#At first I wasn't happy about how this one turned out
alotofpockets · 2 days
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Flirting & friendzones | Leah Williamson x Arsenal/Swiss!Reader
Where Leah is a flirt and you are scared to give in to your feelings
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.6k
Moving to a new club always brought some nerves with it, but luckily your national team captain and close friend Lia Wälti had been at your new club for years. Through her you had met some of her teammates for quick moments on the field during national team games over the years, but you didn't have much more of a connection with them. 
While that connection wasn't there, you had kept one secret from Lia, and that was that you had a crush on her best friend Leah ever since she first introduced the two of you on the pitch years ago. You had never acted on your crush on the England captain more than following her on Instagram, but now you'd be playing at the same club as her, which brought a whole different wave of nerves your way.
You were welcomed at Arsenal with open arms, as Lia had ensured you. Each and everyone of your teammates, and the staff members made you feel right at home. Lia had helped you secure an apartment before you had arrived, so you had your own space right away. 
After your first training, Lia invited you to come hang out and Beth and Viv their place. A regular hangout spot according to her, especially since they just got a new puppy. Lia drove you home from training, and told you she’d pick you up in an hour to head over to Beth and Viv’s.
An hour later your doorbell rang, but when you opened the door it was Leah instead of Lia. “Hey, Lia had to run some errands before heading over to the girls, so she asked me to pick you up instead.” Leah had taken the request to ‘pick you up’ to a whole new level as she started flirting with you. 
“You look great by the way.” She started while you walked over to her car. Just a simple friendly comment you thought, but still the blush rushed to your cheeks. “Thank you.” You said before quickly getting a step ahead of the blonde, to make sure she wouldn’t notice your blushing.
Of course Leah noticed right away and would now make it her mission to see you blush. “I mean it, you clean up nice. Haven’t seen you outside of football kits in person.” You reach the door and she opens your side for you. “Seems like a great date outfit too, if you even need a dinner date to wear it to, you know where to find me.” She left you frozen in place with her comment, and closed your door only to get in on the other side with a big smirk on her face.
“So, how has London been treating you so far?” You started telling Leah about your first week there, happy to no longer be the target of her flirting. At least that is what you thought until she followed up with, “Good to hear! If you ever need a tour guide, I am more than happy to volunteer.” On its own it wouldn’t be flirting, but the way she looked at you while you said it, gave the sentence a whole different meeting. 
“I really appreciate it, but Lia is showing me around already.” You said as you got out of the car, as you arrived at the girls' house. “Always Lia, huh?” She acted hurt. “Well, if she ever gets too busy, give me a call.” You walked up to the door quickly, “Oh look at that, we’re here.” You say as Beth opens the door. Darting inside without even saying a proper hello, propping yourself up between Viv and Kim who were already cuddling with Myle. 
Beth turned her attention to Leah, “Damn, what did you do?” She shrugs her shoulders, “Nothing.” In return Beth raised an eyebrow towards Leah, but she didn’t push further. Instead she turned her attention to you. “Glad you could make it. I see Myle made a new friend already!” Myle had gotten comfortable in your lap and started taking a nap there only moments after you had sat down. “She’s very cute.” You comment while looking at the pup lovingly. “I understand why everyone wants to hang out at your place.” You joke.
The conversations between everyone started flowing freely, and you felt immediately accepted into the group of girls. Leah continued her flirting with the rest of the girls around, which piqued the interest of the girls, though they didn’t say anything. Only the occasional chuckle when you would turn Leah down again.
It was hard having to say no to the woman you had been crushing on for years, but you had just joined a new club and she was co-captain of it, as well as Lia’s best friend. It didn’t seem right to act on your feelings, even though Leah was acting on them plenty. You came here to play football, you kept reminding yourself. 
Half an hour later Lia arrived, carrying in a few bags of groceries. “Sorry, it was quite busy at the store. What did I miss?” Some of the girls looked between you and Leah and wondered if they should poke some fun at the situation, but before they could, you answered her question. “Nothing much, we were just talking about how cute Myle is.” 
Lia, who had handed the groceries over to Viv, sat down beside you with a smile on her face. “She really is adorable. I’m glad to see you fit right in, I was worried about leaving you out here on your own.” It really did feel like you fit right in. 
“You don’t need to worry,” Leah interjected smoothly. “she wasn’t alone. I was here to make sure she’s well taken care of.” Her comment earned her a loud chuckle from Vic, who hurried to the kitchen to hide her laughter. Lia shot her best friend a look. “I’m sure you were, Lee.”
After dinner, Lia drove you home. “I am so happy you’re feeling at home already. How are the girls?” She asked while exiting the parking space. “Yeah, they’re really kind. I couldn’t have asked for a warmer welcome.” Lia was truly happy you found your spot within her little family at the club. 
She turned to you with a smirk. “What?” You asked instantly, already not liking the look on her face. “Don’t what me.” She laughs, “I was just going to ask what about Leah?” The slight blush that creeped up to your cheeks should’ve said enough. “Leah has been kind too, very kind.” Lia chuckled at your expression. “Kind? That girl has been flirting with you since the moment you arrived.” Your eyes widened, Lia had noticed. 
“Relax! Why do you think I introduced you all those years ago? You are literally perfect for each other. Back then I didn’t tell you my reasoning, because I didn’t think it would be fair to try and set you up with someone that lived in a different country.” She let that set in for a moment before she asked again, “So, what about Leah?” Her smirk grew again.
“Leah is great. I think I’ve kind of been pushing her into the friendzone though.” Lia stopped the car. You hadn’t been paying attention, not that you knew the roads yet, but you knew that you weren’t at your place or Lia’s. “It’s a good thing that Leah doesn’t easily give up, go shoot your shot.” You sent her a confused look, “Right now?” She points to the building ahead of you, “Yup, right now. That’s her place right there. Her car is here already, so she just got back as well.” She unbuckled your seatbelt, “Go!” You shake your head at her but get out of the car anyway. “Call me when you need a ride back.” 
You walk up to Leah’s door nervously, but knock nonetheless. When Leah opens the door, Lia decides to drive off. “Oh, hi, come in. Finally done with Lia?” You roll her eyes at how her flirting turned right back on. 
She walks you into her home, and you get right to the point. “Can we talk about today?” Leah’s face turns serious, feeling like she might have messed up. “Oh, I’m sorry if I was taking it too far. I thought there was a vibe, sorry if I read that wrong.” You shake your head, “No, no don’t worry. Actually it was me wanting to apologise. I was kind of pushing you towards the friendzone, because I didn’t want to mess anything up with Lia or the team.” 
Leah’s lips curve into a smile again, “But now you’re throwing me a ladder to come back out of the friendszone?” Her tone is hopeful. “If I’m not too late, yeah.” The blonde shakes her head, “Definitely not too late.”
Now that the big conversation was out of the way, you finally felt like it was okay to sit down. “You know Lia has been rooting for us for years?” You nod remembering the conversation in the car. “Yeah, she told me on the way here. I had no clue that this had been her intention all along.” 
Leah sits down beside you, “You know, I’ve liked you ever since we met when our teams played against each other that time Lia introduced us.” Your cheeks heat up again, “I have liked you since that day too.” 
Her eyes light up, “So, can we give this a try?” Her tone was hopeful again. “Yes, I’d like that.” With that, Leah closes the distance and presses a gentle kiss to your lips. When you pull back, both of you are smiling. 
“Want to stay for a while? I can drive you home wherever you want to go home.” You smile, “Yeah,” You’d love to spend more time with Leah. “I’ll text Lia and let her know that I won’t be needing that ride anymore.”
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mariasont · 8 hours
They Think I'm Pregnant - A.H
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a/n: i feel like this is kind of shitty but alas here we are!
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pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: the team thinks you're pregnant and you decide to have a little fun with it
warnings: reader is not preggers promise!, honestly the team gossiping is so lol, suggestive content per usual
wc: 1.3k
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"I mean she has been kind of moody lately."
The gasp that rose in your surprise was quickly smothered as you pressed yourself against the wall, pushing into it as if that would make you invisible somehow.
"Well, interestingly enough, there has been considerable growth in her chest area. It's due to elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone, which I've noticed with her." Spencer stopped abruptly, the sound of Morgan's muffled laughter in the background. "I'm not saying I make a habit of such observations. Okay, um, don't tell Hotch I said that."
Casting a skeptical eye down your shirt, your frown deepened. Sure, your boobs had grown, but that was a testament to a little happy relationship weight, not the fodder of their theories. 
"Nice one, kid," came Rossi's voice, and you could almost see the smirk on his face.
"Oh my gosh, guys, this is like, the best news ever! A mini-agent in the making! Can you imagine how cute she's going to be? I'm going to get her the cutest  outfits!"
"Garcia, how do you know it's going to be a girl? Did the baby send you a text?"
The baby? Was rational thought absent among them? It must be. You crossed your arms defensively.
"Okay, maybe we should pump the breaks everyone. Why do we even think she's pregnant in the first place?"
JJ—your voice of reason. You could kiss the ground she walked on.
"I'm just putting two and two together. She walked out, and there was a pregnancy test in the trash that wasn't there before."
Your eyebrows drew down, and the increasing shuffle from the room prompted you to make a beeline for Hotch's office before anyone saw you snooping. But in your defense, Emily snooped first.
The moment the door clicked shut, you lunged for the blinds, bypassing any attempt at a greeting with Aaron. The blinds clattered shut, so fast you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
"Honey, what are you—?"
His words hung unfinished as you whirled around, pressing your pointer finger to your lips as if he were a kindergartner about to walk down the hall.
"They think I'm pregnant!" you hissed indignantly, jabbing a finger toward the door as if it were a portal to the rumor mill itself.
His face drained of color as his eyes darted from your face, down to your stomach, and finally rested on your tits. "Are you?"
You slapped his shoulder. "No!"
"Then why do they think that?"
You recounted every piece of evidence  they had collected, giving special attention to Spencer's bodily hypothesis as a subtle form of retaliation.
"He said what?"
You laughed, draping your arms around his neck as you made yourself at home on his lap. He leaned back in his chair, arranging you so your legs were stretched out across his lap.
"Focus," you said desperately. "They think I'm pregnant."
"Sweetheart," he chuckled, his hands finding their way to your waist. "Does it really matter what they're assuming?"
Your lower lip jutted out, fingers threading through your hair as you mulled it over.
"You're a genius." Your arms were around him in an instant once again, leaving a big, messy kiss on his cheek as you hopped down from his lap and strode towards the door.
Who cares if that's what they think?
So, you devoted your day to your greatest talent: stirring the pot. If they were set on believing you were pregnant, why should you interfere? Better yet, why not enjoy their theories and have some fun along the way?
You pulled every trick in the book.
In the morning, you bolted from the briefing room with a hand clamped over your mouth, you later reappeared, ginger ale and crackers in tow--which you knew JJ would understand. No one said a word.
In the afternoon, you turned up your nose when Emily offered you coffee, which in turn caused her eyes to bulge out of her head, but still she said nothing.
In the evening, you staged a sudden craving for the strangest of snacks, convincing Spencer of your dire need for pickles dipped in peanut butter. You sent him on a wild goose chase for it, and he did it, no questions asked.
All of these, as some would say--childish antics, lead to a big pile of nothing because no one was brave enough to just ask you.
So now that you were all gathered around Rossi's living room, with the day's efforts in vain, you were forced to drastic measures. 
The wine glass was mere inches from your lips when the whole lot of them were up in arms--a blabbering, spiraling mess.
Garcia, her mouth a perfect 'o' of scandalized red, was quick to wrestle it from your grasp, hoisting it just beyond reach as Morgan promptly confiscated it, placing it atop the tallest bookshelf, as if you were a child meddling with contraband.
"What are you thinking?"
"Are you crazy?"
"What are you doing?"
"Hotch, do you see this?"
Their words bombarded you all at once, a rapid-fire of overlapping sentences that was impossible to decipher. A giggle escaped you, hand instinctively rising to your lips. Sure, you had braced for a reaction, but this was beyond anything you had imagined.
You played dumb, your head canting to one side as your brows contracted. "What?"
You basked in Aaron's exasperated eye roll, his hands coming together as if in prayer while he let you revel in the moment. He was a good man.
