#Anyway I’m just ranting in the morning ignore it
catastrxblues · 5 months
good morning it is now 4 am and i have just finished watching atonement good night
#atonement#next tags are just going to be personal rants ignore that#i couldn’t sleep at all so i tried reading s&b and then fanfics and then the bell jar but it just didn’t hit#so then i tried writing but i just kept crying so i thought i’d watch a romance movie because yes#should’ve gone for four weddings and a funeral or pride and prejudice because what the hell is this#i didn’t know anything about this movie i just remember having it on my watchlist and saw ONE clip so i picked that help#and yes i ended up crying and the tears are still here but i’m also starting to think that that’s not entirely because of the movie at all#i stripped my bed off its sheets because the bright color annoyed me and it was already peeling off anyway and i was too lazy to put it rig#and when i pulled back from the screen after the movie finished and just look at how bare my bed is and how i’m in the middle of them#i just started crying again#and my legs are aching and i hate myself and i think i want to take a shower but maybe i’ll wait later on#i don’t think i’ll sleep at all honestly i’m not sleepy anymore#besides i’m thinking of going outside today just at the park i don’t know doing something#i always sleep really really late lately because my parents are out of country right now and no one is keeping me checked and i apparently#still can’t take care of myself. cried about that too it was something. why am the eldest daughter i’m so not fit for it#and then i always wake up at like 9 am and it’s already too late by then that i just never do anything productive#and it’s like i’ve been living in a simulation and i’m kinda going crazy and insane but it’s okay because today is going to be better#i hope because i’m not getting any sleep and i can finally go outside at 7 in the morning instead when it’s already way too hot#damn this is supposed to be one of the best years of my life??????? fuck off#also i can hear the azan subuh from the mosque by the neighborhood and i miss praying honestly#it’s so funny because i was happy to get my period because that meant i wouldn’t have to wake up so very early on in the morning#but i miss it now#hopefully my period will end soon#nadirants
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dressycobra7 · 6 months
don’t u hate when ur throat hurts 🫠
the back of my throat literally feels so dry and I hate it
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dontflirt · 1 year
I hope people see me as at least kind and not a burden or an annoying presence
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kjhmyg · 2 months
pairing: jungkook x fem!reader trope: sunshine oc x grumpy jk au: florist!oc x tattoo artist!jk wc: 1k
a drabble request from anon for sunshine protector jk. honestly was doubting the capability of writing jk as a grump but anon, i hope i did it justice and i hope you like it! <3
the tiny bells attached to the entrance chimes as you enter the shop, the smell of fresh flowers greeting you so kindly in the morning. the hour leading up to opening is one of your favourite parts of the day. your flowers are your babies; you sing to them, you change their water, place them gently back into their little spaces, assemble new bouquets to put up for sale, then choose which ones go up front on the daily display.
upstairs, you hear the clinking and clanking of your neighbours. the tattoo parlour above starts a little later than your flower shop, usually seeing their first customer around noon. an unlikely combination, one which leaves most of their clients confused as they step inside, till you point out the steps to the right of your shop which leads up to the parlour. 
but you don’t complain. it brings a nice mix to your client pool. besides, your other favourite part of the day is getting to see your favourite tattoo artist. 
you turn on your heel, snapping out of your thoughts. putting on your best service voice, you were ready to greet a customer, only to find the next best thing. “oh,” your face softens, “good morning jungkook.” 
“morning.” he leans against your counter and nods to the spread of flowers laid out on the long table behind you. “are those flowers that interesting? didn’t even hear me come through the doors, did you?”
“sorry,” you smile brightly, and he can’t help but to mirror it. “i was looking through this customer’s request. it’s a little odd.” 
“because see,” you bring the request ticket over from the table and lean over the counter so he can see it, “these flowers don’t go well together at all. and i know, i know, it’s a custom order. but as a florist, i should be able to tell them if i think it’s not a good combination right? i mean the colours are all over the place. look, you can’t have too many bold colours together, it’ll take away the beauty from each flower. plus it'll look so messy. but at the same time it’s their choice and they are paying for it so i don’t know.” 
jungkook looks at you with a blank expression. his arms are crossed on the counter, and his freshly washed hair rests nicely on his shoulders, curved at the ends. 
“what?” you ask him, shrugging like you didn’t just spit out an entire rant contemplating someone’s custom order.
“is it really that deep?” 
you give him an exasperated look. of course he wouldn’t get it.
he raises a brow, then smirks at your silence. you’re never quiet. not for long anyways. for a moment he wonders if he's hurt your feelings. he tends to do that sometimes. “i’m sure you’ll figure it out. besides, bold colours can look good together.” 
“but not always.” you drum your fingers on the counter, pursing your lips in thought. 
jungkook keeps staring. till your eyes flutter back to him, and you lock eyes for far too long and your heart starts racing. he blinks away first. dropping his bag and leaving his helmet on your counter, he walks across your shop and takes a look around before plucking out four flowers. two yellow flowers and two black ones. 
“hey!” you protest, “those are expensive!” 
jungkook ignores your nagging. he places them on the counter top and pairs them up, one yellow daisy with one black hellebore. then he starts intertwining their stems, creating a tiny knot at the bottom for each pair. the yellow and black flowers sit nicely next to the other. “see? they look good together, don’t they?” 
he reaches over and places one of them into the front pocket of your apron. the other, he slides across the counter in front of you. 
“or maybe not,” he shrugs, “you’re the florist here.” 
“execution could be better,” you giggle, admiring the flowers in your palm, “but it’s cute. maybe you should rethink your career. come and work with me instead!” 
jungkook lingers just to watch the way your eyes twinkle as you twirl the flowers between your fingers. all he did was tie two flowers together, yet you act like a kid with a new toy. and when you look up at him again and give him the widest grin, he decides it’s time to go (else he’d spend the entire day down here). 
he starts collecting his belongings, swinging his bag over his shoulder and grabbing his headgear. “oh,” he says, remembering, “this is for you.” 
he’d placed the cup carrier aside earlier while talking to you. jungkook checks the order plastered on the side of the cup before placing it in front of you. 
“wait but,” you start, “i don’t drink cof⎼”
“it’s earl grey.” 
your smile drops momentarily out of surprise. you had mentioned a while ago how you couldn’t stand the taste of coffee. 
“later, flower girl.” jungkook makes a turn for the steps. 
after the first few steps, he pauses when he feels something tugging on his arm. he turns to find you standing there, with the flower he’d made earlier in your hand. getting on your tiptoes, you tuck his hair back and gently place the daisy and hellbore combination behind his ear. 
“aw, you look pretty!” his brows furrow and you know he’s probably going to remove it as soon as he makes it up the steps but you don’t care. you wrap around him briefly before letting go. “thank you.” 
before he can say anything else, the bell chimes and you welcome your first customer of the day. jungkook walks up the steps with a roll of his eyes, listening to how excited you get as you go through your collection of flowers. how you could be so chirpy at this hour, he’ll never understand.
upstairs, he drops his stuff in his corner and brings suga his cup of coffee while sipping on his own. the older friend, sanitising his tools for the day, stops mid-clean. “what the hell is that?”
he refers to the flower behind jungkook’s ear. “oh. nothing.” 
“ah…” suga smiles, accepting his drink. “you and flower girl have been getting along well.” 
“she’s nice to talk to.” jungkook says, not thinking much of it. suga scoffs, knowing his friend too well. 
jungkook walks back to his corner, removing the flowers. his hand hovers over the trash can, flowers in his palm. he looks at it again, then smiles. instead, he places them on his desk, right next to the pressed flower coaster you had given him months back. he chuckles, looking at the contrast of these items to the rest of his workspace. 
sighing, he starts his day, with a flower blooming in his heart.
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Alternate Reminder
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Content: Miguel has trouble trying to treat you fairly when you remind him too much of what he had lost. Angst, misunderstanding.
A/N: I havent truly proofread this so I'm sorry. This took super long.
Part 2
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   Miguel thought you were special. He thought it was maybe the universe giving him a second chance when he saw you. His first love and his beautiful wife, standing in front of him while wearing a Spiderman suit. Maybe, he was destined to be with you, after all, a universe where you could understand him. A universe where he could finally be happy with you and Gabriella, a universe that he actually belonged to and he didn’t have to worry about destroying a whole universe just to be with you. 
   The only problem? This version of you had zero ideas of who Miguel O’Hara is. Miguel thought it was a canon event, for the both of you to fall in love. In most universes he had been to, you were with Miguel. In most, you were happy and had a family with him. In the more unfortunate universes, things didn’t work out between the two of you. The only thing that was unchanged was that Miguel and you were bound to find and fall in love with each other at one point. 
  However, Miguel hated your guts. His amor was sweet, responsible, and well-organized. You were the complete opposite of that. You were rude, irresponsible, and very messy as a person. He dared say that you were the messiest person he had ever met. There was no sign of organisation at your workstation. Papers were messily stacked on top of each other or swept across the desk. The mini shelf you had beside your desk was filled with books that were all falling to one side, some had completely collapsed. More files were squeezed on top of the books. Miguel’s greatest pet peeve was seeing the bent and folded pages being shoved into a file. The urge to help you reorganize was almost too big for him to handle causing the frustration to build up and was let out onto you instead. Miguel groaned as he met eye contact with you while he was buying his morning coffee. It was almost insulting to him how you had the same exact face as her, the woman he falls for in every universe. 
   On the opposite side of the same coin, you loathed Miguel O’Hara. He was bossy, pompous, and couldn’t take a single joke. Any conversation you have had with him ended up in the both of you arguing. Sarcasm was something everyone around you had gotten used to, except for Miguel of course who never seemed to catch on. He would simply give you a judgemental stare before giving a literal answer which you would roll your eyes at. At that point, Miguel would think that you’re being rude, and depending on his mood that day, he would either scold you or scoff at you. 
   “Just get over it, you’re always mad at Miguel anyways. I thought you would get used to it by now.” Gwen sighed, giving you the same response every time you ranted about Miguel. “It’s not like you don’t know the big guy,” Hobie said nonchalantly, having long gotten used to your rants about Miguel. “You hate him, we get it.” Pavitr groaned, complaining for the umpteenth time about how you always seemed to be talking about Miguel. Gwen chuckled, “If you didn’t point out every single flaw of his so heartlessly every time you rant about him, I would think you have a crush on Miguel  or something.” Gwen said. “Hell no. I’m not fucking blind.” you defended, offended she would even think this way. “You gotta admit, big boss is quite the looker, too bad he’s a prick.” Hobie pointed out. “Speak of the devil,” Pavitr warned, straightening up as he stared at Miguel who was walking to your table’s direction. 
    You merely glared in his direction. Gwen was right, you should be used to him by now. He shouldn’t be getting under your skin so easily. So why can’t you just ignore him? Why does your mind always drift to him when you’re alone, why do you realise when he was due for a haircut? How his hair curls at the end when he lets his hair grow, how he reaches 10 minutes early to any appointment, and how he would get his coffee at exactly 9am in the morning. You shook your head, riding yourself off those thoughts. There was no way you actually had some sort of attraction to him right? Your mind drifted to the fight you had with him 5 days ago, his words still causing a dull ache in your heart. The both of you always fought but you were sure Miguel was going to kick you off the team until he called your friends the next day and gave you a mission through them while also completely disregarding your presence if he saw you around after. 
   “Mind your own business!” Miguel exclaimed, you flinched at his harsh tone. “I was just-” “Who said you could touch my property?” Anger was practically the only emotion in his voice as he pushed you to the side. “Lyla told me you were having some troubles, that your screens had some kind of issue-” You gritted out, closing your eyes to calm yourself too. You only had good intentions to fix the issues he was fixing and now you were being accused of invading his privacy. You couldn't even remember any of the files that appeared on the screen while you were fixing his terrible code. Too focused on solving the technical errors to be poking your nose into his business. “I don’t need your help,” He seethed. “She was going to help you, Miguel. You have been complaining about it and even I can’t help you, you very well know she’s the only one equipped with the knowledge to fix this.” Lyla defended you. The fury in Miguel’s eyes scared you as well, “You need to mind your own business as well.” He snarled to Lyla before turning to you, switching off the orange screens completely. “I would rather let everything burn to hell than trust you to fix anything. You’re a fucking mess if you didn’t realize. ” Miguel spat. 
