deebrisbyfish · 1 year
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Some folks would prefer that I keep politics OUT of my comic strip, but... uh... it's a comic about my life as a transgender woman, and it's KINDA hard to not be a smidge political when one party keeps pushing and passing laws that make it a crime for me to exist.  So, sorry if you feel this is unfair, but it feels pretty frickin' unfair to be labeled a literal criminal for existing. 
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Marci A Hamilton: The new House speaker, Mike Johnson, knows how he will rule: according to his Bible. When asked on Fox News how he would make public policy, he replied: “Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.” But it’s taking time for the full significance of that statement to sink in. Johnson is in fact a believer in scriptural originalism, the view that the Bible is the truth and the sole legitimate source for public policy. He was most candid about this in 2016, when he declared: “You know, we don’t live in a democracy” but a “biblical” republic. Chalk up his elevation to the speakership as the greatest victory so far within Congress for the religious right in its holy war to turn the US government into a theocracy. Since his fellow Republicans made him their leader, numerous articles have reported Johnson’s religiously motivated, far-right views on abortion, same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ rights. But that barely scratches the surface. Johnson was a senior lawyer for the extremist Alliance Defending Fund (later the Alliance Defending Freedom) from 2002 to 2010. This is the organization responsible for orchestrating the 303 Creative v Elenis legal arguments to obtain a ruling from the supreme court permitting a wedding website designer to refuse to do business with gay couples. It also played a significant role in annulling Roe v Wade.
The ADF has always been opposed to privacy rights, abortion and birth control. Now Roe is gone, the group is laying the groundwork to end protection for birth control. Those who thought Roe would never be overruled should understand that the reasoning in Dobbs v Jackson is not tailored to abortion. Dobbs was explicitly written to be the legal fortress from which the right will launch their attacks against other fundamental rights their extremist Christian beliefs reject. They are passionate about rolling back the right to contraception, the right to same-sex marriage and the right to sexual privacy between consenting adults. Johnson’s inerrant biblical truth leads him to reject science. Johnson was a “young earth creationist”, holding that a literal reading of Genesis means that the earth is only a few thousand years old and humans walked alongside dinosaurs. He has been the attorney for and partner in Kentucky’s Creation Museum and Ark amusement park, which present these beliefs as scientific fact, a familiar sleight of hand where the end (garnering more believers) justifies the means (lying about science). For them, the end always justifies the means. That’s why they don’t even blink when non-believers suffer for their dogma.
Setting aside all of these wildly extreme, religiously motivated policy preferences, there is a more insidious threat to America in Johnson’s embrace of scriptural originalism: his belief that subjective interpretation of the Bible provides the master plan for governance. Religious truth is neither rational nor susceptible to reasoned debate. For Johnson, who sees a Manichean world divided between the saved who are going to heaven and the unsaved going to hell, there is no middle ground. Constitutional politics withers and is replaced with a battle of the faithful against the infidels. Sound familiar? Maybe in Tehran or Kabul or Riyadh. But in America? When rulers insist the law should be driven by a particular religious viewpoint, they are systematizing their beliefs and imposing a theocracy. We have thousands of religious sects in the US and there is no religious majority, but we now have a politically fervent conservative religious movement of Christian nationalists intent on shaping policy to match their understanding of God and theirs alone. The Republicans who elected Johnson speaker, by a unanimous vote, have aligned themselves with total political rule by an intolerant religious sect.
[The Guardian]
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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@RuPublicans !
A new Instagram page is using AI to make parodies of Republicans attempting to push anti-LGBTQ+ bills.
The account, called @RuPublicans, a spin on name of the political party with a nod to the famed RuPaul, has gained nearly 100,000 followers in less than two weeks since its launch, going viral for its creative AI portraits of different Republicans in full drag.
Created by partners and digital nomads Craig and Stephen, the project sees the couple using art and technology for political activism.
The pair were traveling in an Airstream through the American West when they came up with the idea for the Instagram account, which comes at a particularly vulnerable time for LGBTQ+ rights in the U.S. 
State lawmakers are introducing more anti-LGBTQ+ this year than in the past collective five years, according to Bloomberg and data from the American Civil Liberties Union. Anti-drag bills have been introduced in at least 14 states.
Images range from Steve Bannon, who has shown support for Russia’s anti LGBTQ+ government, sporting a voluminous blowout to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is now looking to expand his ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Florida law in more schools, donning a bejeweled ball gown. 
Beyond the images, each person gets a drag name in the cheeky captions accompanying the posts:
Anita Filibust-Her (Mitch McConnell),
Cruzela Deville (Ted Cruz),
Lady Graham Cracker (Lindsey Graham),
Claretta Corrupta (Clarence Thomas),
Bombshell Bannon (Steve Bannon),
Hawl About Me (Josh Hawley),
Speaker Sparklebottom (Kevin McCarthy),
Rhonda Shanty (Ron DeSantis),
Mother Pence (Mike Pence),
Rudy Garland (Rudy Giuliani) ...