"What do you mean what? I love you so much, but you have to be out of your mind," Garcia probed, her hands clutching on to her necklace as she looked side to side at the others.
You opened your mouth, ready to provoke her further, but Spencer beat you to it.
"Given the potential impact on blood volume and plasma osmolality, it's really not advised to drink alcohol, considering your condition," he said, fidgeting with his tie while nodding to your belly.
"What condition?"
"Oh, come on! We found your pregnancy test in the trash today!" This time it was Emily speaking, her hands on her hips as she gave you a knowing glance. She quickly muffled her exclamation. "Hold on, you've told Hotch, right? If not, I'm prepared to get on my hands and knees and beg for your forgiveness if necessary."
"You all are ridiculous!" you declared, rising from the couch and moving toward your abandoned wine. Aaron was quicker, offering the glass to you. "I'm not pregnant, and if you nosy nellies had bothered to ask rather than speculate, you'd know that.”
You took a large gulp of your wine. For emphasis. Your colleagues' mouth hung agape, all but Rossi, who smirked and toasted to the absurdity with his whiskey.
"You heard us?"
"Reid, let's just say, I'd appreciate if you would reserve those observational talents for the case files, not on my girlfriend's anatomy," Hotch suggested, the warmth of his hand seeping through the fabric at your back as he casually sipped his scotch.
You watched Reid's complexion turn a spectrum of pink hues, his apology barely above a whisper as laughter bubbled around us. 
"Wait so then whose pregnancy test did I find?" Emily's words caused a collective breath to catch, glances shifting suspiciously around the room.
JJ's hand shot up, laughing as Garcia barreled into her side, arms wrapping around her before she could even get the admittance out. The room buzzed with congratulatory cheers, everyone sharing hugs and kisses as JJ told the story.
Aaron chose that instant to lift his hand to his neck, his lips meeting yours in a kiss so gentle it turned your insides to jelly. He eased back, his breath mingling with yours as he mumbled, "you know, the idea of you pregnant...it's not something I'm opposed to."
You let out a soft giggle, nestling your head against his chest, the steady beat of his heart bleeding into your ear. Your gaze drifted to your friends, toasting with raised glasses--minus JJ--with laughter and chatter filling the air.
"Is that so? Cravings, mood, boobs and all?"
You felt the rumble of his chuckle through his chest, the sensation tingling against your cheek. "All of it."
Rising onto your toes, you reached up to cradle his ear, lips grazing lightly against it. "How about we head home and practice? And then if you put a ring on it, I’ll consider it.”
That was the first time you had Irish goodbye-d a party.
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emeryleewho · 3 days
Saw a fun little conversation on Threads but I don't have a Threads account, so I couldn't reply directly, but I sure can talk about it here!
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I've been wanting to get into this for awhile, so here we go! First and foremost, I wanna say that "Emmaskies" here is really hitting the nail on the head despite having "no insider info". I don't want this post to be read as me shitting on trad pub editors or authors because that is fundamentally not what's happening.
Second, I want to say that this reply from Aaron Aceves is also spot on:
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There are a lot of reviewers who think "I didn't enjoy this" means "no one edited this because if someone edited it, they would have made it something I like". As I talk about nonstop on this account, that is not a legitimate critique. However, as Aaron also mentions, rushed books are a thing that also happens.
As an author with 2 trad pub novels and 2 trad pub anthologies (all with HarperCollins, the 2nd largest trad publisher in the country), let me tell you that if you think books seem less edited lately, you are not making that up! It's true! Obviously, there are still a sizeable number of books that are being edited well, but something I was talking about before is that you can't really know that from picking it up. Unlike where you can generally tell an indie book will be poorly edited if the cover art is unprofessional or there are typoes all over the cover copy, trad is broken up into different departments, so even if editorial was too overworked to get a decent edit letter churned out, that doesn't mean marketing will be weak.
One person said that some publishers put more money into marketing than editorial and that's why this is happening, but I fundamentally disagree because many of these books that are getting rushed out are not getting a whole lot by way of marketing either! And I will say that I think most authors are afraid to admit if their book was rushed out or poorly edited because they don't want to sabotage their books, but guess what? I'm fucking shameless. Café Con Lychee was a rush job! That book was poorly edited! And it shows! Where Meet Cute Diary got 3 drafts from me and my beta readers, another 2 drafts with me and my agent, and then another 2 drafts with me and my editor, Café Con Lychee got a *single* concrete edit round with my editor after I turned in what was essentially a first draft. I had *three weeks* to rewrite the book before we went to copy edits. And the thing is, this wasn't my fault. I knew the book needed more work, but I wasn't allowed more time with it. My editor was so overworked, she was emailing me my edit letter at 1am. The publisher didn't care if the book was good, and then they were upset that its sales weren't as high at MCD's, but bffr. A book that doesn't live up to its potential is not going to sell at the same rate as one that does!
And this may sound like a fluke, but it's not. I'm not naming names because this is a deeply personal thing to share, but I have heard from *many* authors who were not happy with their second books. Not because they didn't love the story but because they felt so rushed either with their initial drafts or their edits that they didn't feel like it lived up to their potential. I also know of authors who demanded extra time because they knew their books weren't there yet only to face big backlash from their publisher or agent.
I literally cannot stress to you enough that publisher's *do not give a fuck* about how good their products are. If they can trick you into buying a poorly edited book with an AI cover that they undercut the author for, that is *better* than wasting time and money paying authors and editors to put together a quality product. And that's before we get into the blatant abuse that happens at these publishers and why there have been mass exoduses from Big 5 publishers lately.
There's also a problem where publishers do not value their experienced staff. They're laying off so many skilled, dedicated, long-term committed editors like their work never meant anything. And as someone who did freelance sensitivity reading for the Big 5, I can tell you that the way they treat freelancers is *also* abysmal. I was almost always given half the time I asked for and paid at less than *half* of my general going rate. Authors publishing out of their own pockets could afford my rate, but apparently multi-billion dollar corporations couldn't. Copy edits and proofreads are often handled by freelancers, meaning these are people who aren't familiar with the author's voice and often give feedback that doesn't account for that, plus they're not people who are gonna be as invested in the book, even before the bad payment and ridiculous timelines.
So, anyway, 1. go easy on authors and editors when you can. Most of us have 0 say in being in this position and authors who are in breech of their contract by refusing to turn in a book on time can face major legal and financial ramifications. 2. Know that this isn't in your head. If you disagree with the choices a book makes, that's probably just a disagreement, but if you feel like it had so much potential but just *didn't reach it*, that's likely because the author didn't have time to revise it or the editor didn't have time to give the sort of thorough edits it needed. 3. READ INDIE!!! Find the indie authors putting in the work the Big 5's won't do and support them! Stop counting on exploitative mega-corporations to do work they have no intention of doing.
Finally, to all my readers who read Café Con Lychee and loved it, thank you. I love y'all, and I appreciate y'all, and I really wish I'd been given the chance to give y'all the book you deserved. I hope I can make it up to you in 2025.
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annwrites · 3 days
you're my girl and i'm your man
— pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader
— type: ficlet
— summary: you & billy go sight-seeing after you make up. he then teaches you how to drive his car a bit. afterward, you go back to the motel & have your first time (which doesn't go exactly as planned initially).
— tags: billy groveling a bit. billy being sweet on you again. billy letting someone else touch his car. billy being the first one to touch you.
— tw: eating, drinking, sex
— word count: 5,586
— a/n: ok, so, i know i put in the tire blowout post that they were right near the tx border & after '10 hrs of driving' they'd gotten into tx, which is like...did the boy get lost or what lol. but, we're going to ignore that (even if they'd eventually jumped on route 66, it still wouldn't have taken them that long) so they can have a lil daytrip in amarillo.
the 'first time' scene didn't have some big *mutual orgasm* moment bc i've had it planned longer than i did the rest of this chapter even. i wasn't abandoning the oral sex scene idea just to make things ~perfect~ like any other fic would've prob done. sex isn't always like that. it's messy, it's funny, it can be embarrassing. it's rarely like a movie. and that's ok, so long as it's with the person you love.
big texan | cadillac ranch
find my other posts concerning billy here
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It'd not taken long, but you'd eventually cried yourself to sleep against Billy's chest. He'd held you all the while, whispering sweet nothings to you, rocking you, giving you soft kisses, promising over and over: never again.
He'd carried you to bed, pulling your body against his, and he'd closed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat, trying to focus on anything but all the shit he'd forced you to put up with today. He'd nearly lost you.
He had nearly lost you.
You'd been so close to walking out that door. Had made a plan of escape. He'd forced your hand.
He feels exhausted himself, but is now afraid to close his eyes. What if you did it? What you said you'd intended to: leave once he's fallen asleep.
He decides that there's nothing more he can do to stop you if that's what you choose. If you want to leave, he'll let you go. He can't keep you prisoner. All he wants is what's best for you. Whatever will bring you happiness and peace. That's what love is. Putting someone else's wants—needs—before your own.
Finally, he drifts off to sleep, hoping to return to his dream that'd been cut painfully short that morning. When everything was still perfect, just as it should've been.
Should've remained.
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When you wake, it's nearly noon and you're in bed alone.
You sit up slowly, still somehow a bit tired, despite having slept so long and you rub your eyes, yawning.
"Morning, baby." You hear a deep familiar voice call a few feet away.
You turn and see Billy emerging from the bathroom, a gentle smile on his face. He comes over, sitting beside you on the bed. "You sleep okay?"
You nod lightly, yawning yet again. Crying usually did take it out of you.
You go to get up to begin getting your things together, until he takes your hand in his.
"You can go back to sleep if you want. I went ahead and paid up for another day."
"You did?"
He nods.
You look down to his large hand which rests overtop of yours. Your brows furrow. "What...what did you mean by it?" You can't just let it sit. You can't sit in unsurety.
He reaches up, tucking some hair behind your left ear. "What, baby?"
"'You're mine'."
"What do you think I meant?"
You shrug, not looking up.
He sighs. "That you're my girl and I'm your man. We're going together, going steady, dating, whatever the fuck you want to call it."
He says it quietly, no aggression, no irritation, just...calling it what it is.
Your eyes finally meet his then. "I assume you expect me to be faithful. Will you give me the same respect?"
He leans down, gently pressing his lips to yours. "Honey, I don't want anybody else."
You sigh. "You've been with more girls than I probably want to know about. And looked at—flirted with—numerous since we've been on the road-"
He chuckles. "I told you before, sweetheart, I did it to get under your skin. To be a dick." He smirks. "It's one of my specialties, I'd say."
You don't laugh or smile at the joke.
He understands. He knows it's going to take a lot of work and groveling and sucking up to get back to where you'd been the night before last.
"Do you want to lie back down, get some more rest?"
You glance up to him. "Will you lie down with me?"
"Of course."
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Billy leaves his briefs on as he pulls you to his chest, your head resting atop it, your hand over one of his pectorals. He tangles the fingers of his right hand in your hair, gently rubbing your head, while the other rests overtop of your hand on his chest.
You lie there for a moment, listening to the steady strong beat of his heart. "What time is it?"
"Time for you to get a watch," he replies immediately, his lip twitching. Maybe now wasn't the time for sarcasm, but he wanted to lighten the mood even a little.
You roll your eyes, even if it makes you feel the least bit better to be back to bantering.
"I have one, remember?"
"Mm," he hums his reply.
"Did...did it mean something to you? What we did the night before last?"
He presses a kiss to the top of your head. How the hell could he have let you go a whole day thinking otherwise? He had known when you came back out of that gas station that you'd been crying. Had wanted to wrap his car around a tree the worse his treatment toward you became. It killed him to do it, but he'd expected you to fight back like you always had. Instead, you'd just...given up.
"You have no idea what it meant to me, sweetheart. A lot. Before...whatever shit I did with a girl was just sex. Not intimacy. Things are different with you."
He turns on his side then and you do as well, looking at each other.
You reach forward, taking his left hand in yours. "When did you realize how you felt?"
You look up to him with innocent eyes.
He looks down to your small hand in his and he brushes his thumb along your knuckles. "I'm not really sure. I mean, I've felt something for awhile. But I told myself it was just an attraction. A crush. Nothing more. And then yesterday morning, I had this dream..." He trails off for a moment and you scoot a bit closer to him.
