#Asmr argentina
moonwom4n · 2 years
Asmr Argentina Casero, este vídeo lo grabe en plena pandemia y a pesar de la vergüenza me siento orgullosa de como salieron los sonidos asique decidí empezar con esto que me ayuda tanto a mi para ver si puedo relajar a los demás 😊✨
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peraltuki · 11 months
where is mi gente latino ✊🏻 in this fandom?
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rinconliterario · 10 months
Les dejo este video de YouTube, (si pueden entrar al link mucho mejor) donde comparto audiocuentos, audio poemas, audiolibros, podcast.
Voy a subir contenido literario, artístico, cultura general o realizar algún podcast todos los viernes. Pueden escucharlo mientras hacen acciones cotidianas y/o como acompañamiento en general.
Si disfrutaste del video podes suscribirte a mi canal, darle like o compartirlo para apoyar mi contenido.
Muchas gracias, saludos.
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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aulises · 10 months
Buzo Southpark by moscaremeras | #short #shorts #shortsvideo #shortstories #shortstory #shortstoriesofinstagram #instagram #southpark #kyle #kenny #eric #stan #mosca #moscaremeras #merch #photography #arte #artedigital #artesvisuales #buenosaires #argentina #asmr envíos a todo el país.
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shackred · 4 years
Watch "Puelo Lake Amazing Lakeshore Mountains Forest Landscape Patagonia Argentina 🇦🇷🌎🌄" on YouTube
Puelo Lake Amazing Lakeshore Mountains Forest Landscape Patagonia Argentina 🇦🇷🌎🌄
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alexisasmr-blog · 6 years
ASMR Fifa World Cup RUSSIA 2018 - SOY DE ARGENTINA - Sonidos Con Pelota ...
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dl4draws · 3 years
hiii delfi! good morning! your past abt the US and its shitty geography were the first thing i read today and uhh i'm not very informed on US geography so that was a lesson and a half lmao
anywayy u said u wanted to hear more country shenanigans so let me provide u with some bullshit that germany has to offer!
as far as shitty geography goes, we don't have too much going on because we're not that big. we have 16 states ("Bundesländer") in total, 3 of which are "Stadtstaaten" (=city-states) which basically means that they are both a state and the state's capital at once (those three are Hamburg, Bremen, and Berlin - yes, Berlin as in the capital of Germany). One thing that is kind of similar to the US and their north/south/west/whatever states is that we have three states that are called Sachsen (Saxony), Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), and Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt). I can't tell you why they're all called Sachsen, they just are. We also have a state called Saarland which is (jokingly) the Alabama of Germany. No idea where that joke came from but everybody likes to make fun of Saarland.
One thing that I personally find hilarious is that we have cities with the same names, too. My favourite example is Frankfurt. There's one Frankfurt that is a huge city, incredibly important, I believe the headquarters of the European Central Bank as well as a lot of other banks are situated in Frankfurt. But officially we call this gigantic important city "Frankfurt am Main" (Main is a river that Frankfurt is next to, "Frankfurt next to the Main") as to not offend some town with 10 times less inhabitants that also happens to be called Frankfurt (Frankfurt an der Oder, another river). We don't add the name of the state to specify the town like the US does, we take the nearest river or sometimes the administrative districts it's in (Haag in Oberbayern, for example, which is "Haag in Upper Bavaria").
Okay useless geography lesson over, now for the funnier bits! (idk why i even put all the geography here ooof sorry)
The most well known fuckery is probably the "Bielefeldverschwörung" (Bielefeld conspiracy). Basically, all of Germany has collectively decided that the city Bielefeld in North Rhine-Westphalia does not exist. Anything that might prove us wrong is simply the work of aliens. It's basically a meme that the entire country accepted as fact. Bielefeld does not exist. (The origin is that some college students in the 90's had a running gag about Bielefeld not being real and it caught on on the internet. The plan was to prove the conspiracy theories, no matter how outlandish they are, can and will be defended even if they are blatantly wrong. It's hilarious imo)
Another thing is the Sprachbarriere (language barrier? is that a thing?). Every state has a different dialect and even the districts have different dialects sometimes. Some of the dialects aren't that unintelligible but then there are others where you think you suddenly entered a different country because you simply don't understand anything. Yes technically, we all speak German. But the only actual universal language is hochdeutsch (=high german, which really doesn't mean anything other than "normal german").
There are so many dialects!
Personally, I'm from the south of Germany. Rural Upper Bavaria (Oberbayern) to be exact. Here, people speak oberbayrisch and it's sometimes impossible to understand - even for me, someone who has lived here all their life but doesn't speak it (because my parents aren't from here and don't speak it either).
There are other notorious dialects, like the Berliner Schnauze (can't think of a literal translation other than "Berlin snout" rn, it's basically just the dialect in Berlin), which might seem pretty rude and harsh to non-Berlin folks, but it's not meant to be rude.
Another example is Plattdeutsch ("flat german"?) which is spoken in the north. I don't know much about it but it sounds funny.
Then there is sächsisch. My favourite dialect of them all because i can imitate it and it's so funny. It's spoken in Saxony.
Another one that I like a lot is schwäbisch (=swabian). It's spoken in Baden Württemberg, particularly in central and southern Württemberg. It's pretty nuanced with several versions and it's almost impossible to understand tbh. Most of my family is from the Swabian Alb, so technically i should be able to understand it but oh boy do i have difficulties!
There are a lot more that i'm not talking about here tho because i don't know them!
With all those regional differences in language there are also some differences in what we call certain things and we WILL fight over those.
An example are bread rolls. You see, in Bavaria we call them "Semmel", in Baden-Württemberg we call them "Weckle" (i think that's how it's spelled but i'm not sure), in Thuringia we call them "Brötchen" (that's what i call them too), and in Berlin they're "Schrippen". I know I probably didn't mention all the versions but these are the ones i know. We fight about that. Daily. My family is a fun mix of Baden-Württemberg, Thuringia, and Bavaria, so everyday we argue about whether it's Brötchen, Semmeln, or Weckle. Nobody wins. (Brötchen are superior tho. Fight Me.)