@RuPublicans / MidJourney
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newsrepertoire · 1 year
The right: *claims queer people are indoctrinating children* Also the right: whatever the fuck this is
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nerdykeith · 9 months
A new poll illustrates that a majority of Americans are concerned about the anti-LGBTQ policies (especially in school districts). It is very concerning how much conservatives are attacking LGBTQ rights and freedoms. I really hope the democrats and other leftists are able to fight back against this fascism
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
There will be people who buy the book because of hearing this interview. But for the hundreds of authors whose works have been banned but who haven't been interviewed on NPR, this can be career ending. I mean, losing access to school and library markets can be career ending for authors. And since these bans are overwhelmingly targeting people — authors of color and authors with other marginalized identities, this is a real threat to the modest progress we've made in diversifying children's literature and literature for young adults.
Source: Banned Books: Author Ashley Hope Pérez on finding humanity in the 'darkness' (NPR: "Morning Edition," 14 December, 2022)
This is her answer to the question of whether publicity about her books being banned will spur interest in her work so more private people will buy her books.
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fixomnia-scribble · 4 months
And in less good news.
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keefechambers · 1 year
There's a lot of misinformation circulating after the possible domestic terrorism here in North Carolina.
A story with some unexpected cameos from hate groups, January 6, drag queens, Steve Bannon and policing that might leave something to be desired.
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shotofchinaco · 1 year
The Texas House unanimously voted to expel Bryan Slaton on Tuesday, one day after the Royse City Republican submitted his resignation after an internal investigation determined that he had sex with a 19-year-old aide after getting her drunk. 
Ahead of the vote, members of the committee told the House that Slaton had not disputed the allegations and still had not expressed remorse or regret. They also said Slaton likely committed multiple crimes, including providing alcohol to a minor.
Slaton, a prominent anti-LGBTQ lawmaker who has described drag performers as “perverted adults,” allegedly invited the woman to his Austin apartment and gave her a large cup of rum and coke, then refilled it twice. The committee said she was rendered unable to “effectively consent to intercourse and could not indicate whether it was welcome or unwelcome.”
The bipartisan committee also said Slaton tried to obstruct their investigation, including by what they described as intimidation tactics against the aide and other witnesses. Five members of Slaton's staff also refused to be interviewed by the committee.
Slaton, a married father who portrayed himself as a “family values” conservative, submitted his written resignation to Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday. In the letter, Slaton said he planned to spend more time with his family but did not address the inappropriate conduct.
Slaton was previously a youth pastor at several Southern Baptist churches and ran for the Texas House in 2021 on a family-values campaign that was financed heavily by Defend Texas Liberty PAC, which is mostly funded by ultra-right West Texas oil and gas tycoons. In the House, he gained a reputation as an anti-LGBTQ bomb-thrower who was unafraid to needle those in his own party from the right.
Last year, Slaton called for a blanket ban on minors at drag shows, saying they needed to be protected from “perverted adults,” and proposed giving per-child tax credits to married, heterosexual couples — while excluding LGBTQ or divorced people. Slaton, who is previously divorced, also called this year for a referendum on Texas’ secession from the United States, despite legal experts overwhelmingly saying such a move would be illegal.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Matsunaka said the time is ripe for action. This is partly because of the growing public support, but also because of a key shift in the political landscape: intensifying scrutiny of an influential conservative religious group, the Unification Church, after the assassination of former prime minister Shinzo Abe, when ties between the group and the ruling party were revealed.
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repostedpoliticalarts · 10 months
So I was out shopping with my partner at one of our favorite little queer-friendly shops when I saw this extremely fucked up magnet.
You’ve probably seen these magnets before with the 50’s artwork and snarky quips obviously pulled without permission from Tumblr and Twitter half the time.
But this one crossed a line. It features a vintage photo of a drag queen and the caption “of course you can be anything you want to be. That’s how delusions work.”
When I pulled the magnet and brought it to the cashier, I pointed out the obvious implication that trans/GNC people are delusional. She immediately pulled all the duplicate copies off the display.
The company that makes the magnet Ephemera.com has a lot of anti-trump, pro-LGBTQIA+ products so I don’t think this was malicious on the part of the designer, but it WAS thoughtless and harmful.
The company is a wholesale manufacturer so they sell in bulk to multiple re-sellers. I already emailed them using their “contact us” link on the website and asked them to remove this design from their product line. If you’d like to do the same it would really help.
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celttim · 1 year
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Please pass by those kettles and bell-ringers
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kiramoore626 · 2 years
Club Q shooting follows year of bomb threats, drag protests, anti-trans bills
Club Q shooting follows year of bomb threats, drag protests, anti-trans bills
Club Q shooting follows year of bomb threats, drag protests, anti-trans bills In the hours after the shooting, investigators did not say what led someone to open fire Saturday night in a Colorado gay bar, killing at least five people and injuring 25 others. But LGBTQ advocates across the country believe a surge of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and laws is at least partially to blame.
