mean i guess it's an ability like anything else : if you train it it becomes stronger i guess children's imagination are better than adults in most cases
cause if so I'm pretty sure the Krang would probably try to find the best people to take imagination from like, they'd target artists and music composers, architects etc... (before they made the technodrome of course dfhdf, they wouldn't be picky anymore then since they'd just take it form the whole city)
mmh yeah true htey probably would i guess their research would be useful there oh myabe the way the turtles learn about the kraangs is because they capture mikey
i think they'd more likely have like a machine that pinpoints imagination like after years of research they probably made a scientific thingy that corresponds to imagination
does Splinter have pictures of them from when they were kids
I mean he has a shit ton of pictures of them at every age but most of them are extremely chaotics (nice non-chaotic non-blurry pictures are rare)
I think his favourite picture would be of when they were kids (not toddlers like 6/7) and Mikey had a "class" to teach his brothers to paint and it ended up as a paint fight and mikey would get really mad they didn't take it seriously and start crying and the picture would just be crying mikey and his brothers comforting him with poorly made paintings, the turtles and their surrouding covered in paint
very random question but do you think if colorcoded was ever made into a series/movie, would it be 2d or 3d animated?
i have already thought about it XDXD 2D all the way. I love 2D animation so much
I feel like 3d would be more adapted since the designs are pretty detailed but also 2d good,,,
i mean these designs were made with the thought that it would mostly be illustration based
if it had to be animated, the design would be simplified hgruihgeur
they probably have smoke bombs hgerhgire
Okay so you know how at the end of season 1 the turtles basically failed miserably to save NY ?
So i have yet to figure out season 2 but consider : they're being dragged in the mud and called out for it by [insert group of people here], and they're all traumatized and miserable Okay so what if at that point, Splinter never told them about his own failure as Yoshi Hamato And he finally tells them then
like they saw Splinter as an amazing flawless person and they get to see that he has failed too in the past,,
Okay so I keep thinking about it and WHAT IF During the entire NY catastrophe everyone got a good look at them/filmed them/took pictures so everyone knows about the 5 turtles that failed to save NY, and they get MASSIVE backlash from everywhere (internet, in the street, on the news... Meanwhile the governments are all pretending it's a hoax and mutants don't exists) So that doesn't help everyone's mental health, Splinter's story would help a bit but they'd still feel huge guilt from failing to save thz city. Then, amongst the hate, on internet a new # starts trending : #SavedByATurtle And it's like thousands of people saying that, yes, they failed to save the city, but if it weren't for the turtles they'd be dead. It starts on the internet and then it spreads (the news, books at some point), the idea that the turtles saved a SHIT TON of people. At some point a news channel does the math and announces they saved (at least) 3 million people with their different actions. Now yeah 3/19.5 is not ideal, but fuck that's 3 million people. (As time goes on the number keeps growing) Also at some point Steve vouches for them
Okay so I keep thinking about it but you know how in most of the TMNT it's always Leo/Raph relationship or arguing or whatever. I think in Colorcoded it'd be more Mikey/Raph.
Like I was thinking about several siblings interactions and I'm surprised that more often than not Mikey and Raph end up fighting For example, I was thinking of a Mikey/Donnie comic after the Leo/Raph one, where Donnie would feel like shit and Mikey would cheer him up before calling a brother meeting. Raph is bad at social interactions, even with his brothers he just has trouble figuring out what to say. So when Donnie is like "i'm worthless I know you'd give money for people to take me if you could". Raph answers with "If I were to sell you, don't worry, I'd sell Shelldon too so you won't be alone" Like he GENUINELY thinks it's the right thing to say there and he gets smacked by Mikey, anf they end up arguing
For another example, I was thinking after the Leo/Raph comic that maybe when Leo felt overwhelmed he'd give the lead to Raph (who doesn't want to lead, but will do so if it helps Leo, but only temporarily). So at some point he's leading and he accidentally put Donnie and Mikey in a lot of danger and when they return Mikey is furious and ask him "what the fuck were you thinking ?! You know Donnie and I's skills are lower than yours" "Yeah and ? Sounds like you need to train more often, not my problem." "It'll be your problem once you have our DEAD CORPSES ON YOUR HANDS" Then Leo would go "Mikey ! Stop !" Silence "You don't like how I do things ? Well what about you take the lead, Mikey ?" "I don't want to lead, I know my job I'm asking you to do yours !" "My job isn't to lead ! I'm not Leo !" Mikey looks at him up and down "Yeah I saw that." And then storms off