  It was your last straw. You had more self-respect than let anyone speak to you like that. “Kick me off, fucking kick me off already. You hate me anyways, right? So why do you bother keeping me around?” 
   “Get out!” Miguel bellowed and you didn’t need him to repeat himself. You took off the watch on your wrist and threw it to the floor, letting it break into pieces. In that moment, his words hurt you more than glitching ever would. 
   Peter found you at a bar in your universe that day. You downed another glass of whiskey at the sight of Peter, you were in too bad of a mood to talk to anyone now and you know you would regret it if you lashed out at him.
  Peter didn’t say anything, simply sitting beside you and staring as you downed one glass after another. 
 Peter ordered a drink, taking sips of his drink as he decided on the best approach to talk to you. Your anger was practically radiating off you, making everyone else stir clear of you. 
   “He’s all bark no bite.” Peter started. You scoffed lightly, letting the silence fall between the both of you. You turned to peter, feeling bad for putting him in an uncomfortable situation. “You heard already huh.” Peter simply shrugged, “Word travels fast. Practically the whole society knows.” You downed another glass at that, you wondered how much the story had changed as it was passed from one person to another. It was probably a field day at headquarters. 
   “There is barely anyone at headquarters, Miguel has been bringing hell to anyone he even makes eye contact with,” Peter answered as though he could read your thoughts. You had to bite back your words, to tell Peter that you really couldn’t care less about Miguel now nor did you need the company. Silence fell between the both of you, Peter lightly bobs his head to the music that was playing in the bar to relieve the tension that was building up. He was never one for tense situations. “You know, you’re not really that different from Miguel.” Peter immediately put his hands up in defense when you practically growled at his comment. “Well, it’s just that both of you would rather die than talk about your emotions. Thankfully, I managed to crack Miguel so I think I can do it for you too.” Peter confidently stated. You remained silent, swirling the whiskey in your hand. You didn’t trust yourself to not lash out at Peter, especially when he’s practically comparing you to Miguel. The man you hated in all of the multiverse 
  “Hm, silence. Miguel screamed at me when we reached this point.” Peter observed, laughing nervously at the memory of his talk with Miguel. “I guess I’ll just go on first then.” Peter wrung his hands nervously. “I’m sure Miguel didn’t mean anything. You just hit a sore spot.” You scoffed again, “What? By trying to fix his stupid system?” 
Peter took another swig, he definitely needed the alcohol. “Do you not know about what is on those screens? One that probably popped up while you were fixing it.” “Contrary to popular belief, I wasn’t snooping on him. I was focused on the system itself.” You defended. Peter cringed ever so slightly at your response. “There is this girl on the screen, the one with a happier, better-looking Miguel.” Peter took another swig, this really wasn’t his story to tell. You pursed your lips, you did remember seeing the footage that Peter mentioned. You had to force yourself to look away, that you were invading his privacy. 
   “That’s his daughter.” Peter finished, trying to gauge your reaction. You simply preserved a blank look and Peter groaned slightly, he detested how stubborn you were. “Miguel found a universe where he had a family and was happy, but him in that universe had an accident so he replaced himself. Some butterfly effect happened and the whole universe collapsed on itself and he lost everything.” Peter explained. You finished your drink, everyone has lost someone. You understood why it was a sore spot but it doesn’t justify being a total asshole. 
“Miguel didn’t mean anything he said to you. It was just- tough.” Peter finished. “I didn’t even do shit Peter, just decided to fix his system and he accused me of invading his fucking privacy. It’s not like he’s the only one who lost someone. We all did.” Peter shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. “He just fucking hates my guts and I don’t know why? He literally told most people about my past when he explains about anomalies so why is he so mad when I know about it?” 
    “Because you have the same name and face as his wife, the woman who he falls for in every universe.” Your jaw dropped at the information. You couldn’t ever fathom the thought of you and Miguel even being in love. The anger in you simmered ever so slightly. It would explain how his features softened when he sees you sometimes, the vulnerable look in his eyes when he stares at you for too long. A stranger with memories, that is what you are to Miguel. Miguel tries his best to treat you like others. It was exceptionally tough when you shared the same name and face as the woman he had spent his happiest moments with. “He never told me,” you told Peter. Peter shook his head, “No one was allowed to tell you. Not like many people knew anyways. He didn’t want to stir up any unnecessary trouble. You know how he is, he doesn’t like it when people try to share his burdens.” You pursed your lips, cursing out your alcohol tolerance. It was times like this you wished you could just forget everything. “It doesn’t matter. Miguel probably wants me out of his life.” Peter threw his hands up frustratedly. “If he wants you out he wouldn’t send me here to tell you about everything.” Peter admitted. Peter was worried when he heard the news of you and Miguel having a fight which is what brought him to talk to Miguel. Peter wouldn’t be able to find you by himself, only Miguel could. You closed your eyes, you had enough of everyone. You were so exhausted, everything has been so draining. 
      “Just leave me alone alright?” You said, stumbling out of your seat slightly before leaving the bar and Peter behind. 
   “The anomaly was caught. We ensured there were no loose ends. Everything should be fine.” You reported to Miguel. Your hands were behind your back, there was a blank look on your face. Miguel bit his lip slightly at your cold demeanor toward him. He used to complain about you taking things too lightly. When you would stroll into his office with a grin, confidently telling him all the details of the mission even if it was insignificant. Now, you told him the bare minimum with a professional tone and stand. 
    Miguel used to complain and bluntly tell you that he didn't care for some of the details you told him after. Details like you and Gwen dropped by a Mcdonald's to grab some fries or that you also managed to finish a recent show. Now he wishes you would tell him, instead of you acting like this., all quiet and serious.   Miguel took a deep breath, staring at you as the platform descended. He looked away slightly, knowing things were still tense between the two of you. “Sorry about that the other day. I was not in the right place.” He apologised, forcing himself to meet your eye. Your expression was still blank, “It’s fine.” You brushed it off like you hadn’t been thinking about it ever since. “If that’s everything, I’ll take my leave now.” You told him, bowing slightly as you turned. Miguel flinched at the tone. “Wait.” He wanted to stop you from leaving. Then his head turned to the orange screens behind him that glitched every so often. “Would you-” Miguel hesitated, thinking if this was the best move.”
   “I- can you help me fix the screens?” Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “I promise I won’t lash out at you.” Miguel weakly joked. You simply nodded, stepping up onto his platform. Miguel stared at you, you were so unlike yourself. There were no teasing comments, no laughter, not even a hint of a smile. You stood in front of his screens, diligently and skillfully opening and typing away a new code. Miguel shifted and fidgeted behind you, he was wrecking his mind for a conversation topic. You were the one who usually initiated or continued the conversations. His mind replaying all the conversations he had with you. A smile tugged on his lips, music was your common ground with him. He remembered how your eyes twinkled when you talked about your favorite songs. 
   “I recently got into classical music.” Miguel shared. Miguel was half-convinced that he wouldn’t get a reply when you let his words hang in the air while you focused on the task at hand. “Oh? Mahler?’ You finally replied. His eyes widened. “How did you know?” He was greeted with silence again and only then did he appreciate how quick your responses used to be. “I just want to know, because you seemed really confident about it. Did I tell you?” Miguel filled the silence himself. “I just saw it.” You gestured to the screens. He nodded, letting the tense silence take over again. You were never so quiet, he never had to deal with this uncomfortable silence when he was with you. 
    “You changed.” Miguel blurted out. There was no response from you as you continued working on the screens. You didn’t know how to respond either. The news about you being an alternate version of his wife, it was rather overwhelming. You used to spite him and annoy him just for the fun of it, but after everything, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it anymore.  His gaze made you self-conscious now, of what he thought of you, and nor did you want a repeat of what happened that day. You did a lot of thinking the past few days and you had to come to terms with the fact that you didn’t hate Miguel O’Hara. You couldn’t hate him. The thought of him hating you, it was terrifying. 
     “What?” You muttered, Miguel barely caught onto your response. He placed his hands on his hips, looking down. “Look, I’m really sorry for that day and I know I can’t take back anything but I really hope you don’t distance yourself from me because of that.” Miguel swallowed, it was publicly known that the both of you never seemed to get along but the thought of you becoming cold to him made him shiver to his core. “You’re overthinking things.” You stated plainly, forcing out a laugh. Miguel sighed, “You just seem, very different. Let’s not even talk about our interactions. You have just been more distant with everyone, you’re taking things way too seriously and well, you’re a lot more well organised now. The biggest shame was losing the constant smile, boosted many of their morale even in the most difficult of times.” you swallowed bitterly, debating internally if you should snap at Miguel right now while you stared at the screens before you. “I had to work on not being a mess right?” You answered, quoting his exact words. Miguel’s eyes flashed with a hint of pain and you knew it was a low blow. He had already apologised, you’re the one who keeps bringing it up. But those words haunted you even till now. 
    “You really changed huh?” Miguel continued. He didn’t expect you to use his words against him. When you know that he regrets it, it was a low move even for you. “It’s done.” You announced, ignoring his comment towards you. Your patience was thinning again. He merely glanced towards the screens before looking at you again. “You’re not the person I knew,” Miguel stated plainly. You turned your head to him. 
   “I’m not the woman you had in mind, Miguel! I’m not your fucking wife and I’m sorry you had to go through that.” You looked away, running your hands through your hair in distress. “I never was. I’m sorry I remind you of her but I’m not her.” You snapped at him. Walking out of his office.   Everything made sense now. Miguel would be annoyed and frustrated with you most times, but there were times that he acted differently towards you. The times when he had carried you to a more comfortable place when you had fallen asleep on your table, the jackets that he had given to you to keep you warm still hung in your closet. The late-night conversations where he was more vulnerable towards you and had conversations with you about your interests while you hung from the ceiling, claiming that it helped you stay awake while you sift through the paperwork with him. You found it weird how he could hate your guts one second but be even sweet to you when it was just the two of you. At one point, you even thought you had fallen for Miguel O’Hara. 
   You shook your head, ignoring Miguel behind you as you rid the thought of even entertaining a possibility with Miguel. He never treated you as you are, he never liked you for who you are. 
  You simply shared a face and name with the woman he was destined to fall for. 
   You chuckle at how foolish you were while you stepped on the watch that Peter had given to you as replacement for your old one. 
   “I fucking quit.” You announced to a surveillance camera in the hallway, knowing fully well that he is monitoring the camera for your whereabouts now. 
Miguel angrily swept the files off his table, growling out in frustration. He buried his face in his hands, he never saw you as the woman who he had fallen for and had Gabriella with. Sure, there were a few times your identical looks made his heart pace with what could have been. However, Miguel had started spending more time with you and getting to know you as a person. In those times, he reckoned he enjoyed it too much.
There was no way he was falling for you right?
Was there a point even if he did? You had already left him.
Miguel O'Hara always messes up his own happiness. That seems more like his canon event than falling in love with you.
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star-girl69 · 5 months
Music To Watch Girls To
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!Demigod!Reader
sypnosis: is it wrong to be obsessed with clarisse? obviously not!!
a/n: i cant just write a drabble what is wrong w me it’s always gotta be a full fledged fic damn anyways i don’t like this one that much so don’t crucify me, but i hope you all enjoy!!
Music To Watch Boys To - Lana Del Rey
warnings: FRIENDS TO LOVERS GOOD LORD, all clarisse know is be mean to her friends, like girls, and lie, reader is a little insane this time…., it’s not watching clarisse train bc i got struck with inspo but you all will like it dw, there’s still muscles and watching clarisse fight, swearing, violence, mentions of weapons, reader is an honorary ares cabin member bc i think it’s cute and i do what i want, y/n gets hurt like 20 times ITS FOR THE PLOT OK, kissing!!!!, like angst for half a sec not rly tho, tell me if i missed anything!!