"What was the dream about?"
His eyes meet yours again. "We'd finally reached Cali and...we were making love in my car. You kept saying my name. I think I just heard you trying to wake me up. But I thought you were about to say it—those three words. I was practically begging you to. And then I woke up and I knew I was down bad. I didn't know what the fuck to do with that: being in love. So I did the only thing I knew how to and punished you for it. For making me fall for you. Even if that had never been your intention, it happened anyway. It was always going to, I think."
You gently press your palm against his chest, curling your fingers against the warm, tanned skin.
He continues. "Maybe I just woke up pissed off from it because I also thought that would be the only way for me to hear it: in my dreams. That you could never feel that way for me. That no one could."
You look up at him to find that he's already looking at you.
Your heart begins to beat just slightly faster. Then, "I love you, too."
His brows furrow and his eyes begin to grow a bit red.
He wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a firm embrace. He presses his lips to your hair. "Thank you," he mutters.
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The two of you fall asleep for a couple more hours and when he wakes, you're sitting up, back against the headboard as you flip idly through the TV channels.
He slides his hand up your leg, between your legs and you look down at him.
"You hungry?" He asks, lying his head on your thigh. "I know I made keeping food down a bit...difficult yesterday." He thinks of you retching on the side of the interstate. How he'd nearly done the right thing by reaching out to you, but had refrained. Stupid.
He sits up then and you watch him.
You mute the TV, growing serious. "If you ever treat me like that again-"
"I won't-"
"Let me finish."
He stays quiet.
"If you ever treat me like again, it will be the last. I mean it this time. There will be no more forgiveness. No more second, third, and fourth chances. I will walk away. For good. I've probably already given you more chances than I should've."
He nods, knowing you indeed have. "I know." His eyes look into your own, hopeful. "So does that mean you do: forgive me?"
You unmute the TV. "I think it's going to take time."
He nods. "I understand." Then after a beat of silence, "Is there anything I can do?"
You toy with the remote in your hands. "I don't mind the sarcasm and joking around. But I need this, too."
He rests his head on your breasts, wrapping an arm around your waist. "I know. I just need you to be patient with me."
You roll your eyes toward the ceiling. "I've been nothing but, Billy."
He smirks. "I never promised that I'd make it easy on you."
Your stomach growls then and he chuckles, standing. He extends a hand toward you. "C'mon, I'll buy you lunch."
You have half-a-mind to be petty and ask about his comment of him 'no longer being your meal-ticket', but are so sick of fighting that you just slide your hand into his.
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Billy had stopped at an interesting restaurant along Route 66, called 'The Big Texan', which was quite the attraction. The place was packed, with taxidermy lining the walls, and the interior was modeled after an old western saloon. You'd held tightly to his hand as the hostess led you to your table.
Billy had ordered himself a lager that they kept on-tap, while you'd ordered a glass of ice water, downing the thing almost instantly. The waitress had returned soon after to give you a refill and to take your orders. He'd ordered a ribeye while you'd gone with a fried sandwich. You'd considered a quesadilla, but didn't want anymore Mexican-style food. Not after yesterday.
You glance up to him once you're halfway through your sandwich. "Do...should I pay for this?" You ask, gesturing to your lunch.
He should've never said that to you. Honestly, after he had, he'd sat in the car pissed at himself for doing so. He liked taking care of you— knowing he was the first man to really do so. If he'd let you get yourself your own motel room... He doesn't want to think of everything he'd nearly lost, all due to his own selfishness...cowardice.
He brushes his leg against yours under the table. "No, baby, let me get the check. Let's just...go back to the way things were before yesterday. I know we can't just forget about it, but I want you to ignore all the shit I said. I didn't mean any of it. Okay?"
You nod, resting one of your feet over his boot. "Okay."
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When you stand, ready to go up front, you see Billy turn back to the table and grab your water—for a quick drink, you assume—until you feel his hand slip under your shirt and an ice cube slides down your back.
"Oh! You son of a-" You shut your mouth as it slips onto the floor and a few curious eyes turn your way.
He shrugs, expression bored. "Thought you needed to cool off a little," he states, heading up front.
You grab two big cubes, praying they don't melt in your hands before you make it outside.
Once you have, you slip your hands down both the front and back of his jeans. His satisfied smirk is cut short when he hollers, wildly kicking his legs, trying to shake them out to no avail. "Oh, you're going to fuckin' pay for that," he says, picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder, smacking your ass.
Your head bobs, forehead nearly hitting his broad back. "Let me down!"
He spanks you again. "I don't think so. You've been a naughty girl and you're getting punished."
"You started it!"
"And now I'm finishing it," he says as his left hand comes up and yanks against your panties, tugging them down your legs. Oh God, you should've never worn a dress. But the heat here was nearly unbearable.
Your eyes go wide and you panic, worrying someone might see.
He slips them into his pocket, the skirt of your dress fluttering with each step he takes and you know your privates are on full-display.
He walks around to the side of the car, grabbing his leather jacket, and comes back around to the front, tossing it on the hood of the car. He finally sits you down—gently—on top of it, and he plants his palms on either side of you, leaning in for a kiss, one of his hands snaking between your spread legs.
You let him distract himself as you gently unbuckle his belt, and then pull it off of him in one swift motion, his pants falling.
You giggle as you watch him grab for them, yanking them back up.
He then looks at you with a raised brow, his palm extended to you. "C'mon, give it. You can take my clothes off later."
You go to hand it to him, then yank it back toward you, smiling.
His lip twitches. "Keep it up and I'll be putting you over my knee with it."
You give it to him then and watch as he slips it back through his belt loops again.
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After pulling away from the restaurant, Billy looks at you, foot on the brake. "You want to go see some cars?"
You roll your head in his direction. "Do I, or do you?"
He puts on a pair of shades. "I think you'll like it," he says, accelerating, heading back toward the highway.
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"What a fuckin' waste," Billy says, standing beside you.
You look up to him. "You were the one who wanted to come here."
"Who the hell sticks a goddamn Cadillac in the sand like that? You have any idea how much these things were once worth?"
You shrug, not particularly interested in that aspect of them. "I think it's neat."
He looks down to you. "Women. You would."
You walk around one of them, admiring other people's artwork. "Bite me."
"That an offer, honey?"
You walk over to another one, looking over the various shapes and swirls sprayed onto it. Then to the one next to it, glancing inside the cabin, but not much is to be found there. You wonder why someone would stick ten cars in the ground like this. Also wonder whether they harvested them for parts first. It would be a lot of wasted money, if not.
When you look up, Billy is three cars down, a black spray-paint can in one hand, while he holds his t-shirt over his mouth and nose with the other.
You walk over to him and watch as he finishes up his personal addition to one of the vehicle's doors: Billy ♡'s Y/N
He lowers his shirt, looking at you. "Think I could make it as an artist?"
You wrap your arms around his middle, lying your head against his chest, smiling softly. "Definitely not."
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Once the two of you are back in the car, Billy slides his hand up your thigh, smirking at the feel of your heat, knowing your panties are still shoved in his pocket. "Where to now?"
You shrug. "We could go back to the motel?" In all honesty, you just wanted to be somewhere with AC again. The car has it, but he always wants the windows down, for whatever annoying reason.
He shakes his head. "I don't want us cooped up in there all damn day." He studies you for a moment. "You want me to finally teach you how to drive manual?"
You look to him with wide eyes. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"You've got to learn some time."
"Maybe in an automatic."
He raises a brow. "Plan on ditching me for some city-slicker?"
"You're from California, Billy."
"That's neither here nor there," he states, turning the car over.
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Once Billy's found an empty parking lot to start your training in, he gets out.
He walks around to your side, opening the door, leaning down to you and motioning with his hand for you to get out.
You stare up at him. "What if...what if I 'burn up the clutch' like you said? Or I nick the paint or-"
He brushes his knuckles over your cheek. "You won't hurt it, baby. I'll be right next to you the whole time."
You shift in your seat, really not wanting to do this. "Which do you love more? Me, or your car?"
"Don't push your luck. C'mon," he says, grabbing your hand, pulling you out.
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Once you're in the driver's seat—Billy having already adjusted the seat so you could reach the pedals—and most certainly buckled in, you look nervously to Billy.
"This feels so fuckin' weird, being in the passenger seat in my own car," he mumbles, also buckling himself in. God forbid you panicked and laid on the throttle and smoked an electric pole.
He prays to God that doesn't happen.
He puts his left arm behind you. "Alright, press down on the clutch."
You glance down to the floor, then back up to him with a nervous smile.
"The one all the way to the left, honey."
You shove your foot down on the corresponding pedal.
"Now the middle one—that's the brake."
You let up on the clutch.
"No, keep your left foot on the clutch and your right one goes on the brake."
"Ok, sorry," you say, doing as he's instructed.
"Now, turn the key in the ignition while keeping your feet where they are."
With a slightly shaking hand, you do and the car roars to life.
He points to the shifter. "This car is a standard-h. There's only four gears. The 'r' stands for reverse."
You cock your head to the side. "I know that."
"Don't get smart with me right now." He continues. "Now, I want you to put it in first."
You do.
"Take your foot off the break slowly."
The car rolls forward only a few inches, then stops.
"Now, do the same with the clutch, also slowly. The car is going to start to roll. When it does, give it just a little bit of gas and please pay attention to where the hell you're pointing the front-end. Just...don't hit anything, alright?"
You slowly let up on the clutch, wheels rolling forward, and you grip the wheel tightly, sweat rolling down the back of your neck from nerves. You give the gas pedal a gentle tap and begin to drive slowly around the parking lot.
Billy glances to the speedometer. "Now, keep doing exactly as you are, but I want you to shift into second gear when you're ready. I want you staying around fifteen miles per hour for right now. You're going to take your foot off the gas and instead press down on the clutch again when you shift."
You press down on the clutch again, pulling the shifter back toward you.
"Good, now give it gas again and just drive around a bit like that. Just get a feel for it."
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After less than an hour, you feel far more comfortable behind the wheel than when you'd started.
You were no pro—not like him—but you knew more now than you had.
"Think I'm readying to hit the interstate yet?" You ask, smiling to yourself, shifting.
He smirks. "That's likely," he replies sarcastically. "Alright, go ahead and park it."
You hit the brake a little too hard, causing the both of you to lurch forward.
Billy grabs the dash. "Jesus. Easy, killer. I said park it, not give me whiplash."
You blush, putting the car into first and shutting it off. "At least it was the brake I laid on and not the gas."
"No shit," he says chuckling, unbuckling himself.
He leans over the middle of the car then, pressing his lips to yours, his left hand gripping your headrest, his right slipping under your dress, feeling you up.
You moan against his lips and his tongue slips into your mouth, exploring.
He cups your breast, kneading it in his palm, erection pressing against his jeans...and he slams his head against the roof of the car.
He pulls away, cupping the back of his scalp. "Fuck's sake. I'm not supposed to be the one on top, anyway. Alright, time to switch seats, doll."
He gets out, walking around to the driver's side, opening the door, and you step out and he climbs back in, then grabs your hand, pulling you inside. It takes a bit of struggling and a few curse-words on both your ends, but eventually he gets you to straddle him. He then reclines the seat back and begins pushing your dress up.
Your hands come down to rest overtop of his. "I...I'm not ready to-"
He reaches up, cupping your cheek. "I know. There's still other things we can do if you want to keep...exploring, though," he says with a smirk, growing harder at the thought.
Your eyes flit between both of his, considering, thinking, then you speak. "Never again."
"Never again," he agrees easily, pushing your dress up and off your body, lying it in the passenger seat.
He grips your hips, pupils dilating, licking his lips as he takes in your naked form.
"Now, how the fuck am I supposed to behave myself when I know what you look like under your clothes now?" He looks into your eyes. "You realize that when we're alone in a room together, I'm not letting you wear clothes ever again?"
You tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, blushing, smiling slightly.
His eyes trail over your breasts, down your stomach, to between your legs. "You're so fucking beautiful," he says lowly.
Heat pools between your legs.
You reach down then and begin unbuttoning his shirt.
"I can't believe you're finally mine."
You look at him.
He reaches up, cupping your cheek with his right hand. "Can you tell me that, angel?"
