#Anyways remember the main point is post my bad made things hahah
idkanna-more · 16 days
Random simple doodles I have for a week I think heheh
srry for any English mistake- if there is any??
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Hahah funny glasses
I just- wannna test posting in this acc heuhs
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A little bit of Cosmic Ball heheh
That :D
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studylustre · 6 years
(matcha latte anon🍵) hello carol!! first up, i wanna tell you that i love reading through your posts alot!! especially the soft boy™, it's so cute!!! >u
matcha latte (!!!) and the second time i met him (which was 2 weeks after), he remembered my order which was really nice and unexpected. also, i was with my friend that day, and i offered some yam chips (in a container) to another female collegue (since i am more used to seeing her, and also because i’m kinda shy to give him). he came to the table and gave back my container, and had a very small talk, in which he offered us drinks/ice cream but we declined. after my friend left, i continued studying and suddenly, he came to collect my cup which i was going to say thank you, but to my surprise, he placed another new cup of matchalatte for me!! i was shocked and didn’t know what to do so i just mouthed a thank you to him. at this point, my heart is already melting, considering this is the first time anyone has offered me a drink like this. we also said bye when he left. our third encounter: the next day, in which he came but i don’t think he had work. he sat at the chair in front of my table, but i was so HORRIBLY SHY that i didn’t look up that much. i have no idea if he was looking at me or not but it remained like this for about (more than) 5 minutes long?? after that, he went to stand near my table and said “no matcha latte today?” so i replied “yea mocha today” !!!! but we were interrupted by the female collegue who said “haha you talking to customer ah” *in chinese* but in like a jokingly manner. then i think the situation got shy and he said no in chinese once again and then we bid farewell :c. it was such good memories and i never met him after that, and i thought i never will. the only info i had about him was that he’s a year older than me. i think i’m a person who falls in love quite easily haha, so i couldn’t stop thinking about it for quite a while. fast forward to jun 14, i signed up for a school camp (i usually don’t go to camps) with 2 of my friends. it was a camp with 5 different schools. as time passed on during the first day,i couldn’t help but notice this guy felt familiar?? i kept noticing the way he talked, the way he walked, and it hinted me that it mIGHT be him ?? (i’m not very good at remembering faces, and also his hair is also wayyyy longer than before) during that night, i was talking to my friend about how i had a feeling that it was him, but i don’t know if i really want to know if it’s him (bc he seemed close to this girl, and my self-esteem is quite low :c). but i decided that i should just ask him. during the next day, i didn’t see him around often, but i couldn’t quite find the courage to ask him, and i don’t really want to do it infront of my friends. when the camp was nearing to an end, i almost thought i won’t ask him, but man i just went with it, go up to him and awkwardly goes like “wait, did u work in a cafe before?” he seemed hesistant so i thought i got the wrong guy, but NO! IT WAS REALLY HIM! aaaa but we got interrupted again, and one person asked if we were cousins LOL.we didn’t manage to talk alot, but found out we’re in the same school??? but he’s year 3 while i’m year 2. once again, i was really amazed to meet him again such circumstances, and that we were in the same school all along?? i thought i would meet him sometime soon,,, but turns out i was wrong.. i didn’t have any contact of him and once again, as time goes by, i didn’t think much about him again. fast forward early to end jul-early aug, i signed up for a japan uni talk (once again, not something i usually go for but somehow did). on that day, i was thinking about how long i’ve never met café guy but was happy cause i’m over it. but life decides to (idek what life is trying to do to me) bring him back into the picture again! i was waiting for my friend when i suddenly saw this familiar looking guy, i only saw him walking two steps (he’s blocked by a pillar) and i had a gut feeling that it might be him. but this time he was wearing glasses and his hair is short now. after seem peaking around here and there, it turns out it really was him??!?! at that point of time, i was very shy and awkward, it was hard for me to say hi or anything, i was just freaking out. to sum up that day, i basically didn’t manage to say hi to him (regrets :cc). but my friend, managed to find a mutual friend of both of us’s instagram. i went to follow him and found café’s guy instagram eventually!! to sum up, i eventually used my main account to follow him, in which he followed back ( that was like almost a 3 day process uwu). also, i dropped huge hints to lowkey scream *i’m the matcha latte i hope u remember me!!!* aaaa he dm-ed me and ask if im the matcha latte girl!!! we talked abit (not alot really) and (yesterday) he said he’s working but at another chain of the café (which is about 3 mins walking distance to the café i met him & usually go to). he asked what time i was leaving, and since i was meeting my friend, i said around late 5 to 6. he then said his break was only at 6plus, so i thought maybe i can wait a little longer to catch him (but i was a little afraid to meet him as well haha) i was going to pack my bag when he came!!! he immediately came to my table and talked to me!!! but my friend called me so i had to pick up, when it ended, he came back to my table again and we talked for about 20mins?? it was nice talking to him (some context: my mind usually goes blank when making conversations with people!!! >u
hi angel!! sorry for the late reply - i saw ur ask a little while ago but bc i didn’t have my laptop (it was off for repairs) i couldn’t reply :(( anyway, it sounds like ur both mutually interested in each other!! i think u should go for it. i mean, from what i can tell, it sounds like u kinda like this guy (u seem rly excited whenever u catch glimpses of him and idk i feel like he definitely made a big impression on u bc why else would u a) remember all your interactions b) get so excited about seeing him time and time again and c) bother to tell me all this, right? ✨) like it just seems like u both have interest in each other but are too shy to make a move. i think u should go for it bc u’ve already nearly lost him several times now - u only get so many chances and i feel like u might regret it if u don’t do anything and just let this opportunity slide… also i think u might be overthinking it - you may be different people, yes, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing?? also u guys don’t really know each other all that well yet so it’s really too soon to be worrying so much, just try to take the time to get to know each other better and then see how things go once u have a better grasp on who he is etc. u have nothing to lose from giving it a shot, especially since u already hope for it to work out, so why hold urself back and deprive urself of something that could potentially make u a really happy? everyone’s scared of things and it’s natural to be scared of something like this, but it would be a shame to let that fear hold u back from something that could be really great
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
imessage || rose and juniper
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: imessage // february 2021.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: rose x juniper.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: rose watches a studio ghibli movie and then later juniper watches a new hope.