The only word you think of when you think of Clarisse is fuck.
It describes your feelings about her so accurately. The first time you saw her, you knew you had to have this girl. And the first time you heard her talk, she was calling some Hephaestus kid a dumbass for not fixing a dent in her armor correctly.
She was an asshole, a bully, whatever, and she was also the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. But, thank the Gods you became close friends with her brother Matty, and then Carrie, and then you practically knew everyone in the Ares cabin like your own siblings.
Even just friendship with Ares kids is an intense rollercoaster.
They admired your for your deadly skill with a bow, a few of them even openly claiming you were probably the best at camp. They were loyal and fierce, protective, funny and everything you could want in a replacement family. Your mortal parent went down a dark road after your godly parent went back to Olympus, and you had never felt that love that everyone craved.
Clarisse hated you at first, like she does everyone, until one day at the bonfire you were sitting with her and a few of her siblings, the fire was hot and it was never the same. You still remember her eyes on you, feeling intoxicated under the moon. Besides, the nights are made for secrets.
And it became a tradition.
You would look at each other next to the fire, and never speak of it again.
The rest of the time, she was like any friend. That same loyalty, focus, but sometimes you could swear she seemed to look a little longer.
After the arrival of Percy Jackson, Clarisse was especially on edge. She was supposed to be training, but she was instead sulking and ranting to Matty and Carrie.
“And he really thinks he killed that Minotaur? Doesn’t matter. That’s what everyone else thinks.”
“Talking about the new kid?” you ask, sitting on top of the picnic table next to their cabin.
“Oh, yeah,” Carrie mumbles. “Talking all about the new kid.”
Clarisse stops her angry pacing to send her a harsh glare.
“He’s just a baby, Clarisse.”
She slams her hand down on the table next to you, pointing her finger in your face.
“He’s a liar,” she hisses. “I’m gonna make him admit it.”
“Hm, okay,” you say, pressing her foot against her stomach and pushing her back. “And that’s totally logical. But have you considered that he actually killed the Minotaur?”
“I’ll punch you.”
“Oh, you love me, Clarisse,” you smile, sweeping your arms out in a big circle. “I’m the brightest part of your day.”
She glares at you.
Matty coughs to hide a laugh.
“Just ignore him!” you say. “I don’t get why you’re so obsessed over him anyways.”
“I’m not explaining myself to you,” she huffs, stubborn as ever.
“Okay, Clarisse,” you say, drawing out the words.
You miss Carrie and Matty shooting each other looks.
Chiron announces the next capture the flag game later that day, and the next morning you’re heading off to the Ares cabin with your bow and armor in tow.
You walk in. They’re all adjusting their armor, polishing their weapons. A few smile at you and wave, but you head straight towards the back. Clarisse is there, helping some of her younger siblings pick out weapons from the secret weapons stash the Ares kids have curated over the years.
It’s Danny’s first game. He’s only twelve.
She looks up at you for a moment, which is about as much acknowledgment as you’re gonna get. You sit at the end of someone’s empty bed, right next to Danny.
“How you feelin’?” you ask. His face is twisted into a stone cold mask.
“Excited,” he says, like he practiced it in the mirror.
“Well, I’m scared.”
He looks at you and frowns.
“You’re the best archer in camp. Matty says so.”
You shrug. “I may be the best archer, but I’m nowhere near the best fighter.”
He nods, thinking hard like the whole world is suddenly starting to make sense.
“Hey, if I promise to keep a look out for you from the trees- will you watch out for me on the ground?”
He doesn’t need your assurance. He’s a child of Ares, they’re prebuilt with the lust for battle. But you know how to play all of them like a fiddle. They like feeling important, and he’s only twelve. It doesn’t hurt you to give this to him.
You stick out your hand and he grabs it.
“Y/N,” Clarisse says. You realize she’s been standing there for a while. “Are you here to distract everyone or for a reason?”
“You know, I would welcome you into my cabin warmly.”
Her face remains stone cold. Danny runs off. Clarisse can be some sort of halfway nice, but rarely, and most of the time everyone just knows her cruel words, her ruthless tactics in battle, and her misleading words and smiles.
“You’re no fun,” you pout.
“You’re the one who sticks around. No one’s holding you hostage- you can leave.”
“I need a dagger.”
“Oh,” she says, blinking. “Wow, you actually came here for something? What happened to yours?”
“Broke,” you shrug. “The handle fell off. Weird, whatever.”
She hums, looking through the daggers hung on the wall. “This one.”
She hands it to you. It’s similar to your old dagger, except a lot sharper and a lot more sturdy. But it’s the same style you’re used to. You wonder if she knows that or not- Ares kids do notice everything.
But for Clarisse to actually do something like that with intention is rare.
“I like it,” you say. “Thanks!”
She hesitates for a second.
“Keep it.”
You look at her. “I can give it back.”
“I already told you to keep it. Don’t be pathetic and make me reassure you.”
“Okay, Clarisse,” you roll your eyes.
Your position on capture the flag is always the same.
Carrie, Matty and Clarisse hunt in the woods on the ground, and you get thrown up into some random tree to shoot arrows at anyone you see.
The idea is, they see the arrow coming from up above and look to the trees, only for Clarisse, Matty and Carrie to ambush them on the ground.
It’s only the third game you’ve employed this tactic, so the blue team is starting to catch on.
After Chiron gives his speech you could probably say yourself, you head over to the three of them, holding your arm out to Matty and the red bandana. He ties it around without saying a word, Carrie reaches over and scolds you for not tying your armor tight enough.
“Blah, blah, blah,” you say. “I’ll live.”
“Yeah,” Carrie snorts. “Because I fixed it.”
“Shush,” Clarisse hisses. She finishes talking to a few more of her siblings, and they take their companies off into the woods. She turns back around. “I have a different plan today.”
Carrie and Matty grin dangerously.
There’s something in between the three of them, some sort of matching glint in their eyes.
“Okay, did I miss something? Why are you guys being so… scary?”
“You’ll see,” Clarisse says, her eyes dark.
Gods, it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
The great thing about being up in the trees is you get to see everything.
You get to see the way Clarisse grins while she fights, the way she whips her spear around like it weights nothing, the way sweat forms at her brow- and the way her muscles flex. That’s the best part.
Her arms, her legs, her stomach, every part of Clarisse is just lean and toned muscle.
It makes you want to betray yourself in a way that would permanently embarrass you.
You follow them, of course, even though you have no idea what the hell is happening or what the plan is. There’s a reason she’s not telling you the plan. Why?
When you walk past the woods where you normally hunt, you start getting fidgety.
“Ok, guys, seriously. Tell me what’s going on.”
You realize you’re heading towards the side of the big hill, starting the climb up through the trees and rocks.
Clarisse turns around.
“Stop. Worrying.”
You grit your teeth. “I’m not worried. I’m just confused.”
She sighs, signaling to Carrie and Matty.
“You know,” she mutters. And they leave, so it’s just the two of you.
They spit up, making their way on the farthest two ends, all leading to the same ledge.
She grabs your wrists. “Stop cracking your fingers. It’s annoying, and you’ll hurt ‘em.”
“Then tell me what’s going on.”
She lets go of one of your wrists, but keeps her tight grip on the other, forcing you to keep pace behind her.
“I’m not gonna tell you again, Y/N. Don’t worry. I’m not going to put you in danger, obviously.” She laughs, as if the idea is ridiculous. “You’re a damn good archer.”
“Oh, my Gods. Did you just compliment me?”
She tenses up, finally realizing she did it.
“D-don’t let it go to your head.”
“Oh, I won’t. It will just be our little secret, won’t it?”
You bite your lip as you smile so you don’t burst out laughing.
“Sure,” she mutters, and you don’t miss the way she stares at your lips. She clears her throat, finally letting go of your wrist. “Percy Jackson-”
“Who’s a baby.”
“-attacked us last night.”
You raise an eyebrow, walking next to her. “Did you attack him first?”
She doesn’t answer that.
“I doubted you would join us. I just didn’t want you to be alone in the woods.”
“Hm, I saw Annabeth as we left the bathrooms. She knows, she knows we’re gonna get revenge so Luke’s gonna go straight for the flag because we’re not in the woods.”
“So you’re just sacrificing the entire game for revenge? Against a 12-year-old?”
“Revenge,” she mutters, thinking over it. “That’s a fun word.”
She smiles, looking at you.
“Oh, Gods,” you mutter.
The rest of the walk continues in silence, until you can see Carrie and Matty in the distance, both waiting for Clarisse’s signal. She grins.
“Now, why don’t you just stay behind me and draw an arrow, and tell me if anyone’s coming. And when he’s distracted, you’ll sneak around behind him and block him from escaping, hm?”
You look around the forest. “Okay. But, Clarisse-”
She smacks her hand over your face. “I don’t need your morality right now. I just need you to keep those pretty eyes open and be our lookout.”
“Fine,” you hiss as you throw your hand off her mouth.
“Thank you,” she smiles, sarcastically. “Was that so hard?”
You mock her under your breath, but she signals to Carrie and Matty. They all start walking forward, trying for stealth, but your feet make sink into the gravel. He hears them. He sits up.
You don’t know anything about Percy Jackson, except for the fact he supposedly attacked the three musketeers you call your friends and possibly killed a Minotaur.
True to your word, you stay behind Clarisse, watching as she lifts her helmet off, throwing it to the ground.
Her spear sinks into the dirt.
“Flag’s that way,” Percy says. “It’s not here.”
“We know.”
You start walking out from behind her. His eyes flick between all four of you.
“Yeah, glory’s fine.” You can feel her eyes on you. “Revenge is more fun.”
She looks up at her spear, slamming it down, and you hear the familiar crackle as it lights up. Red hot electricity.
She laughs a bit.
He scrambles for his sword and spear, forgoing his helmet. They close him in. You walk around Carrie and behind him. His eyes move between you and Clarisse, but there’s nothing he can do to stop the four of you from surrounding him.
“No maiming. It’s like the one rule.”
His stance isn’t even close to correct.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll lose dessert privileges for a while,” she fake frets, looking up at her spear. She smiles and looks back at him. “I’ll live.”
Her face twists into a mask of focus and she swings out at him. He manages to dodge her first hit, and block the second with his shield.
She looks at Carrie and Matty. They lunge forward, attacking him together, and he certainly is a demigod- he has a natural talent.
But you can only really focus on the way she lifts her spear back over her head.
She grunts and spins, shocking him, before jabbing forward at his armor, making him fall back over the log he used to be laying on, right at your feet.
“I’m actually not interested in maiming or killing you, believe it or not,” she says, standing over him. “I just want you to admit you’re a fraud. It’d make me feel better. Are you feeling up to that yet?”
The way she holds her spear, the way she says it’ll make her feel better- you miss the way he swings out with his shield, hitting you in the shins.
“Fuck,” you hiss, leaning down to touch your burning leg. “Oh, fuck, that hurt.”
Percy grunts and takes off running.
“Y/N,” Matty says, a silent question in his concerned voice.
“I’m fine,” you mumble, shaking your leg out.
Clarisse glares at his retreating figure.
“I guess he has a fucking death wish,” she whispers, voice full of a deadly promise.
She grunts and launches herself over the log, Carrie and Matty following. You straighten yourself and take off running after them. You leg does burn, but you still manage to keep pace. Besides, Matty is already far ahead, surprising him and knocking him down from the path, making him tumble through the woods and land on the beach.
Matty and Carrie wave their swords at him from the right. He pants and breathes heavily, backing up, but when he turns around to run- Clarisse is there.
You draw your bow again, out of habit.
The arrows you use aren’t actual arrows of course, but filed down to little circle rocks at the end. They won’t kill you, but they fucking hurt.
You can’t help but giggle as he falls onto his back, scared just by Clarisse being there.
She laughs too, before all three of them launch into an attack.
They push him back, towards you, and you step back with them, waiting for the perfect moment.