You bring your hand up to rest over the back of his. You turn your head to gently kiss his palm. "I'm yours."
He maneuvers his shirt off of himself, tossing it over with your dress.
"What now?" You ask nervously.
As much as he wants to bury himself inside of you, he knows he has to wait. He just hopes not long. Not because he was necessarily eager to 'just get laid', but because he wanted to make you his in every way he knew how.
He folds his hands behind his head, staring up at you. "Maybe I just watch you." He shrugs, lifting his hips to get more comfortable, then settling back down against the seat. "I think just this once I'd be alright with being a spectator."
You blink down at him. "You really want to do this here...?"
He glances around the empty lot, then back to you. "Mhm."
You reach down tentatively between your legs, keeping your eyes on his own.
You begin to rub your clit, whimpering lightly at the pleasant feel. You lean back some and jolt when the horn honks.
You look at him, now embarrassed.
He smirks. "Keep going, baby."
You start up again, closing your eyes, your hand circling between your legs, your other gripping his shoulder tightly.
You sigh, running your fingers between your soaked folds, then circling your clit again with your own self-made lubricant.
Billy suddenly inclines the seat again, wrapping his arms around you, taking one of your breasts in his mouth, his hands sliding down to your ass, squeezing.
Your hips jerk, and you settle again, wrapping one arm around his neck, craning your neck down, pressing your lips to his.
He moves his lips to your neck, your clavicle, your breasts, then back up again, sucking on the sensitive skin until you have a hicky.
You sigh his name and he brushes some hair away from your face. "That's it, darlin'. Just like that."
You press your lips to his, hips jerking yet again and you gasp against his lips.
"Shh, I know. You're close, aren't you, sweetheart?"
You nod, crushing your lips back to his, a low mewling sound coming from the back of your throat.
Your fingers begin to circle faster and faster, slipping between your legs, then back to your clit, your breaths coming in short, shallow gasps, you even accidentally bite Billy's lower lip at one point, but he just moans at the feeling.
"Fuck, do that again."
You do, gently biting down, then running your tongue over the now-sensitive spot, kissing him again and again.
And then, finally, you arch your back, crying out in euphoria, that bundle between your legs jerking under your fingers, pulsating.
You press your forehead to his shoulder, softly crying his name.
He slides his hands up your back, your skin slick with sweat, before cupping your cheeks in his hands, forcing you to look at him, your expression now serene, if not a bit sleepy.
"You're lucky I didn't finish in my fucking jeans just now."
You laugh.
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When you get back to the room, Billy glances to you with a smirk as he unlocks the door.
"You do know driving my car isn't the only thing I'm going to be teaching you, right?"
"You're such a perv."
He balks, dramatically placing his hand over his heart as he pushes the door open, arm holding it for you. "I was talking about teaching you to surf. Now whose mind is in the gutter?"
You bite your lip as you step past him, now embarrassed.
And then he slaps your ass as he shuts the door behind himself. "Seems I'm starting to finally rub off on you, huh?"
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You're very thorough as you shower, well and truly taking your time scrubbing every inch of yourself, shaving your legs and armpits, and giving yourself only a small trim downstairs. Once clean, you stand before the mirror, blow-drying your hair, then teasing it just as you had the other day. He'd liked when you did that.
You ignore your pounding heart and sweaty palms to the best of your ability. Maybe it's too soon. Maybe you should continue to wait. Maybe it'll be a mistake.
Or maybe, like Billy had said a few nights ago, that 'mistake' could turn out to be one of the best things you've ever done.
When you exit the bathroom, it's in nothing more than a towel and Billy glances from the TV to you with a smirk, the arm down at his side holding the remote, other arm across his forehead. "Guess I found something more interesting to watch," he says, turning it off.
You shift from one foot to the other. "Do... You said you have condoms, right?"
He stares at you for just a moment longer, then sits up suddenly. "What?"
You grip the towel more tightly. "I think I'm ready."
"In the car you said-"
"I know," you say quietly. "I...I kind of wanted to the other night. And in the car. I don't know what I'm waiting for, really. I always said I wanted to fall in love first and now I have, so..."
You trail off, glancing down to the carpet, then back up to him, finding him now seated on the edge of the bed.
He stands, coming over to you.
You look up at him and soften when he cups your cheek. "Are you sure about this?"
You nod.
He studies you for a moment longer, and then he steps over to his bag, unzipping a side pocket, removing a small, square, silver wrapper.
Hands trembling slightly, you drop your towel to the floor, thankful the curtains are already shut, only a small fraction of light streamlines across the bed which you lie down on, waiting for him.
You watch as he undresses and you can't help but think he, too, looks just a bit nervous. You wonder if he's ever been that before with a girl.
You don't ask.
He tears the wrapper open with his teeth, then rolls the condom over his already-hard length and walks over to you, crawling on top of you.
You spread your legs, letting him between them. You reach up, cupping his cheek and his gaze softens.
You feel his erection brush against your inner thigh.
"I know you said you were sure-"
"I am," you say, lifting your head, pressing your lips to his.
He then reaches between your thighs, ensuring you're already wet. And his fingers come away soaked.
You keep your arms wrapped around his neck as he rubs the tip of himself against you, then slowly begins to ease inside.
It pinches for a moment, rather painfully, and you bite your lip at the feeling, but once he's past that threshold and buried in your sweet wetness, it feels...wonderful.
When you look up at him, it hits you all at once. How just over a week ago you'd been sitting in class absolutely hating his existence, his very presence, and now here you were, completely in love with him. His heart had belonged to you all along.
You wonder if he would've run away with anyone else—would've made such a quick split-second decision to leave it all behind, with only you at his side. Would've protected, and provided for, and looked after, and chased down another like had you.
You were it for him, and it's in that moment of you looking up at him, into his eyes—tears shimmering in them—your bodies joined together as one, that you know he is for you, too.
"You're mine," he whispers, voice husky, quiet.
He begins to gently rock his hips against your own.
"Yes," you sigh, lifting a leg onto his strong back.
"I'll never love anyone else the way I love you, not after everything we've been through. Only we understand each other. No one else ever could—will. You're mine. Forever."
You nod, a tear slipping down the side of your face. "Forever."
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When Billy finishes, he's unsure that he's ever felt so happy in his entire life. The only thing that could compare was the feeling of the ocean under his feet.
Finding you was finding the missing part of him—a piece of a puzzle he hadn't even been aware he was trying to solve, falling into place, squarely into his heart. Slowly, you were mending him back into one completeness of a man.
He lays on his side, looking down at you, smiling. "So, did you, uh..." He trails off, nodding lightly.
You reach up, brushing a curl away, smiling slightly, but he can tell something isn't right.
His brows furrow.
You shake your head lightly. It wasn't his fault. Sometimes things just took a bit more effort for a girl, right? "No."
He lays on his back, wondering what the hell he'd done wrong.
Admittedly, he'd finished a bit more quickly than what was typical for him.
"Alright, just give me a minute," he says, closing his eyes, trying to concentrate.
You lie beside him, looking over at his naked body. "It's okay. I can just-"
His eyes open. "No, I want to be the one to do it."
You grow quiet.
He then sits up. "Fuck this, we'll do it another way, then."
He kneels at the end of the bed, gripping your hips, pulling you toward him.
You sit back on your forearms, looking down at him. "Billy, what're you-"
You lay back down again. "Oh God," you said breathily as his hot mouth lowers onto your sex.
He eases your legs over his shoulders, flicking his tongue against your clit, then spearing it, fucking you with it.
You grip the sheets beneath you, arching your back at the amazing feeling.
He eases two fingers inside you, arching them upward just like the other night—since you'd seemed to enjoy that so much—and he continues to suck against your clit, bothering to even trace the alphabet along it.
You close your eyes, brows furrowed, skin hot, nipples hard as your back arches atop the soft mattress.
He gently grips one of your hips with his free hand, then reaches up, twining his fingers with your own.
"Ah, I love you," you say in a whisper, squeezing his hand.
He plants a few kisses to your pussy in reply. "I love you, too, baby." He then goes back to teasing that sensitive nerve bundle with his experienced tongue.
Your thighs tighten around his head and he knows you're close.
He traces his name with his tongue, and just as he's halfway through 'Hargrove' do your eyes pop open, your back arching, your hand squeezing his fingers so hard he's sure you might just break one as you scream his name as you climax. He really fucking hopes the people staying next to you heard every second of it.
As you come back down, head light and swimming, he stands, quickly throwing away the ruined condom, putting on a fresh one.
Your body is still twitching and sensitive when he looks down at you with a smirk. "So, did you cum that time?"
He positions himself between your still-spread legs. "Good, because I'm ready again."
Before you can even react and ask for a few seconds to catch your bearings, he sheathes himself.
"You're going to fucking cum this time."
71 notes · View notes
vidavalor · 3 days
I don’t see the alleged handholding on the bus. I don’t. I’m sorry. I’ve watched it so many times. I want to see it. I see Aziraphale’s hand going towards Crowley, but I don’t see any motion from Crowley that suggests he’s holding Aziraphale’s hand.
Are we really, really, REALLY sure they’re holding hands?
Hi there. 💕 Yep. Well, I am, anyway, and I'm happy to share why. I have watermelon salad to share tonight. Ahhh, summer... 🍉
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I don't want to assume anything but I've seen the "Crowley doesn't react so they aren't holding hands" comment places before and what I think keeps people from seeing it is the idea that they think that Crowley should have some kind of big reaction because they think this is new. It's not. We aren't watching the very first time that they ever hold hands; we're watching a long-time couple familiar with doing so.
If this were the very first time Aziraphale had ever taken Crowley's hand then I could see why you're saying there should be some kind of reaction. We'd expect him to glance over or for his arm to be seen moving a bit from what of it we could see. On the other hand, if you look at the scene with a different perspective-- one assuming that they're already in a place where holding hands is not unfamiliar territory-- then the whole moment is really set up to reinforce that through showing how comfortable Crowley is with what's happening.
Crowley doesn't have to turn to Aziraphale right away in surprise and we don't need to see his head or arm move because all that's really likely happening is that Crowley is letting Aziraphale hold his hand right where it is resting on his thigh. Maybe he's turned his hand a little to thread their fingers together. Maybe he's just rubbing a thumb over Aziraphale's. We wouldn't see that from our angle because it would just be movement from his wrist down... and that seems to me to be the point of how the scene was shot. The outside view of the bus at this moment exactly? An angle designed to intimate to us that hands are being held and that it is not a rare or new event.
Think about it this way: if they never had held hands before, is Aziraphale just going to take his hand on this bus out of nowhere? Probably not. Is Crowley just going to sit there if Aziraphale did? Probably not. We get two or so seconds after Aziraphale takes his hand before the bus finishes moving out of the frame wherein we could have been shown Crowley having a more surprised reaction if that was what the scene was trying to say but we didn't see one because it seems like that is not what is being said with the scene.
Aziraphale's movements are familiar; he already knows he's permitted to take Crowley's hand whenever he likes and that they both find it comforting. Not only have they just been through all sorts of exhausting craziness over the last few days but Aziraphale was discorporated. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to get his body back or how and this is basically the first moment they are alone enough to touch since Adam gave Aziraphale back his body. The hand holding then is a way of showing that Aziraphale needs to both feel grounded in his own body and to touch Crowley (not totally separate things, really...). That speaks to long-time coupledom to me more than it does to something new. If you look at the scene from the perspective that they're already together (just as if you look at most of the series from that perspective), you'll see a lot of subtle things just like this scene that reinforce the idea.