june to rose: so if I were to watch a star wars movie this weekend... which one would I need to start with? june to rose: also where would I be able to watch it?  rose to june: new hope, it’s very important that you start there!!! and Disney plus ✨💕🦋 june to rose: oh, duh! I should have remembered that disney owned star wars... I'll let you know when I watch it then. rose to june: I am watching howl's moving castle, but i s2g if it doesn't end well. we are going to have beef. june to rose: lol I need to know what part you’re on then rose to june: WAIT SHE JUST TRANSFORMED rose to june: wait no!!! i've been lied to!!! june to rose: I’m so confused 😂  rose to june: she's at the queen's, about an hour in june to rose: ohhhh okay 🙃 rose to june: if this is a movie about learning to love yourself even though you're ugly, i am calling for a citizen's arrest 🚨 june to rose: I know my rights... I ain’t sayin nothing... june to rose: honestly I mostly pay attention to calcifer and markl when I watch... rose to june: okay on first watch, you do have to pay attention to the main story. forgive me for doing what is right 😇 june to rose: you have a point rose to june: you will learn as we hang out that i am never wrong 🤩 june to rose: haha I’ll keep that in mind june to rose: also, just look at my love... [insert gif] rose to june: that's a fucking mood for sure ✨ rose to june: wow sophie is just kissing everybody, no fucks given 🤡 june to rose: by everyone, you mean two people?? or am I forgetting more? rose to june: three, but still, i call shenanigans june to rose: who’s the third one???? rose to june: calcifer, howl, scarecrow june to rose: oh lol does calcifer really count tho? rose to june: wow, just because someone doesn't have a physical form doesn't mean they don't have feelings. that's embarrassing for you june to rose: lol wow okay, coming after me june to rose: you’re right, my bad rose to june: i forgive you ✨ june to rose: in my defense, I know something you don’t know june to rose: bless, thank you 😊 rose to june: do you have something you want to share with the class???? june to rose: wait, no... you might know already june to rose: I haven’t seen the movie in a while, but I’m pretty sure you might have seen the big thing... rose to june: i'm all finished june to rose: ooh okay so isn’t calcifer essentially howl since he’s howl’s heart?? rose to june: i still think it counts, and i stand by that argument june to rose: fair, but you see where I was coming from, right? I mean, technically, you are correct, and I’ll give you that rose to june: i respect the drip hahaha june to rose: lol stop, I snorted june to rose: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMejd6QyB/ june to rose: should I call you karen?? I feel like that’d be disrespectful tho. you’re much cooler than a karen. rose to june: not to be dramatic, but if you call me karen i will physically fight you. 👊  june to rose: I totally respect that 👀🤣  june to rose: now I’m stuck on tiktok ugh june to rose: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMejdkwnk/ rose to june: hahahha - june to rose: why am I starting with episode iv? rose to june: because it was the first one made, and the prequels are terrible (but i do love them, they are meme worthy) june to rose: fair, but I don’t get why they wouldn’t start with one?? okay, it’s starting june to rose: damn, I have to read??? rose to june: because they didn't know they were going to make prequels ... it was a stand alone film. so it's been changed to episode four post production. and yes reading is required or you won't know what is going on june to rose: that actually makes a lot more sense june to rose: oh I know r2d2!! june to rose: and I must say, I’m a huge fan of the acting with these guys getting hit in the halls lol june to rose: I’ll try not to spam you too much rose to june: feel free to spam! rose to june: yes the acting is amazing, and the lazers never hit anyone!!! june to rose: I have no clue what is happening june to rose: if anything hurts my precious R2D2, I’m suing june to rose: SUING rose to june: i am not spoiling anything, but i am glad you're invested already june to rose: bby seems to be okay, we can postpone the trial... june to rose: it takes place in space, why wouldn’t I be invested? I’m also just super confused... june to rose: is this the episode that has the quote “I’m not the droid you’re looking for?” the one guy just said something about droids to the gold robot thing. rose to june: yes it is that episode, and close enough on the quote hahah june to rose: oh the gold one just introduced itself as c3po june to rose: what’s the quote?? rose to june: [insert gif] june to rose: ohhhhhhh I was pretty close lol june to rose: wait so do his aunt and uncle know his father is darth vader??? june to rose: Luke, I mean rose to june: yes they know, im pretty sure. don't quote me on that. june to rose: aye aye june to rose: is it c3po or c3p0?? he said oh, but idk how this works... june to rose: anyway, it... he? makes me think of the gold robot in meet the robinsons... rose to june: c3po, the po stands for protocol and they are a third generation model june to rose: got it... but what does the c stand for? rose to june: that is a great question, it's a nod to george lucas for some post office type thing. i saw it on a forum a long time ago june to rose: lol I’ll take your word for it june to rose: that one old dude with Vader has some killer cheekbones rose to june: space nazis 👀 but yes very good cheekbones june to rose: oh shiiiiiiiiit. Luke’s family 🥺😳 june to rose: THE QUOTE!!!! june to rose: ooh, I recognize chewy rose to june: baby hannnnnnn, i am in love with him june to rose: he’s all yours lol rose to june: sooooo generous hahaha june to rose: I try. That’s what friends are for, right? Lol june to rose: leia is a badass june to rose: wait where’s yoda?? rose to june: patience young padawan, there are more films!! june to rose: I guess I’ll have to watch another one maybe next weekend
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fadedtoblue · 7 years
so what are your thoughts on elektra's arc in defenders
Wow, no way to give a short answer here, so I guess I’ll just jump in haha. Spoilers abound, obviously!
Overall, and there’s really no way for me to be truly objective about this gut response, but Elektra’s arc kicked all sorts of ass for me and I was thrilled to see her be given this level of focus in the storyline. I have to admit it’s not something I ever expected from the series. 