But your eyes drift up to Clarisse. She’s hanging back for just a second while Matty and Carrie jab at him. She looks… proud. She looks really fucking proud that you’re laughing at this 12-year-olds misery.
But Clarisse was right. Revenge is fun. And you hate it, but you can’t stop it.
You smile back at her, and it’s like those nights at the bonfire, you know you’ll never speak of it again. It doesn’t matter. Right now, there’s angelic music playing in your head, and you’re watching her. You’re watching her, the sweat on her brow, the way her hands clasp her spear.
Her face twists into something else.
“Y/N!” she shouts, but Carrie and Matty pushed him too far, you didn’t move back enough- distracted by her- and you slam into each other, a tangle of limbs and metal.
He does this awkward sort of flip over you, landing a few feet behind you. You drop your bow in favor of catching yourself, and it gets caught on his shield and dragged along with him.
It’s a blur, you yelp as you go down, Percy groans.
They’re all standing there, tense and watching the way Percy stands up with your bow in his hands. His stance is nowhere near correct, it actually makes you cringe more than your bruised side after the fall.
Why the hell are you the one who keeps getting hurt?
Percy let’s out a breath. “Why don’t we all just walk away and forget this happened?”
“You just made that impossible,” Clarisse hisses.
You just want to get an ice pack on your leg and sit down. You’re tired. You want to boss Clarisse around as payment for bringing you here.
“Okay, okay, just stop. This is stupid, all of you. He’s, like, 12. He didn’t do it on purpose, you’re just attacking him for no reason.” Carrie and Matty look at the ground. Clarisse glares at you.
You turn around and face Percy. “Just go, okay.”
He looks between you and Clarisse.
“O-okay,” he breathes.
You can feel her move, hear her footsteps in the sand, her spear cutting through the wind. She comes around you, and Percy gets scared, so he raises up the bow and let’s it go- pointed straight at her face.
But it never hits her. It hits you, of course, because you have the worst luck in the world.
It hits you right in the chest, and it doesn’t kill you, but Percy is strong and it knocks the wind out of you.
Clarisse throws her spear to the ground and catches you, screaming your name at the top of her lungs.
Gods, this was so stupid. All of it. He didn’t mean to hurt you, he meant to stop her from attacking him. Because Clarisse is bloodthirsty. She cares about no one else but herself.
You were stupid to think she ever did.
But even through all of this, everyone treating you like a rag doll, you stare into Clarisse’s eyes. She’s frozen. She’s watching the rapid rise and fall of your chest, she’s watching the way you press your hand into your chest, trying to breathe, she’s looking at the fear in your eyes.
You’re terrified. And Clarisse looks the exact same way you feel.
You mouth her name.
Carrie and Matty are gathered around you, telling you to just breathe, take a breath in, but you can’t.
Clarisse let’s go of you and ignores your hands trying to hold her back, ignores Carrie warning her.
Oh, Gods, you’re in love with her and she’s just your friend, but it all hurts and you just need her right now.
Percy tries to scramble away from what he’s done, but Clarisse grabs him by his shirt and holds him up.
You think she’s actually going to kill him- then the conch sounds.
You all turn around.
The blue team runs to the beach, sticking the red flag into the ground. They all cheer loudly, Luke and Chris at the center of it.
Clarisse throws Percy back down on the ground.
She picks up your bow. Matty helps you stand up, you can breathe now, and you’re really fine. You just couldn’t for a minute. You don’t look at Clarisse, even though you want to.
The four of you end up at the sword practice field, sitting on picnic tables like you did that one day.
Matty touches a few scratches on his arms from where he burst through the woods, scraping himself on something thorny.
Clarisse walks towards a dummy and starts attacking it. She lets all her anger out on it. They didn’t win, and her revenge is incomplete so, its not even worth it. You could have told her that from the beginning, but whatever.
Clarisse can do whatever she wants. She doesn’t listen to you, she doesn’t care about you- not as much as you want her too. Not as much as you care about her.
She’s so wonderfully in her element it makes you want her more. This is where she belongs, in the field in the sun, with her spear in her hands. She belongs here, where she feels closest to her father and farthest away from her responsibilities, from the constant battle it is for her to keep her emotions in check.
Even after a minute of her obliterating the dummy, she seems better. Finally, after another minute, she slows down until she stops.
You don’t stop looking at her until she turns around and looks at you. She breathes out.
“Are you okay?” she asks, sitting down on the opposite end of the bench.
“Fine. Just got the wind knocked out of me.”
She hums.
“C’mon, Matty,” Carrie says. “Let’s go back to the cabin, I’m thirsty.”
You’re not ready to get up yet, you’re too comfortable here on the bench, it’s too easy to breathe in the valley.
Clarisse flexes, stretching her spear over her head, and you watch her. Of course you watch her. You don’t think you’ll ever just be able to look at her in passing- you’ll always have to focused, you’ve always have to have your eyes totally and completely on her.
Like she’s some book you have to study. Like she’s all you’ve ever wanted to look at.
“Stop staring at me, weirdo,” she mumbles.
You sit up straighter. “I’m not. You’re just flexing dramatically all over the place, of course I’m gonna take notice of it.”
“Okay, sure,” she taunts, and you remember what happened, you remember how you felt when she walked away from you to continue with her revenge.
“I-I’m gonna go back to my cabin.” You don’t wanna be around her, not right now at least. “See you later, Clarisse.”
She stands up immediately. “I’ll walk you.”
“No, thanks, it’s fine.”
“Y/N, you got hurt because of me.” She crouches down and tugs up your pant leg. “How’s your leg? Your side?”
Matty, Carrie and Clarisse too, sometimes, are always touching you and doing things for you. It’s sweet. They aren’t good with the words, but they show you they love you, and that means more than anything else.
If she hadn’t done what she did, if she really cared about you, then you wouldn’t mind her touching you like this. You would love it.
“Clarisse- get off of me,” you shake your leg out, which hurts a bit, but she lets go and stands up.
Her face twists into one of anger, her fists clenched.
“I’m sorry, okay. I’m sorry you got hurt. I feel really bad about it, so just let me do this for you.”
“It’s not about that,” you mumble, cursing yourself and hoping she doesn’t hear you. Of course she does.
“Then what’s it about?”
You try to turn away, but she clamps her around your wrist and tugs you back towards her.
“What’s it about, Y/N?”
She holds your hand to her chest.
You both know what it’s about.
“Just stop, Clarisse,” but your body betrays you and you make no move to push her away. She notices, of course she notices, and she pulls you closer. “We’ve been dancing around each other for months.”
She blinks and her grip on your wrist loosens.
“And it was fun. It was a fun game, okay, Clarisse. But you can stop playing it now. You showed me today that your care more about yourself then you ever could me. I’m sick of it.” You tug your hand away. “I’m so sick of it, Clarisse.”
She grips you tighter again.
“What the hell are you talking about? I’m running around looking like a fool, and you think I care about myself? You think I don’t care about you?”
Your breath is a little shaky again.
“You could have helped me and you chose revenge.”
“For you.”
“He slammed his shield into your leg, knocked you over, and then shot you in the chest. Of course I wanted revenge. Not for me, it was about that at first, but then, Gods, did you do something to him?”
You laugh. She smiles, staring at your face like she’s seeing you for the first time.
“Like, he just kept coming after you, I don’t get it. But I… I like you. Like, like you. And I don’t know what that means, but I don’t really care. I just… want you. I want to be near you all the time. And I go crazy when you’re with someone else. I want to touch you all the time, hug you, hold you… I want to kiss you so bad I think I’m gonna fucking explode.”
Fuck is always the first word you think of when you think of her. It used to be because she made you so angry with the secrets, but now it’s just the things the says make you wonder how much more you can fall in love with her.
“Well, I don’t really want you to explode,” you roll your eyes. “That’d be too messy. Besides, I-”
“You’re always such a fucking worrier.”
She plants her hands on your face and presses her lips to yours. You can feel the slight desperateness she won’t say, but she’ll tell you with her body. You can feel everything she won’t show, won’t say. How beautiful you are. How scared she was. How much she wanted you and for how long.
You feel it all just by her lips, and you can’t help but wonder what more she can tell you.
She pulls back and smiles.
“If you tell anyone about this, I’ll deny it.”
“I’m the light of your life, Clarisse.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, grabbing you tighter and kissing you again. You grab onto her arms, smiling. You always wondered what he muscles would feel like against you.
There’s only one word to describe the way it feels.
clarisse when she accidentally told y/n she has pretty eyes: PLEASE DONT NOTICE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
y/n my ladybug not noticing: 🧍‍♀️
y/n and clarisse just being insane together WDYM YOURE LAUGHING WHEN A KID FALLS OVER STOP
clarisse: bitch stop WORRYING
clarisse and y/n both pretending that clarisse giving her a dagger wasnt literally a declaration of love and also clarisse throwing her spear down to catch y/n???? bitch she’s in LOVE
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss
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ell-alexanderarnold · 5 months
Since day one
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Summary: There’s always been feelings lingering around between Y/n and Trent, and suddenly one night changes everything for the two best friends.
He never meant to make you cry, until he did. You stared at the raindrops on the car window whilst Trent tried to talk to you, but you just heard muffles of his voice. You tried your best to erase the memory of him kissing her, but it kept replaying in your head. You didn’t want to go back to his house, he didn’t even know that you witnessed the kiss.
He was confused, he asked and asked many times but received no answer. He wondered what he did wrong. Was it something he said? No.
Trent didn’t know he broke your heart tonight.
“Y/n talk to me, what’s wrong?” He asked once again. He looked over at you and searched for your eyes but he failed.
The worst thing about it is that you’re not even allowed to get this hurt. You were friends.
He can do whatever he wants and so do you. But your heart longs for him. To him you’re just his absolute best friend. But for you, he’s everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The sweetest boy you’ve ever known, and oh how much love you have for him that he doesn’t know.
“Can you just drop me off at my apartment?” You spoke up for once.
“Sure, you’re not gonna tell me what’s going on anyways.” Trent angrily said as he parked in your driveway.
Usually you two stay in the car talking before you leave, but this time you didn’t. You slammed the door and he drove off.
You got inside and dropped all your things on the floor, tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep.
Trent: You left me with no explanation at all
You left him on read, not bothered to answer him after what happened tonight. You felt bad, he didn’t deserve to be ignored like that, but you couldn’t help how you felt.
You laid awake in your bed, unable to fall asleep. And you wished that you could wake up in the morning and forget what happened but that would be impossible.
You opened your phone and saw a missed call from Trent, it was late as well so he must be up at this hour like you.
He called again.
“Hello? You there Y/n?” He started.
“It’s late why are you calling me T?” You implored as you got up from your bed then into your kitchen to grab a glass of water.
”Why’d you mean why did are you calling me? I’m worried about you.” He said and you sat down by your couch.
“There’s nothing to worry about Trent.” You firmly confirmed. But he didn’t listen, he never does.
“You’re my best friend Y/n, I know something’s wrong. Did something happen at the party?”
“Best friend.”
You wanted to cry, to rant out all of your feelings. Yes of course something happened at the party, your heart got broken, and he didn’t even realise it. Did he even think about you when he kissed that girl?
There was always this lingering feeling between the two of you. That you liked each other maybe more than friends. But then why did he kiss her? Was he lying about how he felt about you all the time? Was it was just like a game to him?
A while ago he confessed his feelings, and so did you. It was just something that happened and afterwards it didn’t lead to anything.
You found yourself waiting like a fool for him.
“I’ll be at yours in 10.” Trent insisted and you didn’t get to speak before he hung up.
Great, you tought.
It didn’t take long until Trent arrived at your apartment, you got up from your couch to open the door for him. You immediately met his brown eyes and smelled his familiar perfume.
“I just want to talk.” He started and walked with you to your couch.
“There’s nothing to talk about Trent.” You said, avoiding his gaze on you.
“Don’t shut me out, let me help you.” He sighed as he took your hand but you declined his touch.
“No.” You said almost in a whisper.