The same thing happens for pancakes (Eierkuchen or Pfannkuchen) and another baked thing that I don't know the proper English name of. We call them Berliner, Krapfen, Pfannkuchen, Kreppel, Puffel, and probably so many other things lmao. Nobody ever wins but it's bound to start a fight.
Same thing goes for Nutella. German has three articles, a masculine one (der), a feminine one (die), and a neutral one (das). People will argue about the grammatical gender of Nutella. Personally I believe it's "das Nutella" and everything else is an atrocity.
Okay wow, I spent over an hour typing this up and it's probably so boring ahshasga i'm sorry delfi i didn't mean to dump all that on you!
omg yes thank you so much for taking the time to write all of this (an hour omfg), it was extremely interesting to read!!!!!!
okay so first things first, berlin is literally the best and i went only once but i honestly would love to move there, my only problem is: i have no clue how to speak/read german and from reading this it’s gonna be difficult even trying to learn (with all the different dialects) 
skdhaksdhs so many sachsens oh my god, also does literally every country have an alabama???????? ours is santiago del estero lol
the Frankfurt case is nice tho, bc yes it is the same name, but they did the thing i like which is “virginia but to the left”, but with rivers gkfhgfsdfghj
i am SO sorry germans but Bielefeldverschwörung looks like a keysmash ashgdhasgdhsjgdkjasd I'm so sorry, also Bielefeldverschwörung??? i know no Bielefeldverschwörung (am i doing this right?) 
having so many dialects is insane omg?? we have different accents here, not dialects. at least i’m not aware of argentina having different dialects, that’s mostly for argentina and other spanish speaking countries. for example in spain in they use coger in the to grab something meaning (i have been scrolling on my camera roll for about 15 minutes looking for the meme) (FOUND IT)
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german is so nice to listen to, i actually listen to asmr zeitgeist’s german videos a lot because not understanding anything with the soft whispers make my brain go zzzzzzz 
thank you so much for sharing all of these amazing facts!!! had a blast reading everything!!!
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mapsontheweb · 4 years
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Which Countries Watch the Most ASMR Videos?
In this new study we analyzed the world of ASMR to find what countries are watching the most ASMR videos.
To identify ASMR viewer hotspots, we uncovered the number of YouTube searches for the keyword ‘ASMR’ and filtered them by country. The warmer the color on the map, the more searches-per-person being made in the corresponding area.
Top Findings:
YouTube users in Brunei are three times more likely to go hunting for tingles than in any other country.
Sweden, Iceland, Norway, New Zealand and France are the among the biggest searchers.
Finland is the top country in Europe, with more than 2 searches per person for ASMR videos on YouTube.
When it comes to South America, Chile takes the lead, followed closely by Uruguay and Argentina.
YouTube users in St Vincent and Grenadines search for ASMR videos more often than anyone else in North America, with Canada taking the second place.
View the full study here: https://www.onlinemattressreview.com/the-rise-of-asmr-videos/
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universoe · 3 years
Os Melhores Filmes de 2020
Enfim, 2020 acabou. Como tudo o quê envolveu o ano passado, a minha (mais singela do que nunca) lista de melhores do ano também foi afetada pela pandemia que nos assolou e ainda nos assola. Afetada não só em sua finalização ao adotar a premiação do Oscar como parâmetro de início e término de um ano cinematográfico, mas também me afetou como um consumidor de filmes.
Cinema sempre foi algo que consumi "na rua". Em casa, as prioridades sempre foram outras: séries, livros e competições esportivas. Filmes eram vistos em menor quantidade e, em sua grande maioria, em revisões. Nunca que a tônica doméstica seriam filmes inéditos. Não em sua essência.
Daí, desde março de 2020, o Cinema virou um grande My French Film Festival (festival de cinema francês contemporâneo pioneiro na realização de mostras online. Realizado sempre em janeiro, teve sua 11ª edição esse ano). Com um detalhe: se nos cinemas os filmes se mantinham à nossa disposição durante o tempo que estivessem em cartaz, em casa (salvas algumas exceções) eles se acumulam em watchlists. Assim, sigo tentando conciliar páginas, episódios e longas nessa nova rotina, embora confesse que hábitos não são assim tão fáceis de se modificar.
Agora, deixando o chororô de lado, vamos falar sobre os meus favoritos da temporada. Ano atípico. Escolhas atípicas. Formato atípico. Regras atípicas. Explico a seguir:
- Meu ano 2020 cinematográfico balizado sempre pelo Oscar se iniciou em 10 de fevereiro de 2020 e se estendeu até o longínquo dia 24 de abril de 2021. Pode ter durado mais de um ano no calendário, porém, hiatos em que nenhum filme foi visto foram tantos que o período considerado se equiparou praticamente a um ano mesmo.
- Para ser justo, não constaram entre os 189 filmes vistos nesse período os longas documentários do 26º É Tudo Verdade que ocorreu entre 08 e 18 de abril. Estes já considero como parte da temporada 2021.
- Os títulos válidos para o ranking de Melhores Filmes são aqueles que estrearam comercialmente ou foram apresentados em festivais no Brasil (fisicamente ou de forma online).
- Se sempre trago aqueles 15 filmes considerados por mim os melhores da temporada, o ranking de 2020 se limitará a 10 títulos. A predominância da Mostra Internacional de Cinema de São Paulo é avassaladora nesse ano, 80% dos escolhidos vieram dela (curtir intensamente a Mostra, mesmo que de casa, foi um hábito que não se alterou na pandemia). Os outros dois títulos foram estreias "convencionais" em serviços de streaming.