That being said, I think there were some definite mistakes made and things I wish they had done better…so let me run through a quick list of those, and then follow up with my list of highlights :).
Things that could have been better:
No significant Black Sky payoff. This was one of my biggest personal disappointments with the storyline. The limitations of the way they set up the Netflix universe leading up to this team up show really showed in this one…I have a feeling whatever they were planning for the Black Sky and the Hand in DD S1 got totally derailed by the time they got to Defenders, what with all the retconning of the Hand mythology to fit the K’un-Lun storyline. I’m not sure if this is because the individual shows had too much leeway with how they set up their individual character origins and storylines or how much input they get from high up to keep the plotting consistent…my impression was the former, and as a result, it seems like the Defenders’ writers were tasked to pick up all of the disparate pieces and just try to fit it into one semi-coherent storyline, with mixed results. Given how much they leaned into the Iron Fist stuff as a huge part of the Hand stuff, I’m not sure why they didn’t just retcon the concept of the Black Sky into one where it’s the Hand’s own Immortal Weapon…that would have been pretty easy and at least lends consistency if you’re going down that route in the story. Ultimately though, if I could have done it, I would have done a flashback scene (or I mean, even just someone monologuing about it, whatever) to Alexandra’s past where she actually has the prophecy / vision of the Black Sky. Like, that tidbit in the conversation between Gao and Alexandra was SO intriguing and it’s like, what does that even mean??? It would have been a cool way to better establish both Alexandra – show us why she became the leader of the Fingers, let her do some cool fighting / getting her hands dirty, AND provide some context on why she’s obsessed with the Black Sky and what she intended to do with one once she got it – as well as Elektra’s role in the context of being a Black Sky – give us some clarity on what it means to be one, define her powers / abilities better, and maybe even shed some light on why she was able to break out of her brainwashing (like maybe the Black Sky was never meant to be a weapon, but was meant to be something else, I don’t know). But I don’t write for the show so whatever, lol.
Elektra’s motivations after she kills Alexandra were way too opaque. I think a lot of people were rightfully confused at where her arc was supposed to go, which is totally fair given how it unfolded. I feel like we could have used one more episode to flesh out what was going on but ultimately, I think there were two issues: the progression on the slow but steady turnaround on her character may have been too subtle, and second, there just wasn’t enough time in the last two episodes to properly map out a way to sensibly show what her real endgame was since they basically needed her to stand-in for the face of the other side and help get the story rolling on into the final act. 
Here’s my general interpretation of what happened…
We know she was brought back as an empty vessel to become the ultimate weapon / killing machine for the Hand…I read a great description of this that compares Elektra’s resurrection as the Black Sky as the same as if you were to erase and reboot a phone, except this time you’ve unlocked EVERYTHING…this is the same for Elektra…she has these latent abilities that allow her to be an incredible weapon, but it took a very purposeful reboot to bring it out. Anyway, all is well and good until Elektra encounters a glitch in the programming…this glitch, of course, is Matt, and this tiny little crack in her system throws open the door to uncovering a side to herself that she had thought was lost…basically, her humanity. As she’s remembering / recovering, she’s also remembering what happened in her past life – and that was also used and trained to be someone’s weapon. That back then, just like now, she had no control and no say over her own life. And what she ultimately wants is to wrest back control from people who never viewed her as anything more than just an empty vessel for their desires, and to finally be able to control her own destiny. 
So this is why it’s significant that she kills BOTH Stick and Alexandra – they may have both felt genuinely toward Elektra and treated her as a surrogate daughter, but they also made her do terrible things for their own ends. Killing them symbolizes her wresting back her agency and I think, to me, clearly shows that she is on no side but her own. Taking control of the Hand was really not supposed to be the main point or anything permanent aka ‘look I’m a bad guy!!’, imo…but I think it was both a self-preservation move (you’re not gonna kill the head of the ancient ninja cult and then try to take them ALL down without securing an out for yourself first and working with them guarantees you some more time to do that) as well as a bit of a lazy storytelling way to slot someone in as the leading antagonist heading into the final fight. I think her conversations with Danny clarifies that to some degree, but not as much as I would have liked. 
The jump from here to the last fight is exactly why I think we needed one more episode of screen time to bridge the gap, but as to why she’d suddenly go from ‘I need to get more substance’ to ‘Let’s die here together’ – well, the whole last episode is setting up an impossible scenario for everyone involved. So we know the stakes are high and people gonna die. A newly independent Elektra without her humanity would have gotten everyone neutralized as quickly as possible and hauled ass out of that pit with some dragon bones and called it day. And that was probably her goal. But once the Defenders take the fight to the Hand in the bottom of the pit, and Elektra is face to face with Matt again…well, things get a little more muddled.
At some point, it seems that everyone left in that pit knows that they’re running out of time – Gao herself is so pragmatic about the damn thing that she doesn’t even attempt to bother getting out. I imagine Elektra has this knowledge too, and we know that she the one thing she doesn’t want is to go back to that dark place, to death…but the one thing that is perhaps a saving grace for her is that Matt is there too. Someone who can face the darkness with her. She probably thinks the only way to keep him there is to fight him, antagonize him, lie to him, but what she doesn’t realize is that he’s been ready this whole time to stay down there with her…and GAH, okay I gotta stop there. 
SOOO yeah, basically, I think there was a plan there, but the writers didn’t do a super job connecting the dots at the end, mostly b/c of the limited time to get the last act rolling…this is my interpretation and I’m sticking to it :).
Okay, now things that were AWESOME:
All of Elektra’s fights!!! Omg so one of my major annoyances in DD S2 was that it really felt like they nerfed Elektra’s skill level on the show. On the one hand I understood that she’s a much younger, impetuous presence on the show than she is in the comics, but still, she should have been able to handle Yazuka goons with no issues. If it took becoming the Black Sky to activate OP Elektra mode then well, I’M HERE FOR IT!! She was such a badass and I loved every single moment she was fighting someone on screen. Of course there were inconsistencies with her level of Black Sky amplified abilities, but then again, that was an issue with all of the heroes. But ughhh she truly became the fighter I wanted to see on screen. And all of her fights with Daredevil / Matt were particular delights. I spar best with you!!!