“She was really pretty.” You began, you didn’t hesitate to bring it up although you knew that it would probably hurt you if Trent was about to explain it.
“I’m sorry, who?” He inquired as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“The girl you kissed.” You revealed as you watched his face expression change.
“Look,” He says. “I know I should’ve probably told you before, that I was seeing someone.” He shared.
Trent wanted to tell you all the time, but he knew that he couldn’t do that to you. It would hurt him too but he didn’t know why exactly.
In the time you and Trent has been friends he never once had a girlfriend. And now you haven’t given much a thought to the fact that he might actually want one. Because you knew that he was interested in you, he always have been. He’s just not good to explain his feelings, afraid that the feeling isn’t mutual even though he knows it is.
“Alright, okay.” You answered and forced a smile.
“I’m sorry I should’ve mentioned it earlier.”
“It’s not that serious anyway Y/n.” Trent went on, still unable to figure out why you are upset.
“And do you love her?” You bluntly asked and faced your head down, afraid that you’ll cry and that Trent will notice.
“Y/n, why do you care?” He questioned and you felt tears running down your cheeks.
“I don’t know maybe because we both know well that we have feelings for each other?” You snapped and looked him in the eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Trent sniffled with glossy eyes, allowing his tears to run down his cheeks.
“I really like you Y/n,I really do. I just didn’t want to ruin our friendship.” He continued confessed as you walked away from him into your room. Trent followed you and watched as you walked back and forth, figuring out what to say.
“Then why did you kiss her Trent?” You said and stopped to look at him.
“I don’t know, it was stupid of me. And no Y/n I don’t love her because..” He explained then paused.
“Because?” You pushed.
“Because you’re like the only girl I’ve ever loved really.” Trent continued and you didn’t believe what you were hearing.
“H-how long?” You stuttered, and inside you wondered how long he’s kept this from you.
“Since day one.” Trent proclaimed and took a step forward closer to you. He knew that you were shocked, and he doesn’t know how long he’s been blaming himself from keeping this from you.
You decided to close the gap between your lips. Trent placed his hands on your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You’ve been dreaming of this moment since you were a teenager, falling in love with him for the first time.
It’s always been on the tip of your tongue, but you always stop yourself from saying it and tell yourself that it’s not the right time or something else. But when Trent kisses you like he do and confesses his feelings for you, you can’t help to admit that you love him. More than a best friend.
“Trent, I think I love you.” You whispered and he smiled against your lips, leaning in for a kiss again.
Trent’s shoulders relaxed as soon as he heard you say ‘I love you’. It was like everything in his life had fallen into place now that he got the girl of his dreams.
“Can you stay the night with me?” You asked him and Trent nodded in response, then you two immediately dozed off in your bed.
You found it funny how fell asleep with the boy who broke your heart only for him to win it back a few hours later.
The both of you loved each other unconditionally, since day one.
﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ Thanks for reading 💜
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crashandlivewrites · 5 months
omg am i your first ask??? anyway, crawling to your inbox on my hands and knees to please ask for dom!soap overstimming reader <3 like she’s overwhelmed from work and can’t get her brain to shut off so johnny forces her brain to melt by making her cum over and over again. idk i just think that would be yummy :(
You know you are, Cherry darling <3 taking my ask virginity. Enjoy me not shutting up about your (our) man xx
As requested: Dom!Soap x fem!reader
CW: MDNI 18+ content, NSFW, overstim, degradation, Johnny being nasty and mean (but that’s normal), me ranting my ass off
“Hen, what’ve I told ye about overworkin’ yerself?” Johnny growled as he stepped over the threshold, home from the gym. Chucking his towel and bag in the corner and shutting the door behind him, he marched over to where you were sitting at the table. You were seated in the exact same place you were when he’d left for the gym and the same place you’d been when he’d woken up this morning. Tugging your chair back, he slid his body between you and your laptop, frown evident on his face.
“I’m just finishing things up, Johnny. Need to get this last thing done—”
“No, hen. Yer not.” There was no room for argument in his tone, so you shut your mouth and furrowed your brows together in annoyance. “Dinnae look at me like that, I’m in a right mood tae punish ye.”
“For what? I’m trying to finish this.” You snapped, trying to reach over his shoulder for your laptop, but he grabbed your wrist, pinning it to your side as he raised his brow.
“Dinnae give me that attitude, hen. Yer walkin’ a thin line.” His voice lowered and eyes narrowed, sending shivers down your spine. Meeting his hard gaze, you reached out with your other arm for the laptop again, attempting to click the save button on the email you’d been drafting when he snapped.
“Fuckin’ brat. Ye naw listenin’ tae me. Gonna give it tae ye now.” Standing up and throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the bedroom where he unceremoniously dumped you onto the bed, before manhandling you so you were bent over the end of it, face pressing into the sheets.
“Johnny—” You gasped out, but you were interrupted by a sharp click of his tongue.
“Shut it, ye wee slut. I gave ye a chance and ye didnae listen.” His hands were rough as he stripped your bottom half bare, kicking your legs apart to expose your cunt which, much to your embarrassment and his delight, was already wet. Johnny chuckled darkly as he ran his fingers through your folds, collecting your slick on his fingers as he cooed. “Haven’t even touched ye, hen. Mah good wee slut, ain’t ye?”
He allowed two of his thick fingers to slide into you slowly, clicking his tongue again as he felt you try and shift to pull away. A hand came down to slap sharply on your ass.
“Ye lost the right tae move, hen. Already proved tae me ye cannae take care of yerself.” Curling his fingers, he pressed directly against that spongy spot that he knew made you moan. You did just that, tilting your hips back to meet his fingers as he thrust them into you. “Look at ye. Fuckin’ slut takin’ my fingers. Listen to yer pussy. She’s fuckin’ missed me. All wet and leakin’., makin’ the sweetest sounds fer me.”
He kneeled down between your spread legs, ignoring your cries and calls of his name. Instead, he crooned directly to your pussy as he added another finger, producing slick sounds that made you want to bury your face into the bed.
“I ken I’ve been neglecting ye. But dinnae fash, I’ll make ye feel so good tonight, aye? Make up fer lost time.”
“Please… Johnny I need—” You yelped as another hard strike stung your ass cheek.
“Naw, bonnie. Ye get nae say in this. This is between me and ye bonnie wee cunt. At least I’ve got one lassie that listens tae me.” Whining, you dug your fingers into the sheets, turning your head to look back at your boyfriend over your shoulder, who was pointedly looking at your sopping cunt and not you.
“C’mon bonnie. Cum fer me, aye?” He cooed, leaning in so his tongue could dance over your clit.
And you did. Over. And over. And over until slick covered your inner thighs, the bed, his fingers, his face…
“Please Johnny… I can’t… no more please!” You cried, struggling to form the words as your legs were numb and trembling, making it virtually impossible to push him away.
“Yer still talkin’ hen, clearly need to muddle ye brain more. Ye can handle another one, aye? Ain’t even shoved my cock in ye yet.”
Johnny was usually the most impatient bastard around, but when it came to teaching you a lesson… he suddenly had all the patience and self-control in the world.
“Besides, ain’t heard yer safe word yet, bonnie thing. Ye remember it, dinnae ye?” Chucking, he spun you around so you were sprawled on your back, hooking your knees over his elbows and looming over you. “Gonna be a good girl fer me? Gonna listen tae me next time I tell ye to take a break?”
Heavily panting and body lax from climax after climax, you gave him a small nod and his responding smile was wicked. Letting go of one of your legs, he reached down to drag his thick cock along your slit before pressing in. Johnny moaned loudly as he slid in right to the hilt, meeting no resistance.
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus, hen. Pussy feels s’fuckin good ‘n wet. Gonna fuck ye, breed ye til ye cannae even think of work nae more.”
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yawntutsyip · 1 year
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shenanigans with the avatar kids:
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warnings: cussing(?)
characters include: mostly Ao’nung and Lo’ak (mentions of Neteyam, Tsireya and Kiri)
this is my first time posting on here, ahaha 🧍‍♀️I hope you guys enjoy it. I just randomly came up with this in my head so it’s kinda random ig.
context: y’all are in high school, probably junior year.
Part two • masterlist
Getting in trouble with Ao’nung and Lo’ak:
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Hey! Guys can you help me with the homework from Tuesday?” Lo’ak asked trying to get yours and Ao’nung who was sitting in front of you attention.
You both ignore him. You were busy texting Tsireya, Tsireya was ranting you about this girl in her class that she had to get partnered up with but she hates.
Ao’nung on the other hand was actually doing the work the teacher assigned because them basketball players gotta have good grades to play. (💪😨) plus his mom is scary asf.
“I know you two dumbasses can hear me, please helppppp. I’ll pay for lunch!” Lo’ak whines, again tries to get both y’all’s attention.
it’s the money he stole from Neteyam’s wallet this morning.
At this point you actually weren’t ignoring him but you were so invested in this gossip convo with Tsireya you had blocked out any surrounding sounds. (ppl with loud families would understand this lmao)
Lo’ak being fed up and tired he literally grabs his water bottle from his desk and chucks it at your head not giving a care if he hurt you or not.
With the gods on your side you lean over in time having to grab something out of your backpack and so the bottle ends up hitting Ao’nung in the back of his head.
Eyes widen you look at Lo’ak with a ‘WTF DID YOU JUST DO?!’ he’s like ‘BITCH WHAT DID I DO!?’
when you both look back at Ao’nung who looked mad asf. You immediately put your hands in surrender and point to Lo’ak
You ain’t about to feel that boy’s rath he’s evil, he got him mothers temper.
“Thanks a lot snitch- anyways this wouldn’t have happened it you guys would’ve payed attention when I was calling you. I need your guys help on Tuesday homework!”
“Lo’ak it’s literally Monday- that’s from last week…..”
“Oh…we’ll at least I’m still turning it in 😒”
“That’s your problem” Ao’nung says and grabs the water bottle and throws it back at Lo’ak which hit him in the face- like straight up smack in the forehead.
You cover your mouth as you were wheezing trying to hold back your laugh.
Lo’ak gets up and walks to Ao’nung grabbing his backpack, opening it going through every pocket and folder looking for the homework
“I know you have it in here”
Ao’nung is like “bro wtf give me my backpack do your own work”
Then now you have them playing tug-of-war with Ao’nung’s backpack.
They ended up pulling too hard and the bag rips open with everything flying out, papers, pencils, he’s probably got like 6 water bottles in his backpack. Idfk why, ask him not me-
The teacher gets mad- yells at them to clean everything up and go to the principals room.
At this point everyone’s eyes were on you three. How awkward 🧍‍♀️
You being the good friend you help clean up everything that fell putting it back in Ao’nungs backpack.
You smirk and wave bye 👋 😘 but then they both glare and then look at each other.
uh oh.
“Teacher, (Y/N) was on her phone this time. She wasn’t even doing the assignment.- Yeah she actually was the one who threw the water bottle” they both tattled on you.
You stand there mouth wide open, astonished. flabbergasted. shocked.
them bitches got you in trouble. The audacity.
Teacher is like “this so the 5th time that this has happened. go with them.”
So here you guys are now. In the principals office while the principal is not even surprised at this point, just deeply disappointed and tired.
Last week Lo’ak actually pulled the fire alarm so he could get out of a test. (Jake beat that boy’s ass ong)
Then there was the time (like just the other day tbh.) You were already having a bad day and that one bitch knew how to press your buttons and she finally set you off once she said something about Tsireya and Kiri.
You ain’t gonna let anyone talk bad about your girls. Ao’nung and Lo’ak + Neteyam all had to pull you off the girl.
Kiri and Tsireya were low key hyping you up to beat her ass
You did a pretty decent job on her, let’s just say she stopped bothering you, Tsireya and Kiri after that.
As for Ao’nung- well surprisingly he just gets in trouble because of you and Lo’ak making him mad or smth. Quote from him : I don’t start anything
For some reason if one of you get in trouble- it’s all your faults. “Well even if it wasn’t you who did it you should’ve been there to stop him” type stuff.