E, antes de apresentar os escolhidos, mais uma vez presto a minha singela homenagem ao maior incentivador desse meu compilado de todos os anos, meu amigo Alexandre Arroyo do site De Cinéfilo para Cinéfilo, um incansável entusiasta do Cinema e uma das minhas maiores referências na área!
10) A Morte do Cinema e do Meu Pai Também [The Death of Cinema and My Father Too - Israel/França, 2020]
O amor pelo Cinema compartilhado pelo pai e filho rende discussões calorosas aqui. Uma homenagem metalinguística que transita entre o real e a ficção.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
9) Ema [Idem - Chile, 2019]
A vingança é um combustível e tanto para quem está disposto a se alimentar dela. Um prato frio servido com um visual deslumbrante!
(visto no Mubi)
8) Gatilho [Trigger - Rússia, 2020]
A natureza do ASMR explorada com propriedade pelos aspectos técnicos do filme. Uma imersão sensorial que deságua num grande dilema vivido pela protagonista.
[sem trailer disponível]
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
7) Emicida: AmarElo - É Tudo Pra Ontem [Idem - Brasil, 2020]
É um documentário de bastidores. É um show. E também é uma poética e potente aula de história.
(visto na Netflix)
6) La Chancha [Idem - Argentina, 2020]
Traumas do passado não têm prazo de validade. Não importa quanto tempo passe, eles serão capazes de desestabilizar até a mais centrada das pessoas.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
5) Pai [Otac - Sérvia/França/Alemanha/Eslovênia/Croácia/Bósnia e Herzegovina, 2020]
A resiliência e a retidão comoventes de um pai humilde determinado a reaver a guarda de seus filhos.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
4) 17 Quadras [17 Blocks - EUA, 2019]
Vinte anos. Quatro gerações de uma família negra tão próxima do cerne político americano (17 quadras distante do Capitólio) e mais próxima ainda da violência.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
3) A Terra é Azul Como Uma Laranja [The Earth is Blue as an Orange - Ucrânia/Lituânia, 2020]
Um ambiente familiar criativamente instigante num cenário desolador: o documentário se passa numa cidade ucraniana sitiada pela guerra civil.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
2) A Saída dos Trens [Iesirea trenurilor din gara - Romênia, 2020]
Um filme-memorial cru em homenagem aos milhares de judeus romenos mortos no Massacre de Iasi em 1941.
Aqui, o documentário em dois tempos: 1º) um dos inúmeros depoimentos que compõem a produção e em 2º) imagens externas do massacre.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
1) City Hall [Idem - EUA, 2020]
Os bastidores esmiuçados daquela responsável por administrar/organizar o espaço e a vida daqueles que o ocupam: a prefeitura. Para quem gosta e é entusiasta do assunto esse documentário é um prato cheio.
(visto na Mostra Internacional de Cinema SP)
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eveiswriting · 4 years
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I have suffered with anxiety and depression since I was 11 years old and ever since then, I've noticed that some days are better than others in terms of how much I can cope. Some days I feel as though I can achieve anything. But a lot of the time (most of the time), I am busy doubting myself, worrying about other things and feeling generally drained from life itself. So I thought I'd give you some tips I use to help myself study despite suffering with anxiety and depression. I'd also like to add a little disclaimer that I am by no means saying this will cure your anxiety or depression nor make your life perfect. I know the seriousness of dealing with mental illness and my aim here is to share tips that I myself find useful.
1. Change up your routine
I notice I become really depressed when I repeat the same thing constantly and never change things up. By changing the method you study, you are challenging yourself in different ways but also making sure your brain is stimulated. So, one day you can try flashcards but another day you could watch a video and take notes or make a mindmap or make a PowerPoint and record yourself talking over it as if you are a teacher teaching that content to your class. There are numerous ways to change the way you learn.
2. Reward yourself
For some people, this may mean food or watching tv or even playing with your cat. Whatever makes you smile or feel better or slightly more relaxed, make sure to do it. You should not punish yourself for not doing 20 hours of work a day. Whether you have done 1 hour of work or 8 hours, you need time to breathe and relax away from the pressures of study.
3. Wear comfy clothes
If I visit a library or cafe, my anxiety is so high by being surrounded by people that I am already feeling out of my comfort zone. So, by wearing clothes you feel comfortable and confident in, you are more likely to adapt to the place you are in and be able to relax there. Also, studying is not much fun if you're feeling uncomfortable so choose wisely!
4. Listen to your favourite music
There is something strangely calming for me when I hear one of my favourite songs come on whilst I study or am in public, such as in a library trying to study. I get majorly anxious even if I go somewhere like a library or somewhere where other people study, so being able to listen to songs I love and that help calm me or just make me feel happy is a massive plus. If music with lyrics or music in general distracts you, I recommend either listening to white noise on youtube or asmr study live streams where they use rain sounds.
5. Adapt on down days
When you deal with mental illness, you will know there are some days when it is simply impossible to get your brain to work. You might look at your to-do list and feel a sense of dread knowing that you will never be able to get all of that done, especially if you are feeling particularly depressed or anxious on a certain day. I think the key thing that has helped me is to adapt and recognise that some days you feel like absolute crap and nothing is working. Instead of trying to force yourself to study for hours on end, try just doing something for 10 mins or 20 mins or perhaps at max 30 mins. You might think 10 mins is nothing but if you did that 3 times then you will have done 30 mins of work already. It doesn't matter how much you do, it's HOW you study. You could spend 10 hours being completely unproductive. Time does not always constitute productivity.
6. your study space
I am slightly a hypocrite with this once since I really need to make my study space and desk better for studying. With this point, I mean that you should add little decorations or things you know will make you happy around your study space. Some people might want to add fairy lights or postcards to the wall, whilst others may prefer to put a picture of their favourite singer or group. You can really be creative with this but also don't overcomplicate it since you need enough space on your desk or study area to actually be able to study and have your books out!