Elektra regaining her agency!! As I mentioned above, I don’t think the writers did the best job they could in executing this storyline but all I wanted from this show was for Elektra to really take control of her life again and SHE DID IT. Just like I had predicted in this post here. It literally went down exactly as I had hoped it would hahah. 
MCU Elektra inching closer to becoming comics Elektra. Okay so I had a lot of theories on how things were going to turn out for Elektra by the end of the show, my prevailing theories being based on what I thought I could expect from Marvel TV – either get the trite but not entirely unexpected ‘Elektra rediscovers her goodness and switches sides’ direction OR you get the ‘Matt angsting over Elektra but realizing she’s a lost cause and tries to kill her’ direction. My personal hope was that Elektra would wrest back her agency, ultimately survive the show (b/c killing her again would have been so dumb) and become a free agent, true neutral type of presence in the background of the Netflix Marvel universe, coming in to help bail out Matt’s ass from time to time on DD, but not necessarily having to operate in any romantic capacity, just a super skilled and reliable ally of Matt / Daredevil when he faces bigger antagonists. Given the unexpected level of Mattelektra in the show overall, I’m an optimistic fool and wondering if there may be more in the cards for them…but I’m not going to dwell too much on that now.
Elodie Yung!! The most awesome thing about Elektra’s arc was that we were blessed enough to have Elodie Yung cast as Elektra in the first place and the fact that she’s the head of the Mattelektra Protection Squad. I’ve always believed the role of Elektra could have become real hot garbage in a lesser actress’ hands but Elodie brings such thoughtfulness and presence to material that can sometimes be a little weak and potentially one dimensional. Her transformation over the course of the Defenders was such a treat to watch and I will love her forever. So yeah, I love Elodie as Elektra and I will love her as Elektra til the end of time.
AND THAT’S IT! Thanks for asking and making me write all of this out. This is a great way for me to continue emotionally processing everything that’s happened on the show lol. 
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elosnotebook · 7 years
Request: Hey how are you ? I want to ask you if you can make an imagine with William where he’s my to boyfriend and he get jealous about something
Author’s note: so I have realized how I can’t do little imagines, so I already apologize for this one and for the next ones. Also I’m having a little trouble with writing in first/second/third person, I still didn’t figure out which one I prefer doing. I hope you like it, sorry if it has a lot of Christoffer, this boy just consumes me sometimes hahahah
Masterlist ❁ 
I was sitting in my room, waiting for my late boyfriend. He said he was going to pick me up to his party at 19pm. It was 20pm and I haven’t heard from him yet. When I was about to take off my dress - an expensive and gorgeous dress that I bought to impress him tonight, I received a text.
“I’m outside”, it was Christoffer.
“Ok, there’s a little weird Chris, even for you. I thought you were the one that had stalkers, didn’t know you are one too. Would you mind to explain?” you sent him.
“Hahah good to see you’re still in a good mood. William got caught up with some stuff for the party, he asked me to pick you”, I sighed. William should’ve texted me about this. Swallowing the last drop of pride on my body, I opened the front door and saw Christoffer driving William’s porsche.
He opened the window and gave me his usual smirk that make girls go crazy. “If I need to become your personal driver so I can drive this bad boy, I will.”, I laughed at him and entered the car. “By the way Y/N, nice dress. You will drive my bro insane tonight, wearing this.”, he said, while his eyes went from my clivage to my tights.
I rolled my eyes and snapped my fingers so he could realize he was still staring at my body. “Ei, eyes on the road, it is not my curves you’re supposed to pay attention to”. The whole trajetory was just small talk, Chris going on about how he wanted challenges for the night. He just had broken up with his girlfriend Iben, and now “he is free again”, his words, not mine.
“Chris”, you started slowly, “you know that the reason Iben broke up with you were because you were dating and you still acted like you were “free”, right?”, you pointed it out, using your fingers to create quotation marks in the air on the free word.
“Yes”, he said stopping at William’s. “Thank you for the generous remember”, he said, pouting.
I rolled my eyes at him once again, and got off the car. I could hear the jam playing inside the apartment. It was playing “The Penetrators 2016″ jam, and I immeaditely started laughing when Chris reached me, singing it. We both went upstairs, and opened the door to the apartament I’ve been so many times. The truth is I was missing William so much, and I couldn’t wait to kiss him.
He was talking to three guys when we entered. As soon he saw us, he started to come at our direction. “You’re finally here”, he said once he was close enough for us to hear him. I started smiling but soon realized he was talking directly to Chris. “I ran out of ice, I need to go get some more”, he said, completely exausthed. “If people want ice, all they have to do is go outside. It’s freezing.” Chris tried to joke, but William’s was so stressed, I don’t think he even noticed. “Give me the car keys” William said.
“Hi William, do you remember who I am?” I said, impacientely. Even though I knew how he must be getting crazy about this party, I still got really upset when he ignored me for ice.
He looked me, as remembering I was there. I could see how tired he was when he hugged me, a little bit longer than his usual hugs. I took a deep breath, smiled and decided to play the supportive girlfriend to him. “Is there any way I can help you, babe?”
“Yes, but first of all, I lost my phone and that’s why I didn’t texted you about the change of plans” he said, pointing Chris with the head and putting a little kiss on my lips. “You can have fun while I’ll get ice. There is twice more people here than the original idea. One of us has to have fun tonight. I’ll find you as soon as I can breath”, he kissed me again, but this time was slower and I felt his reluctance to break it. Once we were separated, he breathed heavily and left.
I stood there without knowing what to do. I have never gone to a William’s party by myself, I always had friends or Will himself with me. But since I had an English text tomorrow, my friends wouldn’t come with me, so I didn’t even bother to invite them. Chris realized how displaced I was feeling, and offered to go get a drink with me. I gave him my most thankful smile and followed him to the kitchen.