Principal is like “hey y’all who did it this time”
You and Ao’nung just sit and point at Lo’ak “it was him.”
This happened countless of times so Lo’ak already knows the drill
Lo’ak is pointing at himself as well
“Yeah yeah yeah It was me.”
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thetriplets3 · 8 months
hi i have a request 😁
a slow dancing in a parking lot vibe
❝𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞❞
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warnings: swearing, shitty bf saying shitty things
shoutout to @emmssturniolo for editing go show her some love
matt and i have known each other for years before we started dating. he’s been there for all my shitty boyfriends who left me feeling like i wasn’t worthy of love and questioning if they loved me the way i loved them. matt knew all the cliché things i always wanted to do, but my exes refused saying i was embarrassing them.
i made my way through the dark parking lot, my head constantly checking around me to make sure no one was following me. i hate walking alone in the dark; it’s so much easier for things to hide i don’t feel safe. i make it Jake’s mom’s 2000 Toyota Echo and i can already hear the obnoxiously loud music playing on the radio. i know he knows i don’t like loud music or noise in small spaces, he chooses to do it anyway. opening my door and sitting in my seat, i cringe at the volume, reaching to turn the volume down to a bearable level.
“don’t touch the fucking volume” he snaps as he turns it back up.
slinking myself further into the seat, i roll my eyes at his behavior. the next song starts, and i can’t help but let a little gasp out.
“i love this song! let’s dance!” i suggest, excitement evident in my voice.
“stop with that shit; i’m not doing that with you; it’s embarrassing” he spits, turning the car engine on and driving out of the lot.
i’m used to it. it’s always the same thing every time i wanna do something “coupley” he refuses saying he won’t do it with me it’s embarrassing. i always had this idea of a fairytale relationship and this was far from it. i couldn’t deal with him anymore today; he was constantly shutting me down, dismissing me, or being snapping at me.
“can you drop me off at nick’s please?” i quietly ask, scared of his response
without a word, he turns onto the triplets street, stopping the car in front of their house. “get out” bitterness filling his voice. slamming the car door on my way out i storm up their driveway, filled with emotion. i turn around, raising both my arms in the air, and flip him off, finishing it with “fuck you jake” as loud as i can. the boys have always told me i don’t need to knock but i do except for today, i just needed to see someone who wasn’t jake. that someone was matt.
matt patiently listened to me rant about how shitty jake made me feel and ask what i did wrong.
matt knows me better than anyone. i feel stupid for not seeing it sooner; it would have saved me from a lot of heartbreaking relationships. on days i don’t feel well he stops what he’s doing to come be with me, stopping at the store to get my favorite things to cheer me up. whether a day is the worst day of my life, the best day of my life, or just a normal day, he’s there with my favorite flowers. knowing how much i love them he’ll find any excuse to get me them just to see the smile on my face. i never had to remind him of things; he knows me inside out; what music i listen to (he even has a playlist of all my favorite songs); he can sense when i’m getting overwhelmed and want to get away from whatever it is that we’re doing; he knows that i find his hand cradling my head during a hug to be grounding; he listens like actually listens; his eyes are so intently watching and hanging on to every word.
i always felt like i had to remind my exes to love me, but with matt he was the one reminding me i’m loved. he did everything no one else cared to do and he paid attention to things most people ignored. everything he does melts my heart because i’ve never been treated like this. like i deserve.
today was one of those days where everything just feels off and you can’t pinpoint why. facetiming matt in the morning, he seemed to have noticed i wasn’t my normal self. bringing it up in the most gentle way he suggested going for a drive.
“is everything okay sweetheart? you don’t need to explain, i just want to know if you’re okay. how about we go for a drive later tonight? clear your head. let me bare some of the weight from your shoulders” the love and tenderness in his voice is all the confirmation i’ll ever need.
sitting on the old wooden bench by the front door, i slip my socks and shoes on just as matt knocks on the door. opening the door i collapse into his arms before he takes my hand and walks me to his car. planting a soft kiss to the back of my hand before dropping it to open my door.
“my love” he says with a little bow, making me giggle.
our linked hands lie on the center console, matt’s thumb mindlessly rubbing the back of my hand. the smallest gestures make me feel so loved. tonight’s destination of choice was the empty parking lot of a frozen yogurt shop. our first date. our deep conversations are always my favorite, he’s so emotionally intelligent i love listening to him voice his thoughts, opinions, and advice. to lighten the mood after those deep talks he softly plays music. immediately i recognize the song, a smile toying at my lips.
“i-” my voice trails off, remembering what happened every time i mentioned a song and how some made me wanna dance.
“what? go on” he urges me to continue, turning his body in his seat to face me giving me his full attention.
another thing i love about matt is his patience. he knows i tend to bite my tongue when it comes to sharing my opinions because i was afraid of the response i’d get, so he encourages me to continue, in turn reassuring me that my thoughts and opinions are valid.
“i love this song it’s so beautiful” i say
without a word, matt gets out of the car and walks around the car, leaving me confused until my door opens and matt’s there with his hand out for me to grab hold of.
“may i have this dance, pretty girl?” he asks, letting a laugh slip through his serious façade.
“i’d love to” i whisper.
letting go of my hand for a second he reaches into the car and turns the volume up just loud enough for us to hear it. i smile to myself at his thoughtful gesture, making sure i was out of the car before turning the volume up. no one’s ever taken so much consideration to make sure i’m comfortable like he does.
my thoughts are interrupted by matt circling his arms around my waist, instantly my hands finding their home at the nape of his neck and in his hand. pulling me closer to him, i rest my head on his shoulder, the smell of his cologne bringing me even more comfort. our bodies sway to the music enjoying this moment.
matt gently pushes my body away from his and raises our joined hands, ready to twirl me. it wasn’t the most graceful twirl ever, filled with giggles at my lack of dancing skills. as i turn back to face matt i let go of his hand and wrap both my hands at the nape of his neck mindlessly playing with his hair. our eyes are locked on each other, having a conversation of their own. with watery eyes and a big smile, i’ve never felt so loved. he has done everything and more than anyone else has and he never lets me forget how much he loves me.
matt rests his forehead against mine, eyes starting into mine. softly, he whispers the lyrics to me, never breaking eye contact
❝𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞❞
a few tears escape my eyes. this isn’t his type of music at all yet he’s made the effort to listen to it and remember the words knowing how much i love this song. no one will ever love me more than matt, he’s it for me, he’s all i’ve ever needed.
“i love you thank you for showing me what it feels like to be unconditionally loved. i can’t wait for a lifetime of being loved by you” i gush.
“loving you was never something i had to think about; it’s just natural. how can anyone look at you and not see that you deserve every star in the universe? you shine so brightly that i can’t believe people made you feel like you should hide that light. you are worthy of love and i’m happy i get to be the one to show you. i love you sweet girl. i’ll love you for a lifetime and every one after that. you’re the sun to me” he confesses, placing a loving tender kiss on my lips.
taglist: @antisocialties @iluvmatt @dwntwn-strnlo @fake-coolbeans @opheliaofficial07 @angelcake-222 @oneirophobic @strniolo @lollibumblebee @ssturniolo @20nugs @abbie13sworld
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yourlocaltreesimp · 7 months
All Chained Up
ACU masterlist
last chapter *ੈ✩‧₊˚ next chapter
Chapter 3: Derealise your woes
TW: For description of derealisation
The following morning was skittish. And that truly was the only word to consider the fear that curled around your heart. You slept lightly and for short hours and spoke to no one as you walked. Even if anyone had decided to speak to you, you doubt you’d have even heard them anyway, your inner monologue being far too active to consider the word or people that surrounded you. The Old man -Time, as you’d come to learn- was understanding of your situation, albeit weary of you. He gave you no tasks and despite the fact he only had one eye, you could feel him watching. The others fell into their own categories of dealing with your addition to their crew, avoidance and awkward confrontation. You’re honestly not sure which you hated more. The quick glances and turned backs as if you were a curse or the untrusting talks as if you were rabid. Something waiting to break. You felt so watched and yet so ignored in a way so reminiscent of your normal life it was alarming. You were close to just collapsing on the ground as Time called the group to set up camp. You were unaccustomed to walking for such long periods of time that your shins felt brittle. But alas you walked, unwilling to make your presence more known to them as pain shot through each step. You found a suitable place to sit down where ‘coincidentally’ Time sat right behind. Watching with one cold, blue eye. You did not allow yourself to shrink as you wanted to, to curl up and cry. You focused on the fading light of the sun, the sky desaturated purples and yellows. Hills rolled on and on for as far as you could see, little houses dotted sporadically. It had a charm to it, a memory you’d be sure to revisit when this time passed.
“Hey Old man!” One of the others called, instinctively you looked over. Time passed you a look, not one you could particularly interpret, but one nonetheless as he went to talk to Legend. Their conversation was tense to say the least, including Time sighing with disappointment and pointing to you. Legend walked over and sat beside you, eyes trained on the horizon. You nodded your head and raised your hand and went back to looking at the world before you. “How’s the sickness treating you?” His voice sounded uninterested, but he looked at you, as if testing your answer.
“It’s normal to get sick passing through realms. Disorienting at best and nauseating at worse” You found it in you to smile and nod. You had felt overwhelmingly nauseous when you first came, but it’d since past. “I remember I was always bad when I started” He smirks to himself before letting the silence settle.
“It’s not bad now. But it never is when you’re dreaming” You shrug but his eyes searched yours and his face paled a shade “It’s just weird. I can't grasp what’s real” He was enraptured by every syllable of your words and he nodded shakily. He remembers waking up and ripping out chunks of hair, choking on his breath after being alone- so painfully alone. He’d woken up to find Koholint was never real. And nor were the people and nor was his guide. He was alone. No soft light or softer touch to comfort him, no distorted voice reminding him to breathe, nothing. He remembers that day so clearly. “It’s just getting increasingly harder to feel as if the world around me is real” His expression was paranoid and sorrowful. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” His words are harsh as he stands. “But it’s real telling that that’s all we are. To anyone. Just some… character” That got personal awfully quickly.
“That wasn’t my intention-“
“Doesn’t change what happened, what’ll continue to happen” He rants to open air now and you find yourself catching on quickly that this man is incredibly unstable.
“I doubt they meant it so personal, Vet.”
“Oh easy for you to say Champion. You got to forget everything after you had to leave it all behind. But I didn’t get that luxury”
“It was still painful” Wild flinched and his left arm grazed the right where you could assume his scar travelled down to by the haunted look. “But it’s a part of the title. Sacrifices none of us wanted to make”
“Oh so that’s all your friends are? Sacrifices?” A silence overcame everyone. A tense, shocked silence. Legend sucks in a breath, You don’t see the way he pinched himself when he walks away.
Dinner was quiet and tense, no whispers or idle chat. Just eating. With exception to Legend who did not attend dinner. The whole affair only served to make you feel worse. You felt the bubbling nausea now, eating at you, setting each nerve alight. There was a lot of fuel to the fire, memories you regret, bruises yet to heal. The crackle and pops of the campfire in front of you were enough to keep your mind from eating through itself. The burning glow gave you something to focus on and the warmth gave you little soalice. You’re not entirely sure how long you spent inside your own mind until someone settled beside you. You glanced over to see a boy, 14 if you had to guess.
“Hey” His voice was a thankful break from the silence you’d been given. They called him Wind, perhaps it was because he too was mischievous and ever changing or met be there was more to it. If there was, you didn’t know. “The Old man said we shouldn’t talk to you. Something about spirits or whatever- I don’t care” You laughed in spite of yourself, amused by his antics. It seemed no one else was up. Well aside from the wolf. That was weird. But he was cute and didn’t bite.
“Oh? Beyond me. I didn’t think I had a soul until now” You elbowed him and you both shared a laugh.
“Don’t worry about Legend by the way, he’s just an asshole”
“I figured”
“Well not all the time, but it’s his thing.”
You laughed.