I wrote some stuff awhile back that you can find here about the connections between this scene and the flashback one on the bus earlier in S1 that also might help show how that they're sitting together and holding hands in this scene is set up by the earlier scene, should you be interested in that. Also: the "magic hands" massage joke would also suggest that holding hands in S1's present wouldn't be considered unusual. I think that if they've been making love since ancient Rome, as I wrote about the show suggesting here, liking to hold hands isn't too surprising but I understand from where your doubts are coming. Hope this helps. 💕
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dreadsuitsamus · 3 days
cw: smoking, choso x reader
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i was just thinking about my first kiss and how it was with somebody i now hate and wish i never met. this kiss itself was short and nothing about the buildup was special or sweet or anything. it was a nothing kiss, and even back then i knew it wasn't good. and then i got to thinking about being at a gathering with some friends, choso being one of them, and one conversation leading to another until you're all telling stories about your first kiss.
it's your turn to go, and when you grimace rather than fondly reminisce like the others had, everyone notes it. "mine sucked." your answer, miniscule and somehow giving all the details, is quickly accepted and the focus is turned to the next in the circle.
choso's blushing, his cheekbones and the bridge of his nose dusted pink, and he doesn't meet anybody's eyes as he explains his first kiss. it was an accident, they hadn't meant to kiss at all, but some mixed signals and coincidental body language led them straight to it. it was nice during, though terribly awkward after the fact.
you can't help but use your friend's embarrassment to ease your spirits and laugh with the rest of the group. playfully bumping your shoulder to his, you giggle. "noted. don't ever try to open a door for you."
choso groans and covers his face, falling onto his back while your friends get another laugh going. leaning on your forearm as the next story gets going, you poke at choso's hands that still hide his handsome blush. "ease up, cho. it's not that bad."
"it was pretty bad." he mumbles, peeking through his fingers at you.
looking away from those pretty eyes, you pick at his sweater. "couldn't be any worse than mine. at least the person you kissed really liked you."
choso sighs softly and his hands come down from his face. his fingers graze your chin and jaw as he encourages you to look at him again. not needing a ton of convincing, you're met with almost sad amber eyes. "it was with him, wasn't it?"
nodding, you look away again and choso sits back up. him. none of your friends use his name, ever, but you all know exactly who they're talking about when they say that. you're grateful he isn't spoken of much and that there's no love for one of their former friends remaining, but the scars on your heart and perhaps even to your soul remain. you'll never forget that ex. how could you? you gave him your all.
"i'm gonna go get some air." you announce after a while, and choso ends up following you to the back porch after a moment. it's cold and dark out, the light by the door only illuminating but so much with that old bulb.
he sits beside you, his ass thoroughly chilled already by the concrete steps. tugging a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, he feels around for his lighter. he almost starts to panic, but your laughter has his eyes narrowing with an unimpressed glower. "very funny. give me my lighter back."
ignoring his murmur of "how did you even get it from my pocket? when??" once you've given it back and allowed him to light the cigarette, you rest your cheek against your fist with a slump in your shoulders. choso's hand rests on your back and he soothingly rubs at it, doing his best to ease you. "hey, relax. there's gonna be other first kisses."
"they're not gonna make me forget the first one, though."
"okay sure, you won't forget. nobody forgets the first. but... there's gonna be a better first. one that's good, one that will make you smile and happy to think about even if the relationship never pans out. and that can be your first good kiss story. nobody's gotta know the difference."
"i haven't even kissed anybody since him." you murmur quietly. it's been a couple years since that disaster went to the wayside, but you haven't found anyone you're willing to take another plunge with yet.
choso sets the cigarette down beside him, his long fingers touching your jaw once more. this time, though, he leans in and presses his cold lips to yours. he tastes like cigarettes initially, but when your arms come around his neck and it deepens, there's a sweetness there that you can only equate to freshly-picked strawberries.
"there," choso's eyes are still closed when you part, and your foreheads press together. he can't see the way you look at him, with admiration and adoration and nothing but pure love, but he can feel it. "your first good kiss. and with somebody that really does like you."
"cho..." your lips tingle as he checks the time on his watch. the hour ticks to midnight, and he kisses you a second time. this one is longer, sweet as a stolen peach and even better than the last, if it's possible. you're light as air and it's those big arms of your longtime friend that keeps you from floating off into space.
there's a bit of a squelch when you part this time, heavy breaths mixed together as your lungs burn. licking those reddened, kiss-swollen lips, choso pulls back and picks up his burning cigarette. "and that's your first kiss of today. and i'll kiss you tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. you'll never have a bad first kiss again, as long as i can help it."
biting your lip through a grin that would reveal all your true feelings to him, you tuck your chilly hands into your sweater sleeves and stand up to head inside. "thanks, cho... um..."
choso stands tall, his hand finding your hip as he plants another kiss onto your lips. "your first good kiss standing up?" his lame explanation is accepted, and you cup his sharp jaw in your hands as you resume the smooch.
once you're back in the house and warming up, choso flicks the cigarette butt and lights another. there's so many firsts he's got to cover! the first in your room, your car, before you go to work and after, and of course every day of every week, month and year... everyone remembers their first, and he intends to be all you can think of the next time somebody asks about your first kiss.
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flwrs4sturniolo · 2 days
𝐒𝐇𝐄'𝐒 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐈𝐓 (part one)
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : chrissturnioloxfem!oc
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : lorelai swift didn't know how she survived before she met chris sturniolo
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : smoking, swearing
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 715
𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 : hii, i'm so ready to write this as it is my first fic. it is intended lowercase by the way :)
huge thanks to my fav @certifiedstarrr. i'll never be able to repay you for how much you've done for me. i love you with my whole heart.
another huge thanks to my girl @slutsformatt you're the sweetest girl i know and i'm so glad we're friends.
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ᶜᵃˢᵗ .ᐟ
y/n as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / lore , little swift , rory / leo
❛ you're on your own kid ❜ — taylor swift
@ lorelaiswift | @ irlbelle ᥫ᭡
nessa barrett as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / alex / aries
❛ cigarette daydream ❜ — cage the elephant
@ alexbarlow | @ irlariel ᥫ᭡
quenlin blackwell as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / kenzie , zie / pisces
❛ happiness is a butterfly ❜ — lana del ray
@ mackenziegray | @ irltiana ᥫ᭡
christopher sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / chris / leo
❛ florida ❜ — dominic fike
@ christophersturniolo | @ fakechris ᥫ᭡
matthew sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / matt / leo
❛ ivy ❜ — frank ocean
@ matthew.sturniolo | @ iheartdilfs ᥫ᭡
madison beer as
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✩‧₊˚ / char , charlie , lottie / aquarius
❛ end of beginning ❜ — djo
@ charlottejames | @ iheartmilfs ᥫ᭡
nicolas sturniolo as
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ / nick / leo
❛ maneater ❜ — nelly furtado
@ nicolassturniolo | @ theblueprint ᥫ᭡
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liked by, taylorswift, christophersturniolo and 13,372,843 others
lorelaiswift dear society, out tomorrow.
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LORELAI GRACE SWIFT was the kind of girl on the outside that both boys and girls would want. but on the inside, she was so much more.
the whole world knew her as taylor swift's younger sister and growing up, she loved that people knew her and wanted to take selfies. it was fun. until it wasn't.
growing up and constantly hearing music made the girl love it just as much as her older sister did. she started off helping her sister write some songs and then ended up with her debut album when she was only sixteen. it immediately went to number one on the charts and she finally felt as if she was doing something as lorelai, not lorelai swift.
of course, that feeling didn't last very long. the constant hate on social media and even older celebrities tweeting about a teenager was too much. it was all happening so much and lorelai couldn't handle it.
she stayed strong for a while. she tried so hard to push through it because she knew it was hard to be in the spotlight. but sometimes that spotlight was too bright. from then on, the brunette limited her instagram comments and stopped writing songs.
still, nothing changed. she was harassed in public several times and never had any privacy. since then, lorelai hadn't been on any social media since 2022 and today was the first time in nearly three years that the apps had been on her phone.
she was currently sitting on her balcony with a cigarette clutched in her fingertips. it was an old habit that she'd yet overcome. alex and kenzie were currently blowing up the group chat about her song, but she'd answer them later.
she couldn't be more grateful for the two girls who stuck by her while the whole world hated her. she could never repay them. plus charlotte, they were her life support.
alex — tiktoker 🥲
kenzie — youtuber 📷
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lorelai had written dear society nearly six months ago. she was in one of the darkest times of her life, she had pushed everyone away, meaning the only thing she could turn to was her music.
she had written and recorded the song in a week, sending the demo to taylor and the girls. alex, kenzie and charlotte soon showed up at her house with chocolate and pizza, more than happy to see their best friend on her feet again.
she was grateful that she had people in her life who would stay by her side even when she pushed them away. she didn't want to imagine where she would be now if they hadn't forced her to get up and start her life again.
after finishing her cigarette, once again, the girl's phone buzzed several times in a row, making her sit up and grab it.
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chris yapping about lorelai swift for 20 minutes and 6 seconds...
lorelai couldn't lie, she was immediately intrigued by the video. she recognised them. flipping her phone around, she pressed play and went to the time stamp that kenzie had sent.
"guys! i just can't believe she's finally back." chris ran his hands down his face while his brothers gave each other looks. "we get it, chris." matt sighed.
"her music is incredible though." chris nodded at nick's words, thanking him for agreeing. "what would you do if you were to meet lorelai?" matt fed into his brother's obsession.
"first, freak the fuck out. then i'd ask to take her out, and i would take her out for a fancy dinner, spoil her with as much fancy food as she wants, and give her the treatment she deserves." he 'joked'.
nick and matt laughed along with his joke, not thinking he was serious at all. but he was.
lorelai finished the video, not realising there was a smile on her face. she couldn't lie, he was attractive. the way he spoke about her made her laugh. she couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity when she watched them, but she shook it off.
one thing that she noticed was that they never mentioned taylor. not once did they mention that she was her sister.
to them, she was lorelai swift, chris' celebrity crush. not lorelai swift, taylor swift's little sister.
nobody had done that apart from her closest friends before.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 !
@certifiedstarrr @slutsformatt @sturnsbitch @elliewrites1 @livialifesblog @jnkvivi @aaliyahsturniolo1
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satoruluvies · 3 days
Hii!!!! If ur not taking requests rn feel free to ignore this but could you write something for gojo (preferably hcs) about him with a fem reader who has powers like the scarlet witch from the mcu? And is maybe even a little stronger than him? Idk if you’re familiar with marvel but you can just search up the scarlet witch scenes on youtube and you should see videos just displaying her powers 😭 thank you !!!!!
── the strongest duo .
okay first i think gojo would have known you ever since the both of you were children because how can he not? you were the strongest, along with him. although there were speculations that you would grow to be even more stronger than him and he does not like that at all.
maybe because of that fact, he never really liked you. he was intimidated too but he would never admit that part.
so imagine how happy he was when he found out you were going to the kyoto branch instead of the tokyo one where he's going. he'll finally be free of other people trying to lump the both of you just because you both happened to possess powers far greater than others.
well that didn't last for long with the sister school games coming up. it wasn't surprising either when you were face to face with him out of all people.
but by then, gojo had grown a little. somewhere along the way he got tired of trying to be a weapon of threat, at the beck and call of the corrupted and selfish higher ups who don't know better despite their "experiences" in life.
so this time gojo decides to indulge you and take the time to really know you, instead of looking at you through a vision where he only saw you for your technique. he hadn't realised it but all he knew about you, were the things you were capable of and not actually you.
he was a victim to the very thing he hated so much. so this time, he listens.
you were a bit skeptical about his changed behaviour at first and it took a while to convince you that he really wanted to listen to you and maybe, get to know you more.
gojo realises you were similar to him in more ways than one. from that day, the animosity faded and slowly turned into friendship. no one was on par with both the strongest.
until that one fateful night where gojo came all the way to kyoto, all bloodied and gaze wary. you'd had heard of his fight with toji and that he almost almost died.
you'd never forget the way his voice quivered that night while you held him in your arms.
"maybe if you had been there, everything would have been different. you're stronger than me, maybe you could've saved riko."
you'd never seen gojo this defeated. maybe because he knows that you share the burden of being the strongest along with him, he knows you would understand him out of everyone else.
and you do, thats why even when his best friend left him, he finds comfort in your arms and the soft words from your mouth.
"you can warp people's reality right?" gojo looks up from your arms and you don't like the sentence that would come next.
"can you warp mine? just for a while. only just a little while" his bright blue eyes now shadowed behind his tears, how could you say no?
you wave your hands and slowly gojo sees his best friend and the girl he couldn't save. they were laughing and playing around, life was good. but you weren't there with them.
when you withdraw your technique, gojo realises that despite all the people he lost, he still had you and for him, that was enough. perhaps his reality isn't all that bad.
he hopes you won't leave like the rest of them. this time, he hopes you really become stronger than him just so he wouldn't feel the pain of losing you, even if that made him selfish.