It didn’t take too long to William come back with ice. But he still had various problems to solve, everyone coming to him to say a different one. We barely talked, all we could do was exchange little glances at each other.
Gladly, Chris didn’t leave my side. We both sat on the couch, and I felt bad for him, since I knew how much he wanted a challenge tonight, so I decided to help. Looking through the room, I saw a beautiful blond girl, and I assumed she was his type. “What about that girl?” I said, interrupting him on whatever Penetrator thing he was telling me.
He raised an eyebrow. “Is this your way of telling me you’re going break up with William because you’re a lesbian?”
“What? No! I’m trying to help you to find your challenge for the night!”, I gasped.
“Oh, okay. But I feel a little bad now, I was really digging the lesb-”
“Chris”, you interrupted him again.
“Okay”, he looked to the blond girl for two seconds before denying. “Nope, done that.”
You raised your eyebrow. “Hmmm, ok, how about the red head in the corner?”
He didn’t even look to the girl this time. “Nope, been there” I kept staring at him, incredulous. “Three times, actually. She has nice legs.“
I left myself fall on the couch. “Ok, so is there a girl in this party you haven’t been with? Besides me, of course” I completed, so he won’t think I was an option.
“I don’t need your help to find my challenge, because I have already found it.” he said, pointing to two girls next to the balcony. They look really cute and young, so I would say they were first grades. I couldn’t think a single thing that shows these girls would challenge Christoffer Schistad.
“I thought you wanted a challenge. Which one is the chosen?” you said.
“Both.” I didn’t see that coming. “And I do. Those two keep saying in school that they are against the Penetrators, due to our… reputation.” I raised an eyebrow. They were lying about being against Penetrators things, or they wouldn’t be at that party, since they were literally the hosts. Saying they don’t like them seems like a really good way to get their attention, but I decided not to ruin Chris’ plans with this revelation.
“Both???” you asked again, just to make sure you heard right.
“Both.” he repeated. Once he saw you were speechless, he couldn’t help himself to make fun of it. “You and William really need to spice it up your relationship.”
“Why, Schistad?? Are you offering yourself?” you quickly answered.
He stared at the wall, considering the idea, and then he balanced his head, to get rid of the thoughts, what made you laugh. You both spent the rest of the night talking about plans so he could get the girls, and taking selfies. He even posted one on his instagram with the caption “partner in crime.”
As the night go on, I started to see William even less. He passed the couch I was too many times, just to send me a quick glance, and making me sigh everytime he did. At one point, I decided to let Chris go to put our plan in action. “Go, before they go home”, he didn’t want to leave me alone, and I appreciated that, but all I wanted was to go to William’s bedroom to lay there.
“Are you sure? I can stay a little bit more.” He wanted to go so bad, I could feel it in his voice.
“Go”, I said getting up, “I’ll have to go to the bathroom anyway, and then I will find William.”
“Ok, wish me luck.” he said, “thank you. William is a lucky bastard for having you.”
I just nodded and smiled to him, while he turned away. Once I couldn’t see him anymore, I drove myself to William’s room, to find out it was locked. Of course. He would never let his bedroom open during a party. Luckly, I knew where he kept the key in these cases, and rushed to get it and open it.
Once I were in, I turned on the lamp lights, and threw myself onto his huge bed. Picturing every time I laid there with William, and every time I didn’t want to leave.
Ten minutes later, I heard the sound of the door opening. I started to sit so I could expel whatever horny couple that was trying to find a place to fuck when I saw William, stagnant on the door. We kept staring at each other, and once I apprehended that none of us would say anything, I let myself fall on the bed again.
He came and sat right next to me. He didn’t say a thing, neither did I. I closed my eyes, and then he started to play with the string of my dress. His fingers gently touching it, and occasionaly my tight. I took a deep breath.
“Everybody stared at you tonight wearing this.” his voice was filled of exhaustion, but I wouldn’t give in this easily.
“Good, at least someone paid attention to it, since the main one didn’t.” I was tired too, and I couldn’t put a filter to my words.
“It is kinda hard not to notice it when that is all my friends’ were talking about. They were almost drowling. Even your partner in crime.” he said, laying next to me, and staring the roof, like I was doing.
“Woah, look who found his phone. Good to know you had time to check your instagram but not to talk to your girlfriend.” I could hear how upset and desperately I sounded, but after the seven beers I’ve drunk, I couldn’t care less about it.
“I didn’t want to interrupt your moment with your partner in crime. It seemed you two were getting along very well.” if I didn’t know William, I could swear he was jealous of Chr…
“Wait. Are you being serious right now?” I sat up straight on the bed. “You are jealous of Christoffer? Penetrator Chris?? This Chris??”
“Well, you two stayed together the whole party…” he started.
“YES MAGNUSSOM! I was with him because I didn’t want to be alone! I can’t believe I spent the whole night helping YOUR best friend to get some, and by get some I mean a THREEsome, and you were mad at the entire tim-”
“Wait, what?” now it was his turn to sit straight. “You helped Chris to get a threesome?” he was clearly holding his laugh so hard.
You gave him the most unbelievable look. “YES! What you do think we were talking about when he called me partner in crime?”
He didn’t answer. That was when I understood why.
“YOU THOUGHT I WAS CHEATING ON YOU WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND?” I was screaming, and also pretty sure the whole party hearded that, but I was seeing red at that point.
“NO! I am sorry, I was being a jerk. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I promise you it wasn’t it.” he hugged me, and I was to tired to push him, but I didn’t hug him back.
“Y/N… Please” he whispered on my ear, and he pulled me back just a little bit so he could kiss me. It had so much passion in it, that I couldn’t help myself but to kiss him back. My whole body was craving him. When he saw I was calm again, we both laid on the bed, my head on his chest.
“You know what? It was actually fun to be with the girl that every guy on the party wants.” he said, leaning to bite my ear.
I closed my eyes with the feeling that he was giving me, trying to control myself as much as I could. “Now you know how I feel”, I said, smiling to him. But he didn’t answer, he stopped to bite me to start giving me kisses on my neck. “But you know what is the best thing?”