i'm genuinely surprised how much mikey's and raph's colorcoded character make them clash with eachothers like aight ngl did not expect that also Meets and Leo do argue a bit too. not as much as Mikey and Raph but they often have opposite views about what the team should do Donnie, who doesn't have enough self confidence to argue with anyone, stuck between 2 set of siblings arguing : )) :
Leo: "why can't everyone get along :,((("
donnie is just like "hh. hhhhh. time to stand there and wait awkwardly and hope it doesn't end up in bloodshed"
Aight so since i'm not sure i'll have time to draw it, I'm gonna lay out some Colorcoded comic plot I had in mind
So for Casey comic : Casey thanking Splinter for something (not shown) and he goes "Thank you Mister Splinter." "That's very polite Casey, but you can call me just Splinter." "Polite ? I'm not polite, Mister Splinter sir, polite is for the WEAK. I am super tough and strong and WHAT IS THAT" He proceeds to shriek and climb on top of Donnie "that's just Buckle Casey." "Buckle ????" "Yeah it's my little puppy pup. My good girl. Yes your are yessss you are" "HAVE YOU SEEN THAT JAW ??? AND WHERE ARE IT'S EYES ??? THIS IS A DEMON" "Casey may I know why out of everyone you decided to climb on me" "Obviously because you're taller" "Yeah, obviously mister tough strong guy"
Mikey/donnie comic : Mikey and Donnie are in mikey's workshop, and donnie is posing while Mikey is sketching a bunch of his head from different angle. "Yes I'm finally getting it !" "What's the point..." "Well I never capture you right in my family paintings you know ? It always bothered me but if I practice a lot, you'll finally look good !" "No, I mean what's the point of working this hard for me ? Just leave me out of the paintings..." "No can do D. It's a family picture not a family picture minus that one guy" "It's not like I'll be there for long..." Mikey pauses and looks up "What" "Come on Mikey. You all told me : you'd rather give money to get someone to take me than keep me here" "Donatello what are you talking about" "Earlier, when you guys were telling me how worthless I am. Clearly you don't want me around" "Donnie oh my god. We were joking. Did you really take it seriously ? We would never. None of us would. We love you so much, you're our baby brother. You're not worthless" "But I AM ! Everything I do is bad, I can never get anything right ! I'm always below average on everything. I'm a failure at everything. You guys are right." "That's not true ! You're an amazing scientist and healer ! You can do so many things" "No I can't ! The only reason I am healer is because I have common sense ! I'm no scientist I can't even weld something together without burning myself !"
Silence "I'll be right back don't move Don." Mikey runs to Raph's room and drags Leo and Raph back into his lab. "Donnie says he's worthless and that we want to sell him" Raph and leo in perfect harmony "what" "Because of the jokes we did earlier !" "Oh gosh Donnie I-I'm so sorry I didn't think you'd take it like that. You're amazing and we love you and we would never do that." Leo hugs Donnie znd keeps at least a hand on him until the end of the scene "Yeah, well don't worry Don, if we ever do sell you, we'll sell Shelldon with you so you're never alone" Raph gets smacked violently by Mikey while Leo goes "Raph ):< !" "HEY MIKEY ! What ??? What, what did I say wrong ??" Donnie looks devastated and about to have a breakdown "Raph apologize." "What, no ! And don't tell me what to do Michelangelo. I did nothing wrong" "Oh 'you did nothing wrong' ! What are you, stupid ?" Mikey and Raph start to argue in the back while Donnie shakes off Leo's hand and leave.
Later on, Donnie is captured by Baxter Stockman's mousers and he goes "To be captured that easily, this one must certainly be a burden to your team... Say, let's make a deal." Mikey, Raph and Leo are very on edge about to snap at any moment. "What deal" "Well, I'll take your friend there, and in exchange, I'll let you go and never bother you again. And you know what, I'll even throw in some money, what do you say, mh ? You are all quite the mutagene success and I've dreamed to dissect one of you. It's an excellent deal !" As he speaks we can see Donnie's face falling until he drops his head in defeat, like he knows they're going to say yes "What the fuck is wrong with you" "Yeah we're not selling our brother !" "You can take your stupid deal and shove it up where I think." They continue to berate Stockman (that looks very surprised), while Donnie is absolutely glowing in the back. After he's rescued he just leaps in and hugs his brothers tight with the biggest smile
Leo: cool leader Raph: angy fighter Mikey: artsy goofball Donnie: ANXIOUS GENIUS
Imagine Meets doing the windows shutting down sound zvgvdggf
they would just to annoy everyone fbhdf that would mean they can play any sound too imagine them blasting meme music or somthing when someone is being annoying
raph dropping his slice of pizza on hte wrong side Meets : "MMMH WHATCHA SAYYYY"
Raph: "Hey Meets can you stop playing music at random plea-" Meets: [NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN NEVER GONNA-] Mikey: Falls on his face during training Meet: [BADUM TSSSS]
Donnie : "wait so doesn't that mean you could talk using like radio or something ?" Meets : Meets : "beep boop"