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its the way i had to look at wanda scenes and ask my marvel fan friends for this ahahha i haven't kept up with the mcu ever since endgame this brought back lots of nostalgic memories :')
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melodic-haze · 2 days
hi!! could I request ayaka nsfw headcanons? thanks!
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ayaka x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Corruption kink, exhibition kink but it doesn't acc get acted upon 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: shut up omg another one I LOEV AYAKA THANK YOU
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She seems like the type to be extremely vanilla at first, not bc she's scared (well no she is a lil bit) but bc she hasn't really? Had the chance to explore or anything??? But she seems like the type to be interested in it, just that she didn'r know HOW to explore it......until yk. You came along
She's like a willing subject to corruption, it's rather lovely 🫶
The way she'd approach you about it too 😭😭 like ohhh you're so precious my bbg :((( she'd breach the topic carefully, her cheeks tinted very red thanks to her skin betraying her and the blood that rushed to her face
Side track as much as I do adore Ayaka stumbling on her words and stuttering, I actually personally don't think she would unless she was EXTREMELY flustered or completely out of it. She's probably really good with forming sentences and stuff with very minimal stuttering, esp when she'd have to think ab her speech a lot to make sure she isn't offending anyone generally (I wish that were me cuz I stutter a LOT it's acc embarrassing)
So when she asks, she's VERY red but also very clear and concise with her speech. If it weren't for the embarrassed look on her face, if it weren't for her covering her face with her fan, you'd have thought that she wasn't shy about such an ask at all
It was hard to concentrate and gather your bearings at least a little bit when the soft scent of cookies and the mochi she had made a while ago never fails to overtake your train of thought, but you managed to pull through as you slowly undressed her.
"Are you completely sure?" You asked in concern for her, despite the fact that she had approached you about such a request, "I'm worried you might not like the experience. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."
She shook her head in reply, giving you a gentle smile, "I'm sure. I admit that I've been.. curious, and I trust you completely."
You couldn't help but soften at your white-haired partner's proclamation, giving her a lingering kiss on her temple, "Just remember to tell me if something feels wrong, you know I worry for you."
"I know," she giggled, "but you don't need to treat me like I'm fragile."
And before you reply in turn, Ayaka cuts you off by leaning her head on your shoulder, her lips close to your ear as she whispered in such a tantalising way--
"I'd like to think I can handle whatever you do to me."
--before drawing back with a much cheekier smile compared to moments before, "I hope that clears most of your reservations?"
By god, yes it does.
She turns out to be a FREAK❗️❗️❗️👹👹👹👹
No but fr though? I already wrote it but she def love love LOVEEEESSS being your good girl 🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 wants to do anything you ask her to do bc she wants to make you happy. Absolutely gets off to whenever you praise her for the stuff she does
But also? Kinda very much adores being roughed around!!! Being an important figure to Inazuma, she's not necessarily used to being treated anything less than with respect and caution, so for you to essentially make her forget all that as you "disrespect" her rank? Mmmmyes definitely Something :3
She's a very very curious person who's open to a LOT of things, going from binding to sensory deprivation to roleplay
Oh my GOD she'd ESPECIALLY be into roleplay; pretending as if she were someone else, esp if she was absolutely ravaged by you? My word it gets her wet just thinking about it
I think she'd LOVEEEE to be overstimmed 🫶🫶🫶 she wants a break from thinking!! She wants a break from responsibilities, and the way you can make it easily go away by fucking her brains out gets so addicting for this little princess
SHE'D DEFINITELY BE A SQUIRTER OH GY GOD fuck off listen she's def so so very sensitive that if you work her up enough (which doesn't acc take long) she would and she'd APOLOGISE for making such a mess but you just Cannot Help but try to get another one from her so it goes around alllll over again until she passes out :3
Don't think she'd act it out irl bc no way is she actually risking her reputation (and in extent, her brother's and her entire family name), but she'd develop?? A taste for exhibition???? Perhaps it's through the times you've just decided to drag her away to a semi-secluded spot, or maybe it's bc of the times she's touched herself while thinking of you with the risk of SOMEONE coming into her room. Either way, she starts to fantasize scenes from time to time where you're fucking her out in the open or you get caught or even that she's walking around with her pussy unknowingly stuffed with toys, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
If she doesn't tell you then she probably clues you in unconsciously when you start talking to her about how ANYONE could find you absolutely ruining this whore of a princess 🫶 by her inner walls clamping onto you as she lets out a particularly loud whine 🫶🫶🫶
Ayaka had tried to go back to sleep, she really did. But her thoughts had caught up to her, hazy made-up images and scenarios of the simplest thought of getting caught doing things unbefitting the White Heron Princess and her demure, innocent stature.
Even as she had her fingers inside her needy hole, even as she grinded on her palm in a deaperate effort to chase that needed release, she had found that she couldn't be satisfied in the least. The fact that she had to silence herself in an effort to prevent herself from getting caught didn't help with sorting out her current issue, either.
It wasn't enough—she needed you to satisfy her, to put her in her place, to take her fully until she could no longer care to think about anything else but being your personal doll. There was no way she was getting off all by herself, she needed you.
Biting the fabric of her blanket in an effort to stop her teary moans from being as loud as it would've been, she could only hope any pray that this aching need within her subsides in time before she has the chance to see you again.
(And perhaps she'll gather the courage to ask you about recreating.. a very exposing scenario, to sate her torturous curiosities.)
Bonus bullet point it'd be really cute to see her cry from the stimulation 🥰🥰
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deezligmanuts2 · 2 days
Hi!! Could I request heatwave from rescue bots and Rodimus prime with a gn human so, with cuddle hcs pls thank you! ^-^
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●Kinda hesitant at first because of how big he is and how small you are
●Afraidtocrushyou.jpeg(coward behavior/jkjk)
●He makes you put a mattress on his chassis first before you lay on him
●And when you're not able to at the moment he'll make you lay on his servo instead (it's easier to pet you with his thumb that way)
●But when he's in his holoform tho..
●Both parties take turns laying on eachother.
●He wasn't really used to his holoform when he first got it but now prefers to be in it when you're asking for cuddles :3
●Will lay his head on your lap during movie nights!! TRUST.
●Likes laying his head on your shoulder some nights when you're still busy.
●with work and he's tired out after a mission but he doesn't do it often (he doesn't wanna bother you :3)
●He's a clinger when he's asleep btw (never tell anyone for Primus sake, Blades teasing him about your relationship and how 'lovey dovey' he is with you, is kenough😔🦶)
●His engine doesn't just rumble. IT PURRS💯
Rodimus Prime!!!
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●WILL pull you out of work to cuddle, no excuses captain's orders😠
●-1 Rodimus star
●Squeals like a little kid when you give in (happy captain noises)
●Holoform or no holofom HE DOES NOT CARE!! He will get cuddles one way or another
●Nuzzles his helm in your neck, he thinks you're warm and you smell good :3
●He likes playing with your hair and vice versa, if you comb your fingers through his holoform's hair he will MELT.
●Wraps both of you in blanket burritos .
●He practically whines if you move just AN INCH out of bed. Don't leave him dawg.. 🥺
●He very much prefers his holoform more than mass displaced form or being in his normal shape and size because it just makes it easier for him to hold you :3
●Wrap his legs around you, ALL of his limbs. So that the boogeyman doesn't get you he said (to keep you from leaving.)
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blacclotusss · 1 day
No Pain
My thoughts and opinions on IWTV s02e03: No Pain
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This whole scene with the Talamasca agent did confuse me for a bit. It threw me off when he began acting as if he were talking on the phone, but I was definitely locked into it. He's the RJ sending Daniel things as he's talking with Armand and I want to know what he knows and how Daniel will use it in this situation. I need to know what his role will be in unpacking all of whatever is going to come out in the end. 
Lestat & Armand's Relationship
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Dumpster fire, just as I thought. I can see the appeal of it and the way Armand showcased his power was everything to me. Him knocking and turning Lestat every way but loose was hilarious, but I always love seeing Lestat lose. I called it a dumpster fire because you could kind of tell that it wasn't anything deeper than the lust they had for each other, at least in the way Armand told it. There seems to be a lot of omission on Armand's part and I wish I could search his brain to see exactly what it was he left out. Maybe as the season goes on, we'll see more of what's inside that head and underneath that mysterious exterior.  
Louis and Armand's First Dates
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In the words of Johnny Gill: My. My. My. The way this date took so many twists and turns I could hardly keep up. Firstly, it was fun to see their little banter about the blocking of thoughts. Even when it got a bit intense with Armand clocking every time Louis thought about that man, it wasn't too crazy and we were able to see them reel it back in. Louis mentions letting Armand in instead of allowing his thoughts to spill and I want to know if Louis even trusts Armand that much to allow that if he could block his thoughts. But, the real kicker was when the two stopped to talk by the river. Flirty Louis is one of my favorite facets of the man and he was laying it on thick. Everything from the way the words rolled off of his tongue to the head movements to the accent was pure perfection. And the way he walked up into Armand's space as if he were going to kiss him...chef's kiss on everyone's part. I loved the way Armand was taken aback, yet intrigued, with Louis' responses as well.  
Now, the intensity of the date in the little bar was through the roof. I'm still wondering why Louis is calling himself a whore for being out with other men. I know there's a reason, but I can't get my thoughts together on it. Maybe someone can help me out with that. Is it him still feeling attached to this man as his first real love? Is it the pain and brokenness coming through? Is it guilt for killing his love and leaving him back home? And the way Armand picks his brain apart and gets him to confess his relationship with Lestat was really something. It's pretty sad to see Louis' thoughts, feelings, and pain affect him like this. He deserves some happiness.  
Claudia Talking About Bruce
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Wow. This woman has been through so damn much in her life it's baffling. In season one, we see Louis omit the details of her assault so we didn't know the severity of it. Here, we still don't have gruesome detail (thank God) but to just think about the fact that she was not only assaulted once, but multiple times and kept under the floorboards by him. Do you know how insane that is? To not know when it'll ever stop. When they'll get tired of your "gloomy faces"? Every person Claudia has encountered has done her wrong. Every. Single. One. And that including Louis as well because he didn't even have to have her turned in the first place. I know the coven is going to put her through it even more than they already have, but I'll save that for later. Oh how I wish she could live her life the way she wants with no one in her way or trying to put her in a box. 
Armand Choosing Love
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Oh these two. THESE TWO. Every scene with them has my stomach doing flips. Firstly, can we talk about that tunnel scene? It's a scene that should put fear in your heart for Louis, but it's simply a build up for their first kiss in my opinion. Louis is ready to die and he's preparing himself for it while Armand stands behind him like an ominous being running his fingers through his curls and down the back of his neck. It just sends shivers down your spine in the best way. "You walked me home?" "Did I?" Please! The little moment the two share before Armand walks up to him...whew. I don't know if Armand is telling the truth about being hurt (I have an inclination that he is), I'd like to think he is, but the wavering in both of their voices hit me in the chest. The kiss?! Resuscitate me, immediately! The caresses on the face and the way Armand pulls him back in each time! I had to fan myself each time I watched it (yes, I watched it numerous times and no, it's not weird.) Just when you think it's over, Louis invites the man upstairs and I need to see the tape! But, Armand choosing love and choosing something for himself definitely opens the door for the coven to do as they please with Claudia since Maitre isn't doing his job and this frightens me.  
Claudia and Her Role in the Coven
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Were they hazing my girl in this episode?! All this for a speck of a spot in this coven? Electric chair just for that. And as soon as Claudia thinks she's in and has met her people, they betray her by making her play a little girl...and for 50 years at that. She's been trying to get out of this "little girl" role for the longest and now she's stuck. I can't imagine the way she's feeling about this. And we also see Armand getting involved with her physically, which...oh boy. It's just a hot mess all around. I now see what Armand meant when he said his name was in those pages and why he wouldn't want them seen. Some part of me is still being delusional about her fate. Maybe she will survive and live her life the way she planned (yes, I know this is not reality.)  