“What?” he said with his mouth against my skin. My whole body was tense now.
“They can wonder whatever they want about what is underneath this dress, but you’re the only one that will find out.”
He stopped everything he was doing, what was a relief since I couldn’t concetrate at anything with his mouth on my neck, and he gave me again that sweet kiss. “I love you, Y/N.” he said.
“I love you too, William.” I said, before turning the sweet kiss into a wild one.
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midnight-in-town · 7 years
Hi! I'm happy your anon mode is back! I wanted to write about TG in the past weeks, but then exams came and I forgot what I wanted to say lol, hopefully I will remember :) So I saw another anon recommending KS. Is it good? I don't know if to read it or not. About YOI I wasn't interested, then I saw the last episode which I liked and watched it from the end to the beginning XD Yurio is my fav too btw! Happy to have you back!
Hi Anon and awww, thank you
About YOI, yeah I just love Yurio hahah, he was instantly my fav because of his bratty attitude although I like Victor and Yuri too. One day I might just watch the rest of it, but since I know the entire story, it’s not one of my priorities right now :)
As for KS, um, well here’s the thing, it is unexpectedly good as in, even considering the title, I wasn’t expecting it to please me so much (seeing as I thought this would be yet another cliché type of a story centered on BL love with one dude being Bad™ while the other still loved him despite the blood on his hands, Oh How Sweet™).
I’m completely exaggerating it of course, but basically, that was my idea of it when I first saw it on my dash two weeks ago or so (thanks @theawesomefanatic and a few others).I still gave it a try one evening, almost closed my phone after the first ten pages because it already gave off an extremely creepy and unhealthy vibe when nothing had even happened but then I couldn’t sleep anyway so I went through ch1 and 2 thinking ‘ew that’s so messed up’ and… well, it’s so well done in being so damn messed up that you just can’t stop reading, haha.
It’s a bit like when you’re watching one of the most gory episodes of Criminal minds (or Silence of the lambs) alone at home and without any light on, being on the edge of your seat because you’re scared to see what could happen but at the same time you still want to know, and since the author constantly plays on that, that’s why it’s a really good psychological thriller.
(more rambling under read more)
So all in all I’m 100% in it for the psychological horror part of it and because the two main characters are really fascinating to read about (both on their own and through their relationship obviously) and honestly, I just can’t wait to find out where all of this is going. :) The rumors about the series aren’t fake at all though:
it’s not just called “Killing Stalking” for show, it’s really a high level of violence 
it’s sexually explicit and R18 for a reason
it’s emotionally disturbing
there is a lot of Discourse about it in the tags so if you tend to be emotionally involved when it comes to fandoms, well… just be careful :3
The first two chapters (available for free here) really put me off (totally on purpose of course) and who knows if I would have continued afterwards if I hadn’t been unable to sleep that one night.
So the point is, you might not believe it’s actually that violent or disturbing but it is (personally I was just laughing it off like “oh reeeeeally?” and yes, really xD) and it’s meant to be that way in the first place, so you’ll have to see by yourself if it appeals to you or not. :3 
As for some personal pros of mine:
actual good characterization and not just your usual BL tropes more or less copied and pasted onto 2 characters to fit with the horror/thriller genre which is an A++ point and something I hadn’t found in a long time when it comes to this specific genre.
actual character development for the two main guys is totally a thing and it’s great
cliffhangers everywhere and not just at the end of chapters
good pace (+ chapters are weekly)
both characters actually have big issues in and outside of their relationship (which is 100% my thing because one does exist as an individual outside of a relationship, and it’s especially important in a toxic one)
and to end this, two good posts without spoilers that I agree with (amongst many others) in case you want to read some more about the series before seeing whether you’re to try it or not: [x] [x]
Some people might see this post and argue that “no it’s just supposed to be a BL story under extreme conditions” but honestly I don’t really care: as I was saying to that other Anon, I’m after plot and characterization (though in series with a small cast, characterization > plot) and so as long as I’m getting that from KS, I’ll keep on reading :) 
I hope that made sense, sorry for this huge ramble. :3 Just weigh that decision carefully okay? I have no idea about what you like or how old you are, so I hope this helped you to get a clearer idea about KS. 
Sorry for rambling as always but thank you very much for the nice words
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hitodama89 · 7 years
I saw this interesting looking ask meme about Flight Rising stuff, but instead of using it as it was actually intended I just answer all the questions without anyone having to send me asks.
           Ask me things!        
Dragonhome - What’s the meaning behind your username?
hitodama89 is just the name I use everywhere I go.
Sea of a Thousand Currents - Why did you join Flight Rising?
I had some friends who had already joined and they seemed to have good time, so I just jumped in, too!
The Ashfall Waste - What’s your favorite part of the site?
Bestiary and collecting familiars.
The Windswept Plateau - Have you gotten friends of yours to join FR?
My brother and mother, hahah! Neither of them are all that active, though.
The Southern Icefield - What’s your favorite flight?
Water. <3
The Tangled Wood - What’s your favorite FR deity?
I would love it if the deities were a bit more active part of the game... But as it is I like Arcanist a lot.
The Scarred Wasteland - When did you join Flight Rising?
The Sunbeam Ruins - What’s your favorite lair aesthetic (doesn’t have to be your own)?
I freaking love Egyptian looking dragons! =0 Haven’t seen a whole lair full of them yet, though.
The Shifting Expanse - Do you exalt a lot of dragons or do you keep them?
I exalt a lot. That is right now my main income in the game.
The Viridian Labyrinth - Do you have a favorite familiar?
Starfall Isles - Favorite piece of trivia you learned on the site?
I love the idea of Podid Town. =‘‘‘D It is mentioned in one of Tomo’s trivia questions.
Earthshaker - What role(s) do your progens play in your lore (if they do at all)?
They are the dragons that formed the clan.
Tidelord - Does the element of your dragons’ eyes matter to you in lore?
Well, it just means that they were born in the respective flight’s area.