7. talk to others about your worries and feelings or write them down
The anxiety and the stress that school often gives us can be made worse when someone already struggles with anxiety and depression to begin with. I'm admittedly not one for talking about my feelings, I would probably say I have about 1 or 2 people close to me I could be honest with when I am feeling down, but that doesn't mean it is easy. If you are seriously struggling to the point you feel you can't take much more, please please talk to someone and do not bottle it up. Whether you call a helpline just so you can vent to someone, whether you talk to your best friend or an online friend or your brother, just please do it and don't let yourself fall into the habit of shutting everyone out. It is extremely hard to focus on studying if you are trying to fight against yourself and the negative emotions you are feeling every day on top of that.
links if you are in crisis:
a list of international suicide hotlines:
a crisis hotline (they work in the U.S., UK, Canada, South Africa, Ireland)
this is another website which gives the hotline numbers for the U.S, Canada, the UK & Republic of Ireland, Argentina, Spain, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Germany, France, Italy, Serbia, Mexico, Japan, Brazil & India
more hotlines for crisis & suicide prevention which ontop of the above also include Austria, Belgium, Portugal, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan
These tips may be short and simple but for those struggling with mental illness, even these small changes can be hard at first. Please take your time and look after yourself. Your health should not suffer just so you can achieve an A* grade. Studying can even be fun, effective and interesting if done correctly. But if you overwork yourself or deny yourself a break, you're actually going to end up less productive.
So, my overall advice is: study smart and try to monitor how you are feeling and when things are getting too much. There may be times when you hit a very low point and maybe even question if you have the ability to carry on, but I promise you that you have that potential to achieve the things you want.
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jerryybrv683 · 4 years
Congratulations! Your New Free Ebony Porn Is (Are)  Ready To  Quit Being Relevant
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Spanish pornstar Jordi El Nino Polla became the most searched in Mexico for 2019, while Mia Khalifa as well as Lana Rhoades both continued to be in the top 5. When contrasted to various other countries, Mexican visitors are 91% more probable to watch 'Latina' videos, 87% more right into 'Striptease' and also 72% more into 'Trans Male' videos. German pornstar Lucy Cat continued to be primary, while Valentina Nappi relocated right into second placement. One of the most viewed group is 'German', which Germans are 846% more likely to watch than the remainder of the world. Germans are additionally 117% more likely to watch 'Pissing' video clips, 107% more into 'Fetish' and also 86% a lot more into 'Bondage'.
While some site visitors might be taking even more time to view video clips and utilize Pornhub's community attributes, time on site can mirror lots of aspects including the rate of broadband and also mobile net transmission capacity offered in various regions. While it might feel like a fun work, these male pornstars are commonly the most effort 'members' of the porn market. Alex Adams for example has more than 400 videos on Pornhub with 2.1 Billion combined sights and Johnny Sins' video clips have actually been watched greater than 1.1 Billion times.
Virtually half a million people have authorized an on the internet request, begun by a group called Exodus Cry in the US, requiring that Pornhub be shut down and also its executives held responsible for sex trafficking. According to Ventura Content, the 45 videos were streamed "10s of millions of times" and also they declared the piracy threatened the "whole grown-up show business". The fit was settled in October 2010, with terms that continue to be confidential. The events concurred that the site drivers would certainly carry out digital finger print filtering on their sites. Porn 2.0 websites such as these are seen as posturing notable competitors for paid x-rated web sites and typical magazine and also DVD-based porn.
Belarus places 53rd for traffic concerning Pornhub, with the average visitor investing 9 mins 43 seconds, and 39% of site visitors being women. The most searched for term is 'anime', complied with by 'bdsm' which went up 15 places in 2019. ' Hentai' is one of the most watched classification in Belarus, but when compared to the remainder of the globe, visitors are 845% most likely to check out 'Russian' video clips, 157% a lot more right into 'fisting' and 96% more right into 'playthings'. Belgium rates 23rd for website traffic concerning Pornhub, with the typical visitor spending 10 mins 1 2nd and 35% being women. The most looked for term of 2019 was 'lesbian', up 6 places versus the previous year.
When compared to other nations, visitors from Norway are 81% more probable to watch the 'chains' classification, 77% a lot more into 'fisting' and 63% extra right into 'Czech' pornography. Argentina's the majority of viewed pornstar was Spanish-born Jordi El Nino Polla, followed by Lana Rhoades as well as Abella Threat. When contrasted to other nations, Argentina's visitors are 82% more likely to check out the 'Transgender' group, 64% a lot more into 'Mature' and also 62% sxy ebony extra into 'Anal' videos. Lana Rhoades came to be Ukraine's the majority of seen pornstar followed by Nicole Aniston and Elsa Jean. When compared to the remainder of the world, site visitors from Ukraine are 686% more likely to view videos in the 'Russian' category, 197% a lot more into 'Fisting' and also 162% extra right into 'Bisexual' video clips.
Pornhub validated couple-turned pornstars Leolulu were one of the most searched pair in France, adhered to by Nikita Bellucci as well as in 2015's favorite Clara Morgane now in third. When compared to various other nations, visitors from France are 998% more probable to check out the 'French' group, 76% a lot more right into 'Scissoring' and also 53% much more into 'Cuckold' video clips. Riley Reid continued to be Canada's most browsed pornstar in 2019, while Lana Rhoades moved into third.
School got on every person's mind as 'indian college ladies' moved into second area, as well as searches for 'warm attractive teacher' grew by 423%.
Peak checking out times are typically from 10pm to Midnight, however on weekends, the seeing time changes much more into the early morning hrs.
Warm Leone and Mia Khalifa stayed one of the most looked for pornstars in India for the second year.
Contrasted to the globally standard, site visitors from India are 315% more probable to see 'Behind the Scenes' videos, 152% even more for 'Arab' and also 128% more for 'College'.