“I figured.” The night is calm between the two four of you. “I have so many questions after… that”
“Counts two of us” He admits and looks at you with a question burning in his eyes. “You don’t seem too bad” You smiled before you could stop yourself.
“Neither do you” You ruffle his hair as he tries to claw at your arm to stop you.
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sooniebby · 1 month
random ass rant
theres this guy at my college- we share like one class that i have every monday, wednesday and friday.
im VERY fem presenting at the moment and everyone assumes im a cis girl first meet and so he started flirting with me.
i told i was dating someone (im not) and that i liked girls (im bi and prefer women) but he still asked for my number so we could be friends. i like already had my phone out and it was unlocked bc i was using it (to try and ignore him) and iwas gonna pretend to give him my number while i was actually gonna give him a fake number-
and like the next day i forgot about it and like on friday HE CALLED ME
i thought it was my mom bc literally only my mom calls me in the morning!! so i answered and like, im such a fucking people pleaser so i didn't hang up immediately bc i dont wanna be mean
so he started babbling on about random stuff- asking if i was going to class later and i just responded with like "yeah...no...uhhuh" stuff like that bc I DONT WANNA TALK TO HIM??
"you're too pretty to be with a girl, i think you deserve a bf"
he eventually hung up bc he had work or whatever. needless to say i did NOT go to class later and stayed my ass home....and i have to see him again today... shivers
but being fr im so icked out rn...like i told him i liked girls and he pulls that weirdo ass shit?? also he already has like two gfs already LIKE LEAVE ME ALONE??? 😭😭
I don’t wanna be rude but… why are you telling me this..? I’m a bottom male reader porn blog 😧
Anyway, you should block his number and tell friends and probably some staff members about his behavior. If he texts you, document everything so at least you have evidence, don’t ever speak to him again. And maybe have a friend get your location
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Best Friends Brother
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Charles Leclerc x Reader F1 as romance tropes masterlist
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“Well, you look excited for this early in the morning,” Charles said noticing his younger brother's look of excitement and the bouncing of his as his eyes flickered between Charles and the door.
“Y/n is coming to watch the races this weekend” Arthur explained checking his phone for a text from you, you have both been friends for years and he loved showing you around the paddock when you had the chance to come along. Suddenly remembering this would be the first time Charles would meet you he stiffened up.
“Speaking of Y/n, she’s off limits.” Charles jokingly held his hands up in surrender. “I wasn’t going to do anything.” He laughed.
“No I mean it, no flirting nothing not even as a joke, she’s the nicest person I know just leave her alone.” Arthur pleaded knowing how sweet and genuine you were would be a stark contrast to the girls in their normal circle and it would draw his brother in like a moth to a flame.
Whatever comeback Charles had got stuck in his throat as he watched the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen walk through the lobby of the hotel. He flicked feeling a sharp smack to his arm and looked to an irritated Arthur. “What did I just say!” He whispered yelled so you wouldn’t hear their exchange. His eyes widened subtly pounding in your direction. “That’s Y/n?” His question went unanswered as Arthur ignored him to go help with the bags you were dragging behind you.
“Arthur it's so good to see you.” You squealed, as he hugged you telling you the same. When you pulled away he noticed Charles who was still blatantly staring had joined you. He sighed, “Charles this is my best friend Y/n, the one we were just speaking about.” Arthur emphasized hoping to jog his memory. “Y/n that’s my brother.” He disinterestedly explained waving to the older man beside him.
Charles had no idea that was Y/n, he’d seen photos Arthur had posted of the two of you but just thought that was some girl from a club, not his friend. Charles held it together just enough to shake your hand.
“I watched your last race congrats on P1.” At your words, Charles's eyebrow rose. “Thank you, you should watch my race this Sunday. while you’re here” He offered ignoring his brother's glare. “Def-We will be busy, bye Charles.” Arthur interrupted you and started pulling you away.
“You’re not gonna listen to him are you.” Lorenzo who had been watching from afar spoke seeing Charles’s eyes follow you. “Not even a little bit”
“Hey, Y/n right?” Charles asked as if he hadn’t spent all night stalking your Instagram. You jumped as he came up behind you in Arthur's garage while he was out during practice. You nodded. “Lorenzo right?” You joked laughing at the shocked look on his face. “I’m kidding Charles.” You winked, making him laugh, ‘she’s funny, I like funny,’ he thought to himself as you turned back to the screen showing the track.
“Anyways I was hoping I could keep you company while Arthur was busy. If that’s okay with you.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Didn’t Arthur tell you I was off limits?” You smile having had to listen to your friend rant all night about the said conversation. Charles chuckled nodding his head and bending down to whisper in your ear, “Good thing I like to push the limits huh.”
And true to his word alone the second Arthur pulled out of his garage Charles would take the empty space next to you. And you both spent the entire time talking and learning little things about each other. That’s how he learned your favorite color was red and he swore the red of the Ferrari seemed that much brighter after he found that out.
That Sunday Arthur stumbled into your hotel room jumping belly first on your bed while you were at the vanity getting ready. “What do you want to do today? We could go check out Buckingham Palace maybe see Big Ben?” You spun around in the chair shrugging your shoulders. “Or could go watch the race?” His eyes snapped over to you at your suggestion. “Is that because Charles mentioned it? No.” He groaned.
“Oh come on you know I’m a Max fan.” You pleaded with the puppy eyes your friend could never say no to. And you knew by the sigh he let out you won. Arthur didn't leave your side the entire time you were in his brothers' garage, his eyes narrowed to slits when chares shot you what Arthur thinks were supposed to be subtle looks but the man is about as subtle as a bullhorn.
Charles got Pole that race and there you a wink from the podium. While you wanted to go to the after-party Arthur found every reason not to go wanting to keep you and his brother separate at all cost. After you flew home he and Charles were on the jet sitting across from each other the former glaring at the latter.
“I asked one thing of you, to leave her alone why couldn’t you listen?”
Charles scoffed. “I just talked to her, it would’ve been rude to stand there and ignore her.” Moving his attention to his phone the same second you texted him back, making a small smile spread across his lips.
The next few weeks were spent sneaking texts to the older Leclerc, laughing on FaceTime all night, every free moment he had he wanted to spend with you. You knew it was wrong, sneaking around behind your friends back, but at the same time it felt so right.
“Come on let me fly you out to my next race pleaseee,” Charles begged, pouting at you over the island in your kitchen as you made the pair of you tea.
“I don’t know there’s a lot of paparazzi there.” Matching his position laying your forearms on the island. That was always your concern when he tries to bring you to a race, Charles understood, he really did but that doesn’t mean it didn’t suck. “It's been months babe, I think it's time to tell him.” Leaning in he grabbed your hands as you sighed.
“I know, but I lied to him all this time it feels too late now.” Not meeting his eyes you played with his hands to distract yourself. You’re honestly surprised there hadn’t been pictures of you both all over the internet already. “The longer we go without telling him the worse it will be, I’ll tell him. After all, I’m the one that didn’t care you were off limits.” Charles leaned in, brushing your noses together, before your lips could meet you jumped apart at the sound of your buzzer going off.
“Y/n let me up.” Arthur's voice crackled over the intercom. “Go go go!” You ran around the island pushing Charles to your bedroom, well trying to.
“It's fate come on we have to tell him.” Planting his feet he’d almost laugh at your futile attempts to push him not even moving him an inch. Your panicked eyes met his.
“Not like this, this is the worst way we could tell him please go hide.” You begged making him cave. “Fine but if he comes into your room I’m not crawling under your bed” he paused. “I’m also gonna have some questions.”
“He won’t go in my room now hide!” Releasing a breath you buzzed your friend up trying to look casual as if his brother wasn’t hiding in your apartment. Thank god you picked him up at the airport and his Ferrari wasn’t out front those cars don’t blend in well.
The door swung open as Arthur strolled in already rambling about something his teammate Oliver did when suddenly he paused looking you up and down making your heart rate spike.
Is this your shirt? Is your hair a mess? did Charles leave something out? Do you have a hickey? At your thoughts, your hand subtly went to your neck. Arthur's eyes narrowed.
“Where did those come from?” Whipping your head around to see what he was pointing at seeing the large bouquet of red roses. “Uh, my mom.” He nodded. Perking up spotting your cup of tea. “Ohh can you make me one?”
“No!” You silently cursed at your quick response. “No?”
“I’m all out, sorry.” You shrugged with an awkward laugh. “You’re acting weird, why?” Now suspicious Arthur starts to look around making you panic. “I have someone over!”
“Ohhh” he starts to smile and lean closer at the clear sign of gossip. “What’s his name?” He whispered. God, you should’ve thought this through. “Charlie.”
“Ah well tell Charlie we rotate holidays and I get you this year.” Shoving him away for his teasing he laughs. “Alright alright, I’ll go but call me later with the dirty details.” You start calming down the closer to the door he got. Before he turned around and shouted throughout your apartment.
“Bye Charlie!” He laughs as you rush to slam the door being him still leaning against it as Charles walks out with a confused expression. “Who’s Charlie?”
Charles finally convinced you to come to a race. His brother was on the other side of the world and you were staying in Ferrari hospitality far away from the paparazzi. And he planned to take full advantage of it. He had you pinned to the wall the second the door shut behind you.
Mouthing up your neck leaving small marks leading to your lips, licking the seam begging you to open them. One of his hands flat against the wall the other around your back keeping you tucked closely to him as he led you back to the couch. Pulling you to his lap as he sat down.
“You’re lucky we have the same last name or I’d rip this off you.” He growled pulling on your Ferrari shirt one that Arthur had given you for his races, you were hoping I’d you did get photographed you could play it off as an old picture.
Tilting your head back giving him more room to work with. “You can still rip it off.” You suggested with a smirk meeting his eyes just long enough to see the devilish smirk take over his face as he tightened his grip and pulled.
“What the fuck!” Both your heads snapped to the now open door as Arthur stood slack-jawed. His hands flew to cover his eyes as he noticed your shirt ripped down the middle exposing your bra, Charles quickly grabbed it and tried to hold them together. “What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing? what are you doing with my best friend!” The sight of him yelling with his eyes still covered was ruining any intimidation he was trying to have.
“What’s going on? Oh” hearing the yells the Spanish driver went to investigate seeing Arthur red in the face with his eyes covered, you blushing, and an irritated Charles holding the torn pieces of your shirt together. “Get out Carlos!” Charles barks now covering you completely with his body.
“My god just give her a shirt!” Arthur screamed incredibly uncomfortable now. Doing as he said you pulled a spare shirt off a hanger and put it on. “You look better in mine just saying,” Charles whispered with a wink while his brother's back was turned. Making you glare at him.
“What did I tell you? I told you she was off limits!” Throwing his hands in the air exasperatedly. “I know you’re expecting an apology but you’re not getting it.” Both you and Arthur were shocked at his words but before Arthur could retort he spoke up again.
“Yes I’m sorry for going against your wishes but I don’t apologize for a single thing involving her, she’s the best thing to ever happen to me.” Now turning to face you he griped your hand tighter. “I think I fell in love with you the second I saw you I don’t care who said you’re off limits I knew I didn’t want to live this life without you. God, it feels good to finally say that.”
He breathed out smiling down at your finally telling you all he felt for you he almost forgot Arthur was there till he started laughing. “It’s about time like come on.”
What?” You and Charles said simultaneously both confused he wasn’t angry anymore. “I knew you were together I was just wondering how long until you told me about it.”
“How’d you know?” He laughed again at your confusion thinking you hid it so well. “First you both got stupid happy at the same time gross by the way. Next to the roses in your kitchen, there was a Ferrari envelope next to it you missed and Charlie really was there not a closer name to Charles.”
Even Charles gave a small chuckle at that part. “I knew you’d be at this race so figured I couldn’t miss this moment. But I’m still her best friend if you hurt her.” Arthur left his threat open ended as Charles laughed wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“Look on the brightside now you don’t have to split custody of her on holidays she’ll be there with me.” He shrugged and the two brothers started walking out to the paddock bickering about who you’d really be there for.
“She was my friend first!”