Flamecaller - How do you determine jobs for the dragons in your clan?
I just think what would suit their looks and possible nature.
Windsinger - Does your clan interact with other users’ clans and does that impact lore?
Nowadays not too much. When I first started I got quite a lot of dragons from my friends and those dragons have a few sentences worth of lore about their origin.
Icewarden - Does FR’s official site lore play into your own?
I try to keep it in mind when designing stuff for dragons.
Shadowbinder - Do you have any lore about how your dragons view exalting? If so what is it?
It is a religious event where the exalted dragon is physically send to serve under the clan’s deity. Usually it is a great honor, but I have some dragons that don’t see it solely as a good thing.
Plaguebringer - Do you keep lore if a dragon already has it or do you change it to fit your clan?
I keep it in some form.
Lightweaver - What’s the story behind your clan?
There isn’t really one. =‘) My progens met each other, hung out together for a while and decided to form a new clan.
Stormcatcher - What catches your eye in other people’s lore?
I am pretty lazy at reading long stories and stuff. I like it when things are clear and compact and don’t contradict official lore too much.
Gladekeeper - Do your dragons’ names follow any themes/patterns and if so does that play into their lore?
It depends on who named them. If it was someone outside my clan the name can be anything, but dragons born within the clan usually have names that doesn’t mean anything irl. Certain families also have their own themes.
Arcanist - Do you like writing lore or reading it more?
Reading, I guess. Writing tends to be a pain in the ass.
The Beastclans - Is there an antagonist in your lore? If so, who?
Not really. My clan haven’t had any incidents with Shade and they don’t have enemy clans or anything.
Fae - Who’s your random progen?
Mirror - Who’s the progen you made?
Guardian - What’s your favorite starter breed?
Guardians, but I really do like them all.
Tundra - What’s your favorite breed?
Pearlcathers. Though I tend to handle their nature a bit differently than what has been written about them in the official article.
Pearlcatcher - Is there a breed you like the pose of one gender over the other?
Many, actually, one of them being Imperials. The pose of female Imperial is pretty but a bit difficult to work with.
Ridgeback - What’s one breed you could never go without having in your lair?
Guardians and Pearlcathers.
Snapper - Is there a breed you like the hatchlings better than the adults, and if so what breed?
Not really. Hatchlings are cute and I would even love to have some permababies, but there isn’t really anything that would look a lot better as hatchling than as adult.
Spiral - Do you make breeding pairs for a specific outcome?
Very rarely. Usually I just buy individual dragons and at some point realize that some of them would produce nice babies together.
Skydancer - Do you like to make mates match?
Once again very rarely.
Bogsneak - How often do you impulse buy dragons?
Never really. I am darn picky with my dragons which isn’t all that good considering how poor I am, too, hahah. That’s why my lair is so tiny.
Imperial - What’s one breed you just don’t like for whatever reason?
I know it’s a cliche but Snappers. They are okay and I would never wish to see them for example disappear from the site, but they just are a bit too non-dragon looking for my taste.
Nocturne - Do you collect gen 1s?
Nah. Still poor af.
Coatl - Which dragon breed has your favorite lore, regardless of how much you like/dislike how they look?
Wildclaw - Do breeding cooldowns frustrate you?
No! I’m a patient person.
Light - What flight did you choose and why?
Water, because that’s my favorite element.
Earth - Do you have flight ambassadors? Why or why not?
No. Tbh I find them pretty boring as nearly every clan tends to have those.
Shadow - If you could change flights for a single day and go back to your own after, what would you switch to and why?
I would love to visit Plague to see what the heck they do to make their dom pushes so devastating. =‘D
Plague - What region of Sorneith is your favorite?
I love the nature of Windswept Plateau.
Water - Do you want your dragons’ eyes to match their colors, and if so does that impact what dragons you keep/breed?
It is not something I require from my dragons, but of course in some cases (Spirals and their huge eyes) it might affect my decisions.
Ice - What’s your favorite flight aesthetic (if you have one)?
Thiiiis was asked already.
Fire - What are your thoughts on dom pushes?
They are cool communal events! Too bad Water is pretty bad at them. => But we try our best!
Arcane - What’s your favorite thing about your flight?
I have never met a single rude or otherwise annoying person in Water.
Nature - Do you like finding newbies in your flight?
Naah; why would I..?
Wind - If you were to summarize each flight into three words, what words would you use for which flight?
Ggggh too much work.
Lightning - What’s your favorite familiar from your flight?
Maybe Seaweed Scavenger.
Primary - What are your favorite gene combinations on dragons (primary, secondary, and tertiary)? Share your faves!
Poison or Ripple, Toxin or Peregrine and Smoke or Runes.
Secondary - What’s your proudest gene project, if you have one?
Maybe Uppo. He has gone through way too many genes but now he is finally perfect.
Tertiary - If you have a dragon with poorly mixing colors, what is your preferred tertiary gene to try and compensate?
I just leave tertiary to basic if I can’t make it work at all.
Apparel - Do you prefer to dress your dragons for their roles or what you think looks best on them?
A mixture of both.
Accent - Have you ever seen an accent/skinscent/skin that you wished existed for another breed or gender?
Hmm, don’t at least remember.
Skinscent - What is your favorite skin, accent, or skinscent?
Accent: Magic Erosion. It just makes Lienn so pretty.
Skin - What’s your least favorite skin, accent, or skinscent?
Some trypophobic things that make my skin (haha) crawl. Haven’t taken down their names because why would I?
Original color wheel - List your top five favorite colors and why.
Teal, robin, abyss, pistachio aaand any blue/green. But what “why”? =‘D I just like them, that’s all there is.
Color wheel expansion - What’s your favorite gene and color combination (i.e. orca glimmer)? Share a dragon with that combo!
Haven’t spend too much time thinking stuff like this, but abyss Crystal is pretty badass.
Scrying Workshop - What is your dream dragon?
Don’t have one. It’s better for poor to not dream too big. =‘D
Trading and Socializing
Forums - What’s your favorite forum game and why?