India's rate of interest in native porn proceeded with the majority of the top searches having words 'indian' or 'hindi'.
When contrasted to other countries, Dutch site visitors are 62% more likely to see 'Chains' video clips, 42% more into 'Exterior' and also 26% a lot more right into 'Orgy'.
Hardcore Amateur Porn Videos
India's leading pornstar stayed Sunny Leone adhered to by Mia Khalifa and Dani Daniels. When compared to the remainder of the globe, site visitors are 723% most likely to view video clips in the 'Indian' classification, while also being 281% much more right into 'Romantic' videos as well as 202% much more into 'College' themed video clips. One of the most popular pornstar was Spanish-born Jordi El Nino Polla, adhered to by Lana Rhoades and also Nicole Aniston. Spanish site visitors are 134% most likely to check out the 'Event' category, 86% more into 'Smoking' video clips as well as 84% much more into 'Handjob'.
Bulgaria places 52nd for the most traffic to Pornhub, with 34% of site visitors being female and also the average visit during being 10 minutes 56 secs. The top 2 searches remain 'Bulgarian' as well as 'Bulgaria' for an additional year, with 'femdom' expanding by 698% as well as 'hentai' by 190%. ' Anal' is the classification of video clip frequently seen, yet when contrasted to the rest of the world, Bulgarians are 117% more likely to see 'double infiltration', 110% more right into 'fisting' and 87% much more into 'gangbang'. Norway rates 38th worldwide for traffic pertaining to Pornhub, with 35% of visitors being women and also the typical go to period being 10 minutes and also 2 secs. Both most preferred searches remained 'Norwegian' as well as 'MILF' for one more year, yet 'lesbian' go up 2 positions as well as 'Norsk' up 8, growing by 163% over the last year.
Take The Next Step Fund The Fight Against Huge Porn.
When compared to various other nations, Canadian site visitors are 53% more probable to check out 'Trio' video clips, 24% extra right into 'POV' and 21% more right into 'Dual Infiltration'. While not quite an event, when the federal government shutdown happened in January, we located that weekday brows through were up 6% across the United States as several government employees went to home with even more time on their hands. See our full Federal government Closure Insights to discover what times of the day were most likely to have web traffic variations, and also what pornography groups were more probable to be seen during these times. In July the Insights group took a closer look at New york city City Pride to see just how the parade affected website traffic to Pornhub, and also just how the increase of visitors to the city boosted the watching of gay video clips. 2019 saw Pornhub's typical see period grow by 15 secs to 10 mins 28 seconds.
Vacations Creating Traffic Adjustments
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Look for 'hentai' grew by 112% as well as moved up 10 areas to come to be the fourth most searched term, and also 'asmr' searches grew by 213%. Visitors from Belgium are 303% more likely to check out the 'French' group, 72% more into 'orgy' video clips as well as 64% more into 'exterior'.
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In reaction to Pornhub's decision, people beyond the Italian boundaries have been mistreating the restricted deal by utilizing a VPN to claim they're in Italy. While Pornhub has plainly given a lot of believed to smutty pun-based philanthropy, it does not seem to have actually put fairly as much effort into ensuring its very own organization techniques are ethical. The site is currently dealing with serious accusations of benefiting from videos of rape and sexual assault.
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rojnapat · 4 years
answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better!
thank you for tagging me @dearrobbe​ ilyyy
name: lucas
nickname: cas, lulu, lu
zodiac: gemini
height: 5’6 i think??? idk 
languages: native spanish, english, a bit of italian
nationality: argentine
favourite season: winter
favourite flower: jazmines
favourite animal: cats and snakes
favourite scent: i don’t think i have a favorite scent
favourite fictional character: as of right now lucas lallemant don’t ask me for an all time cus im biased klghkldjlñs
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: tea... preferably ice tea
average sleep: unknown to science
favourite colour: pink
dogs or cats: cats
number of blankets: 3
dream trip: europe
blog established: this one on 2018 but i got on tumblr in... 2011 i think
random fact: i used to have an asmr account on ig
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
harry potter moral compass: gryffindor
where are you from: buenos aires, argentina
why did you start this blog: well frankly i don’t even REMEMBER why i joined tumblr or what was i into when i did my best guess would be hetalia?? yeah i hated myself that much. but this blog specifically took off with skam altho it was a glee and shameless blog at one moment.