“Well, now she’s sleeping with me” Charles retorted making you playfully push him and Arthur gag looking back to you asking what you see in him. Shaking your head at their antics as you followed behind. “The best friends brother, what was I thinking.” You said to yourself getting pulled between them arms looped with your two favorite guys. It might be cliché but you loved every second.
<< Daniel Ricciardo as mistaken identity
Hope you guys liked it!! if you want to read the other parts of the series check out the F1 Drives as Romance Tropes masterlist.
F1 tag list
@starxqt @motylekrozi @yeolsbubbles @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mooone90 @damianodavidhands @zig-zzag @its-astrotea-love @peakywitch @obsessed-fan-alert @lenniebordeaux @marelovesf1 @capela-miranda a @enjoymyloves @amsofftrack @coffeehurricanes @speedysimp @jasondeservedbetter @chilwell-mount @buendiabebeta @dan3avacado @valkyrie418 @ricsaigaslec @idkiwantchocolatee
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diaryujin · 9 months
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summary: you did not expect to be breaking up with hyunjin so late at night in a situation like the one you were in.
includes: heavy angst, established relationship go brr, kissing, reader calls him ‘prince’ and he calls reader ‘love’ for a bit, very slight mention of possible self harm (nothing direct), not proofread
pairing: bf! hyunjin x fem! reader
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i hurt myself and whatever emotions i had writing this in 30 minutes
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It was some ungodly hour in the night when you got a call on your phone. You were sound asleep, dreaming about Shrek dancing to WAP when your phone rang. Your ringtone, which was an audio of your boyfriend Hyunjin screaming, startled you so much that you fell out of bed. 
For a few seconds, you considered just lying on the floor and ignoring the call. Who the hell would call you at 3:25 a.m. on a Wednesday morning? 
Apparently, Hyunjin would.
Your plans of giving the caller a piece of your mind were thrown out of the window as you heard his voice. His tone was tired- he sounded almost dead. 
Instant concern. 
There were those days where he ranted to you about how stressful being an idol was, but you never heard him sound like this before.
“Prince? What’s wrong? Did something happen at practice or-“
“Y/N, love, I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry.”
Concern to panic. 
“Hyun…Hyunjin! Please, tell me what’s wrong- what are you planning to do? Don’t try anything stupid, dumbass-“
Call ended.
You got up, a million thoughts racing through your head. You didn’t bother fixing your appearance, Hyunjin was more important now. Who was going to see you anyway? You ran out of your apartment, phone in hand, emergency services ready to dial, just in case. You managed to get there in 15 minutes with sheer determination, considering how the dorms weren’t that far from your place. 
The security at the entrance recognized you, and let you in. Fumbling with the spare keys that Hyunjin gave you, you finally unlocked the dorm door that he shared with Chan, Changbin and Jisung. The lights were off, so you turned on your phone’s flashlight. You walked quietly to his room, not wanting to wake up the other guys just in case. 
You opened the door only to see the most heartbreaking sight.
Hyunjin lying on the floor, curled up into a ball, small sobs escaping his lips.
No response. You moved nearer to him, closing the door behind you. You checked that there was nothing dangerous near him, before placing your hand on top of his.
He swatted your hand away.
“Go away, Y/N.”
No pet names, nothing. Just your name. This wasn’t him, and it hurt.
“What’s wrong? Please- I need to know.”
“It’s nothing. Just go.”
“Prin- Hyunjin, look, I want to help you. I’m your girl-“
“Not anymore.”
His voice was broken and strained.
“You and I, Y/N…we’re over. Done.”
“You’re not serious…?”
“I am.”
You stared at his face. He didn’t even open his eyes to look at you, when usually he’d spend all the time he could staring at you, admiring you.
“But…why? If I did anything wrong- I’ll fix it, I’m sorry, just tell me what’s wrong- we can still salvage this, we can-!”
He sits up properly now, his back against his bed. He opened his eyes, and they were red and puffy, his cheeks tear-stained.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. I…just don’t think we can continue like this anymore.”
“After all the times you told me that we’d be forever? After all the words we exchanged? After all those cuddles and kisses? After-After- all those ‘I love you’s? After…everything, you just say we can’t continue?”
You stared at him again, disbelief and sadness mixed on your face. Tears pricked your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. He looked away, and you could tell by his expression that ‘just thinking’ wasn’t all that there was to it.
“What’s the actual reason, Hyunjin?”
He looks down at the floor, avoiding eye contact by any means. Again, broken and strained voice.
“The…the company.”
Those two words were enough.
“But you said- you said you didn’t care about the company or the fans-“
He held your hands in his, looking at your face now.
“I did. I did, yes…but I couldn’t change their minds. They were adamant. It was either- either I break up with you, or I leave the group.”
You couldn’t say anything there. He loved the boys too much, and they were super close to him. They were his family, and you knew how much they meant to him.
“But- you’ve long passed the dating ban now. Why- why do you have to?”
“Dispatch. It came to JYP-nim and well…he said it’d be a bad image for me and the group. I’m sorry, Y/N, you know- you know how much- I love you, right? I tried my best to argue- I tried so hard, but-“
He let the floodgates open, and you hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around you and cried into your shoulder. 
You did not expect to be ending things with Hyunjin and hugging him like your life depended on it at 3:56 a.m.
Yet, here you were.
He kept mumbling “I’m sorry” into your shoulder over and over, and you just rubbed circles in his back, trying to soothe him as much as you could. You silently cried as well, the emotions were strong.
“Y/N…love, can you kiss me one last time?”
You let go of him a little, his body loosely in your arms. You looked at his facial features set in desperate agony, and nodded. 
He wasted no time and kept his hand on the back of your head, pulling you closer gently, your face mere inches from his. Your breath mixed with his as he looked at your face one last time, trying to engrave every detail about you into his mind before he had to let you go.
He then closed the gap between you, and his soft lips met yours. His other hand held your waist, fingers digging into your skin ever so gently. The kiss was emotional and passionate, and neither of you wanted to break it. At some point, you pulled you in more, silent whimpers and cries escaping his mouth as he kissed you harder one last time, trying to savor the moment. Tears fell from his eyes and yours, but neither of you cared.
After around a minute, he let go of you, knowing that all good things had to come to an end. His hands left your head and waist, and just rested on your sides. He looked at you, his eyes regretful.
“So I guess this is the end, then.”
“Yeah. Even fairytales don’t last forever.”
“I wish ours could work, Y/N, I do-“
“I know, I know. You don’t need to apologize. Maybe, just maybe someday.”
He watched you get up and go to the door of his room. He didn’t bother to get up, no, he was too tired for that. You waved and smiled sadly at him, and he returned it before you left.
As you walked back to your apartment, you let it all sink in. It wasn’t a plot twist in your dream.
You wished it was. You wished that you could wake up from this nightmare which went from Shrek twerking to…this. You rubbed your eyes, but no. You were on the street near his dorm, your face having dried out paths of salty water trailing from your eyes to your chin.
Why, just why couldn’t you be a princess from a perfect fairytale, who ended up spending her whole life with the perfect prince she managed to pull?
Hell, even Shrek and Fiona ended up with three kids and three more sequels.
You had your prince, but now you lost him. 
It wasn’t even your fault, neither was it his.
You just had to move on and accept the fact that he wasn’t going to be a major part of your life anymore, and neither were you.
That was it.
The end.
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pommunist · 2 months
thank you for allowing people to vent their frustrations or discuss whats been happening in your inbox, a lot of qsmpblr from what ive seen wants to ignore anything besides brightest side outlooks and they shove everything else down by labelling things like the spreading of the latest updates as "doomposting".
i personally havent seen any actual doomposting (expecting the worst possible scenario, ex. "the server is over and will never come back") from anywhere besides a small handful of people who hate quackity on twitter, the closest i can find here is sentiments like "yeah i dont know if ill be back to actively watching every day even if everything is fixed" or "im so disillusioned at this point that im not coming back until we get concrete proof things are better" where its people personally deciding to (often temporarily) leave the fandom, not any actual doomposting or discouraging anyone to still follow the server because "theres no chance anything will ever be fixed".
so yeah, thank you for allowing stuff besides the most positive of takes in your askbox <3 im too scared to post stuff on my own because of the toxicly positive mindset on qsmpblr, so being able to vent my frustrations in your askbox really helps!
Tbh I don’t blame people who are complaining about what they see as « doomposting ». When you love something you don’t want to wake up every morning learning about another set of bad news on it, instead you want to believe that everything will be fixed and that you will soon be able to enjoy it like you used to.
However the situation IS bad. People are talking about negative things because they ARE happening. And it isn’t just some random drama like this is a situation that affected negatively on people, could even be considered breaching some laws and, also, be the end of the project. I don’t like saying that, obviously, but it’s the truth.
Saying it’s joever already won’t do any good but so will blindly hoping that things will be better. Tbh I’m happy that I haven’t seen much of both of these takes except from the extreme sides of the fandom (out of all the anons I got since it started very few were extremely negative, no hate to them btw feel free to vent in my askbox i just chose not to post them).
People can stop watching qsmp altogether, or just keeping to their fav ccs streams, some can chose to keep watching like they did before for X reasons, others are straight up leaving the fandom, it’s all fine, we just need to understand everyone’s perspective without jumping to judgement.
Side note : One thing I won’t tolerate here is hate on the admins who spoke up though (this + the usual assholery aka random hating, bigotry etc)
Personally I haven’t watched a qsmp stream since the situation was exposed but thats just because I don’t want to support the project rn and can’t enjoy the content knowing what we now know. That’s just me though !
Anyway rant over kkkk thanks for the nice ask anon ! Weirdly I think keeping track of the situation and answering so many people who had questions/wanted to air out their thoughts is what helped me not dwell on my own sadness regarding what’s happening ahah
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love-dove-noora · 10 months
hii <3 do you have any headcanons on how 141 would react to late night construction thats keeping both them and their partner up? maybe their partner's finally like "😐 i need a drink and a movie" sorry if its specific it's 11:42PM they're doing roadwork outside and it's killing me inside 💀💀
I’m sorry you haven’t been able to sleep, i wish you restful nights💗
Ps. Sorry i don’t write headcannons simply fics and blurps
The only 141 men i write for are Soap and Ghost, just letting y’all know😊
Construction site
You and your boyfriend have just been able to move in due to Ghosts or as you know him Simons vacation being postponed. The landlord did inform the two of you that there would be a construction work being done near by soon but you didn’t have a specific time on when to expect them. So now you find yourself with roadwork being done right at your apartment buildings front door. Due to said complications you didn’t get to drag in some of the big items *cough* your bed, which led you here at the beautiful hour of 22.48 in your mattress with your boyfriend “What is this a construction site, please people live here!” You exclaimed to Simon. He knew there was nothing he could do. He wishes to sleep as much as you do. Maybe he’ll file a complaint in the morning he thinks. You were just finishing your rant as he brings out a bottle of wine from one of the boxes “you want a drink?” He asks gently stirring you out of your frustration. “Yes but we don’t have wine glasses they are still in the back of the truck.” You say still a little frustrated but calmer. He motions at you to go to the couch as he mutters about handling the glasses. You pick a movie and spend the rest of the night with a movie coming from the tv and drinking wine out of mugs.
Johnny was staying the night at your place, the two of you were just laughing as you got back from dinner. Now on your couch with a lot comfier clothes you laugh as you ask “why do they call you Soap anyway?” Just as he is about to answer that’s when it starts. The drilling, it’s like the whole building is shaking, and it probably is. You groan as you feel it. “Seriously there are families with little kids living here, why do they have to do this now.” The question completely rhetorical, you look at your boyfriend as a way to say sorry for the noise interrupting the night. He just smiles like this doesn’t bother him, he’s just happy to finally spend time together. He kisses you softly as in to say everything is all right and the night is still young. He turns to the television the two of you have been ignoring witch is showing the front page of Netflix. He goes through genres as you get up and go to the kitchen, once you come out with two beers in hand he has all ready narrowed down movie options.
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