Doodle the dragon above. It made me draw last year more than anything else.
Coliseum - Do you like to do coliseum?
Well, no, but I do it anyway when I need to.
Fairgrounds - What’s your favorite Fairgrounds game?
I hate them all. XD Or yes they are alright, but there is so little variation that you have to grind all of the games long enough to make you hate them if you plan on getting anything out of them.
Auction House - We’ve all done it, what one thing did you not notice a misclick while selling that still haunts you to this day?
I sold one of the Fox Rat familiars for treasure instead of gems. It still hurts.
Marketplace - Are you saving up for any big purchases right now?
For once no, I’m not!
Crossroads - Do you ever check in on dragons you’ve sold to see how they’re doing?
Yes I do. =D More often than you would think.
Dominance - Have you ever bought fodder, only to get attached and keep it?
Trading Post - Have you made friends through or because of FR?
Naah. I’m not good at making friends.
Festivals and Events
Crystalline Gala - Do you like to participate in the holidays?
Of course! Gotta hoard me some new items.
Trickmurk Circus - Do you hoard elemental currency after the events are over or do you sell it off?
Neither, I just stack away the stuff I have and use it next year.
Mistral Jamboree - If you have elemental reps, do you dress them in their element’s holiday apparel?
Wavecrest Saturnalia - What’s your favorite elemental familiar?
Maybe Fire Sprite just because it was such an achievement to even get one of them.
Greenskeeper Gathering - Have you ever gotten an elemental egg?
A couple times. Never hatched one though, as I have pretty rotten luck.
Brightshine Jubilee - What was the first elemental holiday you ever participated in?
Riot of Rot. Back then I thought it was Riot OR Rot.
Thundercrack Carnivale - Are there events that you participate in on FR outside of the official festivals and events (secret Santa, trick or treat, etc)?
Yeah I took part in Secret Santa last Christmas!
Flameforger’s Festival - What do you do to prepare for an event?
Rest from Coliseum so I have what it takes to grind there during the festival.
Starfall Celebration - What’s your favorite elemental holiday?
Our own WaveSat.
Riot of Rot - Do you have any retired items or familiars that you want to come back for a holiday?
All the first year big apparels! I have no idea why they were so perfect but nearly everything after them have been pretty unusable for me. Also Light Sprite, haha.
Rockbreaker’s Ceremony - Does your flight do anything to prepare for events, if so what and do you participate in that?
During the already mentioned WaveSat we do some stuff, and I try to help as much as I can (which isn’t a lot though).
Week of Welcome - What do you think of the change in registration windows?
Good that the site can handle regular windows now!
Night of the Nocturne - What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever gotten in an event?
I won some boss familiar in a raffle once. It was the best.
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So maybe I should tell you a little bit about me, since you already know about my cat and my fitness goals, hahah…
My name is Amanda, I’m turning 24 this year in July. I’m a Leo, and a Rooster (Happy Chinese New year, it’s my year!) I’ve had a long journey through anxiety, physical problems, depression, 0 motivation, bad diet, A.D.D., and attention seeking issues. Last year I committed to getting rid of the bad tude and being more optimistic! But this year I committed to letting go of all of my other problems. I will ALWAYS have these physical problems with my body. Possible hormone deficiency, generalized anxiety disorder, migraines, crooked pelvis, mood swings… I have internal heat problems, I get overheated extremely easily and have been having hot flashes lately. My skin has gotten so much worse since February of ‘16 when it used to be almost crystal clear… Not to mention my DIET, absolutely terrible, since I was a child! Sugar on sugar and carbs and fats, and none of the good ones… I’ve had digestive problems since I was in middle school. My mother says she thinks I am hypoglycemic, but I don’t take my blood sugar, so I don’t know…
Honestly, I think most of my physical problems stem from my anxiety disorder. When I was younger, my P.E. teachers forced physical exercise on me, when I had no idea about the body and health issues of diet and anxiety and the effects it could have on the body. Long story short, every time I got physical, I also got physically ill. To the point where I would over exert myself early on and then throw up. Eventually physical activity stressed me out to the point that I got doctors notes so that I didn’t have to do exercise or I’d have an anxiety attack. And the act of vomiting became my second worst phobia.
I felt this way until maybe half way through my first year of college. I had no desire to be active or care about what I ate. Eventually I thought “it wouldn’t be too bad if I started trying to fix my diet and try to work out every now and then” since my college’s gym was free for active students during the school year… and that’s when my struggle started. I say struggle because I’M SO AIRHEADED AND FORGETFUL… I could never remember to do my morning routines long enough to where they became habits. I also have had motivation problems my whole life, in school, social life, exercise, everything... Something I've been working on improving for as long as I can remember...
However Christmas of '16 my parents got me a smartwatch and it changed my life. Step tracking and heart rate were my main focus for getting this watch since it tracked that automatically and it paired seamlessly with my s health app that my phone already had when I got it. But once I was wearing it for a while, using the app became more fun and I use more of the smart watch integrated features from the s health app. I track my food, water, steps, weight, exercise, heart rate… It can track your blood glucose and pressure, too… But my first phobia is needles, so forget blood glucose... And I don’t even know about blood pressure pumps…
Anyway, before I started this slow but sure change, every day the foods I ate made me feel gross and shitty and I had to smoke weed to get the nausea to go away. Or I didn’t eat and was malnourished and that caused headaches. And I rarely drank water and have passed out from dehydration 4 times in the past 4 years… I couldn’t take care of myself. I’m really terrible at taking control of things. But I was able to get on track and take control of my life by using these amazing apps on my phone and my watch… I’ll tell you all about those life craving apps in my next posts, just in case you want to give them a try to help better your life.
If you have or had problems like me, I’m here for you, and I’m going to help in what ways I can! Life style changes are scary, but so good for you. I’m finally becoming the person I knew I could be, I’m making it happen and I’m going to show everyone I’m capable of doing it!
Everyone says “New year, New me”, but I REALLY mean it. I’m so excited to share all of this with you! Look forward to it!
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