while it doesn't really make sense that they can play these on themselves, WHAT IF, Casey or april or donnie found a bluetooth speaker and meets can just lock in and play whatever they want and they use it to prank
also now i think i accidentally coded colorcoded raph as autistic without realizing it
like -doesn't like hugs unless he iniates it -games. games is his life and how he deals with his burst of anger (his interest i guess then) -sensory issues well now if I do intentionally code him autistic ima have to do some research hugirger
about raph's possible autism I've also made him like super awkward socially with everyone new he meets until he gets to know them even a little bit and also tend to avoid people and go to pets and such and like idk nhgirejhugeruj maybe that's also accidental autism code idk
I guess so gherieugr I also don't like loud noises i can't control like for example when you go tap tap tap against your plate to make smth fall off your spoon it's very bad noise, makes me flinch and cover my ear
Meets is the baby sibling and they're using it to their advantage
leo and raph have an on going fight about who is the oldest
leo says he is the oldest and raph says he is the oldest what does Splinter have to sat about that fdvhdf does he not say anything cause he likes the drama
"ohhhhh well I forgot whoops" yeah basically
casey and april are in the same class casey had to retake a year at some point
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geekcavepodcast · 11 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem "Meet the Cast" Featurette
Seth Rogan introduces viewers to the cast of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem. The film stars the voice talents of Nicolas Cantu (Leonardo), Sharon Brown Jr. (Mikey), Micah Abbey (Donnie), Brady Noon (Raph), Jackie Chan (Splinter), Ayo Edebiri (April), Ice Cube (Superfly), Seth Rogen (Bebop), John Cena (Rocksteady), Paul Rudd (Mondo Gecko), Rose Byrne (Leatherhead), Post Malone (Ray Fillet), Hannibal Buress (Genghis Frog), Natasia Demetriou (Wing Nut), Maya Rudolph (Cynthia Utrom), and Giancarlo Esposito (Baxter Stockman).
After being sheltered from the human world, the Ninja Turtles set out to win the hearts of New Yorkers and be accepted as normal teens. when their new friend April O'Neil helps them take on a crime syndicate, the Turtles find themselves in way over their heads.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem hits theaters on August 2, 2023.
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yamilethxz · 10 months
Tumblr media
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Y/N x Criminal Minds:
Falsey Accussed (Spencer x Y/N) [ONGOING]
My Own Works:
Interactive Fics:
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Leonardo Splinterson/Hamato
Donatello Splinterson/Hamato
Raphael Splinterson/Hamato
Michelangelo Splinterson/Hamato
Casey Jr
Baxter Stockman (2003 only)
That worm from rise
Shredder (1987, 2003, 2012 only)
Karai / Miwa
Foot Clan
Mona Lisa
Big Mama
Venus Splinterson/Hamato
Jennika Splinterson/Hamato
My Own Works:
Family. (w/ Ferris and Kit) [AO3]
Interactive Fics:
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Rock Lee
MY Own Works:
Interactive Fic's:
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Vacation Day ( Seungkwan & Vernon ) [ Requested by: @zenyukifanficblogs ]
My Own Works:
Interactive Fic's:
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ONE SHOTS / IMAGINES ( DNI: Asuna R*p3, incest, Bondage )
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DEATH NOTE (Anime Only)
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Romance Bundle - $3.50 [USD] per month (BOOKS INCULDED) (COMING SOON)
Wildside Tier - $5.50 [USD] per month (BOOKS INCULDED) (COMING SOON)
TRAPPED IN AN ONLINE GAME [VIDEOGAME SERIES BOOK 1] (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Action . Sci-fi . Video Games . Adventure . Anime
UPDATED: September 17th 2023-10:00pm
UPDATED: July 23rd, 2022-5:31pm
SQUAD35 - SEASON ONE (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Sci-fi . Horror . Mystery . Thriller . Action . Adventure . Anime UPDATED: April 25th, 2023-6:58pm
UNIT 0000 STORY (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Fantasy . Adventure
UPDATED: July 31st 2021-4:00pm
MAGIC; only in fairy tales [BOOK 1] (COMING SOON ~ INKITT - FREE TO READ)
PUBLISHED: August 4th 2023-10:36pm
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eievuimultimuse · 6 months
@nightwatchr | CONTINUED.
     “ ‘UNSUBSCRIBED TO—’ “ THE man begins echoing, only to stop himself with a bewildered blink. There is…undoubtedly something quite BAFFLING about hearing the other refer to the death of the WORST MAN Stockman has ever known in such a fashion. Not that he cares; he’s not THAT much of a stick in the mud. It’s just a little JARRING is all. “ That is…certainly a colourful way of phrasing it. And I mean that in a positive way, “ he adds — as if there could POSSIBLY be any misconception on how he feels on the subject.  ( Being spoken of in such a manner is the LEAST that that DESPOT deserves. )
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“ Here’s hoping it stays that way, “ he says, referring to the mention of a lack of ‘ACTION,’ as Raphael put it. “ Well— for myself, anyway. Lord knows I’ve had enough excitement for one lifetime. “
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