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momowoah · 1 day
Okay but I really think that the worst part is that this is season seven. Unless they're planning to turn 9-1-1 into the new Grey's Anatomy the chances of us being already in the final half of the show are huge. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any drama, but the characters should've started to go forward, and yet nearly all of them feel stuck in the same place they have been for several seasons. Or should I say 2-3 seasons?
tldr: all/most S7 storylines were either useless in the long run or recycles. The only characters who had storylines on the good side of the scale (as in, they helped the characters develop and move to a new place in their lives) were Maddie and Chimney (and maybe Buck but he's on thin ice). All the characters are back to the same place they were in s4/s5. It's probably TM's fault. This shouldn't be happening in a 7th season.
(really long post under the cut but worth it imo)
Bobby and Athena had a whole seven episodes for their storylines and yet it didn't significantly change anything about them or their relationship. The doubts of how they are when they're at peace that were brought up in ep1 ended up not being addressed at all. We started the season with what was supposed to be this huge thing in their relationship and it was just never brought up again! Instead they put bathena through distress again just for the sake of being dramatic. And while I'm extremely glad we got Amir and think there were several high points in his storyline, what difference did it make in the long run? Yes, it brought up interesting things to Bobby's storyline, such as more insight into his childhood and the chance for him to explore another side of the fire he caused, but is it going to change anything? No! Bobby will be reinstated in S8 bc that's just how these things go, and I doubt they'll put any effort to continue the survivors storyline. I'd bet it'll just be ignored in the next seasons.
Hen and Karen have been trying for YEARS AND YEARS to adopt a child and they just can't let them! As a wlw, do you know how awful that is to watch? Seeing them fail time and time again and have their family broken up once again just because??? It was one thing with Nia, she got a happy ending, but that wasn't the case with Mara. The best thing for everyone involved would be for her to stay with Hen and Karen, but they blew it up. I know she's with Madney, but it's not the fucking same. Why do they have to go through this again? Why can't they finally get the family they've spent years fighting for? Why can't the drama be about anything else, why does it have to be about failed adoptions? I've seen this enough times before. Why not let them be able to adopt???? Why? I'm genuinely upset abt this btw, probably more than about anything else that went down.
Buck got to finally come out and it was great but instead of taking it as an opportunity to let him grow into himself they just threw him right back into the hamster wheel of dating people who are either not fully into him or who he's not fully into. (if you like bt probably skip the rest of this paragraph but I'd also be upset about how they're handling them if I liked the ship bc I liked the previous bt and they did something similar to them lol) Tommy's behavior could be explained away at first, but I feel like time and time again the show goes the extra mile to make him uninterested in Buck or just straight up an asshole to him? Instead of taking the small opportunities of portraying them as a healthy happy couple they just consistently screw up their relationship? They're not the couple I support but even then I wanted them to be good together bc I want Buck to be happy, and yet all we get is this?
I don't even have words about Eddie, especially considering what rg has said about him destroying his life and possibly reverting back to military no emotions mode next season. WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY? We already saw him break down, WE'VE ALREADY HAD A STORYLINE ABOUT HIM REBUILDING HIS LIFE, but happiness is boring so now he has to ruin his relationship with his son too right? It just pisses me off how they go about his character sometimes. I liked that they were bringing back the Shannon storyline because he was supposed to be able to finally move on, but this wasn't about that. No, it was about retraumatizing Eddie and Chris and splitting them up at a time when they should be leaning on each other and healing, because Chris has also been suffering with the Shannon stuff. We saw it in fucking ep 1. Don't even get me started on the Marisol stuff because idek why she was there at all. Literally don't get it. We had an off-screen breakup anyways. She wasn't relevant at all to anything that happened. Why was she even there? I'm genuinely asking. The only Eddie arc that has some positive potential for next season is him dealing with his relationship with religion (especially if they tie it to the military and the way he lives his life for others' expectations), but tbh I don't trust them not to fuck it up.
Finally, I don't have complaints about madney, except for why tf was Maddie so absent this season? The wedding episode was all about Chimney (who was also maybe kinda missing tbh), and although I love him and his backstory and the opportunity to see Kevin again, I really wanted it to be about their relationship, since it was their wedding, yk. Dispatch was also severely under utilized. We did get the 7x07 Maddie plotline and it might've been bc it was a shortened season but yeah, I'm still not that satisfied.
So, we have all the characters stuck in places they've been before. More specifically, in the place they were in season 4/5. Bathena relationship problems followed by a life threatening situation? Check. Henren struggling with adoption? Check. Buck getting into what was supposed to be a good relationship only for it to end up going really bad? Check. Eddie struggling with relationships and his mental health going to hell? Check. Madney in a good place with a new child and about to have an awful fucking time? Hopefully just check for the first part. And you know which question this makes me ask? It's whether Tim Minear is just reverting everyone to their s4 state out of spite for the seasons he was away. And even if it is a genuine attempt at getting the show back on the track he wanted out of good intentions, it still sucks, because it doesn't change the fact that it is just a repeat of old storylines. I actually complained at this before the show even aired, but (iirc) I ended up deleting my post because I thought that I was just overreacting. Guess what? I fucking wasn't, bc that's EXACTLY what they did.
Now, going back to the start of this post, the reason why all these storylines suck so much is not that they are bad. It's not even that they aren't original. No, it's the fact that we're doing storylines that belong in the fourth or fifth season of a show in its seventh season. Even the Gerrard plotline, which is new to 9-1-1, feels like it came too late, because the split up crew/villain captain storyline tends to happen much sooner in procedurals, and for a reason. Besides the fact that this was never really a big bad type of show and I don't get why they are making it one all of a sudden, and ignoring the fact that Gerrard being brought back as captain, especially to the 118 of all places, makes no fucking sense, that kind of plotline is one that it's obviously always temporary. No one believes he'll still be the captain by the end of 8A, much less by the end of the season. He'll hardly survive the first 3-5 episodes. That's ultimately a filler storyline. It helps the show go on for longer, it might even help in the development of a couple characters, but at the end of the day it doesn't change anything, which appears to be a recurring theme when it comes to 9-1-1 storylines.
The reason I have a problem with this is that we don't need a filler storyline, because no one knows whether the show has the luxury of taking its sweet time. Yeah, it has a huge audience and it is doing good numbers, but it is still a fucking money pit that was already cancelled once and it's unsustainable on the long run. It might not end that soon, but is it honestly going to reach season 14? Does anyone truly think that we've only seen half of it (or less) so far? Because I don't. Not many shows make it that far, and there's a reason for that. We have three huge names who are extremely important to the show. What happens if they get tired? What happens if someone gets a better offer? What happens if we're still revisiting old storylines when that happens? Do we get an incomplete story or a rushed one?
The show should be moving forward, even if there are no plans for it to end soon. We have the drama of the huge disasters 9-1-1 loves. We have the drama of the cases. We have a myriad of new possible dramatic storylines for the characters that show development without being too final. Athena could have so many different job related storylines (from moving up in her career to abandoning it), and her and Bobby's storyline from the beginning of the season about being boring together can be played in a good and dramatic line. Henren and Madney have a whole world of parenting issues that they could go through. Buck and Eddie both still need either an endgame love interest (whether it's each other or not) or to get to the point where they are fine not having one, and we have all of the relationship trouble that comes with that. This show can give us new things, storylines that are good for the characters, without losing the dramatic factor (which, if I'm being honest, would not be a deal breaker for me). Yet, it refuses to, and probably not for a good reason, because it comes down to either Tim wanting to rewrite history or just trying to drag this show for as long as possible (which apparently he only knows how to do by refusing to make the characters happy). And you know what? I'm fucking mad about it, and I think you should be too.
Btw, this is not to say the whole season sucked. We got Madney and Henren together multiple times which was great. We finally got Bi Buck. There were several amazing acting moments for both the main and recurring actors. As a standalone season, it was good. It just doesn't work when you look at the bigger picture.
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How the “Azriel only lusts after Elain” crowd must have read the series.
"But Azriel's attention was on my sister, a polite, bland smile on his face as he stared at her chest. Her shoulders loosened a bit."
"Elain said to Azriel, perhaps the only two civilized ones here, "Can you truly fly?" He set down his fork, blinking. I might have even called him self-conscious, but he was certainly just thinking about how to bed her."
"Azriel arrived first, no shadows to be seen, my sister a pale golden mass in his arms, his hands placed firmly on her bottom."
"Azriel smiled faintly. "Would you like me to show you the garden?" he asked as he stared at her chest, never looking her in the eyes."
Azriel, gracefully as any courtier, offered her an arm. I couldn't tell if she was looking at his blue Siphon or at his scarred skin beneath as she breathed, "Beautiful". It was clear what Azriel was looking at. Color bloomed high on Azriel's golden-brown cheeks, but he inclined his head in thanks and led my sister toward the back doors into the garden, where he made his intentions to bed her known."
"Elain sat silently at one of the wrought-iron tables, a cup of tea before her. Azriel was sprawled on the chaise longue across the gray stones, sunning his wings and reading what looked to be a stack of reports - likely information on the Autumn court that he planned to present to Rhys once he'd sorted through it all. He'd look up from the reports to give Elain what could only be described as bedroom eyes, disinterested in anything she'd try to say to him."
"Azriel's hazel eyes churned as he studied my sister, her too-thin body. He stared a bit too long at her chest."
"I can help her," said Azriel, stepping to the table as Elain silently rose. No shadows at his ear, no darkness ringing his fingers as he extended a hand. Nesta monitored him like a hawk, but kept silent as Elain took his hand, and out they went. He took a moment to ogle her backside first."
"It made sense, I supposed, that Azriel alone had listened to her. From how often I catch him staring at her chest, it's clear he only intends to sleep with her at the first opportunity."
"Then Azriel, gently taking Elain's hand in his own while staring at her chest, as if afraid his scars would hurt her."
"From the shadows near the entrance to the tent, Azriel said, as if in answer to some unspoken debate, "I'm getting her back." Nesta slid her gaze to the shadowsinger. Azriel's hazel eyes glowed golden in the shadows. Nesta said, "Then you will die." Azriel only repeated, rage glazing that stare, "I'm getting her back. I will not lose my chance to sleep with her."
"Azriel gently removed the gag from her mouth. "Are you hurt?" She shook her head, devouring the site of him as if not quite believing it, "You came for me." The shadowsinger inclined his head and made a crude joke about making them both come once she's freed of her chains."
"Yet Elain didn't seem to notice them as she rose up on her toes and kissed the shadowsinger's cheek. His pants tightened in response."
"Azriel, still limping, merely nudged aside Cassian and extended another option. "This is Truth-Teller," he told her softly. "I won't be using it today-so I want you to. If you die, I won't get my chance to bed you."
"Elain nodded, smiling up at me, and it was tentative joy-and life that shone in her eyes…That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel's shadows across the room. That wasn't the only thing on Azriel that grew."
"But Azriel only took Elain's heavy dish of potatoes from her hands, his voice soft as night as he said, "Sit, I'll take care of it. You'll need your energy for later if I can have my way with you."
"I found Elain studying it, beautiful in her amythst-colored gown. I made to move toward her, but someone beat me to it…Especially as he gently said to my sister, "Happy Solstice." Elain turned from the snow falling in the darkness and smiled slightly. Azriel eyes churned with lust."
"Azriel mastered himself enough to say, "Thank you." I'd never seen his hazel eyes so bright, though it's clear he just felt lust and not joy."
"Azriel and Elain remained in the sitting room, my sister showing him the plans she'd sketched to expand the garden in the back of the town house, using her seeds and tools my family had given her tonight. He didn't seem to be paying attention as he nodded absent-mindedly and stared at her chest."
ACOSF (Bonus for the shadows don't like Elain readers)
""Because of the shit with Elain?" Azriel stilled. "What happened to Elain?" Cassian waved a hand… Cassian surveyed the shadows gathered around Az. "You all right?" His brother nodded. "Fine". But the shadows still swarmed him. Not because of his worry about Elain, they don't like her at all. For other reasons."
"Nesta saw the blow land, like a physical impact, in Elain's face, her posture. No one spoke, though shadows gathered in the corners of the room, like snakes preparing to strike. The shadows don't like Elain though."
"Nesta met the shadowsinger's stare and he gave her a nod. Then his gaze shifted to Elain, and though it was utterly neutral, something charged went through it. Through then. Elain's breath caught slightly and she gave him a shallow nod of greeting before brushing past, leading Nesta into the room. Nesta knew it was lust Azriel felt for her sister."