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Opinion ::   How Marjorie Taylor Greene’s ‘pedophile’ slur made it to ‘60 Minutes’   ::::  By Greg Sargent
CBS anchor Lesley Stahl was shocked to hear that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene stands firmly behind her frequent claim that Democrats are “pedophiles.” On “60 Minutes,” Stahl pressed Greene on her use of the slur, and the Georgia Republican defiantly responded that it’s the truth: “They support grooming children.”
“They are not pedophiles,” Stahl rejoined incredulously. “Why would you say that?”
Stahl has been roasted online for granting Greene a plum “60 Minutes” interview, which aired Sunday night. But the real problem with this exchange is that Stahl did not show any signs of understanding the longtime role of the “pedophile” insult in right-wing discourse as an expression of deliberate bigotry against transgender Americans.
As a result, Stahl squandered a high-profile opportunity to explain to a large prime-time audience what Greene and others really intend when they use this smear.
The “pedophile” slur, a companion of the term “groomer,” is regularly applied by Republicans and right-wing media figures to Democrats and others who stand up for transgender rights, including gender-affirming treatment for adolescents. Greene cheerfully flaunted this use of the term on “60 Minutes,” which left Stahl utterly flummoxed:
Greene: Democrats support, even Joe Biden, the president himself, supports children being sexualized and having transgender surgeries. Sexualizing children is what pedophiles do to children.
Stahl: Wow. Okay. But my question really is, can’t you fight for what you believe in without all that name-calling and without the personal attacks?
Greene: Well, I would ask the same question to the other side …
Not only did Greene casually conflate “sexualizing children” with transgender care, but she also is being despicably dishonest by reducing gender-affirming care to “surgeries.” Yet this conflation of support for trans youth with pedophilia slipped by, unrebutted, to a national audience. No wonder Greene told Semafor she was pleased with how the interview went.
Calling this mere “name-calling,” as Stahl did, does not communicate what is so hateful about it. And it implies a lack of awareness of the slur’s role in a discourse of deliberate dehumanization of trans people and those who minister to or validate gender dysphoria, who are said to be “grooming” children for nefarious purposes.
Before transgender people were targeted with this word, gay Americans were. Opponents of same-sex marriage charged a decade ago that its proponents aimed to destroy gender roles and the social order, ultimately leading to gay families with children and legalized “pedophilia,” according to Right Wing Watch.
“It has been a talking point for a long time in the religious right that same-sex couples pose a risk to children inherently,” Jared Holt, a researcher at Institute for Strategic Dialogue who closely tracks the right, told me. The frequent message, Holt said, has been that gay rights activists are “seeking to corrupt children” with the “goal of eventual sexual exploitation.”
After marriage equality triumphed, the “pedophile” smear against Democrats morphed into something stranger: the deranged charges of child trafficking that drive the QAnon conspiracy theory. When those accusations proved obviously false, right-wing media figures and MAGA Republicans such as Greene seamlessly shifted to widely applying the “groomer” term to Democrats advocating for tolerance of trans people, especially adolescent trans care and classroom discussion of LGBTQ issues.
The through line here, as historian Brandy Schillace points out, is that the right has recoiled both at the prospect of happy gay families and at young trans people finding better lives with their own parents’ loving support. The connection, Schillace told me, is “resistance to seeing homosexuals or transgender people as part of families,” carried out by associating LGBTQ people with “child predators.”
The “groomer” smear has become so mainstream in right-wing discourse that the longtime communications adviser for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis brashly hurled it at DeSantis’s critics, with zero professional repercussions.
The “pedophile” term also carries echoes of historical slurs used during the civil rights era, says Manisha Sinha, a history professor at the University of Connecticut. She likens it to claims that civil rights activists were “racial amalgamationists” out to “pollute” the South with racial mixing.
“The whole idea was to denigrate the fight for political citizenship as some sort of sexual attack on the White race,” Sinha tells me. “In that sense, this language of ‘pedophiles’ and ‘groomers’ is reminiscent of that kind of language.”
How to effectively expose the ugly underbelly of this ongoing dehumanization campaign is a complicated question, and we all have our work cut out for ourselves in figuring out how to navigate the ugly terminology of anti-trans prejudice. But Stahl missed an opportunity to talk about it plainly to the American mainstream.
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newsrepertoire · 1 year
A horror story in 3 parts
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nerdykeith · 8 months
Well done Elton John for speaking out against the clearly homophobic sentiment of the UK Home Secretary. Suggesting LGBTQ refugees shouldn't qualify for an asylum? What utter bigoted nonsense. We are talking about a group of vulnerable minorities here. Such an ignorant and foolish remark form the secretary 
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