most recent album played: i dont even remember the last time i looked at an album name dkjghlkskls
tagging @jebentnietalleen @lifeisevak @batmanstolemypony @elus @huracanesdetequila @well-who-needs-angels-anyway @madamcamille
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Pop + Punk + Trap + Ambient = VON PRIX....... VON FRIX es el curioso proyecto del argentino Agustín Frumento Calloni.  Su single "Color Pastel" trata sobre la ansiedad que genera la infinita oferta de contenidos que hay en internet y así suena: rápida, dinámica y cambiante. Es pop, punk, trap, ambient. Hay beats y elementos que nos transportan a las producciones de Charli XCX, JPEGMafia o Frank Ocean pero también suenan guitarras que nos hacen acordar a Soda Stereo, Cocteau Twins o Spinetta. Hay un interludio que se puede entender tanto como ASMR como sonido y música de una película. El single y corto audiovisual "Pink" fusiona pads de sintetizadores que hacen recordar a Brian Eno y al mundo del ambient con glitchs que interrumpen esa calma y hacen pensar en las producciones contemporaneas de IDM y R&B. "1983" fue grabado enteramente durante los dos primeros días de cuarentena. Habla sobre como en el mundo vertiginoso y acelerado en el que vivimos, existe una fascinación por lo retro y lo vintage. El video es un guiño a Cornerstone de Arctic Monkeys. A pesar de ser la música la prioridad, Agustín estudia Comunicación Social en la UBA y actuación desde 2018 en la escuela de Nora Moseinco. Una de las últimas producciones en las cuales actuó además de ser coautor es "METATV" (2019).  Fue invitado a aparecer en el "Compilado de Microdiscos" (2020), en "El Ukelele de Agustín" de Jeremias Marful (2019) y en "Nombre" de Santi Novillo (2018). Trabajos musicales anteriores a VON FRIX son su disco "Hasta Que Vuelva a Suceder" de 2018 e "Impuntual", disco de 2014 de su antigua banda. [...] CONTINÚA en https://www.nosvemosenprimerafila.com #pop #indie #emergentes #musica #argentina #punk #trap (en Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDLTW1gKHMX/?igshid=1rbhe8wh5ig90
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Listen to the collage of sounds from Live Release, a listening convergence here: https://soundcloud.com/thelakeradio
Join people from around the world for a global listening convergence - 4,5 hours of sonic reflections from 21 countries on the past months during a global pandemic. We consider listening to be a radical act of care, convergence and border crossing, intended to spark a sense of connectedness in a time of isolation, fear, and rising nationalism. From Egypt, Iran, Russia, Japan, Turkey, US, Argentina, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Greece, France, Finland, Norway, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Germany (21 countries in all!) Streamed live May 25th 2020 from 14:00 CET (Central European Time) until  21:00 pm CET (on loop) It will be aired on the Lake Radio: http://thelakeradio.com Later it will be stored here: https://soundcloud.com/thelakeradio/live-release-a-listening-convergence
CONTRIBUTORS (by recording or production date): 04032020, Hanna Wildow och Johan Wahlberg, voice by Sara Haylett-Utberg, Elektronmusikstudion EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61, Gränseskogen nature reservoir (previous field recording), Stockholm, Sweden, Guldsmedshyttan, Sweden, ‘and–akt (breath/spirit act)’, 3:09 15032020, Victoria Keddie, East Broadway Subway station (day lockdown started), NYC, NY, USA, ‘Empty Escalator on East Broadway’, 1:02 27032020, Maria Lepistö, Bispebjerg Kirkegård, Copenhagen, Denmark, “To Boyeo, 3:23. 27032020, Rune Palving, Frederiksberg Centeret, København, Danmark, ‘Desolated Frederiksberg Centeret’,  2:47 01042020, Carry Fucile, Inside and outside my house, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, ‘Inside, outside, upside down’, 3:11 01042020, Erica Muniz, Nordvest, Copenhagen, Denmark, ‘Antiwar song’, 04:36 04042020, Sofie Kragh-Müller, Copenhagen, ‘Speech from the people’, 6:53 04042020, Ylang Ylang, Montreal, Canada, 2:09 06042020, Morten Poulsen, 6th of April 2020, recorded through my apartment window in Østerbro, Copenhagen, ‘party 6th of April 2020’, 7:26. 07042020, Maria Lepistö, Around my home at Tomgårdsvej 92 and down the street towards Netto (Tomgårdsvej 15), inside Netto, and inside my room, Copenhagen, Denmark, To Agne’, 6:12. 08042020, Solarcher, balcony in Rotterdam, Netherlands, 10 minutes. 10042020, Ebrahim Mousavi, Ramsar (my home), Rmsar, Mazandaran, Iran ‘Shabaneh’, 2:18 10042020, Rune Palving, Vejby, Nordsjælland, Danmark, ‘Short distance exile’, 4:37 10042020, Naghmeh saberi, 10 april 7pm, Shahmirzad, Semnan, Iran, ‘Walking arounds’, 00:32 11042020, Amir Mohammad Tajmehri, Iran, 2:39 12042020, Emily CD, on my front porch, outside of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, ‘my son reading an instruction manual’, 2:07 13042020, Renato Ortiz Sandivari Chi, Valparazzo, Chile, 3:42 14042020, Ayako Kataoka, Pier Park Skatepark, St. Johns, Portland, OR. Natural reverb from the site and inside of a full pipe USA, 4:41 16042020, Kirstine Lindemann, before going to bed, My bedroom, Copenhagen N/Korsør, Denmark, ‘Each day’, The work consists of recordings of my breath and the date of the day recorded each night from the first day of the lock down until April 24th as a type of bodily audio diary, 2:07 17042020, Andreas Oxenvad, Birkerød, Danmark, 3.05 17042020, Kristoffer Raasted, Copenhagen, ‘detached opacity’, 9:15 19042020, Magda Lampropoulou, from my balcony Athens, Greece, ‘Greek Orthodox Resurrection’, 3:37 28042020, Alice Hamon, 9:36 am, Pots and pans honoring the health care workers, rue Belle de mai, Marseille, France 21042020, Deniz Erden, from my bedroom window, Eşref Efendi Street, Şişli, İstanbul, Turkey, ‘as it exists within us; blending into joy after sorrow.’,  2:01 21042020, Margarita del Carmen, Through the chimney of my home, Copenhagen, Denmark, ‘whistling territories’, 03:29 23042020,  Ylva