"Letting him see that she understood why he stood in the doorway, why he wouldn't go near the fire. Because he lusted for Elain so much, it pained him. His secret to tell, never hers."
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marcasmacmanus · 2 days
Three Nobleman (Pt. III)
Lord Ambroys Belrose Desoleil
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The last one I worked on. May one can tell this character is something really special to me.. and maybe that's one of the reasons this last portrait was a hell of a roller-coaster to me. Almost leading me to quit and abandoning the whole project. The reason why this particular painting has a different background than the other two is that I had to start over completely. The first mistake I made was the scale. At first I wanted to show way more of the character itself, what meant on the other hand, that all the details got way smaller and I just wasn't able to adequately handle that. The second problem was that I somehow messed up his face/expression and wasn't able to figure out what went wrong or what it was exactly, that make it seem so odd to me.. And last but not least, my absolute lack of understanding color.. yep, I like painting stuff but I don't really understand how colors work.. His mane/hair became my arch nemesis. Not that it is hard enough, to work with bright colors that are pretty close to each other, without outlines, no, I had absolutely no idea how many different colors are needed to mix blonde.. just to make that slight difference to his coat. The decision to use the "older" version of him wasn't helping either. His younger self doesn't have the straight mane/hair, which makes it way easier to let it look like "hair". Well, at least to me. But in the end I think I somehow managed it to a degree that it is acceptable (for my fourth time with oils). To end the part of my struggle with this one, there was one thing left I wish I had noticed earlier, and that's the position of his left arm. I just took the sketch from my first try and scaled it up, not noticing that the arm may look a little bit odd now.
But that's aside, I also had a lot of fun with the painting. I totally got lost in the rose on his revers (because I love roses the most) and there are some more details which made me really happy how they turned out. But I have to confess that I cheated a little on this painting as well. It's the only of the three portraits that isn't exclusively painted in oils. His horn is actually painted over with nail-polish to get that opalescent shimmer.
Ambroys' portrait took me about 90 hours (first try included). It's based on this drawing by @kwillow - how-much-conditioner-do-you-think-olderamby-goes -, which again means that I don't want to take any credit for the artwork itself.
Yes, Ambroys means a lot to me and that may be the reason I look more critical on this one. But the most important thing for me is, that the new owners, @chocodile and @kwillow, like them and can gain some joy out of my work. You guys gave me so much through your characters and their stories, and helped me through a very hard, and so far the darkest chapter of my life. And therefore, thank you!
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harleyquilt · 3 days
A lil touken/kanetou ficlet expanding on this hc >:3
“Do guys often flirt with you?” Kaneki asks Touka glumly, a baby Ichika holding onto his pinky.
He lies next to her on the floor, watching Touka fold laundry on the nearby couch. Touka gives him a knowing smile, which only adds to his restlessness. He pouts, looking down at Ichika. The baby gives a wide, toothless smile, kicking her legs out while shaking Kaneki's hand. He breaks into a smile, tickled by Ichika’s abundant happiness.
“Yeah, they sometimes try to catch my attention.” Touka finally responds, holding up a tiny, bunny onesie. Kaneki tries his best to hide his growing irritation. “Can't say I've ever seen anyone try as hard as this one particular Dove, though.” Kaneki is now looking at her with a slight frown, and with a smirk, Touka shakes her head. “It was pretty funny, actually. He went as far as to buy a book about coffee, hoping to impress me.”
Kaneki's irritation rapidly dissolves into deep and frantic embarrassment. Hiding his blushing face behind his hands, he curses Haise under his breath. Ichika watches him, slapping a small hand against his arm. It's like she, too, was mocking him. His very own daughter, already turned against him. Touka giggles, tempted to tease him further. There were plenty of memories she had of Haise that she could now recount to Kaneki, reminding him of how he repeatedly approached Touka with a clumsy innocence.
“Just…” Kaneki lowers his hands, the tips of his ears still red. “Don't let anyone else talk to you like that, okay?”
“Yes, yes.” Touka folds the last of the laundry, taking the pile under her arm and standing up. “Coffee?”
. . .
A human customer stands before Touka, wearing an expression one might describe as awestruck. He swallows, clearly nervous, and he takes a moment to pluck together the words he was about to say.
“Yes, the house b-blend, please.”
Touka offers a polite smile, but keeps her eyes lowered, tapping the order into the register. “That'll be–”
“U-Um!” He interrupts her with a yell, looking alarmed all the while. Touka raises a brow, looking between him and the register. “I just wanted to say that y-you’re really pretty! You're the most beautiful person I've ever met!!”
Proclaiming this, he reaches awkwardly into his wallet for the payment. He's clearly hoping for some kind of response, but is also driven by the shameful need to run away. Touka suppresses a deep sigh, maintaining her usual smile. After working in such a profession for most of her life, it is not difficult for her to feign flattery for those who try to win her heart. Polite, distant flattery, that is. The glimmer in his eyes will quickly fade once she makes it clear that she's not interested.
That is until Kaneki appears behind her, a hand on her shoulder. He dons a smile not dissimilar to hers – polite, but with a touch of insincerity. No, it's not quite the same. She can see it, his agitation, lurking underneath the calm surface, ready to lash out. She almost wants to laugh, seeing him jealous over something so trivial.
“She is, isn't she?” Kaneki says, squeezing Touka against him. His eyes are cold, cutting right through the bashful warmth of the customer. “I'm lucky to have her as my wife.”
“Alright, alright.” Touka shoves him away, giving the customer a small, apologetic bow. “That'll be ¥700, sir.”
Kaneki pouts at first, before glaring at the customer. The man, suddenly frightened, places the precise amount onto the counter and hurries away. Kaneki sighs and hugs Touka from behind.
“G-Get back to work, idiot.” Touka hisses, trying to push his hands away. “What's gotten into you?”
“He was bothering you.” Kaneki mutters, hugging her tighter.
Touka tuts. “First of all, I can handle myself.” She pries his hands away from her and faces him, pinching her lips together. He looks away, a little ashamed. Only a little, though. “Secondly, he wasn't bothering me!”
“He was,” Kaneki insists. “I could see it, the evil intent in his eye– oww.”
Touka pinches his cheek, her lips curling into an irritated smile. He rubs his cheek once she lets go, nodding solemnly when she orders him back to work. Tutting again, she returns to the register, finding another starry-eyed customer.
It was going to be a long day.
. . .
The cafe is now empty, save for Kaneki and Touka. They're cleaning up the cafe, wiping down tables and restocking their coffee beans in preparation for tomorrow. Touka stretches her arms up, yawning. And before she can lower her arms, Kaneki loops his arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck.
“Why do you always sneak up from behind me?” Touka asks, smirking. She sways with Kaneki as he rocks her gently side to side. “Afraid to face me?”
With a quiet snort, he turns her to face him and he gives her a long, tender kiss. Despite being together for over a year, sharing such intimacy still sends a flurry of butterflies through their hearts, as if it were the first time. Touka holds a hand against Kaneki's cheek, smiling.
“It's nice to have you all to myself.” Kaneki remarks with a hint of pride. Touka’s smile drops briefly and she pinches his cheek again. “A-Ah, I was kidding.” Releasing him, he kisses her forehead. “Mostly.”
“You're so needy.” She mutters, though she hugs him tightly, resting her head against his chest. “You're like a bunny.”
“Shouldn't it be the other way around…?”
They stay like that for a moment, enjoying the peaceful quiet around them and the warmth of each other's bodies. Leaning back, Kaneki brushes aside her bangs, looking into her cool, dark eyes.
“You really are beautiful, Touka-chan.”
Touka's cheeks immediately turn red, her eyes darting between Kaneki and the ground as she shrinks away. Compliments from strangers did so little to stir her heart, and yet when Kaneki touches her with his soft-spoken words, his entire attention on her and her alone, it's almost overwhelming. It's like her heart struggles to hold the weight of his affection. It left her rather flustered, which only spurred him on. He cups her cheeks, showering her with even more praise. She squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, her lips pressed together.
“That's too much…” She mutters, not wanting to see the satisfaction on his face.
“But it's true.” He kisses her again and Touka feels like she could melt into his arms at any moment. And though she does not want to admit it aloud, she'd be glad to, if it's Kaneki.
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bittersweet-folder · 15 hours
hiii, could you do the light forehead kisses with minghao or vernon? like really domestic and soft 🥺
Yess ofc love🌷[I'm so sorry for such a late response btw. Please read a/n in the end. Thank you♡]
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🍪 Cookies and cream
Pairing: Vernon× gn reader[they are in an established relationship].
Genre: fluff, very domestic scenario, baking with Vernon basically.
Warnings: none. Word count:739
Note: you call Vernon by his first name Hansol. Also idk why I kept that title but okay 💀 .
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"Nooo, you're supposed to coat them in flour, Hansol" you exclaimed as you saw him directly adding the blue berries in the cake batter.
"Uhh okay okay but why?" Vernon asked, nonchalantly.
"It's because of the batter. When you coat the blueberries with flour they automatically don't sink to the bottom of the baking pan." You explained while looking at him and continued "and when you add them to the batter and mix them lightly okay?"
"Yes ma'am!" he smiled. He bought extra flour in a bowl and coated the blueberries in flour. He looks very concentrated for someone who's assisting you to bake for the first time.
There wasn't really a special occasion to make Hansol some cookies and cake. In fact he loved any desserts made by you. But this time you were also going to send a batch of cookies to his family. So you asked for his help. Looking at how concentrated he is, with what you've instructed him to do made you happy. You took a glance at the clock. It was almost the time for the cookies to be done so you slid the cooking glove on to your hand and took them out of the oven. The delicious smell of chocolate and a sugary essence filled the kitchen. You set the pan on the table for the cookies to cool down. Hansol automatically left what he was doing and waddled back to you and hugged you from the back, settling his chin on your shoulder.
"Can I take some break please babe?" he murmured. His focus was still on the cookies.
"Hansol, honey I know your tricks. Just say that you want some cookies right now" you said nonchalantly as you pressed in the center of the cookies lightly. Nice and fully baked. You picked up the big ones.
"Wow, am I that obvious?" he questioned, his lips now pressed in a thin line,blinking at you as if in disbelief. You placed the big cookies on a plate.
"Yes and here's your cookies, the big ones because I knew you'd want some" you handed him the plate with a smile on your lips.
"Thank you babe" he said as he flashed his toothy smile at you.
"Mention not honey" you said.
Then you started searching for the jar in which you were supposed to store the cookies in.
"Hold on, where's the jar" you thought while going through the lower cupboards. After a little bit of searching you found it in the upper shelves. "This must be his doings" you thought as you sighed outta annoyance but then you saw two hands on either side trapping you to the kitchen counter. You turned around, the jar still in your hands and looked at Hansol. Your eyes meet his.
"I've put the blueberry batter in a different baking tray and put it in the oven, darling. The choco chip cookies were delicious" he said and smiled softly. You couldn't help but feel the blood rushing to your cheeks because of the pet name he just called you.
"Okay then what about my kisses?" you mumbled with a pout, your eyes looking down at the jar, breaking eye contact. It was silly how you wanted some kisses in the middle of all this mess in the kitchen but at the same time it still made sense why. He cradles your face with his hands, making you look at him. He can now take a good look at your blushy face. He slowly leaned in and placed his soft lips on your lips. A soft and warm kiss with a slight lingering essence of cookies on his lips. After breaking off from the kiss he pressed soft kisses on your forehead. It made your heart swell with a mushy feeling. He did take another look at your flushed face before removing his hands from your cheeks.
"Vernon quit staring like that" you whined and continued "and move aside babe, gonna store the cookies in this jar" you walked past him.
He followed you for a few steps and then said "by the way love it would be great if I can get another-" before he could finish the sentence you cut in stating "noo you're not getting any more cookies Vernon" you chuckled knowing the fact that you will end up giving him one more cookie while storing the cookies in jar.
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A/n: yes I love baking so I was like why not write about this, baking with Vernon so yeah. I did proofread once lemme know if there's any mistake though.
I was very much emotionally exhausted about some things going on rn so that's why requests are closed. ALSO THANK YOU FOR 500+ FOLLOWERS 😭😭.
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