Ranckel-Lutz, Coffee Time, Västervik, Ekenäs, Finland, 3:18 23042020, Mohammad golshani, My room with my guitar, Tehran, iran, ‘Her’, 0:38 25042020, Teresa Duggan, kitchen radio at home, Baltimore, USA,‘FM Radio Spin, 5:58 25042020, Jan-Maarten and slime mold Andi, inside a cupboard, Rijswijk, Netherlands, 02:24 26042020, Id m theft able, ‘kiss the smear off the window, 10:00 27042020, Junko & Sulan, The home studio, in the living room of the apartment located on Störtloppsvägen, Västertorp, Stockholm, Sweden, ‘Brass stream’, 3:13 27042020, Marcia Bassett, Brooklyn, New York (between 2703 and 2704), 02:44 27042020, Soheil Shinrangi, Tehran, Iran, ‘The vital sounds (For Fixed Media And Accordion)’, 06:30 28042020, Alice Hamon, 9:36 am, Belle de Mai Street, Pots and Pans Honoring the Health Care workers, 2:30 28042020, Amanda Brannin, Austin, Texas, USA, 4.48 28042020, Nazanin kianmehr, My room on my bed talking to my boyfriend, Kerman Iran, ‘Sleepy nazanin’, 00:14 29042020, Arash Pandi, Balcony of our apartment in Amager, mixed with other recordings,  Copenhagen, Denmark, ‘Life within a life’, 4:40. 29042020, Sanjey sureshkumar, sounds from in my apartement, Lofoten, Norway, ‘Sanjey out of my daily rhythm’, 5:17 29042020,  Tom Sonntag “sonn”, Recorded in my home (studio), Copenhagen, Denmark, "A soundVIEW", 5:34 30042020Chad Powers, 30th april 2020, Unionvill, Indiana, USA livingroom and surrounding countryside , “Between here and there”, 9:59 30042020, Arash Khani, in my room, Tehran-punak,  Iran, 3:16 30042020, Diana Duta and Julia Edyck , telematic collaboration from 2 apartments, Brussels, Belgium, ‘wave debris’, 10:00 30042020, Felicia Konrad, drying room in cellar, Malmo, SE, ‘Oracle’, 2:07 30042020, Anna Kölle and Lula Marzulli,  Studio DE, rooftop next to church IT, Casamassima/Italy, Berlin/Germany, ‘Springtime, Stringtime and Time’, 3:47 30042020, Teresa Columbus, Studio, Franklin Street, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, ‘Chipping at the way on the chips on her shoulders’, 1:49 01052020, Sasha and Sena, Barcelona, Spain and Hamburg, Germany,  "ASMR gifts", 6:13 01052020, Cecilie Jorck, Ollerup, Fyn and Rømø and Copenhagen, Denmark, ‘Time and Here’, 11:40 01052020, La Claud, Naples, Italy, ‘Weakness-praying for healing in Tibet’, 2:01. 01052020, Lera Salnisova, Russia, ‘acid track with Cardy B's "corona virus" samples’, 5:33. 01052020, Karen Werner, Through my apartment window on Bispengsgaten overlooking Bergen harbor, Bergen, Norway, ‘Ships, Ferries, Barges play their horns on May Day’, 1:41. 01052020, Morita Vargas, In my bedroom, Buenos Aires, Argentina, ‘Bajo el sol’,, 1:54. 01052020, Uri Duble Nation, home studio, Tokyo, ‘Summerland’, Japan, 8:01 01052020, MV Carbon, recorded in my backyard on the cement stairs, Queens, New York, USA, ‘Circling In’, 09:21
01052020, Masoud Ahabanpour and Mohammad Ghanbari, Iran, forst part of a new song, 01:30 02052020,  Victoria Shen, Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge Concord, MA USA,  ‘Bog Animals + Plane’, 03:12 03052020, Alice Hamon, 8 pm, harbor, boat sirens honoring the health care workers, Marseille, France 3:20 03052020, Victor Valqui Vidal, Onomatopoeia poem, my apartment, Copenhagen, DK, 0:35 07052020, Martin Christoffer Lund, in front of my computer screen, Copenhagen, ‘sensing zoom’, 05:07 08052020, Cerpintxt/ Alaa Yussry and Youssef Hassan on bass, Cairo Egypt, ‘Les Perishables’, 7:39 09052020, Hasse Bruun, Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark, ‘We are Spirit call’, 04:23 10052020, Alice Hamon, 3:31 pm, Parc Longchamps, Marseille, France, Birds Windy Day 1:00
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mastcomm · 4 years
Fran Drescher, Millennial Whisperer – The New York Times
Fran Drescher’s voice, if you ever have the chance to hear it deployed in very close vicinity over shrimp tempura and spicy tuna sushi, is actually quite soothing.
When Drescher played Fran Fine on “The Nanny,” the 1990s sitcom she created with her then-husband Peter Marc Jacobson, she was pitching her voice higher, squeezing it up her nose, acting. Back then, The New York Times compared Drescher to “the sound of a Buick with an empty gas tank cold-cranking on a winter morning.” But here in her living room above Central Park, sitting among crystals, fresh lemons, fine sculpture and photographs of herself meeting establishment Democrats, she sounds more like a Mercedes purring out of the Long Island Expressway. For those who grew up with “The Nanny” as our nanny, her voice is so embedded in the subconscious that hearing the softened version is almost therapeutic. Imagine if Nanny Fine had an ASMR setting.
“I’ve heard it’s like a foghorn, a cackle,” Drescher said carefully, balancing her plate in the lap of her little black dress. “I always just describe myself as having a unique voice.” When she left Queens for Hollywood in the late 1970s, her manager told her, “If you want to play other parts, besides hookers, you’re going to have to learn to speak differently,” she recalled. Instead Drescher leaned into her natural gifts. In 1992, she pitched herself as a sitcom star to the president of CBS: “Because of the voice, they think I’m the seasoning in the show,” she told him. “That’s wrong. I’m a main course.”
America has not heard from Drescher much lately — she has not appeared regularly on television since her TV Land sitcom “Happily Divorced” ended in 2013, and “The Nanny” is sadly hard to stream — but this week, at 62, she returns to TV with NBC’s “Indebted.” As in the pilot of “The Nanny,” Drescher appears unexpectedly on a doorstep, except this time, it belongs to her adult son (Adam Pally). She and Steven Weber play Debbie and Stew Klein, a couple of boomer dilettantes who crash their kid’s married life with the news that they’re in debt. The role of Debbie, a boundaryless hugger who swans around her son’s suburban home as if it’s her own personal retirement community, inverts the “Nanny” dynamic: Now the kids have to take care of her.
When Drescher weighed whether to take on the show, a family sitcom that draws on generational conflict, she thought of her own family. “My parents, who are still alive, thank God, were so excited about me being on network television again,” she said. “You know, not everybody could find TV Land,” she added, “but everybody could find NBC.”
The role was not written for Drescher, exactly. The pilot script had called for a “Fran Drescher type,” and when the real Fran Drescher signed on, she required a few adjustments. “People are used to seeing an annoying mother-in-law in a sitcom, but that’s not what I signed up for,” Drescher said. “When you have somebody whose persona is bigger than the part, you got to make it right for me. Or why have me?”
That meant giving Debbie Klein some passions of her own. “I had to bring myself into it,” she said. “I really infused the sex appeal, the sensuality, the vivaciousness of the character.”
“Indebted” creator Dan Levy, a comedian and producer for “The Goldbergs,” said that he originally modeled Debbie and Stew after his own parents, but that the steaminess was all Drescher. “My mom was like, ‘That’s not based on us,’” Levy said. “She elevated that to a whole level that I was not expecting.”
In the decades since Drescher first opened her mouth onscreen, the Fran Drescher type has achieved a quiet dominance over popular culture. “The Nanny” has been syndicated around the world and remade in a dozen countries, including Turkey (where it was called “Dadi”), Poland (“Niania”) and Argentina (“La Niñera”). In “The Nanny,” for anyone who doesn’t have the chatty theme song implanted in her brain, Drescher plays a Jewish woman from Queens hired to tend to the three precocious children of a wealthy English widower, Maxwell Sheffield, who is also Broadway’s second-most-successful producer (after his nemesis, Andrew Lloyd Webber). In foreign versions, the ethnicities are recalibrated — in the Russian one, the nanny is Ukrainian — but the Fran Drescher type is otherwise preserved. Wherever she goes, the ethnic striver is transplanted into a posh setting as the help, and her appealing culture and individual charm pull off the ultimate makeover — reinventing the strait-laced insiders in her own brash image.
Across the internet, Fran Fine is helping to perform similar tricks. With her pile of hair, power-clashing wardrobe and cartoon proportions, she has been fashioned into an avatar of stylish self-respect. In GIFs spirited around social media, she can be seen in a cheetah-print skirt suit, sipping from a cheetah-print teacup; inhaling a plate of spaghetti with no hands; and descending the Sheffields’ ivory staircase as if entering New York’s hottest club.
“I send this when I’m excited,” Drescher said, summoning her phone from her assistant Jordan and thumbing to a GIF of Fine twirling across the mansion in a fuchsia dress and a self-satisfied look. “How many people can send their own GIF?”
The Fran Drescher type is a kind of advisory role. First she was the world’s nanny, showing kids how to mix prints and be themselves, and now she has matured into a cool-aunt persona, modeling a fabulous adulthood. (“Broad City” made this transformation literal, squeezing Drescher into a low cut rainbow and cheetah-print dress and casting her as Ilana’s Aunt Bev, and by extension the spirit guide for a new generation of Jewish comediennes.) “I’ve never had kids, so I’m not really parental,” Drescher said. “I’m a mom to my dogs.”
“I’m kind of an influencer,” she added. Drescher has led an unconventional life, and “I share it,” she said. “It gives my life purpose.” In two memoirs, she has discussed being raped at gunpoint in her 20s, surviving uterine cancer in her 40s, and divorcing Jacobson only to acquire a new gay best friend when he subsequently came out. Recently she thrilled the internet when she revealed that she has secured a “friend with benefits” whom she meets twice a month for television viewing and sex. “I don’t think it’s that shocking a thing,” Drescher said. “I’m not in love with him.”
The kids who grew up watching “The Nanny” are now Nanny Fine’s age, old enough to properly covet her closet and cultivate a newfound respect for her persona. On Instagram, the @whatfranwore account catalogs classic “Nanny” outfits, and @thenannyart pairs them with contemporary art pieces. Cardi B once captioned a photo of herself in head-to-toe cat prints: “Fran Drescher in @dolceandgabbana.” The actor Isabelle Owens will mount a one-woman song-and-dance show dedicated to Drescher in New York this month, called “Fran Drescher, Please Adopt Me!” “As everything from the ’90s comes back, people are rediscovering her,” Owens said, noting Drescher’s fashion, her confidence, and her voice; Owens is still working to perfect her impersonation. “There are so many layers to it,” she said. “It’s so delicate and lyrical.”
The Fran Drescher type, no matter how big it gets, still risks reducing the woman behind it. “All of her is in me, but not all of me is in her,” Drescher said. “I don’t think any of my characters could have ever created and executive-produced ‘The Nanny.’” Fran Fine might have been able to wrap the boss around her red-lacquered little finger, but Drescher is the boss. When she secured her own New York apartment, in 2004, it was here, just across the park from the house that stood in for the Sheffield mansion on “The Nanny.” Soon her transformation into Mr. Sheffield will be complete: She is developing a Broadway show of her own, a musical adaptation of “The Nanny” that she will co-write with Jacobson.
“The Nanny” is a timely bid for Broadway. Drescher takes the stage’s most classic feminine archetype and gives her a modern upgrade: She is Eliza Doolittle if she refused to take her voice lessons.
That’s perhaps the biggest misconception about the Fran Drescher type — that the voice is an unfortunate obstacle, rather than a cultivated asset. Once, a fan asked Drescher about the classic “Nanny” scene where Fran Fine goes for sushi, naïvely swallows a wad of wasabi, and says, in an eerily neutral broadcaster’s voice, “Gee, you know, that mustard really clears out the nasal passages.” The fan wanted to know how Drescher had managed to pull that voice off. Sitting in her parkside apartment, perched in her producer’s chair, confidently apportioning her wasabi, Drescher revealed her secret: “I’m very talented.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/fran-drescher-millennial-whisperer-the-new-york-times-2/
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